secret-laughs · 8 months
lee emu demons hit sorry
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
could i request a fluffy polysho fic with promtps 6, 8, 24, & 26 or at least any combination of those :D!! i know you said you want to focus on your own work first so feel free to take your time or just ignore this lol <3 i just have this vivid picture of them cuddling but there are too many limbs and it is a little awkward and they are all way too ticklish dfkjghkjdfgh
Tickletober day 31: Cuddles
BRO THIS REQUEST IS SO OLD I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME THIS LONG TO FILL IT OUT. I just haven't had the energy to write all four of them but now I do! This prompt was so freaking cute I just HAD to do it!
What better way to finish tktober than by writing for my fave ship <3
I hope the wait was worth it lol
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Tsukasa x Emu x Nene x Rui (poly WxS)
Lees: Tsukasa, Emu, Nene, Rui
Lers: Tsukasa, Emu, Nene, Rui
Warnings: Tickles! Tummy kisses! Foot tickles!
It was one of those days where all they wanted to do was cuddle in each others' presence. Although when there's four of you it might be a bit more difficult... They were all situated on the couch, Tsukasa and Rui were sandwitched in the middle with Emu snuggled up against Tsukasa's side and Nene on Rui's side.
"Emu, you're suffocating me!" complained the blonde as he tried scooting away from her (well... in the bit of room he had to move in) but Emu would just cling onto him again. In the process, he ended up getting a bit too close to Rui's side.
"T-Tsukasa, behe cahareful!" giggled out the purple haired male as he felt his boyfriend's hand against his side.
"Someone a bit ticklish~?" Nene teased as she playfully poked his neck, causing him to squeal.
"Nene plehease!" Rui whined out cutely, his cheeks already getting flushed.
"Emu won't stop clinging onto me!" the blonde cried out.
"Wahaha! You can't escape me~" Emu teased as she wrapped her arms around Tsukasa's sides.
"Ahh-! Ehehemu, stahap that!" Tsukasa snickered as he tried removing Emu's hands from his sensitive sides, but she was just so stubborn.
"Aww, is Tsukasa ticklish~?" she giggled as he rubbed her hands up and down his sides.
"You ahalready knohohow thahat!" Tsukasa kept on giggling hysterically. He decided to fight back and squeezed at her hips.
"EEP!" Emu squeaked out of surprise while still trying to tickle her boyfriend.
"Lohooks like the princess is also tihihicklish!" he did his best to tease her through his giggle fit.
"Oh nohoho! My weheakness has been fohound!" she retreated over to Nene's side. "Nehene save mehehe!" she giggled out as she hugged Nene from behind.
"Dohon't use me as a shihield!" Nene chocked on a laugh as she felt Emu's small fingers softly digging into her ribs.
"Now who's the ticklish one~?" teased Rui as he softly scribbled the back of her neck.
"S-shut uhuHUp!" Nene scrunched up like a turtle, all while sneakily squeezing Rui's side.
"GAH-!" he was caught by surprise and fell back onto Tsukasa's lap.
"What's this?! A ticklish cutie has fallen onto my lap!" Tsukasa teased as he softly scratched behind Rui's ears, earning those cute 'lil giggles he enjoyed so much.
"Eek! Ehehehehe! T-Tsukasahahaha!" Rui whined out as he covered his flushed face behind his hands.
"That's my name!" Tsukasa chuckled along as he oh so gently tickled under his arms, causing them to come crashing down.
"AH! NAHAT THEHEHERE!" Rui squealed in laughter, opting to cover his flushed face against Tsukasa's tummy.
"Pfft-! R-Ruhuhui! Thahat tickles!" Tsukasa stopped tickling him as he tried pushing his face away.
Rui smirked as he lifted up Tsukasa's shirt and placed a gentle kiss on his bare tummy.
"EEP! Rui nahat thehe kisses!" the world future star whined out as his face errupted like a tomato.
"Yehes the kisses~" Rui teased against his tummy before placing an onslaught of tickly kisses all over it, wrapping his arms around his waist to prevent him from squirming away.
"GYAH! Ahahahahaha!!" Tsukasa threw his head back as he kicked his legs out all cutely. "N-nehene sahahave mehehe!".
"Ugh fine, but only 'cause you're so loud~" she teased as she grabbed Rui's foot and playfully tickled all over his socked sole. "Tickle tickle~".
"Gyahahahaha! Nene dohohon't!" Rui cackled out as he clutched his tummy.
"Don't worry Rui, I'll save you!" yelled out Emu as she suddenly tackled Nene on top of Rui.
And Emu on top of Nene, with all three of them on Tsukasa's lap.
"...When y'all said you wanted to cuddle, this isn't what I had in mind!" Tsukasa complained, causing the other three to giggle. Oh well, what did he expect? Trying to do normal couple things always escalates out of hand with these weirdos, but he wouldn't trade them for the world.
I feel like this fic is all over the place aidhskdhjs
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sugarish · 2 months
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𝜗⟆ an over - indulgence of anything , even something as pure as water , can intoxicate .
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fanficsandfluff · 2 months
Ditto, too new for any real headcanons, just enjoying the absolute flood of content. Also please enjoy the Blitzo pic on Twitter that made me go feral (you'll have to add the Twitter URL start as IG won't let me post links anonymously): The_Daringstars/status/1348761821054988288 - AnonEmu
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Anon!Emu supremacy forever <333
ty for sharing! I definitely was roped into the fandoms from all the amazing tickle content that's been coming out, so here we are now!
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getwonderhoyd · 1 year
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theyre all wearing silver rocking horse charms, and each has a star painted on their face while tsukasa has tears
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klairawaira · 4 months
•┈••✦ What We Love About You!✦••┈•
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Characters- Rui Kamishiro, Tsukasa Tenma, Emu Otori, Lee!Nene Kusanagi
Ships- Polysho
Summary- Nene comes to the Wonderland SEKAI upset, prompting her beloved partners to attempt a "cheer up operation"
A/N- Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! I decided to collaborate with Py (@pink-tk-a-latte) On this little silly goofy fic! I think this actually took us like 5 days LMAO | But it was worth it!!!!111 (it's partially proofread by me and py so)
Tags- @ziniszombie @pink-tk-a-latte @justaposibblytransgirl @nekoma-not-lee
Fic Under The Cut!
