#markiplier tickle
gigglz · 8 months
Throwback to when Mark (Markiplier) and Ethan (Ethan Nestor) had the channel Unus Annus and…
WHYD HE HAVE TO SAY “oh~ ill tickle you alright.” SIR IM-
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gigglysn4ke · 2 years
Hello ^////^ you can call me snake!
This is kind of an introduction post and where I'll say what fandoms I will try to write for!
So as I have stated in my bio, I am 18 and I'm a lee hehe (itkillsmetoevenwritethetword)
I decided to start writing about it (you know, tickling) because, well, there are certain things I wanted to read and couldn't find so I figured, why not write it myself?
I'll admit, I haven't been tickled in a long time, but I know for sure I'm a lee lol if I ever tickle somebody it's because I want them to retaliate pretend you didn't read that
Anyway, here are the fandoms I will write for! You are more than welcome to send requests anytime, by the way. I am strictly SFW!
• stray kids (my ults❣️)
• ateez (I'm a baby atiny so I'll need to get to know them a bit more)
• dan and phil
• markiplier, crankgameplays, jacksepticeye
• harry potter
• buzzfeed unsolved/watcher
• merlin (bbc merlin)
If I think of more I will add them lol
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pagangamer9 · 10 months
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boystickledpink · 2 years
Found a clip of jacksepticeye tickling markiplier [Clip]
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Happens at 8:18
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totallynotbat · 1 year
Giggle Jailbird. - SS2022
Characters: Illinois/Yancy (Markipler Egos)
Summary: Yancy gets out of prison, and Illinois has a surprise for him.
Prompt: Reward tickles
Ho Ho Ho! Special delivery of Yancy and Illinois for @bubbleecloud! I’m your secret Squealing Santa for 2022 - 23! First submission actually! Merry early Christmas! And Enjoy!
Illinois and Yancy stared, Yancy pinned onto his back onto the carpet floor, as Illinois sat on top of his legs.
Illinois chuckled, grinning at the man he was sitting on. Yancy smiled back. 
“W-What are you doing?” Yancy flinched, as Illinois traced his sides.
“Oh just a little surprise.” Illinois smiled.
It’s been weeks since Yancy got parole, and the first thing the previous jailed man does is see Illinois, unaware that the man had a little surprise for the man.
Yancy suddenly screamed, as Illinois started scratching his ribs, scribbling across them, Yancy breaking into hysterics instantly.
“ILLINOIS! NUHUHU!” Yancy chuckled, trying to push the other man away. Illinois chuckled at the giggling friend below.
“Well this never changed.” Illinois said, scribbling across his stomach. 
“S-SHUT UP!” Yancy chuckled, kicking out his legs. 
“Oh your gonna regret that, Jailbird~” Illinois immediately blew a raspberry right into his neck. 
“AH! NOHOHOHO!” Yancy squealed, squirming.
“Yesss~” Illinois chuckled, tracing his hips as Yancy squeaked, snorting.
“IT TICKLES!” Yancy squealed, squirming.
“Oh I’m aware.” Illinois smiled, pinching wherever he could on the others man’s upper body.
Eventually Illinois stopped after a while, the two of them cuddled up on Illinois’s couch, while Yancy was covered with a blanket. The two friends resting platonically together, content after a long time, perhaps they should do this more often. After all they still have much more time left, it’s the holiday season after all.
Besides Yancy will eventually, not sure when or how, will get his revenge.
“Merry Christmas buddy.” 
“Merry Christmas Yancy.” 
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marshmellowtea · 2 years
currently i’m obsessed with the idea of da proposing to actor but only specifically when they know it’s going to be inconvenient and/or embarrass him. it’s not like they’re blindsiding him with this though they told them this is what they’d do when they propose and he regrets telling them he’d say yes because he’s just full of dread every time they kneel down even a little lol
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thefanficmonster · 2 months
hiii could u do some markiplier x reader cuddle / affection headcanons? thank u :^)
Of course darling! Hope you enjoy 💕
~ Lots of love, Vy 💌
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Softy Mark Headcanons:
Mark is such a cuddly teddy bear there is no doubt about it
Especially when he's tired
When he's away for any sort of trip the main hardship for him is having to sleep alone without you
The thought of coming home to you, sleeping in your shared bed with you in his arms is what keeps him going all throughout the trip and the way back
You can barely convince him to at least take a shower or maybe eat something before he dives in bed, requesting your company by his side so he can sleep soundly
Even when you two have an argument, which is a rather rare occasion, neither of you can sleep without the other's presence beside you
Chances are, come morning, you'd find yourself entangled in each other's embrace and the fight will be far off your mind
Good luck remembering what started the squabble or even holding a grudge
That in and of itself is a task and a half for you
It's impossible to hold a grunge against Mark
He'll kiss and tickle you into dropping the frown and replacing it with a smile
His way of apologizing always successfully provokes a laugh out of you which is basically your white flag of surrender
Mark, unlike you, is not ticklish so you can't even use that weapon against him
To be frank, it's his best bet at getting a giggle or a laugh from you no matter what is troubling you
'Good morning', 'Good night', 'Bye', 'You're home finally' kisses are mandatory
All others are a surprise attack
You'd be sitting around reading a book or maybe you're doing chores around the house
Good luck finishing whatever task you have at hand in a timely manner if Mark is home
He'd sneak up behind you stealthily and before you know it you've been enveloped in his arms and you feel the warmth of his lips on your neck
You too have developed your own surprise/sneak attacks
You'd sometimes make your way into his recording room if he hasn't left it for hours to steal him away from his work
You've seen first-hand how much he tends to get lost in it and forget about his basic needs
Luckily, you could never forget
You bring him snacks and drinks
You send the fluff duo Chica and Henry to distract him and give him a break when he refuses to do it himself
And past hour 5 you just straight up go in there to drag him out, convincing him that he is allowed to take a break and even postpone his work
Usually that break consists of takeout and a movie you two enjoy cuddled up on the couch where you eventually fall asleep
Work, chores, outside world - all but forgotten
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legitalicat · 26 days
Player 3 Found (mixed media AU) - part 3, Aemond 1
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AN: This series tickles a special part of my brain, thank you guys for loving it! This is a standard form fic entry into the series, the first!
