#or more like I'd also appreciate if we got Megumi back......
reticent-hush · 1 year
I think I saw it mentioned that Sukuna’s shadow puppets are the inverse of Megumi’s and…
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Divine dogs…
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Even holding up different fists for Mahoraga…
Furthermore, it’s strange how half-assed they are, especially considering Sukuna has all of Megumi’s memories/muscle-memory. Like, he does not want to extend those fingers at all. I wonder if this is another way to show how superior he is to Megumi when it comes to jujutsu.
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Like, I’ve always been curious about this dialogue here. We understand that Megumi is talking about his domain expansion, but it really seems like it extends to his entire technique. The Ten Shadows has always seemed incredibly rigid to me, you get ten shikigami by performing ten(~8 without dogs) rituals and that's it. Except…
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It's really not? Being able to walk and store things within shadows, WHATEVER the hell is up with the shadow clones, even (not pictured) creating duplicates of his shikigami. Like, all we know about his domain expansion is that it powers up his techniques, which really means anything we've seen him do within it is something he can do outside of it. Megumi's chronically bad at thinking outside the box, and Sukuna is NOT.
He's got the skill, the power, and the imagination to use Megumi's own technique better than he ever could, as much as it pisses me off. We're literally watching him breeze past imaginary barriers Megumi set up for himself. Why hasn't Nue's size changed? Why hasn't he summoned multiple of the black divine dog? If this is just based on cursed energy, there's no reason for Nue to still be the same size after ~200 chapters at what is basically the end of the series. Megumi just doesn't have the imagination to see how his technique can grow, and so he restricts himself to what he THINKS works.
I think you can see this all in the shadow puppetry tbh. Megumi's form is perfect, there's no reason for us to believe he is doing it wrong when he's our primary example. Meanwhile, Sukuna's is sloppy (Nue's wings are folded, Divine dog has no jaw, Mahoraga doesn't even look like he's holding his arms up) and yet it still works. It really brings into question how necessary they even are, whether Megumi is putting too much emphasis on things that don't matter and may actually hinder his growth.
All this to say, Megumi's been handicapping himself for a while and he needs to get his shit together if he's gonna stand any chance at holding back the King of Curses from murdering his sister. Plus, there's one thing Megumi can do that no one else in his situation has been able to, and that's perform a domain expansion. We know Sukuna could drag Yuuji into his innate domain, so I'm hoping Megumi can finally do something unprecedented, perfect his domain, and contest Sukuna's control of his body. I heavily doubt he could win, but perhaps he can stalemate Sukuna long enough for someone to land a killing blow.
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neonscandal · 3 months
Hello, I'm new to the jujutsu fandom, I've already watched season 1 of the movie and I'm in season 2 of jujutsu, I also follow the jujutsu manga, I liked your tumblr and started following you, I like your analyzes and you make me understand more jujutsu, thank you. I have a question, don't you think Sukuna is a boring villain, sorry, but he's too annoying, even Mahito is more interesting than him and it's impressive that Mahito gave more weight to the work than Sukuna, Sukuna killed Gojo and his death It had no significance in the work, it's something terrible, I think the author got lost.
Anon(s), please still try to be mindful of spoilerssss, even if, mid sentence, you just throw one up so other readers know. I'd appreciate it since, even though I'm not a spoiler free blog, I at least tag. I am no stranger to falling behind and trying to avoid leaks and spoilers, myself and my IRL friends are anime onlys to some of the things I obsess about. All that to say: I'm glad you're here (both in the fandom and in my inbox)! Bear in mind, these are very much just the impassioned rants of a silly little person on the internet so who knows.
One thing that I've realized about JJK villains, especially in most recent chapters, is they're never quite who we assume at face value. In this battle between humans and the negative human emotions that spawn curses... each of the villains has a really striking human quality to them whether we understand it or not. In fact, it makes their whole mission of toppling the current paradigm that much more interesting when you consider their origin. I think it was Jogo who said curses were more human than humans which... when you look at the root cause of Geto's defection... he might be onto something.
To that end, Mahito wasn't really lying when he told Yuji that they were one in the same. Humans and curses are two sides of the same coin.
⚠️ Spoiler warning for chapter 248 of JJK.
If you haven't read the light novels, you'd be interested to find that in a chapter I don't overanalyze, there's a story focused around Mahito. It appears in Jujutsu Kaisen Summer of Ashes, Autumn of Dust.
In the chapter, our typical chaos gremlin who is quick to torture first and question never stumbles upon a vagrant. He finds, in the company of a man who has not and wants not, that he exists harmoniously and curiously. In his soul, he sees an unflappable peace that is not evident in other humans and behaves accordingly around him. Day after day, he causes no harm. They even converse, reasonably and academically to an extent. Uh - Mahito is like an avid reader, by the way. While you can argue this is outside of the realm of what's canon, think of Jogo's affinity to mourn Hanami. Hoping to meet Dagon in the wasteland of souls beyond. Very human hopes which are even echoed by Mahito in canon when Haruta the curse user was sneakily going to kill Hanami. Mahito stopped him with intention because even curses have camaraderie which the humans they consort with apparently lack.
Kenjaku is another villain where, even in his twisted delights and subsequent plans for the future, safely delivers Sasaki outside of the realm of the Culling Games and thanks her for befriending his son... What? This appreciation is so humble and endearing but, of course it is, it is that of a mother. Something he decisively lacks with Choso and the cursed womb paintings but still. It goes against the grain of the rest of his character, you know?
