#jegulus selection au
hear me out: jegulus selection au where reg has to date everyone but only loves james and james is the kris of the series and sirius had run away from the castle because he was caught with a servant (wonder who) !!!!
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sblacksvelvet · 2 years
wolfstar muggle au fic rec
a long time coming, expertly compiled list of the most essential, very best, must-read wolfstar muggle aus (in my opinion)
guaranteed to be: fabulously well-written, sometimes heartwrenching, often heartwarming and well placed to fix any canon related trauma
Beneath a Big Blue Sky by eyra
The four-by-four heaves its way down long, twisting lanes, little more than dirt tracks scuffed into the surrounding fields and hemmed in by serpentine walls of flat, grey stone. They truly are in the middle of nowhere: the countryside rushes past, all rolling green hills and vast, endless skies, and it's odious. Sirius wants to murder James with his bare hands.
Sirius and James accidentally find themselves on a Yorkshire farm during lambing season. The farmer’s son thinks that’s a bit annoying, actually.
starting off with a very, very sweet choice. this one is the PERFECT cure to post-canon heartbreak. warms you right up on the inside. eyra is such a special writer, always up for changing things around and somehow always nailing her characters perfectly. plonking sirius and remus on a farm and making it work should be a challenge, but it works brilliantly - you'll still feel like you know these boys, and you'll probably finish loving them even more.
How Remus Got His Groove Back by RealityShowJunky
After two years of noncommittal sex:
Remus tells Sirius that he loves him. Sirius firmly rejects him. Remus tries to move on. Sirius is not happy.
Remus Lupin becomes king of the cockroaches, Fabian Prewett writes a book, Gilderoy Lockhart is a catfish, and Sirius Black realizes he's a fucking idiot.
a classic for good reason. i do always think remus and sirius look slightly different than we typically see them in today’s era - but don't let this put you off! if you haven't read it yet - this is so good! very rom-com, very gorgeous and nice and light-hearted whilst also having really brilliant character development. the marauders as a group are fantastic - and we get baby harry! he's the star of the show, really. realityshowjunky is really a remus stan - as she should be - so he’s rather great here. you’ll probably re-read 900x as I have, if you haven't already.
Just what the doctor ordered by WrappedUp
This is the story of how Sirius Black finds a dog.
Except, it's not really that.
This is the story of how Sirius Black finds a dog and meets a skilled veterinary surgeon with crinkly eyes and dimples in his cheeks.
Except, that's not really it either.
This is the story of how Sirius black finds a dog, meets a skilled veterinary surgeon with crinkly eyes and dimples in his cheeks, and grows the fuck up (at least a little bit).
i almost have no words for this one. simply couldn't recommend it enough. my favourite fic by my favourite fic author. she's had 3 works out since i read this one and discovered her and i’ve honestly hung off her every word since, checking for updates like its my full time job. warning for an age difference, but sirius himself is the younger at 25 - so nothing untoward! this is likely my favourite sirius black rendition ever and it truly encapsulates how i see him. 
general comment on wrappedup: i reckon very few authors can compare to her on both vibe and characterisations. you’ll see what i mean, if you're like me and become inspired to live a relatively simple wonderful life in bristol with your best mates and a local pub as your keys to happiness after reading this fic. 
(also read her current wip, its bloody brilliant)
Sweater Weather by lumosinlove
Remus works for the Gryffindor Lions as a physical trainer, and has been half in love with Sirius Black, the Lions' heartthrob captain, for a while now, but he never expected Sirius to return the feelings. 
a controversial pick by tiktok’s standards but i sort of think that's all bollocks? this is great - just don’t read it if you don’t like smut or are under 18. it is a slightly different one, since it doesn't really have a marauders cast as you might anticipate and there are lots of oc’s along with a few of our favourites, however you will come to love love love the oc’s. sort of feels like it’s own story. i really do think it's worth a read - its so, so very feel good and you will DEFINITELY develop an ice hockey obsession (i now have two jerseys of my own, and they are not cheap).
a brief history of dragons by eyra
It's lovely up here; all meadows dotted with wildflowers, wind-beaten tracks criss-crossing this way and that through the fields, weaving inland to the pinewoods. The sun's hot on his back as he passes ramshackle stone walls, long since crumbled to piles of ancient rubble and scree, and then the path winds downwards, still following the line of the coast until Sirius finds himself outside an old white cottage, tucked away behind the hill with a rose garden that faces out to the sea.
