#just had to get it out of my system 😂💕
elitadream · 2 months
When we think of Mario and Peach's chemistry in the games, any rescue scene is usually what comes to mind. But there's one bit of Mareach interaction I just had to talk about because it's honestly one of my all-time favorite moments with these two.
The introduction sequence of Luigi's Mansion 3.
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We see our characters on a bus ride, and the two of them are sitting side by side. Peach appears to be laughing at something Mario said, and they're both having a great time. All goes smoothly until Toad swerves to the right, causing the passengers to lose their balance and bump into each other.
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It takes them a second to steady themselves, and the first thing Mario does as he opens his eyes again is glance at Peach with a smile. But it's not his trademark grin. His expression is quite softer than usual, and meeker too.
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Even rarer still: he then lets out a timid chuckle. Something I've personally never seen him do in any other game. He's being shy, bless him. Not openly flustered or delighted, but actually shy.
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And what does Peach do? She returns his smile with a bright and gleeful "Yahoo!". An all too characteristic exclamation that she has undoubtedly borrowed from him over time.
It's a very small and brief moment. But OMG does it say a lot about their dynamic.
It captures everything that I find so very charming and endearing about their unspoken affection, and it's a very good example of how I imagine those calm and blissful moments between them to be like. The moments we never see as players, but which are surely there as well.
I wish there was one instance where we got to fully see what a pleasant and peaceful day was like for them. But if this is the closest thing we're ever going to get, then I'm okay with that.
Because this scene alone is downright adorable and it makes me very happy. 😊💞
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typicalopposite · 3 months
W.I.P Wednesday
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Thank you so so much to @onthewaytosomewhere and @luainthewild for the tags and I can not describe how much I CAN NOT wait to reads y’all’s stories! 💕💕 (updated to add @hgejfmw-hgejhsf since I already had posted 😂💕)
It is true @onthewaytosomewhere that I have swayed from the FirstPrince path lately and been dabbling in Psych 👀 BUT imma cheat the system a little and post two snippets! If for no other reason than to keep the rwrb fire burning in the background while I work through this new fic! :)
So without further ado here’s a snippet from the untitled Psych fic
“Ehh? See?” Juliet’s smile brightens her whole face; it’s her cheeky ‘I was right’ smile she often uses against Shawn, Lassiter, and well… everyone. She looks past Gus across the hall and mouths I told you at McNabb, who is also standing hidden behind a column. He looks doubtfully over at them and then looks back towards Lassiter’s desk. Gus and Juliet follow suit just in time to see Shawn lean in closer, turning his head towards Lassiter’s face. “Holy crap,” Juliet whispers, leaning more against Gus to get a better look. Gus would have mentioned she was starting to tip him off balance; however he is way too focused on the fact it looks like his best friend is about to plant a kiss on a Lassiter’s cheek. Lassiter, who Gus is certain hates said best friend… because he says so on a near daily basis. Lassiter, who Gus is certain would have Shawn put under the jail if he ever found out Shawn really wasn’t psychic… because he says so on a near daily basis. Lassiter… who is smiling this crooked, goofy (in a way he’s never seen before) smile at Shawn, as the younger man continues to lean in towards him, saying something inaudible as he moves.
And because I just love FirstPrince too much to not post for them too I’m gonna pull something from my FirstPrince but make them dads Fic Baby Mine.
“HmmMmmMmmmMmmmm…” Henry hums, as he bounces the screaming infant in his arms. She’s been like this since Alex handed her over to him, and now Alex is at work; and Henry refuses to call him back home because he can’t calm their daughter himself. Still Alex did say he could easily bring all his paperwork home if he had to… Henry shakes his head at himself. No. No, that's not fair to Alex. He is already so behind on work from the time he had taken off when she was born. Alex has kept her whole days on his own when Henry had to deal with an issue at the shelter; there is no reason Henry shouldn’t be able to manage for just a few hours. He can do this.  Or so he thought before her cries turned to wails, then turned to shrieks, as if she’s in some unimaginable pain, and Henry can feel himself starting to panic. “Shhh, there there now… it’s alright; you’re alright.” And she is, isn’t she? He has checked her over multiple times. She is fed, burped, changed. She should be fine. “God I hope you’re alright…” He whispers, feeling tears stinging the corners of his eyes. In no time he is sobbing along with her. 
