#maria luisa gonzález
docpiplup · 1 year
Photos of the Order of Toledo (1/8)
I'll be publishing the photos I used in the collages, there are like 75, so it will take serveral posts.
This first post contains photos of some of the members of the Order, some of them are known that were took in Toledo although there are a couple that maybe are from other places.
Lorca: *Me and the guys going to Toledo*
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thelastconfessor · 8 months
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Barcelona, August 2023. As a result of the events that took place this morning and the perplexity of the speech made by the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Mr. Luis Manuel Rubiales Béjar, the players of the senior national team, recent world champions, in support of Jennifer Hermoso, wish to express their firm and resounding condemnation of conduct that has violated the dignity of women.
In view of the statements made by the president of the Royal Spanish Football Federation, Jennifer Hermoso wishes to categorically deny that she consented to the kiss that was given to her by Mr. Luis Manuel Rubio at the World Cup Final. "I want to clarify that, as was seen in the images, at no time did I consent to the kiss he gave me and, of course, in no case did I seek to lift up the president. I do not tolerate my word being called into question and much less that they invent words that I did not say".
From our union we want to stress that no woman should have to answer back to the blunt images that everyone has seen and, of course, they should not be involved in unacceptable attitudes.
The players of the Spanish national football team, current world champions, expect strong responses from the public authorities so that actions such as those contained in this document do not go unpunished.
We would like to end this statement by calling for real structural changes that will help the national team to continue to grow, in order to be able to pass on this great success to future generations. It fills us with sadness that such an unacceptable act is tarnishing the greatest sporting success of Spanish women's football.
After everything that happened during the Women's World Cup medal ceremony, we would like to state that all of the players who have signed this letter will not return to a call-up to the national team if the current management continues.
Jennifer Hermoso
Alexia Putellas
Misa Rodríguez
Irene Paredes
Ona Batlle
Mariona Caldentey
Teresa Abelleira
María Pérez
Cata Coll
Aitana Bonmati
Laia Codina
Claudia Zomoza
Oihane Hemández
Rocío Gálvez
Irene Guerrero
Alba Redondo
Athenea del Castillo
Eva Navarro
Enith Salón
Ivana Andrés
Olga Carmona
Esther González
Salma Paralluelo
Elene Lete
Fiamma Benítez
Marta Cardona
Maite Oroz
Patricia Guijarro
Lola Gallardo
Nerea Eizagirre
Ainhoa Moraza
Maria León “Mapi”
Sandra Paños
Claudia Pina
Amaiur Sarriegi
Leila Ouahabi
Laia Aleixandri
Lucia García
Andrea Pereira
Vero Boquete
Ainhoa Tirapu
Sandra Vilanova
Ana Romero "Willy”
Silvia Meseguer
Nagore Calderón
Marta Torrejón
Lucía Rodríguez
Vicky Losada
Carmen Arce "Kubalita”
Maria Teresa Andreu
Priscila Borja
Mar Prieto
Natalia Pablos
María José Perez
Susana Guerrero
María Marco “Beni”
Larraitz Lucas
Paula Kasares
Isabel Benito “Chabe”
María Luisa Monzón “Gusa”
Amanda Sampedro
Isabel Fuentes
Nines Pérez Urda “Quilla”
Elisabet Sánchez
Angela Martín Martín
Mari Paz Azagra
Victoria Hemandez
Vanesa Gimbert
Virginia Torrecilla
Leire Landa
Elisabet Ibarra
Isi Gavilán “Isi”
Toña Is
Meli Nicolau
Gurutze Fernandez
Auxi Jiménez
“Vanesa Moreno "Vane”
Roser Serra
María Goñi
Marta Moreno
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berezina · 3 months
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Portrait of Maria Luisa of Parma, Queen of Spain (c. 1790) (Zacarías González Velázquez)
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saulcastillo · 1 year
mucho más » semana DXCIX (17A)
Por 599ª semana consecutiva nos citamos para repasar de forma cronológica todas las infografías que se han publicado en la prensa nacional e internacional en una nueva edición de nuestro «Mucho más»:
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Trabajo: Plantas de combustibles sintéticos y biocombustibles avanzados | Autora: Maria Subirana | Medio: Ara, del 17 de abril
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Trabajo: Escasez de agua en toda España, con el 15% de la Península en situación de emergencia | Autoras: Elsa Martín e Isabel González | Medio: El Mundo, del 17 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Fortificaciones rusas en territorio ucranio ocupado | Autor: Nacho Catalán | Medio: El País, del 17 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Alerta ante brotes del virus de Marburgo en dos países africanos | Autores: Julio Loyola, Roberto Alvarado y Luisa Ortega | Medio: La Razón (México,) del 17 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: La cirugía robótica de trasplante pulmonar | Medio: El Periódico, del 18 de abril
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Trabajo: Científicos descubren que los antiguos fondos marinos se encuentran en el centro de la Tierra | Autores: Julio Loyola, Roberto Alvarado y Luisa Ortega | Medio: La Razón (México), del 18 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Irán y Arabia Saudí, los dos polos rivales del mundo musulmán | Medio: Le Fígaro, del 18 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Síndrome del niño sacudido | Medio: El Correo, del 19 de abril
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Trabajo: Enterrar el CO₂ en el lecho marino para mitigar el cambio climático | Autora: Belén Trincado | Medio: Cinco Días, del 20 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: ¿Será este el gran siglo de la India? | Autores: Alex Travelli y Weiyi Cai | Medio: The New York Times, del 20 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: El fallido viaje del Starship de SpaceX | Medio: ABC, del 21 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Starship, la nave espacial reutilizable | Medio: La Voz de Galicia, del 21 de abril
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Trabajo: La curva de pato del mercado eléctrico | Autora: Belén Trincado | Medio: Cinco Días, del 22 y 23 de abril
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Trabajo: Mongolia, atrapada entre Rusia y China | Autores: Flavie Holzinger y Riccardo Pravettoni | Medio: Le Monde, del 23 y 24 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Reconstrucción del fatal incendio en el restaurante de Manuel Becerra | Autora: Elena Segura | Medio: ABC, del 23 de abril | Alta resolución »
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Trabajo: Sistema de defensa planetaria para proteger a la Tierra de los impactos de asteroides | Autor: Javier Aguirre | Medio: El Mundo, del 23 de abril
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Trabajo: Edad de jubilación en la Unión Europea | Medio: La Voz de Galicia, del 23 de abril
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Trabajo: La línea de tensión entre China y Taiwán | Medio: La Voz de Galicia, del 23 de abril
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masacremelilla · 2 years
Adhesiones colectivas
Federación Unión Africana España
València és Refugi
Asociación Intercultural Candombe
Jarit Associació Civil
Obrint Fronteres
Plataforma Intercultural de España
Sillas contra el hambre
Entreiguales Valencia
Comunidades Cristianas Populares Valencia
Equipo de Implementación del Decenio Afrodescendiente en España
Colectivo Sin Fronteras Albacete
Red SOS Refugiados Europa
Asociacion Popular De Vendedores Ambulantes De Barcelona
Baladre. Coordinacion de luchas contra la exclusion social
Zambra Málaga
Asociación Cultural Brasileña Maloka
Asociación Afromurcia
Cnaee Murcia
La Floresta Contra Fronteras
Colectivo Pacifistas Ciudad Real
Coordinadora Obrera Sindical COS l'Horta
Zambra Málaga
Asociado Stolpersteine
Familiares victimas del franquismo fosa 128 de Paterna
Asociación de los Cameruneses en Valencia
Asociación Cultural LoQueSomos
Ongi etorri errefuxiatuak araba
Plataforma Bienvenid@s Refugiad@s de La Rioja
Iai@flautas Valencia
Asociacion Papeles y derechos para todas y todos
Mulheres brasileiros contra o fascismo
Asociación palestina Biladi
Karabana Mugak Zabalduz Nafarroa
ASC la Desbandá
Móstoles sin Fronteras
Plataforma Pro Refugiadxs Alto Aragon
Coletivo pelos Direitos no Brasil - Madrid
Encuéntame en Las Ondas
Trawunche Madrid (Coordinación de apoyo al pueblo Mapuche)
Evolución Rural
Asamblea Antimilitarista de Madrid
SOS Refugiados Guindalera
Lliga dels Drets dels Pobles
Caravana Obrim Fronteres
La casa de mi tía
Emergencia Frontera Sur Motril
Umoya Logroño
Solidary Wheels
Centro de Documentación sobre Zapatismo -CEDOZ
CIEs NO Madrid
Avanazamos Ganando Igualdad
Asamblea Plaza de los Pueblos
Amigos de la no violencia
Obrim Fronteres Valencia
Amigos de la Tierra
Esquerra Republicana del País Valencià-ERPV
Centro d Defensa y Estudio d los Derechos Humanos (CEDEHU)
CEDSALA (Centre de Documentació i Solidaritat amb Amèrica Llatina i Àfrica)
Espacio Común 15M
Derechos Humanos Madrid
Acción poética refugiados Valencia
CCOO de La Rioja
Mon sense guerres i sense violencia
Stop Mare Mortum Sants, Hostafrancs i la Bordeta. Barcelona
BDS Madrid
Federación de Asociaciones Africanas de Murcia
SOV CGT Alcázar de San Juan
Bienvenidxs Refugiadxs Huesca
Colectivo Sirirí: Mujeres Migrantes Creando
Frente Antiimperialista INternacionalista
Red interlavapies
Asociación Social Combativa
Vangarda Obreira
Avis Mundi
Asociación Morvedre Acull Sagunt Camp de Morvedre
Comunidades Cristianas Populares de Andalucía
Burgos con bici
Errátikas contra el racismo
ASNUCI. Asociación nueva ciudadanía por la interculturalidad
Seminario de Mujeres Mujer Latinoamericana-Mujer Andaluza
Diapó con África
La Casa de Julién y Milagro (en formación)
Coordinadora en Defensa de la Sanidad Pública de la Asamblea de Barrios y Pueblos de Madrid
Granada Visible
Observatorio de Derechos Humanos Samba Martine
Sarrià Sant Gervasi Refugi
Red Granadina por el Refugio y la Acogida (Redgra)
PVSPS (Plataforma Valenciana de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Saharahui)
CNT Comarcal Sur Madrid
Proces Constituent
CGT Andalucía, Ceuta y Melilla
Comunidad La Esperanza Logroño
La Casa Azul de Valdepares (Navia, Asturias)
Plataforma Prorrefugiadxs Badajoz
Adhesiones individuales
Carmen Porta
Esperanza Nuñez Perez
Adama seide
M Lourdes Mondria Saez
Luisa Herrera
Harrison falla
Rosa Isabel Fernández Ceballos
Lola Juan Soler
Pascual Moreno Torregrosa
Maria Dantas (diputada Congreso)
Ángel González
Arantza Lucas Ortega
Tere Sáez
Pedro Serrano Barquero
Antonio Palacios Rojo
Isabel Pereda
Rosa Saez
M. Sagrario Pérez Mochales
María Cruz Vallespi Zambudio
Alberto Azcarate
Eladio Martín
Julio González Baltasar
Carmen López
Ana Blanco Castro
José Carlos Martínez-Blay Medrano
Txema Alcega
Pilar Soler Torroja
M Mar Pérez
Rosa Bajo
Amanda Maya Peñuelas Chuffart
Alfonso Mascuñana
Adela Jimenez Villarejo
Angela Vallina de la Noval
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asiyastravelblog · 2 years
Day 7 of my trip to Spain
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Today we arrived in the late afternoon in Seville, the capital of Spain, and the only thing that we had time to do was visit the Plaza de Espana, designed by architect Aníbal González. It was very beautiful with bridges over the canal and many arches lined up one by one. In addition, we took a hot and sweaty horseback ride around Maria Luisa Park where the Plaza de Espana was. The weather in Seville was very similar to Houston in that there was unbearable humidity and heat. I particularly was excited about this plaza because I am a huge Star Wars fan, and Lucasfilms filmed one of the movies, “The Attack of the Clones,” there. This was one of my favorite Star Wars movies and it gave me a chance to relive the scene.
