#paws for akf
kinkedtailed · 1 year
Jonah May
a.k.a. Jonah 🍫
Birthday: 05 06 2018
Gender: male
Breed: philippine shorthair (puspin)
Color: black (tuxedo)
Eyes: hazel
Collar: emerald green
Sterlized: yes
Vaccine: anti-rabies
Coatshine - 1ml mix to his breakfast
Medical history
He must not be taken to community outreach because he might get frightened and become aggressive
He must be taken to a close-door clinic instead, where professionals can handle him very well (like AKF Veterinary Clinic)
He is not used to taking oral meds - try mixing it with his food/drink; or better yet, switch to injectable ones (done by professionals only)
He usually gets into fights and injures at lot - please treat his wounds while he is asleep
He likes table food - rice with soup will also do
He begs for food at the dining table - with his claws extended for him to reach you (be careful)
He loves milk and has a habit to dip his paws on cups/mugs if left unattended - just let him be
He has changed a lot since his castration, but still cries out when he is hungry though
He no longer wants to go out of the house and prefers to sleep all day
He can be aggresive at times (but has lessen since then) - please be patient with him (do not hurt him)
Name origin
We are not sure about his gender back then so we called him Jonah just to be safe
His name is derived from the bible: Book of Jonah
He is also named after Bobby Coleman's character in the movie: The Last Song
His name was inspired by singer Jonalyn Viray's album: Jona
JoonAh is how we pronounce it to match Doona's pronunciation
Chuu-nuh is how I say his name while babytalking
May is from model Bailey May's surname and his birthmonth too
He also goes by the name Chuu-nuh Mei-mei
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dailydanneelackles · 2 years
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Danneel and Jensen Ackles + Jared and Genevieve Padalecki attend the Paws for AKF event above San Jac Saloon in Austin, Texas on June 23rd, 2018
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The way I knew what you were talking about before I even clicked the link- I cannot believe that in the year 2021 they are still bitching about that book! 
I have more than heard of this, I witnessed their initial breakdown and tantrum over it; you are not wrong, that is exactly what the book contained but in typical heller fashion they lie about it. 
Now I know some you are looking at this very confused thinking wtf are y’all talking about so let me tell you what this is about; the link i have blocked out because I don’t wanna give that person any attention leads to a heller that posted a screenshot of a heller tweet claiming we (wincest shippers) tried to gift the mayor of Austin a tinhat booklet with incest fanart in it which is 100% false! That person is also spreading lies about the event in their replies so let me tell y’all the truth. 
Y’all remember back in 2018, when June 23rd was proclaimed Supernatural Day in Austin? Well, that was also a charity event called PAWS 4 AKF. PAWS 4 AKF is a fan created charity event to benefit The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Austin Pets Alive! It is held in the upstairs room of San Jac Saloon which is one of Jared’s bars. 
Now the little hellers get their undies in a twist about this and try to claim this is a “space invading move”. San Jac Saloon is a business, they rent the upstairs room as part of said business and the people who organize this charity event pay for it; saying that holding this event and being a paying costumer at one of Jared’s businesses is an invasion of space is like saying that you can’t visit Jensen’s brewery if you’re a fan. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? Back to the story. 
One of the people who organized the event got in contact with Jared’s management to ask permission to use AKF and it’s logo as part of it, they also asked if Jared would like to choose a personal hotline to be benefitted and he via his manager suggested The National Suicide Hotline, it was later after all this that the person contacted the Mayor about honoring J2 and he decided to do it at the charity event. The Mayor’s office proceeded to get in contact with the boys to inform them and invite them, but nobody knew if they were actually going to show up to the event. Jared and Jensen went because they wanted to, nobody forced or pressured them to attend. 
This is one of the people who organized it:
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Source & Source
As part of the event there is an auction and a lot of the items auctioned off have as a theme either Sam and Dean, J2 either together or solo, or AKF, and some have a mix. It is not, as hellers would have some believe, a wincest-tinhat auction. Shipping and tinhatting don’t have anything to do with it. 
