#lugu art
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hello i was dead and i’m alive for a bit to post the serotonin injection that is QSMP for my tntduo addled body
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aviedoodles · 4 months
an explanation
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inspired by this post
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loubatas-art · 5 months
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Apollo - Wolf
Second painting of a series of four with a Greek mythology theme
In Ancient Greek culture, wolves were closely associated with Apollo. It's unsure where it comes from, maybe the similitude between the Ancient Greek word for "wolf", λύκος (lukos), and for light, λευκός (leukos), or maybe because of his aspect of Master of Animals that echoes his sister's, or something else. This association with a god of light, arts, and overall civilisation is pretty unusual, as in most other European mythologies wolves are associated with either war gods or psychopomps (like Mars in Roman mythology, Odin in Norse mythology, or the Gaulish god Lugus).
Whatever its origin is, that association was pretty strong, with several of Apollo's epithets referencing wolves, unusual wolf attacks on livestock (like in broad daylight, or targeting the one head of the herd and no other animal) being often seen as signs from the god, myths mentioning Apollo sending wolves as signs or punishment to mortals, and herders often praying Apollo to protect them and their livestock from wolves
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whencyclopedfr · 4 months
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Lugh (également Lugus ou Lug) était l'un des dieux celtes les plus importants, en particulier en Irlande, et il représentait le soleil et la lumière. Bien qu'il ait été à l'origine une divinité omnisciente et clairvoyante, Lugh fut ensuite considéré comme un personnage historique, un grand guerrier et un héros de la culture irlandaise. Lugh porte souvent une épithète telle que Lugh Lámfada (ou Lámfhota), qui signifie long bras ou "de la longue main", en référence à ses prouesses avec les armes de jet, ou Lugh Samildánach, qui signifie "habile dans de nombreux arts et métiers". Il est un personnage important dans de nombreux récits de la mythologie irlandaise, où il mène la course des Tuatha Dé Danann à la victoire contre les marins Fomoires lors de la bataille de Mag Tuired. Lugh tue le borgne Balor à l'aide de sa lance ou fronde magique et instaure ainsi un règne de 40 ans de paix et de prospérité. Lugh ressemble à bien des égards au dieu celte Lugus, que les Romains décrivaient comme le Mercure gaulois.
Lire la suite...
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santoschristos · 1 year
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Apollo (Greco-Roman Mythology) God of Light, Sunlight, Oracles, Prophecy, Healing, Disease, Archery, Music, the Arts, Knowledge, and Protection. APOLLO (Greek; bright sun god), Surya (Vedic period), LUGUS/LUGH (Irish/Welsh), BABBAR (Sumerian), Ashur (Asyrian), Japanese Susanoo-No-Mikoto, Aztec Huitzilopochtli etc… He is one of these most popular gods in the ancient world. Long time and most powerful God, he was followed by all of ancient civilization. Apollo is a god of harmony, majesty, beauty, art, and high spirituality. His strong association with the Sun is a principle that integrates strongly into his statue and nature. In all his manifestations he has been a God of Justice. He strongly defends people who "pay their dues" and those who "get their dues paid", in a karmic way.
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houndofbel · 1 year
Hey! I saw you responded to some asks and I thought I'd give it a try myself (it's ok if you don't answer though).
I was just wondering what are your thoughts on Lugus? do you have any experiences with him? What does he represent?
Hey there! Thank you so much.
This is a great question. I've personally had minimal interactions with Lugus myself, but I've seen many examples of others' interactions with Him, so brief warning it's a lot of gnosis mixed in.
He's a warband leader, and feels like a younger generation of god compared to the more primal beings like Taranos and Belinos, Lugus is instead a god of culture, a god of the people. His association with the Irish god Lugh has brought in the aspect of being the many-skilled, and while historically that seemed to be focused on His marital ability, in Gaulpol there are many other martial and gods of war yet no true patron of the arts so instead Lugus is often seen in that role, as the "renaissance man" among the gods, skilled in many crafts and art.
To me, He represents the new generation that surpasses the old, not in spite of them, but because of them. He represents the flexibility, adaptability, the ability to learn, grow, and to hone our bodies and minds as humans.
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nitasilmey · 1 year
Dua hari ini aku (sangat) oversharing, aku tau, kwkwk. Bukan berarti aku merasa layak mendapat gelar sarjana hukum syariah, aku bahkan belum UAS semester terakhir, lol. Bukan artinya aku menganggap ini selesai dan final. Bukan aku ini orang paling paham fikih di antara kalian, bukan, sama sekali.
