#nancy wheeler is pocket sized
biboomerangboi · 2 years
She owns multiple guns and kills monsters.
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How is she so pocket sized!!
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don't leave me here {e.m}
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prompt: you're bleeding out and eddie has to save you.
character: eddie munson x plus size female reader
part of my e.m 'pretty eyes' series
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Blood. There was so much blood.
Eddie dropped to his knees in front of you, "Jesus! Fucking hell! What the fuck?!" The panicked string of curses left his mouth quick and furious.
He stared down at your gasping, convulsing body in absolute horror. Eddie Munson wasn't one of these 'hero' guys. He wasn't like Steve Harrington or Nancy Wheeler or- or fucking Superman, okay? He was a runner. He ran and he hid from shit like this. He wasn't brave. He was a fraud; scared, weak. Eddie Munson thought that he was nothing at all.
Things changed when he saw you like that.
"What do I do? What the fuck do I do?!"
You weren't really focusing on what he was saying, all you could really do was stare up at him as your mouth tried to form words. His eyes connected with yours; fear meeting fear and when he saw how scared you were, lying there, bleeding out onto cold cement, he swallowed and closed his eyes for the briefest of moments.
When he opened his eyes again, the fear was gone and instead was replaced with calm.
"This is gonna hurt... and I'm sorry." He took a deep breath and pressed down on the wound that was on your side. You couldn't speak but my god, you could scream; loud and piercing. Eddie rambled apologies over the sound of you, wincing as he listened to you. No one else was here. It was just you and Eddie in the Upside Down with a whole lot of monsters. Eddie needed to stop the bleeding long enough to get you back into the normal world and get you to the hospital.
He could feel his heart beating fast and furious in his chest. It almost hurt him. He was terrified but he knew that you were even more scared than he was so he knew that he had to focus and just do it; do something. No running, not today.
The blood seeped from between his fingers, he needed something to stop the bleeding. Thinking quick, he grabbed the two handkerchiefs that he kept in his pockets, bundled them together, and pressed them hard against your side.
"You still with me?" He asked, anxiously glancing to your face.
Your eyes were squeezed shut and you were holding onto his wrist in a white knuckled grip, "E-Eds- I'm not gonna-"
"Shut up." He glowered at you, "I'm not having that conversation, it's strictly not an option. I'm going to get the bleeding to stop a bit and then I'm gonna take you back through the gate and we'll get you to the hospital. You'll be fine. You'll be fine. It'll be fine."
His hands trembled and his whole body was caked in a cold sweat as the blood continued to pour. Why wasn't it stopping? Why wasn't it slowing down?
He cursed under his breath and dropped everything to stand up. With fumbling hands, he pulled off his belt. He'd watched Nancy do this to Harrington, minus the belt but with her t-shirt, she'd tied it really tight around his wound and it helped add extra pressure. He had to try, right? He told you it would hurt and boy, did it hurt. The searing hot pain made your head spin and made your vision blur and you almost felt yourself succumbing to the sleepiness that crept into the corners of your mind, dulling things and making things fuzzy around the edges.
It was Eddie's voice, hoarse and cracking, "Please don't leave me. Don't you dare fucking leave me in this stupid town myself." Hearing that, hearing how upset and vulnerable he sounded made you open your eyes for the briefest of moments.
"I gotta get you outta here," Eddie murmured, "Back through the gate and hopefully Harrington will be on the other side close by and we can get you in a car and straight to the hospital."
You shook your head, inhaling deeply, "Y-You can't get me through the gate. I-I'm too heavy to ca-carry."
Eddie rolled his eyes, "You're bleeding out and you're worried about your weight?" A moment of humour in an otherwise traumatic situation.
It was stupid and you weren't thinking rationally but you never liked people lifting you, you'd always hated it since a boy in your sixth grade class called you heavy. Since then, no one had lifted you. Despite knowing that Eddie could probably hold your weight, you would rather die in the Upside Down than have him unable to lift you or call you heavy.
"Hey," Eddie said, bloody hands on your cheeks, "I can lift you. I'll get you outta here, I promise... You gotta trust me." His eyes scanned your face, "You trust me?"
You nodded slowly, "Yeah. I trust you."
"I dunno if it'll hurt or not but my trailer's just over there, it won't be long... just hold on tight." You hadn't noticed his hands under your knees and neck until he was hoisting you into the air. The pain was there but duller, lesser. You didn't know if that was a good thing or not. Your eyes were heavy, tired. Eddie could tell as he ran through the upside down with you in his arms that things weren't looking good. Despite the belt applying as much pressure as possible, you were still bleeding, blood seeping into his t-shirt and jean jacket, staining and soaking wherever it touched.
Eddie glanced down at you, "Open your eyes, (y/n). Open those pretty eyes!" The sound of the nickname woke you for the slightest of seconds and then you tumbled backwards into the darkness.
At the sight of your eyes rolling and body limp, Eddie cursed and used his foot to kick open the trailer door; stupid thing swung open easily.
Eddie began to screech for Harrington, for Nancy, for anyone. His friends should've been back by now. Eddie closed his eyes as he stared up through the gate to see no one staring down at him. They weren't back yet. This couldn't be it; this wasn't going to be the end. He lay you down on the mattress on the floor and grabbed a chair to stand on when all of a sudden he heard, "Jesus, what happened? Is she okay?!"
Steve and Nancy stared down horrified at the sight of you lying unconscious, "Help me get her outta here, Harrington, or she's not gonna make it."
Getting you up and out of the Upside Down was easier than Eddie had expected since he had the help of Nancy and Steve. Together, they managed to get you through the gate and Steve helped carry you to his car.
Eddie's heart hadn't stopped racing, his hands trembling and sweating as the engine roared whilst Steve drove. Nancy looked to the backseat where you lay with Eddie crouched over you, hand in yours. He kept yelling over the sound of the engine to drive faster. "We're friends with the Chief of Police hurry the fuck up Harrington!" So, Steve put his foot down.
He doesn't stop talking to you, doesn't stop muttering and murmuring to you. He doesn't know what the hell he's saying to you but he read once that talking to someone is a good way to keep them awake - he didn't know how true that was but he'd try anything.
"Open your pretty eyes for me, (y/n)."
"You hear me? You hear my voice?"
"I'm terrified... Fuck, I'm so scared."
"Please don't leave me. Please don't leave me."
"I love you. I fucking love you."
The hospital loomed ahead and Steve put his foot down, cutting the red light. Nancy gripped onto her seat. Steve's turns grew harsh and fast and the three of them were nearly launched when he slammed on the breaks, car coming to a squealing stop.
"Help me get her out." Eddie said to Steve.
The car lay abandoned as Steve and Eddie carried you into the hospital. Nancy ran ahead, calling for help loudly and grabbing a stretcher which sat beside reception empty. The next few moments passed in a blur. You were bundled onto the stretcher, Eddie holding your hand, and a few doctors surrounded and huddled trying to figure out what was best to do.
"We need to take her now, sir," one of the doctor's said to Eddie, "you need to let go of her hand."
Eddie wanted to protest, wanted to fight and demand to stay with you but it was Harrington's hands on his shoulders that tugged him away from you and then, the three of them were all alone in reception and you were wheeled away.
Eddie hadn't known true fear until today. Seeing you bleeding and injured and now, stuck in limbo wondering and praying that you'd be okay. It was up to the doctor's now. It was their job to save you. Eddie wasn't religious but in those few tense hours of waiting, he prayed to every god, every saint, every public figure he could think of to pray that you'd be okay and that you'd pull through. Nancy and Steve stayed the whole time, keeping him occupied with small talk and fuelled by coffee.
"Eddie, stop pacing. Come and sit down," Nancy said, patting the seat beside her, "Just try to relax-"
"I can't," he shook his head, curls flying, "I can't rest until I know that she's okay."
"Are you here for (y/n)?" A voice asked from beside them.
Eddie whirled around, nodding wildly, "Yes, is she okay? Is she- Is she...?"
"Who wrapped the belt around her waist to stop the bleeding?" The doctor asked.
Eddie frowned, "It was me." His face dropped, "Did I do something wrong? Oh my god, did I hurt her more?"
The doctor shook his head, patting Eddie's shoulder, "Really nice touch with the belt, kid, that probably saved her life," the doctor said, "she'll be okay."
Eddie wasn't a crier, he couldn't remember the last time he properly broke down and just cried... until now. It was a mixture of relief, happiness, stress and god knows what else but he just broke down. You were okay; you would be okay. A heavy hand landed on his shoulder, he had thought it was the doctor offering sympathy, but was rather surprised to see Harrington, "Thank you," he said to the doctor, allowing him to leave. Once the doctor was gone, Steve patted his back, "(y/n)'s okay, you saved her, Munson. You did it."
Eddie couldn't speak. The tears kept flowing and as he sat down, Steve's hand stayed on his shoulder and Nancy's hand found Eddie's arm and gave it a reassuring squeeze.
You were going to be okay; everything was going to be okay.
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lady-lostmind · 5 months
Steddie Big Bang Wrap Up!
Now that all of the @steddiebang projects I was involved in are wrapping up I just want to make a post for all of them. My fic: And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful wife is finally finished! It's officially the longest thing I've ever written and I'm really proud of it.
Explicit | 138,192 | 50/50 chapters
Author/Artist: @lady-lostmind Artist: @fancycheliniarts | Art | Art Beta: @oh-stars | Art Summary: Steve and Eddie get very close after the world almost ends. Eddie makes a move and it quickly backfires when Steve pulls away. Eddie, not knowing how to deal with the rejection, runs. They live completely separate lives for years until Steve realizes maybe he's not living the life he actually wants, and throws himself back into Eddie's world. Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, Eddie Munson/Original Male Character(s) Tags: Slow Burn, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, Miscommunication, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Addiction, Infertility, Infidelity, Not Nancy Wheeler Friendly, Happy Ending Guaranteed  My Art:
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Fics I drew art for: From Hell And Back
Explicit | 165,361 | 30/30 chapters
Author: @rindecision   Artists: @lady-lostmind | Art @feralsteddie | Art Cheerleader: @atmilliways Beta: Anonymous Summary: One Halloween, years after the fall of Hawkins, Steve and Robin end up summoning Eddie from the depths of Hell. Steve, not knowing the ways of the occult, accidentally frees him and has to deal with a mischievous demon on the loose. Eddie drives Steve insane with various shapeshifting antics, both in and out of the bedroom, while Robin tries to find a way to send him back to hell. But, when faced with the opportunity to return his life to normal, will Steve even want to go through with it? OR Lots of supernatural, hentai-esque smut with a playful, romantic plot.Pairings: Steddie | Background Robin/Vickie Characters: Eddie |Steve | Robin | Vickie | Female OC Tags: Demon Eddie Munson, Post-Canon, Crack Treated Seriously, Shapeshifting, Fluff, Crack, Humor, Size Difference, Eventual Romance, Mutual Pining, Steve Bisexual Awakening, Comical misunderstandings, Pocket-sized Eddie, Monsterfucking,Tentacles, These Bitches be Switches, Unrequited Love My Art:
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memoria (come as you are)
Mature | 2/8 chapters
Artist: @lady-lostmind | Art Beta: @glaftwlet
Summary: It's January 1996 and Steve has recently moved to Pennsylvania for a new job as a children's librarian. Urged to do something with his evenings by Robin, he goes to a bar around the corner from his apartment and sees someone who looks an awful like Eddie Munson playing his guitar. Only no one has seen Eddie in almost ten years. Eddie Munson, whilst on the brink of death, was not so gently urged into the supernatural department of the United States Federal Witness Protection Program. The time he was in the program, he was stripped of everything he had and thought he knew, and was forced to become someone entirely new. He’s still trying to figure out who that person is. It’s been almost ten years, and in that time the only thing he has learned is that he is okay with being alone. He has to be. Otherwise known as, a story about finding the people you’ve lost, healing rifts (the personal kind, not the supernatural kind) and maybe for once, finally, falling in love. Pairings: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Background Nancy Wheeler/Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington & Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson & Dustin Henderson Tags: Alternate Universe — Canon Divergence, 1990s, Eddie Munson Lives, Eddie Munson in Witness Protection, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Hurt/Comfort, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Bisexual Eddie Munson
My Art:
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shares-a-vest · 12 days
Prompt: Balloon (Discord Drabble)
Robin thinks she and Nancy must have looped around the whole park four times before she finally spots Steve. He perks up and waves, nudging Eddie in the side.
