#nadeshiko fourze
timetoddddavis · 2 years
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I feel like these two would get along, and that scares me!
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tokucosplay · 1 year
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Kamen Rider Girls Remix
Photography by @osa_gekka.
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naraozu · 1 year
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Kamen Rider Nadeshiko from Kamen Rider x Kamen Rider Fourze and OOO: Movie War Megamax (2011).
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mysticdragon3md3 · 1 year
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 1 year
One per season, and also off the top of my head
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 month
I finished Fourze and cried twice. Gentarou... everybody's friend Gentarou... was apprehensive about the highschool setting but you and other people said it's good, the suit is very cute, and I saw a pic set of the bridge letter scene that I didn't realise was from episode 1. Really good character writing. Also got jumpscares by my guy Haruto Wizard in the end credits. Can't wait to watch the movies. Thank you Kamen Rider Fourze.
no for real whenever I watch fourze I always cry during the graduation scene... say goodbye... plus the ensemble cast is SO strong I loved all the focus arcs and how they interact with each other fourze is sooo good... wait if you haven't watched the movie you haven't seen nadeshiko have you
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digitalgate02 · 8 months
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No one asked but here's some trivia about those misfits:
Soleil and Lune have no official family names/surnames, but they do have families/relatives.
Soleil’s family is rich, but he doesn’t like to shot it down everyone’s throats (he would rather prefer to not be associated with his family – OG reason is they’re shitty; the Young Prince Detective version is that they’re a bunch of airheads);
Lune’s family is not that big, but she’s an only child with at least three cousins (she’s the baby cousin)
Étoile’s name being Noel is a reference to a LupPat character, Takao Noel.
The Space Trio has French space names BECAUSE I was in love with Cure Étoile and Cure Soleil’s names. In-universe they just grabbed it from google.
The trio are counterparts of the 02 kids in YPD. Soleil rivals with the boys’ traits, Lune with the girls. Étoile is an odd case in which he might be just a “Bridge” connecting both sides.
If you call Soleil by “Octo-head” he might snap and it won’t be good :V
Lune hates resorting to violence, but her only “violent” method to intimidate others is just giving them a deadly deep stare into your soul with the ire of 10 gods.
Their DigiTimeLines versions are actually 15 (Soleil), 14 (Lune) and 10 (Étoile) year olds. The YPD version has them as 17 (Soleil & Lune) and 16 (Étoile) year olds instead.
In DigiTimeLines, Étoile’s digimon partner is a purple Pokomon/Viximon named Renard. In the YPD version he’s acquainted with Miss Espimon.
Ah… I must say… Since some stuff came later while i watched Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne with a friend… Noel’s hair showing his eyes when he’s doing a 180º personality flip is based on Minazuki Yamato :V
That said, Noel is based on Beyblade’s Kenny. Soleil and Lune are based on Kamen Rider Fourze’s characters (Ryuusei and Nadeshiko).
Soleil likes action movies/TV shows with cool fights (possibly Shounen anime genre); Lune likes mystery and drama (possibly because she’s very psychic and emotional); Étoile is… fascinated with everything though. But he likes Mystery shows with magic and romance involved.
Noel’s surname being Leblanc was a recent “change”, because he was like Soleil and Lune, without one in mind. Also this is a plot point. That said, I still refer to him as either Noel and Étoile only.
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 11 months
Ive got like two crossover prompts
Brothers - Gentaro, Stinger, and Kotaro (Fourze & Kyuranger)
Investigation - Shinnosuke + Keiichirou + Shori + Kairi
Brothers Be Like
Gentarou was out on the moon, watching Earth and trying to think of a new activity to do that would be interesting for 15-18 year olds that were getting sick of rain keeping them inside for P.E, when two mechas came zooming towards him. Gentarou flung himself to the side, popping up when the dust settled. 
Two people, Sentai if Gentarou wasn’t mistaken, were out of the vehicles, which appeared to be an orange…scorpion thing, and a blue bear. The orange guy was of average height, while the light blue guy was tiny. 
“Hey! You two okay?” Gentarou called, waving his hands. 
“There’s someone here?” asked the orange guy. 
“Yep! I’m Kamen Rider Fourze, the guy who’s gonna befriend all the heroes in the whole universe!” He pointed out at them. 
“A Kamen Rider, huh? Can you help us, then?” 
“Sure! Come on into the Rabbit Hatch, and tell me what’s up!” 
The two followed him inside, dehenshining when he did. Gentarou found that one guy was probably around his age and the other was high school aged. 
“Name’s Kisaragi Gentarou, how bout you two?” Gentarou asked, flashing a smile. 
“Sakuma Kotaro. Isn’t this Earth? Why is there a base on the moon?” 
Gentarou shrugged with a smile. “Kengo rebuilt it for us!” 
Kotaro tugged on Stinger’s sleeve. “I think it’s like when we fought with Ex-Aid.” 
“I think you’re right,” Stinger sighed. 
“Ex-Aid! He’s my pal,” Gentarou said, grinning. “I’m Kamen Rider Fourze, by the way, for hero!”
“Kyuurangers,” Kotaro said, waving between him and Stinger. 
“Oh, you guys were the video game one! But not Pac-Man. Emu-san didn’t get to be in your robo, right? Cause he grew big? I got to pilot a Go-Buster robo, once, that’s why I mention it.” 
Kotaro and Stinger stared at Gentarou. 
“So, you need to get to Earth or anything?” Gentarou asked. “Or I can call Nadeshiko if you need something here on the moon, the SULU one, not Tomoko’s--”
“Earth sounds good, if we can get back here easily,” Stinger interrupted. 
“Oh yeah, super easy!” Gentarou reassured him. “This way!” 
Kotaro and Stinger followed him through a door, finding themselves coming out of a locker, Gentarou collecting a little thingamabob after they were all through. 
“Are you liking school, Kotaro?” Gentarou asked as they walked through a high school. 
“Oh, I’m not in school, I have too many missions,” Kotaro said, making Gentarou stop in his tracks. 
“He’s getting an education, don’t worry,” Stinger said with a roll of his eyes. 
“And I have lots of friends,” Kotaro said, remembering how Gentarou’s greeting had included the friendship thing. 
“Well, that’s good!” Gentarou’s smile was genuine, making the Kyuurangers breathe a sigh of relief. Somehow it felt like disappointing this guy would make you feel terrible about yourself. 
“Do you need any supplies or anything?” Gentarou continued. “Cause I can call up anyone, just say the word!” 
