#ninjago jaya fluff
sadisthetic · 2 years
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intricate rituals between a pair of grease monkeys. im so ill
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mairitess · 27 days
ebbs and flows pt. 2 // jaya
a/n: i wrote this bc i got back into ninjago and i needed to write something for them bc i'm not caught up enough to be able to read the current fics + also on ao3 in caps
words: 1.5k, part one here
tags: angst, fluff, post-skybound, post s10 ninjago: masters of spinjitzu, jaya, no beta we die like kings, they r so traumatized after nadakhan, minor violence mentions from skybound, kiss kiss rated t just in case
she might’ve missed it, if she weren’t so keyed up already. “you’re my yang, nya.”
the ninjas returned to the temple absolutely beaten. they’d defeated the latest ninjago city menace, but it took more effort than usual. their entire way home, jay was tapping his foot incessantly.
“can you stop that?” cole said, irritated. “you sound like a walking time bomb.”
jay started to apologize. “i’m sorry! i can’t help it. i’m…”
“nervous? anxious? stressed?” the suggestions came in a popcorn chorus from zane, pixal, and kai.
jay put his head in his hands. “yes,” he sighed, defeated.
cole put his hand on his best friend’s shoulder. “what happened…?” to you and nya?
“i have no idea.”
everyone was quiet until they got to the temple. they knew jay was doing his best, and they knew how stubborn and guarded nya could be, too — much like her brother. when they landed, jay filed out last, worry troubling his stomach.
“you got it, jay,” lloyd said, clapping jay on the shoulder. “it’ll be okay.” he turned from jay to look at cole, also unsure. they’d known nya had been different recently, as much as she tried to hide it. but they didn’t know what they could do, especially if jay wasn’t able to fix it.
with heavy heart and steps, jay made his way to nya’s room in the early morning hours. misako and wu were standing just outside her door, making jay even more nervous. he rushed over.
“what happened? is she okay? where is she?” he couldn’t keep his voice down, his lightning energy rushing into his veins again.
“she’s fine,” misako said, placing her hands on his shoulders. “she’s okay. but…” she trailed off, as nya’s door started to open.
it was the first time she’d really looked at him in weeks, and jay’s heart dropped as he saw her bloodshot eyes and dark circles. as much as he was exhausted from their fight in the city, she had been draining for far longer.
“hi, jay.”
he followed her into her room, gently closing the door behind them. when she sat on the edge of her bed, he sat a foot away, careful to keep some distance. he didn’t want to make things worse.
“i missed you,” he said, unable to keep it in. “i miss you. i love you. i…” jay suddenly felt too loud, too brash, and worried he’d scare her away again.
“i love you too,” nya replied, tears brimming again. “and i think i’m ready to tell you what happened — or, what’s been happening, and i’ve been so worried to tell you before because i’m scared you’ll hate me and want to leave me but i love you and if that’s how i make you feel then i just want you to be happy and safe and secure and i’m scared when i tell you this you’ll —“ nya cut herself off, too scared to speak into reality one of her biggest fears. “you make me feel more special and confident and myself than anyone i’ve ever known,” she whispered. “and i’m scared you’ll throw me away when i tell you.”
sometimes, even when jay wasn’t talking, nya could still hear the lightning coursing through him. this time, she couldn’t. she was scared to break the silence. she needed to know if he even wanted to hear what she had to say.
and she might’ve missed it, if she weren’t so keyed up already. the quietest he’s ever been, the most hesitant yet gentle and kind.
“you’re my yang, nya. nothing you could say could ever change that.”
jay knew nya well enough to know she was struggling with not feeling like she was doing their relationship “right”. a perfectionist through and through, as soon as things started to dissolve, so did she. but jay needed her the way the moon needs the tides, the skies reaching for the waters beneath. she knew ebbs and flows, but so did he, because he yearned for her throughout.
nya told him of her nightmares, and how she thought she was dying that day. she drew in a deep breath, before she told him that his hold felt the same way. she thought she was angry he wasn’t upset like she was. she wasn’t angry anymore.
he was quiet, processing, until he asked, “do you really think i’m not upset like you?” nya stilled.
“all our friends died. i had just seen you in a wedding dress, and you were about to marry someone else, even if not by choice. and then you started to die in my arms, by a tactical choice i made. it would’ve been all my fault, if you…” he paused. “you’re the love of my life, nya. and i held you as i cried because i don’t know what life there is without you.
“i made my last wish holding you. and everything was good again when we went back and you took my hand. i know that right now my touch feels like… death, but i need you to know that to me, touching you gave us a new chance at life.”
nya was stunned; all she could do was sit there, his words ringing over and over again in her head.
“i love you, nya. i just… need some time to think about it, too. okay?” jay said, standing up. he smiled, but it was small and somber. nya couldn’t help feeling like she’d hurt him, that she’d thought so little of his actions. she nodded, and it wasn’t until her door closed again that she was able to mumble, “i love you.”
nya didn’t leave her room all day. she was feeling better, but she didn’t want to step out. kai brought her dinner and they sat side by side as she ate.
“how’s jay?” she asked, and kai shrugged. “he’s been in his room ever since we got back. so i don’t know. but it was a pretty bad fight, so maybe he’s just resting. though normally he’d rest by playing some video games,” kai joked, nudging nya lightly with his shoulder. she quieted again, looking down at her food.
“i think i messed up,” nya said, swirling her spoon in her congee.
“i don’t think you could with jay, sis. he loves you.”
“i know. but that doesn’t mean… that doesn’t mean things will always be okay.”
“sure. but it also doesn’t mean you two can’t be okay, either.” kai paused. “uh, let me say that again. you guys will get through it. that’s what love is. love is about getting through things together, not keeping things perfect all the time.”
nya smiled, genuinely, for the first time in awhile. “when did you get to be wu number two?”
kai laughed. “probably when i realized how much you and jay love each other.”
nya understood it was time to stop fighting the flow. it took the master of water long enough.
it was just after 10, and nya needed to see jay. but as soon as she opened her door, there he was, hand poised to knock. he jumped back. “gosh, nya! you’re quiet.”
they stood in her doorway, just looking at each other, not quite sure what to do next. they started speaking over each other in a flurry.
“jay, i—“
nya laughed, and jay could feel everything start to lighten. “come in.”
they lay down on nya’s bed next to each other, closer than they’d been in weeks past.
“i’m sorry, jay,” nya mumbled, drawing circles with her finger into her pillowcase.
“no, i’m sorry, nya. i shouldn’t have left the way i did earlier.”
“it’s okay.” jay raised an eyebrow and nya nodded. “i promise. i’ve… been thinking about it longer than you have. it’s only fair.”
he smiled, and nya kept looking between the freckles across his face and his brilliant blue eyes. how could she have ever been so afraid of what he would say?