Toji, the man who can't be bothered to remember the name of the kid he sold back to the hell hole he grew up in and yet thinks of him as he breathes his last breaths. When his body was reanimated in Shibuya and was hardwired to find and fight the strongest... that recognition on his face when he realized who he was fighting? The animation did a beautiful job of clearing the black of his eyes, softening his gaze toward Megumi. Knowing that it was Megumi Fushiguro and not Zenin he took himself out, happily. Doesn't really ring true of how a lot of fans interpret him as a character.
Now, we have Sukuna. I agree, he seems to be somewhat flat in characterization so far but.. so was everyone else until we got the effective cowlick that indicated their complexity. Now, 248 chapters in, we're seeing the chip in his facade.
Gojo is no stranger to dying though he is extremely unused to comparison. He's the Strongest Sorcerer of the Modern Era, after all. But I wonder if it makes sense to call Sukuna his foil. Imagine Gojo's unchecked ego had he never met Geto. I imagine a life of isolation carrying the burden of one's own grace and strength would absolutely turn out similar to Sukuna's wherein there is no need for purpose beyond one's own whims.
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Subsequently, Gojo dying at Sukuna's hands and earning his respect was the first real human connection we see Sukuna receive positively (he gave Jogo a pretty sweet send off, too). It was done with intention, even Gojo hoped to communicate with his tempered body the fact that he too knew that isolation. In universe, it seems to be a form of love (search for "Of Love and Strength" on this post), this understanding. This lapse in Sukuna's indifference is furthered in facing off against fan favorite lawyer Hiromi Higurama.
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Following Gojo's demise, Gege has been comparing a lot of characters to the vacuum of power left in his wake. Yuta, I get, but Higurama is an absolute wild card. However, Sukuna sees something in him that he not only respects in this comparison to Gojo... but also stymies him. Especially as he meaningfully comes to terms with his dismissal and abhorrence of Yuji.
What we're seeing is the blossom of his character playing out amidst an all or nothing fight. Stay strapped in, anon!
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kenkaodoll · 8 months
Kamiya Dojo Monogatari Tale 68 (JUMP SQ 23/09)
About Kamiya Dojo Monogatari:
Tales of Kamiya dojo is written by Kaoru Kurosaki and published along with the “Rurouni Kenshin Hokkaido” arc in JUMPSQ. The tale involves the Rurouni Kenshin character in daily life that takes time between Kenshin and Kaoru marriage until the epilogue chapter in the original manga before the Hokkaido Arc. Until this month (August 2023) there are a total 68 chapters in Tales of Kamiya dojo. This is an unofficial translation. 
Previous Story: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/723104963765698560/kamiya-dojo-monogatari-tale-67-jump-sq-2308
Kenshin and the rest of them returned to Kamiya Dojo after it was decided that the rabbits will be kept in the custody of the police department.
“This mess…Do we have to clean this up?” Kenshin complained.
“Oh, no, it's too much trouble,” Kaoru was fed up.
The dojo was completely stained with rabbit droppings and other dirt.
“But, well, it's a relief that the smell isn't that bad,” Misao cheerfully tried to give a positive opinion.
Of course, there is no way that mass did not smell bad, but the rabbits were only staying at Kamiya Dojo for only a few hours, it was not so bad. In those days when human excrement was used as fertilizer for the fields, people were more tolerant of bad smells than modern people.
Kenji was crawling apart a little from Kaoru, and he picked up a round object from the floor then tried to put it in his mouth.
“Oh, No!”
With a shout Kaoru closed the distance to Kenji as fast as she could and brushed off the rabbit poo quickly with her hand.
“That was a demigod move,” Megumi was surprised.
Kaoru's chest heaved and she said to Megumi who stared in wonder.
“This is Kamiya Kasshin style special technique, ‘poop drop’. Why? There’s no such a weird technique, is there? Kenji?”
Kaoru picked up Kenji and joked about her own foolishness to herself. 
“Well, I guess not,” Yahiko came bringing a pail of water and soaked rag, and he said with straight face, “Hey, I planted the seed of catastrophe  into this dojo, so I'll face the mess that I dropped. I'll do all the cleaning.”
Kaoru's eyes lit up.
“I'd appreciate it if you would. If we all stay here, Kenji is likely to put everything in his mouth again.”
“You say for Kenji's sake, but the truth is that you're bothered with cleaning up, aren't you?,” Megumi commented plainly.
“Anyway, I'll take care of it here. Have a cup of tea and relax."
“Oh, by the way, didn't we have some yokan (bean jelly)? Let's eat it. I'll leave some for Yahiko, so come back when you're done cleaning,” Misao skipped off to the main house. 
“Um... I… I also brought the rabbit, so please let me clean it properly,” Tsubame asked to help with cleaning.
“Then, Yahiko and Tsubame-chan, please.”
“Thank you so much,” Kenshin added.
Kaoru held Kenji and left the Dojo with Kenshin.
“Take care of the rest.”
Megumi also left, leaving Yahiko, Tsubame, and the rabbit poop in the dojo.
“Nevertheless, I wonder who is the culprit who released the rabbits into Akabeko,” Kaoru moved to the living room, sat down, and spoke seriously. 
“Surely, someone who has bad deeds,” Kenshin wondered. 
Himura and Kaoru-san were so absorbed in the softness of the rabbit that they couldn't think of anything else,” Misao said while distributing yokan and tea to everyone.
“Finally you’re starting to care about the culprit.”
“You're late.”
"It's late, isn't it?"
Megumi and Misao agreed to each other.
“Oh, by the way…,” apparently Kaoru just got an idea while she’s chewing on a piece of yokan. She said, “You know how they say that criminals always come back to the scene of the crime?”
“Is that how it is?” Misao also asked while eating a piece of yokan.