“No, we contacted Raptor-tachi right before we crashed,” Kotaro reassured him. “As long as we’re back on the moon when they can get to us, we’ll be fine.” 
Gentarou nodded, getting out a cellphone. “Let me call Kengo, then, and we’ll grab some pizza or something!” 
Kotaro perked up at pizza, making Stinger chuckle and ruffle his hair. 
“Yeah, should we eat there or bring it over? Cause I know you have that work, we can crash at the high school or the Rabbit Hatch if needed!” 
A silence, then some nodding. “Sure, I can do that, I’ll see you later, then!” 
Gentarou slipped his cellphone back into his back pocket. “Don’t let me forget to get some pizza delivered to Kengo!” 
“Okyu,” Stinger and Kotaro said automatically, making Gentarou pause. 
“Okyu? I like that!” 
Gentarou didn’t notice that Stinger and Kotaro had stopped on their walk to get pizza until he was nearly ten steps away, finding them frowning at a poster advertising laser tag. 
“Why are humans playing with lasers, Gentarou?” Kotaro asked. 
“Oh! Laser tag isn’t real lasers, it’s just lights. Wanna play? It’s really fun.” 
Stinger looked like he disapproved, but Kotaro was tugging on his sleeve. “Come on, Aniki, when are we gonna get the chance again?” 
Stinger sighed and ruffled Kotaro’s hair. “Fine.” 
“Sweet! We can get pizza after, then?” Gentarou said, sending Kengo a text about their new plans and getting a thumbs up in response. 
Gentarou smiled, glad to see that Kotaro was happy being a normal teenager. 
“Don’t run, except you will, but like…try not to, okay? Rules are rules,” said the laser tag employee. “Everyone ready?” 
Kotaro pointed his gun at Stinger, who was on the orange team, as was Gentarou. He himself was on the blue team, with other girls around his age. There were four other teams, red, yellow, green, and purple, but Kotaro only wanted to beat orange. They had been able to choose their own teams, and since Gentarou had treated them to a unlimited pass, Kotaro knew he’d want to team up with Stinger at a later game. But for now: victory to the blue team. 
They were released into the actual game area, and Kotaro made his way up the stairs, where he could watch for Stinger more easily. It wasn’t easy to find him, with all the people, but once he did, Kotaro took careful aim and got a hit on Stinger’s vest, granting the blue team 50 points, although Stinger quickly saw him and gained his team 100 points for getting a smaller hit area on Kotaro. 
The game was going on but Kotaro and Stinger were just focused on each other, both of them grinning when they managed to get hits. It was a much more unwieldy tool that Kotaro was used to, but it was definitely a lot of fun. 
When the timer buzzed, the three of them made their way to the leaderboard, finding that the red team had won, with blue and orange tied for second. 
They played several more games, in different combos. Gentarou made instant friends with anyone on his team, while people wanted to be on Stinger’s team if possible. When the three of them were on the same team though, they won so hard that they were awarded with a free gift from the attached arcade, a set of planet keychains.
“Pizza time?” Gentarou asked, hair sticking to his forehead and a grin on his face. 
Kotaro nodded, attaching his Saturn keychain to his Seiza blaster with a little difficulty. 
“Aniki, are you going to put yours on too?” he asked Stinger once he accomplished it. 
Stinger held out his arm and keychain of Jupiter in response. Kotaro grinned and put it on for him. 
“You guys sure are brothers,” Gentarou remarked. “I’m an only child, so I always thought it was cool when people had siblings. Ready made buds!” 
Kotaro and Stinger shared a glance, then shrugged. Gentarou didn’t need the whole tragic story, and plus, it was almost pizza time. 
“Liking it?” Gentarou asked the two aliens, getting a nod from Stinger and a thumbs up from Kotaro. 
He was about to ask about their adventures of being heroes (Sentais were always fun!) when Stinger got a call on his wrist blaster. 
“Our friends are going to be here in an hour or so,” he informed the other two. “We’ll need to be on the moon for that. Also don’t forget you promised to get pizza delivered.” 
“Shoot, you’re right!” Gentarou made his way to the register, grateful that Stinger had remembered. 
“Is that your spaceship? That’s so cool!” Gentarou said, back in his suit. Even though his suit was expressionless, even Stinger could tell that Gentarou was genuinely excited. He was a lot like Lucky, if Stinger was being honest.  
“Yes, the Orion,” Stinger said, waving with one arm while Kotaro waved with two. 
“I’ll have to tell Yuuki,” Gentarou said. “Ah, before you go!” 
He reached out for Stinger’s hand, and Stinger watched bemusedly as Gentarou turned their handshake into a fist bump thing, doing the same with Kotaro. 
“We’re buds now! Don’t forget!” he said, pointing at the two of them. 
“We won’t!” Kotaro said, getting into his Voyager as Stinger did the same. 
“Byyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee!” Gentarou said, waving furiously with his whole body. 
Stinger chuckled, giving him one last wave before motioning Kotaro to follow him, flying to the Orion and back to the Kyuurangers. 