Series Masterlist here!
Summary: A video call with Aemond.
CW: Flirting, language, talks of previous infidelity, slightly dirty flirting?
Word Count: 1.2k
Previous part Next Chapter
You got on the call with Aemond precisely on time, and he was already well invested in the game that he was playing. You were his only audience, but that didn’t seem to matter. His two screens showed different view points entirely.
As he played Elden Ring, his character was flawless. There was no hesitation in his attacks or jerking of his movements. He played as he did on streams, with a level of control you were in awe of.
But on the screen that showed his camera view? You noticed how, when you joined in, he immediately looked over, doing four takes to make sure it was really you. You couldn’t help but notice the little smile that spread across his face. It softened the angles of it, making him feel less intimidating.
“Evenin’ gorgeous,” he said. This was your fourth call with him in as many days, and you had been messaging him near constantly. Even so, you felt your nerves cause your mouth to run dry.
Right now he was on a trip, which you had thought would make it harder for him to message you. But he almost always answered within minutes. You wondered at times if he ever actually slept, or if he just was still running on Westeros time. It was almost godlike, the way he seemed to be functioning better than anyone you had met when you weren’t even sure he was functioning on all cylinders.
“Is it even evening in New York right now?” you asked him, chuckling.
“No, but evenin’ gorgeous sounds so much better than the alternatives,” he told you.
“Okay, it does sound pretty good, but so does good morning beautiful,” you told him.
A smirk played on his lips as he gave you another glance. You noticed the camera was on his right side, as it always was. One day you would have to ask him about it.
He was about to say something when a large of horde of putrid corpses surrounded his character. He managed to fight a few of them off easily. Slowly he started to get overwhelmed as they seemed endless.
“Oh suck my cock,” he muttered to them. His lips wrapped around the word cock almost sinfully.
You let out some sort of noise before turning away from your whole computer in embarrassment. While you prayed to the gods that it wasn’t a moan like you feared it was, you missed the way Aemond shifted. His ears had noticeably perked up, his lips once again quirking into a smirk. When you looked back to his screen, though, he was as he was as focused as he was before you turned away.
“I missed your pretty face today,” he told you.
“Lucky for you, I missed you too. Thought of you all day in fact,” you told him, smirking as his ears went a bit pink.
This was just the way of you two. From your very first call, he flirted with you. And you flirted back. It was easier that way, you thought, than to constantly remind yourself of the mess that was your life.
You were recently single after an eight year long relationship with Erik Martell. You had been together since before you began your career. You were high school sweethearts. You thought he would be who you married, going so far as to buy a house together. Well, you bought the house, saying it was the least you could after how supportive he had been through your humble beginnings of streaming to two people to being an internationally known gamer in league with people like Markiplier.
You had thought, anyways.
Turns out, he was using his adjacency to your popularity to find girls to cheat on you with. It was only by chance that you had found this out. You had come home a few weeks ago, early, after a convention you had been invited to attend. He had spared you the cliché of walking in on him in the throws of passion, instead giving you the entirely unexpected experience of running into him while he was on a date with someone else when you had stopped to pick up take out.
You parted ways that night, and he was out of the house the next morning. You had slowed down your streams since, only really picking them back up in the last week or so. You didn’t think you were ready to put eight years behind you.
And then you actually started talking to Aemond. You knew a fair bit about him, having followed him a few years ago, and then later following his nephew Jacaerys who he would collab with at times. You knew he came from a really well off family, so typically any proceeds made from either of them went to some charity or another.
What you hadn’t known was that you would click with him so effortlessly. You hadn’t known that you could spend hours upon hours just sitting in a call with him, talking or gaming, sometimes both, sometimes neither. You hadn’t known you would become so enticed by him.
So, you let the flirting continue. It was all in good fun, you thought. It didn’t need to be more.
“You’re thinking awfully hard over there baby girl,” he said to you. You certainly wouldn’t put that to an end.
You smiled up at him, giggling at his words. You enjoyed him.
“Just missed you today, Aemmy,” you told him. “You make the days a little easier right now.”
Given your popularity, you knew your break up wasn’t exactly private news. You were aware of how many online publications covered it. Aemond had made sure to never bring it up. He kept it light between you both, offering your heart a much needed reprieve.
He logged out of the game a few moments later before turning his full attention to you. You then realized why he kept the camera to one side, even if you didn’t quite understand. He was shockingly handsome in his entirety, even with the scar through his left, obviously blind, eye. You imagined he was insecure about it, but you couldn’t imagine disliking anything about him.
He noticed you looking at him, staring. You saw his cheeks begin to flush pink again. You started to try to stammer out an apology. You wanted him to realize this didn’t change your desire to have him in your life.
“No, it takes everyone a moment first time they see it. It’s okay,” he told you. “Got into an accident when I was a kid. Fell down the stairs, fell through a window and wound up with a glass shard in my face. Was able to keep the eye, but I am completely blind in it.”
You simply nodded and bit your lip. You appreciated the way he explained himself even though it wasn’t at all necessary. You just wanted to admire him every moment.
“You’re beautiful, baby girl,” he told you.
“ You’re a flirt,” you told him, smirking.
“Gods, the things you could make me do,” he said softly. It was mostly to himself. But you knew he liked watching the way a shiver made its way through your body.
“I’m going to get on and play Stardew, wanna watch?” you asked him as you began to fire up your favorite game.
“Of course, baby girl,” he said, smiling as he grabbed his laptop and settling further into the bed.
Taglist: @zaldritzosrose @lady-phasma @fan-goddess
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franklyshipping · 1 month
No-One Is Above A Smile ~ A Markiplier and Ethan Nestor Ego Fanfic
Hello again! This time we're writing from a fab prompt from @coolm456 featuring not just Unus & Annus, but Darkiplier too! This is a fun one, so without further ado LET'S DO THIS!