Ada amanat yang harus disampaikan, ada ilmu yang harus diwariskan, ada amal perbuatan yang harus terus dilanjutkan. Sesungguhnya, jalannya masih panjang, tanggung jawabnya sangat besar.
LIPIA adalah rumah keduaku setelah lulus dari MIAS, aku dibesarkan di sini, aku tumbuh di sini. Di sini titik balik dari masa remajaku. Di sini aku menimba ilmu seraya membekali diri untuk menjalani kehidupan orang dewasa. Di sini aku bertemu orang-orang terbaik: dosen-dosenku, sahabat-sahabat baruku. Di sini aku belajar banyak hal baru, menyeimbangkan kehidupanku lagi, bermetamorfosis, berubah, beradaptasi, learning, un-learning, re-learning, tertawa, menangis, takut, bangga, kecewa, berambisi, bahagia... tujuh (+ setengah) tahun lamanya.
It's not a short trip. It's a very long journey. A baby was born in 2016, now he's a big walking boy. Yet I remain a college student since then 😂
Dua hari ini bukan aku merayakan titel bachelor of art atau IPK ku yang standar itu, aku masih bukan siapa-siapa, masih setitik debu di antara milyaran bintang. Tapi aku bukan aku 7,5 tahun yang lalu. Aku bukan lagi seorang gadis lugu yang celingukan mencari papan kelas "i'dad 1".
Adalah tahun-tahun di mana aku menemukan rumah baruku, membersamai ilmu, berguru, bersahabat, merangkai cerita, membuat kenangan, berbagi afeksi, berkembang, tumbuh, menjelajah, merasakan setiap babak baru kehidupan... aku sedang merayakan ini. Merayakan salah satu dari bentuk karunia Allah padaku selama ini.
Aku kerap berpikir aku nggak pantas berada di titik ini, aku nggak pantas menyandang titel sarjana di belakang nama. Tapi Allah Yang Maha Pengasih, Allah Yang Maha Adil, Ialah yang menyampaikan aku ke hari ini. Dan sebesar apapun kecemasanku terhadap apa yang akan datang setelah ini, terhadap tanggung jawabku yang besar dan amanat yang harus ditunaikan, aku ingin nanti aku selalu tersenyum ketika teringat tujuh tahun terakhir ini. Aku ingin menamainya sebagai tahun-tahun terbaik. Aku ingin mengenangnya dengan manis. Aku ingin merayakan kenyataan bahwa aku pernah menjadi bagian dari LIPIA, dan LIPIA adalah bagian dariku.
Dan kalau kamu pikir aku senang akhirnya pergi dari sini... tidak sama sekali. Aku harap aku bisa menghentikan momen-momen itu. Tapi hidup harus terus berjalan, dan aku akan berpindah ke rumah keduaku yang baru, dengan tetap mencintai rumah-rumah keduaku yang lalu.
Terima kasih, LIPIA.
I've missed you already ♡
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4th-make-quail · 2 years
Sartauvoir quo Soranus/Basch van Gabranth Fic Collection
Series: Body Politics, or: Five Points in Time in the Lives of Basch van Gabranth and Sartauvoir quo Soranus. A series of five unrelated but interconnected stories, depicting the lives of Basch and Sartauvoir over their short time together
Part 1: Reaction and Release
Summary: “You do realise, Legatus, that I am aware you’re watching me?” Sartauvoir didn’t turn, but tipped his head a little, sending the charms on his hat a-dangle.
“Well, I’m hardly being stealthy, Soranus. I’d be surprised if you hadn’t noticed me.” Basch pushed off the wall and sauntered over to stand in front of Sartauvoir. “I was admiring your form, if you want to know.”
Tags: sparring, wall sex, fireplay
a/n: So after doing Dalriada for like the fiftieth time, i decided to casually mention that i was convinced that Sart and Basch were totally fucking and since that day i have not known peace: only Sad Old Man Hell.
Part 2: Your Body is the Answer
Summary: “I do remember promising you some control exercises,” Sartauvoir said, tipping the brim of his hat back to regard Basch, ears still warm and flushed from the memory of that promise, and of their last encounter.
“Aye, that you did. I see that you understood my message, then.” Basch’s eyes lidded and he focused his gaze directly on Sartauvoir’s crotch. “I will admit, I was hoping that it would have that effect on you.”
Sartauvoir huffed out a laugh. “Of course you were. I would never presume to imagine that Legatus Basch van Gabranth did anything without intention.”
