#lego redson fanfiction
broke-art · 2 years
Red Son x servant girl reader part 2
"Get off me!" You shouted thrashing against the two bull clones that dragged you towards the dungeon. Their metallic grips were unyielding and nigh painful. They locked your wrists into a pair of cuffs attached to the arms of a chair.
Red Son entered as the two bull clones left. His red cape swaying behind him.
You shot him a glare.
Red Son folded his arms staring down at you with a frown.
"I warn you, mother and father will not hold back for you. Are you sure you want to take this course of action?" He raised an eyebrow.
You only glowered at him.
"I'm. Not. Telling. You. Anything."
Red Son scowled and turned, walking away.
"Fine. Fiiiine, it's your funeral."
The door slammed behind him and your bravado quickly slipped. They could kill you easily. Or they could do far worse. You had to escape. With that motivation you worked at the restraints.
Red Son slammed the door behind him aiming to vent a bit of frustration. How dare she be so heart stoppingly beautiful when she was fighting him?! The heat in his cheeks was only growing and what was much worse, was he could never face his parents in this state.
Instead, he marched to his room deciding it was much wiser to wait until morning. He went straight to his room and shut the door promptly before any of his bull clones could ask questions.
The instant his door's lock clicked his embarrassment eased. He blew out an annoyed breath as he unbuttoned his coat and began shrugging it off. Still his mind turned back to Y/n's defiance. Her determined look seemed to be burned into his memory.
Red Son slumped onto his bed with folded arms. He has been correct. She definitely looked remarkably similar to the noodle boy. He knew that defiance anywhere. But now came the inward battle.
He knew Y/n, and possibly had something of a soft spot for her. If it came down to the line, he could never torture her. Even attacking her in training was difficult, actually causing her unbearable pain would be unthinkable.
But then his mother and father could. They had tortured and killed many of their previous enemies. It would be easy for them....but could he really let that happen? Could he really sit here in his room and cower knowing he was letting her suffer, and all for what? A chance that she might know something to aid them?
Red Son cringed at even the thought. The answer was no. He could never just stand aside and let them hurt Y/n. When had she even last seen the noodle boy anyway?
That was the moment something clicked. Y/n had not left the court since she was handed over to them. Noodle boy only knew of Red Son's forge, not his home. They could not possibly have had contact. Oh this was perfect! Except, y/n had starkly decided to side against his parents, against him.
A serious offense that would not go unpunished. There was no doubt about it, she couldn't stay here. So, what was there to do? Then an idea clicked into his head. It was a long shot and the noodle boy could likely be too stupid to even recognize her. But if it was to protect her, then it was more than worth the chance.
Then it was settled, he would address his parents on the matter in the morning.
With that he finished his preparations for bed, and went to sleep.
The next day.
Red Son sat at the dining table awaiting his parents. He was unsure of how to phrase this proposal. And even more unsure of whether it would work or not. There was only one thing that he was sure about in this situation. He was going to protect y/n. Whatever it took.
"Red son." His father greeted as he pulled out Lady Iron Fan's seat for her.
"Mother, father. Good morning." He addressed somewhat hurriedly.
Once his father was seated he rested his gaze on Red Son.
"What have you learned?"
Red Son felt his gut twist violently.
"She...refused to tell me anything."
The demon bull king rose an eyebrow.
"But I do have a plan." Red Son added quickly.
"Oh?" Lady Iron Fan asked leaning her chin on her intertwined fingers. "Do tell."
Red Son took a breath then grew an evil grin.
"It's really quite simple."
M.k Caught the Monkey King's punch with a hand and threw a kick aimed at the Monkey King's gut. Only for Monkey King to flip over his kick at the last second and step on M.k's back to get leverage to jump up to a higher ledge.
M.k smirked and leaned back on his feet preparing to follow when his phone went off. He paused and pulled out his phone glancing at the screen.
Mei's picture lit up the screen. M.k pressed the answer button and held up the phone to his ear.
"Hey Mei! I'm kinda in-"
"Red Son took a hostage!" Mei's worried voice crackled over the phone.
"Wait who?!" M.k gasped.
"I don't know. He's calling her your sister!"
M.k froze falling silent.
"M.k? M.k are you o-"
The phone cracked in M.k's grip cutting off whatever Mei was about to say next.
"Kid?" Monkey King asked worriedly.
M.k summoned the staff.
"I have to go."
Monkey King jumped down as M.k twirled the staff.
"Kid, wha-"
M.k slammed the staff into the ground causing it to crack and crater from the force and launched himself forward leaving Monkey King with a shocked look.
As he pole vaulted himself towards the city his mind slipped back to that night he had tried so hard to forget.
"I'm scared!" M.k cried hugging to Y/n's arm as she stood infront of him. The door knob rattled with his father's efforts. And the door jolted violently as he slammed against it.
"M.k listen to me." Y/n knelt in front of him taking his cheeks in her hands. She gently wiped at his tears with her thumbs. "I won't let him hurt you.-" she gasped and hugged him at a particularly hard slam against the door. "Not ever again." She promised  picking him up as best she could and rushed over to the window.
"You remember that nice restaurant owner who fed you when you got lost?" She asked sweetly with a smile.
"The piggy?" M.k questioned as she forced the window open.
"Mhm! I'm going to send you to him. Tell him what happened,-" She jumped as the door began to splinter.
"But what about you?!" M.k demanded tears beginning to swell in his eyes.
"I'll be right behind you." She promised her silver magic surrounding him.
At that moment the door broke.
"Go!" She shouted shoving M.k through the window.
"No!" M.k screamed kicking and fighting against the silver mist that dragged him away through midair. But as it pulled him away he saw his father grab Y/n, with a knife raised. He was pulled into the woods at that moment, but her scream rang out making his blood run cold.
M.k went limp in shock as the mist started to weaken but still it pressed on. It carried him all the way to the city before faltering at the door step of pigsy's noodles.
M.k had sat there for a moments before beginning to cry. His sobs must have awakened pigsy, who opened the door promptly.
The movement somehow snapped M.k from his stupor and he stood running back towards his house screaming for Y/n. Pigsy caught him quickly and had asked several questions. But M.k couldn't have answered if he wanted to as he broke down into sobs once again.
M.k's memory broke once he hit the city street with enough force to crack the pavement and looked up to the nearest news screen.
A girl struggled against chains that held her over a lava pit and Red Son stood near the camera with a large grin.
"So what's it going to be noodle boy? Your staff? Or your sister?" He asked.
So that was what he wanted? The staff? M.k's grip on the staff tightened as he dashed towards Red Son's forge. Oh he'd get the staff alright.
Back with Red Son:
You struggled against the restraints as Red Son turned off the camera.
"He should be here soon." Red Son smirked at you.
"Red, listen to me." You gasped against the heat and fatigue from struggling. "You don't have to do this."
Red Son's eyes widened and he turned away briskly.
"Trust me, for your sake, I do."
You frowned in confusion.
"He'll never recognize me!" You shouted making Red Son freeze midstep. "He won't come."
Red Son chuckled then outright laughed.
"You really don't know Noodle boy, do you?"
Your gut twisted as Red Son walked the ledge overlooking the lava pit towards you.
"It won't matter who you are. He will come because that's who he is. He will stop at nothing to get in my way." Red Son took your chin in hand. "And once I get that staff, nothing will stop the Demon Bull family from rising to-"
"Get your hands off my sister." Someone spoke with a dangerously low voice.
Red Son only had time to look over his shoulder before the boy slammed his staff down on the ledge where Red Son was.
Thankfully, the demon prince was remarkably fast and dove out of the way at the last second. The boy stood infront of you protectively.
"Noodle boy!" Red Son cheered with a grin. "We've been expecting you."
Your jaw dropped. No, this couldn't be. This seething boy with unimaginable power couldn't possibly be M.k. that trembling little boy you had protected life time ago.
"It's over Red Son. Surrender. Now."
Red Son stood and his fists ignited into flame.
"Not a chance, Noodle boy. I'll be taking that staff now."
The boy gritted his teeth and launched at him.
The attacks were relentless and you watched in horror as Red Son barely held his ground and was quickly losing. Just as you got ready to speak M.k brought the staff down hard slamming it into Red Son's shoulder. And the sickening sound of bones cracking rang out mingling with Red Son's pained yell.