So, where does the book come into all this? Well, the person who organized the event got in contact with another fan and asked if they’d be willing to participate and create a little book for the boys and the Mayor to commemorate the day, about j2 and their friendship and spn. There was no attempt to give one of these to the Mayor, the person handed that copy to Jared and mentioned that if he wanted he could give it to the Mayor to commemorate the event. 
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The book did not contain anything inappropriate, it did not have “incest”, it was not a “j2 tinhat book”. The contents of the book, including fanart that was used in it, was about AKF, Jared, Jensen, their friendship, the brothers, there were some fan letters, it was all based on scenes of the show, public pictures of the boys, and things the boys have publicly said; the creator of the book actually has several threads on twitter that show the contents of it:
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You can see more pictures and see them in more detail: here, here, and here.
As y’all can see nothing inappropriate. And in case somebody decides to be all ‘what about the fanart where Sam is wearing a shirt that says Dean’s BAE?’ that’s based off Jared calling Sam Dean’s Bae in Nashcon’18:
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The fanart of Dean carrying Sam is Dean taking care of his little brother if someone interprets it as something shippy that’s a them problem. 
And the mentions of Jared and Jensen loving each other is because they love each other that is a fact, it’s a fact that they are close and an important part of each others lives.
The real reason that side was, and still is, pissed about this book and this event is because their fav wasn’t included. I remember all the whining and bitching they did over j2 getting honored with a Supernatural Day in Austin but MC not being a part of it; they hate their fav wasn’t included, they hate the boys got honored, they hate j2 had a good time at the event, they hate j2 didn’t hate the book, and they hate the person who created the book. No joke, that woman lives rent free in their heads and has for years, they have a sick obsession. 
So, in typical heller fashion they twisted and have been lying about this event and book for years, and when someone presents them with facts and evidence of the contrary they look the other way and keep lying. 
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msgrumpygills · 3 years
what made the colored rose glasses come off?
i can say that mine too came off a while ago and i cant believe how blind i was and i blame his fans because i remember how i was defending him even with all that shit he pulled i thought he needed protection and needed to be treated with so much care and he was big cute baby i was part of the people who got his back no matter what but he is not stopping and the amount of money he and his wife keep asking from the fans and the fans give with love is just too much for me am glad you got out i just cant wait for the others to wake up too
and speaking of walker i too hope it flopped because of his ego and his spn Easter eggs and dean sam parallels its just not fair you cant have it all dean died for sam to live even before he died in the end and jared still trying to make money of it just no!!
This is a really good question, so thank you for asking! I’m glad you got out too! It’s kinda liberating! This will probably get really long because I ramble a lot, so I apologize in advance! 
I’m not entirely sure there was a specific incident or one thing that happened that made me stop and thing, it was sort of a culmination of a few things. Firstly, I sort of lost interest in the show because I was getting tired of the fan service. I know that sounds a little silly because I was a fan, but the whole pandering to the shippers and the bad writing and for lack of a better word, ridiculous storylines, it got to be too much. I stopped getting excited to watch the show. Now that kinda happened naturally in a way because I fell behind a few weeks, but it wasn’t like when I was a hardcore fan, and I’d be waiting to catch up, I just kinda lost the push I guess? Then seeing the storylines and things, I just didn’t think “Oh wow, I really need to get caught up!” because nothing really sounded that interesting. I didn’t care about the Jack storyline, I was tired of the Dean/Cas fan baiting, all of that. I was only interested in Scoobynatural and then the episode where John comes back because I wanted to see Jeffrey Dean Morgan. 
So I was kinda disillusioned a bit about the show. I was also getting really tired of Misha’s political tweeting and his hypocrisy. I believe that was what led me to an anti blog? I can’t really remember how, but I stumbled upon an anti blog and I started reading through and realized that there was a lot going on behind the scenes that I wasn’t really a fan of. So all of these things were kind of stacking on top of the next, and I started to take those glasses off. So it wasn’t really one specific thing, it was many. 