Now I tag @scripted-downfall and expect Twooooo snippets because she didn’t do it last week.. this is 100% a full pressure tag 😂
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astroboots · 8 months
Hi!! Hope you're having a great day Cici!💕
I just saw your latest reblog and I couldn't help but want to know more on what's going on in these two scenes🙈😩💕
Ch 10 was one of my absolute favourites and genuinely had me grinning the whole way through!💓
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Ok ok, so! We obviously Know what cielitos thinking here, and ig I can more or less guess what starks thinking but what about Miguel!?! To his knowledge he totaaaally had her fooled, so imagine his surprise when he sees her at stark tower !!!with the man stark himself!! And acting all buddy buddy too!!😳
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Yeah this scene had me h o w l i n g👹🙈🥰🤡it was SOOOOO GOOD! And yes once again, I ask for Miguel's thought process here and a little bit of starks too if it's not much🙈 cause to stark I can't help but think all this must be awfully hilarious😂I just know he was having so much fun pushing Miguel's buttons 😂😂 man was low-key third wheeling with all the tension between cielito and Miguel😂
And yeah that's it!! I hope you're doing well and remember to take care of yourself!, especially now that EYEM's over, please get some rest and treat yourself to lots of nice food!💕you deserve it!!💓
Boy oh boy am I happy that you picked this paragraph out of everything.
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The thing with that scene is that because it's from the limited POV of cielito we didn't at all get to see what was going on with Miguel there and it's always been my biggest regret! Cause in the actual scene as I imagined it and told both TWP and my husband as I was writing it is that from Miguel's perspective. He had smoothly broken into the penthouse, undetected by Stark's sophisticated surveillance system, dismantling each boobytrap and foreseeing each detection device and rendering them harmless. Remember that he's also (when he wants to be) graceful and can move silently and quickly despite his large size. So imagine that this man has gone through ALL OF THAT! undetected by Jarvis, and he's just about to enter the room where the arc reactor is when he picks up Cielito's familiar voice with his spideyhearing and just FREEZES!!!
All of a sudden he's crawling all the way back into the main foyer, not giving a fuck about being detected because: WHY IS SHE HERE!!!
and the scratching noises that Cielito hears on the ceiling? Yeah that Miguel, claws coming out to angrily scratch at the ceiling (not because he needs those to crawl up there) but because they come out when he's emotionally excited and this man is SEETHING! when he sees Stark flirt with her and her NOT REJECTING HIM WTF?!?!?!
It kills me that I wasn't able to show that scene from miguel's pov cause this whole sequence had me howling when I was imagining it.
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As for the second scene and Stark's "Are you single" comment.
Our spideyman's immediate thought is: DOES SHE LOOK SINGLE TO YOU ASSHOLE!!??!??!!
Because here's the thing. Cielito is not nena, she's not his wife. He knows that on a logical level. But emotionally? He can't help but treat and see her as his. his to protect, at least. And it's hard to see another man flirt with the woman you love and were married to for years, a sleaze nontheless (which in Miguel's eyes, Stark is sleazy) waltzing in there with those lame lines and his wife is INTERESTED?! are you fucking kidding me!?
The thing with jealousy is that I think it comes from a place of insecurity. And I think Miguel himself finds it a shock at how jealous he is. I don't think Miguel was very jealous with nena, why would he be? He was very secure in that relationship. He knew that his wife didn't really have eyes for anyone but him (in the same way that he wasn't interested in other women besides her), they were very devoted to each other, so there was no point in him being jealous. But with cielito? He can't help but love her, and for him, in this moment of time, when he sees this stark guy flirt with her and HER CONSIDERING IT, he realizes that oh... Miguel's devotion and love for her might not be reciprocated-- and the green jealous monster in him is out in full force.
As for Stark? Stark's just having the time of his fucking life! this is hilarious to him. His inner thoughts is basically: "Man this guy is making it easy, this is so fucking funny!"
Especially because he's figured out that Miguel is obviously smart and capable, smart and capable enough to breach his entire security system and to bring a guy down so easily just by making him jealousy that's a payback too sweet and funny not to do.
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illadvisedselfships · 4 months
I have a very general ask to rattle off before I leave the house!! I've been revolving the idea of sending this in my mind for a few days, but I think that last post you reblogged is a sign that I should just do it XD Because it kind of relates to my questions... sorry if it seems disjointed, I'm sort of rushing to get it out of my system ^^
When you imagine anything with your F/Os, is it you you that you're picturing? Or like. An idealized version of yourself? Is anything about her different or is she just straight up *you*? I've had this image in my head for so long of someone who thinks like me, but looks and acts quite different - almost like an OC. I think I'm getting a bit better about this though, I've been working on making my Sim self and it's helping 😅😅
From looking through this blog, it seems like you usually imagine your F/Os with you in the real world? Do you ever imagine yourself in their universe? For me I almost always imagine myself as a character in their universe!