Panic exploded in your chest as the demon Prince crumbled to his knees.
"RED SON!" your voice screamed out suddenly without your consent.
Both boys froze and Red Son's head shot up.
You expected annoyance or perhaps anger, but only concern laced his features.
M.k had turned as well fear and worry painting his expression.
Tears welled in your eyes.
"Stop fighting, please." You begged as hot tears slipped down your cheeks.
At that moment the chains seemed to shift and give, dropping you.
"Y/N!" The boys shouted in unison as the lava rushed up to meet you.
With a sudden jerk your rapid descent halted. Looking upward you saw both boys holding the chain. They looked at each other in shock but then pulled you up. Red Son struggled with his one arm to help, but mostly it was M.k. Once you were on the ledge. M.k pulled you behind him.
"We are leaving now. "
Red Son only turned and walked away.
"Go then."
M.k watched him warily then turned to you and snapped the chains restricting you. He hugged you before using his staff to pole vault you out of the forge.
You yelped in shock and held onto him tightly. But as you flew away you managed to open your eyes. In the distance you watched Red Son shrinking. His face held a frown that almost made you think he was sad. When you landed in what appeared to be a park M.k released you. You looked at him with a worried frown.
"I can exp-"
You were cut off when M.k hugged you tightly.
"M.k?" You asked gently. Soon M.k's shoulders started to tremble and he took in sharp breaths. Hot tears dripped onto your shoulder. "Oh M.k." you soothed hugging back.
"I thought he killed you." M.k whispered heartbrokenly. "I wanted to save you but-" he broke into small sobs and you pulled back a bit wiping away his tears.
"Hey, hey it's alright. I'm here now." You hugged your little brother again tightly. "I'm here."
That night:
M.k's had taken you to meet all his friends and apologized for rushing off so fast. Apparently, he had been in quite a hurry. But he did ask his friend Mei, to take you in until you could get an apartment of your own.
She happily agreed and you sat in that room now. Well technically that is. You stood on the balcony gazing at the stars. It has been so long since you'd seen the night sky you only wanted to stare at it for a while.
Just as you were thinking about going in a light thud sounded behind you. You whirled around only to see Red Son standing in front of the doors that led to your room.
You drew in a startled breath only for him to cover your mouth.
"Be quiet, servant girl!"
You pushed him back watching him hiss in pain when you lightly pressed against his shoulder.
"I'm not your servant girl anymore." You said mustering your courage.
Red Son stared at you a moment then scoffed.
"Peasant girl then. I need to speak with you."
You folded your arms.
"About what?"
Red Son sighed and snapped his fingers conjuring a flame which transformed into your locket and journal. He then offered them to you.
You stared at them dumbfoundedly then looked at him.
"Well?!" He demanded impatiently. "Take them, I can't hold them all night."
"Oh!" You took the offerings and hugged them to your chest. "But why?"
Red Son blew out a defeated sigh.
"Because I-....I made them for you. And because...I wanted to apologize."
Your jaw fell as his free hand now went to his shoulder.
"I didn't intend to hurt you. But I knew Mother and father would have done almost anything to get Noodle boy out of the way." His gaze never met yours. Instead, it rested on the ground to his left.
Suddenly you realized what he meant.
"You saved me." You muttered in shock.
"I suppose in a manner of speaking." Red Son concurred glancing at you for the first time. Then he gritted his teeth and winced.
"We need to fix your shoulder, come on." You took his free hand in yours and gently lead him by the hand back into your room. If you weren't mistaken his cheeks seemed a bit more pink than normal and his hair tips turned to mini flames.
You gently pushed him to sit on the mini couch and sat next to him.
"I'll need a clear shot at your skin so my magic will work."
Red Son stared at you a moment then unbuttoned his overcoat before shrugging it off one arm. But he gritted his teeth in pain as he attempted to pull the sleeve from his injured shoulder. After a few painful attempts he began to get frustrated.
So gently, you placed a hand on his. He paused, and you took hold of the sleeve. Carefully, you slid it down his arm and placed your hands on his shoulder.
Closing your eyes you allowed a calm breath to slip through your lips carrying with it, a sweet incantation.
Red Son winced at Y/n's touch but quickly his pain was replaced with shock when the incantation made a silver lotus bloom in his shoulder, then slip beneath his skin.
He could feel the bones mending and the pain vanishing.
When you opened your eyes Red Son was staring at you slack jawed and a light pink hue dusting his cheeks.
You blinked. You were pretty sure your spell had worked. But just to be certain, you squeezed his shoulder gently. You half expected him to yell in pain and back hand you or something.
But instead he only rose an eyebrow at you.
Excitement bubbled up in your gut.
"I did it!" You gasped. "Oh my gosh I did it and nothing blew up!"
Just then alarms sounded outside and you looked towards the balcony.
"Idiots." Red Son shouted racing over to the balcony. "The bull clones must have tripped the alarm system."
"You brought bull clones?" You asked rushing to his side.
"Well I couldn't very well get up here on my own with one arm now could I?" Red Son asked as though it was obvious.
You heard footsteps nearing your door.
"You should go!" You warned quickly.
Red Son looked at the door then to you. He jumped up on the railing.
"Wait before I go, I should thank you."
"Your welcome. Now go!" You whispered panickedly looking at the door.
"No Y/n." Red Son grabbed your chin. "One gesture deserves another."
Just then he pressed a kiss to your lips. Fireworks seemed to explode in your veins. Once the shock faded you surrendered into the kiss wrapping your arms around his neck.
Then the door burst open as Mei's father kicked it.
Red Son broke the kiss.
"Don't think you've seen the last of me." He grinned at Mei's father's aghast look and jumped off the ledge backwards before bursting into flames and swirling to the ground in a ball of fire.
You stared after him your cheeks probably the shade of ripe tomatoes and your heart thundering in your chest.
"Y/n, are you alright?!" Mr. Dragon asked worriedly. "Did he hurt you?"
Slowly you shook your head.
"No, no I'm fine."
Mr. Dragon called his security and demanded they secure the perimeter. But you were no longer listening. You were lost in thought remembering the kiss. His words replaying in your head.
"Don't think this is the last you'll see of me!"
Heavens you prayed it wouldn't be.
*Heavens this was long. I hope it was worth the wait all. This is sort of similar to what I'm planning for my red son book. So if you enjoyed this story stay tuned.*
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runningwithscizzorz · 6 months
My heart was legitimately beating in my ears and my whole body was shaking at the end of this chapter.
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I’ve been so unmotivated to draw fully colored comics because I’ve been so depressed at the state of the world, and this chapter grabbed me by my neck and DRAGGED me out of my hiatus holy GOD. Thank you PittedPeaches for emotionally ripping me to pieces with this amazing build up and pay off with this most recent chapter, I seriously jumped out of my seat to draw this after reading it.
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tired-all-the-time22 · 3 months
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I have been gifted with storyline revelations through the music master himself Jhariah and have gotten to writing into chapter 2 of my fic and have fuzzy ideas about how I’m gonna end it🎉🎉
In the meantime here’s another Red Son outfit! I imagine this one being from later in the story
I also incorporated a bit of MK’s design into it for ~symbolism purposes~
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fayeangel25 · 27 days
Out of our world
Now all that's left to do is (continue to) write (the first) chapters. HEEHEH
I'll update soon enough, I'm writing the story at AO3 but the first chapter still ain't finished cuz of school so.. yeah.
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pitofpurple · 26 days
I have two ideas for LMK fics I might write
Redson deity au: MK finds and old statue and puts it up in the noodle shop, lighting incense for it every time he remembers and good things start happening to the shop so whatever he’s doing is working. Regulars start giving the statue coins and food as a sort of inside joke. Redson meanwhile has been feeling much more powerful lately and having weird dreams of a small noodle shop he feels the uncontrollable urge to protect. He thinks he knows what’s happening but, isn’t sure and doesn’t know how to ask his parents about it so he asks Nezha who agrees to help him be a better deity while they figure out who made the statue in the first place and why.
