#oc; herz
lyranova · 2 years
Children of the Future:
Chapter 32: Lumi Kingdom
Hi guys! Here’s chapter 32 hehe, we get to find out who the second devil is and there power (also how they were able to take control of everyone!) and we get to go to a new Kingdom, and we even get to meet the Queen of said kingdom! Also another character who will help shed some light on this place and whether the rumors about it are true or not hehe! I hope you all enjoy 🥰! Also Aika (who is mentioned) doesn’t belong to me, she belongs to @/simpingforthisonedeer
Taglist: @eme-eleff @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @simpingforthisonedeer @crazyclownthanos @flow3rbudz @elysianluv @bowandcurtsey @vwdxwnsk @luminouslion (if anyone else wants to be tagged please let me know!)
Word Count: 3,445
Warnings: Slight Manga Spoilers
Yami, Charlotte, William, Finral, and Hikari all looked at their fellow Magic Knights. They all looked different, on the surface they looked normal, but when you looked into their eyes you could see they were anything but.
“ Captain Yami! Thank goodness you’re here!” Brielle shouted as she looked over and saw them standing there, apparently she was the only one who wasn’t affected. “ Please help me, I don’t know what’s happened to everyone!” She added as one of Kaiyo’s Mercury spells flew her way, Brielle used her counter magic to knock it away. While Brielle’s devil Herz handled Mizuki and Miku.
After a small battle the Captain’s and Hikari were able to help Brielle and Herz subdue the others, after a few minutes they heard Ezio, Neva, Asta, and Yuno walk through one of his spatial portals.
“ What the-? What happened here Captain Yami?!” Asta nearly shouted as he saw Noelle, Mizuki, and Kaiyo sitting together on the ground unconscious. He walked over and checked them as Yuno and Neva walked over and checked Miku.
“ Kya is what happened!” Brielle answered as she walked over to her ‘father’. “ I don’t know what happened but she suddenly went crazy, and not only that, but her magic changed too!”
“ Her magic changed?” Asta asked with a tilt of his head, Herz let out a sigh as she sat down on Brielle’s shoulder.
“ Kya has a combination of Diamond and Wind magic, so this wasn’t her magic, this was someone else's.” Herz muttered as she looked around. Yami suddenly walked over and grabbed the smaller devil off Brielle’s shoulder and held her in the air.
“ Spill it. What aren’t you telling us?” Yami asked with a small glare, Herz once again looked away.
“ Herz, we’re going to find out anyway, so just go ahead and tell us.” Hikari said as she crossed her arms, Herz let out a small sigh before nodding.
“ I think this magic belonged to Noir, she’s a mid level demon like me, but her magic is surprisingly powerful.” Herz said as she looked at Yami and Hikari.
“ What is her magic?” Charlotte asked, and just before Herz could answer the others on the ground all started to groan slightly as they began to wake up one by one.
“ What happened?” Noelle asked as she grabbed her head and looked around, Asta quickly gave Noelle, Mizuki, and Kaiyo a big hug as they woke up.
“ Thank goodness you guys are okay!” He said in relief, everyone watched as Noelle’s face turned a bright shade of red.
“ O-Of course we’re okay, we’re not that easy to beat y’know.” Noelle muttered, but she didn’t try to push Asta away as she normally would.
“ What happened?” Yami asked as he looked over at the members of his squad, they all looked at each other in a mixture of confusion.
“ To be honest Captain, I don’t really remember.” Vanessa said as she rubbed the back of her neck. “ It was like I had too much to drink and blacked out.” She added as she looked down in thought.
“ I-It’s really strange, but I can’t remember anything either. I’m sorry Captain Yami!” Grey stammered nervously as she covered her face, Gauche let out a small sigh as he patted her head.
“ It’s not your fault Grey, I don’t think any of us remember what happened.” Gauche muttered as he gave her another pat on the head.
“ The only thing I can remember is some kind of feeling.” Zora muttered with a frown, the others looked at him and nodded, apparently that was all they could remember as well.
“ Fear,” Miku suddenly muttered. “ All I can remember feeling is fear, just like that night back home.” She added softly, Yuno gently patted his ‘daughter’ on the back and told her that it was okay.
