#perhaps i'll blog about it or something on here as i go idk
holysent · 8 months
i know i should really work on getting drafts done but i finally got my hands on the gomens book yesterday and i think i might just start reading it ...
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lorenfinch · 1 year
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Hello! Very recently I found out about the existence of writeblr, and since I am currently working on a book series and trying to get the word out about it I thought I'd make a sideblog for it!
My name is Loren, and my full pen name is Loren Finch. I'm 24 at the time of writing this (though my birthday is less than a month away), I like to primarily use he/they, though I still go by she/her in some places due to not entirely being out and still experimenting with my pronouns. I am a mixed, queer, autistic/adhd, transmasc, aroace author who enjoys all things fantasy, gothic, and supernatural.
I am also an artist and you may find some of my character art here! My main blog is @circuslollipop and my art sideblog is @circuslollipopart! You can also find me on twitter @/circuslollipop and on insta @/circuslollipopart!!
I would love to meet and befriend fellow writers and seek out some beta readers in the future once I'm ready for it!
My current writing project was actually inspired by another writing idea I had! That project was moreso about faeries in a steampunk-inspired city, until I had a few worldbuilding ideas on how to integrate vampires into the setting. Then I came up with a couple characters and an entirely new setting, and found that I wanted to write about them instead!
For the time being. Perhaps when this monster of a project is all done, I can go back to that other idea! Or, idk, something about sapphic werecoyotes in an Old West-inspired town.
Currently, I am working on a new adult dark fantasy book series, with an aim for 5 books total. I would comp this as GRISHAVERSE x HELL FOLLOWED WITH US x THE WITCHER.
The Everdark. A vast expanse of forest and mountains where the sun cannot touch, where monsters roam wild and where magic permeates the very soil. To most mortals, the Everdark is a death sentence, but one young man hopes to make it a sanctuary. Renwick had always held a fascination for vampires, and now that he’s been turned into one, he revels at the chance to finally leave behind who he once was—scared and meek with no friends, shunned by his fellows who insisted he was a wretched little girl. Yet instead of the grand castles, billowing capes, and candlelit ballroom dances of his dreams, Renwick finds himself thrust in the middle of a conflict between vampires and monster hunters that threatens to turn deadly. With his new home and fellow vampires on the line, Renwick must uncover the secrets lurking in the fog, all while searching for his enigmatic uncle and grappling with the mysterious circumstances of his own transformation.
This series will feature vampires, undead creatures, elves, magic, a trans autistic MC, many queer characters, and an eventual MLM romance. The setting is inspired by mainly 19th century Europe with some medieval/renaissance era elements, and North American natural landscapes. Currently, I have just started drafting the first book! I am a plotter by nature, and have completed outlining book 1, and have mapped out where the rest of the series will go.
ART: #character art
CHARACTERS: #ch: [insert character name]
TIPS: #ref
I'll also add anything I see fit!
@/angie-j-kay || @/digitalsatyr23 || @/sam-glade || @/worldsfromhoney
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quickdeaths · 2 days
mun meme
★  NAME:  Bryn
★  PRONOUNS:  she/her.
★  BEST EXPERIENCE: Meeting my girlfriend through RP has to be at the top of the list, and meeting some really great friends too. Just talking about the IC stuff, idk, I'm pretty happy with how things have been going recently?
★  PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: IMs are okay but discord is best! I am very chatty on discord sometimes, and the search function is really helpful for me when it comes to going back and finding old things. I'm also just on discord basically all day in some capacity, so I rarely miss things for long.
★  MOST ACTIVE MUSE: I can basically write any of my DR OCs at the drop of a hat, although Shinobu is the one who I am currently writing most, and have the easiest time writing because of that. I think for me, though, it's more "do I have energy/creativity to write right now at all" rather than if I have muse for a specific character or not - it's not usually the case that I struggle with a specific character at a time when I'm otherwise writing easily.
