#jessica messica
enchantedsunflowerkat · 8 months
hi i need to speak with jessica messica
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rvspecter · 2 months
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wikkidly · 2 years
If you're still interested in prompts, what about Jessica Jones and Matt Murdock with the line "'I love you' was my codeword for things going to shit."
Just like that movie | Jessica Jones x Matt Murdock
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Request by: anonymous.
Pairing: Jessica Jones and Matthew Murdock.
Summary: Someone gets called out for not being able to use their adult words to say their adult feelings.
Warnings: Explicit language
Word Count: 2659
It had started out simply enough; once she knew that Matt was back in mostly one piece, Jessica had opted to drop by the office at least once a week. She used the excuse of bringing coffee, but it was to check up and make sure that piece stayed singular and breathing. Not that she wanted to acknowledge why she had that niggling need to check on him, but it was there and it didn't seem to be going anywhere. Foggy and Karen had gotten used to the impromptu barging in, skeptical eyes flicking over the pair of them to gauge their mood before she made her way into the office Matt was usually sitting in- client or not. She didn't stay long, so her presence was tolerated since all three seemed to have some annoying ability to discern why she was really there, even if she said otherwise. Matt would smile at her, accept the coffee along with the threat that she was going to kick his ass if he didn't wind up replacing her broken camera.
Was she still upset about that? No, not really, but it was a very real, solid thing she could put out there to point at to explain everything. And everyone thought of her as some kind of salty, bitter bitch-type anyway, so she thought her plan was genius. Until Foggy called her on it one morning. She came in, as usual, glanced over at Foggy poking at the pie that a client had apparently just left, Karen at the desk typing something up. The door to Matt's office was closed and she could hear something that sounded like a sob. Okay, fine. So she'd wait until that one came out without barging in. See? She had tact. Foggy looked up from the pie, giving her a bit of a crooked grin. "Hey there, Dread Pirate Roberts."
Jessica blinked, nonplussed and confused at the comment. "What did you just call me?"
Foggy's smile widened, and Karen cleared her throat, as if trying to warn him of the impending doom lingering over his head. "Dread Pirate Roberts. You know, from the Princess Bride?"
Green eyes narrowed as she glared at him, trying to figure out just what was going on in the mind of this weirdly-named lawyer. Maybe he'd been hit on the head recently. "I'm carrying hot coffee and I have a short fuse. Explain with a little more detail, Nelson."
Karen had stopped typing at this point and looked like she wanted to get up and diffuse the situation. Foggy just kept on going. "Come on, Jessica. You know what I mean. You come here every week and threaten to kill Matt over your camera. 'Good night, Westley. Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning.'"
Jessica stared blankly at him for a moment, memories of that movie flicking through her mind as she tried to decide if she was pissed off or not. Karen got up, apparently concerned by Jessica's lack of response and came over to stand by Foggy. "I don't think he's saying you're going to kill Matt or anything. Or that you say you're going to-."
"Oh, no. No, I don't mean that. Just that it's an empty threat. And you're using it as an excuse to keep coming here to check on him. I'm just not sure if you're planning on handing him your piratic legacy or making out with him." Foggy was grinning as he clarified what he meant.
Karen looked like she wanted to smack him. Jessica wished she would. She heard the screech of a chair being pushed along the floor and the door to Matt's office opened, the man having apparently been summoned by the silence and maybe Karen's panicked heartbeat. Or maybe he just smelled confusion, like neon or something. She had no idea at this point. "Jess. Hey. Ah, I'm just- Foggy, would you come in and talk to Ms. Ramirez for a moment? She needs to go over the severance clause from her job."
The odd static feeling in the air seemed to diffuse with Matt poking his head out, but Jessica was still just staring at Foggy, trying to figure out what kind of brain damage he'd suffered. Foggy was just grinning, moving to enter Matt's office, patting him on the chest as he passed him. "Whatever you say, buddy. Just trying to get that train moving where it needed to go." Then he went in and closed the door, leaving Jessica, Matt, and Karen standing there. Quietly.
Until Karen apparently couldn't quite take the tension and went to grab her purse. "I think I'm going to take my lunch. You good with that, Matt?" Not that she waited around to see if he was or wasn't, purse snagged and coat slung over her shoulder as she moved to leave.
"Yeah, yeah. Lunch is… good." And just like that, the room was cleared and aside from the sound of traffic outside, it was quiet in the main office of Nelson, Murdock & Page, and Matt licked his lips and smoothed down his tie as he faced Jessica, all signs that her very keen detective skills had picked up as his fidgeting tics.
"Is he high?" Jessica felt that slip out as she shot a glare at the closed door to Matt's office.
