#lior says words
the-biornicles · 5 months
dear people with acne, pockmarks, boxcar scars, red scars, or other sorts of skin texture caused by acne: i love you
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girlactionfigure · 7 months
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The chilling testimony of Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic Lior Levy, from the tumultuous scenes in Israel’s south:
"Every word I say about what I saw and experienced yesterday cannot truly convey what was there. A battlefield, bodies of men, women, children, girls, elderly, and animals.
I treated severely wounded soldiers and police officers, as well as civilians, both men and women, under the hail of bullets and missiles falling just meters from the ambulance, like robots. Often, we ran out of all the medications in the ambulance and had to refill.
Anyone who didn't see MDA teams working in the South yesterday under a rain of bullets and missiles hasn't witnessed proximity to combat in their lifetime. The first thing you learn in any course is safety. Yesterday, we didn't think about safety. We went out to save lives with the knowledge that we might not return, and it wasn't far from reality.
Only one thing concerned the teams: to save as many lives as possible, and indeed, we did that. We saved the lives of trauma victims with the most complex injuries - gunshot wounds and injuries from falling rockets. Hundreds of wounded.
Injured individuals who could speak told me that they saw their friends being slaughtered, and they managed to escape while wounded and hiding for hours with complex gunshot injuries.
Words cannot describe what happened yesterday. The heart is pounding, the soul is aching.
It's time to unite."
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froggywaffles · 9 months
𝙰𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚊; 𝙶𝚘𝚍𝚍𝚎𝚜𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐
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How can you move forward when you keep regretting the past?
(Y/N) Mustang travels with the Elric brothers to find the philosophers stone to restore their bodies. And the discovery that her alchemy is more different than she originally believed
A/N: Lets ignore that this took me nearly a year to write ;-; lolzz i had to split this chapter in half because i lost half when my laptop broke so ill post the second half once i rewrite it :)) ANYWAY there is a playlist that goes with this which doesn't really go with this chapter but oh well https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0FApCCn34li62l168Sfk9w?si=441729291d964073 (if link doesn't work just search 'FROGGY' into spotify and click profiles u should find it) hope you enjoy
-Froggie :)
Word Count: 4,314
Summary: For the past four years, Ed, Al with the addition of (y/n) have combed the country for a rumored stone that could amplify the boys' alchemy and bring the Elric's bodies back to normal. A battle breaks out against the false prophet Cornello, who is using the science of alchemy and parading it as acts of God.
01 - The Sun God's Prophet Part One
The sun is shining brightly, the sand is scorching, and the air is thick. Sparrows flew toward the large fountain out front of the castle-like building that stood tall in the centre of Liore. The three teens sat not far from the large building at a small cafe bar, and the sound of mindless chatter from other cafe goers could be heard. An unknown voice plays over the radio sitting above Alphonse's head.
“Children of God who live upon this earth, have faith, and thou shalt be saved. The god of the sun, Leto, enlightens thy path. Behold, having descended from his throne, the lord shall save thee from thy sins. As the messenger of the sun God, I am your father”
“A radio broadcast of a sermon?” Al wondered aloud.
“A messenger of god?” Edward questioned as he ate another fry. “What’s that?”
“I think I ought to be the one saying ‘what’s that?’ about you.” The cafe owner asked the three while drying a cup with a towel. He had a thick moustache and wore a dark cap and a light-coloured apron. “So, what are you guys supposed to be? Street performers?” 
Dropping his fork annoyed and with an eyebrow twitching, Ed spoke, “Okay pops, what part of us looks like street performers?” 
“Well I don’t know ed, we’ve got a 6’3 suit of armour and shorty mcshortison-”
“I’m not short!” Edward retorted, saying it wouldn’t be a surprise if you could see steam coming out of his ears.
“My bad ‘fun-sized’” (y/n) laughed, making air quotes with her finger; Ed rolled his eyes and sighed, and Al giggled.
“If you're not street performers, what are you guys doing in these parts?” The cafe owner asked.
“Yeah, we’re just looking for something,” Ed said, placing his fork on the empty plate, “What’s with this broadcast anyway?"
“You haven’t heard of Father Cornello?” he answered, sounding almost offended.
"Father, who now?” (y/n) asked.
“Father Cornello! The messenger of the sun God! He’s the founder of Letoism. the one with
the ‘power of miracles. He’s this wonderful man who came to this city a couple of years ago
and showed us the way of God!” The man stood tall, hands on his hips. Other cafe goers
interjected about what a great man Father Cornello was.
“It’s incredible!”
“Definitely the power of God!”
Alphonse and (y/n) sat listening intently; Ed, on the other hand, was sitting and messing with
the straw in his cup, completely uninterested. 
“You ain't listening, kid.” the cafe owner deadpanned.
“Nope. "I'm not interested in religion.” Ed said, looking the cafe owner straight in the eyes.
"Well, I'm stuffed; let’s beat it.” He said they were beginning to stand  Al and (y/n) following
his lead.
“Thanks for the food-” (y/n) was cut off by a loud bang, caused by Al hitting the roof of the
cafe stand and knocking off their radio.
 Al and (y/n) following his lead.
“AH!!- HEY!! Don’t cause any problems here! It’s all because you’re walking ‘round in that oversized tin can!” The man shouted leaning over the bar to see his broken radio.
“Sorry, sorry, we’ll fix it right up, don’t worry,” Ed said, waving his hand in apology.
Alphonse leaned over the assessing the damage, as (y/n) reached in her pocket for a stick
of chalk.
 “Here,” she said, handing Al the chalk. 
“Fix how?” the cafe owner asked, scratching his head.
“Just watch,” Edward answered, as Al finished drawing the transmutation around the broken
Alphonse went onto his knees, as a crowd of cafe goers surrounded the teens, he clapped
his hands together and pushed them onto the ground. Strikes of blue lightning grew from the
circle, engulfing the radio in blue hues. Looks of shock and amazement plastered the
cafe goers' faces. The blue light soon ceased, and Al rose to his feet. 
The cafe owner stood in shock and said, “I’m stunned,” making Ed visibly smirk. “You can use the power of miracles too!” Ed’s smirk dropped almost immediately.
“You what?” "No, we are alchemists; my brother and I are kind of famous, you know?" Ed retorted angrily. "We are the Elric brothers!” Edward stood proudly as cafegoers realised who they were.
“The Elric brothers?!”
“I’ve heard of them before!”
"He's one of those national alchemists!" says the older one.
"Edward Elric, the full-metal alchemist!";
A crowd began to form around Alphonse, (y/n) noticed before Ed did, she tried to hold her laugh as the cafegoers began to praise Al. “So you’re that rumoured genius alchemist!”
"I see why you're called the Fullmetal Alchemist. You wear that suit of armour!"
Ed's proud expression faded, revealing a visible vein on his brow. 
“Um, I'm not him,” Al said, waving his hands frantically. 
“The shorty over there?” 
That was it. Edward blew up. “WHO ARE YOU CALLING A SUPER SMALL SPECK”
“PFFFFFFT—a small speck” (y/n), she laughed, almost falling over. He turned toward the crowd of people, angrily ignoring (y/n), who was still giggling at his meltdown. “I am the Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric!” He overemphasised the "I."
“And I’m his little brother, Alphonse,” Al added, rubbing his metal neck nervously. The crowd was taken aback by the revolution that Edward, a child, had started. (y/n) was kneeling to grab the now-fixed radio off the ground when a younger child from the crowd pointed at her and asked, “Who’s she then?”
“Me?” she questioned, pointing to herself now standing up with the radio in hand.
"Oh, that’s just (y/n)” Ed brushed it off.
“What do you mean by just (y/n)?” "You get to use your snazzy title, and I get "just" (y/n)," she chuckled. Before he could speak again, she shoved the radio in Ed’s face and
introduced herself. “I’m the carbon steel alchemist, (y/n) Mustang!” Edward was still
bewildered by how he ended up with the radio. Just as the three were about to leave and headed toward the massive building in the centre of Liore, an unknown girl running toward the cafe shouted to the owner, “Hello! It's a little bit lively today.” She wore a white dress and black sandals. She had tanned skin and dark eyes. She had two-toned hair; the front of her hair was pink and the back was dark brown. "Oh, hello, Rose," the moustached man said cheerfully. “Going to the church again?” He asked. 
"Yeah, I need to make some offerings," she said, smiling as she held some items in her hands and turned to face the young alchemists.
“I don’t think I’ve met you before.” All three of them just stared at her. 
“They say they’re alchemists; it seems they are looking for something.” The man spoke not 
looking up from the glass he was polishing.
She smiled at the three of them, her hair floating in the breeze, and she had a tight hold on the bag she was holding. “I hope you find what you are looking for,” Rose began to walk away, but before going too far, she turned her head to look at them a final time and said, “May Leto protect you!”