Munson looks ridiculous, standing in the bright summer sun and dressed entirely in black, including a baseball cap that barely contains his hair. He is licking an ice cream that, from this distance, appears to be three scoops high.
Eddie says something to Steve – likely something chiding considering how he wobbles on the spot, shrieks and shields his ice cream with his free hand.
"I bet they were late," Nancy grumbles by Robin's side.
"No doubt," she confirms, looking up to find a pink balloon hovering above the two Tardy Boys.
Robin ficks her sunglasses back down, grabs Nancy's hand and begins charging along, weaving between fellow park dwellers all out for a Saturday morning basking in the sun before it gets too hot. She is sure they are about to lose their way (or stomp all over someone's picnic) when Nancy points to the balloon and interlinks their arms.
"Oh, boy," Nancy tsks as they finally reach the path and discover that Eddie's ice cream is indeed, melting down his hand.
She swings her handbag around and reaches inside it with great efficiency, retrieving a pocket-sized packet of wet wipes that makes Robin frown.
"Why do you have those just in your bag?"
Nancy shrugs, "For when we look after Joanie."
She hands one over to Eddie, who gives the world's most pathetic, "Thanks Wheeler" as Robin rolls her eyes in her best friend's direction.
"That's why we were l-a-t-e," Steve stage-whispers.
"Excuse me!" Eddie splutters, gulping down another hearty lick of his ice cream, "What about the sea of rapid little sheepies we had to get through for Joanie-Bear's balloon?"
Robin reaches for the long purple string secured to Joanie's stroller and brings the balloon down with her as she crouches to her niece's level.
"What's this, kiddo?" she says, turning the balloon at an angle so Joanie doesn't have to fight against the sun to get a better look at the balloon creature.
"Kitty!" the toddler beams, "My kitty."
Robin grins up at the others.
"So, she still expects a kitten of her own, huh?" Nancy chuckles.
"We figured the balloon would give us a few days reprieve," Eddie says as another blob of ice cream drips onto his wrist.
Steve leans down to lick it up, smiling as he catches his partner's eye.
Robin recoils, "Ew, guys! Not during a family outing in the park, please!"
She elbows her best friend out of the way to take control of the stroller, beckoning a giggling Nancy to follow as they leave Steve and Eddie to tend to the goopy ice cream.
More of this AU here
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Hellfire and Spitfire (pt.4)
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CW: spoilers(duh), regular fluff, story addition, sexual content, angst, unrequited, enemies to lovers, only one bed (sort of), angry kissing, aggressive seggs, slapping, choking, hair pulling, blood, filth, hand/ring fetish, size kink.
Word Count: 2.1k
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“Care for a little company Munson?”
You pushed your way past Eddie in the door. The tarp had been pushed aside off the boat, and it still swung a little, likely from Eddie getting out of it to investigate your current intrusion.
“To what do I owe the pleasure? Did you forget something or are you dropping off more shit that Dustin forgot?” Eddie leaned against the doorframe, now using the long oar in his hand to stabilize himself. You let out a small laugh at the sight, imagining him in gray robes with a long white beard and a pointed hat.
“What’s so funny?”
You just looked at him innocently. “Nothing. You sleep out here? This place kinda reeks.”
“Yeah well it’s the boathouse or the main house and, to be honest, I think you’ll find it smells worse in there.” He spoke from experience, apparently. He smiled a little at your reaction. “But seriously, what do you want, y/n.”
You looked away from him and shrugged. “I just thought you might be lonely in here. And there’s like six of us who aren’t on the run right now. They can spare me. I’m not helpful anyways. You still keep smokes in your jacket pocket?”
Eddie quirked a brow at you, not totally convinced. He pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of his leather jacket, handed you one, and lit it for you before lighting one for himself. You took a long drag. It had actually been him that gave you your first cigarette. You had coughed and coughed and Eddie laughed so hard that he almost puked. Now he looked almost nervous that you were just sitting there, with him, in silence.
“Lovely weather we’re having isn’t it?” You tried to relieve some of the tension. You begin to wonder whether this was a good decision. Really all you wanted was to be away from Steve for a while.
“You haven’t spoken to me in years, and now you’re commenting on the weather.” He propped up the oar and crossed his arms, still leaning on the door, the cig burning between his ringed fingers.
“We’ve… talked.” You shrugged.
“Sure, if you count dropping Mike off at hellfire and then speeding off ‘talking’.”
“What do you want me to say Eddie? We grew up and apart.” You flicked some of the ash off of the end of your cigarette, hugging yourself for warmth.
“Uh-huh. Sure. If that’s what you want to call it.” He rolled his eyes and squatted down, using the wall to stay upright.
“What else would you call it? You started dealing and the Wheelers took me in. Those are pretty different life paths if you ask me.”
“No, I started selling to help Uncle Wayne pay bills, and you got adopted by some rich folks. Then suddenly, you forgot I existed. I tried to talk to you, but you snubbed me.” He finally took a drag of his own cigarette.
He wasn’t entirely wrong. The Wheelers weren’t a poor family. And Nancy helped you to better curate your taste in fashion, music, and other things. Being related to her now meant you had to fit their standard. So you changed a little. You dressed differently, and you talked differently. But you kept a few mannerisms and habits that being brought up broke just kind of imprinted into your brain.
“I did not snub you, Munson. If anything it was the other way around.” You watched as the smoke from your cigarettes mingled in the air above you. The way you remember it, once you got adopted, Eddie stopped talking to you first. You had been hurt, but you figured it was because you had started to fit in. And as much as you missed him, if he wasn’t going to accept you for what you are now, you didn’t need him.
“Whatever, princess.” He flicked the butt of his cig into the water under the boat. The nickname stung a little. You knew he was making fun of you.
“I’m gonna go see if the main house is livable. If I have to sleep out here in the cold again I’ll die of hypothermia.” He plucked up his walkie and stepped out of the door, letting it click shut softly. You only sat and listened as the crunch of gravel faded.
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After half an hour of just sitting in the quiet, looking at the water, you decided to head inside to look for Eddie. Your cigarette had long burnt down to the butt, and you were growing increasingly bored. Maybe Rick had left some of his personal stash in the house somewhere.
You stepped out of the boathouse, noticing the sky turning to a pale pink and orange. After stepping inside the main house, you scrunched up your face in disgust. Eddie hadn’t been lying about the smell in here. The musty smell of stale weed and b.o. filled your nose.
“Eddie? You in here?” You heard loud footsteps coming down the stairs.
“So, apparently in the two stories of this lovely home, Rick has one singular bed. You can sleep up there tonight. It’s getting late and I don’t think pretty boy wants you walking anywhere around here at night.” You ignored his jab at Steve.
“No I’ll take the couch. You’ve been stuck out in that shed for days.”
“I’m trying to be a gentleman for once. I’m doing my best to be nice here.”
You let out a loud laugh, followed by a bunch of snorting. Eddie only frowned at you.
“Please. You, Edward Munson, a gentleman? The day that becomes the truth is the day I sprout wings. Just take the bed, Eds.” He refused to let you see how affected he was by you using your childhood nickname for him, looking at the wall instead.
“Whatever,” he threw his hands in the air. “Don’t come crawling to me when you’re freezing your ass off down here.” He stomped his way back up the stairs and you heard a door slam.
With the room suddenly very quiet, you decided to snoop around some. In the coffee table drawer you found two remotes, a bunch of old batteries, and a busted lighter. You sighed at the lack of entertaining objects to be found.
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Eddie, the fucking prick, was right. You tried to sleep on the couch, you really did. But the absolute silence, huge dark rooms, and the biting cold you felt all kept you awake. You should’ve just listened to Eddie and taken the bed.
You stood up from the springy couch, hearing the old thing squeak as you pulled yourself up off. The floorboards creaked and moaned no matter where you stepped. You padded toward the kitchen hoping to find something interesting. The clock on the wall read 1:38. Just looking at the old clock gave you the heebie jeebies for some reason.
The kitchen cabinets were cluttered with things. Most of it expired. A few cans that were still good. You made the decision to not open the fridge, just for the sake of your nose.
You heard footsteps coming from upstairs, the ceiling groaning with the stress on the old wood. You heard Eddie’s voice from around the corner of the doorway.
“The fuck are you doin’? Can hear the floorboards through the whole goddamned house.” Eddie groaned. He was only wearing his jeans, no shirt. His socks were dirty, a tiny hole by his left pinky toe.
You struggled looking at him. In the dim light you could see his lightly toned chest and abs, a few tattoos smattered across his chest and arms. His skin was smooth and pale, except for a dark trail of hair that disappeared into his blue checkered boxers. He wasn’t exactly buff or anything, but Eddie Munson was hot. You looked away before he could notice you staring.
“Just a little bored. Don’t suppose you know where Reefer Rick keeps his personal supply, do you?” You peeked up at him again. He was rubbing at his eye with the heel of his palm. His hair was a mess, unruly curls sticking up in random spots.
“Nah, Rick didn’t let me in on the secret. That shit’s like his treasure horde. Heard he got his stuff from California. Strain called ‘Purple Palm Tree Delight’.” He leaned on the counter with his elbows, reminding you much of how you and Steve were talking just yesterday. Only Eddie was obviously not Steve.
“How’s the bed?” You picked at the skin around your nails, just asking questions to fill the silence.
“It’s fine. How’s the couch?” He looked at you from under long eyelashes, and something fluttered in your tummy.
“It’s fine.” You answered a little too quickly. Eddie noticed.
“Look, just- just take the bed please.”
“No. No, you’ve been through a lot lately and I can’t let you sleep on this couch. I’m a big girl, I’ll be fine.” You crossed your arms and sat against the counter. Eddie stared at you for a minute. You found yourself unable to look him in the eyes.
“Okay then just share with me.” He shrugged, like he didn’t just nonchalantly suggest that the two of you sleep in the same bed.
It wasn’t like you’d never shared a bed with Eddie before. When you were kids, Eddie and Wayne let you stay in their trailer often. Usually you slept over on nights when your birth mother stayed out all night. It had become normal for you to wake up cuddling with Eddie, or to him attempting to cook breakfast. Everything always came out burnt, but you always ate it anyways.
“Yeah. That way you can sleep in the bed and I won’t feel so bad about you being down here by yourself.” He smiled at you, because clearly he’s just found the perfect solution to the issue.
You pretended to consider it for a moment, even putting your hand up to your face like you were thinking real hard.
“The offer is going once… twice…” He pulled his fingers up one at a time, making sure to count slowly.
“Okay, okay! Fine.“ You laughed. Eddie laughed. And you tried and failed to remember the last time the two of you had shared such a nice moment.
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Each of you stood on one side of the old bed. The sheets looked like they had been changed. Probably by Eddie, despite his own lack of hygiene at home. There was a mess of pillows strewn about, so you grabbed two and put them in the center of the bed, creating a wall.
“Really, Wheeler? I’m not gonna like, try anything.” Eddie looked actually offended at the action.
“This is so you don’t hog the bed, Eds. Act like I don’t know how you like to sleep. I’ve personally been a victim of your space stealing.” You didn’t notice the way his breath hitched at the old nickname. The one you called him as a kid. Hearing it from your lips again for some reason made his heart beat fast and he couldn’t tell if he hated it or not.
“Whatever, just don’t steal all the covers then.” He smirked at you, bringing up sleepover crimes of your own. Eddie plopped himself down on the bed, laying on his stomach, one leg hanging off the side of the bed.
You took a moment to study his back, the way his muscles flexed and moved as he breathed. One of his arms was pulled up under the pillow, and a small smattering of bats were on display on his arm. You’d always thought it was a strange placement for the tattoo, but damn if it didn’t suit him.
What was wrong with you? Ogling Eddie like he was a biology class specimen. For a brief moment you wondered if Steve’s skin was as pretty and porcelain as Eddie’s.
It took a minute before he realized you hadn’t laid down yet.
“C’mon in, princess. The water’s fine.” His voice was muffled by the pillow.
Slowly you sat onto the bed and covered yourself. You laid on your side, facing away from him. You tried to drift to sleep but couldn’t. Eventually you turned to lay on your back, facing the ceiling, which had a very lewd poster of a nice looking young lady on it. You cringed and decided to look at the body in bed next to you instead. Eddie had fallen asleep. His breathing was even, but shallow. His hair was a wild mess over his face and shoulders. And you took notice of the lack of creases in his face now that he was asleep.
