#kaito is very impatient when it comes to sweets
07734-143 · 1 year
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golden-redhead · 3 years
part of my Plant Kokichi Saioumota AU in which Kokichi has plants powers and flowers just kinda grow all over his body because I said so, lol
You can read the entire plantkichi series on AO3 here. 
And just so you know, saxifraga flowers symbolize devotion. 
Shuichi catches one of the petals between his fingers, his barely-there touch gentle as he eyes Kokichi curiously. 
“Does it hurt?” he asks, tugging lightly at the pale pink Saxifraga flower that grew at the back of Kokichi’s head within the last few minutes, mesmerized as more flowers begin to sprout beneath his hands, their sweet scent filling the air.
Kokichi hums quietly, leaning back so that the back of his head rests against Shuichi’s chest, a lazy smile slowly stretching over his lips.
“Why?” in a typical Kokichi manner, he answers the question with a question of his own. “Is Saihara-chan gonna rip them out in my sleep and watch as I bleed out all over Momota-chan’s dumb Neil Armstrong pillow?” Even at the awkward angle, Shuichi can see Kokichi’s eyes suddenly fill up with fake tears, his lower lip trembling. “How dare you, Shumai, I opened up my heart and all this time you’ve been planning to take me out! Does Momota-chan even know? He’s gonna be sooo angry, blood is so hard to wash out from those pillows, you know!” 
Shuichi grimaces. 
“Not the mental image I wanted to have stuck in my head,” he groans, shaking his head. Kokichi giggles and sticks his tongue out at him. Shuichi rolls his eyes. 
They sit in comfortable silence, Kokichi’s body warm where he leans against his chest, the long tips of his hair brushing against Shuichi’s chin. The TV is on, but neither of them is really watching it, they simply enjoy the background noise of whatever movie is playing at the moment. Shuichi continues to play with the delicate petals, his attention prompting even more to appear, stretching over Kokichi’s head like a crown, the pale flowers a beautiful contrast with his dark hair.
“Seriously though,” he tries again, his voice quiet, barely a whisper. Despite that, he knows Kokichi is listening, he can feel him still against his chest and listen carefully. He tugs at the flowers again, this time with a bit more force. “Does it hurt?”
Kokichi shrugs. “Not really.”
“What do you mean? They are a part of your body, right?”
He can feel Kokichi getting annoyed with his little interrogation, but he wants to know. He  needs  to know. 
Kokichi huffs impatiently. “Does Saihara-chan feel every single hair on his head?”
Shuichi shakes his head, brows furrowing in deep thought. “So it’s like hair then? Can you feel the flowers when they grow?”
Kokichi huffs and pouts, wriggling out of his loose embrace and turning to face him. 
“Saihara-chan is being annoying,” he complains loudly. “Yep! It’s like hair! It just… It just is.”
Shuichi nods slowly, storing the information at the back of his mind for later. “I see”
He wants to continue the conversation, wants to ask all those countless questions that have been waiting to be asked for so long and learn more, but he knows better than to push. Pushing was never an option with Kokichi, he and Kaito learned that the hard way. The last time it happened, Kokichi disappeared for days, making them both sick with worry. 
Kokichi is a lot like a stray cat that wandered into your house once and decided he liked it. He would come and go as he pleased, always on his own terms, leaving whenever he felt like it but never failing to come back as long as you made it clear that he would be always welcome. 
Shuichi knows that for now what he’s just learned will have to be enough. 
He smiles, reaching for Kokichi’s hand and squeezing gently. “Thank you for telling me.”
Kokichi eyes him through narrowed eyes suspiciously, as if expecting some kind of trap, but after a moment he brightens again. 
“You are very welcome, my precious Shumai~!” he chirps sweetly. “But you know that my services are not for free.”
Shuichi sputters in surprise. “I-It was one question!”
“I’m preeeetty sure it was more than just one. And I graciously answered it, didn’t I?” Kokichi’s grin is practically blinding. “I did something for you, now you have to do something for me! That’s the rules, Saihara-chan!”
“I never agreed to those rules.”
Kokichi waves his hand dismissively. “Details,” he tuts, already reaching for Shuichi’s arms to help him off the couch. “Quick, Momota-chan is gonna be home soon, we need to set up the prank before he’s here!”
Shuichi groans loudly. “You can’t be serious.”
His only response is giggles. Still, as he lets Kokichi drag him out of the living room, he has a perfect view of the back of his head, dozens of Saxifraga flowers tangled in his dark hair and bouncing lightly with his every step. 
Maybe he can help with one prank. Just this time. 
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mira--mira · 3 years
Hogwarts AU
(AKA another shiny distraction my brain latched onto, but I’m not writing this one bc 1. it’s already too long and 2. Valentine’s AU is already my wip bad idea one-shot of the month(s) lol.) 
Half ficlet/half random plot points. 
4K words
First and foremost: Madara is a Hufflepuff. Seriously. The heir of the Uchiha, a well-known pure-blood Slytherin family*, has the hat on his head for half a second before it’s yelling Hufflepuff. Madara’s family is the single most important thing to him and he will protect them no matter the cost. That loyalty triumphs even a desire for power.
His house mates are terrified of him. In the first-year Madara’s mostly quiet and homesick so he’s a loner. He hasn’t done anything to deserve his reputation but he’s an Uchiha in Hufflepuff. It’s the talk of the town for weeks. That all changes in his second year when Kaito gets put in Gryffindor. Despite Kou being a former Gryffindor, he gets bullied and told he doesn’t belong in his house. Madara gets in five separate duels in the span of two weeks, manages to win despite the bullies being fourth and fifth years and one time doesn’t even wait for wands to be drawn before he starts swinging at one of them. His reputation is well-deserved now and he absolutely does not care as long as the Gryffindors are terrified he’s going to appear behind them if they so much look at his brother wrong. Kaito is resigned, expecting nothing less, but does manage to make friends with two muggleborns. 
*The main Uchiha branch, before Madara’s generation, were one of the most pure-bred families and could trace a completely Slytherin legacy back to the beginning (though there were always rumors that a Veela or two intermarried.) And then Tajima fell head over heels for an extremely powerful muggleborn Gryffindor. The extended family was not pleased. To put it mildly. The heir is a half-blood and a Hufflepuff and the second eldest a Gryffindor. But at least Tajima didn’t marry a Senju, the family consoled themselves...
And speaking of, in his second year Madara also meets Hashirama. Hashirama, who is a Slytherin. He loves his family more than anything too but sees power and charm as the best way to protect them in the long run. Similar to Madara, he’s from a well-known family but the Senju before him had, at times, married half-bloods and muggleborns, but always were Gryffindors. Hashirama’s “defection” to Slytherin was not well-looked upon by his family, his house, or the house he was “supposed” to be in. He’s friendly and charming which is slowly winning people over, and incredibly powerful for his age. His and Madara’s first meeting is in the Forbidden Forest. Hashirama was out after hours looking for special plants, while Madara was out trying to spot a hippogriff. They run into each other and are very wary, but since they’re both second-years and they’re both breaking the rules...it’s not like one of them is in a “better” position than the other. Though with how many detentions Madara’s had for fighting his punishment would probably be more severe. 
Somehow they manage to run into each other three separate times, before the incident happens. The incident being stumbling upon a dead hippogriff and her one newly cracked egg with an injured newborn. Madara sees the baby, the dead mother, grabs it and tries to run back to the school. Punishment be damned, it won’t survive and he doesn’t know healing spells. Only to run smack-dab into Hashirama who’s been gathering herbs and happens to know healing spells. Madara sucks up his pride, and wants to avoid detention, and asks for his help. Together, Hashirama heals the hippogriff while Madara goes to find it something to eat. They spend hours with the baby together, but they don’t know what to do with after. So Madara, in his 12 year old wisdom, decides to take it into the castle. Due to the sheer terror of his presence, he and Hashirama manage to keep it hidden between them for three days. When it eventually gets discovered, both boys get punished with a week-long detention and that’s the start of their friendship. They’re pretty inseparable after that and it’s comical, from a distance, to see a scowling Hufflepuff and a sunny Slytherin walking side by side. Not a lot of their interests overlap, but they’re both waaaay too into dueling, join the dueling club, and quickly rise to the top of their year until the other kids really don’t want to go up against either one.  
They’re each others first real friend. Madara is stubborn and, let’s be real socially obliviousness enough, that he sticks with Hashirama no matter how many barbed comments come from the Slytherins, Gryffindors, or anyone else. Madara’s terrifying reputation has no effect on Hashirama, his first serious interaction with Madara was seeing him near tears holding an injured baby hippogriff after all, so his prickly demeanor and scowls don’t faze Hashirama.
Third year starts and Tobirama and Izuna are placed. Tobirama in Ravenclaw, and Izuna joins Madara in Hufflepuff. Tobirama tried to argue with the hat to place him in Gryffindor to please Butsuma, but that’s not happening. Izuna, similarly dedicated to family, isn’t a surprise to Madara but freaks the school out that there’s a second Uchiha in Hufflepuff and expect him to be like Madara. Izuna’s not. He’s sweet and innocent, and a terrible little prankster who no one suspects or can hold a grudge against. He’s also a little jealous of Hashirama for taking up his brother’s time and starts to wage a cold war against him. Hashirama thinks Izuna is adorable and it’s cute that he loves Madara so much, but like hell Hashirama is giving up his BFF. Tobirama thinks his brother is being childish and questions why he’s even friends with Madara in the first place, given Madara’s reputation and the fact that he still gets into fights though not as often. Kaito pretends he doesn’t know them, and only hangs out with Madara at school when Izuna and Hashirama aren’t around. 
Fourth year starts, Yuuto, Reo, and Kawarama start their first year. Yuuto and Reo live up to the Uchiha name and are placed in Slytherin. They’re also Izuna on steroids when it comes to pranks, set up a prank business based on favors, and insert themselves as agents of chaos in the ongoing cold war between Hashirama and Izuna. They tell Hashirama it’s all about ‘house solidarity’ with matching sinister grins and Hashirama knows he’s walking into some ongoing sibling thing in the Uchiha family. Still, he accepts their help and in response Izuna ropes an unwilling Tobirama into his schemes. Madara is still oblivious. Kawarama also lives up to the Senju name and gets placed in Gryffindor. Ironically, he looks up to Kaito as one of the ‘best’ example of a Gryffindor, and starts to follow him around like a duckling. Kaito’s first pearl of wisdom is to avoid their brothers, unless they’re alone, or all together. 
Fifth year starts and Itama is the last Senju to enroll. He gets placed into Hufflepuff and is absolutely terrified of the two older Uchiha in his house. Hashirama tries for a week to rope him into his and Izuna’s war and Itama blanches at the idea of acting like a spy, despite Hashirama’s protests that it’s not spying per se, it’s just keeping a very close eye on Izuna so Hashirama can get a leg up. Itama joins Kaito and Kawarama in the camp of “this is not my problem to deal with” and feels better about it even though it still means dealing with (another) Uchiha. Tobirama desperately wishes he was part of that camp. It all comes to a head before the Yule Ball. (I know it’s a Tri-Wizard tournament thing, but I want to use it.) Tobirama, fed up of Hashirama needling him, tells him if he wants a guaranteed night of uninterrupted peace where Madara’s attention is fully on him, just ask him to the Ball, third-years can’t attend. Tobirama was being sarcastic, but Hashirama takes the idea and runs with it. Runs all the way to Madara to immediately ask him on the spot. Madara who’s with Izuna. Who says yes with only a little bluster and two high spots of color on his cheeks.     
Hashirama is ecstatic. He is over the moon and Tobirama is regretting every single life choice that brought him to this moment. Over the next month he bothers all of his brothers, ‘should I cut my hair?’ ‘which haircut looks better?’ ‘do I need to get new dress robes?’ ‘which style do you think Madara would like best?’ ‘how does this cologne smell?’ ‘which kind of breathmint smells better?’ He asks Tobirama the last one and gets met with a scathing look and a silencing hex that seals his mouth shut for the next two hours. Itama is still paralyzed at the thought of Madara so Kawarama ends up being the one Hashirama hounds the most. Kaito also gets dragged in as a ‘Madara expert’ bc he’s with Kawarama a lot. 
The night of the Yule Ball comes and Hashirama, with uncut hair, new robes and cologne, and the fanciest kind of ten varieties of breathmint, sets out for his totally-not-a-date. Only to met with Yuuto on the stairs who wishes him luck. Hashirama thanks him and Reo, standing behind him immediately knocks him out with a stunning spell. They strip him of his fancy robes, tie him up, and leave him in a closet. Outside Slytherin’s dungeon entrance, Izuna’s waiting impatiently. The twins appear with a flourish, Hashirama’s robes in Reo’s hand and a polyjuice in potion in Yuuto’s. Family special. When Hashirama asked his brother out on a date right in front of him, it was time for Izuna to get serious. Even if meant sucking up his pride and asking his younger brothers for help. Yuuto and Reo like Hashirama but the chance to rub this in Izuna’s face forever? Him being eternally in their debt? So worth it. 
Izuna takes the potion and clothes and meets up with Madara as “Hashirama”. He has one plan. Make Madara see how insufferable Hashirama is, so he stops spending every free moment with him and instead spends more time with his family. First he’s late and shrugs it off whenever Madara asks. They go to the Ball and “Hashirama” ignores Madara. Barely responds whenever he speaks or constantly interrupts him and talks over him. Dances with other people and the one time Madara mutters that he wouldn’t mind dancing, says he’s too tired and retreats to the snack table. Internally, Izuna feels equal parts thrilled and guilty. His plan is working perfectly, but he feels a bit bad he’s putting his brother through this, even though it’ll be better in the long run. He doesn’t even have to try and ignore him in the later half of the night, Madara sits by himself in a corner and won’t even look at or speak to “Hashirama.” They leave the Ball early and barely round two hallways, only the barest cover of ‘privacy’ before Madara whirls on him and starts yelling about how embarrassing and humiliating the entire experience was and why did he even ask him out if this was how he was going to act? Izuna sees the final nail in the coffin and and says he was confused and thought he liked Madara like that but decided he didn’t. He didn’t want to go to the Ball together, but he couldn’t think of a good way to tell Madara before. Izuna expects anger. Expects to see Madara’s infamous short temper and has prepared to flee with three distinct escape routes in mind in case his brother pulls out his wand. 
He doesn’t expect Madara’s face to collapse in devastation. Or worse for his eyes to turn shiny with tears before he spins and starts stalking away. Izuna realizes how bad he’s messed up and tries to stop Madara. But the infamous temper sparks now, and he’s barely touched his shoulder before Madara’s turning and slamming his fist into “Hashirama’s” face. Izuna drops, unused to the pain and with a choked snarl not to follow him, Madara flees. 
