#just gonna leave it and whatever I get I'll do it tmr
reeniecon · 3 months
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-levels of possessiveness-
Include malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge, rook hunt, kalim al asim and Jamil Viper
‼️⚠️ : gn!Reader,I haven't proof read it yet, mentions of chapter 7 npc's names on lilias part, might be come out as yandere tendencies than possessiveness...
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- kalim al asim -
• I know some of you gonna disagree with me, BUT HEAR ME OUT OKAY
• since he was a little kid he always get what he wanted right?
• why wouldn't get this one ?
• hm? Oh u want to go out by urself? No way hahahah, take jamil with you~ or u want me to accompany you?
• Ooooo waitt sweety dont do the chores :(( ur hand will get hurt by that, just let the maid do it for you okayy?? Oh you felt sorry for him?? For working alone? oh dont worry baba(father) will recuit the maids tmr hhe
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- jamil Viper -
• this one are not very surprising
• jamil didn't really get the chance to have something in life that really his on the first place
• so, when he finally did and someone are trying to take it away from him he get really possessive over it
• he can protect kalim all the time so... He faced by almost 0 problem trying to protect you
" Jamil.. What is that?? Can we get that? " You asked him
" I can make more healthier version of it at home, are you okay with that dear? " He speak " And uh...look, dear the cooking oil that there using, it's already black soo that mean they have been using it multiple time without changing it, I wouldn't want you to eat that not-very-healty oil I'm I?" He carefully explains to you
You can sigh to him " Okay... "
" Good, let's head back I'll make it for you" He smiled sweetly to you
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- lilia vanrouge -
• lmao do I need to explain??
• he is a fae
• and already lived a long life
• he knows the pain of losing people he loved dearly mallenoa.. Malleus mother and malleus father...
• so naturally he didn't want to get hurt by that feeling again of course.
• that's why he get very possessive of you
• if you're a long lived creature you might see him be not so possessive towards you because he knows he had a lot of time to spend with you.
• BUT, if you're a human... He *sigh* yeah you know the rest
" My dearie" Lilia calls for you
" Where have youve been?? " He added
" Oh, lilia I just got back from heartslabyul actually, just meet adeuce " You explain while giggling
" Hm, why lying my dear" He glares to you, while flying closer to you
" What.. No what do you mean Lilia! " You panic a little bit because what he just say to you
"Fufu.. My lovely dear... Don't lie to me okay? I know everything going on in your life " He say gently while He stroke your hair
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- malleus draconia -
• dragon are KNOWN to be a possessive creature sooo what makes you think he is any different
• he probably lock u up somewhere if he want to lmao
• not only a normal dragon but he is a dragon with POWERS he is the crowns prince to the Briar valley soooo
• he basically can do whatever he wants lol
• good luck if you catches his eyes lmao he might never let you go until your funeral, keyword MIGHT
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- idia shroud -
• aaa this wired boy
• lacking basic human interaction and affection wwww
• in my eyes he would either be
• no please don't leave me boy or don't leave me or ill kms / destroy all of it
• WOULD STALK U, he probably hack into the campus CCTV just to check what are you doing currently
• asking ortho to follow you and assist you with everything you need
• would probably sends anonymous deaths threats to any guy who are flirting with you
More of my fics
An : I'm kinda ashamed by this lol, but Ill post it anw, I'll add more in the future but this is it for now 😂😂😂
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mulletmitsuya · 5 months
Tokyo revengers groupchat
Warnings: suggestive, swearing, 5th grade humour, an unknown femboy is mentioned, Takeomi is homophobic but no one cares, also this has the Sano's and everyone involved or close to them
Desc: Shin gets his first date in like 10 years. Also this is the final timeline but events don't exactly match up to canon so👍
Shinichiro: GUYS
Shinichiro: I'M GOING ON A DATE😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Benkei: i don't care
Takeomi: congratulations. it's only been like 30 years
Wakasa: how many times have you started a conversation exactly like this? give up for all of our sakes. we're tired🙏
Takeomi: Shin there's nothing wrong with being single at your big age. it's not humiliating at all
Wakasa: aren't you single?😐
Shinichiro: screw you guys, actually ☹️
Benkei: emoji's are for children. stop using them. you're gonna frown? as a grown man? what's wrong with you
Shinichiro: what's wrong with frowning??