“so…” she started. “what now?”
“i don’t want to rush you into anything,” jay said. “i love holding you, and you know how much that means to me, but we don’t have to touch or anything until you’re ready. but i do think it could help,” he offered.
nya shook her head as he talked. “you could never rush me. and i want to fix things. so maybe… we start here?”
she gently grabbed his hand, and placed it on the side of her face, holding him there. nya nudged closer to jay until they were a breath apart. she tilted her head up and gazed at him, waiting.
“i missed you,” nya said, and jay met her halfway, their lips melding into each other where they belonged. softly, first, then as nya grew more incessant, jay matched her, and it was like breathing and drowning in confessions of love all at once.
jay was careful not to move his hand from her cheek, but as they kissed, she moved his hand down to her back, and he pulled her ever closer. nya broke their kiss first to breathe.
“i missed you too,” jay said, one arm behind her back, the other under her neck, cradling the back of her head. they laid there for hours, and just as nya was starting to doze off, jay asked, “nya… what do want me to do if you have another nightmare again?”
she thought about it before, but wasn’t sure what would work until they tried. “just don’t let go,” she mumbled into his chest, and he held her tighter.
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angeldrawsstuffs · 2 months
Ok look, whenever I post about the Nutcracker AU, it’s some kind of angst. So, I offer you all some domestic Jaya fluff:
So, after a particularly eventful loop of the story, the squad agrees to take one loop to get some much needed and deserved R&R. So, for the toy trio (Kai, Nya, and Jay), they do the battle scene and just don’t leave the living room area after that. While Kai relaxes with his boyfriend, White (Movie!Zane), Jay and Nya wander off to, for once, explore the rest of the space, since they’ve never really done so in previous loops due to time constraints to progress the story.
Eventually, after poking around a bit, they come across a massive, even by regular human standards, dollhouse. One they can assume was probably made by Dr. Julien (who, for the curse’s sake is filling the role of Drosselmeyer) for White and Echo’s new toys (aka them and Kai), so, out of curiosity, they take a look inside.
It’s a nice dollhouse, definitely. Almost indistinguishable from an actual house, if it weren’t in a giant living room and if they weren’t toys themselves, that is.
Nevertheless they decide to have a peek inside because why not, you know? They find that the inside is just as nice as the outside, once again almost indistinguishable from a human house (if you forget about the fake food and seam line where the house opens up right down the middle, though the house is close up right now so that’s not an issue). The couple ends up hanging around the “kitchen” for a while, and eventually Nya says something…
She mentions that it’s funny how the closest to a normal, domestic life with the other they’re ever going to get is in this dollhouse as toys.
Jay tries to refute this, but ultimately can’t, because Nya is right. They’re likely never going to get something so peaceful in their real lives, at least nowhere in the foreseeable future with how many enemies they have.
So, Jay has an idea: if they’re toys in a dollhouse, why not run with that? How about they play a game of house? If they can’t have a peaceful, domestic life outside of this cursed world, they might as well get a taste of it while they’re here.
Nya loves her dorky boyfriend, so she plays along, taking part in Jay’s proposed game as, of course, a working wife, returning home after a long day to her stay at home husband, who obviously prepared dinner for his beloved!
For the rest of the loop, their game continues, at times breaking character from how silly it all feels in the moment, but it’s nice, especially for Nya, who had to see all too young just how difficult maintaining a home is, even when her and Kai got help from the other adults in the village. To have a fun game where doing all that stuff isn’t so hard, especially with her partner… it’s nice.
FSM, she loves her boyfriend. And if his goofy smile is anything to go by, he feels the same way and more.
So congrats to anyone who actually read all this- somehow I couldn’t condense “Jay and Nya play house in a dollhouse” into less words. Anyway, hope y’all enjoyed the Jaya fluff (or maybe it’s hurt/comfort idk), because there’s not much softer than this for this AU (as of writing this, that is).
Also I might do a comic of this idk, we’ll see if the diverged neurons permit it.
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fishybehavior · 2 years
"But wasn't this expensive?"
"You needed it, Kai."
"But wasn't this expensive?" Kai asked nervously looking at himself in the mirror.
"You need it, Kai," Nya stated. Watching his brother twirl in the bejeweled red ballgown. "Besides, if you and Cole are going to be crowned the king and queen of prom you need to look the part."
Kai smiled at the thought, before going back to concern, "I don't know. Let's just take it back, find something cheaper-
"Kai, it's fine! You deserve to splurge a little. You only get one prom, why not look drop dread gorgeous?" Nya tried to cheer up her brother, throwing an arm around his shoulders and facing him back towards the mirror, "Cole's gonna die when he sees you!"
"Are you sure? What about you, about your dress?"
"Don't have to worry about anything. You know I hate dresses, so I'm going to borrow one of Cole's suits. Besides nothings going to trump Jay's disaster of an outfit!" Nya laughed and Kai chuckled along.
Kai brought his little sister into a tight hug, "Thank you."
"Of course Kai." Nya hugged back.
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 "Pancakes n' Dancing," Jay and Nya find themselves up at 2 AM making pancakes, and wanting to dance. Unbeknownst to them, they have an intruder of their little party who just wants to help fix their dances moves. Or maybe he just wants to feel closer to one of the two in question. We don't know, but what we DO know is that he wants some pancakes out of it.
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rainofthetwilight · 5 months
-20 asks for Fic Writers-
hey!! I was tagged by @basicallyjaywalker to do this tag game, so ty for the tag rook!! :D
for tags, hmm... @taddymason @lightning-chicken @toastingpencils37 @lavful @weekend-whip and any fic writer that wants to do this!!
1.How many works do you have on AO3?
4 of them!
2. What's your total AO3 wordcount?
23,088 as of now :D
3. What fandom(s) do you write for?
so far, only ninjago, but I might write for another fandom at some point? not sure but it's pretty much only ninjago that I write for
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
I only have four of em on AO3 (and one on here), but here we go:
The one I've known since I was I was only just a kid at 85 kudos
I'm not sick, I swear at 61 kudos
As the years pass by (the old version) at 23 kudos
Thank you for being a friend at 18 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments?
YES. I always get a bit too excited when I see them and I literally cherish every single one, so even if it's just a keysmash I always respond <33
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angiest ending?
with almost all of my fics ending on a fairly happy note so far, The one I've known since I was only just a kid easily sticks out like a sore thumb with it's ending lmao
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think it'd def be I'm not sick, I swear! it's basically the only actual fluff fic w/o angst I've published so far lmao
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I hope I never will, but I mean- there was that one comment on my old version of atypb where this person complained about the wait and how they've been waiting 'a year' so 💀I don't know if that counts as hate but it's annoying af
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
nope, nope, nope 🤺
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't! I'm not sure if I'm open to it, tho
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
thankfully no I haven't, and I really do hope not
12. What's the longest time you've spent working on a fic? And what's the shortest?
the longest one would definitely be the old version of atypb (the new ver which I hope to release soon will beat that tho I think), and the shortest would be I'm not sick, I swear! I literally wrote that fic in like almost 2 hrs or smth while I was struck with the cold myself lmao
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
nope! I do feel up to it tho tbh
14. What's your all time favourite ship? From all the fandoms?
...do I really have to choose? like rook said, this is an awful question for a multishipper lmao
since I can't decide, I think they'd be raincloud, lost and jaya!