A choked laugh and a shake of his head, and Matt came a few steps closer. "No, just… he's Foggy." He said some pretty ballsy things to some people in a way that they just didn't expect it, mostly because of how soft and squishy he looked. Foggy being a stand up guy was one of the reasons Matt knew that they'd make such good partners as well as friends. But his affection for Foggy might not save him from a verbal tongue lashing from Jessica Jones. He just hoped to at least deter the barrage from happening in his office in front of clients. "He does have a point, though. You do come in and threaten me all the time, and get mad all you want, but we all know you're not going to follow through on it. I'm, ah, not sure about the last part, though." He had suspicions, but Jessica wasn't the person he wanted to be the one to cross that very firmly entrenched boundary with first.
Her mouth opened to counter that, but nothing came out. Instead, it snapped shut and she held his coffee out to him, scowling with enough force that he'd better feel it. "Take it before I dump it over your smug head. The balls on you guys. Make out with you? Why the shit would I want to make out with some smug goddamn lawyer who'd probably go cry in a confessional over it after the fact. I don't want your fucking priest knowing about my goddamn sex habits, Murdock. Are you kidding me? I'm being nice by not breaking both your legs instead of giving you time to-"
"I got your camera, Jess." He broke that quietly into the middle of her rant.
"-because some people aren't made of fucking money. Wait, what?" She tipped her head playing back in her head to the words she'd almost missed. "When?"
"About three months after I came back." He tucked his hands in his pockets, head tipped in that way that he had when he was listening to her, everything about her and not just her words.
She wasn't sure if she was more annoyed that he was doing it or that she knew him well enough to know what he was doing. Goddammit. "Why the hell haven't you given it to me?"
A half of a shrug, and his smile seemed a little too lazy for her liking. "I was waiting until your birthday. Or until one of those threats actually sounded like you meant it."
"I meant them." She firmed her lips in a line as she glared at him.
"No you didn't. And your heartbeat tells me that you know you didn't." The smile looked a little too smug again.
She came closer, finger out and poking him in the chest. "Don't use your creepy bat radar on me. That's cheating. My heartbeat is currently telling you to go fuck yourself."
No, it wasn't. "You sure it's not telling me you love me?"
Jessica felt her stomach drop out, and she scrunched her nose up, giving him another poke. "I don't say that. Nothing in my body says that. The only time I'd ever say 'I love you' is as a codeword for everything's gone to shit." She remembered saying similar words to Trish, and she felt that same complex blend of feelings that she didn't want to try to untangle while she was face to face with Matt Murdock and his stupid red glasses.
Matt felt something dip in his chest, something that was sad and sympathetic for her, but as he wasn't suicidal, he kept that to himself. "So what do you say when you like someone?"
"I don't like people. I tolerate them." What annoyed her the most about that was that she knew he was able to tell the lie of that and she couldn't do anything to hide it. Fuck. "You know you're a dick for not giving me my camera already, Murdock."
His smile curved up one corner of his mouth, making it seem cheeky. "Maybe I liked giving you a valid excuse to come see me so you'd keep doing it." Matt was a smart guy. He'd been learning that there was a method to trying to woo Jessica Jones. And that apparently meant pretending he wasn't and letting her figure it out on herself. Only it seemed she'd been in deeper denial than he'd thought. Which was apparently why Foggy had decided to poke the angry alcoholic bear.
"That doesn't make any sense. You don't make any goddamn sense." And yet he did. It all started to fall into place in her mind; the fact that if she happened to stay a little longer on one of her check-ins, Foggy and Karen never came in to interrupt them, even if there were clients waiting. How he always knew she was coming and never had her camera, pulling the stupid puppy face instead and just thanking her for the coffee. The looks that Karen and Foggy shared when she came in and left, like they were disappointed that something hadn't happened. "Oh goddammit."
Matt just waited patiently as she found her own way through the maze of her own actions and emotions to the center of it and the realization there. Quiet. Smiling. Uncertain how she'd react once she actually figured it out. He didn't want her to leave over it or to stop coming. He didn't want her mad over it, but Jessica was an unknown element to him and he didn't always know how she was going to react. So he reached out and finally took the coffee that he was pretty sure she'd forgotten she was holding at that point. "Thanks for the coffee."
She jerked a bit at the contact and the words that mirrored where she was in her thoughts, stunned a little at the fact that a whole office of lawyers apparently knew her better than she did. "I hate you."
"No, you don't." Said softly, because he didn't think being smug was a good move at that moment.