Tags: blowjob, transformation, fireplay, teratophilia, size kink
a/n: for the transformation section, please imagine the big hulking gigantic fire beast he turns into in his duel on the Southern Front, not the Dalriada Lugus-esque form. :3c
Part 3: Tasted You Inside Out
Summary: “‘A good stance should be the base of any training’,” Basch intoned, “‘for how can one hope to stand his ground with a stance poor enough to blow one over with a stiff breeze?’” He leaned in close. “Or so my old tutors used to be so fond of telling me, over and over until I got it right. I always was a stubborn child, determined to do everything my own way, but now I can see the wisdom of their words.”
“Yes, you have many years on your side now after all.” Sartauvoir smirked sidelong at him.
Tags: training, rimming, fireplay, massage
please also perceive these three sets of screenshots that i was compelled to make, because hhnnghhh it's bad up in here guys (one) (two) (three)
Part 4: From the Flames of the Fire, I Feel You
Summary: In which confessions are made, and things that were hidden are finally laid bare
Tags: hurt/comfort, eye trauma, burns, confessions, discussion of impending character death, scar worship
a/n: This one is a heavy one, folks. I hope I tempered the hurt with enough comfort to make it worthwhile, but fear not, part 5 will more than make up for it. I promise! But in the meantime, please enjoy our favourite sadistic pyromaniac Inferno actually living up to his name and reputation for once, because I had a blast (ahahah) writing it :3
You can find screenshots to accompany parts of this fic here on my twitter, because I can never resist posing scenes from my fic apparently! And because they're an absolute legend, here's more amazing art from my friend Hanyo!!
Part 5: fading out, together
Summary: In which the battle is over, and long-overdue reunions are finally earned.
Tags: ghost sex, scar worship, fluff, sappy old men
a/n: You can find screenshots here on my twitter that go with one scene of this fic!
PLEASE LOOK AT THIS ART THAT MY FRIEND MADE FOR ME AS PART OF A TRADE!!! This is illustrating the eternal bond kiss scene under their tree, and it is the most perfect thing i have ever laid eyes upon!!!
Part 6: and afterwards, peace (coda)
Summary: “Sometimes I feel as though this is a dream,” Sartauvoir said, happiness soaked into his voice like the warmest of fires. “That any time, we will wake back in Castrum Valnaini, back in the war.”
Tags: blowjob, deepthroat
a/n: A coda to Body Politics, set after 'fading out, together' - although it's not strictly necessary to have read the whole series first, there are call backs and references to the other fics to enjoy if you so desire~
As ever, here are screenshots to accompany this fic - here and here!
Standalone fics below!
Title: An Overabundance of Confidence
Summary: “So. How many times must I rebuff these efforts, before your lot finally get the idea and leave me alone?”
“I see no one can catch you unawares, Ser. As I expected.”
“As your men already reported, you mean, after I sent a good lick of fire up each of their arses to send them packing.” Sartauvoir closed his book with a snap, settling it down on the blanket next to him. “Do I take it that you are their commander, then? Didn’t have any luck sending your Centurions, so what, had to come yourself?”
Tags: missing scene, banter, pre canon, blowjob, handjob
a/n: written for Chocolate Box Exchange 2022 - and as ever, you can find a large quantity of screenshots for this fic here at my twitter~!
Title: limned
Summary: The lamp at their bedside burned dimly, without smoke or oil, and he knew that was Sartauvoir’s doing. Sartauvoir, who lay across Basch’s bed, head nestled into his pillow and hair spread out about him like a gently greying halo. He wasn’t wearing his eyepatch, and it lent a vulnerability to his face that he rarely let anyone see.
Basch’s heart thumped, and he remembered to breathe. By all the hells, he was beautiful, burn scar, early greys and all, no matter how much he would violently refute it.
Tags: somnophilia, rimming fluff
a/n: a treat for Chocolate Box Exchange 2022! you can find screenshots of this fic here~!
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My revolution thoughts
Your little arrows of desire
I want to trace them to the source
And the wire
But it's not useful now
Since we both made up our minds
You’re gonna watch out for yourself
And so will I
- from I Think Ur A Contra by Vampire Weekend
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helgisaldo · 2 years
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After finding an article on Tollund Man, a famous bog body from Denmark, I wanted to know if there were any mummified corpses found in Estonian swamps. I quickly came across the Rabivere Woman discovered in 1936 and estimated to be around 350 years old.
The articles about the body mention their gender and social status, keeping an air of mystery that often surround such findings and lost histories. Having previously imagined Helgi Saldo as a gender-queer figure emerging from the wild to be at odds with the contemporary world, the Rabivere Woman was the perfect starting point for the project ⁠— my first try at creating a concept album.