TAGGING: @darkipli-ler
The primary living room of the ego manor was usually very sophisticated, full of leather furnishings, fine mahogany, with a colour scheme of dark browns, reds, and glimmers of gold. Today it was still sophisticated, but there was more of a monochrome vibe filling the room courtesy of the trio using it as their “hangout” space. Dark was in his favourite armchair, scotch resting on his knee as he let himself relax. Annus was reclined on one of the sofas with his eyes closed, a peel-off charcoal face mask in place. Meanwhile, Unus was sat cross-legged on the carpet with about six blankets covering him, and Dark Chica was laying in his lap and boofing softly for tummy rubs. It was an unusual scene for sure, but this time of decompression was much needed for the trio, just to have a little break from the chaos for once. It was mostly silent other than steady breathing, but every few minutes Unus would snort or giggle as Dark Chica spontaneously licked his cheek or ear. At the sound of his giggle Annus smiled subtly, and Dark raised an amused eyebrow.
‘Having fun Unus?’
Dark asked, and Unus grinned. Today he’d swayed away from his stoic side to his more giddy self, mainly due to having Dark Chica’s attention.
‘Yohour dog is the behest!’
He replied, and Dark Chica immediately boofed and licked at his neck, which happened to be a particularly ticklish spot. Unus scrunched up with a giggle as Dark chuckled and Annus rolled his eyes. The elder of the existential pair sat up on his sofa, peeling his face mask off effortlessly as he smirked.
‘I swear you somehow get more ticklish every day.’
‘I do not.’
‘Yes you do.’
‘No I do no–AH!’
Annus’ fingers darted out to flutter at the back of Unus’ neck, coaxing out yet another torrent of giggles which in turn excited Dark Chica more so she licked one of Unus’ ears. The younger man’s cheeks reddened as he batted Annus’ hand, attempting to clear his throat as he glared up at him. Dark bit back a chuckle as he observed, shaking his head lightly as Annus mocked.
‘I hope I didn’t embarrass you.’
‘Annus I swear I will go for your armpits if you don’t shut up.’
‘Oh my, is that meant to be a threat?’
Annus taunted. Unus appraised him, all stretched out without a care in the world. In a flash Unus suddenly darted his hand out towards one of his armpits in a feint, and Annus suddenly lowered his arms to protect himself, letting out a nervous noise from his throat. Annus frowned as Unus grinned at him, giggling and returning his hands to Dark Chica’s belly.
‘That’s what I thought.’
‘Oh… shut up.’
Unus snickered as a slight smile appeared on Annus’ face. Dark rolled his eyes at the pair of them, amazed that two existential beings such as them could be so endearingly ridiculous and wholesome. He sipped at his drink and remarked amusedly.
‘I had no idea you two were getting so soft.’
Annus raised an eyebrow at Dark as Unus gaped, the two replying in tandem.
‘Excuse me?’
‘We are not soft!’
Unus’ particular indignance made Dark snort as he set down his drink, and Annus narrowed his eyes as the shadowy man replied.
‘And yet those tickle spots of yours suggest otherwise.’
Until that point Dark Chica had been flopped fully horizontally and on the verge of a nap, but hearing the word “tickle” from her dad’s mouth made her perk up. Suddenly she was paying attention, but no-one else quite noticed.
‘Those don’t indicate anything of the kind, everyone has them.’
Annus retorted, and Dark sneered.
‘Do they?’
‘Don’t you?’
‘Oh please.’
Dark chuckled, and Unus and Annus shared a blatantly surprised look at the implication. Was Dark… not ticklish? Both of them racked their shared memories, certain that they’d heard somewhere that Dark was ticklish like every other ego in the manor. And yet… the conviction with which he spoke, the casualness, was undoubtedly very convincing. Unus couldn’t help but gape at him, the idea of someone not being ticklish just baffling him.
‘You can’t be serious?!’
‘I’m always serious, Unus. I’m sorry to disappoint you.’
Dark replied with a little grin, internally crowing at himself at the prospect of actually getting away with this. This had to be the most bold-faced lie he’d told in a while, and the idea that it was actually working rather tickled him, if you’ll pardon the pun. Meanwhile, Unus and Annus felt bamboozled, which was a rare thing for the pair. Dark had been the one to educate them on tickling in the first place, but now they thought about it they’d never seen him getting tickled himself. Could it really be true?
Amidst all of this… Dark Chica’s attention darted from the shocked pair, to her smug dad. Despite her being a supposedly “dark” puppo, she was in fact a very good girl and very smart girl indeed. She was taking in the interaction with far more intelligence than you might think – in fact, she was always able to sense when her dad was telling a sneaky lie. She also remembered hearing the world “tickle”… and everything made sense in her belly-rub-loving brain. So, she figured she’d get in on the fun.
In an instant she’d popped up on her feet, and bounded to Dark whilst wagging her floofy tail. Dark naturally reached out to give her some chin scratches, which she let herself enjoy for a few moments… but then to everyone’s utter shock she chomped down (harmlessly) on one of his shins and pulled him out of his chair onto the carpet! Dark yelped out as he landed on his back with a thump, making Unus and Annus bite back laughs.
‘Wha– Chica?!’
Dark looked at her in disbelief – he knew she was playful, but this was a lot! Dark Chica boofed at him and put a paw of his chest so he couldn’t sit up, before looking at Unus and Annus. The silence made it clear that everyone was confused, until the duo watched her start nudging at Dark’s and neck with her wet nose as Dark spluttered. That was when they realised. She was trying to tell them something very interesting indeed, and Dark had realised it too. He let out a casual chuckle, clearing his throat a little as he tried and failed to sit up.
‘Hah, alright Chica alright, we can play just–’
‘Hold on there Dark, I think Chica’s trying to show us something.’
Annus interrupted, a thin grin on his face as he and Unus shared a devious look… before pouncing together and pinning Dark down properly. Dark Chica barked with excitement, her tail wagging as Dark grunted and struggled and let out a number of vague threats… until Unus started fluttering his fingers down the sides of his neck.
‘What have we here?’
‘Are you sure? Chica seems to think it’s something.’
‘Unus, Annus, let me go!’
He grunted, but the wobbly smile on his face made Unus and Annus share another grin. Dark Chica boofed again, and Annus chuckled as he scratched fondly behind her ear.