“Huh?” Edward said this in confusion, turning towards the cafe owner again.
“That girl, she ain’t got no relatives, and top of that, her boyfriend died in a car accident earlier this year,” he said, putting down his now-polished glass. 
“Yeah, you’d think she’d be sad, but she didn’t seem down.” A cafe patron butted in. “What saved her were the teachings of Cornello, the prophet of the sun god Leto! "He who gives everlasting life to the living and rebirth to the dead—the power of miracles proves that.” 
Rebirth of the Dead (y/n) turned to face the Elrics, knowing it was too much of a coincidence to be anything else.
“Rebirth of the dead, huh?” Edward said sceptically, chewing on his straw, “Smells fishy.”
The three teens stood before the massive Cathedral like structure, the white paint covering the bricks cracked towards the ground. Pink Azalea flowers grew on the grass, many squashed from previously gathered crowds. They walked through the massive arches, onto pristine white quartz floors, in contrast to the large dark oak doors along the corridor; the further they walked the more white pristine statues and sculptures they came across; they reached another arch that led to the chapel of the building. The chapel's ceilings were high, beautiful quartz columns, and a biblical scene painted onto the ceiling in between the gorgeous stone supports. The room had rows upon rows of dark oak pews, a catwalk in the middle separated them. In the middle of the room was a statue of who they believed to be The Sun God Leto, the statue was kneeling on one knee with a staff firmly in its grip, on its left side was another statue of an angel holding a ring facing The Sun God Leto. And on its  right was another angel holding a book. Behind the statues was a stained glass window made up of beautiful shades of yellow creating a sun. Near the statues were two doors, one on the right wall and one on the left. Edward, Alphonse and (y/n) stood before the statues, admiring the craftsmanship that went into creating such masterpieces, when a familiar face entered the chapel from the right side door. “Oh, You three again!” Rose said cheerfully as she walked into the chapel, all three of them turning to face her. “Are you guys going to join the church of Leto?”.
“Nah, religion isn’t our type a’ thing.” (y/n) spoke, waving off the idea, sitting down on one of the pews. 
Rose sucked in a breath, like she was offended before she spoke again, “That’s not a real answer! If you can believe in God, you can live with hope and gratitude everyday. It’s wonderful!”. She pointed at Ed and shouted “If you have faith you’ll grow taller for sure!”. 
Alphonse grabbed his brother before he attempted to launch himself at the poor girl, a vein popping on his forehead, “Brother! She’s not saying it to be mean.”. With a huff Edward sat on the pew next to (y/n), leaned his head back to look up at the ceiling. His arms resting upon the pew, one arm resting behind (y/n)’s head. 
“Do you really believe that if you pray to God the dead will come back to life?”. The question hung heavy in the air, the silence was almost deafening. Rose seemed like someone had just asked her if fish can fly. 
“Yes, yes I do.” 
The tension in the air was suffocating, the difference in knowledge between the three teens and the young woman was obvious. (y/n) she may never know the full truth of what happened to the brothers but she had learnt one thing from the snippets they trusted her with, the dead should stay dead regardless of how much you long for them. 
Edward tilted his head toward the ground releasing an understanding breath, “sheesh…How can you honestly believe these things?”.
 He dug around in his pants’ pocket and pulled out a small leather book. His gloved hands flicked through his previously childish handwriting until he found the page he was looking for, and began to read from it.
“Water: 35 litres, Carbon: 20 kg, Ammonia: 4 litres, Lime:1.5 kg, Phosphorus: 800 g, Salt: 250 g, Saltpetre: 100 g, Sulphur 80 g,  Fluoride 7.5 g, Iron 5 g, Silicon 3 g, and 15 other elements in small quantities…”.
Rose stood still as stone, the sun shining through the stained glass behind painting her in beautiful hues of amber, similar to an Ursinia, further highlighting her confused features. 
“Huh?” she wondered aloud.
Still looking at the small book Ed spoke, “That’s the total chemical makeup of an average adult human body, modern science knows all of this, yet there has never been a single example of a successful human transmutation.” His gaze hardened, eyebrows pinching, the grip on his book tightening. A sight too common for a 14 year old boy. “It’s like there’s a missing ingredient..” Edward momentarily stopped, gazing at his brother, sadness laid between the gold and tangerine of his eyes, before turning back to the book in hand “Scientists have been trying to find it for hundreds of years, pouring tons of money into research and to this day they don’t even have a theory.” Rose stood still intently listening but clearly confused.
“Come on Ed, she hasn’t got the slightest clue of what you’re talking about, speak human.” (y/n) face-palmed. 
“What do you mean ‘speak human’?” He said frustratingly, eyebrows furrowed. 
“Less science-y” 
Edward rolled his eyes and turned his body to face Rose, “Basically, they say science is a lost cause, But I think It’s better than sitting around praying for something to happen.” Edward sat forward clasping his hands together, leaning his arms on his knees. Looking up at the statue of Leto, thinking to himself before speaking again, “It’s ironic that we scientists, who don’t believe in god, are in a sense the closest thing to him.” 
There was a heavy silence, (y/n) sighed, leaning further back into the pew knowing where this might go. A look of anger and disgust covered Rose’s face as she walked in front of Ed, blocking the view of the statues, venom lacing her voice. “What pride, are you saying you’re god’s equal?”.
Father Cornello stood upon a stage, a statue of Leto stood tall behind him. The crowd in front of him roared in faith and hope. Petals of Violet and Magnolia rained from the sky, He grabbed a hold of a fallen magnolia, clapped it between his hands, a blue hue consuming them before he revealed it had now been turned into a sunflower. The three stood at the back of the crowd, Edward stood upon his suitcase to get a better look. (y/n) seemed less than bothered with the sight, too busy gazing into the faces in the crowd, studying their emotions. Not a single face in that crowd had a brow furrowed, a look of anguish, they all seemed so joyful and at peace with themselves. She felt almost bad for them, she told herself it was because they were believing a lie, or was it just plain old envy. Too caught up in her own thoughts she hadn’t noticed Rose had come over and had begun talking to the boys.
“I’d love to talk to his holiness! You think you could take us to him?” Ed said weirdly cheerful, leaving a very confused (y/n). 
“I’ll explain on the way, don’t worry” Alphonse whispered in her ear.
They returned to the beautiful white walls of the church, the same dark oak doors welcoming them in as the guards led the group into an almost empty room. As soon as they entered something was off, the two guards by the door seemed to stiffen as they walked past, a cold look in their eyes before one spoke, “His holiness is very busy, so it's not easy to get an audience with him. You three are very lucky.”  
“Don’t worry I won’t talk for too long.” Ed piped up, Alphonse turning back to listen to his brother, the four not registering the slam of the doors behind them. The guard who led them in suddenly stopped, a dark look flooded the man’s face as he reached into his jacket, “Yes, let’s end this quickly.” pulling a revolver from a concealed pocket, pointing it to the eye hole of Al’s armour, “Like this!”. The clang of the metal of the gun hitting the armoured boy was heard before a shot rang out, causing the head of the boy to hit the ground several feet way, horrified looks from the three others in the room as (y/n) and edward attempted to lunge forward to attack the man, fear rushed through their veins, as the two other guards restrained the two with their flagged staffs.
“Brother Cray! What are you doing?!” Rose exclaimed thinking he had just killed alphonse. 
“Rose, these are heathens that are trying to entrap his holiness, they are evil.” The man retorted.
“What?! But his holiness would never allow you to do this…you.”
“But he did allow it!” Cray turned his attention to the two teens blocked by the staffs, “The words of his holiness are the words of god!”. He aimed the gun at Edward’s head, his stare unwavering, (y/n) was left shaking like a leaf. “This is the will of god!!”.
“Guess there are some really bad Gods out there” Alphonse spoke, his voice more echoey than usual. He grabbed the revolver out of Cray’s hand as he shrieked in fear and confusion “Wha-!?!?!”. 
Edward quickly grabbed one of the staffed guards’ arm and shirt and began to shove him into the ground before (y/n) swiftly followed grunting out “a warning would’ve been nice Ed.” Both men landed onto the ground as Al’s metal fist collided with Cray’s face, all three men rendered unconscious.  
“Wha…Wha…What is this!?” Rose shakily shrieked from behind the three, Ed knocked on Al’s armour revealing he was holo. “Nothing special,” he spoke. 
“It’s exactly what it looks like” Alphonse said non shaltantly. 
“Th… there’s nothing inside it’s empty!”
Al snapped his head back on before speaking again, “You might say, this is what happens when you commit the world’s greatest sin, when you trespass on God's domain… My big brother and I both.” Melancholy seeped in the room, it felt like every crack in the walls was just allowing it in. 