Shinichiro: we're meeting at a karaoke bar
Takeomi: if this happens to be real, do not drink
Takeomi: you get touchy when you're drunk and it's fucking weird😐
Wakasa: girls might think that's weird and creepy
Shinichiro: that was one time and i apologized
Takeomi: i don't give a fuck if you apologized you kissed me you fucking cunt
Takeomi: i don't even wanna talk about it i'm gonna vomit
Shinichiro: it was just a goodnight kiss. for the homies 😕
Wakasa: you stuck your tongue down his throat dude
Shinichiro: we were wearing socks so it was fine
Benkei: you just say shit
Shinchiro: you guys are ruining my vibe rn so i'm just gonna get ready for my date and the future love of my life
Shinchiro: she's so pretty i'm in love with her
Shinichiro: oh man i'm getting butterflies
Takeomi: send a pic
Shinchiro: you'll see her soon enough if things go well
Takeomi: guess i'm never seeing her
Sano affiliated groupchat
Inupi: idk a lot of us in here aren't Sano's and it kind of annoys me that this is what the groupchat's called
Mikey: get that stick out of your ass or leave like it's not that deep
Inupi: shut the fuck up you dwarf
Mikey: i'm the average height for a japanese male
Inupi: "i'm the average height for a japanese male🤓☝️"
Inupi: and no you're not. you're 5'3 and the average height is 5'7
Mikey: at least i have more than 3/4 of my face
Inupi: should you be saying that when you have a history of mutilating people's faces
Inupi: isn't that right Haruchiyo
Haruchiyo: kill yourself
Senju: girls, stop fighting
Emma: guys please not again
Draken: Inupi don't leave, Shinichiro wanted us here for something important so can we be civil for a few minutes
Inupi: whatever
Inupi: where is he anyway he said we should all be online cause of an emergency and he's not even here
Izana: are the old people here?
Takeomi: we're not old
Izana: ok grandpa
Kakucho: what's the emergency?
Benkei: fuck if we know
Wakasa: if i've come here to waste my time i'm gonna twist his dick off
Mikey: why do you want his dick in your hand🤨?
Wakasa: stop playing games Manjiro...
Benkei: is corporal punishment still legal
Mikey: i was kidding 😭
Mikey: also i'm a full grown adult so that would just be assault
Benkei: is assault still illegal
Emma: uh yes?
Benkei: i don't know why i asked because i'm going to do it anyway
Mikey: are your anger management classes even working💀?
Mikey: and lucky for me i'll be in Paris tmr for a fan meetup so😋
Shinchiro: hi guys
Wakasa: what do you want
Takeomi: i bet he fumbled
Mikey: fumbled what?
Takeomi: he had a date
Inupi: what's the emergency Shinichiro?
Shinchiro: i need you guys to answer these questions as quickly as possible
Shinichiro: what's a femboy??
Emma: now what does that have to do with the urgent emergency you told us you had?? i missed my pregnancy yoga classes for this? SHIN?
Senju: why is everything you do so unserious
Baji: Haruchiyo's a femboy
Haruchiyo: no the fuck i'm not you piece of shit
Mikey: you're not?
Haruchiyo: no??
Mikey: but you're pretty, and you look like a girl so?
Haruchiyo: no... but uh, thanks ig
Senju: girl stand up. this is embarrassing😕
Shinichiro: guys please this is serious i can't hide in the bathroom forever
Emma: what are you doing in the bathroom??