Listening to his light snores and your own heartbeat, you finally knocked out.
Slowly you sat onto the bed and covered yourself. You laid on your side, facing away from him. You tried to drift to sleep but couldn’t. Eventually you turned to lay on your back, facing the ceiling, which had a very lewd poster of a nice looking young lady on it. You cringed and decided to look at the body in bed next to you instead. Eddie had fallen asleep. His breathing was even, but shallow. His hair was a wild mess over his face and shoulders. And you took notice of the lack of creases in his face now that he was asleep.
Listening to his light snores and your own heartbeat, you finally knocked out.
| Pt.1 | Pt.2 | Pt.3 | Pt.4 | Pt.5 | Pt.6 | Pt.7 |
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 4 months
Let Me Read You Like an Open Book
by steviewashere
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington & The Party, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Maxine "Max" Mayfield/Lucas Sinclair, Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, Will Byers/Mike Wheeler Character: Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Maxine "Max" Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Nancy Wheeler, Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Post-Vecna (Stranger Things), Post-Season/Series 04, Hurt/Comfort, Steve Harrington Needs a Hug, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Eddie Munson is a Little Shit, Eddie Munson Has a Crush on Steve Harrington, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Is a Mess, Steve Harrington Has Migraines, Diary/Journal, Insecure Steve Harrington, Steve Harrington Needs Love, Getting Together, Love Confessions, Eddie Munson Lives, Disabled Maxine "Max" Mayfield, vague suicidal thoughts, like one line, Steve Harrington Has Nightmares, If I missed anything please let me know Words: 16,381 Chapters: 7/7
"...But on the surface of the coffee table, in the open, sprawling space of the room, is a pocket-sized journal. Something that could easily be slipped into a vest or behind a wallet or in the depths of an unsuspecting purse; if Eddie carried that sort of thing. ...Oh, but the journal is tantalizing. Within arm's reach. A little thing; red cover, silver spiral, lined paper. No way of identifying who it belongs to. Unless..." OR A 5+1 Where Eddie Reads 5 of Steve's Journal Entries and Steve Reads One Eddie Writes To Him OR I had a crazy little thought one night and wanted to try my hand at a 5+1. TW: Vague Suicidal Thoughts (But It's Like One Line)
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lighthouseas · 1 year
nancy wheeler is actually so pocket sized as long as you aren't a coward
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hautefinds · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ✨VINTAGE✨Cassidy Boatneck Top, Size M.
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geminimoonbeamx · 2 years
She’s Got Bette Davis Eyes
A/N: I'm going to be real; I miss Steve’s loser in a sailor uniform era. I’m not sure how I feel about the return of King Steve but well. Don't even get me started how much I hated the forced throat fucking that is the Duffers trying to make Stancy a thing again. Despite all that, I’m happy to have our baby boy back. 
Warnings: Smut. Road Head. Steve getting his shit verbally rocked. 
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Plus Size Reader
Summary: Steve Harrington has been on like, a hundred shitty dates this month alone. He really doesn't expect his date with you to be any different. 
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The movie the two of you had gone to see was garbage. Zombiethon. Literally as horrible as it sounds, you’d pushed for that new Demi Moore flick but Steve had become a bit of a movie connoisseur since working at the Family Video.
A bit of a douche too, but then like. Hadn't he always been one?  You’re contemplating why you’d accepted the date at all while he pokes at his coke float with a straw. The diner is in full rage, loud enough that it drowns out any chance of conversation- 
Steve’s corny pick up lines are lost to the hustle and bustle, drowned out by the jukebox and old team mates coming up to pay homage to the former King of Hawkins High himself. 
You’d gotten ready for this. Like, really. Taken hours primping and priming. Your hair fell, practiced and shiny. Your lip gloss gleamed in the light. The denim skirt you wore was just on the right side of slutty. This worked for you, with guys- always. And still, it seemed like Steve wanted to be anywhere but sitting across the table from you- 
And you? Yeah, you’re taking that pretty personally. 
If he thinks he’s going to get a kiss at the door and a second date after this he’s dead wrong. 
You let him ramble, about his dumb job and his dumb hair and his weekend trip to Indianapolis a month ago. All the while smiling, nodding, giving a quip and taking the cues. 
You're more than happy when the check comes in the form of the older woman with a smokers cough. You're pulling out your purse before she’s even dropped it on the table. 
“No, no, no. I invited you out, It’s my treat-” he pats at his pockets. 
You ignore him, pulling the crisp twenty out of your wallet and handing it to the woman. Nora, her name tag reads. “Here you go, keep the change” 
She smiles at you, before turning sharp eyes to Steve, muttering about how all the real men died in Nam’.  
Your pounding pavement towards his car. Funny, all throughout high school you’d yearned to ride passenger in the maroon BMW, and now you weren't too sure you wanted to get in it at all. It wasn't that much of a walk, back you your house- why had you chosen these tall ass wedges?
“I had that tab, back there. You didn’t have to-” Steve starts the engine, sounding uneasy and unsure for the first time tonight and hah. Good. Misery loves company, and you’re the petty bitch that will enforce the fact. 
“You snooze you lose” 
“Uh-” He makes a face, confused as you play with his radio. If he wants to be a dick fine, but you refuse to do another awkward car ride filled with his shitty taste in music. Megadeth it is. 
Your house is just outside of town, at least a thirty minute ride. 
At five minutes in you decide what the hell. You turn the knob, metal fading  “Quick quesh, why did you ask me out if you’re obviously not interested in dating anyone?”
“What? That’s not true. I date, all the time-” 
“Ah, so just not interested in dating me. Like in particular” 
“No, I wouldn't have asked you out if I wasnt interested in you. Dating you. Dating anyone” 
“Can I share my theory with you? I mean I did let you explain the entire synopsis of Casablanca back there so like, my turn” You get comfortable in the leather seat, wiggling so that you're leaning bag against the door, directly facing him. He’s cute, that dumb little look on his face. The confused nod. 
“So you haven't really been with anyone since Nancy Wheeler- 
“Not true” 
“Yeah you’ve dated like half the girls in this town. But boyfriend, girlfriend? Not since Wheeler. Suspicious? Kind of” 
“It’s not suspicious, I just haven't been with anyone that I wanted to take that next step with” Steve defends himself, bristling a little bit. Fuck if your going to let this go. Who cares if he’s uncomfortable? This is the most fun you’ve had all night. 
“Sure. It’s okay, I’ve done the hung up on the ex thing too- like for years. I just wish you would’ve told me” you shrug 
“Told you what exactly?” 
“That you weren't on the market for anything other than…physical relationships” you pick your brain for the right words. 
His mouth gapes, open, snaps closed. Nose scrunches and well. “That's not something I really go around just advertising. Girls aren't into that” 
“Aren't they?”’
“Are you?” He rebuts, doubtful. Hopeful, but mostly doubtful.  
Bingo. Right on the money.
You bite your cheek, trying to contain your grin as you reach over the console, your hand on Steves denim clad thigh “I think as human beings, it’s kind of fucked up to deprive ourselves of touch. It’s one of the five main senses and all that. I mean, so you don't want to get married...that doesn't mean you can't get your dick wet” 
Steve hisses as your fingers drag, right over his fly. “Y/N”-
“Shh, just keep driving. Don't you wanna have a little fun?” you massage his bulge and reach over, because fuck it. You're in this deep already. Rejection would sting but this date had already been horrible. 
You aim for his stubbled cheek, but he turns his head last minute, his plump lips meeting yours. Fuck, this is the good stuff. The legendary stuff. High School mythology etched on the walls of the girls bathroom, whispered in reverence between friends. Steve tastes like mint, feels like sunshine. Uses the perfect amount of tongue. 
You pull away after a moment. “Eyes on the road, hot stuff”
Now why did he take you to the worst movie of all time, when the two of you could’ve been doing this all night? Boys are so stupid. Even pretty rich ones with good hair. 
You nose behind his ear, drag your lips down his throat as your fingers begin to work on his zipper, giggling when he swallows roughly. 
“All this fun’s gonna get us killed” 
“Come on, you're a great driver. Just focus, okay” you pull away, and his head leans, following without his permission. “Or do you want me to stop?” 
You spear your bottom lip between your teeth, staring at him with big bright eyes. The shadows of your eyelashes dancing in the passing streetlights. 
“That's killer, you know that? Not fair at all. If we end up in a ditch, it’s all your fault” He sighs, concedes, reaches down to lean his seat back. 
“You worry too much. But wouldn't that be kind of rad? Death by road head. We’d have the coolest gravestones ever” You whisper wetly into his ear, tugging on the lobe with your lips. 
He just shakes his head. 
Turns out a thirty minute drive is more then enough to make Steve Harrington turn into a puddle of goo. His chest heaves and he white knuckles the steering wheel as you work him over. 
It’s sloppy and crude, the squelching and gagging echoing around the car. His thighs shake and it takes everything to keep his eyes from crossing. He sneaks a peak, down at your bobbing head, at the way that your’e putting your all into it. Those little hurt sounds you keep making when the fat head catches the back of your throat, just right. He snaps his hips up, cruel. Needing to hear it just a little bit louder as you struggle. 
He can’t do this. 
“Y/N- fuck. Ease up-” 
You double down. 
Elm Drive 
He makes a wide swerve of a turn before stomping on the breaks. Your house is just down at the end of the block. 
When he comes , with a shout and his fistful of your hair, it's blinding. He feels like he’s been sucker punched in the gut, before his spine turns to liquid. 
He’s wrecked. 
And you? You’re fine. Just peachy as you pull off with a pop. Spit and cum smeared across the bottom of your face. He accepts the little peck you give him eagerly. 
You’re wiping your face clean, reapplying your lip gloss and dabbing at the corners of your teary, mascara smudged eyes as Steve tries to come back down to earth, his chest still heaving embarrassingly when you seem so…composed. 
He inches down the street, feeling a little high. He probably shouldn't be driving right now- 
When he pulls in front of your house, porch light on and quaint, you instantly grab your bag. Ready to go. 
“So I’ll um- call you? We should hang out again. Soon? Preferably” 
You throw your head back and laugh, almost meanly “That’s going to be a no from me. This was the worst date I’ve ever been on. Like ever. Lose my number, Harrington” 
You’re out of the car before he can wrap his head fully around what you’d said. No? What? The passenger door slams. 
He’s pretty sure you’re going to leave him high and dry- take the steps up to the porch and call it a night. Instead, you freeze, contemplating for a moment. Your eyes scan the street, peeled for any sign of your neighbors before your wiggling your thick thighs, reaching up under your skirt. 
“Something to think about. If you ever decide that you want to…take that next step” You grin leaning into his driver side window. Handing him the pair of baby blue panties. Still warm. Very much wet. 
Steve poor dick jumps. “I’ll take it into consideration” 
He can’t help but grin. That stupid look on his face the entire time he watches you walk the path, shut your front door behind you. 
Steve had taken out no less than a dozen girls in the last few months, everyone leaving him feeling more unsatisfied than the last. He looks at the blue lacy fabric in his hands, and thinks yeah. 
He’s pretty sure he owes you a second date. 
Welp. This was filthy. If you're interested in reading a part two of this, let me know! I think these two could be really fun. Also, food for thought. My ask box is open. 
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catharrington · 4 years
ABO prompt time! Could I get typical alpha Billy against bratty, bossy, dominant omega Steve? Where Steve’s the only male omega at school so he’s been king and getting his way for years. Maybe set during season 1? Steve has been courting Nancy and chasing after her, but then starts being chased by Billy and ends up liking that more? (Probably the shittiest prompt but I can see it in my head 😭)
Thanks for this promt I’m so dang sorry it’s late && long. I actually have more I cut off for a second part in the future lol. Enjoy!
I wanna go, Me and you in Malibu.
Tommy leaned against the wall right behind Steve, leering over his shoulder and making the perfect shit eating grin for the lackey he was. Billy was watching just a locker down as he interrupted Steve’s sentence.
“Good call,” Tommy interjected. Probing with his words into Steve’s side. But the other boy only laughed, nodded slight but continued to invite pretty petite Nancy Wheeler and her glasses wearing friend to his house party.
“So are you in?”