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shoceted · 8 months
have you ever made a ranking for each of the kamen rider seasons you've watched? which one is best for newbies, which one is your secret favourite, which one made you cry etc
i have made a ranking actually! i have a tier list that i very rarely share publicly because there's some spicy takes on there. but here's some thoughts on each season i've completed at this time because you gave me the excuse anon >:]
ryuki: i... really wish i liked ryuki more. i respect it immensely for what it did for the franchise and i think it's got themes, which is more than i can say of some seasons. but for the most part i ahhhhh... didn't love it? it's not my least favorite season i don't think but it isn't one that i'm going to revisit any time soon. i do love ren and shinji though; as a known sucker for a grumpy/sunshine primary/secondary red/blue pair they got me and they got me hard. i definitely am going to write some renshinji someday. and those last two episodes are some good fucking television. but overall ehhhh. i really do wish i liked it more though if only to fit in with everyone else :( (and it's not just the fact that it's heisei phase 1 that's the issue bc i'm loving decade and blade so far! and kiva also is there!). but yeah at this time my favorite ryuki is the one from japanese boy band mazzel stream carnival
double: DUB E X CRIME N THE CITY! i fucking loved w. it's just straight up damn good toku. and it literally took a single episode preview for terui ryu in all his stupid wet cat angstiness to captivate me forever. a single episode preview. like i will always remember finishing the 1st arc, seeing the episode preview for ryu's first episode right after, and being like "fuck" even though i intended to leave off there for the day and watched his first two episodes. DAMN U SECONDARY RIDER SYNDROME. i do think w would be a great place to start getting into rider tbh because it's just so good!!!!!!! i don't even have a lot to say about it but not in a bad way. it's just really really good. watch w. and make it soon. if you have not already. love is strong girls go on
ooo: so one thing you should understand is that i am literally watching ooo right now. like i'm sitting on my couch typing this and also watching episode 19 of kamen rider ooo. i legit watch through the entire second arc all the time. i think it's a very close second or third for my favorite season ever. eiji at the very least is tied for my favorite primary ever and that's saying a lot considering how much i love my other favorite primary ever. (which we'll get into.) ankh is just like me fr and i am going to eat his gender and HINA. BEST GIRL. 10/10. the very first ooo fic i started working on after watching this show (which i might fuck around and try to finish at some point even) is from her pov!!!!!! because i love her. AND DATE AKIRA IS THE MAN EVER (AND THE LEAST REPRESSED SECONDARY CONGRATION YOU DONE IT). the story the comedy the action the epic highs and lows of a hippie and his underwear and of a bird and his ice pops and of a girl and her brother and GAHHHHH. i love this show so so so much. i would absolutely start with ooo if i could go back in time. and i did not secretly cry, i cried a lot. openly. i want to make my boss watch it. i love ooo. i've been trying to design a hawktigergrasshopper shirt for months. i am literally watching kamen rider ooo right now and i will until i go to bed. you count the medals one two and three life goes on anything goes coming up ooo [i start crying]
fourze: my first exposure to kisaragi gentaro was when i watched heisei generations final for the first time, where i promptly freaked the fuck out because holy shit it's fuckin fukushi sota jesus christ jesse eisenberg moment. i actually watched one fourze movie (the winter one, bc i'm a h!p fan and manoeri is there. nadeshiko my beloved) long before i'd seen the series and forgot this. anyway i watched fourze in... like february-march i think? and i ADORED IT. kengo/gentaro is a top tier rider ship and i also have a wip of them that someday i will finish. the kamen rider club is SO GOOD (tomoko and jk are both just like me fr and miu!!! aka tomoyo sepakoi!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm the only person who liked that show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and meteor's suit is so pretty and fuck man the power of fucking friendship. i cried at fourze too. it took me like two hours to watch the two-parter where gentaro gets his final form. i love this show man. it makes me look up at the moon and think about happy things. my space kids. FOURZE YEAH!
wizard: so unfortunately i have the popular opinion that wizard is really long and poorly paced, especially towards the end. but that's straight up my only criticism of it. like that's it. i put wizard in the "free therapy" tier of my list initially but then moved it to "free therapy but you're a little bit high." haruto is a fucking excellent primary rider who i adore he's so my type i hate it here and like it makes me want to rewatch good morning call bc shiraishi shunya pretty and nitou... is definitely the character ever. to quote my own joke it's like one of the writers watched indiana jones on shrooms and had the idea to create the secondary of all time. (it's been like 10 years since the end of wizard do u think he's figured out that he's into haruto yet.) and RINKO MY GOD and koyomi... koyomi/haruto is proof het rider ships can also dissolve your bones... but most importantly. NARA SHUNPEI. HE IS JUST LIKE ME FR. lowkey highkey kinning him from his very first episode. i love that man. he just wants 2 be useful and you know what me too. but yeah so WAY too long but definitely good idc what anyone says; i ain't gonna hate a show that has the same moral as no pressure by novel core.
gaim: HEY SO DON'T START WITH GAIM. DON'T DO IT. DO NOT START WITH KAMEN RIDER GAIM. I AM SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE. GET LIKE A FEW MORE SEASONS UNDER YOUR BELT AND THEN WATCH GAIM. i am speaking from experience. okay. now i feel like gaim has a negative reputation nowadays. BUT. despite popular belief gaim is not peak sexism in kamen rider (like dude... kiva. what the fuck.) so that is that myth busted; also the ending is so beautiful and tragic but overall good if you dedicate some thought to it! and the characters are fucking wonderful! like in any other show i wouldn't care about zack and he's like in the eternally rotating top 3 gaim characters for me. i fucking adore kamen rider gaim. it's about growing up and it's about fighting against your oppressors and it's about pokemon go and dance crews, what could possibly go wrong. like as much as i hate micchy (which is a lot bc he reminds me of my toxic ex rip <3) i can't deny that he's an incredibly well-written character. kouta is an excellent primary and his journey throughout the series breaks your heart, but isn't that what growing up does? takatora is such a well-executed character that it's fun to watch other people react to how the show makes your opinion on him change. and god, kumon kaito has been giving me brain worms since 2015-2018. crimson lotus of misfortune, tragic banana boy, would-be tyrant, gay ass. no matter what anyone says, he's a great character. bananaorange is one of my favorite rider ships ever; it's either tied for first or a close second depending on the moment. and MAI. mai!!!! ray of light. if she was a tarot card she'd be the star. i love that girl. but DON'T START HERE JUST LIVE MORE
drive: so my plan for this year is all of heisei phase 2 + decade and i watched drive pretty early because i knew i would have complicated feelings on it, because i'm black and i'm never comfortable with positive portrayals of cops in fiction. and i was... kind of right. like there are things i loved about drive (heart. namely. fucking adore heart. had me from the moment he said "that roidmude might have been a monster to you but to me he was my friend." i love love love heart so much. he was my lockscreen for MONTHS this year.). i think that everything after episode 40 or so is great. and i relate to gou as much as i relate to shunpei, except in the opposite direction, so him suffering and breaking down and dying of flowers and stuff is really easy, and also fun. and CHASE. he is the fictional character that i think of when i read the word babygirl. but it's also... like... a show where cops are out to kill an entire species... and that makes me uncomfortable. and i abhor that fucking belt. like spoilers but you see a man getting tortured and you just LEAVE???????? THIS IS YOUR FAULT AND ALSO WHY DO YOU NEVER TELL KIRIKO ANYTHING. AND ALSO, SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DRIVE. seriously drive would have been p e a k if they weren't cops and kiriko was drive. i also wish heart and shin had more homoerotic tension with each other cause idk i would have liked to see it? anyway. drive. fwiw i think the way it ends is way worse than the way gaim ends, so :) spicy take for the day i suppose. so relationship status it's complicated. also i think shin is boring .