I'm still warming up to the idea of F/Os... but for as a long as I can remember I've had daydream scenarios with soooo many different characters over the years. But I always just considered them maladaptive daydream scenarios 🙈🙈🙈 I LOVE the enthusiasm you have for your F/Os, though!! <3
Marinerainbow or anyone else is welcome to share their thoughts too, but there's no pressure to do so of course :D
💛💕💛💕💛💕 I love this ask, its so interesting! ^^
First of all- @marinerainbow , what are your thoughts here? ^^
As for me: First of all I think with F/O stuff you can - of course, - be whatever the hell you wanna be!! If thats an idealised or just, plain, fictional version of yourself- ball!! ^^ For me I generally just imagine myself. Though, admittedly, a slightly more confident, and open version of myself XD
As for the w o r l d, I usually imagine- it depends on the day XD Here are the various worlds I imagine myself in with them XD I put them under the cut cuz it partly answers the question and its also just me waffling about my various ongoing fantasies 😅
All of them: Some weird in-between world set in London with Cruella. Somehow the other 3 live there too now in this one 😅
All of them: Variant of same in-between world except I live in Maine with Jim because I l o v e the idea of living near a lake or in the bush/woods or something- I swear, if I could live out in the sticks I'd never be anxious ^^ Usually in this one, Otis lives in the basement XD
All of them: Different variant of same in-between world except I just live in Aus this time and am upholding 4 different long distance relationships 🤣 XD
Jim: The Lake Placid universe. Yes, I imagine myself in the universe! ^^ I'm not a character in the story, though, I generally imagine I'm cursed or the multiverse glitched or something and I ended up dropped in the last fictional universe I watched on TV XD So I'm just there, knowing e x a c t l y what happens and when in this story but keeping my mouth sealed s h u t about it (*cough* while shooting my shot with Jim) XD
Jim (Variant): At the moment I'm playing with a variant of this one where a version of me does already exist in the Lake Placid universe when I get there- and she's a... shall we say... adult movie star XD 🤣 Its fun!
Otis: The H1000C universe. Same as the Lake Placid one above. I end up in this universe at Spaulding's petrol station with a friend from the real world (Who either knows the story or doesn't- both can be equally fun cuz I'm either freaking out with them or freaking out for the both of us XD) and get wrapped up in the story with the main victims while trying to get the hell out before Otis sees me cuz n o I don't wanna get m u r d e r e d thank you very much-
Any of them: Switcheroo. They get dumped in t h i s (o u r) universe/timeline. And I have to keep them hidden so no one recognises them as their actor in public.
Any of them: Switcheroo Variant. We both end up in a separate universe and have to work together to get the hell out. Catch? This universe already has a version of them (A different character by the same actor. For example if the focus F/O is Jim it could be the ANOES universe. Or if the focus F/O is Otis, it could be Texas Chainsaw Massacre! XD) and possibly a different version of me as well and we have to avoid meeting/making eye contact with these other versions in order to avoid a fault in the space time continuum or whatever 😅 (And also avoid other problems that might come along with meeting characters like Freddy Krueger or Inkubus or Chop Top Sawyer🙃)
So yes... I do like to use the real me in my F/O fantasies (feels more personal for me ^^) but its not always the real world XD Its not always their fictional world. A lot of the time its just random 😅 Its completely up to you individually what you do with your daydreaming! ^^ It is s o so individual and self indulgent.
I hope this helps you? Or was interesting? 😅😂 I wish you so much luck in your future F/O-ing! XD Its all good fun and it can be comforting too ^^ And I wanna hear all about it if you ever wanna gush! Here are your free gush tickets 🎫🎟🎫🎟🎫🎟🎫🎟🎫🎟 They're infinite and theirs no expiry date! ^^
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maplequeen94 · 4 months
Okay have you ever bitten someone as an adult
have you ever found a dead body or its remnants
Favourite tea
Carrots or cucumbers
When was the last time you climbed a tree if you ever have
Would you beat you in a fight if you were fighting yourself from 5 years ago
Those are some oddly specific questions there Heam….you aren’t working for the Feds, right?
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I’m willing to answer them on the basis of the honor system…just this once. 🧐
1. I almost said no until I remembered that I did in fact bite my friend for a Tokyo Ghoul photo shoot like, 7 or 8 years ago (They were Kaneki and I was Rize
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Here’s the picture if you’re curious. I blocked out my friend for their privacy.
2. I’ve never found any HUMAN remains, but I’ve found plenty of animal bones. The coolest one I’ve ever found was a deer spine while my friend and I were taking cosplay pics of our OCs in the forest behind their parents house
3. Oh God 😖, I had to really think about this one because I’m actually not super picky when it comes to tea, but I got some tea from a local small business back in October that is 👌😩✨💕, but THIS ONE is my favorite that I got from them.
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4. Carrots 🥕
5. I honestly don’t think I’ve ever climbed a tree now that I REALLY think about it. I wasn’t a super reckless kid growing up plus I get really bad vertigo if I’m too high up/ off the ground.