“In for what?” And that has Billy rolling his eyes. Nancy was a beta, a stiff when it comes to scent and courting. She didn’t know what she had strutting around right in front of her. Peacocking around with the bravado of an alpha, it was frustrating because that is exactly what Steve Harrington is not. Billy can smell him. Even with Nancy stifling him, Tommy’s alpha scent hanging from his shoulders, and expensive honey wheat shampoo- Billy can still smell the omega dripping from the glands in Steve’s neck.
He’s dripping wet like some vine ripe fruit Billy can’t quite name. And god, he smelt so good.
Billy tuned out of the conversation and let his eyes drift to Nancy’s friend sitting nicely at her side. Short hair, ugly coat, glasses, Billy recognized her.
He licked across the top of his teeth as he thought up a little plan.
Two class periods later, the last one of the day, and Billy was unbuttoning his shirt to be horribly lower around his navel as he cornered Barbra Holland on her way out of their algebra class.
“I’m so not interested,” she opened with before he even finished lounging himself across her desk.
“Alright,” he smirked still; wouldn’t be derailed that easy. “I ain’t asking for you then. I’m asking for a ticket to ride.”
She pushed her glasses farther up on her face, sizing him up. She was beta too, just like Nancy, but Billy wasn’t wearing blockers so maybe she could, if she tried hard enough, smell his alpha scent rolling heavy from his skin.
“I’m listening,” she puffed.
Once Billy mentioned in a hushed tone he was interested in breaking into the Harrington palace for stealing Prince Steve away, sweeping him off his feet, Barb was all for inviting him. She wasn’t a fan of Steve. Wasn’t a fan of sharing Nancy is more closer to the truth Billy guessed.
He pulled up into Steve’s huge driveway and let his engine rumble and speakers play Metallica for a half a minute before turning it off. Nancy and Barb were there already, he could hear them playing pop music out back and see the glow of an outdoor pool from around the wall. Billy wasn’t the type for knocking.
“Sorry I’m a little late, not the best with street names yet,” he groaned out with practiced ease as he swooped around the corner. All eyes snapped up to see Billy. Tommy and Carol were interrupted from their public display of affection, while Steve stopped mid passing over a bottle opener and a can of beer to Nancy.
Billy found Barb’s eyes, she was sitting with her arms and ankles crossed on a deck chair. She was uncomformably stiff in her thick jacket and frown, so Billy curled his lips into the friendliest smile and draped his arm over the back metal bar of her chair.
“Gonna introduce me?” He purred.
“Yeah,” Steve lowered the beer and the opener. Reawakening slowly from where he was frozen. “Please introduce him. I so didn’t know you were dating anyone?” He shifted his weight to one foot then the other. Billy didn’t care if anyone noticed the way he dragged his eyes all over that lithe body.
“Steve, Nancy,” Barb turned to look at everyone circled around her, “Tommy and Carol, this is-,”
“Billy Hargrove,” Billy finishes. He stepped away from Barb’s shoulder to get closer to Steve. “And it’s just a casual invite, really I’m new in town. Looking to lick some flavors. Acquire new tastes.” Then Billy is close enough for Steve to smell. And he knows what he smells like, oak and burning spices. Marbled with his cigarettes his scent was blisteringly heavy. Billy knows his alpha scent is overbearing in the best way.
He wraps his fingers round the beer still clutched in Steve’s hands. Gives it a tug, growls inside from the way his fingers rub across Steve’s as he pulls the beer free.
“Oh yeah, I know you.” Carol pipes up. She’s hanging off the one arm Tommy has around her waist. Maybe she’s already drunk, or maybe she’s an omega that baits alphas and gets off on it. “Just moved from California. I’ve seen your car, it’s super cool! Not as nice as your ass though.”
Tommy shakes her around, makes her curls jump, makes her laugh. Glares over her shoulder at Billy, but one alpha to the other he doesn’t do much.
Billy only shrugs, pops open the beer and takes a smell of the cheap liquid.
“You picked a great time to crash,” Steve pulled Billy’s attention back to him. His hands on his hips and a glimmer in his brown eyes. “I was just showing Nance here how to shotgun a beer. They do that over in sunny California?”
Billy only nodded. He was holding an open can already, kept his nose hovering over it and looked up to make that obvious.
“Oh perfect then.” Steve snatched the can from Billy’s hands, quick with nimble little fingers that the alpha didn’t even see coming. He pushed up next to Billy to do it, and leaned over him a just a tad, enough for his sweater to shift an inch down his collar bone. Letting his neck bare and scent heighten. Billy didn’t hide how he was watching.
“Because that was the lady’s beer. And this is going to be your beer,” with a smile, he handed Nancy the open can she timidly accepted; before Steve turned back to the bottle opener. He nudged it in Billy’s face. Smile sobering to a playful curl.
Taking the jagged metal, Billy turned the coolness around and around in his hand. It was warm in the middle from Steve’s fingers gripping it. Billy watches as Steve plucks off a beer from a six pack on his short pool side table and starts back towards him.
“Nah,” Billy raises his hand, doesn’t realize he’s he’s using the opener to point- but it gets his point across.
“Steve,” Billy rolls the name around his tongue, tastes good, “better be bringing one for yourself. I’m only gonna do this if you race me.”
Nancy has her beer cupped in her hands and settles down on her own chair, scooted closer to be right next to Barb’s. They share a quirky half smirk.
Steve is fidigiting in his tight pants. “I just finished one before you-,”
“Then it’s not a big deal, huh? If you’ve already done it?” Billy sneered, tipped his shoulder like he was shoving it against Steve’s own. God, he wishes he could shove his nose into the throat of the omega.
There’s a moment of a deep breath, wide chocolate brown eyes blinking, then Steve plucks another beer free. He throws it to Billy in a wide arch that almost ends up in the pool, but Billy catches it with one big palm. Steve comes to stand close in front of him, sizing Billy up as he mirrors the motion of rolling the cold can around in his hand.
“You’ll need this,” Billy offers the can opener back. Steve takes it hesitantly. “I’ve got my own tool,” to show off, Billy bends down to slip his hand into his ankle high biker boots, fishing for his pocket knife. The ringlet curls of his hair brushed Steve’s olive green sweater at his stomach just for a second.
Then Billy was standing back up, and flicking his knife open in a sharp click.
Steve’s chocolate eyes are melting. “You’re a cliché,” he drawls in a wicked grin. “You so relaize that?”
Neither boy notices the way Barb shoves her elbow into Nancy’s side with a raised eyebrow. They had their eyes locked on each other.
“You want a countdown, Malibu?” Steve sings.
Billy pressed his knife to the bottom of the can, getting ready, just as Steve was holding his. He shakes out his long hair. Swipes his tongue across his lower lip.
Steve tilts his head back like a haughty bitch, watching him down the bridge of his nose. The one inch height he has on Billy mostly evened by the boots, but he kept the air all the same.
“Go!” Tommy yells from over Billy’s shoulder.
Their cans puncture at the same time, a hiss of carbonation and a twist to open the bottom. Then in sync Billy and Steve lift to drink. From behind them Tommy and Carol are hooting in a gross chant. Billy’s focus is only on getting this cheep beer down his throat, breathing out his nose in a few short breaths, then he’s taking one last mouthful down before his can is empty. Billy crushes the tin in his fist, reveling in the way it sounds.
He flicks his eyes open to see Steve still tilted back working on his. Billy doesn’t think, he’s blurry in the thrill of winning, and he reaches out his free hand ever so slightly to cup the omegas hip. Steve’s sweater is hitched up letting a moonlight colored sliver of skin poke out. Billy gets his hands on his hips and swipes his thumb across the flushed skin, sends shivers down his whole body.
Just then Steve finishes, his can dropping with an empty clink to the ground. He braces himself from a stumble like he’s about to fall over. Eyes dip down to see where Billy’s hand ghosts over his naked skin, lingering there for a moment.
Billy pulls away just as Steve yanks down his sweater.
“Hell yeah, California! You beat Stevie boy here real good!” Carol steps up close to Billy, runs one well manicured hand up the arm of his denim jacket. Gives his bicep a squeeze like she’s testing the muscle.
Billy focuses her with a questioning glare, still a little hazy, but just as he does she goes in a blur away from his vision. Tommy scoops her up and takes a running leap into the pool.
There’s a brief moment of silence before they breach the water laughing like hyenas. Then Steve and Nancy are laughing, Barb trying to hold it back, and Billy turns to watch how cute Steve’s cheeks get when they are pushed back from a smile.
“Hey Nance, lets get in there? Don’t want them to have all the fun!” Steve moves to Nancy’s chair and is begging her with two hands curled around her own. Tugging her when he could swoop the slender girl up and just throw her if he wanted to.
“Steve,” she warns, but stands up. “This is a really bad-,” then she takes one step, and two, and she’s close enough to the pool that Steve does just that. Wraps his arms around her waist and lifts her to splash down right into heated waters. She sputters as she breached the surface, steam rolling off her wet hair in tendrils.
Then Steve is glancing to his side, taking a look at Billy. Asking if he’s impressed. And Billy is, he so is. Billy doesn’t even bother taking off his jacket or leather boots as he steps up closer to Steve. Gets his shoulder pressed right along the others rippling with an energy of trouble making. Clicking together like teeth in a kiss. Then they take a gasp of air scented with the other smell at the same time and jump into the water.
When Billy surfaces he sees Steve has gone to Nancy. Getting her thin waist back in his arms and playfully tossing her around in the water. Billy doesn’t have time to linger before he gets a harsh splash to the back of his head from Tommy. The alpha challenging him in the simplest low risk form of splash battle. Billy bares his fangs and uses his whole arm to send a wave that gets Carol too, makes her squeak.
The pop music is drowned out by their laughter. Even Barb who doesn’t move from her chair or unzips her jacket leans forward and laughs.
Really gets a good laugh out of Billy dunking Steve under the water to ruffle up his styled hair. Billy takes a long feel of those silky locks flowing around his fingers, moving his hand down to cup Steve’s neck. And shivering in the heated pool water as Steve vibrates a purr from the slight touch. Lifts his own hand to curl around Billy’s shirt front. A spark of heightened omega scent tastes of fruit rolled in sugar. He can feel ruby red juices trailing down his mustache hair. Wants a bite so badly.
Their affection goes on for a count of three seconds before Steve is pushing him away and resuming the splash fight.
Carol is the first to crawl out, whimpering about her clothes shrinking, with Tommy following behind. Billy lingers as he watches Steve help Nancy out of the pool. Them both rushing inside to stay warm in the cold Indiana night. Billy doesn’t care that he could come off as crazy. He hefts himself from the side of the pool and follows to the Harrington’s sliding glass doors. Listening into their low voices.
“It’s late, Steve- I’ve got to go home?” Nancy poses her intent like a question as she shrugs off the omega’s grabby hands. After a few too many beers, and their late night dip in his heated pool, Steve is itching for attention.
“Nance,” he whimpers, pouting glossy lips. “Why don’t you crash here?”
In an elegant gesture, Nancy stands on her top toes for a chaste kiss then drops back down and tightens a towel around her shoulders. It’s a long stripped patterned one and it would fit perfectly on a sandy beach with a certain pretty omega laid out on it. Now it was draped across Nancy’s thin shoulders.
“I’ll bring this by to return another night, okay?” She whispers. Now they are too low for Billy to over hear. He scuffs his boot into the sliding patio doors. There’s a scolding noise from Barb not far from him, but Billy doesn’t listen. His denim jacket and tight denim pants are soaking chlorine into his skin, and his hair must be a new level of curled to put it nicely.
Barb had sent him a lingering look earlier as they all crawled out of the pool. Maybe she was flirting, if you were Tommy and Carol and dumb as rocks. But Billy knew that look. And her lame little thumbs up as Nancy trailed off after Steve’s flourishing smell like a puppy.
He had taken the pack of smokes on Steve’s poolside table because his Marlboro reds got wet. Billy chewed on the end of one. Imagined chewing on Steve’s lips. And waited like a good boy.
“Bye,” a breathy voice blew past Billy just as a skinny shoulder nudged into his arm. Billy moved off to let Nancy out. He watches her and Barb walk around the huge yard, maybe he sees Barb throw her arm over Nancy’s shoulders. Maybe Billy’s got wishful thinking.
“Early night for the princess?” Billy teases as he smells Steve before he turns to see him. Bites down on the fruit taste in the air.