Sirius moves to Cornwall for the summer and meets a rude, beautiful boy who is writing a book that may or may not be about dragons.
another eyra choice! i do love her. this one feels slightly less on the nose marauders in terms of familiarity than beneath a big blue sky, but it is no less lovely. might be even more lovely, and its certainly a special read if you like soft boys and soft feelings. who doesn't though? its a shorty and you might cry of affection- go read it.
Dear Your Holiness by MollyMaryMarie
During the week of his father's funeral, Sirius Black meets an unusual priest and offers to help write Orion Black's eulogy. At the same time, he's started texting a mysterious bass player from a pop-punk band that he accidentally swapped phones with. Eventually, the conversations between the two start to blur together and Sirius has trouble trying to decide which one he's falling for the hardest.
absolute a+ sexual tension in this one, folks. such a great concept, and super different! loved the characterisations of everyone, and having teddy be a part of it all is very sweet. a very cool read and a recent favourite!
bonus jegulus recs! 
Crimson Rivers by zeppazariel
Regulus Black was fifteen the first time his name was called at a reaping. He's twenty-five when it happens to him again. A lot has changed in that time, and one of them is that he's ready to do whatever it takes to make it home. Nothing or no one will stop him, not even James Potter.
James Potter has no plans to stop Regulus Black from making it home. In fact, his plans revolve around the opposite. He has his reasons, but he's made his choice to get Regulus out of the arena, even knowing it'll be the last thing he ever does.
Sirius Black was sixteen when he volunteered to take his little brother's place in the arena. At twenty-six, without the option to do it again, he has no choice but to be a mentor to his brother and best friend, knowing that only one of them can make it back out.
Two names called, a mentor on the verge of falling apart, and more secrets and grief between all of them than they know how to handle. None of them are prepared for what comes next, or how far they'll go to make it through.
as per, a big favourite already for most of us. if you haven't heard how good this is then let me tell you - get on this shit, its making for such a good wip!! each update is so exciting and the suspense and slow burn is fabulous. plus the wolfstar is as good and as important as the jegulus!! zeppazariel can do no wrong. go go go!
when you were mine by battlehamster
Regulus shattered James' heart the day he chose the Black family over the future they could have built together, and James was left witnessing from afar as Regulus turned into the monster his mother raised him to be. Six years later, Regulus storms back into his life after the Black Empire gets torn to pieces in the wake of what is arguably one of the biggest financial crime scandals in Britain's recent history.
But James is a man now, a man with a life he built for himself, and he won't let Regulus destroy him all over again.
oh my! this one makes me soft, its soooooo good. another wip. it is still strange to me to read jegulus fics with depictions of good malfoy/black family members since ive never dabbled in drarry, but don't let that, or the hints of lily bashing, put you off - it all makes sense! we get some great black brother bonding, baby harry and draco, established married wolfstar (who makes me die) and a full blown slow burn, second chance pine. its lovely. 
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batman-soup · 4 months
Jegulus AU where they were highschool sweethearts, the marauders had a shitty garage band , and Reggie did ballet. They break up and go their separate ways. Years later the marauders are world famous rock band and James is selected to go on dancing with the stars where regulus is now a pro dancer and they get paired together.
I just gave you the tools let’s make this happen team.
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lulublack90 · 1 month
Prompt 22 - Evoke
@jegulus-microfic April 22, Word count 966
Last one guys!
Previous part First part
For the second time that week, James woke wrapped around Regulus. The TV was still switched on. Matthew Broderick’s young face smirked back at them. James reached for the remote to turn it off. 
Regulus stirred. He nuzzled his face into James’s chest. James gently ran his fingers through the other man’s hair. 
“Morning, love,” He murmured into the quiet room. 
“Hmmmm,” Regulus groaned as he slowly woke. 
It was their last day together. Tomorrow morning, they would be leaving and returning to their homes. James didn’t want to think about tomorrow. He wanted to make today count. Regulus’s ankle was almost better, but still got sore if he exerted himself too much.
“So what have you two got planned for today?” Sirius asked as they crowded around the sofa with their breakfasts. “More canoodling?” He snickered. 
“Oh, with what I’ve got planned, almost definitely.” James winked at Regulus and watched him screw up his face as he pretended not to enjoy James’s attention. Sirius’s face replicated Regulus’s expression, and Remus clapped him on the back, doing nothing to hide the laughter in his voice. 
“You did ask, Sirius,” Sirius grumbled something under his breath but cheered up when Remus ruffled his hair and pecked a kiss on his cheek.
Soon, Sirius and Remus disappeared together, leaving James and Regulus to themselves. 
“So, do you have something planned, or did you just say that to shut my brother up?” Regulus asked, trying not to look too interested. 
