#ramcoa tw
anonsystem · 6 months
Rules For Reading Clinical Content About RAMCOA
1. Have a safety person on call. Before you try to read anything, pick at least one member of your support system who knows what they're talking about with regards to RAMCOA, and tell them all the following information: what you're reading, how long you'll be reading it, and if you have access to the information) what programs are likely to get triggered by it so they know what to prepare for.
2. Set a limit. Either a time limit or an amount. I usually say either 30 minutes *or* up to two chapters of whatever I'm reading. This way you have a hard out and you (hopefully) won't overextend yourself. You can always come back to it later, but these things take time. You cannot and will not figure all of it out at once.
3. Know when to stop. If you feel dizzy, if you keep forgetting what you're reading, if you get "stuck" on one particular line, or if you're suddenly dissociating more heavily, that's an indicator from your brain that you need to take a break. Even if you haven't hit your hard limit yet, trying to continue is going to seriously hurt you. Put it away, drink water, and do a non-taxing self-care activity.
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mischiefmanifold · 11 months
Do you have any resources for RAMCOA? Resources for like...the types of programs and stuff like that. We're going through things and trying to research and pinpoint things, but finding resources has been absolute hell. If you get this twice, I'm sorry. Our tumblr is kind of shit.
Hello! I have several resources that I think may be helpful to you:
This document (LINK) of "rare programs" and their descriptions, posted by @killercatboys.
Chapters 4 and 7 of Becoming Yourself by Alison Miller (LINK) discuss programming and chapter 7 includes an anecdote with specific programs and definitions. The entire book is really a great read and is geared towards survivors of RAMCOA, just be sure to take it slow and take care of yourself.
Common Programs Observed in Survivors of Satanic Ritualistic Abuse by David W. Neswald (LINK) - massive trigger warning for suicide, self-harm, and abuse.
Spin Programming: A Newly Uncovered Technique of Systematic Mind Control by John D. Lovern (LINK) - includes symptoms, implementation, and uses of spin programs; trigger warning for abuse/torture methods.
Healing the Unimaginable by Alison Miller (LINK) is geared towards therapists and professionals and includes more in-depth information about RAMCOA than Becoming Yourself does. Again, massive trigger warning throughout the book for RAMCOA.
Kinds of Torture Endured in Ritual Abuse and Trauma-Based Mind Control by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) - partial list of torture methods used in RAMCOA; trigger warning for abuse, near-death, and torture.
Mind Control: Simple to Complex by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) - describes twelve "stages" of mind control and programming, going from outward compliance to torture/trauma-based mind control; trigger warning for descriptions of abuse.
Some Indicators of Trauma-Based Mind Control Programming by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides common indicators of TBMC; most survivors of programming will have many of these indicators, but their presence does not prove the existence of TBMC and their absence does not prove that one has not experienced TBMC.
Adult and Adolescent Indicators of Ritual Trauma by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides indicators of ritual abuse in teens and adults; as with the last bullet point, their presence does not prove ritual abuse and their absence does not disprove it.
Child Indicators of Ritual Abuse Trauma in Play and Art by Ellen P. Lacter (LINK) provides potential indicators of ritualized abuse in children and pre-teens; as with the previous two bullet points, their presence does not prove ritual abuse and their absence does not disprove it.
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thecorvidforest · 7 months
if any of my lovely moots or followers see a post floating around about how RAMCOA (Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Organized Abuse) is supposedly an antisemitic conspiracy theory asserting that there’s a global underground cult network doing occult sacrifices please know that person has an extremely incorrect idea of what RAMCOA is.
RAMCOA doesn’t mean global cult doing sacrifices. it’s an umbrella term about a few specific types of abuse. “organized abuse” doesn’t mean global cult. it can be as small as a single family. “ritual abuse” doesn’t mean occult sacrifices. rituals can be literally anything. “mind control” doesn’t mean a secret memory wiping machine, it means programming (and other things).
and no, the RAMCOA community doesn’t have a secret dark agenda to convince all trauma survivors that their missing memories must be because of some memory wiping machine belonging to a secret underground sacrificial cult. most of us seek out every possible alternative explanation before looking at RAMCOA, and we encourage others to do the same.
i can see how they got there from the perspective of someone who knows a lot about antisemitism and nothing about RAMCOA but to assert the entire thing is fake is extremely disrespectful and dangerous. i won’t go into specifics of what RAMCOA is exactly because that would be too triggering for us, but please don’t form your opinion off a post from someone who is not a RAMCOA survivor and has a fundamental misconception of what it means. thanks.
also please don’t seek out and send hate to the OP. and please don’t send this post their way, we have no interest in discoursing about this. this is just a PSA for our followers.