“ That’s Noir’s power; Fear Magic. She can make you become afraid of anything and everything, with her magic she can make your best friend look like a terrible monster you fear. Sometimes you can snap the victim out of it by just talking, but other times you have to use brute force.” Herz explained, William placed a thoughtful hand under his chin.
“ Combine a fear magic user with a strong memory magic user, then they could easily create an army, especially if people aren’t expecting it.” William said, Hikari turned to him with a frown.
“ How so?” She asked curiously, Charlotte turned toward her.
“ Botis told us that everytime he touched us, it would erase our memories,correct? Which means that, when you pair up his magic with this Noir’s magic, you could erase all of a person's memories without taking the ‘fear’ away, and you could use the Fear Magic to amplify it and make it worse.” Charlotte explained, Hikari nodded.
“ Then you could create an entire army who would attack anything and everything, but why weren’t they afraid of the devils?” Hikari asked curiously, the others shrugged.
“ That Botis guy probably twisted their memories, so that way they would attack anyone who wasn’t ‘possessed’ and in their little army.” Yami suggested with a shrug of his own, but they all turned when they heard Brielle speaking to Herz.
“ So, you knew who the second demon was this whole time?” Brielle asked, Herz shook her head.
“ I didn’t know she was the second devil until today! I just thought Kya was like you and had made a contract with some low level demon, I didn’t know she was completely possessed.” Herz told her, trying to defend herself.
“ She hid it well, all of us were fooled except Alistar.” Hikari said with a soft sigh, how could she have missed it when the enemy was right in front of them? She turned when she felt Yami’s hand on her shoulder.
“ We all missed it, she distracted us by killing Alistar, so that way it would draw our attention to that and away from the obvious signs. Even I was fooled.” Yami muttered.
Everyone in the room felt guilty, they were supposed to be some of the strongest Magic Knights, and yet a little girl and devil had somehow tricked them. But this only made the group more determined to find her and make her pay for the things she had done.
The entire group went back to the Castle, and they walked into the meeting room to see Julius already sitting there. He had a serious look on his and a few papers in front of him, he tried to give the group a small smile.
“ I understand that Kya managed to escape.” Julius said as he looked at the group, and everyone nodded.
“ We,” Vanessa started hesitantly. “ We were caught off guard, we’re sorry Wizard King.” She added, and everyone in the room nodded in agreement and also apologized. But Julius shook his head.
“ It’s alright, we were too busy looking on the outside to focus on what was happening inside.” Julius said with a shake of his head. “ But I heard we were able to identify the devil?”
“ Apparently her name’s Noir or something, she has some kind of ‘fear’ magic.” Yami told him as he leaned forward on the table, Julius frowned.
“ ‘Fear’ magic? That’s the first time I’m hearing of this.” Julius said thoughtfully, on the one hand he was curious and wanted to know all about this new magic, but he also knew now wasn’t the time.
“ Did you happen to find any leads about any devils?” William asked as he eyed the papers on the table, Julius nodded.
“ Yes, I had asked lady Aika to go around and see if there were any rumors in the countryside or in other countries, and she just happened to find one that sounds promising.” Julius said as he handed a few of the papers to everyone.
“ Lumi? Where the hell is that?” Yami asked with a frown, the others looked at each other as well, none of them had ever heard of this place before.
“ It’s a Kingdom on the north side of Spade. It’s called the ‘Isolated Kingdom’ because there’s a series of mountains in between Lumi and Spade, but they’re well known for having some of the most powerful fire mages and for their trade in fur and wood.” Aloys suddenly responded, causing everyone to look at him in surprise. “ What? I like to read.” He added with a shrug.
“ They’re also rumored to be using dark mana,” Hikari said. “ I’m not sure about now, but in our time the rumors were everywhere. That the entire royal family was possessed by devils and the only way they were all able to stay young and beautiful was by using dark mana. But those are just rumors with little basis.” Hikari added with a shrug as well, Julius leaned back in his seat.
“ This sounds like the most likely location, I think you should all go and check it out.” Julius said. “ I would ask Lady Aika to accompany you all, but she wanted to check out another location since there was also rumored devil activity there. But I’m sure she wishes you all luck and hopes you all return safely.” He added with a small smile, the group nodded.
“ Oh Yami before you go, you might want to go see your Vice Captain first as he may be able to provide some insight into this.” Julius said as the group began to leave, Yami frowned.