‘Is your master lying to us, hmm? Is he ticklish?’
Dark’s face reddened as Dark Chica boofed, wagged her tail harder, and licked Annus’ cheek for good measure. That was all the confirmation they needed. Dark let out another series of grunts, gritting his teeth and trying not to giggle as Unus’ fingers kept fluttering.
‘D-Desihist this!’
‘Desist what?’
Dark went to speak again, but ended up snorting and chuckling as the flutters snuck behind his vulnerable ears. He tossed his head weakly, his fresh giggles taking all the heat out of his growl.
‘I’ll gehet yohohou fohor thihihis!’
Unus grinned and snickered, whilst Annus leaned over Dark with a twinkle in his eyes.
‘Did you just threaten my other half?’
Dark couldn’t ignore the chill he got down his spine, Annus’ voice echoing a little in his ears. Then before he knew it, a laugh had exploded out of him as Annus’ hands delved beneath his shirt, scratching swiftly at his sides. Dark jerked and twitched, but his hands were pinned beneath Annus’ knees, and he had no chance of freeing them now.
‘Yehehes! Yohohou wohon’t gehet away wihith thihihis, eheither of yohou!’
He exclaimed, trying to maintain some semblance of a tough façade. Unus giggled as Annus smirked.
‘Somehow that doesn’t fill me with dread.’
Annus continued his scratches as Unus’ fingertips zeroed in behind Dark’s ears, tracing the shells as Dark tried to toss his head even more – he was refusing to admit to himself that he was screwed, even though it was so adorably obvious.
‘Dahamnit gehehet ohohoff mehe!’
‘Aww, this doesn’t tickle does it–?’
Unus snickered at Dark’s outburst as he and Annus continued their tickling, Unus’ fingertips now teasing right behind Dark’s earlobes – an utterly maddening tickle spot, by the way – whilst Annus’ thumbs were massaging circles into the dips of Dark’s fleshy sides. All Dark could do was belly laugh and thrash about, meanwhile Dark Chica was sat and watching with a happy look on her face – though occasionally she did playfully nudge Dark’s shirt or lick his face.
‘Sounds like Chica loves that laughter of yours Dark, I wonder if we can make it louder?’
Annus mused, and started squeezing Dark’s sides rapidly to make him cackle – it got so intense that Unus had to abandon his ears to hold his arms as he tugged at them. Unus had Dark in a half hug, giggling as Dark howled with a red face, his eyes flickering with crimson and blue flashes.
‘Listen to that laugh! I think he’s enjoying that Annus.’
‘I quite agree Unus.’
Dark’s laughter was deep and warm as it reverberated around the room, like his mirth was a mighty opera. His hair was quickly becoming dishevelled as he struggled vainly against the tickling (which he was secretly enjoying, but Unus and Annus didn’t need to know that). It had been quite a while since Dark had been tickled so thoroughly, and honestly? It was even more fulfilling than he’d remembered. Though, Dark couldn’t help but kick as the tickles at his sides grew deeper and more intense, his instinct to wriggle free irresistible.
‘Why should we do that?’
‘Hmm, I suppose that is an option…’
Annus remarked. Then Unus grinned and piped up.
‘Maybe if you admit how ticklish you are we’ll let you go.’
Dark’s lips parted in shock. The audacity of the demand was one thing, but the embarrassing nature of it was what really took the damn biscuit!
‘I would be amenable to that. What do you say Dark, will you confess?’
Thankfully Annus eased up on the tickling for a moment, allowing him to catch his breath, before he spluttered his indignant response. As if Dark would give in so easily!
‘Absolutely not!’
Dark started kicking again in an attempt to escape, though the existential duo didn’t miss the smile he was wearing – the fun of the whole thing was obvious, and they were happy to keep playing. Unus laughed as he hugged Dark’s torso again to try and keep him down as Annus resorted to grabbing at Dark’s legs, his hands gripping his knees and squeezing them… which drew out the most colossal shriek from Dark. There was a moment of silence as everyone looked at each other. Unus grinned, Annus raised an eyebrow, Dark Chica boofed, and a wobbly smile appeared on Dark’s face as he cleared his throat.
‘Oh dear, what’s this?’
‘Annus, my friend–’
‘I think I know just how to persuade you.’
Dark was a hysterical mess in seconds. Gone was any semblance of the smart elegance which hung from his figure every day, for here now he was merely a man whose kneecaps were ticklish as hell. Annus was delightedly squeezing them, pinching them, rubbing them with his thumbs and forefingers as Dark cackled and jerked. Meanwhile Dark Chica had started barking along excitedly and doing tippy-tappies, happy to see her dad laughing this hard. Unus giggled along, giving Dark’s arms a squeeze.
‘I think you’ve got his sweet spot.’
‘Mm so do I, I wonder if he’s considering a little confession yet?’
‘It’s hard to tell, I think we keep this up for a few minutes.’
‘Fine by me.’
And so they did. Five minutes objectively is not such a long time, unless you’re being tickled of course. Then it might as well be five centuries! Dark was helpless as his knees were tickled within an inch of their life, his suit trousers offering no protection as misty grey tears built in his eyes. Eventually he knew he had to do it. He had to admit defeat, though it pained him to even think of it.
‘It doesn’t have to be a torment, you know what we wish to hear.’
‘I shall take that as a compliment.’
Annus smirked as Dark let out yet another howl of laughter… before he finally conceded.
Unus and Annus shared a satisfied grin, before they released him carefully from their tickly grip. He remained on the carpet, and slowly rolled into his side and tucked his knees up to his  chest as he panted. He closed his eyes for a few moments, his smile lingering as he felt himself start to calm down. When he opened his eyes, and before he could say a word, he was greeted by Dark Chica lying by him on her belly. She licked his cheek, and he huffed fondly.
‘You were absolutely no help.’
She boofed happily and licked his nose, making him laugh as he sat up – naturally she flopped in his lap, earning her some affectionate belly scratches as her tail thumped rhythmically on the floor. Dark looked between Unus and Annus, his eyes narrowed yet warm.
‘You’re both lucky I value our friendship.’
‘And we value yours.’
