#nimona hc
mer1099 · 6 months
Some comicverse goldenheart angst bc I like suffering:
The day Ballister and Ambrosius got really intimate for the first time, Ambrosius had a terrible crisis. The moment Ballister touched him under his clothes, something snapped and Ambrosius suddenly remembered his days in the streets and the things that more than once, as a little child, he was forced to do to get some food. And he's confronted by every single lie he has kept telling everyone (and himself) about his past, his father, etc., during all these years. Because that was his survival mechanism.
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a-schrodingers-fox · 3 months
I'm writing for the Nimona Big Bang and as I'm developing ideas I am considering that I want the Director to not give a damn when she found out about Ambrosius being with a man. She fully expected Ambrosius to "grow out of it" for the sake of the kingdom (and because "it's his responsibility") when he was older so the direct line of Gloreth could continue with a biological child, but when she found out Ambrosius was together with none other than Ballister she was ANGRY.
The Director might have told Ambrosius parents about it and they must've talked to him about how he had to marry a woman "you don't even have to be together all the time, you can have your own business on the side but the Kingdom needs a descendant from you to keep the lineage alive and their faith alive and remember that your public image has to be perfect".
Ambrosius might have agreed with them because its no use arguing with people that just don't listen to you, but continued to be with Ballister. In his mind was always the (perhaps) naive idea that they'll figure it out eventually, because Ambrosius loves Ballister and wants to be with him and only him. Maybe as someone who loves the Institute and what it represents (and has all the vibes of a self-sacrificing idiot), Ballister must've talked to Ambrosius and tried to convince him that he was just not worth it because he would never even dream about getting Ambrosius (the literal love of his life) hurt or in trouble, but Ambrosius was having none of that.
Oh! The Director must've seen that and that was what sealed the Queen's fate, because how dare a commoner, a street rat, like Ballister not only stain her perfect institute with his presence (and also the fact that he's top of the class), defy the Will Of Gloreth, and also tarnish Ambrosius, the Golden boy, the Direct Descendant Of Gloreth Herself?!
No. She had to do something.
Eventually that something killed the Queen, left Ballister without an arm and Ambrosius confused and hurt enough to trust in the institute blindly...until Ballister escaped from a holding cell with the help of a girl, an ostrich, and...a whale...
(ngl, i kind of want to write something from The Director's perspective just to go in deep into the whole religion/cult adoring mentality and how it's so harmful)
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myqueenmarceline · 2 months
6, 7, 22, 30, 56 from this Nimona ask game
Omg thank you so much!!
6 - Which character do you relate to the most?
This might be a generic answer, but probably Nimona. Her personality and chaotic energy remind me a lot of how I used to act when I was a bit younger, and I still have that same sense of humour.
7 - What was your favorite part of the movie?
Oh nooooo, do I really have to choose just one scene?
If I did, I think my favourite is probably the whole demon baby/kidnapping/carjacking sequence. It was so well done, and the final clip where Nimona and Ballister are sitting in the car and all of the arrows are shaking as they drive cracks me up every time I see it. Nimona and Ballister are such a good comedic duo, and I love watching their plans go awry.
22 - Do you have any headcanons that you'd like to share?
I like to headcanon that after the end of the movie, Ballister and Ambrosius have specific date nights/one night of the week where they go out, and Nimona makes it her personal mission to crash every time. She doesn’t actually ruin anything, she just wants to play around a bit. Little does she know, after the first month Ballister and Ambrosius actively plan their dates around it, and have come to view it as “Nimona Night” instead. They stay in and have a more relaxed date the day after.
30 - Have you seen the movie, read the comic/graphic novel, or done both?
I’ve seen the movie fully, and read bits and pieces of the graphic novel. I didn’t have time to finish it because I was borrowing a copy that my sibling borrowed from the library and it was due back. I really should go back for it though…
56 - Are there any AUs that you'd like to see/write/make art of?
I always love mermaid AUs, and I am very happy every time I see art of them. I can never get enough!
I also really think monster AUs in general are super interesting, given the context of the movie. I would love to see a fic that explores more of the dynamic shift between Nimona and Bal, or even Nimona and Ambrosius, if one of them isn’t human as well.
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I just discovered this blog so I'm going to send it here
Nimona fron Nimona is Alteraffectis
~ 💗
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Nimona from Nimona is Alteraffectis!
Requested by 💗 Anon
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thetrashiestbaby · 11 months
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angelxd-3303 · 11 months
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I promise I have more Mario stuff in the works, I just need to get the mouse in my brain to stop squealing about Nimona for five minutes.
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theresidentfullmoon · 6 months
POV: You're a system.
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 4 months
Working on smth sad rn so I'll leave y'all with this little tidbit for the night:
At the end of the comic in the hospital, Ballister says he doesn't want to leave Ambrosius because he doesn't want him to wake up alone. But Ballister is a smart man with substantial medical experience, and he can clearly see that Ambrosius is fucked up six ways to Sunday with a negligible chance of survival.