“That's true. For example, it is said that people who set fires often join the crowd of onlookers because they want to see how big the fire they set is burning,” Megumi explained.
“Though this time, it wasn't a fire,”Misao nodded.
“But it's a large number of rabbits, and I think the culprit wants to see what happens to them,” Kaoru emphasized. “So, that's why  I think the culprit will be curious about Akabeko’s condition.”
“Is that so?”
“Why don't you go and see what he's up to?”
“But Kenji…” Kenshin was cautious, in contrast to Kaoru, who was full of curiosity.
“Oh, well, we'll take care of that for you. Right?”
“Yeah. Go ahead.”
Megumi and Misao took over Kenji.
“Well, I think I'll take your word for it. Right, Kenshin?”
“Will the culprit really come back to Akabeko?”
“I can't say for sure. But if there was a suspicious person who brought a lot of rabbits early in the morning, someone might have seen them.”
“I guess we should ask around and see if there are any witnesses.”
“Besides, it's been a while since we went out together in Asakusa. Let's have dinner while we're at it.”
So Kenshin and Kaoru set out for Asakusa in the evening.
Meanwhile, the culprit, Nagaoka Mikio.
Early in the morning, he threw a large number of rabbits into the akabeko, returned to his tenement house, and after laughing hysterically with a sense of accomplishment, said, "I did it!” drank some sake, and fell asleep.
When Mikio woke up, it was completely late in the evening.
“Aah… I'm so hungry,” Mikio murmured. Then he got an idea. “Hey, why don't we go to 'Akabeko'?”
He called out to a woman who was doing needlework out of his way in Mikio’s small room in the tenement house.
“Where do you get money for that?”
“I still have a little bit of the money I made when I did the business with the rabbits. Today was a good day since we got rid of the rabbits, so let's have some fun with it.”
“Got rid of the rabbit. That's not funny.”
“No, I didn't mean it as a joke. It's just a coincidence, just a coincidence!”
Mikio urged the woman to go to Akabeko.
Just as it's not a pun to get rid of the rabbits, and it just happened to be such a sequence of words, the plan to release rabbits into the Akabeko was not planned as a big harassment, just because there happened to be a lot of rabbits and they did so.
However, he had reason why he harassed Akabeko two years later after his failed attempt to rob Akabeko in 11th year of Meiji.
The reason was one of Akabeko’s regular customers was a streetfighter known as Zanza.
There was nothing good about making enemies with Zanza, a fighter who was reputed to be extremely strong in this neighborhood. When they were about to rob Akabeko, they were stopped by a little boy who works there, named Yahiko, but Zanza and a man with a cross-shaped scar were behind him. He knew only vague rumors about the man with the cross-shaped scar, but everyone in this neighborhood knew of Zanza's strength. So, at that time, he pulled back, realizing that he could not get any further.
However, for the past one or two years, Zansa had not been seen in the neighborhood. There were rumors that he had gone on a long trip. Well, it was certain that Zanza was no longer coming to Akabeko.
And, as it happened, there were a large number of rabbits from Year of the Rabbit left unsold, which led him to do harassment.
“I wonder what they did with all those rabbits?”
Just imagining Akabeko's female workers screaming and yelling at each other made Mikio laugh. Tsubame's fearful and frightened appearance made Mikio's stomach churn.
He stayed among the onlookers until the opening of Akabeko, made a wild comment such as "Wasn't that rabbit hot pot, not beef hot pot?" then walked away and left the restaurant.
At that time, he was so elated to have accomplished what he wanted to do that I could not help but wonder what happened to the restaurant after that.
Mikio was excited and headed for Akabeko.
And when he came to the front of the store, he wondered how many people knew about the morning's commotion, and how much damage had been done to the reputation of the restaurant. If everyone on the street whispered, "It was rabbit meat," it would make all this harassment worthwhile.
Mikio immediately approached a passerby in front of the store.
“Hey, I want to ask you something, did you see there was some kind of commotion this morning?”
“Oh, it seems so. I was asked about it a while ago. He asked me if I knew the person who brought the rabbit.”The passerby answered Mikio with a friendly smile.
"Wow! What a reputation. So everyone is talking about rabbits!"
Mikio was in a good mood.
The rabbits had not brought him any money, but if they made him feel this good, it was worth the effort of raising them for a year and a bit.
“I don't know if it's such a hot topic, but they’re looking for the person who carried the rabbit, you see, that couple over there.” The passerby pointed his finger to the husband and wife across the street.
“Geeh, geeh!”
Mikio was so surprised that his eyeballs almost popped out.
“Oh, oh, okay. Thanks for everything!” He said. He turned his head away from the couple the man pointed at, turned his back, and quietly walked away from the Akabeko.
“What's wrong with you?” The woman was puzzled and asked Mikio. He had been in an extremely good mood until a few minutes ago, suddenly changed and was about to run away.
“Shhhh, just let me get out of here!”
The woman has no choice but to follow Mikio.
The passerby pointed to a man with crossed-shaped scar. Moreover, Mikio was the one who had brought the rabbit. In other words, he was looking for Mikio himself.
.…..to be continued in chapter 69…… 
TLnote(1): translating Japanese is so hard because the sentence structure is very different compared with English. Also the style of writing is different, plus there’s a lot of figurative, poetic language and things that don't make sense if it’s directly translated into english. So forgive me if this is very weird to read, and please tell me if you want to give corrections. 
TLnote(2) I will provide the original Japanese text for correction if any of you who read have better knowledge of the Japanese language. Just dm and I’ll send the file.