“Well let’s just save that story for another time, heh.” Ed scratched his head, trying to relieve some tension in the room.
“Anyways, it seems Cornello is 100% ready to kill us.” (y/n) said, looking down at Cray’s unconscious body.
“Understatement.” Ed retorted. 
Edward, (y/n) and Alphonse stood in front of a dark oak door, which supposedly led to Father Cornello’s ‘room’; there were two wax candles attached to the wall either side of the door. The wax was beginning to melt down the metal brace keeping them in place. A curved window sat above the door frame, the warm light from the room leaking through it. “Is this Cornello’s room? The one Rose told us about?” (y/n) questioned looking up at the door that was towering over them. 
“Well there’s only one way to find out.” Edward said confidently, his hands cemented in his pockets. Then, the door slowly opened as if it was its own person, beckoning them into the room. 
“Hmph. I guess that means ‘come in’”. 
The room was quiet, the only sound that could be heard was footsteps and the flickering of the dim candles that sat on the columns that were laid out like a hallway to the stairs. The light was not bright enough to see the corners of the large room. There was a copper-like odour along with rotten eggs and burnt animal fat, flooding their sinuses. Cornello stood upon a staircase, a sinister smile painted on his wrinkled face. The large door slammed behind them, the echo bouncing off the tall walls.
“Did you come here to hear me preach?” Cornello asked the teens, trying to feign innocence, gripping the bannister and his cane tighter. 
“Yeah, by all means teach us...” Ed scoffed, cockily staring him down, Alphonse and (y/n) stood either side of him also looking up at the older man. 
“Like about how you use your lame alchemy to lie to your followers!”
“Please don’t confuse my miracles with alchemy.” His face still remained neutral but they could feel anger start to build up within the man. The teens looked completely unconvinced. “I have no reason to lie to you children, I do not use alchemy.”.
“It’s in the ring right?” Cornello seemed to freeze at Edward’s words.
“What’s in the ring?” The older man asked cautiously, not wanting to reveal his nerves. 
“The philosopher's stone.”. The air was thick, words were hanging like chandeliers, every breath crystallising.  
“Heh, the government gets their money out of you, don’t they?” his gaze was unwavering “I guess you saw through it all” He took a breath before exclaiming “Correct!” Cornello raised his hand as if he was cupping the air, showing off his ring, the red stone glistening in the warm light. “The philosopher's stone, the legendary amplifier of all alchemical processes!” 
A look of determination and desperation seeped its way onto Edward’s features, “How long I’ve searched for that.”  
“Ha, what’s with that jealous look in your eyes! What do you need the stone for? Money? Honour?” He stepped further towards the bannister. “What I really need is followers to give their lives for me, soon I’ll have enough people to take over the whole nation! Think about it, a frantic army with no fear of death!” Cornello stood cackling and the three teens looked between each other awkwardly. 
“Yeah we don’t really care.” Edward said nonchalantly, “I’ll be blunt, just give us the stone and we’ll be quiet about the scam you're pulling.” 
“Ha! Are you trying to bargain with me? My followers would never believe a word from the likes of you!”
“Well we didn’t expect anything less from your holiness, thank you, really for letting us hear that speech” (y/n) spoke sweetly, smiling hands clasped looking up toward Cornello. Alphonse was undoing his chest plate before she began again. “Yeah, they probably wouldn't give us the time of day, but! They’ll most likely listen to her.” Al’s chestplate fell to the floor with a thud and the chainmail hanging in the young boy's chest was moved to reveal a very disgusted Rose.
“What! Rose what are you-!?” Both of father Cornello’s hands gripped the bannister as he leaned forward. 
Rose climbed out of Al, she was livid. She was screaming up at him, feeling betrayed “You weren’t going to bring him back!”
“Perhaps being a messenger of god was a lie, but there’s still a way to bring him back. This stone can do wonderful things, we can resurrect your lover.” 
“Rose, don't listen!” Alphonse shouted, taking a step toward the girl.
“Be a good child and come here.” Cornello beckoned Rose
“If you go you won’t be able to come back!” Ed said loudly, anger lacing his words. 
“Am I not the only one who can grant your wishes? Remember your beloved!” 
His words were circling her head like murder of crows, though the light was dim it was hurting Rose’s eyes, this was too much pressure she knew what father Cornello had done was wrong, she knew it for a fact, he had lied to everyone. It felt as if poppy flowers were blooming in her head, she knew deep in her heart that she would give up her morals to see him again, even if it was just once. It’s not like the truth will do any good anyway, everyone looks up to Cornello, he is the light in their dark days and she knew that. Rose turned to look at the three once again, Edward looked angry, his brows furrowed, hands tightened into fists, lips sown into a line almost frowning, his shoulders loose and ready to fight when or if it come to it, his head is facing Rose yet his body was not, Ed’s back faced his brother and his chest faced his friend. Alphonse, though he had no facial expressions, was clearly tense, ready to attack at a moment's notice. And there was (y/n), her guard completely down, shoulders slumped, her gloved hands hanging by her sides and eyes full of worry. Her heart hurt for Rose, she was clearly in distress and there was nothing the teen girl could do to ease her pain, and it killed her, (y/n) took Rose’s pain as her own all she wanted was to help her. 
“I’m sorry, you three.” Rose said not even turning to face them, her voice saddened. She walked towards Father Cornello with a heavy heart, as Rose reached the bottom of the stairs Cornello reached for a metal hatch on the wall. 
The hatch swung open, banging against the wall, it revealed a lever. “Now I have to purge these terrorists that threaten the future of my religion!” Father Cornello shouted as he yanked the lever down, nearly pulling it out of the hatch, a menacing grin decorating his face. A wall on the left of the group crashes up, all three of them turn towards the noise in shock, to be met with a pitch black void, with nothing but two piercing yellow eyes staring back at them. The creature emerged, almost like it was stalking its prey, slowly coming into the dim light revealing itself. 
“The philosopher’s stone is really amazing, it can create things like this.”
The creature fully stepped into the light, it was a grotesque mix of animals, the front half of it was a lion, it's mane matted, the bottom of the mane covered in saliva, it's backend legs were that of an enlarged eagle and the rest of its body was that of a crocodile scales coming forth from the fur of the lion. 
Edward sighed, rolling his eyes he placed his hands together and slapped them against the ground. Blue lighting grew from the ground, his red jacket flowing in the breeze as he stood up straight, his bladed staff following him up. Father Cornello gripped the bannister in anger “Transmutation without an alchemy circle! I guess state alchemist isn't just a fancy name, but that won't be enough!”.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
By Lior Zaltzman
I keep thinking I might be done crying since October 7, and then I realize, as more and more news keeps pouring in, there will always be more tears. Today, those tears are thanks to Rachel Goldberg, a dual American-Israeli citizen who talked to the U.N. about her son, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who was kidnapped by Hamas from the Supernova festival in Re’im, where almost 300 were killed.
It has been both devastating and inspiring to see how the families of hostages are sharing some of the most eloquent, prescient words to describe the situation they find themselves in, even with all their fear and grief. Through sleepless nights, they are finding a kind of endless energy to fight these battles. For Goldberg, these battles have led her from her home in Jerusalem, where she got two text message from her son — “I love you” and “I’m sorry” — hours before his phone was last geo-located across the border in Gaza to the U.N. in New York this Wednesday.
Goldberg, who is originally from Chicago, described, in as much detail as she could, what happened to her son, who was  celebrating his 23rd birthday at the festival, during that terrible day almost three weeks ago. Everything she knows she managed to glean from a few survivors who were near Hersh at the time, hiding under stacks of bodies and pretending to be dead.
“Here I live in a different universe than all of you,” she explained to the U.N. “You are right there… but I, like all of the mothers and all of the fathers and husbands and wives and sisters and brothers and loved ones of the stolen, we actually live on a different planet.” She went on to say the cruelest of questions is one that they get asked unwittingly, without malice, every day: “How are you?”
While she and the rest of the families of the over 200 hostages, who hold citizenships from 33 different countries, are in their “planet of agony… this planet of beyond pain, our planet of no sleep, our planet of despair, our planet of tears,” she asks, “Where is the world? … Why is no one demanding just proof of life?… This is a global humanitarian catastrophe,” she cried.
Goldberg also talked about “the hatred showered on Israel.” She said that she felt an article she read put it best: “When you only get outraged when one side’s baby is killed, then your moral compass is broken, and your humanity is broken.”
She implored people to ask themselves, “Do I aspire to be human or am I swept up in the enticing and delicious world of hatred?” She understands that “hatred of the other, whoever we decide that other is, is seductive, sensuous and most of all, it’s easy.” But, she said, it’s “not helpful, nor is it constructive.”