It was Valentine's Day, a day of love, appreciation, and happiness. Everyone at Kamiyama High School in Class 2-A was tasked with writing a letter to who they loved and appreciated the most, and what they loved or liked about them.
As they were promptly shared with the class, everybody was waiting patiently for their name to be said by the other students. This also included Nene, who had been waiting the entire class to hear her name. Despite her kindness towards the other students, her name was not called by anybody.
Nene listened to the pleasantly embarrassed laughs and appreciative coos from the recipients. They hid their faces in their hands, smiled wobbly smiles, and put their hands on their hearts with tearful faces.
Nene awaited her turn for the burst of surprise, giddiness, gratitude at hearing her name from someone else’s mouth. It never came.
Maybe she shouldn’t have expected anything. She was kind, sure, but she was no one’s best friend. She shouldn’t mind. She understood. Maybe she didn’t want that extra attention anyway.
Still, in her lonely desk in the corner, Nene felt her heart sag.
After the bell rang to mark the end of class, Nene was nowhere to be seen. She had run out of school at the end of the day, not caring who saw her as she waited until the right moment alone to enter the Wonderland SEKAI.
Miku and KAITO, who had been working together on a show idea for Tsukasa and the others, noticed Nene enter. Something, however, was off about the grayish-green haired girl. The two vocaloids realized that Nene wasn't feeling her best, but before they could ask about it, she'd run off to hide.
Nene didn’t know how long she’d spent curled up backstage of the theatre, before she heard a bright and bubbly but concerned voice through the curtain.
“Nene-chan? Nene-chan, please come out!”
Slowly, she peeled her head from the wall.
Ah, and that earth-quaking volume…
“Perhaps she’s behind the stage?”
And the most familiar voice of all.
Wiping her eyes with her sleeve, Nene called pitifully, “I’m here…”
Her sore eyes beheld a ball of pink bouncing into the lightless hollow. She gasped and was at Nene’s side in a flash.
“Nene! What’s wrong? My sadness senses were tingling, and then Miku went ‘Brrrrrrrllllll— brrrrrrrlllll—’ which meant someone was lost in Sekai!!” Emu threw herself around Nene, who could only hiccup in protest.
Nene felt so bad about burdening the others with her bad mood, but nothing could really come out. Finally, in tears, she'd speak in a quavering tone, her voice breaking and cracking. "S-Sorry....I-I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to w-worry anybody...I-I just..."
"Nene-chan..." Emu held her tightly, rubbing her weeping partner's back gently as she let Nene express her current emotions to the three of them. Nene would sniffle, squeezing her eyes shut when she felt Rui gently stroke her hair with his fingers.
“Nene,” Rui called lowly, voice soothing and gentle as milk. At that one word, a dam broke within Nene’s chest.
Sobbing, Nene buried her face in Emu’s pink sweater. “It’s really not that big of a deal. I-I think… I’m just being dramatic.”
“Nonsense!” Tsukasa, who had been quietly panicking as soon as he saw her crying, nestled into her other side. His star-like warmth was like a plush, constellation-patterned blanket. “You’re never dramatic! Even I would be upset if no one thought of writing for me.”
“You can be honest with us, Nene.” Rui pulled his fingers through her hair again, a massaging tug on her scalp. Emu rubbed her cheek against her head.
Nene let Tsukasa pull her legs into his lap. “Maybe there’s just nothing to say about me… Nothing to-” Nene swallowed. She didn’t want to voice her thoughts, but she’d promised to be honest. “Nothing to love…”
Nene buried her face into Emu's shoulder once more out of shame, scared of what her partners would think. To her surprise, however, they showed her nothing but absolute kindness, Emu leaning her head slightly to kiss Nene's cheeks, Tsukasa rubbing her back, and Rui knelt down to hold her hand and massage her shoulders.
"Nene, you don't have to deal with this alone, y'know that, right?" Rui would ask softly, his fingertips gently tapping and drumming on her shoulders. "Yeah, Nene-chan! You know that whoever said that there wasn't anything to love or write about you is wrong, right? They're just jealous of you!" Emu pouted softly as she planted many tiny kisses all over Nene's forehead, nose, and cheeks.
Nene would reluctantly nod to their questions, still feeling down in the dumps about today. She didn't know what to do in order to feel better, so she'd just listen to her partners soothe her hurting pains, and comfort her.
Rui hummed, sensing that Nene still didn’t quite believe them. “There’s plenty of things to love about you, that we love about you.” Rui leaned over to nuzzle into her cheek.
His feather-like breaths and kisses pushed Nene to squirm away and giggle. As she shoved at Rui’s head, he chuckled.
“For example, your cute little laugh.” Rui grinned like a cat. “And your peculiarly ticklish cheeks.”
“Ruhuhuhihi!” Nene whined, finding refuge in Emu’s shoulder. “Stahahap, you meheheanie!”
“I didn’t know your cheeks were ticklish!” Emu’s eyes sparkled in a truly terrifying way. “I’m gonna getcha~! Let’s see that smile we love-love-love so much!”
Emu peppered noisy smooches all over Nene’s skin, even blowing a small raspberry on her blushing cheeks. Nene squealed and ducked away. “AhaEHEmuhuhu!”
“Oho? You didn’t know, Emu?” Rui raised an amused brow. “It’s her deepest, darkest secret. Oops!”
“RuihiHIHIhiiii! You traHAhaitor!” Nene managed to land a considerable slap on Rui’s face, and he gasped in offense.
Rui sniffled performatively. “Nene! My dearest friend, how could you?”
“Ah! I see my inventive partners have come up with an answer to our sad Nene plight.” announced Tsukasa, who noticed the drying tears on Nene’s well-kissed cheeks. “Look at that radiant smile! A wonderful muse!”
"Nohohohoo i-it's nohohohohohot!" Nene giggled nervously, covering her face in embarrassment as she tried to move away from her partners. This caused Emu to persist and continue her tickly antics, her fingers gently stroking Nene's cheek in a tingly way.
"Awwweeee~ Nene-chan is so cuteee, it's so wonderhoy~!" Emu exclaimed happily, continuing to stroke Nene's cheeks. The grayish-green haired girl would finally manage to turn away completely, hiding her face with her hands.
“Well, we can’t allow that!” Tsukasa took advantage of Nene’s legs in his lap and skittered his nails over her knees. Nene shrieked and jumped but couldn’t escape his hold. Cheering, Emu bound Nene in a hug and squeezed her like a balloon.