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many-but-one · 5 months
is it okay to ask for advice with working with higher-ups/inner reprogrammers? we’re making good progress with one, but do kinda worry that we’re moving too fast or will screw it up
Yes, it's alright to ask this. And there are multiple asks with this similar question, so I'll use yours to answer all of them. I'm not going to go too deep into how to unravel the beliefs that IPs have because they can vary so much. This is more going to be related to how you can gain their trust so they are willing to begin the unraveling process.
How to work with higher ups/IPs:
The very first thing I will always say is radical acceptance. Parts don't do what they do for no reason, they do things because they were taught to do them, even if those things are bad. Higher ups and IPs are often some of the most traumatized parts in a system, who hold some of the highest forms of manipulation that the group did upon a system, and they deserve love, support, care, and understanding just as much as any other part. They may reject this at first, they may fear this at first, they may lash out at this at first. This is usually because they believe they don't deserve it, they aren't allowed to have it, or they feel guilty for the "bad" things that they have done and believe that they do not deserve redemption. This is not true. Helping them understand this is not true is important.
Make sure parts are less isolated from each other, if it is safe to do so. A lot of the times, IPs and higher ups stay rigid in their feelings and opinions because they are isolated in those opinions. If they are only around other parts who hold those same feelings and opinions, it becomes and echo chamber and all of those parts will not be able to unravel those beliefs. Some of our most successfully deprogrammed parts have deprogrammed because they had support from both outside of the system and inside of the system. We often assign them protectors or caretakers to be like a buddy for them, someone that can handle if they lash out and will understand that if they lash out, it's unlikely because of anything that part did but out of fear. Radical acceptance and love and care is going to be so important here. It's not easy, but you have to stick to it.
Help them find new jobs that benefit the system rather than harm the system. A common theme for our IPs is "well, if I don't do this, what else do I do? What else am I good for? I'm nothing if I don't do this" etc etc etc. Finding them a different job in the system will help them find a better purpose than causing harm. All parts do things for a reason, and if that reason doesn't exist anymore (like not being in contact with abusers anymore, or not needing a certain program to run for your own safety anymore) then they can feel very lost and confused. Parts, unsurprisingly, like being helpful and useful if they can be, they just need the motivation and support to be able to change course.
Remember that no matter how awful an IP is, what they do is out of protection of the system. Hear me out on this one, please. Yes, HC-DID systems were not made to benefit the system. They were made for benefit to the abusers. However, regardless of this, all actions that IPs take are to keep the child safe, even if those actions put the child in harm's way in the end. Some examples of this include: 1) a callback alter going back to the abusers because they believe that if they do not go back, they will be punished. They may not have the foresight to understand that going back will be harmful to them, their main goal is to not be punished for not going back, so they go back to avoid that punishment, 2) a beta (sex) alter allowing sexual assault to happen because if they try to fight back, that will cause more harm in the long run. If they are conditioned to pretend to enjoy it, they may even do that, because if they didn't back then, then they would have been punished. So while they are putting the body in harm's way by allowing SA to occur, they are also trying to protect the body because if they don't allow it to happen, even worse punishments will occur. 3) a gamma (loyalty) part is programmed to be loyal to the abusers. If they were not loyal to them in the past, they would be punished. So no matter how loyal they really are, they more than likely will hold a facade of being extremely loyal and wanting to serve the abusers to avoid any punishment that will occur if they don't.
Overall, it's very important to help IPs understand that this is the present day, and that you are away from the abusers, and that the abusers will never know that they aren't doing their jobs (unless you have active reporter parts, in which those need to be addressed before anything else) and that whatever the abusers told them to make them think they would know when they aren't doing their jobs is just part of a Big Lie to get them to be compliant. Reminding parts that they didn't deserve the pain they were put under and that they can change and that the system will accept them no matter what they've done is imperative. Holding grudges against parts who have hurt you is kind of par for the course, but still doing your best to accept them regardless of what's happened in the past is ***required*** for healing and deprogramming IPs.
Hope that helped a bit! :)
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Work in progress demon alter pride flag.
