#modern time hyrule
legendofzoodles · 1 year
Sky and Twilight: Are Wii gonna have a problem?
Wild: You best Switch up that attitude!
Hyrule and Four: You’re planning a dangerous Game-boy!
Time: Don’t Nintendo Sixty-force me to use this!
[brutal fighting ensues]
Warriors: [driving the ambulance] Wii U! Wii U! Wii U! Wii U!
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zellink · 5 months
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young at last, at last.
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quartzlightz · 6 months
Horror movie
Warriors, laughing: Holy shit Legend you scream like a girl!
Legend: Shut. Up.
Hyrule, Twilight, and Wild laugh at him, but still huddle under their blankets as they watch the movie.
The movie had gotten to an eerie, quiet part. All five of them were silent, focusing heavily on the movie.
They were so focused that they didn’t hear the light footsteps coming up from behind the couch.
Time, slamming his hands down on the back of the couch: Hello boys.
They scream their lungs out, Legend and Wars basically flying off the couch. Legend dragged twilight off the couch with him and Hyrule and Wild hugged each other for dear life.
And Time just cackled at their reaction.
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ikaishere · 8 months
the chain having a powerpoint night! (thanks @breannasfluff @arecaceae175 and @themackenziemachine for helping!!!!! that was so fun)
"all of my friends' favourite food" but henknows stuff even they dont and refuses to elaborate
"i love my wife" (everyone wishes to perish as be talks about why)
"asigning all of my friends different breeds of goats" (hes actually weirdly good at it)
"ranking all of the times legend ghosted me, how long he did it for and his excuses"
"assigning all of my friends an mlp character" (this starts wars)
"ranking all of my near-death expieriences in lady gaga songs scale" (he and wild get into arguments about him fitting the songs wrongly)
"a guide to mushroom foraging" (its actually useful)
"a ranking of all the reasons hyrule cried for during rhe past month" (and its stuff like "he saw a cat" "wild made a really good soup" "time told him he did a good job" "his bus arrived on time")
"reasons why i love my friends" but when they complain about him being sappy he pulls out his second one
"buildings in the city that id like to jump off if it wasnt illegal" (mackenzie thats so funny)
"reasons why i love legend" (but its just includes stupid picture of legend and is only reasons ravio aould love.someone for - bre you are so right)
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linked-maze · 2 years
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A little LinkedMaze modern doodle sleepover!!
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minty-mumbles · 2 years
In the Group Chat:
Wild: lol help me im dying
Legend: mood lmao
Hyrule: Oof same
Time: You shouldn't joke about such things, Wild.
Twilight: What's wrong?
Wild: no no im literally dying
Wild: somebody stabbed me in the whole foods parking lot
Wild: the lol was just a habit
Wild: *grainy photo of him doing the peace sign in the back of an ambulance*
8 People Are Typing…
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sunny-porridge · 8 months
The chain in a talent show
Wild: an acrobatic / parkour / archery show that puts de Cirque du Soleil to shame. Somehow he has a flamethrower. And fire arrows. And fire knives.
Legend: instead of whipping out any of his instruments, he sings a song he composed, filled with emotion. Warriors denies that he cried, but his eyes are puffy and he hums the tune when he’s laying down in bed.
Twilight: shows off his animal training skills. A dog performs smooth tricks without Twilight ever even voicing the commands out loud. A cat meows and purrs a familiar melody. A goat jumps through a series of hoops.
Hyrule: he plays the recorder. A group of fairies follow him the entire time, and start forming patterns and figures to go with the music.
Four: puts on a magic show. The rest never figure out how he managed to make it look like he was in multiple places at once.
Time: everyone assumes he will play the ocarina, but at the last moment he whips out the Zora Guitar. He plays a mash-up of New Wave Bossa Nova and Hotel California.
Wind: does a comedy stand-up show. His impressions make Time fall backwards laughing. At some point, he re-tells his final battle with Ganondorf with an improv rap song.