★  EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS: I started off on a forum in maybe 2006 or 2007, did some stuff on livejournal, had a cup of coffee at Gaia Online, and settled on Tumblr in maybe... 2012? 2013? I've done some things on discord (don't love it for RP) and google docs (it's okay) since then, and a handful of other places, but I think I'm just Here Now, like furniture.
I have talked about these all so many times so I'll try to keep it brief hahaha.
People who repeatedly drop threads without reaching out to say anything (this is my #1 pet peeve), and people who generally cycle "taking on too many asks/drafts, then dropping all of them, repeat."
People who habitually archive/delete and remake their blogs, especially if they don't make any changes to how they run things, who they interact with, etc. I see it as, like "bringing your bed to your new apartment and being confused as to why you still have bedbugs."
People who post tons of OOCs, as well as things like memes, starter calls, ship calls, etc. while having a massive backlog of drafts and inbox things already.
People who treat OCs/female characters/female OCs dismissively, or as stepping stone interactions.
★   PLOTS OR MEMES: Plots. I honestly don't like memes very much since I feel like they seldom lead to the kind of long-term interactions I like the most, but they're so entrenched on tumblr that I just kinda have to accept them. I would much rather talk to people and plot out loose thread ideas than send in a dialogue prompt from a movie I haven't seen and hope it gets answered and hope that that answer feels like something I can respond to and hope that my reply gets replied to and it's actually a thread. I like doing stuff that develops across multiple threads too, and plotting is much better for that.
★  ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: Not really, I don't think. There are pieces of me in all of my characters, of course, and there are superficial similarities sometimes in terms of like, hobbies or interests, but I think the characters who feel like they got more of me mixed into them are like, D&D characters, or characters from my other blogs.
tagged by: @more-than-a-princess also tagging because tumblr is a functional website and perhaps putting things on a new line is the only fix: @timesunder @shishigirls @saburaito @sunbreathr
tagging: @lunaetis @guidedhearts @amaidol @infintasmal @corrpse also tagging myself since that seems to be the only way to not have it break someone else's tag very cool: @quickdeaths
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polyamorousmood · 11 months
I'm open minded about polyamory for other people and even curious about it myself but I feel can't date non-monogamously in my town because
My dad is poly so I'm (perhaps irrationally) worried I'm gonna like accidentally end up in a polycule with my own dad
I haven't had my sexual debut yet and I feel like coming to the table with a lot of sexual experience under your belt is kind of a prerequisite for being accepted in the community unless you're explicitly looking for sexless relationships which I'm very much not, I want to have sex I just haven't yet
Relating to #2. Given my lack of experience I doubt I'll be very good in bed at least at first and I worry that whoever that happens with will be making negative comparisons about me in their head vs other partners of theirs who can do more for them
I'm not 100% sure what this is asking, since there's not a question in here🤨, but I'll take it as a general "what are your thoughts on this situation"-type thing.👍okay co
Tell your dad hi from this blog, that's cool. And! no worries about whether your dad will be chill with the poly stuff or not! so that's nice. I suppose the relationship could get into weird territory, but honestly, most people date mostly their own age, and there's, like, AT LEAST a 15 year age gap between you and your dad (and like probably more but idk your dad's life👀), so it doesn't seem likely, but you can always make it clear you'd want to know at least the identities of the whole polycule if its something you're worried about. That's a totally reasonable standard to hold 🤷‍♀️no biggie.
