#light eco
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sonicasura · 1 year
I'm saying this now but I don't think many people realize the full potential when it comes to Jak and his transformations. The biggest being how others react to Dark Jak or Light Jak. He literally transforms into a Precursor style angel and demon for fuck's sake.
I know people would probably be afraid of Dark Jak or freak out at Light Jak in the JnD universe. However, I don't see that mostly happening outside it. One good example is Digimon specifically those in the Nightmare Soldiers (demons/undead) and Virus Busters (angels/sacred beasts).
NS Digimon are demonic to straight up eldritch in appearance and abilities. Dark Jak is practically a Rookie (Child in Japan) who just got his horns n claws compared to them. Someone like GranDracmon or Beelzemon is gonna pluck him off the ground and think he's adorable. Dark Jak basically a baby imp to them.
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GranDracmon: Aren't you cute! We even got matching horns!
Dark Jak: 😾
Light Jak is gonna get similar treatment from Virus Buster Digimon. They are angelic or sacred beasts in both appearance and nature, that also includes potential eldritchness too. He's just a young angel who grew his wings in. Seraphimon and Cherubimon will see Light Jak as a little light.
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Cherubimon: Such a precious little soul! Your wings are so unique and aura so bright.
Light Jak: 😶
Although they definitely be better teachers and positive influences to Jak's respective forms than the Oracle or near sighted sages. Especially his dark form as Daxter has been the only one completely chill with it. I ain't ignoring the one sided view that was practically drill into him since the first game either.
Also I just realized the funny yet awkward custody battle as poor Jak is just a magnet to these guys. Daxter is probably laughing in the background at the chaos his friend somehow caused. Jak has got literal demons and angels ready to make a schedule on who could be his guide/teacher/protector.
He probably doesn't regret it cause the man never have that many people stick beside him without wanting anything in return. Keira and Samos are prime examples especially if you take Jak 2 into account. (I don't like Keira especially when she took ERROL'S SIDE than Jak. Samos is very fucking obvious.)
But yeah, Dark Jak and Light Jak probably aren't gonna be taken that seriously outside the JnDverse. At best they get some shock value and worst get seen as a child who just awaken their power. It's what I think anyway.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see back at Spargus!
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
What if Damas got a Light Eco Form like Jak's?
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Always thought it would be neat if there were actual stars and constellations you could see on their bodies in that form. It didn't show up as clearly as I would've liked though.
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
Light Overload
It's only natural for something to become overloaded with energy. The question is what if saving your best friend came with an unforeseen price?
Based on this poll. Enjoy.
Daxter didn't know what had gone wrong. Jak and him had just finished restocking ammo only to accidentally eavesdrop on some monks. They were talking about an some unexplored chamber within their temple. One which could possibly lead to a rare Light Eco treasure.
Daxter and Jak knew that Count Veger had an unhealthy obsession with Light Eco. Something nastily similar to Baron Praxis And Dark Eco. If what the monks said about this room was true, then somebody needed to beat the screwball to it.
Should be a piece of cake! After all Jak had a brand new spanking Light form that could get past those trippy traps. It should've been easy but the situation was so much worse as Daxter watch his friend howl in pain inside a glass tube.
That 'secret room' led to a giant silo of Light Eco! Kinda like a reverse sibling to the Dark Eco one Gol and Maia tried to open at the Precursor Citadel. However this one didn't require a robot but instead a conduit. And Eco Channelers apparently count as substitutes!
Jak had went to look inside the strange chamber only for it to close on him. Now so much Light Eco was being pumped to the point he been forced into Light Form and... his body slowly began cracking. "Don't worry Jak! I'll get you out!" Daxter gazed around the room.
So far, there were busted consoles, more crappy Precursor tech, a display of 5 sealed metal boxes and... "Bingo!" A glass tube filled with glowing Light Eco crystals. If he breaks it then the machine couldn't pump anymore power through Jak.
Luckily, Daxter had some metal boxy ammo. He should've paid attention to the strange symbols on the boxes before he began throwing. Cause if the ottsel did then what would be unleashed on his best friend wouldn't happen.
"TAKE THIS STUPID BATTERY!" Metal edges of the sealed container shatter the glass case. The Light Eco crystals were sent airborne as the box snatched their spot. "Power should cut off right..." One side of the box began to burn an eerie purple as a symbol reared its creepy markings at the ottsel.