Annus replied as Unus grinned, before sitting close so he could scratch behind Dark Chica’s ears softly. Dark smiled lightly as he and Annus shared another look… and Dark was surprised to see Annus’ expression turn soft.
‘It’s endearing.’
‘What is?’
Dark asked. Unus and Annus shared another look, and Unus replied.
‘To know you’re as ticklish as the rest of us.’
Dark huffed and rolled his eyes, but nevertheless felt the warmth of the sentiment the existential pair exuded as they all sat there together. It didn’t take long for them to get comfortable in the soothing room with countless blankets, with the sweetest (and most attention-seeking) puppo in existence. They were a dark group indeed, right to each of their cores… but even so, there was no-one there who was above a smile.
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majachee · 8 months
Current TMNT show rating:
1. 2012 TMNT (I am screaming from shock every episode. What the hell is HAPPENING.)
2. 1987 TMNT (same reason as above)
3. ROTTMNT (IT'S REALLY GOOD. REAT ACTUALLTY.) BUT IT DOESN'T TICKLE MY "WTF IS HAPPENING" BONE. So like, on a critical level its higher on the list. But also the only time I screamed out "WTF" was during that episode where all the animatronic bears killed themselves.)
Current TMNT movie rating:
1. Rise movie and Mutant Mayhem are tied (theyre both really good but in. Like. Different ways??? Rise is more darker and emotional, but MM is way more funny. Both feel like genuine products of love though, top tier animation.)
2. Live action 90s movies, I genuinely cannot understand what they're saying but I love these movies.
3. Ehhhhh...? The 2007 movie IG??? (I genuinely slept through the first Bayverse movie on accident so I don't remember that one i'm SORRY. But also the main villain in the 2007 movie looks like Markiplier.)
Still need to watch the 2003 series, the 2003/87 crossover movie, the Batman v TMNT movie, and rewatch the Bayverse movies lol. And also find that one TMNT anime where the turtles become buff green men. Cuz that's funny.
Nearing the end of my break btw it seems, I feel a lot better in general, but yk. :^[
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verashalurks · 2 years
I know this is like dying but I’ve waited so long to post this cuz I wanted to get as much as I can but since I haven’t seen another alternate m*leven ship name in forever, I’ve decided to post all the alternate m*leven ship names I’ve seen.
miley cyrus
Keke waka 
Misaligned Fallopian Tubes
machine gun
Macadamia nut
Minecraft mobs
moon landing conspiracy
melted marshmallows
maroon 5
Of Mice and Men
Marty McFly
Milk of Magnesia 
M-1 Rifles
Malnourished Skin
Mona Lisa
Mushroom Raviolis
Monoclonal Antibodies
Mamma mia
mozzarella sticks
machine gun kelly
zoo wee mamas
magdalena bay
minimum wages
malt vinegars
mocha monsters
Marley and Me
three musketeers
Miranda Sings
mobility exercises
Malnourished Foreskin
minnie mouse
monkey ooh ooh ah ah
Meryl Streep
Maple Syrup
mickey mouse clubhouse
Macaulay Culkin
Molotov Cocktail
meatball choppers
milky cereal cup
monkey see monkey do’s
meth lab
mac and cheese
Marvin martians
milk and cookies
Tickle Me Elmos
mad mothers
mixed signals
mighty morphin power rangers
Mosquito bites
Mug cakes
Moldy milks
malted milk
Mcdonald's happy meals
moose mooses
macaroni n cheese
maternity leave
moustache mountain
mocha cake a la goldilocks
moo moo
master of puppets
Monster of Men
Melted Cream Cheese
mosh pits
Megatron Titty
Machine Gunner
metric system
milk cartons
Milan champions league
malfunctioning minotaurs
moaning myrtle
meep city
mount vesuvius
mango salsa 
Mitochondrial Disease
Machine Gunner
Moldy Mozzarellas
malt powder
machine gun kelly
Manila papers
Merlin’s Beard
mein kampf
mediocre meat loaf
Mambo Jambos
my little pony
Menstrual cup
misanthropic villains
Moldy bread
Melon rinds
Moldy macaroni
Magical miscarriages
Mauled maggots
Machine gunners
Momento Morí
Misused toilet
meeting micky mouse
melatonin deficiency
McLovin It
Married Salamanders
mister mustard
Mario Kart
Mouse rat
marshal mathers
Mick Jagger
Mud Stain
Manatee Turd
Mario run
Mint-chip icecream
mineral water
Mario Kart Wii
mild salsa
muffin mans
Midlife crisis
Mac & cheese
Middle aged vans
Super Mario 64
Malcom in the middle
Magic Mike
Microbial virus
Materasso Eminflex
microsoft software protection platform
Micheal Jackson
Magnetic dipole
Marble Countertop
Michelin star
Masachussets Institute of Technology
Mango Juice
Mary had a little lamb
Mark of Athenas
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mannimarcoiscool · 7 months
he's not toilet king like oblivion markiplier would ask you to tickle his toe hairs
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hornpoint · 1 year
the idea of markiplier directing and starring in an iron lung movie still tickles me
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im-captain-basch · 4 months
What would be your voice fancasts for your version of Donkey Kong/Donkey Kong Country franchise?
Fun fact: the reason I never answered your DM to me with this question is mostly because I was trying to figure out who would be best for who, but also because I was trying to decide if I should make this a public thing or not, so thanks for helping make that choice. XD
I know this says fancasts for my version, but I went more of a "general voice headcanon" route for most of these. Some also have the actual fancasts, or at the very least the people I wouldn't be upset about having be the VAs even if the voice winds up different from what I hear in my head.
I could really only figure out the Kongs, so uh... Ye. Also, all the underlined names are linked to pages to see more of the stuff they've done!
DK: Mark Fischbach. Zero rhyme or reason, other than I spent a full year drawing practically nothing except DKC characters set to GMOD moments, mostly Markiplier's, so now it's all I hear. However, I would not be mad if Richard Yearwood reprises the role (or even Sterling Jarvis).
Diddy: Ben Schwartz. My Diddy is more teenager-adjacent than most people's probably is (around 14), and I'd be lying if I said my hyperfixation with DuckTales 2017 a couple years back didn't have anything to do with that.