After a minute or two, Izuna picks himself up and dusts himself off. Only to immediately get shoved up against the stone walls as the real Hashirama comes flying around the corner, dressed in his undershirt and pants. He’s furious and for the first time in his life Izuna is actually scared of him. Hashirama demands to know where Madara is and what Izuna did. Izuna explains, in half-formed sentences, feeling like he’s about to cry. The more he says, the paler Hashirama gets until now he’s the one tearing up but his face is still twisted in rage. He yells at Izuna, how he would never do or say any of that, how important Madara is to him and how much he was looking forward to tonight. Izuna’s crying now, mumbling out apologies, and other partygoers are starting to happen upon them and see the very confusing sight of Senju Hashirama shoving Senju Hashirama up against a wall. 
Hashirama drops him and tells him to go back to his dorm while he takes off after Madara. There is a chance Madara went back to his dorm but it’s unlikely. He doesn’t like to be around people when he’s upset. Hashirama checks the owlery, he peers into the magical creatures’ enclosure, he’s considering going into the Forbidden Forest or trying to get on a broom to check the skies, when he spots the greenhouse’s door cracked open. He creeps closer and hears someone sniffling inside. Peering around the corner, he can barely make out Madara’s dark form. It’s only because he’s sitting under the moon lilies in Hashirama’s portioned off area of the greenhouse he can see him at all. 
Hashirama stumbles in as Madara looks up and yells at him to leave. Hashirama sees the tear tracks on Madara’s face and immediately starts sobbing himself. He moves closer despite Madara’s protests and eventually gets the full story out. Madara doesn’t yell at him to leave again and together they sit in silence under Hashirama’s moon lilies until he can’t take it and moves even closer, grabbing Madara’s hand. He doesn’t have his mints and his breath is still hitching from crying so hard, but he learns forward and kisses him. For one moment, Madara doesn’t respond and Hashirama thinks the night is going to get even worse before he finally reacts and kisses back. 
They’re curled together under the moon lilies until the sun rises and the flowers wilt. Both of them are exhausted, but neither wanted to leave and burst their little bubble of peace. It lasts until a harried professor walks into the greenhouse and spots them. When neither returned to the castle, Izuna panicked and thought they were hurt so he told a teacher and the entire staff has been searching for them for a better part of the night. 
Parents are called and there’s a conference. Tajima, Kou, and Butsuma can barely be in the same room together without wands or fists coming out. Soroko is sitting in the middle of it, trying to actually figure out why they were called in. Everything eventually comes out and Yuuto, Reo, and Izuna are punished for attacking another student, creating a polyjuice potion, and impersonating a student. Butsuma is torn between fury that three Uchiha attacked his son, and irritation that their ultimate goal, to separate Madara and Hashirama, failed.
And fail it did. If they were joined at the hip before, it’s nothing compared to now. The rest of their fifth year was a bit rocky with family dynamics. Izuna does apologize to both, but Madara’s disappointed and Hashirama’s not quick to forgive in this situation. Neither are happy with the twins either, but they were opportunistic rather than the masterminds. By the end of the year the worst has been smoothed over but Hashirama and Izuna still have an uneasy relationship. In groups, they’re fine, but it gets awkward fast if it’s just the two of them. 
Sixth year starts and Hashirama and Madara are officially dating. The extended Uchiha family mourn, it’s Tajima all over again, and the Senju have to reckon with an unlikely friendship becoming an unlikely romance. And hopefully it’s just a teenage fling, but with the way Hashirama talks about their future after school, each career choice changing depending on the month but always the two of them together worries the Senju. There’s an attempt to arrange an engagement between Hashirama and Uzumaki Mito, a Ravenclaw who transferred in their third year, but it falls apart quickly. 
Seventh year starts and those far off plans becomes reality as they pass their NEWTS and graduate. They spend a few years in a professional dueling league before eventually inheriting their fathers’ spots in the government. It’s a...bit awkward for the extended family bc they still hate each other but the heads of their houses are married and live together. In their spare time, Madara fosters and rehabilitates injured magical birds and Hashirama has a garden that is less of a garden and more of a forest with a lot of (illegal) magical plants. Tobirama is an arthimancer but dabbles in potions and he threatens to report his brother every week, but comes to collect rare ingredients because the shops never have the same quality. Izuna gets a respectable job in the Department of Mysteries, but moonlights as a diviner that reads people’s fortunes and scams them out of their money. Kaito has no interest in politics and is the only person in the history of hogwarts who wants to willingly teach history of magic. Kawarama becomes a defense lawyer in the wizengamont and is notorious for bringing up loopholes and obscure magical laws that haven’t been used since 1632. Yuuto and Reo open their prank shop...and low-key revive the wizard mafia. They always know someone, somewhere that somehow owes one of them a favor. They never get into politics and everyone, including the extended Uchiha family, are glad.
Misc. Facts about this AU
Kou’s abnormal power in this AU is that she cannot use a wand. She was taken wand shopping but all of them eventually...exploded. Kou’s magic reacted negatively with other magical focuses and she relies completely on wandless magic. Madara inherited that natural ability from her, but his magic doesn’t react negatively with his wand. It allows him to, at the height of his power, “double-cast” once with his wand and once wandless with only a slight split second delay between them. Meanwhile Hashirama has insane stamina and a weird ability where spells just...aren’t that effective against him. They work, but never seem to be at full strength. This is great for offensive spells, not great for defensive/healing ones. Hashirama’s own magic, however, reacts normally to his body.
Tajima and Butsuma are both politicians in the Ministry of Magic and their seats are the farthest apart in the room. They were rivals in school and it continues now. They even occasionally agree on policy decisions, they just hate each other. 
Madara loves flying but he was banned from the school quidditch team. Kou is a professional player and he tried some of her prohibited moves. Namely, jumping off his broom, to drop down and grab a bludger and hurl it at the enemy before recalling his broom. 
Hashirama has a fear of flying. He fell off a broom as a child and gets extremely nervous when his feet don’t touch the ground. He will fly with Madara, but his eyes are close the entire time and he’s clinging to Madara’s back.
Kaito and Kawarama are best friends. Not “best friends” like Hashirama and Madara’s love-struck romance or “best friends” like Izuna and Tobirama’s frenemy status, but actual good platonic friends. Kaito made the joke that Itama could make friends with the twins and then it’d all even out. Itama takes one look at those crazy two and bursts into tears. 
Itama eventually gets used to Madara. They both love magical creatures and Itama is forced to see him a lot after hours. Madara still terrifies him, but at least he treats the animals nicely. The other three Uchiha still terrify him. 
Mito transferred to Hogwarts in her third year. She’s a Ravenclaw and is friendly with the Senju, especially Hashirama and Tobirama. Hashirama is an endless source of amusement for her and Tobirama balances it out with interesting ideas. 
Madara has a falcon for his pet instead of an owl. He was told it wasn’t allowed and responded by saying the falcon’s name was Owl. Why can’t his Owl be allowed in school? The administration is not amused.
Soroko is the most normal and level-headed out of the Senju/Uchiha parents. She reaches out to Kou once it becomes obvious Hashirama is determined to keep Madara as his friend, despite Butsuma’s disapproval. Once they start dating Kou and Soroko start meeting regularly for tea and lunches. She also has a bit of a mischievous side and likes Yuuto and Reo best (polyjuice incident aside)
The Uchiha’s maternal muggle grandparents are still alive. They usually visit for at least two weeks every summer and there are hijinks. Tajima still can’t stand muggle newspapers and their non-moving pictures. He despises muggle cars and traffic jams and still doesn’t understand what a TV is, but can turn the channel and raise/lower the volume. However, he loves fountain pens and scandalized the entire Ministry by exclusively using them after his father-in-law got him a fancy engraved set. Kou’s parents take the invasion of magic into their space remarkably well. Madara dragged in god only knows how many freakish alien looking birds from a supposedly normal non-magical wood. Kaito, as a child, refused to go anywhere for more than a day or two without the talking portrait of great-great-great-great-great grandma Uchiha. Izuna was sweet as sugar, but insisted on trying to cast every charm he knew on their furniture and clothes to show them, despite Tajima and Kou’s repeated warnings about underage magic and not turning grandma and grandpa’s couch into a miniature version of itself. And Yuuto and Reo were causing trouble before they could walk. Countless times Kou’s parents had to tip-toe around booby-traps in their own house that would dump frogs on them, or politely put smuggled howlers at the bottom of the mail pile to deal with later. They are very patient people. Very.
Kiddo Breakdown
Hufflepuff  Interests - Dueling, Care of Magical Creatures (loves anything with feathers) Patronus - peregrine falcon Wand - red oak, phoenix feather, 12.5 inches, inflexible 
Slytherin Interests - Dueling, Herbology, Healing Spells Patronus - brown bear Wand - english oak, dragon heartstring, 12.5 inches, springy 
Gryffindor  Interests - DADA, History of Magic Patronus - canary Wand - pear, unicorn hair, 9 inches, pliable
Hufflepuff Interests - Charms, Divination Patronus - ferret Wand - rowan, unicorn hair, 10 inches, inflexible 
Ravenclaw Interests - Potions, Arithmancy Patronus - polar bear Wand - walnut, dragon heartstring, 9.5 inches, stiff
Slytherin  Interests - Potions, pranks, entrepreneurship  Patronus - coyote  Wand - sycamore, unicorn hair, 10 inches, springy 
Slytherin  Interests - Charms, pranks, entrepreneurship Patronus - jackal  Wand - sycamore, dragon heartstring, 10 inches, pliable 
Gryffindor Interests - Transfiguration, History of Magic Patronus - lynx  Wand - larch, phoenix feather, 9.5 inches, reasonably springy 
Hufflepuff Interests - Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy Patronus - rabbit Wand - willow, unicorn hair, 11 inches, unpliable  
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
Hi!! If its okay could i get Mondo, Sakura, Kazuichi, and Kaito with a short S/O (Think 4'11 to 5'0) who's the SHSL Florist? Bonus ponits if you you give me their reaction to their S/O giving them a large bouquet of flowers as a gift? NB pronouns if that's okay!
Mondo Oowada, Sakura Oogami, Kazuichi Souda, and Kaito Momota with Short SHSL Florist S/O
‘Bonus’! How cute is that :D /pos
Also also I use the word bumblebee bc once I thought of it I thought it was really cute. Bc get it?? They are small and also flowers yeah <3
Do I get ten points now? =D
-Mod Souda
Tumblr media
Mondo Oowada
He thinks you are like a little bumblebee.
So nice and small! Adorable.
Short jokes all the time.
He definitely thinks flowers are a little lame.
But is definitely impressed by your knowledge of them!
So when you pile together a purple toned bouquet, you’re honestly a little curious on how he would react.
Or if he would even react at all. Does he know to put them in water? Maybe these should be your flowers too.
The roar of the engine is a comfort noise. So when it abruptly stops outside, you can just feel how the butterflies hatch in your stomach.
So you travel to your almost garden in the guest room, picking up the bouquet. It still looks beautiful. That’s good. Admittedly, you do get quite impatient at times.
Ah, the front door! And his welcoming voice telling you he’s home. How nerve-wracking. Your whole plan has a lot of questionable details, but as long as the response isn’t negative then what’s the harm in showing him your love?
“Mondo!” You call out with a bubbly tone before walking down the hallway searching for where he might be.
Your boyfriend, who you are terribly unimpressed with, lays slumped on the couch, tired from the heat. 
Again, you speak, interrupting his decline into sleep. “I made you these!”
He opens one of his eyes. “You got me flowers?”
A bit of heat crosses your cheeks, and you squeeze them harder. “I thought maybe you would like them.”
“Of course I fucking like ‘em,” he says while sitting up. His think fingers brush against yours when he takes them from you. “These are some cute ass flowers.”
Cute ass flowers. How romantic!
Sakura Oogami
She can give you piggy back sides whenever you want and likes to carry you around.
Definitely lets you put flowers in her hair.
Flowers in her hair sounds so cute I am crying.
A part of her actually is jealous of your talent. She wants to know everything about flower patterns, too.
And so she listens every time you explain things.
You pick together the pinkest flowers you can, trying to make it as aesthetically pleasing as you can rather than focusing on intent.
A few white roses find themselves in the batch, too.
The shop around you is cold. The layers of warm clothes aren’t going to help you when you go outside.
But the flowers always need special things that are not convenient for you.
While you contemplate whether or not you can leave clothes here, the bells attached to the door ring out.
A customer! Or maybe Sakura is here to bring you lunch. 
You pop your tiny head towards the main shop, looking left and right. 
She holds a styrofoam box in her hand, holding god knows what meal. 
Horrible for the environment, by the way, how embarrassing.
“Sakura!” You exclaim. And then it surprises you. You got so excited over something as simple as seeing her.
Even in the way your heart pounds at her soft eyes.
“I brought you a meal,” she says. You dip into the back room, and she follows your lead.
But before she comes through the door, you offer her the flowers, almost shoving them into her face. “Flowers!”
“Flowers... What a thoughtful gift, thank you very much.”
She looks nothing more than flattered. Her face usually sports a content look, often a light flush on her face, so seeing her smiling so wide feels special. 
“Oh,” you snap yourself out of your admiring gaze, “and thank you so much for the food!”
Kazuichi Souda
Kazuichi is definitely the sexiest man alive when he’s working on a car. His jumper will be tied around his waist, his hair slicked back.
He never wears his beanie when he’s working. It’s probably the best thing about him.
I just wanted to get that out of my system.
You like to surprise him whenever he’s working. Even though he doesn’t mind the work, you’re sure he’d have a better time being together with you.
The optimism is definitely appreciated.
Especially when it’s easy to scare him. You’re tiny and he gets over concentration. Just sneaking under the car and grabbing his ankle is your favorite.
But for Valentine Day, you didn’t want to be cruel like that. 
So while puffing your cheeks, you hop on downstairs, carrying a bouquet of different shades of yellow flowers. A few pink ones are thrown in for his hair. 
And so you approach him, trying your best to shrink yourself even shorter.
You don’t even know what he’s doing. What do cars need when they get fixed? A new engine? Something about a gas tank? You have no clue.
But whatever it is, it takes a lot of hard work.
And it’s your job to distract him.
You are almost an arms distance away until, and it scares the shit out of you, he immediately turned around screams as loud as he can.
The flowers run too close to slipping from your fingers. God, that was about to be the worst day of your entire life.
Before anger can crack through your demeanor, the sense of humor the both of you have came back. So you started laughing, placing a weary hand to your chest.
You were laughing because you noticed his hands holding a plastic container of sweets. 