But now I’m at this point where I’m really opening my eyes and realizing how bad things have always been, and I turned a blind eye. I was the same way as you were, needing to protect Jared the big fragile baby, standing up for everything they did. I was going through my timehop and saw some tweets defending Jared’s relentless bullying of Justin Bieber, his insensitive comments of PSH, things like that. It was embarrassing because I was only standing strong with him because I was in so deep as a fan. I mean, I never really agreed with his doxxing of random employees, but I would sort of turn a blind eye to that and just ignore it. Now I realize how stupid that was. 
I’m not saying that I regret being a fan because I don’t. I had a lot of memories, I loved the conventions (not the prices or the Creation company, but that could be an entire different post) and some of the fans were great. I still consider myself a fan of Supernatural and a fan of Jensen and Jared (but he’s pushing it), but I’m not a super fan anymore. I’m at that point where I can recognize when they screw up and can call out things that aren’t okay. I think a lot of fans are still stuck in that illusion that these guys can do no wrong, and it’s sad, but I’m sure they’ll come around at some point. I’m not saying that no one can enjoy the show or the actors or whatever, but at least call them out on their bull and don’t blindly defend everything just because it’s your fave. 
I will say that all celebrities sell things to their fans, and that’s just part of the celebrity/fan relationship. Everyone has merch, everyone does charity fundraisers, etc. What I started to get a little wary of, was everyone jumping on the Represent bandwagon and milking AKF and YANA for every single penny. The first run of AKF was great and I think it started a conversation within the fandom, and everywhere really which is great. I mean, to a point, the second and third runs were cool because I know a lot of people missed out on the first run, etc. And you can bet your bottom dollar that I bought most of the shirts released. But then Misha had to get his grimy paws in the pot and make YANA, using Jensen in the mix too. Is it great to raise money for charity? Yes. Is it cool to do that while making fans happy? Sure. What I got tired of was them milking the same thing for more money. It seemed to lose its authenticity when they kept milking it and making new things if that makes sense. 
But look at Misha and Stands; they milk EVERYTHING they possibly can to get money out of the fans. It really disappointed me that Jared moved AKF to Stands because Stands is a trash company as it is. 
The fans are paychecks to these people, and while that’s just a fact of life, they don’t need to make it so blatant. I thought Gen was bad for shilling products left and right, but Jared is getting just as bad. He’s using Jensen, his family, and Supernatural to try and shill his show and his crappy supplements. 
I haven’t watched Walker, but I’ve seen the failed attempt at trying to capture that Supernatural lightning in a bottle and that reeeeeeally rubbed me the wrong way. I’ve mentioned it before, but he’s basically taking a show that took 15 years to build its fanbase, the family, everything, and trying to do that same thing with a concept that seemed better on paper. 
I think Jared got cocky and figured that the success of Supernatural would follow him into anything he touches, and he’s quickly realizing that it’s not gonna happen. So what does he do? He rides on Supernatural’s coattails to try and bring traffic to these things. The Easter eggs aren’t “for the family”, they’re to try and get viewership up for his show that no one seems to care about as much as he expected. The forced “brotherhood” with Keegan is him just trying to recreate the J2 brotherhood for more attention and more views. After all, part of the magic of Supernatural was the boys, Sam and Dean. Jared’s having to start from scratch and trying to have the same magic and fandom that Supernatural took 15 years to grow, but right away. That’s his biggest problem. 
If anything, I hope it flops because it’s really embarrassing and a bit insulting for Jared to just move onto the next “ship” and the next “family” like Jensen was nothing. It makes the “brotherhood” and the “SPN Family” seem so fake it’s unreal. I also hope it flops so he can get a reality check and a hearty slice of humble pie because Lord knows he needs it. 
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jensensdanneels · 5 years
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Jensen & Danneel Ackles
June 22 2018 - Paws for AKF in Austin, Texas
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dontshootmespence · 5 years
I want all the tattoos right now.
I need a paw print for Mindy.
I want a quote: “You’re still a nerdy kid inside, but now you finally found your tribe.”