Cranky: This one is surprisingly hard to pin down. Here recently I've been imagining him more with Keith David's voice, but in the past I've also imagined David Tennant, Bernard Cribbins, and Aron Tager (his VA in the cartoon), the latter two of whom have both sadly passed in the last couple of years. I'll also happily take Bill Farmer, tho. For me it all depends on the tone and other factors of the situation presented (eg, an AU, the actual game series, others' interpretations, etc).
Funky: Gotta still be Damon D'Olivera, his VA from the cartoon, but I wouldn't be against Phil LaMarr or Greg Eagles voicing him either.
Candy: I do not hate Joy Tanner's voice for her in the cartoon at all. In fact, like Funky, it's mostly all I can hear for her. If I had to choose someone else to fill the role, it'd probably be Jennifer Hale.
Dixie: I think I had the most trouble with her surprisingly. I didn't necessarily like or hate her voice in the cartoon, but I have to go with Mae Whitman on this one. I was thinking along the lines of how Amity from The Owl House sounds, if you wanna know the thought process.
Wrinkly: Wendie Malick is the only voice I've really actively pictured for my specific version of her. The second I heard the line "Wait---those are MY dumb kids!" in The Owl House, my brain has never let the idea drop. However, if there ever actually is a show version of the DKC series that included her, I would not be against Tress MacNeille being her VA.
Swanky: Will Arnett is just how I hear him by default (I blame DK Vine in part). IDK, similar reasons to Diddy in that it has to do with other fixations of mine colliding into my brain. However, here recently my brain has also been tickled by the idea of James Monroe Iglehart being his voice in a version of the show that actually uses him.
Kiddy: OK, so y'all know how my brain runs. Sadly, sometimes I forget about him. However, I feel like Dee Bradley Baker is a safe bet.
Lanky: Rob Paulsen. IDK, even his normal voice just works.
Tiny: Kristen Schaal, solely because sometimes there's moments of her that cross my mind that make me go "Oh that's Louise Belcher (or Mabel Pines) vibes."
Chunky: Of all the actors, voice or otherwise, I've dug through today to find voices for characters I otherwise couldn't picture... I'ma have to give Chunk the monk Richard Horvitz. It also helps that this is literally one of those VAs I grew up hearing, so I can imagine the role working well, although other VAs mentioned throughout this list could potentially also work well.
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Originally the Kongs from the actual DKC series proper is all I was gonna do for now, because it's late and brain hurty, but y'all know me a little better than that. I've got at least two bonus people for y'all.
K. Rool: Similar to a couple of characters above, I'd love it if Benedict Campbell could reprise the role, as he's literally the only voice I've been able to hear for him for years. However, that being said, there are a few others I will accept in his place, being Mark Hamill; Keith David (mentioned above); Clancy Brown; and Alex Hirsch.
DK Jr.: You said it was a fancast for my version, so while I know some people think Junior and our DK are the same person, in this instance I don't. I've racked my brain for a while trying to figure out who I best hear as his voice, and I had songs from a certain Disney animated show playing on loop last night and anyway, long story short, Jeremy Jordan is the headcanon voice for my version of him.
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cheezekennith · 1 year
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So uhhhhhh...welcome to my stupid blog!!!!
And i have a list of my ocs to you :)
kuki kaze (my 2nd oc that I post on deviantart)
jun murasaki (mf 3rd oc that I post on my gamejolt account)
Nushime (my touhousona)
Taiyou Yamikumo (you might be confused if taiyou is a boy, but she's a female and she is my 4th touhou oc)
Yuuki suzuki (my 5th touhou oc that I posted on my deviantart account)
Sam (my FNAF oc, and she is a human btw)
Hell madness (my first utau oc that is a Mary sue and a concept(
Nori scarlet(?) (old/first oc and a mary-sue of flandre also older)
Akane (my toh/the owl house oc)
Medicine (my 2nd FNAF oc and she is an animatronic)
Willow (my welcome home parody oc)
Ludwig (my welcome home oc)
Kurorei Kyoma ( my 6th touhou oc)
Yume-loid (my first utau oc)
Henry (my fourth fnaf oc that is a carrion crow)
Jerry (my third fnaf oc that is saw whet owl)
Phoenix (my fifth fnaf oc that is a great gray owl)
Bobby (my sixth fnaf oc and is a tanuki)
Ella (my seventh fnaf oc and is a fairy)
Heres my shitty info of me :
my name is ??? Or eli
my birthday is august 24
im a filipino
i am half catholic and christian
I do speak filipino a little bit but speaking english is kinda easy for me
my race is half filipino and chinese
im from the philippines
my zodiac and chinese zodiac is virgo and rabbit
im a female
my height is 5'3 tall
and im a multifandom artist
and i am straight
And also I have mild autism
I support LGBTQIA+
stuff i like :
vocaloid and utauloid drawing
making utau covers
ghost and pals
animal crossing
DNI if :
NSFW watchers (cuz i really hate them and they are really gross)
p0rn blog
Dawko haters
Touhou haters (i left the touhou community so yeah)
Anti-LGBTQ+ and Anti-LGBTQAI+
Ghost and pals hater
art tracer and art stealer
Goanimate/vyond fan (the uttp ones not the regular ones)
Frans fans (plus do you know sans is older than frisk and also they are a child, that is Pro-Shipping and also pedophilia)
Vore and tickle, and inflation, kaa hypothesis, and DeviantArt k¡nk/F3t¡$h enjoyer
K¡nk/F3t¡$h blog
SSSniperwolf stan
Fandoms im not interested (but if you like this fandoms i will respect your opinion) :
barney and friends
disney (a little)
Ok Ko lets be heroes
Gacha life
Fandoms im up into :
dawko(youtube)/darkest desire
utauloid and vocaloid
splatoon 1,2 and 3
ghost and pals
animal crossing
sander sides
the owl house
Some fandoms I'm gonna get interested now :
Welcome home
FPE or fundamental paper education
Fandoms/commnities i left :
Hazbin hotel
Helluva boss
But some fandoms that I'm not interested in but I created an au :
but please do not block me but warning my post contains⚠
and swearing
and bleeding
and only minors are in this blog but...... no 17+ accounts allowed cuz its disgusting but if your a 17+ account i will report you
Art trade : closed (but no fetish and nsfw because i hate it)
And plus I have bad spelling tho💀
And also I'm a dawktrap simp cuz ye cuz I like this dude cuz idk I'm simping on him.... *Dies of cringe*
Main account : @cheezekennith
Alt account : @cheezeyidiot-1000
Putting *character* in places blog : @putting-junko-in-places
My multifandom ask blog :
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credit to @sweetpeauserboxes, and this pinned post was inspired by @emishows123
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franklyshipping · 2 months
The Measure Of A Hero ~ A Markiplier Ego Fanfic (Sequel to Tickle-Hungry)
HEYO! Time for another delightful anon prompt featuring Silver and Bim, and this one counts as an unofficial sequel to Tickle-Hungry! So let's see what they get up to this time! LET'S DO THIS!