Idk if its because of your dad's relationship or because of the internet or where exactly you got the idea polyamory is inherently hyper-sexual, but... poly relationships can largely function like mono relationships. Now, people are still worried about the big "virginity" thing in mono relationships, too, don't get me wrong. But frankly? That's all bullshit. In whatever relationship. By and large, people aren't going to be weird about it (and if they're the type of person to be weird about it, probably not a great first experience anyway! So just move on!). In all likelihood, here's how the subject should go. You meet someone 🤝, you go on a date 💐or two🎥. Someone asks what the other person wants from the relationship💗?🍆?, for your piece, you bring up that you're new to the sex stuff but you're looking forward to it (just like you did in this ask) and if you can, provide a rough timeframe (you wanna jump right in? you wanna give it a few more dates? do you wanna try "smaller" things before you jump to Losing Your Virginity™️and whatever that means for you and your orientation?) and then if that person has any reservations they mention it and you guys figure it out. The same conversation in a poly relationship probably includes to what level the rest of the polycule is involved and stuff, but otherwise the process should be about the same whether you're dating a mono or a poly person. If you're "joining a polycule" as in "dating one is dating everyone" (which isn't all of them) then you might have to have this conversation a few times or in some sort of group? But its going to be hard to get into a "dating one is dating everyone" situation without actively trying to, and if you're just "open" to it, I see no reason to try for that lol
Bruh. Listen, babygirl, I get that urge, but your performance matters less if they can be sexually satisfied by someone else. That gives you the ability to completely fuck it up the first couple times without worrying that this person is just stuck in sexual frustration! You're free! 🕊️ Plus, a poly person has more considerations with scheduling time with you than your standard mono person (partner doesn't want them out of the house too much, or no free bed to do stuff in, etc), so things kind of can't move super fast a lot of the time. But also, as someone who is in the game. I'm 🔫shooting completely straight with you by saying there is A LOT more to sex than someone being "technically good" at it. There's affection and mood and kinks and preferences and spit viscosity and-- and most importantly you get something different out of it with everyone. Poly people especially aren't looking for the same thing every time. Sex is really, really, really personalized, and you can't escape that. You won't be able to do everything exactly like that person's other partner(s). But the other partner(s) also won't be able to do things exactly like you. And what you learn that's good for that partner, someone else is going to hate. Send an ask off-anon if you want specifics (promise not to look at your profile, just don't want to give everyone free smut😜😏) but I promise you even the things "everyone likes" has a significant following of people who would just as soon never have that happen to them. Being good at sex is not so much learning specific things and applying them to everyone as it is learning what your partner likes and applying it to them specifically. I prommy. I literally cannot emphasize enough that having had a lot of sex does not make you better at it with a new person. There have been actual studies according to a community college professor I had. ALL you need to worry about at first is communicating what you're comfortable with trying, and making sure your partner's cool. That's it. Everything else will work itself out I SWEAR🙋
If all this is that big a deal just... don't date a poly person. Like you just don't gotta. Easy fix. We're happy to have you if you're here, but its not for everyone and that's fine. Even if you want it eventually, you can semi-casually date mono for awhile first. This is all fine. Quit yo stressin'.
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bibuddie · 2 months
hiiieeee first and foremost…I love your blog! I just recently found/followed it and I can tell how invested and passionate you are about 9-1-1 and the fandom 🫶🏽 I just wanted to ask about something you answered in regard to your last ask— where you said “bucktommy isn't the intended end-goal” and that that’s pretty widely accepted within the fandom. which I can also see! I see that a lot of the fans are CONVINCED that this all leads to buddie in the end…
I guess I just wanna know…how are you SO confident that all of this is leading to buddie? I’ve read a few answers to asks on other blogs that briefly touch on this, and more than anything I want to believe it wholeheartedly (trust me!) but I feel like…idk part of me can’t help feeling they’re gonna pull the rug from under us and have it NOT lead to buddie. what has you so confident about this (and how can I be this confident lmao bc I really hate the doubt i’m feeling)?
first of all, i'm not sure if you're new to watching the show alltogether or just the tumblr fandom, but welcome! we're quite tight knit here but i'm sure you'll have a great time! <333
as to your question: there's a lot of reasons i'm confident that this is leading to buddie; honestly, there's been a lot of evidence over the years which tells us what's happening, and it could be an essay in and of itself. i'll try and summarise a few of the key points of evidence that, in my opinion, tell us where things are going (this will contain spoilers for any new fans of the show!!):
in eddie's very first episode (2x01), we see him for the first time on-screen through buck's pov. here, as we see eddie on screen, the son whatta man plays as eddie pulls his shirt on in slow-motion. to a lot of us, this is indicative of instant attraction/interest on buck's part, and gives us a major clue that something is happening here
in buck, actually (2x08), one of the main calls we see on the episode involves a gay couple, thomas and mitchell. when mitchell is pronounced dead, thomas and buck are sat on the ambulance and having a conversation, which goes as follows:
thomas: we only ever wanted to...to go together. that's love. buck: i'm sorry. i really am. i guess i can only hope to find something that good. thomas: you don't find it, son. you make it.