Shadowpeach arranged marriage au with a twist: The Jade Emperor comes up with an idea to spy on Sun Wukong under the guise of a peace treaty. He looks everywhere for a female celestial monkey to marry off but the closest he can find is a male celestial macaque with the ability to shapeshift and a history of crime including but not limited to imprisonment and assassination. He decides this guy is there best bet and offers to absolve the Macaque of his crimes if he takes the job and pretends to be a good wife for Sun Wukong. They agree and everything goes well until the newly weds get back to the mountain and Wukong refuses to get close with his wife. Here’s the plot twist: Sun Wukong is a closeted homosexual and Gags at the thought of sleeping with a women.
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Hey, so, hear me out: Tall, possibly buff, fem!Reader? I would love some head-canons about how Monkey king, Macaque, Red son and MK would feel about/interact with their big beautiful S/O, if it's not too much trouble that is.
I'm a sucker for a good height difference, and we stan strong women in this household.
P.S. I love your work, you are such an inspiration!
Ohohoho you've got good taste! Also thank you so much, that absolutely made my day!! ❤
Reader X Sun Wukong
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Reader X Macaque
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Reader X Red Son
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Reader X MK
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Reader X Monkey King
He loves his muscles, but he adores yours. If you happen to do anything that shows off your buffness, he is going to stop and notice, and he borders on fanboying if you're in the presence of others. "Guys, check out how much my girlfriend can lift!" as he gets into position to be benchpressed. The bragging never ends, especially to his enemies.
He really loves being able to look up to you, and is not above asking for a piggyback ride so he can be taller. Sure, the guy has flown through the clouds, but being on your shoulders is so much better! If the two of you are in a crowd there is nothing he loves more than towering over everyone else, proudly declaring you as his girlfriend to anyone that will listen.
However, should you ever lift him bridal style, our monkey man will go from boastful to bashful so fast not even he will be prepared. You'll have him curling up and blushing whilst he looks up at you with the softest expression of adoring awe, his words failing him as he struggles with how incredible you are.
Reader X Macaque
He will try to play it cool, lord, will he try. Unfortunately enough for his ego, he will fail. Whenever you lift anything heavy in his presence his cheeks flush without hesitation, and if you lift something for him he's going to need a moment. He may ask you to open a pickle jar just to watch you do so. He's been around plenty of strength before, but yours brings him to his knees.
Reader X Red Son
When he goes out in public with you, the bragging will commence, and he shall pretend he's not so smitten with your muscles he's incapable of functioning. Should you ever enter some carnival game to show off your strength, he'll be your ultimate hype man, smugly letting everyone know that his girlfriend is the strongest human in existence and has got this. Said confidence fades as soon as you offer him the prize you win, and he returns to being thoroughly overwhelmed.
One day, he will fall asleep on the couch, and when he wakes up to find you carrying him to bed he will pass right back out. It's just too much, he can't even pretend to be smooth with you.
Reader X MK
He is going to call you mommy on at least one occasion. It will not be on purpose, and he will beg for you to never speak of it again. He always tries to present himself with decorum, dignity and control, but you make that an absolute impossibility. On more than one occasion he's bumped your arm and couldn't stop chuckling like a nervous fool at the touch of your muscles...
He's exceptionally strong, but that doesn't stop him from being awed by your strength. He may just find a few heavy things about his garage that need moving, if you have the time, of course... You'll find his gaze lingering every time you pick something up, and he'll turn away with a fiery blush hot enough to melt the wheels off his vehicles.
For as bashful as he gets about most things regarding your strength, he has no qualms about asking you to pick him up so he can reach something otherwise out of range. It's his favorite way to get a little taller when the situation calls for it. He just sees it as a perfectly practical solution, and he weighs absolutely nothing to you anyway, you told him it's like holding a couple grapes.
He isn't subtle, but he sure thinks he is every time he asks you to open another jar, pretending to be absolutely helpless just so he can watch with giddy excitement. There are more open pickle jars than he can ever hope to eat, but he doesn't care. When the two of you train together he's no less eager to watch you show off, and if you offer to show him some techniques he'll be beyond excited.
All he wants to do when the two of you walk together is hold hands and gush to anyone who will listen about his strong girlfriend. Do they know how much you can benchpress? How you once punched a guy so hard he apologized to you? They need to know; he's dating the strongest person in the world!
Piggyback rides, whenever you're game, he loves them so much. If you're down, he also loves sitting on your shoulders. He gets to be so tall, and close to you at the same time, it's such a win! Bonus if the two of you are out in public, he gets to brag about you from above!
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geekedoutbunny · 6 months
Redson x Human Female Reader
Chapter 1.., , 2 , 3 NFSW , 4.. 5.., 6.. , 7.. ,
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You, Princess Iron Fan, and Redson all stood before the chest. The chains on it glowed blue and the eye sockets glowed the same color. In the center was a lock but the keyhole was strange-looking. You stood on Redson's right side, your hands in the pockets of your sweatpants, a worried look on your face as you stared at the ominous chest. The ground vibrated when Demon Bull King stepped up from behind you all. You watched as he approached the chest, an evil yet cocky smirk on his face as he looked down at it. He reached forward, his sharp nail barely making contact with the lock as he spoke in pride. "Finally." He said before a shining light shined and he was pushed back with a confused grunt.
You looked over at him in confusion and shock before you looked back over at the chest and you saw a blue seal appear for a second before it vanished once more. You blinked in question as you thought over the symbols but the sudden shout of demon bull king made you jump. He shouted in rage his eyes blank in blind rage as he punched the chest, the blue seal appearing once more allowing you to get a good look at it. You, Redson, and Princess Iron Fan watched silently as DBK's punches picked up speed before he began slashing at the seal with frustration. "ANOTHER INFERNAL OBSTICAL KEEPING ME FROM MY DESTINY!!" He shouted as he continued his angry punches. He landed one more punch on the seal before everything went quite.
You watched closely waiting for something to happen, but in the blink of an eye, Redson wrapped his arms around you and he held you tight to his chest as he shielded your body with his right before an explosion of DBK's power pushed out making all of his minions go flying as they screamed. Your eyes closed tight as you held onto Red tightly, you could feel the hot wind blowing past you making you hold on tighter to Redson. It was soon over, the winds settled down and the green light vanished. You didn't open your eyes until you felt Redson pulling back from you, you looked around seeing dust floating past you. You looked over at the chest seeing the blue seal still glowing before it vanished once more.
"Patients, My Love." Princess Iron Fan whispered, her voice still loud enough for you all to hear. You silently agreed with her, because you honestly didn't want that chest to get open. If the seal is that powerful, shouldn't whatever is inside stay there? But DBK didn't take her words in kind as he turned towards her quickly, his large fist balled up as he glared down at her in raw anger. "I'VE BEEN PAITCENT LONG ENOUGH!!" I NEED THAT POWER!!" He shouted as he stepped closer to her. She gasped at his sudden outburst, and you felt Redson tense up next to you, he hated watching his parents fight, and watching his father get all aggressive with his mother so suddenly must've made him get into a slight defensive mode. You rubbed his arm and shoulder in comfort as you both watched her cautiously eyed him as she walked around him and towards the chest.
She placed her hand on the lock, the blue seal appearing naturally, she stood there a little longer before she grunted in frustration. "The power that crafted this tomb, is beyond my skill." She spoke with a grunt as she poured power into the seal only to have it repaled. "Without an artifact of equal strength, there's nothing we can do." She said as she turned her back to the chest, a determined yet angry glare in her eyes as she looked up at DBK. "We're locked out." She finished. You stared at her with a worried look before you relaxed with relief. 'Thank goodness, now maybe they'll bury it and forget all about it.' You thought. You looked around, suddenly realizing that Redson wasn't next to you anymore. "NOT FOR LONG!!" Came his confident voice. You looked over at PIF and you sighed when you saw Red. 'Dammit Red.' You thought in annoyance. PIF stared at him with an unamused face and you honestly couldn't blame her.
You watched as he swiped his hand through the air, 'dramatically of course' making holograms of several screens appear. You'll never get over seeing it, it'll always be so cool when they do that. "All we need is a key." He explained, like it was the most simplest and most logical thing in the world, and apparently, it was just that simple. "And look what I found." He said, his voice laced with pride. You watched as several smaller yet visible pictures appeared showing off a location before the key appeared. You walked closer to the group, stepping past DBK as you stood next to Red. You eyed the strange key, seeing the strange shape of it. The skull at the bottom of it made you feel uneasy as you looked up at the chest, the skull's eye sockets glowed a brighter blue and the sound of whispering sounded through.
