#kindergarten level shit here
sawthatmountainburn · 6 months
actually, lrb is the reason I've always hated the "there are starving children in Africa" argument. if you gave this foul sludge you call a meal to a starving child expecting them to be grateful, they would be justified throwing it in your face. they should chase you out of the village with sticks. ban you from the whole continent under threat of death.
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smusherina · 23 days
yard work - chapter 4 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warning(s): homophobia becomes a central theme. mention of a close dead relative. internalized misogyny.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 5
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You were sitting on the grass under the bleachers when Janis 'Imi'ike came up to you.
"I'm not selling right now." You said, suspecting she was here to see about buying alcohol or something. You had a contact and made a small bit in commissions around the school selling stuff.
"I'm- what? What're you selling?" Oh, well, guess not then.
"Nothing." You didn't want to incriminate yourself. It was bad enough you were smoking a cigarette right this moment. You took another drag. Usually, you didn't smoke during school but today was turning out to be a shittier day than usual.
"I'm not a nark, I could-" She seemed to shake herself. "Anyway. Why did you come to school with Regina today?"
"You saw that?" You inquired, alarmed but making an attempt to hide it.
"Yes. Now, why?"
"We live on the same street. Her car was having issues." You shrugged, trying to play it off.
"How'd you know her car was having issues?" She did not seem inclined to just let it go. It was beginning to annoy you.
"Because I fix it from time to time. Like I said, we live on the same street. We're not friends or anything." While you didn't like lying, especially not when you yourself were bitter about it, protecting Regina's rep was more important.
"I think that's a lie. We went to the same middle school for a while. You were close back then." She accused, crouching to be at level with you. You were officially annoyed now.
"You used to be close too." You took another drag and, noticing your cig was on its last leg, stamped it on the ground. "And how'd that turn out?"
Janis gritted her teeth. "Not well."
"Exactly." You gave her a tight, snarky smile and stood up. "Bye."
"Wait a minute!" She jogged after you as you made for the school building. "I'm not done!"
"I think you are." You called back, hastening your step. "There's nothing for us to talk about, Janis."
"Dude! You're being a huge dick right now." Janis caught up to you, gesturing as if she were offended. "Why are you so touchy?"
"I'm not touchy, I'm pissed that a stranger is getting all up in my business." You informed her curtly. "Lay off."
She held her hands up in surrender, an infuriating smirk on her face. "What business do you have with Regina?"
You halted and dropped your backpack on the ground. "What is your problem?" You advanced on her, not exactly squaring up but still getting a little too close for comfort.
"Woah, protective, aren't you?" She wasn't intimidated in the least. That only angered you more. "Has she ditched Cady already and found a new pet?"
"If I were you, I'd watch my mouth." You said as menacingly as you could.
"We could help each other out, y'know." She said, playing innocent.
"Why would I help you with anything?"
"Because she hurt both of us." You had to agree with that, however reluctantly. "I want revenge. She needs to go down." Now, that you did not agree with.
"What do you mean?" If they were planning a coup or something, you needed to get the details. You wouldn't be putting up with that shit.
"Cady's gotten an in with the Plastics." You'd never liked that stupid nickname Janis insisted on using. "She's still on the fence about them, but it's only a matter of time before I'm proven right."
"You've infiltrated the popular girl group like 007, great, because Regina wronged you somehow in middle school? Grow up." You rolled your eyes and picked up your backpack.
"She outed me, you douche!" She exclaimed before probably even thinking about it. Realizing what she'd said, she glanced around warily. Nobody was nearby since you were away from the courtyard.
Okay. Well. That made this a lot more complicated. You pinched the bridge of your nose. This was the exact reason you hung around skaters and stoner-wannabes. At least their drama was about graffiti and who had the good kush, not about whatever the fuck this was. You weren't aware you were living in a teen drama.
"Okay." You breathed in deeply. You did not want to be involved, no matter how justified Janis could've been. However, you needed information if you wanted to get in the way. "What've you got?"
A mean grin nearly split her face. Then, in just a second, it melted away. "You won't tell anybody, right? About, uh, that earlier-"
"I sell drugs behind the school, dude." You put it flatly. "You have more flak on me."
"True." She conceded. "So..."
Their plans weren't very well constructed, to be fair. Janis wanted to prove to Cady that Regina was a bitch, her words, and that was sort of just a waiting game. In the meantime, they were collecting information. So far they'd found out about the Burn Book, supposedly a scrapbook that Regina and her friends had filled with mean things about everybody at Northshore. Staff and teachers included. Apparently, Cady hadn't had much time to peruse it, so neither Janis nor you were in it for all she knew.
The concept made you nervous. You could very well be in that book and Cady just hadn't seen it. If everybody was in it, including nobodies like Mary Stigson and Amber D'Alessio, the chance was incredibly high.
You didn't even know what she could've written about you. Over the years you'd shared incredibly vulnerable bits of information with her. She'd shared with you too, but you weren't in any position to weaponize her secrets. You'd been through embarrassing moments that just the two of you knew of, had seen each other cry and rage and experience all sorts of overwhelming emotions, had made it through mortifying tweenhood phases together.
Regina could've written your whole life story, the nastiest highlights at least, without breaking a sweat.
You were like a zombie for the rest of the day. Barely paying attention in class, twirling a pencil in your fingers listlessly as whatever teacher went on and on. You looked up when a sharp, female voice called your name. You apologized to Ms Norbury and pretended to start working.
Calculus class, huh? You looked around, trying to be inconspicuous. You met eyes with Cady Heron. She quickly turned back to her work, writing numbers furiously. So Janis had told her about their new accomplice. Of course, you had every intention to tattle first thing once you talked to Regina again.
You knew she wouldn't want to be seen leaving with you, so you shot her a text that you'd be behind the bleachers waiting. You were her ride, after all. It would've been rude to leave her.
Relaxing somewhere quiet and alone wasn't too bad. You lifted your headphones over your ears and put on a Nirvana CD. Just this morning Regina had called you 'a hobo with a liking for grunge', or something along those lines. You did so love proving her right.
You lit a cigarette in honour of Kurt and closed your eyes. Something about this day, the utterly exhausting events, made you desperate to feel some release. Ever since dropping Regina off, you'd been a fucking mess. Janis having seen the whole thing and then coming to conspire against Queen Bee hadn't helped. You wished things could be spelt out for you.
Did Regina like you? Yes or no. You knew it wasn't that simple, that things weren't simple for her like they were for you. You liked her and so it was easy to let her walk all over you. You liked her so, of course, you sided with her even when Janis and you had a camaraderie. You liked her and so you chose not to think about the horrible thing she'd done to Janis.
Was it only a matter of time before she'd use that secret against you, too? Did it hang above your head even now?
"Hey, loser, stub the cig and let's get outta here. I'm sick of this joint."
"Who taught you to talk like that?" You opened your eyes and looked up at Regina. "Certainly not your father."
"What daddy doesn't know won't hurt him." She offered her hand to pull you up. "C'mon. I have a nail appointment to get to."
You hauled yourself up with her help. Over-balancing a little bit you tipped into her space, and for a moment there you breathed the same air. You took a hasty step back and tuned back into the conversation.
"And- and how're you gonna get there?" You already knew.
"We don't have enough time to go to mine first, so..." She smiled sweetly at you, getting that calculating look in her eye as she grabbed your arm and pulled it close to her chest. Looking up at you through her lashes, long nails stroking down your forearm, a smile so alluring it was evil on her face, she knew she had you. You couldn't say no.