“Ah, you nut head!” You call out. “I got you flowers!”
“Why did you get me something? You were supposed to come and scare me!”
Kaito Momota
You hum underneath your breathe while you pick together the best array of flowers you can. Purples and dark colors, just for him.
The moon shines through the school’s window. With the dorms downstairs, every night has became a game of who is going to catch you this time?
Every night you’ve been sneaking up to the garden, trying to raise these flowers just for this occasion.
For the last few months, all you’ve ever wanted was to be with Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!
And now is your time to impress him! The flowers are all ready!
You wrap them together in green tape. The trembling of your hands makes the job quite difficult. And then the white ribbon to top it all off, but you have to take a deep breath while wrapping it.
There’s no backing out of this.
The fight to continue raged on while you walk upstairs, going up the many of them. It gives you time to think.
To think about how much you love him.
Horribly sickening how much you love him. His positive outlook on life motivates you all the time. If you ever feel like giving up, you just remind yourself that Kaito Momota wouldn’t want you to!
The door to the roof is unlocked, as you assumed. No - as you knew. You’ve watched him climb up here every day when he first interrupted your gardening. “I’ll be up on the roof whenever you need me, I tend to go every night.”
You never forgot about it.
Pulling open the door comes with a click. A pang of anxiety rings through you. But why? Should you really be sneaking if your intention is for him to notice you?
He lays on his jacket, arms behind his head and one of his feet crossed over his knee. And he pipes up when he sees you.
“Bumblebee! It took you long enough.”
The flowers in your hands don’t even cross his mind until after he stands up. There’s a nervous blankness as your expression. 
When he steps closer, he can even see the way your pupils dilate. “Are these flowers for me?”
It feels as if your words are trapped inside your mouth. He’s actually in front of you, towering, and flattered. So you shove the flowers against his chest.
Your body feels like it’s in front of a fire.
“I grew them for you. And I tried to make it look like space, you know? With all the dark colors.” You whisper. 
He smirks with satisfaction that only he could portray. To say he is proud is an understatement. You have always been obvious about your interest in him. It was just a matter of when you would gain the confidence to make a move. That’s why he invited you to join him on the roof all those months ago.
Still, he looks a bit smug. But that doesn’t last long, as his face falls to contentment as he turns back around. “Come, come.” He beckons.
You follow him up to his jacket, where he places the flowers down. His eyes are cast upwards, at the sky. You follow his gaze.
How can he gaze up for hours? It’s almost unbelievable. 
You sigh. “Can you explain to me - woah!” 
His arms grip onto your thighs as he lifts you up. The lack of struggle terrifies you, in more than being in the air.
“Kaito, what are you doing?” 
“Look up at space! Tell me what colors you see.”
A small noise escapes your lips. You relax a bit, accepting your position while placing your hands on his shoulders.
What colors? There are a lot. Not exactly the purple you thought it was. Maybe a dark blue, light blue, too. 
You haven’t thought about what color space is.
“Blue.” Is the only word you let yourself say.
He lets you down slowly. “Blue is a good answer. I’d like to think space is every color - Eh? Why are you looking at me like that?”
You blink, once... and maybe a dozen more times. “No reason, I just like you.”
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Danganronpa soulmate au. Shuichi Saihara
Ok, this one is light, fluffy and a bit dumb. I like it nonetheless. Hope you do too!
Soulmate AU, where on your 16th birthday you get your soulmates name written on your wrist.
You were excited. Today at 2 am, presumably the hour you were born at, you would turn sixteen. You already celebrated your birthday with all of your friends and family and it was fantastic! The gifts were unwrapped and you absolutely loved `em! There was only one thing left though.
Your soulmate`s name.
That`s why you weren`t asleep. You insisted that you want to be awake when the name shows up. Your family didn`t argue, understanding how important it was for you. They went to sleep and you stayed at the kitchen, reading f/b and drinking f/d. From time to time, you looked at the clock and “awed” when it wasn`t the time yet.
‘Come on! Can`t you ran faster, time?’ you exclaimed in your thoughts. For oblivious reasons you couldn`t do it out loud.
You kept waiting impatiently and finally it was 2 o`clock. The book was put aside, the f/d was long forgotten. You raised your arm to the face level, feeling tingling sensation from the letters appearing on your skin.
A smile appeared on your face.
Such a beautiful name. You felt it on your tongue and your smile widened. You liked it.
The last few days you spent trying to find your soulmate. It proved to be more difficult than you originally thought. Like any smart person you decided to start with social networks. Everyone nowadays have social network, right? Right. Anyway, you`ve been spamming everyone with a name “Shuichi”, wondering if they had “Y/n” on they wrist.
So far no one did.
It saddened you a bit, but you had no intentions to give up. You must find the love of your life no matter what!
A week passed by. No success. You started to grow nervous, honestly.
Did you miss one “Shuichi”?
Was he one of the people who didn`t use social networks?
No, that`s ridiculous! Unless…
‘What if he`s still a kid? It would explain it. But how much I need to wait?’ you gulped “Or… or he can be nonexistent yet! Right, my aunt met her soulmate when she was 33 and her soulmate, my uncle, were only 16. I mean, I can try to date someone `till he grows up… no, it sounds wrong. Argh!”
You were struggling mentally. Then you got a message from your friend.
“Hey, n/n! How`s your searching goin`? Found your man already?”
You sighed and wrote back “Nah. Starting to think he`s a toddler(“
“Oh, man. Maybe he`s just don`t likes social networks tho. Did you think about it?”
“F/n, stooop! It can`t be it!”
“You can`t know for sure. Maybe he was a target for bullying of some toxic easily-offended bitches for one reason or another and deleted himself from everywhere for safety reasons?”
“It doesn`t make things better for me.”
“Sis, listen here. Years ago, people didn`t even have Internet to help `em and guess what? They somehow found their soulmates. So stop being a dumb-dumb and go get yo boy!”
“Wow, such a great speech you have. But thanks! I think I know what to do.”
“Shudup, it was a great speech! Now go!”
You turned off your phone and smiled to yourself. F/n was right, you could find your soulmate even without Internet’s help. And you would do it.
You were running late to the meeting. It was a very-very important meeting. Still somehow you were late, because you got lost. Somehow. You were feeling guilty though.
You saw a school your friend told you about and sped up. Only when you reached the entrance you stopped running. You walked up to the boy waiting outside, trying to regain your breath on the go. You felt nervous, but also very happy.
Just an hour ago F/n wrote to you the good news – they found your soulmate.
How? Well, turned out your friend`s friend Kazuichi knew Kaito, who was friends with Shuichi Saihara, who was searching for someone named “Y/n” for a while. F/n found out this through conversation with Kazuichi and immediately notified you.
And here you were.
“Sorry for being late” you apologized, smiling sheepishly.
“It`s n-nothing, really! You`re here what`s more important” he replied.
You examined him. He was a bit on feminine side, which you didn`t mind. Not that you liked “manly boys” anyway. He had long lashes, soft-looking hair and adorable cowlick at the top of his head. His hazel eyes were looking at you both shyly and gently.
You fell in love on the first sight.
“Em, so can I see your wrist? Just to be sure” Shuichi asked you.
You nodded enthusiastically and showed him. A sweet little smile appeared on his face when he read his name. His cheeks reddened a bit when he looked up on you. He then pulled down his sleeve and showed you his wrist where it was written “Y/n”.
You giggled in delight, the sound of it made the boy blush more intensively.
“You sound c-cute” he said shyly. After saying that he immediately raised his hand to his head as if he wanted to pull down a cap or a hat to cover his eyes in embarrassment. He didn`t have one though, so he just covered his face with his hand instead.
You adored this guy more and more with each passing second.
“Says the one who is truly cute”.
It made poor boy even more flustered, but he managed to say a quiet “thank you”.
“So how come I couldn`t find you in any social network, Shuichi?” you decided to ask. The question really bothered you.
“You couldn’t? There`s no way. Maybe you overlooked me… unless…” he seemed to be thinking about something. Then he groaned “Damn you, Oma!”
“What`s this?”
“About a month ago, someone I know hacked my accounts and messed with them. He changed the names as well. It must be why you couldn`t find me, after all I couldn’t get access to them for a while”.
“Oh, that explains it”.
“Em… actually, I wanted to ask you the same thing”.
You looked at him confused.
“Why couldn`t I find you, Y/n?”
You started to think about it. Indeed, how was this possible?
Then a realization struck you.
“We-ell, you see… I actually didn`t realize I have a fake name on every account of mine and that such a thing can make me unfindable too, he-he…”
“You had a fake name all along and didn`t pay it any attention?” the boy exclaimed in disbelief.
“…yes” you muttered feeling ashamed of yourself.
Shuichi fell silent for a moment. The next thing you heard was his laugh. Your heart started beating faster and you felt yourself melt from such an angelic noise.
You started laughing as well.
Life was great.
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shifuto · 4 years
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Both Yuma and Astral are into morning sex. They were not sure when that started but they got hooked real quick. Since Astral got his human body, one of the things he enjoyed the most was sleeping, because he was able to dream and he really liked the restful feeling in his body after he just woke up. And he loved being woken up by Yuma inside of him the most...
Series: Yugioh Zexal Rating: Explicit Pairings: Keyshipping [Yuma x Astral] Additional tags/warnings: Somnophilia (consensual), fluff (!!!), sleepy sex, outercourse, hot-dogging, human AU, possible sequel to this?, adult characters
Yuma was usually the one to wake up first because he had his research classes and also because he was sort of working under Kaito and co. He would always kiss Astral’s forehead before going and Astral would always reply, somehow, in his asleep state: a smile, a shake of his head, even reaching out to Yuma’s arms or clothes and, sometimes he would moan faintly ー and that was one of the things that would drive Yuma nuts ー but he would contain himself and touch Astral no further since he was unconscious.
One day though, doing the exact same thing and getting that same sweet sigh out of his lover’s lips, Yuma dared to act on. He was in no rush to leave after his duties for the morning were all cancelled at that time.
“Astral... Hey, Astral,” Yuma tries to nudge him a little bit, Astral was kind of a heavy sleeper, even more early in the morning, even more if he was having a good time inside of his mind ー which looked like the case, seeing how he was smiling so brightly after Yuma kissed him.
“Hey... if you don’t wake up, I’m going to make you wake up... come on...” Yuma continues, crawling back to the bed and removing his clothes. Then removing Astral’s shirt with ease, since his body felt so fluid and offered no resistance to his touch whatsoever.
“Astral... please... wake up...” Yuma begs, while kissing the other’s torso and making his way up. As a response, Astral wiggles, still smiling and still asleep, now making Yuma sighs impatient. He takes some time kissing and nibbling Astral’s neck and then he gently pecks his chin, tilting it up, still trying to wake him up.
“Yu...ma...” Astral whispers between moans, but he was still out of it, eyes closed. His dick growing hard and touching the other’s stomach from under his pants. Yuma clicks his tongue and reaches for their lower half, keeping his eyes on Astral, to any signs of him waking up, and set their dicks free.
“Ah... Yu... Yuma...” another whisper out of Astral’s mouth and Yuma starts moving, while straddling him. His body covering Astral’s, his mouth running through whatever parts he could reach, but cautious, contained and not restraining Astral in any way. And the asleep man’s hands started roaming around until they found his lover’s arms, as if Astral were trying to figure out where Yuma was. He then moves around a bit and end up lying on his stomach - at that point, Yuma already have stopped moving and touching him and was looking curious as to what Astral was doing... which got him wide-eyed.
“Yu... ma... plea... se...” the taller man started push his butt against Yuma’s erection.
Yuma just froze in place. That was all so unusual and incredible hot and yet, he felt like he could go no further than what he already was doing ー his guilty conscience already beating him up for “assaulting” an asleep person ー and Astral insists and moans, making Yuma question if he was even sleeping or if he was just pretending, but he realized all that was very out-of-character for Astral, who was normally collected and never really beg Yuma for anything.
“Ok... alright... you can scold me later and we never do this again.” Yuma rests his forehead in Astral’s back for a while and let out a defeated sigh. He position his cock between the other’s butt cheeks and starts moving again, the tip hitting the other’s balls and making him moan with each thrust. Astral’s cock was in a somewhat weird position, facing backwards, but it was easier to jerk it off in the mattress under them, without any of them having to touch it, and it would not hurt him with their body weights either.
At some point, Astral finally wakes up, and he smiles again when listening Yuma’s moans and at how considerate he was taking things: moving slowly, controlled, kissing and licking Astral’s back, breathing hot air in his nape, between gasps.
“I wanted you inside actually...” Astral whispers, holding a chuckle.
“Astral?!” Yuma stops, surprised, “since whenー”
”Just woke up,” Astral smiles turning his head to face Yuma, “I was kind of conscious since I turned around... actually I thought I was dreaming... I’m not sure... but I felt really good...”
“I’m sorry Iー”
”You don’t need to apologize, I... I kind of wanted to try this... but I was not sure if it was possible.”
“Of course it is but... it is wrong!” Yuma says, guilt showing all over his face. Astral notices and push his hips against him, “Astral, please we can’tー”
“Make me cum, Yuma.” Astral urges him, letting a lewd moan when Yuma thrusts back and suck the skin in his neck, “I don’t care if it’s wrong, I want this... I want you.”
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Neji x OC “Opal Eyes”
Neji x OC [Chapter 3/?] “Team Anko”
WC: 875 words
Naruto fanfiction
Anko stood before the fenced-in training zone known as “The Forest of Death”. She had been honored to be chosen as the proctor of the second exam of this year’s Chuunin Exams. Even if the fun part was mostly over. All there was left now was for her to make her way to the tower and wait for the Genin’s to arrive with their scrolls. Well, at least she had time for lunch.
The forest seemed to shudder, like a living organism shivering with the breath of wind that flowed through it’s canopy. Birds scattered, scared off by the occasional scream heard through the trees.
“Ahh... don’t you just love the sound of blood curdling screams in the afternoon?” Anko asked her subordinate.
“I usually try to start my afternoons with a nice tea? Maybe read a book?” Tadashi rolled her eyes as she handed Anko the package she had been sent to pick up.
“Boring,” Anko said, opening the box, she eagerly plucked out the first stick of dumplings on top. “Where are your teammates?”
“Picking up your red bean soup,” Tadashi crossed her arms, a vein in her forehead twitching from irritation. “Anko-sensei! Bringing you your lunch does not count as a mission!”
“Sorry Kiddo,” Anko apologized around a mouthful of dumping, “You know we’re grounded until the end of the Chuunin Exams,”
“No, you’re grounded until the end of the Chuunin exams. Not we,” 
“Aww but Shiko,” Anko winked at her student and asked, “Who would bring me my dumplings?”
