princessviana · 2 days
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Yandere Taehyung x OC × Yandere Jungkook
Warning: This story is a work of fanfiction and is purely a product of the author's imagination. It does not depict any real-life events or individuals. While some characters may be inspired by real-life idols, their portrayal in this story is fictional and not representative of their true selves. Please note that this story may contain triggering content, including themes of abuse, gore, murder, humiliation, bullying, rape, and other mature and dark themes. Reader discretion is advised, especially for those under the age of 18. If you are uncomfortable with such content, it is recommended to refrain from reading and kindly disregard this story.
Fae's pov.
Where on earth am I and how the hell did I end up here?! This questions has been repeating in my mind for what feels like the hundredth time. I find myself lost in a seemingly endless maze of hallways, each one identical to the last, lined with countless doors. I've been wandering for hours, yet I'm no closer to finding the exit. My sense of freedom feels as elusive as ever.
I really want to see my family.
Suddenly, I overhear a group of maids conversing in hushed, panicked tones. The name "Yana" floats through the air, causing me to pause.
Earlier, I heard the name Jungkook, and now Yana? These names sound eerily familiar, like the characters from a book I once read. But I shake the thought away. I need to focus on finding a way out of here.
As the sound of quick, hurried footsteps echo through the hallway, I panic and bolt towards the nearest door. Thankfully, it's unlocked. I slip inside and slam the door shut behind me, breathing a sigh of relief as the footsteps recede into the distance.
Suddenly, a deep, familiar voice breaks the silence, "What are you doing here?"
I flinched and whirl around in fear and find myself face-to-face with him.Again.
"You!" I exclaim, my eyes locking with the handsome, yet intimidating man I had encountered earlier in the hallway. He's lounging on a king-sized bed, dressed in a black robe that reveals a hint of his chest as he leans back casually.
I swallow hard, my heart pounding in my chest. It's not the first time I've seen a man dressed in such a way, but something about him makes my skin tingle with heat. I quickly shake the thought away, reminding myself that I need to focus on escaping, not drooling on the man in front of me.
"I asked you a question, didn't I, Yana?" His voice, deep and alluring, pulls me back from my thoughts.
"I–um actually–I," I stutter badly and I don't know why I am being like this.I mentally scolded myself for my lack of composure.
"I WHAT? CAN YOU STOP STUTTERING!?" He suddenly shouts, causing me to flinch, he suddenly stood up and in an instant, he's standing before me. I attempt to open the door to escape, but he slams it shut again, causing me to squeak in surprise.
"Please – I was just looking for the exit," I manage to whisper, my gaze falling to the floor.
Silence fills the room before he finally speaks, "Are you fucking kidding me?" His harsh words cause me to flinch and I close my eyes in fear. I miss my brother, Jae. This man is terrifying.
"C–can you just let me go! I really want to go!" I summon the courage to shout at him, immediately regretting it when I see the murderous look in his eyes and I swear I see his eyes turned even more darker.
"Did you just fucking yell at me?" He asks quietly, his deep voice sending chills down my spine. He grasps my arms tightly, causing me to hiss in pain. I try to push him away as I put my hands in his chest as I attempted to get some distance from him, tears welling up in my eyes from the pain of his tight grip.
"Mister! You're hurting me!" I cry out in distress, tears now streaming down my cheeks. He looks at me blankly, seemingly uncaring of my pain.
He finally releases his grip, scoffing, "Mister, huh?" He laughs, a dark, chilling sound that sends a shiver down my spine. I quickly distance myself from him, confusion and fear swirling within me.
'What's wrong with him?Does he have anger issues or something?'
"Where did Honey go?" He asks suddenly that made me look at him again, his voice cold and detached.
I frowned at that before sighing in frustration.
'What in the world was he talking about?'
"You're not my lover to be called like that!" I shout back, taken aback by his question.
We suddenly fall into an awkward silence and I don't know if I said something bad or what,as he just look at me blankly and it's really uncomfortable as he only stared at me blankly.