TAGGING: @bimlee-trimmer @bim-trimler and @silvlee-shepherd
It had been a little while since that fateful day. The day when Bim Trimmer and Silver Shepherd confessed their feelings for each other, all thanks to tummy nibbles. The vivacious presenter and bright hero had swiftly become one of the most marvellous power couples in the ego manor. Everyone thought they were utterly adorable, especially Bim and Silver themselves! They doted on each other; Silver was always in the audience whenever Bim was filming something new, praises at the ready, whilst Bim was always on hand to pamper Silver and get him treats after the hero’s long days and nights patrolling. The two of them, with their love languages of words of affirmation and acts of service, were just a wondrous match, proved by what Bim was doing for Silver today.
Silver had had the same super suit ever since he manifested into reality, and to be honest it was pretty flimsy, but thanks to him being so adept and agile he rarely messed up in a way that a needle and thread couldn’t fix. That is until a few days ago, when he was reaching to a high tree branch during a cat rescue and his suit split all the way down the back. Silver came home with a continent-sized pout, and as soon as Bim learned what happened he began his own special mission. He was going to make Silver a new suit himself, from scratch, and it was going to be fabulous!
They were stood in Bim’s room, and Silver was so bashful as Bim got out his measuring tape, some fabric swatches, stitching patterns, a journal with potential logo ideas – basically a whole entire portfolio which Bim was calling “just some little ideas”. Just when Silver thought he couldn’t adore Bim anymore, he pulled something like this! Thoughtful and selfless to the core.
‘Alright then, time I took some measurements. Suit off please darling.’
Bim remarked, his fingers playing with the tape measure as he grinned cheekily as Silver. Silver, of course, blushed – Bim loved how easy it was to make those heroic cheeks warm up, he couldn’t help but be flirty or teasy any chance he got. He watched as Silver got the tattered suit off, leaving him in his underclothes, a casual top and leggings, and Bim’s grin widened.
‘Ooh cute leggings, very well fitting–‘
‘Aww why? It’s not like there’s anyone else here.’
Silver gaped at Bim cutely, still often caught off guard by his utter audacity. He giggled when Bim gave him a little kiss.
‘It’s still flustery!’
‘It is?’
Bim snickered, and decided to tickle softly under Silver’s chin.
‘Oh I love how easy to tease you are.’
‘Sh-Shut up…’
Silver gave him a mock pout, which Bim naturally banished with another little kiss. Bim proceeded to sit down on a little stool, put a notepad on his knee, and started measuring. He started with his ankles – though Silver’s suit was beyond repair, his boots were immaculate, so the new suit had to have the same ankle seals as the old one. Then he took some measurements of his calves, all easy enough, with no drama to be found whatsoever. That is, until the tape measure slid up to wrap around one of Silver’s thighs. The hero squeaked lightly as his leg twitched, and Bim gave him a knowing grin.
‘Keep still, I have to get this right sweetie.’
‘I-I know!’
Silver retorted cutely, the apples of his cheeks going pink as he tried to ignore how the sliding of the tape measure really tickled him. Seeing this… Bim just couldn’t help but have a little fun. He subtly played around and fiddled with the tape around his thigh, so he could give the ticklish area some little traces and tweaks. Watching Silver trying to keep still, and hold in his giggles, was adorable – but he couldn’t do it forever. After about a minute he finally spluttered.
‘B-Bihihim stahahappit!’
‘Sorry sorry, I couldn’t resist!’
Bim replied to Silver’s giggly splutter, and he winked at Silver playfully before he bowed his head to note down the next figure. Silver pursed his lips down at Bim cutely… and in a moment of impulsiveness, he reached down and mussed up Bim’s perfectly styled hair. As soon as he felt it, Bim gasped dramatically. His hair, it’s style, sleekness, was his damn pride and joy! He gaped at Silver, who was giggling at his reaction, with an incredulous smile.
‘How DARE you!’
‘You started it!’
‘Oh it’s like that is it?’
Silver’s tongue was poking out through his teeth as he grinned… well, Bim certainly wasn’t going to have that! His indignant expression turned to one of deviousness, and before Silver could react Bim had wrapped his arms around Silver’s thighs and was tickling the absolute hell out of them! Not just scratching at his thighs but sneaking pokes to his hips, and teasy pinches to the backs of his knees. Silver almost buckled, bending double as he burst out laughing and tried to hop away.
‘AHHH! Nonononohohoho nahahat fahahair!’
Silver babbled, unable to escape Bim’s tickle hug as his legs tingled from all the tickling, and he thought he might topple at any moment! Bim smirked up at him and teased.
‘You know what happens when you mess with my hair! I can’t just not punish you…’
Silver was a mess of giggles and yelps as Bim continued his playful onslaught, his heart melting at all of Silver’s endearing reactions. He kept at it for a fair amount of time too, long enough for Silver to start snorting as he exclaimed.
‘Ihihihi’m sahahaharry! Ihihihi’ll fihix yohour hahair!’
‘Oh yeah? You promise not to tousle it even more?’