Sky: an eerily believable ventriloquist act. For some reason the Master Sword is on his back (he had meant to speed-carve a loftwing, but he slept in and couldn’t find a good wood piece in time)
Warriors: Tom Holland’s “Umbrella” lip sync performance. No further comments.
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emissary-of-the-moon · 8 months
Warriors & Wind - fish and fisherman (Wars lost a bet, +wind would wear a coat like Linebeck's on top cause chilly weather)
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Wild, Twilight & Time - Sonic, Knuckles and Tails (Wild's idea, getting images is hard)
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Sky & Four - ghost and Ghostbuster
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Hyrule & Legend - princesses (they borrowed dresses from Dawn and Fable, they both lost a bet to them)
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m5or · 3 months
I have a question for the Zelda fandoms, is Ganondorf a potterer? Does he like to do pottery? Would this explain the "hero's" drive to smash pottery? (this is where the true grudge comes from lol) As someone who is a potterer. I could totally understand that Gannon would start cursing the kingdom of Hyrule out of pettiness. (idk maybe the pottery is cursed or something.) Imagine Demise and all the Ganons in a therapeutic pottery session. Taking pride and joy in their craft only to then dread the eventual comically large stampede of links. The eternal cycle of pettiness. heheheh may- shattered recreation.
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unexpectedstormy · 6 months
Angsty story idea I just had:
Wild is feeling homesick for the home he had before the calamity and before he drew the Master Sword. All the other Links have their places of origin and he wants to know his own. He asks Flora but she doesn’t know where his home was. She only knew him at the castle. He prays to Hylia to show him his home.
Later, the Chain's in his Hyrule and they’re riding horses somewhere and Wild sees a ruined house out in the wilderness surrounded by blue nightshade (which is the symbolic flower of BotW/TotK Link). He realizes that this is his home and he ends up having a long memory of some of his life as a child living there.
He then finds something from that old time like a buried chest of valuables his family buried before the Calamity for safekeeping.
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yanderelinkeduniverse · 11 months
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it took me way too long to sit down and come up with individual Twitter handles, but it was worth it
Credit to @linkeduniverseontwitter though I took some inspo from them
original under the cut
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twidash-ftw-blysse · 7 months
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The time I drew modern Time and Hyrule.
I designed them in the Sims 4
Art is old but I love them.
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More modern au rambles !
Legend, Hyrule, and Wild are all in foster care but in different houses. Wild's being fostered (soon to be adopted) by Daruk who acts more like a best friend or brother than a father, but that type of relationship is really good for Wild. He isn't entirely sure why (I could make a more in-depth post about why if anybody would like that). Meanwhile with Legend and Hyrule, Legend used to live with his uncle but then he died after being stabbed in an alleyway. He's been through many foster families but ended up running away from most of them, or being sent back for his prickly attitude. Hyrule was found as a baby on the steps of a hospital, abandoned. Nobody's really sure who his biological parents are, but as of right now he's with a good family. The same can't be said for Legend.
Twilight's currently living at college dorms with Warriors as his roommate, the same as Sky except his roommate is Groose. As of now, Twi and Wars see eachother like brothers, but in the way that they affectionately annoy eachother all day but also look out for the other. Like, Twilight cooks (Wars burnt soup) and keeps up with housework when Wars isn't there, and Warriors does the vacuuming (it sets off Twi's sensory issues) and other housework when Twilight isn't there.
As for Sky and Groose... those two have come a long way since they met. At first it was okay, the pair clashed a little due to their conflicting personalities, but nothing major. But then Sky brought his girlfriend, Zelda (though she has the nickname Sun now), and Groose got jealous. Cue the petty fighting and 'rivalry'. Sky found it really funny... until it led to him falling down a block of stairs and winding up with a concussion and broken ribs. Funnily enough that's how that group met Twi and Wars. Sky doesn't remember anything, but according to everyone else, Sun was screaming at Groose while chasing him toward someone's car, Groose was carrying a very disoriented Sky, and the whole building could hear what was going on. Warriors drove them to the hospital while Twi kept them from killing eachother, and somehow everyone became friends. Sky and Groose are good now though, but if they ever get into an argument Sky just shows him the small scar on his head.