“Can’t it be both?” James answered, wiggling his eyebrows wildly. Regulus huffed out a laugh. 
“Alright, spill it. What are we doing today, then?” James reached into his pocket and tugged out a slightly rumpled leaflet. 
“Did you know that the hotel has a selection of private hot tubs you can rent?” 
“No, I did not,” Regulus leaned closer. 
“We’ll they do, and I’ve rented one for us for this afternoon. So we can watch the sunset together.” James had thought it was a perfect idea, but Regulus’s silence made him second guess himself. 
“And what if I didn’t bring my swimming things?” Regulus broke his silence. 
“Oh—er—erm.” James stammered. He hadn’t thought about that. He always brought his swimming things just in case when he went on holiday. “Well, it is completely enclosed, so it’s up to you. We could go into town and get you something, or you could just wear your undies…” 
Regulus moved so his mouth was whispering against James’s ear. James had to concentrate on breathing evenly so that he didn’t pass out. 
“There’s another choice, you know.” James gulped at Regulus’s sultry tone. “I don’t have to wear anything.” James’s mind went white. Everything became static, and it took him a minute to recover. 
By the time he could think again, Regulus was back on the sofa licking chocolate from his fingers left over from his pain au chocolat. “What about this morning? There are a lot of hours between sunset and now.” Regulus finally took pity on him when his mouth opened and closed a few times, and nothing came out. “ Shall we go have a wander through the shops, get some lunch and then come back and watch a group of kids try and find pirate treasure?” James shook his head. 
“Sounds perfect.” 
The shops were a lot more interesting than James had thought they’d be. There were the usual tourist traps full of crapy overpriced souvenirs. But tucked away at the back of an alley was a little reading cafe. Regulus yanked James into it and refused to leave until it was nearly time for them to get back. 
“Reg? Just so you know, we’ve been here six hours.” Regulus’s head snapped up.
“What?! How?!” He looked shocked and spotted the multiple tea cups on the table. “Oops, sorry. Got carried away.” 
“Absolutely no problem at all, love. I enjoyed watching you enjoy yourself as much as you enjoyed reading. Did you find any you wanted?” James asked indulgently. Regulus looked at the small pile beside him, but before he could narrow it down, James scooped them all up and went to the till to pay. He carried them dutifully up to Regulus’s room, refusing Regulus’s offer to pay for them but accepting his thanks before they headed back outside.  
They settled back into the warm, bubbly water just as the first pink rays began to cross the sky. James leaned his head back on the side and let the water relax his body. He let out a contented sigh as he closed his eyes. 
“James?” Regulus said quietly. 
“Yeah, love?” James replied, keeping his eyes closed. 
“Will we see each other again? You know, after we leave tomorrow.” James cracked an eye and stared at Regulus. 
“You just try and keep me away.” He growled playfully. 
“You promise?” 
“I promise.” He vowed and let his eye droop closed again. 
He felt the water shift as Regulus moved but wasn’t prepared for what happened next. Regulus hopped into his lap and grasped either side of his face with his pale hands. James’s eyes flew open as he stared into those quicksilver eyes. Regulus hesitated for a second before he closed the gap between them and pressed his lips to James’s. 
James wrapped his hands around Regulus’s waist and pulled him closer as he deepened their kiss. 
They lost themselves in each other, missing the sunset entirely. 
They moved away from each other when the stars lit the sky, and Regulus began to complain about pruning. James held Regulus’s hand as they made their way back into the hotel and up to Regulus’s room. James looked back fondly at the hot tub, knowing that every time he saw one now, it would evoke memories of their first perfect kiss. 
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veryinnovative · 5 months
i enjoy your fics and a select few other authors because your ideas are actually original and not a regurgitation of the same plot line (ex. tarte tatin, ET, divinitus by imdamagecontrol, and soul by soliloquy_dawn just to name a few)
also absolutely NOT hating on other authors whatsoever it’s just very common for people to essentially reuse the same ideas as it can be very hard to come up with something completely off the wall and different (i’m writing a fic myself so i know it can be hard to think of funky stuff to stand out)
i think it's important to remember that fanfiction is often very self-indulgent and not intended to be measured by standards of originality or popularity, not publically at least. i mean it's about enjoying writing, putting something out for others to read and not necessarily the pursuit of 'fanfic writer ao3 renown/hits/kudos etc' which i just see happen so much. this isn't novel writing. like your compliment is appreciated but there's this (maybe subconscious) backhanded tone to it which uplifts us at the expense of other writers! of course you're entitled to your personal views and preferences espcially when it comes to fanfics and writers but id much rather that such comparisons arent written in public /or/ my askbox! :) fanfiction isn't a commercial product, yknow? it should not be critiqued like an actual novel you paid for, even if fanfic titles and authors are omitted. because even if they are, it still perpetuates this harmful mindset that fanfics can be remotely compared to novels (which also leads to fanfic writers being pitted against each other!) it's as dawn said: No one owns ideas and it’s supposed to be a communal effort, we are all bouncing off each other here and learning as we go
of course this doesn't mean committing plagiarism. you could write a the bear au, cooks jegulus, etc and id eat that up! but if u literally replicate the storyline then, yea, that's theft and not nice!