Tadashi frowned, rubbing the bridge of her nose in frustration. “Kami have mercy,”
Another scream, more like a pained wail, sounded from the forest.
“Kami have mercy indeed,” Anko laughed darkly. “Do you know anyone taking the exam?” 
“I... have a team I’m rooting for, yeah,” Tadashi helped herself to a stick of dumplings.
“Team Gai,” she said, taking a bite of the sweet, chewy dessert. “I was in the Academy with them,” 
“Well, Gai is a tough teacher. And don’t they have that Hyuga kid on their team? Didn’t he beat you out for last year’s Number One Rookie?” Anko laughed loudly, and Tadashi knew it was at her expense. 
Tadashi coughed, a lump of dumping going down the wrong way.
“Don’t remind me,” she said.
“What? That kid like your rival or something?” Anko joked, amused by Tadashi’s reaction.
“More like just a major pain in my ass,” Tadashi sighed. “It’s his teammate Tenten I’m worried about,” though she really wasn’t worried for either of them. Tadashi knew that every member of Team Gai were excellent shinobi. If Tenten got through this level of the exams-and Tadashi was confident she would-then Neji and Lee would have to be right there with her.
“Anko-sensei!” A call came from across the field. It was Kaito, at least Anko thought it was. From this distance the identical brothers were impossible to tell apart. Hell, for the first six months of their training she had forced them to wear different coloured headbands. Not to mention that Kekkei-Genkai of theirs. Sometimes it just wasn’t possible for her to tell who was speaking.
“Hey you two,” Tadashi greeted as the two missing members of their team approached.
“Did you guys bring my red bean soup?” Anko asked. She squealed in delight when Kaito handed her the container.
“Sorry it took so long, went to that place across town you like,” Kaito explained.
“Oi, Anko-sensei,” one brother asked, crossing his arms. She knew, at least, that this voice belonged to Kyo-constantly more brash and straightforward than his counterpart. “When are we gunna go on a real mission?” 
Tadashi smirked, thankful that she wasn’t the only one feeling stir-crazy.
“What Kyo is trying to say is, don’t you think there could be more productive use of our time?” Kaito took over, the more diplomatic of the two.
“No, I think I was just trying to say I’m bored...”
“Jeeze you kids are so impatient,” Anko said, taking a sip of her soup. “If you’re so bored why don’t you go up to the Hokage’s office and fill out your mission reports. You are Chuunin after all,” she mocked with a laugh that belonged to a cartoon villainess.
Tadashi groaned, shoulders slumping. Kyo mirrored her expression exactly, the two of them grumbling at each other in disapproval. Kaito remained ever respectful.
“If you get all the reports done by the end of the second exam, I’ll treat the three of you to Hotpot,” Anko said with a wink. 
Tadashi immediately perked up. So did Kyo. 
“Yes!” Kyo jumped up, an excited fire suddenly lit his eyes. He reached out, taking Tadashi’s hand, he spun her in a dance-like twirl that made her giggle. 
“Well,” Anko couldn’t help but grin at her students. Even if she gave them a hard time, she really was very fond of them. Anko reached out to ruffle Kaito’s orange hair. He ducked, flattening it down after the mess she had made.
 “I’ll see you in five days, my adorable underlings,” she said, shooing them off. “Go,” she ordered.
A quick ‘See you,’ from each of her students and they were off.
“Now it’s just you and me,” Anko said to her boxed lunch. 
This little cut-scene is meant to take place directly after Naruto’s Chuunin Exam groups enter the Forest of Death. When she discover’s Orochimaru has infiltrated the Chuunin Exams, she’s thankful that she sent her team to the Hokage’s office!
I always loved Anko when I first watched-probably because the purple haired girls gotta stick together. Hope you enjoy! We’re slowly pulling some personality out of these characters of mine. More to come next chapter! 😉
-Aris 💖
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takonei · 4 years
Beta AU - Main story, Chapter 2, daily life (Part 3)
Note of the author: To write is to suffer.
Also a week ago I had a test where I had to do a 70 word max commentary on something and that reminded me of the fact that I reached 20k words with this, and I’m not even done with chapter 2 smh
Chapter 2: The wolf and the lamb - Daily life
Day 7 since the beginning of the game. 7:00 AM.
Just like a few days ago, Shuichi couldn’t sleep well due to the upcoming event and what happened te day before. He stared at the ceiling for what felt like an eternity before deciding to get dressed and perhaps join those who have already woken up.
When he finally got out of his bedroom, he saw Miu going out as well. He caught up to her.
She almost jumped at his presence. “Don’t lurk on me like that, jeez...”
That was absolutely not the case but none of them were in the mood for bickering. They walked to the dining hall in silence.
After a while Miu mumbled in a very low voice: “I’m sorry for yesterday.”
Shuichi took a while to think about a correct response. “Just make sure to talk to Kiyo about this.” She nodded.
There were surprisingly more people than expected. Kirumi, Keebo, Kokichi and Korekiyo were there.
“Good morning.” Korekiyo said, looking at the two.
“Good morning...” Shuichi responded. “No one was able to sleep, huh?”
“This morning will be stressful for all of us, it’s normal.” Rantaro’s voice was heard as he entered the room, his hands full of tablets. Ryoma was behind him with a part of the tablets as well.
They put the tablets on the table. Shuichi and Miu helped them sort the kubs pads by group. The rest of them arrived one by one to eat their breakfast.
The morning announcement rang and the only people not there were Kaito and Himiko, which was weird considering Himiko’s energetic nature and Kaito was not exactly lazy.
About 15 minutes after, everybody was there. None of them really knew if they were impatient or didn’t want to see their videos.
They separated to make sure no one would hear other videos. After watching the videos, they were ordered to go back to the dining hall.
Shuichi’s group went to his lab, Rantaro’s group to his lab, Kirumi’s group to her lab and Kaede’s group to her lab.
There weren’t any chairs in Shuichi’s lab, so they sat on the floor to make sure everyone could watch.
Shuichi asked if any of them wanted to watch their video first.
“Me. If you guys don’t mind.” Miu said, the regret in her voice.
After making sure he took the right one, he put it down for the others to watch.
Miu Iruma’s motive video What is your motive!?
Miu took a deep breath. She was faintly shaking.
“Who’s the most important person in *your* life? And now without further ado...”
A picture appeared on the screen.
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The kid was not older than 4 or 5 years old.
Shuichi glanced at her. her eyes were red and he could see tears form in her eyes.
“Miu Iruma, the ultimate Street artist...
Famous all around the country for her *marvelous* fluorescent paintings in the streets.
Contrary to popular belief, she wasn’t seeking fame and fortune. Her goal was to protect the only person she truly cherishes, her adopted son.”
Shuichi took a deep breath. He hoped the other videos don’t make them as emotional.
“Our team has managed to get in contact and talk to him. He misses his dear mother terribly, what kind of kid wouldn’t after all? Let’s hear the poor, lonely child’s cry for help then!”
That was just sadism at this point. No wonder Miu completely snapped after watching this. She had a hand on her mouth, holding herself back from breaking into tears.
The kid, “Kaz” as she called him, appeared on the screen, sitting on a couch. Miu closed her eyes and faced the ground.
“I don’t understand what’s happening but I believe in mom! I know she can do this! Don’t ever give up! Mom is the strongest mom I’ve ever known, I’m sure no matter what happens, she'll be able to surpass it, I love you mom!”
Kaito pat her back in confort. It was hard for them to watch this, but they couldn’t even begin to imagine how she felt.
Monokuma’s voice continued. “He believes in his mother more than anyone else. Will Miu be able to gather enough strength for him?
Ah, yes... One more thing...
Shortly after our discussion, that brat suffered an unfortunate accident.”
The others frowned.
“What kinda accident? It’s a secret! Find out for yourself. Puhuhuhuhu...”
The screen went black. Miu was clenching to her stomach. She wanted to scream.
Kiyo was most likely thinking about something to calm her down. He set the tablet aside. “We can pause for a moment if you need some time.”
She took a deep breath. A shaky breath. “Don’t- Don’t worry about me. Continue if you want to.”
Kiyo didn’t back down. “The others will understand if we spend more time in this room than we intended at first.”
She nodded, looking at the ground. About five minutes later she had calmed down enough to start another video.
“Is anyone volunteering to watch their video?” Kiyo asked.
“I... I think I can handle it.” Kaito said. He was unsure, but so was the rest of the group.
“Alright. I’m turning on the tablet.”
Once again, the screen lightened up to show the video.
Kaito Momota’s motive video What is your motive!?
Kaito took a deep breath. He was trying to hide his nervousness, but it really showed on his face.
“Who’s the most important person in *your* life? And now without further ado...”
The picture had Kaito with a motorcycle and a gold medal, with his grandparents proudly smiling at their grandson.
“Kaito Momota, the Ultimate Biker...
While he is possibly one of the most loyal member of the biker gang he considers his second family, how could you possibly forget his real one?”
Kaito clenched his fists, but said nothing.
“Thaaaaat’s right! He gave a major part of the money he earned to his own grandparents. How adorable!
I mean his parents couldn’t even do the job of taking care of their own son, yet same son takes care of his grandparents. How ironic!
... Or not.”
Kaito’s expression was unreadable.
“What kind of son would abandon his family while an unfortunate event is affecting them in the worst ways possible?
What happened, you may ask? Find out for yourself! Puhuhuhu!”
The screen went black.
There was a short silence that felt like an eternity.
Shuichi was hesitant, but he spoke first. “You okay...?”
Kaito took a deep breath and exhaled. “I’m fine. We can talk about this later, let’s just move on.”
Kiyo raised an eyebrow an stared at him to get at least a glimpse of emotion. He sighed.
“Shuichi, do you wish to see your video now or do you want me to go first?”
He nodded. “Let’s just get this over with.”
He didn’t tell the others about the feeling that something would go wrong very soon. But he couldn’t say anything. After all Kaito and Miu already showed their videos, that would be unfair for them to stop there.
Shuichi Saihara’s motive video What is your motive!?
“Who’s the most important person in *your* life? And now without further ado...”
Shuichi took a deep breath.
A picture of a middle aged man, a young woman about 20 years old and Shuichi himself appeared. He recognized them as his uncle and his cousin.
“Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Violinist...
He has made his own reputation thanks to his parents, ironic considering the fact that the the boy probably saw them less times than I saw dead bodies in a killing game.”
Shuichi winced.
“Since those ‘2popular4you’ idiots weren’t capable of taking care of a single person they left the poor child to his uncle, who took care of him like his own son. Such a nice family, right?”
A wave of nostalgia hit Shuichi. The time spent with them between concerts, the games he used to play with his cousin...
“But all good things come to an end! Those two got taken away in an unfortunate accident.
But what kind of incident? It’s for you to find out!”
The screen turned off. Shuichi was lost in thoughts. He wanted to say that he would get them back no matter the cost but yesterday’s experience made him reconsider his words. Perhaps that’s what Kaito was thinking too after he watched his own video.
He didn’t realize how long he’s been thinking until Korekiyo put a hand on his shoulder.
“Are you okay?”
“Ah- Yes, I’m fine. Just... Nostalgic.”
He faintly heard Miu say “I get you.”
Kaito looked at Shuichi with unease. Like he wanted to say something to reassure him but didn’t find the words to do so.
Korekiyo took the last tablet in his hands. “I guess it’s finally my turn.”
He took a deep breath and turned the tablet on.
Korekiyo Shinguji’s motive video What is your motive!?
“Who’s the most important person in *your* life? And now without further ado...”
The picture featured him and a young woman a bit older than him.
“Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Therapist...
Able to help people et through the worst traumas the world could inflict. A genius dedicated to heal psychological scars...
Even for his own sister who had sunken into insanity before his precious help. He dedicated his entire life to help poor traumatized sister.”
Kiyo was completely silent and unreadable, it was almost scary.
“She was already borderline psychotic without her sweet brother, but now that he disappeared... Puhuhuhuh! I can only imagine the consequences!
But the wild lady didn’t enjoy her brother’s absence very long due to an accident. But what accident? See after graduation!”
The last video was over. Kiyo retrieved the rest of the tablets. “Before you ask me, i’m fine. Seeing the rest of your videos prepared me for mine.”
He stood up. “Once again, if any of you need anything, I’ll be here.”
Shuichi stood up as well. “You sure? I don’t think that’s very healthy to put the sake of everyone else on your shoulders, even for you...”
He shook his head. “I can assure you I’ll be fine. I will talk to you if it’s necessary, since that’s what this group is for.”
Miu and Kaito joined them. “So... Should we go to the dining hall?”
Shuichi nodded. But Kiyo looked at Miu. “You two go without us, I need to talk to Miu first.”
Miu gave them a weak thumbs-up, leaving the two boys.
As they were walking, Shuichi turned to Kaito. “You heard Kiyo... If you need any help he or I can talk to you. We’re in the same boat, right?”
The biker turned to him, then smiled. “Alright bro. We’re the ‘our parents are garbage and decent people in the family took care of us’ gang, right?” He extended his fist.
Shuichi chuckled and fist bumped Kaito. “Hehe, kinda...”
After seconds of silence Shuichi was still nervous. “Do you think the others are okay?”
Kaito scratched the back of his neck. “Well I hope so... Can’t guarantee anything though.”
They reached the dining hall to see both Kirumi and Kaede’s groups. However Rantaro’s group was still absent.
They were all more or less neutral, or hiding their expressions. Kaede, however, didn’t look well. Maki was patting her back in comfort. But judging by the silence of the room, now was not the time.
Kirumi raised an eyebrow. “Where is the rest of your group?”
A voice came from behind them. “Right here.”
It was Kiyo, with Miu. They looked around and noticed Rantaro’s group’s absence as well. “I see that Rantaro, Kokichi and Himiko did not return.
Keebo looked puzzled. “I don’t really get it, they were 3 and yet they’re the last group to come.”
Kirumi crossed her arms. “Our group was the first to come, and we were only 3. Tsumugi, you said your group watched the videos all at once almost without pausing.”
She turned to Shuichi. “I assume that’s not your case?” her eyes were fixed on his’ like he was her prey.
“Y-Yes, Kiyo suggested to take a breath between the videos.”
Talking about Miu’s reaction was a bad idea, for now.
They waited the last group five minutes before they entered the dining hall. Rantaro looked nervous, Himiko was trying to hide her distress and Kokichi’s eyes were almost as red as Miu’s when they finished her video.
Kiyo hesitated for a moment but spoke anyway. “If any of you need support or therapy sessions I’ll be available. However I cannot force you. Just consider the offer available anytime.”
