#like. these traits are not inherent to the condition we just often display them but theyre secondary
sleep-safe · 1 year
sometimes someone seems autistic and they're literally. just Asian. western medicine does this.
#signs#disorder#stick out#this is a critique#btw#like does neurodivergence need to necessarily be pathologized?#does disability? do we Need to pathologize the human condition?#idk maybe#we can def do smn Better tho....that facilitates more understanding and not just... separation (at best)#anyway thinking ab this lately just cause like.#so when i really figured my shit out in undergrad. i realized i want to go into health and healing#but i wanted a huamnistic perspective and not a pathologizing one#bottom-up so to speak. to appreciate the variety of humanity and alleviate suffering within that framework#so i went into communicationd with concentration in culture and disability#and in this specific instance some of autism (truly i don't think they are Symptoms bc they do not...#like. these traits are not inherent to the condition we just often display them but theyre secondary#they dont describe the core of the condition (which is just a particular neurosystem--everything else is secondary)#but is inherently smn culturally abnormal (theoretically harmful or at least disruptive)#common autistic behaviours like avoiding eye contact; low affect; high or low volume; reservedness#these are Common Traits of Asian cultures! (#obviously Most of the world is Asian so there is CONSIDERABLE variation. but the pt being that these are only abnormal from a WESTERN pov#(also I'm in the United States so i am in particular thinking about Asian Americans but this also applies to like intl interaction)#(like... idk a tiktoker from Hong Kong that ppl think is Autistic who may be allistic)#(also I'm not tryna say only westerners/usa be autistic and Asians can't LMAO)#(its a Human neurotype. just the things that depend on what is circumstantially normative)#anyway.......... hello to the 3 ppl who will see this#actually autistic#mine#critical cultural studies#coms
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bondsmagii · 2 years
Momentary rant for you, I get so angry whenever people talk about "psychopaths", which isn't even an actual medical term anymore!! The FIRST thing out of their mouths is always going to be “they lack empathy they will use people to their advantage and then drop them and they're dangerous”
Motherfucker everyone can do that. Empathy isn't the be all end all to morality. Empathy is, if anything, the most limited and flawed tool we have in our arsenal!!! It's so damn easy to only empathize with people you understand, so easy to then turn around and hurt people you DON'T get because you don't give them the same sympathize, because empathy only works in so far as you are able to perceive others' struggles as your own—you will always found someone whose experience you can't possibly even begin to understand.
Guess what? What you have left after that is logic. Facts. You may not understand trans people or how they feel, but you can rationalize that they are deserving of respect because everyone has a right to freedom of expression, and it is easier to live and let live than it is to get involved in shit that doesn't hurt you or anyone else. Simple.
But nooo, it's always, we should avoid them so dangerous like not being neurodivergent makes them immune to bias, hate, lack of empathetic ability, which is in itself a fluid thing that may be at higher or lower levels depending on the day you're having.
Sure there are """psychopaths""" who are dangerous, but they are not inherently dangerous because of it. It's just that some people will excuse shit behavior with logic, and some of those people happen to be labeled psychopaths. But everyone has the potential to delude themselves into believing anything they want for the sake of their own benefit.
What do you do? You give people the tools they need to do better by themselves and others. You don't shun someone just cause you don't get how they think. You know what that is? A lack of empathy.
Again, the argument isn't that none have ever hurt others, just that their condition for lack of a better word is not an inherent evil trait like in a Sims game.
man, you put it really well here:
Empathy is, if anything, the most limited and flawed tool we have in our arsenal!!! It's so damn easy to only empathize with people you understand, so easy to then turn around and hurt people you DON'T get because you don't give them the same sympathize, because empathy only works in so far as you are able to perceive others' struggles as your own—you will always found someone whose experience you can't possibly even begin to understand.
like, pretty much. this is the thing that baffles me about so much I see online. the amount of cruelty and vitriol directed at people who are "deserving" of it is insane. I have seen so many people who claim to be the most progressive, empathetic people turn around and say things like torture is OK if the person "deserves" it; murder/capital punishment is OK if the person "deserves" it; censorship is OK if it targets the people they hate. all of this is a complete lack of respect for human life, and it's a dangerous attitude to have, and it comes from the fact that they regard outsiders to their group, and people who do things they find despicable, to be no longer human -- the most severe lack of empathy you can display. people who are genuinely what would have been called a "psychopath" have this same trait: they are able to hurt others because they do not see them as people. it's terrifying how close to this line a lot of people are, and they don't even realise it.
the emphasis on empathy is... not great. for a start, it very often centres the person feeling the empathy, rather than the person who is suffering. I've seen so many people unable to help with issues because it upsets them too much, because they feel so bad for the people suffering; I've had so-called friends tell me to shut up about issues I'm having because it's too upsetting; I've seen people treat others like shit because of "empathy", claiming basically that because they feel so strongly and get so upset, they can get aggressive or rude or threatening. because it's all for a good cause, right! being overly empathetic is not only bad for the person, because that shit is exhausting, but it's also a total mental drain on everything around them. it's fine to feel for people, but this is where logic comes in: you need to be practical, and sensible, and manage your emotions, and not make somebody else's suffering about yourself.
also, the emphasis on empathy throws a lot of people under the bus. it's seen as the defining human trait, and those who lack it are written off as "psychopaths," but empathy, like most things, is a sliding scale. even among neurotypical people, it varies; neurodivergent people may severely struggle with it, or lack it completely. and when people talk about how empathy is the be-all and end-all, the reason we're human... what are they implicitely saying? that all those with low or no empathy are not human. thus we go back to the earlier problem -- seeing certain types as inhuman, and treating them like shit. it's not the progressive look these people often go for.
even if empathy can't be taught, you can still learn to understand where a person is coming from. there's a lot that I don't understand about the people I care about, from how past experiences felt, to why certain things are so important to them, to why they feel the way they feel. often I'm baffled, and it's so far outside how I would have felt that I do not get it. it's easy to feel frustrated, or to conclude that the person is in the wrong. but they're able to explain, and I am able to understand where they're coming from, and therefore accept that they feel the way they do, and respect that fact. this can be done with most people, and it's just as valid as straightforward, natural empathy. something a lot of people need to accept is that often, you can never be fully understood. respect, and a person's belief in what you're saying, is far more important than empathy.
of course, people have been hurt because somebody lacked empathy -- that's undeniable. but people have also been hurt because somebody loved them. no trait or force is inherently good or inherently evil. they're a product of circumstance and personality. your surgeon might have low empathy because that's just a fact: many people who cut people open for a living have low empathy. but this surgeon will still save your life, and talk you through recovery, and act as support for you and your loved ones. your partner might have high empathy, and end up making every time you're upset about how bad they feel, and how useless they feel, and how horrible it is to see you suffer. there's always nuance, but that's the problem: everyone wants everything to be black and white, and they want to look at a checklist of Good Traits and tick them off for themselves and not for those they despise, and most importantly of all, they want to live in the delusion that they have never, and could never, hurt anyone. it's cowardice, and it will never lead to any meaningful improvement or progress. if you can't face the harm you yourself have caused or may cause, you can never adequately address the harm others do.
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franklyautistic · 3 years
The Autism Spectra
Uninitiated NTs often think that “the Autism Spectrum” runs from NTs on one side all the way through to severely autistic people on the other side.
If you’re following this blog, you probably know that’s bullshit. You’re probably familiar with alternative metaphors, like the salad bar. All autistic people are salads, but some have lots of tomatoes and no dressing, while others have lots of lettuce and rocket and black pepper. Feel free to roast me in the notes for my lack of salad knowledge.
Now, here’s the thing. Reality is messier than either of these metaphors acknowledge. OK, all autistic people are salads... but what are allistic people?
Furthermore, autism is not binary. Some allistic people are more autistic than others. A classic example is the parent of an autistic kid, who doesn’t have enough impairment to qualify for a diagnosis but still exhibits behaviours and traits we associate with autistic people. I certainly see parts of myself which could be interpreted as autistic in both my parents - I have my mother’s stubbornness and my father’s introversion, for example.
So if some allistics are more autistic than others, are some autistics more autistic than others? This is immediately problematic. No. If you are autistic, then you are autistic. However, we would all acknowledge that different autistic people experience different intensities of autistic characteristics. Personally, I’m relatively good at handling uncertainty, particularly compared to where I was five or ten years ago. I’m relatively bad at social nuance. But having a more severe symptom doesn’t make you more autistic, and having a less severe symptom doesn’t make you less valid as a person.