6. Lol no 😂, but me from five years ago couldn’t beat present me up either. Literally our fight would just be this the whole ass time:
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firstkanaphans · 2 months
So….I finally finished your beautiful translation of The Eclipse (book 1) and wow!!! I’m loving learning all this new tidbits about ALL the characters we learn to love (and hate!) in the series adaptation.
Honestly, I enjoyed Namo and Wat’s characterisations more in the book than the series. And I definitely appreciate both Akk and Aye more after reading the book. Also, my understanding on why they did the BL short film in the series (cause it was slightly jarring in the drama version but fleshed out better in the book).
I’m also with you - I was already iffy about Thua. The book makes me dislikes him even more 🫣. And I loathe the judo teacher (what a creep).
I find Chadok and Sani’s characterisations interesting - they are not fully bad but no angels either (not sure it makes sense but it does shows what systemic oppression can do to a person). And Akk was well on that pathway before he fell into lust over Aye’s ass tattoo (I’m sorry, I just had to put it again, cause this is the most wild thing about this book 😂)
Now, time for me to go rewatch The Eclipse again
Thank you again for translating the book for us!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yes, I agree with all of this! I love book Namo with all my heart. I wish they had kept his characterization the same instead of turning him into Akk 2.0 in the series because he's such a cutie and he deserves the world.
Even after reading the book and watching the series multiple times, I still don't have a good understanding of Master Chadok. Like what adult lets a child attempt murder on his classmates just to encourage them to behave? It's not that serious! I truly don't understand how he and Dika ever dated.
But then again, I guess people probably say that about Akk and Ayan too...
I'm so happy you enjoyed it! It was a labor of love, but I really wanted the fandom to have access to a translation since we're clearly not getting an official one any time soon. Thank you so much for letting me know your thoughts 💕
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larz-barz · 4 months
Hola >:)
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Dumb Manga panels with Tanjiro in them >:)
(I have a whole collection of Dumb manga panels [Its half of my camera roll. I get atleast 50-100 each day. Either from friends, or my merciless search] Bybthis point, it’s over….)
(I have a second phone completely dedicated to Dumb Manga panels. Dont underestimate my craziness. My old phone had way too much FANART and Dumb Manga panels on it that it just gave up- [The phone fried it’s self because of the ungodly amount of photos, the memory card went ‘floof this’ and dipped, which caused the whole system to get fried. I also left it out in the sun that day-)
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historyherstory · 6 months
Hi this is the theory anon from a little while ago! I’m going to send this ask in two parts because it’s so long, so this is ask 1/2, hopefully you’ll receive both asks! Another amazing chapter!! This whole chapter had me on the edge of my seat! And I love that you didn’t really reveal her backstory this chapter, only some snippets and teasers, they left me with so many questions but also some answers too! The fact that she has her own code name is so cool, it explains why the french couple called her ‘little queen’ in chapter 9! It seems like Ellie has been compromised as well, with how she says that she cannot stay in France. It makes me think that maybe she has been captured or almost been captured by the Germans, based on the some of the dialogue from chapter 8 with the French couple. Maybe something happened in Paris, so she was relocated by the resistance to Normandy?
ANON GET OUT OF MY BRAIN 😂 Your part 2 also came through and ohhhh I won't publish it because there are so many things you are exactly on point with, and some that you're not quite there but ohhhh so closee (and when you see the application - it's like, you made 9 steps out of ten, you're RIGHT ON TOP OF IT) I cannot wait to hear your thoughts/feelings because :D :D :D oh it's so much fun I adore your messages thank you thank you!
Random "backstory" that has no impact on the plot but I thought it through so I'm sharing 😉: "la petite reine" comes from her name, Eleanor. Eleanor D'Aquitaine is the namesake where the nickname came from. Historically, she was an interesting woman (and a hell of a lady) but it really has no bearing here, it's just the famed queen of france who was also known for being "more than beautiful", so LPR worked as a code name for Ellie.
I will also say - your speculation to where Ellie was when the war started is correct, and your instincts on a lot of other things (like the war preventing her from being able to go home), you have so many good thoughts and yessss just yessssssssssss.
Your messages are basically a shot of adrenaline to my system thank you for sending them I will keep writing tonight, working on future chapters with much enthusiasm and joy 💕 thank you, always! (And if you ever want to send in other thoughts or questions - no worries about things getting too long! You read my rambles 😂 length is not alarming to me)
edit to add: much love, may beautiful things come your way, may you have beautiful days ahead! And if you ever want to talk more to see where your thoughts fall that I haven't commented on, let me know where I can respond to you and we can chat (I love chatting about stories, I CRAVE an audience 😂 the feedback telling me I'm clever in my own head doesn't really cut it, haha)
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Be so still my beating heart. Just had time to read Wildest Dreams part two and... augh. Domestic and soft Sebastian Sallow is not what I thought I needed in my day. Gotta say, when Anne showed up at the door though I had to pause due to the amount of laughter I had to get out of my system. Amazing work as always. I can't wait to see what more you make.