“You’re so fluffy-fluffy toasty-toasty, Neneeee, I just wanna squeesh you forever!” With exuberance, Emu kneaded Nene’s sides, watching her squirm back and forth and try to kick her legs.
“LEHEhehet mehehe goho! You dAHAdohorks!”
Rui muffled a snicker and teased at the back of Nene’s neck; now she was twisting every which way like a faulty folding chair.
Rui simpered. “Go for her iliac crest!”
“Her what?”
"What's an eye-lii-ack crest?" Mused Emu, who was very curious to know what Rui was talking about. Nene knew exactly where this was going as she flailed her arms about in protest. She'd have no choice but to squeak and hiccup as she spoke through giggle-induced words.
"Nohoho-No! R-Ruhuhuhuhuii! D-Don't tehehell thehehehemmm!"
Tsukasa and Emu couldn't help but wonder what was about to happen, both of them listening intently to Rui. They'd wait for an explanation, curious what has Nene giggling so nervously.
Rui shrugged and decided that showing was better than telling. Slowly, his hands descended, curling into claws, as Nene hugged her knees as close as she could to her chest in defense.
“Dohon’t- Rui! D-Don’t! NohoHOHAHA!”
Rui’s thumbs massaged the top of Nene’s hip. She exploded from her ball and grabbed onto the nearest thing — Tsukasa — to stabilize herself against the ticklish shocks traversing her nerves.
“You remembered what it was, Nene! Such a clever pupil. Isn’t she amazing?” Rui sounded tearfully proud. Desperately, Nene shook her head.
With Rui gently but cruelly digging into one of her worst spots, Tsukasa boldly drawing on and under her knees, and Emu pinching sporadically around her middle, Nene’s face began to ache from how wide she was laughing. Her stomach pretzeled, warm from the giddiness of love and fluster.
"Guysss! We should go over more things we love about Nene-chan! I'll start! I love how red your cheeks and nose get! I love how you hide your cute little smile~! Who's next!
"I also love how softspoken you are when you tease, it's so unexpected to me, but I love those moments nonetheless." Tsukasa would chirp in, gently squeezing her calves every now and then. "And as for me, I love it when you giggle so hard that your nose scrunches up and you end up snorting, and I especially love how cute and tiny your dimples are. Such an adorable sight, is it not~?"
"NohoHOHOHOAhahaha! N-NOHOHOHOhohohot adohohoHOHOHOHORAblehehehehe! IHIHIHIhihit tihihiHIHIHI- NAHAhahahahahahaha!" Nene couldn't finish her words out of embarrassment. She hated saying that she was ticklish. But, unfortunately for her, Rui caught onto this, and teased lovingly out loud to catch Nene off guard.
"Oh? It what, Nene? What are you trying to say? What t-word are you referring to?"
Nene completely combusted, trying to prevent this from happening. "NOHOHOHohohoho! D-DohohohoHOHOHON'T YOHOHOHOUHUhuhuhu dahahaHEHEHEHEARE STAHAhahahart thihihihis!"
"Are you saying touchy~? Or teasy~? Or even tastyyyy~?" Rui grinned widely, knowing exactly what his ass was doing. He was trying to trick Nene, and it was clear that Emu and Tsukasa were both in on this.
Nene immediately tried to cover her mouth, realizing what she had gotten herself into. "W-WahahahaHAHAIHIHIHIT NOHOHOhohoho! DohohoHOHOAHAHAHAN'T!"
“Ticklish, you say~?” Rui’s grin was chilling. “Is that so? Well well well… isn’t that just prrrrecious?”
Suddenly, all the tickling stopped. Nene could only feel the phantom tingles of what had just passed and the force of her lungs heaving in air. But she couldn’t trust it. She knew what was about to happen.
Sweet breath fluttered over her ear. “Aww, you should have told us, Nene~,” Emu whispered. Nene muffled a squeak. Rarely was Emu a menacing presence, but this time, Nene’s heart only pounded in dread.
A finger brushed a slick strand of hair behind her other ear. Nene shivered. “She seems nervous. Isn’t the suspense just killing you?” She never thought she’d fear Tsukasa’s quiet voice.
Someone else was pulling her in. Something warm teased at her neck.
“Doho- don’t. Guys! Plehease! Nonono—“
Shrilling in ticklish laughter, Nene wriggled about to try and get away as Rui planted tickly kisses all over her neck. Giggling along, Emu would scribble her nimble fingers under Nene's armpits as the light tickles got to the poor girl.
All Nene could get out was an "EhehehEHEHEEK! NOHOHOHohohoho!" as she squirmed and flailed about. She was so ticklish, but would never admit to it.
Nene squealed, thrashed, blushed, cried for mercy, and slapped aggressively at Rui’s shoulder and elbowed Emu as best she could.
The sounds of Rui’s lips trembled up to her ear in waves and she crushed Emu’s fingers beneath her upper arm. Tears washed over her eyes and her laughter became so screechy that even Tsukasa was concerned.
He rested his chin and a kiss on Emu’s shoulder and pinched Rui’s cheek. Both of them received the memo and slowed their attack. Rui smoothed the sides of Nene’s shirt. Emu fixed her hair and moved aside to let Nene fall into Tsukasa’s lap. Nene hiccuped on a breath and covered her face, giggles interspersed.
“I’m sorry… to get so sappy on you guys,” Nene slurred.
Smiling, Rui purred, “Nene, we love you when you’re happy. We love you when you’re sad too.” He coaxed her hands away to reveal her pink nose and pursed lips.
Tsukasa cupped her face with a grin that was difficult to take seriously, but cute. “Yes! Your crying face is charming!”
“But when you smile, you’re even more charming! Cuz we know you’re happy.” Emu’s chipper face popped in from the side of her vision.
“Forget it. You guys are sappier than the ending theme of a video game.” And together, they laughed.
༝ ˚ 。⋆ 𓇼 ⋆。 ˚ ༝
A face hidden in her hands, a tearful face, a burst of surprise, giddiness, gratitude.
But mostly embarrassment.
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sisigull · 3 days
Emunescence, that’s it
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practickles · 1 year
Surprise - Featherary Day 5
Fandom: Project Sekai
Lee: Rui Kamishiro
Ler: Emu Otori
Ambiguous EmuRui
Warnings: Tickles
Summary: Emu is on a mission. One requiring the upmost stealth and patience. One that will cure her boredom and hopefully get her beloved inventor to smile in the process.