Gulping, you inclined your head. "I'll take you."
"Thanks, babe." And with that, she pressed her purse into your arms to carry and skipped ahead.
Fuck. Fuck. You closed your eyes and fought off a groan. You'd almost forgotten the crush you'd nursed for her back then. It hadn't ever left, you knew that much, but it hadn't smacked you in the face quite like this before. You were familiar with moments that made your heart beat fast, scenarios that played on a loop in your head, and dreams you could never really make sense of. Now, though, hearing her call you babe and the physical reaction it evoked, there was no plausible explanation other than the obvious fact: You had a crush on Regina George.
You knew—knew—that it was hopeless. There was no world in which you and Regina could be a thing. Or maybe there was, but that was a pipe dream you'd do no good in entertaining. Your dad didn't care about who you dated, but you were sure he would be none too pleased. Regina's dad was a whole other case. He was way stricter than your dad, though just as distant.
You'd done this before. It would be fine. Admittedly, back when you'd been actively crushing on Regina you had been twelve and under. Back then you'd still tolerated skirts and girly hairstyles. Back then it'd been socially acceptable to cling to your friend like a koala, kiss her cheeks and hold her hand. If you tried that shit now, especially looking like you did, it would not slide.
(You'd been called slurs around the halls before. While you didn't generate much rumours or hubbub, you knew that you existed in people's peripherals in a certain way. They'd snidely ask if you liked the Ellen Show. Make vile hand gestures at you when you passed by. Garry Fort, resident church boy and social outcast, had even offered to pray for you. You had refused.)
"Jorts! Get a move on!" Regina shouted, a good distance away.
"Yeah yeah," You muttered, but picked up the pace.
"What took you so long?" She asked as she settled into the front seat.
"Lost in thought, I guess." Waxing melancholy about how we could never be together, sweetums. You opted not to say that. "So, where's this appointment?"
"Just drive to town, I'll give instructions."
"Sure thing." You bit your lip and tapped your fingers on the steering wheel. You hadn't had your licence for long but you'd been driving for much longer than that. You were a good driver. Back when you'd been young enough for your dad to feel obligated to spend time with you, he'd taken you to some backroads and taught you. Then, when that stopped, you'd done it illegally. Hey, girls gotta keep busy somehow.
"What's on your mind?" Regina asked, breaking the silence that'd turned uncomfortable.
"Hmm? Oh, nothing." You swallowed. "How was your day?"
"How was my day, seriously?" She turned her body to face you, arms crossed and a displeased look on her face. "What is it?"
You tried to think of something to say. You didn't want to ruin her whole day by revealing she had a spy, of all things. You'd planned on waiting a little bit before telling her. You would've maybe taken her for a ride and then gently broken the news.
So, that was a bust.
"Cady Heron is spying on you. She's retelling everything you're doing together with Gretchen and Karen to Janis and her friend Damien Leigh." You blurted it all out. "I was smoking in my usual spot and she just came up to me. And, uh, recruited me. Apparently, she saw you leave my car this morning."
"What?" Regina screeched, face slack with shock as well as strained with fear, panic, and all sorts of jumbled emotions. "Did anybody else see?"
"I don't know!" Your shoulders lifted all the way up to your ears in a panicked shrug. Her emotions were rubbing off on you and you did not like it. "Did people act weird around you today?"
"No," She paused to think. "No, everything was fine. Karen liked my top."
"You mean my top?" You corrected.
"Whatever." Regina looked out of the window contemplatively. "Are you plotting against me?"
You rolled your eyes, and took your sights off the road for a second to shoot her a look. "If I was, would I be telling you?"
"I dunno, I vividly remember you being sorta stupid."
"Wow, thanks, Reg, that's high praise coming from you. Only sorta."
"Shut up. You're so annoying." She unfolded her arms and leaned back in the seat. "Cady Heron. A spy."
"Janis told me, and I quote: "She needs to go down." Which was pretty dramatic in my opinion." Regina didn't say anything. "I mean, we're in high school."
"What does that have to do with anything?" Regina inspected her nails. Pretty acrylics, sharp and lethal, decorated with gems and swirls. A little grown out, sure, but still in perfect condition.
"I just mean that..." You thought about what you wanted to say. "Y'know, on average women in America die, like, between seventy and eighty years old. We're less than a quarter of that right now. Five years from now, I bet the problems we have now will seem stupid and insignificant. And then five years, or ten, from that, the issues then will look the same way."
"Morbid." She turned to look at you. You couldn't tell what her expression was like, in the middle of changing lanes to pass a car going way under the limit. "Are you always this philosophical?"
"I could be. If you wanted me to be." You wondered if that edged a little too close to flirty.
"No. It's insufferable." You didn't know how to respond to that. "I don't fucking care about the grand scheme of things. My problems aren't stupid or insignificant now, so it's no fucking use thinking, oh, it'll all be fine with time! Well, it won't be, if I don't do something right now." She ranted, waving her hands as she did. "And I will argue that women die much earlier than that."
"It's a statistic, Reg-"
"No, women die at menopause at the latest. They get sad, saggy and undesirable and they die." She said with such conviction that it shook you. "When you stop being beautiful, it's all over."
"Regina, that's..." Wrong. Incorrect. A horrible way to think. "I don't think that's true."
"Women like my mom have nothing to offer. When dad stopped wanting her and started looking elsewhere, when she stopped being asked out at the grocery store and they started asking me, when Kylie poked at her flab and asked what her stretch marks were, she died."
Listening to her talk like that, about her mom nonetheless, was heartbreaking. Still, you couldn't help getting angry. "Your mom is alive and well, Reg. Your dad cheating isn't her fault, it's him being an awful human being. Being asked out at the grocery store isn't like receiving a fucking Nobel prize. Flab and stretch marks are what you did to her body. What Kylie did to her body." You bit your lip when it started wobbling. You bit down harshly to stop it.
You continued even when your voice crackled. "My mom's always gonna be young and beautiful. She's gonna always gonna have smooth, wrinkle-free skin. I won't get to ask about her flab or stretch marks. Not ever." Regina was quiet. You could feel her eyes on you. "You don't get to complain about growing old. Mrs George's been like a mom to me, you know that, so don't fucking insult her in front of me. You can get all the botox and surgeries you want, but I'm not gonna sit here and listen to that shit."
"Sorry." She said, quietly. She'd never been good at apologies.
"It's fine." You wiped at your eyes. "I'm sorry for freaking out."
"No, it's... That was stupid." She mostly muttered, now sunken into the seat.
You shouldn't have raved at her like that. Unpacking all that she said would've been much easier with a clear head. Now you were both stuck in this tension. Tears drying on your cheeks and snot in your nose, you wished things would be easier. You wished Regina had never been taught to think like she did, that she'd see herself like you saw her.
"I think you'll still be pretty when you're forty." You put it out there, going for casual.
"You don't have to lie." She huffed, assuredly rolling her eyes.
"I'm not lying. I don't think a few wrinkles are enough to ruin your face."
"I'm not gonna get wrinkles. By the time I'm old enough to get them, there's gonna be technology to prevent signs of ageing entirely."
You laughed at that. "Are you gonna pioneer that?"
"You think I'd be smart enough?"
"I think you're very intelligent, Regina."
"Hm." You could tell she was pleased, though she was looking away. "Take left here."
"Yes, ma'am."
Notes: I'm writing these abnormally fast. Usually, I'm a total sloth with these things. I guess the instant gratification of notes really is addicting. If I suddenly drop off, I promise I didn't die I just ran out of steam.
