#kaptain krazee
Beautiful Harlequin
Requested?: yes (see below)
Note: I do not want or plan to adopt this fandom to my usual writings, it was an interesting experience but i dont really vibe with it (You will notice, normally i write deeper stories). Thanks for the request though, i hope you like it!!
Request: A Kaptain Krazee x female clown reader story in which the reader wakes up with no memory of how she got there as Kaptain Krazee’s clown bride. Naturally, the reader is freaked out and wants to figure out a way home. Until then the reader has to cope with being married to a creepy clown for a husband. Will she figure out how to get back home or will she be forced to stay with her terrifying husband and his clown family?
You slowly opened her eyes, squinting against the bright, flickering lights above. The room was filled with colorful, striped wallpaper and bizarre clown decorations. Blinking a few times to get rid of the drowsiness before you shrieked up. How did you get here?
You sat up, looking around frantically, when the door creaked open. In walked a clown figure dressed in a blue-and-silved costume with large red shoes, complete with crimped red hair and a white-painted face that seemed permanently etched onto his face.
"Ah, my beautiful Harlequin!" Kaptain Krazee exclaimed with a high-pitched laugh. "Good morning, my dear! You slept through our wedding night."
Wedding? Your heart raced as you tried to make sense of the situation. You stammered, "Where am i? What's going on? Why am i here?"
Kaptain Krazee merely laughed. "You're in the Cavalcade of Clowns, my sweet. Don't act stupid. Isn't it marvelous?"
As the day passed, you struggled to adapt to your bizarre new life. You were surrounded by other clown performers who seemed just as eccentric and unsettling as Kaptain Krazee. Where did you come from? How long had you been here before? When did you get married to such a weirdo? And most important: Why?
Determined to unravel the mystery of your 'new' life, you slowly began investigating. You overheard whispers among the clown performers. As soon as they noticed you, they turned away their heads and laughed with eachother as nothing ever happened. Desperate for answers, you finally decided to confront Kaptain Krazee.
He chuckled, his smile widening. "My sweet Harlequin, you are here by choice. You willingly became my bride. When i first saw you in the ring, i knew you were the one. And now you're part of the Circus of Wonders forever."
Doubt and fear consumed your mind, but you refused to accept this twisted reality. Why would you ever marry a clown? Let alone a psychopathic one like this?! You dived deeper into the circus's secrets, forming unlikely alliances.
One night, you sat on a bench of the ring when a female clown approached you. Lucky you, you were not afraid of clowns, although they all seemed a little uncanny to you.
"Hello darling." She said while sitting down next to you. "Why making such a sad face?" She blinked with her lashes and gave you a sad smile. "Just overthinking something." You answered while you stared holes into the air. The clown leaned over a little. "Need a little help with escaping?" She whispered, suddenly sounding much clearer.
"What?" You asked irritated. The clown girl lifted two fingers and brushed over the white makeup on her neck. It rubbed off and under it showed lightly tanned and definitly human skin. Your eyes widened. "You are like me." You whispered. She pulled up her costume to cover the free spot and nodded.
"Let me help you." She whispered. You nodded. "Why are you here?" She hesitate for a moment. "I was Kaptain Krazee's bride once too. I blended in with the clowns and he lost interest. He is more into humans." She whispered. You nodded thoughful. "Let's get out of here together." You whispered back. The girl nodded solemnly.
You ecxchanged a hand shake.
Whatever would come, you could survive this. Together.
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mcverse · 1 year
I want to ask for a Kaptain Krazee x female reader story in which the female reader who is in her mid-20s is transported from the real world to the Haunting Hour Series world. She is turned into a clown, and Chris's parents take her in. When she meets the other clowns, Kaptain Krazee in particular develops a strong, obsessive interest in her. The female reader has no desire to be romantically linked with Kaptain Krazee in any way because she finds him to be so strange and creepy. Even though he is aware of this, Kaptain Krazee still tries to capture her heart and make her his bride. The female reader thinks of him as odd and frightening, despite his attempts to show his love for her in his own unique and strange way. Also, the female reader will have a choice whether to leave the Haunting Hour Series World and return to her own or stay in it forever after 10 days. I think it would be interesting if Kaptain Krazee were to find out some kind of way because then he would try everything within his power to make sure the reader cannot leave him.