But, all that being said, it’s important to acknowledge that there isn’t a sharp dividing line between “autistic” and “allistic”. Lots of allistic people - in fact, probably all of them - will have some behaviour or another that you will find on a diagnostic checklist for autism. A sizeable portion of the population will have quite a few of these behaviours, but will come just below the threshold for a diagnosis. And lots of people exist in a space where some clinicians will diagnose them, and others will not. This isn’t an issue that can be solved by switching to community diagnosis and similar concepts, either, because any gatekeeper can fall into the same trap.
Autism is fuzzy. Many of us have an instinctive understanding of it which we have developed from experience of being around autistic people, but these judgements are inherently subjective and come wrapped up in all our own personal biases. Ultimately, there is no reliable way of telling an autistic person from a non-autistic person.
So what’s my solution? Well, autism is a useful label for some people. It helps them understand themselves and be understood by others. If you’re one of those people - and I am - more power to you. But we shouldn’t think too much about the hard dividing line between autism and allism. Many allistic people will display greater intensity of at least one autistic trait than some autistic people. Our experiences exist as spectral conditions, not a single binary condition.
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animusalias-blog · 6 years
Feeling being Manipulated? How to Effectively Distinguish and Stay Away from Toxic People:
Before we get started on how manipulation works we needs to understand who frequently uses manipulation.
What is psychological manipulation?
A type of social influence that aims to change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or underhanded tactics.By advancing the interests of the manipulator, often at another's expense, such methods could be considered exploitative, abusive, devious, and deceptive. 
To explain it in a plainer way, psychological manipulation is making you to do what I want you to do, making you to feel the emotions I want you to feel. I don’t care about how fucked up the means are, and the ends usually benefit me.
As a result, it’s really important to distinguish healthy social influence (which respects the right of the influenced to accept or reject it) between psychological manipulation (underhanded and usually coercive)
Who usually engages in psychological manipulation?
First I want to stress that a personality disorder is a maladaptive fixed long-term behavioral pattern, so don’t worry if you occasionally behave like one or two categories mentioned below. It’s normal. Plus, official diagnosis of those mentioned above can only be made if the person is above 18 years old (shoutout to all edgy teens on tumblr). Although you can use self-reports, they can be inaccurate due to personal bias, and only a professional (e.g. certified psychiatrist) can give out the diagnosis. (So you can see why I’m not assorting respective characters in Ace Attorney to medical conditions mentioned below) 
According to Jernberg, antisocial, borderline, and narcissistic personality disorders are all organized at a borderline level of personality organization, and the three share some common characterological deficits and overlapping personality traits, with deceitfulness and exceptional manipulative abilities being the most common traits among the three.
Sociopaths, borderlines, and narcissists are often pathological liars.Other shared traits include pathological narcissism,consistent irresponsibility, machiavellianism, lack of empathy, cruelty, meanness, impulsivity, proneness to self-harm and addictions, interpersonal exploitation, hostility, anger and rage, vanity, emotional instability, rejection sensitivity, perfectionism, and the use of primitive defense mechanisms that are pathological and narcissistic. 
A sociopath (or a psychopath, usually referred as someone with antisocial personality disorder. Although there is still some controversy over the distinction among these three, I’m just going to use ‘psychopath’ as the term) is basically a person who has no affective empathy; exploitation is a primary means of relating to others. Irresponsible, impulsive, manipulative, deceitful, hostile, and callous. [below is excerpted from DSM IV-TR]
failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest;
deception, as indicated by repeatedly lying, use of aliases, or conning others for personal profit or pleasure;
impulsivity or failure to plan ahead;
irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults;
reckless disregard for safety of self or others;
consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financial obligations;
lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another.
Borderline personality disorder is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by unstable relationships with other people, unstable sense of self, and unstable emotions. There is often frequent dangerous behavior, a feeling of emptiness, self-harm, and an extreme fear of abandonment. [Source: Wikipedia]
Markedly disturbed sense of identity
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment and extreme reactions to such
Splitting ("black-and-white" thinking)
Impulsivity and impulsive or dangerous behaviours
Intense or uncontrollable emotional reactions that often seem disproportionate to the event or situation
Unstable and chaotic interpersonal relationships
Self-damaging behavior
Distorted self-image
Frequently accompanied by depression, anxiety, anger, substance abuse, or rage
Persons with Narcissistic Personality Disorder [according to DSM-V] usually display some or all of the following symptoms, typically without the commensurate qualities or accomplishments [Source: Wikipedia]:
Grandiosity with expectations of superior treatment from other people
Fixated on fantasies of power, success, intelligence, attractiveness, etc.
Self-perception of being unique, superior, and associated with high-status people and institutions
Needing continual admiration from others
Sense of entitlement to special treatment and to obedience from others
Exploitative of others to achieve personal gain
Unwilling to empathize with the feelings, wishes, and needs of other people
Intensely envious of others, and the belief that others are equally envious of them
Pompous and arrogant demeanor
TL;DR version of all three, in my words, a psychopath is a heartless outcast, your stereotypical villain/murderer, who thinks killing a person is no different from cutting carrots and will happily do it within a second; a borderline is needy, moody, insecure, who will threaten to kill themselves if they somehow think you will abandon them; a narcissist is someone controlling, blaming, self-absorbed, intolerant of others' views, unaware of others' needs and the effects of their behavior on others, and insist that others see them as they wish to be seen.
Why I write this long post?
I’m not saying all manipulators are these three kinds of people. There is indeed controversies regarding the classifications (for example, narcissism or psychopathy should be on a continuum instead of being categorized). I’m not saying you should be suspicious or hypervigilant of every single person. I’m not saying people are inherently bad, because each disorder only affect about 2% of the population. I’m helping you to trust/mistrust wisely and give your kindness to the people who deserves it.
1. I’m just saying if you find someone who exhibits some of these traits you should be cautious and don’t give them too mush trust/responsibility, or expect to be manipulated. If you are already with an abuser, then I encourage you to use the no contact rule or grey rock method to disengage from them. 
Why I’m telling you all this instead of simply stating “Leave toxic people”? Because a single simple statement didn’t give any actionable advice! Did every bad guy walk with a paper says“I am a bad guy” on the forehead? Of course not! 
2. Knowing the true colors of a manipulator can help you to effectively establish boundaries regardless of their words (glibness and superficial charm), promises (which will never be fulfilled) or innocent appearance (classic gas lighting technique). If they crossed your personal boundaries consciously and continue to manipulate you, burn the bridge. You know who they are and do not expect to change/heal them like in the movies (Psychopathy is, to a certain extent, a neurological disorder which caused their empathy deficit. The heritability of BPD has been estimated at 40%. NPD is notorious with their abusive relationship dynamics with the codependents )
3. If you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you. If you became too conscious of the viciousness of the three personality disorders and buy into the victim mindset, exaggerating the other’s wrongdoings and labeling them as personality disordered, Congratulations on the start to becoming a narcissist! I mean, be a healthy skeptic. 
Also, as you learn more about psychological tactics, constantly remind yourself to not become one of them and NEVER apply them, consciously or unconsciously, to others. Just don’t become the kind of people mentioned above.
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Is Lifting Heavy Weight Important For Building Muscle Size?
There’s an ongoing debate on how essential heavy weights are with a view to get jacked. As with most traits, public opinion likes to cluster across the extremes. One day heavy weights are important and the following they’re solely pointless.
  Realistically, we have to have a extra nuanced dialog in regards to the deserves and disadvantages to each excessive and low load approaches to hypertrophy. From there we are able to give you some easy and sensible suggestions that may be carried out into our coaching.
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    Mechanisms Of Muscle Hypertrophy
Hypertrophy is a time period used to explain muscle progress. Essentially there are three major drivers of muscle hypertrophy. Mechanical stress, quantity, and metabolic stress.1
  It was beforehand thought that muscle harm was a big contributor to muscle hypertrophy. Although in restricted circumstances it could act as a proxy to muscle progress; latest analysis reveals the connection doesn't seem like causal and even reliably correlated.2
  Hypertrophy is noticed in people in an overtrained state who've accrued copious quantities muscle harm and but, they could even lose LBM (lean physique mass). Conversely, there are a number of situations the place a person experiences minimal delayed onset muscle soreness whereas persevering with to construct muscle mass.
  I don't consider muscle harm must be written off as solely unimportant however as a result of it isn't a direct mechanism the subject of muscle harm it is not going to be lined extensively on this article. My private stance on that is that in the event you’re by no means sore and concurrently not making any progress it would imply you could practice more durable. But past that, I don’t consider it’s a metric to reliably base your coaching choices on.