Dark Rabbit
A violet emblem with a jester cowl and long torn ear things looked back maliciously before breaking apart. Daxter watch as the white stream of Light Eco take a sickly greenish purple while the silo seal itself shut. "RAAAAAAARGH!!!" Jak's sudden inhuman howl nearly made the ottsel jump out of his kid but the sight was much worse.
Color began taking over Light Jak's form except it definitely wasn't the right ones. Dark greenish teal crawled between bluish dark violet, a thick blue stripe on the center of his face as zigzagging green stripes separated the violet outerside and those white eyes now a mean looking yellow. His clawed fists... Wait.
Daxter unconsciously took a step back as Light Jak began to shift into something bigger. It barely took seconds for violet and green to overtake the glass. The ottsel immediately took cover behind a dead console as cracks spread across the the tube before- *BOOM*
Daxter winced at the glass shards flying over him and the streams of smoke from an Eco powered explosion. He slowly began to step outta his makeshift blast cover. The floor by Jak's container been scorched black, the wall it hanged now a huge hole and a mass of smoke shrouding something.
Burning yellow eyes quickly met Daxter's brown ones as the little ottsel watch the owner stumble out. A large 25 ft humanoid rabbit bearing the same colors that took over his friend's Light form. Those once twisted tip ears now look like torn yet feathery, three horns messily wrapped in his red scarf now protrude from his forehead, and sharp teeth peaked out his round muzzle's mouth similar to the Dark Eco Plant on their first huge adventure.
That greenish yellow prison hair returned with streaks of bluish violet alongside now reaching his lower back, Jak's arms were huge, especially the hands, compared to the slightly long starter dad bod he's sporting, wild starburst jester cowl flair around his neck and those big feet replaced by bigger rabbit ones.
His wastelander outfit was completely wrecked. The only things that survived were his googles, scarf, remnants of his destroyed pants held by the leathery waist strap skirt albeit with two violet coat-tails now peaking out from it, and the large straps from his ruined blue shirt.
"D-d-axter??" A scratchy, growlish, and slightly deeper version of Jak's voice whimpered from the monstrous rabbit. Daxter's small form was a blurry mess as his eyes didn't want to stay open. The last thing Jak heard is the ottsel shouting his name before everything went dark.
Beastial Vampire
Daxter flinched at he saw the burning yellow bat on the box's side as the glass broke apart. Whatever been inside turned the Light Eco stream a sickly reddish orange before going into Jak. The reaction on his friend was instantaneous as those white eyes explode into a vicious violet.
Only on pure instinct did Daxter duck behind a desolated console before the container holding his friend explode. The ottsel didn't dare move as Jak's painful growls grew deeper and monstrous. He needs to be alive if he's gonna snap his best friend outta any feral haze.
Minutes felt like hours and Daxter went still at two long arms and bat wings laid strewn on both sides of his hiding spot. The limbs were covered in a dark teal caparace from the visible segments on the clawlike fingers. Wings weren't any better as that dark teal hide hung over torn black skin. He didn't miss the familiar yellow bat symbol glaring on the back hand's black hide.
Daxter gulped as silence took over those painful whimpers and a shadow hung above him. Slowly he looks up to meet the large bluish grey face of what was once Light Jak. His messy greenish yellow mane from prison returned to frame a dark teal antler horn mask as sickly yellow eyes stare down at Daxter.
"D-d-dax? W-what hap-pened?" The ottsel wince at his best friend's confused deep growl sounding whimper. "I don't know. Whatever was in the box got into your system through the Light Eco link and did...this." Daxter couldn't the small pause upon seeing the rest of his friend's changes.
That dark teal caparace took over his upper body except the sides of his abdomen, Jak's lower half was bigger and more beastly than the top half. Thick dark brown coat with stripes lazily strewn about, a red bat emblem hung over two pairs of eerie orange eye patterns, red claws held onto the man's knees, those big feet now huge three toed bat ones and a long rat tail wag behind Jak.
He had to be at least 30 ft in size from how hunched over the man is, his back still hit despite the ridiculous size of the chamber. "Don't worry buddy. Everything will be ok but we need to get out of here. Although the monks might have to deal with a huge hole in their temple."