the idea that you don't find your love story, you have to put in the effort and make it becomes a recurring theme between buck and eddie. they manage to construct their own family unit consisting of themselves and chris over the years. the idea that they are a family already feeds into several different plot-lines over the years, perhaps most notably eddie's issues with ana and their eventual break up:
in episode 1 of season 5, eddie has a panic attack over a shop assistant thinking that ana was chris' mom. later, when he's talking to buck about it, he mentions how they became a ready made family...i'm not sure if i'm ready for that. when buck and eddie have been making their family for years now
eddie's entire breakup with ana was very queer-coded. honestly, watch the scene here, but ryan acted his absolute ass off and the entire thing reeks of eddie being a queer man at his core
honestly, one of the biggest bits of evidence we got in the first place was buck being confirmed as bisexual canonically. this allows us to thoroughly go back through and recontextualise a lot of interactions between buck and eddie over the years. two key scenes are the will scene (4x14 survivors) and the well scene (3x15 eddie begins). both of these scenes show buck and eddie in moments of vulnerability with one another, and show that their connection surpasses the connection which they have with anyone else
side note - i watched eddie begins yesterday, and the entire time eddie is drowning at the end of the episode, his life flashes before his eyes. all of this is chris, but a good chunk of the scenes also have buck in them.
again, there's a lot more i could point to, but these are the main things which stick out to me right now! i hope this answers your question!
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superblycaffeinated · 3 months
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Find the list of March Prompts I’m participating in here - I hope you join in! I love seeing all the different stories people come up with from the same words  This would have major spoilers for the original Gallagher Girls series if you haven't read all of them OKAY AND TECHNICALLY NOT SPOILING ANYTHING FOR THE LISTEN SERIES BUT -
I had a thought. About Mary (the soon to be nun in OSOT) - what if her name wasn't Mary? And maybe that was a cover. Or maybe her name was Mary. IDK. And what if this Irish, Strawberry Blonde, Blue-Eyed , NOT TOO FAR IN AGE FROM CAMERON ANN MORGAN , Angel was more than met the eyes? - my head is swimming with theories and headcanons now and I'll be yelling at @averagejoesolomon later about Mrs. O'Reilly A request from my old blog, for more about when Cammie was captured and set free before OSOW - thanks for asking, and thank you even more for your patience 💙 CW: slight descriptions of torture, hallucinations, and injuries // slight religion/God talk
Cammie Morgan & Catherine Goode & "Mary"
It was getting harder and harder to think straight. 
What day was it?
Where was I?
Why did I come here?
The pain in my wrists drew all of my attention, the shift of my weight to keep off of my ankle making me suck in a ragged, weak breath. 
I fought against the heavy pull of my eyelids, the bed in the corner, the initials in the stone hidden, but there. 
He was there. It was real. 
A sob shook my body, every part of me crying out in pain with it. 
“I admire you, Cameron.”
Nobody calls me Cameron. Mom when she’s upset. My professors sometimes. Dad.
Dad called me Cameron.
She calls me Cameron. 
Black heels clicked against stone. Hips swayed. Fire. The room was on fire. 
A pale and slender finger brushed under my chin, lifting my head to look at her and I recoiled and she tsked, a pout of an insincere  frown on her lips. 
“It’s been admirable, dear, this search for answers all by yourself…” 
Answers. I needed answers. They wanted the answers. 
“That’s a nice song,” she whispered behind a smile. “Zach always -”
The word came out coarse, my throat burned, the fire surrounding me inside of me now, burning me alive. 
She hummed, a soothing, comforting noise as she ran a hand over my hair, “I know, he feels sorry I’m sure. He didn’t mean to give you up, when he came to see me.”
