#os! papyrus
capricioussun · 11 months
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Outer Papyri Pictoris, Antares, and Aurigae
as suggested by @rainbowut
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havockingboo · 2 years
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prince-raisins-art · 1 year
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gossip date with the girlies
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spadesmain · 11 months
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Hey guys sorry for being inactive AGAIN I’m starting to get a little more tired out than usual just like before ;(
( here are some sketches to make up for it )
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illdothehotvoice · 2 months
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Look at my figure shelf boy I'm still sick
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canvas-madness-txc · 1 year
CAUTION: Love Ahead
{Fellswap Gold Papyrus X Reader}
"People fall in love without a reason, without even wanting to. You can't predict it. That's love."
That is what the man behind the door had told him. Papyrus thought about those words. The more he thought, the more he despised what his SOUL made him feel. It's not like he was incapable of love. No, quite the opposite actually.
It was the Underground that was incapable of love. It was "Oppress or be oppressed" down here. Pacifist is Genocide. MERCY is FIGHT.
Love is Hate
He could not love. How could he in a place that will jail those who voice different opinions? Whatever becomes of those defiant people is never good. As much as he would like to confess, he couldn't bring himself to do it.
So he had locked himself in his room; supplied with only coffee, cream cans, black bread, angst superhero comics, his notepad and pencils.
Meanwhile, you sat in the kitchen as Sans was cooking Farfalle. You sat with your own thoughts. Thoughts of what will become of Temmie and yourself when you leave SNOWDIN. Thoughts of Asgore, who still waited in the RUINS, after losing you, as he lost every human he has encountered. Thoughts of the skeleton brothers. Sans had granted you mercy privately after nearly killing you and locking you in a shed. He had only done so because of your consistent pacifism and since Papyrus had grown fond of you. It took a long time, including Sans giving you a side- eye. He extremely was protective of his brother. You snapped back out of your thoughts when Sans had placed food in front of you. You began picking at it, as your thoughts wouldn't leave you alone. Specifically, those about Papyrus. Although, he never spoke, he did communicate with others through writing on a notepad. Still the silence worried you.
"Papyrus had been in his room for a long time," you said, trying to make it seem normal. You looked up and noticed Sans cross his arms in thought.
"yes. i know and it's making me worried." You both stayed silent for a few minutes.
"You otay," Temmie asked.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Tem does not belive hooman." You turned to your companion. Smiling slowly, you reassured them that you were fine. Sans left to do something else and you took a few bites of your food. It wasn't enough to block out your own worry. Eventually, you decided to see for yourself if Papyrus was okay. Climbing the stairs, you felt strange feelings in your SOUL. Trying to brush it off, you knocked on the door.
"Hey Papyrus. You okay in there," you asked. Sitting by the door, you heard the faint sound of pencil scratches. A note slipped through the door.
"You haven't come out in a while. Is something bothering you?"
You both sat in silence for a while. Then, another note slipped through the door.
You turned your head to the door. A strange question. A very strange question. Still, you told him what you knew.
You were met with silence.
"Why do you ask?" He slid another note.
"Okay," you replied. Silence again. A faint voice spoke in your head.
*You feel as if he is lying.
You lowered your eyes to the floor. They were right. That is what you felt. The voice pushed you to ask him. You couldn't. As worried as you were, something stopped you.
He probably wants to be left alone, you thought. Slowly, you get up and began to step away from Papyrus's room. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him slip another note. Bending down, you picked up the note.
Your face got warm.
"You like me?" He slipped another note.
You stared at the door, processing the notes in your hand. The door began to open and Papyrus was standing in the doorway.
His notepad was open to a page that he faced towards you. On that page he had a quick sketch.
*It's you!
There was a note next to the sketch.
Everything began falling into place. The feelings in your SOUL. There were not merely concern, worry or even LV.
It was love.
You agreed. Papyrus was taken by surprise and ran off to prepare. You wondered what surprises that could entail. Still, it would be a pleasant surprise.
Including the possibility of love.
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vrnicky · 1 year
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Surprise surprise!!
@und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut !!!
Have a cute interaction with Comet!!
Both of you like space so you actually listening to him ranting is.. something really special to him <3
Hope you like it!!
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Perry Robot&Monster... transfem..
