#maybe I will do a master post with all the pages done so far
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Hello, I am alive haha.
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thewebcomicsreview · 6 months
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Happy 10/25, the third most important religious holiday in the Homestuck Calender, and we got a new HS2 to celebrate, focusing on one of the new kids. The new kids were one of the parts of Homestuck 2 I actually liked, so let's see how the new writers handle them! With a Jailbreak reference, apparently.
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Wait, hold on, deep lore: thespiansGlamor is Harry, glutinousGymnast is Tavros. RecidicivousGainsayer and gavageCunctation are names we haven't seen before. GC fits into the AGTC DNA theme of all the screen names we've seen so far (it's Terezi's acronym), and RG doesn't. They might be random NPCs, but they might also be foreshadowing. Also, neither Rose nor Kanaya appear to be on their daughter's friendlist, unless they're under the scroll bar, but maybe that's not weird.
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What, uh, what did she draw the key with, HS2? That's her blood color, but she's not bleeding.
Also, who's narrating this? This has been a question in HS2 all along, but the narration here calls attention to itself more. It's much more "Homestucky" than HS2's had been.
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We even have narration describing conversation, which is something HS2 has never done and HS1 restricted to carapacians.
You suggest to Vriska that you should go the other direction. Vriska says nah this is definitely where we wanna be. She says between the two of you, you've probably got enough luck to take this whole place off the map if you really wanted. You ask her what the fuck she means by that. She says you know like with your Thief of Light powers. You tell her you don't have anything like that. She says huh, weird!
Oh FFS now I have to go look up if post-Retcon Vriska met Aranea, her own dancestor who was not a Thief of Light. That's such a weird thing for Vriska to assume, that Vrissy not only has Vriska's powers but has mastered them. Also, I wonder if this narration style, besides being a Jailbreak reference, is because the new writers aren't confident writing the HS2 characters yet? Or maybe they just don't want Vriska/Vrissy dialogues because they're kind of hard to read.
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I like these expressions. I also like this continuation of Candy Lore, that all the HS1 characters see Candyland as a "fake" universe and that's part of why they fucked around so much and got so fucking weird, whereas we see here that the actual Candy Natives do not see their planet as "bootleg". The fact that the HS parents don't think of their own children as entirely "real" is actually super fucked up, but I guess Yiffy's got the main right of complaint there.
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I like that Vriska, who can fly, still makes Vrissy give her a boost. What a jerk!
Vriska says now THAT sounds like some shit a REAL Vriska would say! You roll your eyes and start to leave when Vriska calls out to ask if you're going without wishing her good luck. As you start to wish her luck she cuts you off and tells you to keep it, as she already has aaaaaaaall the luck she needs. You say okay dude.
I don't know if the original HS2 writers intended for the resolution of the "Vrissy kind of idolizes Vriska" subplot to end with "Vriska's so fucking Vriska that Vrissy is disillusioned within literally minutes", but it's honestly kind of funny and I like it.
JANE: From the conversation recovered from Egbert's phone, we've learned that Roxy has been... conspiring alongside the rebels for months now. Operating a lab deep within the ruins of the Troll Memorial Meteor, she and her coconspirator Calliope are preparing some kind of super weapon they've dubbed "The Plot Point". JANE: Heretofore referred to as The Point.
This feels a little like shade.
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JANE: Let’s get to The Point!!
A lot like shade.
It's a little convenient to the new team that they took over right when HS2 was starting to actually go somewhere, but regardless, that was a neat page. I got a soft laugh out of it, the plot is starting to move, and there was some decent worldbuilding.
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bobparkhurst · 30 days
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So it begins. There had to be a Masters of the Air OC in me somewhere, and here she is. The Honourable Maureen Byrd-Caldwell, Reenie to her friends. Reenie to her acquaintances. Reenie to everyone except her parents, at the end of the day. I suppose this is an introduction, in its way.
When it came down to it, it was simply a case of the purest rotten luck. 
She’d held out hope, as close as yesterday, that there would be some last minute reprieve, that the rumoured placement would somehow transform itself once put to ink on the page into a posting in Sussex or even Devon. Molly, her bunkmate of the last month, was already on her way to work the forests other side of Scotland. Reenie had seen her off onto the first train herself, spilling promises to write as soon as she knew the address she was going to. Scotland she could have liked too. She’d only ever been as far as Edinburgh. But the last remnants of her optimism had been dashed at dawn, with a quiet and entirely unassailable pronouncement from Mrs Iver. There would be no arguing now.
The Honourable Maureen Byrd-Caldwell had packed her things, picked up her bicycle, and headed over the county border towards Norfolk within the hour. 
The training camp at Culford, a scant twenty miles behind her, is already beginning to feel like a distant dream. Here, the edges of the roads tilt in ways that are intimately familiar; years of absence have done little to reduce her body’s memory of these sharp turns and deceptively deep furrows that lie half-hidden behind them, bordering the fields from the roads. The last time she had cycled these paths, she’d been freshly nineteen and already itching to make her way across the country, to take up her place at college. Her brother had been with her then, all of fourteen and growing into limbs that were far too long for his skinny body. The two of them had careened wildly, screaming with laughter, down these roads in a manner that would surely have horrified their parents if either one had been there to witness it. 
Reenie’s jaw clenches at the recollection. John would not be home this summer anyway, nor her father. There will be only Mother now, rattling around in the house they had grown up in, undoubtedly playing the gracious host to the officers billeted in the guest rooms. It had always been the role that suited her best. 
A wobble in her wheel snaps her back to focus and she frowns, craning her neck to peer over the handlebars, though the ride has immediately smoothed back as much as these roads allow. A stone then, or maybe a rut she hadn’t noticed. She sighs. Stoddard Manor is another twenty miles away and not her destination today. There’s no need to be thinking about it yet, nor let the metallic taste in her mouth coat her tongue to choking. There will be more than time enough to deal with all of that. 
She does not need to check her watch to know that it is coming into mid-morning. The summer sun beats on the back of her neck, prickling the skin beneath her vest with sweat. Reenie can feel it beading uncomfortably between her shoulder blades, while her hair sticks in clumps to her forehead. Something will have to be done about that before she reaches her first appointment at the farm. It had been hard enough to arrange these billets for the girls that would be arriving tomorrow, it would not do to have them lost again because she has not represented them well. 
For a moment, she allows herself a fantasy, conjures up an image of the bath that would be waiting for her, and something scented to scrub the perspiration from her skin, but even the memory of it is hard to grasp, a wish long since left behind and far too distant from reality even to make believe. She will settle well enough for finding a place to change her uniform and take a brush through what is surely a bird nesting in the curls beneath her hat. 
In the shade of a nearby copse, Reenie slides to a halt, pulling up her bike away from the lane. Dismounting, she sighs in relief and pulls a half-empty canteen from a saddlebag. The water is too warm to be pleasant, but after so many miles she’s thirsty enough to not care, and unobserved enough to gulp it down without any guilt for decorum. Wiping the back of her hand over her mouth, she stretches out her back, her legs. It has been a little while since she has cycled so far without pause. A proper rest will be a welcome thing. 
The patch of trees is not thick, but it will do for what she needs. Reenie inspects it with a critical eye, peeking through leafy branches to the fields beyond, and then again towards the road. There is not an awful lot of space, but beggars cannot, she supposes, and so she takes one more furtive glance down the road before fetching her change of clothing and begins to strip in her makeshift privacy, peeling sweat-soaked layers from her body, until she is stood in nothing but her underwear. The half-breeze is welcome against her skin and for a moment before she dresses again, she raises her chin and lets herself enjoy it.
She is doing up the button on her trousers when she hears the shout.
Instinctively, she throws one arm over her chest, the other already scrabbling for the blouse she hasn’t yet put back on, but she barely has time to jump out of the way before she finds herself forced to move. The bike comes careening through the thinner part of the trees, its rider desperately clinging for some kind of control that isn’t coming as it skids towards her. 