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You sighed in boredom for the thousandth time, scrolling through your phone, liking photos, laughing at videos, making funny short posts, reacting to weird videos and even reading some fanfiction. Your feet were up on the dashboard, your seat leaning back so you could be comfortable. You turned off your phone and you laid it down on your stomach. If you knew you were going to be this bored you would've taken your chance and stayed at the Bull Family home, cooped up in your room and trying to sleep. You rolled your eyes as you looked up at the building in front of you. "The Delivery Boy's apartment is honestly so depressing looking." You said aloud to yourself as you made idle observations of it for the hundredth time. You perked up when you saw an explosion. "Finally, looks like he finally got home." You said as you watched what little action you could see.
However, it didn't last long as you saw fire shoot up into the sky and the sound of Redson's laughter sounded out making you sit properly in your seat, adjusting it back to an upright position as you put your seatbelt on. By the time you got your seatbelt on, the truck heated up to an ungodly temperature as an orange glow lit up the truck. You looked up and you squinted at the bright orange flames of Redson as he came in through the diver's window. The flames morphed into his body and he flopped on the seat taking away the bright light and the heat with it. You sighed as the truck began cooling down watching Redson shift the truck into gear, his foot hitting the gas and he was off. He hummed a cute little tune, looking proud of himself as his other arm hung out the window. You watched in worry as the cars were pushed and spun out of the way as Redson plowed through the traffic.
You used to fuss him out about it and he isn't so prone to running others over as much as he used to, but he was in a rush this time around so you allowed him to get away with it this time. You looked out your side mirror and your eyes widened when you saw green lightning. You looked over at Redson, seeing that he hadn't noticed it yet. You gulped as you tightened your seatbelt, sticking your phone in your pocket as you readied yourself for the chaos that was sure to break out. "I should've stayed home." You muttered. Redson hummed at your words as he kept his eyes on the road. "Hmm, what was that darli- HUUG!!" He stopped mid-sentence as he just happened to look out his side mirror, doing a double take as he gasped dramatically at the scene behind him. You dared to look out your own side mirror, seeing the same motorcyclist from the race hovering in the air, her helmet gleaming in determination.
Redson leaned further out the window to look back at her so that he could rant to her. Your hand shot out and you instinctually grabbed the steering wheel to keep the truck stable. "CAN'T YOU AND YOUR LITTLE PEASANT FRIENDS LET ME PLOT IN PEACE, JUST ONE TIME!!?" He ranted, halfway threw he let go of the steering wheel, his anger clouding his judgment and you honestly couldn't blame him, it wasn't often that he took you with him on one of his little 'plans to dominate the world.' He could take these types of risks when he was alone, he was guaranteed survival since he was a demon, but you were just human, one mistake and it was all over. You kept a tight grip on the wheel before he turned back around and took back over the wheel. You pulled your hand away as you grabbed onto your seatbelt with an iron grip, flames shot from his eye sockets, making you nervous as you watched him press buttons on a yellow screen, shifting gears once more before his foot slammed down on the gas giving it more speed.
The speed of the truck made you sink back into your seat further as you watched the scene before you became a blurry mess. You screamed when the truck suddenly spun around, making you both drive backward. Your heart hammered away in your chest as you saw the motorcyclist before you, your eyes wide with fear as you looked into her dark helmet. She seemed to perk up at the sight of you, you waved but it didn't last long before you were distracted by Redson. "Take off your seatbelt, trust me you don't want to be in that seat for this." He said. You didn't question it as you took off your seat belt and you were immediately pulled into his lap. You didn't understand what was happening but you didn't question it as you got comfortable in his lap your arms locked around his neck. You looked back at your seat and you stared in confusion when it went above your head.
You looked up, seeing a hole where Redson's seat was before your seat pulled over closing the hole. You watched on in confusion your eyes shifting all around you as you heard metal shifting and unhending. Suddenly you both spun once more and you felt the truck bounce some before the entire truck suddenly went flying. You looked back over Redson's shoulder seeing the shell of the truck spin as it flew before it landed. You saw the motorcycle jerk out of the way and you sighed in relief. You didn't want to be in the area of a death, especially behind some old key. You looked around yourself and your brown arched. 'Isn't this... Redson's race car?' You thought. You looked over at Redson seeing him with his helmet on. 'Yup, it is.' You thought. He suddenly chuckled as he looked over his shoulder, he kept a hand over the steering wheel but it was still enough to make you nervous as you grabbed the steering wheel just in case.
"So long, Dragon... Horse girl... Hehehe, here's a tip, next time pick one animal in- OOF!!" "AHHHH!!" You screamed as a giant pole suddenly landed in front of the car causing you both to crash into it. You both went flying into the air still moving forward as you were lunched from the car. Fear gripped you at your throat as you watched the ground travel at a high speed below you. "I SHOULD'VE STAYED HOME!!!" You screamed as you neared the ground, but the feeling of strong arms wrapping around you snapped you from your fears as red covered your vision. Redson held you in his arms tightly trying to cover you as much as he could with his body as he skied and bounced along the ground. The sound of his breath huffing from his lungs made you cringe in worry as you clung to his coat, you grunted as you felt you both bounce off the ground, his body took the brunt of the force but it was still enough to give you aches and pains.
You and Redson finally landed with a harsh ski on the ground making him grunt as his grip on you tightened, the sound of metal clinging to the ground caught your attention and you looked up from his chest seeing the cursed key bounce a few feet in front of you. You glared at the cursed item, blaming it for all this mayhem. You flinched some in shock when two black shoes suddenly landed before you and a hand swiped the key up. "SO!! Looks like you've reached the end of the line, Redson." He said, you looked up at him, seeing the same guy from the race. "Delivery Boy." You muttered relief filling you as you watched him toss the key in his palm. You looked behind him and you saw the girl take her helmet off a frown on her face as she glared at Redson. She seemed to notice you, the look of relief on your face as you saw MK with the key made her arch her brow but she said nothing.
MK suddenly stopped tossing the key as he looked down at it curiously. "What were you even going to do with this thing anyway?" He asked. The blue chest came to your mind and you shuddered at the thought of it. There was a short silence among you all when a woman's voice sounded through suddenly. "Why spoil the surprise?" She said, you all jumped in surprise as you all looked over, seeing PIF standing on a small building. She seemed pleased as she gave a small smile as she pointed at the key.
"Now hand the key over, and quit wasting my time." She said, you all stared at her for a moment but it wasn't long before you heard the sound of the ground cracking under pressure before MK and Mei shot off over your and Redson's heads. PIF was quick to summon her fan, deflecting MK's attack from his pole. Mei jumped on the wall behind her, using MK as a distraction to try and get PIF from behind but she narrowly missed when PIF pushed MK back while also dodging her. They both pulled back for a moment before they both began attacking her, their movements like a blur before they suddenly stopped, the sound of a gong sounded out when their weapons clashed with the fan, and with a good swing, PIF was able to knock them both back into the building behind you and Redson making the key fall from MK's pocket.
The key bounced on the ground, landing in front of you and Redson, you stared at it in horror while Redson stared in glee as he hurriedly sat up, pushing you off with enough force to make you roll off of him as he scrambled for the key. You rolled on the ground for a second before you stood up, but it wasn't long before Redson grabbed your hand and rushed off with you toward his mother. PIF floated down gracefully, the winds surrounding her making her garments float. "Come Redson, we have things to do." She said as she stabbed her fan into the ground. Redson spun around letting your hand go in the process as you stubbled back behind him placing you between him and his mother. You and PIF watched him do a ridiculous pose as he shouted in victory. " THANKS FOR THE KEY, LOSERS!!" You gave him a sheepish smile while PIF shook her head before her winds picked up teleporting you all back to the lair.
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You stood next to Redson as the lair appeared around you all, the winds dissipated, and you looked around and saw DBK getting up from his throne an expectant glare on his face as he approached you all. You watched silently as PIF held her hand out to Redson and he gave her the key which she then gave to DBK. It was silent as he turned toward the ominous chest the key gleaming in his hand as he held it up for a moment before he placed it in front of the keyhole. You all watched as the key suddenly changed shape and it floated into the lock unlocking the chest. You all stared with bated breaths, You reached over and you grabbed Redson's arm, your fingers digging into the cloth of his sleeve. The blue seal appeared once more but this time it dissipated, but it wasn't long before the lock shattered and a bright light shone through as a powerful wind blasted out. You clung onto Redson tightly but it was pretty fruitless as he began to get pushed back.