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ladyloveandjustice · 1 year
ok I do have to talk about it I guess
but I saw a incredibly funny post tag diving that claimed Ed and Al operated on protagonist centered morality in the manga and "didn't face consequences for their actions" and that has to be the weirdest claim ever when the title of Fullmetal Alchemist might as well be "Ed and Al Face Consequences for Their Actions".
If you're annoyed about Ed forcing his personal morality about killing on others, good news, Ed literally gets stabbed completely though his body, is out of action for six months, and has to sacrifice part of his lifespan to heal because he recklessly interferes with a military operation to follow his moral code. He literally says "there are the consequences for my actions" afterwards. Ed is constantly eating the consequences of his actions. His character arc is that he needs to let go of his pride, and he does so in the end by sacrificing his alchemy. I dunno how much more clearly it could be spelled out.
some quibbling about the specifics of the post and differences between versions under the cut and then I'm back to never mentioning this again.
In my quick glance I think the main argument is in 2003 there's this moment where Scar calls out Ed on letting the military interfere with Liore because in 03 canon the people of Liore are a minority similar to Ishvalans so of course the miltary slaughtered them. (From my memory Ed is sad about it but then he continues comfortably blaming Scar for everything and it never ever comes up again, but I haven't seen 03 for a long time so I could be wrong, also I watched the dub back then and the sub might have had him self reflect more, and also the point is moot anyway- he did get called out and that's all that matters. )
The reason that doesn't happen in the manga isn't because Arakawa isn't afraid to question Ed, but because Liore is not a city populated mostly by a minority people related to Ishvalans in the manga. It was a mix of ethnicities just like every other city in Amestris in the manga, and it was 03 that decided to make it connected to Ishval. 2003 Ed did do something kind of bad, because he should have known based on his military's history of genocide that yeah, the military isn't going to be helpful to these people who are specifically minorities, maybe keep an eye on that.
But manga Ed's crime is...not knowing there were evil immortals who would use the confusion to cause a riot and would thus draw the military to kill everyone because actually there's a secret government conspiracy to cause bloodshed at certain points in Amestris? ??? Dude, literally nobody knew that! So it makes no sense for Ed to be "punished" by the narrative specifically for the sin of not knowing that. The homunculi would have fucked up Liore regardless of whether Ed exposed the local cult leader or not, and exposing a cult leader is not a bad thing someone needs to atone for. If Rose or someone had blamed Ed for what happened, they would have looked pretty unreasonable. I do agree that the positivity about rebuilding in the manga can easily rub people the wrong way, and I would have liked it to reflect the messy emotions that come in the aftermath of violence more too, but there was no narrative purpose in making Ed and Al carry guilt for it, and it would have felt forced.
The manga and 2003 had different aims with how they executed their plotlines. Liore in the manga and 2003 are different. Before you blame one for not ending up like the other, you have to consider whether that would have even made any sense. Anyway that's my last word, might delete this later.
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newsie-collective · 11 months
Lesley Jacobs 🥰
Another two parter! I love this lil guy!! He's such a skrunkly lil man
Quickfire Favorites
Food: “Taffy! I love taffy! ‘Speshully the salt ones!”
Color: “Green! No blue! !!!!! A mix o’ green an’ blue!!!”
Season: “Root beer!” after a confused look “We learned ‘bout Sassafras in school! And how it’s a season that gets turned to root beer!” more confused staring “You meant season like… like spring an’ summer, din’cha?”
Weather: “I like when it’s rainin’! Then we get to hang out with Cowboy at Miss Medda’s! We get to see him paintin’!”
Hobby: “Sword fightin’! I’s gettin’ real good! You wanna see?”
Animal: “Pigeons! They real smart! They can find their way from a hundred miles away!”
Memory: “Meetin’ Miss Medda! Cowboy brought us to her theater an’ we got to see the Bowery Beauties an’ see Miss Medda perform for the first time!”
Comfort Item: “My sword! It keeps me safe when I’s hawkin’!”
His birth name was Lior, but his parents Americanized it when they settled. 
They hadn’t lived in another country, they’d lived in a different state that was far more forgiving toward the Jewish community
Les doesn’t know where exactly his family lived before, he was born right before they moved, so he doesn’t remember it
He also doesn’t have room in his brain for things he doesn’t think is interesting
So he couldn’t tell you what city or state
He knows it was further inland than New York
Is very excited to live near the ocean
Is also filled with giddy terror at the thought of going anywhere near the ocean
Lior (changed to Lesley, and later shortened to Les) Miron Jacobs 
He’s baby
There’s not much else to say 😌
But I will anyway
Les Jacobs had a pretty good childhood. He was the youngest of three siblings, and was the baby of the family. He was doted on for most of his younger years. 
His family shielded and protected him from discrimination. They would take the brunt of any snide remarks sent their way, leaving Les oblivious to others’ hatred. For a while. 
With Davey as his big brother and Sarah as his big sister, he grew up with mega big brains. School, for the most part, came easy to him. He would tell his siblings what they were going to learn that week, and they’d show him how to do it. 
He got in trouble a lot for talking and fidgeting during class
It only got worse after the strike. 
Because he’d been out of school for so long he didn’t really remember how to sit still
Definitely has Gifted Kid Syndrome when he gets older. He tries so hard when he’s young, but after the strike and being around the newsies, school was kind of… boring. 
He cared less and less about schoolwork and more and more about hawking and being around the newsies. He wanted to learn less about school subjects and more about life.
Anything he wasn’t good at, he didn’t want to do. He wanted to be good at the things he did as soon as he tried them (Like hawking papes)
Les is neurodivergent 
I know everyone usually says ADHD, or something similar
But hear me out
Hyperlexia. More specifically Hyperlexia II.
There wasn’t a name for it back then, I think the name only came about less than a hundred years ago. 
Hyperlexia II occurs in children with autism. They are captivated by letters and words and numbers. 
He’s very good with dates, and loves learning new things. He loves spending time with Elmer and Davey. They can teach him math and reading, new words, new ways to see the world.
On that note, I believe Les has autism
Definitely has echolalia. He can and will repeat the phrases spoken by the people nearby. It happens most often with the newsies, which has gotten him into far more trouble than anything else
Says fuck at least once a day, just echoing Crutchie the newsies
Once they get settled back into a routine with the newsies, he refuses to let anything come between him and that routine (including, but not limited to: his mom finding out that the newsies smoked around him, Jack and Davey’s first and only fight, him asking his dad to teach him how to play poker so he could play the next time the newsies play)
Their routine, for anyone who was curious:
Davey wakes up with the first light of day. Les wakes as soon as his brother stirs
They both get up, and get ready. Socks first. Les can’t stand the feeling of the floor on his bare feet. He dresses up from there. Pants, shirt, suspenders, hat. 
Mama calls them for breakfast as soon as the sunlight touches the roof of the next building.
After breakfast, during the school year, they go to school, and during the summer they go to the Lodge.
Their shoes stay by the door. That’s the last thing he puts on before they leave. 
He stays out hawking for the same amount of time that he would’ve been in school
Afterward, they go to the theater to see Miss Medda.
Then, back to the Lodge to hang out with the newsies for a bit
The newsies fight over who gets to give him a piggyback ride
He picked Jack every time
Until he found out that Albert and Finch would run with him on their back
He picks Albert usually, because he’s easier to get on, but will pick Finch without too much fuss if Albert is busy
They get back home at dusk, doing homework by the light of the sun (or a candle once the sun had set)
Once finished with homework, they bathe, and get into bed
Has to repeatedly be told that there are certain things he can’t say certain places
He can’t speak what little Yiddish he knows in public, for fear of retaliation by the masses
He can’t say anything about the strike or the union, had to stop going to meetings and rallies because he would just talk and talk and talk to people, and would unknowingly jeopardize the entire operation
He can’t tell anyone about when he sees Davey and Jack huddled together on the fire escape, looking a little too close to be just friends
Looks up to Jack, and Jack does his best to be the role model he needed growing up. He doesn’t want Les selling papes, doesn’t want Les to be near their side of town (it’s dangerous, even with the newsies having his back), much less actually being a newsie and hawking.
“Davey said if I don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. So I’m not gonna say anything to you :) “ -Les
Alternatively: “Davey said if I don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. But Davey ain’t here and you’re a little BI-” -Les, right before Jack remembers that he prefers life
Is the bicon everyone wants Jack Kelly to be
Is a pastel boyo
Everyone expects him to be a neon guy, to complete the trifecta (Davey having an e-boy aesthetic is everything to me. Sarah is 10000% pastel princess (and def has an alt edge to it) but he’s def stolen at least 3 of Sarah’s sweaters, and tried on 4 of her skirts (has told no one) because he likes how flowy they are
Can and will fall asleep anywhere and everywhere
Is an absolute god at Clue(do). Davey and Katherine get so frustrated on game night because Les can look at the people around him, make one suggestion to get an idea of what everyone thinks, watch cards exchange hands, and make his final guess the next round.