TLnote(3) Dtninja had translated some earlier chapters on his website. You can go and check on there
Read the rest of the story here: https://www.tumblr.com/kenkaodoll/686193523858538496/rurouni-kenshin-tales-of-kamiya-dojo?source=share
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daiseukiis · 3 years
𝙚𝙥𝙞𝙨𝙤𝙙𝙚 𝙩𝙬𝙤 ; 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙨 𝙥𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤
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─꒱ in which we peak into how life is as the in-law of the fushiguro family after marrying megumi。
─꒱ feat. fushiguro megumi, fushiguro toji & fushiguro tsumiki
─꒱ warnings ; profanity, chaotic hot shit
─꒱ episode one | 𝐅𝐔𝐂𝐊 𝐈𝐓 𝐔𝐏 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐒 | episode three
꒰꒰ you love your father-in-law, like you really do love toji, but that worm of his needs to be in a fucking cage.
a loud scream comes from the top of your lungs early in the morning, eyelashes blinking to shoo the drowsiness away after it's been awakened by the warm sun rays that lay atop your eyelids. as much as you love waking up in the morning in bed with your husband, you don't get that luxury sometimes.
"y/n?!" hearing the loud footsteps of your husband rushing towards with another scream from your sister-in-law, the both of them slam the door wide open. "what happened?!" toji is the last to appear to the scene, his expression more on the sight of confusion compared to the worried and panicked facials on megumi and tsumiki's face. "what the fuck?"
"get this fucking worm off me!"
꒰꒰ if that worm wasn't adopted by toji it would've been on fucking sight. that shit uglier then sukuna's stock of human girls for his bitch soup.
꒰꒰ after you told megumi what toji had told you when you were left alone with him ( the sex question ), you are no longer allowed to be alone at home with him. megumi made sure that the dogs are around.
꒰꒰ you found out the hard way that toji has some lameass dad jokes.
you and tsumiki decided to order sushi for dinner due to the fact the both of you were too lazy to cook, seeing how you and megumi came back tired from a mission and toji from one as well, you all felt bad having tsumiki cook all on her own so you bought food instead.
"i'd avoid sushi if i were you, it seems fishy." toji says just as you all prepared the table to eat. you and megumi freeze on the spot, the trio of you all turning your heads towards toji who sports a serious face. megumi groans, "don't ever do that again."
"i thought it was pretty good." tsumiki lets out a small giggle, you smiling that toji was now comfortable to even make jokes after everything. megumi turns to counter his sister's opnion, through you all swore you heard a stifled chuckle come from toji.
'he's laughing at his own jokes!'
꒰꒰ the effort is appreciated though.
꒰꒰ sometimes you and tsumiki buy too many stuff at the groceries, you call megumi to summon nue and get his shikigami to carry it for you two.
꒰꒰ toji offered ( jokingly ) to let you guys use his worm as a storage while you went shopping for groceries once, let's just say he got smacked in the face with a pan.
꒰꒰ it's his fault for joking while you were cooking.
꒰꒰ you were used to waking up three in the morning for anything and seeing your husband and father-in-law tying some burglar or assassin up, but no way were the rest of the family used to you doing the work.
"y/n?" megumi comes walking down the stairs with his father, turning on the lights in the dark hour to gain a shred of shine. the two males see in full picture that you had just finished punching someone in the face, the other hand holding them up by the collar as it physically shows that whoever this guy dressed in black had just failed in whatever mission he had in mind.
"who's that?" toji raises a brow, more so on the fact that he is impressed you beat up the intruder without a single sound in the dead of night. the look of displeasure shows you were in no mood, wanting nothing more than what you had walked downstairs for before this piece of shit decided to ruin your night. you throw the man in black on to the floor, scowling.
"all i wanted was a glass of fucking water, not an assassin who can't even use the front door."
꒰꒰ when you and tsumiki make food in the kitchen, expect a knife to go flying at least once.
꒰꒰ you don't know if you should be thankful to have tsumiki as your sister or not, she's unintentionally scary and she's not even trying.
꒰꒰ somehow you always end up walking into an argument between megumi and toji ( usually after leaving the kitchen to get a snack ) but you instantly walk out because the last time you didn't, shit was ugly.
"hey... can we all just calm down?" tsumiki is in between toji and megumi who are constantly throwing insults and such at each other, whatever argument they were having she tries to settle it down without anyone getting injured.
"i can't when this pathetic excuse of a father can't grow the fuck up!" megumi bellows, glaring at the older man who lets out a tsk and a frown. "watch what you're saying, i'll hand down an ass whoopin' on ya."
'this seems interesting.' you sip on your boba after walking out from the kitchen, the bowl of popcorn just beside you as you ate and speculated. it was normal for the father-son duo to have their fights, usually it was fun to watch because it ended up as good entertainment for you. so in result: you have no intention in stopping them.
"no, guys, seriously..." tsumiki pleads, her hands slightly apart to try and force space between them. though her efforts were thrown out the window when in complete sync did they yell right back at tsumiki. "just mind your own business!"
'they punched her!' the boba fell from your hands and the popcorn flew, much like how tsumiki started to fall back towards the couch. it took less than a millisecond for the two to realize what the did, and they knew they were fucked.
꒰꒰ sometimes you still have nightmares about it.
꒰꒰ there are times that toji would be coming home with a woman tailing behind him, and it's somehow always when megumi and tsumiki are out.
"tadamasu." toji greets as he walks in, talking his footwear off and leaving it in front of the door. you pop your head out from the living room into the hallway of the entrance as you greet him on his return, "hokairi."
"who's the bitch?" you notice a woman who had too much make up to show her curstyass in front of you, a click of your tongue echoes through the two meter distance between you and her as you cross your arms. "who's the slut?"