He grunted as he clung to you tightly while he tried to fight against the wind but it was useless as he continued to slide back getting picked up by the wind, you both shouted in panic as you both went flying back. Just like before he tried to shield your body as much as he could with his as he bounced along the ground, luckily was wasn't such a long drop as he was able to get a grip on the stone below him. He held you close to him for a while until the wind calmed down, he loosened his grip on you allowing you to lay on your stomach while under him allowing you both to watch from a distance. The doors to the chest slid open and Redson stood up in curiosity to see what was inside, you lay there a little longer before you sat up on your knees. "Red... Be careful." You cautioned as you watched in wonder and worry. He continued to step towards the chest until he was next to it.
"B-bones?" He gasped out. You held your breath your hand coming up to your heart. 'It made sense now why Lady Iron Fan called it a 'Tomb'.' You thought. But Redson didn't seem to be bothered with it as he sounded rather upset. "I-it's just... bones!?" He said irritation laced in his voice as he spoke. You sat there for a moment, calming yourself down as you looked down at your lap. 'Guess I was worried about nothing.' You thought as you smiled tiredly, you were snapped from your thoughts when Redson suddenly shouted. "AHH!!" He shouted you looked up in worry as you watched him grunt in annoyance and disgust as he waved his foot around trying to get a blue light off his foot. You watched in curiosity as he fought with the blue blob. 'It looks like a soul kind of.' You thought as you watched it and Redson.
Redson stopped to take a breather as he gasped for air but he paused when he noticed his mother. You looked over at her, seeing her stare up into the air with a slightly worried stare. It made your heart skip a beat as you followed her gaze. You stared on in shock and confusion as you saw chunks of the chest floating in the air, blue markings all over the pieces. There was a sudden gust of wind but instead of pushing you back, it felt like it was sucking you in. You braced yourself on the rocks as you looked around for the source, your eyes widened when you saw it was DBK. He laughed evilly as the blue source was adsorbed into his power bank, the sight of the bull clones suddenly standing up with an unnatural movement caught your attention, you watched as their eyes turned blue almost soulless. You shivered in fear as you hugged yourself, backing up as you watched the scene unfold before you. "Aww man, I knew opening that box was a bad idea." You muttered.
You, Redson, and PIF watched as DBK Lost himself to glee in his newfound powers. The pieces of the chest floating around him, seemed to create a symbol but you couldn't make sense of it. You all watched as the bull clones all got up one by one, their blue soulless eyes staring you all down. The sound of his laughter could be faintly heard mixed with a whisper as it ran out around the caves.
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peachyogurrrt · 1 year
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I made some quick fanart of Three Thirty To Four on ao3. I have no words to describe how much I love this fic. 😭 Seriously, you will NOT regret reading this PLEASE GO READ IT ITS SO GOOD.
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g3llyfish · 13 hours
Hey I wanted to request something funny.
Like redson and macaque ( separately ) kidnaps one of mk’s friends, fem s/o and they start laughing ( not like mocking them ) but more like ( I can’t believe this happened ) while saying “ no no I’m sorry..it’s just..this is the most effort a man has ever put into me 😂 “
Idk i thought it was funny in my head 🤔 hope this was okay
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Redson x FEM! reader x Macaque (Seperate)
Either platonic or romantic
Redson and Macaque judging the reader, Reader being delulu, MK just wants his best friend back TT
MY FIRST ASJ AAA Tbh, it can also be considered as GN!reader cause I mostly do second pov but I still hope you enjoy!!
🔥 || REDSON !!
It has been a few week of him trying to defeat the noodle boy to get his staff
As expected, he fails again and again, machines after machines being crushed by that stupid staff and that stupid monkey boy
Knowingly that there's no use for his machines since they only go to his scrap corner
Until an idea pops up in his big demon smart boy brain
What if he kidnaps someone who is dear to MK and bargain them for the staff!
I mean, if that stupid noodle boy loves his friends so much he would do everything to get his best friend back!
Brilliant! Amazing plan even!
Meanwhile, you were hanging out with Mei and MK in the anti-gravity arcade, having the greatest time if your life
Until the ceiling broke down...
You were immediately grabbed by the demon bull clones and tied up so you wouldn't escape.
     "Redson?! Get back here with our best friend!" MK shouted at the bull prince who has you in his arms as you struggle.
     "Never! Catch me if you can, noodle boy and dragon horse girl!" Redson yells back as he laughs dramatically and surrounds him, you, and the bull clones with his fire to teleport away.
     Now you are hung from the ceiling in his lair, if that's what you like to call it considering the lava pool, tools, materials, engines, and many more are laying around the gigantic room.
     "Let me go!" You demanded "What are you planning now, Redson? Y'know MK is gonna MK.O!!™ you again right?"
     Redson scoffs a laugh, lifting up his welding mask to look up at your hanging state as he puts down his blowtorch.
     "After I finish my invention, we will go up to the mountain where my father was imprisoned..." He started to monologue "and then... I will exchange your life for the staff! ...that noodle boy cares for you so much that he will give it to me willingly! And once I have the staff is mine... MY FATHER WILL GAIN HIS POWER AND BE THE GREATEST RULER OF THE WORLD!"
     Redson's dark and overdramatic laughs echoes through the room as the lava's light reflected behind him, creating a giant menacing shadow of himself on the walls.
     Meanwhile you only blink twice at him, not being effected by the intimidating aura that the prince made.
     "You think I'm worth more than the staff?" "What"
     "Well, you basically said that I'm the same price as the staff... Do you think I'm that special?" You grin at him while he was only flabbergasted by your words.
     "W-what?! NO YOU IDIO--" "I don't know, like, you kidnapping me, thinking that I'm enough to be exchanged with the staff, you could've picked Mei but you chose me!"
     Redson gave you a dumbfounded look, his eyebrows furrowing in frustration as you explain your conclusion.
     "Like, you took effort to kidnap me, you think I'm that worth of effort? No one has ever done that for me" You continue as you sniffle a bit.
     "Did-did you forget about the part where I said about my world domination?" Redson simply ask as he gives you a deadpanned stare.
     "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm just so happy right now, you think I'm worth more than the staff? You think I'm that unique?" "Shut up, you're delusional."
While he made his invention to secure his plan, you were in the background trying to make him admit that he thinks you're special
You're not what he thinks you are that's for sure, with you being a giggling mess while you're LITERALLY CAPTURED BY TYE DEMON BULL PRINCE
He expected you to be like MK and Mei, someone who wrecklessly fighting anything that move...
Not someone who is off to delulu land with quips at the back of your hand
He definitely regrets the kidnapping plan
🍌 || MACAQUE !!
After the 'stealing-wukong's-powers-from-MK' plan didn't work, he couldn't find anymore information or updates in MK's life
Macaque has to keep a close eye on him afterall, considering he is Wukong's apprentice
So why not get one of MK's best friends? He can't just lurk in the shadows
Sure, that'll work but he needs more dept and personal stuff about MK, to find something to hold him back
So while you were on your way back home, not paying attention to your surroundings that was when Macaque took the opportunity.
You took a step and before you knew it, you were falling down to the ground into a theater place for shadow puppet shows.
You landed on your back on the wooden ground, making you raise your brow in confusion cause you remember that you were walking on a pedestrian.
As you look around the place, you hear a dark echoey chuckle from behind you making the hair on your skin rise.
You stood up immediately to see none other than the shadow of the six-eared Macaque.
"Hey, doll..." He chuckles again, his grin getting wider as his shadow shrinks and he turns into his monkey form.
"Macaque?! What am I doing here?! Are you here to hurt me?! Well bad luck, monkey!" You glared at him making him smirk.
"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you, I'm just here to borrow you for a while" Macaque says shrugging, getting closer towards the stage that you stood on.
"Me?" You ask in full confusion, your body relaxing as you put down your defenses.
"Mhm... You see, hiding in the shadow is not enough for getting information and I need you get me some," Macaque answers.