He wins every single time
He’s terrifying when it comes to April Fools Day.
Like to the point that he isn’t allowed to pull pranks anymore
Not because anyone gets hurt
But because everyone else gets butthurt that they can’t outdo Les’s absolute EXTRAVAGANZA
Gets a lot of his self worth from others. He looks to the others for approval after he says or does anything, because if they don’t approve or think he’s doing a good job then how can he possibly think he’s doing a good job?
Says beep instead of excuse me
Trusts everyone
That being said, if someone wrecks that trust it’s next to impossible to earn it back
He can and will hold a grudge for ages
His longest streak has been six months
And it was because Sarah brought him regular taffy instead of salted taffy
He didn’t trust her to bring him candy until one day she showed up with several bags of saltwater taffy
Loves listening to the others talk about the things they like, and is really good at retaining that information
He has a vague idea of what he’s supposed to do as a good Jewish boy, but doesn’t always remember specifics
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honeysuckle-venom · 2 years
Something that I don't think is necessarily clear on here is that I'm a very odd person. I can do small talk and come across as pretty normal for an hour here or there when necessary. But when people get to know me at all they pretty quickly find out that I'm...peculiar. Eccentric, let's say.
My mannerisms and affect are just...off. My word choices, my speech patterns, my interests and expressions and reactions. I'm lucky in that it often comes off as quirky in a positive way I think, and there are plenty of people who like me. But I am definitely strange, and I always have been.
All this is to say that it was VERY funny to me last night when I got together with an old friend from college and told them I was schizophrenic and they were like "that makes sense." And I asked them why and they basically said because of my mannerisms and affect and general...me-ness. They were like, "Yeah, I mean, I always thought 'that's just how Lior is, oh it's just them being them,' but also..." It was so funny. Love that for me <3
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xxxjarchiexxx · 6 months
"Israel is opposed to a humanitarian pause or ceasefire at this time," Lior Haiat, Israel's Foreign Ministry spokesperson, said on Friday, while a senior Israeli official said calls for a pause in fighting appeared in "poor faith." The chorus of appeals for a pause followed days of intense diplomacy at U.N. headquarters in New York and in Brussels, and was a compromise between those, such as Spain, who wanted to push Israel to call a ceasefire, and those who say Israel's right to self defence was foremost. Israel says Hamas killed some 1,400 people including children and took more than 200 hostages in its Oct. 7 rampage. The Hamas-controlled Gaza health ministry said 7,326 Palestinians have died in retaliatory air strikes, including around 3,000 children. Supplies of food, water, fuel and medicine are scarce in the 40-km-long (25-mile-long) strip.
(Poster's note: the inclusion of 'Hamas-controlled' is a clear attempt of both-sides-ism to try to give some sort of foothold for genocide apologia to not alienate readers, this number has been substantiated with a list of victims and is not biased propaganda, as wording is meant to imply to a certain extent to keep Reuters' 'unbiased' status.)
27 October 2023
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lotusthewriter · 10 months
What I've Done - Chapter 4
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)
Rating: T
Relationships: Alphonse (Wrath) & Edward
Characters: Alphonse Elric (Wrath), Edward Elric, Sloth, Dante, Envy, Izumi Curtis, Scar, Rick, Leo; MINOR - Roy Mustang; other characters to be added
Summary: “As soon as the homunculus decides to shove these feelings down his throat and take the alchemist to Dante for once and for all, his troubled opponent finally dares to say something that stops the world from going.
“… Al?”
It paralyzes Wrath.”
A Homunculus Alphonse Elric AU.
Word count: TBA
First chapter | previous chapter
A/N: I'm aware that the chronological order of FMA 2003 is confusing in this AU, but I always enjoyed Al's interactions with the Ishbalans, and especially with Scar. I also like it because Al is questioning his existence, so I made sure to include it in this story.
I apologize if anyone is OOC here, but I want to thank everyone who has been reading the fic so far. <3
TRIGGER WARNINGS - death, grief, repressed trauma, child abuse, physical and emotional abuse, emotional neglect, canon-typical violence, self-sacrifice, suicidal thoughts, blood and injury, loss of limbs, and references to racism and genocide. (More might be added)
P/roship DNI.
“So the pipsqueak gave you a haircut?”
Rolling his eyes, Wrath instead ignores the comment, knowing that feeding Envy’s bullying only makes everything worse.
But of course, Envy knows exactly how to annoy other people.
“I wonder how the favorite must feel knowing that he failed his first mission,” he teases.
Wrath has learned better than to fight back.
“... I wonder, too,” he bites, “how pathetic you, Lust, and Gluttony are for Dante to entrust one person with a pipsqueak.”
Immediately after, he gets a punch to his gut, causing him to drop on his knees. Envy is growling like a furious animal.
“You’re just lucky because you’re an alchemist,” the older homunculus says, pulling Wrath’s now shortened hair hard.
Although it hurts like hell, something in Wrath has him smirk at the reaction, because Envy really is pathetic enough to bully people when he can’t measure up to anything himself.
Their little exchange doesn’t last longer, though, because Dante has called them all to another meeting. Usually the meetings are brief, with the exception of a few, and Dante doesn’t mention Wrath’s failure. Instead, she emphasizes on the Philosopher’s Stone, so everyone needs to try their hardest to make it happen. In the end, Dante orders Envy, Lust, and Gluttony to return to Liore, Sloth and Pride to remain in the military, and Wrath… to stay behind while everyone is dismissed.
Wrath can tell everyone is judging him as they leave, based on their looks. Envy still looks grumpy and he internally wishes he could kill Wrath over and over again. The others just ignore his existence, as usual, only this time the weight of his failure is crushing.
Still, Dante cups his face so very gently, and pushes some of his irregular bangs away from his left eye.
“Wrath, my dear,” she whispers even though nobody else is in the room. “I want you to head to Central to look for the alchemist you seek. Sloth told me he should be there tonight.”
The boy frowns. “I’m… going alone?”
Dante hums in confirmation. “You still need to prove yourself to your fellow homunculi. I know you can do it, Wrath, but they still don’t know your full potential. I want you to focus on your goal, and to keep persevering.” She rubs his cheeks with her thumbs delicately. “Can you do that for me, sweetheart?”
Wrath doesn’t hesitate to nod, though swallowing his nervous gulp, because he knows what happens when he fails.
“Good,” Dante smiles, kissing him on his forehead. “I’ll be waiting here for you. Go out there and make me proud.”
“I will.”
(Wrath’s smile doesn’t feel genuine.)
(He only smiles because Dante wants him to.)
(And that’s how it’ll always be.)
The Central is huge.
Wrath has no idea why Dante wants him to go this far. He clearly doesn’t belong out here. His first mission made sense, because it was in the forest, a place that he knew from the palm of his hand. But the Central is a whole other level that should’ve been reserved for more advanced missions.
Then again, it’s what Dante said: everyone needs to see that he’s worthy. If he couldn’t succeed in an easier task… then he should try harder to prove what he can give to them.
He should fight for himself, for the homunculi, for Dante.
That’s his whole goal.
As for his objective, however… he has no idea where to even look.
Which hotel is it? What if Ed is out in town to eat? What if the military has already called him somewhere else?
Wrath only has one way to know.
Lurking in the shadows, he manages to find a phone booth unnoticed. With great memory, he already knows what to do, and who to call. As it tries to reach the other end, he admittedly feels his gut acting out of anxiety, because… he usually stays out of the way until someone notices him.
(He only goes with Dante’s permission.)
Either way, when the other end picks up, the same coldness already speaks to him.
“You are not supposed to call this number.”
Wrath gulps, feeling like the cold has stabbed him in the chest.
“I-I… I just wanted to–”
“You’re not ready.”
This is barely lasting a minute, and he feels like he’s breaking apart with every word that comes out of Sloth’s mouth.
“B-But Dante said–”
“You’re confused, and if you really cared about our cause, you would have taken it more seriously. For starters, you wouldn’t have called me.”
Wrath’s violet eyes are blurring.
“Please, I need help,” he begs, “I need help so I can be good. I can’t fail again.”
“You need help because you only care about yourself.” Sloth doesn’t hesitate at all. “Because you are pitiful. You make no difference.”
The worst part is, she doesn’t even sound hateful. She just sounds indifferent.
And somehow, that makes Wrath cry.
He tries to swallow it back down, but Sloth likely knows.
“Don’t call this number again,” she says rather professionally, like she doesn’t know Wrath.