ghost: MY FRIENDS BORN IN THE SAME ERA AS ME WE THINK THEREFORE WE ARE!!!!! I LOVED GHOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like seriously if wizard is no pressure ghost is jenga and to complete the trio of novel core therapy songs ooo is thanks all my tears and i'm always a sucker for media where the moral is that life is short and sometimes painful, but it's beautiful, and it's yours, and that's why you should see it through to the end. ghost genuinely makes me want to keep living. I LOVED GHOST. the pacing problems aren't a problem at all if you're not watching week to week i swear. takeruuuuuu my sweet baby my son who i raised myself. also nishime shun is super cute and only like a year older than me,,, i'm fine takeru is such a good boy and if you hate him you will die and go to hell. makoala my boys. they sure are gay aren't they. anyway i'm always a slut for older brothers so i love makoto and if alan was red instead of green i would want to eat his gender. and kanon is so precious but AKARI GOD DAMN IT I LOVE HER SO MUCH. PRETTY SCIENCE LADY IS ALWAYS MY TYPE. but i cannot pursue her because takeru/akari is one of my favorite rider ships ever and fuck you toei they're so fucking married by now. they have to be!!!!!! i refuse to live in a world where they're not! so they're married. thank you. they're also criminally underrated and i think i'm gonna publish my first het rider fic about them because they are so fuckign cute. goodnight. ghost is great. episode 6, my god, one of my favorites in all of rider. AND THE BELT NOISES. COCAINE IN THEM.
ex-aid: so my best friend in the whole world jack (hiiiiiii jack if you read this i love you) had been telling me to watch ex-aid for about two years before i watched it and now i know why: ex-aid has a disease in it and i don't just mean the bugster virus. ex-aid gives you a disease called ex-aid disease where you can't stop thinking about ex-aid. it infects you from the moment you watch it for the first time. symptoms include telling other people to watch ex-aid. watch ex-aid. i listen to excite at least once a day from monday to thursday on my way to work. i have one (1) gashat (tokimeki crisis for my wife who i am married to and is my wife, poppy pipopapo) and it is one of my greatest treasures. i. love. ex-aid. I LOVE EX-AID. kagami fucking hiiro god damn it, i should've known that the scene in sepakoi where kaneda cries would've had a lasting impact on my psyche because wow that boy can cry and be repressed about shit LIKE HIS GIANT CRUSH ON EMU WHICH HE SO HAS, MR. BL ASS SETO TOSHIKI GLOOMY GAY SADBOI. cough. i truly love all the characters though. it's just that kagami hiiro permanently altered my brain chemistry. the adhd lets me write gou and the autism lets me write hiiro. he's like my fucking muse. just god ex-aid is great the belt noises are great the suits are great the villains are great the soundtrack is great my wife is there (poppy) taddle legacy is my favorite final form ever and god it's such a beautiful fucking show. i miss takahashi shit like this because it's genuinely hard to believe geats was written by the same guy. i adore ex-aid. now would i start with ex-aid. no. do i know people who started with ex-aid. yes. but maybe once you've got a little early heisei phase 2 under your belt dive into the god damn gamer doctors. i'm on a mission right now. EX-AID. STREAM PEOPLE GAME
build: so build was my second season of rider, which i watched in late 2020-early 2021... aka when cherry magic was airing. i fucking loved cherry magic and i'll always be grateful for it because lmfttf was a really important fic in my personal fic writing history. but this is not about magic virgins this is about build which... really is another ryuki to me, but it's above ryuki for now because it really is enjoyable and akaso eiji is there and everything, but i don't feel very passionately about it. now when i first watched it i was ~*depressed*~ so that might be part of it, but it didn't have the power to bring me out of that depression that the season i'm going to talk about next does. it just was something i watched and then had watched. be the one's a great song though and the story is really good objectively. i'm also... about to commit sacrilege but it's fine here goes i'm not really into best match as a pairing??????? it doesn't feel as organic as some other rider ships and that sours me on it. while meanwhile you have shit like renshinji where it was 2002 or whatever and that changes my brain chemistry because oh! you genuinely were supposed to read this as friendship! while best match is like. explicitly bait for fujos. like advertised about being about heated drama between men, as opposed to naturally produced heated drama between men. but i did like it and i even have one of the best match rings (with the other with jack). no complaints about the story. but it's not something i'm super into. but they say it's a good place to start for a reason.
revice: so tl;dr at the end of 2020 and the beginning of 2021 i was super depressed for a whole bunch of reasons. and then one summer day i found out that japanese pop singer and member of girl group beyooooonds maeda kokoro's older brother was the guy who was gonna star in the next season of kamen rider. so i decided to give it a shot. i genuinely just decided to give it a shot because of that. and it saved my fucking life. at first it was just that it was miles away from the aforementioned bunch of reasons i was depressed, something to look forward to every week that just didn't have anything to do with it. i'm a sucker for any tokusatsu show that's family-themed, so 8-10 did insane things to my brain chemistry. but really it had me from episode one. because ikki. igarashi fucking ikki my beloved. a fictional character has genuinely never gripped me like this. i literally buy merch of him every time i get paid. he is so special to me because his story was exactly what i needed to hear, and also because he's the prettiest guy on earth, my god. he's so my type that it's like he was created in a lab. i love igarashi ikki so much that actually we're married. like yeah does revice has problems? is the theme song not good? does the behind the scenes stuff & presence of kimura subaru (and again i'm black) make me uncomfortable? YES!!! BUT I ALSO LOVE THIS SHOW! it is a reason that i am alive and typing this right now! kamen rider revice is extremely special to me and my favorite season of rider ever. i don't know what could ever take its place. i love it so much. i collect vistamps of past seasons i've watched (eagle and jackal are next and i already have kamakiri and kong). the music aside from livedevil is fucking wonderful, the spinoffs are wonderful, heated drama between WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BETWEEN WOMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a show that means so much to me and is so close to my heart. i love it so much and it's unmatched and it probably always will be. i'm so glad i watched it. thank you, past me.
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natesune · 1 year
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Decided to re-watch the Movie War Mega Max while watching Fourze for the first time, and man I forgot how cute Nadeshiko is.
I'm love her.
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tokucosplay · 1 year
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Kamen Rider Nadeshiko cosplayed by @Kirarman13.
Photography by @osa_gekka.
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naraozu · 1 year
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pulaasul · 1 year
Kisaragi Gentaro Befriends the Universe - From Space Barney to a Copy of America's Ass
Gentarou found himself in the battle against Thanos, and of course, he helps them defeat Space Barney.
A/N: Special Thanks to @flaim-ita @dangerouscommiesubversive because their posts inspired this installment. Special thanks to @rainixdra​ for helping me make sense with some events within Endgame.