Kokichi nodded. Rantaro weakly smiled. “Thanks a lot, Kiyo. Your help is more than welcome.”
Shuichi exhaled a breath. But he couldn’t stop feeling nervous. What did those three even see in those videos?
Maki lifted her head. “And now? Is there anything we should do about the videos or-”
“Oh, I know!!” a high pitched voice was heard.
Monokuma popped up out of nowhere as usual.
“Sheesh, you guys were slow watching those videos, I almost wanted to break in those binge-watch sessions. Waiting was bor-”
“Get to the point already.” Rantaro ordered.
The bear laughed. “Puhuhuhuhu! I’m glad you said so!”
He jumped on the table to make sure everyone was listening.
“Watching you guys cooperate to fight despair was interesting, really! Which is why it gave me an idea... For a new motive!”
Shuichi’s eyes widened. “What?”
“You heard me, music-boy! You guys talk so much about cooperating and helping each other, it gave me a splendid idea!”
“Let me present you... The accomplice perk!”
The others looked at him nervously. No one liked where this was going.
“Here are the rules. The next blackened, if they manage to get away with their crime, will be able to take one person with them, and they will graduate together!”
This was the last thing they needed. They had just watched their videos. They knew each other’s secrets. Monokuma knew they were watching the videos. Without realizing it, they all fell into a trap they hadn’t anticipated. 
“Now do what you want with this, I just want a crime with an accomplice or something. I haven’t seen these in decades!” He disappeared, leaving everyone to themselves.
“Well fuck.” Kaito broke the silence.
“No human language can describe the disappointment I'm feeling right now.” Kiyo added, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Shuichi turned to Ryoma. He was reading something on his monopad. After a few seconds he left the room with one of the tablets, presumably his own.
“Where are you going exactly?” Kirumi asked. Ryoma didn’t give an answer. The others were confused.
They heard glass shattering, an object thrown to the ground and stepped on. Shuichi and Rantaro rushed to the kitchen and saw Ryoma, his kubs pad on the ground, shattered to pieces. He looked at them with the most neutral expression possible. “Mind giving me a hand?”
Rantaro raised an eyebrow. “You’re planning on destroying all the tablets?”
Ryoma took the large pieces off the ground. “It’s not against the school rules. We watched the videos. No need for them anymore.”
Rantaro narrowed his eyes. “At least let’s discuss it with everyone.”
They returned to the dining hall to see the others confused. “I was already planning to do this before Monokuma’s second motive. Now is just another reason to do so.”
“H-Hold on! We can’t just destroy them like that!” Miu exclaimed.
“The sooner, the better. I smashed my own tablet. Feel free to do so as well.”
Shuichi was hesitant. “What if... We want to keep at least a souvenir of the people on it? To at least give us some strength to continue...” he trailed off when he saw Kokichi walking off to the kitchen and coming back with about several sharp knives. He proceeded to destroy his tablet without a word as the others were watching. Himiko kept her gaze on the ground.
“Do what you want with your tablets, but I’m not watching this again.”
Shuichi could read a small bit of satisfaction on his face.
Kirumi took hers and did the same. “I get that some of you hold some people close to your heart, but some of us aren’t that lucky.”
Tsumugi destroyed her tablet as well. “It’s for the best.”
Shuichi looked at his reflection on the black screen. He didn’t want to forget them. He really didn’t.
Rantaro spoke up. “Miu, Angie, you two are quite skilled in the field of art, right?”
Miu nodded. Angie kept swinging her legs under the table. “Yup! Yup! Let me guess, you want us to recreate their portraits so we can destroy the tablets anyway?”
“Yes. We’ll have to do without their voices. It’s just to make sure no one watches someone else’s video outside of the groups.”
She hummed for a few seconds. “I’m okay with this, but first!”
She stood up, put the tablet on her chair and smashed it with the giant paintbrush she carries at all times. The tablet was almost perfectly broken in half.
“Done! If you need my help to create something for you, just ask!” she said almost too cheerily for someone who just destroyed the last connection she had with the outside world.
But Shuichi was more surprised to see Kiyo destroying his tablet. From what the video said, he didn’t hate his sister from the look of things. But he shouldn’t assume how he was feeling.
Rantaro himself put his tablet on the ground. He made a quick salute. “So long, partners.” he smashed the tablet several times to make sure it didn’t work anymore.
“It looks like half of us already destroyed their tablets. It’s a good start. I know this won’t solve everything but if we can get them out of the way that would be better.” he added.
To everyone’s surprise, Kaede threw the tablet on the floor to destroy it.
“I... I miss my family. I really do. But...”
She looked at the rest of the group with a newly found confidence. “I don’t want it to make me do things I’ll regret. So if destroying these will help us move forward... Then so be it.”
Rantaro sighed in relief. Maki looked at her, surprised by her -friend-’s words, but she was not mad.
Keebo smiled. “The I’ll take care of it as well.” about ten seconds later, his tablet was no more.
There were now 5 kubs pads intact: Kaito’s, Miu’s, Himiko’s, Maki’s and Shuichi’s. They all looked at each other. The peer pressure was growing, and Shuichi was holding onto his tablet more and more tightly.
Rantaro approached him. “Hey, we suggested the idea of at least keeping the portraits. You don’t have to feel pressured into destroying the tablet right now.”
Shuichi smiled. “Thank you. I just... Think I need a reminder of why I’m fighting against this killing game. So if Miu can make at least a sketch of my family portrait that would be really nice.” He looked at her with a genuine smile. Her eyes widened for a few seconds before smiling back.
“Alright, if any of you wants some family portrait, I’ll be in my lab for the rest of the day making them.”
Rantaro smiled at her. “Thank you for your service Miu.” He turned to the rest of the group.
“I’ll go with them to make sure everything goes smoothly. If any of you need Kiyo’s help or advice, don’t hesitate to ask him. I’m counting on you all to maintain this group together.”
He turned to the ones with their tablets still intact. “Miu, Kaito, Himiko, Maki and Shuichi, we’ll go to Miu’s lab for the portraits.”
“Oh! Oh! May I join??” Angie raised her hand.
Miu chuckled. “Alright, Twinkle! Show me what you got!”
They left to the street artist’s lab. Shuichi didn’t feel good going back after... The previous incident, but he didn’t have a choice. He looked at Miu, she was chatting with Rantaro. At least she looked better than after watching her motive video.
He noticed Himiko being rather silent. He decided to start the conversation. “You okay?”
The small girl lifted her head. “Oh, don’t worry! I’m just worried about... You know...”
“Your family?” he finished. But she shook her head.
“No, I’m worried about Kokichi.”
Shuichi didn’t expect this. “Oh... Right...”
“I know he isn’t a bad person... I just know it... But he is so convinced that he is I just... Don’t know what to say to him.”
Shuichi had absolutely no idea on what was on his video. He wasn’t in the right to ask, and Himiko was certainly not in the right to tell him about it.
“I don’t really know that much about him but...” he put a hand on her shoulder. “Stay by his side. It’s easy to tell he likes you, you know?”
Her eyes widened. “Really?”
He hummed. “I talked to him the other day, he doesn’t really get why you like him so much, but he doesn’t complain. I guess he is just very shy and anxious?”
Himiko clenched her fists, but more in a determined manner than an angry one. “Then I’ll help him overcome it! I know he wants to better himself, so I’ll help him!”
Shuichi smiled and ruffled her hair. “You’re a good person Himiko. I’m glad he has someone like you to help him.”
She wiped a small tear in the corner of her eye. “Oh! I’ll ask Angie to add him on my family picture!”
Shuichi chuckled. “Also, try to encourage him to seek out help to Kiyo if he hasn’t already. We have the Ultimate therapist with us. That’s quite convenient.”
She hummed. “I will!”
They arrived at Miu’s lab. Angie turned to Miu. “Soooo how do we split the work?”
Miu clicked her tongue. “Depends on how they want to stylise the portrait. Either something fancy with you, or something modern with me.”
Himiko jumped. “Angie! Can you do mine?”
She smiled. “Of course!”
They shared the work. Miu would work on the family portraits of Shuichi, Kaito and herself.
Angie took Himiko and Maki with her.
The rest of the morning was spent finding ideas. Angie may not have her lab open, but Miu had enough materials to make the portraits.
Kirumi brought them lunch so the girls wouldn’t loose their focus.
Miu’s group brought paint to Shuichi’s lab to do her work. Shuichi had gathered several music sheets and after taping them on the wall, Miu used them as a canvas.
Shuichi was very impressed by the final result. It was easy to see that Miu put her whole heart and soul into it.
“So? How’s that for you?” she proudly asked.
Shuichi felt tears in the corner of his eyes. “It’s really impressive. Thanks a lot, Miu. I’m really glad you accepted to do this for me. That means a lot.”
She looked at her with a weak smile. “Don’t sweat it. I can only get what it’s like to miss your family.”
Shuichi looked at the portrait for a good thirty seconds. Thankfully Kaito and Miu didn’t say anything.
“I think we should move on. Let’s just find something to smash this thing.” he broke the silence.
After destroying the tablet they saw Angie working on an impressive portrait with its frame, all made using origami. Rantaro was observing, since he didn’t have the necessary skills to help.
Then went on Kaito’s family portrait. Surprisingly he didn’t want something too different from reality, so Miu simply made a reproduction of the picture offered by the kubs pad.
Angie, Himiko, Rantaro and Maki left for the latter’s lab.
Kirumi had come to clean up the broken tablets. When asked where she was even putting them, she said Ryoma could use some of the components with some tools from the warehouse, but that it was fine since there was no possibility to recover the parts containing the videos specifically, or just being able to watch any video at all.
She had stayed to watch Miu paint a part of the giant walls. The portrait of her son was astonishing. If Shuichi’s family portrait was wonderful, hers was simply divine.
Kirumi had just assumed it was her little brother, so Kaito and Shuichi went along with it since it was easier to explain.
By the time they were finished, it was about 6 PM. Kirumi also took the broken pieces of Maki’s tablet.
The evening came, and everyone felt definitely better than they were at the beginning of the day after Monokuma announced the second motive. After all, all of the tablets were destroyed, which lifted the anxiety the majority was feeling.
After dinner, Shuichi, Kaito and Rantaro went outside to talk.
They were mostly relieved that Miu had managed to calm down. Kiyo even told them that she would get a therapy session the next day after the morning announcement and breakfast.
However Rantaro felt off.
“Is something wrong?” Shuichi asked.
He lifted his head to look at him. “Oh, nothing. I’m just a bit anxious about what Monokuma will come up with next. To make sure everyone gets along is a challenge here.”
He chuckled. “Even back on the front lines we cooperated more. But that doesn’t really matter now.”
Kaito smiled. “Hey, it’s not the best situation, but we can manage! Look at us today, we managed to open up even more!”
He extended his fist. “We’re doing good, so let’s just continue sticking with each other. Man’s promise?”
Rantaro laughed. “Whatever you call it. Man’s promise.” he extended his fist as well.
Shuichi was a bit nervous, but did so anyway. “Yeah. Man’s promise as you say.”
They left to go back to the dorms, but Shuichi decided to go to his lab for a while, to look at his family portrait one last time.
Even after hours it was still eye candy to him. She really had managed to capture their essence, and even his passion for violin with the music sheets used as a canvas.
After a few minutes he left his lab.
Just when he was about to go to his room he noticed Kaede, visibly nervous, leaving her room.
“You okay?” he asked.
She almost jumped. “Yes, don’t worry about me I’ll just... Go write on my notebook. It helps me relax.”
Shuichi was almost not convinced. “If you say so... Just don’t wander too much in the hallways, alright?”
She smiled. “Of course! It’s only to clear my mind. Those times have been quite stressful, you know?”
He nodded. “I know... But how can you be inspired in times like these?”
She chuckled. “You know, sometimes it’s less about inspiration and more about a way to mentally escape this cage. A sparrow may be nothing but a prey to a man, but it will fly further than the man will ever be able to.”
Shuichi smiled. “That’s a nice way of thinking.”
“Oh well, maybe I’m just rambling. See you tomorrow!” She left.
Hopefully tomorrow would be fine.
Day 8 since the beginning of the game. 7:30 AM.
Shuichi woke up feeling rested. He felt the worry slowly fading away, and more and more determined to end the game.
After dressing up he walked to the dining hall, only to see that no one was there. He couldn’t even ask himself why he was alone when he heard it.
The cursed music, and the voice he resented more than anything.
“Ding dong, dong ding!”
“A body has been discovered!”
“Everyone, please gather at the library!”
Shuichi froze.
He didn’t even think. He rushed to the basement, only to see Kirumi, Rantaro, Kiyo and Ryoma looking at the table that he could not see because of the pile of books.
He slowly approached them. That’s when he saw it.
On one of the chairs rested the inanimate body...
... Of Kaede Akamatsu, the Ultimate writer.
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bowcrazy · 5 years
Tsurune Flower Analysis—Kaito and Nanao
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エゾギク (Ezogiku)/矢車菊 (Yagurumagiku) (JPN)
Kaito’s flowers are admittedly a bit of a puzzle just judging by appearance as they can either look like asters (specifically Matsumoto blue/pink tipped white asters, a breed of China asters!) or cornflowers.
With asters, the hanakotoba for the blue variety are ‘trust’ and ‘I trust you but I’m also worried’ and the pink variety means ‘pleasant dreams’. For the pink ones, I personally have some trouble connecting ‘sweet/pleasant dreams’ to Kaito, apart from the short moment in chapter 5 (part 1) of the second novel (currently untranslated) that described him as having a ‘sleeping face that looked like that of an angel’. If anyone has better ideas, I’d love to hear them! We see a lot more blue than there is pink on the spread, but a lot of that has to do with Kaito having strong connections to ‘trust’ in itself. Nanao mentions that Kaito, in contrast to his rough exterior, truly wants to be part of and trust his team; it just takes a while since it comes as a challenge for Kaito to be sure of a person. Kaito isn’t one to hold back and says as much towards Minato at first, though he thankfully softened up after trusting him as a teammate. But as for the second meaning, ‘I trust you but I’m also worried’, the moments I’d relate to this vary with the novel and anime though both happen in the same event—the prefectural tournament. In the anime, because Masa-san is unable to be with them, Kaito tells them to remember his teachings, yet Minato tells them not to overthink while shooting. Kaito becomes angry as he doesn’t understand what Minato is getting at, but he ultimately decides to trust him. In the novel, Kaito gets upset by Minato hiding the pain in his wrist, which he took to mean that Minato didn’t trust him or the team enough to tell them until they had to find out themselves. In both instances, he’d already warmed up and trusted Minato but was worried that same trust wasn’t reciprocated.