She’s lying, Cameron. 
It was his voice. 
Not Zach’s. 
“You’re,” I coughed. That bitter, warm iron ran over my tongue and filled my nostrils as I spat out, “Lying.”
She gripped at my jaw, forcefully until I cried, her eyes almost caring, almost kind. 
“I wish I was, babe,” she shook her head, remorsefully. “It was smart - misguided - but smart, to assume we had you already.”
Gallagher Girl, don’t listen to her. 
“Just showed his hand too early, and then we knew we could find you first. Alone. Just like your dad, aren’t ya kid?”
I sobbed, fighting against the grip she had against my cheek, against the restraints, voices of people not there clawing at the inside of my ears, telling me to not listen, to fight, to not give up. To notice things, to trust my gut, to never go anywhere without backup.
But it was too late. 
Their voices drowned in the music, the music was so loud, louder than the fire, demanding to be heard, demanding to be the only thing I could focus on until a softer, quiet voice told me to go.
“Go find him, Cameron. Go see if he still cares about you, it’s been a long time.”
I collapsed to the ground, suddenly no longer held up, and something told me to fight, and something bigger, louder, told me to run. 
Cammie. Run.
So I listened. 
I pushed, I crawled through the flames, I gasped for air until I couldn’t breathe, until my head hurt.  
Until the fire took me, and I wasn’t burning anymore. 
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She decided she liked the cold. 
It quieted her brain. 
This place, these women, had a purpose, a calling, and perhaps she could learn to find hers here as well. 
It was lovely, to walk through the snow, and be so close to the sky above and hear the river below, but be far from it. 
To disappear. 
She felt connected to something stronger, bigger than herself, in this quiet piece of the world. 
It felt like decisions, paths of life, pain, logic, grief, uncertainty, did not exist here. 
Each crunch of the snow beneath her boots led her further away and closer at the same time. 
Something drew her deeper and deeper and further and further, until she was certain there was a reason she had walked this way, until she knew that a God must be real. 
Until she saw the girl who seemed to be just as lost as she felt, be embraced by a woman who could only be her mother. 
Until the Mother Superior told her it was time to go, to do what she needed to do. 
To find the answers she needed to find. 
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youremyheaven · 3 months
girl your moon post was so accurate for me too! my father has rohini rising and is such a narcissist and a master at gaslighting. he resorted to manipulating ppl's perspective of me ig so they wouldn't believe me when i started calling him out after a liiiifetime of his crap. he is extremely two faced and a lot of ppl find him really sketchy, but those he manages to fool he fools really well. the only positives of this is that at least i can see these patterns in people easily. frankly, confronting a liar is so taxing bc even if you do manage to outsmart them they'll just make some excuse. like girl. i also know this hasta moon girl that is a pathological liar and every time i see her i just can't take anything she says seriously bc i just always feel like she's lying out of her ass ab the most menial stuff. her family has had issues w her bc she skipped school for months and no one knew ab it bc she would tell such bold lies like, "call my teacher. here, have the phone so you can talk to her ab my grades" and everyone was like, ig she's doing well in school otherwise she wouldn't offer to call? i genuinely worry thinking ab what if i have a kid and they have a moon nakshatra and express it negatively like this omg i'll go crazy. anyways thank you for your post it was so interesting to see such thoroughly explained examples 🤍 it reminded me of ariana grande as well who just seems so shamelessly manipulative to me too. like when she's like "for total transparency i'll say that..." i'm immediately like ok. so you're lying 😂
im glad 😭😭😭that my Moon post resonated with so many of you, it means so much to me
Im so sorry about your father. I agree with what you said about confronting liars, I confronted someone about something deeply hurtful that they said to me and they literally said "i don't remember" 😭😭 idk how these people sleep at night bro like do they not have a conscience??
I'm happy every time some shady person is exposed in the media, including Ariana who I've found sus for yearsss ,, it's so hard to be an intuitive bc u can't even explain why u feel the way u do so no one believes you when u say that somebody is not what they seem on the outside, u get torn apart for speaking the truth but sooner or later the truth will be seen and will be heard and I truly believe that.