She breathed out noisily, huffing out an exclamation. "No, I don't." She didn't ask him why he didn't tell her. He'd read her file, after all. He'd been around her for more than five minutes. He knew how prickley she was, particularly with anything emotional.
"You going to be mad at me if I ask you out on a date?" He sipped at his coffee, doing his best not to sound like he was hanging his hopes on that simple request.
He kept catching her off guard, and she was frustrated with the fact that he'd had more time to come to terms with this than she had. Consciously, anyway. Apparently her subsconscious had been sending out a bunch of smoke signals that he'd picked up on. Weirdo. "Depends on what you want to do and where." Because she might be an emotionally stunted idiot at times, but she didn't pussyfoot around anything. Not the important things. She might be more careful with it if it mattered, but because it mattered, she wanted to be clear.
It was his turn to clear his throat, lifting his free hand to smooth down his tie. Matt Murdock's thoughts had gotten excessively prurient lately, both because of having a person that had gotten his attention and not having the access he wanted to that person. Maybe it that visible tension that had prompted Foggy to make that push. Probably. The man was almost as good as Matt was at reading the people that mattered to him. "I'm, ah, pretty open to whatever you'd like. I don't want you out of your comfort zone."
It was the way he smoothed his tie and- was that a blush? Jessica finally broke a smile for the first time since she'd stepped in the office that day. "Now you're worried about my comfort zone, huh? Pretty sure you couldn't keep up with my 'zone', Murdock."
Was that a challenge? It sounded like a challenge, especially to a born fighter who also argued for a living. His tongue tapped at the back of one of his teeth as he contemplated his answer, but the smile was back as he heard hers. "I think you'd be surprised at what I can manage, Jones."
No, she wouldn't be, but she was certainly interested. They were messy, the both of them. She had her baggage; her sister, her partner, her past relationships, her emotional and physical damage. So did he. He'd all but died in a hole in the ground because of his baggage. He cared, sometimes too much. He had an odd sort of hope that she'd thought had been squelched out in this day and age. Funny to find it in a lawyer that ran around in a Spank Me suit at night beating up the criminal element. "Then surprise me, Matt."
Her baggage was why he'd been so careful beforehand with acknowledging anything, but he'd been doing her a disservice. She was tough. She was a survivor. She could handle a little pressure, or a little wooing. She wasn't as fragile as Foggy told him she looked. "Keep tomorrow night open."
It was at that moment that the Matt's office door opened, Matt's client stepping out with a tissue in her hands that she'd been using to dab at reddened eyes. Foggy gave them an apologetic look as he started to lead Ms. Ramirez to the main office door, confirming another appointment for the following week that Matt nodded at Foggy to agree with. "Sorry guys, but we have another couple of clients coming in-" he checked his watch, "ten minutes."
Jess nodded, then moved to follow the soothed Ms. Ramirez out of the office. At the door, she turned back to both men standing there. "About tomorrow, Murdock...? As you wish."
She closed the door and it was a good two heartbeats before she heard a whoop from Foggy. "I knew it, man. I knew it. She is so the Dread Pirate Roberts, and she looooooves you, Princess Mattycup."
That had her chuckling to herself as she followed the older woman to the elevator, trying not to feel overly giddy about this supposed surprise. She did call back out over her shoulder, loud enough that both of them would hear her. "Better have my camera, Murdock." And more quietly, so that only Matt would hear her, "Or I'll most likely kill you in the morning."
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Can you just imaine if meghan actually HAD gone to the Metgala in 2018?!!! Pure comedy gold!
Messica would have styled her and would have tried to comp the 50k ticket for the both of them somehow. Then some atrocious, illfitting shoes and some sort of swan or Cinderella cosplay. The fake laughs. The hair. The pointy shoulders. Messica's duck butt. Some grainy video of Anna totally blancking her. And then KP scrambling to put together a hasty statement trying to make it sound like a royal thing somehow. Lol
Now I wish she had gone. Years later it would have come out that she got some poor, old sod somewhere to buy her a ticket and then ghosted the bloke immediately afterwards. Hahaha... What a treat it would have been lol
(and also a good excuse for Harry to drop her and cancel the wedding altogether. Sighhhhh! One can only dream..!)
Do you know that tiktok sound where it's like "slayed, slayed, partially slayed, literally traumatizing"?
If she had appeared at the 2018 gala, I think Meghan probably would have ended up on the "partially slayed" spectrum, with some grade inflation for being there. Jessica absolutely would've gone for the Jessica Rabbit look, maybe with a literal halo too (the theme was Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination, which was pretty controversial). I'm not sure what Meghan would have chosen, but it'd probably be something like the Ralph and Russo engagement dress but on a Dior/Chanel scale.