Hanakotoba for cornflowers doesn’t differentiate on colors, but they have an overall meaning of ‘sensitivity’, ‘refinement’, ‘training’, and ‘trust’ (fun fact: cornflowers are called 矢車菊/yaguruma giku in jp, which literally translates to ‘arrow wheel chrysanthemum’ due to the petals looking like an arrow wheel). I do think these also apply pretty well to Kaito! I’ve already discussed ‘trust’ above so I’ll just quickly talk about the other three here, starting with ‘sensitivity’. We all know Kaito is much softer than he lets on and is quite sensitive to how others (especially those he cares about) react to him or the state of the team (though admittedly not in as wide a range as Nanao’s). ‘Refinement’ and ‘training’ I feel can be put together and attributed to Kaito’s drive to refine his technique in kyuudou—his intense zeal can trip him up sometimes, but it’s the thought that counts.
Aster/Cornflower (Western)
Besides being present in multiple European myths, asters symbolize patience, love of variety, elegance, daintiness, and afterthought (or the wish that something had happened differently), while blue asters symbolize stability, depth, and faith. It’s hard to imagine anyone meant any connection with daintiness or elegance, and Kaito seems pretty by the book, so I doubt ‘love of variety’ connects much to him either. Patience is also a bit of a stretch given how impatient he was to master the bow turn despite Masa-san telling him it would have to be developed over years of practice. Afterthought/the wish that something had happened differently is interesting in regards to the prefectural tournament, given how frustrated he was with himself for his mistakes. Faith was already touched on above with ‘trust’, and stability and depth speak to his character and development.
Cornflowers are significant to Germany, France, Estonia, Finland, and Sweden, usually in regards to military endeavors. They also symbolize wealth, prosperity, fortune, friendship, celibacy, anticipation, delicacy, perfection, and refinement. Friendship obviously relates to Kaito learning how to be friends with the rest of the team. Anticipation could also refer to his fascination with the bow turn, as well as his general drive to improve and succeed individually and as a team along with ‘perfection’ and ‘refinement’.
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金木犀/Kinmokusei (JPN)
Kinmokusei, or the Orange Osmanthus, has the flower meaning of “Noble Person” and “Truth” in Japanese. Nanao is a very honest person, with himself and with the people around him. He doesn’t deny his reasons for doing anything even if he believes they’re shallow, like with joining kyuudou, because he’d prefer the truth rather than to mask them with sugarcoated words or actions. He doesn’t hide his character in any fancy names or backgrounds. Others could see him as a playboy for hitting on practically every cute girl he sees, but that’s because it’s in his character. The majority of girls love him, maybe for his looks, but also because despite being slightly flirtatious, he’s very kind and honest. Nobility could also refer to his role as the ‘princely’ character.
Similarly to Seiya, Nanao’s most meaningful actions throughout the series are for the sake of other people. He joined kyudo with the excuse about hakama, yet he reveals to Minato that he did so to help Kaito become more comfortable with other people—and for the competitive side of him not wanting to lose to his cousin. He also tries his best to entertain his fangirls, even if he sometimes gets tired of it.
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Nanao is a very noble person when you consider his true intentions from his actions and his feelings. He’s honest and unselfish, and he would put his friends and the people he cares about first and foremost. As lax as his character can be, he doesn’t let his feelings get the best of him and forms a peaceful and logical way of handling things.
Osmanthus (Western)
Osmanthus, also known as Fragrant Olive, are small orange flowers that grow in clusters. They are known for their exquisite fragrance, as their Greek name suggests (osma meaning fragrant and anthos meaning flower). Most species originate from eastern Asia, and most of the folklore and meanings are specific to China. They are used to symbolize love, romance, and faithfulness. Osmanthus are associated with many lunar legends in China and the Moon Festival, held in September, is also sometimes called the Osmanthus Festival.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any English floriography for osmanthus, and the Chinese meanings don’t specifically speak to Nanao’s character besides symbolizing love and being very attention-grabbing.
sources under the cut
Kaito (JPN) (1, 2, 3)
Kaito (Western) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
Nanao (JPN) (1)
Nanao (Western) (1, 2, 3, 4)
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unnamedcrane · 5 years
Am I still myself, anymore? (ch.1!)
Am I still myself, anymore?
Instead of being 12 and writing my first fanfic, I'm nearing my senior year and writing my first fanfic so pray for me guys.
Anyway original idea belongs to CRUSIFIXdroid on wattpad and this fanfic is my "spin" on her story "It all started by one single tear" (https://my.w.tt/YGeqGzeENY) which you should absolutely check out! But keep in mind that it has major spoilers for danganronpa v3.
Oh and just like original this is also x Rantaro x mastermind Kokichi fic and has lots of spoilers.
Hope you enjoy my mediocre writing and if you have any questions or advice I would be more than happy to hear it!
(also don’t be surprised if I change the title sometime in the future)
Chapter 1 "New Danganronpa"
I woke up confused in dark,confined space. 
“where the hell am I?” 
Was my immediate thought. After stumbling around a little, I fell out of what appeared to be school locker.
 “Ow what the actual fuck?!” I was starting to get annoyed by everything that was going on. Ignoring that feeling I tried to keep my cool by dusting off my school uniform and patting my brown hair down. 
 As soon as I started to think about how could I even get here, locker right next to the one I was in a second ago began to shake violently and suddenly this prick Rantaro Amami fell out.
“oh hey Nanako-chan, glad to see you he-” Before he could finish I cut him off and glared. 
 “Okay cut the bullshit Amami I really don’t want to deal with your crap right now, If you would kindly shut the fuck up and just find a way out of this shithole that’d be sweet.” I send him the fakest smile I could muster in the moment
Just when I was about to leave the classroom we were in, he walked up and towered over me. 
 “or what?”
 he pierced me with his light green eyes. I scoffed and pushed him aside.
 “oh please… we’ve been over this before fuck boy, but I guess you never learn huh? Whatever I’m done talking to you anyway, asshole.”
 I turned around and glanced at him while leaving the classroom “I hopefully won’t have to see your pathetic ass ever again.”
Rantaro was always such a fucking bother. After winning Danganronpa he just started to think that he owns everyone, seriously how pathetic can you be? He and everyone else in that little group of his just think that they’re the hottest shit, and it’s sad honestly.
After leaving classroom A, I started to walk down the corridor in the direction of something that looked like a big cage. Unfortunately I didn't see any way to get inside. I went further down into another hall. I then saw some kind of eating area and passageway with two doors. 
I also noticed my “best friend” - Kokichi Ouma.
” Oh Kokichi! Fancy seeing you here.” 
He turned around seemingly scared “N-Nanako?” he stuttered in quiet voice.
“How nice that you didn’t forget your “best friend” weeb. And here I thought that you were completely hopeless. Anyway, I don’t care what you and that fuckboy Amami are doing here but do you know where the exit is, twerp?” I said in a condescending tone 
Kokichi is...was my best friend some time ago,but it doesn’t matter to me anymore. Everything has changed after “That” and no one will stop me in achieving my goal, especially not him. He left me then so it’s only right for me to leave him too.
I tapped my foot impatiently while glaring at him.
 “Well? I don’t have all the time in the world weeb”. 
He snapped his big violet eyes back to mine “U-um I really don’t know anything either… I’m extremely sorry Nanako, but why Rantaro is here?” he said meekly. 
Good. He should be sorry.
“You’re very lucky that I’m busy right now. And maybe you should ask Mr. Fuckboy yourself huh? You’re both the bestest of friends aren’t you?” 
That was sarcasm of course. Rantaro always was the one to bully kids in our grade even before me.
“I-I’m sorry that I asked I shouldn’t have… b-but! I saw other people from our old school heading towards the gym…”
“How nice of you to finally say something useful twerp, but later I’ll make sure to remind you why you should just stay in your place.”
I came up to him the same way Amami did to me earlier. He shivered and tried to hide behind his hair
 “Hopefully I won’t have to see you again today you pitiful twat”. I smirked.
I let him go and continued to walk down the corridor. I usually don’t think about our encounters like this one, but there was something odd about him today. He seemed more jittery and less scared than normal which was unusual especially for him. By the time I started to speculate what could be the reason for that, I reached the gym.
 I opened big doors to reveal all my classmates from middle and primary schools. Most of them looked scared or perplexed by the situation. 
“Okay is this some fucked up reunion, because really I could spend my time way better than meeting ...well all of you weebs, full offense”. 
Some of them were shocked by my outburst, but there were a few that were just angry. I didn’t really care about them, I just needed to get out of here.
 “Who are you calling a weeb you...weeb!” Kaito Momota yelled. He never was the smartest kid in our class but seriously even he could come up with something better.
“Oh damn Momota you’re a real brainiac aren’t you?” Before he could speak up again I continued “Well anyway is there anyone actually intelligent here or is it only you morons?” 
Abruptly the door opened behind me and Rantaro came in with Kokichi just behind him. He was even more jittery now. Does he know why we are here? 
“Fourteen...hmm… do any of you saw anyone else?” he asked.
”W-why..?” Kokichi asked with hint of excitement to his voice.
“Well only two more “students” and there is going to be sixteen of us and that can mean only one thing.” 
It suddenly clicked. 
Does that mean that I was chosen? “You mean that we got into Danganronpa, don’t you fucker?” 
Everyone were either bewildered or excited. “That’s right princess.” He winked at me.
 While everyone was trying to wrap their heads around it and some of them even started talking about what ultimate they’re hoping to have, our two missing students showed up.
Shuichi Saihara more sweaty than usual and our bitch queen Kaede Akamatsu. 
Suddenly everything went black and we heard unmistakable high pitched voice of black and white bear “Testing..testing...Hello,howdy it’s your favorite plush bear host Monokuma!”
I smiled to myself. 
Well let this killing game officially begin. 
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How about the drv3 boys reactions to seeing their s/o in a sexy costume, please and thank you
Ohhhh yeah, you know the good stuff, my dear.
Hands off, this is my favourite prompt so far.
I might’ve made it a little more nsfw-ish than anyone expected but... Who actually cares lol
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~Mod Junko
(Slight NSFW warning!)
Rantaro Amami
He doesn't really care about this whole halloween thing.
After going every year with his sisters to make sure nothing bad happens to them, he's kinda sick of it.
He told you a few weeks ago that he's not gonna do anything for it, except buying some candies to not make kids sad (and save the house, probably).
You said you're okay with it.
So he doesn't suspects anything when you call him on halloween day and ask if he could come and help you.
You are having a bunch of troubles with school things and his help would be really helpful.
Right before he arrives at your place, he receives a text from you to go straight in – doors are open. You also claimed you are waiting for him in your bedroom.
When he walks into the house, he accidentally trips over something, making some noise.
"Rantaro, is it you? You okay?"
Oh, you're worried about him, how sweet.
"Yeah, just fell over. I'm coming right now!"
All he hears in respond is your giggle.
It doesn't take him much time to find out why.
When he walks into your room, the first thing he notices is you.
Sitting on your desk.
Dressed up in regular feminine school uniform.
Except the skirt barely cover your hips.
And like half of the buttons are unbuttoned, allowing him to see a lot of your corps.
"Oh, you are not late, Amami sensei" you say with a slight smirk "That's good. I was getting worried our lesson won't be done".
He doesn't respond. Actually, he doesn't do anything.
Except starring at you with undescribable emotion in his eyes.
You are about to get worried you disappointed him or something, but then he reaches out his hand to the door and locks them.
"First off, I'm gonna teach you how a good student should act like. We'll start with punishing you for sitting on the desk"
In fact, you aren't able to sit on anything for a few hours afterwards.
He loves the idea of halloween!
Seeing so many people giving candies to all those kids in adorable costumes is really amazing to him.
Even if he doesn't get yet how has this begun.
It's a big shame for him that his armor makes him unable to wear any disguise.
But he can't wait to see yours!
You seem to be working hard on it and his excitment gets bigger every day.
So when you call him one afternoon and say you've finished your costume, he's almost literally flying to your house to see you in it.
He reaches for the handle, but you open the door before he does.
At the first sight, he has to admit you look really cute, but... why are you cosplaying Kirumi?
And then he looks more careful.
And notices the dress barely reaches your tights.
And there's a collar with a leash attached to it on your neck.
Also you're wearing cat ear and tail.
Kiibo.exe has stopped working.
You open your mouth to say something, but he turns off due to overheating before you do.
You try to turn him back on, but after a few times, when he overheats again after seeing your costume, you say "screw it" and go change yourself first.
He's flustered for the rest of the day.
And makes sure to avoid Kirumi for some time, too.
Kokichi Ōma
His organisation and him are in the middle of planning halloween pranks, when he gets a message from you.
“Come here quickly, I need your help. S/o”
It confuses him a bit, but also worries.
He texts you with question about your situation.
And when after couple of minutes you haven't answered.
He drops everything and rushes to your house, afraid that something bad has happened to you.
The lights in your house are turned off.
Except one room – the living room.
He walks into the building and calls you by your name.
All he hears is some rumbling and curses.
Luckily, the voice clearly belongs to you, so he enters the room much calmer than before.
"What's wrong, s/o cha-.."
He sees you.
He walks out.
Slaps his face a few times to make sure this is not a dream.
Then comes back in.
But the sight didn't change.
You're standing in front of him.
Wearing a goddamn nun's costume.
And the habit is definently pretty damn short.
He's sure he can almost see your underwear.
Ok, he's flustered.
"S/o what-..."
"Hello, my dear" you say with unusual calm in your voice "Do you have a moment to talk about panta, our God and savior?"
This is way too much absurd for him.
He bursts out laughing and it doesn't take much time until you join him.
"So, do you like my costume?" you ask him after you two chill down.
"Nishishi, it's amazing, s/o chan~. But there's one thing I'd fix"
You stare at him with confuse, but right then your eyes go wide as Kokichi grabs your habit and tries to pull it up.
"It would look waaay better on the floor~"
Ryoma Hoshi
He has got this feeling.
You've been acting very suspicious.
Smirking under your nose when you hid something in the closet.
He acts like he doesn't know what's going on.
But, in fact, he's aware you're planning something.
He doesn't check the stuff you've hid because he doesn't want to destroy the surprise and disappoint you.
One day you ask him to go buy some sweets for kids.
There's something strange in your eyes and he knows there's another reason why you want him to go.
So he agrees.
He makes sure to walk aconisingly slow, knowing you are probably dying of impatience at home.
It's his little revenge for keeping him really interested the whole time.
But he finally makes it home.
He opens the door and steps in, when he feels something under his feet.
This thing comes to be a nice pair of handcuffs.
"Ohhh, whoops, I accidentally dropped them. Could you give them back?" He looks up to you.