“ What’re you talking about?” He asked, when Julius pointed down to the paper Yami looked as well and his eyes widened in surprise.
“ Apparently he and the Queen of Lumi are related.”
Yami and the rest of the Black Bulls all stood outside the Hideout a little anxiously. This would be the first time the rest of the Bulls would be meeting all the other kids except for Hikari.
“ Alright, let’s go in there, find Nacht, and get out. Understood?” Yami asked his squad, they all nodded in agreement and walked into the Hideout.
“ CAPTAIN!!” The rest of the Bulls shouted in unison, and as usual, the Hideout then devolved into chaos.
The rest of the Bulls were excited to see Hikari again, but they were also excited to meet Aloys, Maelie, Ace, Josslyn, Ezio, Brielle, Mizuki, and Kaiyo for the first time. Just like with Hikari, they began to ask them lots of questions to get to know them, and a few of the kids were a little awkward around them at first, but they all began to quickly open up.
Yami couldn’t help but smile a bit as he watched his squad, in a small way he was very happy to see how much his little rag tag group would grow in the future. Maybe that meant he did his job well in ‘raising’ his kids.
“ Is your mission finally finished now?” Nacht asked as he appeared out of the shadows, Yami turned to look at him and shook his head.
“ Not yet, but after you and I have a chat it’ll bring us closer to finishing it, and then you can go back to doing whatever it is that you do.” Yami told him lightheartedly, Nacht sighed and looked at him.
“ What on earth do you need me to do?” He asked and Yami suddenly held out a piece of paper towards him.
“ You know the Queen of Lumi right?” Yami asked, and he could have sworn for a split second he saw Nacht’s eyebrow twitch from underneath his bangs.
“ Of course I know her,” He told Yami with a calm but slightly agitated smile. “ She’s my cousin and only living relative. Unfortunately.” He added, Yami raised a curious brow.
“ I take it you two don’t like each other?”
“ You could say that,” Nacht said simply. “ So you need me in order to meet with the Queen I guess?” He asked, and when Yami nodded he sighed.
“ Fine, I’ll help you. But only so that way you can finish your mission quicker and can take over this squad again.” Nacht said before disappearing into the shadows again.
“ Well that takes care of that.” Yami said before looking back at his squad, they were all laughing and talking to each other as though they had known one another for years. He shook his head, he hated to break this up, but he had too so they could go meet Nacht in Lumi.
“ Everyone listen up!” Yami shouted loudly, and the squad, as usual, all sat on their knees in front of him as though they were about to be scolded. “ We’ll be gone for a while again, so don’t destroy the Hideout while we’re gone alright?” Yami asked the others that would be left behind.
“ Yes, sir!” They all shouted, Yami gave them a small nod and smile before he and the rest left the Hideout to go back to the Temporary House.
After everyone had met back up they used a few Spatial Mages to get to Spade, and then Yuno asked his mother Ciel if they could use a couple who had been to Lumi so they could get there quickly. She agreed and provided them with three spatial mages who could get them to Lumi.
Once the group arrived they stood there in awe, they were in the Capital city. It was smaller than they had expected, but all the homes were close together and blanketed in snow. Off in the distance stood a stark white castle situated on a hill. That was where they needed to be.
“ Do you think Vice Captain Nacht got us a meeting with his cousin the Queen?” Asta asked Yamu curiously, and he shrugged in response.
“ I dunno, from how things sounded the two of them are on bad terms, so it could go either way.” Yami said. “ But no matter how it goes we’re gonna be speaking with his and her majesty.”
The group continued to walk, with a few complaining about how cold it was, but as they approached the Castle a shadowy figure appeared beside them.
“ You’re late.” Nacht said, causing Yami to sigh.
“ Sorry, not everyone can travel the shadows y’know.” He told him, Nacht then turned toward the castle.
“ I arranged a meeting with my cousin, and surprisingly she agreed. But that’s not everything,” Nacht turned to look at the group. “ I think the devil you’re looking for is here as well.” He added, and the group all looked at each other.
They were one step closer.
Only a few members of the group were allowed inside, and everyone agreed that it should be Nacht, Yami, Charlotte, Hikari, William, Yuno, Asta, and Brielle. They were all led inside a meeting room, and sitting there was the Queen of Lumi.