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drowninginthoughts27 · 9 months
1/9 School Word Count: 590
(uni/collage au) @jegulus-microfic
Regulus was thrilled when he found out that he got most of the classes he wanted for the first semester of the school year. Especially the classical literature course he had selected and didn’t think he would get.
But walking into class on the first day made him regret even considering the class in the first place. Because sitting in the middle of the room was James Potter.
The same James Potter that has been his brother's best friend for a decade now. The same James Potter that Regulus had had a harmless childhood crush for as long as he could remember.
Scanning the classroom for vacant seats he quickly discovers that the only open one is the one right next to James.
The idea of dropping the class flickers through his mind but he pushes that thought away. It was hard enough getting into the class in the first place and replacement courses wouldn’t have a good selection if there were even any left. Composing himself and walking over to his seat Regulus chose to ignore James. To just unpack his things, sign into his laptop, and wait for the class to begin.
That was until he couldn’t bear James’ gaze burning into the side of his skull any longer.
“Why are you even here?” Regulus snaps, looking over at James, “You're a biology major!”
Unfazed James smirks “I needed the English credits. I can’t graduate by just taking science classes.”
James is right so Regulus just rolls his eyes and chooses not to reply. Thankfully class begins in a matter of seconds.
On his way out of class James stops him at the doorway.
“Hey,” James smiles “So uhh… English isn’t really my strong suit, you see. And uhh…I was kinda wondering if we could exchange numbers so that I have someone to contact if I get confused, ya know.”
“Why couldn’t you ask someone else?” Regulus replies.
“I don’t really know anyone else in this class super well,” James says.
Regulus just stares at him, unsure of how to reply. He almost doesn’t believe him, James knows pretty much everyone and it’s not that big of a school after all.
“I highly doubt that” Regulus remarks.
“Please,” James begs. He’s making the most exaggerated puppy eyes Regulus has ever seen on anyone, especially on a grown man.
Regulus doesn’t know what compels him but he sighs and holds his hand out flat in front of James with little further hesitation.
James looks back at him confused, until a look of realization flashes across his face.
“Oh yeah, my phone, sorry!” James looks almost sheepish, unlocking his phone and handing it over to Regulus.
“You know I’m really surprised I didn’t already have your number,” James remarks as Regulus keys it in. Breaking the moment of silence between the two of them.
“Yeah, I wonder why,” Regulus quips, “Use it sparingly,” he says while handing James back his phone, now with his number in it.
“I will, don’t worry!” James answers.
They both know that’s a lie but Regulus doesn’t make any further comments on it.
That evening Regulus sits at his desk in his dorm finishing up the remainder of his homework when his phone dings.
1 unread message it reads.
Unknown Number: Hey! It’s James
Regulus: Hi
Regulus: What do you want?
Unknown Number: I wanted to make sure you gave me the right number
Regulus: I’m beginning to wish I didn’t
Unknown number: What! Why?
Regulus: What happened to using my number sparingly?
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queerregulusablack · 1 year
TAFP Prompt Fills Two: Electric Boogaloo
Slip A Sable Under The Tree
To fill the square 'Fucking In A Santa Costume' for Slytherin House - James comes home from another busy day helping out at Harry's school in the run up to Christmas. His husband plans to reward his hard work.
(Jegulus, Rated M, Muggle Jegulus Raising Harry AU)
Best Served With Milk
To fill the square 'Licking Cookie Dough Off Each Other' for Slytherin House - Regulus is invited to spend the holidays with the Lupin clan at their home in Wales. Remus might regret introducing his mum and his boyfriend.
(Moonseeker, Rated T, Canon Divergence)
Trimmed With Care
To fill the square 'Decorating A Christmas Tree' for Slytherin House - Regulus spends one of the last days before the term ends for the winter holidays decorating baubles with his class. His brother pops in for an impromptu visit.