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Gentaro exited the dimensional veil that the members of Foundation X conjured as he chased them, and the sight of a full-scale battle across an open field greeted him.
The combatants looked like the typical monsters he and his fellow Kamen Riders fought on a daily basis against humans or at least people who looked like the typical human being, humanoids as Kengo had described himself and Nadeshiko.
Up above were flying creatures, a group of them could be called robots, and the others were winged animals that had people riding them. They were fighting gigantic worm-like creatures that wreaked havoc across the battlefield.
The most troublesome in the whole scene were the things that were floating above the flying combatants and flying worms. They were the typical spaceships commonly found in sci-fi movies. There were a lot of smaller spaceships and a large one right above them.
All of the spaceships were firing lasers wherever on the ground, not caring if they hit their friends or their enemies.
Gentaro noticed that the orange circles above some people were protecting the fighters on the ground from the lasers that rained from above.
He nodded to himself and decided to destroy the spaceships in the sky.
He utilized his warping ability and inserted the Drill Astroswitch into his belt and activated it after pressing something on his chest plate.
"Rocket on."
"Drill on."
Fourze's right hand was changed into an orange rocket while his left leg transformed into a yellow drill.
"Limit Break"
"Rider Rocket Drill Kick!" Gentaro shouted
He used the propulsion of his rocket-hand and his suit and the penetrating power of his drill to deal a huge amount of damage to the spaceships, which were promptly finished off by a woman in fire who just plowed through all of them like they were butter.
As soon as the big spaceship and many of the smaller ones were destroyed, Gentaro equipped himself with the Launcher Module with the power of the Freeze Module and began firing missiles that froze anything it touched.
As he entered free fall, he immediately fired some freeze-powered missiles on the waterspout someone was maintaining to keep the place from being flooded and froze it, creating a barrier and pillar of ice between the lake and the ground below.
As soon as he landed he fired more freeze-powered missiles on the water in front of a person and promptly froze the entire lake to keep its pressure from destroying the ice wall that had been made by freezing the waterspout.
The person, someone who was like Haruto – Kamen Rider Wizard, nodded at him to which Fourze responded with his right thumb up.
Suddenly, everyone felt a huge shockwave and it knocked everyone down, including the Wizard that Gentaro had helped a moment ago.
Scanning the battlefield, Gentaro found three people fighting a person, a person who towered over their opponents and was purple all over, with everything they've got.
Another person joined the fray, and it was the lady on fire that had destroyed the spaceships earlier.
"We do not, and under any circumstances, are we going to let that purple giant get that gauntlet." The Haruto-like person floated beside Gentaro.
Gentaro would have asked if he could befriend the towering person, but from the looks of things, that person has already made his choice and Gentaro has decided on his.
Alongside the magician, Gentaro propelled himself towards the five people fighting, overtaking the magician's speed. The purple giant was able to throw all of his opponents away from him, then made an attempt at the gauntlet with glowing rocks on it.
"Giant Foot On."
Gentaro inserted another switch that caused his right foot to transform into an oversized red boot and immediately stomped on the ground. The resulting stomp materialized a construct of a really large boot stepping on the giant's back, knocking him down face-first on the ground.
The purple giant attempted to get up once more, only for Fourze to reapply another large foot on the being's back.
A man in a blue, white, and red suit immediately tried to grab the gauntlet with a lot of glowing ovals on it, only to fail as it was hoisted in the air by an invisible force.
"Winch on."
Fourze's left hand was equipped with a winch as soon as he activated another switch into his driver and clasped the gauntlet with his hook, preventing it from going towards the enemy.
Gentaro found himself out of his Rider suit standing on water in a vast open space filled with orange light. He was facing five differently colored gems floating in front of him, giving off an ethereal glow.
He was in awe of what he was seeing.
He silently vowed to make them his friends.
Gentaro shook his head as he found himself back in the battle with the hook of his winch holding onto the gauntlet with the infinity stones.
A person in red and gold armor, who was most likely this world's Kamen Rider, attempted to get to the gauntlet only to get thrown away by the same force that was carrying the gauntlet.
With Fourze's attention on the infinity stones, the purple giant, Thanos, grabbed the winch and pulled it, forcing him on a direct path to his opponent, and threw him to the man he assumed to be a Kamen Rider.
"Really?" Gentaro could hear the exasperation in the man's voice. "Not only did Space Barney throw me, he decided to throw discount Buzz Lightyear on top of me? I swear, the disrespect."
"Discount Buzz Lightyear?" Gentaro couldn't help but ask.
"Look, Buzz, I don't know who you are but we need to get that gauntlet away from the purple guy."
The man instructed. The man pointed at Thanos who was fighting the lady in flames.
"I have a plan, I noticed that you too have a propulsion system like mine," The man started. "On the count of three, we rush at him and our propulsion should be enough to push him away a few steps."
"The air coming out of your suit?"
"Oh, that!"
"Did you make that su- No that's for later, you get the plan?"
Gentaro simply flashed his right thumb.
"Good, one, two, three." The man began. "Go!"
Fourze and the other Rider propelled themselves at Thanos when a blue portal appeared behind the purple alien, sending the three of them out into space.
In hindsight, Gentaro should have probably told the other Kamen Rider about his ability to open warp gates before using his ability to transport the three of them a bit further away from Earth's satellites, but he didn't.
Gentaro was actually impressed that the other Rider was able to get his bearings and began firing lasers from every inch of their suit just to put some distance between Earth and the alien. He followed the other Rider's lead and was also firing missiles at the alien.
Thanos proved to be a powerful opponent and was able to endure all the hits he took from Fourze's missiles and the other Rider's lasers. He was able to fashion himself something to defend himself from the trash that were floating in space and eventually used them to propel himself, with the aid of the explosions from Fourze's missiles, to both masked warriors.
Gentaro was able to dodge the incoming alien but the other Rider wasn't so lucky. He did not hesitate to open another warp gate back to where they came from because he knew if he did not, the other Rider and Thanos would have burned when they fall back to Earth.
Fourze pushed the two fighting combatants into the portal he just created and found himself rolling onto the ground from where they were fighting earlier.
Thanos was able to gain his composure and saw that the gauntlet was in another person's hands. He immediately grabbed the man in red and gold armor and had forgone beating the man to a pulp in favor of throwing him to the person holding the gauntlet.
Gentaro realized what Thanos was going to do and immediately rushed towards the purple giant in an effort to stop him only for him to be thwarted and be thrown to the other side and two more were thrown on top of him for good measure: one was wearing a red cape and the other was the same man in a blue, red, and white suit earlier.