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Romantic tag dump
Pt. 3
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m0th-rambles · 1 month
I should remake my undertale s/i from when i was 11. I think little me would like that
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tamirestts · 6 months
hoje eu fui ouvir megalo strike back pra varrer a casa e do nada veio a ideia de uma au de undertale chamada underguard onde, depois de frisk matar a maior parte dos monstros, menos alguns comuns e a maioria dos chefes (menos o asgore, claro) os monstros resolvem tomar reais decisões para se proteger caso outro humano apareça. em retrospecto, o jogador seria alguém mandado pelo governo, a depender da rota, ou para terminar de exterminar todos os monstros, ou para se comunicar com eles e encontrar um jeito de quebrar a barreira, mas os monstros estão mais em guarda, então, ou eles ficam ainda mais fortes na rota genocida e lutam pra valer, ou eles ficam mais temerosos com sua amizade com eles na rota pacifista. also, papyrus finalmente entrou na guarda-real e está se esforçando muito para ser muito sério, vestindo uma armadura que nem a undyne, mas ele acredita o máximo que pode que o humano possa não ser uma pessoa horrível, enquanto alphys está fornecendo novas armas tecnológicas para undyne, a maior parte de snowdin se tornou só um grande campo de treinamento enquanto os monstros decidiram que era mais seguro morar pelo menos nos subúrbios da Nova Capital e o sans se tornou o novo cozinheiro dos guardas em treinamento. geralmente os monstros tem que levar sua própria comida - grillby ainda tenta cozinhar algumas coisas saudáveis, no entanto, mas ele não pode enxaguar as verduras para a salada.
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teamskull-datingsim · 8 months
the thing about me and eddie riggs is that we arent really husbands. I dont think he or I is like. Really interested in it. and also we arent really huge pda people so its like. Not obvious we're dating. but we are and when people find out theyre like "i thought you were roommates?" Well technically yeah but also we kiss
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capricioussun · 11 months
I’ve been thinking about ways to differentiate my outer boys from their standard counterparts since…there canonically aren’t really any differences personality wise?
Of course this largely involves changing the worlds a bit, since that has the greatest impact on a Papyrus’s characterization.
And I think I’ve decided on a few things for them
Little bit of a neat freak. Cares a little more about his appearance (as far as seeming clean and neat comes across, though he isn’t exactly a stickler about it).
Floats/flies/uses gravity manip more often than Rus as it’s seen as more normal given. Space.
Tries (and mostly fails) to come across as more regal, more knightly than Rus. His priorities with getting into the guard are a little more focused on playing the part of a royal guard more, a little less on just using it for popularity (or so he says)
Loves the dogs truly but their fur gets *all* over his clothes and it kills him a little bit inside
Likes sweets a little less, a tiny (and I mean tiny) bit better at cooking
Still as sassy but sometimes does slip and comes across a little mean, usually reels it back quick but doesn’t apologize so much as changes the subject and tries to be more positive/nice
Overall, like Rus but if he was a little more uptight? Still very friendly and goofy though!!
A little more outwardly aggressive, bad attitude type, but conversely, quicker to lighten up and emote than Edge. Quicker to fluster, quicker to lose his temperature, but he maintains Edge’s hard-to-actually-make-mad quality.
One could say he’s kind of naive, takes things even more at face value than Edge (Boötes is the only one allowed to take advantage of this, otherwise you’re getting yourself in his black book if you mess with and genuinely embarrass Antares)
Less resigned, more uneasy, errs more on the paranoid side than Edge.
Values the quiet a lot. Doesn’t have as difficult a time with derealization as Edge.
Loves animals, loves them a *lot, loves learning about any living creature, even fictional!
Reads more too, a big fan of fantasy and adventure books (with a guilty pleasure of preferring the aforementioned two if they have daring romance in them as well).
Overall sort of if Edge was more emotive/expressive, and a little sillier (just a little).
Brattier and sassier than Stretch, but still a sweetheart all the same. He’d feel really bad if he genuinely hurt someone’s feelings, so he tends to click better with people who have a similar sense of humor.
Conversely also has a harder time with anxiety. Hides it just as well, but generally experiences more panic attacks (in secret) than Stretch.
Way more sensory inclined. Doesn’t like being touched, by anyone in anyway unless he’s very familiar/comfortable with them, and usually has something to fidget/stim with in his pockets (which I plan on adding more to the design, his jacket should have more pockets). Also floats/flies/etc more often, as this is also a good way to avoid unwanted contact.