(Black Brothers Reconciliation, Rated G, Reception Teacher!Regulus)
All Together Ooky
To fill the square 'Writing Letters' for Slytherin House - Six months after everything has been sorted, Regulus goes home for the winter holidays. He doesn't say goodbye to Remus.
(Moonseeker, Rater G, Wednesday!AU)
There’s A Place For Me
To fill the square 'Hot Cocoa' for Slytherin House - Years before he kisses James Potter at a party, during the winter holidays of his Second Year, Regulus is introduced to a tradition shared by select members of the Slytherin Quidditch Team.
(Slytherin Team Bonding, Rated G, Another Word (And I Could Choke) Prequel)
To Have And To Hold
To fill the square 'Banging At Family Events' for Slytherin House - Sirius and Remus get married on a beautiful morning on Christmas Eve, surrounded by their friends and family. Regulus and James get up to their own mischief during the reception.
(Jegulus, Rated E, Canon Divergence)
I Just Want You For My Own
To fill the square 'Nothing But A Santa Hat' for Slytherin House - While retrieving her notes for her, Regulus stumbles upon James Potter in a compromising position in Lily Evans' dorm room.
(Pre-Relationship Jegulus, Rated T, College/University AU)
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polyjuicedpadfoot · 1 year
Em’s December Delivery!
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Hello friends, I am super excited to announce that November has been a very productive and creative month for me, just in time for the winter holidays! 
There were a few things I can thank for my inspiration. The first being The Adult Fandom Project’s holiday challenge! I wrote 4 one shots for the challenge, all of which I will be posting this month!
The second is my Secret Santa gift for the lovely @carlav-blogs. Six parts, one fic. Two words: Professor AU ;)
The third being a Christmas gift for my love @siriuslythatbitch. Again, six parts, one fic. Two words: Hockey AU ;)
I will be posting approximately every second day of December, starting today on December 1st going all the way until December 31st! 
If anyone is interested in what I will be posting and when, the schedule is below the cut. But for now, all I have to say is Happy Holidays everyone and enjoy the last month of 2022! 
Coming at Christmas (Jegulus, E, 6k)
Description: James meets a man named Reg at a charity ball and can't stop thinking of him for months. Fast forward to the Pure-blood Ball where he just so happens to meet Regulus Black once again.
Posting: December 1st
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Learning to Trust Again (Wolfstar, E, ~30k)
Description: Thirteen years after Sirius' life changed forever, he's learned to survive, he's learned to manage and he's learned to raise Harry. Now, going back to Hogwarts to teach while Harry goes back for his third year, Sirius finds his life changing once again, throwing him back into the past with no idea how to deal with it all over again.
Posting: December 3rd, 7th, 12th, 16th, 21th, and 25rd
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Golden Goal (Wolfstar, E, ~30k)
Description: When Remus gets selected to play on Team Canada in the 2022 Winter Olympics, nothing can bring him down...nothing except being forced to play with his old teammate, Sirius Black, once again. Thrown together on the same team, Remus tries to navigate his past with Sirius while refusing to believe that he's changed...but oh, how Sirius has changed.
Posting: December 5th, 9th, 14th, 19th, 23st, and 25th
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Latkes and Love Confessions (Wolfstar, T, 1.7k)
Description: Remus walks in on his boyfriend and his mother bonding.
Posting: December 27th
❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎
Loosening Up (Rosekiller, E, 4.7k)
Description: Barty tags along with Evan to his company Christmas party only to watch Evan crash and burn from the stress. So, like the good friend he is, Barty offers to help Evan relax and nothing relaxes Evan like a blowjob.
Posting: December 29th
❄︎ ❄︎ ❄︎
Letters to You (Pandalily, M, ~7k)
Description: Twelve letters exchanged between Lily and Pandora between December 1979 and October 1981.
Posting: December 31st
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thejeguluslibrarian · 11 months
Fics of the Rainbow: Jegulus
Happy last day of pride!! Obviously all Jegulus fanfic has some form of LGBTQ+ representation, but below are 6 select fics that I decided to feature. Because I can. Enjoy!
Beautiful Boy by MessrEclipse (M, 7k). Just a little shorter. He just needed his hair to be a little shorter and everything would be better. His parents were out, taking Kreature with them. The bathroom door was locked. Sirius was… somewhere (he didn’t know what Sirius did half the time). There was no way this could go wrong.
Piece of Heaven by silvervixey (E, 22k, incomplete). A plane crash AU. The mauraders and various other people from Hogwarts get stranded on an island together and have to survive.