Note: This episode is known as “Afraid of Clowns” of the Haunting Hour Series and the full episode is available to watch on youtube. Note: Kaptain Krazee is the leader of Clowns and ringmaster of his circus.
Pairing: Kaptain Krazee x Clown F! Reader
Requested: Yes/No
Type: Part 1 out of 2
Word count: 3.6K
Sidebar: Had a lot of fun with this. Freaking love isekai stories. Was supposed to be a one shot but it’s too long for that.
Warning: Clowns, isekai reader, obsession, toxic behavior (Yandere-ish)
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It was a strange experience.
One moment, you're innocently clicking on a link sent by your friend, and the next moment, you find yourself transported into your phone, landing unceremoniously in front of a house.
Things only get stranger from there.
As you pick yourself up and try to make sense of what just happened, you notice that your feet have become unusually large and your hands have grown in proportion. It's unsettling to say the least.
A scream involuntarily escapes your throat as you examine your hands, treating them as if they belong to someone else. As you're caught up in your confusion, the front door opens, and two figures emerge. Well, not just any figures – they're clowns, wearing frowns instead of smiles.
Another scream escapes your lips as you fall back and start crawling away, desperately trying to convince yourself that this isn't real. But with each backward movement, the clowns advance, gradually lowering themselves to your level. It's a surreal experience, and in your panic, incoherent words spill from your mouth. The clowns simply tilt their heads and smile.
"Oh my God!" you gasp, a shiver running down your spine. It has been years since you last felt afraid of clowns, a childhood fear that you had overcome. But now, it all comes rushing back as you begin to hyperventilate. Your eyes roll back, and everything goes dark.
When you regain consciousness, you find yourself in a different setting – a warm and comfortable home, lying on a couch. A delightful aroma reaches your nose, and you slowly sit up, searching for the source. To your delight, you spot a plate of breakfast on the coffee table in front of you.
Your stomach betrays you at first sight, growling at its alluring smell and appeal. Looking around you once more, you grab the plate to sniff it before starting to eat. You weren’t too surprised to see that the it taste as good as it look but you were still cautious after waking up.
However, you bite freezes midway as you hear a creaking sound. Slowly turning your head, you come face to face with two figures standing there, wearing unsettlingly sweet smiles. An overwhelming sense of eerie déjà vu washes over you, though you can't quite pinpoint where you've encountered it before.
The man and woman exchange glances, their expressions a mix of concern and reassurance. It is the tall and slender man who takes a step forward, crouching slightly to meet your gaze. His voice is calm and gentle as he speaks, "We're here to help you."
Confusion clouds your mind as you struggle to make sense of their words. "Help me? I'm sorry, but I have no idea what you're talking about," you respond, blinking in an attempt to gather your thoughts amidst the growing uncertainty.
The woman, sensing your confusion, crouches down beside the man, her eyes filled with understanding. "Do you really not remember, dear?" she asks softly, her voice carrying a hint of familiarity. And suddenly, like pieces of a puzzling puzzle falling into place, it dawns on you why their faces seem so familiar.
"Holy shit! You're those clowns," you exclaim, the plate slipping from your grasp and shattering loudly as it meets the floor. With a mix of fear and disbelief, you instinctively leap backward onto the couch, curling up in the corner as if seeking refuge from the surreal reality before you. "You're those clowns! But... but now you're human? What the hell is happening?"
Their smiles fade slightly, the woman reaches out a hand in a gesture of reassurance, "Please, try to stay calm," she says softly. "We understand that this is confusing and overwhelming, but there's more to the story than you remember."
Reluctantly, you unfold yourself from the corner of the couch, your heart pounding in your chest. The shattered plate on the floor lies forgotten as your focus shifts to the mysterious pair standing before you. They appear human now, but you can't shake the memory of their clown personas. Slowly, they approach you, their human disguises still intact.