  Mechanical Tension
Mechanical stress is the place a stretch is utilized to a muscle underneath load.1 As a 2011 paper discovered, “It is believed that mechanical tension disturbs the integrity of skeletal muscle, causing mechanochemically transduced molecular and cellular responses in myofibers and satellite cells.”Three
  The diploma of mechanical stress is dependant on the load and the time underneath stress or the quantity of stretch being utilized to the muscle. Utilizing a mixture of those components that preferences a variety wherein all are optimized is more likely to produce superior hypertrophic variations.Three
  This brings up the essential subject of train choice. From a sensible standpoint, the train chosen largely dictates load prescriptions. For instance, dumbbell chest flys versus barbell bench press would require dramatically completely different load choice primarily based on the mechanical variations inherent in every motion.Four
  Since quantity is without doubt one of the major contributors of muscle hypertrophy, there's a clear profit to preferencing compound workouts which permit for larger quantity load and mechanical stress.1, 5
  In addition to growing the mechanical stress utilized to the musculature, lifting heavy masses recruits excessive threshold motor models that might not be accessible at decrease intensities.6 These findings have in some situations result in an over-application of this method—lifting too heavy too typically.
    However, since hypertrophy is a posh adaptive response, it isn't mediated by one single mechanism. Rather, mechanical stress is just one side of a concomitant matrix that produces muscle progress.1
  The fatigue price related to repeated bouts of high-intensity resistance coaching is powerful and if left unchecked can result in overtraining.7, Eight, 9
  Research demonstrates a big profit to the conscious inclusion of heavy masses as a part of a resistance coaching protocol to maximise the hypertrophic response. In an try to stop overtraining, efficient program design should handle the frequency of high-intensity bouts and the related fatigue.
Volume refers back to the variety of reps multiplied by variety of units accomplished (quantity = reps x units). As a stand-alone metric, quantity doesn't present a lot perception into the intricacies of a program. The easy cause being equal volumes could have a wide range of completely different adaptive responses.
  For instance, the upper intensities prescribed to individual A extra carefully resemble that of a power program. The extra voluminous prescription for individual B extra carefully resembles a hypertrophy program.
  I perceive it is a little bit of an oversimplification, however it’s enough to display my level. Both volumes are an identical, and in each circumstances, 24 complete reps had been accomplished. However, as I discussed beforehand the adaptive response in every case is sort of completely different.
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    For this cause, it’s widespread to see coaches use quantity load which is calculated by multiplying the overall variety of reps by the load.10 In the desk beneath you may see though quantity and relative depth is an identical; quantity load is 20% larger for Person A than for Person B.
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    Research has persistently proven that increased volumes produce larger hypertrophic beneficial properties in comparison with decrease quantity interventions.11 This is probably going resulting from a mixture of elevated muscle stress, metabolic harm, and hormonal responses to resistance coaching.1
  A 2019 paper discovered “muscle hypertrophy follows a dose-response relationship, with increasingly greater gains achieved with higher training volumes.”12 Essentially, extra quantity equates to larger beneficial properties as long as the athlete can sufficiently recuperate.
  This leads into the following merchandise up for dialogue which is MRV often known as most recoverable quantity. This is a time period coined by Dr. Mike Israetel to outline the utmost quantity of quantity a person can maintain earlier than overtraining.
  This is a vital idea as a result of as with most issues that work effectively, extra is usually regarded as higher. However, this dose-response relationship to hypertrophy is mediated by your capacity to recuperate and proceed subsequent coaching periods of a productive nature.Eight
  A 2018 paper titled "Effects Of Different Intensities Of Resistance Training With Equated Volume Load On Muscle Strength And Hypertrophy" discovered that “leg extension exercise performed at 30% 1RM until failure similarly increased quadriceps muscle volume compared to high-intensity exercise (80% 1RM) and was superior to a 30% 1RM non-failure condition.”13
  Essentially what this implies is that the depth vary at which we are able to construct muscle is far bigger than was beforehand assumed, roughly 40-80% 1RM.13 These findings additionally “point out that the bottom [resistance training] depth (20% 1RM) was suboptimal for maximizing muscular variations."13
  Although there's a vast spectrum of volumes and intensities that may induce productive variations, it’s essential to be cognizant of the place these tough boundaries exist and never enterprise unnecessarily too far in both path.
  Volume additionally has an inverse relationship with depth.14 What this implies is that as depth will increase, quantity essentially decreases. This can also be why you may squat 65% for 10 reps however 100% for just one rep and is depicted within the graph beneath.
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    A query I generally get is: “If elevated quantity decreases depth, how will you maximize mechanical stress and quantity concurrently?” This is a superb query, and though it's possible you'll not actually be capable to maximize each concurrently you may definitely come near optimizing them.
  Mechanical stress is not only the load being lifted, it’s additionally accumulative stress. This means though you’re not lifting your 1RM, because the reps and units progress, the voluminous coaching session induces important mechanotransduction.1
  Metabolic Stress
Metabolic stress appears to have a big impression on muscular hypertrophy both straight or not directly. A paper by Dr. Brad Schoenfeld discovered “Metabolic stress manifests as a result of exercise that relies on anaerobic glycolysis for ATP production, which results in the subsequent buildup of metabolites such as lactate, hydrogen ion, inorganic phosphate, creatine, and others.”1
  Although decrease masses lifted for prime repetitions (15+) will not be enough to maximally recruit excessive threshold motor models, it will possibly induce important metabolic stress.1 Thus, there seems to be a transparent profit to incorporating increased repetition ranges at decrease masses to benefit from the metabolic stress pathway to hypertrophy.
  Practical implementation of each low and high-intensity protocols differ dramatically. In a 2018 paper by De Souza et al, with a view to produce comparable hypertrophic responses with low masses the themes had been pressured to take every set to muscular failure.13 This presents some very actual limitations to this sort of coaching as a result of related fatigue price.
  For occasion, taking an isolation train just like the leg extension to failure will create a big hypertrophic response, nonetheless, the fatigue generated will probably be manageable. Compare that with a barbell squat taken to failure and the axial loading will lead to extra systemic fatigue which can additionally improve threat of damage.15
  The fatigue generated from such a hectic coaching session can also bleed into subsequent coaching periods, doubtlessly having a adverse impression on downstream efficiency. Beyond that, the psychological price of coaching at this stage of effort is awfully taxing, and sure not sustainable for lengthy intervals. Thus train choice, sequence, undulation, and frequency of implementation must be thought-about when designing a program.
  De Souza and colleagues additionally discovered that increased intensities not taken to failure are at the least equally efficient at eliciting a hypertrophic response throughout coaching.13 This is mirrored by the suggestions made by Helms et al for pure bodybuilders the place coaching intensities between 70-80% 1RM make up the vast majority of the depth spectrum utilized.16
  This once more boils all the way down to context. When taking a look at a single set, any depth taken to failure will elicit a larger hypertrophic response than not taking the set to failure. This happens as a result of failure maximizes the mix of mechanical stress, quantity, and metabolic stress accrued in the course of the set.1
  However, there's a sturdy correlation between the incidence of overtraining when an athlete exceeds their load/quantity thresholds.17 Thus, coaching to failure as a major technique of program design is ill-advised and more likely to lead to damage and overtraining.
  Endocrine Response To Resistance Training
Resistance coaching leads to a cascade of endocrine responses that assist facilitate the synthesis of muscle mass. Several questions nonetheless exist concerning the long run significance of acute alterations in hormones post-exercise. One paper discovered “Higher volumes of complete work produce considerably larger will increase in circulating anabolic hormones in the course of the restoration section following train." 18
  Ahtiainen et al tried to find out the hormonal response to heavy resistance coaching with equated quantity. The solely distinction in protocol between management teams was group A was instructed to do Four units at 12RM, the place group B adopted the identical protocol however with a weight they might solely full Eight reps, and the remaining reps could be pressured reps.
  After measuring serum testosterone, free testosterone, cortisol, progress hormone, and blood lactate; each teams confirmed important will increase in focus post-training.19 However, the pressured rep group had a better focus upon measurement than the 12RM group. There can also be proof suggesting that coaching age of the athlete influences hormonal response to coaching.
  One paper discovered that educated topics demonstrated decrease responsiveness in hormone values (complete testosterone, free testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, cortisol, and intercourse hormone-binding globulin) submit resistance train.20 Therefore, we are able to speculate that the endocrine response to resistance coaching is probably going attenuated over time.20
  This could at the least partially clarify the requirement of upper volumes in educated athletes to stimulate myogenesis.
  Insulin-like progress factor-1 (IGF-1) is a hormone that, together with progress hormone (GH), helps promote regular bone and tissue progress and growth. Although the mechanism by which mechanical load modulates IGF-1 expression is unclear, there may be rising proof in assist of this remark.21
  The picture beneath is a visible represents of a dose-response relationship between quantity, load, and endocrine response to resistance coaching (ie. larger masses and volumes leading to a bigger acute elevation). As talked about beforehand, it’s nonetheless unclear how acute elevations in anabolic hormone concentrations impression long run outcomes.