He wasn't worried about Ambrosius waking up alone. He wanted to be there because he didn't want Ambrosius to die alone.
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nikoisme · 11 months
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sketchyracoon · 7 months
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I'll admit it I watched Nimona and it changed my brain chemistry.
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little-cereal-draws · 10 months
Some sad Ballister and money headcanons
pt 1? maybe?
Ballister has a very complicated relationship to money
Growing up poor, the threat of not having basic things like a home, food, or other necessities hung heavy over his head. He might not have understood the full scope of it, but he was a smart kid and understood enough to feel its affects
He didn't have nice toys, his clothes were full of holes, their meals were small. He knew other families had more, he would see them walking down the street, but knew that wasn't for him or his family
He wouldn't ask for ice cream in the summer, wouldn't complain when they ate the same stew for dinner every day for a week because that's all there was, never cried or whined the few times he asked for something and was told "no"
It bled into guilt. When his mom offered to cut his hair one summer when he was sweating up a storm, he said no. He didn't want to bother her; she already was so busy and stressed. She assured him that it would take five minutes and wouldn't cost anything but still he refused
Or one fall, he helped a neighbor fix his heater (he held the tools) and got paid $10. He was so excited; this was money all for himself! His first thought was to give it to his parents because he knew how much they needed it but this was his money. He bought himself a sandwich for $6. The rest of it he gave to his parents. They didn't want to take it from him but he insisted and eventually they gave in
That night, he cried. He wanted to help, he knew how much they needed the money and how hard his parents worked, and he had selfishly spent over half of it on a single meal. $10 would have been much more helpful than $4 but he just had to treat himself, didn't he? He knew those fancy, expensive foods weren't for him but he bought it anyway
It was around this time that he decided he wanted to be a knight. They were so brave and strong and helped so many more people than he could. And they probably got paid pretty well, their armor was always so shiny
So he would pick up any odd jobs people could give to a kid (walking someone's dog, watering their plants while they were away, sorting recycling from garbage, etc) while dreaming about being a knight. The jobs only paid somewhere between $5 - $10 but it wasn't about the money. He was a hero of the realm and they only needed the safety of their people to be satisfied
But he would go home and count every dollar before he went to bed
When the Queen offered to keep him at the Institute and train him to be a knight, neither him nor his family could believe what they were hearing. There was some back and forth about what this would mean but ultimately, they let him go. He would have food, shelter, stability and all the things they couldn't provide
Joining the Institute was very overwhelming for many reasons but Balister did have to say he did enjoy not worrying about money all the time. He never had to worry about if the lights would shut off or where his next meal would come from. He didn't have to budget his few dollars and didn't feel guilty for wanting things. The other kids had so much stuff, surely he could have some too
This... wasn't totally true. Even though his life was more stable now, he still didn't have the latest sneakers or stories about long vacations to country houses or anything else that these kids had. He tried to ignore it but it was a glaring middle finger to the face every time someone casually mentioned their new pet pony or other ridiculous bullshit
The first few years of his training were fine, they were all using fake swords with plastic armor on straw dummies. But as he reached his teen years and training got more serious, he realized he was going to be left behind again
The Institute and the Queen did provide some things for him but it turns out that most of those kids' families provided their knight equipment for them. Ballister's family would be expected to do the same and he knew there was no way that was going to happen. He had come here to make his dreams a reality but if he had to choose between his future or his family starving/being homeless because all their money went to his armor, he would go home in a heartbeat. It would kill him but, in his heart, he knew it's what he would do
So he went to class everyday with only a sword that wasn't his. Ambrosius gave him a sword when he first got to the Institute and saw he didn't have one. At the time he was thrilled but told him he couldn't accept it, Ambrosius needed it. The blond boy had simply shrugged and said "You can keep it, I have a whole bunch." He was ecstatic to finally get a real-life sword but now it was a reminder that these other kids could trade these thousand dollar weapons like baseball cards. The monetary value meant nothing to them
Despite having a sword already, he didn't have any armor and got his ass handed to him so many times. Turns out having protection against people thrusting blades at you was important. Todd and the other knights made of him mercilessly but he would just have to endure it because there was no way in hell he was going to tell his parents he needed equipment. He was going to have to deal with it himself
At first the Director wanted him to stop training until he was able to afford armor but he begged her to keep going. He got really good at blocking attacks, because if he didn't, he would get hurt, but he knew it wasn't enough
It was nearly impossible because training took all day and then left him dog-tired but he started picking up odd jobs on the weekends again. People paid much better in the wealthier neighborhoods and he could get quite a decent sum for cleaning someone's gutter or mowing their lawn. It was embarrassing that he had to do this while the other kids could relax but it was worth it to not be covered in bandages all the time