0 notes
vixen-academia · 2 years
Classic books of all South America
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The Invention of Morel - Adolfo Bioy Casares
The Seven Madmen - Roberto Arlt 
Zama - Antonio Di Benedetto
Hopscotch - Julio Cortázar
Scarecrow & Other Anomalies - Oliverio Girondo
Idle Days in Patagonia - William Henry Hudson
Cris & Cris - Maria Felicitas Jaime
Tropical Night Falling - Manuel Puig
How I Became a Nun - César Aira
The Tango Singer - Tomás Eloy Martínez
Los Pasajeros del Jardin - Silvina Bullrich
Friends of Mine - Angela Pradelli
Traveller of the Century - Andrés Neuman
Raza de Bronce - Alcides Arguedes
Turing’s Delirium - Edmundo Paz Soldán
Juan de la Rosa - Nataniel Aguirre
Let me speak! -  Domitila Barrios de Chungara
Los Deshabitados - Marcelo Quiroga Santa Cruz
I’ve alredy done a full post about Brazilian Classics. You can check out here!
The House of Spirits - Isabel Allende
Curfew - José Donoso
Seeing Red - Lina Meruane
My Tender Matador - Pedro Lambel
The Sevage Detectives - Roberto Bolaño
The Postman - Antonio Skarmeta
The Shrouded Woman - María Luisa Bombal
Ways of Going Home - Alejandro Zambra
The Absent Sea - Carlos Franz
The Man Who Read Love Stories - Luis Sepulveda
Dark Stars - Arnoldo Palacios
The Armies/New Directions - Evelio Rosero
The Vortex - José Eustácio Rivera
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Blue Days - Fernando Vallejo
En Diciembre Llegan las Brisas -  Marvel Moreno 
Catalina - Elisa Mujica 
In the Beginning Was the Sea - Tomás González
Love in the Time of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
News of a Kidnapping -  Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Polvo y Ceniza - Eliécer Cárdenas
Huasipungo - Jorge Icaza
Las cruces sobre el agua - Joaquín Gallegos Lara
Los que se van - Demetrio Aguilera Malta, Joaquín Gallegos Lara and Enrique Gil Gilbert
Los Sangurimas - José de la Cuadra
Cumanda or A Drama Between Savages - Juan León Mera
Between Marx and a Naked Woman - Jorge Enrique Adoum
Juyungo - Adalberto Ortiz
Un hombre muerto a puntapiés - Pablo Palacio
The Shadow Bride - Roy Heath
Guianese Poetry: Covering the Hundred Years' Period, 1831-1931 - Many authors
Poesias escogidas - Martin Carter
Selected Poems of Egbert Martin
I, the Supreme - Augusto Roa Bastos
Son of Man - Augusto Roa Bastos
Poetry from Rubén Bareiro Saguier
Dias roturados: poemas de la guerra civil - Elvio Romero
El sol bajo las raíces - Elvio Romero
Hombres, Mujeres y Fantoches - Gabriel Casaccia
Los Exiliados - Gabriel Casaccia
Poetic Anthology - Josefina Plá
The flame and sand - Josefina Plá
Peruvian Traditions - Ricardo Palma
El Sexto - José Maria Arguedas
The Time of the Hero - Mario Vargas Llosa
Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter - Mario Vargas Llosa
The War of the End of the World - Mario Vargas Llosa
The Feast of the Goat - Mario Vargas Llosa
The Bad Girl - Mario Vargas Llosa
A World for Julius - Alfredo Bryce Echenique
La palabra del mudo - Julio Ramón Ribeyro
Broad and Alien Is the World - Ciro Alegria
Los heraldos negros - César Vallejo
El Mundo Es Ancho Y Ajeno - Ciro Alegría
Seven Interpretive Essays on Peruvian Reality - José Carlos Mariátegui La Chira
The Queen of Paramaribo - Clark Bertram Accord
We Slaves of Suriname - Anton de Kom
Two evenings in Saramaka - Richard Price
Daring life - Astrid Heligonda Roemer
Open Veins of Latin America - Eduardo Galeano
The Ship of Fools - Cristina Peri Rossi
La vida breve - Juan Carlos Onetti
La Tregua - Mario Benedetti
Jungle Tales - Horacio Silvestre Quiroga Forteza
The Book of Embraces - Eduardo Galeano
Body Snatcher - Juan Carlos Onetti
Aventuras de los jóvenes dioses - Eduardo Galeano
Ariel - José Enrique Rodó
Pedro y al Capitán - Mario Benedetti
The Naked Woman - Armonía Somers
Dead Houses - Miguel Otero Silva
Las lanzas coloradas - Arturo Uslar Pietri
Cuando quiero llorar no lloro - Miguel Otero Silva
Canaima - Rómulo Gallegos
Memories of Altagracia - Salvador Garmendia
Cantaclaro - Rómulo Gallegos
Boves, El Urogallo - Francisco Herrera Luque
Cuentos grotescos - José Rafael Pocaterra
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pintoras · 3 years
An incomplete list of Latin American women painters
This list is based upon submissions by followers. It will be updated every time new submissions come in.
From Argentina:
Marcia Schvartz
Josefina Robirosa
Julia Wernicke
Leonor Fini
María Obligado de Soto y Calvo
Mildred Burton
Emilia Bertolé
Raquel Forner
Julia Wernicke
Josefina Robirosa
Norah Borges
Ana Weiss de Rossi
From Bolivia:
María Luisa Pacheco
Sonia Falcone
Graciela Rodo Boulanger
From Brazil:
Adriana Varejão
Beatriz Milhazes
Marcela Cantuária
Tarsila do Amaral
Anita Malfatti
Djanira da Motta e Silva
Lygia Clark
Lygia Pape
Tomie Ohtake
Maria Auxiliadora
Regina Vater
Wanda Pimentel
Lenora de Barros
Helena Trindade
Mira Schendel
Leila Danziger
Cybele Varela
Teresinha Soares
Maria do Carmo Secco
Ana Elisa Egreja
Eleonore Koch
Leda Catunda
Abigail de Andrade
Sandra Cinto
Marina Rheingantz
Valeska Soares
Ana Elisa Gonçalves
Ana Claudia Almeida
Berthe Worms
From Chile:
Gracia Barrios
Violeta Parra
Matilde Perez
Roser Bru
Carmen Aldunate
María Tupper
María Mohor
Elmina Moisan
From Colombia:
Débora Arango
Beatríz González
Siu Vásquez
Vicky Neumann
Alejandra Hernández
Laura Noguera
Catalina Mejía 
Gala Porras-Kim
Fanny Sanín
From Costa Rica:
Meredith Paul
From Ecuador:
Araceli Gilbert
Pilar Bustos
Yela Loffredo
From Guatemala:
Nan Cuz
From Mexico:
Frida Kahlo
María Izquierdo
Aurora Reyes Flores
Celia Calderón
Fanny Rabel
Manuela Generali
Joy Laville
Perla Krauze
Magali Lara
Gabriela Arévalo
Estrella Carmona
Leonora Carrington
Remedios Varo
From Suriname:
Iléne Themen
From Uruguay:
Petrona Viera
Hilda Lopez
Lacy Duarte
María Freire
Virginia Patrone
From Venezuela:
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workingonmoviemaps · 2 years
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Popular Locations Wednesday
Seville’s Plaza de España
Plaza de España was constructed in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition. The main building was designed by architect Aníbal González in a variety of styles including Art Deco, Spanish Renaissance & Baroque Revivals, and Neo-Mudéjar. The building is a large half-circle that encloses the large plaza that leads to Maria Luisa Park designed by Jean-Claude Nicolas Forestier. The building currently mainly houses government offices for the city.