You pause as each side of your lips starts to slowly rise, "Me?"
"Yup, if you don't comply... then I might take back the 'I won't hurt you' part, simple, hm?" Macaque threatens with a hum.
You pause again, longer this time "me?"
"Yes, you..." Macaque sighs as he gives you a 'are you deaf?' look.
You held your laugh for a while before laughing aloud, Macaque, ofcourse felt as if you're underestimating him as he gets a little grumpy at your reaction.
"Wh- why are you laughing huh?!" "Pfft-- sorry! Sorry, sorry, it's just... I don't know it's funny"
"Funny how?" Macaque ask as he raises his eyebrow in frustration and crosses his arms.
"I don't know, you could've chosen anyone that could stalk MK for you but you chose me! Hah! I just didn't expect that someone would actually put effort on me" you laugh out.
"Effort?" Macaque questions, he wouldn't disagree with himself but he's definitely worried for your well-being.
"Yeah, I mean, you could've just sended me a text saying 'give me information or you're dead' text like my other exes, but here we are!" You continue to blabber making Macaque give you a concerned look.
"I-what..." "Yeah! I'm kinda flattered that you put so much effort on me, kidnapping me, tracking me down, watching which street I go to-- okay that's kinda creepy--" "okay, stop"
Macaque has to make you stop so he can continue his plan
He's mostly concerned about you cause who tf reacts like that?
He had to make a deal with you to proceed with his 'information gathering' plan but you always gawk at the fact that he chose you out of all people
Plan unsuccessful (?)
I'm sorry if it isn't to your expectations TT tell me criticisms if you'd like but I still hope you had fun with the fix as much as I did, love you pooksters :P
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spaghettimachete · 1 year
Hello! I come from the other side to ask if you a yandere request! Let’s get some yandere ex boyfriend Syntax being absolutely pissed off the the reader is with our demon prince Red boy! (Sorry they are both literally my favorite and I couldn’t pick between the two!😅)
Red is a very low-key kinda yandere and he is knowledgeable enough to understand that the yandere tendencies are what made Syntax a “ex” in the first place so he tries for the reader. He is a powerful enough demon to protect the reader and himself from Syntax! Thank you I hope you are very blessed day
Happy Holidays Y'all!
Whatever holiday you celebrate, I hope you have (or had) a wonderful time celebrating it! (And if you don’t celebrate anything, I hope you have a wonderful day anyway :})
Syntax in this is Post Spider Transformation!
ᏔᎪᎡNᏆNᏩᏚ: Yandere, mentioned kidnapping (you get saved)
• When you finally gained the courage to break up with Syntax, due to his obsessive and violent behaviour, lets just say he was less than happy
• He was even more pissed when he was told that you were leaving him for Redson as well.
• He’d likely try forcing you to be with him, trying to take you away right then and there, but Redson easily stops him and leaves with you.
• Obviously, instead of looking at himself as a person, being understanding, and realising he needed to make some adjustments, he tries kidnapping you again.
• He would likely do it while the two of you were asleep, using his slick technology to muffle any noises and not wake up the flaming boy who stole his love
• He wouldn’t be ready to fight Redson
• Not then, at least.
• While you were in Syntax’s care, he’d spend every second of what little free time he’d have with you.
• Holding you tightly as if you had any chance of getting out of his grasp on your own.
• It wouldn’t matter anyway, he made sure to thoroughly block any possible escape, setting traps upon traps in any small openings in any small gaps he made.
• Only he know how to swiftly avoid all the sensors
• He’d scold you for even thinking you could leave him
• And then almost immediately start praising you for “being in his arms again.”
• Much to Syntax’s dismay, Redson would immediately come to rescue you.
• Syntax would then find out that you had somehow escaped, despite his elaborate array of traps, he’d not only be mad, but also embarrassed.
• Not just because Redson had somehow gotten past his genius inventions, but the little shit had also found a critical error in them, which allowed him to easily get past them.
• …The error being that they weren’t flame proof.
• Syntax would overwork himself trying to create a material strong enough not to melt under Redson’s heat.
• His determination to get Redson will rise immediately. Working even more quickly to make a new invention that will help him get you back.
• Syntax would not be giving up on you, he WILL have you back, no matter what it takes.
• There would be multiple attempts to get you back.
• All, however, would immediately be shut down by Redson
• who would grow more and more annoyed with the “Pesky Bug” as he called it.
• It would get harder and harder for Redson to hold back burning him to a crisp right then and there.
• But he knows better.
• He’s well aware about how you would feel about his… urges, and would rather not have you (try to) break up with him over something so minuscule
• He’s much rather have you be with him willingly rather than by force.
• So, he will resist (for now)
• After all, wouldn’t want a repeat of the “disaster of your previous relationship”
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cacophony-eg · 6 months
Trick or Treat? (Chimera Shipping Fic)
A/N: Happy Halloween!
here's a little Chimera treat for this holiday season. =3
Red Son gazed upon the Monkie Boy and Dragon Girl in awe, tears of joy welling in his eyes at their offer, his hair warmly glowed and flickered with soft flames. The demon never thought this day would come, he had hoped they would one day see the darkness and choose the path of villainy but had never expected it to happen. Nor could he ever anticipate that the two heroes would invite him to join in on an evil plan of their own making.
"Of course, I will join in on your crusade to extort civilians all across the city!" Red Son declared, nearly choking on his words as his chest swelled with pride.
"Well, I wouldn't call it extorting..." MK began, glancing over at Mei for assistance.
"We usually call it trick or treating," The dragon girl stated, with a twitching smile holding back a giggle. This was honestly turning out better than she expected, she had imagined the Bull Prince to call their yearly mission childish and turn down their request.
"Yes, Yes, I am aware of the modern way of celebrating all hallows eve." Red Son assured with a wave of his hand "Your party disguises themselves in costumes to not be recognized while going door to door demanding treats or trinkets in exchange for not harming the ones who reside there or their land," The fire demon explained.
"Huh, maybe it is low-key extorting?" Mei pondered out loud, with a slight nod of agreement towards Red boi.
"But legal, traditional extorting?" MK reasoned, with a slightly nervous smile.
"Now enough with the semantics" Red Son asserted "you two claimed to have a plan already constructed."
The Dragon Girl and Monkie Boy shared a devious smile that caused The Prince's heart to flutter and cheeks to warm.
Mei dashed to a nearby wall, pulling down a large map of the city, with coloured coordinated circles scattered all over it, as Mk rushed over with a handful of markers.
"Green symbolizes places that give out soda," MK began.
"Yellow are places that give out goodie bags," Mei added.
"Red is..." The Ponygirl started as The Noodle Boy used the markers in his hands to do some air drumming.
"FULL-SIZE CANDY BARS!" They both cheered.
Red Son nodded looking over the map, they had done a splendid job in recon, "and what does the blue symbolize?"
"Healthy snacks..." Mei answered in disdain, as MK stuck out his tongue in disgust.
The Demon Bull Prince's lips twitched upwards in a slight smile but used one of his hands to cover his mouth. It was a childish notion toward healthy food, but he could understand the sentiment. When you desired one thing... or two things, anything else only felt like a distraction or an obstacle towards your goal.
"So what is your plan of attack, where do we strike first?" Red questioned looking over the map, mentally clustering key areas together and calculating a route.
"Well, that's kind of the main part we need your help with..." MK explained with a shy, eager smile. "We both figured with your great planning skills-"
"We could reach our goal to collect the most Candy we ever have!" Mei declared with a fiery determination. "And become Halloween Candy Royalty!"
Red Son could feel both his cheeks and hair heat up as they both looked up at him with unwavering looks that held no doubt he was the perfect addition to their team.
"I will see what I can do" The prince coughed out; to mask his blush. Plucking a purple marker from MK's hand, the demon stepped closer to the map as he scanned over what they already had. Red Son, temporarily tuned out the two chatty mortals as they talked about possible costumes.
The disguises were inconsequential to the demon, he needed to focus on the task at hand. The Prince would not fail in proving himself a key member of their trio. The three of them had accomplished much together, the demon hoping to make his... What did Mei call them… frienemies? Into a stronger type of companionship. Help guild the hero's to become something more sinister, and this crusade would be the perfect opportunity to do just that.