(Maybe that’s true, because even after three years, they only feel like strangers around each other.)
The phone dies.
Wrath involuntarily lets go as the tears burn his cheeks.
Afraid of being seen, he runs away, having not realized that it’s raining now. His clothes get the worst of it as he flees, one of his shoes flying away. He barely sees whoever is passing by, but it’s not like they would notice him or bother to worry anyway.
Sloth’s words just replay in his mind like a broken and repetitive melody, like the music Dante plays in her mansion late at night. When one is cold and brutal, the other is nostalgic and melancholic.
(Both equally haunting.)
Wrath has run so much that his legs give up and he falls in the shadows of a dark alley. There are a lot of empty wooden boxes stocked onto the other that previously served to keep food. The homunculus’ baggy, dark clothes feel too cold, and the freezing rain mixes with his hot tears. Unable to hold it in anymore, Wrath openly cries for the first time outside, not trapped in the mansion, not trapped in his room. He doesn’t have to be silent right now.
He only has his own comfort, so he hugs his knees tightly, trying to calm himself down with his own company. He was taught to do things this way.
Even if all he wants is Dante’s warm hug.
Even if all he wants is Sloth not to hate him. Or anyone in general not to hate him.
Even if…
He wants a family again.
Every time he hears Sloth’s voice now, he remembers the woman with brown hair and green eyes that always smiled at him, that always hugged him whenever he had nightmares or couldn’t sleep at night.
And he hates to admit it, but…
Wrath remembers Ed’s loyalty, his protectiveness.
And he certainly recalls the young alchemist yelling his name in the forest, because it still feels like Ed is looking for him this entire time. Especially right now in the rain.
(Does he want Ed to find him?)
Wrath is supposed to hate him.
He needs to hate him.
He does hate him.
He does.
Maybe Sloth is right.
He is confused.
He is pitiful.
He doesn’t make a difference.
(Ed would probably hate him, too.)
The moment Wrath hears rushing steps, he freezes in place like a statue.
Much to his bad luck, the steps are coming his way. He doesn’t dare look up, but from what his senses can tell, it seems like at least two people have come to hide in this very alley.
Somewhere near him, Wrath can tell someone is yelling angrily.
Then it’s gone.
The two strangers sigh in relief, tired out of running, probably.
“We lost him,” one of them says, satisfied. They sound… young. Like a boy. “Here, eat up.”
“I don’t want any!” The other, younger, protests. “What were you thinking?! You just picked it up out of nowhere and stole it! If Mom knew we were–”
Something… grumbles and silences the two kids.
“There, see?” The older one is soft. “You can’t be so hard on yourself.”
Wrath knows said words aren’t meant for him. He has nothing to do with those two, whoever they are.
Wrath sniffs again and sobs quietly.
“Whoa, did you hear that?” The elder boy whispers.
“It’s… a kid,” the other observes, concerned.
The homunculus doesn’t look up, afraid of what they’re going to think of him.
There’s some thoughtful silence between the three, until Wrath hears some shuffling.
“Um, hi?” The younger voice speaks up, and a hand touches the other’s shoulder, causing Wrath to flinch violently.
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you,” the older one says. “Hey, are you hungry? We have some apples here, if you want.”
Sniffing again, Wrath considers it. At this point he has nothing left to lose. He doesn’t even have a place to go. Maybe he needs to eat something to clear his head.
The homunculus slowly lifts his head, indeed finding two boys gazing at him with sadness and curiosity. They look very similar, so maybe they’re siblings. Unlike Wrath, who’s pale and has purple eyes, the duo is brown-skinned and… red-eyed.
Wrath remembers Dante mentioning them when it came to the Philosopher’s Stone. He remembers Ishbal being devastated and its people massacred. This is Wrath’s first time seeing them.
He pushes these questions for later though, because the older one is holding out an apple for Wrath, even smiling at him. The fact that two strangers are being so kind to him, more than the people he has known his whole life, makes him want to cry miserably again.
Wrath barely raises his head, knowing the two are going to see through him and judge him, so he eats the apple in silence, slowly.
“I’m Rick,” the younger Ishbalan says with a smile, “and this is my brother Leo. What’s your name?”
Wrath doesn’t reply and looks away.
“Hey, aren’t you even gonna tell us your name?” Leo asks impatiently.
The homunculus insists on being silent.
Leo groans.
“Great, he’s just like Scar,” he curses under his breath. “But at least he’s eating something.”
Everything stops.
“... Scar?”
His first word surprises the two Ishbalans.
They also look shocked by Wrath, who instinctively exposed his pale face and violet eyes.
Regardless, Rick answers his question.
“Yeah, that’s him,” he replies. “Do you know him?”
Wrath shakes his head.
“Well… you could follow us and meet him, if you want,” Rick suggests. “He’s not bad like everyone makes him look like.”
Leo elbows his younger brother’s arm kind of aggressively.
“What are you doing?” He hisses. “What if he wants to hurt him? Or us, for that matter? Look at him!” Leo gestures at the entirety of Wrath’s pathetic form.
“What, now you’re going to judge him the same way everyone judges us?” Rick argues, firm but patient.
Wrath’s defenses seem to lower the more Rick speaks. He’s supposed to be on a mission that he can’t fail, and yet here he is, talking to two human boys, and one of them is treating Wrath, a homunculus, like a person.
“Don’t listen to him,” Rick reassures Wrath with a friendly smile. It reminds the latter of the past, of looking into a mirror. “I mean it, you can come with us! You don’t have to be alone.”
Wrath shouldn’t feel… warmth inside him. This is selfish. He knows Dante wouldn’t approve, nor would Sloth or any of the other homunculi. Wrath needs to find the Fullmetal Alchemist and bring him to justice. He can’t lose time.
Scar is with them.
Wrath heard that Scar seeks State Alchemists. Maybe he’s looking for Ed, too.
Maybe Wrath and Scar could… team up.
He’ll do anything for his mission.
His mission only.
Wrath stands up and… takes off the dark hood that covers his head, exposing his whole head and wetting his messy black hair.
While Leo looks suspicious, Rick has the biggest smile on his face, completely welcoming of the stranger.
(Wrath tries his best not to smile back.)
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the-biornicles · 6 months
no. fuck you. i love the way tumblr romanticizes everything. on tiktok everyone is saying “she thought she ate” “what is bro up to 😭” “oh hell nah 💀💀” and then on tumblr you see posts like “i am going to rant extensively about my blorbo” “hey have a positivity post” “there is something beautiful and poetic about eating toast”
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nearmidnightannex · 1 year
Viola Davis, EGOT
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Viola Davis achieves EGOT with Grammy win for her audiobook By Joe Sutton and Zoe Sottile, CNN Published 5:28 PM EST, Sun February 5, 2023
After winning a Grammy Award, Viola Davis has officially completed the holy grail of entertainment awards. 
Davis’ Sunday win for the audiobook of her memoir “Finding Me” completes her EGOT collection. She previously won an Emmy for her role in “How to Get Away with Murder,” an Oscar for “Fences,” and two Tony awards for “King Hedley III” and “Fences.”
Davis, 57, won the award for “Best Audio Book, Narration, and Storytelling Recording,” according to a tweet from the Recording Academy, which hosts the Grammys.
In her acceptance speech, the multi-hyphenate performer paid tribute to her younger self.
“I wrote this book to honor the 6-year-old Viola,” she said. “To honor her life, her joy, her trauma, everything. And, it has just been such a journey – I just EGOT!”
Davis’ career has been studded with awards and firsts. In 2015, she became the first Black woman to win an Emmy for best actress in a drama and in 2017, she became the first Black woman to score three Academy Award nominations.
INTERVIEW: Meet The First-Time GRAMMY Nominee: Viola Davis On Sharing Her Life To Help People Change Theirs & Her Potential EGOT LIOR PHILLIPS | GRAMMYS/JAN 30, 2023 - 10:36 AM
"There are not enough words and pages to quantify one's life," Viola Davis says with a warm, stern certainty — despite having delivered a memoir that carries a remarkable weight and beauty.
Living through difficult experiences takes incredible strength. Living through them again to write a memoir and  then read them aloud as an audiobook must be a herculean feat. But it should come as no surprise that Davis has proven herself more than capable of meeting that challenge.
The acclaimed actor’s memoir, Finding Me, reaches back to her difficult childhood, to trauma and struggle, and continues through on her journey of healing and artistic achievement — and Davis delivers it with an uncanny blend of fragility and strength. Davis, a first-time GRAMMY nominee, has been lauded for her efforts, with Finding Me receiving a nod for Best Audio Book, Narration, and Storytelling Recording at the 2023 GRAMMYs.