The building can be seen above as Wadiya Palace in The Dictator, Naboo in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones, and Cairo in Lawrence of Arabia.
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transtranscendence · 3 years
2010-2011 - We will not be silenced. We must fight back against transphobia.
For Dandara, murdered on July 4, 2010, in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on July 6, 2010, in São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo, Brazil.
For “Juan Carlos” Crespo Molina, murdered on July 7, 2010, in Terraplén, Loíza, Puerto Rico.
For Natasha de Souza Oliveira, murdered on July 8, 2010, in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 
For Scarlety, murdered on July 8, 2010, in Balsas, Maranhão, Brazil.
For Michele da Silva Bulhões, murdered on July 12, 2010 in Uberaba, Minas Gerais, Brazil. 
For “Uziel” Figueiredo Araújo, murdered on July 22, 2010, in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
For Paola González Mendez, murdered on July 25, 2010, in San Francisco, Zulia, Venezuela.
For Jessica, murdered on July 27, 2010, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For “Alcebíades” Alves de Melo, murdered on August 12, 2010, in Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
For Dani Bananinha Feitosa de Andrade, murdered on August 14, 2010, in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Karen Mendonça, murdered on August 18, 2010, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
For Lorraine, murdered on August 19, 2010, in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.
For “Sidney” Nascimento, murdered on August 21, 2010, in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil.
For Jaqueline Eunapio Garcao, murdered on August 22, 2010, in Dores, Sergipe, Brazil.
For Elane, murdered on August 29, 2010, in Salvador da Bahia, Brazil.
For Keila Rios, murdered on August 31, 2010, in Mata S. Joao, Bahia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on September 4, 2010, in Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil.
For “Gypsy”, murdered on September 6, 2010, in Houston, TX.
For Letícia Soares, murdered on September 10, 2010, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For La Flaca Soto González, murdered on September 13, 2010, in Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico.
For Michele González García, murdered on September 13, 2010, in Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico.
For Irem Okan, murdered on September 20, 2010, in Bursa, Turkey.
For Duda Fernandes, murdered on September 21, 2010, in Piracicaba, São Paulo, Brazil.
For “José Anacleto” Honorato, murdered on September 23, 2010, in Caruaru, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on September 26, 2010, in Chihuahua, Bursa, Mexico.
For Ademir do Nascimento Silva, murdered on September 27, 2010, in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For “Jefferson” Dias Nicasso, murdered on October 10, 2010, in Apericida de Goiania, Goiás, Brazil.
For Luisana Gaspar Rojas, murdered on October 10, 2010, in Asunción, Distrito Capital, Paraguay.
For Paloma da Silva Raposa, murdered on October 17, 2010, in Terra Rica, Paraná, Brazil.
For La Tuerta Santana Morales, murdered on October 17, 2010, in Quindió, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on October 21, 2010, in Maracanau, Ceará, Brazil.
For Débora Durán Correa, murdered on October 22, 2010, in Machala, El Oro, Ecuador.
For the unknown person murdered on October 22, 2010, in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil.
For Cleisiane, murdered on October 27, 2010, in Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on October 28, 2010, in Guerrero, Mexico.
For Erica Luna, murdered on October 31, 2010, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
For the unknown person murdered on October 31, 2010, in Michoacán, Mexico.
For “Julio Adelino” Rodrigues, murdered on November 3, 2010, in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on November 6, 2010, in Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan.
For the unknown person murdered on November 7, 2010, in Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan.
For Emanuelly Colaço Tabordo, murdered on November 9, 2010, in Praia de Leste, Paraná, Brazil.
For Rani, murdered on November 11, 2010, in Surat, Odisha, India.
For Serap, murdered on November 12, 2010, in Iİzmir, Turkey.
For the unknown person murdered on November 13, 2010, in Matão, São Paulo, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on November 14, 2010, in Baugio, Philippines.
For Jurema, murdered on November 25, 2010, in Ipirá, Bahia, Brazil.
For “Fernando”, murdered on November 25, 2010, in Ipirá, Bahia, Brazil.
For Adriana, murdered on November 27, 2010, in Quito, Ecuador.
For Valentina, murdered on November 29, 2010, in Ibague, Tolima, Colombia.
For Sandra, murdered on November 29, 2010, in Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
For Marcinha, murdered on November 29, 2010, in Santa Maria, Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil.
For Alison, who was murdered on November 30, 2010, in Salitre, Guayas, Ecuador.
For Kirat Pal, murdered on December 1, 2010, in Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India.
For “Charm Ashwan” Williams, murdered on December 3, 2010, in Kingston, Jamaica.
For the unknown person murdered on December 3, 2010, in Hidrolandia, Goiás, Brazil.
For “Reinaldo Davino da Silva”, murdered on December 5, 2010, in Benedito Bentes, Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil.
For Mica, murdered on December 7, 2010, in Umarizal, Belem, Pará, Brazil.
For “Jocivaldo Alves”, murdered on December 9, 2010, in Ibirapitanga, Bahia, Brazil.
For the unknown person murdered on December 13, 2010, in Cali, Valle de Cauca, Columbia.
For Nataly Rojas, murdered on December 13, 2010, in Candelaria, Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
For Pamela, murdered on December 13, 2010, in Cali, Valle de Cauca, Columbia.
For the unknown person murdered on December 15, 2010, in Moreno, Pernambuco, Brazil.
For Farlen, murdered on December 17, 2010, in Nova Serrana, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
For Lorenza Alexis Alvarado Hernandez, murdered on December 18, 2010, in Comayaguela, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For Diana, murdered on December 18, 2010, in Valle del Cauca, Colombia.
For the unknown person murdered on December 18, 2010, in Planalto Serrano, Serra, Espirito Santo, Brazil.
For Lady Oscar, murdered on December 20, 2010, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For Mirela, murdered on December 21, 2010, in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.
For “Carlos Bispo dos Santos”, murdered on December 23, 2010, in Goiandia, Goiás, Brazil.
For Erica Pinheiro de Siqueira, murdered on December 25, 2010, in Pajucara, Maceio, Alagoas, Brazil.
For Luisa, murdered on December 27, 2010, in Dr. Silvio Leite, Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil. 
For Cheo Reana Bustamente, murdered on December 29, 2010, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras.
For Jelwin Tolentino, murdered on December 31, 2010, in Aklan, Philippines.