"Get out," he finally orders, walking away from the door and disappearing into what I assume is his bathroom. I seize the opportunity to escape the room,away from this crazy man, once again finding myself lost in the maze of hallways.
Author's perspective
As the man hears the slam of his bedroom door, he sighs, looking at his reflection in the mirror. He frowns, thinking back to the interaction with the woman. Shaking his head, he chuckles quietly to himself, unties his bathrobe, and steps into his bathtub. His mind is still consumed by the thoughts of her.
"What's happening with you again?" He murmurs to himself, closing his eyes.
Minutes pass, but he finds himself growing increasingly agitated. He recalls her shouting at him for the first time. Despite the times he had hurt or yelled at her, she had never once raised her voice at him. This sudden change in her behavior leaves him feeling restless, a feeling he doesn't particularly enjoy.
"God damn it! Get it out of your head! It's just a yell and it made you restless!" He scolds himself, gritting his teeth.
Why is he so affected by a simple change in a woman's attitude?
No, he convinces himself, it's just because he's not used to it. He groans, running his fingers through his wet hair.
Meanwhile, Fae finally breathes a sigh of relief when she spots a staircase leading down to what she assumes is a living room. She can't help but giggle in joy, relief washing over her. She's finally found a way out of this strange house.
Just as she's about to descend the stairs, she overhears a conversation that stops her in her tracks. She turns to see the same man from earlier, the one who had nearly choked her, talking to a girl she doesn't recognize.
"Nara, please stay. She won't hurt you anymore, I promise, okay?"
'Nara? Again? Another name from the book?!'
"But, Jungkook, I'm scared. What if she will hurt–" The girl's words trail off as her gaze lands on Fae, who is standing on the stairs. The girl gasps and hides behind Jungkook.
Jungkook follows her gaze and locks eyes with Fae, who is frozen on the stairs. Fae breaks their gaze and continues her descent, heading towards the front door, completely ignoring them.
Jungkook frowns, watching as Fae disappears outside through the door.This behavior is unusual for her. She would normally become furious if she caught him talking to Nara. This change leaves him feeling perplexed but shrugged it off as he again face the scared woman and embrace her.
Meanwhile, Fae continued her sprint towards what she perceived as freedom. The sight of the magnificent golden gates filled her with delight, and a joyous laugh escaped from her lips as she relished the feeling of liberation. Finally, she thought, running at full speed towards the gates.
But just as she was about to touch the gates, she found herself being lifted off her feet, swept into the air that made her shout suddenly in startlement,panic surged within her as she closed her eyes and silently pleaded for the person to let her go, her body tense. Strong arms was wrapped around her waist, setting her back on her feet, away from the gates.Turning her head and glaring at the man responsible for stopping her, she got awestruck suddenly when she sees a handsome man closed to her and it suddenly vanished her anger as the man grinned at her with such a beautiful smile.
"Can we talk, Yana?" he asked suddenly that made her snap out of her staring to the man, his words now causing her to frown as she came to a standstill, halting her resistance.
'what did he call me?'
"I'm not Yana!" she retorted forcefully, watching as he blinked a couple of times before mumbling something under his breath.
"So, they were telling the truth," he muttered, causing her to question what he meant, while still trying to free herself from his grasp.
"Let's go. I know Uncle is looking for you," he said, his tone turning cold as he dragged her towards the mansion once again, her protests falling on deaf ears.
Reluctantly, Fae allowed herself to be pulled along, feeling the weight of resignation settle upon her.
Then the next she found herself in a living room surrounded by eight unknown people, their glaring eyes making her feel small and insignificant.
Intimidated, she lowered her gaze, avoiding their piercing stares.
Then, a raspy voice rang out, calling the name Yana again. Fae again looked up, her brows furrowing as she met the gaze of the man who had spoken.
"Are you calling me Yana?" she asked, her fear and confusion evident.
'Yana? Why are they calling me that? Wait – no! That's absurd! Realization dawned on her suddenly, bringing with it a wave of absurdity that was difficult for her to comprehend.
Jungkook, then Nara, and now Yana?
This couldn't be a coincidence any longer. Fae's mind swirled with fear, unable to fully grasp the unfolding events.