The breath is full knocked from her body as she thumps heavily to the ground, one arm caught painfully beneath her ribcage. Somewhere behind, the crash of metal against metal sounds like thunder; she can do nothing but gulp air and push herself back up to her knees. 
The owner of the bicycle, she sees from the corner of her eye, has been flung from his seat, lying prone against the ground, half caught in branches and already trying to tug himself free. She slides herself over. He is going to do himself an injury, if he hasn’t already. There’s a nasty tear in the sleeve of his uniform - American, she can tell that much - and she wraps one hand around his arm gently, lifting it to inspect, leaving the other to rest against his shoulder, stilling him from movement. He blinks at her, unfocused at first, lips parted, before he breathes deep and something more settled, more schooled comes to rest over his - handsome - features. He stops his struggle, watching her face as she carefully unhooks torn fabric from sharp branches. It is something of a relief when nothing more sinister than the snapped ends of threads shows itself.
“Steady now,” she says, slow and soothing, like she has learned the last few years to do with the farm children, “are you all right? Make sure of it before you move anything. That was a nasty tumble you took.”
“Yeah,” he says, frowning. “Yes. I’m all right.” 
She rocks back on her heels as he sits up, running a hand through his blond hair. He glances over her, eyes flicking down her body, and immediately looks away, lips pressed tight before he speaks again. 
“Are… you?”
Hell’s bells.
She closes her eyes briefly.
“Please just keep looking that way.”
The blouse she finds half hidden under a nearby outcropping of shrubbery and she pulls it on, buttoning it as quickly as she can. It’s difficult, with the pain in her arm and she finds herself biting back another curse and flushing through her cheeks all the way to her chest. She knew it. She knew Norfolk was a bad idea.
“Are you injured?” she asks over her shoulder, and tries not to notice the creak of mortification in her voice. 
“I’m not,” the young man says. There’s something underscoring his tone too, a blush in the rounded curves of his accent that makes her feel a little better, “I think your bike might be though.” A pause and the sound of metal scraping against metal. “Mine too.”
He still has his back towards her when she turns around again, though he’s standing now, peering down at the wreckage. She can hear him hum as he inspects the damage.
“I can get this fixed for you,” he says. His foot prods at a wheel. They both wince at the ping as something breaks off. “It would be the least I could do for running into you. I'm very sorry about that, miss.”
Embarrassment lost in an instant, Reenie feels herself bristle at the implication. She’s been elbow deep in oil and muck, fixing her own transportation more than enough times by now to be patronised by some golden film star of an airman. She moves to stand beside him to make her own assessment. A sharp breath catches, dissipates, between her teeth as she readies her argument and realises how futile it is. The fight in her disappears with it.
“You may even owe me a new bicycle,” she says instead. 
He looks up at her. After a moment, his lip quirk into half a smile.
“I might at that.”
Naturally, it’s hers that’s in the sorriest state, they discover together. A series of sad little clanks sound as Reenie tries to right it and resigns herself instead to tying it for balance against the other bicycle with a length of twine. He runs his hands over his own as she does so, rotating the wheel back and forth against the earth. It moves smoothly enough, seemingly little worse for wear. She holds up a hand to stop the apology she can already see forming for the differences in their fortune.
“What’s done is done, I’ll save my tears for something bigger than a bicycle if it’s all the same to you, ah…” she pauses, “I’m sure I ought to be addressing you by rank but I’m equally sure I don’t have the faintest what it is.”
There’s a small breath that sounds a little like a laugh, soft enough that she can think to have heard it, but for the slight incline of his head letting her know the sound had not been in her imagination alone.
“You could call me Gale instead and sidestep the whole thing. Gale Cleven.” His teeth flash white at her raised eyebrow. “Major, if you would like, but just Gale is fine.”
“How dashingly American.”
One hand on the handlebars of his bicycle, he holds the other out to her; there is no hesitation before she takes it and shakes firmly.
“Byrd,” she says. “Reenie Byrd.”
“Miss Reenie Byrd,” he repeats. The syllables roll together pleasantly in his mouth, reeniebird. She rather likes the way it sounds. “Please, just… let me walk you back into the village and we can figure out what to do about the bike.”
“Back nowhere,” she tells him, stooping to pick up her bags. “I haven’t made it that far yet, I was still on my way.” 
Before she can protest, he snags the strap of one of the bags and loops it over his arm. “That so?”
Her ruined bike, tethered to his, creaks as they push them both back towards the road. 
“Quite,” she tells him. “You see, I was quite innocently having a rest, and there was this dreadful incident with an awfully clumsy young major.”
“He sounds terrible.”
“We’ll see,” she replies, as the two of them begin to walk, side by side and accompanied by the rattling of twisted metal. “It’s at least two miles.”
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zadrkinkmeme23 · 4 months
Weekly Update Jan 7
(Kink Meme Info Post)
Hello all 💚
Due to high demand, we have decided to extend the deadline once more! The prompt event will now close on Jan 28th at 11:59 GMT. This means there's still plenty of time to snag a prompt (or two!) before the event goes from active to passive, so if you wanna take part please check out our AO3 Collection Page for the full list of all of the prompts we have so far!
Also, a reminder that this is strictly an 18+ Event. Anyone below the age of 18 caught following this blog will be blocked. There are no exceptions to this.
With all that being said, let's get on to the fun stuff~
We have three new fic fills this week, and three new prompts!
'What is love?' - “Aliens can't orgasm can they? I can't do anything for you?” Dib asked as Zim crawled onto the couch. He awkwardly shoved his softening cock back into his pants, too tired and lazy to properly clean up. “Considering Irkens have no genitalia, no.” Zim laid his head in Dib’s lap. “Will I ever be able to see whatever 'nothing’ you have down there?” “Maybe one day I’ll deem your puny human eyes worthy.” Dib sighed.
Tags - Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, Dib/Zim, Awkward First Times, Alien Cultural Differences, Queer Themes, Aged Up Characters
'Horny Dib, What Will He Do?' - Dib is drunk on some mysterious off-planet sex pollen, what will he do?
Tags - Explicit, No Warnings Apply, Dib/Zim, Creampie, Sex Pollen, Multiple Orgasms, Multiple Sex Positions, Vaginal Sex, Zim Has A Penis And A Vagina, Mildly Dubious Consent, Smut, Aged-Up Dib
'Howl' - Irritated by Dib’s recent strange and cagey behaviour, Zim decides to follow him to a strange house in the woods.
Unbeknownst to him, Dib is a werewolf. And unfortunately for them both, it’s rutting season.
Tags - Explicit, Rape/Non-Con, Dib/Zim, Werewolf Dib, Dubious Consent, Werewolf Sex, Accidental Knotting, Knotting, Rutting, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Mating Bites, Mating Bond, Master/Pet, Bottom Zim, Top Dib, No smut in ch1, Eventual Smut
If you haven't done so already, please check it out along with our other fic fills and show all of our participants some love! From reading, kudosing, and commenting, it all helps our event to thrive 💚
Now on to our new prompts for this week ~
Bad Candy: Dib/Zim, Sex Pollen, Aphrodisiacs, First Time, Outdoor Sex, Bottom Dib, Top Zim
Zim eats/drinks an Earth snack that activates his sex drive (that he didn't know he had) and he (reluctantly) goes looking for Dib on one of his cryptid hunts because Zim believes that Dib is the only person with the knowledge and capability to fix it.
Irken Dib/Zim: Dib/Zim
Irken Dib, in his free time, likes to do some risky things, such as submitting himself to Smallers in sexual acts and allowing them to be in control. One thing he likes to do most is going to secret, back-alley Irken clubs where he requests a room with the smallest Irken working there.
Tentacle Time: Dib/Zim
Tentacles catch zim and have fun with him while Dib watches. Or visa versa with Dib being the one caught while Zim watches.
Those are shortened summaries, so to check these prompts and our others out in full, head on over to the AO3 Collection page here.