If she had appeared at the 2019 gala, whose theme was "Camp" and which nobody followed (because what exactly is campy fashion), it would've been on the "literally traumatizing" side of the spectrum.
And while I've forced you all onto the topic of Met Gala (#sorrynotsorry), can I just say how excited I am for this year? I'm expecting lots of gorgeous floral vintage and I cannot wait to see what Zendaya and Law Roache do. They have been killing it for the Dune 2 red carpets. Part of me hopes she wears McQueen, like this one but I think that particular gown may end up being part of the display.
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sassyfrassboss · 10 months
About Messica -
Reading Revenge, it seemed that Messica was probably one of Tom Bowers sources. And I'm not the only one who feels that. There were some rumours that she talked to him, some of the info in the book could only have come from her. In return, I think, Tom spared Jessica the blushes and didn't say many/any horrible things about her.
Thank you!
Yes I was thinking of his book and couldn't put my finger on it...
But yes. As I was reading it I thought that there is no way he knew that information without Jessica knowing.
That is why I think he was never sued. Meghan knew it was all true.
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the-empress-7 · 1 year
One really interested, and ridiculous, thing I noticed is that Harry only had 3 friends - Nacho, Nick whatever from Eton, and Prince Seiso (sentebale).
For Meghan, everyone was a friend lol but- Silver tree is actual a producer/agent from suits. Lucy was her agent/promoter for Tig. Mandana is/was the CEO or whatever for Archell.
Her real friend was Lindsay Roth. But other besties haven't been featured - Messica, Marcus, Misha, Benita Litt are all a no show because they are controversial.
Her niece is there for some bizarre reason but my guess is that it's mainly to piss Sam off. How can you have an actual lawsuit going on where your argument is that you are an only child, but then have your niece from that same sister come on Netflix and say how close you are.
And sorry must Harry's life be that noone that we know agreed to come on this documentary. Skippy, the van strawberry brothers, Adam, the rest of the Eton brat pack, no army buddies, no Spencer cousins no one. Not a single British person except James Holt, who is an employee. What a shame. And he is stittinh there telling us he is happy with his choices. That dumbfucknumbnut cuckold.
Every friend Meghan has started as business transaction, minus Jessica and Lindsay.
PS: Jessica's pictures are included in the trailer that dropped today, the one with all the behind the scenes pictures of their wedding reception.
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redundant2 · 1 year
Where's MeAgain?
I think this reddit poster has a good theory.
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Is she recovering from more plastic surgery while hiding with Messica?
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formerlyroyal · 2 years
Messica looks so damn cheap next to Kate. Almost as cheap as Meghan. But hey, low rent and tacky birds of a feather flock together! I think M did target JM though b/c she desperately wanted the life and ‘power marriage’ that Jessica had. Meghan is such a creepy stalker ever when befriending people. I hope one day Markus and Jessica turn on her because everything shady AF happened in TO and apparently her dodgy chameleon-esque time spent there is buried just as much as the bullying investigation 🙄
User. Uses people and throws them away. She sucked up to Jess so she could suck up to Trudeau so she could appear to be so smart and in politics. She threw her away like she does everyone else
Couple of aging drunks
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Jessica what in bipolar is wrong with this woman
I don’t know if Jessica is suffering from a mental illness or mental health problems , what is her obsession with death, we all know that Bruno fired Geronimo dog walker Messica a few years back!!! When did Bruno ever say his dog died ? Why does Jessica want to always show Bruno in an absolutely negative light ! By trying to claim he can’t even look after a dog . Also in 2021 Jessica claimed her grandmother died in 28 February 2021 not January this lady. Can’t keep her lies straight on 23 January 2021 Jessica was working out at a Los Angeles gym . She wasn’t even in New York that whole week , I remember her cousin took to Instagram on the same day in feb 2021 when Jessica claimed her grandmother died, her cousin posted they had a dream that they were having xes with a dead corpse. Her grandmother probably passed away this year . I also noticed Jessica fan pages have all but disappeared of IG .
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juniperstracks · 2 years
im sorry not sorry that im blowing up your feed. im at pride downtown salt lake? what else do you expect from me jessica messica
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carriedawaysims · 6 years
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so I used the uintprop cheat to view the whole town in the background
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but, uh, the game is lagging so much that I’ll probably never do this again. we don’t need it anyway, right, Jessica?
Jessica: “Your happiness with a smoothly running game, or my world actually appearing complete instead of fading into blue nothingness, hmmm...”