"youー!" her face twists in fury, heels about to click and clack each step to get to you but is instantly stopped by the sound of toji's deep voice. "get out." the girl looks baffled by his words, face contouring into a smile full on uneasiness. "but tojiー"
"i said get out." his voice is much more prominent and demanding, sending chills down her spine as she steps back in caution. you stand here watching as the woman still refused to leave your home, in seconds did toji grab hold of her wrist and threw her out of the house ( much to the woman's displeasure ). you grin from ear to ear, running out to see her limping her way back to her rented car right beside toji. you call her out, the glare she sends your way is priceless as you stand beside your father-in-law with all the glory in the world.
"by the way, i'm his amazing daughter-in-law! and we have decided that a clown lookin' ass like you doesn't deserve the right to fuck a fushiguro!" you wink.
"yeah, yeah. get back inside, y/n. megumi 'n tsumiki 'ill be back home, don't want them nagging that our y/n got into some cat fight again." you hear toji from inside the house, walking away from your figure. you pout your cheeks out, "it's not a cat fight, it's my bad bitch moves!"
"i'll lock you out."
"this is my house!"
꒰꒰ you stopped questioning megumi and toji's cooking skills because the last time you and tsumiki let them cook dinner, they didn't just burn the eggs they were making but also trashed half the kitchen.
꒰꒰ they made an oil fire that time, and no one knows how but toji was able to get the zenin clan to pay for repairs???
꒰꒰ and apparently for the past five months the zenin clan have been paying for repairs and they didn't even know toji was using their money, well until naobito found out and busted your front door on a weekend.
"toji!" you heard the current head of the zenin's clan voice boom through your house, you also watched the white front door fly through the hallway right before your eyes after you have just watered your little cactuses. in seconds you hear the lazy voice of your father-in-law, emerging from the kitchen with a confused tsumiki. "what do you want."
"how dare you use the zenin clan's money on your mistakes!" naobito starts striding towards toji in anger, your eyes glancing over at your now open door to see naoya waving to you. you lift your waterer up in acknowledgment of his existence before snapping at naobito.
"how about your mistake?" you watch naobito grip on to the collar of toji's shirt, the look of fury engraved on his old face as he glares your way. "what?" he says, dropping toji as he complains about
"you broke my fucking door, you wrinkly ass, dusty, decaying ancient artifact. we just installed that three days ago! the zenin clan better keep paying."
꒰꒰ that door never seems to get a break
꒰꒰ the real reason why you and megumi never moved out of the house is because when you two tried, tsumiki and toji invited themselves into your house and said they were living there.
꒰꒰ your father-in-law makes hundreds of millions of yen, you'd think he'd live on his own but instead he lives with his kids.
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sponsors ; @haru-senji @churochuu @inumakiful @to-move-on-means-to-grow @hq128 @erensslut @hoeevern @iwaesumi @cherryonigiri @captaincyberqueen @strawbebbies-ky @your-consulting-fangirl @tsumuluv @aesthotiana @thevoidwriting @optimestick
© MGUQIIS 、 2021
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nanastea · 3 years
for the sake of it
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order: HI! I absolutely adore your blog and writing, and was hoping to get a small taro milk tea with mango jelly (add-ons egg pudding, this is my favorite irl too btw!) for my sweet boy megumi? And I'd like to request a fake dating au where it initially started out as a prank but it turned into something more? – @dumrus
pairing: fushiguro megumi x fem!reader
word count: 1,732
tags: fake dating au! idiots in love, little angst for a short while but gets a happy ending!
date: apr. 17, 2021
nana’s note: ahhh thank you so much @dumrus for being my first order!! i was so happy when i received this order and got super excited about writing it that i kind of got carried away and wrote a too long of an imagine (*꒦ິ³꒦ີ) and i'm not sure if i got the prank part correctly ヽ( T–T)ノi’m sorry about that! but i do hope you will enjoy this~ constructive feedback is appreciated!
previous order: notes for you
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you’ve always been with megumi for as long as you can remember. you two met at jujutsu high when gojo had introduced the young megumi to you. the spikey dark haired boy had no interest in you nor did you in him. you both were young and had no idea what curses or cursed energy was so it was mostly training and training.
but due to the low attendance of students enrolled in the academy, there was only you and megumi so ultimately you guys had to rely on each other. but with the news of new first years coming to the academy, you and megumi hadn’t been expecting to build new relationships. nobara kugisaki and itadori yuuji were the new first years and students that you two had to work with.
they were a handful, especially yuuji who became the vessel of the king of curses, ryomen sukuna. the first few weeks of getting to know the new students, it was quite awkward and naturally you and megumi stuck together. that isn’t unnoticed by kugisaki nor yuuji.
“are you and y/n dating?” yuuji had asked one day. the four of you had been training when the two boys had gone to get drinks from the vending machines. megumi glanced at the pink haired boy as he pressed a button on the machine.
“no.” he simply replied. “are you interested in her?”
“no, no.” the former waved his hands. “i just thought so because you guys are always together.”
“we aren’t dating.” you two had said. on the other hand, kugisaki had asked you the same question.
“hah?” she drew out in disbelief. “there is no way. you guys are always together! you don’t even have a speck of feelings for him?” you pick at the edges of your sweater and shrug. did you even think of megumi that way? well, he may appear cold, but he has his ways of concern. like when he catches you before you fell down those stairs one day, or when he brings you your favorite snacks when you’re not well, or taking care of you when you’re ill…
the next thing you knew, your face had flushed and burned red.
“you do!” kugisaki pointed out and laughed out loud. you could die. you hid your head in the palms of your hands and cringed. this can’t be.