For Reana ‘Cheo’ Bustamente murdered on January 2 2011, in Tegucigalpa, Distrito Central, Honduras
For Génisis Bridget Makaligton murdered on January 7 2011 in Comayaguela, Distrito Central, Honduras
For the unknown person murdered on January 7, 2011 in Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
For the unknown person murdered on January 8th, 2011 in the Philippines 
For the unknown person murdered on January 8th, 2011 in Ocoyoacac, Estado de México, Mexico
For the unknown person murdered on January 9th, 2011 I  Apatzingan, Michoacán, Mexico
For Adriana murdered on January 12, 2011 in Cariacica, Espírito Santo, Brazil
For the unknown person who was murdered on January 15, 2011 in Centro, Joao Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil
For Laisa murdered on January 16, 2011 in Quindio, Colombia
For Angela murdered on January 17, 2011 In Maracaibo, Zulia, Venezuela 
For Fergie murdered on January 17, 2011 in San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras
For Marcia murdered on January 18, 2011 in Centro, Jaragua do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil
For the unknown person who was murdered on January 20, 2011 in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico
For Mini Britany murdered on January 2011, in Santa Cruz, Bolivia 
For the unknown person murdered on January 22, 2011 in Capao Bonito, São Paulo, Brazil
For the unknown person murdered on January 23, 2011 in Jameiro, São Paulo, Brazil
For Natasha murdered on January 24, 2011 in Cidade Industrial, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
For Ivo Valentin murdered on January 25, 2011 in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil
For Mariana murdered on January 25, 2011 In Oran, Salta, Argentina 
For the unknown person murdered on January 29, 2011 in Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico
For Angie murdered on January 30, 2011 in Cali, Valle Del Cuaca, Colombia
For Alejandra Marin murdered on January 30, 2011, Valle Del Cauca, Colombia
For 2 unknown trans women murdered on January 31, 2011 in Barinas, Venezuela 
For Carla murdered on January 31, 2011 in Penedo, Alagoas, Brazil
For Geruza  murdered on February 1, 2011 in Joao Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil
For Laura Renan murdered on February 2, 2011  in São Sebastian, Minas Gerais, Brazil
For the unknown person murdered on February 2, 2011 Recoletac Bueno Aires, Argentina
For the unknown person murdered on February 4th, 2011 in Pinheiros, São Paulo, Brazil
For Lorraine murdered on February 4, 2011 in Senador Canedo, Goiás, Brazil
For the unknown Person murdered on February 7, 2011 in Charallave, Miranda, Venezuela
For “Esteban Gonzalez Gomez” murdered on February 7th, 2011 in Alvaro Obregon, Michoacán, Mexico
For Fernanda murdered on February 9, 2011 in Hidrolandia, Goiás, Brazil
For the unknown person murdered on February 12, 2011 in Torres del PRI, Ciudad Juarez Chihuahua, Mexico
For “Luis Fernando Ormeno” murdered on February 13, 2011 in Quito, Ecuador
For Nicol Balanta murdered on February 13, 2011 in Valle del Cauca, Colombia
For Capenga murdered on February 14, 2011 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
For Moni murdered on February 14, 2011 in Moreno, Buenos Aires, Argentina
For Poh Hiao Peng murdered on February 15, 2011 i Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia
For the unknown person murdered on February 17, 2011 in Mielenko Drawskie, Drawsko, Poland
For Mireya murdered on February 17, 2011 in Cuidad de Panamá, Panama
For Aline murdered on February 20, 2011 Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
For unknown person murdered on February 22, 2011 in Sinaloa, Mexico
For Cruz Escorcia murdered on February 22, 2011 in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala
For the unknown person murdered on February 28, 2011 in Santa Barbara, Pangasinan, Philippines
For the unknown person murdered on February 28, 2011 Malasiqui, Pangasinan, Philippines
For the unknown person murdered on February 28, 2011 in Baguio, Benguet, Philippines
For Val Graças Souza murdered on March 6, 2011 in Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil
For Casandra murdered on March 8, 2011 in Cunduacan, Tabasco, Mexico
For Andrea murdered on March 8, 2011 Medellin, Antiouquia, Colombia
For Shakira murdered on March 10, 201- in Taman Lawang, Jakarta, Indonesia
For the unknown person murdered on March 11, 2011 in Sumaré, São Paulo, Brazil
For Tininha murdered on March 11, 2011 in Atibaia, São Paulo, Brazil
For La Jenny murdered on March 12, 2011 in Chiabal, Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico
For R. Suresh murdered on March 13, 2011 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
For Andrea murdered on March 17, 2011 in Valle Del Cauca, Colombia 
For the unknown person murdered on March 17, 2011 in Ipojuca, Renambuco, Brazil
For “Javier Ortega Rodriguez” murdered on March 18, 2011 i  Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico
For the unknown person murdered on March 18, 2011 in Sumaré, São Paulo, Brazil 
For the unknown person murdered on March 19, 2011 in Callie Libertad, chihuahua, Mexico
For “Osimar Sebastião de Souza Junior” on March 21, 2011 in Passos, Minas Gerais, Brazil
For S.P.  murdered on March 22, 2011 in Izmir, Turkey
For “Marco Jose Pereira da Silva” murdered on March 22, 2011 in Ibura, Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
For the unknown person murdered on March 23, 2011 in Tepoztlãn, Morelos, Mexico
For the unknown person murdered on March 24, 2011 in Antioquia, Colombia
For Leidy Garcia murdered on March 27, 2011 in Bogota, Colombia
For Jessica murdered on March 27, 2011 in Santa Fe, Colombia
For Brenda Vanessa Viveros Peralta murdered on March 29, 2011 in Valle del Cauca, Colombia
For the 3 unknown persons murdered on March 31, 2011 in Anori, Amazonas, Brazil
For the unknown person murdered on April 2, 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
For Zharick murdered on April 6, 2011 in Bogota, Colombia 
For Grace da Silva murdered on April 6, 2011 in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
For Paulinha César de Oliveira murdered on April 9, 2011 in Minas Gerais, Brazil
For Rafaela Thompson murdered on April 11, 2011 in Vilhena, Ronzdõnia, Brazil
For Beyonce Nascimento dos Santos murdered April 14, 2011, Itupua, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
For “Armando Cabrera Martinez” murdered on April 15, 2011 in Puebla, Mexico
For Inete murdered on April 15, 2011 in Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil
For Waseem murdered on April’s 16, 2011 in Hydrerabad, Telangana, Pakistan
For Kali murdered in April 16, 2011 in Hyderabad, Telangana, Pakistan
For Cristal Sodi murdered in April 18, 201- in San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic
For Narin B murdered on April 19, 2011 in Izmir, Turkey
For the unknown person murdered on April 19, 2011 in San Pedro Sula, Cortés, Honduras
For Bibi murdered on April 27, 2011 in Sao Pedro, Rondônia, Brazil
For Ale murdered on April 27, 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
For La Domenicana murdered on April 30, 2011 in Caracas, Venezuela
For Kimberly Rubí Bianconi López murdered on April 30, 2011 in Caracas, Venezuela 
For the unknown person murdered on April 30, 2011 in La Laja, Guerrero, Mexico
For Barbara murdered on May 1, 2011 in San Andres Chiluba, Puebla, Mexico
For Preta Gil murdered on May 1, 2011 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
For “Jean Carlos Pereira da Sailva” murdered on May 1, 2011 i  Tapera, Ceará, Brazil
For Naomi murdered on May 5, 2011 in Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
For the unknown person murdered on May 11, 2011 in Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brazil
For “Felipe Roberto” de Freitas Silva murdered on May 12, 2011 in Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais, Brazil
For Luisa Nicol Valera murdered on May 13, 2011 in El Rosal, Caracas, Venezuela 
For the unknown person murdered on May 18, 2011 in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil
For Paloma murdered on May 21, 2011 in Itaguai, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
For “Milda Rusel Aguilar Donis” murdered on May 24, 2011 in Santa Rosa de Lima, Guatemala 
For Alicinha da Cruz murdered on May 28, 2011 in Cuiaba, Mayo Grosso, Brazil
For “Roberto Confessor da Silva”  murdered on May 28, 2011 in Joāo Pessoa, Paraiba, Brazil
For Levinha murdered on May 31, 2011 in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
For “Alexandre dos Anjos” on May 31, 2011 in Bahia, Brazil
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#HailCaesar #BirtherInChief #CorpMedia #Idiocracy #Oligarchs #MegaBanks vs #Union #Occupy #NoDAPL #BLM #SDF #DACA #MeToo #Humanity #DemExit
Stop the aggressions against the Zapatistas! - Manifesto signed by Noam Chomsky, Boaventura De Sousa, Raúl Zibechi, Enzo Traverso, Gilberto López y Rivas and more.
Today those who defend the environment are slaughtered every day. At a time like the one that the planet lives in which the protection of those who defend it is required, the opposite happens. Those who have resisted this destruction by the powerful have not stopped saying NO, they have always done so, although the current administration does not want to have memory.
The murder in the community of Amilcingo, Morelos of Samir Flores, a member of the resistance against the Comprehensive Plan Morelos, its gas pipeline and thermoelectric plants that put the life and territory of Nahua communities in Puebla and Morelos at risk; the massacre of 15 Ikoot indigenous people in San Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca, one of the regions that has opposed the Trans-isthmian Corridor projects; the growing paramilitary violence in Chiapas, with 56 attacks in the municipality of Aldama alone, and the kidnapping in February of members of the National Indigenous Council (CNI) of the municipality of Chenalhó are proof that the war continues.
Now the violence is becoming more and more explicit against the Zapatista communities. The growth of the activity of paramilitary groups such as “Los Chinchulines” or the Regional Organization of Coffee Growers of Ocosingo (ORCAO), as well as the appearance of new groups, is exacerbating tension in the region. The theft and burning of warehouses and houses of the Moisés Ghandi community, of the Autonomous Rebel Zapatista Municipality “Lucio Cabañas”, (in the official municipality of Ocosingo), show the increase in the intensity of the aggressions and provocations against the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. The EZLN has respected the ceasefire for years and has focused on strengthening its autonomous organizational processes with schools, clinics, and justice systems. It is serious that one of the ethical references of resistance and construction of concrete and viable alternatives for the planet continues to be under siege, and it is even more serious that the response of those who seek to “transform Mexico” is complicity or oblivion in the face of these extermination attempts. .
It is extremely worrying that this occurs in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, that there are those who seek to take advantage of the vulnerability in which everyone finds themselves to fuel their ambitions for money and power. It is more worrisome when those who are supposedly in charge of preventing such abuses allow and therefore favor them.
Beyond the erroneous or successful changes of the executive power, which shows this escalation of violence in indigenous areas, and the worsening of paramilitary attacks in the Zapatista territory in Chiapas, is the continuity of the racist, colonial and paternalistic vision of the governments. liberals and conservatives, left and right. Projects such as the Mayan Train show the idea of ​​bringing "development" to indigenous peoples by turning them into cheap labor and contributing only the folkloric image of the Mexican indigenous.
The violence and dispossession of indigenous territories that megaprojects such as the Trans-isthmian Corridor or the Mayan Train imply and require are the ethical breaking point of the current Mexican government, it is where the moral stature that President López Obrador has awarded in front of its predecessors begins to collapse.
Those of us who signed this letter are watching carefully what is happening in Mexico, what is happening in the Zapatista communities that for decades have been a benchmark for other ways of living, health, education, justice, politics. We will not allow the extermination of indigenous peoples with the recurring excuse of development.