There’s a scoff, and Billy turns to see Steve rubbing a towel through his hair. He’s a fucking tease with his long dark hair damp and wild, draped over his forehead and droplets of water reflecting the night sky midnight back on his olive skin.
Billy snarls. Bites down on the filter of the cigarette. Makes Steve smile.
“She’s shy,” Steve supposes.
Tommy and Carol are padding through the living rooms soft carpet over to the couch where they tumble awkwardly down. Billy is the only one left standing outside.
“I’m not shy.” It’s said in a growl and not exactly Billy’s smoothest line, but it gets the job done.
Steve blushes bright red down to the tip of his long nose. “It is late. Maybe another night, Malibu?”
Then he turns his eyes to Billy’s, searching them with his own wide ones speckled with the sparkling stars in the sky. Billy watches his reflection in Steve’s eyes too. Wondered how anyone could have eyes that beautifully large and if he could drown in them like it looks like his reflection is doing.
“Rain check then, pretty boy,” he exhales as laugher. Nodding his head with it. Trying to make his disappointment low. Trying to make his scent roll gentle, when all he wanted was to claim.
Steve nods back. Starts sliding the glass doors shut. Billy doesn’t wait for it to hit him in the ass. He walks off around the palace grounds back to his Camaro. Tries not to think about the way his nose doesn’t stop smelling like fruit even after he showers off pool water.
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stanbillyhargrove · 4 years
Demons - The Rewrite
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Chapter 1: The New Girl
T/W: Brief ED reference.
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I moved to the small town of Hawkins just after my school year ended. When the sun never set and the days were hot and humid. My parents divorce had just finalized and I had left with my mom to live closer to her family.
A new start, she said. But, you see, a mother who was torn between being a workaholic and drinking with her friends in one state is still that same mother in any other state. And my father leaving only made her worse. She couldn't stop, couldn't quit moving for more than a second or else she'd flounder. Mom worked in the hospital so she usually wasn't home much but now, she picked up every extra shift she could get her hands on. Working herself to death and going out with the girls all the time was better in her mind than dealing with anything. Better than being around for me. Not that I needed her anyway. It's better like this, easier for me to hide things. Things like parties or skipped meals, things like the red scabs on my skin.
It took two minutes to meet Nancy Wheeler and her boyfriend Steve Harrington. Nancy lived just down the road from my new house and as soon as she'd seen moving trucks she was on her way to introduce herself. She was nice enough, friendly and smiling when she came over, nosey though. Steve was the real reason I continued to talk to Nancy. He seemed more genuine and was easier to be around. He also didn't ask questions that I didn't have answers to.
It took two weeks before I met Billy Hargrove, though by then I'd heard plenty of stories. That he had rolled up from California and let chaos rain down on this sleepy town. That his car was loud and he was louder, immediately drawing everyone's attention. That he looked like a god amongst men, all tanned skin and hard muscle, and that his looks had girls leaving their boyfriends to fawn at his feet.
I had been invited to a party by Nancy and Steve. The first party of the summer. Small towns and bored teens meant a lot of parties, but the first and last of the summer were apparently the biggest.
When the three of us pulled up to the party I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my black jeans and tried to keep up with Nancy’s socializing. A blur of names and faces as she paraded me around. After a while I managed to duck away from her and Steve in search of drinks and found Billy leaning against the open door frame leading from the kitchen to the deck and yard.
As soon as he saw me he smirked around the cigarette hanging from his lips, “well I don't think I’ve ever seen you around here before.” He hummed, eyes scanning from my conversed feet all the way up my legs to my chest-wrapped in an over sized canvas jacket- and finally settling on my face, “I think I’d remember a smoke show such as yourself.”
Blushing, I looked quickly down at the toes of my shoes before meeting his gaze, “I just moved here a couple weeks ago, the name's Cat. You are..?”
Billy licked his lips as he stomped out his cigarette and I couldn’t help but do the same scan over his body. Black combat boots led to skin tight blue jeans which led up to an unbuttoned shirt, sleeves rolled up to show off the muscles he was so proud of, and long curly hair framing piercing blue eyes.
“Billy Hargrove.” He had stepped forwards, looking down at me.
“The infamous Billy Hargrove,” I smiled, "I've heard about you."
His tongue shot out, licking his lips as he smirked, "good things I hope."
"Oh no, terrible things. I heard you came to town and stole everyone's girlfriends. Heard you fought a few guys for their girlfriends too."
He laughed, "don't believe everything you hear."
"Oh yeah? You got a different story for me?"
He smiled and took me under his arm, "come on, let’s find you a drink."
I sipped on the too strong drink in my hand, "so it's all bullshit?"
He took a swig of his beer and nodded, a playful smirk on his face, "I did give a couple guys black eyes, but they started it. I can't help it if their girls left them."
I swayed, giggling into my cup, "and the girls? Is your bed post whittled down to a toothpick?"
Billy shook his head, golden curls bouncing, "not quite."
"You did sleep around though," I pointed, gulping my drink.
A shrug of his shoulders, "can you blame me? Not much else to do here."
"Yeah," I puffed, "I hear that.."
A brief silence followed, muffled music from the house filling the night around us. Billy pulled a cigarette from his pocket, flicked his lighter and inhaled deeply.
"What brings you to this hick town anyway?"
I sighed, grabbing for his cigarette and bringing it to my lips. Held the smoke in my lungs until it burned and then blew it up into the sky, watching the cloud disappear.
"Parents split. My mom's parents live here so she packed up and took me with her. New beginnings and all that shit."
Billy blew a puff of air out of his nose and raised his beer can, "to being stuck in this shit hole."
I raised my cup and we gulped down the rest of our drinks.
We sat in the darkened corner of the yard for hours, until the music from the house shut off and the moon hung heavy in the now silent sky.
"I guess that means it's time to go home," I mused, "hope I didn't keep you past curfew."
Billy shrugged and stood up, "dad's always an asshole, me climbing through the window doesn't make a difference."
He held out a hand to help me up and led me around the house to the driveway where his Camaro sat waiting.
"I'll take you home," he offered.
I cocked an eyebrow at him, knowing how much I'd watched him drink as we talked.
"Don't worry, I'm fine to take you home...unless your mom's gunna be pissed, then I could sneak you in through my window," he looked at me, a playful smirk on his face.
"Mom won't care," I murmured, swaying lightly on my feet, "if she's even there."
"Sounds like we've both got winners for parents," he huffed, helping me into the passenger seat of his car.
"What about your mom?" I asked when Billy opened his door to slide into the driver's seat.
He froze for a second, fingers tightening on the wheel and clipped, "she's gone."
"Oh, I-I’m sorry, did she..."
He shook his head and turned the key in the engine, "nah, she just left one day. Said she was going to the store...never came back."
"Oh, Billy, I'm sorry."
Billy's shoulders raised with a quick shrug as he shifted the car into drive, "it's fine...Dad found Susan and Max and we moved out here."
"New beginnings," I mumbled.
"Something like that."
We pulled up to my empty house a while later, the only sign someone lived here being my old, crappy green car sitting in the driveway.
"She's not here," I sighed.
"That your car on the cinder block?"
"That's my steaming pile of garbage on the cinder block," I quipped.
He blew a puff of air out of his nose, a smirk pulling at his lips, "what's wrong with it?"
I shrugged, "dunno, it only runs sometimes. Dad was supposed to fix it up for when I got my license...he never got to it."
"I can look at it for you."
"Oh, you don't have to."
Billy smiled, his face soft when he looked at me, "want to. I get to see you again that way."
My cheeks burned, a grin creeping as I opened the car door. I took a deep breath of the cool air and turned back to him.
"Good night, Billy."
I was nursing a headache on the couch when I heard the loud rumble of Billy's car pull into the driveway. Groaning, I rolled off the couch and kneeled on the floor for a moment to let the room stop swimming. A knock on the door had me lurching to my feet and going to the door. I leaned a hand against the door, bracing myself for the afternoon light and winced when Billy started pounding on the door.
"Ssh!" I scolded, opening the door a crack.
My glare was returned by a playful smile, "morning, Sleeping Beauty."
I opened the door a bit more, squinting against the bright sun, "why are you here? And so....alive?"
He chuckled, "I'm not a lightweight and I'm here to look at your car, remember?"
I groaned, tipping my head against the doorframe, "right now?"
Billy threw his head back to laugh and pushed the door open to let himself in, "I'll fix you first."
A couple of aspirin later, I followed Billy outside with a large glass of cold water in one hand and a piece of toast in the other. I hid in the shade of the house, Billy's sunglasses on my face and sipped at my water.
"I didn't realize you were such a lightweight," Billy joked, "we didn't drink that much..did you eat before the party?"
"Must have just had more than I realized," I shrugged, picking at my toast and tossing crumbs to the ground.
Billy peered at me, "you're supposed to eat it."
I laughed nervously and took a small bite, "I can't eat much when I'm hungover, makes me sick."
A half truth.
"Your dad, he a car guy?" Billy asked, turning to look at me from under the hood of my car.
I scoffed, "not at all. He had this thing parked in the garage for years before I got my license. Found it really cheap...he always wanted a son to fix it up with...got stuck with me instead."
His mouth pulled into a tight line, eyes glancing away from me.
I kept rambling, heart pouring from my lips to the pavement below, "mom caught him cheating when I was little...started secretly taking birth control and staying out more and more. He started staying later at work.. eventually they just stopped trying, stopped talking and started yelling if they had to be together. Separated last year and finalized the divorce as soon as they could. Mom's still never around...I think I remind her too much of him."
He stopped tinkering with my car and slammed the hood down, making me jump, "come on, let's get out of here for a bit."
We slid into worn, baby pink leather booths at the diner in town. A sticky, plastic coated menu was slid between us by a baby faced girl as she batted her lashes at Billy. He didn't even look at her, just pulled a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a long drag.
"You want anything?"
I shook my head.
"I'll have the grand slam. Two forks. Coffee and water for both of us," he ordered, lazily flicking his cigarette in the ash tray on the table.
"Uh, oh-okay," the waitress stammered, blushing as she hurried away.
"You always treat waitresses like that? And here I thought you weren't as rude as people said," I asked, an eyebrow cocked.
A smile tugged at the corner of his lip and he leaned in to meet my eyes, "she's been trying to get with me since I got here, can't take no for an answer."
He pulled back and blew out a puff of smoke when the waitress returned with our drinks. She set down the cups and scurried away, keeping her eyes down. I reached for the sweetener, ripped open a couple packets and poured them in my mug. Stirred and took a sip only to scrunch my face at the taste.
Billy laughed across the table, and started dumping cream and sugar into his cup, "yeah, coffee's terrible here. Food is greasy and delicious though."
"You could've warned me," I chided, grabbing for more sweetener.
"And miss your face? No way," he finished emptying an ungodly amount of cream and sugar into his coffee, stirred and took a sip.
We quietly sipped at the bitter coffee until a heaping plate was placed down between us along with a couple forks and a bottle of ketchup. Billy dug in right away, mixing an egg into a pile of oil drenched hashbrowns and pouring ketchup on top before taking a large bite. I looked at the plate, mentally calculating the calories in front of him when my stomach growled loudly.
"I knew you were hungry."
I gulped at my water and shook my head, "I'm okay, really."
He pushed the plate towards me when my stomach rumbled again, "try some, you'll feel better."
I huffed, picked up a fork and stabbed one of the sausages on the plate, dipped it into an egg yolk and stared at it for a second before taking a purposeful bite. I savored the bite, letting the grease fill my senses and before I realized it, I'd devoured a small portion of the plate.
"Feel better now, right?" Billy smiled, "told you I'd fix you."
Three days. It took three days for Billy Hargrove to weasel his way into my life. Three days of showing up at my house and working under the hood of my car while I sat off to the side in the shade. Three days of mindless drives and loud music, of easy conversations and small touches.
Three days until Billy showed up later, well into the afternoon and forced a tight smile onto his face when I opened the door. He jerked his head towards his car and spun away, leaving me scrambling to put my shoes on and follow him. I slid into the passenger seat and barely got my seatbelt on before Billy took off down the road. He swerved through Hawkins and turned to follow the highway out of town.
“Are you kidnapping me Billy?” I asked, trying to lighten the mood in the car.
Billy flicked his cigarette out his window and turned to me, a light smile on his face, “you’re not scared are you, Baby?”