And now the audiobook extends the possibility to add a GRAMMY Award to her awards shelf alongside an Emmy, an Oscar, and two Tonys, potentially making her the 18th person to complete the EGOT. While joining those ranks would be an undeniable honor, Davis’ vision of achievement and impact remains much simpler: helping others find the hope and healing that she discovered. "When you begin to connect with yourself, to unpack your life and make peace with it, it's easier to connect to the world — and I want other people to do the same," she says.
GRAMMY.com caught up with Davis to talk about how reading Finding Me differed from her usual style of performance, finding her calling in life, and what joining the ranks of EGOT winners would mean to her....
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funnelsblogtb · 2 years
On Twitter, Yael Consulting founder Lior Krolewicz noticed a strange issue where Google isn’t reporting the correct ad spend. We checked the Google Ads status dashboard and it looks like this is a known issue. What Google says. There is no word on when the issue will be resolved. Be sure to check the dashboard for updates. There's an ongoing issue affecting Google ads products and Google Analytics for a large number of accounts. We're working on addressing the issue. Please see the dashboard for updates: https://t.co/F19BfFAJ8F— AdsLiaison (@adsliaison) July 15, 2022 Why we care. Incorrect reporting gives way to incorrect adjustments, optimization, and changes. Check your ads dashboard. If your numbers look incorrect, you may want to hold off on making any big changes until the issue has been resolved. New on Search Engine Land About The Author Nicole Farley is an editor for Search Engine Land covering all things PPC. In addition to being a Marine Corps veteran, she has an extensive background in digital marketing, an MBA and a penchant for true crime, podcasts, travel, and snacks.
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eretzyisrael · 2 years
One Israeli was killed and three others were injured after a terrorist, later identified as Muhammad al-Jabari, opened fire at Israeli civilians and security forces at a checkpoint in the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, near the home of Otzma Yehudit MK Itamar Ben-Gvir on Saturday night, according to the IDF Spokesperson's Unit.
A Magen David Adom medic was seriously injured in the attack and was being treated at Shaare Tzedek Medical Center. As of Sunday morning, he was sedated and intubated and in a serious, but stable, condition.
Two others in light condition were treated at Hadassah Ein Kerem Medical Center and were released from the hospital overnight. A 37-year-old Palestinian was also injured and was evacuated by Israeli forces to be treated in the territories under the auspices of the Palestinian Authority.
A large force from the Israel Police and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) arrived at the scene, Maariv reported. The assailant was killed by a civil security officer, the IDF said, with scans ongoing to determine whether more terrorists were involved in the attack.
Alongside the civilian security officer was an off-duty IDF officer from the Golani Brigade, the IDF said on Sunday morning. The officer, who lives in the vicinity of the terror attack, heard the gunshots and arrived on the scene, working with the civilian officer to kill al-Jabari.
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"The security guard was hit, I returned fire and went to pull him back," the Golani Brigade officer, whose identity remains anonymous, said in a video statement released by the IDF.
MDA medic Yisrael Lior, who was present at the scene of the attack, stated on Saturday night that he arrived with another medic to the scene at the Ashmoret checkpoint in Hebron and saw a man who had been shot in a car.
"While I was running to get medical equipment, I heard the medic I was with shouting "I'm injured. [They're] shooting at me,'" said Lior. "We took cover and while I was providing life-saving treatment to the medic I was with, we called in additional forces and after they arrived, we evacuated the injured person from the vehicle and the medic I was with to the hospital."
Terrorist reportedly affiliated with Hamas
Muhammad al-Jabari was named as the terrorist who carried out the attack. A group calling itself Aswad al-Haq and claiming to be a part of Hamas's al-Qassam Brigades announced that al-Jabari was a member of the group but that the attack had not been carried out under commands from the group. The Aswad al-Haq group was reportedly established just last week.
Gantz, Lapid hold situation assessments
Defense Minister Benny Gantz held a situation assessment on Saturday night with IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi and Shin Bet head Ronen Bar. Gantz stressed that operational steps needed to be taken in accordance with the situation.
 Prime Minister Yair Lapid carried out a situation assessment after the attack and ordered that security forces in the area be reinforced.
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"I share in the grief of the family of the person murdered in tonight's attack. There are no words that can comfort you at this difficult time. I wish a speedy recovery to the injured," said Lapid. "We will act with all the tools at our disposal and we will not allow terrorism to raise its head"
Ben-Gvir wasn't targeted in terror shooting, security forces say
Despite initial reports, the shooting was not directed at the Ben-Gvir’s home like he claimed but rather at a military checkpoint near the settlement.
Ben-Gvir’s family and the other residents of Kiryat Arba were told to stay inside as Israeli security forces investigated.
“My family is currently being secured under a shooting attack on our home in Givat Avot,” Ben-Gvir wrote on Twitter. “We’re listening to the instructions from security forces.”
This is a developing story.
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cdigitalss · 2 years
Google Ads, Analytics issue affecting reporting stats
Google Ads, Analytics issue affecting reporting stats
On Twitter, Yael Consulting founder Lior Krolewicz noticed a strange issue where Google isn’t reporting the correct ad spend. We checked the Google Ads status dashboard and it looks like this is a known issue. What Google says. There is no word on when the issue will be resolved. Be sure to check the dashboard for updates. There’s an ongoing issue affecting Google ads products and Google…
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littlesmartart · 3 years
Now I’m curious, what songs do you aggressively assign to xiyao and 3zun? (Only somewhat related, have you ever heard the song “Heart of Stone” from the SIX soundtrack? Excluding one line (without my son your love would disappear), I feel very passionately that it is a Yanli talking about Zixuan song.)
under a cut because this got RIDICULOUSLY long haha
okay okay so XIYAO... first of all, let's get this tragic shit over and done with -
Burn from Hamilton (I drew a comic here)
Sympathy by Kyla La Grange is a guilty JGY reflecting on their relationship (A lead weight for your open palm / And a white shirt over your bloody heart / To think I thought I was all you are / I was missing from the start / Couldn't let you cradle my head or stay / Let you waste your wonderful words / In my sleep I circled your heart with red ink / When I woke you were already hurt)
Broken by Jake Bugg is Xichen towards the end of canon (For you have become / All I lost and all I hoped for / But I must carry on / Always one, never broken / Run to the lobby where I saw you try / Don't give a damn for your reasons why)
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want, specifically the Muse cover because of how jarring and discordant it is, is JGY having his breakdown in the temple and cry-yelling at Xichen (Haven't had a dream in a long time / See, the life I've had / Can make a good man bad / So for once in my life / Let me get what I want / Lord knows, it would be the first time)
Mr Blue by Catherine Feeney being JGY at the end of canon because colour symbolism (Mr. Blue / I told you that I love you / Please believe me / Mr. Blue / I have to go now, darling / Don't be angry / I know that you're tired / Know that you're sore and sick and sad for some reason / So I leave you with a smile / Kiss you on the cheek / And you will call it treason)
aaaand then for some happy stuff because you know in any universe they'd be the soppiest most heart-eyes chin-hands motherfuckers at each other. I think that really you could apply a lot of [dreamy sigh] [lovesick smile] [deep yearning] ballads to them tbh?
Somethin' Stupid, and I'm going to recommend the Robbie version because that's the one I have and I legit like it so shut up. I think this would be mostly how everyone outside sees them - as two people who are being so weirdly anxious whilst also desperately embarrassingly and obviously mutually pining 🙄 (I know I'd stand in line / Until you think you have the time / To spend an evening with me / And if we go someplace to dance / I know that there's a chance / You won't be leaving with me / Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place / And have a drink or two / And then I go and spoil it all / By saying something stupid / Like I love you)
My Guy by Kele Okereke because it's just!!! so soppy and romantic and this cover was made specifically for an album of queer wedding songs called "Universal Love"!! (I've got sunshine on a cloudy day / When it's cold outside / I've got the month of May / Well I guess you'd say / What can make me feel this way? / My guy / I'm talkin' 'bout my guy)
Atlas: Two by Sleeping At Last - I found this song through a gorgeous Wangxian video but I think it works really really well for Xiyao too, because they also have that mutual Let Me Take Care Of You Forever Please love language (I know exactly how the rule goes / Put my mask on first / No, I don't want to talk about myself / Tell me where it hurts / I just want to build you up, build you up / 'Til you're good as new / And maybe one day, I'll get around / To fixing myself, too)
Yellow by Coldplay because that colour symbolism!! Xichen @ JGY (And your skin / Oh yeah, your skin and bones / Turn in to something beautiful / Do you know / For you, I'd bleed myself dry / For you, I'd bleed myself dry)
3zun is a little more complicated but I do have some!