  However, if the acute elevations in anabolic surroundings ensuing from resistance coaching are frequent sufficient and at a big sufficient magnitude, it will be affordable to imagine they might be mirrored in downstream beneficial properties.
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    Since there may be quite a lot of conjecture with regard to the connection between long run outcomes and acute elevations in anabolic hormones, I'd not spend a lot time trying to change your biochemistry. Simply give attention to the variables which were effectively established to trigger muscle progress and let your physique type the remaining out by itself.
  Training Frequency and Fatigue Management
All progress in coaching is based on enough restoration, permitting for subsequent bouts of coaching that over time yield a optimistic adaptive response. The repeated bout impact is a sports activities science idea that describes the our bodies adaptive response to stressors leading to elevated resiliency.22
  There is a restrict to the speed of our adaptive capacity and exceeding this restrict can predispose you to damage and decreased efficiency.9 Fatigue administration, due to this fact, is a basic tenant of each efficient coaching protocol. The SRA (stimulus restoration adaptation) curve charts the adaptive course of to resistance coaching and is depicted within the picture beneath.
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    There are three details to spotlight right here. The first is that train generates fatigue, the magnitude of which is decided by a number of components however primarily quantity and cargo. The second level is that in the event you wait too lengthy earlier than introducing one other coaching stimulus adaptive dissolution happens.
  This means you regress as a result of subsequent coaching exposures had been both insufficiently overloading, insufficiently frequent, non-specific or a mixture of those. The third level is as you accumulate fatigue by overloading coaching periods your capacity to precise athletic efficiency declines quickly.
  Knowing this, frequency of coaching performs a big function within the correct utility of varied loading methods. For occasion, in the event you had been to do 10x10 squats to failure, it's possible you'll not be capable to practice legs for a complete week. So, when trying on the magnitude of the stimulus produced in a vacuum it’s big which is optimistic.
  But the truth that you may’t practice legs for a whole week probably makes the chance price of this technique a poor trade-off. In most circumstances frequencies increased than 1x per week are required to essentially optimize muscle progress. Thus, a phasic construction and efficient program design will help forestall the exacerbation of a single pathway, handle fatigue, and in addition potentiate future beneficial properties.
  Practical Takeaways And Recommendations
With regard to the compound lifts, the vast majority of your hypertrophy beneficial properties will probably come from the next suggestions:
  Reps: 6-15
Sets: Four-Eight
Intensity: 60-80%
Rest: 2-Three minutes
  However, this doesn't exclude the implementation of low load coaching taken close to or to absolute muscle failure. It merely implies that it must be utilized intelligently. Since the physiological and psychological fatigue generated from taking units to absolute muscular failure is critical as effectively and an all-around horrible expertise I'd use it carefully.
  Its implementation would probably be only for smaller muscle teams or workouts which can be restricted within the quantity of load that may be lifted (ie. bicep curls, tricep press downs, calf press, DB shoulder press, and so forth).
  Implementing a phasic construction that emphasizes particular adaptive pathways may be very efficient. The very best construction could be primarily based on every section potentiating subsequent phases. Thus one potential method may very well be a linear periodization mannequin the place quantity begins excessive and declines over time as depth rises. An instance of which is beneath:
  Phase 1: Metabolic (excessive quantity, low load)
Phase 2: Volume (reasonable quantity, reasonable load)
Phase Three: Mechanical Tension (reasonable quantity, reasonable to excessive masses)
  Below is an instance of an analogous exercise tailored to every section to present you an thought of what your coaching may appear like:
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    As you may see from the pattern exercises, every section could look comparatively comparable. This brings me to an essential level—complicated coaching isn’t synonymous with efficient coaching. The fundamentals are what produce the majority of your outcomes anyway, and irrespective of how superb it will be to seek out “hacks” that yield higher progress it usually doesn’t work that manner in follow. Your finest wager is to make use of the entire spectrum of reps, units, and depth ranges whereas nonetheless sustaining the majority of your work throughout the tips talked about above.
  The use of ways equivalent to large units, rest-pause units, supersets, adverse units, and so forth may be helpful in eliciting metabolic stress. These may be carried out at your desecration, however I'd advocate both utilizing them on multi-joint machine-based workouts or isolation workouts with free weight or machines. This will assist restrict the quantity of fatigue you may generate from this sort of coaching whereas nonetheless producing a big stimulus.
  Hopefully, this clears up a number of the confusion and presents some sensible utility for implementing numerous loading methods into your hypertrophy program. Lift huge.
1. “The Mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy and Their Application", The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research”, LWW.
2. Flann, Kyle L, et al. “Muscle Damage and Muscle Remodeling: No Pain, No Gain?” The Journal of Experimental Biology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15 Feb. 2011.
Three. “The Use of Specialized Training Techniques to Maximize", Strength & Conditioning Journal.” LWW.
Four. “A Biomechanical Comparison of the Traditional Squat", The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. LWW.
5. Krieger, James. “Single vs. Multiple Sets of Resistance Exercise for Muscle Hypertrophy: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1 Apr. 2010.
6. “Training-Induced Changes in Neural Function : Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews”, LWW.
Eight. “The Fitness-Fatigue Model Revisited: Implications for... " Strength & Conditioning Journal, LWW.
9. BANISTER, Eric, et al. “Dose/Response Effects of Exercise Modeled from Training : Physical and Biochemical Measures”, The Annals of Physiological Anthropology, Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology, Eight Feb. 2008.
10. Schoenfeld, Brad J., et al. “A Comparison of Increases in Volume Load Over 8 Weeks of Low-Versus High-Load Resistance Training”, Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, Kowsar, 1 June 2016.
11. Krieger, James. “Single vs. Multiple Sets of Resistance Exercise for Muscle Hypertrophy: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1 Apr. 2010.
12. Schoenfeld, Brad J, et al. “Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men”, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Jan. 2019.
13. Lasevicius, Thiago, et al. “Effects of Different Intensities of Resistance Training with Equated Volume Load on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy”, European Journal of Sport Science, vol. 18, no. 6, 2018, pp. 772–780.
14. “The Science and Practice of Periodization: A Brief Review : Strength & Conditioning Journal”, LWW.
15. “The Effect of Fatigue on Multijoint Kinematics and Load... : Spine”. LWW.
16. Helms, E R, et al. “Recommendations for Natural Bodybuilding Contest Preparation: Resistance and Cardiovascular Training”, The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2015.
17. Foster, Carl. “Monitoring Training in Athletes with Reference to Overtraining Syndrome”, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 1 July 1998.
18. Gotshalk, L A, et al. “Hormonal Responses of Multiset versus Single-Set Heavy-Resistance Exercise Protocols”, Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology = Revue Canadienne De Physiologie Appliquee, U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 1997.
19. Ahtiainen, Juha P, et al. “Acute Hormonal Responses to Heavy Resistance Exercise in Strength Athletes versus Nonathletes”, Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology = Revue Canadienne De Physiologie Appliquee, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2004.
20. “Hormonal Responses to Resistance Exercise in Long-Term...", The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, LWW.
21. Bamman, M M, et al. “Mechanical Load Increases Muscle IGF-I and Androgen Receptor MRNA Concentrations in Humans”, American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2001.
22. McHugh, Malachy P. “Recent Advances in the Understanding of the Repeated Bout Effect: the Protective Effect against Muscle Damage from a Single Bout of Eccentric Exercise”, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2003.
The article Is Lifting Heavy Weight Important For Building Muscle Size? Find more on: Weight Loss Fitness
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infpisme · 7 years
10 Life-Changing Pieces Of Advice For Empaths And Highly Sensitive People
“And those who were seen dancing were thought insane by those who could not hear the music.” ― Nietzsche
Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weak or broken.  But to feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the characteristic of a truly alive and compassionate human being.  It is not the sensitive person who is broken, it is society’s understanding that has become dysfunctional and emotionally incapacitated.  There is zero shame in expressing your authentic feelings.  Those who are at times described as being ‘too emotional’ or ‘complicated’ are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more thoughtful, caring, humane world.  Never be ashamed to let your feelings, smiles and tears shine a light in this world.
Of course, that’s easier said than done, because it can be so confusing, right? … Why you get overwhelmed by run-of-the-mill tasks that others take in stride.  Why you mull over slights that ought to be forgotten.  Why subtleties are magnified for you and yet lost on others.
It’s like you were born missing a protective layer of skin that others seem to have.
You try to hide it.  Numb it.  Tune it out.  But the comments still pierce your armor: “You’re overthinking things.  You’re too sensitive.  Toughen up!”
You’re left wondering what on earth is wrong with you.