I smirked, “being taken by an almost stranger into the forest? Not scary at all."
He chuckled and turned up the music, continuing his drive into the forest. When he pulled into a clearing and parked the car I felt my chest tighten with anxiety.
Why did he bring me out here? What does he want?
@charmed-asylum @alias-b
14 notes · View notes
definitelynottony · 4 years
“Santa” “Baby”
[Also on A03]
It was the weekend before Christmas. Some no name Billy didn’t know invited him, Tommy and the whole class to a holiday party he was throwing.
“It’s an open house guys! Just come and bring people with you. I’m getting a couple kegs, parents are outta town. It’s gonna be sick!”
“Sweet man. Yeah we’ll be there, right Billy?” Tommy too eagerly nudged Billy’s shoulder.
“Yeah. Sure. Whatever.”
Billy responded nonchalantly. He was almost always down for a party but his current attention was heavily fixated on the tall brunette laughing from up the hallway. He wanted to know what was so funny. That Wheeler girl was with him and Byers so it couldn’t have been anything too entertaining.
“Hey, so uh who else is gunna be there?” Billy’s gaze returned to the boy Tommy was still chatting it up with.
“Not sure man, the whole grade probably”
“Think Harr- whole team, basketball team will be there?”
“Yeah dude, teams always lookin’ for a party.” Tommy jumped in. “Why?”
“Nah no reason. Just wanted ta know if there’s gunna be people I know. Still don’t know half the class man.”
“Well everyone knows who you are so problem solved.”
Tommy over the last few months of Billy starting Hawkins high has become his own personal cheerleader. He was a pocket sized confidence boost and one of the best wing man Billy’s had. But god he could get on his nerves.
Like right now for instance, Tommy turned to wave off no name and then-
“well look who it is! The King bitch himself. Hey Harrington is it true you’ve been having threesoms with creep and creepett. You swing both ways now?”
Tommy H. Called out and taunted Steve Harrington as he made his way past them in the hallway. Steve’s eyes still watery from laughing. Billy saw him coming before Tommy noticed him; Billy’s eyes just had a habit of finding Harrington on reflex.
“Oh fuck you Tommy.” Steve seemed to be caught off guard but he bit with venom. His eyes shifted from Tommy to Billy and back to Tommy.
Billy’s eyes just studied the brunette. He was taking a backseat to whatever this situation was. Although the blonde would admit getting Steve worked up was becoming a favorite pastime of his. He wasn’t too sure how he felt watching Tommy getting a rise out of him but fuck it, cause seeing Harrington’s face contort like that was too good.
“You’d like that huh? Sorry to disappoint Harrington but I don’t swing that way. Guess you’ll have to find Byers if you want some dick.”
“Holy shit Hall I swear if you don’t shut your mouth in two seconds!”
“Awe did I hit a nerve Stevie ?” Tommy H crooned sarcastically.
Steve’s fists were growing white and his jaw clenched. Billy was now inclined to take a front seat position on the conversation. Maybe it became too close to home? But he was putting a hand on Tommy’s shoulder giving it a slight pull. Which made both boys stop and look back to the blonde.
“Alright-alright ladies, yur both very pretty. And as entertaining as your lover’s quarrel is I got shit ta do and yur both in my way.”
Billy’s eyes flicked up to the brunette’s just in time to see them go wide for a second. It was enough for him to lick out a grin; he patted Tommy’s shoulder
“I’ll see ya at the party man.”
“Yeah alright Billy, see ya later.” Tommy dismissed him.
Harrington had already taken his leave while Tommy was distracted by Billy’s parting words. Which left Tommy with nothing else to do but go find Carroll and get ready for the party.
Billy found himself walking behind Steve, casually, they were both just heading to the parking lot. Being a Friday made everyone eager to leave the prison that was high school. Steve didn’t seem to be one of those people however. He seemed pretty bummed actually, head hung kind of low and his hands were in his coat pockets. Billy lit a cigarette and puffed out a couple drags.
“Hey pretty boy.” Billy appeared to Steve’s side passing him the cigarette.
The brunette looked at him but continued walking on “I’m not in the mood for any of your shit Hargrove.”
“No strings or bullshit attached. Scouts honor.” He smirked insisting him to take the smoke which finally Harrington did. He took a long hit from it, kept the smoke in for a beat; passing it back to the blonde at his side and released a steady stream of smoke above him. Billy happily took it back.
“Don’t let him get under your skin man, he ain’t worth it.”
“Are, are you trying to be  nice to me right now?” Steve asked shocked.
“Hm. Guess I am. Tis the season fer miracles after all.”
Billy laughed a bit and nudged himself against Steve’s shoulder. “But seriously dude, Tommy’s all talk. He’s always chewing off my ear with shit like ‘Steve and I go way back he use to be the king’ and 'I don’t get why Steve doesn’t just come back and apologize’ . He’s seriously just pining fer yur attention.”
“Yeah then why does he have to say shit like earlier? I mean it’s not cool. If he wants to bust my balls there’s a lot of other shit he can dredge up.” Steve stuck out his hand and reached for the cigarette again.
Billy obliged. “Don’t know man, maybe he’s the insecure one?”
“What? You think he likes dick?”
“I’ve heard of crazier shit.”
“Yeah, so have I, I guess.”
They both laughed and passes the smoke back and for until Steve reached his car first. Billy was still a few rows back. They stood in front of the driver’s side door for a bit, Billy shuttered when a December breeze swept in. A leather jacket (especially with almost nothing underneath) only keeps you so warm.
“You know if you wore more clothes you wouldn’t be so cold.” Steve piped up as he stamped out the butt on the blacktop.
“Yeah, probably, but then everyone would be missin’ out on the show.” Billy grinned around his tongue and used his hand to emphasize his unbuttoned shirt.
Steve’s eyes followed the blonde’s hand, trailed down the strip of skin that showed his chest and a tease of his abs. Nothing Steve hasn’t seen, hell, he’s seen Billy naked in the gym showers. But he’s never blatantly looked at the blonde, some glances here and there but never so openly before. Steve knew Billy knew what he was thinking about it or he wouldn’t have said
“Like what ya see Harrington? Told ya, it would be a shame ta cover up if it means you wouldn’t be lookin’ at me like that no more.”
And Steve cheeks grew dark, he could blame it on the cold but they both knew his face wasn’t that red a minute ago. Steve’s gaze quickly shot up to meet Billy’s again before dropping it all together to look at the ground. Steve knew he was bad at hiding his shit. That’s the reason him and Nancy got together in the first place. She took one look at him and could see his damn heart eyes for her. What could the kid do, he was born with his heart on his sleeve.
“Don’t make that face pretty boy. Just teasin’ ya.” Billy slid up against the BMW to match Steve’s position. He was shoulder to shoulder again and gave the brunette another nudge.
“You know you’re an asshole right?” Steve picked his head back up to see that the blonde had moved in beside him.
“Course I do, it’s a choice Harrington, a lifestyle if you will.”
Steve laughed quietly at that. “So, uh, you going to the party tonight?”
“Steve Harrington, are you askin’ me out?”
“What! No. no I-”
Billy cut him off with laughter,
“Jesus! Fuck off.”
“Sorry! Sorry man” Billy apologized between laughing. He recovered quick enough though when Steve gave his shoulder a hefty punch. “Ow.” The blonde rubbed at it. “I can’t help it Steve, your faces, god there just so good.”
Steve stiffened a bit, that kind of took him off guard. Billy must’ve noticed 'cause he quickly turned to face the brunette “so are you goin’ to the party?” Billy cocked an eyebrow waiting for a response.
“Billy Hargrove, you asking me out?” Steve looked at him and mimicked the blonde as best as he could.
“Sure am pretty boy.” Billy smiled, shifted a bit against the car. Crossed his legs, resting his arm on the car’s rooftop; other hand comfortable on his belt. Definitely a power stance if Steve ever saw one.
“Good one Billy. Not falling for it again though.” Steve said dryly but his face still had remnants of shock on it.
“Well shit. Here I was hopin’ you already fell fer me Harrington. Guess I’m gunna have'ta try harder.”
“…you’re serious?”
“I. I… wait.” Steve got off of the car took a few steps and rubbed his forehead. Billy turned forward legs still crossed and his arms now folded over each other barricading his chest. His eyes sharp to the brunette’s back. Then Steve turned on his heels to face the blonde.
“You’re seriously not fucking with me Hargrove?”
“Not yet at least.” Billy scoffed out lowly. It came out as annoyed but it was dripping with relief. “Come'er” he nodded his head and reached out his arm like he was calling in a dog. Well Steve did have puppy eyes.
“Said come here” Billy stretched to grab onto Steve’s shirt; he tugged him in, Steve went. He didn’t really know what was happening if he was being honest. For all he knew Billy was either going to punch him for thinking he was actually… gay . Or kiss him cause Billy was actually gay. But the blonde just pulled him in real close till there were just a few inches separating them. Then he settled himself back against the Bimmer.
He licked his lips “Tell me somethin’ Stevie” he was almost at a whisper, a conversation just for their ears only. “Are you fuckin’ around with that Byers’ guy?”
“What! No!” Shouted Steve.
“Shhh” Billy hissed out.
“Jesus. Sorry, no I’m not. He’s with Nancy now anyways. And he’s not even gay.” Steve did or didn’t intentionally leave out 'and neither am I’ cause maybe, maybe he was? Or maybe he just liked both. Boys and girls. Maybe that made more sense to the teen.
“Good. Now tell me somethin’ else. Are you inta dick?”
Cause of course Billy couldn’t just ask him if he was gay! No, he had to be an asshole, ‘cause he was an asshole; by choice!  And Steve’s body stiffened again and he felt his face flush again. And he didn’t even know if his body would let him respond.
“Okay. Let me clarify” Billy reached his hand low to hook onto Steve’s belt loops and dragged him even closer. More threatening, no maybe more sensual? But then again Billy’s entire presence was 'threatening but sensual’ it was just his thing. “Are you inta my dick?”
If the bolt of heat that just surged through Steve’s body, and how tightly he was clenching his fists was any indication then he’d have to go with a solid, hell yes . But what came out was more of a shaky loss of breath whimper.
Billy’s eyes shut for a beat as he sighed out a heavy growl like breath. “Think I’ll take that as a yes then Harrington.”
“Y-yeah” Steve whispered out. Billy was staring him down. He was very content with himself at the moment, maybe even be happy if Steve would make another pretty sound for him. So the devil in leather snuck his fingers up from the brunette’s jeans and pinched at his side.
“Fuck. Ow! Biiilly!” He whined and the blonde ate it up, Steve whining his name. Yeah, he could leave happy now.
“You’re such a a- Ow! Billyyy! Stoop!”
“What, my hand slipped.”
“Up my shirt? You’re hand slipped up my- oh. Shit. That’s actually a good one.” Steve laughed. Billy ate that up too, then he pushed himself up off Steve’s car. Momentarily making the two even closer than previously before.
“Hey” Steve whispered out cause any louder would have been too loud with their proximity.
“Hi” the blonde charmed.
“You wanna come over before the party? Pregame or something.”
“Or somethin’ ?”
Billy bit at his lip in frustration then turned his head and broke his eye contact with the brunette. “Can’t.”
“But I-”
“Hey, I didn’t say I didn’t wanna pretty boy. Just said I can’t. I gotta bring Max home.”
“Oh. Your sister right?”
“Step sister” he corrected. “You meet 'er yet? She seems ta always be hanging with those nerds that are attached ta yur hip.”
“They’re not-” Steve paused, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to defend the kids or himself. “Yeah I met her. She’s a”
“-a shitbird.” Billy finished for him.
“Was gunna say spitfire but yeah, sure.”
“Well whatever she is, she’s been waiting fer me in the car.” Billy pointed to his Camaro and Steve’s eyes followed. Yeah, there she was,she looked kind of pissed, definitely cold. Steve waved a little awkward. Max looked the other way.
“Like I said, shitbird.”
Steve laughed. “Okay, I’ll see you later I guess.”
“Bet on it Stevie.”
When Steve climbed into the BMW he was slumped over in complete shock as to what just happened. His eyes were wide and he was zoned out, gaze fixed on his steering wheel. It took him a few to get the car going, shaky hands and all.
Billy got into the Camaro.
“So?” Max said still looking out the window
“Told ya.”