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I'm so glad you enjoyed it anon💕 I have to say, Anne interrupting and immediately knowing something was off was my favourite part to write and I love that you had to pause to laugh😂
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bishiglomper · 2 years
I love my physical therapist! \o/ It went so well.
He was very kind, very gentle. Nothing stressed me out other than the ticker tape going "at which point do i tell him i feel like shit and not up to doing much?" But I didnt have to. 90% of the appointment was testing my arm and figuring out what was wrong exactly. And stuff hurt, but he didnt push me too hard and let up when his prodding was too much. He was actually watching my face and checking in, it was lovely.
He showed me 7 exercises to do, only 2 of them are tough. But I'm looking forward to stretching out my muscles. He did this one thing with my arm that stretched it in such a way that felt good so he did that for me for a bit.
My symptoms confused him though. Because poking at me- the tender spot was behind my shoulder, but the active pain was in the front. He was noting down the pain in the back and i pointed to where it hurt and he literally whipped his head up and went "It's in the front!?" lmao 😂
He took the time to explain what he was doing, why and how it worked. And then kept apologizing for being too technical, but everything was easily understandable. Also he told me to only do half as much at first because i dont wanna get "muscle fatigue" doing too much too fast. 💕
He basically told me that something happened to make my nervous system associate particular motions with pain and that i needed to recalibrate. I mean, he didnt make it sound like it was in my head or anything... Every time I said "i dont feel anything with this motion" or "yeah this motion is tough" he agreed like "yes, that makes sense"
But basically it sounded like my shoulder needs physical "cognitive behavioral therapy" 😂 I mean, sure. I know fibromyalgia can be attributed to trauma and stuff, so it makes sense to me, anyway.. That we need to just tell my body that this is okay and to chill.
Honestly the concept sounds awesome, i wonder if i can do that with my whole body.
I was offered cbt by my counselor but it didnt sound like something that really applied.. Because I get sick and tired of hurting, and I whine a lot but I dont think I MOPE in it. I don't go woe is me. I get frustrated.. But i dont wake up like "gee i wonder when shit is gonna go downhill"
But to retrain my body itself into not being in pain? That makes sense.
Oh, also this guy was cute. 😳 Latino. When he first called for me, he had a strong enough accent I mentally went "oh, CRAP." because accents are hell on my audio processing but somehow he lost most of it when he started getting into it so it wasnt a problem lol
I'm super glad they didnt do any of the same stuff we did the last time my arm acted up. They always made me start with this arm cycling thing for a solid 10 minutes. And then stretches and manipulation. HIS stuff was so much friendlier. 😭
I'm so lucky to find all these wonderful medical professionals. I've been very lucky. 😭
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ashleeofjupiter · 2 years
where would you say your creative juice comes from? how did you get started with self portraiture? can you share what your experience was like posting yourself online; what was the genesis of that for you?
Thank you for this question 🥰
Creative inspiration for me can be found just about anywhere. I especially like seeing the beauty in things that are easily looked over, or even portrayed as something undesirable.
I've been taking self portraits since I was a teenager but I really started coming at it from a different angle in my mid 20s when I found other people online doing so in a way that didn't glorify the pervasive beauty standard. This was revolutionary for me. Like a lot of people, I deeply struggled with how others perceived my body throughout my life and before this point, the photos I'd take of myself would be to capture my own attempts at moulding myself into what I understood then as beautiful. Read: thin, blemish-free, curves in the 'right' places etc.
Being introduced to this inspired me to start taking photos of myself from any and all angles. Initially I started out just wanting to get to a place of neutrality after really seeing myself. This process granted me a deep appreciation for the body I call my home.
Seeing fatness depicted as worthy and arresting, not something to be hidden away, changed my whole perspective. Knowing how the sight of other fat people being lovingly visible had changed my life, I wanted to do the same. The thought of helping to send that message to one other person in the world lights me up.
I could probably go on but I think I've indulged myself enough in this response 😂
I also want to say that I love your tagging system 💕
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dark-muse-iris · 1 year
Pre-dystopian era truly encapsulates pre 2020 now doesn't it? 😂 The things the last 2 almost 3 years have brought forth in humanity is 👀 disappointing at the best of times.
I'm surprised to see just how the app has changed, as I haven't had the chance to hop on desktop just yet. It seems...almost functioning? No more character limit on asks is nice as now I don't have to break this into 6 different messages 😂 New settings and everything else to try and figure out.