And that's all for this week! Thank you for reading, and I hope you're having a wonderful weekend 💚
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twilightarc-gm · 11 months
For the ask game, main fic, please?
For this Tag Game. Pallas~ Hiii~
So like, 'mainfic' more properly titled "This River Runs Beyond Heaven and Earth" in English...
Anyone on either the Chengxian or JC discord servers have heard something about 'mainfic'. Anyone who has read the author notes on my published stuff also know a little bit about it. It's the behemoth multi-part story I have been working on since November 2021 and is on its second draft currently.
All the world-building and plot hole filling I have ever done for Modao Zushi is in mainfic: A post-canon, canon-compliant, JC-centric, slice-of-life with some action, family drama, made into high fantasy, with fluff, some hurt/comfort and of course some angst. Features ymsj recon, OCs, established JC/ OMC, getting together chengxian, major(?) character death, mythical monsters and disastrous mayhem, along with some political drama supplemented with "the True master of Demonic Cultivation".
Also dogs and JC's menagerie of spirit animals. Because I can.
Every headcanon I have is in mainfic honestly and what can't be handled by the post-canon drama is then brought up in flashbacks, MXTX style.
1st draft was 200k at 1/3 done. 2nd Draft is probably going to hit 200k again for only a 1/4 done? Hard to tell. I keep accelerating the timeline for ymsj recon because I keep heaping on the trauma for Wei Wuxian until he breaks over and over again. 🤔 Meanwhile JC is just trying to 'let the past go' like he was challenged to do at the temple, but evil forces are very interested in his gifted golden core... Oops...
It's hard to find a good snippet for the entire story but here's something I like:
“What demon attack?” Jīn Líng snaps his attention up. “Nothing Yúnmèng Jiāng can’t handle. It might not be a real problem anymore now that I don’t have Chenqing.” Cultivators emulating the Yílíng Lǎozǔ trying to infiltrate or attack Liánhuā Wù have steeply dropped off since the Yílíng Lǎozǔ’s return. “Still, if I can train a pack to help secure the sect, it’d free up more of my people to make circuits within Hubei.” Jīn Líng flips through pages without real focus. “I still don’t understand why you have to do this. It’s like you want him to stay away.” He tosses the book back on the table and crosses his arms over his chest to emphasize what Jiāng Chéng is sure is his best angry face, but Jiāng Chéng can only see the puffy cheeks of youth and the beginnings of a tantrum. “I said he asked after you! He wants to know if you’re well! Doesn’t that mean anything? Why won’t you let me tell him anything?” There’s one book that features a mountainous breed that is kept by some Buddhist monks. It’s this one he makes notes on, weighing pros and cons of bringing such a fluffy, massive breed this far south in the humidity and near water. “Jiùjiu!” “So? He’s always been nosy. He can settle for gossip like anyone else.” No debts. They are strangers. It’s in the past. Jiāng Chéng forces himself to take a subtle, long inhale so the burning in his lungs will stop and the cord around his heart will loosen. Fairy whines as she shoves her face into his knee. “He was just…” Jīn Líng deflates; gives into a childish sulk. “He laughed it off, but for just a moment I thought maybe he didn’t like it when I said I couldn’t tell him.” Contrary to the awful subject, Jiāng Chéng does feel a deluge of gratitude that Jīn Líng is keeping his mouth shut like he was asked. Wèi Wúxiàn has already been hurt by Jiāng Chéng in both lives, so what’s the point of reminding him that they ever had a connection at all?
Okay, but ow I hurt myself in just this snippet 😭
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
About This Blog
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Hey, this is the little gremlin again, and since most tumblr users have some sort of 'about' page, I decided to create one. And also because why not?
Note: This is my main blog. Likes, follows, asks and replies are from here. It is also my writing blog, where I post my own writing and sometimes reblog other writers' works.
My Masterlist
Natalia's Masterlist
Not interested in all the semantics and just looking for the writing? You can find all my writing in the link above, as well as my master tag list All the other info, like rules, squicks, my special tags and some background info can be found under the cut.
About the person behind this
You can call me Natalia.
My pronouns are she/her
I'm straight
I'm 17
I'm a college first year majoring in engineering
I'm not sarcastic at all, no no no. And my non-existent sarcasm doesn't catch people off-guard at all, no sir. Totally serious 100% of the time. Even my url says it.
I write stuff here, and the details r in the next heading
I'm a minor, so please dni if you're going to discuss inappropriate content
Wanna spam my notifications? Go ahead, I'm not stopping you. I actually encourage it, lol.
I like fandoms, caffeine, chemistry, math, reading and writing (*le gasp), and a whole lot of other stuff!
I'm not mean, I promise. Just a little, snarky teen haha.
I look nothing like my pfp.
I'm a villanous assassin!
I have undiagnosed high-functioning anxiety, may have ADHD and I experience obsessive thoughts. So please, no hate on ND ppl here.
I'm fine w/dms! (as long as they're not creepy)
My fanfiction sideblog is @so-hot-i-make-hell-jealous
My silly, non-writing sideblog is @yoursssstruly
My Writing Rules
I may be an anarchist, but I need some rules here.
Stuff I do write: hero x villain (supervillains, sidekicks and whatnot too), hurt/comfort, and I might post snippets of a story I'm working on and whump, fluff, maybe some crack, and romance!
Stuff I DON'T write: NSFW content of any kind, smut excessively dark whump (I get anxious with things that take it too far), incest, pedophilia, rape, emetophilia, and while I do write romance, suggestiveness is toned down and I don't write nsfw romance.
Do not ask me to write anything I said I don't write. It's pointless because I won't force myself to write it.
I don't write make-outs and kisses on the lips
You can totally use my writing for inspiration, as long as it's tagged as a prompt, you can use some lines, but just not the whole thing word for word, provided that it's tagged as a prompt. You can continue it, even if I've done a continuation.
If you use any of my prompts, please give credit and tag me! I'd loveee to see what you come up with!
Anything tagged as NOT A PROMPT is not for use.
I DON'T appreciate reposts, but I do love reblogs. Don't hesitate to use super long tags, analyse it or give lengthy commentary, I'm actually down for that stuff.
I don't mind my stuff being reposted on other social media as long as you give me credit. NO reposts on Tumblr, please.
Pairings are usually gn/gn. The other alternative is f/m
I typically write hero x villain, but I have other non-hero x villain stuff out there! Like fantasy, sci-fi and certain fragments of my wip (some of em are actually h x v!)
I don't really do xreader fics.
Ask Box
Don't be afraid to send me an ask!
Please don't ask for any of the stuff I told you I don't write
I may take some time to respond because I have a crap schedule
I might not answer asks if I don't feel very comfortable writing them. No hate, I just got on this app for my own fun, so I don't want to force myself to do smth I don't like, and it'll probably come out as a crappy piece of writing anyway
You can ask me about non-writing stuff too! I don't mind talking! Just please don't make the questions too. . .creepy.
Don't use the ask box to harass me. You'll probably regret getting on my nerves
Favourite Tropes
Where do I even start? I'm very indecisive.
Enemies to lovers
Alliance of convenience
Fake dating (turned not-so-fake)
Two whumpees caring for each other
Scary, unhinged hero x terrified villain (who's probably secretly in love w/them)
Flirty x flustered
Whumpee gets revenge on their og whumper, preferably through violent murder
Morally grey characters
Found family
Heavy angst w/a fluffy ending
Psychological manipulation
Cocky hero x flustered villain
Because some of my content may be triggering to some people. I typically include trigger warnings above my posts in red, and I recently started putting them in the tags, too. Please note I don't condone any of the harmful stuff here IRL. I write FICTION, not meant to be used to judge me morally. ✨️Lmk if there's anything you want me to add here!
