#hc did system
lefluoritesys · 6 months
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pigeon-system-boys · 24 days
Even if you were told that you are gross
Even with alters with PrObLeMaTiC Source (don't care, you aren't your fucking source!!!)
Even if your persecutors and protectors act like pieces of shit (they are trying and are fucking up. A lot of times. But they're trying!!)
Even if your littles are sexual protectors (VALID) (YOU DON'T CHOOSE ALTER ROLES)
Even if you can't heal right now
Even if you are happy that you are system
Even if you ARE NOT happy about being system
Even if you have NO CLUE what tf was your trauma
Even if you have your trauma 360° full HD scarred into your brain
If you want to know your trauma and if you don't
If your system is full of abuse (don't say you are bad person, you aren't, your brain tries to COPE)
Even if your trauma was "not enoth", even if it was "too much"
Even if you don't love yourself
Especially if you don't love yourself
I am here for you
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pawphobia · 2 months
Just a reminder that alters that genuinely just want to hurt everyone are real and valid.
Not every persecutor/aggressive alter are “misguided”, some genuinely know what they are doing and want whats worst for the system, and while its not okay, its valid. Its okay to have alters like that, it does not make you any less of a valid system.
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imilliehawks · 6 months
Being a caregiver, I realized that one of the best ways to help somebody without freaking them out even more is by rephrasing your questions and offerings in a way that would give them the choice to choose. It should he obvious that when you ask, for example, "Can I give you a hug?" you are offering a choice, but that's not the case for people who are freaking out or blacking out. It's way better to ask, "Would you like me to give you a hug?" or "Do you want a hug?" instead.
Same with:
⛔️ Can I hold your hand? | ✅️ Do you want to hold my hand?/Do you want me to hold your hand?
⛔️ How can I help? | ✅️ What would you like me to do to help?
⛔️ Can I do X? | ✅️ Do you want me to do X?/Would you be okay if I did X?
⛔️ Can I see? | ✅️ Am I allowed to see?
The more you state it in the sentence that it's in the person's abilities to turn you down, the better. First sentence matters. People who are actively freaking out or blacked out would not care for a long and complicated explanation as to why you said what you said. They most likely can barely hear anything at the moment. And can barely understand anything that's happening around them.
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mimikyu-chr · 6 months
unpopular opinion - the tiktok system community has changed people’s perceptions of DID so much and it’s kind of irritating for those of us who don’t fit the stereotype it’s created.
- a system who dosent exactly fit the tiktok stereotype and is fakeclaimed because of it.
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theresidentfullmoon · 4 months
POV: You're a system.
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ridibulous · 4 months
I'm having a bit of a normal one tonight so
• shoutout to hc-did systems who don't have a fucking clue what all their programs are or how exactly they work or how they're triggered and may constantly be living like they're walking on eggshells.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who have no fucking idea what the full extent of their trauma is and are terrified to figure out more and/or want to learn everything that happened so badly.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who don't know or understand everything about their innerworld. fuck it shoutout to hc-did systems who just Don't Know in general!
• shoutout to hc-did systems who don't have any "real" or "physical" proof of their ramcoa besides their own memories.
• shoutout to hc-did systems whos perpetrators never got a lick of punishment for what they did to you or others.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who actively want or are trying to get their perpetrators punished for what they did.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who can't have their perpetrators punished for what they did.
• shoutout to hc-did systems who might still be in danger. real or perceived.
this ramcoa shit is so confusing and exhausting and horrible and lonely and fucking (re)traumatizing and it's so hard. i'm tired I just want people to believe me sometimes but how much do I believe other people believe me when I share the sheer horrors that rear their ugly heads in our mind. from alters popping up or a memory just appearing out of nowhere to just whole somatic flashbacks. how much can we take? how much DID we take?
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RAMCOA/programmed/HC-DID systems feel free to add onto this, but as a non-RAMCOA system I really think we need to stop trying to police RAMCOA survivor’s language.