“what’s so funny, kugisaki?” yuuji’s voice says. the voice suddenly made you shoot your head up knowing if the pink haired boy was there, then an all too familiar spikey haired boy would be back too. your eyes effortlessly fall onto megumi’s who looks back in concern.
“you’re red. are you alright?” he asked. if your face could feel any hotter, it could.
“she’s fine! she just overdid training!” kugisaki lied through her teeth whilst attempting to hold back her laughter and patting your back.
“well, you can sit this one out until you feel better.” megumi offers and you nod dumbly. you just dug your own grave. with your feelings now surfaced, you can’t do anything except keep your newfound feelings locked tightly in your heart. megumi doesn’t need to know about them. however, that’s beginning to get difficult when you’ve gotten yourself in situations where megumi was always there to catch you before you fell.
“you’ve really been out of it, y/n. are you sure you’re okay?” he had asked. you had just bumped your head against the wall when you found megumi walking down the opposite side of the hall and you had abruptly turned around to avoid him, but ended up hitting your head on the wall.
“i’m fine.” you shake your head, holding the cool ice pack against your head.
“i don’t think so, you’ve been spacing out a lot lately and i’m worried about you.” the words fall so effortlessly from his lips and you clench your eyes closed, feeling how your heart begins to race erratically.
“i’m fine, megumi. really.” you assured, looking up at him and giving him your best grin. megumi does not believe you, but he lets you be and withdraws back in the chair.
“what about you? how are you holding up on training with kugisaki?” you ask this time to settle your nerves. a small groan leaves the other’s lips and you can’t help but chuckle.
“that bad huh?”
“it’s not that.” megumi starts. “she always tries to find a way to ask if you and i are dating. clearly, we’re not but she’s persistent. it’s worse because itadori is also asking.” your heart clenches a little at his words, but you swallow it down to the pit of your stomach. is it really that bad?
“i mean we can just say that we are dating, but we actually aren’t. like you know, fake dating. kind of?” the boy looks at you with a small tilt of his head.
“why?” you begin to get anxious and clear your throat, looking behind him to prepare what to say next.
“w-well it’s going to get awkward between us if they keep asking, right? i mean they’ll probably stop pestering us?” you reason hopefully. megumi is silent and you’re beginning to regret your offer.
“i-i mean it’s only a thought, it’s not that we have to follow–”
“no. i think that’ll be a good idea. they’ll definitely stop asking.” he nods. “let’s do it.”
“y-yeah.” and when you guys told kugisaki and yuuji that you two were ‘dating,’ they had sighed in relief claiming that they ‘knew it’ and you two were ‘just hiding it.’ you chuckled awkwardly and nodded along.
fortunately, the plan did work and kugisaki and yuuji had stopped bothering you guys about your relationship. on the other hand, you can’t help but notice the tense awkwardness between you and megumi whenever you two were alone together. maybe it wasn’t a good idea after all.
you’re in kugisaki’s room for another of your group to get together to down all kinds of junk food and watch corny horror movies. after getting tired of movies, you’re all on the bed and chatting away–more like kugisaki and yuuji are chatting your ears off. and you’re not sure how the conversation was directed at you and megumi’s relationship. if you even want to call it that.
“what do you mean?” you looked at the orange head skeptically.
“kiss! i meant kiss! have you guys even kissed yet?” the question hangs in the air and you can feel the spiked boy behind you tense, shuffling his legs. you avoid the prying eyes and clear your throat. what the hell were you guys going to respond to that? the silent response makes nobara and itadori’s jaws drop.
“no way!” they both exclaim, gasping and covering their mouths ever so dramatically.
“you guys dated this long and you haven’t even kissed once?” itadori inquired, brows raised in shock. you utter something that doesn’t go unnoticed.
“what was that, y/n?”
“we weren’t even dating in the first place.” silence consumes the room before it erupts into sounds of gasps and an uproar of shouts.
“no way! why did you lie?!” kugisaki voiced offensively.
“you guys were so insistent that we were dating, but we really weren’t. so, we just pretended to date so you guys would stop asking.” you say. kugisaki and yuuji don’t say anything and their eyes glance at megumi who seems to find a strange liking in picking at the edges of his sweatpants. the two glance at each other and settle back onto the bed.
“we didn’t mean to have forced anything on you two.” kugisaki said, gentle and a little guilty because it seemed like the two of you were on the brink of something that she did not want to happen. you weren’t able to respond when you feel megumi shuffle behind you and off the bed.
“i’m tired. i’m just. gonna go sleep.” megumi muttered, hand rubbing his neck and eyes refusing to meet anyone’s. he cleared his throat and shuffled out of the room. the room is silent again. two pairs of eyes fall on your slumped frame and when itadori opens his mouth to say something, he’s cut off with yours.
“i’m tired too. i’ll see you guys tomorrow.” and you, too, leave the room without another word. the following days have been the hardest for you. you were foolishly hooked up on your feelings for the spiky haired boy which caused you to fall countless times while training with kugisaki. she knew what got you so up in the clouds and felt guilty for what she put you two through.
“i think you should try confessing just to get it off your chest.” she told you. “trust me, it’ll be awkward at first, but you guys will forget it later. probably even look back and laugh about it.” you take her words into consideration and nod defeatedly.
“yeah, i guess.” was everything going to go back to normal once you do confess? would you guys really look back and laugh about it as part of your silly adolescent life? a heavy sigh leaves your lips.
“speak of the devil.” she grinned and nodded her head to which you followed and looked behind you. it’s megumi. he has a hand in his pocket and the other is rubbing the back of his neck and his eyes are looking to the side.
“may i speak to you, y/n?”