Groomsmen to Lovers? by tkgmoon (T, 18k). Sirius and Remus are getting married, and James is asked to be Sirius’s best man. It’s only after James discovers who his fellow groomsman is going to be that he realizes how much time he’ll be spending with a certain gray-eyed best friend’s brother (who he might possibly have repressed feelings for, and who also definitely hates him).
Catching Crows by LucyAndreas (M, 11k). James Potter has a stalker. Not an ordinary one, either. Everywhere he moves, a crow hounds (birds?) his steps. Classes. Quidditch practice. The Forbidden Forest. The prefects’ bathroom? James hopes not, but he can’t say for sure. Determined to solve this enigma, James comes up with a plan to capture the mysterious menace, but he’s not prepared for what his investigation uncovers. Or that the identity of his pest might hold the key to his heart.
Noble Knife Etiquette by Connie_Black (E, 32k). Regulus' parents’ figured at some point, something was going to take over the UK. Another government or a virus or aliens or some shit. And they wanted a way out. A way to end the suffering of everyone, is what they said. A weapon of mass destruction.
For Queen and Country.
Four parts sealed in secure locations.
Key hidden.
Fat load of good that was doing.
Family always was complicated. But when the family business runs around murder, it gets a bit worse. Regulus was raised to put his survival above everyone else's. So, when doomsday starts to approach, why did he think of everyone but himself?
First warm summer by kiwi2229 (E, 61k). When Regulus was twenty-one years old left his home with intention of never turning back and never speaking with his family ever again. That was until his brother who he hadn’t seen for over six years reach out to him. It was the same year he got to know Sirius’ friends and fell in love with the last person he expected to- James Potter.
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study for sociology final thats at 8 am tmro? no! do a character study for my selection au!!!
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limetimo · 3 years
RAB fics i rad this week
Twink by starshipslytherin short and funny, married and growing old together Jegulus feat James' facial hair and Regulus' envy
The Empty Seat by starshipslytherin focus is wolfstar but we get some Regulus & Remus nerding out together!
Regulus Black and the Unruly Offspring by starshipslytherin Regulus lives, has a 3 years old daughter and a crush on (divorced, also a single father) James Potter.
set those ghosts alight by justwhatialwayswanted one of few 'Regulus gets sorted into Gryffindor' fics I really liked! Features Black Brothers being Bros and BAMF Narcissa, just to name a few!
My Life As A Cat by starshipslytherin Regulus is Crookshanks AU!
If I Lose Myself by dukeaubergine okay okAY OKAY LISTEN, my breath is taken, my wig snatched. It's an ABO verse. Somebody in 1600s was messing around and gave magical folks trinary genders; the world building is really neat in this one okay, the rules are simple and very nicely explained. The first work in the series deals with Regulus presenting as an Omega at 15, and his first heat at 16. Then things get darker, and I have never read a fic where Regulus' journey into Voldemort's clutches was more natural or inevitable, and his fight to get out so desperate. I am. In awe of this story. Maybe it just scratched an itch I didn't know I had but. WOW
Power the Dark Lord Knows Not by Fantismal, Jormandugr this one is in my Marked for Later actually but I'll put it in here anyway
The Laments of A Dead Man by StarsOfMari Regulus dies. Regulus is just a boy trying to hang on his family, all of it. idk this work just has a ~feeling~ about it that's hard to capture.
Tides by jimmyjanejams I know I already mentioned this one in a previous post but PIRATES!!! ROYALTY!!! AU!!!
Rewrite the Threads of Fate by prongslette678 - Regulus dies and wakes up in 1976, just as Sirius is having the "I'm leaving and never coming back" fight with Walburga. Regulus dies and wakes up-
Not What He Had In Mind by Llaeyro for Jencala Some fun Jegulus sexy times
Too Close for Comfort by Llaeyro for Jencala Jegulus AND Wolfstar are both trying to have some fun sexy times BUT they're in the same dorms and silencing charms suck.
Ensnared by Llaeyro a smut drabble, Regulus/Lucius
Because at the end of the road, we walk the walk and talk the talk. Together by Duckieland7 Regulus yearns for his estranged brother and makes bad decisions about his love life, much to his friends' consternation.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22211695 Regulus decides he really likes and wants to date one Severus Snape, and what Regulus wants Regulus gets. It's just a constant uphill battle against Severus' poor self-esteem. It's pretty okay. Not my fave but yeah not bad
Severus’ Revenge by Author_Person Uhhhhhhhh so I'm going to admit I had to skip most of the gore in the first half because eugh not my thing. But once I got to Regulus/Severus part, that was pretty nice.