Thanos grabbed the gauntlet and immediately wore it. He was about to snap his fingers when he was kneed to the ground by the flaming lady.
Thanos attempted to retaliate but the flaming lady was overpowering him. She floated over him while still holding his gauntlet-ed hand and pulled her fist with the intention of punching him to the ground.
Thanos retrieved one of the stones from the gauntlet and enclosed it in his free hand and punched the flaming lady a few yards away towards a huge stone debris, cracking it.
With no more interruptions, Thanos returned the stone back to the gauntlet and fixed it on his hand.
The only Rider in the area, whose helmet had been removed in all the chaos, tackled Thanos to the ground only to be backhanded aside by the purple being's free hand.
"I am inevitable." Thanos declared.
The towering alien raised his gauntlet-ed hand.
Snapped his fingers.
Nothing happened.
Thanos snapped his fingers once more, to no avail. He looked at the back of his gauntlet only to find the stones missing.
"And" The helmetless Rider started as he raised his right hand.
The stones were on the Rider's right arm, slowly but surely snaking their way up toward the man's armored hand.
The helmetless Rider glared at Thanos.
The stones were positioned into their spots and glowed as power coursed through the man's body.
The man snapped his fingers.
The effect was instantaneous.
All of Thanos's forces began to disintegrate to dust that would fly freely with the wind. From the damaged spaceship to the flying creatures to the number of mook soldiers the purple alien had.
All of them turned to dust.
Gentaro watched as the two people who were thrown on top of him regained consciousness and stood up.
As Gentaro watched the enemies disintegrate into dust, he realized something.
He immediately placed a switch on his driver that transformed his left leg into a faucet and then pressed something on his chest.
"Water On."
"Medical On."
"Rocket On."
Fourze flew up and sprayed water all over the battlefield, with the water module equipped on his left foot, and the rocket module on his right hand. He made sure that his fellow Kamen Rider would be doused with water more than the others.
Kengo had explained to him that if he combined the effects of the medical module with the water or even the net module, it could provide cure or relief to anyone suffering, and right now, he's hoping that every one of his buds would be alright once they were doused with water.
The part of the armor that housed the Infinity Stones broke off of the man's armor as the four people in front of Fourze's supposed fellow Kamen Rider were shedding tears with smiles on their faces.
Hopefully, Gentaro prevented the worst-case scenario.
Gentaro woke up and found himself lying on a very comfortable bed. He could hear people talking in English.
This fact confused him, before the only language he can hear was Japanese but now he was hearing things in English.
"Ah, he's awake." A man in a white coat and blue button-up shirt went inside his room. "Tell me, do you know where you are?"
Gentaro couldn't understand a lick of anything that was said.
"Me do not know English." Gentaro replied with the meager amount of English words he knew.
Gentaro could see the confusion on the man's face, if he remembered correctly, he was the person who was like Haruto and did all that magic stuff from the water spout…
Wait, how long was he unconscious?
Hmm, that's strange…" The man continued on, not that Gentaro could understand any word that was said. "I certainly remember hearing you speaking in English during the battle, I'll have to find someone who's fluent in Japanese."
As soon as the man in a white lab coat, blue button-up shirt, black slacks, and black shoes left the room, Gentaro was able to get a look around the room he was in.
The room was all white, it looked like he was in the hospital. There were hints of color inside the room, from the painting beside the door to a gray or silver thing right in front of him.
The clothes he wore while he was in the Kyurangers' world were gone and were replaced by a white gown.
Suddenly, a bald woman entered the room and greeted Gentaro, holding up a silver tablet.
"Hello, I'm Aneka, I was told to help you with the language barrier."
"I'm Kisaragi Gentaro, do you all know I was the one inside the sky-blue rocket-like suit?"
"That's correct," Aneka nodded as she swiped on her tablet. "Nice to meet you, Kisaragi-san."
"Let me introduce myself, I'm Kisaragi Gentaro, Kamen Rider Fourze." He ended his introduction by slick-ing the side of his hair backward before offering his hand.
Out of courtesy, Aneka took the hand only to be flabbergasted when she was subjected to Gentaro's signature handshake. It was like the special handshake that the King and Princess had.
"If I may be so bold to ask, Kisaragi-san, what were you doing at the Avenger's compound?" Aneka asked.
"Ah, that? I was chasing some bad guys from another universe and the next thing I know was getting involved in the fight against Thanos." Gentaro answered. "My friends were having so much trouble and I could, not, just not help."
"I see…" Aneka hummed when something from on her body rang. "Sorry, I need to attend to other matters."
"It's fine." Gentaro offered a smile.
Sometime later, Gentaro met with some of the universe's heroes, and was introduced to them, and were also subjected to Gentaro's signature handshake. Everything was made possible with Aneka's assistance of breaching the language barrier.
With his translator's help, Gentaro was able to tell everyone what he had told Aneka earlier.
"Eh? He's not a Kamen Rider?" Gentarou exclaimed.
"He's called Ironman," Aneka translated for her king. "Although I can see why you'd mistake him as one considering you wear armor similar to his."
"We need to rebuild the machine and return the stones from when we took them." A hulking green giant stated.
"We know, Bruce, but with Tony out of commission, it's going to have to take a backseat." The man in a blue, white, and red suit shook his head.
"Besides, when the Japanese's belt fell off, it stuck to the stones like glue and anyone who tries to remove one from the other will get shocked."
"Belt? What about my belt?"
"So when your sky-blue suit disappeared, the ornate belt you were wearing fell off from your waist and was stuck to the hand armor that housed the infinity stones," Aneka translated for the green giant. "Anyone who tries to remove the belt from the hand armor was getting mild shocks."
"Can I take a look?"
"Dr. Strange did say he was in good health, just exhausted, we should consult him before making a decision." T'challa stated.
"The king says that we need to see someone and ask if you could look at the stones and the belt." Aneka summarized her king's words.
As soon as Gentaro looked at the Fourze Driver, he immediately knew what his next move was, and that was to remove the Fourze Driver from the table, which he immediately did.
"Oh, everyone's speaking in Japanese now."
"Interesting," The Hulk hummed. "So that belt acts as a universal translator for you and enables you to speak the language of who you are talking to."
"I can hear him speaking in Xhosa." T'challa nodded his head.
"That certainly proves a point." Dr. Strange nodded.
"As I understand, you came from another world and were chasing your brand of villains to this one before getting involved in the fight against Thanos." Captain America voiced out.