They have experienced horrors that we can barely comprehend when they were CHILDREN, sometimes INFANTS. They are trying to find community by labeling their unique experiences that are objectively more complex than many others. So many non-RAMCOA systems are butthurt over HC-DID systems calling themselves “highly complex”, seemingly just because it “invalidates other’s trauma”.
Trauma experiences that are more severe than yours will always exist, and the survivors of those experiences will always speak out about them. By claiming that these people are “playing trauma olympics” by simply speaking out about and labeling their stories, we are actively silencing survivors of severe abuse. Acknowledging that some experiences are more complex than others is not inherently downplaying the validity of the less complex experiences.
Because the nature of RAMCOA survivor’s experiences is near impossible to grasp for us non-survivors, we need to understand that we are stepping out of our lane by trying to involve ourselves in the conversations about RAMCOA exclusive labels. It’s perfectly acceptable for systems to ask non-systems to not get involved in system discourse, and the response should be the same for programmed systems asking non-programmed systems to not get involved in RAMCOA discourse.
Again, I’d love if any RAMCOA systems would like to add onto this! This is just our perspective as a system who is not a survivor, and we’re open to any additions or criticisms.
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theselfishmachiness · 8 months
because we’ve been struggling, i just wanna say a special good night to systems who just feel different from the system community. the people who feel as though their system works weird compared to other, systems who always have to question everything because their experiences are just different.
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sysboxes · 1 month
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[Text: This system is currently questioning if they’re highly complex, please be patient with them.]
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[Text: This system is currently questioning if they’re extremely complex, please be patient with them.]
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[Text: This system is currently questioning if they’re programmed, please be patient with them.]
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lefluoritesys · 6 days
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pigeon-system-boys · 6 months
I really wanna talk with your "scary-looking" and "gross" headmates
I see you, rotting corpses
I see you, guts-out
I see you, person with no face but flesh
I see you, alter with all limbs amputated
I see you, nonhuman horror strait from lovecraft's stories
I see you, even if your eyes can't see me
I see you, human flashlights
I see you, ripped sex-dolls
I see you, a single moving organ
I see you, deformed figures that are not humans anymore
I see you, whos skin is covered full in rot and pus
I see you, "no skin but burns"
I see you, even if I can't even imagine you.
Even if you are not hc-did, even if body survived just SA and you exist now, even if you feel like system have not enoth trauma for your existence.
You are not as disgusting as you think you are, and I see you, and I love you, and you fucking deserve love
-greetings from Stump
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isolated-bats · 5 months
ykw? im gonna say it, i love you all. even if you hurt people to survive, even if you hurt others because you didnt know better, even if your abusers made you feel like you would never be loved. you all matter and deserve to heal from the shit you were put through when you were too young and vulnerable to understand what was going on. even if you figured it out and left or only realized when you were older or any situation you were put through. you deserve to heal and move past that.
also chances are youre scrolling through tags to remember shit so stop, you will remember when youre ready. dont push yourselves, go drink some water and get a comfort item if youre going to continue and remember that even if you dont fully remember what happened, or remember it in vivid detail you are valid and loved
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many-but-one · 5 months
is it okay to ask for advice with working with higher-ups/inner reprogrammers? we’re making good progress with one, but do kinda worry that we’re moving too fast or will screw it up
Yes, it's alright to ask this. And there are multiple asks with this similar question, so I'll use yours to answer all of them. I'm not going to go too deep into how to unravel the beliefs that IPs have because they can vary so much. This is more going to be related to how you can gain their trust so they are willing to begin the unraveling process.
How to work with higher ups/IPs:
The very first thing I will always say is radical acceptance. Parts don't do what they do for no reason, they do things because they were taught to do them, even if those things are bad. Higher ups and IPs are often some of the most traumatized parts in a system, who hold some of the highest forms of manipulation that the group did upon a system, and they deserve love, support, care, and understanding just as much as any other part. They may reject this at first, they may fear this at first, they may lash out at this at first. This is usually because they believe they don't deserve it, they aren't allowed to have it, or they feel guilty for the "bad" things that they have done and believe that they do not deserve redemption. This is not true. Helping them understand this is not true is important.