I've turned 24 this last July, and the last time I was truly active on here I was 21 so the personal growth and loss that have come with that is interesting for sure. I've lost both my grandmas in the past year and my living grandfather has already remarried (oh boy the family drama that caused), moved twice and live with my boyfriend of 3 years, have gone NC with his narc family and LC with mine as best as possible, started a job that has me earning the most I ever have financially but definitely have cost a part of my soul 💀😂 and I'm trying my best to get to a place in my life where I'm debt free and in a industry I actually love and care for (cannabis and growing it) and get my boyfriend the disability coverage he needs but I'm sure you're well aware that its a poor joke of trying to get that approved. So on some notes, its been good and I've changed into a better person but also if anything bad happens in 2023 I'm very fragile about it 😂😅
I understand the "striving for mediocrety" as a workplace mentality, and just how exhausting it can feel with wanting to bring better things to the office and just getting shot down. The old dodgers of "this is how we've always done it" dont always seem to realize that doing the same thing for 40+ years only works when the system isn't as broken as it is (or if it even worked in the first place). Is being remote going to give you the chances to take care of your sleep issues and anything else health related thats popped up for you? Ik last I checked you were doing the testing to see if it was more than standard narcolepsy.
(I'll probably message again and finish my thoughts but I am night shift and my break just ended so I gotta head back. It's so nice talking to you again ☺️💕)
I’m sorry to hear about your grandmas. I lost two of mine since 2020 and it’s been really hard on the family. If my grandfather had remarried that quickly, I’d be scratching my head as to how they were able to make it happen. My grandfather doesn’t appear to be dating, but that’s likely because 1) he cooks, and 2) he’s got stage 4 cancer, courtesy of U.S. chemical warfare in Vietnam.
As someone who works in a soul-sucking job that pays well, let me just say: it’s worth it. It is absolutely worth it to have a full belly and warm place to sleep during recession years. When I worked in industries I loved and didn’t have enough to eat, I resented my dreams and hated myself for having them. Letting those dreams go gave me the chance to have other dreams and I’ve been able to forgive myself for being so hard in my early 20s. It can take years to get the life you want, so don’t let anyone shit on you for doing what you have to do to eat in the meantime, especially anyone of the older generations who did their part to suppress our standard of living.
The insistence on clinging to broken systems of the past is one big reason I transferred jobs. There’s a lot of that still going around. My managers were panicking and kept asking why I was leaving; I think they finally understood how far I’m willing to go to make sure “office culture” won’t waste my time anymore. For me, being a remote employee streamlines my workflow and reduces my workplace accommodations for narcolepsy by half. It’s also much easier to manage my ADHD at home where I can remove distractions. In the office, no one was working on our job shit; everyone just gathered around to talk about their kids or health problems or ridiculous work drama they didn’t plan on fixing themselves. I had forgotten how much time people wasted just bitching for nothing. When I hear a complaint, I want to fix the problem and get rid of it, but that wasn’t a good fit. My colleagues wanted free therapy from someone their kid’s age because *surprise* their kid isn’t talking to them anymore.
I’m hopeful for cannabis and glad you’re pursuing the field! It’s not fully legal where I live, but I have many chronically ill family and friends who rely on it because they can’t take meds or afford the healthcare they need. I have some family who are growers in different states where it’s allowed and they’re happy with the work they’re doing. I never had the green thumb for that; I’m the only who would take dead grass and make a basket out of it.
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xwendigox · 1 year
Wendigo News
Heys guys! Really sorry for the inactivity. A lot of health stuff going on.
Finally went to an orthodontist because I can actually afford it with my insurance through my job. Told me my jaw and all are gonna be one of their more difficult cases but it’s fixable. 2 years in braces. 🫠 Totally not a confidence sinker. But at least I can say good bye to jaw pain and lockjaw and hello gorgeous confidence boosting smile!
Had my monthly visit to my psychologist. She literally like a mom to me. Since my biological parents neglected me and left me for dead and then my adoptive parents abused me for 15 & 1/2 years until I finally ran away. My “new” family, I ran away to live with my friend who helped me, are amazing. Consider me own of their own. 😭 💕
Back onto the topic lol. We were just chatting about a visit I had with my adopters (I don’t call them my parents. You lose your title as a parent the second you harm a child, in my eyes at least. The wife was the main abuser. The dad just stood by and let it happen because the wife would turn on him if he did). I’m still in contact with them because my biological brother is still with them. He was too young for me to be able to safely and legally run away with him. He wasn’t a legal adult at the time.
I ended up just like spewing out like all these stories of the things she used to do to us that I thought was normal. Some, obviously I knew was abuse. Other were more covert. Like less obvious. And I was telling her how like the first 6 months in my new family just fucked me up mentally so hard. Because the dynamic was SO DIFFERENT. Like sure, there were arguments and all, but they were still respectful. There was no name calling. No degradation. No manipulation. None of that. All the things I was used weren’t happening. It was a complete and utter culture shock. Which is how I came onto just spewing out all these stories.