Masked Angel
An insignia of horned demon wearing a top hat been burnt into the ottsel's mind alongside the Light Eco stream's shift from white to red. Daxter couldn't help but feel stupid as he currently look at the aftermath done to his best friend Jak. The demonic angel which was once his light form.
Glowing dark blue skin had been overtaken by a dark blue scales, Jak's fingers were sharp claws that would make his dark form jealous, long jagged black horns poke from the prison hairdo he once had, huge black feathered wings hung from the young adult's lower back but his face or lack of took the cake.
A black mask replaced his friend's facial features with burning blue flames to copy any expressions. Even Jak's outfit wasn't safe as it been transfigured into royal blue tuxedo facsimile. Short long sleeve coat, large red cravat that had once been a bandana, his goggles now hung from a top hat and a white tuxedo shirt. He had no pants his lower half became similar to a doll as red leg armor ending in epic knife heels took over for the old pair.
"Daxter, it wasn't your fault." Jak's new echoey voice had the ottsel look into those flaming blue eyes. "But I was the one to toss that freaky box!" "And I was the idiot who walked into the chamber." Daxter went quiet as it became clear that they were both idiots.
He could already hear Damas scolding- Uh oh. "Jak, I think we might've set off a certain pointy headed royal bomb." The flames on the 15 ft giant's face quickly sputter upon realization that they were in big trouble. "Fuck. Think you can drive the Tough Puppy back cause well..."
Daxter sarcastically rolled his eyes as he knew about Jak's new height problem. "I drove a Zoomer by himself for that second class race! The Tough Puppy should be a piece of cake! Although you owe me some pants for the scolding were about to get."
Vengeful Remnants
"You think those boxes had different stuff in them? Or did they all have that creepy skull emblem with mismatched eyes?" Daxter absently mumble as he try to ignore slightly rotten meat smell under the huge blue trenchcoat covering his best friend's 17'5 misshapen form.
Whatever been inside that metal box clearly belonged to a R rated zombie film if it could transfer something like Light Jak into a Terminator dressed Frankenstein Monster. Bluish gray rotten skin, hulk like body with massive bone spikes that jut from; shoulders, knees, back, to even the top of his head(eeriely similar to Damas' crown), two holes on each side of his legs alongside a new back toe for his feet, greyish skull mask covered Jak's except for his pelican teeth like mouth and newfound heterochromia (right eye is now red).
Although the half broken rib cages decor on his friend's new outfit wasn't as bad as the chimera that made up of the entire right arm. One horror made from wriggling mass of snakes, mismatched reptiles, blue lights that were clearly eyes, two cawing bird fingers amongst the 'normal' ones and the mouth on the bottom palm. Yeesh!
Jak's outfit was now a huge dark blue trenchcoat decorated in spiky red straps, light gray flames embroidery on the back tail ends of his coat n sleeves, his bandana now a massive torn scarf and a large hood that hid his goggles alongside his hair. Overall the man could've easily scare off Kor with his new looks.
"Ow!" Daxter rubbed his head as he glare back at the snake head responsible. It carefully nudge the ottsel over to see the lost look on Jak's face. Guess even zombie animal parts are as observant as their alive counterparts.
"Jak! You better not be pouting about your looks again. We all know no one can reach my level of handsomeness but looks don't always matter." The undead man glanced at the small ottsel that hanging on his chimeric arm.
"No one in Haven could stand my Dark Form! Even our friends were afraid of me possibly becoming fer-" "Sig and Tess would say otherwise. Damas is too dad-like to even judge plus I bet even Kleiver doesn't give a shit on your new appearance."
Daxter climbed over and made himself comfy on his best friend's head. "Despite everything that happens, you are still Jak. My crazy best friend ever since we were dumb children poking Wumpbee Nests and driving grumpy Green Eco sages nuts. Can't be a Demolition Duo with one person after all!"
The undead giant stared back at his friend for a seconds before breaking into a deep chirr like chuckle. "You got that right Dax. Thanks for always having my back." Daxter merely noogie his friend as things felt a little too sappy.
Toxic Griffon
"... this is the insignia of the 5th Forbidden Treasure. We believe the undiscovered room uses these for some unknown mechanism." A violet outline of a bird face breathing smoke stare back at the paper in Damas' hand. Seem had approached him for a potential sweep of the temple after uncovering a secret passage which led to Haven City.