I have no idea how long this series will be. I have a general outline and character arcs going in my head, but I'm purposefully not drafting anything. I've noticed that when I plan too much I just feel like I've already written the story and don't wanna put any of the work in. So, with this method, though it has its flaws, I won't get bored of my own ideas!
Also, just to sort of put it out there in writing, they're meant to be flawed characters. OC might be self-aware to a point, but she too has her shortcomings. While Regina's more obviously flawed, neither of them are saints. They're teenagers with shitty home lives, they're gonna be fucked up. That also includes Janis and Cady. They're all dumb teenagers with unresolved issues.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie, @likefirenrain, @luz-enjoyer
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hopefulromances · 9 months
my queen is back 😭😭😭😭🤍🤍🤍🤍
just a little thought, a kindergarten teacher that has this girl-next-door/miss honey/sweetest human ever vibe and jamie meets her and is just ✨️lovestruck✨️ and maybe little snippets of how their relationship evolves, sorry if it's a lot 😭😭😭 I had a dream about this
I'm here again! I hope I can do this justice! This is such a sweet prompt!
The first time he saw her, she was carrying a large box of - what looked like - homemade planets. He was coming home from a run as she tried to open the door to her car while juggling the large box in one hand. Trying and failing he should add. Being the gentleman he is, Jamie ran over to assist.
"Here let me help you," he said, taking the box out of her hands.
"Oh, thank god," The woman sighed out, straightening up. Finally, Jamie could see her fully. She was wearing a space themed dress and wearing Saturn earrings. She smiled brightly at him as she opened the door. "That was a real struggle."
Jamie was fucked.
She looked between him and the box before moving to take the box out of his hand. Jamie snapped out of his stupor in time to move out of her way. "Let me... there we go."
He place the box down in the car, dusting his hands off. "That's a new PR for me, lifting the entire solar system."
The woman laughed and Jamie thought he could feel his heart leap out of his chest. He smiled at her, liking the idea that he could make her laugh.
"I'm a kindergarten teacher," She explained, motioning to her whole outfit. "Today is planets."
Jamie's eyes shot down and up, trying to be discrete as possible in his checking out of her body. "Gotcha... solar system, makes sense. Gotta teach them the about the mother serving pasta or something."
The woman laughed again, her hands flying up to cover her face. "I think you mean noodles. Or nachos as some people say."
He felt himself smiling again. The woman was blushing, trying to keep her face hidden behind her hands. He held out a hand for her.
"I'm Jamie."
She took his hand, finally revealing her blush fully to him. "(Y/N). And I know who you are." Jamie's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Fuck, sorry, that sounds weird, my boyfriend... or ex-boyfriend I should say, was a big football fan."
Ex-boyfriend, huh? So, she was single then. "Well I hope you still support."
"I do" she answered quickly. "I definitely do."
She blushed again. God, that was cute. The two stood in silence, smiling at each other for at least another minute before (Y/N) looked down at her watch.
"Oh, shit! I have to go!" She cursed, starting to turn around. She mad a 360, trying to find herself before turning back to face Jamie. "Sorry, I have to go. I'll see you around. Thank you for your help." She grunted as she ran into her side mirror. "Fuck, sorry, I'll uh... I'll see you around."
He waved at her as she got in the car and started to back up. As she did, on the other side of the driveway, Roy stood with his arms crossed over his chest.
"You stopped your workout to fucking flirt?"
The next time he saw her, he was doing a charity event for the local elementary school. Roy had set it up through Phoebe's school to get some of the team to go play with the kids. And lo and behold there she was with her little class.
Today, she was wearing a dress that had a football pitch decoration on it with football earrings to accompany it. She was busy making sure all the kids were in line, ready to meet the footballer that she she didn't notice him come in.
But one of the boys pointed at him and shouted excitedly.
"It's Jamie Tartt! Jamie Tartt!" He cried out standing up. (Y/N) turned and saw him, her blush returning to her cheeks. She covered her cheeks with her hands and turned to calm the boy down.
Jamie smiled and walked over to the lad.
"Hello, there," he greeted crouching down to the boys level. "Have you been a good lad today?"
The boy nodded furiously, suddenly becoming very bashful. He grabbed onto (Y/N)'s dress and hid behind her skirt. She knelt down and whispered in his ear.
"My name's Simon," he stated loudly, holding out his hand.
Jamie shook his hand and smile. "Nice to meet you, Simon. I'm Jamie." The boy giggled pulling hand back to hide his face. "Do you want to play some football with me and my friends."
Jamie nodded over to where Sam and Isaac were standing. Simon nodded again reaching his hands out from Jamie. Jamie took the boy and hoisted him over his head so he sat on his shoulders. "Alright let's go, lads!"
The boys stayed for much longer than they were required to. Play with the children for several rounds of football and several set ups of headers until one boy hit the ball too hard and broke his nose. After that, they finished up by signing whatever the kids handed to them from jerseys to notebooks and even an eraser.
After all the children left, Jamie found his way back to you.
"So, you teach kindergarten," Jamie mused, walking up to you.
"I teach kindergarten," she agreed, turning to look at him. "And you are excellent with children."
"Would you want to get drink tonight?" Jamie's question surprised himself. (Y/N) raised her eyes and surprise and that blush that Jamie loved so much came over her cheeks.
"Yeah, sure. I'll be done in a few minutes, would you wait?"
"Yes I would, definitely."
Well the first date went well. And so did the next date and the date after that and soon it'd been a few months and they'd been seeing each other regularly. (Y/N) started going to games and every now and then she's come to school with gifts for the students, which they all loved.
Jamie loved to pick her up from work. She always worked later than she should and Jamie figured out just the perfect time to get her as she was leaving. Today Jamie had picked her up along with some Chinese take out for a relaxing night in. She was sitting on the couch, leaning against him, showing him the papers she was grading as Jamie fed her fried rice.
"Simon still talks about you in all of his writing," She told him, making a mark on the paper.
"Honestly, babe, how you can read that shite is impressive," he commented squinting his eyes at the paper.
"Please, your handwriting is way worse," she teased, marking an 'A' at the top of the page.
Jamie scoffed in faux offense. "My handwriting is not that bad."
"Yes it is!"
"No it's not!" Jamie grabbed her sides, tickling her aggressively . (Y/N) let out a squeal and desperately tried to get away from him but Jamie just grabbed her and pulled her back into him.
"Jamie!" She giggled, her cheeks turning red. "Stopppp!"
"Tell me that my handwriting isn't the same as a kindergarteners," Jamie demanded, never letting up his torment.
"Fine! Your handwriting isn't quite as bad as the kindergartners."
Jamie finally let up, letting (Y/N) catch her back as she fell back into him. As she laid there, head on his shoulder, letting out a chuckle as she caught her breath, Jamie felt something shift inside him.
"Hey... I love you."
Her eyes widened and she turned to look up at him. "Really?"
He nodded, his own cheeks turning red under her gaze. She shifted, turning around and resting her hands on his chest. She leaned down and kissed him softly. Jamie made a noise of appreciation as she did, his hand coming up to rest on her neck.
"I love you too, sweet boy."
And that is how Jamie fell in love with a kindergarten teacher.