"That's right," Gentaro grinned. "I wasn't aware of what they were doing until they kidnapped me so that I could aid in their escape in the future."
"It's no doubt because of that blue portal that appeared during your fight with Thanos." Dr. Strange concluded.
"Do you have an idea on how to track the villains you were chasing?"
"Sadly, no." Gentaro admitted. "I'll only be able to track them once they use their ability to travel to another universe."
"It's not magic?"
"No, it's not." Gentaro shook his head.
"Tell us about these villains that you were chasing." Falcon prompted.
And with that Gentaro told everyone in the room about an organization called Foundation X and how they were called the merchants of death.
"So Hydra wannabes." Falcon stated his distaste.
"It's bad enough that they have access to things that revive monsters and generals that have already been defeated."
"Rest up, Gentaro," The Hulk patted the Japanese teacher. "We'll help you in tracking this Foundation X."
Days passed, and Gentaro finally got a lead about Foundation X. They had claimed to be members of Damage Control but they matched the clothing Gentaro said they would wear as their uniform.
Some people had contacted the Avengers and the King of Wakanda about suspicious individuals who fit Gentaro's description of Foundation X.
Both Captain America and Ironman, once he was briefed on what's happening, suggested that they inform the US government about this group of white-clothed men because Foundation X has a chance of being capable of replicating what was done to Captain America.
Apparently, Captain America had relatively the same story as the first among the Kamen Riders, Kamen Rider Ichigou.
"Fighting an army of America's ass isn't my kind of hobby." Ironman quipped.
Once everything got settled, including making sure that Ironman stayed in bed, Dr. Strange made a circular orange portal that led them back to the Avengers' compound.
The battlefield where the fight against Thanos happened.
"Of course, Fourze is here!" A man in white clothes cussed.
"The sample we got should be enough." Another one yelled. "We need to go!"
"Oh no, you don't!" Gentaro exclaimed. "Henshin!"
Gentaro transformed into Fourze Base states and rushed towards the Foundation X grunts when monstrous beings erupted from the ground.
"This time, they're using Yummies?"
"I believe you haven't told us about Yummies." The Hulk prompted.
"They're not the enemies I faced back when I was really active in fighting against them but from what I've been told, we are fighting against white Yummies and they're born from human desires."
"Does nothing happen to the people they're born from?" Dr. Strange questioned as he blocked a strike with a solid magic circle.
"No, no side-effects to them."
"They're not sentient?" Hawkeye asked.
"Very well."
What followed next was the destruction of the white yummy army that the members of Foundation X haphazardly made. Their numbers thinned before any of them could step off of the Avengers compound.
They were cornered.
Surrender yourselves, we have your group surrounded," Captain America stepped forward. "We promise nothing harmful will come to you if you surrender."
"This is a good experiment as any," One Foundation X member hissed at his companion. "Quick give me one vial of the blood."
"But sir, it'd only be destroyed with Fourze around!" The other hissed back.
"I know that, we're just stalling for time."
As the Avengers and Fourze waited for the cornered Foundation X members to respond, they were immediately on guard when one of them smeared some red liquid onto a Cell Medal and inserted it into his head.
A blue, red, and white yummy was born from the foundation X member. It staggered forward before it shouted and rushed toward Captain America.
"This one is quite strong," Captain America grunted. "A lot stronger than the ones we fought earlier."
Suddenly, more yummies erupted from the ground and distracted everyone from the fleeing Foundation X members.
"They are weak but they are harder to destroy." Black Panther commented.
"They get knocked down but they stand back up." The Hulk agreed.
"I'm worried about the Yummy Captain America is fighting," Dr. Strange blasted one yummy away from him. "They did something for it to be able to match his strength."
"Go!" The Hulk grabbed the three yummies that pursued Dr. Strange. "Analyze it."
Dr. Strange nodded as he flew towards Captain America and the yummy he was fighting and moved his magic-circle-engulfed hands in an attempt to make sense of the enemy Captain America was fighting.
"No!" Doctor Strange gasped.
"What's wrong?" Black Panther kicked two yummies away from him.
"That yummy is the same as Captain America, a super soldier." Doctor Strange assisted the star-spangled hero and blasted it away, giving Captain America some kind of breather.
"What do you mean?" Hawkeye shot three yummies in their heads.
"The red liquid it was smeared with earlier contained Captain America's blood."
"Which means it's the same as a Super Soldier." The Hulk concluded.
"Cosmic On."
"Leave him to me." Gentaro stated as his suit changed color from white to sky-blue.
Fourze spun in place and slashed the yummies he was fighting, destroying them in an explosion. He then rushed to the yummy Captain America was fighting as a blue portal opened up behind the yummy and it inside the portal.
As they exited the portal, Gentaro found himself in space, with his opponent flailing to get to somewhere but to no avail.
An orange rocket was equipped on Gentaro's hand and a yellow drill was equipped on his leg.
"Rider Rocket Drill Kick!" Gentaro exclaimed
Fourze used the propulsion of his rocket to rush toward his enemy and used his drill-equipped leg to pierce through his enemy.
As soon as Gentaro was back on Earth, he was greeted by the Avengers destroying the yummies in fiery explosions as a team, ending it with the Hulk punching them.
Gentaro scanned the field, and sure enough, he found the foundation X members scurrying toward a helicopter.
However before any of them could even board the helicopter, Gentaro saw The Hulk leap and landed on the helicopter's tail all the while grabbing the pilot and co-pilot's clothes and pulling them to safety.
Another orange portal opened and came out another person.
"Col. Rhodes," Black Panther greeted.
"King T'challa," The suited man nodded. "I got the okay for keeping these foundation X stooges in Wakanda custody."
"You can refer to Ayo on securing these people."
"As you wish, King T'challa." A voice gave her ascent as multiple women in red and gold garb began taking the members of Foundation X away."
"That was a nice save!" Gentaro grinned.
"All in a day's work for a military personnel," The named Col. Rhodes shook his head. "I still haven't thanked you for saving Tony's life."
"Of course! Anything for my buds!" Gentaro grinned as he stretched out his hand.
Col. Rhodes cautiously accepted the offered hand only to be thrown for a loop when he wasn't greeted with a normal handshake, but rather a unique one.
"Don't worry, Col." Hawkeye stepped forward. "We were just as surprised as you when we were subjected to his brand of handshake at first."
"So what have we got on the canvasses here?" An unarmored Ironman walked into a room watching an interrogation of Foundation X members.
"Canvasses?" Captain America, wearing civilian clothes, questioned.