The idea to create music for Helgi started off as a joke. From Conchita Wurst to Trixie Mattel to Divine, drag performers making (often awful or uninspired) music seemed like a trope that would be fun to play with. I invited Mikk Madisson to help me write, compose and produce the EP, planning three songs in different decades, also known as "songs that never made it to Eurovision".
Rabiveres on levinud kaks rahvajuttu. Neist üks on klassikalise motiivistikuga lugu neiust, keda tabas õnnetu armastus ning kes sooritas enesetapu ja maeti sohu. Teine lugu jutustab kõrtsielu armastanud naisest, kes liiga sageli üle raba kõrtsis käis, kuni jäi ühel ööl kadunuks.
When curator Keiu Krikmann asked me to be a part of the exhibition, I was adamant that my usual drag practice belongs to clubs and queer spaces, not established galleries. I wanted to rather queer the gallery space itself, becoming a part of it in ways I usually wouldn't be.
The idea was to create a room-wide, queerspreading installation which would double as a costume for the performance, as well as a space for the visitors to listen to the music outside the performance.
Omal ajal rabalaipa uurinud teadlased kirjeldavad, et tegemist oli 25–32-aastase naisega, kes oli 155–160 cm pikk. Naise riided olid rohmakalt parandatud ja mitmeid kordi paigatud. Pealmise kuue esiosa tugev kulumine viitab, et naine tegi selles füüsilist tööd. Rõivaste väljanägemist tervikuna hinnates oli tema sotsiaalne staatus madal.
Tallinn-based Sorcerer was my first choice, as they are a brand who challenges ideas of beauty, gender and modes of production. They are also a collective rather than a single artist, with their scraps-to-art aesthetic ironically befitting different accounts and descriptions of the Rabivere bog body.
We came up with the idea of using a hammock as the centerpiece, where people could sit and listen to the songs. The carnivorous sundews — also known as lustwort — was one of the visual inspirations. We effectively created sort of a pea pod with guts and an umbilical cord hanging out, which gave the whole thing a much needed body horror aspect.
Estonian queer histories aren't widely known or documented, and I wondered what it would sound like to insert Helgi Saldo into the history of (Estonian) pop music. However, the project evolved to be something more than an exercise in style, something more contemporary, intertextual and weird. Through anachronisms and sounds, the queer stepped to the forefront, past was reframed rather than regurgitated.
The first piece "Briquette Bardot" was inspired by the 1960s, with the central figure of Briquette being both a bog body as well as a metaphor for mining swamps for fuel. Inspiration was drawn from different songs of the time, especially from the lyricist Heldur Karmo.
a flame sly in her heart, her face a queer illusion if she could, she’d escape her bittersweet seclusion!
The second song "Work" was meant to be inspired by the 1990s and an anthem for the club kid. What started as a riff on Sin With Sebastian ("Shut up and sleep with me" became "I don't want to work"), eventually included anachronisms like references to social media and Britney Spears, which speak more to the present day. The lyrics for the Estonian translation "Töölaul" were more directly inspired by Onu Bella whose debut album was released in 1992.
ma ei taha teha tööd luban, paus saab kandev ma ei taha teha tööd puhka jalga, anton hansen
The third song was supposed to be an exploration of something more contemporary, but it only materialised later in the process and did not make it to the exhibition itself. Instead, I wrote an interlude between the first two songs called "Club Toilet" which was a compilation of phrases I'd heard working or partying in different clubs.
Eventually I arrived at "Summer of MPX", in which the lyrics center queer histories and how the gay community has been at the butt end of different pandemics. And while a song like Latour's "People Are Still Having Sex" could be considered somewhat timeless, "MPX" in its title at least anchors it in a very specific moment in time.
i’m queer to stand and lay at the conference of stags in eden and its shade with mighty branded fags
* If I was to plan a whole album with this concept, I would fill in the gaps from 70s, 80s, '00s — but in all honesty it would be a lot more interesting if some other self-appointed queer archeologist would do that, creating a cross-generational project that would add new layers to the existing ideas, and voices other than my own.
Tallinn, September 2022
November, 2022 I spoke too soon. There were other two decades I decided to cover: the 70s with Seenesõber and 80s with Tundmatu. The 1976 song was inspired by an article I found on drug use in the Soviet Union. It mentioned LGBT people and artists and dancers as most likely users, and — this might be urban legend — that in some cases people used shoe polish to get high. The lyrics in the first part reference the fact homosexuality was criminalised and cruising was done in secret. The structure of the song was inspired by Hando Runnel and RUJA's "Keldrikakand".
seenesõber pargis käis nägi baleriini mustikal
The 80s saw the rise of Glasnost in the Soviet Union, paving way to a new national awakening and the Singing Revolution. For these lyrics, I wanted to create a nationalist sequel to Briquette — an empowering ballad for a breakup with the regime. The original version ended up a very fittingly cringe retelling of a figure who made a deal with the devil, brought darkness to the singer's life and eventually made her stronger for it.