Oh, and now Sky, Sun, and Groose are all dating. Sun and Groose are both bi, but Sky is pan.
On that note, here's all the chain with their prefered pronouns and sexuality:
- Time: He/Him (doesn't understand gender a whole lot but that's how people refer to him), Bisexual
- Twilight: He/Him, Bisexual
- Wild: Any pronouns, pansexual
- Legend: Genderfluid, ask for pronouns first, aroace
- Hyrule: They/Them, unlabelled
- Four: He/They, gay
- Wind: He/Him (for now), unlabelled
- Warriors: He/They, asexual
- Sky: He/Him, pansexual
The next ramblings will be focused on the Zeldas and their importance as well as other Zelda adventure things, but until then thank you for reading this and have a lovely existence !!
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quartzlightz · 5 months
Time, walking into the living room: Does someone want to explain why I just found a pile of dirty dishes in the closet.
Twilight: In the closet? Why would they be there?
Wild, shooting up from the couch: You’ve got to be kidding me, is that where all the missing dishes have been!?
Time: That’s exactly what I want to know too.
Wild, dragging his hands down his face and groaning: So I’ve been buying new kitchen equipment for no reason..
Time looks at the other suspected culprits lounging on the couch.
Wind: Well.. I didn’t want to do dishes one day but I was on dish duty, so I hid them there. But I only did it once! And it was only with a few dishes.
Time: Well, sitting in that closet is a pile of them.
Legend, rolling his eyes: Yeah, yeah, so I may have put some in there too.
Four, not even looking up from his book: And me.
Sky, scratching the back of his head: Me too..
Time just looked at the four in disbelief. He looked at the remaining two boys to see if they’d done it too.
Warriors: Y’all are such lazy ass people.
Hyrule: Dishes were going missing? I never noticed.
Time, sighing: The four of you are on dish duty for a month, starting tonight. And you will clean all those dishes in that damn closet.
He left before the lazy heroes could make any remarks on his decision.
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trippygalaxy · 1 year
What If The Chain Was A Band?
What role/instrument would the Chain play if they were apart of a modern band?
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Time, the manager of the band! He has previous experience from being in a band but will NEVER tell the boys who it was. Time can play the ocarina and the electric keyboard guitar!
Twilight, the assistant manager! While Time does most of the business/tour work, Twilight helps out with advertising and social media (as well as other things.) But it isn’t uncommon to hear Twilight as a back up singer!
Warriors, the main vocalist/singer! Most of the Chain’s albums have him as the lead singer due to his wide range. Warriors is also known as the “face” of the group!
Sky, our acoustic guitar! He always brings chill vibes to the melody, no matter the genre. Sky actually prefers to play the harp as well as the violin but doesn’t mind the guitar.
Wild, the electric guitar player! This boy is never in the same spot for too long, always bouncing around the stage while playing!
Legend, the bassist! His bass is COVERED in stickers, which lead to fans giving him stickers/decal to add during concerts. Playful rivalry between him and Warriors, which the fans love.
Four, our drummer! He hand made his own drum-set with the help of his uncle. Four also has four sets of different coloured drums sticks and like to miss match them whenever he plays.
Hyrule, the keyboarder! Good with traditional and more electronic songs/music. Is normally closer to the front of the stage so you can often see him interacting/talking with fans!
Wind, the lyricist! While Wind is “too young” to join the band that doesn’t stop him from composing and writing the majority of the songs! But like Twilight, you can also hear him as a back up singer!
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modlinkeduniverse · 4 months
Wilde: How… How did we… lose?
Twi: I don’t know…
Hyrum: But we-!
Warren: I told you!
Lege: … Fuck you
Four: I don’t understand this!
Sky: *Consoling Wind*
Wind: *Crying*
Timè: We told you all, we knew better…
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