Implied torture or past torture
Mental health issues
Abusive relationships
Yandere whump
Bone Fractures
Failed escape
Miserable (I write sad stuff sometimes)
Description of torture aftermath
Occasionally, torture
Usage and mentions of weapons (guns, knives, etc)
References to a difficult past
Obsessive thoughts
Fear of heartbreak
Criminal activity
Somewhat graphic descriptions (they aren't too horrible, but they may make some people uncomfortable
Non-con touch (not sexual)
Hostage situation
Stress positions
War/war aftermath
Very flirty (Listen, I generally write pretty light stuff, but they can be seen as juuuust a little bit spicy, and different people interpret things differently, and I won't judge people for seeing things a certain way, but in case it makes you uncomfortable. . .)
Adding on to the last point, this kind of fic will contain touching (not sexual), kisses (not on the lips), and pretty flirty remarks (nothing sexual)
Alcohol/use of alcohol
I write violence n all, but I have limits. I will NOT write anything mentioned here and will refuse any requests with these.
Eye, mouth and ear whump
Extreme gore
Amputation (unless it's a fantasy monster that has to die OR it's environmental whump. Someone doing it however, nope)
Muzzles (I'm fine with gags, though)
Sadomasochism (some of my characters are sadistic, but non-sexually. Also, no masochistic characters)
NSFWhump in general, (whether extreme gore, sexual assault or sadomasochism)
Anything I don't write in the Rules above
My Tags
Aside from the usual tags on writing, I like to add my touch to a few of them. You may see:
#nat writes
#a little gremlin's writing
#natalia's writing
And for asks
#the little gremlin answers
When it isn't about writing
#not writing and/or #natalia.txt
When I like it, but it isn't mine
#not my writing
When you can read, but you shouldn't USE
Timezones n next days (yes, they're self-reblogs)
#timezone reblog
#next day reblog
To clarify
#hero x villain -> just means it has a hero and a villain. can be platonic, familial, just enemies or romantic (this applies to any A x B)
While. . .
#hero/villain -> means the pairing is romantic. (applies to anything with a slash)
I know other ppl use them differently, but that's how I do it. I typically tag with genre to help, like #romance or #friendship
And the most important rule of all
The villainous assassin
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woodsfae · 1 year
Babylon 5 s01e22: Chrysalis
Table of Contents
I can't believe we're to the season finale already - and also am so impressed with this twenty-three episode season! It's been incredibly tightly written so far.
Londo and G’Kar fighting is comfortingly amusing now.
G’Kar’s shimmery green armor is gorgeous.
Yelling the dying, stabbed man’s name is absolutely the way to keep him alive and giving you info for a few extra seconds, Garibaldi. RIP Petrov.
I am such a fan of these transparent surgical masks. I would like for them to use it for scrubs, too.
A surprise…? He looks so happy I half expected him to say he’s pregnant. But it’s clearly going to be a proposal.
“Look. Do you want to get married, or don’t you?”
AHAHAHA. I had to hold my stitches. That’s fucking perfect, Sinclair, you dork.
Poor Londo. Probably pissed off all the gods by waving his tentacles around. That certainly offended me.
EW NO IT’S FAE EVIL GUY. Morden. Ugh, no.
Delenn did not look particularly happy to get a yes response from Kosh. Granted, it would be rather unnerving to get anything other than an unfathomable soliloquy out of Kosh.
Being an ambassador is pretty high position. A lot of stress. Do you really want more responsibility, ie stress, to interfere with all the boozing and womanizing, Ambassador? Don’t make deals with Morden. Bad news is written ALLLLLL OVER THIS GUY.
Kosh’s shoulder pad wings are so extra.
Delenn, did you promise to grow hair?! In exchange for looking at Kosh?!
If the situation is too big for the head of station security, maybe don’t murder station denizens? That’s guaranteed to get some officials involved.
Vir and I are on the same page. Although he’s totally out of the loop. Londo is smart. He’s got to be able to see how shady this is.
G’Kar’s robe is so slutty. Love the space slut a la Picard look.
IVANOVA. Oh she looks so cute. I wish Talia was here to see her stylin’ curly hair and that dress is just gorgeous.
Hmmm Devereaux could be special forces, or he could have stolen a special forces weapon.
SHIT Morden et al are bad, bad news. Do cloaking devices exist in B5? It seems massively overpowered for the tech we’ve seen so far. Even Vorlon tech. On par with DraalPlanet, for destructiveness.
Something is definitely going to happen to those boxes. And immediately! Inside man!
Delenn!!! And the mystery 24 hours!!! There is a lot going on. Poor Sinclair has had to do some masterful time management this season so far but this might take it to a whole new level. I will be delighted if his pedantry saves the day again.
RIP every single Narn at the outpost. Ten thousand! Very OP. Who the hell and what the hell kind of firepower? I’m surprised that G’Kar’s list of who could have done it include both the Minbari and humans. Perhaps they’re more of a real power than I’d realized.
You can do it, Garibaldi. Pass out on the party floor! What is the party for? I missed that, if it was mentioned.
Oh sheeeeeeeeet, they did not manage to prevent the presidential assassination. Chaos must be incoming. Inside Job Man is still around and fucking shit up and smearing his smirk around.
They are very into lipliner on B5.
Having A Bad Day Narn/Human solidarity:
I’m honestly surprised and impressed that Londo cares that 10,000 Narns were killed. There’s more decency in him for Narnuan lives than I’d thought.
Inside Guy doin Inside Murders.
What doin, Kosh?
There is SO much going on here.
A real, actual, physical, chrysalis?!
There is so much going on that I absolutely cannot predict at all. It’s a trip.
“He is an annoying man, but I would miss him if he…”
Londo Mollari, that was very nearly a genuine sentiment of affection!
I hate Inside Guy nearly as much as Morden at the moment.
Speak of the devil. Floating, invisible, squeaky aliens plus Morden. Only good things can come of this, I’m sure.
AND IT’S A CLIFFHANGER?! *screams and throws things*
y’all I had an extremely busy day for being this recently post-op and am actually having trouble tracking visually. Am going to have to watch the next one tomorrow.
But it will be tomorrow: pinky promise.
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skiesandflowerss · 1 year
sky, i am kind of going through a writer's block and it is bothering me. do you have any ideas that i can write on? any prompts? and pov's you'd like to read that i can write? any emotion that i can write on? and fictional scene? anything? any ideas are welcomed! but of course, no pressure to come up with ideas if that'd cost you lots of energy and time. you can choose to ignore this ask as well, no problem at all. thank you. <3
and i hope you are doing well! and, also, life update. i got done with almost all of my interviews last month, so i have been very free and living these slow days without any care. it's been fun ngl but some days i get a little sad because of the lack of events in my life. anyway, next month it'd be decided which college i'd be going to for my post grad. i really really hope i get a good one! :" and i read and watched a couple of things during this free period, and they were all so good. makes me fall in love with life when i come across things that capture all my attention and make me appreciate art and the people behind it. :")
Imaaa, I don't know if i will be able to help you much here cause I haven't picked up a book to read in a while and honestly my mind is all blank these days but I do have some suggestions or lines or povs you might can write on, I hope they help you:
'You're far away,' she says, returning you to the present. 'Don't hide from me.'
You have never loved from a distance, but then you have never known love like this. You want to tell yourself, and her, that it will be OK, that nothing will change, but you don't know.
You are ending the summer, wondering how it is possible to miss someone before they have gone. There are lives moving around you but they are of little concern.
Have you ever been afraid of what lies within you, what you're capable of?
You can't live in a vacuum. And when you let people in and you make yourself vulnerable, they're able to have an effect on you. If that makes sense.'
To live with other people is to be responsible for protecting them from your moods.
It was so gorgeous that it almost felt like sadness.
Maybe I was afraid of seeing anything as absolute. I wanted to keep moving, like a stream, and I wanted to go on watching everything from a distance.
Truly happy memories always live on, shining. Over time, one by one, they come back to life.
I've always been like that—if I'm not pushed to the brink, I won't move.