International firms
Noam Chomsky (USA)
Saskia Sassen (USA)
Raúl Zibechi (Uruguay)
Marcos Roitman (Spanish State)
Oscar Olivera (Bolivia)
Hugo Blanco Galdos (Peru)
Boaventura De Sousa Santos (Portugal)
Michael Hardt (USA)
Yvon Le Bot (France)
Philippe Corcuff (France)
Jaime Pastor (Spanish State)
Manuel Garí Ramos. Economist. Member of Anticapitalistas (Spanish State)
Juan Wahren (Argentina)
Sabrina Melenotte (France)
Daniel Mato (Argentina)
John Gibler (USA)
José Angel Quintero Weir - Wainjirawa Indigenous Organization (Venezuela)
Roberto Ojeda Escalante (Cusco, Peru)
Pepe Mejía, journalist, social activist, Correspondent for Indigenous Struggle in Europe
Pierluigi Sullo (Italy)
Enzo Traverso (Italy)
Derly Constanza Cuetia Dagua (Nasa People, Colombia)
Vilma Rocío Almendra (Colombia)
Manuel Rozental (Colombia)
Raúl Camargo. Former deputy of Madrid. Spokesperson for Anticapitalistas (Spanish State)
Genaro Raboso Saelices. Unionist of Workers' Commissions (Spanish State)
Ana María Gordaliza Fernández. Psychoanalyst. (Spanish state)
Ana Barba. Pharmaceutical (Spanish State)
Marià Delás Briefcase. Journalist (Spanish State)
Lurdes Lucia. Editor Feminist. (Spanish state)
José Vicente Barcia. Ecologist (Spanish State)
Rocío Van Der Heide García. Anti-capitalists. Social worker (Spanish State)
Patri Amaya. Feminist. LGTBI Movement (Spanish State)
Fernando Cabrerizo. Multimedia Technician (Spanish State)
Pablo Pérez Garfonina. Member of Adelante Andalucía (Spanish State)
Ramon Gorriz Vitalla, union member of Workers' Commissions (Spanish State)
Roberto Montoya Batiz. Journalist (Spanish State)
Laura Lucía Pérez Ruano. Jurist. Teacher. Former deputy of Navarra (Spanish State)
Carmen San José Pérez. Family doctor. Unionist of the Assembly Movement of Health Workers (MATS) (Spanish State)
Juan Hernández Zubizarreta. College professor. Member of the Observatory of Multinationals of Latin America. (Spanish state)
Lorena Garrón Rincón. Councilor of the Cádiz City Council. (Spanish state)
Alicia López Hernando. Feminist Movement (Spanish State)
Ángela Aguilera Clavijo, deputy spokesperson of the Adelante Andalucía group in the Andalusian Parliament (Spanish State)
Demetrio Quirós. Councilor of the Cádiz City Council (Spanish State)
Jorge Riechmann Fernández. Professor at the Autonomous University of
Madrid and writer (Spanish State)
Mónica Rocha Medina, Bolivian Center for Popular Studies (Bolivia)
Huáscar Salazar Lohman, Bolivian Center for Popular Studies (Bolivia)
Patrick Silberstein (France)
Tomas Astelarra, journalist (Argentina)
Mexican firms
Paul Hersch Martinez
Alicia Castellanos Guerrero, UAM-I
Gilberto López y Rivas, INAH- Morelos
Juan Carlos Rulfo. Filmmaker. Mexico City.
Margara Millán, professor, UNAM
Fernanda Navarro
Paul Leduc
Magdalena Gomez
Francisco Barrios "El Cress"
Eduardo Almeida Acosta
Maria Eugenia Sánchez Díaz de Rivera
Graciela Mijares López
Alexander Varas
Volga De Pina, defender of Human Rights.
Marta De Cea. Cultural Promoter. Mexico
Mariana Mora, CIESAS CDMX and Red de Feminismos Descoloniales
Bruno Baronnet, Universidad Veracruzana
Isidoro Moreno. Emeritus Professor of Anthropology. Sevilla University. Andalusia
Francisco Morfin Otero. Instituto Superior Intercultural Ayuuk ISIA
Kathia Núñez Patiño Faculty of Social Sciences C-III. A CH
Richard Stahler-Sholk Eastern Michigan University, USA
Jean Robert Architect, Professor at La Salle University
Sylvia Marcos, Network of decolonial Feminisms, Professor at the Ibero-American University
Servando Gaja, Cinematographer
Inés Durán Matute, sociologist.
Mariana favela
Barbara Zamora
Susana Vázquez Vidal, PhD at CIESAS Occidente.
Orb Larisa
Antonio Sarmiento
Hector Zetina
Raúl Romero, sociologist, Mexico.
Raúl Gutiérrez Narváez, Intercultural Inductive Education Network and CIESAS, Chiapas
Sergio Tischler
Fernando Matamoros Ponce, Research Professor, Postgraduate in Sociology (ICSyH-BUAP)
Joaquín Osorio G. ITESO
Rubén Martin, freelance journalist, Guadalajara
Lucia Linsalata
Ana Maria Vera
Isis Samaniego-Poet
Bertha Melendez «Yuhcatla»
Maria Luisa Arroyo Rodriguez
Epifanio Flores and Manzola
Amparo Seville
J. Jesus Maria Serna Moreno
Sergio Hernández / Uci, Zautla, Puebla
Paulino Alvarado
Erika Sánchez Cruz, professor at BUAP
Irma Zentle Colotl, Social Economist
Wullfrano Ramírez, Dr. Artificial Intelligence
Mirna Valdés, Poet
Horacio Torres de Ita
Alejandra Jiménez, Rural Teacher
Ana Melissa Valenzuela, Educator
Zitlalli López Mendoza, Educator
Cristian Añorve, Student
Roxana Bolio
Jose Meza Rosas
Luis Saracho de María y Campos
Florina Mendoza Jimenez
Leonel Lopez
María de Lourdes Mejía, Mother of Carlos Sinuhé Cuevas Mejía
Angel Benhumea Salazar
Roberto Rodríguez Contreras "Cat"
Isabel Maldonado Hernandez
Omar Abrego Torres
Alfredo Velarde Saracho, professor at the Faculty of Economics
Ana Laura Suarez Lima
Azael Soriano Sanchez
Cecilia Zeledon
Diana Patricia González Ferreira, ICSYH Sociology Teacher
Colectivo La Resistencia (Los Angeles, USA)
Solidarity with the Mexican people - Málaga (Spanish State)
Union Communiste libertaire (Marseille, France)
Union syndicale Solidaires, (France)
Vocesenlucha - Popular Communication (Spanish State)
Collectif Paris-Ayotzinapa (France)
Towns in Camino (Colombia)
Éditions Syllepse (France)
Network of Brotherhood and Solidarity with Colombia (Colombia)
International Commission of the People's Congress (Colombia)
Network Against Repression and for Solidarity (RvsR)
Human Rights Node (NODHO)
Errant Etcetera
Labor and Socialist Unity (UníoS!)
Union of Neighbors and Victims "September 19" (UVyd-19)
Community Communication Research Center A.C. (CICC A.C.)
Popular Indigenous Council of Oaxaca Ricardo Flores Magón (CIPO-RFM)
Indigenous and Popular Council of Guerrero - Emiliano Zapata (CIPOG-EZ)
Guardians and Guardians of the Metlapanapa River
Otomí Indigenous Community residing in CDMX
Support network for the CNI-CIG Ibero Puebla
Xalapa Resistance and Rebellion Network
2140/5000 Resistance and Rebellion Network in support of the CNI-CIG of the Port of Veracruz
La Otra Tuxtla Resistance and Rebellion Network
Network of Rebellion and Resistrenzas-Puebla
Metropolitan, Anticapitalist and Antipatriarchal Coordination with the CIG
Network of decolonial feminisms
Paper picnic area
Compas Arriba !, Xalapa, Veracruz.
Mexicali Resists
Binational Network of Women Who Fight
Nativitas Zacapan for the Defense of the Land and Water.
Radio Tlanixco
The Collective Against Torture and Impunity
Colectivo Feminista Cihuatlahtolli A.C.
The Voice of the Anahuac.
Autonomous Student Renovation Collective
Coordinator of Students and Collectives of the FD-UNAM
Zapatista Neza Collective, Café "Zapata Vive"
Radio Regeneration
UPREZ Benito Juárez
Collective Aequus.- Promotion and defense of Human Rights
Coordination of Relatives of Students Victims of Violence
Voices of the Wind
Poetry and Singing
Collective Las Sureñas in resistance and rebellion
Popular Free Media Laboratory
Stomping Free Media
Plantón for 43
La Ceiba Collective
Zapatista Pantitlán Health Brigade
Sector of Workers Adhering to the Sixth Declaration
Front of Workers for the Right to Health and Social Security
Women who Fight, Resist and Organize
Rebel Bazaar
Community Dentistry Collective Sowing Smiles
Otomí Autonomous School
Residents of the Honorable National Student House.