Shinichiro: i'm on my date right? so we're having a great time and we're singing and drinking and i tell her what a pretty girl she is and she says "girl?" and i'm like "yeah you're a pretty girl" and she says she's a femboy and i don't know what that means like what does "boy" have to do with anything so i went to the bathroom to ask you guys this question real quick because she said we're going to her apartment after this (!!!i think for sex!!!) but i'm just trying to clear up what she meant by the boy part
Izana: it means "she" is a he
Izana: that's not a girl, it's a feminine presenting man. hence the description femboy
Baji: can you even call yourself femboy when you're like in your 30's? that's a grown ass man
Takeomi: what's up with you and all these suspiciously gay situations
Wakasa: i think the universe is trying to tell you something
Benkei: how did you not know he was a guy
Shinichiro: because she's pretty! like a girl
Haruchiyo: *he's a guy
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Baji: why's the cat sad. that's fucked up
Kakucho: it's basically how Senju looks like a boy most of the time and Haruchiyo looks like a girl
Takeomi: how did you not see a bulge or something
Shinchiro: she's wearing a skirt
Mikey: *he
Wakasa: and nothing was swinging out?
Izana: what kind of question is this
Emma: stop being vulgar Waka-nii😐. this is such a stupid conversation
Wakasa: aren't you a grown woman tho i feel like you can handle me talking about dicks
Shinchiro: holy shit she's a he
Inupi: can we go now
Baji: a hole is a hole
Emma: Baji ew😕
Takeomi: the difference between them is that one makes you gay because you're fucking a guy in the ass and the other one is normal
Baji: same difference
Takeomi: did you read what i just said
Mikey: he's illiterate
Baji: you can't insult me with a word i don't know the meaning of
Inupi: Shin what's the verdict?
Shinichiro: well...this is still a very pretty person so...
Takeomi: bro??
Shinichiro: is it that big of a deal tho?? i don't think it is
Shinichiro: yeah, this is fine
Shinichiro: is it all that gay if you're attracted to someone who looks like a woman?
Takeomi: if you're gonna fuck them, YES???
Benkei: he's lost it
Wakasa: i'm gonna need you to be sure about this because do you even know what to do? you're gonna embarrass yourself. you're not educated on gay sex at all
Baji: i can help with that
Draken: if i'm being honest i don't think you should take advice from anyone here at all
Baji: but i'm an expert
Mikey: we don't wanna know anything about what you and Chifuyu do 😐
Baji: yes you do
Inupi: google exists. just buy lube and condoms holy shit you guys are overcomplicating this so much
Mikey: of course you would know😒
Inupi: yeah i would know because i'm gay?? fucking idiot
Senju: are buttholes self lubricating? i can't be sure since i have constipation and my buttholes as dry as some tree bark
Haruchiyo: why would you tell us that
Takeomi: Senju watch how you talk. girls aren't suppose to say stuff like that
Senju: fine, next time i'll say anus to be more ladylike
Takeomi: and to answer your question, yes. because when you poop there's residue
Takeomi: you hear that Shin
Takeomi: shit in the ass
Takeomi: don't do this
Haruchiyo: you just told us you don't wipe your ass properly
Emma: i hate everyone here so bad omg
Draken: i think it's our cue to leave
Shinichiro: fuck it. i'm gonna do it
Shinichiro: thanks for the help guys! it is what it is at this point 😁
Shinichiro: bye!!
Mikey: i knew he'd eventually succumb to homosexuality
Takeomi: well since i'm homophobic i can't be his friend anymore
Benkei: no one cares
Benkei: Shinichiro successfully wasted our time once again
Benkei: i hope he gets an STD
Mikey: woah 😭
Emma: you're so fuckung dramatic😐
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starfoundnight · 1 year
Part 2
Yakuza boss!Sukuna x chubby!Reader
Warning: alcohol. I think that's all, have a good life <3
You waved goodbye to sukuna and went back into the Cafe. 'Weird how there were no customers today, I guess because it's a Sunday but I swear I've heard the name sukuna before I just don't know where...' you finish up cleaning the kitchen and the Cafe.
You grab the envelope and sit down with a cat. "Let's hope this isn't a threat" you talk to the cat on your lap only to hear a 'meow' as a response. You open the envelope and take a piece of paper with four words "I'll be coming back" you chuckle.'Why couldn't he just tell me this himself?' You put the letter down and head back to your home.