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ot3 · 3 months
In general you reach diminishing returns on "you can be smart/strong AND feminine" super fast. I'm not going to pretend it's a wholly unnecessary sentiment because we sadly do still need kindergarten level feminism for a lot of people. But its barely worth the time it takes to say and gets a hugely disproportionately amount of weight in pop culture because it's the single most palatable possible version of anything even vaguely resembling feminist thought. But lets not pretend that women who successfully perform femininity are the number 1 victims of the patriarchy here lol. Anyway it all inevitably and almost immediately leads to shit where like. Ok remember on 2014 Tumblr or whatever when there was that viral post fawning over that drug lord who was a woman because she had, like. A pink submachine gun or something. Do we all remember that.
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nrdmssgs · 3 months
Is it just me
or are some episodes in the CoD franchise actually absolutely hilarious if you watch them with some in-depth knowledge of modern Russia?
Ok, this is not a critique, I'm not saying, the following scenes are bad/lazy. They make sense, ok? I'm just giggling every time I stumble upon them.
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Nikolai looking at this place and commenting 'parking here sucks'.
If it was Price or Gaz - no further questions, because they assess the current situation.
But Nik saying that? Nik, darling, it's the good old Saint Petersburg, the very heart of it. You don't need to be local to know, that parking sucks not only here, but also 15 km around this area. This city was not built for cars, it changes, yes. But the historical part is anything but a parking lot. Imagine if an Italian told you that there are parking problems in the tourist part of Venice. No shit, darling?
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This scene. Soap, Laswell and Ghost speedrunning Alexey Navalnys work.
So we have the ACF group in Russia. Long story short: they are investigating cases of illegal enrichment of Russian elites (oligarchs, politicians, terrorists, etc.). Each investigation involves dozens of people and takes months (sometimes years) to accomplish. Here is an example of such a case (there are English subtitles available).
The ACF is the biggest organization, specializing in such investigations in Russia now (i`m not counting the Belling Cat, because they investigate a wide variety of themes and cases, not only corruption in Ru).
One of the reasons, why each investigation takes so much energy and time is because the suspect does everything possible to ensure that his property and money are not associated with his name. All financial assets are divided, they are stored in banks and assigned not to the oligarch himself, but to dozens of companies and front people. This is done just so that one day a tall Scottish guy with his British friend does not show up to you and transfer all your personal savings with the click of one button.
And do I need to say, that a transfer of a significant sum of money is never done just online and the bank would always demand an offline confirmation of your will? Because at the end of the day, it wont be Milenas problem - it will be her banks headache, when she sues them for having a kindergarten level of security.
So when I see, as Soap and Laswell trace all Milenas fundings in mere days, as they clear her bank accounts in seconds - I just lose it. Because even the most stupid politician in real Ru looks smarter than poor Milena. But again, it's not bad, its artistic allowance necessary for the pacing of the narrative.
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chasthewriter · 6 months
I guess I'll be the first, can you write a banban x non-binary reader?
Of course!! First ever request! So im gonna do my best here!
You didn’t exactly give any specific request, so i just went with whatever i thought would be interesting :D
Its not much but i think its pretty good!
Banban x NB Reader
-I hate that i love you-
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You felt like you had been running through this damn kindergarten for ages, at this point you were 99.9% sure that this wasn’t even a damn kindergarten. Hell, you didn’t even think the kid you had come to get was alive. Afterall, you weren’t sure you were alive after everything.
Getting almost killed by elevator crashes, insane white humanoids who would use you in some deranged delusions, a fucking bird who wanted to rip out your throat, a jester who would rather you die then keep the people around him safe. All of those things were actual scenarios that you had gone through, but none of them compared to him. Well except for maybe the Bird…
Banban, a 7’2 red humanoid with party hats that covered his hellish horns. It’d be cute if it wasn’t for the fact he had tried to kill you, and yet, back in the kingdom. He had been so kind…So…Understanding. You couldn’t fully piece together what the hell his deal was, but the way he looked at you, the way he motioned in your direction, everything felt so…calculated.
As you stepped along the flooring of the lower level, Toadster and Flynn having stayed behind for some reason or other, your mind continued to wander. While on that little tram ride, Banban mentioned being named “Uthman”. Which didn’t make sense to you, however you did see a ticket a while back with that name on it, but you just couldn’t figure out how he could be that very doctor. He talked about how people saw him as a monster, which, honestly, you absolutely understood, but some part of you honestly felt bad for him.
If he really was this “Uthman” Guy, then he must’ve gone through alot, you cant even stand to imagine what being abandoned to that degree…
CHRIST, why were you sympathizing with the same guy who literally wanted to use you for fucked up experiments?! Shit, you really have been in here for a while. Kid or no kid you needed to leave, and maybe you could bring Banban with?..No no no QUIT IT, You are NOT bring the 7 foot tall Yo gabba gabba reject with you!
Yet you really want to…You know you could make him happy, he always sounded so bored, he had to be sad, angry, anything…You really did want to save him, you loved him didn’t you? Well fuck, this sucks.
“Ay, Partner! Whats got you so hung up?” Toadster’s voice called from behind, as it just now hit you that you had been standing still for however long it had been..God you hated Banban..
No you didn’t…
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kendrene · 1 year
Avatrice + “Ineptly kiss cheek”
(Also I love your writing)
Ava never lingered much on the concept of water before Beatrice taught her to swim. She’s come to learn since that each body of water is different. Wind blows down from the nearby mountains and fluffs the surface of the lake with its touch. The public pool at the end of their street every single afternoon — weekends excluded — hosts a miniature tsunami; 3pm sharp, the end of daily kindergarten summer camp.
The stream they’re resting next to is overseen by gravity. 
Ava spends a solid fifteen minutes crouching on the edge of it, watching water race downhill. Vortexes and whirlpools form where the stream runs deeper, foam laps at the bigger rocks. The stream sometimes forces a path through them, sometimes hops right past. 
“Take off your shoes and come in!” Beatrice bends down, splashing a little wave in her direction. “The water is nice, I promise.”
“The water is cold.”
“If you come here I’ll teach you to fish.”
Ava frowns, making a mental inventory of everything that’s in the rucksack Bea had her lug all the way up here. Nope. No fishing equipment.
“We have no fishing poles or bait.”
“All you need is your hands, Ava.”
Beatrice is gonna teach her some kung-fu level shit. Hell yeah. She’s in. 
The water is cold, as the chill rising from it to sting Ava’s cheeks had her guess rightly. It’s colder than expected. She wades upstream to where Bea is waiting, the soles of her feet slipping over smooth rock until her flesh is solid pins and needles. The numbness makes it somewhat bearable to copy Beatrice’s stance, body braced against the swiftness of the current, but only just.
“Okay. I’m here. Now what?” Ava wiggles toes she can no longer feel and peers under the clear surface of the water. It’s like observing the world through a piece of warped glass; her feet still attached, but kind of the wrong shape. She wonders, briefly, whether they’re starting to turn a shade of blue. It’s a trick of the light, splicing through water. Maybe.
“The fish, do you see them?” 
It takes a few moments for Ava to notice the first. Slim shape threading like a silver needle through a tapestry of water. There’s more; a school of them camped in the shade of jutting rocks a few steps away.
“So you want to make sure not to shadow the water.” Beatrice bends her knees slightly as she talks, shifts first one foot, then the other, careful not to cause any ripples. “Fish will notice and dart where you can’t catch them, if you do.” 
Ava can see what she means, how she positions herself so that her shadow, while stretching big over the water at her back, does so away from where the fishes gather. “Once you’re in position, you wanna dip your hands in slowly. Like this.” Beatrice’s fingers break through the water tension, and she lowers her voice to a barely audible whisper. “And then—” Beatrice makes a scooping motion. The fish scatter. Except for the one that she’s holding, steady, with both of her hands. “Here.” She lets the fish go. “Now you try.”