I hope you remain protected from abuse of all kinds in the future and always surrounded by kindness and support. 💛💛
GIRLIEEE what u said about kids is sooo 😭😭I do think about that from time to time but i believe that kids are a manifestation of our karma so the more we focus on bettering ourselves and thereby bettering our actions, we can design our lives to be drama free. What kind of children we have depends on what kind of parents we're capable of being (and you are completely in control of how you behave/treat others) so don't feel too powerless about ur future kids!!! Focus on yourself and your healing and the rest will flow💛💛💛 also if you believe in manifestation 👀just believe that you'll manifest healthy and wonderful children
This blog is a hobby of mine but what makes all my research and writing meaningful is the fact that not only do I get to learn more about astrology, I get to reach people who perhaps might benefit from the things I share. I love to hear about your guys experiences related to the things I post bc sometimes I genuinely wonder like is anyone even reading my 5k words slander on a nakshatra lmfao
Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me about your experiences, I appreciate it so much 💛and i believe many others will also feel seen
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wlfpet · 1 year
wip list! longpost with a poll!
(divider - animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
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currently have 20 reqs, trying to fill older ones first, but it mostly depends on which ones interest me the most at a certain time! Working on shorter ones tonight, but there are some longer ones I want to explore deeper! Here's a peek at some oneshots/requests that I plan on releasing, as well as some longer fics I have planned! And because I like to have fun here, you can choose which one you want released first!
not specially ordered or anything ;w;'
(will be around the length of Morale Adjustment at minimum, or longer)
THE Bespoke Abby Breeding Fic - TITLE: TOP DOG. Yes, the one I swore I would post like a week ago. It's super long and initially didn't have an intro so I've been working on it on and off. Partially in bulleted format, transitions to standard OS format after. 3k+ words. breeding, rough sex, blowjob/titjob, unprotected sex, creampies (lol), abby kinda babytraps reader. source universe, abby is slightly older than in canon (23-24ish), reader is younger (19-21?) and the wlf has actual ranks (translated: I looked up military rankings on google and started bullshitting) I wrote this on my period (translate: I'm a gross whore) abby is kind of mean but it's hot, get slutty about it. 90% completion. Has three (much shorter and more experimental) parts.
'You wanted to be wanted this way. To be desired and used completely, to be owned.'
The Bespoke Pornstar!Abby Fic - TITLE: XXX/RED LIGHT. The reader is a new rising star in the world of lesbian porn. One night, before your first anxiety-ridden scene, your costar arrives at your trailer to calm your nerves. Abby is the industry's top adult performer, practically the girl-on-girl bible famous for her rough, bad girl persona on stage, and her soft interior. You're given the persona of sex kitten; innocent, naive, and ready for the plucking, and in your first scene, her job is to break you in. Perhaps multiple parts, 3k+ words. Ellie is going to make an appearance as a 'rival' AV Performer, (but off camera her and Abs are good friends) who you'll have a later BD/SM scene with. Extremely rough draft, so no content tags yet.
"I'll do all of the work, baby. Just look straight in the camera and give your fans a pretty face to get off to."
The Bespoke Prisoner!Abby Fic - TITLE: DOIN' TIME (or something corny like that, we'll see.) When you're new in prison, they always tell you, go up to the biggest guy in the room and punch him in the face. Terrible advice, by the way. But when you're locked up on a misdemeanor and sent to a women's correctional facility, the rules are a bit different. So you find the biggest girl in the room, and you fuck her. Obviously. Extremely rough, no content tags. 3k+ words.
'Abby offered a deal; she gave you what you wanted, and you gave her what she wanted.'