What a pain I thought, wondering why everyone felt such a need for reassurance.
(Ps: these are all quotes from the books I read last year and also I read a book Open Water by Caleb Azumah Nelson last year which kind of gave me many ideas to write on like this book helped me write quite vividly and this book is hardly of 130 pages so I would suggest you to give it a read in your spare time, I think it will help you come out of the block)
and I'm doing fine, my exams are close so I'm not doing any extra activity which is basically reading these days but yeah and glad to hear that you are finally over your a-little-stressful-cum-eventful-days and do enjoy your mellow days and summers are here so do have a fun time attempting activities that can attract your creative brain and yes you have had quite a busy month so do relax and take care of yourself. Hoping that you get to choose your desired college and have a great time pursuing your masters. Sending you positivity, hugs and sunshine 🌻🌻🌻
(another ps: I will keep adding lines or prompts as I get time and ideas)
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acourtofthought · 1 year
I saw the post that the other anon was referring to!!! It almost sounds as if they take Az being passive and only acting at someone else’s prompt to mean that he never judged, or was dismissive or forced Elain or etc etc when in reality, he probably didn’t care much in the beginning at all…..not until, as you said, he saw a “damsel in distress.” She’d been there for months after all.
On the other hand, SJM took the time to let us IN Lucien’s head for us to see exactly just how much he cares and what he’s thinking. I mean, even before that too! He tells Feyre that he’s coming with her to get Elain, to see what’s going on with this mating bond. And let’s even go further BACK—during the whole transformation, Lucien broke his bonds, manifested powers he probably didn’t know he had and ran to Elain. SJM didn’t even have Az look twice. So this argument that Az cares the most or done the most for Elain but Lucien hasn’t been there is just so ridiculous. It all stems from all their “well maybe off the page” argument. Now THAT is fanon. And they have the nerve to call the bonus chapter fanon when that is, by definition, CANON because SJM wrote it and published it. They’re just in denial that the bonus chapter HEAVILY favors Gwynriel. They just keep twisting and using things to their own argument and disregarding everything else.
Okay, rant over.
Thank you sage Elucien master for listening! You’re blog is a safe space 😂
You know, the "Az being respectful and not forcing Elain" argument wouldn't be a bad one if it was applicable to the actual situation.
As it stands though, that argument in that scenario would be like my being sick with the flu and you not offering me liquids because you don't want to come across as forceful or pushy 🤦😂
When someone isn't well and you're trying to help them out of concern (or if you're concerned for them in regards to something else like ensuring she has a weapon), you reach out a hand, offer suggestions and express that concern. Sitting there and doing nothing so you "don't look pushy" doesn't come across as a kindness and being respectful, it comes across as if you don't care.
You made an excellent point about how far back Lucien expressed concern for Elain (all the way back in ACOMAF when he tried to get to her before she was Made, broke free of the spells after she was Made, offered her his coat and held her in his arms - before he even realized they were Mates) and I think it's a good thing to remind anyone doubting Elucien of.
As of ACOFAS, Az was still looking at Mor with hunger and longing. How can anyone say he has cared for Elain in a romantic sense for books upon books when he canonically was in love with Mor one book back? Had Mor looked in Az's direction I'm certain he would have dropped his piggy backed attempts at helping Elain like a hot potato.
It's interesting how the Cassian Bonus Chapter was canon and valid for future books. How the Chaol Bonus Chapter was canon and valid for future books. But ONLY the Az Bonus Chapter means nothing.
Weird right?
P.S. I'm sure I don't truly deserve the title of Sage Elucien Master but I can't deny I totally got a kick out of it and will secretly call myself this when I want a little ego boost 😁😁😁
Thank your message! ❤️
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2ha Update
Hello! I'm so sorry for how long it's been since I last posted but I've got some news. So I'm sure most of you have heard the unfortunate news that 2ha was locked on JJWXC because of China's current purge of a lot of danmei novels meaning even people who bought the chapters can no longer read them. However, Seven Seas has licensed the novel in English so it's going to be coming out anyway in October!
Until October, however, I still have drafts of chapters that I was translating and I don't want to just leave the story hanging. What I'm saying is I'm still able to translate more of the story and I will continue to do so (at least until the officially licensed translation is released lol). There's also the issue of people potentially stealing English translations to post for themselves to earn money off of them and, if I'm being honest, I really don't care. I never started these translations with money in mind. I just wanted to read these novels without having to suffer through disjointed MTLs. I do have a ko-fi page but that's about as far as I'll probably ever go in terms of personally monetizing my translations. I'd feel really crappy forcing people to pay money for something I'm doing for fun. So, if someone steals my translation, it is what it is. I'm just doing it because I want to.
I'm currently doing a master's right now and that's why things have been pretty dead but I'm done my classes and should be back on a somewhat more active schedule now! I'm trying to finish several chapters now so you should be seeing some new uploads within the next week or so.
I've seen all the messages you've been sending (even if I suck at responding to them) and I truly want to thank you for all the kind words. It really means so much to know that people were enjoying this translation and want me to keep going. Thank you for reading my translations! I'll be continuing my translation of Dig a Grave (because that has little to no chance of getting licensed in English lol) but if there's any Chinese danmei you've ever wanted to be translated but maybe only has an MTL available, let me know! It'll fill the void of 2ha once I inevitably have to hide my posts so I don't get sued.
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strangelykorryn · 1 year
I cooked for my boyfriend and step daughter today, but made myself something else and was so surprised I actually didn’t eat what I cooked for them.
Made them fancy French dips with fresh sliced beef, au jus, and provolone. Melted the cheese/toasted the bread in the broiler and warmed the meat in the au jus. Gave them Mac n cheese on the side.
I ate sautéed mushrooms and a very small avocado (my favorite lately). Oh and an orange later on. After fasting (other than like 3 tiny pieces of food at work but I’m not counting it because I do not feel like a glutton for punishment tonight)for just under 24 hours.
I’m not big in real person standards, but I can already see a change after of few days of hopping on the restriction bus. No bloat, much less tummy, and just feeling much better though I am so far from where I hope to be in a week or two.
My boyfriend got me a bunch of books today and it was so so sweet and thoughtful. I am almost done with “Water for Elephants”, and so far I can feel it building to a horrifyingly sad end, but it is masterful. I am a huge Twilight nerd since back in the days when the books came out and in my head I keep seeing Eddie Boi as Jacob Jankowski the main character since he starred in the movie. I am not mad at this and will continue to picture him this way :)
My page isn’t really geared towards books but with my book challenge I am doing I think I might try to compile a master post of all the books I’ve completed so far this year, and hopefully some sort of short review on the off chance anyone else sucked into my preferred side of tumblr like books too. Trying to will a bookish friend into my inbox, so I have someone to gush over books with eventually.
I’m off work tomorrow and I think I’m gonna take a long walk in the woods with my darling pittie mix Mu-Moo. She loves to see squirrels dart on the paths, and there’s a picturesque dock midway through the trail that I love to walk down and look at the water and sky. Maybe tranquility will catch up with me there while I try to walk off some fat and calories.
Ps I’m telepathically sending all of you thoughts of encouragement on your journey wether you suffer ongoingly or are in recovery. May the world take you (and your body) in the way you desire.
Xo, K.B.
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squeemcsquee · 1 year
PeoriaCon 2023: Sunday
I split Sunday at the con between my friends Ren and Cody. My main goal on Sunday was to meet Walter Jones. To my surprise, the line was considerably shorter – I waited maybe 5 minutes? I had an old Power Rangers coloring book that I asked him to sign, which he did on both the front cover and an interior page. And I got a photo as well. It was expensive, but worth it to meet someone who was such a part of my childhood. And he was very kind – I was super nervous about meeting him and he definitely has a knack for making people relax.