Ava tries.
“Ava we should head back. It’s getting late.”
“Just one more try?” Ava’s legs are numb all the way to her thighs. Her hands are red, the skin of her fingers wrinkled from having spent so much time underwater. Her shirt is soaked through. “I swear I almost had the last one.” From the grassy streambank Beatrice looks at her, doubtful. “Please, Bea?”
“One last try.” Bea finally agrees, and Ava has to hide a quick grin. “I mean it Ava.” Beatrice adds, like she knows exactly what Ava is thinking.
“Okay. Alright.” Ava totters back upstream, shielding her eyes against the setting sun. Orange-soft light hits the water at an angle, making it hard to see what lies under the surface. Not that it makes much of a difference. Even when she could see the fish, Ava didn’t catch shit.
One last try. She pulls in a breath, holds it and feels her heart slow. Feels Beatrice’s gaze on her like a tangible weight, a hand cupping her cheek. Her whole face heats up, and to offset the sudden flush Ava plunges her hands in the water. 
One attempt. 
She’s got to make it count.
Something smooth and quick bumps against the curl of her fingers right as the day ends. Her hand closes, reflexively, pulling in and up the way Beatrice had shown her.
“I got it!” Ava lifts the squirming fish over her head with a laugh. “Bea, look! I caught one!” 
“So I see.” Bea stands. Stretches. A smile teases at the corner of her lips, rivaling the setting sun for brightness. “You did good.”
“Don’t worry, lil guy.” Ava cradles the fish gently. “I’m gonna put you back into the water now. But first—” She brings the wriggling form to her face and kisses it quickly. “I kiss you goodbye.”
“What?” Letting the fish go, Ava clambers out of the water. “Wait, are you jealous? Because I can kiss you, too, you know.”
“Ava, st—”
Before Beatrice can complete the sentence, Ava has reached her. She means the kiss to be just an innocent peck on Bea’s cheek, but her wet feet make the grass slippery. Ava falls forward. Beatrice catches her.
Ava kisses her right on the mouth. Neither of them break away.
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sir-subpar · 8 months
Reimagined Banban x Reader- Hungry Bird Chase (2)
Finally here! Sorry about the wait everyone! Under the cut.
TW: Swearing, blood and injury, violence, etc.
Hurt Comfort.
The large monster emerged from the darkness, Jumbo Josh.
The large green reptilian beast stalked towards you and Banban, a deep growl rumbled from him.
As if on instinct, Opila bolted up the stairs, you watched from a high altitude as Josh and Banban began to fight.
Banban leapt onto Josh's face, latching onto him, and clawing at it madly.
You saw him draw what you assumed to be blood.
Josh stumbled back, distracted by the assault on his face.
It didn't distract him long however, as he found his footing, and forcibly gripped Banban.
You watched, your heart clenched as you witnessed Banban being thrown to the ground.
You audibly gasped as Josh's giant fist came crashing down into Banban's body.
You swore you heard something crack or break.
You decided you needed to take action, but how?
You fumbled with your bag, there had to be something you could use, right?
Water Bottle? Probably not. Bandages? The hell would bandages do against a Dinosaur?? 
A lunch bag?
Actually, that could work.
You remembered the murals you saw of Jumbo Josh encouraging kids to eat vegetables- like he did.
You pulled out a large zip lock bag of carrots from your lunch.
You steered Opila down the steps. Though she was obviously hesitant, you managed to coerce her into doing it.
The two of you reached the bottom of the staircase. 
You whistled loudly to grab Josh's attention. Once his eyes locked with yours, you tossed a carrot in front of him.
He slowly pulls his gaze away from you looking at the vegetable with what you assumed to be some level of suspicion.
But whatever equation he had ping ponging in his head, he eventually came to the conclusion that yes, it was a carrot. He let go of Banban, no longer crushing the red monster and ate the carrot off the floor. 
His demeanor changed entirely after that. He approached you and sat merely feet away.
You gulped at the behemoth towering before you.
He looked at you expectantly.
You pulled out another carrot, but this time, instead of throwing it, you held it out above your head. His good eye widened in what you could only guess was excitement. 
He leaned forward, eating it from your hand.
His massive teeth crunched the vegetable loudly.
You offered another one, and once again, he ate it.
You had an idea.
"Hey buddy, can you hold out your palm for me?" 
You demonstrated with your own hand, facing it flat and palm up.
He stared at his own hand, confused, but did as you asked.
You poured the remaining carrots into his open hand, he ecstatically devoured them in front of you. 
He seemed far less threatening now, just excited for vegetables.
He laid down in front of you, you extended your hand out to him, gently petting his head, avoiding the deep gashes that were still oozing red.
His poor half melted face, his jagged, cavity-riddled teeth… it made you soak in the appearances of all the monsters around you.
Opila, once the beautiful bird who kept a gentle watch over the young children in the kindergarten. Now, she was gaunt, and her feathers had either faded in color, or fallen out.
Banbaleena looked haggard as well, covered in colorful stains and splotches. 
And Banban, he- wait.
Oh shit! You forgot about Banban for a second, was he okay?
You hopped off of Opila, approaching the red monster on the floor.
You approached with caution, unsure if he was still… like "that". 
But upon closer inspection, he seemed to be unconscious, laying on his back. With the amount of times he'd been thrown around, you'd be more surprised if he actually did stay awake.
Through his slightly parted lips, who's sharp fangs were once again nowhere to be found. It was like when you first met him.
His face was more bruised than before, and when you checked the back of his head, it too, was purple with bruises.
Your bandaids couldn't fix that much.
You heard a strained chirp behind you. You turned to see Opila towering over you.
She too, was not as aggressive as before, instead sitting next to you.
You pulled something else out of your lunch bag, you dissected your sandwich, offering her the bread.
She scarfed it down. 
You took note of the scrapes around her leg. She noticed your stare, and pecked at your bag.
"Do you… want me to wrap up your leg?" She replied with more vigorous pecking. You assumed that was a yes.
So, you did as you were "asked", you used some alcohol wipes to clean the wounds, and wrapped them in gauze. At this rate, you were going to run out by the end of the day.
Josh approached the three of you, and laid down next to you again. Looking up at you pleadingly. 
Right, the claw marks.
You did your best to clean them, but you couldn't properly bandage him due to his size.
At least you were able to dab the blood off of him.
Your peaceful moment was short lived, as the giant orange creature emerged from the darkness once more.
You were really starting to hate Stinger Flynn.
It seemed you weren't the only one, as Jumbo Josh let out a ferocious roar, interrupting Stinger Flynn from speaking.
It did not take long for another flight to break out. This time between Jumbo Josh and Stinger Flynn.
Before you could even think about grabbing Banban, Opila's beak bit down on the back of your shirt, practically throwing you on to her back before she ran up the stairs again, where she dumped you quickly before charging into action.
The fast uneven movement of it all made you nauseous, and being thrown on the floor at the top of the stairs did not help with your disorientation.
Tarta, who had been waiting at the top of the stairs with their baby bird, lept from the ledge to join Opila.
You took the bird and ran.
From one parent to another, the least you could do was help Opila keep her hatchling safe.
Though you ran with a heavy heart, having to leave Banban behind.
What if that was the last time you saw him?
(To be continued?)