Community Radio Totopo de Juchitán, Istmo de Tehuantepec, Oaxaca
Green Tide High Mountains
Circle of Marxist Studies, Mexico City
The Other Juaritox
Collective ADA
Karuzo Cultural Forum
They are from the Máiz
Sixth Theater
El Torito Collective
Collective of Profes in the Sixth
Xochitlanezi Community
Tlanezi Calli Community
Compass Red
Zapatista Coffee Table of the UAM-Iztapalapa Below and to the Left of Building E
Gavilanas Collective
Collective Common Notebook
Iztapalapa Sexta Support Network
Colectivos del Sur Adherent to the Sixth
University of the Earth in Puebla (UnitierraPuebla)
Collective Utopia Puebla
The Zenzontle
House of the Peoples-Mexico
Autonomous Brigades of Mutual Support
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docpiplup · 6 months
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Upcoming series: Ena
In September, the filming of Ena began, a biographical series that will focus on the life of Victoria Eugenie of Battenberg, queen of Spain through her marriage to Alfonso XIII between May 31, 1906 and April 14, 1931, after being the monarchy deposed later by the proclamation of the Second Republic. Great-grandmother of the current king Philip VI of Spain, of whom she was godmother at his baptism. Throughout six chapters, the series will tell the life of Victoria Eugenie and at the same time offer a portrait of a time that changed the world, the first half of the 20th century, from 1905 to 1945. Born on October 24, 1887 in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Ena was the daughter of Henry of Battenberg and Princess Beatrice, youngest daughter of Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Her godmother was Eugenia de Montijo, empress consort of France as Napoleón III's wife. The name of the series comes from what her friends and family called her since she was little, Ena.
The fiction is based on the novel of the same name by Pilar Eyre. Javier Olivares, who was behind the acclaimed Isabel and El Ministerio del Tiempo, will be the showrunner and plot manager for Ena. In addition to Olivares, the script is written by Isa Sánchez, Daniel Corpas and Pablo Lara Toledo. The series will be directed entirely by women: Anaïs Pareto, director of the series as a whole, in addition to four episodes, and Estel Díaz, who will direct two episodes.
“Ena is the portrait of historical moments that seem distant but are not so far away, because without them we would not understand the times we live in now,” Olivares declares in the press release sent by TVE. The writer and screenwriter remembers that Victoria Eugenie “fought to be happy in a bitter time, in which she witnessed two world wars, a civil war and a great pandemic, the tortuously called Spanish flu.”
For Pilar Eyre, author of the novel, she was "an extraordinary woman: cultured, supportive, liberal-minded, modern and very loyal." And she is excited because "finally all Spaniards can know" the story of a "misunderstood" woman. in their time, which they will always consider foreign." It is a fiction co-produced by RTVE with Ena La Serie AIE, La Cometa TV and Zona App. José Pastor, director of Film and Fiction at RTVE, has pointed out that "it is a "RTVE is proud to be able to portray this interesting historical character, from the point of view of two women directors and with Javier Olivares as showrunner, in one of its best series."
The Spanish actress of Anglo-Danish descent Kimberly Tell will play Ena and Joan Amargós will play Alfonso XIII. For her part, Elvira Mínguez will play Maria Christina von Habsburg-Lothringen, mother of Alfonso XIII. The cast is completed by Lucía Guerrero (Beatrice of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), Raúl Mérida (Alfonso of Orleans and Bourbon), Juan Gea (Álvaro Figueroa y Torres, Count of Romanones), María Morales (María del Carmen Angoloti y Mesa, Duchess of Victoria), Pedro Mari Sánchez (Rodrigo de Saavedra y Vinent, Marquis of Villalobar), Luisa Gavasa (Eugenia de Montijo) and Joaquín Notario (José de Saavedra y Salamanca, Marquis of Viana)
Mariano Peña will play Miguel Primo de Rivera; Jaume Madaula will play the anarchist Mateo Morral, author of the attack committed at the royal wedding; Tomás del Estal will be Emilio María de Torres y González-Arnáu, and Ángel Ruiz will once again give life to Federico García Lorca, a character he already played in El Ministerio del Tiempo, among others.
The series will be filmed entirely in natural exteriors and interiors, like the Royal Palace of Madrid, the Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia), the Palace of Santoña (Madrid), the Palace of Fernán Núñez (Madrid), the Fort of San Francisco (Guadalajara) and the Magdalena Palace (Santander), built in 1911 by the City Council as a tribute to the monarchs and where Ena spent a good part of her summers in Spain, accompanied by the Royal Family. Filming for the series will continue until the end of December.
So, the Magdalena Palace is going to be an important location during the series as a summer palace, the main filming location in Gran Hotel, and in that series Ena appeared in the episode 3×13, played by Aída Filx.
Apart from that, are we getting an Olivaresverse (XD)? Most likely not, and it's just references about his previous works as a showrunner, but there are connections between Isabel, Emdt and Ena: Michelle Jenner starring Isabel as Isabella I of Castile, then appearing in a couple of scenes in Emdt episode 1×04 and being an important figure in the lore as the foundress of the ministry (& Eusebio Poncela playing as Cisneros in both series, and also he played Cisneros in the film La Corona Partida and the Carlos Rey Emperador series); Alfonso XIII is a descendant of Isabella I of Castile; Ángel Ruiz appeard as Lorca in Emdt in 4 episodes and now he is on Ena playing as Lorca again, we don't know yet how much screentime he will get or which will his role be (secondary character most likely), but it's great to see more about him!
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trans-advice · 4 years
excerpt from the linked article by: The Broad Committee for the Search for Equity (CABE in Spanish):
“We demand that the Police and the government respond to this crisis of violence against LGBTQ people immediately and urgently. It is your duty to report the status of investigations and conduct them in accordance with established protocols for hate crimes, the correct treatment of trans and LGBTQ people and in accordance with the reform of the Police. They are killing us and the government is looking the other way. This epidemic of anti-LGBTQ violence is as important as the emergency that we are all experiencing right now”, said Pedro Julio Serrano, a CABE spokesman.
On Monday, April 27, CABE sent a letter to the Secretary of Public Security, Pedro Janer, and to the Commissioner of the Police Bureau, Henry Escalera, demanding an immediate and urgent meeting with Janer and Escalera in order to demand answers on the status of the investigations, the plan for surveillance and prevention of these crimes, as well as a guarantee that the processes will be carried out in accordance with the protocols and free of prejudice.
“The violence we are experiencing has its roots in the hateful rhetoric and actions by fundamentalist politicians and religious leaders who incite violence, who persecute, demonize and attack LGBTQ people. Enough of using us as scapegoats for your divisive agendas. We are as human beings as the rest of society and we deserve the same respect, the same freedom and the same equity”, said Carmen Milagros Vélez Vega, a CABE spokesperson. 
Natasha Alor, a young trans activist, called for “creating a society in which respect for diversity is a value, not a weapon to attack the experiences of another human being. Our lives experience violence every second of the day. This is not only unfair, it is inhumane. As trans people we demand respect for our lives and the guarantee that justice will be done so that these crimes do not go unpunished and do not happen again”. 
Lastly, Justin Jesus Santiago, a CABE ally, emphasized that “it is time for this government to demonstrate that it is going to fulfill its duty to protect trans people and LGBTQ people. We recognize the Coronavirus emergency, but there is also the emergency of homophobic and transphobic violence that is killing us. It is time to act. Not one more LGBTQ person can die because of hatred.”
Organizations supporting this call to action:
Alianza de Comercio LGBTTQ+ de PR
Amnistia Internacional Puerto Rico
Asociación de Psicología de Puerto Rico
Bienestar Human Services
Butterflies Trans Foundation
Casa Juana Colon
Casa Julia
COAI, Inc.
Colectivo Orgullo Arcoiris- PRIDE PR
Colegio de Abogados y Abogadas de Puerto Rico
Comite Organizador Desfile Orgullo Boqueron
Concilio de Iglesias
Coordinadora Paz para la Mujer
Diversxs Puerto Rico
Escuela Espírita Allan Kardec
Federación de Maestros
Hause of Martell
Hispanic Federation
Human Rights Campaign
Inter Mujeres
Lambda Legal
Latino Commission on Aids
Mesa de Dialogo Martin Luther King
Movimiento Amplio de Mujeres
National Center for Transgender Equality
National LGBTQ Task Force
New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP)
Organización Puertorriqueña de la Mujer Trabajadora
Orgullo Boquerón
OutRight Action International
Poetas Sin Marcha
Pro Mujeres
Proyecto Matria, Inc.