“Shut it!”
Billy started up the engine and pulled out of the lot, almost drifting on an ice patch.
“How’d you get in the car anyways?”
“Picked the lock”
Yeah. Billy has taught her well, not that he’d ever admit it.
And then Steve walked into the party. It was a little later then he thought he’d originally get there but he had to make sure his hair looked, well, even better than it normally did. He walked around, it was a good size house. He recognized most of the faces he saw and then he got a beer. Made the rounds, he didn’t see Billy so far but he’d only been there for twenty minutes. He did meet Santa Claus though. He was nice, gave him a jello shot and a condom. Very thoughtful of him.
He talked it up with a few people here and there. Finished his first beer and was half way through the second one when he heard what he assumed was Billy; or more so where he could find Billy.
“That’s how you do it Hawkins!”
“Long live the keg king!”
People cheering, shouting, clapping. Kind of hard to miss really. Steve wasn’t sure why he didn’t think to check out back to begin with; didn’t really matter however since the crowd was returning inside. Steve could see Billy, still in his leather jacket but he was wearing a red button down now. Completely opened, honestly there was no point in even wear a damn shirt if he wore it like that. There was quite a crowd around the dubbed new keg king so Steve just circled around a bit. Didn’t really want to disrupt or more so interrupt.
It’s like Billy could smell him or something though, 'cause before Steve could lap around the kitchen to grab another drink, Billy was gaining on him.
“Ssstevie” He crooned after the brunette, slurring probably more then tipsy. “Sttop walkin away” he demanded.
“I’m not walking away Billy, I’m just grabbing another drink. Chill out.”
“God. I’m sssooo happy yur 'ere Stevie.” Billy was basically nuzzling into Steve’s shoulders.
“Billy how drunk are you right now?” Steve laughed as he opened his bottle. He tried to turn around but Billy wouldn’t let him. He held him in place with his body heavy on the brunette’s back.
“Come on Billy, get off.”
“Mmm. Keep s'alking like that Harrington ands I might.” The drunk blonde slurred in Steve’s ear. Could have been a turn on his he wasn’t so damn gone. Steve wasn’t sure if this was how Billy got when he drank all the time or if it was just tonight but Billy was stuck to him like glue.
“I’m gonna take it you’re a clingy drunk, huh Billy?” Steve out maneuvered the blonde so he could finally turn around. He kind of wished he hadn’t because staring back at him was a shiner the size of a tennis ball. It took up almost Billy’s whole right side jaw.
“Shit! Billy what happened?” Steve put down his beer, full worried mom mode and grabbed Billy’s face to examine it. It looked fresh, too fresh and it had dried blood scabbed over it; which meant it hadn’t been cleaned yet.
“Life happensed Stevie.” Billy smirked pushing his face closer; trying to get more into Steve’s face. Steve was being a killjoy and pushing him back.
“Seriously Billy, I know your smashed but just tell me who hit you?” The brunette was more pouty then demanding.
“Nuna yur business Harrin'ton” Billy bit out, standing back up properly. Well as proper as drunk people do.
“I’m just worried about you asshole.”
“Don’t be. We’re 'ere ta have a good time. Ight?” Billy tried to scoop Steve into his arm but Steve pulled away.
“No. Not alright. You can go have a good time. I think I’m just gonna go.”
“Shit. No, Stevie come on. Just-just come on.”
“Billy I’ve been in this situation before and it didn’t end well for me. Don’t really want to go through it again.” Steve started to leave, the sting of Nancy’s drunken stooper started to burn again.
“Stevieee! I’m sorry. Come on. Don’t leave me.” Billy pulled on the brunette’s arm, even when drunk he was still stronger than Steve. Steve tripped back landed somewhere between gripping the counter and leaning on Billy.
“Ow. Billy stop!”
“Shit. Shit. Did I hurt you? Fuck I’m sorry Steve.” Billy let go. It almost seemed to sober him up.
“It’s fine, you just tugged me too hard. I’m fine.”
“Steve. I’m sorry. Such an asshole, fuck. Are ya sure yur not hurt?” Billy tried gently rubbed over the brunette’s shoulder.
“I said I’m okay. Yeah you are an asshole but you didn’t do that on purpose, ok? You’re drunk and-” Steve was cut off by Billy’s thumb sliding over his lips. “Billy?” Steve muffed around his thumb.
Billy had a smirk on his face, it wasn’t his usual 'sex’ grin; it was small and quiet. “Hey”
“Hi” they were back to this apparently.
“You look real nice Stevie. I didn’t tell you that yet.” Billy pressed his thumb a little harder to Steve’s mouth.
“Tha-mmph” Steve was cut off again, he had to admit the way Billy was looking at him, only at him was more of a turn on then Billy’s thumb in his mouth. Steve bit it, not too hard but hard enough and pulled his head back, trying to get it out of his mouth. That just seemed to get Billy even more aroused.
“Mmm.” He growled in the back of his throat. “Stevie yous look so good with somethin in yur mouth.”
Shit. Yeah. That definitely flipped the switch on. But that wasn’t happening, not in the middle of a random dudes kitchen surround with random kids they went to school with.
“Okay. Billy, how bout we find you a place to sit down? Sound good.”
Billy nodded his head, he was still stupid grining at Steve as the brunette tried to lead him out to the main house area. “Billy can you at least try to stand up, you’re fuckin heavy.”
“All muscle baby.” He cooed in Steve’s ear. Steve rolled his eyes. This is why he stopped coming to parties after the whole Nancy thing. He couldn’t deal with drunk people. All his patience went with dealing with the brat pack.
“Bathroom” Billy perked up “yeah” he agreed with himself.
“You have to go?”
“No we have'ta go.” He corrected Steve.
“Fine. Whatever.” He really didn’t want to deal with this situation anymore. They stumbled around a bit, mostly due to Billy not picking up his feet but then Steve found the master bedroom. It was a familiar layout so he figured it would be in the back like his parent’s room was. His house was bigger though, not that he really cared about that sort of thing.
“Alright, there’s the bathroom.” Steve let go of the blonde and pointed to the master bath. Billy just looked around the room, stared at the bed for a beat and that stupid grin came back all too quickly.
“Oh no you don’t loverboy. We came here for the bathroom so get that stupid smirk off your face.” Steve chimed hoping to break the chain of whatever Billy was thinking of .
“You’re no fun Stevie.” Billy sulked as he scuffed into the bathroom. “Well come on!” He called impatiently.
“What? I don’t have to go.” Steve waited back.
“Get in 'ere Harrington!”
“Jesus! Alright!” Steve stomped into the bathroom after Billy, Billy closing the door behind him.
“Okay, what?” Steve asked as Billy sat on the closed toilet seat. Apparently he didn’t have to go either cause he just sat down and patted his lap.
“No way.”
“I thought ya were gunna clean me up pretty boy.”
“Oh.” Steve blinked for a moment, yeah that was still bothering him. He looked at the bruise, it seriously looked like it was still swelling. So Steve started shuffling through the cabinets to find a washcloth, rubbing alcohol ect.
“Are you going to tell me what happened?” Steve asked as he wet the cloth.
“I ran inta a door ” he replied dryly.
“Fine.” It wasn’t much of a fight but Billy surrendered and Steve rewarded him for it.
“So?” The brunette asked as he sat down on Billy’s lap, completely straddling him and the toilet seat with his long legs. Billy leaned back giving Steve more room to sit. Billy moaned as he shuffled on top of him; grabbing hold of his hips for support.
“Mmm fuck” Billy huffed out biting his lip slowly rutting up into the brunette.
“Hey cool it big guy we ain’t doing shit till you tell me what happened.” Steve started to wipe the bruise off, it was still warm to touch. “Start talkin Hargrove.”
“God. You’re so fuckin hot when yur bossy baby. Fuck. Just wanna eat you up.” Billy’s grip tightened as he pushed up against Steve again.
And yeah, that was definitely getting Steve hot, like really fucking hot. But he also was stubborn and he was gonna get his answer one way or another. “This is going to sting alright.” He disclaimed as he rubbed the alcohol over the blonde’s jaw.
“AHow shit!” Billy jumped as his grip grew stronger on Steve.
“I warned you, now start talking or I’m going to do it again.”
“God damn Harrington! You’re more of an asshole then I am.” Steve just held up the washcloth again. “Fuck. Alright. I got inta it with my old man okay. Not a big deal.” Billy relaxed a bit back against the seat.
“Your dad did that? Why?”
“I was late bringin Max home today.”
“Shit. C-cause of me? She was late cause you were talking to me.”
“Hey, no, no it was all my fault Harrington, you hear me.” He pulled Steve in closer to his chest.
“Still. He hits you? That, shit, Billy.”
“Steve, it’s fine. It ain’t all the time and it’s only when I deserve it.”
“What the fuck?” Steve’s face furrowed “Billy you don’t deserve that! Not to get hit. Period.”
“Ste-mmm” lips met lips and Steve’s were crashing hard down onto Billy’s. His fists pulled tight onto the leather collar of Billy’s jacket. The blonde’s hands started gripping again, hungrily. He leaned up more into the kiss; to bite, to introduce his tongue. Steve’s mouth was so hot, and he was starting to rut into Billy now.
They pulled away for air, the brunette moaned quietly as Billy pushed Steve’s hips down deeper against him. They were both so hard, Steve can’t remember the last time he was actually this hard, this hot, panting.
“Fuck pretty boy. You’re so goddamn good baby.” Billy praised the other as he kissed into his neck. He was going to have Steve cuming in his pants at this rate.
“Billy” he whined, his hands moved up to grip onto the blonde’s shoulder’s for support as he grinded himself down harder “fuck” his breath caught in his throat.
“That’s it baby. Just like that.”
“Fuck, Billy I need more” Steve pleaded to the blonde receiving a wide grin from the other who then leaned up to kiss him again. Then his hands left the brunette’s side and started to unbutton Steve’s jeans. He was so hard, his dick trying to rip out of them. So eager for Billy’s hand to latch onto it. “Ahhh” Steve shuddered as Billy started to rub him, his hand is so big and warm and all Steve could do was fling his head back in pleasure.
“You’re fuckin gorgeous Stevie.”
“Mmm Billy! You feel so good ”
“Fuck” Billy growled, guttural against Steve’s shoulder. His own dick was throbbing, the rough denim against it almost hurt. “Stevie baby” the blonde panted out as he grabbed one of Steve’s hands off his shoulder and slid it down to his bulge. Steve bit his lip and nodded undoing the blonde’s pants. “Yeah, god fuck yes. You feel amazing baby”
Billy was a talker but the praises really did something for Steve. Like encouraging him that he’s doing something right, cause yeah he’s jerked off plenty of times, but he’s never done it for another guy before. He tried to focus on what he likes, rubbed his thumb over the head down his shaft; returning his attention back to the slit. That made Billy shudder and buck in Steve’s hand.
“Billy I’m gunna-”
“Yeah me too baby” the blonde leaned up to kiss Steve, slow and passionate with just a hint of teeth. Steve cried and whimpered in Billy’s mouth and Billy licked it all up. Then they came, Steve followed quickly by Billy. They were a mess of sweat and hot breaths and cum covered jeans. And they were all smiles and soft giggles and kisses.
“Christ, Harrington.” Billy leaned up against the sink counter after they cleaned up a bit. Steve was still trying to wipe off his pants after tucking himself back in. “I know I’m not Santa Clause, but you can sit on my lap anytime baby.”
“Oh my god, Billy. Just shut up and kiss me.”
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laurelwinchester · 5 years
nancy wheeler may be pocket sized but wow is she ever a badass!
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girlfriendcoded · 5 years
Tag followers you’d like to get to know better!
I was tagged by @kaymcgivemeacall 💓
Nickname: people i like are allowed to call me hol. my brother calls me: squid, son, bro, bitch, pocket nance (because i remind him of nancy wheeler and am “pocket sized”)
Gender: female
Astrological sign: taurus (it’s my birthday next week, what in the heck)
Height: just under 5 ft 4?
Sexuality: bi
Hogwarts house: slytherin
Favourite animal(s): foxes
Number of blankets: a sheet, comforter, and endless throw rugs
Where i’m from: born and now back living in western australia, but i lived in hong kong for 9 years
Dream trip: oh gosh there are so many. iceland. new zealand. a literary/medieval history trip around the uk and europe. more road trips!