Welcome Distractions by TheMightyFlynn Severus wants to finish his essay. Regulus wants Attention. They agree on a compromise.
It May Be Quite Simple by RoonilWazlibMalfoy It's Valentine's day! Severus might not like the whole lovey dovey thing but he will endure for his boyfriend. After all, he does hate Regulus the least.
Dying Wish by Stara1995 I just. Oh my HEART. This one is a. a punch in the face. My emotions. I did NOT see the ending coming. 10/10 I do recommend.
A[nother] Different Halloween by Knightofni69 - When Harry and Ginny have their true love's kiss... it sets some carefully set up magic in motion. Severus Snape is a one clever bastard.
When two worlds meet by gracegraylove Social media marauders AU, wolfstar, jily and snegulus
Selective blindness by Shadowmun they're friends with benefits... the benefits are 10% sex and 90% emotional PAIN. Regulus POV, very well done.
Maybe I Won't Be Miserable At Best by PrinceLouistheVampire3113 (ThePrince0fDorkness) Just cute, getting together fluff. But because it's Sengulus the flirting is very intellectual :D
Even if I can't by Inexorablement Harry thought he dragged Regulus Black from the lake to 1996 - but nope, it was the other way around. Harry is in 1970s with his godfather's younger brother as his only ally :D I like it! Can't wait where the author takes it.
Is This Living? by Alessgrosskid (thatonegrosskid) Severus Snape accidentally becomes Evan Rosier's sugar baby??? That's it so far but the tags are promising much more lol
Yours For The Taking by A_Local_Marauder only the first chapter is up and the Regulus only just found out about the Locket and departed for the cave, but we're promised time travel, so that's an automatic subscribe from me (because the 110+ unread updates in my mailbox have no power over me)
Throwing Elbows by elicitillicit Regulily at a boot camp! Cute!!!
The Answer to the Prayer I Hadn't Found by Loki_Demon - if Regulus wanted a malleable child maybe he shouldn't have married Lily Evans
Heavy is the Head by Loki_Demon Modern AU! Lily gets cast as Belle in the school's Beauty in the Beast performance. The role of the Beast goes - unexpectedly - to Regulus Black. Pretty great!
For the Record by Emmeebee Regulus and Lily are potions project buddies. They have a rough start, but it is the beginning of something wonderful
The Only Faith We Have (is faith in us) by orphan_account Detectives!AU! James and Lily are assigned to look after Regulus Black, after his betrayal and cooperating with the police is found out, and he is sent to protective custody. Only one chapter out of four is up and I really hope the writer doesn't leave it at that!
Dungeons and Dragons and Doxies by NachoDiablo for WiledWolves 📷 the gang wants to play some DND but James and Sirius can't stop fooling around.
he whole world waiting for you to make a mistake by goodbyechunkylemonmilk :((( Regulus writes to Sirius
got warrants in every city except houston but i still ain't losin by goodbyechunkylemonmilk Snape gets eaten by Lupin the werewolf. James is ride or die, and ride they do. Lily and Regulus work together to shift blame from Sirius and James to Slytherin jerks and save the two idiots form Azkaban.
go home and save what little you have (do you know how to stop disaster?) by goodbyechunkylemonmilk Regulus and Sirius always protect each other. Regulus just hopes James will protect Sirius when he's no longer there.
nostalgia is truly one of the great human weaknesses, second only to the neck by goodbyechunkylemonmilk Regulus picks up his very drunk brother from a bar. Sirius attempts apology pancakes.
i got the heat of a mother hen by goodbyechunkylemonmilk oh man do the Black Brothers have some serious Issues. Sirius drags Regulus to a blind dating event so that he doesn't die alone surrounded only by a hoard of cats. It goes horrible but also surprisingly well...?
Defectors by NachoDiablo 📷 Regulus survives the cave and Kreacher takes him to Hogwarts. Horcrux hunting and bortherly bonding and Jegulily ensues
Nothing Worthwhile Ever Was by Meilan_Firaga for beebeeate could Regulus not fucken die for his loved ones? My heart can't always take it. Regulily
Over Here by Brightki for provocative_envy Regulus gets wasted on a party he didn't want to go to, but he also gets a pretty redhead's number!