"We're sorry for the scare," the woman says gently, sitting down beside you. "We are part of a secret clown society that operates in the shadows. We hide among humans, blending in with everyday life."
Confusion and disbelief swirl within you. Clowns with a secret society? It sounds so silly it didn’t seem possible. Yet, the sincerity in their eyes and the unusual circumstances you find yourself in make it difficult to dismiss their words.
The man continues, sitting down beside the woman, peering past her to you, "We were getting ready for bed when we heard your scream. Concerned for your well-being, we rushed outside to find you in front of our house, transformed into a clown. Before we could offer any assistance, you fainted."
You take in their explanation, slowly absorbing the strange turn of events. Despite the lingering fear, a glimmer of curiosity surfaces. You find yourself asking, "Why do you hide among humans? And how did I end up in this situation?"
The woman's smile is tinged with sadness as she answers, "Our society seeks to bring joy and laughter to the world, but not everyone likes clowns so we have to hide. As for you ending up here, well, we aren’t so sure..” she trails off, looking the broken plate on the floor.
Regret fills your eyes as you realize the unintended consequences of your actions. The plate shattering on the floor leaves you with a sense of remorse, hoping it wasn't a cherished possession to the woman.
“But I know who might!” the man exclaims, a spark of excitement lights up the man's eyes, and he enthusiastically rubs his hands together. The woman's expression mirrors his excitement, forming an 'o' shape with her mouth as she grasps his idea.
"Oh, that's right!" she exclaims, matching the man's enthusiasm. "We can bring her to him!" However, their excitement only deepens your confusion. Who is this mysterious person they are referring to?
Blinking in confusion, you interject, your gaze shifting back and forth between the two clowns. "Again, sorry, but who exactly is 'him' that you're talking about?"
Their smiles widen, and once again, you find their presence unsettling. You instinctively shift away from them, hoping to create some distance without drawing too much attention. Whether they notice your subtle movement or not remains unclear. Without further ado, they both rise from the couch, each taking on a different task. The woman stoops down to gather the broken pieces of the plate while the man makes his way towards the kitchen.
As the man disappears from your sight, the woman pauses and directs her gaze towards you. Her eyes hold a reassuring expression as she speaks, "Don't worry, you'll receive the help you need. I promise." She nods affirmatively, punctuating her words with a playful wink. With that, she straightens herself and gracefully walks away, presumably to dispose of the shattered remnants of the plate.
Left alone in the room, you find yourself lost in a whirlwind of thoughts. Countless questions fill your mind, but there are no answers in sight. The mere act of sitting there, pondering why you are here, who this mysterious "him" is, and how you can escape becomes a recipe for madness. The uncertainty looms over you, making it difficult to make sense of your situation.
The room feels confining, and you can't help but feel trapped. Each passing moment only amplifies your desire to unravel the enigma that surrounds you. You yearn to understand why this has happened and what steps you can take to break free from wherever you are. The weight of it all threatens to overwhelm you.
Just as despair starts to settle in, a glimmer of hope emerges. You hear footsteps approaching, breaking the silence that has enveloped the room. Relief washes over you, tinged with a hint of apprehension. They have returned, bringing with them the possibility of guidance and answers. It's a chance to find your way out of this perplexing situation.
"Come on. We're going for a ride," the man says, while the woman holds out a jacket, beckoning you to follow. They are both wearing coats, with the man positioned at the door. As you reach the woman, she kindly assists you in putting on the jacket, for which you express gratitude with a smile. Her gesture was thoughtful and unnecessary.
Once you step outside, the chill in the air becomes apparent, amplifying your gratitude for the coat. You snuggle into it, seeking both warmth and comfort for your nerves. Uncertain of their destination, you reluctantly enter the vehicle, gazing out the window as the house recedes into the distance.
Usually, someone in your situation would be scared. You don't know where you are, what happened last night, or how there's a secret clown group. You're not sure if the people in the front are telling the truth. But then you remember that you're an adult who can make decisions like an adult. Whether it was safe to fall, you were confident you can make the right choice when it comes. And if clowns really exist and you were one...