Discordia Helheim, formerly Faust, had raven black hair that was partially up in a low side ponytail, and she had the signature Faust bright blue eyes. She gave everyone a small smile.
“ Welcome to Lumi, I apologize that I’m the only one here to greet you. My husband is ill at the moment and cannot join us today.” Discordia said, Nacht smiled at his cousin.
“ I’m sure you had something to do with his ‘illness’.” Nacht said, and Discordia chuckled.
“ Just like you had something to do with Morgen’s death?” She asked with a smile of her own.
There was no denying two things; that Nacht and Discordia were indeed cousins, and that they almost despised each other.
“ Um Nacht,” Gimodelo started as he peaked over Nacht’s shoulder. “ Would you like some ice for that burn?”
“ Be quiet Gimodelo.” Nacht muttered as his eyebrow twitched again.
“ Now, what did you want to talk about dear cousin?” Discordia asked with amusement at seeing her cousin’s eyebrow twitch in irritation, Nacht turned towards the group.
“ We were wondering if you knew of any devil activity in your country.” Yami told her, he watched as she placed a hand under her chin.
“ I haven’t heard anything about it, the only ones I see so far are that little girl's devil and my cousin's four devils.” Discordia answered simply, Hikari suddenly leaned towards her father.
“ She’s lying.” She told him quietly, Yami nodded. The woman was lying straight to their faces.
“ You sure about that Ice Queen? Because you’re acting awfully suspicious.” Yami said, Discordia tilted her head.
“ Am I?” She asked curiously. “ Honestly I think you’re the ones acting suspicious.” She added with a shrug.
“ I mean, you come to my kingdom and accuse us of hiding devils when it was your country that let them run rampant in the first place? Please.” She told them with a roll of her eyes.
“ Does the name Noir ring any bells?” Hikari suddenly asked, which caused Discordia to freeze for a split second.
Yami, Asta, Brielle, and Hikari all noticed that, even though she looked calm on the outside, her Ki was going crazy.
“ I think you’ve all overstayed your welcome, don’t you?” Discordia said as she suddenly stood up, Nacht walked towards her.
“ I don’t think so dear cousin, answer the question,” Nacht’s smile faded from his face. “ Who is Noir?”
Discordia suddenly felt the hands of Gimodelo, Slotos, Walgner, and Plumede on her. They were trying to keep her from leaving.
“ Do you really think I’m afraid of your little devils?” Discordia asked with a smirk. “ I’ve seen more terrifying things here in Lumi in the entire decade I’ve been here.”
“ Who. Is. Noir?” Hikari asked, punctuating every word she spoke. Discordia just smirked at her.
“ If you don’t want to be arrested for attempted assination I suggest you all leave. Now.” Discordia said, the group looked at each other, the last thing they needed now was to have three countries involved in some political mess.
The devils let go of Discordia and went back to Nacht, whose forced smile returned to his face.
“ You know, this would be a lot easier if you just dropped dead Discordia.” Nacht said, and Discordia’s smirk turned into a smile that mirrored his.
“ You mean like Morgen did?”
“ Nacht,” Gimodelo leaned over to whisper in Nacht’s ear. “ You sure you don’t need some ice? I think she just burned you again.”
“ Be quiet Gimodelo.”
The group walked out of the castle to avoid a potential political disaster. Usually they wouldn’t have cared whether they created one or not, but considering how this mission was top secret and none of the other countries knew about it, they would be better to avoid creating too much of a scene for now.
“ So now what do we do Captain?” Asta asked as he looked at Captain Yami.
“ There isn’t much we can do, not yet anyway.” Charlotte answered, everyone nodded, they were sitting there with their hands tied.
“ The only thing that we know for sure is that she knows of Noir. She was lying the entire time we were with her.” Hikari said. She wanted to go back in there and force the Queen to tell them where Noir was, but she was trying to behave herself.
“ I see the meeting with the Queen went as well as could be expected.” A woman suddenly said as the group walked by, they turned and saw a woman with green hair in a loose ponytail and her bangs partially covering her eye.
“ Who are you supposed to be?” Nacht asked as he turned towards her, the woman smiled.
“ I’m just here to help you guys out a bit. I’m the Green Witch. The Witch Queen told me to give you a hand when you guys got here, so I thought I might as well do it since I don’t have much else to do.” The Green Witch replied with a shrug.