Red Son silently promised himself that he would not be replaced by anyone, he would not lose Mei or MK to anyone else. He would prove to be superior to all others so the two of them would have no doubt about his capabilities and-
"Oh that's a great idea that way you and I can be Red Son's first and second Mates" The Dragon girl agreed with her best friend.
The Demon Prince had to reel himself away from the Map as his hair burst into a large gust of fire "WHAT ARE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT?!" Red shouted in shock, turning to face the two heroes.
"Oh just which one of us should be your first mate and which of us should be your second mate," MK answered casually.
Making Red Son's jaw nearly drop to the floor. The three of them had not even discussed about becoming each other's intended or any courting steps, and yet the two heroes were already talking about who would be his first MATE!?!
"MK, you should be the first mate, you're a lot better at leading than I am, plus you two balance each other out," Mei suggested.
"No way Mei, you and Red Son work great off each other and click together way more, you should be the first mate," MK countered his best friend.
Red Son's eyes widened as the two heroes argued back and forth, constantly stating that the other would be a much better first mate than themselves for the prince. The Prince listened to them in stunned silence, as their argument continued; making several good points along the way that even the demon hadn't thought of, and may very well use to convince his parents of their trio courtship.
“Even just visually you and Red make a better pair” Mei argued back “Your cinnamon roll energy with his hot pepper vibes jell way better, and will get way higher appeal”
“No way, you and Red Son are like a bonfire together, you two are bright and blazing no matter where you go, everyone will pay attention to the two of you.” MK replied back.
“Come on MK, you would keep Red from going overboard, that’s perfect first mate material,” Mei declared to her friend.
“Yeah, but you would be jumping overboard with Red, that’s way better first mate material,” MK argued.
"ENOUGH!" Red Son shouted, the prince feeling as if his whole body may combust if they passively praised him anymore. "If I were to take a Mate, I would have you both become my Mates at the same time, so you both are First Mates!" The Prince declared leaving no room for argument.
"Hmm I guess that works" Mei nodded.
"Red Son would be the Captain so it is his choice who’s the first mate," MK concluded.
The Prince blinked several times "Captain?"
"Yeah, of course, you'll be our Pirate Captain," Mei said happily.
Something in Red Son's mind suddenly shattered "you two were talking about crew mates..." The demon groaned face-palming himself, feeling like such a fool to assume these two would ever so casually desire him as their mate.
"What did you think we were talking about?" MK innocently asked.
"NOTHING!" The Prince snapped, wishing to end this conversation.
"What other kinds of mates are... There..." Realization hit The Dragon Girl first as she gasped and her face lit up. The Demon Bull Prince quickly whipped around so his back was facing the two of them and was once again looking at the map.
"STOP DISTRACTING ME, IF YOU TRULY DESIRE THE PERFECT CANDY COLLECTING ROUTE" Red Son shouted at the two of them, hair still a flickering fire, as a mix of anger and shame towards himself burned inside of the prince.
MK looked over at his demon friend with a worried frown. Mei leaning towards her best friend, whispering something into his ear that had the Monkey King's successor's face morph from confusion, into surprise, then a bubbly kind of joy.
The two best friend's shared a silent conversation that consisted of hand gestures and mouthing words before the two of them looked over at the unassuming Prince with a new kind of determination in their gazes.
The two heroes stroll up to either side of Red Son, each hooking one of their arms with the Prince's, leaving no room for escape.
"So you would take both of us as your mates at the same time?" Mei clarified, pulling herself closer to the bull prince as she held his arm a little tighter.
"How would you plan that out?" MK asked, his tone not sounding as innocent as it had a few moments ago.
Red Son's hair became a bright flame once more as he looked back and forth between the Dragon Girl and the Monkie Boy. Both shared similar devilish shine in their eyes, and devious smirks as they looked up at him. Their gaze on him ignited a different kind of fire inside of the Prince.
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broke-art · 2 years
Red son x servant girl reader Part one!
"No, no, no!" You gasped as the platter clattered to the floor spilling the food onto the stone floor. You cringed at your mistake. But atleast no one was around to witness it. You reached for the mess intending to clean it up when you were proven wrong.
You jumped and turned to see the fire prince leaning against the wall.
Your heart felt as though it was ready to explode.
"M-my Lord Red Son! I'm so sorry, I'm new to the kitchens." You explained hurriedly.
Red Son only rolled his eyes.
"I'm not interested in excuses, peasant girl." Red Son pushed off the wall with his shoulder and strode past you. "Just clean it up."
"Yes, sir." You agreed simply picking up the mess. Thankfully, the dish wasn't much more than small sandwiches so cleaning it was not too difficult.
You rushed back to the kitchens and instead of taking any more platters out you helped with the cooking. As if you could handle the embarrassment of running into the young lord again.
It didn't help that he was so attractive. And seemed to hold you to a much higher standard than any of their other servants. It was true that the demon bull king family had many a bull clone to do their bidding. But they had many other servants who volunteered their services for various reasons.
Yours was fairly simple. You had been gifted to them as a child. Your parents deemed you a cursed child with uncontrollable magic. So, you had become their servant. Thankfully, you had saved your younger brother M.k from a similar fate by helping him escape only a night before.
Of course, Lady Iron Fan had taken a shine to you as you were used to help train Red Son as a sparring partner for many years. She had been impressed with your skill and dedication. And due to this, at least this was the only reason you could fathom, Red Son watched you closely.
Over the years you had slowly fallen for Red Son, despite his jeers and seeming condescension. Whenever he has seen you upset or hurt he went out of his way to help you recover both physically and emotionally. Infact, on special occasions, such as your birthday, holidays, or the day your parents had given you away Red Son would make it his personal goal to gift you something.
A music box locket he had created in his forge, a journal he found at a market when he learned how much you loved to write stories, and other such items. So, you knew he had a kindness about him. Even when he neglected to show it.
You finished the last of the dishes and sent it out with one of the bull clones before washing the pots and pans that had been used.
Red Son stared at his food with a frown. That meddlesome noodle boy had devastated his most recent scheme with the weather tower and he was in no mood to deal with clumsy peasants, but now something more bothered him. Something far more pressing.
He hadn't realized it at first but when Y/n had realized his presence and turned to face him, something about how her hair fell around her face. A memory of the noodle boy flashed into his mind, followed by a more recent memory of y/n staring at him wide eyed. Was he insane or was there a resemblance? No, it couldn't be. She was far too beautiful to be related to that imbecile. But still something persisted in the back of his mind.
"RED SON!" Lady Iron Fan near shouted.
Red Son jumped in his seat his head snapping up to meet his mother's eyes.
"You have been staring at your food for nearly twenty minutes now. Don't tell me you're still considering how to tell her." With that remark lady Iron Fan shot him a smirk before sipping from her goblet.
Red Son tensed his cheeks burning and the tips of his hair setting a blaze.
"Mother! No. This has nothing to do with Y/n. And I don't see her that way." He insisted folding his arms and looking away.
"If that is so," The Demon Bull King intercepted. "Then I can't see a reason you would bring her into the conversation. As I don't recall your mother ever mentioning Y/n in her observation." He gave Red Son a knowing grin.
"Well I assumed- I- ugh! No, this has nothing to do with that." Red son growled as his hair burst entirely aflame.
"Then what is it about dearest?" Lady Iron Fan interrogated. "The cooks made your favorite and you haven't touched it."
Red Son paused. Should he tell his mother what he had noticed? What if he was wrong?
"I...I noticed Y/n bares a remarkable resemblance to the noodle boy." Red Son explained reluctantly.
Both of his parents froze and fell silent. The akward moment tempted Red Son to fidget. But that was a habit his mother had long since cured him of.
"How very interesting." Lady Iron Fan mused almost dangerously.
"Indeed." The bull king agreed. "I don't believe I saw it until now."
Red Son pressed his food around his plate for a moment before speaking.
"What should we do about it?"
Lady Iron Fan got to a stand making Red Son flinch.
She turned and walked to her husband.
"Well that is really quite simple, now isn't it? Ask her what she knows." Lady Iron Fan tossed Red Son a look over her shoulder. "We will discuss what you learned in the morning."
Red Son nodded.
"Yes, mother." He watched his father stand and lead his mother to their shared room.
So interrogation was the method? That would be simple. He wouldn't let his parents down.