But his sight is restricted by the fabric of quite short skirt.
It takes him a few seconds to realise he's almost starring at your underwear, so he quickly takes a step back.
Now he can fully see you.
Disguised as a policewoman.
With shirt unbuttoned and cravat loosen.
Damn, you even have a nightstick.
"S/o, you are giving me prison flashbacks" he mumbles, but with a slight smirk on his face.
You shrug with an innocent face.
"Oh, really? I had no idea"
But he has.
He has an idea about how this night is going to end like.
Korekiyo Shinguji
Fate really must hate him.
To get ill a few days before halloween; a day when he can observe humanity doing their best in becoming even more interesting because of the effort they put in the preparations of their disguise...
Terrible shame.
Your heart is in pieces when you see him like this; lying on the bed, covered with several blankets, with disappointment all on his face.
Now it is your duty to make him feel better.
A few days before halloween, he notices you go out shopping intiguingly often.
He asks you about it, but you always shuffle it away, talking about buying supplies of sweets.
He's not too eager to trust this most likely little lie of yours, but he acts like he believes you.
On the halloween day, he doesn't take a step away from the window, admiring the view of decorations and kids hurrying from house to house.
He gets up only to get something to drink.
That's when he feels a slight tap on his shoulder.
"My, my, we have such a naughty patient here, don't we?" He turns back with confusion in his eyes.
Just to see you in front of him.
Dressed up in very, very short nurse dress.
"It's not good to disobey orders of the person who's taking care of you, you know, mister Shinguji?"
He's never known it before.
He's never known calling him "mister Shinguji" would turn him on.
Until now.
But you seem to be in charge for control.
"I see. So, as I suppose, the punishment is inevitable, dear s/o?"
The smirk on your face as you push him back on the bed explains everything.
Shuichi Saihara
You've been hiding your costume for weeks.
Whenever he wanted to know how it looks like, you refused, saying it's a surprise.
He knows he could find it out, using his detective skills.
But he doesn't want to destroy all your effort in keeping that away from him.
So he waits patiently until the Halloween.
When the big day comes and you call him into the bedroom, the excitment of his goes wild.
He opens the door, looks at you and shuts the door immediately.
His face is so red it's hard to imagine.
His pure mind has expected something usual, like a magician or zombie, or stuff like this.
And you did.
You've decided to wear a very tempting witch costume.
He gulps, trying to calm himself down.
The fact he hears you giggling on the other side of the door is not helping.
But he hopes things can't get worse now.
This little piece of hope dies when he looks down at his pants and notices how your appearence affected him.
Oh shit.
Gonta Gokuhara
He's been thinking you won't tell him, if he asked about your costume.
So it surprised him a lot when you agreed to reveal the secret.
You only said this is going to be familiar to his hobbies and he will like it.
Now he can't wait to see it.
He's sure you will wear a cute costume of a butterfly or other cute bug!
Boy, he's so wrong...
On the halloween evening he walks into your room, asking if he could see your disguise already.
The second he sees you he forgets how to talk and think properly.
What... what are you wearing...
This is a bee costume, but it's not cute.
Good lord, it's definently not cute.
A costume which uncovers like half of the body is not cute.
It's an inappropriate sight for a gentleman.
He covers his red face with his hands.
He's so flustered no words can describe it.
To make things worse, you've got closer to him and asked with "innocent" voice what's wrong.
He turns away, mumbling something about gentleman who mustn't see such a sinful sight.
You only giggle in respond and pat his back.
Kaito Momota
Ladies, gentlemen and others, the biggest baby is here.
He won't let it go.
It seems like if he doesn't bug you about showing him your costume at least once per five minutes the world is gonna explode.
Luckily you are patient enough to not allow him to see it before halloween.
Repeating over and over again to him that waiting will be worth it.
Curiosity is killing him from inside, but somehow he makes it to halloween.
Of course he's wearing a costume of motherdamning astronaut.
He waits for you in the hall.
But then you call him.
And realisation hits him.
Now he can see your costume.
Half of the second later he's bursting through the door with a grin.
Then he flips over when he notices you.
Lying on the bed.
Wearing absolutely seductive alien costume.
You smirk at him and pat the mattres next to you.
"Hello, brave astronaut. I think I got lost in the space, mind if I ride your rocket ship?"
At this moment you've bought him.
He's all yours.
And don't you dare to think this night will end soon.
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gunpowderfics · 7 years
Caught In The Way You Got Me - Chapter 1
Warnings: None Rating: T+ Pairing: Momota Kaito/Ouma Kokichi Other: Pretend Relationship AU
Summary:  Kokichi is approached by a ridiculously tall, yet intriguing, stranger who asks him to be his boyfriend in order to allude some girl who won't take no for an answer.
Note: My partner Vince got me sucked into oumota hell and has also inspired me to try my hand at writing fanfiction again and so I present whatever this is gonna turn out to be. I didn't expect to be writing a fake boyfriend AU but when inspiration strikes you gotta grab it by the horns and ride it out.Constructive criticism and feedback is always encouraged!
“Hey, you. Can you pretend to be my boyfriend?”
“Haha, excuse me, what? ”
Kokichi scans his eyes over the ridiculously tall person standing in front of him, drinking in every last detail. They weren’t too bad to look at, he supposes. Broad shoulders, average build, a very nice jawline that he can easily see himself running his fingers along if this was any other situation. Even their goatee and weirdly spiked hair doesn’t disway him too much. The one arm out of the leather jacket might, but he’s bored and the other seems like they’ll be q good time. And the subtle hint of desperation under their optimistic smile draws him in.
“Just pretend to be my boyfriend.”
“Hmm, I dunno. Who even are you?”
“I.. seriously? Kaito Momota? Legendary of the Stars?”
He curls his hand to examine his fingers, twists his wrist, spreads his fingers out, and wiggles hem a bit before looking this Kaito person in the eye as best as he can considering their height difference. “Mmm, yeah, I’ve never heard of you.”
“I..” Kaito shakes his head. “Whatever. That doesn’t matter. I just need you to play boyfriend for a bit.” He pauses, and Kokichi can see the desperation starting to blossom. It’s a good look on him. “Please?”
He shrugs before crossing his arms. “I dunno, seems kinda boring . Why would I want to pretend to be your boyfriend?”
Kaito glances away towards the crowd before looking back at Kokichi, the desperation now tinting those lilac eyes. “Cus I’m Kaito Momota!”
“I just told you, silly, I haven’t even heard of you.”
“Look, please, just help a guy out would ya?” He tries to smile at him, but Kokichi can see the emotions he’s trying to hide so easily. The desperation now mixes with irritation, impatience, and he can’t help but want to see more of it.
“Fine, fine. This party was starting to get dull anyway. But you’ve gotta pay me.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yup! We can discuss payment afterwards~” And with that, Kokichi takes Kaito’s hand in his and revels at how tense the other gets. Oh? Perhaps he doesn’t actually swing that way. How interesting!
Just at that moment, a girl with above average looks comes bouncing up to them, a playful smile on her pink-tinted lips, eyes starry with optimism dancing in her eyes as she gazes at Kaito like he’s the best thing since sliced bread. All illusion and fantasy drops the second she sees them holding hands. Kokichi enjoys the way her lip curls slightly at the sight of them, how quickly the romantic vulnerability her aura was oozing mere seconds ago is quickly blocked up by a wall of cold, disapproving ice.
“Oh.” Her tone is flat. “I guess you weren't lying.”
Kaito’s smile can almost crack under how much he’s forcing it, Kokichi notes with glee. “Haha yup! This here is my boyfriend. My very adorable boyfriend with whom I have a very serious, committed, closed relationship.”
Kokichi let’s go of his hand and wraps his arms around Kaito’s waist, snuggling his face against his side. He can hear the other’s breath hitch and it sends a delighted shiver down his spine. “Isn’t Kaito, likes, totes adorbs? He’s such a snack. I’m sooo lucky to have snagged such a catch~!”
“Yeah..” The girl’s brows crease as she frowns. “Completely lucky.”
Kaito let’s out a sigh of relief. “So are you and your friends gonna leave me alone then?”
“I guess.” She chews at her lip, causing some of her lipstick to come off. “But, like, there’s no way you’re just into guys right? I can't believe theKaito Momota is gay .”
With his ear pressed against his side, Kokichi can hear the other’s heartbeat quicken. Ah, the sweet melody of a novice liar.
Kaito laughs and drops his arm around the smaller boy, pulling him in closer to his side. “Haha yup! Kaito Momota, lover of the stars and men.”
“I don't believe you.”
He falters. Panic is a good look on him. “What?”
The girl repeats herself. “You heard me. I don't believe you. And I won't until you kiss him.”
Kaito chokes. Kokichi rolls his eyes. “Jeez you’re so persistent aren't you? Why can't you take no for an answer and, like, stop trying to ruin our relationship? But fiiine we’ll perform a kiss for you so you can go back to your little vulture friends and go try to pick on another nice, vulnerable hot guy, riiight Kaito-chan~?” He starts snaking his hand up the other’s chest, enjoying the hammering of his heart against his palm, the tightness of his muscles. There’s no way the other wants to kiss him.
“Y-yeah. Right.”
It’s very natural, however, the way Kaito leans down so it’s easier for him to wrap his arms around his neck, and for a brief second he’s impressed not only by the courtesy but by the other’s acting as well. Despite the words from earlier sounding too forced, this feels much different, and a pool of fear and anxiety collects in Kokichi’s stomach before he pushes it away, closes the gap between them, and smashes his lips against the other’s.
They’re warm, and soft, and the weird anxiety isn’t going away. It feels like Kaito is actually melting into the kiss, which makes Kokichi’s heart start to pound, and when the other pulls him close he gasps against his lips.
It’s his turn to tense about things.
It feels like an eternity passes before Kaito let’s go. The redness coloring his cheeks and the intense sincerity that colors his eyes makes Kokichi want to bolt.
The girl is glaring at them. “Ugh ok fine I believe you now. Such a waste of a hot guy. Whatever.” She turns on her heel and disappears back into the party crowd.
“Woo boy! I wasn't expecting that!” Kaito slaps him on the back, a giant stupid grin back on his face. He’s acting like they’ve just gotten away with a crime, and not like they’re two strangers that just shared an oddly genuine, intimate moment that was supposed to be acting. “Good job, uh…” The smile drops. Kokichi’s stomach is doing back flips. “I never did get your name.”
No, it’s the host of an entire goddamn circus act. He has to get away from Kaito, and fast.
“Oh, haha, my name doesn't matter!” He beams up at him in an attempt to cover up the cocktail of feelings rushing through every fiber of his existence. It’s just a kiss, a job. Nothing more, nothing less. After tonight he’ll never see Kaito Momota ever again. “Anyway, thanks for making this party interesting for a few seconds, but I bored again so I’m, like, gonna go now, kay?”
Kokichi gives him a little wave and turns to leave. It takes all his strength not to burst through the crowd at a run.
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longingfreesia · 7 years
mizakai.docx aka “mizael got kicked out and doesnt know what to do with himself now so he goes to kaitos house and kaito is not exactly happy about this”
its not technically “complete” but im pretty much done with it so here it is anyway! its almost 3k words of pure self indulgence
It's around six o'clock in the evening when Mizael comes to pay Kaito an impromptu visit.
If, of course, you can count banging on someones door and yelling their name a "visit," but Kaito was used to "weirdos" at this point.
It's at about the third yell of "KAITO TENJO!" with an addition of "ARE YOU NOT HOME? THIS IS YOUR PLACE OF RESIDENCE, RIGHT? ARE YOU IGNORING ME?" that Kaito finally gets up and goes to the door, albeit groaning lowly the entire way.
He opens the door and Mizael nearly hits him in the face with a fist intended for his door. "Why. Why are you here."
Mizael scoffs. "Don't I have a right to be?"
"No. Not at all." Kaito says, deadpan.
"Well," Mizael starts, and in a rather uncharacteristic fashion stumbles looking for words, as if he was expecting Kaito to go, 'Yes, of course, Mizael, I'm so honored you would come and visit me in my humble abode, graceful and angelic in your beauty as you are,' and eventually settles on "I'm here now, anyway, and you're not about to just dump me out on the street after I came all the way here, are you?"
Kaito contemplates telling him yes, he was, and shutting the door, but decides against it. "Fine." He steps aside and opens the door a bit further, and Mizael immediately strides inside.
It dawns on Kaito that he's not really wearing much. Or, rather, he's not wearing anything particularly heavy. Did a skintight tank and stirrups count as much?
Not that it mattered, as Mizael, being Mizael, didn't seem to notice in the slightest. Instead, he looks around for a moment, and is somewhat confused when there isn't somewhere for him to sit in his immediate vision.
"Is this what it's like here?" He asks, and Kaito is just so, so tired.
"Yes, it is. You're looking at it. That's a ridiculous question." Kaito replies. Mizael looks offended at even the implication that he could've said something "ridiculous," but Kaito continues before he can say anything.
"And if you're trying to say something about my living conditions, I don't care. I wasn't expecting you." It wasn't like it was awful, just a bit messy, what you would call "lived-in." But of course Mizael would find that preposterous, unacceptable, etcetera etcetera.
Mizael turns his nose up at him and finds his way to Kaitos couch, sitting down in it and crossing his legs with an entitled air. Kaito settles down across from him in an old armchair and sighs.
"So, why are you here, really?" He asks.
Mizael simply says, "Do I need a reason to come see you?" and it's so transparent it hurts.
"Did you get kicked out?"
Mizael is taken aback. "Wh- No! Of course not! I just, they-" He takes a slow breath, "I was told, 'Mizael, you need to find a place of your own. You can't live here forever.' As if they know anything, they let Durbe stay there all he wants, what does he do? He's a freeloader! He-" Kaito holds up a hand. Part of him is amazed Mizael hasn't caught on to what was going on at the Kamishiro household, but he leaves it alone.
"So you came to me. You were told you needed to take care of yourself, and you came to me." Kaito can practically feel his exhaustion growing.
"I-" Mizael tries, fails, "I didn't know what else to do."
At least he was honest about that part. Kaito doesn't want to let Mizael stay, not really. However, his slumped shoulders and the mere fact that Mizael is so unable to function on his own makes him feel kinda bad for the guy.
Also, he's not too bad to look at, but telling him that probably wouldn't help.
Kaito hums, stands up. "Alright. You can stay here a while. Don't get too greedy though, I expect you to earn your keep while you're here." He almost laughs at how quickly Mizaels face goes from glee to despair.
"Earn my keep… how exactly?" Mizael asks, the apprehension in his voice obvious from how carefully he picks through his words.