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After that, Ren and I wandered for a bit. They kindly waited while I decided to try out the Simpsons cabinet that I’d ignored on Saturday. They weren’t interested in playing with me, but another congoer joined me at the cabinet, and we did our best together. I recognized him as someone I’d spoken to about the Walter Jones line on Saturday and as we fought our way through Springfield in the game, we talked about our love for Power Rangers. It’s nice having those random moments of connection, whether they’re formed in a line or at a game cabinet or just walking around. It’s a reminder that we really are a community.
After my brief stint at gaming, we wandered the vendors a bit. Ren browsed one of the sword vendors a lot and was eyeing a version of the Master Sword but ultimately decided against it. We also found artists who Ren might commission cosplays or artwork from in the future. I loaded myself down with more prints and some other small items.
After a couple of hours, it was time to part ways with Ren and to meet up with Cody. Cody was also after an autograph from Walter Jones, so I just people-watched and played Pokemon Go.
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 The 501st and local Ghostbusters unit were on hand both Saturday and Sunday and they were wandering around the con. I noticed that on the whole, there seemed to be less cosplay on Sunday, though I think cosplay photography was still being offered. I did get a few cosplayers, though.
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After Cody got his photo and autograph, we looked at the panel list.
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 Once again, nothing caught my eye, and Cody isn’t as gung-ho on panels anyway. So we went to the gaming cabinets so Cody could get some free play on Ninja Turtles.
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And then, yet another round of shopping for me. Cody did far less shopping and far more excited messaging with people about his autograph, but I can’t blame him.
I noticed there was an artist doing caricature work. I had never gotten a caricature before, so I decided, why the heck not? 
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She and I spoke about her experiences at the con over the course of the weekend while she worked on the caricature. I found out that doing the caricatures wasn’t her original plan, but she decided to offer it just to see if anyone would be interested. As she finished mine, a young attendee and their parent walked up to inquire about getting theirs done. So I know she had at least two caricature customers. I hope she got others – she was very nice to talk to and talented. I also got some prints of her original artwork.
And then it was time to call it a day. Sunday was far less eventful, but since I’d neglected a lunch break, I was more than happy to go when I was done. But I do need to show off what was probably one of my favorite purchases all weekend, because boy do these miniatures bring back memories of how things were right as I started attending cons. 
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All PeoriaCon 2023 coverage:
Sunday (current post)
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ryqoshay · 2 years
Putting on Hairs - Post Production: Shizuku v Kasumi
Primary Pairing: ShizuKasu Rating: T? Words: 517 AU: Theater (their monster types are not important here) Fandom: Love Live Nijigasaki Parent Fic: Putting on Hairs - Post Production Time Frame: Sometime before the main story Event: Promptober 2022 Event Source: Idol Fanfic Heaven channel on Discord Prompt: Ninja Content Warning: Major Character Death (?)
Author’s Note: Bonus 3rd entry for Oct 15th
Summary: Shizuku approaches Kasumi about something
Kasumi nearly jumped out of her skin. “Shi… Osaka-san?” She asked, mirroring the level of formality she thought they had both passed. “Why are you calling me that?”
“It is you, is it not?”
“Me? Of course, I am me. What are you talking about?”
“You acted surprised, when in fact, you knew of my presence before I turned the corner. Because I allowed you to know.”
“You’re not making any sense, Osaka-san.”
“You were about to assassinate my master.”
Kasumi narrowed her eyes.
“Everything you’ve done over the last month has been an act leading up to this moment.” Shizuku continued. “And while it took me a little while to figure it out, then a bit longer to admit it all to myself, I am here now to prevent the finale of your act.”
Kasumi’s hand hovered over the hidden hilt of her sword.
“It was all a lie, was it not. Your feelings for me.”
“No.” Kasumi admitted. “That wasn’t part of the mission.”
“I see.” Shizuku’s gaze turned down.
Kasumi seized the presented opportunity and lunged toward the other woman.
To an untrained observer, it may have appeared that Shizuku never moved. And that Kasumi’s strike landed, ending the battle in her favor.
However, Kasumi came to a stop behind Shizuku, glanced down at herself. Then collapsed.
“I’m sorry… Kasumi-chan…” Shizuku said quietly as she resheathed her blade.
The samurai turned solemnly, stooped, and lifted the ninja’s body into her arms. Then, bearing a weight far greater than that of her fallen foe, she went to find somewhere to bury her former lover.
Kasumi stared at the script in her hand.
“So, what do you think?” There was clear anticipation in Shizuku’s voice. “I’m using our names as placeholders for now, but I’ll come up with actual character names for the finished work.”
“Shizuko~!” Kasumi wailed.
“K… Kasumi-chan?” Shizuku uttered as her girlfriend barreled into her.
“Why do you always have to write us so tragically? Why can’t we get a happy ending as a couple on stage for once? Does Shizuko really want to kill her little Kasumin that badly?”
Shizuku couldn’t help laughing lightly at Kasumi’s melodramatics but reached up to pat her head gently anyway. “You know I have no desire to kill my girlfriend. And you know I have a fondness for tragic stories.”
Kasumi huffed, though still seemed receptive of the head pats.
“Chika-san and Yuu-san seem better equipped to write happy and fun plays.” Shizuku decided to say. “Perhaps I will ask one of them to write a happy ending for us.”
“That’s fine, but I’d still rather star alongside my girlfriend in a play she wrote for us.” Kasumi sighed. “Even if it is a tragedy.”
“So, other than the ending, what did you think?”
Kasumi detached herself from Shizuku and picked up the discarded papers. “It’s a good rough draft.” She said. “And I really liked this one scene…” She flipped through the pages to find it.
And with that, the couple settled into discussing a potential new play for the theater.
Author’s Note Continued: I originally suggested to someone on the Discord channel who was struggling to come up with an idea to write something based on Shizuku’s solo Eieisa. Maybe some samurai v ninja thing. And then immediately wanted to write about myself.
Whether or not this becomes another play at the Sonoda Kurosawa theater remains to be seen. But if it does, I can almost assure that Shizuku will say “Aye Aye, Sir!” and the focal character will think to themselves “Eieisa?”
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farmverse · 6 months
andif i posted writing. what th
cw; adult discussing his own hypersexuality and as a teenager, mentions of teen pregnancy
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“My history is… complicated,” he says lamely. His new jeans are still stiff. He hasn’t properly worn in his boots yet. His only options with his jacket are to keep it on or hold it in his lap, and his prosthetic makes taking it off and putting it back on easier said than done anyway, but it’s uncomfortably warm in the uncomfortably quiet room.
“What isn’t, these days?” The man sitting across from him reminds him almost of his mother. His laminated nametag reads Dr. Marvin Campbell, and his blond hair is starting to thin, covered with a white little hat that Farm forgets the name of. “With that Scarab guy showing up and attacking the city, I mean. Since then, nothing has been the same.”
Farm examines his fingernails. Over the years, he’s mastered the art of biting them cleanly and evenly, since he can’t hold a set of clippers with the claw of his prosthesis. “My complications go back further than that, I’m afraid. I’m… like that Scarab guy, in a way.”
“That’s right — you and your family came from another timeline…” Dr. Campbell’s fingers move lightning-quick over his exceedingly loud keyboard. Maybe the horrible sound is supposed to help him type faster. “Your original world had magic, didn’t it?”
“Not always.” Farm’s kids aren’t here, so he doesn’t bother censoring himself. “I didn’t fuck with it. Tried to stay as far away as I could. At first, I just didn’t believe in it, but…”
Boy, that old fartbag sure proved you wrong, huh!
Technically, the so-called “Vampire Queen” hadn’t done much. That had been Finn.
The crown.
And me!
Farm flexes his left hand forcefully, then shakes it out in an attempt to banish his nerves. It sort of works. Almost.
“…It did some shit to me that I’ve… just had to learn to deal with. And I didn’t always do the best or smartest thing. I-I know that. But I’ve… I’ve done my best. Tried to give my kids a safe childhood. Keep them clothed and fed and happy.”