I know, because I was in my mid-40s when I stumbled across the term ‘highly sensitive people.’  This led me to discover how delicious it feels to be one of thousands saying, “You do that?  Me too!”
Since then, I’ve learned that many sensitive people feel isolated from others.  They feel misunderstood and different, and they usually don’t know why.  They just don’t realize that they have a simple trait that explains their confusing array of symptoms and quirks.
There’s even a scientific term for it: Sensory Processing Sensitivity.  Dr. Elaine Aron, a psychotherapist and researcher, estimates that 15-20% of people have nervous systems that process stimuli intensely.  They think deeply.  They feel deeply (physically and emotionally).  They easily become over-stimulated.
According to my research several successful historical figures were highly sensitive, such as Albert Einstein, Martin Luther King, and Steve Jobs.  I see this as great news, because it means us sensitive types aren’t inherently disadvantaged.
But when we don’t realize how to handle our sensitivity, we end up pushing too hard to keep up with everyone else.  We try to do what others seem to handle with ease, and try to do it better than them.  And this leads to problems.
For a time, we do a first-rate job of using our natural gifts: we’re creative students, conscientious employees, and devoted family members.  But when we hammer on beyond our limits, doing so can eventually take its toll.  It shows up in things like unrelenting health conditions, muscle tension we can’t get rid of, and being endlessly fatigued or on edge for no good reason.
If you resonate with any of this, here are 10 actions you can take to stop struggling and start thriving:
1. Quit searching for someone or something to fix you.
Sensitivity is a temperament trait, not a medical disorder.  So nothing is inherently wrong with you.  Sadly, though, many certified health practitioners don’t understand this because sensory processing sensitivity is a recent area of health research.
Sure, highly sensitive people are more likely to have allergies or sensitivities to food, chemicals, medication, and so forth.  And they’re more prone to overstimulation, thus quicker to feel stress — which can lead to other health issues.  But sensitivity in itself is not something that needs fixing.
Successful sensitive types realize that they’re not “broken.”  If your mind is exhausted from busily researching yet another solution to take away your “flaws,” know that the answers to living in harmony with your sensitive nature lie inside you.
2. Tell yourself, as often as necessary, that you are not a fraud.
Impostor syndrome isn’t exclusive to highly sensitive people.  Many conscientious and high achieving people fall victim to this nagging fear.  But the simmering discomfort about being found out is often constant for a sensitive person.
Why wouldn’t it be, considering you’ve spent a lifetime of feeling different from others and trying to fit in?  Maybe you blame your tears on dust in your eye during that cheesy TV commercial; or you sign up for the company fun run, even though you hate running and you know you’ll feel ashamed of how long your body takes to recover.  But even if you grew up displaying your sensitivity with pride, it’s unlikely you escaped the cultural pressure motivating you to disguise your real self to fit the norms.
Successful sensitive types respect that their nervous systems are wired differently from 80-85% of people.  If you’re constantly thinking about who you should be but aren’t, and what you should be doing but can’t, understand that valuing your achievements and signature strengths allows you to show yourself as you truly are, more comfortably — even when you’re the odd one out.
3. Seek out kindred spirits (and know that you are NOT alone).
You probably feel different and alone.  But the truth is, you’re not.  Many have experienced confusion in isolation before discovering that hordes of people have some idea of what it’s like to be you.  They’ve felt the surge of power that comes from being supported by like-minded souls.  And they want to pay it forward.
The key whenever possible is to hang out with sensitive people who are already flourishing, or at least open to those possibilities.  They understand not only how to manage their sensitivity, but also how to wield its superpowers.  They know what it’s like for you to feel endlessly under siege, and they can offer firsthand experience and wisdom to help you make your sensitivities work in your favor.
Successful sensitive types appreciate and relish the strengths of sensitivity, in themselves and others.  If you’re feeling unsupported or misunderstood, find a sensitively knowledgeable coach, mentor, or community who gets you … and nurture that connection.
4. Look for the hidden positivity in every situation and soak it up.
The brain is a powerful filter that molds experiences and perceptions of reality.  If you think the world is a dangerous place, your brain is wired to hunt for evidence of danger.  If you believe it’s a loving place, you spot more loving opportunities.  What you focus on, you get more of.
As a highly sensitive person, the more negative the environment, the more you suffer.  But the opposite is also true — the more positive, the more you thrive (even compared to others).
Thoughts are stimuli for your nervous system.  One of the most important things a sensitive person can do is acknowledge the negative (not ignore it — because what you resist, persists), but then let it go… immerse yourself in positive thoughts and situations that make you feel good, or at least give you a soothing sense of relief.
Successful sensitive types decide to see the world brimming with opportunities to feel grateful for, and to marinate in that positive vibe.  If you’re feeling at the mercy of your emotions and circumstances, understand that your thoughts (and the emotional charges they trigger) are always within your control.
5. Find new spins on old flaws.
Your gifts of sensitivity include deep reflection and an instinct to see all angles and consequences.  But by being so deeply tuned into details, you’re easily overwhelmed and exhausted by unyielding stimulation.  And when you don’t understand why you feel and behave in the ways you do, it’s easy to frame these as flaws.
In truth, these “weaknesses” are simply your unmet needs and unique gifts to nourish.  In reframing your past and nurturing your present, you set yourself up for success in your future.
Successful sensitive types rethink old perceptions in light of their deeper understandings of sensitivity.  If you’re weighed down by the hypersensitive and neglected (even, despised) parts of yourself, seek to discover the other side of the coin … where you’ll find some of your greatest strengths: intuition, vision, conscientiousness — and the list goes on.
6. Treat yourself with compassion.
As a highly sensitive person you are deeply compassionate.  So much so that putting others’ comfort and needs before your own is second nature.  On top of that, you’re often your own biggest critic.  You push yourself hard, and then you beat up on yourself when you miss the mark.  You criticize yourself in ways you’d never dream of judging others.
Controlling your nagging inner critic is essential to self-compassion.  But contrary to popular belief, you shouldn’t do so by relentlessly ignoring it.  Deep thinking is one of your gifts, so why not embrace that power?  Take control by hearing your thoughts without judgment (after all, there might be gems of wisdom hidden deep) and then pivoting to thoughts that trigger kinder and more loving emotions in your body.  From that better-feeling place, you’re better able to choose actions to care for yourself and others.
Successful sensitive types show themselves the same loving compassion that they’re naturally good at giving others.  It may feel selfish or vain at first, but it’s not.  If your critical inner voice is devaluing who you are, answer back with self-kindness … this is the antidote.
7. Create healthy boundaries, not rigid emotional walls.
We live in a culture that values “take a painkiller and push on” far more than it values sensitivity.  We grow up hearing: “no pain, no gain; survival of the fittest; life isn’t fair — get used to it.”  We admire those who show grit to prevail over their terrible plights.
As a highly sensitive person your reflex reaction may be to freeze up or struggle to toughen up.  You build walls to shield yourself from hurt …  Emotional walls, such as suppressing feelings or creating dramatic turmoil to distract from the real causes of pain.  Physical walls, such as piling on layers of weight to hide behind.  Mental walls, such as tuning out with alcohol or drugs.
Or, you may let all your boundaries collapse at once, thereby unconsciously absorbing others’ energies and feeling devoured by unpredictable events and emotions.  You try to escape the feelings by getting caught up in overthinking everything: endlessly planning and searching and analyzing, while completely losing touch with your intuition.  And in the process you confuse conscientiousness with overwork, empathy with over-identification, compassion with over-tolerance.  So you beat yourself up about how you know you should have better boundaries.  It’s a vicious cycle.
Successful sensitive types embody gentle but firm personal boundaries.  If you struggle to put your own needs first (which doesn’t come naturally to a highly sensitive person), make a conscious choice to practice the skill of saying “no” with love and grace, or carving out alone time to recharge … and decide to feel good about that.
8. Tune in to your body (to avoid seesawing between emotional extremes).
Many highly sensitive people learn to ignore the messages their bodies are sending them.  They switch it off to avoid overwhelm or they tune in to others’ needs instead of their own to meet what’s expected of them.  Does this sound familiar?
Doing so leaves you swinging like a pendulum.  Too much, too little.  Too fast, too slow.  Too in, too out.  Back and forth between being over-stimulated and mind-numbingly bored, dieting and then bingeing, or exercising hard and then needing several days to recover.  And so on and so forth.
Successful sensitive types tune in to the physical sensations in their bodies; they accept that it’s not always comfortable, but they trust their bodies to guide them.  If you have a habit of hiding from feelings or passing the point of overwhelm, learn to recognize your body’s subtle signs of overstimulation.  You’ll spend less time being thrown out of balance, and more time swaying gently within your nervous system’s range of optimal arousal.