“o-oh. yeah, sure.” you two leave the area and head to the vending machines where you two get your respective drinks for you and your friends. that is until megumi stands to his full height and faces you, making you look at him confused.
“megumi?” you hear him clear his throat and breath out.
“i, uh, i’ve really thought about it over the time we have been apart, and,” he swallows. “i really like you, y/n. i know it’s still awkward between us because of what happened, but i needed to tell you this.” you’re stunned, shocked at what you heard. you couldn’t even process what he said when he started to doubt his words and begin to take them back.
“n-no!” you abruptly say, shaking your head. you swallow whatever was left of you and say those four words of reciprocation, albeit stumbled over them.
“i like you too, megumi.”
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© nanastea – i do not permit copying, revising, modifying, reposting, etc.!
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Oof... I'd feel for anyone in that situation. Thanks for the ask, and thank you for the compliment! I appreciate the support ❤️
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕤𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕥𝕠𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕤 𝕤𝕦𝕔𝕙 𝕒𝕤 𝕓𝕦𝕝𝕝𝕪𝕚𝕟𝕘, 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕟𝕠 𝕗𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 ~
𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 = 𝐾𝑜𝑢 𝑀𝑢𝑘𝑎𝑚𝑖 𝑥 𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 ~
I got inspiration for this off 'Say I Love You'
"Kou! I heard your new song! It's so good!"
"Aw really?! Thanks for the support!"
"Yeah! We heard it too! You're as awesome as always!", Gushed a group of his fangirls.
"Oh! Y/N, you can go on ahea-"
But as always, I going to class before him. Automatically walking ahead of him. It's like this everyday, he gets crowded and I'm told to go. It's so annoying....
I walk ahead and saw Ruki, he looked at me and approached me. "Where's Kou? You've been going to class on your own a lot lately", he asked as stern as ever. "He's... Busy", I said, looking behind me seeing Kou laughing and smiling at his little harem.
"So it's like that? I don't like his neglect to you much either but I suppose it's his duty as an idol to entertain his fans", deadpanned Ruki, looking at the scene also. "N-no... I find his actions reasonable, besides it's not like I'm jealous or anything..."
Ruki softened his normally stoic face. "Would you like me to talk to him later? He's your Adam, he shouldn't treat you like this", he said
"No need...", I muttered and walked away. I heard fangirls muttering and whispering about me.
"Ugh... Look at that stuck-up bitch..."
"I know, she's such a whore"
I'm not...
"She only talks to Kou whenever she wants something... She's a slutty gold digger"
Stop it...
"She completely neglects him at school, seriously I bet she forces him to sleep with her"
I don't...
"Kou could do way better than Y/N..."
I know...
I put my earphones and I keep walking to class, once I get there, I see more fangirls. Stupid bitches...
I pull out my phone and I feel a pull on my right ear.
"Hey Masokitty! Wassup?", He said cheerfully. I say nothing, I feel Kou's fangirls glaring daggers at me. "Ehhh? You changed your screensaver?! Whhhyyyy? We looked so cute together in that photo!" He whined.
"So? Am I not allowed to change my background photo? And must you be so... Over the top?", I deadpanned, I only get into trouble when Kou gives me attention in public.
"Take it easy, I was just asking... Anyway, what're you listening to?", Kou said placing the earphone into his ear.
"Huh...? Everybody Wants To Rule The World again?", He asked.
"Loser...", One of the girls uttered.
"You seem off today? You doin alright?", He asked in a worried voice.
"Nothing, I just didn't get much sleep last night!"
"Maybe because I didn't let you sleep last night?~ I'm sorry! You know how I get when I'm needy~", he said putting his arm around my waist.
Jesus Christ! No need to bring it up infront if people you dumbass! I felt more glares of horror and burning hatred being stabbed into me.
"Y/N, you listen to a song on loop when you're upset, are you sure it's okay?"
"Geez, I'm on my period okay!", I hissed... God, why can't he just leave me alone in school?
"it actually ended last-"
"Can you shut the fuck up for five seconds?!"
Everyone looked at me... Kou just glared at me, well, I'm in for it tonight.
I walked into class and I just tried to forget... everything. Why did I have to say that?!
I quickly leave the class after the bell rang and I headed straight for the girls bathroom hastily. I lock myself in a stall and went on my phone, again.
"Kou would look sooo good with Megumi right?", A feminine voice sighed.
"Doesn't he already have a girlfriend? It's that Y/N girl right?"
"I hate that bitch, she told him to shut the fuck up today, the audacity"
"Seriously?- Oh hey Megumi!"
Who's Megumi? I heard she's some really famous model/idol. I listen in on their conversation.
"Hey guys! What's up?", She said enthusiastically.
"Did you hear what Y/N said to Kou today?"
"Hm? Yeah I heard about it... Poor Kou, he must feel so abused by her. Also I asked him if he wanted to do a photoshoot with me and he said yes!"
My heart sank at her words... He really said that he'd do it with her? I get an Instagram notification that Kou updated his story, I went on and it read: Doing a photoshoot with Megumi! I'm so excited! I'll put pictures on later!
I turned my phone off in defeat. I'll stay with him for the plan... Not because I'm in love with him. I'm sick of the shit he does at this point. I wait for the girls to leave, which didn't take long so I left the stall and went to wash my hands. "Hey you stupid bitch!", A voice screamed at me. I ignored it. "DONT FUCKING ANNOY ME BITCH!".
I looked at her and I felt a strong impact on my face and I felt something run down my face. I looked in the mirror and blood was spilling down. The girl and her friends took turns hitting me and they left after 5 painful minutes.
I hate this...
I walk out to the nurse's office and grabbed a large plaster for my face and walked out. Why can't this day just end? I wanna go back and go to bed.