“And that’s commendable. You should be proud of that, Farm.”
He wants to believe it, but it feels empty.
“…But I’ve also done some things I’m not proud of.” He sighs heavily. “When I was a teenager, I put on a magic crown that granted me ice powers and fractured my psyche. I… hurt a lot of people. My own family included. And, afterwards, I made some particularly bad choices.” He shifts. “I think I felt like… I had ruined the morale of the people around me. So I had to boost it, somehow. And, one thing led to another…”
“What do you mean by that?”
“…Please don’t make me say it.”
“I just want to make sure we’re on the same page, here.”
Farm meets Dr. Campbell’s gaze, at once both reluctant and deliberate. “I told people to use me however they wanted. And they did. And I-” (Fuck, why is his throat choking?)
Dr. Campbell is so fucking patient. The look he’s giving Farm now is the same look Minerva Mertens gave him when he first tried to tell her at sixteen that she was going to be a grandmother. But he’d thrown up and stumbled out, and she had never known.
Deep breath. Slow down. Cool off. You got this.
When he tries to speak again, he manages to keep his voice level. “…I gave birth to my first son when I was seventeen. I still don’t know who his other parent is.”
There’s a brief pause before the next question. “How old is he now?”
The question nearly makes him flinch. Its silly, really. But he answers anyway, because to hide away from it would just be pathetic. “He’s almost fourteen. Does great in school, polite, good-hearted — he’s the reason we moved here, honestly. If he and Dez hadn’t snuck out, we’d probably all still be in Farmworld.”
Farm blushes a little. “Uh, my original timeline.” He rubs the back of his neck, idly tucking his light hair back under his cap. “Fionna came up with the name, and it stuck.”
Dr. Campbell laughs. There’s a moment of recognition, like he’s just speaking with a friend’s father, before the veneer of professionalism goes back up over the conversation.
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semimedieval · 8 months
the chuji and obsidian date, part 1: The Grocery Store
I WISH with my entire heart that scratch still showed dates so that I was able to determine whether it was already the time of the Epic Katia/Augustine Sleepover at which the chuji/obsidian date takes place.
regardless, quartz is wingmanning hard for her brother.
Chuji frowned "We're out of food." "Maybe you could go shopping, Chuji?" asked Quartz. Then, an idea formed in her mind. "Yeah, I can. I've got money." "And Ob's got nothing better to do. He can come too!" Quartz found it hard to contain the glee in her voice. "Okay..." chuji said creeped out. "Um, do you want anything?" "Nope, I'm fine."
Chuji would have more of a leg to stand on about opposing quartz's machinations here if she and obsidian had ever hung out together of their own volition.
Augustine makes a silly little injoke about an exchange with Chuji and Obsidian from his master plan to make them share a room by the sea, and Jack, just to really hammer it in, posts,
"Cool! We all share rooms!" Spark exclaimed, seeing Chuji and Ky. "so that's what the four beds were for!"
silly. <3
"Hi, Chuji." he said, even as she was too far away for him to see. (Lol Obsidian can recognize Chuji the way I can do with my crush) "Hey duder. Her highness Quartz requested us to go shopping for food together."
"Duder" is an insane thing to call your boyfriend. Also, Augustine replies to me saying "gtg" with "(see you soon)", so I assume The Sleepover is about to happen. While Spark relaxes, Quartz basks in having successfully tricked her brother and his girlfriend into hanging out without weeping, and Ky and Lupus do who-knows-what, Rim comes out as a gamer (inciting a a brief protest from me)
Rim sat on his own bed and pulled a laptop out of his bag. He began typing on it. He had some stuff he needed to work out with interpol. And once he was done their we're always games…
Obsidian completely fails to beat the "sucks at having a girlfriend" allegations by reacting to "hey, Quartz sent us to do a task together because we are dating and presumably like spending time together" with
"W-what?" Obsidian asked. "Not that I mind but ugh, I'm going to kill Quartz when this is all over. Or at least make a shadow frog and put it into her bed." Chuji looked at him as if he had sprouted another arm, "Okaaaaay, let's go." Obsidian started to follow her. "Sorry, but it annoys me when Quartz gets into my love life," he explained apologetically. "It's okay, buddy." she said Obsidian smiled for the first time that day.
aw, they're cute! <3 to be fair in prologue material from that time (in fact, from that very day) quartz IS pretty invasive and nosy about obsidian's love life. however in this case she is being pretty normal. also obsidian dude you really need all the help you can get. as if to underscore the fact that obsidian needs all the help he can get, chuji pops the question and gets the most unreasonable response possible.
"Obsidian... I was wondering if we should go on like you know.... A date?" chuji shrugged Now it was Obsidian who looked at her like she'd sprouted another arm, and antlers to boot. "A..date?" he asked, the word feeling strange on his tongue. "yeah, you know. It's nothing but a sit down meal." He laughed in spite of himself. "Uh, okay. As long as I don't have to wear a tie." Chuji laughed "Don't wear torn jeans." they got to the store "Alright." he said, pushing open the door.
First of all, Obsidian is the world's most dipshit boyfriend and it's incredible that Lupus gets dumped and he doesn't within the text of the roleplay. "A ... DATE?" dude shut up shut up for real. Also, love this continual confirmation that Obsidian dresses like shit. It is maybe like the second or third thing we learn about him from when in the very first pages of the roleplay we catch quartz going "at least someone understands that worn-out jeans and baggy t-shirts are not the height of fashion" when spark compliments her outfit after obsidian makes fun of her for it. we hate this guy <3 (we don't really)
at length, Chuji and Obsidian shop for fruit. It's pretty sweet, and there's a reference to Oranges by Gary Soto, which is a wonderful poem and I appreciate my sixth grade self being deeply moved by it enough to incorporate it into a character's lore.
Chuji eyed the display of peaches and walked over She picked up one and after examination she dropped it in the basket "Piersic?" Obsidian asked, remembering this morning. Chuji smiled, "yeah. You want some oranges." "Sure. You know, it's funny, but they've always reminded me of fire."
I do think that despite the goofiness of the Obsidian and oranges lore, there are the beginnings of an evolving understanding of how to write grief in that little recurring image of Silva that Obsidian finds in something fairly mundane and small. I wonder where I got the idea. I also can tell this is sleepover-era without outside context clues - Silva's on my mind, because I just wrote the original Quartz and Obsidian prologue.
A brief flex as I paste in the 3.0 outline's take on oranges.
As a final treat, Spark brings out two oranges for them to split. Quartz cries out “You spoil us!” She and Obsidian split most of one, and Quartz remembers Silva. Obsidian’s head too is awash with memory. Spark notices, asks if he’s okay. “Of course,” Obsidian smiles. “You know how memory works. The strangest things can make you happy or sad, send you back in time.” Spark nods solemnly. “This time of year, I can’t smell mulled wine without thinking of my parents.” “Blackberries,” Tozi contributes. “Ripe blackberries in June.” It is one of the only straightforward pieces of biographical insight that he has ever given them. “Crows on cold autumn mornings, when you’ve just stepped outside,” says Chuji. “The way the fields around Goatville’s smelled in August,” said Quartz. “Like heat and burned honey.”
But then all traces of fruit-based memory with genuinely sad and evocative associations are wiped away as the CLASSICALLY goofy scene happens.
His eyes then darkened as they passed a display of watermelons. Although he loved Chuji, Silva was his best friend and would always have a place in his heart. Chuji stared at obsidian confused. "What's wrong?" "Eh. Bad experience that involves Monoceros, a tree, a big watermelon, and my best friend. Not pretty, believe me." Chuji looked at her feet, wondering if he were talking about silvia. They got to the veggies Obsidian flourished a carrot. "MWAHAHA! I am Lord Monoceros!" he said, but quietly so people won't stare. She picked up a bundle of carrots and suddenly frowned "Obsidian, you scare me when your mad."