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entryn17 · 2 months
i've seen these "stop clutching your pearls about ai art since when do you care about copyright laws" takes from people on here a few times and they always grind my ass cause it's not about giving a shit about copyright laws right. like you don't actually believe it is, it's just convenient to say when you're presented with the basic concept of "it's shit to use a service that wouldn't exist without being trained on the stolen work of thousands of artists" . i.e. it's actually not nice to steal the thing someone made with their own hands. kindergarten level concept jesus christ
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pokemonpetfinder · 9 months
Introduction Post
Shit- what am I supposed to say again?
Ah, whatever. Hi, I'm Ivaan. I'm running the blog for Pokemon Pet Finder; a place where people can come and find good partners to adopt. Currently located in Paldea and moved here since I also work as a kindergarten teacher. Don't call me dad; I know I teach young kids and breed pokemon, but I'm not a dad, and I have been called dad enough!
Post on how to adopt here
Post on Pokemon available for adoption
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Anyways, team, yeah. I just have a Wobbufettet named Punching bag, a Chansey named Egg Gal, and a Ditto named Rated R. Honorary mention would be Marie Antoinette the Florges, and Girly the Happiny.
-Do NOT sell the pokemon that I draw and design. It's a dick move to sell a free design given to you by an artist
-While the character I'm roleplaying is in his 40s, I am not, and I am a minor. I will not be taking any NSFW submits or asks
-If your account has the default tumblr pfp, is untitled, has no description, has a pornographic name, or pornagraphic imagery, I'll assume that you are a bot and you will be blocked
-Time is weird on this blog and most pokemon on the adoption profiles will stay the same age, even if its been a couple years irl. So a 6th month old pokemon will still be 6 months old 3 years later
-In adoption posts, Ivaan is going to be a lot more cheery and friendly than he is in his personal posts because his boss says he has to. You might notice a personality switch between him
-This is a roleplay, and Ivaan's views might be different from my own. He also might be more passive and snarky, and I don't purposely mean to be mean or offend anyone
-Levels don't exist on this blog
-Posts where Ivaan is talking about the center and rules and all of that will be tagged as pokepet talks, while his personal stuff will be tagged as Ivaan talks
(This account is run by the same person who runs @quillpokebiology @pokedesignercalli @onyxgeoleader and @historianofgalar . I made another blog because I have no self control, and I thought the stuff I could post here would be fun.)
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Do we have a mafia boss yuu?? Cause I would love to talk about one
I can just imagine them coming in during chapter 3 and ruining azul’s plan so quickly.
Azul is trying to get them to sign the contract yet yuu is just playing some mental games on him, or just flirting to catch him off guard
Azul is turned on Furious at this yuu because how did he get played at his own game???
Ramshackle is their base of operations, and I’d feel like this yuu might recruit NPCS
This yuu would never be blackmailed by Crowley, they would find dirt on him and indirectly threaten him with no hesitation
Bonus points if they have some cool looking tattoos
Ok this gave me a mini idea. Forgive me for this ramble but i am verybtired. Nor exactly a super mafia boss type. Maybe an ayato or just clever yuu but:
I heard mafia ans immediately thought like a royal guard in charge of rules oops
Jade: is this your first time her-
Yuu: Cut the shit I know how this works. Let Azul know we need to speak to him. I'd like a cola and get Jack here a tea. Also if you woukd be so kind to allow me to change servers to Ace, you wouldn't mind would ya leech?
After yuu enters the VIP room they give a kiss to Azuls hand, surprising him before sitting down.
Jack is staring at you bewildered. "You aren't actually gonna make a deal with him are you?"
"Hmm not yet. I want to see those three squirm for a bit more" yuu smirked and laughed.
"It was their fault for signing a contract so easily, after all. Not even bothering to look it over. Taking the easy way out... in a way i admire how Azul run things..."
Azul beamed "Im flattered and glad we have a mutual understanding. Its good to know that someone in that group has a bit of brain."
"Hmm yes, however sadly, we both know I'm not here for idle chatter. If it were up to me I wouldn't bother with any of this, but Crowleys orders, yknow?"
"I understand. Here is the terms of the contract." Azul reveals the golden paper to Yuu, who takes it and thoroughly reads it.
"Now perhaps if you three actually payed attention in your classes, you would have learned how to see through such deceptive wording." Yuu tutted.
"Oh please you never pay attention in classes!" Ace retorted. "You have no room to talk."
"Well I already graduated college alongside royalty and doctors by my side to serve directly as the Queens right hand man. I don't really need to pay attention to what I already know. I pass every test anyways."
Ace huffed and Deuce looked away. "Okay well good for you. You don't have to try because-"
"-because I already did. Now listen Ace. Imagine if your in charge of practically... everything and always have to keep up appearances. Then suddenly you end up in a place where no one know you with no responsibilities and have to attend a school on the same level as the kindergarten you attended... wouldn't you also skip a few classes?" Yuu raised a brow, their voice eerily cold. "That's what I thought. Now..."
As Yuus eyes skimmed through the contract, Jack nudged them. "Dude, you cant be serious."
"Oh but I am. Besides I'm not too worried. Even without me this is a situation that would most definitely solve itself."
"Oh? And what do you mean by that, Yuu." Azul inquired smugly.
"I've seen this exact scenario play out time and time again, Azul. Do you want to know they all ended? In failure."
"Oh please, you doubt me."
"I don't doubt you. You and I both know you're quite smart. However, how much longer do you think you can manage all these contracts realistically, Azul?"
"Organization is key when-"
"Allow me to rephrase that. How much longer do you think your contractors will put up with you?" Azul frowns at that.
"You see, Zul. There are a few ways to get out of contracts like these. To destroy the contracts. To kill yourself. To kill your contractor. Or a rebellion. Usually they all happen at once. No matter how clever you are, you can never account for any of that. Given your reputation, it wouldn't do well to hear some of your clients decided they were better dead because of you. And when that happens, people get angry... people will figure out how to overthrow you. It's happened to kings before."
Azul sat in silence, eye twitching ever so slightly at the gall of this... nobody.
"You have set yourself up for failure. You sit at the very peak of your achievements, the only way to go from here is down, Azul. And when you inevitably do, take it as a lesson. I've seen many promising figures such as yourself dissappear into obscurity. Believe me."
'It was practically my job to ruin stuff like this' Yuu thought. 'Just plant the bait now. Then wait for the fish to come.'
"Before I try and negotiate this, answer me this: do you expect a heist from me, Ashengrotto?"
"Oh no, that would be ridiculous. The photo you would be stealing is public property if anything. Nothing more than gum on the wall, no one would notice it missing."
"Uh-Huh and what about it being under the sea."
"You will be provided a premium potion to help you breath underwater. Rest assured, I made it myself."
Azul raised a brow when they saw Yuu scribble, circle, and underline certain words and sentences on the contract before pulling out a small pocket journal and ripping out a few small pages.
"I must applaud you work, Azul. You definitely know your way around a contract like a true scumbag."
Azul merely chuckled off the insult. "Of course, however I'm most curious on what your doing with that notepad of yours."
Yuu examines Azuls contract one last time, before ripping it in two, making Azuls eyes widened.
"How about, you make a deal with me?"
Azul quirked a brow at the small piece of paper in front of him.
"I have made a simpler deal that sweetens the pot for you. I'm sure you would enjoy it."
Azul looks at the paper, smug grin back on his face when he reads it.
Jack looked over at Yuu confused, before he could ask they answered.