You dried the last of the cooking dishes and put them away. By now the DBK family should be finished eating. You were so glad that Red Son would be in his chambers or forge and you would likely not see him the rest of the day.
Heading into the dining area you froze.
Red Son sat at the dining table with one leg resting on the other his head resting against his right fist.
"Well it's about time."
You felt an uneasiness growing in your gut. Red Son was impatient, and never lingered anywhere unless he was waiting for someone. Waiting for you. And that was never good.
"I apologize, if I would have known you were waiting I-" You cut yourself off as Red Son got to a stand.
Determination glowed in his eyes and a fierce look overtook his features. Red Son only took on such a look durning your sparing battles, or against an enemy.
"Y/n, do you have siblings?"
Your gut twisted at the mention. You had never spoken of your brother for a fear he might be forced into servitude or worse returned to your parents. This very motivation caused you to pick a very stupid option. You chose to lie.
"Who? Me? No. I was an only child."
Red Son quirked a brow and you felt your knees going weak.
"Really?" Red Son walked around you keeping his hands behind his back.
"Yes, now if I might be excused I have dut-"
Red Son walked infront of you once again then advanced towards you. This causing you to retreat a few steps.
"Did you just lie to me?"
"W-what?! No, of course not!" You defended stumbling as he continued to advance until your back met a wall.
Red Son's fist slammed into the wall next to your head cracking the stone beneath it from the force. He studied your eyes for a moment.
"You're protecting him."
Your heart rate doubled in speed as you realized he not only knew about M.k, but was likely hunting him. you narrowed you eyes at him.
"I won't let you hurt him."
Red Son's eyes widened a bit before he grinned and chuckled darkly.
"You know? I was hoping you'd say that."
*This one was actually super fun. Let me know if you want to see more of it. This was requested by Pepper_Mint75.  I know it wasnt exactly what you probably had in mind but I hope this works too*
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jesterhasmoved · 1 year
Big Bro Nezha AU but in Fic form!
This AU is my pride and Joy and now I finally have a fic out! It's not a Fic of the full AU it's just the beginning / Set up but might make more if I feel like it!
Hope you like it!
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tired-all-the-time22 · 10 months
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Designs based on the fic idea from my last post
I like to imagine scenes from fics in my head as I read them, so I went ahead and designed the formal outfits for these two ^^
That being said, I am slightly considering writing the fic myself, but I'm a little skeptical since it'd be the first fic I've ever written and I'm unsure if I'd be able to write it as well as I see it in my head.
Update - I have decided to write a single chapter for this idea and here is the announcement post for more info - fic isn’t posted yet but if you guys want more when it is make sure to comment/reblog telling me so ^^
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loserrking · 2 years
Traffic light trio with an S/O that loves the rain
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FANDOM : Lego Monkie Kid
PAIRING : Redson, MK, Mei x GN!Reader
TW + EXTRA(S) : Headcannons || I use He/They for Redson
A/N : I'm writing one shots and Headcannons again :]
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They don't really understand why you like it so much, it's just rain! A bunch of water falling from the clouds. Infact, he kinda hates the rain, it gets him wet, his clothes will start sticking to his skin, and it's cold.
But then he sees you admiring it with this sparkle in your eye and suddenly he hates the rain a little less. They'll admit, it is kinda pretty watching the rain.
It doesn't matter how much they love you though, you will never get him to play in the rain. He wants to stay warm and dry. The only time they'll actually go out with you in the rain is if they have a umbrella.
Redson watched as you played in the rain as he smiled to himself. They didn't exactly understand how you could be so excited about something as simple as rain but if it meant he got to see you happy then he guessed it was worth standing in the rain for you, albeit with an umbrella, of course.
You approached them with the big grin on your face, you started to ramble to him about how pretty the rain is, how you wished the weather was always like this, and so on. Your rambling was interrupted as you sneezed, your nose had turned the slightest bit red. That's when Redson knew that it was time to go back inside, "Come on, [Name]" He said with an eye roll as he dragged you back in.
He would always take care of you whenever you got sick. He'll complain while doing so but you know he cares.
You managed to convince ONCE to join you to play in the rain, he hated it, you were both sick for a week. They scolded you so much during that.
On the plus side, if you stay inside while it's raining, you now have a personal heater. Whenever it gets too cold, you could just cuddle up next to Redson.
EXTRA HC : He's definitely been tempted with the thought of slow dancing with you in the rain with soft music playing in the background but they never told you about it.
She's not really much of a rain lover either but she still joins you when you go out to play in the rain, she may get soaking wet but it's worth seeing you so happy.
Unlike Redson, Mei had danced with you in the rain before. Was it a slow dance? Nope. Was the music soft or endearing? Nah. Was it still romantic nonetheless? Yes, absolutely.
You twirled as you jumped in a puddle of water, the brown-ish gray liquid splashed, staining your clothes. Pop music played in the background, you took your girlfriend's hand in your's as you danced proudly with her. You and Mei weren't exactly what you'd call professional dancers but it was still fun, even with the rain getting you both wet.
Mei looked at you with the biggest grin ever, her eyes softening. This was.... perfect. Water dripped from your wet hair and stained clothes, the rain droplets on your skin glistened in a way that made you look even more beautiful. She bursted out in laughter— not because something was funny, but because in that moment, with you stood in front of her dancing your heart out in the rain, she couldn't be more happier...
Mei has a really good immune system so she didn't really get sick, maybe a small cough but that was it, however, you were very sick. She took care of you the whole time.
Other than dancing in the rain, you've also played tag with her (Yes, it did result in one of you guys tripping and getting injured). It was fun!
If you decide not to go out in the rain, she'll probably plan an indoors activity or something.
One time, you guys had a sleepover where you watched a bunch of horror movies on a rainy day (it was thundering so you couldn't go outside). Both of you got nightmares and the thunder and lightning outside was definitely not helping.
It ended up with you and Mei cuddling each other, both wide awake because y'all were scared.
He doesn't love it but he doesn't hate the rain either, he thinks the rain is calming.
Out of the three, he is the most reluctant on going out in the rain. He has a bad immune system and he's not really keen on getting sick.
Only time he'll go out in the rain is if it's just light rain.
MK stood beside you, light drops of rain pelted down at his skin and clothing, the fabric becoming slightly damp. A cool breeze passes through you as you rubbed your arm to create some sort of warmth. MK noticed this, he took off the jacket he wore and handed it to you. "Here, this'll keep you warm." He smiled at you. You hesitantly took the jacket out of his hands and put it on. "Thanks." You gave him a sheepish grin, rubbing the back of your neck.
Both of you chatted with each other for a while, just standing there as light pitter patters of water droplets rained down from the sky, that was until the rain suddenly became very strong. You and MK panicked, both staggering to run back to the apartment. It took a few minutes to get there, you both stood by the front door of the apartment breathless from all the running, the heavy rain had drenched both of you from head to toe. The carpet you both stood on was now soaking wet. MK chuckled nervously, knowing full well that he'll get sick.
And he was right, he did get sick. Luckily, you were there to take care of him. (Even though you were also sick but it wasn't as bad as MK's, he had such a high fever) You both binge watched a ton of movies while you were both sick.
After that incident, you never took MK out in the rain. Sometimes, you still go out in the rain without him and he gets pouty because he can't spend time with you.
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pitofpurple · 7 months
LMK fic idea inspired by Redson being a deity irl
anyway so the jist is that some mortals started a small cult for Redson after the samadhi fire destroyed there village but after they sealed away the fire DBK and PIF didn’t want their child to grow up as a minor deity so they massacred the cult members and tried to wipe all evidence of there existence. But of corse, Sun Wukong, the menace he was, stole one of the statues as a keepsake and forgot about it. that is untill MK found it and thought “I bet this would look great in the noodle shop!”
The fic would follow modern day Redson having to decide if he wants to give in to the urge to reward those who worship him and have to deal with the complications of becoming a minor deity (dealing with the celestial realm, gaining power, disapproval of his parents… ect.) or destroy the one remaining statue and return to his familiar life. Meanwhile MK has no idea who this deity he’s giving incense and candles to but it seems to be giving good luck in the noodle shop so he doesn’t really mind. He’s even caught Pigsy putting extra effort into shining the statue during closing.
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