This one was heavily influenced by both Lucy and Kairo, special thanks to them <3
She had to be quiet. Careful. Calculated. Stealthy. Even the slightest slip up could compromise her mission. 
Emu’s mission? Rui. Or more specifically: Rui’s laughter. 
He’d been focused on his robotics projects all day and Emu was bored. A dangerous combination. Dangerous for Rui that is. Emu had a tendency to deal with boredom in... Interesting ways and the cast of Wonderlands x Showtime more often than not suffered the brunt of the consequences of her actions. This time was no exception, Emu was on a quest and wouldn't stop until she'd reached her goal.
There he was: the target was in sight. Standing next to his desk as he worked diligently on the robot atop it, he had no idea what was coming from right behind him. Emu crept closer and closer until he was finally in her arms' reach. She'd never gotten this close before. He was quite the evasive man when he wanted to be, well practiced from his days of outrunning various police and theme park security. Transitively, this skill carried effectively over to avoiding Emu's sporadic tickle attacks. However, his current focus on his work made him atypically vulnerable and completely unaware of his surroundings.
Had Rui turned around at that moment, he would have been met with a giddy smile and a glint of determination in the girl's pink eyes. Of course though, he didn't and was instead made suddenly aware of her presence by the feeling of arms wrapping firmly around his abdomen in a tight embrace and, immediately following, small, quick fingers poking and wiggling wherever they could reach.
"Ha! Gotcha! Tickle tickle tickle, Rui! I wanna hear your gigglies!" Emu said, celebrating the mission's success. 
The giggling boy in her arms, however, had a different definition of the word success. "Ehehemu! Whahahat are yohou dohohihng?" He dropped whatever tool he was using in his surprise at the sudden tickle attack and gripped the desk for support. 
"Giving Rui the kichie coos!" Emu replied brightly, moving to scribble solely on his stomach. "Your smile and little laughs are so wonderhoy!" 
Rui, not used to being caught so off guard, couldn't conceal the blush quickly covering his face at the flustering situation and the complements. “Dohohon't say thahahat!" 
“Oh! Should I say tickle tickle instead? Do you not like kichie kichie coo?" Emu asked, halfway between a tease and a genuine question. "But it makes your face go all dazzly and sunny!"
Her wiggling fingers kept up their mission, giving the alchemist considerable trouble responding. The laughter was working in tandem with the fuzzy feeling already taking over Rui's brain. "Noho! I mehehan yehehe! Wahait- hehehe!" His arms supporting him shook and grew weak with the effort of holding himself up through his fits of laughter. "Lehet me sihit dohown!”  
Emu immediately stopped the tickling but continued to hold Rui in a hug from behind him. "Oh yeah! Let me help you." She gently pulled Rui to the ground, letting herself be taken along with him.
A small, sad expression overtook her features as she said, "I'm super sorry! Was that too much? I just wanted you to have fun!" 
Rui, now curled in a ball on the ground, was still recovering from his own laughter "Noho! Nohot at all! I just- hehehe- was hahahaving trouble stahahnding,"
“Ohhh! So can I keep making you laugh now that you're laying down?” Emu’s excited smile returned instantly. She seemed to bounce up and down as she impatienty waited for an answer.
She seemed so happy and eager, she was all but glowing. Rui had no choice but to submit to her for the pure sake of getting to see her bright smile. No other reason. None at all. 
He feigned a confident, carefree smile and tucked his hands behind his head, as if to get comfortable, fully aware of the opportunities the action opened up to his fellow performer. “If you'd like,” He smirked, “But there's no telling whether or not I might want revehehehehnge! Wait, hehehe! Ehehemu!”
The girl immediately began to squeeze up and down Rui’s sides. “Squish! Squish!” She enunciated each squeeze with a small sound effect to accompany Rui’s own squeaks and yelps.
Rui instinctively grabbed at her hands and rocked side to side every time Emu came close to his ticklish midsection, but short on control of his limbs, kept missing, resulting in an adorable flurry of flailing arms. He flung his body back and forth before finally gaining the momentum and courage to flip himself over and attempt to roll away.
His escape could only have been less effective if he were glued to the floor. Emu easily crawled back over to him and with her usual bubbly energy, gasped and exclaimed, “Rui’s being a tickly roly poly! Stay still roly poly!” To prove her point, she sat right on his thighs and began to drill circles right into his hips. 
The poor inventor was lost in his own mirthful shrieks at the silly words and playful touch, only made worse by the smaller girl’s continued teasing. “Look at the alchemist's smile! It’s so cute! Dut, dut, dut! Your hips have so many laughs trapped in them! Be free, laughs!”
And free they were as the room was filled with the happy, helpless noises that were so distinctly Rui. His natural laughter, so unlike the controlled and smug chuckles he frequently gave, was wheezy and nasally in a way that Nene could only describe (affectionately) as dorky. It was wild and all over the place, ranging from loud to soft, low and deep to ear-shatteringly high pitched, and sometimes contained the occasional snort. Usually, Rui couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed about it but there was no room in his brain for those thoughts as every nerve and cell in his body was completely and utterly focused on the sensation internally tearing his mind to absolute pieces.
The cold air suddenly brushing over his stomach granted a flinch and shiver as he felt his shirt being gently rolled up to expose his belly to the world, or, more specifically, Emu. The cold was short lived, however, as her warm breath trailed over the skin, somehow producing more goosebumps than before. She inhaled deeply, put her lips directly over Rui’s belly button, and released the entirety of her air supply onto the sensitive spot in a long raspberry. She giggled along with Rui as he threw his head back and laughed with everything he had in him, which, at the moment, was not much.
At long last, the vibrations came to a close as Emu gave one final sweet kiss over his navel, a grin splitting her face when she pulled away. “All done! Did you have a super duper fun time?” She asked him.
“Hehehe! I dihid! But nohot as muhuch as you’re abouhout to!” He smirked dangerously, bringing hands up to her ribs. 
He did warn her he’d want revenge after all. And revenge the poor, pink haired girl would receive until they were both filled to bursting with the pure joy of having spent warm, playful time together.