“ Help us with what exactly?” William asked as he crossed his arms.
“ Help you guys with the Queen and her little devil pet. I mean, that’s why you’re here right? To get rid of the Darkness?” The Green Witch asked.
The group looked at each other, all debating on whether or not to trust this woman or not. But she sighed and began to walk away.
“ Fine, if you guys don’t want help getting rid of the devil running around-.” She started before Asta quickly cut her off.
“ Wait! Please help us, we can’t get anything out of the Queen! So please, we could really use your help ma’am!” He shouted suddenly, causing everyone to jump. The Green Witch sighed.
“ Alright, I’ll help you guys. But only since you asked,” She then began to walk down the cobble road. “ C’mon, I have a small house over here. We can talk comfortably there.”
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰!
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princess-ibri · 9 months
Did Hans know Princess Ida prior to his fall from grace?
He knew of her from just like, royal social circle talk but they'd never really properly met or hungout as such. He really first meets her when he's on assignment from Voland to try and woo her to gain the ancient journal of Herz deSonne that her city is guarding after it washed up on the beach, as it has the locations of the relics needed to bind the Spirits of the Enchanted Forest for Voland's plans...
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teallinum · 1 year
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My handsome boy Ben (Benedikt Herz) ~ He's my DnD character from the same campaign as Meng.
He's human, multiclass fighter/rogue
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feuerundbenzin · 10 months
About the OC
First being, Aria's a pyromancer who was arrested at the age of fifteen for accidentally burning her home down. She spent five years locked away in prison able to practice her fire skills. She broke out when she was twenty, with a name change, she has been able to remain under cover as a wanted fugitive. No one will ever know her real name.
Aria is generally gruff and sometimes brainless. She's also missing a filter which sometimes poses as a risk to revealing who she truly is.
She has a much darker mindset due to the five years she spent in prison, but depending on who she's around, she actually tries to be... Decent? At least to fit in. For the most part, she refuses to get close to anyone, and keeps to herself.
Aria lost her right eye not long after she broke out of prison. Falling into the wrong place at the wrong time was her first mistake.
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noghostguys · 2 years
♚ baby boy. baby ♚
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toxiclizardwrites · 4 months
OC Questionnaire!
Thanks @fangbangerghoul and @therealgchu for the tag!
My OC is from Starfield, named Toxic. She is a pirate, but is originally from The Well district of New Atlantis.
After a run in with the UC she ended up on The Key, and, well, the rest is history.
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Music Playlist
ich komme neimals an - Callejon
The Night Does Not Belong to God - Sleep Token
Sugar - Sleep Token
Feed the Machine - Poor Man's Poison
Nobody's favorite person, not even me - Carolesdaughter
Mein Herz Brennt (piano version) - Rammstein Sven Helbig
CODE MISTAKE - CORPSE, Bring Me The Horizon
Zenith - Ghost
Schism - Tool
Cirice - Ghost
Last Resort (reimagined) - Falling in Reverse
Lit me up - Brand New
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dragodina · 7 months
Okay ... wie sehr würdet ihr mich hassen, werde ich gelyncht, wenn sich mein Hirn schon wieder Sachen ausdenkt ...
In diesem speziellen Fall die Handlung von "Was ihr nicht seht" ins Tatort Hamburg Universum adaptiert.
Zwar ohne Leo, Karin, Schnabel und Sarah. Oder zumindest für die ersten beiden mit einen Gastauftritt. Dafür mit Julia, Tine, Falke und einem OC.
Und der Plot wird düster, es wird sehr persönlich und es wird einen CD geben, der den Fall ins Rollen bringt ...
Summary: Julia Grosz wacht blutverschmiert, benommen und orientierungslos in ihrem Bett auf, auf dem Boden in ihrem Schlafzimmer liegt die Leiche einer vertrauten Person. Um Herauszufinden, was passiert ist, muss Julias neue Partnerin, eine ehemalige Profilerin, tief in ihre Psyche eintauchen. Und doch liegt die Lösung in dem, was man nicht sieht.
Sneak Peak:
"Wie sind sie aufgewacht?"
Julia sah den Kollegen von der Mordkommission irritiert an, "Was meinen sie?"
"Bekleidet oder unbekleidet? War jemand bei ihnen? War er bei Ihnen?"