Regulus Black vs The Giant Squid AKA how Regulus Black became the Biggest Cockslut by GwenLovesReggie - okay okay. I. This is crack. It's a massive crack fest with lots of cracky smut that's so intentionally bad it made a 180 and became good. There are so many great lines in there I'm crying
the thing is you lied so covincingly that i still believe you by makemelovely non-magical AU. Lily and Regulus are soulmates. But Regulus cannot admit that to his parents. Bitter sweet, read if you want to sit in the shower and stare at the wall and feel sorta sad in a dissociative way
Black Deception by KatAttack325 - Lily survives the Halloween on 1981. She grabs Harry and runs to Sirius' place. It's 4 chapters at this moment and I Need To Know where it goes.
Missing Pieces by orphan_account Lily has a surprisingly nice talk with Regulus Black after James turns out to be, in fact, a dumbass and a twat.
Marks on Our Souls by Taurwen13 Soulmates AU! Regulus' Dark Mark is interfering with both of their soul marks and... yeah, if they don't do something quick they're both going to die. Regulily
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miss-bibbles · 2 years
SO I read a lot of fanfiction...like more than is probably healthy for me, but it brings me a lot of joy so I'm gonna keep doing it. I recently finished Evolution is spelt with an R by de-sire and I was pretty obsessed with it, I just there are so many things I love about it. I loved the world-building and that it approached the wizarding war from a different perspective
My taste tends to vary pretty widely, I'll go from mature to general. If you haven't read operation toebeans by moonymoment you should because it's so adorable I'm obsessed with it.
I also read "Don't blame me, love made me crazy" by coupe_de_foudre recently and it was adorable. Flirty Jegulus gives me life!
ALSO Quite like Us is so cute and I am waiting with baited breath for the next chapter. I really want to see how the author is going to work with Sirius and Regulus' relationship. It's so clear they love each other but they are both a mess who don't really know how to have actual real conversations. I haven't read the other two you mentioned yet, I'm not a big wip person, I have to really be in the mood to get into one, I tend to read fics all in one sitting and I get anxiety sometimes when I don't know what happens immediately
Don't hate me but I'm 100% the person who purposefully spoils movies and things sometimes for myself because the waiting makes me anxious, so I follow Yaz on here and am pretty much up to date on what's happening in WYWM and I'm super excited to read it when they are finished with it, and I'll live happily knowing all the spoilers thus far
SO for my favorite Au's, I'm pretty partial to magic au's, I absolutely adore seeing how authors see the world and how they expand on it and all the magical theory they put behind it (I'm a huge nerd for magical theory). I enjoy a good modern au when I'm in the mood for it. I've been known to read a time travel fic every once in a while (back to magical theory, I find the theory behind it truly fascinating)
I'm getting ready to read "The things I did" by lolo-row which is a wolfstar fic that just finished. All I really know about it is that it's based after james/lily die and Remus realized the Sirius azkaban thing is fishy and he works to get him free and also works to get Harry away from his shitty relatives. I have high hope for it, so we will see.
What's your favorite fic you've read recently? What au's make you go high-key feral?
-Chaotic Fanfic Anon
i read fanfics a lot that everyone in the household is kind of concerned about me but i'm me and i'm always insane. but i had a humongous increase in my prescription after i started reading fanfics till very very very late in the dark, under the covers. so. probably not healthy
de-sire is such a great writer! they have so many amazing fics but i've yet to read the one you're referring to
i added tobeans and don't blame me to my tbr! thanks for the rec
yess quite like us is pretty adorable. i love it! i've read way too many wrong number AUs but i think there's only one for jegulus. i don't follow many wips too. at first i read everything under the tags but then i came to love a select few and i follow only them.
SAME i ruin everything by going and searching the events of a movie or a book online but i can't fucking help it. no one actually understands how my brain works. its a mystery that im going to pretend ik the answers to
wywm and yaz is a void that sucks everyone in whether or not you're reading the fic. please its just so funny and sweet how you followed them and then stuck around for updates and spoilers of a fic you haven't read and now love as your own
i got sick of sad, canon compliant magical au jegulus so i haven't picked up a magic au in a while. but i agree with being a nerd and freaking out over well developed magic systems in fantasy books. like omg its the most fun part to read and also to write if you're a writer
i've read two or three time travel fix its. there's one i beta-ed for which is Ouroboros. the others i don't recall.
my favorite recently read fic...omg i haven't started new fics in a while. eesh. but i did post a list of comfort fics so you can check that out
what AU makes me go feral. mmm. i love modern AUs bc there's so much potential for everything. i hope this makes sense but i really love how writers translate a certain event from canon to the modern AU and change it - like werewolf remus has a chronic condition instead. little things like that.
enemies to friends to lovers makes me go *incoherent shrieking* which is why i've started writing my own romeo juliet business rivals AU for jegulus bc if gods provide me no content then i will take my destiny in my own hands
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