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
that one lostshipping fic I wrote back in november or smth and never got back to it, I so badly wanna finish it but I can't :')) (although now that finals are done, I could try getting back to it)
16. What are your writing strengths?
shoot, uhhh Idk?? I think it's when it comes to describing smth I guess (so description basically)
17. What are your writing weaknessess?
honestly, I think it'd be dialogue, I don't know why I struggle with it often :') I am trying to get better tho!
edit: and while I haven't written any so far, I think fight scenes is also a weakness for me :') (well technically I did in the old version of atypb, but lets- lets just ignore that)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
*smacks google translate* this bad boy can fit so much translation in it (unless it's arabic w/ it being my language n all..arabic fus7a, however-)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
ninjago, obviously 😎
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I think it'd be definitely The one I've known since I was only just a kid!
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raan-miir-tah · 11 months
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Day 1: Canon/Lloyd
Canon- all your closets of backlogged dreams (and how you left them to me) by glowing shadows: the best way to cry over the Garmadon family in the shortest amount of time
Lloyd- Prodigal Prince by TeuthidaRegina: double identities, the confusion that spurs, and the fallout of said confusion
Day 2: AU and/or Movieverse/Jay
AU- Bloodstone by TeuthidaRegina: a brilliant, canon adjacent, Lloyd centric AU that feels like reading a novel
Movieverse- Reference Letters by Fabro-de-omres: fun secret identity shenanigans with a hearty dose of RBG siblings
Movieverse- pumpkin, pumpkin (you’re gonna kill me) by moonlitsheets: a sugar rush of adorable sappy jaya being their dorkiest selves
Jay- Enchanted Opportunities by Arco-Harrison03: Jay gains a terrible power and a greater paranoia, all at a great cost
Day 3: Angst/Kai
Angst- No Fancy Covering (You Get Just What You See) by sodaschemes: ghost Cole has a panic attack about the paradoxes of being a ghost and having a panic attack
Kai- 12:10pm by alirxi: a short but hilarious lil fic featuring Kailor
Day 4: Fluff/Cole
Fluff- Day Off by Corbyin: adorable gemstone shipping date + in this house we stan Corbyin
Cole- You Are A Hero by princessPooka: canon adjacent gemstone with a dash of adventure and a spice of humor
Day 5: Multichaps/Nya
Multichaps- Ninjago: Reclaimed by Corbyin: currently discontinued but so genuinely interesting and vivid it’s worth a read regardless of if you have to read it upside down dangling off a cliff
Nya- The lost Sea by Lyrishina: a super promising AU filled with mythological themes
Day 6: Dynamic Duos/Zane
Dynamic Duos- I Found My Place (and it’s in your arms) by Willow_Alchemist: lloydkita, surviving the snow, and getting to know each other
Dynamic Duos- Some Secrets Are Worth Sharing by Burning_Sand: simply described as the perfect pixane engagement fic
Zane- Accountability by Bestboiuwu: Zane and Lloyd have a conversation/argument about people who do wrong and responsibility
Day 7: Gen fic/Team
Gen fic- they tell me everyone falls down time to time. by tinyastronaut: aromantic Lloyd struggles with his identity in a way that will tug on every queer heart
Team- The Make-Cole-Realize-How-Much-We-Love-Him Competition by Fabro-de-omres: an absolutely adorable and totally in character fluff piece set in the movieverse
Bonus! Here are my fics the Sun’s Song over the City Streets, Tear Drops on my Katana, and White Knuckled Grip + White Hot Tears
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mx-julien · 5 months
hi i'm Laurance (they/them)! this is my ninjago sideblog where i share headcanons, give some commentary, and share the fics i write. also i take asks whenever they pop in :)
my ao3 has some case fics, gen fluff, and multi-chapter zangst. I lean towards glacier and jaya, but others are noship
bluesky is open! over there i brainstorm headcanons and update y'all when i post on ao3
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writing-hat · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
tagged by Mondo @mondothebombo !! @taddymason , @finn-m-corvex and open tag! Because I have no idea who did it already or not htdlhkjld
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
7 !! by updated order: "swimming and dancing with you", "bending, but never breaking", "it was a jellyfish all along!", "everybody loves somebody sometimes", "hold your breath, the end is near", "just the two of us (we can make it if we try)", "pomegranate"
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
381 762. I need sleep I think. or maybe I need help.
3. what fandom(s) do you write for?
currently ninjago but I have tried some lego monkie kid (and failed miserably I'll probably never publish them)
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
1) bbnb (568)
2) pomegranate (109)
3) just the two of us (we can make it if we try) (75)
4) swimming and dancing with you (48)
5. do you respond to comments?
hell yeah!!! but I tend to not log no AO3 often so there might be comments out there I've never answered and I'm sorry ;w;) but I read all of them since they end up in my mail!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I think I'm torn between "it was a jellyfish all along!" and "hold your breath, the end is near" ? I'm not sure
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Imma go with "just the two of us (we can make it if we try)"
8. do you get hate on fics?
No I don't think so
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
yes I do! I'm never writing what I wrote for bbnb ever again, but the sexy with fluff kinda smut has to be my favorite, like pomegranate! I just love when couples are happy, sue me! and yes it can be detailed!
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't no but I'd love to read some!!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
currently under writing_hat I have not! I had when I was a stupid kid but I never fought for it since i didn't really care
12. what's the longest time you've spent working on a fic? and what's the shortest?
bbnb is the longest time I've worked on a fic, even though "everybody loves somebody sometimes" is a close one
short is pomegranate: it took me a single night to write and another to read quickly through it
13. have you ever co-written a fic?
nope! I don't think I could because my brain's a mess and english isn't my first language but hey I guess I could try at some point
14. what's your all-time favourite ship? from every fandom?
LAVA they make me go EEEEEEE-
jaya and shadowpeach are close tho
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
SO MANY. but there's a plasma fic I'll probably never finish because it's. not good.
16. what are your writing strengths?
having unhinged ideas? seeing the worst situations when powers are involved? torturing characters?
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
words. putting thoughts on paper goddamnit.