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the-golden-onion · 3 years
do you think mike and Jessica eventually ended up together, if they really got together at all, or do you think they separated at some point? sorry if this is a really random ask, it was just a sudden topic that came to my mind and I wanted to know what you thought, since you're like THE mike newton blog if there even is one.
i am so honored to be known as “THE mike newton blog” and i feel like i should take a moment to announce that im literally wearing a team mike newton shirt rn fbcnkckclc thank u ☺️💕
i have so many thoughts about mike and jessica!!!!!! i’ll be exploring their relationship a lot in my fic, they have such an interesting dynamic!! (i spend a lot of time thinking about jess, mike, angela, and bella, so just know that my thoughts on their personalities & goals in life are much more in depth than anything their canon characterizations provide!)
the short answer tho is: no i don’t think they would stay together. to me they’ve always seemed like the classic girl/boy next door childhood friends who end up dating more because they care deeply for one another and feel like it’s obvious that they should date, rather than from truly romantic feelings!
jess’s crush eventually fades after they’ve been dating for a while and the honeymoon phase is over, when she realizes being with mike isn’t the big romantic relationship she’s been dreaming about, and that her aspirations reach much father than anything (or anyone) in forks has to offer her.
mike has always felt like a lost soul to me and while he’s excited about their relationship in the beginning, it’s more of a reflection of jess’s enthusiasm than his own. mike spends so much energy being a people pleaser & class clown that he doesn’t really take the time to self reflect and recognize his own boundaries and feelings on their own, rather than mixed up with everything everyone around him expects from him.
This is the first real relationship either of them have, and thus they end up in a messy jumble of hurt feelings and failed expectations as they both try to navigate this crucial adolescent time of learning more about themselves. they break up after a few months and they both say a lot of hurtful things in the fight leading up to it that they regret but refuse to take back. for a while they just pretend that the other doesn’t exist, causing a rift in their friend group. but eventually the ice thaws, because they were good friends for years, and they slowly start tolerating each other again, although they’re never as close as they were before they dated.
jess feels pretty fragile after the breakup, not so much from losing mike but from this new crack in her facade of a “perfect life” - she feels like she’s failed because she didn’t have that dreamy happily ever after with the boy next door that she’s been planning on her whole life. when the cullens move to town, jessica is of course infatuated with edward- he seems so much bigger than life in forks! and obviously he has his shit together more than mike ever did (something mike is acutely aware of as he sees jess fawning over the perfect new guy). she’s absolutely crestfallen when edward abruptly rejects her when she asks him to the dance, and for a moment mike feels vindicated and smug, but that quickly fades when he realizes how deeply jess is hurting. they end up talking for a while about what they’re both going through, and mike asks her to the dance as friends.
phew- this ended up being way longer of an answer than i had planned, but like i said, i love these two so much!! thank you so much for the ask & giving me the excuse to talk about them!! i’ll be exploring all of this and so much more in my fic, Nova, which i will link soon! it’s predominantly a bella/angela fic but jess and mike are main characters as well and go through their own journeys of self discovery 🥰
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oli-the-penguin · 4 years
jenna marbles should come back as jessica messica for 5 minutes and do a stare contest with kermit
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beccibeans · 4 years
Jessica talking about Mark’s parents being “burdens” in their old age is infuriating like WHY do white americans leave their parents to fend for themselves in their old age that is so disgusting
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expireddollie · 3 years
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I love them so much
( redraw )
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youveneverbeenalone · 4 years
Inktober for Writers/Fictober 2017 Masterpost - Darejones
Hey all! Now that I’ve completed all the prompts, I decided to make a masterlist. So here you can find links to each day of the month (which I finally finished, THANK GOD!). I also linked to the AO3 post as well (which you might notice I gave a more official title, but it’s the same collection). And if you’re so inclined, feel free to check out other fics I’ve written for these idiots that fit in the same general universe while you’re there! Thanks again for all of the support and feedback! I hope you enjoy!
Day 1- Searching
Day 2- Barefoot
Day 3- Warmth
Day 4- Compliment
Day 5- Fallen
Day 6- Water
Day 7- Confusion
Day 8- Impasse
Day 9- Strings
Day 10- Honor
Day 11- Seasons
Day 12- Instrument
Day 13- Foolish
Day 14- Haunted
Day 15- Intimacy
Day 16- Defiance
Day 17- Jubilant
Day 18- Waiting
Day 19- Nature
Day 20- Sheltered
Day 21- Fingertips
Day 22- Lost
Day 23- Wishes
Day 24- Breakable
Day 25- Friend
Day 26- Realization
Day 27- Cage
Day 28- Power
Day 29- Invitation
Day 30- Secret
Day 31- Final
Series Collection on AO3
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