It's also a song about transitioning, with the singer claiming "the man has grown into a woman". This particular line was inspired by an article from an Estonian trans woman who mentioned coming out to her wife in the late 1980s.
Üle taeva laotan ma leegi, mul on jõudu rohkem kui eile. Mind peatada ei saa keegi, sest mehest on sirgunud naine.
To bring it all together, I included the name of the album into the chorus, along with references to Briquette, the cult film Nukitsamees and another Heldur Karmo song about the colour of love.
This concludes the Soviet decades, with a Eurovision song planned for the 2000s.
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liquorlunch1 · 2 years
Pandawas Villas Main Feature Text Benedictus Rio Images Bagus Tri Laksono
Concept Designer
Renovasi Gompa Kechara House
Cara Menuliskan Blog Pribadi Di Instagram
Environment Artist
Thangka served as important teaching tools depicting the life of the Buddha. The scroll paintings are framed with colour stain ,an art form with unique features in Tibetan culture. Wow in one of the thangkas he even described the mythical kingdom related with the Kalachakra Tantra and its divine kings. This mandala offering is the symbolic offering of the prosperity of the whole universe. Mandala offering is a powerful method for accumulating extensive merit if we do it with proper visualization. Doing it this way we dedicate the merit from each offering for the sentient beings as it is performed.
To complete TAKE BACK GIAN'S LIFE mode, you need to clear all available routes for each characters 2 times. After that, you'll unlock Gian's special route titled and unlock the SLOW LIFE mode as well as ALBUM section in EXTRA screen. Complete board will be shown on SLOW LIFE mode. The first two modes will take place in certain part of board which differs for each routes and characters.
Concept Designer
We create a lot of positive potential or merit just by giving. The mandala offering is training us to develop the mind that takes delight and joy in making other people happy. Gaya Desain Dinding Kamar Anak of HH Kyabje Trijang Rinpoche and HH Kyabje Zong Rinpoche had lunch together in their previous lives. Well amazingly now in this life they meet again and having lunch together.
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This guide is made by recording routes taken in TAKE BACK GIAN'S LIFE for our four main characters. I use the STOP spots as my basis to determine the way. You may follow them to help you record a certain route of certain character and play it in your ALBUM. Since you have no opponent, you can take it easy and hit all the spots you meet.
To the Mosuo people whom are a small ethnic group living in Yunnan and Sichuan provinces in China, the Goddess Gemu is their main Protector. Mosuo people are an ancient tribal community of Tibetan Buddhists, accepting this Protector for over 1,000 years. The Mosuo are believed to be descendants of the ancient Qiang, a people from the Tibetan plateau . Where here women are treated as equal, have led families for centuries. According to legend, the history of the Mountain of the Goddess Gemu, is closely linked to that of Lake Lugu. The sacred Gemu Mountain graces the edge of the pristine, deep azure blue Lugu Lake.
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Each characters has their own abilities which will affect the game. Finishing all possible routes for a character means 'rescuing' him and he will be able to join you in clearing other routes. However, you cannot take the characters with you if you are doing their routes. The speciality for a character is represented by a TRAP spot in the board game. Remember that in this mode, the BLANK spots can be replaced by these TRAP spots. There is no specific guide to this mode since you can finish the game pretty easily.
Renovasi Gompa Kechara House
A beautiful country to visit with many attractions such as Temple of the Golden Abode of Buddha, Pagoda Seven Days, Buddhist Temple Syakusn-Sume and so forth. are synonymous with Tibetan culture and religion.The tradition of thangka painting which is also known as scroll painting came to Tibet from India. It was largely influenced by the art form developed in Nepal. Tucci, highly literate in Sanskrit and Tibetan as well as fluent in many Himalayan languages, was the first western scholar to travel widely through the Tibet and India. This is a place where families and individuals will find peace, nourishment and inspiration in a natural forest environment. At Kechara Forest Retreat, we are committed to give back to society through instilling the next generation with universal positive values such as kindness and compassion. Here is the latest news and pictorial updates, as it happens, of our upcoming forest retreat project. Please be advised that anyone who contravenes these guidelines may be banned from the chatroom. Banning is at the complete discretion of the administrator of this blog.