Guess the threat Count Veger posed was enough to spur the monks to seek his help personally. Sig stood beside him as the man had discover Jak and Daxter weren't in their rooms. Damas knew the boys' habit of getting into trouble especially when it stems from trespassing. They already snuck inside the Monk Temple before.
"What the absolute hell is that?!!" Sig's sudden shout Damas and Seem quickly turned to the desert. It was Tough Puppy but Daxter is the one driving with Jak nowhere in sight. A bad picture that only got worse as they saw the cause for concern.
Following behind the ottsel was a large 20 ft griffin like humanoid that eeriely resemble the insignia Seem just showed him. It had the white feathery head of a bird with piercing yellow eyes, a violet beak full of sharp teeth, red n gold blades on top its head, a yellow green fiery mane too familiar for Damas' taste that went from the head and stop halfway down lizard like tail.
Violet spiral markings covered the beast's muscular body specifically the upper chest, shoulders, ankles, wrists alongside the sides of the tail. Sharp red claws protrude from the birdlike talons whilst four large red rimmed white wings that protrude from the head and neck was what let the giant glide after Daxter.
However Damas felt his heart drop as he notice someone hanging off the gold horn. An item that revealed just who this giant bird was: a familiar spare of goggles that could only belong to the ottsel's best friend. "Sig, tell our men not to shoot down that beast immediately! It's Jak!"
The Wastelander's non mechanical eye went wide as he look at the giant bird and saw the goggles. "By the Precursors, I swear those two never cease to surprise with their antics. I'll alert our fellow Wastelanders to stand down but Jak's definitely sleeping in the Leaper Lizard pen for this."
Damas looked at Seem who manage to mask their shock although he could still see cracks in the monk's calm demeanor. "To think these boys couldn't get into anymore trouble." He'll need a good cup of tea later but he had two youths in need of huge lecture right now.
And that's it! Our dynamic definitely gotten an earful for this little mishap but Jak's form could be considered enough of a punishment. I wanted to try a slightly different writing style for these snippets that the story slowly progresses through each one despite the different iterations.
Jak doesn't blame Daxter for this. Things were clearly out of their control and his friend did the best he could to save him. Is this new form permanent? Yes but it can be mostly suppressed into something smaller and more manageable for Jak.
He still has his Light powers but also access to Dark Jak. Although some Light Eco based abilities been altered depending on each version of Jak's new form.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Spargus!
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arc-hus · 7 months
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Zen Houses, Liberec, Czechia - Petr Stolín Architekt
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aldermos · 7 months
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son ecos de amor ༯
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emilybeemartin · 10 months
I knew I wasn't going to be able to draw for a while after surgery, but I didn't expect to not be able to TYPE for this long. I have a manuscript I want to get moving on, but I can only work on it like the little dippy bird on your grandparents' mantel.
In lieu of anything else, here's a collection of character drawings from my first trilogy.
Book 1, Woodwalker: A disgraced ranger must lead an exiled queen on a dangerous quest to reclaim her throne.
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Book 2, Ashes to Fire: A desperate queen will do whatever it takes to secure the throne that was stolen from her---even if it means allying with the unlikeliest of enemies.
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Book 3, Creatures of Light: With the Eastern World collapsing into war, one lonely queen harbors a great secret that could bring peace---at the risk of losing everything herself.
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Bonus promo image from Christmas 2020 that sums everything up:
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These books released in 2015-2017 from Harper Collins and should still be able to be found through most retailers or requested from your library (or order from one of my regional indies for signed copies!). All are nature-nerd fantasy adventures for readers 14+---technically they're not YA because the characters are adults, but there's no graphic content in them besides a bit of language and garden variety fight scenes that would make them unsuitable for teen readers.
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itisiives · 9 days
Alright, since my friend isn't allowed to blaze my GFM campaign for me for some reason, how about this:
Any environmentalist gays want to buy some sustainably-made soap from a small business owner? Commissions from sales go directly to my tuition, lol.
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i-lavabean · 9 months
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This is currently the extent of my hand drawn animation ability
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Absence is to love as wind to fire: it extinguishes the little flame, it fans the big.
Umberto Eco, The Island of the Day Before (William Weaver, Trans.)
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sonicasura · 1 year
Primal Dark and Spiritual Light
Figured I might as well write this after mentioning Dark Jak yesterday in the last post. My viewpoint on Dark and Light Jak are slightly different than most people.