"I have to retrieve that photo in that time span of three days. If I am successful, you release everybody. If I fail, not only will Ramshackle belong to you, but I will transfer to Octavinelle as your personal secretary or butler, no anemone needed. All of my knowledge and experience, yours. I've had a lot of experiencing serving, so I am sure you will be satisfied."
"That's crazy!" Deuce yells. "He's gonna run you ragged!"
"I'm part of a corrupted monarchy as an... upholder of the law... There is nothing worse than that. Besides. I win either way."
"How?" Deuce asked.
"Right..." Azul smirks. "I'll sign your contract then, Yuu. Just one—"
"Is there any benefit to staying in Ramshackle? Truly? If I win, Crowley gets what he wants and I get paid and fed. If I loose... well. Would I really? I would be in a new dorm that isn't rotten. I would have more access to food. Crowley couldn't boss me around as much. All this with the only downside of being a servant which I probably will get paid for— something Crowley doesn't do. I don't see a downside for me really."
'Plus if things turn out bad. I can just kill the bastard' Yuu thought.
"You need something from me to make sure I uphold this deal and don't try and change it, yes , yes... give me one moment."
Out of a hidden breast pocket, Yuu pulled out a small decorative box. It's design wasn't like anything from twisted wonderland and it looked quite expensive.
"This is the only personal item I was summoned with. The only think I have left of my family and home. If this ends up ruined in anyway, the deal is off, and depending on how bad the damage is, I may even have your head." Yuus voice stayed eerily calm as ever once again.
Likewise, the fellow businessman Azul stayed calm as well. You both understood each other. This was an act. "Alright then, so far this sounds like a deal..."
"And to calm your nerves, Azul, I'll show you what's in the box so you know I can't lie about anything being broken." Yuu opened up the box and carefully took a few items out. Old friendship bracelets. A couple foreign coins. Damaged Polaroids. "That is all." Yuu said, before putting them all back in.
"Now I would like to receive the potion right before we both sign this to ensure there is no time wasted." "Of course Yuu. It's a deal."
"May the best man win."
After another kiss to the hand and exchanged formalities, it was back to the Savannaclaw dorm, where you informed the others about what happened.
"You seriously just signed your life away." Leona snorts.
"Oh please you doubt me. I have a plan. One that you may enjoy..."
"Oh yeah?" Leona asks, unimpressed.
"The entire box is a lie." Leona looked over at Yuu, raising a brow.
"You see, there is several small machines within that box. Regardless if the box is places in that safe of his of not, they'll find a way in and seize all the contracts."
"You really think it would work?"
"If not i have a back up. However I would appreciate if you can be a part of this plan."
"Tch, what's in it for me?"
"Aww, I was being so kind to let you watch Azul squirm..."
"To the point."
"You see my first thought was to burn the contracts, but then I realized they may have a protection spell on them. That's where you come in. You're unique magic can turn it all to dust. Considering that potion you had for that stunt you pulled a while back, I'm sure this isnt your first time making a deal with him too, huh? And don't you hate the bastard? Not only do you get rid of any old deals you made, but you also get the snuff out the light in his eyes."
Leona smirked at your proposal.
"Do we have a deal?"
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ravenadottir · 11 months
naming characters from s5
now listen, i never played the season and don't know their names, so i thought it would be fun if my partner saved the pictures and i would name them in the dark! feel free to add because honestly there's definitely culture shock when it comes to names since i'm not american or european, so a name that sounds good to me might not sound good for y'all lol
like gary, i didn't think it was a bad name and then found out people think it's an old guy name ??? anyway, here are my guesses/names for season 5 characters:
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so bland looking, jesus christ! why is he sleepy here? is this his standard self? anyway! he looks like a jordan to me, because honestly jordan is a bland ass name and it fits right in!
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she's anaís (anah-ees), look at those eyes! magical! she's gorgeous and deserves a name on the same level. also, is she an li? 'cause i would be so down for her!
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she's giving "i'm pretty and i know it, i'm also composed and my name starts with a D", so i'm naming her deena. she's really hot, love the blonde hair for her!
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oh... can we talk to the designers and ask what the thought process was with this one? why does he look like a dad in gossip girl?? anyway, generic guy asks for generic name, and i thought of eddie or tommy, but i know there's a tom in s4 (?) so... eddie is a good one. although, his face alone is giving nordic, so i'm naming him viggo.
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alright, much better, this is definitely more my style! i would name him flynn, because one, white, two, red hair, and three, flynn rider, and he also looks like a smug little shit (affectionate).
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the personification of my dream girl... but not quite because she's pixels, but still! oh my god, if she's not an li you should ask for a refund! i feel like she fits with a small but impactful name, like quinn, so that's what i would name her.
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wait, so minors can apply for the show now? it's giving kindergarten, i'm sorry! cody and noel made so much fun of bobby but look at this small little child! he's definitely an evan, because he looks 14 and the adolescent vibes are there.
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retro hair, probably vintage clothes, a bland of crochet and hemp... i actually have two names for her, because it's either mona or a name with a repeated syllable, like lala. the quirky vintage crochet girls are always a lala, or lulu, so i'm naming her lala.
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this girl is giving isabella, or isadora, something that starts with -isa, but i believe isabella would fit in with her face. she's absolutely stunning, holy shit!
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the designers did the boys dirty this season huh. i feel absolutely nothing for him, and it's kind of hard to find a name for someone that i feel so indifferent about, so like... gabriel, 'cause i feel nothing about the name either!
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THIS CANNOT BE A REAL CHARACTER ON A REAL SEASON, I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS ONE! they took the time and money to draw this??? he's the human version of a ransom note written with magazine cutouts! like, every part of his face belongs to a different design, i can't!! i'm naming him hugo because who the fuck is named hugo? the human ransom note!
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i know this one! his name is suresh, i've seen him on my dash a few times last year, and he was very popular (?), so... i actually like this name for him, but i think i have one that suits him better: devaj (born from the gods);
((now the reason why i have some favorite names from different ethnicites and cultures is because i did a lot of research for an upcoming project, so there's indian, korean, chinese, japonese, spanish, among others. so when you see my favorites in the other posts, that's why))
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 17 days
💐🌷spread the love to the people you’re glad you’ve found in this corner of the internet 💐
I love you Ange. Meeting you was one of the best things happened to me here. I'm sorry that people at kindergarten level don't want to leave you alone, treating some idiots' gibberish about you as entertainment. Fuck everyone who talks to you to have your support only to gossip about you behind your back.
I am writing this not anonymously because I want everyone who reads this to know that you have never, even privately, encouraged me to block anyone. You have never encouraged me to hate anyone and you have never threatened me that I will lose your friendship if I talk to someone you don't like.
On the contrary, we disagreed many times on various topics and were able to discuss them without being offended or accusing each other. I can no longer listen to people saying that you are the head of some made up sect, talking about some made-up block lists and other shit that these sad beings come up with.
A few words to people who don't want to leave you alone − I take it upon myself, because these are my words − if someone blocks you, maybe they have a reason for it. For example, you write fucked up things, you are malicious, two-faced and toxic. Sometimes you don't need a list when you have EYES and can READ.
This fandom can die and you will always have my support.
Hagi 😭😭😭 🥰🥰🥰
I truly do not deserve you. You are the absolute sweetest and one the most loyal friends a person could wish for. I absolutely adore you, thank you for always being there for me!
And sorry for falling behind with your fics. I am eager to read them all, but I am having a crazy week. I will get to them soon!