Und anhand seines Blickes wurde deutlich, auf was er anspielte.
Die Frage war Julia sichtlich unangenehm und Alex sah ihr an, wie sie sie aufrüttelte und in Gedanken versuchte sich zu erinnern. Und es nicht konnte.
Ihre Gesichtszüge wurden bleich und Alex verstand, das ihre Partnerin sich zumindest daran zu erinnern schien, das sie tatsächlich nackt aufgewacht war, aber nicht wusste, was mit ihr passiert war. Soviel hatte sie ihnen auch schon gesagt. Und Alex glaubte ihr. Natürlich glaubte sie ihr.
Und diese Erkenntnis zog ihr den Boden unter den Füßen weg, machte sie sprach- und fassungslos.
Alex entschied in exakt diesen Moment, das Peters Fragen zu weit gingen und die Reißleine zu ziehen. So wie sie es Julia schon vor dem Verhör ans Herz gelegt hatte.
Sie hatte extra einen kleinen Block und einen Stift mitgenommen, die sie bis dahin nicht weiter benutzt hatte.
Jetzt aber schrieb sie schnell zwei Buchstaben auf das Papier, verdeckt für Peters, aber trotzdem sichtbar für Julia.
Dann tippte sie so unscheinbar wie möglich auf das Papier, sah auf und Julia eindringlich an.
Das Geräusch holte ihre Partnerin zurück aus ihrer Starre, schaute sie schnell zu ihr.
Alex Augen gingen noch einmal schnell nach unten, folgten die von Julia ihren.
Dann sah sie, was Alex notiert hatte: AW
Julia sah wieder zu ihr, dann zu Peters und fand schließlich wieder ihre Stimme, erst brüchig, dann sicherer, "Anwalt ... Ich möchte mit meinem Anwalt sprechen."
Alex nickte kaum merklich, atmete erleichtert aus, das Grosz ihre Absicht verstanden hatte, während sie es neben sich deutlich Seufzen hörte.
"Frau Grosz verlangt nach ihrem Anwalt Verhör unterbrochen um 8:17 Uhr."
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Okay, ich schaufel mir schon mal ein Erdloch und spring rein ...
Is ja nicht so, das "Was Bleibt" mich schon zerstören wird ... nö, mein Kopf hilft tüchtig mit ...
Hab ich schon erwähnt, das ich den manchmal sehr hasse 😅🙈??
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jones-art-blog · 1 year
I have a request for ya!
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I can't reveal anything about herz because she's an oc I have yet to introduce, but here's another picture to help with the face
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Let me know if you need another picture!
Sounds good! I'll get started and then I'll reblog this post with her :)!
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bubbleteachan · 7 months
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// Please use translators because my best friend only translates my comics and I only use my main language for the facts.Sorry T_T //
Ger: Sooo ... ich bin wieder zurück. :D
Mir ist aufgefallen das ich kaum Info's zur mein oc Yewon hier poste.
( Eigentlich schon seit ich Yewon generell hier auf Tumblr oder auch Instagram präsentiere T _ T )
Dann wird es ja endlich mal zeit das ich Fakten zur Yewon mache, und das bis Dezember. :)
Also fangen wir mit Fakt Nummer 1: Aus Youko wird Yewon.
Tatsächlich hieß Yewon damals Youko.
Youko war meine allererste Sweet Amoris Oc, und auch einer meiner vernünftigsten. ( Mein erster Naruto oc war grausam help. ( °̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥◡͐°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥) )
Auch war ihr crush nicht Armin sondern tatsächlich Kentin. xD
Als ich mit Sweet Amoris anfing ( dank meine beste Freundin <3 )
konnte ich mich überhaupt nicht entscheiden wem ich daten sollte, also hab ich mich für Kentin entschieden, weil ich generell Jungs mit Braune Haaren sehr attraktiv finde. (゚ヮ゚)
Als ich aber Sweet amoris immer mehr interessanter finde, hab ich also mich doch noch für ein anderen crush entschieden, und jep... es ist Armin ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( auch weil ich bei Armin mehr gepunktet hatte als bei Kentin T w T ).