18. thoughts in writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
hell yeah! french tho
19. first fandom you wrote for?
my little pony I think? I'm not sure jshjdk but before ninjago I never really wrote anything "seriously"
20. favourite fic you've ever written?
oh that's an interesting one. Idk! I'd have to go with "everybody loves somebody sometimes" because I'm taking my time with it and I'm loving every second of it! Cole angst here I come!
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fiddler-sticks · 9 months
For Jaya week!
Surprise Party (but not really) (1237 words) by fiddlersticks Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: LEGO Ninjago (Cartoon 2011-2022) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nya/Jay Walker (Ninjago) Characters: Nya (Ninjago), Jay Walker (Ninjago), Lloyd Garmadon, Kai (Ninjago), Zane (Ninjago), Cole (Ninjago) Additional Tags: jayaweek2023, Fluff, Surprise Party, Post-LEGO Ninjago Season 06: Skybound, Jay Walker Has Anxiety (Ninjago), jay has an eyepatch because i said so, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, no beta we die like sensei g Summary: A little fic for days 2 & 3 of Jaya week. No angst, all fluff 🥰
It was Jay's birthday, and Nya was excited. She had been planning a surprise party for him for weeks now, and everything was coming together nicely. There were only a few things left to do.
Nya double-checked her list. Lloyd was almost done blowing up balloons, Zane's cupcakes were cooling on the kitchen counter, Kai was pestering Zane for a fingerful of frosting, and Cole was distracting Jay in Ninjago City. All that was left to do was set up the table of snacks, wrap Jay's present, and the most important thing of all, which would be saved for when Jay got there.
Nya's phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her pocket to see a text from Cole.
be there in 20 mins
"Guys, 20 minutes!" she shouted in the vague direction of where the rest of the ninja were.
"I'm finished with the balloons," Lloyd said as he walked into the bridge of the Bounty where Nya was.
"Great! Could you put them in the living room, please? I've gotta go wrap Jay's present."
"Sure thing," Lloyd said, doing a little two-finger salute.
On her way to her room, Nya passed by the kitchen.
"C'mon, Zane! Can I at least lick the spatula?" Kai pleaded.
Zane was about to deny Kai the spatula for what was probably the tenth time, but looked up and caught Nya's eye, winked, and threw it at her. Nya smoothly caught it.
"Really? You let Nya have it and not me?" He turned to his sister, and said with the best puppy eyes he could muster, "Could I pleaseeeeee have it?"
Nya looked him dead in the eyes and took a long lick of the frosting-covered spatula.
Kai practically melted right there into the kitchen floor. "Nooooooooooo!!!!!"
"Haha, sucker! Oh, and Zane, 20 minutes," Nya said.
"Thank you, Nya," Zane said as he put the frosting on top of the fridge, out of Kai's reach.
Nya reached her destination, and took Jay's present out from the back of her wardrobe. Normally she'd just get him some inventing supplies he'd been wanting recently or something else that he'd mentioned in one of his rants that she'd filed away in her brain for later, but this year was different. This year they had went through the unimaginable together. This year called for something special.
She carefully put the present into the gift bag she got from the random stuff closet, and covered it with tissue paper. She hoped Jay would like it. It had been a touchy subject for a while, but everyone had eventually gotten used to it.
Nya looked at her watch. 10 minutes until Jay and Cole would arrive. She placed the bag on her bed, and walked out to the living room.
Balloons were everywhere.
"Lloyd, why are there so many balloons?" Nya asked.
"I blew up all the packages."
"... Why?"
"Because more balloons are better than less!"
"How did you get all those packages blown up in that short of time?!" Kai exclaimed.
"I don't know," Lloyd said.
"Well, it doesn't matter," Nya said. "Can someone help me put this tablecloth on here?"
"Sure thing!" Lloyd said.
Zane walked into the room. "The cupcakes and snacks are ready!" he said.
"Great!" said Nya. "You can put them on this table. And if anyone has any gifts, they can go here, too."
"They should probably be here by now," Kai said.
As if on cue, Nya got another text from Cole.
just pulling in now
"They're here!"
Nya half-walked half-ran to the edge of the Bounty, catching them just as they walked on.
"Hey Cole!" she greeted. "They're all in the living room."
"Cool," he said, and walked off in that direction.
"Hi, Nya," Jay said.
"Hi, happy birthday!"
"You said that this morning."
Nya smiled. "I know, I just wanted to remind you. So, what did you and Cole do?"
"We went to the arcade! A new Milton Dyer game came out, and we played that the entire time. It was so cool! Dyer's got the best games. Cutting edge!"
"That's cool!" Nya said. "I'm glad you and Cole had fun together. But that's not all we have planned for your birthday."
"Really? I've already had an amazing day."
"Well get ready for it to get amazing-er," Nya said, grinning. "We're throwing you a surprise party."
Jay looked confused. "A surprise party? They why'd you tell me about it?"
"I know you don't like jump-scares, and Kai really wanted to jump out from behind the couch and yell surprise, so I thought I'd let you know beforehand."
Jay laughed. "That sounds just like Kai. Thanks for telling me. You're the best," he said.
"You know it. Just make sure to act surprised or Kai'll be mad at me for spoiling it," she said as she started leading him towards the living room. "You ready for the party? All we have planned is eating food, playing video games, and gifts."
"Sounds perfect!"
"Well, here we go."
(a few hours later)
"That was a great party, Nya. Thank you," Jay said.
"Well, the day's not over yet. I still have one more thing for you, if you're up for it."
"I'm up for anything as long as it's with you. What is it?"
Nya just smiled, took Jay's hand, and started pulling him towards her room. When they got inside, they both sat down on Nya's bed.
"I made you something," Nya said, pulling out the gift bag.
"Yeah, open it up."
Jay carefully pulled the tissue paper out of the bag, and pulled out what was inside. In his hand, he found an eyepatch made out of the same blue fabric as his gi, with backstitching in big black thread around the patch.
"Woah..." Jay whispered. "Did you make this?"
"Yeah, I asked Sensei where he had our gis made, and I made it from the scraps they had leftover. Do you like it?"
"I love it. Thank you so much," Jay said, on the verge of tears.
Nya pulled him in for a hug, and they sat like that for a few minutes.
"Oh, there's one more thing I forgot," Nya said, pulling away to fish through her nightstand drawer. "I didn't want to put it in the bag in case it got lost. Here. I know you might not be up for something like this yet, but now you have it in case you ever want it."
In her hand was a little golden lightning bolt decal, the perfect size to fit on top of the patch. Jay picked it up and ran his thumb over the glittery gold.
"Thank you," he said. "I'll keep it on display until I feel up to using it."
"Oh, you don't have to do that."
"I want to though."
Nya smiled. It was just like Jay to show off to the world something that she had made, even if he didn't have a use for it.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Why don't you try it on?" she said.