Next morning
You get to your Cafe a little bit late seeing a tall man "you're late y/n" you look upto see sukuna "well morning to you as well sukuna" you open the Cafe and let the tall man in first "morning" he grumbles out while walking pass you "would you like a black coffee?" You say while getting the Cafe ready for the day. "Yeah" "okay I'll get it your drink started"
you go back to the kitchen and make his drink and sit with him on the fluffy rug "can I pet that cat?" He points to the chubby cat that's sleeping "haha sure I'll go grab her for you" you walk over to her and pick her up like a baby "morning marshmallow" you pet the cat hearing it purr and gently handing it to sukuna "she's still waking up so she's gonna be really lazy" you see sukuna lay the cat on the floor and just rub her stomach "I love fat cats...they are so much cuter when they're big...so much softer, I can't help but want to keep them forever" you smile softly "do you own any cats?" He looks upto you and shakes his head "I'll accidently make the cat too fat for its own good and spoil it too much, that's why I come here"
You spend the whole morning talking to sukuna and then he got up to leave he gave you some money "keep the tip" He gave you a soft smile and left. Waving bye to sukuna and going back into the Cafe grabbing marshmallow "being fat...makes you cute, wonder if he thinks I'm cute as well" you blush and hug the cat.
You get up from the rug and see a small piece of paper on the table looking at it you see his number 'I thought I gave him my number what the...' then you read "I tried to call but you didn't put your whole number on my hand" 'ohhh whoops didn't mean to' you message the number "sorry I was really nervous" then customers started to come in, it's always old people who come in here.
The day went by smoothly and as the day was about to finish you hear your phone vibrate "meet me at the ***** club tmr at 9pm, if u want" you smile "okay! Should I dress up?" "If you want to, I'd love to see you in a dress" you blush and accidentally slam the phone down on the bench "woah..."
Next day
You wake up to your alarm and then go back to sleep for another 2 hours. When you finally wake up the day goes by normally and you start to get ready to meet with sukuna at 7. You're deciding on which dress to wear. You picked (whatever dress your comfortable with but I'll just say a short black dress) with a little bit of makeup on and a pear necklace and your hair style as (whatever style you like). You put your heels on and went out with your cute little purse.
You went to wait in line but a guard saw you and asked for your name "I'm y/n?" He ask you to follow him and he takes you to the v.i.p section "y/n come take a seat" you heard sukunas voice more clearer and a bit louder and more confident too "Hey sukuna!" You went over to sit next to him "y/n, do you have any idea who I am?" You nod your head "Yeah, your sukuna" He shakes his head and leans in closer while pulling you closer to him by your waist "my name is ryomen sukuna, the yakuza boss who runs this part of town"
You look upto him clueless "Good job? I'm not sure how to react, sorry" He smiles softly and orders drinks for the both of you "are you a light weight drinker?" You nod your head "Yeah I am actually I can get really drunk pretty easily" He hands you a drink "if you get drunk ill take care of you until you're sober again, I promise" you out your pinky up "pinky promise, and if you break this promise you can't come into my cafe anymore" He chuckles "well now I really have to"
The night goes by with you getting drunker by the second "Kuna..." you lay your head on him and hug his arm "your...really, what's it called? Hot! That's the word" you giggle. Then you black out from all the alcohol you drank.
Part 3 will round it all up and I'll make that the last part, thank you for reading!
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Hey girl! Glad you have some time off!
How about Mike Dodds - "what exactly am I looking at here?"
hahahah I MEAN, i only work 2-3 days a week anyways LOL. but having particularly Saturday off is weird cause our numbers are usually higher on Sat (hence why im the second bartender in, it's more guaranteed that i'll end up working) but it's a long weekend so i guess not this week (but ive gotta manage tmr so...)
ALSO, gonna do these as like, little blurbs/sceanrios so i don't put too much effort into them and lose all the motivation to work on the ch's i'm also doin rn lol
You loved Mike with all of your heart, you had from the moment you'd laid eyes on him. Goofy grin on his cheeks, laugh barely faded from them, sparkle in his eye as he joked with a friend. Then he glanced your way, catching you watching and everything from the smile to the sparkle grew by a tenfold. You blushed, quickly glancing away before looking up again and his gaze was still on you, the smile softer, but one that you'd never forget.