Vapes instead of smokes but still does it super rarely.
Distraction is important, he works better if he has music or something else making sound, even if very quietly, nearby. Otherwise he’s probably sleeping because the quiet agitates his nerves.
A little more intense than Stretch, but comes across more social confident, would still prefer hanging out at home or with a couple of close friends.
Their personalities are still works in progress, so they may change over time as I figure them/their AUs out better, but I feel like this is a good starting point!
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diositia · 2 years
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Je suis lo maîtré des blagues nulles, il fallait bien que ça arrive...
Comic dub d'Apple Monster (Merci encore!! <3)
Dessiné le 16 Février 2016.
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thewonderingbard · 7 months
How are the skeletons with a cuddly S/O? Like, S/O shows love though touching like kisses, hugs, cuddles ect. How are they with him?
Undertale Sans - Vanilla
He too is cuddly! He loves it when his S/O cuddles into his sternum, his skull blushes a light blue! When it comes to kisses he prefers them to be done in private but who is he to deny smooches. What he loves most is when he and his S/O are at Grillbys and his S/O just naturally leans into him and when he finds out it is how you show love? He loves it even more!
Undertale Papyrus - Paps
This man is a very hyper boy! But when his S/O cuddles/hugs him he can't help but relax into their arms. This helps when he has had a particularly overwhelming day, his S/O's kisses, cuddles and hugs will always make him feel better. Also, be prepared for surprise hugs! He is the self-proclaimed 'MASTER SURPIZE HUGGER'.
Underswap Sans - Blue
He doesn't mind his S/O being cuddly but he can't stay still for the life of him. He has to be doing something. When he inevitably crashes from exhaustion he still struggles to sleep, his S/O wrapping their arms around him and pulling him to their chest, kissing the crown off his head instantly knocks him out. Unfortunately, this is really the only time he cuddles his S/O, he does however give Hugs and kisses as a reward. You found him in "hide and Seek"?Hugs and kisses for you!
Underswap Papyrus - Honey
This is a match made in heaven as he is the same! Because of this, Honey and S/O are always seen touching each other in some way. There are designated movie nights where you and he just cuddle and watch a movie or two. Kissing S/O on the forehead is now his way of greeting them. There have also been nights where his anxiety gets really bad, a slow song is put on and Honey and S/O are hugging while swaying gently, his head in S/Os hair and S/O on his Sternum. That is his way of calming down.
Underfell Sans - Red
It takes him a bit of getting used to but after about a month he is completely fine with S/Os kisses, cuddles and hugs. It doesn't stop him from being as red as a tomato for up to a minute. He has also gotten used to casually wrapping his arm around your waist when walking or sitting down somewhere. He is also completely fine spending the day on the sofa with his S/O lying on him, Cuddling and kissing him.
Underfell Papyrus - Edge
He is.....fine.No you did not see his S/O wrap their arms around his waist.No you did not see his S/O beckon him to be face to skull to give him a kiss. And you definitely did not see him and S/O swaying in each other's arms. He may not like to admit it be he is willing to do anything if it means he gets to be in your arms and subject to kisses, He actually is not a fan of PDA, only when it is extremely busy he will hold your hand."ITS JUST SO YOU DON'T GET LOST' Edge says but in actuality, your touch stops him from lashing out at every person that bumps into him.
Horrortale Sans - Seaweed
This relationship was meant to be. Now he knows you show love through kisses, cuddles and hugs, he wants all of those things. All the time.24/7.365.At a million per cent. His S/Os cuddle, hugs and kisses ground him, they stop him from spiralling, they stop him from getting overwhelmed and most of all they stop the pain his skull hole causes him. Physically and mentally. He will constantly be touching S/O.Whether it's his hand on your back or him literally walking around with his head in S/O's shoulder. In fact, I dare say if you were not cuddly then the relationship would not work out.
Horrortale Papyrus - Papaya
Because of how his spine is now, he can not bend down properly. So often if he wants to give S/O a hug he will bring their head inward to the bottom of his ribcage near his pelves, while caressing S/Os head. He does get all gooey and blushy when his S/O kisses his hands. In the morning he is happy to be awoken by a storm of kisses and even peppers S/Os face as well. In public, he prefers your hands to be on him or his mobility aid as it gives him that extra support he needs.
Overall, all the skeles enjoy having a cuddly S/O.
You can tell I rambled on a lot. :)
Thank you for requesting!