"Okay!" Jay said, and turned away while he took his old eyepatch off, and put the new one on. When he turned back around, Nya grinned.
"Stunning," she said.
"You're just saying that because you made it," Jay said, but the grin on his face betrayed his feelings.
"Do you like it?" Nya asked.
"I love it."
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qiangweirosa · 3 months
a masterlist of all my fanfics, sorted by fandoms!
[ Tears of Themis ]
late nights - vyntem, fluff & angst grief - vyn & ailine, implied giannovyn/vynline/ailiannovyn, angst dear to me - giannovyn, angst first kiss - giannovyn, fluff food - vyntem, fluff, highschool au
[ Ninjago ]
a talk - jaya, hurt/comfort carving trees - jaya, fluff wind - euphrasia & morro cuddling - jaya, fluff
[ Witch's Heart ]
spelling - noelclaire, modern au, fluff gardening - noelclaire, royalty au, fluff hide and seek - noelclaire, fluff, noelclaire week 2023 elegant - noelclaire, modern au, fluff, noelclaire week 2023 flowers - noelclaire, modern au, fluff, noelclaire week 2023 seasons - noelclaire, fluff, noelclaire week 2023 i love you - noelclaire, modern au, fluff
[ Persona 3 ]
it was april again - akiham, hurt/comfort
[ Tougen Anki ]
experience - mudano & jin, background shiki/jin and mudano/kyoya, fluff
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miqotepotatoe · 2 years
Felt like writing, take some Jaya fluff first time writing something for ninjago please be nice
First Meetings
This evening could not get any worse. The Skulkin had ambushed them in their sleep and stole the Golden Weapons, Kai and Sensei Wu were nowhere to be seen, a misdirected whack from Cole's training scythe caused Jay to loose his voice, and now just as the three ninja arrive at the Fire Temple in search of their missing friend and teacher, Zane gives a cryptic forboading message about how the Golden Weapons and Wu are now in the Underworld, basicaly in Garmadon's clutches. Great, just great. How exactly are three teenage boys who only have weeks worth of ninja training under their belt gonna go to the Underworld, the one place mortal men cannot go by any normal means, and save the day?
"We might not be able to cross over..."
As if on cue, Kai's voice called out from within the Fire Temple, and the building began to open up. In the temple was a dragon, the guardian of the Sword of Fire. And on the dragons back sat Kai, and a girl dressed in a red casual kimono.
"But a dragon can!"
The three ninja all had varing reactions to the sudden appearance of their fourth amigo. Zane stared in awe at the dragon guardian, what was once a threat now an ally. Cole had swiftly hid behind one of the temples pillars, terrified of the beast before him, praying to the First Spinjitzu Master that it wouldn't eat him. Jay couldn't take his eyes off the girl sitting behind Kai. She looked a lot like her older brother, sharing his tan skintone and general facial structre, but her hair was a raven black cut short into a neat bob, and her eyes were like the ocean. Was this love at first sight?
Jay tried to ask the girl if she liked blue, but his voice still wasn't back. Thankfully by the grace of the Master, Zane asked the question in his stead.
"He cannot speak, but he would like to know if you like blue?"
The girl simply chucked, giving Jay a teasing smile before answering.
"Of course, it's my favourite colour."
Jackpot. Jay pumped his fist in victory. She's beautiful and likes blue. If she's a tinkerer like he is, then he may have found the yang to his yin. But despite how much he'd like to get to know Kai's sister, such as her name, they still had a mission to do. Garmadon had to be stopped, which ment they needed to tame the other dragon guardians to travel to the Underworld, much to Cole's dismay. But first, Kai had to drop his sister off somewhere safe so she wouldn't get kidnapped by Skulkin again. As the sibling took off on the fire dragon and the remaining three ninja set off to where they found their weapons to tame their dragons, Jay couldn't get the image of the girl of his dreams out of his head. He just hoped he'd at least make it past this big battle against the Dark Lord.
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mairitess · 25 days
the biggest baller in ninjago // fluff!jaya
summary: When the Ninja don’t want to train but Wu’s making them keep up their stamina and strength (“I cannot have you all get so lazy again! The fate of the world rests on your shoulders — thus for you to get off the couch!”), they turn to various sports. But Nya’s game of choice? Basketball. She’s easily the best out of all of them, but there was one time — one time — Jay beat her at HORSE (though in this world, DRAGON).
a/n: should i wrote sports one shots lmfao they make me smile + also on ao3!
words: 2.3k
tags: fluff, basketball, minor dragons rising s2 spoilers, inspired by a scene in dragons rising s2, no beta wtv, minor angst, competitive!nya, loving!jay, technically jaya but not heavy-handed
Kai huffed, his cheeks puffing out. “Is my sister… Cool?” Nya yelled back from inside, in chorus with Zane and Jay. “Yes, she is!”
“Everyone gets their ‘one thing,’ Kai.” Nya said, smirking as she dribbled the ball in front of him.  “Jay’s the best at video games—” “Hey!” Cole objected. “Zane’s the best at Chess—” “Affirmative. But I process all potential plays at a rate that may make gameplay unfair against humans.”
“And I’m,” she said, spinning around him, “the best at basketball.”
Nya faked a pass to Zane as she ducked under Kai’s attempted block, running up to the hoop to dunk with a successful clunk. The ball’s final bounces echoed throughout the courtyard as Jay and Zane cheered, rushing around Nya as she dropped down, satisfied with her play.
“Well guys, we tried.” Lloyd put his arms around Cole and Kai as they all shook their heads in disappointment. “That makes it 21 to 5.”
“How is it that they put the worst people at basketball with Nya and they still won?” Cole asked.
“How is it Jay didn’t solo-tank the entire game?” Kai retorted, arms crossed.
Overhearing, Jay marched over, still beaming. “Let me remind you that I was a critical assist in one of Nya’s baskets.”
“Yes, but according to my calculations, Nya would have made the shot without you,” Zane corrected him.
“Sure I would’ve made the shot without you, but your pass definitely didn’t hurt.” Nya joined the boys’ circle, spinning the basketball on the tips of her fingers. She let it fall, then kicked it back up with her heel over her head just to catch it again, as they watched her in (poorly) reserved awe.
“Nya, I would pass you any ball any time,” Jay said dreamily, to everyone’s mocking laughter. Jay shook himself out of his affections. “Uh, I mean, let’s give it up for Nya, everyone! Woo!” He applauded awkwardly, and Nya rolled her eyes, though she couldn’t hold back her small smile.
Nya was in the library at a desk the next day when she heard a gentle knock behind her against the wall. “Hi, Nya. What are you doing?”