"Wasn't I a clown last night?" you inquire, shifting your gaze away from the window to fixate on the back of the man's head, hoping for an immediate response.
He affirms with a nod, "Yep…but you can't exactly walk around as a clown, can you??" His statement elicits a few soft chuckles from the woman, who rests her hand on his leg.
You hum in agreement, "I suppose not..." You divert your attention back to the window, only to witness the scenery abruptly morphing before your eyes. Shock causes your eyes to widen, prompting you to sit up in your seat. You desperately want to question if they are witnessing thing too, but as they appear unfazed, you figure that such occurrences are normal for them.
The car approaches, it passes through a grand gate, granting a view of a captivating sight: rows of colorful circus tents on both sides. Surprisingly, the entire place seems eerily deserted, leaving you to wonder where all the performers and crew might be. The car eventually comes to a stop right in front of the largest tent, positioned prominently at the center, demanding attention.
The couple exit the car first, and you follow suit, but at a more deliberate pace. Determination fuels your steps as you remind yourself that unraveling the mysteries and discovering the answers you seek is your primary objective. The once-intimidating presence of clowns no longer instills fear in you; it's a reassurance you repeatedly affirm within your mind.
Approaching the entrance of the large tent, a mix of anticipation and uncertainty fills the air. The flaps of the tent flap gently in the breeze, as if inviting you to step inside and uncover the secrets that lie within.
The couple reach the entrance, their expressions composed yet brimming with a shared understanding. They hold the flap open, gesturing for you to enter first. Stepping over the threshold, you find yourself in a different world altogether. The interior of the tent is a vibrant tapestry of colors, adorned with glittering decorations and whimsical props. The scent of sawdust and cotton candy lingers in the air, evoking memories of childhood circuses.
A scream escapes your lips when you turn around to see the couple pull off their faces, only to be amplified when a group of eerie clowns materializes behind you. The once-jolly atmosphere of the tent is now suffused with an overwhelming sense of dread. Grinning unnaturally, the clowns fix their intense gazes upon you, their presence sending shivers down your spine.
Without uttering a word, they part to create a path that leads you further into the tent. Reluctantly, you follow their lead, your heart pounding in your chest as you step along the trail. The air grows heavy with an inexplicable tension, as if the very fabric of reality is warping around you.
Finally, you arrive at a door adorned with shimmering lights and golden accents. This is the threshold, the gateway to the unknown. It beckons you to cross over, promising answers to the questions that have haunted your mind.
The clown couple, their disfigured faces twisted into macabre smiles, turn to address you. Their voices carry an eerie warmth, contrasting with their terrifying appearance. "This is where you shall find the answers you seek," the woman says, her words resonating in the air. The man nods in agreement, his eyes gleaming with a peculiar intensity.
Summoning your courage, you extend your hand and grasp the ornate doorknob. It feels cool and solid beneath your touch, sending a shiver down your spine. With a deep breath, you turn the knob, feeling a blend of excitement and apprehension coursing through your veins.
The door opens with a haunting creak, revealing a chamber bathed in a soft, ethereal glow. The gentle light spills into the room, illuminating a space adorned with cryptic symbols and ancient artifacts. Each object seems to hold a fragment of the enigma you've been yearning to unravel. It's a place where hidden truths lie, waiting to be discovered.
Compelled by an insatiable curiosity, you step into the chamber, and the door closes behind you with a resounding thud. The outside world is sealed away, leaving you alone in this mysterious sanctuary. The air crackles with a sense of anticipation, and you find yourself surrounded by a tapestry of secrets. In the center of the room stands a large, ornate mirror, its reflective surface beckoning you closer.
Approaching the mirror cautiously, you catch a glimpse of your own reflection, but it flickers for a moment, as if a veil of uncertainty hangs over it. Suddenly, a figure materializes behind you in the mirror—a large male clown, his face adorned with white paint, accentuated by a purple diamond pattern over each eye, red diamonds on each cheek and a blood colored nose. His long, fiery red hair matches the shape of his thinly painted unibrow and enlarged painted red smile, adding to his unsettling appearance.