Puerto Rico Para Tod@s
Sindicato Puertorriqueño de Trabajadores y Trabajadoras
Trans Youth Coalition
Waves Ahead & SAGE Puerto Rico
People in their individual capacity:
Alejandro Santiago Calderón
Albert Rodríguez
Alegna Malavé Marrero
Alvaro Brusi, Ingeniero
Amarillys Muñoz, Psicóloga Clínica y Catedratica
Angel Crespo, Trabajador Social
Beatriz Gonzalez , Educadora
Carlos Camuy
Daniel Velázquez
David Mejias
Debbie Aruz, MD
Desiree Cardoza
Diannette Fantauzzi
Doroti Santiago, Educadora
Dra. América Facundo, Catedrática
Dra. Lisandra Torres
Dra. Mercedes Rodríguez
Dra. Sarah Malavé
Duane Kolterman
Eduardo Nuñez Caldero, Comerciante
Elizabeth Fernandez O’Brien, Artista
Ellen Pratt, Catedratica Retirada
Esther Vicente-Inter Mujeres
Estrella Baerga Santini, Educadora
Eva Ayala, Educadora
Ilia Cornier, Agrónoma
Irene La farga, Psicóloga Social Comunitaria
Isabel Feliciano
Jaime Vazquez-Bernier, Abogado
Javier La farga, fotógrafo profesional
Javier Nolla Vila
Joey Pons
Jorge Iván López Martínez
Julian Silva
Juliana Maria Acosta Velez, Estudiante UPR
Justin Jesus Santiago
Kayra Lee Naranjo
Larry Emil Alicea- Presidente Federación Internacional de Trabajo Social América Latina y el Caribe
Lcda. Verónica Rivera Torres, CLADEM
Leonell Justiniano
Lisa Morales, Profesora Universitaria
Lorenza Ortiz, Educadora
Luis Rivera Pagán Profesor Emerito de Teología Ecuménica (Princeton Theological Seminary)
Luisa Acevedo-Jubilada
Madeline Roman, Sociologa
Maria Dolores Fernos, Abogada
María E.Lara, Educadora
Marilucy González-Inter Mujeres
Mario Amílcar Torres Lara
Marisol Pares Avila , Educadora
Marisol Velez-Vega, Terapista Fisico
Marlyn Souffont, Educadora
Mary Cele Rivera Martinez, Abogada
Mayra Cabrera-Ulloa, Audiologa
Mayra Molinary, Artista Plastica
Naira Lee
Nicole Chacón
Obispo Rafael Moreno
Patricia Otón-Inter Mujeres
Patricia Velez-Vega, Educadora
Profesora Yanira Reyes
Rev. Felipe Lozada  Montañez
Ruth Otero, Catedratica UPR Retirada
Simara Fierce
Sylas Crow Cardoza
Teresa Previdi, cineasta
Wally Soto
Will Tirado
Zoraida Santiago, Antropologia Social
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Campeonato de España (Badajoz) FEFF (resultados)
Campeonato de España de resultados (Badajoz) FEFF biomarcadores , evento celebrado los días 14 y 15 de octubre en IFEBA en Badajoz.
Campeonato de España (Badajoz) FEFF 2017 Master Classic culturismo resultados
1. Manuel Sanchez Mira (Comunidad Valenciana) (5)
2. Antonio Hernandez Parra (Murcia) (8)
3. Juan Francisco Rojas García (Comunidad de Madrid) (2)
4. Pedro Fuentes Crespo (Castilla y León) (6)
5. Plumas redondas de Vicenç (Katalonia) (7)
6. Ramón Fallas Berrocal (Katalonia) (3)
. Jordi Valls (Katalonien) (4)
Bodyfitness Senior hasta 158 cm
1. Anabel Da Cruz Valenzuela (Katalonia) (98)
2. Meire Alves Da Silva (Katalonia) (102)
3. Rocío Ibáñez García (La Rioja) (88)
4 Sarah-Ashleigh Baker (Andalucía) (93)
5. Lucia Castillo Sanchez (Comunidad de Madrid) (109)
6. Maria Isabel Fernandez Fernandez (Galicia) (119)
. Alba Brox García (Comunidad de Madrid) (110)
Bodyfitness senior exige 163 cm
1. Elena Eulalia Ordoñez Mendez (Extremadura) (104)
2. Zaira Serrano Alama (Andalucía) (92)
3. Anna Ferrer Flos (Cataluña) (89)
4. Iune Gonzalez Ojembarrena (Cataluña) (118)
5. Rafaela Silva (Cataluña) (115)
6. Isabel Mendiola Torrón (Madrid en su totalidad) (99)
. Sara Rodríguez Berza (Galicia) (96)
. Montserrat Celaya Ramírez (Katalonia) (100)
. Cristina Rodriguez Olmos (Comunidad Valenciana) (103)
. Nuria Sans Roselló (Katalonien) (105)
. BegoñGarcia Villarraco (Comunidad Valenciana) (107)
. Luisa Gil Serrato (Baleares) (108)
. Mirian Ramos Caceres (Andalucía) (118)
Bodyfitness Senior hasta 168 cm
1. Marisa Lobato Gutierrez (Andalusia) (114)
2. Marina Navas Campaña (Comunidad de Madrid) (120)
3. Laura Benasques Borau (Katalonia) (122)
4. Mihaela Loredana Caiuteanu (Canarias) (116)
5. Pino Leon Yamila (Canarias) (94)
6. Guadalupe Quiles Robles (Comunidad Valenciana) (95)
. Silvia Tambo Arizcure (Comunidad de Madrid) (97)
Bodyfitness Senior plus 168 cm
1. Raquel Arranz Fernandez (Galicia) (117)
2. Sjoukje Van Der Heide (Andalucía) (112)
3. Helena Castro Roman (Andalucía) (90)
4. Montserrat Celaya Ramírez (Katalonia) (101)
5. Veronica Martin Martin (Comunidad de Madrid) (91)
6. Soraya Alvarez Peñuela (Asturia) (106)
. Sonia Trapero Burgos (La Rioja) (121)
Campeón absoluto de bodyfitness
Raquel Arranz Fernandez (Galicia) (117)
Bikini Fitness Junior
1. Elena Maria López Baena (Andalucía) (12)
2. Rocio Araujo Carrasco (Asturias) (20)
3. Sonia Bierge De Juan (Cataluña) (18)
4. Rosa Lopez Alamo (Andalucía) (11)
5. Tatiana Mompean Guillen (Comunidad Valenciana) (21)
6. Georgina Rivas Vilanova (Katalonien) (15)
. Ana Amante Gregorio (Murcia) (9)
. Paola García CéSpedes (Andalusia) (10)
. Raquel Frias Martinez (Cataluña) (13)
. Estefania Robles Rodriguez (Comunidad Valenciana) (14)
. Pilar Fernandez Jaen (Extremadura) (16)
. belén Gutiérrez Martín (Castilla y León) (17)
. Raquel Gonzalez Adan (Canarias) (19)
Bikini Fitness Master hasta 163 cm
1. Sonia Rodriguez Martin (Cataluña) (131)
2. Rebeca Mena Serrano (Cataluña) (129)
3. Kamila Pardamcova (Andalucía) (140)
4. Rocio Pedrero Rivera (Andalusia) (128)
5. Tamara Iglesias Elvira (Comunidad de Madrid) (139)
6. Gloria Borregales Simancas (Comunidad de Madrid) (127)
. Karina Balladares De Larramendi (Galicia) (130)
. Irene Carrasco Rojas (Euskadi) (133)
. Maria Del Rosario Guillen (Murcia) (136)
Bikini Fitness Master plus 163 cm
1. Valeria Noel Britos (Cataluña) (132)
2. Sandra Cortés Román (Cataluña) (138)
3. Rocio Feria González (Andalucía) (135)
4. Sarahy Gonzalez Hernandez (Canarias) (137)
5. Raquel Heras Bohajar (Comunidad Valenciana) (143)
6. Sonia Gomez Baeza (Galicia) (125)
. Marta Guijaro Rojas (Comunidad de Madrid) (126)
. Vanesa Carrera Pérez (Euskadi) (134)
. Irene Ibañez Martin (Comunidad de Madrid) (141)
. Marzo Verónica Vilas Faggiotto (Andalucía) (142)
. Virginia Borrego Fernandez (Andalucía) (144)
El maestro absoluto de Bikini Fitness Master
Valeria Noel Britos (Cataluña) (132)
padre físico masculino hasta 170 cm
1. Alejandro Cerrejón Torrano (Murcia) (33)
2. Julián Francisco Marín Celdran (Murcia) (53)
3. Juan Guillermo Ballesteros Cebrian (Andalusia) (73)
4. Michael Anthony Bosca Sanchez (Cataluña) (36)
5. Jonathan Alvarez Rodriguez (Asturias) (30)
6. Joel Nogal Fernández (Comunidad de Madrid) (74)
. Jose Antonio Afonso Luis (Canarias) (23)
. Aitor Alfonso Vivas (Euskadi) (25)
. Antonio Fernando Abellon Jimenez (Murcia) (37)
. Jose Antonio Chacon Guerrero (Andalusia) (39)
. Kiko Antonov (Comunidad Valenciana) (46)
. Angel Pintor Cencerrado (Comunidad Valenciana) (51)
. Jose Antonio Gomez Moreno (Andalucía) (66)
. Yassine Tamaste (Murcia) (67)
. Miguel Angel Salinas Fernández (Comunidad de Madrid) (71)
Javier Domínguez Fernández (Comunidad de Madrid) (32)
Italo Alberto Solano Montilla (Comunidad Valenciana) (50)
Gedeon Martinez Vilchez (Comunidad de Madrid) (75)
Guillermo Rodriguez Izquierdo (Extremadura) (84)
Valeriano Gallardo Mulero (Extremadura) (87)
padre físico masculino hasta 178 cm
1. Cristian Triano Cantero (Andalucía) (65)
2. Dario Fernandez Verdes (Asturias) (22)
3. Dario Javier Teran Burgos (Murcia) (58)
4. Aitor Alfonso Vivas (Euskadi) (52)
5. David Fillol Perez (Andalucía) (28)
6. Manuel Casado Gil (Valencian yhteiso) (86)
. Victor Martinez Hita (Cataluña) (29)
. Adrian Herranz Sanz (Comunidad de Madrid) (35)
. Marcos Iglesias García (Comunidad Valenciana) (40)
. Miguel Jimenez Rodriguez (Euskadi) (41)
. Javier Torrijos Mediavilla (Comunidad de Madrid) (47)
. Jorge Santiago Gallego (Andalusia) (68)
. Sergio Gaitan Baez (Andalucía) (70)
. Salvador Aguilar Martin (Andalucía) (78)
. Cristian Ledesma Ruiz (Comunidad de Madrid) (82)
Salvador Macias Lucena (Andalusia) (34)
Pedro Gallego Rubiales (Andalusia) (48)
Eric Vives Celaya (Katalonia) (63)
Ivan Castesana Figueroa (Galicia) (64)
Arturo Martínez Serrano (Castilla La Mancha) (72)
Jose Antonio Jimenez Martin (Andalucía) (79)
Juan Pedro Moya Esteban (Murcia) (80)
Adrian Madolell Berrocal (Melilla) (81)
padre físico masculino más 178 cm
1. Henry Johnson (Castilla y León) (76)
2. Antonio Moreno Llado (Baleares) (31)
3. Norberto Benitez Martin (Andalucía) (54)
4. David Meis Martin (Comunidad de Madrid) (62)
5. Cesar Varela Garate (Galicia) (56)
6. Marc Alvero Díez (Katalonia) (83)
. Jorge Peña (Comunidad Valenciana) (27)
. Kevin Molla Vadillo (Comunidad Valenciana) (38)
. Miguel Angel Lluch Blazquez (Comunidad Valenciana) (42)
. Alberto Gil Burgos (Comunidad de Madrid) (43)
. Daniel Gonzalez Ruiz (Canarias) (44)
. Eneko Baz Valle (País Vasco) (45)
. Fermín Díaz Rodríguez (Comunidad de Madrid) (49)
. Carlos García-Soldado Martos (Comunidad de Madrid) (59)
. Josue Santos Santiago (Extremadura) (69)
Vicente Vacas Ibañez (Andalucía) (24)
Xabier Ramirez De La Piscina Viudez (Euskadi) (26)
Xavier Castillejos Figueras (Cataluña) (55)
Sergio Curado Gonzalez Andaucia (57)
Jorge Antonio Fernandez Sanchez (Andalucía) (85)
El maestro absoluto de la física masculina.