Also habe ich auch mein oc Youko gleich mit verändert.(ᅌᴗᅌ* )
Youko ist zb ein art Tsundere, was ich etwas verkackt hatte da ich eigentlich ein recht softe oc gestalten wollte. Und so ist eben aus Youko Yewon geworden. <3
Ich kann hier auch nochmal posten was der unterschied zwischen die zwei sind. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Youko: - Hat stress mit Castiel, hat nur leichte Mobbing Erfahrung aus ihre alte Schule erlebt, ebenfalls extremen beef mit Amber, trägt ein fettes Herz auf ihre Wange, ( was ihr Merkmal ist ), bevorzugt Schul uniforms, ist 100% Japanerin. Oh, und sie liebt Kentin ist ebenso auf Nathaniel fixiert und kann eine Dreiecks Beziehung sehr vorstellen.
( ಠ◡ಠ ) .,.. // HELP //
Yewon:- Ist eher das Gegenteil von Youko, Sie hat eher Angst vor Castiel und versucht ihm zu umgehen da er ihr Angst macht wegen seinen schlecht gelaunten blick, hat durch Mobbing an ihre alte Schule Ängste vor Fremde Menschen, ( Social Phobie ?? ), hat wie bei Castiel auch eine große Angst vor Amber, trägt auch ein herz an ihre Wange aber eher klein, liebt Gals über alles ( Gyaru ) und trägt viel was in Richtung Amekaji geht, ist zwar auch Japanerin ,zur teil aber auch Süd Koreanerin. Sie versteht sich zwar mit Kentin, sieht aber in ihn wie eine art großer Bruder und ist eher in denn Bruder von Alexy verliebt und zwar Armin. Allerdings würde sie nie eine Dreiecksbeziehung machen, da sie nur Augen für Armin hat und eher schlechte Erfahrungen mit andere Jungs gehabt hatte. ( Eher einer ,aber dazu verrate ich in einen anderen Fakt :D ).
Allerdings werde ich Youko nochmal komplett erneuern und aus ihr die große Schwester von Yewon machen. Sie wird übrigens in Sweet amoris new gen die Protagonistin sein. ( was meine version natürlich betrifft ). ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
Oh, und beide lieben Japanisches Curry. (・∀・)人(・∀・)
Und das wäre alles gewesen,
der weitere Fakt kommt bald die Tage. (❛◡˂̵ ̑̑✧)
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lyranova · 2 years
I decided to go ahead and make stats for the kids in “Children of the Future” 😅!
Alistar’s Normal Stats:
Magic control - 4
Magic sensing - 4
Magic amount - 5
Physical strength - 4
Cleverness - 4
Trauma - 5
Alistar’s True Stats:
Magic Control - 1
Magic Sensing - 5
Magic Amount - 5
Physical strength - 4
Cleverness - 5
Trauma - 5
Aloys’s Stats:
Magic Control - 3
Magic Sensing - 5
Magic Amount - 3
Physical Strength - 2
Cleverness - 4
Daddy Issues - 5
Ezio’s Stats:
Magic Control - 4
Magic Sensing - 2
Magic Amount - 4
Physical Strength - 1
Cleverness - 3
Flirting - 5
Miku’s Stats:
Magic Control - 3
Magic Sensing - 4
Magic Amount - 3
Physical Strength - 2
Cleverness - 3
Stubbornness - 5
Brielle’s Stats:
Magic Control - 3
Magic Sensing - 2
Magic Amount - 0
Physical Strength - 5
Cleverness - 1
Cheerfulness - 5
Mizuki’s Stats:
Magic Control - 5
Magic Sensing - 4
Magic Amount - 1
Physical Strength - 2
Cleverness - 3
Superiority Complex - 5
Kaiyo’s Stats:
Magic Control - 1
Magic Sensing - 3
Magic Amount - 4
Physical Strength - 4
Cleverness - 1
Self Doubt - 5
Herz’s Stats:
Magic Control - ?
Magic Sensing - ?
Magic Amount - ?
Physical Strength - ?
Cleverness - ?
Sarcasm - 5
Maelie’s Stats:
Magic Control - 5
Magic Sensing - 2
Magic Amount - 3
Physical Strength - 1
Cleverness - 2
Shyness - 5
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redrumrose · 8 months
do you have a playlist for your oc's? Or maybe a song that reminds you of them?
