shin-tsukimii · 6 months
“In Order To Be Your Sibling Someone Has To Defeat Your Seven Evil Causes Of Torment”
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What? This is insane. Next thing you're gonna tell me is that the "l-word" is "lesbians"...
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humans-are-tasty · 4 months
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 1 month
As a person who knows how to deal with trauma I’ve just been fucking sitting here and waiting for people to not be forceful and just
Aaaaaaaaa I’m gonna lose it 💃
but the backstory crumbsssss
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typingfool · 6 months
thirdyear!izuku would be the type of guy to sneak into your dorm, and (demand) ask if you can sneak out with him. he'd take you floating above the buildings, beyond it, and he'd trap you in his arms until you force him to return to the dorms---just so neither of you will get caught---he'd follow you (because entirely, he's still izuku, and izuku will always follow through what he's told), open your dorm window, sleep on your bed until someone knocks, telling you how late it is, that you've missed the first period and and and—
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one small thing can be the biggest thing of all
Kenji was smacking his keyboard again.
Atsushi did his best not to look since he knew that just made Kenji feel bad, but it was hard to tear his gaze away from the constant thumping.
And it’s not that Atsushi was annoyed (okay, maybe he was just a little bit, but that wasn’t Kenji’s fault), no, he was just… concerned. He was used to hearing sounds from Kenji—chirping, clicking, random bursts of short screams… they all blended into the background and became normal to him.
The smacking was new, though.
[or, kenji has a new, painful tic, and atsushi wants to help]
🌱3,611 words | kenji & atsushi-centric🌱
happy tourette's awareness month!!!
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vekovoysoldat-moved · 9 months
remember when bucky's therapist mocked him for the fact he doesn't call or text people much nor does he have many contacts?
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kondietorei · 3 months
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alas the classic outfit swap
bonus doodle underneath ^^
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drew this after realizing i only drew one sea salt ice cream orz
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piningprecussionist · 4 months
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kim doodles! mostly based off comic panels, if it wasn't obvious
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gothwizardmagic · 1 year
looking for reference pictures to doodle lister and i cant stop laughing at this jacket
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cant stop thinking abt him scouring the ship to find as many officers badges as possible just to piss rimmer off
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iwozlegit · 4 months
|| 🍍• Never thought my arachnophobia would allow “yes, the SPIDER deserves every good thing” onto my 2024 bingo card, but here we are still sobbing hours later…
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concept- a leverage pushing daisies au
Eliot Spencer is a pie maker with a secret- with a single touch he can bring dead things back to life. But it comes with rules: the second touch means permanent death, and if he doesn't rekill them in a minute, another life in the area is taken, as a form of balance, a life for a life. He learned these rules through an unfortunate bout of trial and error as a kid.
His gift was exploited by many people over many years, after all, a mercenary who can bring people back and rekill them with a single touch has incredible power over their opponent. Rumors of his abilities in both fighting and death are spread like wildfire, though nothing is said for certain, leaving his ability a secret for the most part.
When he finally finds an opportunity to defect, he settles down and opens a pie shop and only uses his ability to ripen any old or rotten fruit.
Things had fallen into a peaceful routine until one day he wasn't careful and accidentally brought back and rekilled a min in front of one Nate Ford and Sophie Deveraux. The two spend their time conning and taking down the rich and powerful, or more accurately, whichever of the rich and powerful they can take down with only two people. So with that, they offer for him to join him, opening an opportunity for more and bigger cons, and in spite of everything, he agrees.
Things fall into a steady rhythm for the three of them until one day they attempt to con an exploitive funeral director couple and find two recently deceased individuals under his care that wouldn't be under normal circumstances.
Eliot heads in and intends to revive them for only a minute but he's so entranced by the two who supposedly fell off a building after a parachuting accident gone wrong but were instead shoved off before they could put on the proper equipment that he forgets to rekill them, and the married funeral directors drop dead. Nate and Sophie rush in to the room to find Parker and Hardison, he learned thier names are, are still awake. Eliot feels immensely guilty if only because there was an equal chance Nate or Sophie could've been taken instead of the funeral directors.