He had saved halfway to his goal when he got seriously hurt. Sparing gone wrong, he fell for a fake-out right move and got slashed across his left side. It was bleeding a lot and he was whisked away to the informatory. After he got stitched up, the Queen came to see him. He hadn't expected her but apparently the accident was big enough to reach her
She asked him how this happened and embarrassedly, he admitted he wasn't wearing armor during practice. She was shocked and asked "why in the world not???" After a moment debate, he admitted that he didn't have any. That opened the floodgates, and everything came pouring out. He was ashamed that he got hurt, he was embarrassed he didn't have armor, he was guilty that he didn't ask for help, he was stressed that his parents would help him at their own expense, he was tired from spending every second he wasn't in class working
The Queen comforted him, letting him cry on her shoulder and combing his hair. It only added to his shame, this was no way for anyone to be treating the QUEEN. He pulled away and then the unspeakable happened. She offered to buy him a suit of armor. He sputtered, trying to refuse it, or at least let him pay for the part he had money for but she refused to negotiate. It was unacceptable that one of her knight cadets was left without the basic equipment required to succeed, that the Director did nothing to fix the problem, and that the environment of the Institiute made Balister feel too ashamed to ask for help and got him seriously injured
She bought him his thick black armor and the first day he wore it to class, he couldn't stop grinning. He beat the shit out of everybody who dared spar with him
Time went on and Ballister's armor got chipped and dented but he never wanted to buy a new pair like all his classmates in their shiny chest plates. This armor was old but it was his, he was allowed to have this
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mer1099 · 6 months
Not me thinking of c!Ambrosius having to deal with his new reflection on the mirror, with all those scars and (according to him) ugliness, interpreting it as the actual reflection of the repulsiveness of his soul now that he finally faced and admitted what he did in the joust. Oh, Ballister, there's so much to heal inside and outside of that little man... SEND HELP (and tons of patience).
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a-schrodingers-fox · 3 months
You know, another idea I'm developing (because I couldn't sleep last night and my brain wanted to *write* but my body wanted to *rest*) is focused on the fact that before c!Nimona arrived to c!Ballister's life, he had been giving The Institute an excuse for it's existence by proclaiming himself the villain of the Kingdom. Ballister single-handedly (heh, get it?) encouraged the crown to give enough power and resources to the Institute --and the Director--, to develop new weapons and technology.
The Director definitively did not want to kill Ballister Blackheart because that meant that she would not have a reasonable justification to keep the Institute working day and night to get the "ultimate" weapon.
Ambrosius and Ballister know this and that is why they have created these series of "rules" around their weird* "I hate you and resent you, but I love you, although I'll rather die than say that out loud, but if you died I would die too"-relationship.
So when The Director finally finds her "Ultimate weapon" in the shape of Nimona and she demands that Ambrosius kills Ballister, everything suddenly becomes too real and they are, for the first time in years, placed on a battlefield that has no rules or regulations that allows them to dance around each other and Ambrosius is NOT going to let Ballister die, but unfortunately, he knows by experience that The Director has wanted Ballister six feet under for 15 years now and this time, he cannot use the "the modified spear was too heavy" excuse to try and just hurt Ballister without killing him because if he doesn't, then The Director will.
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walrus150915 · 5 months
Merry (early?) Christmas to those who celebrate!
I personally don't, but I like the vibe✨
Here's a silly sketch-comic I drew based on a post I saw a few days ago
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reiningsoral · 8 days
autistic coded characters...
save me autistic coded characters
autistic coded characters save me
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little-snuggle-bug · 8 months
Nimona Agere Moodboard+Headcannons
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(I’ll be using he/she/they pronouns for nimona)
Regresses on a wide range 0-10
Still loves metal music when they’re regressed you cannot get her to listen to anything else.
They doodle all the time. He’s definitely been caught drawing on the walls.
The absolute worst at board games and similar to big nimona they catch the board on fire…
Plays a lot with other kids either in their kid form or normaly.
Age regression is more normalized In the kingdom (in my headcannon atleast) so they Regress in public sometimes.
Absolutely loves to go to the park she probably chases the ducks.
They shape shift to the age they feel sometimes but it depends on his mood.
She has a stuffed dragon named fangs! it was a gift from bal when he found out she regressed.
Takes fangs everywhere it’s their partner in crime!
Loves rattles and mobiles no matter what age they are.
Although they only use pacis when they’re regressed younger.
He refuses to eat anything other than pizza or tacos! Hates vegetables it’s the bane of bals existence.
His cgs are ballister and ambrosius. Although sometimes ballister regresses too and they’re playmates.
They probably run an agere blog. Where they post their favorite drawings and links to music they like.
Widest range of toys! They love cars to princesses. Doesn’t matter to them whatever they can get their hands on they’ll play with.
They have two separate rooms one for big nimona and one for little them!
Loves playing outside either in the forest or at a park.
Has the highest screen time known to man. They’re always playing video games. (He probably loves Minecraft argue with the wall)
When she regresses she brings back random trinkets from outside to ballister.
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