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I have a cute one!
S/O and Skeleton going for the first ultrasound of S/Os pregnancy!
Undertale Sans - He goes full scientist mode to hide his anxiety. You never see him like this before, immediately checking the screen and asking a million questions to the doctor as you're just standing there, wondering if he feels ok. Sans is a bit excited but also a bit terrified. It's an interesting mix. You can see he's trying really hard to stay his old neutral friendly self but man, he's just so nervous omg.
Undertale Papyrus - He's more interested in how the hell the whole thing works honestly. His ADHD saw shiny weird machines that could literally see through your body, that's crazy! Can you see inside of his body too?! The doctor looks at you for help as they're trying to explain that it will probably not work on a skeleton??? He doesn't have any organs? They think? He's also excited about the baby, but really, if you can't check his belly, can you at least try it on his skull? He wants to see the inside of his own skull!
Underswap Sans - He starts to hyperventilate. Ok, you were pregnant, it's cool and all but it was not real in his mind before that moment when he actually saw the baby right in front of his eyes and can't be in denial anymore. He's slightly panicking now, as he's realizing that it's really happening and that it's too late to go back. He wants to cry so bad.
Underswap Papyrus - He's a crying mess, he can barely see the baby. His eye sockets are crying uncontrollably. He's so happy, and he knows he's overreacting, it's even worse than then you announced to him you were pregnant but he can't help it lol. You take him to have ice cream after the ultrasound so he can recover.
Underfell Sans - That's actually the second he sees the baby that he realizes that it's not a joke and that he's really going to be a dad. You suddenly hear a loud sound as poor Red's soul can't take it and makes him pass out on the floor lol. He's fine, just a little too in shock to answer at the moment. The doctor mocks you telling you maybe you should ask for an additional doctor while you're giving birth because they have a feeling he's not going to take it well.
Underfell Papyrus - He keeps a brave face during the whole exam and he's god damn proud of him. Yeah, because inside, he is screaming and panicking right now. He's using all of his soldier's skills to stay perfectly neutral on the inside. He's crushing your hand though, so you know something is not ok. But Edge refuses to meet your eyes because he's too scared he will burst into tears if you ask him if he's fine. He's going to need a moment after that.
Horrortale Sans - He's nervous. Not about the baby, but about the fact he's in a hospital and that the door is closed, and that you're on a table, and that a doctor is torturing you right now and he is slowly panicking. Thank Asgore, you asked Willow and Toriel to come. They're waiting outside of the room, ready to intervene if Oak suddenly attacks the doctor for a too-brutal gesture. You're not too serene either. He's relieved the baby is fine but he's even more relieved the second you leave that horrible place behind.
Horrortale Papyrus - That's three times the doctor asks him to shut up because his sniffing is so loud you can't even hear the baby's heart. He's trying so hard to control his feelings but he can't help it, he's too happy and excited and emotional. He crushes you into a hug when you get out of the room. He can't wait to be a dad.
Swapfell Sans - So that's what you meant when you said he was going to meet the baby. He's not going to lie, he thought the doctor would rip the baby out of your body, check it, and put it back in your belly so he's kinda relieved when he realizes it's actually not gore at all. A small part of him is still disappointed he couldn't see the baby for real though. It's too long, he can't believe you still have a few months to go. How many more do you need to grow a baby? That's so boring, he prepared the room weeks ago!
Swapfell Papyrus - He's strangely quiet, just staring at the screen. His mind is completely empty. He wanted to make some jokes to ease the mood, but all of this vanished the second he saw the baby. He's completely hypnotized, and even a little sad when the exam ends. He still can't believe he's going to be a dad. He can't wait.
Fellswap Gold Sans - He doesn't get it. Everyone is getting excited in the room, but all he can see on the screen is a weird-looking giant bean. Where's the baby??? That can't be the baby, right? It looks ugly as hell. It doesn't look like a baby at all? Stop cheering this thing, that's horrible??? He doesn't say a thing because it obviously makes you happy but he's really concerned right now. He doesn't want to be the dad of a weird bean???
Fellswap Gold Papyrus - He needs mental support so bad but the doctor asked him to stop climbing on the table to hug you. So he kinda panicked and randomly jumped on the doctor's back for a hug. He apologizes afterwards but he can't help it. There are too many thoughts inside his head, he doesn't know what he's supposed to do!
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