The Bespoke and Formerly Scrapped College!Abby Fic - TITLE: PAPI BONES. Your roommate Dina drags you to a college frat party, and you hate it, all crowds and sweat and people. You wish you were home, but in a cruel twist of fate, a drunken game of spin the bottle turns into you, face to face in a dark closet with the captain of the rugby team and her head between your legs. studious!reader, jock/loverboy!abby, assplay, cunnilingus (r!receiving), fingering (r!receiving), primal!adjacent? i wrote in my editing notes, 'almost corruption, but pure?' so let that set the tone for you. potential part 2. Actually 90% complete, I just started beating myself up about it for no reason ;w;
"“s’okay baby, tell me how you want me. i’m yours.” and you thought that declaration would destroy you, ‘i’m yours.’  and it felt very, very real."
MINIFICS/DRABBLES (No poll for these because they'll all make it to the blog at some point)
Bimbo!Reader x Abby Anderson (Mechanic!Abby? idk. She makes good money and reader is spoiled asl though.) dumbification, rough sex, there's a scene where reader sucks abby's strap while she's chewing bubblegum and licks the splattered gum off so there's that, spanking, face slapping, abby calls reader her fleshlight. partial HC/blurb format?
Semipublic sex with abby in her bedroom window
A/B/O WW Abby, breeding, half wolf!reader. she mounts and rawfucks you with her massive monster cock while you're in heat. primal, marking, too big cock/stretching pussy, mindbreak, impregnation. 2-2.5k.
Abby and Ellie are members of a rock band, you're a groupie and you'll do anything to get on the tour bus...
Abby and Ellie are both bad cops when it comes to training you, and they help the other keep you in line.
"Didn't she tell you to fucking behave?"
bully!ellie, dubcon/CNC esque? ellie steps on readers cunt with her boot. pussyslaps, knifeplay, degradation, she is not a nice young lady. 1.5-2k words.
dealer!ellie headcannons
ellie blasphemy kink oneshot
Roommate dina corrupting innocent!reader. Somno, caring dom!dina, dina has a hairy pussy because I said so, dina takes reader's virginity with a dildo, sloppy makeouts, flashback of dina 💦 to the sounds of reader masturbating while thinking dina is asleep, Dina has big boobs and playfully does a cute boob comparison and plays w readers titties. this one might actually get pushed up because I'm thinking nasty ***** thoughts. you bump coochies with dina, that's the fic.
Your friend Dina takes you over to her sneaky link, and the campus dealer, Ellie's house. Unbeknownst to you, they invited you over to score in another way, too. dom!ellie, soft dom! dina, sub!ellie. drug use, strap on penetration, voyeurism, cunnilingus, cum swapping, mutual strap sucking, mutual masturbation.
yeah... that's all i got for you babies. enjoy.
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yanderegrizzsworld · 1 year
Hello! First i wanna say that your blog and your writing is soo amazing!!! I couldn't get enough reading your content!!!
And second, can i get an advise on how you blend the character's personality with yandere?
Everytime i wrote about a certain character it usually ended up as ooc and i hate it it. I couldn't pinpoint their personality and that what tick me off.
Hello to you too dear! It brings me such delight to know you enjoy my content, I can't get enough of writing for it!
More under the cut cause I wrote more than I expected to
How to blend a character's personality with yandere behavior is different to many writers. Some don't really explore the character's personality & just write them as the traditional, straight-forward (perhaps superficial is the better word to use? Idk) way yanderes are usually portrayed in media, which usually includes them being delusional, obsessive &/or possessive, or all three! With some stalking here or there. Don't get me wrong, I don't see an issue with writing yanderes like this, I've seen plenty of posts that are written like this that I absolutely love!
But if you're asking how I write yanderes, or more specifically, how I blend both character traits & yandere behavior, I try to watch/read anything that's canonical about them (sometimes multiple times, though I've sometimes had moments where I'd go off of memory) & I'd try to find traits about them that is shown to us, both good & bad, & slightly amplify this traits. To me, when I add yandere behavior to a character, I'm more so looking for patterns in a character by either manners, how they perceive themselves &/or others through a romantic & a platonic lense. A general example, if I notice a character is quite cynical, it could mean that while they might hesitation to communicate or spend time with us for long periods of time, they'll still think quite highly of us, yet so lowly of others, thinking that everyone else wants to use you for their own selfish means. Or perhaps they're the caregiver type? Maybe by amplifying this aspect of a character, it might lead to them having some form of a savior complex & it'll make them believe that you need their aid & guide 24/7, where they might not be able to focus on anything if they aren't sure you're okay & that nothing harmed you.