The sight startles you, and the line between reality and illusion blurs. Doubts creep into your mind, making you question your sanity since entering this surreal realm. As the clown begins to walk closer towards you, a mix of relief and terror washes over you. You back away, unintentionally bumping into the mirror, your heart pounding.
Desperately, you try to assert yourself, mustering a threatening voice, "Don't come any closer!" But the clown seems unperturbed, his lips curling into a macabre smile. He continues to advance, disregarding your warning as if it were mere amusement to him.
Peering down at you, his gaze filled with unsettling curiosity, he mutters to himself, "What do we have here?" His tone carries a sense of eerie intrigue, leaving you wondering what his intentions might be in this mysterious place.
Your heart races as he reaches out his hand, the movement appearing in slow motion. The anticipation builds, contrasting with the frantic beats of your heart. His hand finally touches your cheek, sending a chilling sensation down your spine. The touch slides to the back of your head, his fingers entwining in your hair with a firm grip.
Shock and disbelief wash over you, rendering you motionless for a brief moment. The sheer horror of the situation freezes you in place as you try to comprehend the impossible, despite seeing it earlier once. Your mind races, searching for rational explanations, but none seem to suffice.
With trembling hands, you reach up to touch your face, expecting the worst. As your fingertips make contact, relief washes over you—your skin remains intact. However, your reflection in the mirror reveals a haunting transformation. Half of your face is covered in a ghastly layer of white paint, smeared with ominous splotches of red and black shapes that seem to mock you. The other half retains its natural complexion, creating an eerie juxtaposition that serves as a constant reminder of the encounter with the clown couple.
"What's going on?" Your words hang in the air, unanswered, as you lock eyes with the clown standing behind you. He remains silent, his mouth agape, seemingly as bewildered as you are. Yet, his intense and unwavering gaze sends chills down your spine, making you squirm with discomfort.
"You're no ordinary clown," he murmurs, his eyes flickering over you, confusion marring his face as he tries to make sense of your presence. After a brief moment of observation, he asks, "How did you find yourself here?"
You eagerly respond, "That's why I'm here! I was told you could provide answers." Your voice carries a hint of disappointment, and your head lowers in a slight pout, feeling upset and vulnerable.
The clown clicks his tongue and lifts your head gently by your chin, making you meet his gaze. He shakes his head, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing against your cheek. "You're one of us now. We don't look down, only up," he grins wildly as you peer up at him, a mix of awe and fear in your eyes. Being this close to him amplifies his scary appearance by tenfold. "You've come to the right place. They call me the ringmaster, Kaptain Krazee. And what's your name, doll?"
You recoil slightly, offering him a hesitant smile. "(Name)," you reply softly, your voice tinged with uncertainty. "Will you help me?"
His smile falters, his gaze shifting away from you to a book resting on his desk. His head tilts, as if engaged in an internal struggle. Eventually, he nods reluctantly, taking a step back and moving towards the desk to retrieve the book.
"This book ain't your ordinary read," he murmurs, his eyes lighting up with fascination. He turns towards you, his excitement bubbling over. "It's got somethin' magical about it, see? Changes its contents for whoever lays their hands on it. It's like a secret language only it knows." He trails off, then takes a step closer to you, extending the book in your direction. "I reckon it's got a page or two just for you. Care to take a peek?"
You hold the ancient book in your sweaty palms, unsure of what mysteries lie within its weathered pages. With hesitant anticipation, you carefully open it, and to your astonishment, letters manifest out of thin air, forming a message that appears as if by magic.
The words on the page reveal an extraordinary truth – you are one of the few individuals who have been mysteriously transported into this fantastical world. The book explains that you have been granted a precious gift of ten days to explore this realm, to unravel its secrets, and to determine your fate within it. After the allotted time, you will face a pivotal decision: whether to remain in this enchanting world or return to the reality you left behind.