Bim chuckled, then had mercy on him. He grinned as Silver panted, catching his breath with an embarrassed flush on his face. Then, just when Bim thought he couldn’t melt any more, Silver fixed his hair. The hero’s fingers carded through it softly, just barely grazing his scalp as he patiently got it back in its stylish place. Bim let out a purr, slumping a little as he and Silver shared a loving look. Bim was also struck by Silver’s flushed, beaming post-tickle state. He was so pretty.
When Silver finished with Bim’s hair, the movement of his arms caught the presenter’s eye – well, more accurately the way Silver’s biceps were subtly flexing make Bim’s heart flutter. He also remembered he still had a few measurements to do! He got to his feet and brandished the tape measure playfully.
‘I think I definitely need to measure those lovely muscles of yours.’
Silver laughed, seeing where Bim was looking, and he gave him a cheeky flex as he replied.
‘Well, if you insist.’
‘Oh I really do.’
Silver snorted and rolled his eyes fondly. Bim had him relax his muscles so he could do a proper measurement, but also measured them when they were flexed so he knew just how much elasticity the new suit’s material would need to have. Though, measuring Silver’s biceps didn’t come without a few giggles – mainly because Bim couldn’t help but tease the end of his fabric tape measure in Silver’s armpit to make him yelp (and subsequently allow Bim to “sadly” have to re-measure). Bim even did it when he was measuring his chest, having to bite back a grin as he teased.
‘Honey, what did I say about keeping still?’
‘S-Sohorry I-EEK!’
Silver flinched with yet another squeal when he felt yet another “accidental” swipe in one of his exposed hollows. Of course the hero knew it was all on purpose, but he loved the game far too much to call it out! He blushed and smiled as Bim sighed and playfully tutting at him, going in for a re-measure.
‘Honestly, you’re lucky the villains you fight don’t know about how sensitive you are! Imagine them defeating you with one little finger in your armpit.’
Silver gaped and went bright red at his comment, his brain immediately imagining the scenario in his head and bringing out a flood of spluttery giggles.
‘D-Dohon’t sahahay stuhuff lihike thahat!’
‘Aww, is my tough guy getting embarrassed again?’
‘Y-Yes yohou meheheanie!’
Bim laughed, noting down the next measurement before he leaned in and gave Silver a little kiss – a kiss which gave him an excuse to whisper nice and close.
‘Thank you for indulging me today… all I’ve been able to think about is giving you tickles…’
Silver’s blush was coating his ears and neck by this point – Silver was still awed by how Bim could so easily remark on his ler moods aloud, whereas when he was in a lee mood eye contact was even a struggle! He rubbed away the tingles in his underarms as he smiled bashfully and stuttered.
‘I-It’s okay… I… I was also… u-um…’
Bim grinned fondly at Silver trying to admit his want for tickles. He kissed his cheek gently, stroking through his hair as he murmured.
‘I know… speaking of which, are you ready for me to tickle–ahem, sorry, tackle the final little measurement?’
Bim glanced down to Silver’s middle, aka Silver Shepherd’s most notorious area of ticklishness. Silver blushed and nodded with a shy, yet clearly giddy, smile. Bim rolled up Silver’s top and slowly slid the tape around his waist… and not even a second after it teased his skin, Silver jumped away with an explosion of giggles!
‘Wahahait wahahait! Ihihi wahahasn’t reheady!’
Bim laughed with a bright grin, covering his mouth with his hand.
‘Oh my God honey–‘
‘Shuhush dohohon’t lahaugh!’
‘Sohorry, sorry… do you want to do this sitting down?’
‘Noho I can do ihit!’
Silver retorted with a cute pout on his face as Bim snickered. Silver took a few adorable deep breaths, before coming back over and clearing his throat.
‘O-Okay okay do it…’
Bim grinned, and delighted in sliding the tape measure around Silver’s waist once more, letting it tease the creases of his hips and just below his bellybutton. Silver didn’t jump away this time, but instead covered his face as he snorted and burst into giggles.
‘My my, what a giggly client I have. Now let’s see– oh oops!’
Bim gasped, and Silver watched him “accidentally” drop the tape on the floor – Silver let out a giggly whine as Bim picked it up, but the hero couldn’t help but love how Bim was torturing him a little. Bim smirked, holding up the tape playfully again.
‘Let’s try that again shall we?’
He slid it round Silver once more, coaxing out a squeal as he used all his willpower to keep himself still. His giggle fit had him trembling, and Bim had to hold back his own laughter – Silver’s incredible sensitivity never ceased to amaze him, it was one of the many things that kept him falling head over heels for him over and over again. Bim deliberately shifted the tape around, giving little squeezes now and then in which drew out more cute snorts.
‘Ohohoho my gohohohod huhuhurry uhuhuhup!’
‘Now now, a true craftsman cannot rush.’
Bim retorted teasingly, and Silver whined as he peeked through his fingers at Bim – his chocolate brown eyes were bright and watery as he replied.
Yep. Bim Trimmer was, once again, absolutely head over heels. He had mercy, stowing the tape in his pocket as he noted down the final measurement. Silver gasped and took a deep breath, lowering his hands from his face… only for Bim to lean in and deliver a sneaky kiss to his bellybutton at the last second!
Silver shrieked and flailed, immediately covering his tummy as Bim laughed warmly. He came over and opened his arms to him.
‘I’m sorry I had to, you’re too cute when I kiss your button.’
Silver was pretty certain his blush was going to be permanent feature after all this! He rolled his t-shirt down with a bashful smile, and buried his face in Bim’s chest with a giggle as they hugged. Bim rubbed Silver’s back, and smirked when the hero mumbled.
‘You’re lucky I love you…’
‘Oh believe me, I know just how lucky I am.’
Silver giggled again, and let out a sigh when Bim cupped his face and kissed him warmly, before pinching his cheek softly.
‘Now then, how about we get waffles and design the greatest superhero suit to ever grace the multiverse?’
Silver beamed, and Bim laughed when he gave him and excited kiss and tugged at his hand happily.
‘Heck yeah!’
Bim grinned, letting Silver yank him out of the room as flutters and warmth flooded both their hearts. It’s easy to rate things, measure things, assign value to the things in your life, including your own value sometimes. That’s the perfect thing about love. It is, and always will be, immeasurable.
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