I feel this is a little rushed erfingdiufgehg but I'm done tweaking it atp so here you go anyways
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anonyamogus · 2 years
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Some Kaito and WxS brain rot
Part 2
Nene totally got captured first but convinced Tsukasa and Emu to let her go if she helped them capture Rui
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nataliedrawz · 1 year
heya!!!! happy 200!!!!!! can i please request an x reader?? if you dont mind?????? id like maybe an emu x reader with fluffy cuddles and tickles, maybe the reader has stage fright???? youre amazing, keep on smiling <3
Stage Fright
A/N: Hello! This was a really cute request, thank you for being the first to request something for the event! I will always stay smiling, and so should you!<3
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"Hey Y/N! Are you alright over there?" Asked the concerned pink haired girl, Emu.
This situation happened after Emu had insisted in doing some practice, little did she know that you had a humongous amount of stage fright, especially when it came to performing your solo infront of millions of people. She insisted in letting Rui, Nene and Tsukasa act like her audience to help start it off, but quickly changed her mind when she saw you freeze up altogether.
"Y/N, I know it's hard, but we need to figure something out to help you calm down! Maybe we can play a game? Go for a stroll in the park? Anything to help you ease down!" Insisted Emu, her index finger tapping her chin in a thinking pose, "Maybe I can pull some silly faces! Tsukasa and Rui used to do that when I was nervous, it helped me calm right down!" Chuckled Emu, the thought making her sigh in happiness.
No matter how hard she thought, she couldn't help but frown a slight bit, "We could do some baking? Mum used to do that for me when I was down! Or she'd- wait, that's genius!" She paused at the thought, earning a head tilt from you out of pure confusion. "My mum used to tickle me before I performed too! Do you mind?" She asked, her holding your hands gently up to her face, kissing the back of your left habd reassuringly, "I'll be gentle, but if you don't like it, I won't continue, okay?"
"Okay." Was all you said, but that one word out of you made her entire body shake like an excited puppy, immediately making you smile. How could you be so lucky to have such a sweet friend like her? You didn't know, but it was pure luck.
"C'mon, we don't have all day!" She grabbed your arm, dragging you to the nearest lounge. It was comfortable as usual, but the fact you two were together made it feel even safer. "Alright! So, where do we start off?" She asked, rubbing her hands together and inching them towards you with interest. "Maybe we could start he-EHere!?" You giggled out of surprise as she immediately tazed at your side's, the unexpected movement making you curl up immediately, "Daw! You're really cute when you do that! It's almost like you weren't expecting me to immediately oblige!" She smirked, a teasing tone lighting up your nerves ever so slightly more. She started with gentle tazing to gentle yet excruciatingly slow circles against your side's, only lighting up your quickly reddening face.
"Aw, you're already so red! Does it ticki-ticki-tickle?~" She cooed, emphasizing with slight squeezes, "yEheHes! Ihit does!" You strained, making her gasp, "No way, don't hold back your laugh on me! I love it when you laugh freely!" She let out her bottom lip, reassembling a pout with large puppy dog eye's. Seriously, why was she so good at that!?
"Oh no, looks like the tickle monster is.. getting.. stronger! I can't hold.. it back any... longer.. rah!" She blew a small raspberry into the crook of your neck, making you gaffaw from the highly unexpected change of pattern. Her hands movements were light and precise, but her raspberries? Heck no! "Hey, don't you even dare try that! Bring them back down!" even if you went to try and pull your hand up to try and push her away, she'd take advantage and race her fingertips there and scribble to no end until you brought them back down. "GYaHahahAH! Dohon't yohOHou- AiHEHE!?" You immediately wrapped your arm's around yourself, Emu gasping, "Oh my goodness, you really are super ticklish!" She giggled, "Hey! You feeling better?" She asked, hoping it helped out even the slightest. "Actually.. I don't feel scared at all no more." You smiled, hugging her, "But I'm so getting you back one day!" You chuckled, "looking forward to it!" She patted your back, maybe you could return the favor some day.
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tea-and-tickles · 2 years
Hello! :D
I saw that reqs. were open and was wondering if you could write something with lee!Mafuyu and ler!Emu? No pressure ofc! Have a lovely day ^^
WAUGH SAKURA. this almost never happens but i enjoyed this prompt so much that i wrote a 2k word fic based on it in one sitting. i hope you like it!!
"you create a rarity of my genuine smiles"
a/n: she/her pronouns for emu, they/them for mafuyu! !! kink blogs please DNI. i personally prefer not to engage with tickling as a kink. this is intended to be fluffy and innocent !!
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Summary: Mafuyu has a request for Emu. or Emu can't stand to see Mafuyu sad.
Warnings: Allusions to parental abuse/neglect; tickling.
Asahina Mafuyu x Ootori Emu from Project Sekai (Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!)
Word Count: ~2k words
Emu’s house was a short walk from Miyamasuzaka. It was a relief, too. After a long week of classes, Mafuyu would be lying if they said they wanted to take the long trek back to their house. And, even better, it was Friday. That meant no cram school, no sudden deadlines, and a little more time to finish their homework (which was mostly completed anyway). Which meant that, today, Mafuyu got to hang out with Emu.
Mafuyu wasn’t sure what they were expecting, but it wasn’t the Ootori household. They figured her house would be something like theirs—modest, but nothing to scoff at. But, no; Emu lived in a mansion. A real, proper mansion. Mafuyu still had little to say as the two walked inside. In lieu of silence, they finally spoke: “This is your house!”
“Yup!” Emu said it like it was nothing. “My grandpa owns Phoenix Wonderland, so we got real lucky!”
“Huh,” Mafuyu mused. “Well, that’ll do it, I suppose.” The two stood quietly in the foyer for a moment, before Mafuyu spoke again. “Um, where should we go?”
“Oh! We can just hang out in my room.”
“Your parents will be okay with that?”
“Umm, I don’t see why not! I have Nene and Rui and Tsukasa over all the time, and they’ve never seemed bothered by them!” Emu giggled. “If anything, you’ll be kind of a relief!” At this point, Emu was already halfway up the staircase. Swallowing hard, they followed Emu up.
Emu’s room seemed almost out of place in comparison to the rest of the house. Whereas the rest of the house was fancy, pristine, almost more of a museum than a living space, Emu’s room was like a little girl’s dream. The walls were bright pink, covered in posters promoting Phoenix Wonderland. Her desk was bright white with an equally adorable vanity to match, and her bed was absolutely covered in stuffed animals. How strange, they thought—and how very Emu.