As you read the words, Kaptain Krazee's impatience gets the better of him. He leans in, his curiosity piqued, and his frown deepens upon comprehending the significance of the book's message. Ten days seemed far too short for him. He had become fascinated by your presence and longed for more time to explore the depths of your connection.
Contemplating the book's message, the clown's thoughts race. He realizes that within these ten days, he has a chance to show you the joy and wonder of being a clown, to share his world and get to know you better. Perhaps, just perhaps, there is a glimmer of hope that you might choose to stay, not only within this realm but by his side.
When you lower the book, you notice his intense gaze fixed on you again. His eyes reveal emotions you can't quite grasp, leaving you puzzled. What is he trying to convey? You're not a mind reader, and even if you were, you're not sure you'd want to know his thoughts. There's an air of mystery and hidden intentions surrounding him.
"Okay," you nod, handing the book back to him. You turn away, deep in thought about what lies ahead. Ten days may not seem like much, but you have to muster the patience to endure this surreal experience. It's the only way you can make it through.
You flinch instinctively as his hands rest gently on your shoulders, uncertain about the intentions behind his seemingly affectionate gesture. You steal a sideways glance, meeting Kaptain Krazee's mischievous grin. His words, filled with an unnerving enthusiasm, make you question his perception of you.
"I'm here to lend a helping hand, my dear. We have plenty of exciting things to occupy your time," he exclaims with an exaggerated cheerfulness. "And trust me, with your natural charm and unique appearance, you'll be the star of the show."
His comment leaves you perplexed, causing your eyebrow to raise in skepticism. Charm? Looks? You've never regarded yourself as particularly charming or attractive, especially not in your current clown-like guise. The notion seems absurd, and you can't help but wonder what relevance appearance holds in the context of the circus. Everything within these twisted walls seems to serve a purpose, often a sinister one.
Your gaze narrows as you scrutinize Kaptain Krazee, searching for any hidden meaning behind his words. Is there something he's not telling you? The circus is known for its tricks and illusions, after all. You've learned a long time ago to be cautious, wary of what lies beneath the surface and knew you can take care of yourself.
He steps back, motioning towards the door with a slight bow. "Shall we?" he asks.
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dulcewrites · 1 year
Hello! You stated in your post that you are open to writing for other fandoms. So, would you be interested in reading an idea for a fanfiction I came up with that is based on the "Haunting Hour" tv series? Here is my idea if you are interested in writing it: Martha is the love interest of Kaptain Krazee and a clown friend of Chris's parents. She stops by to celebrate Chris's initiation into the clown family with the other clowns who make up his extended family. The creepy clown ringmaster, Kaptain Krazee, constantly pursues her as she is visiting her friends, who are Chris's parents. At first, Martha isn't interested in having a romantic relationship with him, but over time, she comes around.
Note: This episode is known as “Afraid of Clowns” of the Haunting Hour Series, and the full episode is available to watch on YouTube.
Note: Kaptain Krazee is the leader of the clowns and ringmaster of his circus. Please let me know your thoughts about this request. If you don't want to write it, it's all good. If you do choose to write it, I will be very grateful.
Hi, im so sorry I didn’t answer you dm. I had to look up what haunting hour is tbh. Anyway I’m def looking to branch out if possible. I know very little about haunting hour so I will have to look into it.
But thank you for reaching out, I’ll definetly see if it something I can do 🫶🏽
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suvidrache · 1 year
If you are up for writing this I would like to request a Haunting Hour Series fanfiction based on the episode "Afraid of Clowns" which is available to watch on youtube.
Details for my request if you chose to write it: I want to request a Kaptain Krazee x reader story where the reader is also a clown that works at the circus and has no interest whatsoever in Kaptain Krazee, but he does and refuses to give up his pursuit of the reader easily. I would like the story to be more like a one-sided attraction at first, but the reader eventually develops romantic feelings for Kaptain Krazee. Also, the reader finds him to be creepy and uncomfortable to be around at first also.
I do not write for that fandom or character.
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galacticthor-blog · 7 years
kaptain krazee is pretty hot ngl
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This was a new commission done for me by my very good friend irishimio from DA I received it this morning.