I need an AKF tattoo with angel wings around it and possibly always keep fighting in enochian around it.
Somebody sponsor my tattoos. :D
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incarnateirony · 5 years
A history lesson.
So today a friend linked me to one of GDW’s absolutely uncorked, spinout posts which, summarily, told a whole bunch of lies about me, but I decided -- you know what? This is a topic people need to talk about more, anyway.
You see, she tried to say I accused Jared of money laundering at Supernatural Day in Austin, which actually falls down to the core of the problem in tinhat and tinhat-orbit J1 fandom: They can’t differentiate critique of *their* incompetence from critique of Jared himself.
So this year, Supernatural Day happened in Austin. It was a great all around idea. The problem laid beneath the surface -- beyond anything J2 did or didn’t do, well outside of their reach and impact and instead, to the fans who arranged it.
No doubt the mayor saw no malice when he was called for a PR idea. And J2 -- who were trying to quietly persuade people into voting for Adler (a point I defended them to vs the fake woke crowd screaming they weren’t tweeting enough) -- sure, why not arrange a great PR thing for everybody. Cool. Cool.
That wasn’t the problem. Problem one was that the fans that arranged it, being foaming, Croatoan-esque Misha haters, went out of their way to dodge RA as a fandom charity. Okay, that’s... fine, I guess. Until, of course, they started Paws for AKF, with the tag line to “raise money for Jared and Jensen’s charity, the PACK fund.”
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Now, that’s it: that’s the problem. The PACK fund isn’t a charity. It’s a Donor Advised Fund. A DAF is basically where rich people legally dodge a bunch of taxes by promising stuff to charity, so more money goes to the charity. It’s their own money, be it their own income or stuff they raised that would count as income. For example, if Jared runs a represent campaign for TWLOHA, the funds go into the PACK fund, then get shoved out towards TWLOHA, largely unscathed.
Third, outside parties, however, literally can not raise money for the PACK fund. When I said, “if Jared had done that, it would have been money laundering and the IRS would be up his ass,” that’s not accusing Jared of money laundering, of course -- it’s pointing out that these people have no idea what the fuck they’re doing, and have no real affiliation with Jared. Especially with the same statement coming to the reality of, “Jared Padalecki deflected their attempts and diverted them to donating directly to a suicide hotline, probably after the DAF managers laughed them off.” -- so, you see, jardad handled it right. However, Paws for AKF never completed what they advertised, because it was impossible. They did not put money into the PACK fund. They presented a false illusion of connectivity and/or money handling in effort to avoid the actual fandom charity on hand, ultimately making what would have been a hot mess for Jared and Jensen if Jared hadn’t openly deflected them.
This, of course, is separate from the other issues they did. The same accounts that threw riots about goddamn stickers at a convention being Shoving It In Their Face praised the noble efforts of people selling tinhat manips set up around Jared’s bar and, far beyond that to the point of beyond the pale, printing three copies and trying to shove one off on J2′s mayor. The book included Kami suggestive Wincest art, Misha bashing and deletion, and a few probing lines and tinhat favorite images of J2. Yes, they tried to shove an incest and tinhat and Misha-hating book not just on J2, but their mayor, in an environment there was no handlers to check it out. 
According to reports, Jared grabbed all three and bolted with them. I’m assuming to salt and burn them in the trashcan out back before Adler saw it. Of course, they took this as “Jared wanted ALL of them.”
And this doesn’t even cover the needy tagging the P4AKF account did of literally every Austin-area media outlet praising themselves about it to try to get media coverage and naming who arranged it. Which, again, thank god the news didn’t cover because the last thing J2 need is the IRS looking into this poorly handled horse shit like it was somehow J2′s fault. Instead, the news just covered the base idea of the event: Supernatural Day, Adler, J2. Tada. *pops confetti*
I’m not gonna get into another rant about how uncomfortable J2 appeared when not next to their wives or Adler himself, for the most part. I’ve beaten that horse to death before. But this is a perfect example of the narcissistic personality disorder that seems to afflict the big tinhat-and-tinhat-adjacent fans in that extreme fandom lane, who can’t tell apart, “you guys literally can’t do what you advertised you were doing” from critiquing Jared himself. The level of self-delusion of being so involved and attached in Jared’s life, imagining some sort of personal relationship or knowledge of him, while not even being aware of how the PACK fund operates and/or falsely advertising their charity endeavor (theirs, not Jared’s, again -- that was a fan, not Jared) -- goes to show the level of dangerous their psychosis has been allowed to reach untamed. 