Fast forward to afterwards, my psychologist just sat there in silence for a good minute or two. Then she was like, “That’s not crazy. That just plain cruel and sadistic. The shit they did to you is fucked up and heart breaking. That shit fucks you up bad.” And like I couldn’t help but laugh. Idk. Laughing about it kinda like helps me disconnect from the trauma. It hurts just thinking about it. Y’a know? But she ended up asking me if I have a therapist. I told her no, because with Covid, everyone got booked. And then finding a good one is hard too. So, she told me, “Don’t worry about. I’m going to find you a therapist, and a good one. You need to talk that shit out. Get that shit out of your system.”
Since talking about that I’ve kinda been out of it. Like I knew what they did was bad, but like hearing and seeing my doctor’s reaction when she’s probably dealt with hundreds of patience like this kinda puts it into perspective. Y’a know? So, I’m trying. I’m not spiraling. Just kinda trying to process it all I guess.
Sorry for ranting. I know some of you are gonna be like, “Wendigo, like why are you saying all this?” Like I know some won’t care. That’s fine. I just know that maybe someone out there will read this and be like “I’m not alone.” Kinda thing. And just knowing that, helps things feel more bearable. Yes this shit is hard to read an all. But I’m not going just be silent about it. That’s what they want you to do. Im going to talk about it. Make people aware. When you live through a situation like this, you quickly become a specialist lol 😂 like I’m constantly studying and learning about my diagnosis. About my CPTSD, and how its the parent of my bipolar disorder, about my autoimmune disorder, etc. You have to be because you’re going to be living with this for the rest of your life.
You don’t “get over it”. Your body holds memories. It’s why you flinch at anything. It’s why you feel constantly alert. Even if YOU do NOT remember, your body does and reacts accordingly. Shit doesn’t disappear. You just learn how to handle and live with it better. I’m not trying to sound depressing. It’s just what I’ve learned.
So if anyone ever needs to rant, ask questions, or just talk to someone to get shit off your chest, IM HERE. My messages are ALWAYS open to you. It’s a safe place here.
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tenisperfection · 2 years
Storylines you'd like to see for the characters in s6?
Hi K! ☕️💕 This is going to be very long lol because I did not hold back at all. 😂 *mandatory disclaimer since some of you can't not take harmless spec seriously that these are just things I think would be fun to see and not any kind of expectation from the showrunners who know more than I do about where these storylines are eventually going*
I'm very intrigued by them teasing a big emergency in S6 because we haven't had a grand one since S3 and I think they're due for one! I'd love to see something on the level of the earthquake and tsunami that then lead to some great character moments.
I want to see Bobby struggling with the repercussions of Jonah in S6—I was so glad for that scene of him pouring his alcohol down the sink but I think they're definitely setting up some juicy Bobby stories. I think it would be interesting if they tie this in with Athena questioning her career too, with Bobby ultimately realizing that he is where he is supposed to be until he's ready to hand it off, and Athena finally deciding to quit (I won't shut up about this until it happens). I'm very interested in the Bathena honeymoon and what we might get there; I know they teased an emergency but I'm also looking forward to seeing these two away from the kids and the rest of the group because they have such incredible chemistry and I love their relationship so damn much.
(putting the rest under a cut to save your dashes, you're welcome)
I'd love to see more of Hen and Karen's experience in the foster care system. I'd like Hen to contemplate what her eventual transition into medicine full-time would be in terms of no longer being with the 118 one day since they seeded a little of that storyline in S3. I'd love to see some Hen and Karen parenting storylines with Eddie (and Buck) as Denny and Christopher are both pre-teens now, and maybe getting some words of wisdom from Athena and Bobby.
I would chop off my non-dominant arm to see a Chimney storyline of him confronting his father, and after Ramon and Toni, I have full confidence that 911 would treat it with care and nuance. We know Madney will get back together and are also the literal worst at being exes, and I'd love to see more of that dynamic before they get back together. Also, a scene where Maddie and Chim decide to have a night out together and leave Jee with Albert and Hen and Karen and Buck and Eddie? (how this specific group was chosen for this job is not important) I'd love to see some babysitting shenanigans and Chimney and Maddie trying to have an important talk but constantly being interrupted by their too large group of babysitters. There's some great potential for comedic gold especially if they're trying to solve some mystery along the way.
I still think Buck will be going through it in S6, but tbh after the finale I'm left wondering what that'll entail. Is there going to be guilt due to the fact that he clung so long to something and someone that didn't work because he was worried about being left alone? Will there be a storyline where he truly sees how many people love him, and how he already has a home and a person? (or maybe a reveal that Buck already had that realization while talking to Maddie on the balcony?) I really think this is the season of two single dads who finally talk about the shooting and the will of it all, and I still can't shake all the foreshadowing related to parents being in emergencies in cars and how something like that might finally be the straw that breaks the camel's back for Buck and Eddie getting to talk about what they went through together. If S3 was about the Buckley-Diaz family era, S6 is going to be about the relationship between these two and one or both of them admitting (to each other or someone else) that what they've been looking for all along was something they found and made and carved into a home several years ago.