Emu shut her bedroom door, and then sat cross-legged on her bed. She looked expectantly to Mafuyu. “So, whaddya wanna do?” 
“Um,” Mafuyu began. “I’m not sure. What is there to do?”
“Hmmm… we could watch a movie! Or we could go make a snack downstairs! Or…” Mafuyu began to tune Emu out, albeit unintentionally. It was hard for them to focus on anything she was saying. Mafuyu wanted to hang out with Emu; they really did. But at the same time, they weren’t used to being faced with this many choices. They weren’t used to being asked for their input; and, worst of all, they weren’t used to not having a correct answer.
“Mafuyu?” Emu must have noticed the glazed look in their eyes. “Do any of those sound good to you?” Mafuyu felt frozen. They were worried that, if they said the wrong thing, or if they said the right thing the wrong way, Emu might think they didn’t want to be there after all.
“We can do whatever you like. All of those sound nice.”
Emu pursed her lips, clearly unconvinced by Mafuyu’s response. “Well, I am kinda’ hungry,” she said, “but are you sure you’re okay?” She patted an empty spot on her bed, an invitation Mafuyu accepted without thinking much.
“Me? I’m fine.” Emu cocked her head incredulously. Mafuyu was a good liar, but Emu was even better at reading people. “Well… I guess I’ve been feeling a little down. It’s not you or anything, though. Promise.”
Emu’s facial expression continued to soften. “I know! I’m just worried about you.”
“It’s not a huge deal. I’ll get over it.”
“But Mafuyuuuu!” whined Emu. From anyone else, this would be nigh-intolerable; but this was just the way Emu was, and Mafuyu had long since grown used to it. Maybe even fond of it. “Even if it’s the littlest thing in the whole world, it’s still important!”
It was awfully hard to say no to Emu.
“I really appreciate you caring, Emu. Honestly.” Mafuyu averted her gaze. “But… really, I’ll be okay.”
Emu stuck out her bottom lip in an exaggerated pout, pressing her chin firmly onto the pillow between her arms. “Well, I’m not going anywhere ‘til I know why you’re sad, Mafuyu!”
Mafuyu drew in a long breath, before finally admitting, “...I’ve been talking with Kanade lately, about my mom and all.”
“Ooh, Mrs. Asahina! You make her sound like such a meanie!!”
“I–I do? I’m s—” Mafuyu caught themself, realizing just how telling that was. Their mom wasn’t around—she’d never know what they said. Emu was their only witness. And… for as much as Emu loved to blab, they knew she could keep a secret when it mattered. “...yeah,” they chuckled, reflecting an emotion somewhere between fear and relief. “Yeah. Kanade’s made me realize that. Mom just… expects a lot of me, I guess. I know she just wants what’s best for me, but I’ve been working so hard to be what—who—she wants me to be that I don’t really know who I am, or what I like, what I want.” Mafuyu’s concentration broke when they noticed Emu’s expression. Though she was clearly trying to maintain her cheerful demeanor, the crook in her eye and the dip in her lower lip were unmistakable. It was terrifying. Not that Emu was terrifying, no; it was the fact that their account of things was enough to  make Ootori Emu’s demeanor break. They tried, in vain, to blink away their tears. “I’m—I’m sorry. Maybe I should—”
“Mafuyu!” Before they could finish, Mafuyu had found themself wrapped up in Emu’s arms. “Never, never apologize for telling me how you feel!” Emu’s grip was maybe a bit too tight, the tackle a bit off-putting, but… Mafuyu realized they couldn’t remember the last time someone hugged them just because they could. And God, Emu’s soft warmth was irresistible. They hoped that hug would last forever. They then felt her hands on their back; firm, intentional rubbing. “I know you’re s’pposed to be my mentor ‘n stuff, and you have Kanade and the others, but, you’re so much more to me than my mentor! You’re my friend, Mafuyu!”
Friend. It ricocheted in their head. Friend.
Emu pulled away, this time establishing a gaze they could not reciprocate, but her strong hands remained on their shoulders. “I love you. I wanna help you! And I hope you’ll let me.” The room was silent. Mafuyu wanted to do so much. They wanted to thank Emu, to hug her, to spill every little thing they ever felt. But they could only choke back sobs as tears rolled down their cheeks. “Oh, Mafuyu…” lamented Emu. Her hands, now much more gently than before, found their place on Mafuyu’s jaw, thumbs wiping their tears away. And without a moment’s hesitation, Emu planted a gentle kiss on Mafuyu’s soft, tear-stained cheek. “No more tears! You’re gonna make me cry!!”
Mafuyu giggled through their tears. Emu made it awfully hard to be sad for a substantial stretch of time. “Okay, okay,” they sniffed. “I’ll try.”
The next few minutes progressed so naturally. The two leaned back onto Emu’s bed, their bodies finding their place amidst Emu’s mountain of plushies. Mafuyu’s head found its on Emu’s chest. Emu’s heart was slower, steadier than they expected. She smelled sweet, too. It was some kind of sweet-smelling perfume; not really a scent Mafuyu could place, but a pleasant one nonetheless. Neither of them said much. Emu continued breathing, running her hands through Mafuyu’s hair, and Mafuyu continued listening to the thump-thump-thumping of Emu’s heart as if it were a song.
And yet, Mafuyu still found themself yearning. For what, exactly? What could possibly make this moment more perfect?
Their mind swam with the memory of the last “study” session they had, where Emu had tickled their calves to distract them from their studies. For as much as Mafuyu wanted to act annoyed, it was a welcome break from the constant stress they usually felt. They wanted that feeling again.
How on Earth were they to admit this?
“Hey, um, Emu,” Mafuyu began, earning an incredulous hum from Emu. “Do you remember that one thing you did last time we hung out?” Their query yielded genuine confusion from Emu.
“Ummm, which thing? We did a lot of things!”
“Uh, you know, the, um…” Mafuyu tried desperately to hide their blush behind their sweater sleeve. “The thing you did with your hands, when you were trying to distract me from my homework—”
“Oh! You mean when I tickled you?” 
“Yeah—yeah. That.” Mafuyu couldn’t decide if their stuttering of their desire was the more embarrassing part of this whole ordeal. “I was wondering if, maybe, you wouldn’t mind, you could—”
“I could tickle you?”