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In addition, there is also a bale on the side for spa and massage treatments. It is truly a perfect sanctuary to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life in the city. Please take a note that the second completation won't count before you clear all routes for each characters once. When you clear a route for the first time, the title will be colored and a crown will appear next to it. After all the title for all characters are colored/crowned for the first time, the second completation can be done. After you clear a route for the second time, a star will appear next to crown in title. I am not translating these, so just skip it if you don't really understand. I am not sure, but if those 'normal' CGs meaned to be a 'canon route' for each character, then you just need to follow that certain route in this game. desain dinding kamar ini buat kamarmu anti mainstream That's why I recorded all possible routes and their obtained ending. In addition we interpreted the vows of the Pandawa brothers not to go hunting for food and instead only eat the food which is freshly prepared and healthy.
Interesting the folk myths and legends are infused with Tibetan Buddhism elements.
The lemongrass and green tea scented rooms are decked in Sahadewa’s shadow puppet images as well as paintings and lamps in the shape of various musical instruments.
Tucci, highly literate in Sanskrit and Tibetan as well as fluent in many Himalayan languages, was the first western scholar to travel widely through the Tibet and India.
You should be able to understand the basic rules for this game there.
Remember that in this mode, the BLANK spots can be replaced by these TRAP spots.
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Each traschcan represents each characters and contains a list of possible routes. Each routes have their own titles and they will be colored once you cleared it. After you clear this mode, you're supposed to have some CGs unlocked for each characters. There is no need to replay the mode, because the rest of the CGs can be unlocked on the next mode. To complete DREAM EATER mode, you need to clear all available routes. This highest of these is to want to reach enlightenment so that you can help others. When you have this motivation you naturally develop transform yourself. Even if you want to transform yourself to become simply a better person, you must have a reason behind this. It could be that you want others to like you more, or for your life to go smoothly, or perhaps there is a spiritual motivation behind it.
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444names · 2 years
khuzdul dictionary + black speech words and names + brythonic deities
Abnos Abnotanos Abugus Abulûn Abuxenush Agdullak Aglug Agluing Agranishak Agraung Agresuff Aguagla Alike Ancam Andarâg Anduns Ankibin Ankibinde Anlourz Anstreamp Anthak Anundamb Arabang Aramb Arastrai Arastus Arknes Arting Artirabnos Artrect Aruddy Astankound Atancashi Ateris Athuzn Aturg Avalôn Avaticut Avenusios Averj Azgash Azgûld Azmos Azogming Azogmios Azoguluis Bagramulug Bagre Barasspike Bartin Bartio Barâg Bedama Bedamper Belak Belavan Belens Beleuck Belike Belisam Belle Bello Bells Berimbizar Bilth Biltha Bilvend Bisagûl Bizarizâr Blatanu Boldocidis Bolled Boridius Boris Bortin Briand Briannush Bridesta Brinnus Briss Briziglo Bugbúrz Bulack Butirinte Búbholg Búbhor Búbhord Búbhos Cadoris Cadra Cannose Casgus Celatiros Celios Cenum Cestressio Cetepon Chagrak Cheat Cicullis Cidambus Cidamo Cidimbis Cimbellis Cimbug Cishak Cledaleuck Clenum Clour Colfil Collos Colls Conagul Condron Cones Conesspon Conius Conna Consil Consis Constash Contian Cound Coutastra Covania Covath Covend Covernesus Coving Curep Cutchela Dallend Dalôn Damante Damul Dancastios Danna Danotou Danstour Darkû Daruk Daterject Dathuzd Dernu Dersonusus Diandam Dimna Dintucipl Disall Docipl Docur Donkouns Donsigil Dorvo Dowerg Drauhúrzum Drazg Drotoutia Dubark Dufall Dundow Dured Dwarania Dwaraus Dwarb Ensio Enushmênu Excardurzu Excarus Extios Faglathûr Fanlo Fanodend Fantertia Fanus Felisallor Foolk Fords Foris Forishark Fornus Gabadbush Gabnos Gancash Gashnákhs Gatarin Gathra Gazaraga Gicius Gilver Gimbius Ginth Glike Gliomaraus Glishi Goldur Golfimbed Gondaley Gones Gonos Gorgoi Gorne Graindocis Grake Grigil Gring Grouddy Guluin Gûldor Haints Halak Hallonash Hambizing Hamness Hanish Heapoolg Hempt Hering Hetiss Huetis Husuf Igicur Inbad Indamp Indrobads Ingfil Ingus Interithûr Intiss Intons Intool Ionsis Iovirith Khuetepom