9. Design healthy habits that fit your unique needs.
Eventually, it all catches up with you.  Grueling hours at work, followed by hard sweat at the gym and keeping on top of chaos around home — all fueled by crappy diets and minimal sleep or downtime.  It’s an easy trap to fall into because you’re simply living the way you see most people get by on.
What’s more, some seemingly healthy habits hit hard on a sensitive nervous system — like “health” foods that are heavily processed and pumped with sugar and artificial additives, or intense exercise that’s not balanced with ample recovery time. If you allow too much stimulation and too lousy replenishment, you run the risk of chronic illnesses (as many sensitive types have learned the hard way).  At the same time, if you overprotect yourself, your genius goes unexpressed, and that also can lead to stress and ill health.
Successful sensitive types practice habits that truly nourish them.  If you struggle with energy or well-being issues, prioritize habits that nurture these areas of your life (such as more sleep and alone time), and limit those that over-stimulate or drain you (such as too many high pressures activities — even if they are so-called healthy).
10. Stop smothering your sensitivity.
After a lifetime of being bombarded by stimuli, it becomes second nature to push sensitivity out of the conscious awareness.  Tuning out from relentless sensations, for example, so you can pretend you don’t give a darn.  Toning down intense feelings (good and bad) so you aren’t on a roller coaster.  Suppressing emotions to get a break from feeling anything at all.
This self-protective mechanism might fool your conscious mind, but it doesn’t fool your sensitive body.  This oozes into your health, your relationships, your career, every aspect of your life … or, it builds tension inside until something has to give.
Successful sensitive types let go of the grasp for control.  When you free the energy used to hold yourself tight, you free the gifts of sensitivity that have been lost to you: empathy, creativity, and heightened joy, to name a few.  And you allow your true potential to blossom.
By MarcAndAngel
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spiritionary · 7 years
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Basic description: I am using the Guild Wars 2 race ‘Sylvari’ to give a general idea of what they look like, but that is merely because it is the best I can start with. They look like if you turned whatever they would have otherwise been born as, into a creature that is primarily plant-like, only retaining vague echos of its heritage.
Basics and Identity
The Floralings live in a nameless (I will eventually make a post on this place) world where they act as the groundskeepers. They seem in some ways very similar to dryads, or other nature spirits, however have many unique characteristics which make them distinct from these species. I consider them to be Fae, and they have, in my experience, considered themselves as such. Though they did not directly know the term Fae, they considered themselves kin with the species of Fae that I introduced them to, as well as myself. Because of the unique phenomena of how they are created, they can have any gender, so long as conditions listed below are met. 
They spend much of their days tending to the forests in which they are born, clearing out things like felled trees and growing new plants and flowers to help feed whatever wildlife might exist there, maintaining a delicate balance. They greatly enjoy dancing, be it with one another, alone, or with those outside their species. Most likely due to the way they are born, they do not seem to have much of a preference for what kinds of creatures they hang out with, with the possible exception of those who endanger their purpose. They are generally a pretty kind species towards almost anything they encounter, especially if you are willing to participate in their dances. That seems to be the only real requirement for whether they’d rather be around you or be alone. They are very social creatures, which made learning about them quite easy.
Culture and Society
Floralings aren’t an inherently violent species, which is a somewhat unique trait for the world they live on, which contains its fair share of fighting for survival. They will fight, if something endangers their work or their lives, but they seem to otherwise be rather pacifist, if not merely friendly. It is worth noting that the reason they did not understand the term Fae is likely because they speak a different language. Their language is native to their home and I did not know the word for Fae in said language. At first I had to employ the use of a translator, however, eventually myself and one of the key Floralings that I got information from learned to speak one another’s languages a fair degree. Their communications seemed largely, if not entirely, verbal.
Due to the unique nature and conditions of their birth, they do not have a formal society, as much as they have gatherings. I was unable to determine if Floralings have an instinctual knowledge of how to do their job, or if other Floralings seek them out and teach them. I got the impression, from my time with them, that it may be a combination of the two. Because of the language barrier, it was hard to explain to them about human society, there were many concepts that I was unable to relate and communicate and that kept me from learning about any social structure or government they might have. That said, they did not seem to have enough lengthy interaction that they would benefit from such things. I suspect that their leanings were egalitarian, if anything.
Their species seemed to value their instinctual drive to protect their forests. I would like to say that they had a taboo against harming the flora or fauna, but I don’t think that would be entirely accurate. The Floralings I met were nice and pleasant to be around, they were capable of grasping concepts that require a certain degree of intelligence or sentience, but I don’t think it had really occurred to them that they could cause harm to their environment. So… while I would like to call this a taboo, I did not get the sense that they were really capable of considering this enough to make it off limits.
Spirit Biology
Now for the thing you have likely all been waiting for, biology. Floralings seem to be born by exposure to a certain amount of a specific energy I know very little of (This is the conclusion I came to with my translator). Their existence is well documented to those who came to these forests, but not those who are native to them. Either a native or a visitor will reproduce, and their child may be born with plant-like traits that change the very nature of how their body seems to function. Should it be a native, the natives who gave birth to them shall eventually forget of the child’s existence, it will be as if they had no memory of having the child. We have not determined if this is some kind of mercy, or if the mere knowledge of what happens is just too complex and they just dismiss it. 
Floralings are fairly capable of existing on their own, they lay roots as they sleep and that is when they nourish themselves  and gain the energy they will need for the next day. The only thing they don’t seem capable of absorbing during this phase is water, which they will later drink in their waking hours. They do not seem carnivorous and do not like salt or anything in general that a plant might react to or not be able to grow in. This has lead to the conclusion that, though a Floraling may look like something such as a fox or a human or a bird, they are most assuredly, plant-like first and foremost. 
Floralings seem to produce fruits which are quite sweet. These fruits are grown on various parts of their body, often somewhere on the upper body. Each Floraling seemed to have a specific place or set of places they’d grow from. They possess some healing properties and may be grown through the excess energy that they do not use throughout the day that they had gathered prior. If they give it to you, they either have reason to suspect that you are near death, otherwise sick, or they consider you either a close friend or a potential mating partner. They seem to still possess some mating drive, and the fruits may be a way that Floralings determine compatibility. Their own version of ‘chemistry’.
Floralings are considered a phenomenon for the following reason. They phenomena doesn’t seem to make them excessively fertile or infertile, but they rarely have Floraling children, a fact that they don’t seem to be aware of or care about. Their children are often born with the traits that they may have possessed had they not been exposed to what makes them Floralings. They will wander off and join any nearby society that seems appropriate. The children will have no knowledge of the Floralings. This even happens if the Floraling mates with an outsider, except in very unique circumstances, where the child will have the traits of an outsider (someone who seems exempt from some of the above-mentioned laws of the world they live in, like their forgetfulness.)
Floralings are extremely rare outside of their natural habitat, but it has been theorized that only a certain number of them are supposed to exist at a time. Any that are born in excess of this number, often take a journey to another world. They are treasured friends and honest creatures that will show you almost any loyalty you show them. Not much is known about this process, but, due to their highly adaptive nature (a trait they often displayed) they likely become caretakers of anything that resembles their home and behave pretty much the same as they do in their home. 
Be wary of taking hold of their hand, though it’s not entirely compulsory, if you have no desire to resist their dance, you will often not, as both natives and outsiders alike have observed. Should you dance with them, you may find your memory, if you are not Fae, disappearing. If this happens you may wake up in the middle of their home with no memory of the dance, besides a feeling of fatigue at how draining it can be. (Personally, I enjoyed it, but that was largely because I could keep my memory of it.)
 Submitted by @gavre-eon
—> Have questions? Send them to us at SpiritFAQ!
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weightlossfitness2 · 4 years
Is Lifting Heavy Weight Important For Building Muscle Size?
There’s an ongoing debate on how essential heavy weights are with a view to get jacked. As with most traits, public opinion likes to cluster across the extremes. One day heavy weights are important and the following they’re solely pointless.
  Realistically, we have to have a extra nuanced dialog in regards to the deserves and disadvantages to each excessive and low load approaches to hypertrophy. From there we are able to give you some easy and sensible suggestions that may be carried out into our coaching.
    Mechanisms Of Muscle Hypertrophy
Hypertrophy is a time period used to explain muscle progress. Essentially there are three major drivers of muscle hypertrophy. Mechanical stress, quantity, and metabolic stress.1
  It was beforehand thought that muscle harm was a big contributor to muscle hypertrophy. Although in restricted circumstances it could act as a proxy to muscle progress; latest analysis reveals the connection doesn’t seem like causal and even reliably correlated.2
  Hypertrophy is noticed in people in an overtrained state who’ve accrued copious quantities muscle harm and but, they could even lose LBM (lean physique mass). Conversely, there are a number of situations the place a person experiences minimal delayed onset muscle soreness whereas persevering with to construct muscle mass.