For more about this BS, just click here. And here.
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kansastexas · 6 years
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ShiryuForever94‏ Jared, Jensen, Danneel and Genevieve show up for Paws for aKF along with the mayor of Austin who declared today official Supernatural day in Austin. Well done, @Sanpao19 (pic credit) I knew you can do it! I am so proud of you #Supernatural
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positivexcellence · 6 years
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More pics from the Paws 4 AKF event (dgray3994)
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youmightbeanidiotif · 6 years
”Saturday was a big day for Austinites and actors Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki. Mayor Steve Adler proclaimed a new day to celebrate in Austin -- "Supernatural Day" -- in honor of Ackles and Padalecki's hit CW TV series that just got renewed for its 14th season. Fans and crew members flew into Austin from all over the country for the celebration.”
“Ackles and Padalecki were in town for the Paws for AKF charity event, which was created to benefit the actors' "The PACK Fund" and Austin Pets Alive! dog rescues, at The San Jac Saloon.”
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likestarsonearthj2 · 6 years
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J2 | Paws 4 AKF Charity Event and Mayor Adler proclaims June 23rd 2018 as Supernatural Day | Jack’s - San Jac Saloon | xxxx | xxx | x
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supernaturalnardog · 6 years
what do you mean we are getting J2 pics tonight??
I assumed they were both going to the Paws 4 AKF event at San Jac Saloon tonight since Jared picked the charity for it and the twitter page for the event has been tagging J2 in all of their posts but I guess it’s only a fan event and J2 aren’t guaranteed to be there so we might not get J2 pictures. Fingers crossed though!
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musicdude92 · 6 years
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Y’all!! I met @nowandgen @danneelackles512 @jaredpadalecki and @jensenackles 😱😱😱 what an amazing night!!! Thanks y’all for stopping by the Paws for AKF event!! #supernatural #spn #jaredpadalecki #jarpad #jensenackles #genevievepadalecki #danneelackles #spnfam (at San Jac Saloon)
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wiseoldowl72 · 4 years
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Is it safe to come out yet? Day 8 of this migraine flare. So tired of the neverending pain, vertigo and other symptoms. Please let today be the last day. . . That's Marm's paw poking out from Katie's blankets and quilt. I made the quilt before I got sick. . . #lifeonosage #family #chronicmigraines #migraines #weathermigraines #AKF #migraineawareness #hurt #pain #gingertabbies #migrainewarrior #spoonies #thespooniesisterhood (at Independence, Missouri) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAv48V-g5lM/?igshid=969fgniz88ie
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paperstreetdolls · 5 years
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#Followfriday Our very talented stateside amigo, and fellow lover of pop-culture Athena! 💕 Check out illustrations & paintings of your fave characters as well as her own beautiful creations! #artistssupportingartists #popcultureart #Repost @discombobi with @get_repost ・・・ Had a great time at the PAWS for AKF charity event last night! #apa #austinpetsalive #akf #alwayskeepingfighting #supernatural #jaredpadalecki #jensenackles #charitybooth #fanart #sanjacsaloon #atx (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzjGoDAlBas/?igshid=guaeqi89b1tp
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athenave · 5 years
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Had a great time at the PAWS for AKF charity event last night! #apa #austinpetsalive #akf #alwayskeepingfighting #supernatural #jaredpadalecki #jensenackles #charity #booth #fanart #sanjacsaloon #atx https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLoZ_4n1-l/?igshid=153vxs5u1phj8
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