It didn't take much longer after that first night for the two of you to fall in love. You spent each weekend together, exploring the city and taking full advantage of the autumn celebrations. As the weather cooled you took even more advantage of the excuse to curl up inside on the couch with a fuzzy blanket, giving Mike puppy dog eyes until he gave you all the perfect cuddles you desired. You were engaged on New Year's Eve, at an intimate yet fancy party at the Dodd's brownstone and there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
You had the perfect life together, and not long after the wedding you gained another family member when you gave birth to your first child. After your second was born, Mike started to feel a little apprehensive about continuing on his work with the NYPD. He wanted to make sure that you and the kids would always have him, that he wasn't going anywhere and he couldn't guarantee that with his career. So he put in his papers, retired from the NYPD with a full pension to be a stay at home dad and he had never been happier.
Mike was an amazing husband, and he was an even more incredible father. You weren't sure how he would handle it at first but he was an absolute rock star. You'd get the kids up in the morning together before Mike would give you a kiss and the kids would swarm you with hugs before you left for work. And each day when you got home dinner was at least started if not ready while the kids were tuckered out on the couch occupied with tv, colouring or playing quietly together. They'd tell you about how Dad took them on adventures each day, and occasionally you'd get presents from places like the zoo or aquarium, or sometimes even just a cool rock from their time at the park. Whatever adventures they went on you were never really sure, especially on the days that they didn't leave the house.
That was until you decided to call it a half day and left work early. You picked up a pizza, some soda and a case of beer for Mike on the way home. You knew you were earlier than normal so you expected a little bit of a surprise, but you certainly weren't expecting what was on the other side of the door.
The living room was both torn apart and put back together. The torn apart meant the cushions of the couch were gone, blankets strewn across the room. The put back together meaning that they were all intricately hung up around the room, stuck to the ceiling beams and extending out, pinned to the walls on either side. It appeared they'd used every blanket and towel in the house to make the ultimate blanket fort, full of every single pillow and the blow up mattresses you used for guests. The fort overtook the tv and you could hear it playing, little giggles and laughter coming from within. You placed your shopping down on the counter and the sound alerted Mike, his head popping out of the corner of the fort. He had that wicked bright smile on his face and you couldn't help but smile in return.
"What...exactly am I looking at here?" You asked, raising a brow and Mike laughed. Before he could even reply the shrieks of your children echoed through the room before they burst from the fort, racing toward you for hugs and kisses.
"Daddy helped us make the best fort!" Your daughter squealed, shrieking as you scooped her up, peppering her face with kisses.
"It's real cozy inside!" Your son explained, accepting the kiss you dropped onto the top of his head.
"I'll bet. How about you two go wash your hands and we can have dinner?" They scurried off down the hallway as Mike crawled out of the fort.
"You're home early." He greeted you with a tender kiss, "sorry. i was planning on having it all cleaned up."
"Don't worry about." You popped up on your toes to kiss him once more, "I got pizza. is it really that comfy in there?" You nodded toward the fort and he laughed, but nodded.
"Surprisingly so."
"Well, it's almost halloween, let's do some festive movies and have dinner in the fort."
There were gleeful shrieks from both kids at that, jumping up and down as they got to choose what kind of pop they wanted with their dinner. Mike wrangled things while you got changed into something cozier and the four of you made your way back into the fort. Mike tossed an arm around you as the two of you leant back into the bottom of the couch and once pizza was done you each ended up with a kid on your lap. Wiped out from their full adventure day with dad it didn't take long before both of them were asleep in your arms and you were carrying them to be tucked into bed.
"I'll clean this up." Mike murmured, kissing your cheek as he nodded toward the living room and you let out a little hum.
"Why don't we leave it for the weekend? Have a little more fun."
"Ya sure?"
"Yeah." You looped your arms around his shoulders, kissing him again, "i love you."