Up In Flames by Coldplay with that sense of slow inevitable destruction (So it's over / This time you're flying on / This time I know no song / Can stop, its slowly burn / Can stop, it's slowly gone / Up in flames / Up in flames / Up in flames / We have slowly gone)
Safety Of Distance by Lior - this one is specifically about NieYao reconciling and 3zun coming back together, be that in a happier AU or in a fierce corpse AU post-canon (And all the colours will return to these hills / Where the dust of despair takes hold / One day they will drink from these now still waters / Where there's a will there's a road / It won't bring back lovers and friends, / But it might make for a happier end)
Coming Down by Halsey (I drew a comic here)
Gone Gone Gone by Phillip Phillips and this one is perhaps more Xichen @ NieYao than 3zun mutually, although in an AU where they've reconciled it work (When you fall like a statue / I'm gon' be there to catch you / Put you on your feet, you on your feet / And if your well is empty / Not a thing will prevent me / Tell me what you need / What do you need? / I surrender honestly / You've always done the same for me / So, I would do it for you, for you / Baby, I'm not movin' on / I'll love you long after you're gone)
Keep Moving by The Boxer Rebellion - a general sense of inevitability but clinging to each other in the time they have (One by one / I know we have seen some things / That could have torn us apart / Threaten what we have been / And I have asked myself / What could be more then this / And if you left me tomorrow / It is all I know I'd miss / But I know... / Keep moving with me now / Keep moving with me now / We have seen / The way its gonna be / The way its gonna be)
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shaywrites-ifs · 2 years
‘Their crush asks them to dance and pulls them to the dance floor. How do they react? Do they try to hide their feelings? And most importantly, do they dance?’ and ‘Where is their favorite place to be kissed?’ for all the ROs if possible!
oh ballrooms and parties are so fun! That one will be longer tho and under the cut!
Favorite Place to be Kissed (neck up)
Velan: Lips, Neck
Halina: Corner of the mouth, temple (if you're reaching that high up, you're huge or she's content with you)
Sybille: cheeks, forehead (lips in private)
Elio: Hands- knuckles, palms, fingers, ect
Meline: Jaw, Cheeks
Lior: Lips, Nose, Hair
He is by a window, leaning beside it with his long tail swaying along to the music, staring out at the stars glowing bright across the deep dark blue of the night. At least, Velan was before he see's your reflection in the glass approaching. You are as dressed up as everyone else here, yet still somehow singular and eye catching against the opulent backdrop of the party.
The titansol turns as you near, not even attempt to smother the smile that grows at your proximity. Your attention. There is zero resistance when you reach for him, letting you pull at his hand, tugging him in the direction of the dance floor with a few pleading words.
"Oh?" he starts, barely looking away from you as his hands tighten their hold on yours. “I hope you weren’t waiting to ask me, [name].” Dancing was hardly a hardship, especially with you. As you step onto the dance floor he tugs back, pulling you against his chest, other hands sliding along your waist. The music starts up and he steps into the dance with the grace of somebody trained. Of somebody who enjoys it. His hands tighen on your waist, spinning you around with a smile that only ever seems to appear around you. “Though, I hope you didn’t plan to lead.”
The titansol is in a conversation she, quite frankly, could do without. But her partner titters and laughs as she makes a joke and Halina keeps herself from sighing. She keeps the polite smile on her face as her tail idly sways in the only show of aggravation. When you appear at her side the smile shifts from polite to relieved, turning to you almost fully in interest of what you have to say.
Her eyes widen when you take hold of her arm and tug her towards the dance floor. Halina gives a startled laugh at first before realizing you are very serious. She gives another little laugh, this one much less confident. “I don’t suppose you could be dissuaded?” she says, even as she moves into position in front of you, you lifting her hands to proper place. You assure her you cannot, and she huffs. “Very well. As always, I am eager to see what you can do, dear.” Perhaps, she thinks, this will be okay, even as her heart flutters faster than music at how close you are. 
You lead her onto the dance floor and she dances with ease and grace, well enough to keep you both sliding across the floor, her smile growing with each turn and the tension easing from her shoulders. For now, for today, for this moment, she lets herself focus on you and this warmth. This spectacular moment.
She has the single thought, for a moment, that you must have been looking for her since she had disappeared from the party. It was just for a moment, a stolen piece of time to catch her breathe. Parties were something she learned, but hardly ever felt comfortable in. She had slipped outside for a moment, fingers trailing over the flowers as she calms herself.
You appear and any calm she thought she had gathered vanishes with a hammering heart and eager anxiousness. She doesn’t quite know what to do with herself, with you. But as usual, you sweep in with ease, no matter how tumulous her thoughts just you being you is able to focus them. On you, of course, but that says even more, perhaps. She cannot help but smile at just your approach, hope and want bubbling.
Then you ask for a dance and it turns to ice. She had, before, of course, but somehow she hates the idea. Hates the idea of putting on that sort of show and farce with you. What she wants with you is better than that. Better than all of that. It wouldn’t feel right, now, she thinks. She looks over your shoulder, brows furrowing and grip tightening it’s hold on your hand as she puts up the smallest of fights.
But somehow that’s enough for you to notice. For some reason you pay attention and it’s amazing and overwhelming. You turn, smiling, offering instead to dance there, in the garden, and the anxious twist in her stomach warms, flutters like butterflys, and she knows you cannot miss how her runes positively glow as she presses closer to you.
Honestly, he doesn’t wnat to be there but at leas the is easily overlooked. They talk around him, or the attention that they do inflict upon him is to use him as a stepping stone. Which is fine, really. People do so slip up when they think he’s not worthy. The things he learns, the things they unintentionally share, he tucks it away for a later date. Perhaps it’ll be useful, perhaps not.
Then you emerge and his fingers twitch at his side. You, for some reason. look at him. You for some reason want to see. He feels the warmth spread in his chest and knows what it means. He knows what it means to yearn, and oh how he wishes he could take a step back. Release himself from teh pull of yoru presence as you step closer already, smiling as you attempt to weasel something from him.
Part of him knows he’d do it. For your smile, your comfort and happiness. He’s not even sure what it is, but he wants to do it. Then your hands reach for his, still smiling as you dance around the subject, and all thoughts leave his mind as you gently cradle his hand. Like it’s precious, like it’s not too cold and harsh. He can feel the skin of your callouses, the bumps of each finger joint, and startles as your thumb brushes over his.
Elio follows. He wants to follow, staring at you in wonder, until he see’s behind you. The lights, the crowd, the eyes. His heart stammers, stops, and he yanks his hand back. The fae flees, clutching his hand to his chest and knowing he was leaving parts of his heart.
The satyr has found a nice wall and leans against it, arms crossed as she considers the party. It seems odd. But they always do to her. Gatherings she gets. Fellow Aegis, soldiers, warriors, the bounty hunters, they are a crowd she understands. This place with the weak drinks and airy food, leaves her confused and agrieved. And if she keeps watch on the exits, well, call her paranoid.
You saddle up beside her, though and she spares you a glance and a grin. “Haivng your fun?” she teases, voice low to keep from attracting other attention. You disagree, reaching a hand up to her arm, saying you know what would be fun. For you at least.
Her brows shoot up and she seems to lose her usual confidence. You even get her trailing you a moment in her deer like stare and wonder. Then her hand tightens in your hold and she catches herself. She catches the hammer of her heart and heat in her cheeks and corrects course. Because how dare you, Meline thinks with a bit of glee.
She tugs you back, against her. “Good try,” she says between smiles, enjoying the feel fo you so close, of the security that spreads over her with you in her arms. “But you want a dance, you’ll have to earn it.”
The room is bright and Lior only shines brighter under the social opulence. He is dressed to the nines and floats across the party with a pleased smile and enjoys the feeling of all the eyes on him. He knows he’ll grow bored soon enough if something doesn’t happen. Somebody throwing their drink on their partner, perhaps, somebody dueling another for the hand. an odd couple taking stage on the dance floor. Something. But for now he enjoys just the energy of all the people trying to push plans into fruition.
And then he feels the tug of his large sleeve and turns to find you slipping your fingers between his and pulling from the middle of a conversation- apparently somebody’s cousin was caught attempting to light a bridge of fire for some cause- and he ignores the calls of the others because you are far, far more interesting. He tightens his hold and raises a brow as you tug again towards the dance floor.
Lior applauds that you beat him to it. His smile grows because oh, he loves this. Loves that you want to. He lets you pull him, only putting up a token resistance. “Oh! You wish to dance? And with me!” he tosses his head, glee building. “A temptress leading me but to a dance I am unsure I can follow! How sweet you are, alluring me from a path chosen!”
You know it is all an act, and when you play along, smiling of your own growing as you agree. People look, and stare, and judge, and he ignores them because the happiness he feels as he lets you sweep him up into position, hand at his waist and laughter in his ears, means more to him then their judgement ever would.
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