When i created this account: uhh the end of last year sometime?
Why i created this account: i hadn’t been on tumblr since like...2015. I’d been rereading a lot of stephen king and wanted to join in on this cool lil fandom instead of just lurking in the comment section of ao3 lmao.
Uhh i tag @queen-sock @pink-psychic @moonlightrichie @stainuris @peaxhpit !!
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imagineaworlds · 6 years
A Bit Protective -- Max Mayfield
Written by: @sarahaarowe
Request: "Max xfem!wheeler reader!!! The reader is Mikes twin who unlike him, really likes max and develops a crush on her. And when they are in the tunnel, instead of mike getting grabbed by those vine like things, it's the reader and Max like freaks out and saves her. Once everything is over and Will is saved, max asks r on a date and mike is super protective but happy for her???"
Warnings: light cursing
Pairing: Max Mayfield x Reader
Word Count: 2,000
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Being Mike Wheeler's twin was hard, he was more often seen than you. You thought it was nice though, not to be in the spotlight, not under so much pressure. Sitting on the sidelines you were able to appreciate the fluffy buzzing of bees in the flowers or the way dandelion seeds would blow smoothly in the wind when kicked. When a new family had arrived in Hawkins, Indiana you couldn't help but pay more attention to the redhead girl that came along with them.
Your brother didn’t take a liking to her at first, he refused her general presence when she was around. Lucas seemed overly fond of her, it was pretty quickly determined that he had developed a crush over the week she had resided in Hawkins.
You quite liked Max, she had a good head on her shoulders and she seemed to know what she wanted; at the moment that was being accepted into the friend group. Whenever you tried to ask Mike what he didn't like about her he'd always get really angry and storm off, which wasn't like him at all, but he had been acting weird since El left. Being the only girl of the group though you understood how Max had to have felt as you were occasionally left out of things due to your gender.
A few weeks had passed, and things got weirder, not that they could really as the events from last year were strange. Dustin had found this ugly slimy lizard thing that grew three times the size of him and ate his cat, Will's terror got worse as did his episodes, and on top of that Steve Harrington of all people started hanging around.
Tonight, had been a long one, Steve and Nancy were left to take care of the "kids" when Joyce and Jonathan were trying to smoke the mind flayer out of Will.
Steve was still unconscious from trying to fend Billy off, but Max swooped in with her heroics. She looked kinda scary as she screamed down at her brother if you were Billy in that position you probably would have shit yourself.
Billy's Camaro swerved back and forth across the road as Max sat behind the wheel. You grinned watching Max try to find the pumpkin patch, you thought she had looked so badass standing up to Billy earlier that night. There's no way you'd be able to threaten family like that, never the less your brother, given that Mike wasn't an asshole that wouldn't happen.
"Shh guys, he’s waking up!" Dustin yelled smacking your arm. Steve's body was laid across the three of you in the back seat, for a small guy he was pretty heavy. You groaned when Steve sat up and ended up smacking his forehead against your nose.
"Sorry, y/n," he mumbled placing a hand to his head. "Who's driving?" Steve asked confused, turning to look at Dustin. Steve glanced at the front seat and just to their luck, Max glanced back at him at the same time. Steve started to scream, he started thrashing to get up from lying across your laps. You and Dustin started to scream back at Steve which only made it louder.
Mike started yelling at Max about where to turn which made the car swerve more and Steve kept yelling louder.
“Shut up, Steve!" Lucas screamed smacking his legs. The car bumped against the sign that indicated you had arrived at the pumpkin patch. "Everybody out."
You and Max stood next to each other putting your stuff on. "Good job standing up to your brother back there, I couldn't imagine doing that," you said to her quietly, so the others wouldn't hear. Max shrugged in response but grinned looking at you. The other's started down the pit but you stood still in fear. "C'mon,” Max mumbled grabbing ahold of your hand and started down the hole, you being pulled by the hand you had no intention of letting go of. Taking small steps as to not trip over Max's feet you guys followed Steve as he led you to the “heart” as the boys called it.
"This is it," Mike confirmed with a nod. Your brother glanced toward you, he nodded lightly in confirmation that it would be okay. You let go of Max's hand and pulled the can off your back to start pouring lighter fluid onto the vines and roots.
“Are we sure about this?" you asked standing behind Steve.
“No," Steve mumbled winding a hand around his back and pressing it against your shoulder in reassurance. Steve flicked his lighter open, the flame was small and didn't provide much light, but fire was fire. Steve tossed the lighter to the ground, the area in front of you lit up in flames.
"Run!" Steve screamed taking off in the direction you came from.
You pushed your legs hard to try getting out as fast as possible, but for the quick second, you glanced up from your feet you ended up tripping on the ground. A vine wrapped itself around your ankle, starting to travel further up your leg. “Help! Guys! Help!" you screamed thrashing your body and trying to scurry away from the vine.
Max acted quickly; pulling the switchblade from her pocket, which she had picked off of Billy before you all left the house, she ran over to you and started to slash at the vines. A hiss came from the surrounding area as the vine fell to the ground in pieces. Max grabbed your arms and pulled you up off the ground and dragged you behind her as the two of you followed the boys out.
Reaching the car Mike ripped you away from Max and pulled you into a hug. “I could have lost you,” he breathed squeezing you tighter.
“It's okay, Max got me," you reassured squeezing his shoulders in return. Releasing your brother, you turned back to Max and jumped on her, your arms wrapping around each other. "Thank you,” you mumbled into her neck quietly. She pulled away from the hug and grinned at you in response.
"Do you wanna go to the arcade with me sometime?" Max asked glancing down at her feet nervously. "Like just the two of us?"
“Like a date?" you asked tilting your head at her. Max nodded shyly at you. You smiled widely at her in response and nodded your head wildly.
"If you make her cry, I'll hurt you I don't care that you're a girl," Mike threatened pointing a finger at her. Max nodded her head at him but turned back to look at you, the both of you smiling at each other.
stranger things family: @babytsunami19 @fucking-random1 @babygirlbev @esoltis280 @kaitlinlexiexx @edmunds-torch @beepbeepanna @janetthegiantt @sardonicxhumor @flewe @madhatterweasley @babygirlgelxx @fallen-imagine-angel @peggy1999 @ghoulbf @kingsteve011 @thatravenclaw04 @coolusernameiguess @rainiegray @lunar-holland @blu3-wine @polaroids @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @desir-ae
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Uniform Romance // Steve Harrington
Summary: Young and in love Reader and Steve make an impulsive decision that has lasting problems. Years after separating they come face to face with a challenge between them and lost feelings. But what happens when they meet agains years later during a time of crisis?
Characters: Reader x Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Dustin Henderson (mentioned), Nancy Wheeler (mentioned), Chief Jim Hopper (mentioned)
Words: 1158
Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things or the characters involved. Nor do I own any images or gifs that may appear.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, young romance, heartbreak
Author: Caitsy
A/N: Part one of three short blurbs. Based loosely on a Hallmark movie I watched a few days ago.
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Hawkins, Indiana hosted an annual town dance to commemorate the law enforcement and the youth that joined the army. You were the daughter of the recently retired Chief of a neighbouring town whom moved his family to a different area. You’re father ran the local weapons shop along with helping train new officers for Chief Hopper.
You met Steve Harrington when he came to the station for a training session. These sessions were taught by your father for the Hawkins youth to get a taste of law enforcement if they wanted a job. You were dropping the car off from the shop when you bumped into a sweaty Steve.
“Shit! Sorry.” The male voice mumbled steadying you before you could fall on your ass.
“I’m so sorry.” You muttered dusting off the dirt from the sleeve of the green shirt with the emblem of the Chief’s station.
“Can I help you with anything?” Steve asked glancing over at the grouping of young men, with a few female around, all dressed alike during the short break. 
“I can’t think of anything but you’re welcome to get my number.” You bit your lip looking up at the young male. A grin broke over his face before he watched you pull out of a pen and gestured for his arm, “I hope you call.”
“Oh I plan on it.” Steve muttered as you tossed a pair of keys to his trainer and walked off.
“Harrington! Fall in!” Trainer Y/L/N yelled as the rest of the group uniformly came together.
Ever since that summer you had snuck around Hawkins with the older boy whom was carefully choosing his future. You were working at the diner along with moving lawns to earn money for college when the dance came around. You had plans with Steve and you were so excited for them.
“Did you know I love this pair of shorts on you.” Steve smirked gazing down at you while leaning his arms next to your head on the house siding.
“I think once or twice.” You bit your lip holding in a moan when his lips left markings on your neck.
“Well I’ll have to sh-“
“Y/N?” Your Dad’s voice cut in Steve’s sentence. Steve grumbled under his breathe stumbling when you pushed him away and gracefully covered the light hickey with your sweater.
“Yeah?” You questioned coming around to the front yard.
“Have you seen Steve Harrington?” Dad huffed glancing around the street, “He was supposed to be helping me build the shed.”
“He’s in the back already starting. Said something about wanting to get started early, has to babysit Dustin Henderson.” You smoothly lied just a few seconds before the sound of a hammer echoed in the afternoon. 
“Thank you sweetheart.” Dad smiled pressing a lingering kiss on your temple before taking off to the backyard.
You watched guilt when he disappeared around the house door leaving you to wallow in the decision you made. You patted the back of your shorts feeling the small circular object.
“I hope you forgive me.” You mumbled sighing.
The dance was a success again with the help of the social media that was slowly becoming popular in Hawkins. It was a small town with only a few families able to afford decent computers and phones. No one had the money to own a smartphone.
You dipped your hand into the pocket of your sundress catching sight of Jonathan Byers at a table watching Nancy Wheeler. You heard they broke up over some godawful reason and were too stubborn to talk to each other. 
“Hey Byers.” You called out watching the other boy straighten up. You noticed the grease stain on his cheek. He had started working at the local bodyshop to help support his family instead of college.
“Can you do me a favour?” You questioned stepping closer to him.
“Sure.” Jonathan nodded confused as to the paper you placed in his hand, “What is this?”

“Give it to my Dad in thirty minutes.” You softly asked knowing Steve was already waiting out front.

“Just do it please.” You begged before taking off once he nodded in response. You watched your Dad laugh with Mrs. Jenkins over some stupid joke.
You raced to the front where Steve was resting against his retro car he deemed irreplaceable after helping his grandpa fix it. Steve was an old soul capable financially to afford a smartphone and state of the art computer but he chose not to. He preferred connecting face to face.
“Ready?” He grinned.
“Hell yeah.” You gulped climbing into the car wiping your hands on your dress material. Resting in the back were two average sized suitcases holding the necessities for your life.
Everything was a blur standing in front of Steve half listening to the preacher talking before your witness nudged you. Standing cautiously was Dustin Henderson along with an adult legally able to witness the marriage. Rings were exchanged before the preacher announced your husband and wife. 
“You may kiss the bride.” Preacher Thomas spoke smiling as you were dipped backwards by your husband.
You raced outside grinning at each other knowing you had each other’s backs for the rest of your lives. You loved Steve with everything in your being even if you had to give up your family. Life didn’t like that decision because a truck screeched to a halt in front of you.
“Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N!” Your father roared slamming his door shut, “You better not have-“
“It’s too late.” You spoke squeezing Steve’s hand in your own as your father seethed. 
“You’re eighteen Y/N. This is childish and irresponsible.” Dad glared at your conjoined hands, “You don’t know what marriage is.”
“It’s about support, love and trust Daddy.” You whimpered almost seeing his hair turn grey slowly.
“It’s not too late. We can get it annulled unless he took you at the front of the chapel.” Dad sarcastically spoke.
“I love him.”
“Sir, I promise to care for her.”
“If you cared. You’d let her go.” Dad calmly spoke, “You know what’s best right now Steve. You’re a good guy but you’re both too young.”
Steve stared silently as you grabbed your suitcase from his car hesitating to meet his disappointed eyes. You looked at the ground as your father closed the passenger door on his truck with you in it.
“I’ll start the paperwork tomorrow.” Dad said watching Steve shift on his feet, “I’ll send your paycheque for the shed tomorrow. Thank you for the help but I won’t be needing it anymore.”
Without another word Steve was left in front of the church watching his wife and father in law leave only a cloud of dust left. You watched out the back window until there was nothing but dust and sadness left.
“Don’t worry honey.” Dad spoke glancing over, “You’ll understand in the future.”
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