No, this is absurd! she thought to herself, fear gripping her as she struggled to make sense of the situation.
"Who else here goes by the name Yana?" a deep mocking voice interrupted her thoughts, prompting her to look at the man who suddenly speaks.
' him again?'
Wait! If Jungkook was the man to the left, then who was this other man? A sudden chill ran down her spine as she hastily scrambled away from him, retreating until her back was pressed against the far end of the plush couch. The man looked at her, his expression one of confusion, mirroring the baffled looks of everyone else in the room.
"Yana, I've been informed about your recent actions. Is it true?" The older man who had addressed her earlier, presumably in his 50s, asked again, his eyes filled with concern.
"What do you mean by that?" Fae questioned, her tone laced with distress, which only seemed to annoy the man.
A scoff from the left drew her attention back to Jungkook, who was glaring at her, leaning back in his chair with his arms and legs crossed. "What's your problem, huh?" Fae retorted, her irritation evident in her voice. This caused a ripple of shock to spread through the room, especially amongst the two younger men.
'What's with them? Is this the first time they've heard a woman speak up? Because right now, I'm guessing it is.' Fae thought, rolling her eyes at them before returning her glare to Jungkook, who was now clenching his jaw and glaring back even more intensely. Their staring contest was interrupted when the older man cleared his throat, effectively drawing everyone's attention.
"Yana, this is the last time I will tolerate your reckless behavior! I'll let it slide this time!" He declared, standing up and swiftly exiting the room, followed by two other men. This left only six of them in the room: herself, the two men she had met earlier, and the man who had dragged her here.
"What's going on with you, Yana? Is this another—" The man who had brought her here attempted to break the silence, only to be cut off by a single glare from her.
"Don't call me that!" Fae yelled furiously, standing up as she was overcome with confusion and frustration. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes, and unable to hold them back any longer, she broke down crying in front of the five men.
"Hey! What did you do to noona!?" Suddenly, a young boy burst into the living room upon hearing the sound of a girl crying. He was met with the sight of Fae in tears, while the men could only exchange helpless looks, unsure of what to do next.
Taehyung, on the other hand, scoffed in disbelief, assuming that this was just another one of her tactics to gain sympathy. He stood up and left the room, followed by Jungkook, leaving the girl crying on the couch. Everyone else also departed, except for the young boy who hugged the weeping woman tightly, their minds filled with the assumption that she, whom they believed to be Yana, was once again trying to manipulate them into pitying her and taking her side.
As minutes passed, Fae gradually calmed down, thanks to the comforting presence of the boy who refused to let go of her. She lifted her head to look at him, and he offered her a white towel to wipe away her tears. Gratefully, she accepted it and smiled at the boy with all her heart.
"Thank you."
"You're welcome, noona. But why were you crying again?" the boy innocently asked, tilting his head in confusion. Fae sighed and shook her head, unsure of how to explain that she felt like she was trapped in a story or perhaps even a dream. She hoped desperately that she would wake up from this ordeal soon, as being here felt like being in a living hell. She could sense the pain and sadness that consumed the person she assumed was Yana,that she was in, both physically and mentally.
"What's your name, little guy?" Fae asked, diverting the conversation.
The boy looked at her with surprise but answered, "I'm Kim Taehoon, noona. Do you really not remember us?"
Fae's breath caught in her throat.
'Kim Taehyung's little brother... So, I really am in a book?!' she thought, still in shock at what was happening. She sighed and nodded her head.
'If I'm really here, then I am Yana?'
"What's my name again?" Fae asked, seeking confirmation.
"You're Yana," Taehoon answered, grinning at her.
'Oh God! Wait... If I was her, then I can finally change that woman's fate!' Fae suddenly stood up, a plan brewing in her mind. She smiled widely and laughed to herself, leaving Taehoon wide-eyed as he watched her grinning at something in the distance, which turned out to be a large vase of flowers.
"What's so funny about those flowers?" Taehoon scratched his head, perplexed, before looking back at Fae, who was still lost in her thoughts, staring at the vase with a grin.