Before Mafuyu could even hope to stammer out an answer, they watched as Emu’s smile grew wider and wider, her eyes brighter and brighter. They sincerely thought she might explode. “You liked when I tickled you?!” she asked excitedly. “Fun, fun, fun!!! Of course I can!” In what felt like an instant, Mafuyu found Emu on top of them, straddling their hips. “Ooh… I wanna find all your tickle spots, Mafuyu!”
Mafuyu turned beet red. “Emu, please, I’m already—AH!” And just like that, Emu’s hands were upon their torso. Her hands scarcely stayed in any one place for long before moving to the next; starting at their tummy, then their sides, up to their ribs and underarms, and every little spot in between. It was everything they’d hoped. “Emu! It—ahahah—it—”
“It tickles?! Well, that’s the point, silly!” Mafuyu hadn’t even realized they were instinctively covering up their body until they found them pinned above their head. “Mafuyu! I can’t find all your spots if you’re hiding them!” Practically immobilized, Mafuyu devolved into a blubbering mess of giggles and high-pitched squeals as Emu’s fingertips attacked their chin, their neck, and their underarms. “Aww, you’re ticklish everywhere! I’m barely trying, see?” Her teases served as a staunch juxtaposition to the utterly overwhelming feeling of her tickles.
Emu paused for a moment. “You still having fun?” Mafuyu was still flushed and panting from laughing; still, they managed a weak nod. “Good!” She responded, immediately resuming her onslaught. Mafuyu laughed just a little bit harder when Emu’s fingers danced across their tummy, when they poked and prodded. “Aww, Mafuyu! Your laugh is soooo cute! I think this spot might be your favorite!” Mafuyu wasn’t so sure. They weren’t sure they had a favorite anything. But they knew Emu’s attention felt good, and that they wouldn’t mind it much at all if Emu’s hands never moved from that spot.
They weren’t sure if they had ever let loose like this, having no choice but to let Emu tickle them. Laughing, squirming, smiling away without a care in the world. And Emu hadn’t a single negative thing to say. She laughed with them. Mafuyu had never felt more perfect.
Is this what Emu meant when she said she loved them?
Must be.
Before they realized, Emu had stopped tickling, leaving the both of them blushing and giggling. And in that moment, Mafuyu realized just how close Emu’s face was to theirs. Almost simultaneously, their faces dropped along with the shades of red in their faces.
And before either of them could act on this predicament, the familiar jingle of Mafuyu’s phone alarm rang. “Ah, shoot,” they said, scrambling for the device. “Mom’s expecting me home in half an hour. I gotta go.”
“Aww! Okay. I can walk you to the door!” Mafuyu would normally protest, but… this time, it sounded nice. They couldn’t hope to wipe their stupid grin off their face.
Too soon, much too soon, they found themselves at Emu’s front door. “All right. I’ll see you on Monday, Emu,” said Mafuyu, pulling her into a hug. “And… thank you for today.”
“Yeah!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she replied. “Text me later?”
“Of course.”
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secret-laughs · 1 year
hi posting my art here for once but haiii hiiii :333 I will wage war upon this community
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ticklish-n-stuff · 2 years
Funny malfunction p.1
Read p.2 here!
Poly WxS is my religion/j
I havent written a fic this long since my first poly wxs fic shameless plug lololol
So, a new mutual of mine gave me this SPECTACULAR fic idea so props to them
Part 2 will come out soon so stay tuned~!
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Tsukasa x Emu x Nene x Rui (poly WxS)
Lees: Tsukasa, Emu, Nene
Ler: Robot (dont question it lmao)
Warnings: Tickles! Robot tks? Slight bondage!
Another day another new invention, was Rui's motto. He had managed to build quite the contraption and was bringing it over to the Wonder stage in order to show it to his partners.
"So...what is it exactly? It's not going to blow me up is it?!" Questioned Tsukasa, eyeing Rui's robot suspiciously.
"Of course not, I would never do such a thing" Rui feigned ignorance, which caused the blonde to roll his eyes. "It's a tickle bot~!" Announced the purple guy excitedly.
Both Tsukasa and Nene instantly blushed at what Rui said, while Emu got all jumpy and excited. "Yay a tickle bot! Can we use it?!".
"Of course! I needed some test subjects to begin with~" Rui chuckled to himself as he pulled a remote from his pocket.
"Uhh...Rui, why did you build this?" Asked Nene as she approached the purple guy.
"I think you already know the answer to that" replied Rui as he playfully winked at her, causing Nene to let out a flustered groan.
"Turn it on already!" Yelled out Emu excitedly, admiring the robot in front of her.
"Whatever you say sweetie~" Rui giggled as he pressed a button on the remote. The robot instantly turned on, it's eyes starting to glow. Tsukasa and Nene watched it from the sidelines as Rui excitedly waited to see his invention in action.
The robot looked at Emu up and down, as if it were scanning her. She looked back at it expectantly and stretched her arms out to her sides. "Tickle me!".
At that, the robot lifted up it's arms, wiggling it's hands menacingly towards the pink individual. It then latched it's hands onto her sides, wiggling it's fingers quickly yet softly. Emu instantly let out a squeal at the tickly contact, squeezing her elbows down her sides as a reflex.
"Emu, are you okay?!" Asked Tsukasa worriedly, quickly approaching his giggly partner. It's not like he didn't trust Rui, but this was the first time he built something like this. He couldn't help but worry a bit.
"Yehehes! It juhust tihihickles a lohot!" Spoke Emu through her childlike giggles, squirming down onto the floor as the robot kept tickling along her sides and ribs.
Tsukasa let out a sigh of relief, looks like there was nothing to worry about. He couldn't help but smile down at the ticklish mess that was his girlfriend, watching her laugh so carefree always brought him joy.
Rui decided to take a closer look at the scene unfolding, wanting a better view of his creation and his girlfriend's adorable blushy face. "How are you liking it so far Emu?".
"Ihit's fuhuhun! EEK-! Hahahahaha!" She let out another squeal once the robot targetted her armpits. Emu squeezed her arms down as much as she could and rolled from side to side, but the robot wouldn't budge. Not like she minded, she was having the time of her life.
"Hey Rui, make sure not to overdue it" reminded Nene from the sidelines. He nodded and pressed the button again. The robot quickly stopped tickling Emu, giving her a well deserved break.