She turned, and Jay was standing there, a basketball under his left arm. His shorts were an awkward length, and his tank top hung loose over his shoulders. Jay walked over to peek over her shoulder, close enough Nya could feel the warmth of his breath next to her. “Master Wu recommended I read more about Nyad and have some more history knowledge,” she sighed. “But at some point everything blurs together, and I feel like I’m just rereading the same thing from 20 different people. What are you doing?”
Jay had a sheepish hand up as he lightly scratched the nape of his neck. “I was going to practice some more. I thought I might pull you away for some coaching? If you want to? But you seem busy…” he smirked.
Nya rolled the scroll up hastily. “Anything to get me away from this. Just give me a minute to change.”
“Change?” Jay stuttered, his eyes growing wide and smirk dropping. “I was thinking you’d be on the sidelines and tell me to fix my form, jump higher, something like that.”
Nya raised a questioning eyebrow. “How do you expect to get better if you’re not actually playing?”
Jay gulped, nervous, and Nya took the opportunity to swiftly pull the ball from his arm. “You’d think the Elemental Master of Lightning would have the lightning reflexes to match.” Jay yelped in protest to her slyness. “We’ll work on that,” Nya grinned, tossing the basketball back to him.
Before Nya was the Water Ninja, before she was Samurai X, even, she was often left alone at the monastery — well, not entirely alone, if you were to count Wu, who she didn’t really think counted. At some point, trying to prove she could work the obstacle course faster and better than any of the boys got a little dull, once she’d proven herself over and over again. So she went into town and bought a basketball, and built a hoop just off the monastery roof (“Has that always been there?” Jay asked four weeks after she’d put it up.). She’d watched the other kids around play when she was younger, but she’d never quite gotten the chance to play herself. Being kept from the “official boys’ club” once again was her final straw, and she was decidedly going to do things herself if they wouldn’t let her join.
Whenever they left for a mission, she’d practice everything: Her free throws, jump shots, three-pointers, layups, and her favorite, for the finesse, floaters. Once Nya felt she’d nailed the foundations, she started playing in town, and increasingly built a minor reputation for her skills. But all that was kept secret from the ninjas, except for Wu, who once he’d found out, went to her tournament games to cheer her on. She’d already been playing for two years before the boys found the basketballs in a storage closet and started to play in the courtyard.
“Whoa! Guys, there’s, like, 20 basketballs in here!” Cole called out one day, all of Nya’s training balls rolling out. “Whose do you think these are?”
Kai ran over and picked one up, starting to dribble it. “Who cares? Get ready to eat my fire!” He yelled, lobbing a ball towards the hoop. But his shot was too wide, and it ricocheted off one of the pillars, hitting Jay on the side of his head. “Ow! Watch it!”
“We should play a game,” Lloyd suggested, picking up one of the basketballs. “We could do a quick 3x3?” The boys quickly nodded, and started forming their teams: Lloyd, Kai, and Cole; vs. Jay and Zane. “Who shall be our third?” Zane asked. “Master Wu?”
Nya stepped around the corner with her hand raised, doing her best to look hesitant. “I can play. I mean, if you really need one.” Kai grinned, determined. “Boys, looks like we’ve got an easy win ahead of us.”
Normally, Nya wouldn’t let a comment like that slide, but she was too excited to show them up to let it bother her. “First to 21 wins.”
The game started off with Lloyd’s team in possession, and at first, Nya “accidentally” tripped Kai, causing him to turn the ball over to Zane. “Oops! I’m so clumsy. Sorry!” Kai sneered and ran after Zane, who made an easy layup. Zane making the first point of the game was enough to get Lloyd, Kai, and Cole into high gear, and the three of them scored 15 points in the next six minutes, leaving Nya, Jay, and Zane trailing behind by 5.
“Time out!” Jay called, pulling Nya and Zane into a huddle. “Guys! What are we gonna do?” He whined, breathing hard. “I didn’t think basketball would be this hard.”
Nya shook her head. “Don’t worry, boys. I’ve got a little trick up my sleeve.”
Jay gulped and looked at Zane, who shrugged. “It seems the best option is to follow Nya’s lead. We have few other options aside from blatantly cheating,” Zane said. “You’re not going to cheat, are you?” Jay asked Nya.
“How could you even ask that?” Nya yelled, lightly smacking him on the arm. “Ow! Okay, okay, I’m sorry! Do what you gotta do!”
And with that, Nya unleashed everything she’d been holding back. Her first points back on the court was a three-pointer, and then Jay intercepted Lloyd’s rebound and threw it back to her, allowing her to make a bank shot. At almost nine minutes in the game, Nya had almost single-handedly not just closed the deficit, but gotten her team to 20 points. And with one final jump shot, Nya sank the ball through the hoop, blowing everyone else away.
“Yes!” Jay and Zane celebrated, picking up Nya and throwing her up into the air. Lloyd, Cole, and Kai stood dumbfounded, wholly unexpecting a brutally embarrassing loss.
“What was that you said, Kai?” Nya asked. “An easy win? It sure was.” She winked at her brother, then tossed his team the basketball, walking inside with Jay and Zane as they commended her.
“What… Just happened?” Cole asked, staring at the ball in Kai’s hands.
“I think we’ve severely underestimated Nya,” Lloyd replied.
Kai huffed, his cheeks puffing out. “Is my sister… Cool?”
Nya yelled back from inside, in chorus with Zane and Jay. “Yes, she is!”
“Why do you want to practice?” Nya asked, passing the ball to Jay. “It’s not like basketball’s your job or anything,” she said, casually trying to steal the ball from him. He dribbled it around his back to his other hand and kept dribbling.
“Honestly? It just looks so impressive when you play. And whenever I’m playing, I feel like I’m holding everyone back,” Jay responded. “I know everyone’s joking, and it’s just a game, but I wanna get better.”
Nya smiled. “Then better you will get. Let’s run some drills.”
She went back to the storage closet and pulled out the basketballs on a cart. “Your dribbling is honestly pretty good. But your shooting could definitely use some work. So let’s start with that. I’ll pass you a ball, and you try making a layup,” she said, Jay nodding. “I’m ready.”
After three months, Jay had already improved a lot — definitely nowhere near she was, but maybe, at this point, better than most of the other ninjas. While Nya knew Jay hadn’t told anyone else he’d been practicing with her, what she didn’t know was that he was also practicing on his own with the kids in town. Once his skills had grown enough for him to be able to play against Nya, though he lost every time, he wanted to push it further and give her a genuine competitor. Part of him wanted to impress her, and the other part of him saw how happy she was getting pushed to play harder and still winning. He’d snuck down to watch one of her tournaments and saw how happy she was to get to really compete. All Jay wanted at this point was to make her happy, and if that was one of the ways he could do it, then so be it. He’d recently been winning games of DRAGON in the nearby villages, so he figured that would be the game he’d suggest to Nya.
“What are you doing tonight?” Jay asked Nya, pulling her aside after dinner.