  I don’t consider muscle harm must be written off as solely unimportant however as a result of it isn’t a direct mechanism the subject of muscle harm it is not going to be lined extensively on this article. My private stance on that is that in the event you’re by no means sore and concurrently not making any progress it would imply you could practice more durable. But past that, I don’t consider it’s a metric to reliably base your coaching choices on.
  Mechanical Tension
Mechanical stress is the place a stretch is utilized to a muscle underneath load.1 As a 2011 paper discovered, “It is believed that mechanical tension disturbs the integrity of skeletal muscle, causing mechanochemically transduced molecular and cellular responses in myofibers and satellite cells.”Three
  The diploma of mechanical stress is dependant on the load and the time underneath stress or the quantity of stretch being utilized to the muscle. Utilizing a mixture of those components that preferences a variety wherein all are optimized is more likely to produce superior hypertrophic variations.Three
  This brings up the essential subject of train choice. From a sensible standpoint, the train chosen largely dictates load prescriptions. For instance, dumbbell chest flys versus barbell bench press would require dramatically completely different load choice primarily based on the mechanical variations inherent in every motion.Four
  Since quantity is without doubt one of the major contributors of muscle hypertrophy, there’s a clear profit to preferencing compound workouts which permit for larger quantity load and mechanical stress.1, 5
  In addition to growing the mechanical stress utilized to the musculature, lifting heavy masses recruits excessive threshold motor models that might not be accessible at decrease intensities.6 These findings have in some situations result in an over-application of this method—lifting too heavy too typically.
    However, since hypertrophy is a posh adaptive response, it isn’t mediated by one single mechanism. Rather, mechanical stress is just one side of a concomitant matrix that produces muscle progress.1
  The fatigue price related to repeated bouts of high-intensity resistance coaching is powerful and if left unchecked can result in overtraining.7, Eight, 9
  Research demonstrates a big profit to the conscious inclusion of heavy masses as a part of a resistance coaching protocol to maximise the hypertrophic response. In an try to stop overtraining, efficient program design should handle the frequency of high-intensity bouts and the related fatigue.
Volume refers back to the variety of reps multiplied by variety of units accomplished (quantity = reps x units). As a stand-alone metric, quantity doesn’t present a lot perception into the intricacies of a program. The easy cause being equal volumes could have a wide range of completely different adaptive responses.
  For instance, the upper intensities prescribed to individual A extra carefully resemble that of a power program. The extra voluminous prescription for individual B extra carefully resembles a hypertrophy program.
  I perceive it is a little bit of an oversimplification, however it’s enough to display my level. Both volumes are an identical, and in each circumstances, 24 complete reps had been accomplished. However, as I discussed beforehand the adaptive response in every case is sort of completely different.
    For this cause, it’s widespread to see coaches use quantity load which is calculated by multiplying the overall variety of reps by the load.10 In the desk beneath you may see though quantity and relative depth is an identical; quantity load is 20% larger for Person A than for Person B.
    Research has persistently proven that increased volumes produce larger hypertrophic beneficial properties in comparison with decrease quantity interventions.11 This is probably going resulting from a mixture of elevated muscle stress, metabolic harm, and hormonal responses to resistance coaching.1
  A 2019 paper discovered “muscle hypertrophy follows a dose-response relationship, with increasingly greater gains achieved with higher training volumes.”12 Essentially, extra quantity equates to larger beneficial properties as long as the athlete can sufficiently recuperate.
  This leads into the following merchandise up for dialogue which is MRV often known as most recoverable quantity. This is a time period coined by Dr. Mike Israetel to outline the utmost quantity of quantity a person can maintain earlier than overtraining.
  This is a vital idea as a result of as with most issues that work effectively, extra is usually regarded as higher. However, this dose-response relationship to hypertrophy is mediated by your capacity to recuperate and proceed subsequent coaching periods of a productive nature.Eight
  A 2018 paper titled “Effects Of Different Intensities Of Resistance Training With Equated Volume Load On Muscle Strength And Hypertrophy” discovered that “leg extension exercise performed at 30% 1RM until failure similarly increased quadriceps muscle volume compared to high-intensity exercise (80% 1RM) and was superior to a 30% 1RM non-failure condition.”13
  Essentially what this implies is that the depth vary at which we are able to construct muscle is far bigger than was beforehand assumed, roughly 40-80% 1RM.13 These findings additionally “point out that the bottom [resistance training] depth (20% 1RM) was suboptimal for maximizing muscular variations.”13
  Although there’s a vast spectrum of volumes and intensities that may induce productive variations, it’s essential to be cognizant of the place these tough boundaries exist and never enterprise unnecessarily too far in both path.
  Volume additionally has an inverse relationship with depth.14 What this implies is that as depth will increase, quantity essentially decreases. This can also be why you may squat 65% for 10 reps however 100% for just one rep and is depicted within the graph beneath.
    A query I generally get is: “If elevated quantity decreases depth, how will you maximize mechanical stress and quantity concurrently?” This is a superb query, and though it’s possible you’ll not actually be capable to maximize each concurrently you may definitely come near optimizing them.
  Mechanical stress is not only the load being lifted, it’s additionally accumulative stress. This means though you’re not lifting your 1RM, because the reps and units progress, the voluminous coaching session induces important mechanotransduction.1
  Metabolic Stress
Metabolic stress appears to have a big impression on muscular hypertrophy both straight or not directly. A paper by Dr. Brad Schoenfeld discovered “Metabolic stress manifests as a result of exercise that relies on anaerobic glycolysis for ATP production, which results in the subsequent buildup of metabolites such as lactate, hydrogen ion, inorganic phosphate, creatine, and others.”1
  Although decrease masses lifted for prime repetitions (15+) will not be enough to maximally recruit excessive threshold motor models, it will possibly induce important metabolic stress.1 Thus, there seems to be a transparent profit to incorporating increased repetition ranges at decrease masses to benefit from the metabolic stress pathway to hypertrophy.
  Practical implementation of each low and high-intensity protocols differ dramatically. In a 2018 paper by De Souza et al, with a view to produce comparable hypertrophic responses with low masses the themes had been pressured to take every set to muscular failure.13 This presents some very actual limitations to this sort of coaching as a result of related fatigue price.
  For occasion, taking an isolation train just like the leg extension to failure will create a big hypertrophic response, nonetheless, the fatigue generated will probably be manageable. Compare that with a barbell squat taken to failure and the axial loading will lead to extra systemic fatigue which can additionally improve threat of damage.15
  The fatigue generated from such a hectic coaching session can also bleed into subsequent coaching periods, doubtlessly having a adverse impression on downstream efficiency. Beyond that, the psychological price of coaching at this stage of effort is awfully taxing, and sure not sustainable for lengthy intervals. Thus train choice, sequence, undulation, and frequency of implementation must be thought-about when designing a program.
  De Souza and colleagues additionally discovered that increased intensities not taken to failure are at the least equally efficient at eliciting a hypertrophic response throughout coaching.13 This is mirrored by the suggestions made by Helms et al for pure bodybuilders the place coaching intensities between 70-80% 1RM make up the vast majority of the depth spectrum utilized.16
  This once more boils all the way down to context. When taking a look at a single set, any depth taken to failure will elicit a larger hypertrophic response than not taking the set to failure. This happens as a result of failure maximizes the mix of mechanical stress, quantity, and metabolic stress accrued in the course of the set.1
  However, there’s a sturdy correlation between the incidence of overtraining when an athlete exceeds their load/quantity thresholds.17 Thus, coaching to failure as a major technique of program design is ill-advised and more likely to lead to damage and overtraining.
  Endocrine Response To Resistance Training
Resistance coaching leads to a cascade of endocrine responses that assist facilitate the synthesis of muscle mass. Several questions nonetheless exist concerning the long run significance of acute alterations in hormones post-exercise. One paper discovered “Higher volumes of complete work produce considerably larger will increase in circulating anabolic hormones in the course of the restoration section following train.” 18
  Ahtiainen et al tried to find out the hormonal response to heavy resistance coaching with equated quantity. The solely distinction in protocol between management teams was group A was instructed to do Four units at 12RM, the place group B adopted the identical protocol however with a weight they might solely full Eight reps, and the remaining reps could be pressured reps.
  After measuring serum testosterone, free testosterone, cortisol, progress hormone, and blood lactate; each teams confirmed important will increase in focus post-training.19 However, the pressured rep group had a better focus upon measurement than the 12RM group. There can also be proof suggesting that coaching age of the athlete influences hormonal response to coaching.