Red: represent rebelling against the abuser relgion/ideology.
Grey: represents demon alters that split from religious abuse.
Orange: represents demon alters that split form emotional abuse
Pink: represents demon alter that form form sexual trauma
Blue: represents demon alter that are demons because of RAMCOA or RAMCOA programming.
Black: represents disability pride.
And remember: protect your children or burn in hell.
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disabledidols · 8 months
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traumascumathena · 7 months
If you're going to be sharing resources related to RAMCOA, remember to check the date the resources were created, who they were created by, and which people the creator cites and/or associates with. If the resource was created before 2000, or people like Lawrence Pazder, Kee MacFarlane, Catherine Gould, or D. Corydon Hammond* had involvement in the contents of the resource, then it's not actually a resource meant to help RAMCOA victims!
Instead, it's an instrument of the Satanic Panic, and the information shared in that resource heavily plays into antisemitic narratives. Those resources will incite violence against Jewish people. Those resources will obfuscate what RAMCOA really is, preventing survivors from safely addressing their trauma. Those resources will perpetuate the moral panic from the 1980s and 1990s and will use survivors to prove a point instead of giving them support.
*These are only a few examples. There were hundreds of clinicians and lobbyists perpetuating the Satanic Panic. Look into every name and organization in connection with RAMCOA resources to ensure there is no involvement with the Satanic Panic.
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a-timeless-illness · 8 months
HC-DID flag
For RAMCOA based systems only!! Exclusive flag.
Pinks - Trauma, hurt, MC, TBMC, etc
Black - Intersectionality
Purples - Healing, treatment, therapy, self-love, unity
Petunia - Healing
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[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag with a symbol in the middle. The colors are muted, and from up to down are medium pink, medium-light pink, light pink, black, lilaec, lavender, and medium lavender. Half the flag is flipped vertically. The symbol is a digital flat styled petunia colored with pinks and purples. End ID]
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[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag with a symbol in the middle. The colors are muted, and from up to down are medium pink, medium-light pink, light pink, black, lilaec, lavender, and medium lavender. Half the flag is flipped vertically. The symbol is a digital flat styled petunia colored with pinks and purples. The flag is on a heart with yellow sparkles. End ID]
[Image ID: A 7 horizontally striped flag with a symbol in the middle. The colors are muted, and from up to down are medium pink, medium-light pink, light pink, black, lilaec, lavender, and medium lavender. Half the flag is flipped vertically. The symbol is a digital flat styled petunia colored with pinks and purples. The corners are rounded. End ID]
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syscourse-spillway · 3 months
Dear "transRAMCOA" freaks and their supporters:
Our experiences aren't yours to claim. Claiming experiences that don't belong to you trivializes the suffering of actual survivors. If you actually understood what this was, you wouldn't want it. You wouldn't have lasted a day in our shoes. Shame on you for participating in this. Go get a real hobby and get the fuck out of my tags.
Also, you now owe $500 to every survivor who's had to witness your bullshit. Pay up or die <3
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system-of-a-feather · 3 months
This goes out the recent anon, while we have gone through RAMCOA, we don't talk about it on this blog and we don't actively interact with the community for our own self care and healing.
As a result our understanding of topics regarding it are limited to our personal experience and what is necessary for our specific individual case and recovery.
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If you have ramcia intratrauma and not bodily Ramcoa trauma, it's still vaild. You still deserve to feel safe and loved.
very true, survivors of all kinds of exotrauma/intratrauma are deserving of kindness and support. at the same time, though, let’s remember to not speak over those who physically endured ramcoa, and to avoid comparing these two quite distinct experiences.
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anonsystem · 6 months
One of the dangerous things about the HC-DID community is that information about programming largely spreads via word of mouth, and clinical content about programming is very difficult to find. As a result, it's really easy to abuse newly-discovered programmed systems via information control. I was abused that way. I also think people aren't aware enough of how their programs play off of each other, and that results in dangerous feedback loops, especially when it comes to things like silence programs.
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mischiefmanifold · 4 months
just saw someone on tiktok describing conditioning as programming I am banging my head against the wall
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thecorvidforest · 9 months
i saw someone on tiktok saying that “it’s funny how so many people just happen to suddenly identify as autistic RAMCOA systems” implying that it’s a social contagion. it was in no way a good-faith statement, but here’s a few points of explanation from an autistic cult survivor for anyone who might actually be curious why that is!