Henry Johnson (Castilla y León) (76) Parejas de culturismo 1. Carlos Blanco y Raquel Arranz (Galicia) (124) 2. José Yuste Andreu y Vanesa Ruiz (Comunidad Valenciana) (123) Culturismo sénior, hasta 70 kg 1. José Miguel López Vázquez (Galicia) (161) 2. Sebastián Matias Ruedas (Cataluña) (151) 3. Raúl Pérez Soro (Comunidad Valenciana) (216)
4. Carlos Ferreira Poudevida (Katalonia) (152)
5. Gonzalo Izquierdo Conejero (Extremadura) (171)
6. Jose Luis Perez Martin (Andalucía) (170)
. Jose Javier Rosique Barba (Murcia) (164)
. Pedro Javier Gutierrez Ortuño (Murcia) (202)
Culturismo más viejo hasta 75 kg.
1. Adrian Diaz Montero (Comunidad de Madrid) (172)
2. Enrique Cárdenas Almeda (Andalucía) (155)
3. Maximiliano Rodríguez Jiménez (Castilla La Mancha) (220)
4. Kevin Orellana González (Cataluña) (173)
5. Boris Corcuera (Cataluña) (175)
6. José Francisco Tornel Gómez (Comunidad Valenciana) (147)
. Antonio Balmont Llopis (Comunidad Valenciana) (148)
. Ángel Cañón Diez (Castilla y León) (162)
. Santos Crispin Cruz Troya (Cataluña) (163)
. Jose Miguel Galindo Hornero (Katalonia) (169)
. Aaron Chedey Martin Martell (Canarias) (174)
. Marcos Gustavo Schanz (Baleares) (178)
. David López García (Cataluña) (179)
. Jose Teodoro Amador Campiñez (Valencian yhteiso) (180)
. Xavier Jaume Fernandez (Baleares) (184)
. Alejandro Lorenzo Contreras (Andalucía) (194)
Culturismo más antiguo, hasta 80 kg.
1. Jorge Fernandez Dominguez (Andalucía) (177)
2. Francisco Javier Osés Pastori (Andalucía) (157)
3. Bartolome Perales Barragan (Euskadi) (176)
4. Cesar Francisco Borja Molla (Comunidad Valenciana) (145)
5. Marco Grado Estruch (Katalonien) (153)
6. David Saborido Arca (Galicia) (182)
. Osmer Osvaldo Flores Márquez (Castilla y León) (150)
. Alonso Hernandez Ortiz (Extremadura) (158)
. Gregorio San Jose Garrido (Comunidad de Madrid) (160)
. Jose Yuste Andreu (Comunidad Valenciana) (165)
. David Sanchez Pintado (Comunidad de Madrid) (167)
. Antonio Bautista Pérez (Cataluña) (168)
. Antonio José González Garrido (Andalusia) (181)
. Julián Conde Sorga (Galicia) (183)
Culturismo más viejo hasta 85 kg.
1. Alberto Alonso Martínez (Katalonia) (185)
2. Jose Luis Ortiz Ortiz (Extremadura) (191)
3. Edward Alejandro Lopez Buitrago (Melilla) (189)
4 Guillermo Rodríguez López (Andalucía) (192)
5. Jesús Sancho Alcalde (Kastilia La Mancha) (223)
6. Emilio Jose Bueno Alcaraz (Andalucía) (186)
. Juan De Dios Marmol Oliva (Murcia) (146)
. Jacob Torreblanca Coloma (Comunidad Valenciana) (154)
. David Fernandez Fernandez (Andalucía) (156)
. Planelles alemanes Manzanaro (Comunidad Valenciana) (159)
. Juan Antonio Crespo Grillo (Katalonia) (187)
. Sergio Roldán Fernández (Cataluña) (190)
. Antonio Jose Navarrete Ruiz (Andalucía) (193)
. Oscar Ferriols Lloret (Comunidad Valenciana) (204)
. Bernardo Busquets Sastre (Baleares) (214)
. Jesus Ortega Huelamo (Comunidad de Madrid) (222) Culturismo antiguo, hasta 90 kg 1. Roberto Martínez Pizana (Comunidad Valenciana) (201)
2. Carlos Ube Tena (Cataluña) (188)
3. David Cámara La Fuente (Kastilia La Mancha) (218)
4. Vicente Olombrada Ferragud (Comunidad Valenciana) (199)
5. Jesús Gallego Martín (Comunidad de Madrid) (217)
6. Tiago Jorge Sousa Marques (Extremadura) (215)
. Andres Garcia Diaz (Andalucía) (60)
. Manuel Hernandez Puertas (Andalusia) (196)
. Cristian Forga Gascon (Cataluña) (197)
. Manuel Ignacio Moreno Madero (Andalusia) (198)
. Jose Manuel Herrrero Clemente (Andalucía) (213)
. Rafael De Pedro Redondo (Katalonia) (221)
. Daryl Ernesto Orozco Sanchez (Comunidad de Madrid) (224)
Culturismo más viejo más 90 kg
1. Gregory Henri Luc Bellot (Comunidad Valenciana) (219)
2. Ousmane Bathyli (Cataluña) (205)
3. Carlos Blanco Sanjurjo (Galicia) (166)
4. Roberto Castellanos Perez (Extremadura) (206)
5. Antonio Valero Tuinenburg (Comunidad Valenciana) (217)
6. Jose Antonio Guerra Triviño (Katalonia) (203)
. Juan De Dios Romero Nadal (Andalusia) (200)
. Pedro Redin Azcona (Euskadi) (207)
. Sebastián Lago Quintáns (Castilla y León) (208)
. Ian Marc Guitart Erikson (Cataluña) (209)
. Guillermo Bermudo Alcaide (Katalonia) (210)
. Javier Cantalejo Homs (La Rioja) (211)
Un maestro absoluto del culturismo
Gregory Henri Luc Bellot (Comunidad Valenciana) (219)
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m1male2 · 5 years
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The Plaza de España is an architectural ensemble located in the Maria Luisa park in the city of Seville (Spain). It was made by the architect Aníbal González. It was built between 1914 and 1929 as the main building, and the largest, of the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929.
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opiumdenswami · 5 years
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Delfina and María de Jesús González (known as "Las Poquianchis") were two sisters from the Mexican state of Guanajuato, located 200 miles north of Mexico City. From the 1950s until the mid-1960s the sisters ran Rancho El Ángel, called the "bordello from hell" in San Francisco del Rincón.
The police picked up a woman named Josefina Gutiérrez, a procuress, on suspicion of kidnapping young girls in the Guanajuato area, and during questioning, she implicated the two sisters. Police officers searched the sisters' property and found the bodies of 11 men, 80 women and several fetuses, a total of over 91.
Investigations revealed the scheme was that they would recruit prostitutes through help-wanted ads; though the ads would state the girls would become maids for the two sisters. Many of the girls were force fed heroin or cocaine. The sisters killed the prostitutes when they became too ill, damaged by repeated sexual activity, lost their looks or stopped pleasing the customers.
They would also kill customers who showed up with large amounts of cash. When asked for an explanation for the deaths, one of the sisters reportedly said, "The food didn't agree with them." Tried in 1964, the González sisters were each sentenced to 40 years in prison. In prison, Delfina died due to an accident, and Maria finished her sentence and dropped out of sight after her release.
Although they are often cited as the killers, there were two other sisters who helped in their crimes, Carmen and Maria Luisa. Carmen died in jail due to cancer; Maria Luisa went mad because she feared that she would be killed by angry protesters. The sisters were the subject of the 1977 book Las Muertas by Mexican author Jorge Ibargüengoitia.
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