“Nothing notable, I don’t think,” Nya said. “Why?”
Jay pulled a basketball out from behind his back. “Game of DRAGON?”
She grinned. “Let’s do it.”
Being ninjas, elemental masters, and decent basketball players all at once had their perks when it came to a trick shot game like DRAGON. One of them would work some spinjitzu into their shot, another would use their powers to generate some extra power in their shots. Despite the differences in their powers, they remained pretty evenly matched. After 30 minutes of play, both Jay and Nya were at DRAGO-, having missed five shots each: including a spinjitzu into a jump shot (nailed by Nya) and a cyclon-do into a powered drop shot (shot 50 feet directly over the net, nailed by Jay).
This was the first time Nya had played Jay and felt like she was truly competing the whole time — and she’d never had more fun. She tied her hair up into a loose ponytail, and had her game face on, which Jay hadn’t seen before used against him. He took a deep breath, then smirked. There was one particular trick he’d been working on in his DRAGON games, made more difficult because it used no elemental powers.
“This might be the game-winning shot, Nya,” he warned. “In your dreams, Jay,” Nya bit back, a glint in her eye. “Then never wake me up.”
With that, Jay threw the ball up into the air to the far side of the courtyard, and ran up the wall. He backflipped twice, and on his second spin, kicked his foot upwards against the ball, and to Nya’s shock, made a perfectly clean shot, the ball plummeting through the net without touching anything. Jay landed with a quick roll out, then stood defiantly in front of Nya. “Your turn.”
Nya stood there, mouth agape. “What — How did you — When did you learn to do that?” She shrieked, shoving his shoulder. Jay laughed loudly as Nya picked up the ball. She dribbled as she walked over to where Jay had last stood for his shot. “I’ll try it, but you have to teach me how to do that,” she said, tossing the ball up high.
Nya managed to do all the moves, but just barely missed getting the ball into the hoop. “And that’s D, R, A, G, O, N,” she sighed, grabbing the rebound. “That was… Amazing, Jay. When did you get so good?”
Jay smiled. “Only at these trick shots, and only recently. I took a page out of your book and started playing in town. Those kids do not play.”
“Next time we play against the others,” Nya started, “you and I are going on opposite teams. I’d like to see you try and beat me in a different game.”
“You’re on,” he agreed. 
Nya shook Jay’s hand and kissed him on the cheek affectionately. “Good game, Jay.” She pulled him in by his collar. “Don’t think I’ll let it happen again,” she threatened, a wide grin across her face.
There were lots of reasons Nya had fallen in love with Jay. But one of the biggest ones? She’d always had the most fun with Jay out of anyone else.
xx Years later, and Nya woke up alone in the monastery, wiping tears from her cheeks. She would give anything to go back to those days, lighthearted and fun. Now she was running around the world, searching for any clue as to how to get Kai back, and any clue as to where Jay could be.
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Now I’m sure this has been used in media before and my unconscious mind is making it seem like my own idea but…
You know how in Ninjago instead of rings they present the ying yang to propose?
What if there was a courting ritual where if one of the ninja (or anyone in Ninjago) wanted to date someone they had to trade an item of value for the same thing
AI; if your a dnd fan, trading one of your dice from a set in exchange for another from the potential suitor
Getting a pack of playing cards and trading Aces
Basically taking something they both deeply care about and share it with eachother to deepen their bond
For Poly relationships they just trade more than one of said thing so everyone can share the love!
So a few fun things that can happen with this is…
The miscommunication trope; Where person A gives an item that meets the requirements and person B trades with them unknowingly and now person A believes they are either together or person B reciprocates person A’s feelings
(Can be angsty or pure fluff! It’s all up to you!)
When person A tries to secretly trade and gets caught by person B who reciprocates their feelings
A couple that’s been together for years after marriage have grown a large collection of things they traded and still do for fun that they show to their children to teach them about what things that they might trade (if they want to) in the future
A group of friends trading seeing as it can also be seen as a form of strengthening companionship
A poly relationship that’s constantly trying to outdo the others by making their trades (by their standards) the best but also because they want their partners to have the best
A new couple that once they get a new *what they trade* they have a sort of ritual where they do something special (being an event or just a handshake type thing) to trade with the other that they came up with together
A puppy love trope trade where the little kids trade woodchips from the playground for fun and host fake weddings afterwards
Long distance couples that ship their trades to eachother and keep them in display cases to treasure till their lovers arrive back home
What do you think the ninja (and other characters) would trade?
Being a x reader type situation
Or an Oc
Or a in show ship!
I would love to hear your thoughts!
(I hc that for this Jaya would trade tools from toolkits, since they both have a heavy passion for building and inventing)
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flutteringfable · 4 months
third post of my little writing thingy for my bday! this time it's jaya, because my head is full of these silly little lego ninjas. they are literally the cutest ever. i'm the normalest about this girlboss and her trans husband. 990 words of pure fluff and also nya telling jay off for doubting himself.
crossposted to my ao3! only visible to registered users, as per usual.
having a form that wasn’t just water felt weird. to be fair, living as the ocean for a year would be enough time for anyone to become accustomed to it and not a human form. still, nya found herself having to sort of re-learn things now that she was human again.
her steps were still a little unsteady as she walked quietly down the hall to her room. she hadn’t forgotten how to walk entirely, but she was still trying to readjust to the movement. her legs felt oddly heavy now that she wasn’t floating everywhere, and she hoped that she wasn’t making too much noise.
“hey nya?”
the half-whisper startled her, and she turned a little too quickly and stumbled. a pair of familiar arms swiftly caught her before she could fall.
“oh, sorry!” jay exclaimed softly. “i didn’t mean to scare you!”
nya sighed as she regained her footing. “nah, don’t worry about it. what are you doing up so late? i thought you’d be asleep like everyone else by now.”
jay looked sheepish for a moment before replying, “i, um… i was wondering if maybe… uh… you… wantedtocuddle?”
nya softened and reached up, brushing a few ginger curls out of jay’s face. he leaned against her hand and sighed.
“dork,” she mumbled, smiling teasingly. “of course we can.”
jay huffed, pouting at nya for a moment before following her to her room.
it had been ages since nya had felt the comforting softness of a blanket around her, so she couldn’t be blamed as she wrapped herself up in the comforter.
“hey, save some for me,” jay chuckled, easing in beside her.
after a moment of consideration, nya took one end of the blanket and handed it to jay. he settled in beside her and within moments he had pulled her as close as possible to him. normally, nya would have complained and maybe tried to push herself away from her husband’s almost crushing embrace, but as she nosed gently into the crook of his neck, she felt contentment wash over her like a gentle wave.
“i missed this.”
jay nodded as he pressed a sleepy kiss to her shoulder.