  One paper discovered that educated topics demonstrated decrease responsiveness in hormone values (complete testosterone, free testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, cortisol, and intercourse hormone-binding globulin) submit resistance train.20 Therefore, we are able to speculate that the endocrine response to resistance coaching is probably going attenuated over time.20
  This could at the least partially clarify the requirement of upper volumes in educated athletes to stimulate myogenesis.
  Insulin-like progress factor-1 (IGF-1) is a hormone that, together with progress hormone (GH), helps promote regular bone and tissue progress and growth. Although the mechanism by which mechanical load modulates IGF-1 expression is unclear, there may be rising proof in assist of this remark.21
  The picture beneath is a visible represents of a dose-response relationship between quantity, load, and endocrine response to resistance coaching (ie. larger masses and volumes leading to a bigger acute elevation). As talked about beforehand, it’s nonetheless unclear how acute elevations in anabolic hormone concentrations impression long run outcomes.
  However, if the acute elevations in anabolic surroundings ensuing from resistance coaching are frequent sufficient and at a big sufficient magnitude, it will be affordable to imagine they might be mirrored in downstream beneficial properties.
    Since there may be quite a lot of conjecture with regard to the connection between long run outcomes and acute elevations in anabolic hormones, I’d not spend a lot time trying to change your biochemistry. Simply give attention to the variables which were effectively established to trigger muscle progress and let your physique type the remaining out by itself.
  Training Frequency and Fatigue Management
All progress in coaching is based on enough restoration, permitting for subsequent bouts of coaching that over time yield a optimistic adaptive response. The repeated bout impact is a sports activities science idea that describes the our bodies adaptive response to stressors leading to elevated resiliency.22
  There is a restrict to the speed of our adaptive capacity and exceeding this restrict can predispose you to damage and decreased efficiency.9 Fatigue administration, due to this fact, is a basic tenant of each efficient coaching protocol. The SRA (stimulus restoration adaptation) curve charts the adaptive course of to resistance coaching and is depicted within the picture beneath.
    There are three details to spotlight right here. The first is that train generates fatigue, the magnitude of which is decided by a number of components however primarily quantity and cargo. The second level is that in the event you wait too lengthy earlier than introducing one other coaching stimulus adaptive dissolution happens.
  This means you regress as a result of subsequent coaching exposures had been both insufficiently overloading, insufficiently frequent, non-specific or a mixture of those. The third level is as you accumulate fatigue by overloading coaching periods your capacity to precise athletic efficiency declines quickly.
  Knowing this, frequency of coaching performs a big function within the correct utility of varied loading methods. For occasion, in the event you had been to do 10×10 squats to failure, it’s possible you’ll not be capable to practice legs for a complete week. So, when trying on the magnitude of the stimulus produced in a vacuum it’s big which is optimistic.
  But the truth that you may’t practice legs for a whole week probably makes the chance price of this technique a poor trade-off. In most circumstances frequencies increased than 1x per week are required to essentially optimize muscle progress. Thus, a phasic construction and efficient program design will help forestall the exacerbation of a single pathway, handle fatigue, and in addition potentiate future beneficial properties.
  Practical Takeaways And Recommendations
With regard to the compound lifts, the vast majority of your hypertrophy beneficial properties will probably come from the next suggestions:
  Reps: 6-15
Sets: Four-Eight
Intensity: 60-80%
Rest: 2-Three minutes
  However, this doesn’t exclude the implementation of low load coaching taken close to or to absolute muscle failure. It merely implies that it must be utilized intelligently. Since the physiological and psychological fatigue generated from taking units to absolute muscular failure is critical as effectively and an all-around horrible expertise I’d use it carefully.
  Its implementation would probably be only for smaller muscle teams or workouts which can be restricted within the quantity of load that may be lifted (ie. bicep curls, tricep press downs, calf press, DB shoulder press, and so forth).
  Implementing a phasic construction that emphasizes particular adaptive pathways may be very efficient. The very best construction could be primarily based on every section potentiating subsequent phases. Thus one potential method may very well be a linear periodization mannequin the place quantity begins excessive and declines over time as depth rises. An instance of which is beneath:
  Phase 1: Metabolic (excessive quantity, low load)
Phase 2: Volume (reasonable quantity, reasonable load)
Phase Three: Mechanical Tension (reasonable quantity, reasonable to excessive masses)
  Below is an instance of an analogous exercise tailored to every section to present you an thought of what your coaching may appear like:
    As you may see from the pattern exercises, every section could look comparatively comparable. This brings me to an essential level—complicated coaching isn’t synonymous with efficient coaching. The fundamentals are what produce the majority of your outcomes anyway, and irrespective of how superb it will be to seek out “hacks” that yield higher progress it usually doesn’t work that manner in follow. Your finest wager is to make use of the entire spectrum of reps, units, and depth ranges whereas nonetheless sustaining the majority of your work throughout the tips talked about above.
  The use of ways equivalent to large units, rest-pause units, supersets, adverse units, and so forth may be helpful in eliciting metabolic stress. These may be carried out at your desecration, however I’d advocate both utilizing them on multi-joint machine-based workouts or isolation workouts with free weight or machines. This will assist restrict the quantity of fatigue you may generate from this sort of coaching whereas nonetheless producing a big stimulus.
  Hopefully, this clears up a number of the confusion and presents some sensible utility for implementing numerous loading methods into your hypertrophy program. Lift huge.
1. “The Mechanisms of Muscle Hypertrophy and Their Application”, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research”, LWW.
2. Flann, Kyle L, et al. “Muscle Damage and Muscle Remodeling: No Pain, No Gain?” The Journal of Experimental Biology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 15 Feb. 2011.
Three. “The Use of Specialized Training Techniques to Maximize”, Strength & Conditioning Journal.” LWW.
Four. “A Biomechanical Comparison of the Traditional Squat”, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. LWW.
5. Krieger, James. “Single vs. Multiple Sets of Resistance Exercise for Muscle Hypertrophy: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1 Apr. 2010.
6. “Training-Induced Changes in Neural Function : Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews”, LWW.
Eight. “The Fitness-Fatigue Model Revisited: Implications for… ” Strength & Conditioning Journal, LWW.
9. BANISTER, Eric, et al. “Dose/Response Effects of Exercise Modeled from Training : Physical and Biochemical Measures”, The Annals of Physiological Anthropology, Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology, Eight Feb. 2008.
10. Schoenfeld, Brad J., et al. “A Comparison of Increases in Volume Load Over 8 Weeks of Low-Versus High-Load Resistance Training”, Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, Kowsar, 1 June 2016.
11. Krieger, James. “Single vs. Multiple Sets of Resistance Exercise for Muscle Hypertrophy: A Meta-Analysis”, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 1 Apr. 2010.
12. Schoenfeld, Brad J, et al. “Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men”, Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Jan. 2019.
13. Lasevicius, Thiago, et al. “Effects of Different Intensities of Resistance Training with Equated Volume Load on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy”, European Journal of Sport Science, vol. 18, no. 6, 2018, pp. 772–780.
14. “The Science and Practice of Periodization: A Brief Review : Strength & Conditioning Journal”, LWW.
15. “The Effect of Fatigue on Multijoint Kinematics and Load… : Spine”. LWW.
16. Helms, E R, et al. “Recommendations for Natural Bodybuilding Contest Preparation: Resistance and Cardiovascular Training”, The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2015.
17. Foster, Carl. “Monitoring Training in Athletes with Reference to Overtraining Syndrome”, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 1 July 1998.
18. Gotshalk, L A, et al. “Hormonal Responses of Multiset versus Single-Set Heavy-Resistance Exercise Protocols”, Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology = Revue Canadienne De Physiologie Appliquee, U.S. National Library of Medicine, June 1997.
19. Ahtiainen, Juha P, et al. “Acute Hormonal Responses to Heavy Resistance Exercise in Strength Athletes versus Nonathletes”, Canadian Journal of Applied Physiology = Revue Canadienne De Physiologie Appliquee, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2004.
20. “Hormonal Responses to Resistance Exercise in Long-Term…”, The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, LWW.
21. Bamman, M M, et al. “Mechanical Load Increases Muscle IGF-I and Androgen Receptor MRNA Concentrations in Humans”, American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Mar. 2001.
22. McHugh, Malachy P. “Recent Advances in the Understanding of the Repeated Bout Effect: the Protective Effect against Muscle Damage from a Single Bout of Eccentric Exercise”, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Apr. 2003.
The post Is Lifting Heavy Weight Important For Building Muscle Size? appeared first on Weight Loss Fitness.
from Weight Loss Fitness https://weightlossfitnesss.info/is-lifting-heavy-weight-important-for-building-muscle-size/
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