#not eragon
noahhawthorneauthor · 7 months
Listen, I grew up loving a certain book too. But especially in this day and age, you have to put your money where your mouth is.
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I haven't read the *other* book, but when you live overseas and feel like you can't do much to help the oppressed, the least you can do is be smart about who you're giving supporting, whether it be authors or artists, companies or celebrities.
Just sayin'.
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generaljenobi · 2 months
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theabigailthorn · 6 months
If I made a video about Eragon would you watch it?
I don't really do media analysis on Philosophy Tube because other people can do it better and also it's just not where I'm strongest - however I do kindof want to do an unnecessarily deep dive into the Eragon books?
I just finished the new one and I have a lot of thoughts, but mainly a lot of joy and excitement that I want to share???
idk would you watch that? If I was like, "Hey - normally we do serious philosophy, but just this once for a treat let's do something easy and different and talk about a fantasy book series I love?"
Last time I did media analysis was with the Chernobyl series back in Philosophy Tube Season 2 and it didn't do super well, but I feel the planets aligning to try it again...
I think there's potentially some interesting questions to be asked... Honestly, part of my reluctance (I'm recognising now) is my own snobbery. There are so many YouTubers who do media analysis and I like the idea that Philosophy Tube is somehow more highfalutin than that, but that's pride talking and maybe I shouldn't listen to that...
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earthyleo · 1 year
I don't know about you guys but i really miss seeing "high fantasy" dragons in media, high fantasy dragons are like Smaug (The Hobbit), Draco (DragonHeart), Saphira (Eragon) and Spyro (Spyro the Dragon games franchise) for example, they have their own free will and cannot be controlled, they are highly intelligent and capable of speaking and even writing or drawing. It seems the version of dragons that has taken over is the animalistic and realistic version, that are basically huge dogs that can breath fire, bring back intellectual dragons that like to make riddles to fool intruders, bring back grumpy dragons that live isolated from everyone but they are actually lonely and in need of a friend, bring back the loyal and brave dragons that are willing to sacrifice themselves to save the ones they love, dragons that will talk to you about the mysteries of the world and the universe, JUST BRING BACK HIGH FANTASY DRAGONS GODDAMIT
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kaijuerotica · 7 months
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this meme has an intended audience of approximately 3 people
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irithyllians · 7 months
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murtagh and nasuada
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isvoc · 10 months
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Another Bookwyrm! This time it's everyone's favourite big, blue sister! Saphira from Inheritance Cycle 💙
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yombur · 4 months
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eragon & saphira
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satorugojjo · 1 year
if you ever feel like your character names aren’t original or cool enough, just remember that Christopher Paolini named his dragon rider protagonist Eragon - which is just dragon spelled with an E
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next-gazelle · 7 months
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Murtagh is so upset about being upgraded from secondary antagonist to main character
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poppy-bindery · 6 months
Eragon: *finds a ominous stone in the woods and everybody thinks said stone cursed and bad luck*
Stone: *sqeaks & wiggles in the middel of the night*
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Eragon: *goes straight back to bed like the cold blooded savage he is*
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nerdy-girlramblings · 5 months
Does anyone else experience fandom envy? Not like "I wish I was in that fandom" but nostalgic envy? There are a lot of popular series I couldn't read as a kid or I joined a fandom late so I don't have a nostalgic tie to them and I wish I did. I wish I knew the stories inside and out from constantly rereading them. Or sometimes I read a series as an adult or late teen and thought "I would have loved this as a kid", but I don't because I'm older and my reading taste has changed. I wish I had the chance to experience the stories with child-like wonder and obsession.
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dykemcqueen · 7 months
nasuada saving her entire people by using magic to make LACE which is very expensive and normally very time-consuming... time-consuming but not ENERGY-consuming....... using magic to cut down that time by 90% and suddenly just GENERATING wealth essentially out of thin air..... the way no man ever thought to do that... she changed me fr.....
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parkerspancake · 7 months
The differences between Eragon&Saphira and Murtagh&Thorn
Saphira: If you hurt yourself, I'm going to kill everyone involved. Eragon: *gets hurt* Saphira: Oh, little one. Come here. *cuddles him for hours* Thorn: If you do that, you're going to hurt yourself. Murtagh: *gets hurt* Thorn: I fucking told you. *grunts disappointed*
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someeragonmemes · 8 months
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2 revelations: eragon is a horse girl and Brom was at stonewall
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mothdoly · 2 months
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favorite inheritance cycle characters and how i pictured them when i read the books with 12
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