(CONTENT WARNING - we will be talking about ableism, RAMCOA [Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Organized Abuse], cults, and trafficking rings.)
-RAMCOA is much more common than most people think. cults, trafficking rings, and other places where RAMCOA happens are much more common than most people tend to assume because (among many other reasons) survivors are silenced, many people in power benefit from their existence, and modern media has very heavily skewed peoples’ perceptions of what these things actually look like. the tropes that get pushed around in media have resulted in a lot of people assuming cults are extremely obvious to outsiders and therefore extremely rare. in actuality, cults and trafficking rings are fairly common and very difficult to spot unless you’re very familiar with the common tactics used.
-many cults, programmers, and traffickers prey intentionally on autistic people specifically. we’re seen as naive, trusting, easy to manipulate, easy to dehumanize, and as people who won’t be missed or well-searched for by authorities. in other words, we’re easy targets. it’s a generalization for sure, but for many of us it’s true.
-the internet has given many of us a relatively safe space to share our stories. while there will always be risks to posting online, the ability to remain anonymous while talking about our trauma, as well as the ability for others to uplift our voices with the push of a button, have made it much easier and safer for us to be seen without risking being found by our abusers and taken back.
-the rise of the internet and the accessibility of information has also majorly contributed to the increase in survivors learning about RAMCOA, realizing those terms fit our experiences, and proceeding to label our stories as such. it’s similar to how autism diagnoses have risen as more people get access to information; the amount of people with autism isn’t rising disproportionately, it’s just that information about autism is becoming more and more accessible and accurate.
and anyway - even if all the above weren’t true, it’s still incredibly cruel, disrespectful, and damaging to publicly doubt people who are sharing their stories. i would ALWAYS rather be someone who believed a liar than someone who disbelieved someone who was telling the truth.
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sophieinwonderland · 4 months
Do... people think that every single cult or cult-like organization has secret meetups with each other to discuss programming techniques?
This was spurred by an r/systemscringe post, but honestly, I've seen this sort of thought process in a lot of discussion of RAMCOA here too. And it makes absolutely no sense.
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There's this absolute certainty in how this r/systemscringe user is talking about how all programming supposedly works, and I can't fathom how they reach this sort of conclusion.
The only way this would make sense is if there was some secret organization masterminding literally every single group that uses programming techniques on the planet, whether a cult was Christian, pagan, satanist or something completely different. They would all need to use the exact same methods for programming.
And even in a hypothetical world where this was true, you would then need to assume that programmers at the bottom of the conspiracy were all completely competent perfectionists. That none of them are lazy, that none try to cut corners. That they all had expert training drilling these methods into their heads so that they wouldn't forget any details and that they followed through flawlessly every time. (Which come to think of it, feels like the type of thing cults would want you to believe, despite how obviously untrue it is.)
And then on top of that, you have to assume that the victims are all just as easily programmed. That certain people won't be able to naturally resist certain aspects of their programming since all brains are wired differently.
Essentially, the conclusions this user draws only make sense in a universe where every cult on the planet is secretly controlled by the illuminati who make them use the same exact methods, programmers for cults are all machines who pull off these methods perfectly every time rather than fallible human beings, and the victims are all identical clones of each other that each respond in identical ways to programming with zero variation.
I'll often find people on r/systemcringe spouting misinformation for their fakeclaiming. But this one goes beyond that and is just completely out of touch with human nature itself.
There's not going to be a one-size fits all experience with programming because organizations that do this sort of abuse are unique. Individuals within those organizations are further unique. And survivors themselves are unique.
There are way too many variables at play to expect literally every single person who has experienced this sort of abuse will experience the same things or respond the same way.
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coexistentialism · 8 months
Is it truly common for systems who went through OA (by which I mean the sa definition, to be clear) to not be able to figure out their system, even years down the line? i mean, not that 3/4 years is that long. but ive known systems who've known abt it for less time than i have and who know a lot about their alters/system
i know some stuff, but.. none of it is really clear-cut, all of it's confuse and just guesses and assumptions and. i never rlly have a sense of self like.. ever
idk it's hard to describe if u dont know what im talking about
i have been told in the past that it's really common to experience this for ppl w/ did who experience organized abuse as a child and i just wonder if thats rlly true?? or maybe if anyone else who experienced oa can talk more abt that? i dont know, i might delete this post later lol
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