Meanwhile, Fae was busy planning her stay in this dream, if that's indeed what it was. She was still waiting to wake up, aware of the danger that lurked within the pages of this book, especially with those two individuals. She looked down at the boy again and sat down, holding Taehoon's little hands in hers. Taehoon smiled sweetly at her.
'Kim Taehoon, the child character of the book. He was accidentally shot by Yana when she and Nara were fighting in this very living room. Yana accidentally fired the gun, and poor Taehoon got caught in the crossfire. But this time, I promise you'll live. But first, I need to know what this girl did to end up in this state again.'
"Can I ask you something, Taehoon?" Fae spoke softly, and Taehoon nodded.
"Um, you see, I'm still experiencing memory loss or something. Can you tell me what I did before I... you know, before I had this memory loss?"
Taehoon looked away for a moment before clearing his throat, ready to share what she needed to know.
"The whole family except your father,attended a party celebration. While we were there, you followed Nara noona to the restroom upstairs. We heard you arguing, and then we saw you both pulling each other's hair. You tripped and fell down the stairs, but luckily, the stairs weren't very high."
Taehoon's voice carried a hint of sadness.
'So, the party was organized by the Parks. This is the event that leads to her downfall, where she gets framed by Nara. That b*tch... Let's see who becomes the villain now,'Fae thought, internally smirking as she stood up.
"You should go, Taehoon. Your tutor will be here soon—"
Just as she was about to finish her sentence, the door swung open, and a tall, well-built man in a white polo shirt and black pants entered, wearing glasses. Fae found herself drooling over this angelic figure, and the man smiled as his eyes landed on the two of them, revealing his dimples. Fae internally squealed in delight.
Kim Namjoon.
Fae smirked, recognizing the character from the dimples on his handsome face.
'Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehoon's genius tutor. He's secretly in love with Yana, but she chases after the wrong guys, those two psychos. Why chase after them when there's someone better? This man has been silently loving Yana and helping her whenever she's in need. When she discovered his love for her, she used it for her own gain, dragging him down along with Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, and the four other men to kill her in the end.'
"Long time no see, beautiful," Namjoon greeted her with a compliment, his deep voice making her blush. He relished in the sight of her blushing, feeling complete as the beautiful woman before him reacted to his words,for the first time.
"Nice to see you too, Joonie," Fae smirked, using the nickname she had given him when she was reading the book. Namjoon widened his eyes in shock, blushing even more than she did. He couldn't believe that the woman he had secretly loved had given him a nickname.
'Kim Namjoon, nice to finally meet you,' Fae thought, her smirk growing wider.
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imallyoursssss · 11 months
be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me be obsessed with me
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madamefeu · 7 days
I don’t know who needs to hear this, but
👏Narcissist is not a code word for abuser👏
👏 Sociopath is not a code word for abuser👏
👏 Psychopath is not a code word for murderer👏
Not every shitty person is shitty because of a disorder that pop psychology likes to demonise. Slapping a label on every shitty person out there is ableist toward the NPD/ASPD sufferers who are just trying to get by. Stop it.
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autopsyfreak · 3 days
people act like psychopaths are these beasts in society coming to get you, meanwhile in reality i’d rather never have to go near another human being again
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mphountitled · 2 months
He's so useless and burdened by the horrors, I want him
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terrorbeauty · 17 days
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Chuuya and Dazai actually existed, but they were beheaded, their heads burned, and their bodies mummified and turned into mannequins. Live with it
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“People with ASPD and NPD are unlikely to seek help”  If you were treated like you just murdered the therapist’s entire family in front of them every time you tried I don’t think you’d seek help either 
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planetkram · 3 months
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The exaggeration of the facial expressions in Hazbin Hotel is everything
Really shows how psychotic Alastor is
Angel looks like he is saying “You got games on your phone?”
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imallyoursssss · 6 months
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liberalsarecool · 5 months
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Elon is the poster boy for 'white supremacist propped up by myth of white superiority'.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 11 months
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sahind · 7 months
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NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN (2007) Directed by Ethan Coen & Joel Coen
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