“me, too.” he paused briefly. “so… what was it like? um… being the ocean and all?”
nya paused for a moment, trying to find the words to describe it. “it was a little weird, i guess. it’s hard to describe to someone who hasn’t actually felt it, you know? not having a solid form was definitely odd, and don’t even get me started on the mental stuff. over time, there was this weird… fog? that kinda clouded my memories. when i finally remembered you guys again, it was like it disappeared completely. i don’t think i ever want to do that again.”
“good,” jay mumbled. “because i don’t think i could take losing you a third time.”
nya twitched slightly as jay’s embrace tightened again, and she turned to reassuringly kiss his cheek. “hey, look at me, jay.”
he moved back, and nya reached up to hold his face. she ran her thumbs along his cheekbones and silently counted each freckle she could see in the dim moonlight. she traced a scar on his jaw, and leaned in to kiss it. as she studied his face, she found herself reminiscing on the years they’d spent together. jay was no longer the scrawny, overly bubbly boy she had met almost ten years ago. he was still sweet, and was definitely still prone to cracking jokes, but he seemed more closed off, more hardened by the time he’d spent protecting ninjago from devastating threats. she was proud of him for enduring all this time for the sake of his family and his home.
“you’re doing such a good job.”
“wh- huh?? where’d that come from all of a sudden?” jay chuckled.
nya admired the way his eyes sparkled with amusement. “you’ve done so much for ninjago, and been through even more because of it. you’ve been really strong, jay.”
jay looked sheepish, and replied, “well, not really. i kinda lost it after you merged with the ocean; i almost didn’t come back when the team came to get me. and i’m kind of a coward, anyway. i uh, appreciate that you think of me like that, though.”
nya narrowed her eyes. jay and his damn self-doubt. she huffed and shoved him onto his back, then sat on his chest. jay blinked in surprise, stammering for a moment.
“jay, i swear to the first spinjitzu master, if you don’t start treating yourself better, i’m going to compliment you until you accept it. i’m sick of hearing you be so hard on yourself when you’re the strongest person i know.”
“bu-but i’m really not—”
nya put a hand over his mouth, glaring pointedly at him. jay sighed, and begrudgingly nodded.
“th… thank you. sorry, i don’t really know what to say besides that. cut me some slack, please?”
she smiled and kissed his forehead. “we can work on it. right now, i just want you to be able to acknowledge how incredible you are. because you are incredible.”
jay only nodded silently in response. nya kissed him once more before getting off of him and settling back into bed.
“alright, let’s get some sleep. c’mere, jay.”
he rolled back onto his side and pulled nya close again, sighing. “you’re impossible,” he pouted.
“well, i kinda have to be when i’m with someone as stubborn as you,” she retorted with a gentle smile.
nya snuggled close again, and nosed into jay’s slightly overgrown curls. she found her hand wandering to his, and laced their fingers together.
“i really missed you, nya. welcome home.”
0 notes
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This is a family friendly/PG/mostly SFW (mostly because I occasionally reblog stuff with violence/gore, swearing, and intense whump lol) blog, so please keep that in mind when interacting! Any NSFW interactions will be blocked.
I am also an unashamed Christian!
Things to know about me:
FIRST THINGS FIRST, I am a proud member of the Rogue Squadron, so jot that down >:)))
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(basically, we like to spam our friends for fun. so you might see me spamming the replies and even reblogging several posts in a row)
Second, I write fanfics :))) I have fics for Hamilton, Star Wars, ATLA, and Wednesday. Drop by if you want HERE!
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Genres I write: Fluff, friendship, healing, hurt/comfort, whump, angst, romance
and here's my YouTube where I post my edits!
Here's things I enjoy:
Writing, Musicals, Books, good wholesome comedy, chocolate, pretty gifsets, editing videos, etc.!
Things I'm posting a lot about ATM:
One Piece, The Phantom of the Opera, musicals in general, Star Wars, writing related stuff, random stuff I find funny, and Christian things.
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And Things I like!:
The Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, HTTYD (including all the series and the third movie), One Piece (Live Action), Cobra Kai, Studio C, Jk! Studios, their Freelancers series, Manifest, Wednesday, the Addams Family, His Dark Materials (the show), Avatar: The Last Airbender, My Adventures with Superman, Star Wars (excluding sequel trilogy sorry), Spider-Man (personal fave are the TASM and Spiderverse movies), Back to the Future, Over The Garden Wall, Daredevil, Batfam (Wayne Family Adventures!), NBC'S Timeless, Wings of Fire, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Hobbit, Artemis Fowl, Ducktales (2017), Hamilton, Newsies, Anastasia, Lego: Ninjago, TMNT (2012), Harry Potter, and more that I cannot remember right now!
Where I am considering some of these fandoms:
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I'm a Tyler Galpin apologist but NOT an Xavier Thorpe hater. I am also a HadleyRaoul—and Raoul de Chagny in general—defender, and a Raoulstine shipper (BUT I love the Phantom/Erik and do not dislike him by any means 🥺), and I don't really like Love Never Dies much. My favorite cast of Studio C is the original cast (including Tori, Dalton and Aaron) but I still enjoy some of the sketches from the new cast. I also love the Star Wars original trilogy and the prequel trilogy, but not really the sequels. I don't mind the third HTTYD movie and I love all the HTTYD series. My favorite Spider-Man movies are the TASM ones, and Andrew Garfield is my fav Spider-Man/Peter Parker. Yes I love both Narnia and His Dark Materials.
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Ships I love:
Hiccstrid (HTTYD), Raoulstine (Phantom of the Opera), Zekeaela (Manifest), Silverparry (His Dark Materials), Wyler/Weyler (Wednesday), Petroclair (Wednesday), Clois (My Adventures With Superman), Peter and Gwen (TASM), Jaya (Ninjago), Lyatt (Timeless), Gomez and Morticia (The Addams Family)
Raoul de Chagny, Roronoa Zoro, Peter Parker, Matt Murdock, Tyler Galpin, Grantaire
YouTubers I watch:
Andrew Burriss, DanTDM, The Merrell Twins, Aaron Burriss, Moriah Elizabeth, and Sam Tabor
Some other people I'm a fan of:
Hadley Fraser, Ramin Karimloo, Andrew Garfield, Charlie Cox, The entire cast of Jk! Studios (aka the OG Studio C cast), David Tennant, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Jeremy Jordan
Fandoms I've written for so far (and the links to their respective lists):
Hamilton: An American Musical
Star Wars
not a random, but here's link to my list of fics for the Chrumblr Whumblr challenge!
More lists to come!
Here's some fics I have in progress!
WOE IS WE (Wednesday)
(rogue squadron banner by @mrgartist, and header from @peterpevensies! and Raoul de Chagny defense squad GIFs made by @faded-florals!!)
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