Khuetianus Khuzdulûn Khuzgath Khuzn Kibilver Kingus Krins Krisamna Krith Larud Lasta Latind Lauhúr Lauhúrz Lison Loborvos Locut Logmio Loguns Lotata Lotatuck Lotomar Louns Lugbúr Lugbúrz Lugbúrzu Lugdu Lugduin Lugull Lugus Luing Lurzum Lusucic Luxovis Magra Magus Mansionj Mapoolk Marverse Marâg Mauhúrzu Mazgûl Minbage Mogus Morcesspon Mordsuf Mucer Mulatucar Mulûn Muzbarf Muzbark Muzgûl Mênus Nagdu Nagress Nagûl Nartis Nazarduns Nazmog Nazmos Nerigil Netobilver Noder Nâlack Nâlak Nâlate Nâlaus Nâlavantat Nûzum Nûzumete Ogming Ogundu Olobor Olone Oluing Orceris Orgundams Orgunnos Oriveton Parts Parukhe Patie Patis Phall Pharimbull Phark Pharts Plenus Press Priga Probjecons Prons Pusulas Radbursor Radra Radsul Rebius Ringus Rinter Riomiosh Rishmênus Riveris Ruding Rukhe Sedalôn Segoi Shaghâsh Shaglark Shake Shalle Shamazanos Shard Shmêk Sigabusus Sigimb Sionj Siovan Smend Smenus Smernus Smersed Smertrisag Snagûl Snara Snashi Snass Snazmogmio Sondus Sorruk Stark Stemerj Sternus Stianotas Stiom Streambele Streapona Stred Striging Sucamarnus Sucern Sucishalôn Sulak Swifthûr Swita Switan Tarture Tasspike Thelak Thras Ticured Tomanode Tomap Tomiovang Tonking Tonus Torvo Trebizarkû Tronnush Turseek Uftherita Uftly Ugloc Ugluxovish Unsiglûg Upondow Uponus Uruddy Uzdur Uzdurect Uzgabnob Uzganius Vantiaerb Vanus Venush Verin Verinnung Verivernus Verject Vhemetinag Vhetish Vinagh Virai Viringus Visall Viscelat Viscer Vitasgus Vitiontia Whortios Wifthûr Wiftly Withalls Wrastio Wrazarts Wrazgûl Yagestemp Yagin Yagre Youdis Yourgomog Yoursonus Yourzu Zagiculûn Zigash Zirasgus Zâraita Zârake Zârang Zârannius Zârations
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chthonicbacchae · 4 years
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Lugus Commission
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Psychedelica of the Ashen Hawk 🐦
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cassiachloe · 6 years
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coinandcandle · 2 years
Jack of all Trades, Master of...All? - A Guide to Lugh
Lugh, Lugus, Lug, of the Long Arm, Master of Skills, he goes by many names. Have you heard about this Celtic God?
Read to find out more!
This is an educational post about Lugh, it will start with history and mythology and at the end I will put modern day correspondences and such. Links provided for more reading!
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(Photo Cred: Unkown)
Who is Lugh?
Lugh is an Irish deity who is known to be associated with lightning, craftmanship, as well as many more skills (all of them, actually). He really is a master of all trades.
Lugh is not a Sun God but many people use the sun as a symbol for him or associate him with the sun. This is in part because of his name being translated to "light", though that isn't the only possible translation of his name.
However, the idea that he is a sun god comes from an outdated Victorian-era ideology. The anthropologists of the time were convinced that at the root of all pantheons and mythology there must be a sun god. They were obsessed with a solar system based pattern in mythology.
For the Irish, though, their gods are less transcendent (like above all else) and more human-like than other mythology. Irish deities are more a part of the world rather than above it all.
The author of this post explains it very well, if you have more questions about this please check out their article!
In short: It is not wrong for you to associate him with the sun, but he is not a Sun God.
The name Lugh (or Lug) was a popular name in ancient times. Some say the name derives from a Proto-Indo-European root "lewgh-" which means “to bind by oath.” Possibly indicative of the role he plays in oath making and promises. Some say it could mean "Light" though many scholars believe this to be unlikely.
He had many names and titles, however, his most known title was Lámfada, meaning “Of the Long Arm,” which was a reference to the length of his spear and that it was like it was a part of him (like an arm). It could also be translated as "artful hands" which references his abilities and skills in creation, craftmanship, and the arts.
Lugh comes from two bloodlines: his father, Cian, was the son of Dian Cedh, healer of the Tuatha Dé Danann and his mother, Ethniu, was of the Fomorians.
Though his birth parents are known, many argue the identity of his foster parents; The Irish sea god Manannán mac Lir, Tailtiu, Queen of the Firbolg, and Goibniu, god of the smiths, have all been suggested to be Lugh's foster parents.