Sylva's completely unserious looney-tunes death aside, as well as the fact that grocery stores as we know them should not actually exist in this world (but do, because its Semi Medieval), something about the setting of this scene is so compellingly evocative for me. Talking about things too serious for the place they're in, the intercut facets of grocery store fluorescents and deeply serious conversation about your dead friends, evokes something almost painfully real-world-adjacent in this very unreal relationship and unreal world.
Jack logs on, leading to a further neuroticism about rooms (the famous "Ky can't go in the boys' room! Smelly sock and all!" scene) and Quartz and Spark to go on a sushi date. Chuji and Obsidian continue their not-quite-argument. It's lost to time whether it was a deliberate aesthetic choice but all of Augustine's post that just consist of Chuji wandering through produce aisles and picking things up emphasize the strange liminal emptiness of grocery stores at night slightly too well. Stop making me like this scene you guys
"What do you mean?" he asked, genuinely confused. "When was the last time I was mad?" She walked on to the dairy Obsidian ran to get some bread then caught up with her. "You were saying?" She picked up a quart of milk and put it in the basket "You seemed angry at that watermelon back there." she shrugged "Do we want yogurt?" Obsidian questioned. "I mean, I don't really know. I guess I was upset, sort of." She grabbed the yogurt quietly Obsidian looked outside. The light was getting dim. They moved onto the meat "Huh, we better get home soon. Obsidian you choose the meat I'll get some bread."
Chuji, wait, he already got bread! Anyway, the painful loneliness and deeply buried unspoken things that linger in the grocery store scene are disbanded as we move on into the next step of the Katia and Augustine Chujisidian Date Agenda, which is a little intermission for dusklight robbery.
Obsidian dropped some sausages into the cart. He knew Quartz liked them, though he wasn't that fond of meat in general. (wth?! Quartz likes sausages?)
You know it's real when you give give him your texture sensitivities <3 also, there is a joke to be made about my disbelief that quartz likes sausages, but the good news is that fifteen-year-old katia and jack already made it for us.
She went around the corner only to be grabbed by a stranger. Her screamed was muffeled Obsidian looked at the meat half-heartedly. Maybe he should go ask Chuji to switch? "Hey girlie, have any cash for me?" Obsidian headed toward the bread section, then his eyes nearly turned to watermelons. Chuji wasn't there. Chuji kicked the man who cursed loudly Obsidian sent shadows to check the other departments, but nobody was there. No need for panic attacks! he told himself. She's probably just waiting outside! She wanted to use fire when something sharp was on her back The man had a knife, "Don't move." he growled
Oh, sudden muggings, crowning the list of Top Ten Dumbest Ways To Get Your RP Romance A Rescue Moment. Chuji and Obsidian you guys are the OGs and I love you but this silly little scene has nothing on Holt and Coran fighting the Lichy Lich of Lichiness together or even Fornax and Annue rotating the Tortured By Vergl Angst baton back and forth for 3,000 pages. We still love Chuji and Obsidian, though.
Speaking of Coran and Holt, we're about to come up on one of the most blatant examples of internal monologue I will later crib entirely for another, very similar character/couple. Observe, Exhibit A:
Running outside he saw Chuji with the man and instinctively adjusted the shadows. Normal Obsidian thought: OHMYGOSH, I can't let her die! Practical Obsidian said: Hm, maybe I could use the shadows to my advantage? Selfish Obsidian said: Oh no. If Chuji dies, Tozi's gonna kill me! But whichever was right, they were all in agreement: he had to save Chuji.
And Exhibit B:
"I'm not trying to be a hero, Holt, but the thing is that if I leave you to die then a) you'll have a hundred percent chance of dying and b) I'll feel guilty about it for the rest of my life and c) Choopa would end it soon anyway! So I might as well say that you're my friend and I, um, don't want you to die! Shocking!"
As ever, for all of the ways Extranei had more heart and more of a unified compelling story (and more of a story, period) than Ildaan, the characterization is the product of slightly older and wiser middle schoolers. There's only a few months' gap between the two, but Coran's silly dialogue is marginally less silly and more sympathetic than this weird quasi-comic relief moment from Obsidian.
However, he stops being fucking goofy and saves the day, while Jack comes back online, Lupus and Ky go on a romantic walk together, and Spark and Quartz go on a "totally" "platonic" sushi date.
Obsidian ran at the man, still concealed by the shadows. At the last moment, he knocked him over. Chuji was free and she stumbled away into obsidians arms He embraced her, happy that she couldn't read his thoughts before he attacked the man. She smiled and hid her face in his chest "Still up for that date?" asked Obsidian.
Obsidian.... that might be the first romantically charming thing you've said in the whole fucking roleplay. Also, hooray! They get to hug without somebody weeping. The Quartz Agenda is working out swimmingly and I have no notes for her
The Katia and Augustine sleepover moves into later hours of the night, Quartz and Spark reach their sushi place, Lupus and Ky walk through a butterfly garden, and Chujji and Obsidian head home to drop off groceries and change. I'm sure that, whatever they choose to do for their date, it will be super functional and they will not be harassed by waitstaff.
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ninewheels · 9 months
Oppenheimer thoughts
It's weird that I was posting so much before it came out and then didn't post my thoughts after actually watching the dang thing, but whatever.
Just saw it for the second time, and my opinions haven't changed much. I actually absorbed a lot more on my first viewing that most people would have because I had just finished reading American Prometheus, so I was primed to pick up on every detail. And I was impressed and just how much biographical detail Nolan managed to pack into the dialogue, but I wonder if it isn't simply too much information to give to an audience who haven't done the reading as it were. I mean, I haven't seen a lot of complaints about that in particular, so maybe not, though I have seen people taking issue with the pacing, which is definitely a related issue and which I can also acknowledge without being personally bothered by. There's a lot of story to tell in Oppenheimer's life, and it took Bird and Sherwin 600+ pages to tell the most comprehensive version of it possible, so obviously not all of the things are going to be given time. On that subject, Jean Tatlock is underserved by the film, and as someone fascinated by her (and also as a fan of Florence Pugh for that matter) I am disappointed, but I can't fault the film too much for that, because like I said, there's a lot to tell and she's a relatively small piece of the puzzle. I do appreciate the reference to the possibility that she was assassinated, but in context the meaning of that reference is so oblique that it feels like another thing intended for the already-knowledgable like me. Again, though, I'm the guy who gets it, so.
Despite the flattening of some dynamics and relationships, I feel like the film generally prioritized the most important elements. I heard someone describe it as a deconstruction of Great Man History, and I'm not sure (yet, maybe I'll change my mind) if I'd go so far as "deconstruction," but it's definitely built around the conceit that even the Great Men of History are not masters of their own destiny. It doesn't matter what Oppenheimer wanted, how he would have chosen for things to play out if he had control over everything, because of course, he didn't have control--not over his terrible creation, and not over the story of his life either. It's a film about unintended consequences, fittingly symbolized in the metaphor of the initially theorized world-ending chain reaction.
I almost forgot to note it because it feels obvious, but also, the film looks and sounds fantastic and the acting is great across the board. I feel like that's been shouted from the rooftops loudly enough that I only need to say "seconded" to communicate the point. I will also say though that with all the big names in small roles, (Affleck, Malek, Branagh, Oldman, even Pugh to a lesser extent) I am delighted by the fact that some of the character actors here got some real play. David Krumholtz as Isidor Rabi absolutely delights me in every scene, and Tom Conti does a lot to make that ending as strong as it is.
Also, one final note: the film references the fact that the Japanese were already defeated when the US dropped the atomic bombs on them (I would have had a serious problem with the film if it didn't, especially given that the book doesn't pussyfoot around the issue in the slightest) but I don't feel like it emphasized the point enough, so here's me doing it. The government knew for an absolute certainty that Japan was about to surrender. It's fact. It's known. The idea that the bombing reduced the total casualties compared to invasion is, in addition to still not being justification for the greatest single war crimes in history, is also simply a falsehood.
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