I swear I’m destroying this character but it’s beautiful when I do it so it is okay
Credit belongs to the rightful artist: irishimio do NOT use his art without his permission.(You know who you are. Dick move by the way. Dick move)
Credit belongs to him.
Kaptain Krazee belongs to R.L Stein.
THH Belongs to R. L Stein
This is just more fanart for this fanblog for the “Afraid Of Clowns”episode
(Gonna bitch and complain about it??Complain to someone who cares~c:)
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started: 01/14/2024
The Hobbit
Oakshields - Thorin Oakshield & Kili fluff
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Luke Castellan
Colour theory - Luke Castellan x gn!reader fluff
Fake up - Luke Castellan x fem!persephone!reader, slight angst, fluff
Reunited - Luke Castellan x fem!spy!hypnos!reader, fluff
Photosynthesis - Luke Castellan x gn!demeter!reader, fluff
Chicago Med
Meet again - Connor Rhodes & Ethan Choi one shot
Star Wars
Never let you go - Ahsoka & Anakin fluff, slight angst
currently under planning
Other Fandoms
Haunted Hour - Afraid of Clowns
Beautiful Harlequin - Kaptain Krazee x reader
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mcverse · 1 year
Disclaimer: Names are subject to change.
༘⋆✿ My sun, I’m moon (Rotxo x Reader)
༘⋆✿ Kuroko s/o protecting him (Knb)
༘⋆✿ Pick me, choose me, love me (Nete x Reader x Lo’ak)
༘⋆✿ Disliking kisses prank hc (AWOW x s/o reader)
༘⋆✿ Neteyam, Lo’ak, Ao’nung falling for a human hc redemption
༘⋆✿ Remember the rain (Lo’ak x Reader)
༘⋆✿ Neteyam smut
༘⋆✿ My Mighty Warrior - angst, death (Neteyam x s/o reader)
༘⋆✿ Experiment on love (Finny x F! Experiment! Reader)
༘⋆✿ Faulty Star - Part 4 (Neteyam x Avatar F! reader
༘⋆✿ Borderline, chapter 1 (Ao’nung x Siren! Reader x Lo’ak)
༘⋆✿ Skybound flame, chapter 4 (Nete x Aviphoenix! Reader x Lo’ak x Ao’nung)
༘⋆✿ Blood legacy of Lilith, chapter 1 (Diabolik lovers x Reader) - later
༘⋆✿ Love and basketball, chapter 1 (Aomine x F! Reader x Kagami)
༘⋆✿ Creepin (Kaptain Krazee x Clown! Reader) Part 2
༘⋆✿ My love has come home at last - scenario (Lost ATWOW x s/o reader) **might get tweeked a bit**
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This was done for me by my very good friend from DA irishimio it was an art commission
The artist gave me permission to post it since it was a paid for art commission
The art belongs to irishimio(Do NOT use without his permission art thief's will not be tolerated here. You know who you are)
Kaptain Krazee belongs to R.L Stein
THH belongs to R.L Stein
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I need a new blog theme for my Fanblog one that is more “Afraid Of Clowns.”and “Kaptain Krazee”like~
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To this day I still freak out that the actors for Kaptain Krazee or for Chris from the clown epiosde will find all 3 of my blogs. I still freak out about it. Especially if Mike Kovac every found my RP blog. Because if that ever happened. I would immediately freak out and delete all three of my blogs. There is no way I want Kaptain Krazees actor to see any of my crazy crack posts, my headcanons for the episode or his character, or anything else on my 3 blogs. I can imagine he would have A LOT of questions for me. Mike Kovac is also from Canada so there is a good chance that he has tumblr or possibly checks it from time to time. That’s what I like to think anyway~XDXD
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Headcanon For Kaptain Krazee: Kaptain Krazees least favourite clown is Krusty The Clown from The Simpsons. He finds him annoying.
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Headcanon For Kaptain Krazee: Kaptain Krazee’s favorite color is red is still red because it’s the same color as his hair.
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