"Them?" Ironman pointed at the people getting interrogated with a raised eyebrow. "These men in white doing some voodoo shit or something.
"They're tough nuts to crack," Hawkeye commented. "They haven't said a word, not even in a different language."
"Are we sure they didn't take any pills to silence themselves?"
"One attempted but Dr. Strange managed to get all of the pills inside their mouths and destroyed them."
"What about you, rocket head, what's the deal about them?"
"Rocket head? Me?" Gentaro pointed at himself at the new nickname he received.
"Who else? You're the one who looks like a rocket with your armor on." Ironman replied cheekily.
"Weren't you informed?" Captain America frowned.
"I was, but I want the story to come from him." Ironman pointed at Gentaro.
Tony nodded.
Gentaro obliged a retold everyone how he came to this universe.
"So a multiverse, huh?"
"I don't know about whatever-verse, but they took me from my Earth so that they can try to control me and help them escape every time."
"That is a good strategy," Ironman nodded. "You have the power to create portals to wherever you want to go, you would make a fancy getaway person."
"How did you escape them?" Dr. Strange asked.
"My friends in that universe saved me." Gentaro grinned.
Before any further discussion could occur, a Wakandan interrogator was slammed to the wall as an aurora curtain appeared in front of Gentaro and the others.
"What in the-"
"Did you lot at least get the samples I asked of you?" A person exited the veil and broke the captured Foundation X member free from their restraints.
"Had to use one of the American Captain's," The captured member rubbed their wrists in an attempt to ease the pain on them. "Fourze's here and he's given the heroes of this world intel about us."
"I knew we shouldn't have even attempted to use a Shocker Rider for this," The other member growled. "No matter, we still have more blood samples from the American Captain to use, where are the other samples?"
The captured member simply pointed at the table that was littered with small vials of debris, that presumably contained DNA samples of the world's heroes.
"On no, you don't!" Gentaro burst through the wall, after transforming into his white suit, and immediately grabbed the hand that was going for the vials of debris.
"Kamen Rider Fourze," the man observed. "I knew it was a mistake attempting to use one of you Riders for this operation."
"And I'm thankful for it, this way you can't hurt any of my buds any longer." Gentaro growled out.
"Grab the vials!"
"Oh no, you don't!"
The Avengers made short work of the attackers and neutralized all of them.
T'challa made sure his subject was okay before asking someone else to bring the interrogator somewhere to be treated.
"Tch, these white yummies are so weak." The Foundation X member fighting Gentaro clicked their tongue. "No matter, we just need to overwhelm them with numbers."
As if on cue, more and more yummies, filed out of the aurora veil and began attacking the Avengers. Whenever one of the yummies fall, three more took it's place.
"We need to cut through them!" Black Panther called out as he unleashed the stored kinetic energy from within his suit, blowing the yummies away from him.
"What about the people inside them?"
"They're separate from their hosts." Gentaro assured Iron Man.
"Is it alright?" Ironman couldn't help but ask.
"We'll suffer more casualties if we don't."
"You asked for it," Iron Man stated as he fired a laser blast through their enemies, piercing through the wall of the interrogation room.
"We need to get out of here!"
"Not until we get those vials."
As the combatants fought, someone sneakily walked past everyone who was fighting and went toward the pedestal where the vials were deposited.
Captain America immediately noticed that someone was by the pedestal and immediately threw his shield towards the wall and made it ricochet towards the pedestal, forcing the Foundation X member to duck, and destroyed the vials as a result.
"No!" The Foundation X member Gentaro was fighting kicked Fourze out of his way and made his way back to the veil, releasing the captive Foundation X members along the way. "This was a failure, we need to fall back, now!"
"Wha- but!"
Everyone in white uniform nodded as they escaped to the veil.
The Avengers attempted to give chase but a new wave of yummies exited the veil and began to overwhelm the Avengers.
"Decade on."
Fourze's one leg turned magenta with Decade's face on his knee. He stomped once and stopped the decay of the curtain. As soon as he made sure that his ticket of following the enemies was in place, he immediately helped the Avengers clean up and defeated all of the yummies until nothing came through.
"You should follow them," Black Panther offered.
"Don't worry about us, we'll handle things here." Iron Man assured.
"Are you sure?"
"Buds help each other out, right?" Hawkeye gave Fourze a big smile.
"Thanks a lot!" Gentaro bowed at the heroes of this world before chasing after the members of Foundation X through the aurora curtain.
"So, Gandalf, what do you think?"
Everyone was finished fighting their respective sets of monsters, which soon caused mini explosions, leaving nothing in their wake.
"I am a sorcerer, not a wizard, Stark," Dr. Strange rolled his eyes. "As for your question, I know that their means of travel to different transportation isn't mystical in nature."
"Alien origin, then?" Professor Hulk offered.
"He did claim to be rescued by aliens." Hawkeye added.
"No," Dr. Strange shook his head. "It's hard to pinpoint, but that power originated in a different world. It's like there's a rift in space and you just arrived at your destination."
"So it's like your means of transportation, then?" Black Panther asked.
"Yes, but instead of places in this universe, it's other universes." Dr. Strange nodded.
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aliencatart · 2 years
now I can't wait for Akiko to learn that someone else has rode on Accel as a motorcycle that was a girl :p [during the Fourze+Wizard movie where Accel was in his bike form and Nadeshiko was riding him]
wait why is terui even in that movie?? ← has only just started watching wizard and hasn't gotten to the movie yet
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friendshipstates · 1 year
(Headcanon: Early Days)
(Back in the early days of being Fourze, Gentaro would often have to bring his opponent into space, defeat them and shut off the Zodiart Switch. This of course, canonically left him plummeting back to Earth.
In all those times when he popped the Parachute Switch, he has only landed back in Japan once. As a result, by the time of the Cosmic Switch’s introduction, Gentaro was the most well-traveled member of his student body. He has been to Hawaii, Mexico, Thailand, Australia, England, and Easter Island.
How does he get back? After she joined the Kamen Rider Club, Miu set aside a permanent travel fund for Gentaro. Typically, someone in the Kamen Rider Club, after receiving a phone call from Gentaro, would pass word on the Miu. Miu would send money from the fund to Gentaro’s account so he could fly home.
The worst of these trips back was the return after he and Eiji defeated Kannagi in Megamax. He had just witnessed the first girl he had loved die twice in an hour, and as soon as he arrived at the airport, he saw the girl that Nadeshiko had based her appearance off of walk past. The whole trip back to his house in Miu’s car was silent.)
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