Love you lots 💕
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belmottetower · 11 months
Sorry to get nit picky about your Roy and Jamie time line academy post but:
1. Year 7 is the equivalent to 6th grade - grade 6-8 (middle school/junior high) is the equivelant to years 7-9 (key stage 3/lower secondary school).
2. All schools both private and state (public schools) wear uniforms and from my experience at a private school the state schools in my area were stricter about uniform/dress codes than my private school.
3. I got the impression from 3x06 sunflowers that Roy going to Sunderland was more of a Boot Camp/training camp rather than actually joining the academy.
Thanks for your thoughts!
For reference, the previous post is here - some notes on Roy and Jamie's academy experiences. A firmer version will go into the AO3 primer.
1. You've misunderstood what I said or perhaps why I said it. This info on British school years is already covered in my primer. But - UK Year 7 is still the equivalent to US 7th Grade in terms of year and age levels. We do R (reception, like their kindergarten) to Year 6 primary school, then Year 7 and beyond for secondary school. I am totally aware that the US splits the "school eras" differently into K-5 Elementary, 6-8 Middle and 9-12 High. British schools split the education levels in a different place - R-6 primary and 7-13 secondary (we do 14 years, not 13, overall.) But year 7 and 7th Grade are still the same year of school. The 8th year of formal education after K-6. The point of what I wrote in that post was to flag that in the UK, Year 7, rather than Year 6 or Year 9, is when the "new school era" starts.
2. Yep, most schools here in the UK wear school uniforms. I didn't say in this post they didn't, I just pointed out how strict somewhere like St Bede's is, which is a real school that I have researched. The primer is for people who DON'T know UK culture, and Americans tend to forget that uniforms are standard in the UK because for them, plain clothes are standard. Bede's is strict in terms of formality - it's a blazer, branded jumper and tie, as opposed to a polo shirt with a crest or something - and it's strict in terms of only wearing the official school shop uniforms. What happened at your school is your school, I am talking specifically about this real actual school. Here's a random tweet from St Bede's with some boys in uniform in case anyone wants a look at it to imagine what Jamie wore.
3. You might be the first person in the fandom to get that impression about Roy. In my opinion that is a pretty big misread of the show. Roy mentioning coming back home for Christmas in 3.06 is a very good indication that he was in fact living in Sunderland, and Christmas was his first visit home. That Christmas visit is also something he cited in 1.06, Two Aces, when talking about moving to Sunderland - in Two Aces there are actually two references to Sunderland that make it clear that he was scouted and moved up there at age 9. It's phrased like his visit at Christmas was a temporary stay, not a permanent return to London.
First, Keeley says the following to him on the treadmill: "I read this mad story about a kid who grew up in a shit part of South London. And who got sent off to play as a child in Sunderland, of all places. And who later was force to rap his own verse in a charity single which was called "Winner, Winner, Football Dinner."
And then at the curse breaking ritual Roy says: "I was nine when I got scouted by Sunderland, and I'd never left London before. My granddad drove me all the way there, and it was freezing, and I was terrified. I was fucking nine. Say something. When I got there, he gave me this old blanket. He said it was to keep me warm and to remind me of home. And that was the last time I saw him. 'Cause he'd passed away by the time I got back for Christmas, so..."
Scouted has a very specific meaning in this situation. It means scouted as a potential professional player and signed by a club's academy.
This season, in 3.09, Roy references Sunderland again. He says:
"When I was first coming up through Sunderland, there was an old-timer on the team. Local guy. He and his wife were about to have their first kid, so during training one day, I made a joke that, statistically, I was probably the real dad."
This comment tells us that Roy not only came up through Sunderland - as in, through their academy - but that he also made his way onto the first team there and made his senior debut with them. Because his academy team isn't going to include an older player about to have a child. This story is something that happened to probably a 17 or 18 or 19 year old Roy, to a 30 year old Sunderland player. This indicates that he "came up through" the Sunderland academy all the way til he was pulled from the junior side into their first team.
Every indication from the show, as well as interviews with Brett, tell us that Roy went to Sunderland at age 9 and lived there, was a part of that football club, for at least the next decade before being eventually sold to Chelsea as an adult.
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blues-valentine · 1 year
a lot of ppl are so obsessed w their ship being canon that they act dense to jjs emotional depth cuz in what world was he occ this season. the show finally tackle (although poorly) the consequences of his abuse and how it affects to physical and emotional intimacy.
This is a common fandom thing. Is it really occ or you just don’t like that it doesn’t favor your way? Most of the time the answer is the later. Fandoms are often very hypocrite because they would be salivating if the tables were turned to their direction. The main thing I am seeing is "he was too obsessed with Kie" but JJ is always the first one willing to do what it takes to save his best friends. We have seen him made up crazy plans to save them and overall freak out because JJ is very volatile and intense.
Are we watching the same show? JJ firing a freaking gun in front of everybody to save John B. Trying to break him out of jail with such a misconducted plan and failing miserably. Taking the blame for Pope with the Rafe issue. JJ willing to offer himself to give the group a chance. Stealing the money from Barry out of a spur of anger and desperation. JJ is reckless when put into a corner or faced with what he considers is injustice. JJ going off at the club because they were talking about John B. He reacted just as bad when they had to leave John B just after getting Kiara back. JJ loves his friends more than anything in this world.
It’s easy to scream OCC when you don’t like the direction a character is taking and because you don’t want to analyze why it makes sense. 301 was very clear about how much JJ didn’t want to leave the island because he thought it was a bad idea. He saw the island as an scape from the problems. Things went to shit the moment they were rescued. He was acting out of anger.
Now there’s another layer. JJ is already a ride or die for his friends. If you add a romantic layer it’s expected that he'll get more intense. Kie is not some random person. He has feelings for her and he was able to bond with her over their shared dream in the island. It’s romantic when John B goes mad for Sarah but it’s OCC from JJ when Kiara has been his best friend since kindergarten, might you. He would’ve reacted just as bad without the added feelings. It stands out now even more because he is finally exploring and addressing his romantic feelings.
As I explained here, JJ is dealing with those feelings and he is coping with it the best way he can. He isn’t used to this level of romantic intimacy, let along Kiara being so vocal about it. Eventually, the abuse his dad put him through + his mom leaving would catch up to him. It’s also not the first time he had questioned Kiara’s intentions because she’s rich so the conflict of classes existed in his mind. Rudy did a fantastic job portraying that level of vulnerability and you could just see how his body would tense and go into self defense mode. It is really on brand with JJ and I wished they had expanded on it.
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nalyra-dreaming · 2 months
It's so funny how that subgroup postures and pretends to care about louis and claudia (and armand), when in fact they don't give a shit about the characters themselves, they only care about them in their capacity as POC characters (but only so far as they 'act' like POC). their 'analysis' only goes so far as to consider their race as if that's the only factor at play here. if lestat had been black and louis white, we would never hear the end about how black!lestat was completely in the right to beat white!louis because of oppression or something. they don't see them as characters functioning within a narrative (that was adapted from a book source to begin with!), their allegiances only lie with surface-level characteristics, it's so kindergarten.
Agree with the kindergarten.
As per the (let’s call it^^) thought experiment:
I have talked about it, but in this color-conscious show a black Lestat would not have worked, imho, not in the way a black Louis was able to work. Because of the themes and their whole approach to meta level and background shifts.
But that just as a note. I feel I cannot quite predict how this fandom would have reacted to the inverse setup, but given that some seem to have problems with evaluation of the color-conscious approach … 🤷🏽‍♀️
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