Make sure parts are less isolated from each other, if it is safe to do so. A lot of the times, IPs and higher ups stay rigid in their feelings and opinions because they are isolated in those opinions. If they are only around other parts who hold those same feelings and opinions, it becomes and echo chamber and all of those parts will not be able to unravel those beliefs. Some of our most successfully deprogrammed parts have deprogrammed because they had support from both outside of the system and inside of the system. We often assign them protectors or caretakers to be like a buddy for them, someone that can handle if they lash out and will understand that if they lash out, it's unlikely because of anything that part did but out of fear. Radical acceptance and love and care is going to be so important here. It's not easy, but you have to stick to it.
Help them find new jobs that benefit the system rather than harm the system. A common theme for our IPs is "well, if I don't do this, what else do I do? What else am I good for? I'm nothing if I don't do this" etc etc etc. Finding them a different job in the system will help them find a better purpose than causing harm. All parts do things for a reason, and if that reason doesn't exist anymore (like not being in contact with abusers anymore, or not needing a certain program to run for your own safety anymore) then they can feel very lost and confused. Parts, unsurprisingly, like being helpful and useful if they can be, they just need the motivation and support to be able to change course.
Remember that no matter how awful an IP is, what they do is out of protection of the system. Hear me out on this one, please. Yes, HC-DID systems were not made to benefit the system. They were made for benefit to the abusers. However, regardless of this, all actions that IPs take are to keep the child safe, even if those actions put the child in harm's way in the end. Some examples of this include: 1) a callback alter going back to the abusers because they believe that if they do not go back, they will be punished. They may not have the foresight to understand that going back will be harmful to them, their main goal is to not be punished for not going back, so they go back to avoid that punishment, 2) a beta (sex) alter allowing sexual assault to happen because if they try to fight back, that will cause more harm in the long run. If they are conditioned to pretend to enjoy it, they may even do that, because if they didn't back then, then they would have been punished. So while they are putting the body in harm's way by allowing SA to occur, they are also trying to protect the body because if they don't allow it to happen, even worse punishments will occur. 3) a gamma (loyalty) part is programmed to be loyal to the abusers. If they were not loyal to them in the past, they would be punished. So no matter how loyal they really are, they more than likely will hold a facade of being extremely loyal and wanting to serve the abusers to avoid any punishment that will occur if they don't.
Overall, it's very important to help IPs understand that this is the present day, and that you are away from the abusers, and that the abusers will never know that they aren't doing their jobs (unless you have active reporter parts, in which those need to be addressed before anything else) and that whatever the abusers told them to make them think they would know when they aren't doing their jobs is just part of a Big Lie to get them to be compliant. Reminding parts that they didn't deserve the pain they were put under and that they can change and that the system will accept them no matter what they've done is imperative. Holding grudges against parts who have hurt you is kind of par for the course, but still doing your best to accept them regardless of what's happened in the past is ***required*** for healing and deprogramming IPs.
Hope that helped a bit! :)
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r0ttingsystem · 5 months
I can't count how many things about this are infuriating and hilarious at the same time
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borderlinedolly · 8 months
Questions For Systems
1. What's your system name?
2. What's your collective name?
3. What are your collective pronouns?
4. How old are you bodily?
5. What type of system are you? (E.G. OSDD-1, DID, etc)
6. What's your (approximate) headcount?
7. How did you find out you're a system?
8. How many of you were there upon discovery?
9. Do you have an innerworld? If so, what type? (E.G. small, medium, large, magical, infinite, etc)
10. Do you have a fronting room? If so, what does it look like?
11. Who's the oldest?
12. Who's the youngest?
13. Who's most likely to cause mischief?
14. Who's the system's parental figure?
15. Who's the baby of the system?
16. Who's the one that everyone gets along with?
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