"i love you too."
________________ @fandom-princess-forevermore @hhroadgirl @qvid-pro-qvo @skittle479 @altsvu  @lawandorderimagines @whimsicallymad @classylady1234 @averyhotchner @mysticfalls01 @plaidbooks @mrsrafaelbarba @ssaic-jareau @barbasbodaciousbeard @alwaysachorusgirl @rafivadafreddy @australiancarisi @wandas-wife @thestarrynightslover @lustvolle-liebe @sia2raww @cycat4077@xoxabs88xox @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @borg-queer @misscharlielulu
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clbagdka · 2 years
× a little atory i made I asked my friend to give a genre n 3 random words n this is what i came up with
× I got a little lazy at the end so if u have any better idea lmk n I'll change it
× Genre: horror
× Random words: spiders, doll, black lolita dress
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"girl wgat r u gonna be for Halloween?" "I'm gonna be a haunted doll " "omg girl yk i'm scared of dolls"
The next day they both met at the pondok near their neighborhood
"I didn't expect u to be a clown.." "yeh this outfit was kinda last minute as well" "yk we should go trick or treating at neighborhood sebelah"
They make their way to the neighborhood sebelah. While they were walking there, they passed some rubbish bin in an ally. "Hey, why did u stopped walking?" Asked Elli. "That doll in the rubbish bin kinda looks like...you". Replied Carmillia. "What do you m-" she stopped as she saw the doll. "You both have the same black lolita dress. "We kinda looks like twin don't we?" Said Elliana while she make her way to take the doll. "Wa-wait Elli I don't think it's a good idea to take the doll" "Well, if no one wants this cute doll I might as well take it?"
While Elliana is holding the doll Carmillia saw the doll moving it's head to her.
"Elliana... don't u think this doll is.. haunted?" "What, u must be joking" "Well I saw it moving it's head.." "Girl 💀 don't be so scared it's just a doll n don't need to be so scared I'm the one who's holding the doll not you, if the doll rlly is haunted it will attack me instead" "Elli, I'm just- yk what whatever let's just go trick or treating"
After they both finished trick or treating,
"see we got all these candies n I'm still fine" "Yeh shut up let's jusy go home n don't u even think about keeping that creepy a$ doll" "finee see u tmr ig"
At Elliana's home
"pft no away I'm throwing away thia doll Imma put this on my bed n go shower"
After she's done showering
"wait, where did thw doll went.." "um I'm just gonna find it tmr my little sister prob took it or something"
Bed time
"Wait y r there so many SPIDERS!!" "The doll, it's floating!" "yk u were so nice for not leaving mw in the rubbish bin n u brought me teick or treating w u n ur friend, i can say that ur friend has been a little rude to me, but my old owner did treated me worst. N I am planning on getting revenge though in order to do that, I will need a human body to disguise myself n since u were the only human that was braved enough to take me home, I'll say that u don't deserve this gorgeous body of yours so I'll just it instead" after the doll fished it's chitchat it started doing ritual apa entah la aku oun tktau n started possesing the human n putting her soul in the haunted doll.
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opera25 · 3 years
Pls spare my soul, I just had a sudden spark of inspiration and just wrote whatever came to mind in 30 min. So basically I wrote a lil' MLL!Etho pov song (but I don't really want my voice on the internet so you're only getting the lyrics), even though I don't think he would sing and um I'm probably gonna wake up tmr and regret this immensely (sorry if it's very out of character, I'm in desperate need of sleep) ~Birdie
Dear Bdubs,
We live in the same apartment; sleep in separate rooms
But it feels like I am stuck on Earth while you're all the way on the moon
It's been so quiet without you, just the clock's constant ticking
And when I sit down to write, there's my pen's anxious clicking
Just talk to me and you will see that together we can pull through
Cuz right now I'm only thinking of the life that I once paved with you
This song has no chorus, I'm just venting out my sorrows
And you'll NEVER receive this letter, because without me you're doing better
You have a great life ahead of you and I'm pulling you back no more
If you wanna move out, that's fine by me, just leave a message at the door
And despite the pain I'll wish you the best and hope you will not miss your train
But please just let me see you again... please just let me see you again
Your Ex-best friend
YOOO guys Birdie is so talented like?? They can write, draw and now they're writing a song?? whaa?