I'm excited for May in college and I hope we get to see as much of her as we did this season! More Bobby and May storylines please! <3 Also more Bobby and Eddie storylines, basically give me any moment of Bobby being the most dad-shaped and that's a feast for me. I think it's fairly obvious that I'm obsessed with every Bobby and Eddie scene and I love these two very similar and very traumatized men leaning on each other and helping each other. I'd love more of that dynamic because it genuinely brings me to tears every time. Peter and Ryan just have incredible chemistry and in so many ways, they're very similar actors and I'm fascinated by how they play this found father-son relationship.
Are you sorry you asked me this yet
Anyway, that's what I'd like to see in S6! I'm sure that when I do a rewatch of S5 I'll add like 20 things to this, but yeah, I think we're in for a delicious season!
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mycovenofchaos · 5 days
I want to ask everyone a non Evan related question..and this is for any of the readers on here, but especially Maddie. When/how did you realize you were so intuitive and decide to do tarot? I am someone that is always kicking themselves when I have a feeling about something but don't listen to my gut. Sometimes I will think I'm hearing a song on the radio, but it's not, but then the next song that plays is the one I thought I was hearing. When I was buying a house I freaked the real estate agent out cause I always knew when a house was not going to be available anymore. And it would be me making plans with her to see it the next day. But after looking at pictures of the house online I would suddenly get a feeling we would have to see it ASAP. Then she would go in the system to get the lockbox number and find out it was already sold 😂 She would be like how are you doing that???!!
I'm just curious how you all figured out you had that gift. And should I get into Tarot? Like I said, I'm curious about all our readers!!
I am still a “baby reader”, as Maddie calls me 😂😂😂, but I love spirituality and everything related to it, and I study it a lot! I think you may have the clairvoyance dom. I would suggest you to search for more information on how you can develop it as a first step! And of course, tarot is a great tool for you to train your mind and intuition! Besides being something you can learn by doing readings by yourself!
What else do our team of readers have to say to this dear anon?! 💐💕
Ps. I am planning on bringing more tarot content to the blog. I have already started writing a sketch of the meaning of the cards! 🥹♥️🎴
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1d1195 · 26 days
It's so normal to have anxiety in general when thinking about kids! I never really saw myself being a mom or anything like that BUT that doesn't mean i cant feel for you and sympathize with your concerns! And it makes sense that you would feel jealous that the people around you can do this because it's basically been your dream and sometimes it can be hard to see others "living" it. But your concerns in terms of financial stability is SO VALID especially with how things are right now! I always joke around how i could not have a kid "in the economy" but its very concerning because I could not image the amount of STRESS this would induce. And I think it's normal to have these fears especially since you lived through it growing up! You already having that mindset of being somewhat stable before you start a family just goes to show that you will be just fine no matter how your journey there will look like. Your parents being able to meet and enjoy your children is kinda out of your control but it's such a valid feeling. But still that pressure shouldn't dictate your timing because in the end you will have to go through the process along side your partner!
NEVER BE SORRY FOR RANTING MY LOVE!!! When Is say that you can literally tell me anything you are comfortable sharing, I mean it! It does not bother me at all. if anything thank you for sharing this with me (and anyone who reads these!). It feels nice to vent and this will never bother me. Of course I have my own stuff going on but that doesn't mean it prevents completely to be there for others especially ones that I care about!
College life has been very painful for me lol idk maybe i'll have a different outlook on it in a few years since I do have alot more to live and experience lol
Even if you get grumpy sometimes that's okay, I STILL LOVE YOU SAM!!!-💜
I bet we have a few readers of our pen-pal letters 😂 You are the literal best! I'm sure you know the same goes for me. I love to hear about your life and I don't mind the venting or ranting either. I just know that it's not always the best to lay it all out for you--especially if you're not in the headspace for it! Today my mom trauma dumped on me and I was so overwhelmed I just wanted to 😭
To be fair!!!! I didn't have your horrid quarter-system classes so I think if my college did that I would have a VERY different outlook on how I felt about college. But regardless, I'm very hopeful for you. I wish I had a more exciting social life and I feel like you do just based on a few things you've told me about hanging out with friends and such! I feel like I missed out on some things getting a bf toward the end of college (and I graduated a little early too so I really short changed myself as well on that front). But he's a homebody too. I love him, obviously, but I always wanted my Friends moment where I lived with my bff and made friends with our cute neighbors or something! 💕
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