Rough Start
After being told that his grandson would kill him in the future, The King of Balor locked his daughter, Ethniu, up to keep her from seeing Cian (her lover) again.
However, the two met up anyways and had triplets, one of them was Lugh.
Ethniu's father was furious and planned to have the children killed. Two of them died and the surviving child was Lugh. He fell into the water and was rescued by Biróg who took him to Cian.
Lugh would later be given to a foster parent (one of those mentioned above) who would protect and raise him.
Ladies' Man
Lugh had multiple wives, including Buí, Buach, Nás, daughters of Ruadri (King of Britain), Echtach, Englic, and Rosmerta.
Like Father Like Son
Of his sons, the most famous child he produced was with a mortal named Deichtine. Together they created Cú Chulainn, known as the hero of the Ulster saga.
Lugh at the Gate
Perhaps the most famous tale of this god, it starts with Lugh approaching the gate of the Hall of Tara. He asks to meet with Nuada, god of the Tuatha Dé Danann, and become part of the King's court.
Lugh is stopped by a guard and told that, unless he had a skill that would be useful to the king, he would not be allowed to enter.
Lugh then begins listing skills he has mastered, which includes but are not limited to: a smith, a wright, a craftsman, a swordsman, a harpist, a poet, a historian, a sorcerer, a physician, as well as a champion,
Alas, he is told that the king has people for all of those skills and is about to be turned away.
Finally, Lugh asks if the King has a person who is skilled in all of those things.
The guard goes to the king and asks. Once he comes back he allows Lugh to enter with the King's permission.
High King of Ireland
During a battle against the King of Balor (Lugh's maternal grandfather), Nuada is killed by Balor. Lugh faces off against his grandfather and kills him with a slingshot as revenge for Nuada.
During the war Lugh finds the half-Formorian former king of the Tuatha Dé Danann, Bres, lying on death's door.
He offers to spare Bres' life in exchange for all of the secrets Bres has about the land, including when to plough, sow, and reap crops.
After the war Lugh is pronounced the High King of Ireland and rules for many years.
(Later Lugh would kill off Bres, but he spared his life at the battle and therefore kept his word)
Death (...?)
After finding out that his wife had an affair with Cermait, son of the Dagda, Lugh killed Cermait in anger.
Cermait's three sons were furious and swore vengeance on Lugh. They captured and drowned Lugh.
(Ironic that he came into this world and survived drowning only to die by it later in life...sorry Lugh)
Lugh had ruled for over 40 years as the king.
That being said, Deities are not like humans. Death is not the end for them.
Julius Caesar commented on Lugh, noticing his importance as a god to the Celtic people.
Some equate Lugh to the Nordic Odin or the Roman Mercury.
There are many more stories about Lugh but I compiled the most important ones to his character here.
If you'd like to find out more, here are some references you could read:
World History-Lugh
The Celtic Journey - Lugh, Master of Skills
Learn Religions- Lugh, the Celtic Craftsman God
Sadly we don't have a lot of context or stories from the ancient Celts so most of these myths and legends are reconstructed using the knowledge and understanding we have of the culture and times.
A spear
A slingshot
Fragarach; "The Answerer", a sword from Manannán, his foster father. It had the ability to make anyone that it was pointed at tell the truth
Failinis, Lugh's hound
Aenbharr, Lugh's horse
Sguaba Tuinne, the “Wind-sweeper,” a very fast boat
Ravens and crows
Two snakes
The Sun
Holy Days
Lughnasadh, a holiday created for his victory in battle against the the spirits of Tír na nÓg. He would bless harvest fruit and play games in memory of his foster mother, Tailtiu.
Warm colors like red, orange, gold, yellow
(I also personally associate him with a mossy green color.)
Alcohol (ale/cider/mead/wine etc)
A plate of whatever you made for dinner
Blueberries or Blackberries
Some say he enjoys milk and honey!
Bread (preferably if you've made it yourself or if it was handmade)
Honestly, in my experience Lugh's favorite type of offering (as well as most Celtic gods from what I've read) are acts of devotion or something you've crafted yourself.
This doesn't mean you need to paint a mural for him--though I'm sure he'd enjoy that too!--it means anything involving creation. Devote your creative time to him. I like to devote the act of writing on this blog to him sometimes, for example.
End Notes
In my experience Lugh is a kind, sometimes goofy deity--in the sense that he enjoys making jokes and is fairly laid back. Don't speak ill of him or disrespect him, though, no one wants an angry storm god!
Let me know if you have any personal experience with Lugh or if you have some good references to add to this post!
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