God I love this;; Etho might never sing this out loud but it may play in his head sometimes. Man's grieving so hard,,, 😔
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Eager - Park Jihoon
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A/n: Lolololol heyy there, here’s a random scenario (that’s why some things may seem unexplained) ❤️ I wrote this one in bullet form heh. but anyways, let me just say that park jihoon is indeed bae. ;))
Summary: you manage to muster whatever courage you have to ask for a dance from the one and only park jihoon.
Words: 1621 words.
Genre: fluff
soon, you found yourself standing in front of the group that jihoon was standing with.
the boys all looked at you, including the breathtaking winkboi himself.
you instinctively smile to relax yourself but somehow that didn't work because jihoon's beautiful sparkly eyes (cringeworthy, but hey, there's truth to this) were still on you.
"can i dance with you?"
after popping the question, you swear that your heart was going to burst out from your chest.
you even thought of masking it all as some kind of a 'dare' that your friend gave you because even though there's not much of it, you still want some of your womanly pride left
he agreed not long after and you wondered whether this was a dream or not.
apparently the look of disbelief and surprise on your face was quite obvious.
but that was all immediately replaced with joy when you see jihoon smiling at you in such a polite and shy way.
the boys that he was hanging out with gave suspecting smiles towards jihoon, who merely told them that he'll be back.
he stepped out from the circle that he was in and walked towards you.
when he was close enough to you, he offer out his hand,  and you instinctively take it.
the two of you head to the dance floor and at that moment, a slow song was playing.
you stiffly place your two hands on jihoon's shoulders and you try to appear less nervous by making eye contact with him.
however, after only one second of looking at him, you couldn't take it and looked away.
then, you feel two hands on your waist.
"hey, if it makes you feel better, i'm actually nervous too."
with those words being said, you look back up and finally noticed that the boy's face was a little bit more red than usual.
"wow." you couldn't help but feel amazed at the fact that he might be feeling all the butterflies that you are.
he gives you an assuring smile, "yeah, we're nervous. but we might as well enjoy this."
and with that, the two of you start to sway along to the music and somehow the awkward distance that you guys had at the beginning of the dance had decreased.
both of you spent quite an amount of time talking to each other and getting to know each other while dancing to those slow songs.
"you know, i saw my grandparents dancing to this very song in the living room while they were babysitting me. they even switched on those yellowish lights and had rose petals around them."
"what, seriously?"
jihoon nods and you couldn't help but let out an 'awwwwwww'.
the image of two couple dancing together made your heart melt.
"that's really romantic."
as you two maintained eye contact, you realize that your heart was beating in a faster pace than usual.
with an unsure look on his face, he questions you "so, are you enjoying the dance?"
"are you kidding me?" was your first response.
then, with a genuine smile, you try to make your point clear as possible
"park jihoon, i love dancing with you."
not long after replying him, you realize how straight forward you were and how RED jihoon's face was getting.
still, the two of you maintained eye contact and proceed dancing in a somewhat comfortable silence.
after a moment of dancing in silence, jihoon speaks up, "you know-"
he paused for a moment and you were confused at his sudden stop.
he keeps silent for a while before blurting out the words, "i love dancing with you too."
and you really can't help but smile at his words.
because this is all so unreal for you.
not long after that, the two of you stopped dancing and actually decided to just sit outside and chill.
jihoon actually went back in after to get you a bottle of mineral water from the vending machine, fearing that the water served might be spiked.
"here", he offers you the bottle after opening the lid for you and you didn't forget to thank him for it.
after quenching your thirst, you decide to break the silence, "you're quite a good dancer."
he smiles, "yeah, but it's mostly because have a good partner to dance with."