In simple terms, Dark Eco side is sentient primal instinct while Light Eco is a spiritual guide. People often associate light and darkness to good n evil. Light being benevolent while dark is malevolent. I personally think it's a load of bull.
There can be forces that used light for malicious deeds and darkness to protect the innocent. Neither elements are inherently good or bad. It's how they are used and who is using them.
Dark Jak is a manifestation of our hero's primal instincts. Something that can adapt to meet his needs but also change depending on his viewpoint. Jak was raised in the past where Dark Eco is considered evil, a toxic mindset fueled further by Samos and the actions of others like the Archeons.
A possible reason why he couldn't control as his mind deemed a threat when it truly wasn't. Constant abuse of eco is what made Gol and Maia mad just like how Haven's misuse polluted the area around it. Eco can be like nature in a sense. Depending on how one uses it, it can help or cause harm.
If Jak's viewpoint on Dark Eco was different, then his Dark Form would act accordingly to it. This is a manifestation of pure primal nature and animal instinct. One reason why he can't use his weapons is that this form doesn't need it.
Claws are meant to shreds, fangs to tear apart, tough hide to defend, and dark energy to destroy what these features can't fend off. Dark Jak is his inner beast in a sense. An apex predator ready to strike once Jak has a target insight.
Light Jak is the opposite of this. A spiritual embodiment that reflects our hero's being as a whole. The core aspects of his mind and being. Light Jak symbolizes this as Jak furthers his Light Eco abilities.
A force of nature that always been linked to salvation and hope for various people. Something Jak was taught despite the truth behind such thinking. The path of a martyr stained in Light Eco and his wings are proof.
Angels are depicted as pure beings who bring salvation to others in need. What many people don't point out is these sacred entities will fall. Whether through sacrifice or questioning their beliefs until they become fallen angels.
Light Jak's powers are all mostly defensive in nature but they do reflect another aspect than just a martyr: his dreams and desires. Jak never felt the same after he came into Haven City. He wanted to feel safe, a chance to heal from all the suffering he took, more time to himself and to be free.
Light Jak is a manifestation of both concepts. If his beliefs and views were different then this form would follow suit. A savior that would adapt to fit Jak's needs as a person.
It's what I think of it really. The possibilities and implications does make you wonder though.
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solarpunks · 2 years
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Olafur Eliasson Designs a Canonical Structure with 832 Vibrant Glass Panels That Reflect Sonoma’s Weather
Drawing on the microclimate of the vineyard, the studio constructed the mosaic of translucent and transparent panels using meteorological measurements of solar radiance, wind intensity, temperature, and humidity. A winding gravel path leads to the outdoor seating area, and as the sun passes over the area, it drenches the brick construction in a full spectrum of color, a contrast to the Northern California landscape.
Ream more at thisiscolossal.com
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 10 months
me pspspspspspspspsing all the tezuka enjoyers to watch ultraman gaia
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arc-hus · 1 year
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Witklipfontein Eco Lodge, Vredefort, South Africa - GLH Architects
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maxispremades · 7 months
Традиционный коморебийский праздник — Фестиваль Света. В этот день жители и гости горы Комореби едят ритуальные пирожные тайяки, загадывают желания и отдают дань уважения почившим.
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Выпив по стакану горячего напитка, Бесс и Джулс уютно устроились у костра.
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Теперь и у Бесс есть фотография с Ямачаном!
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Согласно коморебийским верованиям, желание непременно исполнится, если написать его на бумажке и привязать к веточке дерева Танабата.
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На самом деле Джулс по-щенячьи влюблен в Бесс, хоть и старается не подавать виду. Впрочем, сильная влюбленность не мешает ему тосковать по вольготной холостяцкой жизни...
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Тайяки — коморебийское печенье в форме рыбки с начинкой из сладкой пасты, приготовленной особым образом из бобов адзуки. Необычно, но довольно вкусно!
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Вы только посмотрите, кто здесь! Сама Холли Альто и ее парень Иззи Фэбьюлос тоже решили провести зимние праздники на Комореби.
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Ничего необычного — просто китаец Виктор Фэнг, нарядившись в кимоно, пляшет ковбойский танец под японскую народную музыку.
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loorlyraandsariea · 1 year
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eco spark progress 1
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