thus Hardison and Parker follow eliot home and a series of conning and pining ensue as he cannot touch them or they will once again die
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alectoperdita · 4 months
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Also congrats to us! We're now officially at the 2.5k milestone on AO3! 😍🥳🎉🎊
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lacomandante · 15 days
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HELLO i'm alive, I just barely survived 9 days in Girona doing costumes for Assumpta's short film reels.....and immediately after we came back I had to do some frantic sewing in time for the week of events planned for the Dos de Mayo. I met up with some new friends I had met at the Museo de Traje two weeks or so earlier, and my Spanish has improved SO MUCH during my time here. I am so happy and having SO much fun. I based this spencer off of one Assumpta wears in Rossini, Rossini!, and had two days to make it. I did my hair how Teresa's looks in a snood in Company, but made a madroñera instead- it's a little lower class than Teresa would've worn, I think, but it was appropriate. (I want to make all of the costumes Assumpta wears in her films and make a pre-war Teresa wardrobe, though I'll be remaking this red spencer!) Over the course of the week we walked through many parks, got to see the changing of the guard, we went to many palaces, and I got to participate in the Dos de Mayo parade and battle, which was insanely cool, and where the first two photos are taken! I also got to go to a wonderful ball and danced with all my friends, which I'll post photos of soon. Now that the events are over, I'm rereading Sharpe's Command bc I have my review in my drafts and want to revisit it.
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alienwritestoo · 7 months
Philza Minecraft is a wizard who accidentally became immortal after meditating too hard.
Missa Sinfonia is an engineering student who got turned into an vampire after going to his first (and only) frat party.
Decades later, they bump into each other at the bar Forever Anonymous.
"So you... don't want to be immortal?" Philza eyes his drinking partner.
"Hell no," Missa scoffs. "I have to get my engineering degree again." He puts his head in his hands. "I chose the wrong career for being a vampire, man."
"Oh thank god." The blond wizard relaxes. "I thought I was the only one who hates immortality, mate." He puts on his hat. "Say, I've been researching a way to reverse it. Want to join me?"
The dark haired vampire clasps his hand desperately. "Please!"
Years pass in their pursuit to reclaim their mortality. Missa makes himself helpful to the cause- "It's okay to take a break Philza, have some enchiladas so I can live vicariously through you!"- and fashions them in the mortal regalia of the decade as time slips through their fingers like quicksand. He keeps them to a schedule of new names, new jobs, and new towns so nothing inconvenient props up once they've figured out the cure.
They take a small detour for Philza to conquer Antarctica for a couple of decades, but it was well worth it for the penguins. And it helps that there's never much sunlight during the times of year they're there, and the vampire can't really feel cold. It becomes Missa's favorite vacation destination.
Returning to their home in not-Antarctica is less exciting for a vampire who can't be in the sunlight.
"Are we there yet?" Missa complains as he sits at their normal kitchen table, eying Philza's sandwich mournfully as it sits untouched and unappreciated.
"Not yet." Philza smashes golden applies into a blender hooked up to an absurd amount of redstone circuits behind the wall. His eyes glow purple as he waves his wand, mummering an incantation as the machine screeches impassively. "Maybe this will work?"
Missa drops his head and sighs. Being an immortal vampire can be very, very boring. Maybe he should visit the penguins and see his Great, Great, Great Grandchicks.
Philza sighs as he rolls into bed. He waits for ten minutes before slipping into Missa's room and pretending to be really, really cold.
"No problemo, Philza," Missa says as he opens his cold arms wide. "I'll warm you up." He teases with a quirk to his lips.
The wizard sinks gratefully into the cool skinned embrace of his vampiric companion. A couple of decades ago, his face would be turned carefully away in embarrassment while spending time internally combating a sexuality crisis, but the immortal has long realized that labels are bullshit and he can ask for a hug if he wants one, dammit.
"What's on your mind?" The cold-skinned vampire asks him, seeing right through his bullshit.
"Forever told me he's in love with me." Philza confesses softly as he lies prone in Missa's embrace. "But he's not actually, because I remind him of his old partner from when he was mortal. Same hair, eyes, taste in clothing-" His chest grows tense. "I saw the pictures. Which I know it's really sad that Forever's life partner was mortal and gone, but I hate that it means I'm being seen as an imitation of someone else instead of the person I am. And it's not like I reciprocate his feelings-" He glances up at Missa. "But I wish we were at least friends, you know?"
Missa huffs. "He's a pendejo, Philza. We should going to his terrible bar."