"How are you holding up down there?" Rui asked as he crouched down to her level. Emu gave him a thumbs up as residual giggles kept flooding out. "Good~" he gave her a headpat, causing her to giggle more.
Before they knew it, Emu had fallen fast asleep on the ground. Tickling could be very tiresome for her, and she was quite the heavy sleeper so she was gonna be there for a while. Tsukasa placed his jacket ontop of her to make sure she wouldn't get cold like the gentleman he is.
Suddenly, the robot snuck behind Nene and trapped her in a bear hug. "Gah! Rui, what is the meaning of this?!" She squirmed and kicked her legs out, but the robot had a tight grip on her not in an uncomfy way of course.
"That's odd, I didn't press anything this time" he brought his hand up to his chin, a bit lost in thought on what could've gone wrong. Maybe he forgot to turn it off? He pressed the button on the remote again, but the robot started to gently massage it's fingers into Nene's sides.
"EhEEP! R-Ruhuhui! Make it stahahap!" Poor Nene twisted and turned as much as she could in the robot's grasp.
"Coochi coochi coo~".
"...Did the robot just tease her?" Tsukasa asked, looking over at Rui as Nene squealed in the background at the sudden tease.
"Of course. What kind of tickle bot would it be if it couldn't tease?" Rui giggled as Tsukasa smacked himself mentally. Of course Rui of all people would put a teasing feature in a freaking robot.
"HehehEY! Hurry uHUP and hehelp meHE!" Nene squeaked out as she giggled helplessly. The robot was currently softly fluterring it's fingers along her tummy.
"There's an emergency switch on the back of the bot. Tsukasa, go handle it".
"Wha-?! Why me?! It's YOUR robot!" Rui looked over at him with pleading eyes, but Tsukasa didn't want to give in to the cuteness!
"GEHEHEEZ! DO SOHOMETHING ALREADY!" Nene screeched out in laughter as the robot started to softly dig into her hips.
"Ugh fine... I'll save you Nene!" Declared Tsukasa all heroically. He carefully approached the robot, examining the back of it. "Aha! Found it!" He cheered out, but right before he could flip the switch, a third arm came out of the robot and got a hold of Tsukasa's wrists. "Rui what the heck?! You never mentioned it having extra arms!".
"Ohh...oops, must've forgotten" Rui rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. Tsukasa struggled in the robot's grip but to no avail. The bot then let go of Nene, causing her to slump down to the floor from exhaustion. It then directed it's attention to the trapped troupe leader, wiggling it's other two free hands towards his torso menacingly.
"W-wahait! Rui hehelp!" The tickling hadn't even started and Tsukasa was already giggling himself silly, he was THAT ticklish.
"Hold on, keep it distracted for a while" said Rui as he tinkered with the remote.
"Nohoho! N-Nene save me!" He looked over at her but she was too tired to move from the ground. And Emu was still in dreamland, looks like his only hope is for Rui to rescue him...when he decides to that is. The robot then proceeded to poke at his tummy and sides in radom patterns.
"Poke poke poke".
"EEK! Nohoho!! Rui it's teasing agahahain!" Tsukasa slid down to the floor, overtaken by his ticklishness. The robot easily kept up with it's poke attack, pinning his arms above him in the process.
"Isn't that lovely~?" Rui couldn't help but tease his boyfriend a bit. The squeal that emitted from Tsukasa was so loud the entire park probably heard it. The robot then started to poke playfully at his bellybutton.
"NoHO it's naHAhat! Ihit's eheHEvil!" Even when being tickled he was still as dramatic as always. Poor Tsukasa squirmed as much as he could, his face was bright red like a cherry. The robot then climbed it's fingers up his ribs into his armpits. "GYAHAHAHA! NAHAHAT THEHEHERE! RUIIII!" Tsukasa screeched out Rui's name as a cry for help, it tickled way too much. He tugged and pulled at his wrists but he was stuck being tormented by the bot.
"Okay, I think I've fixed it" Rui then pressed the button on the remote and effectively the robot stopped tickling Tsukasa, letting go of his wrists as well. The blonde quickly pulled his arms down, curling up on himself as residual giggles spilled out of him.
"Thahat robot is soho evil!" Tsukasa complained through his giggle fit.
"Is that so? I think you quite enjoyed yourself there~" Rui teased as he crouched down and booped Tsukasa's nose. The trouple leader let out a flustered whine and burried his flushed face against his hands. Rui couldn't help but giggle at the cute reaction.
While his partners were still recovering from their tickle attacks, Rui decided to work on the robot. Hopefully no more "casualties" will occur. And even if something like this happened again, Rui had a strong feeling that his partners wouldn't be against it.
I officially started my summer vacation yesterday, so PLEASE feel free to flood my inbox with reqs., hcs, literally anything prosekai related (within reason ofc lol)
My addiction to the game keeps getting bigger by the day aksjalsksjhs
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anzynai · 2 years
Pom Poms
(Tsukasa & Emu & Rui & Nene)
this was literally already posted here on a crack request with among us LOL but i made a separate post in case y’all missed it 😭
“guys!!! look!!!” emu shouted gleefully at her new discovery. nene and rui stopped what they were doing and walked up to her, both wondering what caught her attention. that’s when the two of them met her eyes, who stared at tsukasa in awe.
the blond, on the other hand, was flustered out of his mind. as if one wasn’t enough, now emu had brought the other two into this and now they were gonna know he was…
“HAH?!” he uncovered his eyes with his hands and emu brushed the pom poms against his side. it was a devilishly sensitive feeling and it drove him crazy every time she did that.
“he’s ticklish!!!” emu beams, only an expression of pure glee on her face and she did the exact same thing over and over again.
“stohohohop ihihit!!” tsukasa cried, as she dropped the pom pins suddenly to just tickle him. he groaned again when rui and nene had collectively decided to join.
it seemed that he was in for a lot of fun and for a lot of tickles.
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constantchaosalways · 11 months
It’s almost over round 10
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getwonderhoyd · 10 months
hey uh i went to a latte art cafe, the ones that make the 3D art....
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(latte art by @/RunaPocket on IG in REISSUE cafe, Harajuku)
I had them base it on the Miracle Paint MV.
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(also i saw someone order a fucking tsukasa tenma 3d latte too, i unconsciously blurted out "TSUKASA TENMA, WORLD FUTURE STAR" wwwwww)
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