"Not much. Just run errands for us, maybe." Kaito thinks on it a bit more, considers how capable Mizael would be of walking into a grocery store and buying things on a list on his own, and says, "I'd help, sometimes. You just have to try, alright?"
Mizael stares at him for a moment, thinking it through, then nods.
Things are quiet for a while after that, as Kaito starts preparing tea in the kitchen.
Mizael finds that it's not a bad quiet. The subtle sounds of Kaito moving around the kitchen, and the low whine of the kettle is pleasing. He even finds himself becoming somewhat drowsy. He can't really help it.
Suddenly, something occurs to him, and he asks, "Where's Haruto?"
Kaito glances up at him, then back down at his hands. "He's taking a nap. I'm surprised you didn't scare him awake with your racket." Mizael has the decency to look a little guilty.
Not enough to say sorry though, apparently. And not enough to not be incredibly nosy.
"You like tea? I never took you as the type." Mizael asks. Kaito doesn't want to think about the implications of that.
"I don't, really. I prefer coffee. You seem like 'the type,' though. So." Kaito pours out the kettle.
"Then why do you have it?"
Kaito shrugs. "Droite and Haruto like it, too."
The small clicks of porcelain setting on the counter stop after a time, and Kaito brings a dish back to the table between them with two cups on it.
Mizael feels almost flattered.
Mizael is surprised somewhat at how nice they are. They're rather pretty, in fact, and he tells Kaito this, but he doesn’t seem to care. He tries the tea itself, and the warmth and surprising sweetness of it is comforting. He can taste honey in it. How odd.
Kaito doesn't seem interested in talking, rather, seeming quite content in just leaning back with his eyes closed and his cup between his hands. Mizael suddenly feels very uncomfortable. It stays like that for a long while.
Kaito eventually gets up to go and wake up Haruto for dinner, and Mizael takes this as an opportunity to look around.
It's not a terribly fancy place. It's decent enough and nothing more, and somehow, that makes it feel like a home. Mizael finds that's an odd feeling, feeling like he's in a home, but doesn't pay it too much mind.
Kaito doesn't come back for a long time. He supposes it's because he's explaining to Haruto that Mizael will be living with them for a while. Which brings up a sort of terrifying idea, just how long is he going to be here-
"Mizael." Kaito says, and Mizaels head snaps up to look at him. "This would be the first time you've properly met Haruto, wouldn't it?" Mizael thinks on it, and nods.
"Well. Haruto, you probably remember Mizael, right? I know some… complications happened before, but he's," Mizael can tell he's struggling to come up with a word, but he quickly recovers, "a friend of mine, now. In any case, you two have to get used to each other." He smiles a bit, a soft expression that is almost unnerving to Mizael in the sheer unfamiliarity of it. "Although, I know Mizael is a real handful sometimes." Mizael wants to protest, but Haruto giggles at the statement and something in his heart flutters. Maybe not this time.
He stands up from his seat, trying his best to maintain an approachable face. He's told sometimes he has a resting expression that looks kind of scary. It would be bad, probably, if he scared Kaitos little brother as his first impression.
"Hello, Haruto." He crouches down to meet Haruto at eye level. For a genuinely frightening moment, Haruto simply stares at him with his big, wide eyes, and Mizael thinks that Haruto hates him, will never forgive him for what he-
Haruto smiles, and says "Hello, Mizael!" and something about it makes his eyes prickle.
He holds his hand out apprehensively, looks up at Kaito, and Kaito nods to give him the O.K. He lightly ruffles Harutos hair and says, "Nice to meet you. I hope we can get along." And gives his best attempt at a friendly smile. It seems to work, because Kaito isn't throttling him, and that's usually a good sign.
Mizael can't help but notice how skinny Kaito is.
He's trying his best not to stare, but- He can see so many of Kaitos bones through his skin, the bumps of his spine, his shoulder blades, even some of his ribs, when he's bent over or stretched-
Mizael wonders why his body is like that. Why his skin seems stretched taut over his bones, why his veins showed through it- though it'd be rude to ask, wouldn't it?
He wonders how it feels. His mouth works faster than his brain, and he blurts that out.
"…What?" Kaito turns his head to look at him, not quite turning all the way around. His face has a mixture of confusion and what looks to be the start of revulsion on it, and Mizael is afraid.
"I. I was just, thinking about your body." Okay, bad start. Judging by Kaitos face, he agreed. "It's just. Are you alright? You don't look healthy." The expression on Kaitos face grows. He was only making this worse for himself, wasn't he? But he didn't understand why.
Kaito stares at him. His brow is furrowed and his nose is crinkled up but at least it's more confusion, now. "I hear enough of that from Gauche and Droite. I don’t need it from you, too."
Mizael is only more confused. Wouldn't he want to know? "But, why? Do you let yourself look like that, I mean. Shouldn't you care about what your body looks like? I… have heard of how you feel, sometimes, and I think that'd help-"
"Shut it." Kaito snaps. Mizael does as he's told.
"Mizael." Kaito says firmly, and it makes Mizael look Kaito in the eyes and a bit too afraid to look elsewhere.
"I'm dying, Mizael. There's no getting around that." He falls back onto his bed, and sighs. "I came to terms with that a long time ago. When you're quite literally killing yourself for the sake of someone you love, you kind of stop caring about physical appearances. Is that clear?"
Mizael isn't sure what to do with this.
"I- Ah." Suddenly, anywhere is better to look at than Kaitos face. "Yes, I understand. I'm sorry for prying."
Kaito interrupts him with, "No, no, I- fuck." He falls back onto the bed. "That was. Bad. I'm sorry. It's just-" He runs his hands over his face.
"I'm, tired. I'm sorry for that. It was unnecessary." He takes a long breath. "I'm just sick of hearing about it." Kaito is staring up at the ceiling, and Mizael somewhat regrets opening his mouth.
In a sort of desperate grasp for something to distract from the whole thing, Mizael says, "May I?"
Kaito lets his head fall toward Mizael and glares at him sideways. "May you what."
"Feel. Your body. Or, your bones, I suppose." Mizael doesn't even finish his sentence before Kaito is jolting up in the bed.
"Please, specify." He says, voice sounding like cold rocks and Mizael realizes that he didn't choose his wording very well.
"Well, I was… looking at you, as you were undressing. And, your bones, they show through your skin. In fact, it's as if you don't have any muscle there." He ignores the way Kaitos eyebrow twitches. "I… think it's interesting."
Kaito pauses. "Interesting?" He asks, and seems willing to forgive the absurdity of Mizaels request if just for a moment.
"Well… Yes." Mizael starts, "Your bones are odd. And the fact they show through your skin, it's odd."
Kaito seems almost interested, himself. "How so?"
"Well, for one thing- It doesn't usually do that, does it? Well, no, of course it doesn't, Alit and Durbe aren't like that. Your whole body exudes this feeling of tiredness, and I suppose that'd be accurate, wouldn't it?"
Kaito chuckles, a strange noise coming from him. Perhaps incited by the fact Mizael seemed to be rambling to himself, now. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Right. So-" Mizael pauses, bringing a knuckle to his lips, "Are your bones different from other humans'?"
"Good question." Kaito says, stretching. "I definitely know my body is, at this point."
"I want to see."
"Do you, now?" Kaito has an expression that Mizael feels he probably shouldn't be reading as condescending, but he does nonetheless.
"Yes. Besides, I've never really gotten to explore a human body. I know Barians aren't too different, but at the same time… They really are. It's intriguing."
"So, you want to inspect my body to see how it's different?"
"Have I not made that clear?"
Kaito scoffs. "No, I guess you have. Just making sure."
He finally takes his shirt and folds it up, but simply puts it on the nightstand. Mizael finds it curious, but doesn't say anything.
He stands in front of where Mizael is sitting, hands on his hips. "So, what exactly do you want to see?"
Mizael finds that, even though he's assuming the same cold, intimidating posture as he usually does, without the coat and the stern glare- he's not that scary.
In fact, looking at him like this makes him seem almost frail, but Mizael knows better than to think that. He knows that Kaito is anything but.
"I'd like to see your back." He says, matter-of-factly, but for some reason it causes Kaitos lips to twitch.
"Alright. But that's awkward like this. Come get on the bed." Kaito says. The way he says it is so plain. Although, Mizael thinks he shouldn't be surprised.
He does as he's told and follows Kaito to his bed. Kaito sits on the edge and Mizael settles somewhere in the middle. Kaito leans over, letting his arms rest on his legs. Mizael takes it as an invitation.
The first thing he notices is how Kaito flinches, just barely, when Mizaels fingers meet his back. He seems to be fine after that, though.
The next thing he notices is that his eyes are closed. He's breathing slowly, seeming to be trying to fall asleep sitting up. Like he was taking it as he would a doctors touch inspecting him for injury. It's somewhat odd. Mizael wonders why he would react like that.
He runs two fingers down his ribs, slowing briefly on the dip between each one.
"Can you move your arms?" He asks, upon finding something curious.
Kaito turns his head to shoot Mizael an odd look, but obliges, moving his shoulders in small, slow circles. Mizael is glad he understands the concept of research, and isn't bothered by it-
Or, at least, he hopes that's how it is. In any case, he can see Kaitos shoulder-blades moving underneath his skin, and it's weird.
Kaito is wondering whether Mizael even realizes him, exploring Kaitos body as he is could possibly be viewed as something far more than scientific. Knowing him, he might not, but Mizael is confusing and no one could see them anyway.
Needless to say, Mizaels hands are soft and graceful, and the way he runs his hands full-palm over Kaitos shoulders and biceps is kind of nice, it's relaxing, and, and he's missed soft almost loving touch-
Mizael murmurs something about "Galaxy-Eyes" among many other mumblings, and Kaito opens his eyes.
"Hm? Did you say something?" Kaito asks, turning his head just enough to catch Mizaels face, and Mizael seems to snap out of a daze.
"Did I?" His expression fades into something a bit more distressed as he realizes. "Ah. You heard that?"
"Yes, I did. What were you talking about?"
"I," Mizael stares at Kaitos back for a bit, and then, touching the bumps of Kaitos spine as he says it, "Your body is very strong."
Kaito smirks, turns his head back to face forward so Mizael can't see his face. "Is that so? Not what I'd use to describe it."
Mizael nods, despite the fact Kaito can't see. "Yes. Despite the fact you've tortured it the way you have, it still feels strong." A pause, "You still feel powerful, despite having been through so much." A smile creeps onto his face, faint, but there. "I was thinking that your Galaxy-Eyes reflects that, in a way."
"She does?"
"Yes. Though in what way, I'm not sure I could tell you. It's… not something I can put into words, I think."
Kaito thinks it over for a moment. "Thank you. I appreciate it, really." His voice is gentle, which is definitely not something Mizael is used to hearing when Kaito's speaking to him.
and heres where it cuts off because i dont know how to end things and i dont know where to take this from here. sorry about that
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entamewitchlulu · 7 years
10, 14, 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, 29, 31, 46, 51 (This is a lot of questions but I like this meme, oops)
lol you good XD
10.  Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in?
honestly no; i read a lot less fic than i write and i tend to only read my friend’s fics or whatever fics i come across that sound interesting while scrolling
but generally i’m actually really lazy when it comes to reading fic and I only actively seek it out when i’m in a rare mood
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs?
we would literally be here ALL DAY because if I don’t ship it romantically and if I don’t want the characters in question to stay apart with a ten foot pole then I broship it and I probably broship it hard
i can’t even narrow it down to just a few?? I’ll try to pick one per series??
Jonouchi/Yugi, Judai/Shou, Aki/Crow, Akari/Kaito, Yuya/Gongenzaka/Yuzu, Shiro/Pidge
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
probably Selena/Reiji; it’s got so much great content but I just don’t feel the chemistry when i try to play with the ship myself
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking?
probably Dennis/Yuuri cause like most of my ships are super sweet and gentle and nervous where the biggest thing they do is blush while they hold hands or cuddle, but then Dusk is like “let me slam you up against a wall and bite your neck”
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it.
I’m still really, really happy with “Dragons Cannot Break a Promise.”  It’s only a oneshot and most of my favorite works tend to be my multichapters but I’m just so pleased with how deeply emotional it came out and how all of the characters’ personalities felt like they just rolled off my fingers
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles?
I stare at the screen for a bit and toss words around in my head until something sticks
if I’m really having trouble I start making a free association list of potential ideas, or ask my friends for assistance
but i’m usually pretty good with titles and I love making them
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries?
I tend to enjoy doing both but like i said in another answer, titles have been a little harder lately.  I think it’s cause i write more oneshots now and i have to come up with unique titles for all of them
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not?
I do not have a beta reader and idk, I just never knew they were a thing for a long time and by the time I figured out what they were and what they were for, I just...didn’t want one.
I’m very possessive of my stuff and I kinda chafe at the idea of having to wait for someone else to read it over before I can post it; i’m impatient and want to post things almost as soon as I finish them so that I can get them out of my hair and off of my to do list.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing?
I cannot even condense it but I have this review printed out and hanging on my wall in front of the place where I write, it was a full page single spaced of someone just gushing in great detail all the things they loved in my story and I think I cried a little when I got it because I have never, ever, (and probably never will again) gotten such a beautiful and intense and loving review.  It still lifts me up when I’m feeling down and makes me feel like I’m doing something right.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
I would probably recommend An Hourglass of Stars, seeing as that one has been far and above my most popular and the one that I’m most known for if people happen to know my penname haha.  I’ve put a lot of love and effort into weaving a mystery in that one and unlike a lot of my other multichapters I actually feel like Hourglass is staying very on track and doesn’t get as choked by my ideas as some of my other multichapters.  I’m very much an outliner, but this story’s outline has changed drastically about four times during the writing process, and yet despite all those changes i still feel like it’s a very well put together story that knows where it’s going and I’m super pleased with all of the foreshadowing and groundwork I’ve managed to lay into it.
I really need to get back to writing that one haha
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
I fucking love shipping okay
I know we all like to joke about how it’s trash and I know it often causes problems between people who take it too seriously but you know i can’t even express how important shipping is to me and it’s really silly if I think too hard about it
there’s something inherently satisfying about exploring the dynamics between two or more characters; there’s something so beautifully uplifting about crafting a relationship that makes your heart lift up, there’s something sooooooooo beautiful about seeing a pair that you love so much holding hands
I wish I could really put into words what it does to my heart but when i see ships that i love i just feel so happy, and it makes me happy to think that there are other people in the world seeing pictures and reading stories about the ships they love falling in love over and over again and feeling that same happiness every time
despite all the problems that can surround shipping i really think at it’s core it’s such a pure, wholesome concept?  we just really love seeing people fall in love, and I think that’s beautiful
thanks for the asks!!
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