"Yeah... What's up?"
"What happened to your face?"
I saw the group of girls snickering at me.
"I fell..."
"Is that right?", He said getting serious. The way he was looking at me made me wanna crawl under a rock and die. School was over before I knew it and the car ride was silent, a very awkward silence.
"I wanna talk when we get back Masokitty... I'm not very happy on how you were acting today, it was sooo embarrassing"
Yuma pursed his lips and widened his eyes, knowing that some major tea is going to go down.
"I'm sorry for being such an embarrassment...", I said shyly, not looking him in the eyes.
Does he honestly think that he'd be the one suffering...?
"I don't think you're an embarrassment Livestock... Kou, you need to think about Eve, her happiness should be your top priority. The plan is almost finished"
"I-it's really fine, it's not like it matters to me whether I'm happy or not...", I deadpan looking out the window.
"Jesus Christ! What the hell is your problem today?! You're starting to piss me off!", Yelled Kou.
"It doesn't matter, I'll just...deal with it myself or whatever", I sighed listlessly.
"Eve... isn't...acting...like...her...normal...self...at school... you...tend...to...be....much...happier...at... home....are...you...sure...that... you're... fine....at....school?", Said Azusa, clearly worried.
"I'm fine, don't worry about me. Nothing that bad has happened", I said smiling.
"Oh, also I gotta go out later today", said Kou.
"Be back before dinner, what time are you going at?", Asked Ruki. He's such a mom sometimes.
"Uhhh... 12:00 to 15:00. Shouldn't you of all people be curious as to where I'm going Masokitty?", Hissed Kou.
"Not really no, just don't do anything dumb"
Kou ignored you for the rest of the car ride and avoided you for the rest of the night.
It was time for you to go to bed, you just went to your own room because you thought he didn't want you to sleep next to him.
It was 16:00... He should've been home by now... I checked his Instagram and...
He and Megumi made such a good couple... Comments on the post said that they should start dating, they'd make such a great couple.
What is this... Inferiority?
This crushing feeling like I'll never be good enough for Kou...
Do I only love Kou because... He's someone no one else can have? Do I see him as a trophy...?
Does he only see me as a blood bag? Something he can use for his amusement?
I turn off my phone and flop onto my bed, Jesus Christ, I wanted to cry until I eventually drown into my tears.
It feels like Kou's moving away from me... And I hate it.
Ruki POV-
"Explain this Kou", I ordered showing him an image on my phone of his going into some girls apartment. I was beyond annoyed with him for what he did.
Kou was looking at the photo in shock. "You slept with that girl didn't you?! Incase you haven't noticed, you have a girlfriend, who has seen this and questioning her worth to you"
"Ruki! I didn't sleep with her and most importantly, Y/N saw?!", He yelled. "She even said that you and Megumi made a good couple today at lunch"
Kou looked like he was about to cry.
"I knew it was weird, how she was always trying to avoid me at school. I ruined her..."
About time he came to his senses...
"She even told me that she'll stay to fulfill the plan, not for you. The stress of choosing an Adam was hard enough, but the stress of her Adam not loving her is worse"
Kou rushed off finally. Besides, I knew he'd never cheat on her. He loves her too much...
Y/N P.O.V.
I was looking outside my window and I heard running down the hall, Kou burst in with no context and rushed over to me.
I tensed up and closed my eyes, thinking that he'd yell at me but instead, he just stood infront of me helplessly crying like a child. He leant down and embraced me like I was going to disappear in seconds.
"I'm...I'm s-sorry! I was o-only thinking about m-myself!", He cried, I could barely decipher what he was saying yet I had an idea why he was being so apologetic.
Because I saw the picture of him going into Megumi's home and he wants me to keep being in his little harem.
I out one arm around him and keep a listless face, knowing him he's just trying to manipulate me into feeling sorry for him.
"Grow the fuck up, you're just sad because you got exposed and I'm just the most convenient to go and cry to"
He looked at me and started crying even more. "SHUT UP! I LOVE YOU AND I'D CHOOSE YOU OVER MEGUMI- NO ANY MAN OR WOMAN OUT THERE!", he yelled.
"R-Ruki told me that... You think that I no longer care about you or love you... I don't want to be around those girls, they only like me because I'm attractive and famous but you- you've seen me at my worst and most violent, yet you've still stayed with me... Thank you... Thank you so much Y/N, my precious Eve"
I hug him back and I felt like crying, however, there was still a little demon on my shoulder telling me that he was faking it.
"Kou...there's no way that I'd be good enough for someone like you"
His mood swing came and he aggressively grabbed my shoulders. "How the hell can you say that?! Jesus Christ, you're the most precious thing to me! I'd sacrifice my career for you in a heartbeat!"
I'm getting mixed feelings here, he says he loves me but he sounds like he's gonna strangle me any second. Why couldn't Yui be an option? She can be my Lilith but that's not the point.
"Stop lying to me...", I whisper, holding onto him tighter.
"I'm not... You know how much I hate lies"
"Stop lying..."
"I'm not", he said softly holding onto me.
I start crying quietly, feeling a lot better that Kou gave me the verification that I so desperately wanted to hear, yet there was still some lingering doubt.
We skipped school to hangout and to do other stuff.
Timeskip~ Monday
"Kou! You looked so handsome in that photoshoot!"
"Thanks! But I don't have time to talk today because I need to focus on my special lady", he said politely.
"It's been awhile since we both went to class together", I said. I was in much better spirits because he was with me.
I guess being around with Kou in public isn't that bad.
IDGAF if I made mistakes, just deal with it because I'm too lazy...
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