"stop, you're spoiling me with all these compliments."
he chuckles and you really take your time to admire his laugh.
he looks at you and smiles, and that was the moment you ask him, "is it alright if i get your number?"
and once more, you were thrown in a roller coaster of feelings.
your sudden forwardness surprised jihoon, but he got his phone out from his pocket anyway.
"yeah, sure."
and the two of you passed each other your phones.
you wondered whether you should save your number with a special name or not, and so you did.
you passed it to him and was surprised to see he saved himself as 'dance partner ;)'
he stares at his phone and now you're starting to somehow regret a bit on saving yourself as 'your admirer :P'
he smiles and questions you in a tone close to teasing, "your admirer?"
somehow you were glad that he didn't feel disgusted or whatsoever, "yeah, you're an admirable person."
he nods, then with curious eyes, he questions you, "why do say so?"
"i notice how you're always so diligent and i admire that. not to mention, you're one of the most gentlemen dude i know and that's really hard to find in young people these days."
he was listening to everything you said intently and you somehow feel embarrassed after blurting everything out.
"it's funny how you say 'young people these days' like you're an old lady." he teases.
you pout, "aw come on, i was so cheesy for you and you chose to notice that part?"
the two of you let out small chuckles and then continue talking about other random stuffs.
overall, you two enjoyed talking to each other and got to know a lot about each other.
when the event was almost over, the two of you head in.
"yah park jihoon! c'mere bruh."
a boy who you know as one of your classmates pulls jihoon over and literally starts twerking in front of him.
jihoon looked like he wanted to bleach his eyes from whatever he was looking at and you couldn't help but felt a small amount of pity for him.
still, you decide to just sit back and watch jihoon, who was now taking up the role of a 'pole' in pole dancing, on the dance floor with his friend.
you found yourself staring at how handsome he is despite all the cringing his face did.
just before the whole event ended, jihoon somehow managed to escape his friend.
"well, wasn't that a show you guys put on"
he awkwardly smiles and scratches his head, something that you thought was adorable to watch.
the friend who literally dragged jihoon to dance with him called out among the crowd and jihoon could only sigh
you realize that slowly, people are starting to leave the place
"uh, i guess we should get going?" you suggest, though you wished the night could last forever
"yeah, i guess so. but um-"
before he could continue on, the dude who had a dance with jihoon starts pulling him away.
he stares at you apologetically while trying to pull away from the dude.
you smile, "it's alright. we still can see each other on monday, right?"
with that, jihoon's face lightens up as he smiles too, "yeah, we can."
then, jihoon allowed himself to be pulled away by his friend
when you got back home, you took your time to wash up
then, lie on the bed and end up checking your phone, smiling when you see 'dance partner ;)' in your contacts.
you contemplated to text him something and thought for quite a while
you end up typing and sending, 'seriously though, you're a great dancer. thanks for dancing with me, i appreciate it. hope you rest well and see yaa.'
and surprisingly, you received a text almost immediately after you sent it.
'i enjoyed myself tonight, hope you did too. nights ;)'
the text was short and sweet
still, it manage to have an effect on you because your heart pinched a bit when you saw the wink face.
you deducted that somehow jihoon also thought of sending you a text because you literally received his text a second after you sent yours
and you knew your deduction was right when you receive another text from him
'hahahahaha glad you think so. its funny how we texted each other at the same time.'
you couldn't help but smile as you reply him, 'nahhh i was totally earlier than you heh xD'
not too long afterwards you receive a reply, 'i blame my wifi hahahaha.'
and before you could continue to text him, you see him sending in another text, 'hey, i'm gonna sleep now because i'm visiting my grandparents tomorrow and i'll have to take the morning train.'
'you mean the ones that used to slow dance together in the living room?'
'hahahah yeah, and they still do btw.'
'awww, i still can't get over the fact that they're so cute and sweet. hahahaha, goodnight btw. :))'
'sweet dreams ;) talk to you tmr.' he sent and once more you found yourself smiling widely.
your heart melted at the fact that he mentioned about talking to you tomorrow
with that, you fell asleep almost immediately, eager for a new day.
little did you know, park jihoon shared the same eagerness.
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