"We did meet there." Philza reminds him, both amused and pleased by his partner's defensiveness on his behalf.
"We'll go to other bars!" Missa counters irritably.
"There aren't any other immortal bars, Missa." Philza points out logically.
"Well, he has to pay somehow." Missa's grip tightens in anger with vampiric strength, before he remembers himself and loosens his hold. "I'm not letting him get away with treating you like a convenient replacement for a ghost. It's rude, man!"
"We'll think of something." Philza placates with a suppressed smile. "Let's sleep on it. Okay?"
Missa hurumps and settles down to meditate. "Only if we think of something better. Otherwise, you know I'll burn that place down, Philza."
They both drift into unconsciousness and wake later with revenge in mind.
The strange pair walks into the latest government's registration office right before close in winter. They complete an absurd of paperwork and giggle as they walk out.
A few weeks later, they receive marriage certifications in the mail and proudly display them above a picture of a sulking Forever.
When their friends ask why, Missa starts to theatrically sob and accuse them of not believing in true love. Philza, without an ounce of shame, always just laughs.
They both refuse to elaborate.
"Ta da!" Missa jazz hands as he slides into view. "I found us a son!"
Philza blinks as he stands in the foyer of their home, looking down at the dragon hatchling stabbing him in the leg with a wooden sword. "A what now?"
The child is wearing a duck floatie. They don't own a pool. He has never been more confused in his life.
Philza accepts he has a son minutes later after listening to a peacefully dull, ordinary tale that makes him relax about the decision his husband made. Something about an adoption center ran by polar bears, a "Federation" kidnapping them at some point, inconsequential stuff. They could absolutely raise this child with no worries whatsoever.
He corrects the child's form. "Now this is the way to stab someone, mate." The child chuffs happily and proceeds to stab him a bit better than last time. The immortal wizard looks up at his husband. "What's his name again?"
"Chayanne!" The vampire' grin drops at the murder in Philza's eyes.
"I thought I said that name is banned in this house!" Philza yelled, chasing him around the house with his son's wooden sword. "No cheating!"
"I'm sorry!" Missa wailed before getting thwacked. "Its a good name!"
The name inevitably sticks after the dragon hatchling refuses to answer to anything else. The immortal family of two swiftly, and spiritedly, becomes three.
"How did we meet again?" Missa asks his husband as they curl up around the fireplace.
"Oh that?" Philza hums considerably. "I think we were at Forever's bar and bonded over something we both really, really hated. Can't remember what it was, though."
Missa gasps. "Wait, I know!"
"What was it?"
"Engineering." The vampire says gravely.
"No wonder mate." Philza groans. "Not worth relearning how things actually work every decade."
"I know, right?" Missa says, sitting up as he becomes more passionate. "I'm so glad I switched careers to creating destruction wherever I go and reaping mortal souls by drinking all their blood like a mortal Capri sun."
"That really is so much better, king." Philza agrees. "I think Chayanne would be perfect at that when he's older."
"He's 200 years old, cariño." Missa reminded him. "Our little huevo chose to fight God with Uncle Etolies, remember?"
"Oh yeah, I remember now." Philza lies. "I heard on the news, after the Capri Sun ad, which, I don't know how that company lasted so long-
Missa suspiciously smirks. All the employees are his minions.
"-That the sun's going to collide with the earth in the next five years."
"Can it be sooner than that? I can barely remember Forever, and he's got a name that we have to say all the time." Missa groans. "Immortality, forever, whatever man!"
"Yeah our memory's fucked." Philza chuckles.
The married immortals stare into the fireplace and hope they haven't forgotten anything important. They go to bed to meditate the night away.
"Shit shit shit!"Missa slaps Philza out of his trance, who rolls over in protest. "Get up, old man!" A bucket of water dumps over his head. And then lava, which tickles. "We forgot Chayanne's birthday!"
End of fic
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higaneion · 6 months
reblog this post and add your 5 favorite lines you've written this year
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askspiritfukase · 20 days
WHOS ARUSU… did i miss a chapter
//yeah he's a character who's been hinted at on this blog for a few years now but only very recently has Spirit been explicitly talking about him.
The Arusu tag in case you're interested (features some pre-reset things in the beginning handful of posts thanks to a M!A so take some of the info from there with a grain of salt)
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