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I do actually! Here's some songs that remind me of my ocs:
Dmitri - Старое кино (Staroe Kino) by Peremotka and Jailhouse Rock by Elvis
Sunny - Heat Above by Greta Van Fleet and California Dreamin' by The Mamas and The Papas
Miss Em - Beautiful Stranger by Madonna and Say So by Doja Cat
Chayne - Kalahari Down by Orville Peck and Dreams by Fleetwood Mac
and other ones I have off the top of my head:
Pavel - Mein Herz Brennt by Rammstein and Introduction (Titles) from Edward Scissorhand Soundtrack
Anara - Lure of the Maw from Little Nightmares Soundtrack
Ulyana and Vitya - Science/Visions by Chvrches
aaand from my other story:
Anton - What's On Your Mind? (Pure Energy) by Information Society and Dirty Laundry by Don Henly
Aubrey - Heavy Metal Lover by Lady Gaga and Night Crawling by Miley Cyrus
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teallinum · 1 year
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Ben (my DnD PC, human) and Vard ( @greenbrains 's DnD PC, half-orc)
I love them way too much ;_; I want to draw them morrrrre~
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
Mein rasend Herz
words: 11,229
characters/ship: Justus Jonas/Victor Hugenay, background OCs
summary: Seit Peter und Bob nicht mehr in Kalifornien studieren, ruht das Detektivunternehmen. Doch die Erwähnung von Victor Hugenay, der fünf Jahre zuvor aus dem Gefängnis ausgebrochen ist, bringt Justus dazu, trotzdem einen Fall zu übernehmen.
Alle drei Kapitel sind jetzt online auf fanfiktion.de // auf ao3!
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toxiclizardwrites · 3 months
Not sure if I've been tagged directly, but a fun little game that all of the coemancers have been playing is picking 5 songs and 5 outfits for an OC that you've created.
For this one, I'm choosing Toxic, my OC from Starfield.
The Offering - Sleep Token
You are the silence on sacred shores / you've got diamonds for teeth, my love / so take a bite of me just once
Mein Herz Brennt - Rammstein
Sie kommen zu euch in der Nacht / Dämonen, Geister, schwarze Feen /Sie kriechen aus dem Kellerschacht Und werden unter euer Bettzeug sehen
Nobody Escapes - Mother Mother
So follow me into the sky (sky) / and let me sun burn you alive / nobody, nobody here escapes
Girl in the War - Josh Ritter
Because the keys to the kingdom got locked inside the kingdom / and the angels fly around in there but we can't see them
Everything I wanted - Billie Eilish
I had a dream / I got everything I wanted / not what you'd think / and if I'm being honest / it might've been a nightmare / to anyone who might care
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Masterlist to Masterposts about OCs
I will try to update this list as I go but the idea is to have a masterpost for every OC I have. (or as I post about them ^^ )
Current campaigns: Hailblade Itami Wren Herz Amaranthine
DnD/Pathfinder Fhayra Svea Eld Eiko Celes Nova Athanasios Hailblade Chant Valor Felicia Ivory Suvi Usvakorpi Rosa Itami Wren Herz Amaranthine Petrichor Rain
Vampire The Masquerade: Skyler Walker
IkePri: Aino Unnamed OC (possibly be named Orianna)
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stormgrl19 · 3 months
𝑂𝑘𝑠𝑎 𝑃𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑘
Ink series
oc x oc Einsam. Alexandra Pollock war einsam. Sie konnte sich nicht mehr daran erinnern, wann sie sich das erste Mal so gefühlt hatte, aber sie wusste, dass es kein konstantes Gefühl war, am Anfang. Es hatte sich langsam in ihr Leben geschlichen und bevor sie sich versah, hatte es seine Klauen in ihr Herz gesunken. Ohne eine Chance, dass es jemals wieder loslassen würde. Dachte sie. Wut. Nikolai Everett war voll damit. Das war er schon immer, seit seine Mutter verstorben war und er hielt an ihr fest, bis sie kein Fremder mehr war, sondern ein alter Freund. Seine Wut, und es war ihm egal, wenn er damit verbrannte. Dachte er. Chaos. Passiert, wenn Einsamkeit und Wut aufeinandertreffen. Ihr eigenes Chaos prallt aufeinander und bekämpft sich gegenseitig, bis sie nicht mehr Einsamkeit und Wut sind, sondern Frieden.
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