I'll use a few Clone High characters as examples as it's captured 85% of my attention (hope you don't mind!)
There's JFK & Cleopatra, who are both very clearly shown (atleast in the first season) as selfish individuals who view the concept of popularity & self-image as a top priority (Cleo more than JFK) & since selfishness can come from ego, which they both have, it wouldn't be a stretch for them both to be monopoly & controlling yanderes (more so Cleopatra), wanting our attention on them constantly & doing whatever they ask whenever & wherever. Though they both do show good traits about themselves like JFK genuinely caring for others like Ponce & Cleo showing some form of empathy towards Joan & it's moments like this show that they're more than one-dimensional characters (while it is technically moments & not traits, it still show another side of them in a positive light) of which we can imagine that if there were a change in our behavior, both would worry (Cleo more so because it'd make it more difficult to boss them around & JFK out of genuine care)
There's also Confucius, who reveals in ep 3 that he only wished to be viral/famous out of friendship & since we can speculate that his family doesn't pay him much attention & as he states "always forget to pack him" (in ep 7) I interpret that he probably seeks genuine companionship from anyone & wants someone to genuinely care about him. With this, I imagine that if he were to be a yandere, he'd probably have some clingy & obsessive traits, with (maybe) some wrong-idea traits along with it, viewing anything you do to him whether it be returning something back to him & simply asking him how he is, he'll instead see it as an invite to be friends.
Or maybe Topher Bus, who's clearly shown as an outcast with practically no friends (besides from Abe maybe?) & seems like a overall terrible person. Though he does seem to want to fit in, there's close to no denying that others view him as odd/weird & that his poor social skills & reserved personality only make it worse & leads to others ignoring him & him essentially using the internet as a way to cope with his loneliness. A character like this as a yandere would desire a friendship free of judgment & flaws, instead with acceptance & compassion, yet doesn't know how to get it without the possibility of weirding us out. Due to him not being a pleasant individual, I wouldn't put it past him to drive others away from you just so you have him as your only "friend" & would expect you to stick by his side despite his less admirable actions.
One way I'd say to blend yandere behavior with character personality is to use your favorite character as a starting point, as you'll most likely know & understand their traits, mannerisms & attitude the most & amplify (as much as you want) those traits. Don't worry if a character feels ooc, especially if said character has a multitude of medias, each with it's own different interpretation of the character (even if such interpretation is small) & if you feel like two or more characters are too similar in their yandere behavior, that means that you're catching onto a pattern in their demeanor!
TL;DR: I blend yandere with personality by observing & taking (mental) note of character traits (both good & bad) that I amplify in my writing. You can practice by starting with your favorite character/character that you understand well & amplify them. If you think some characters repeat, you're just catching onto a pattern in their behavior.
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yonemurishiroku · 1 year
So a while back you covered Nico being a child of Hades but a legacy of love, either Aphrodite or Venus whatever, and I figure with that he'd be something of a siren, drawing people into their deaths.
which would go kind of cool with your whole Poseidon/Nico thing your doing. thoughts?
In light of the recent Mermay prompts, I offer you my wholehearted gratitude, because holy jesus mary joseph and all of his carpenter friends, this is brilliant!!! 🥺🥺🥺
Now. This is a lot to unpack, bc ngl my brain can come up with a bunch of things when it comes to the whole... love and death thing, so to speak. I... also don't know what, exactly, is the Poseidon/Nico thing I was doing at the time of this ask (Apr 18 - I'm so sorry anon 😭😭😭) so I guess I'll just... ramble.
A vision comes to me upon reading this (wow it sounds like Rachel). The concepts of Love, Death, Siren. And I think of a vortex. Or a black hole, maybe?
It's kinda hard to explain. By definition, a vortex is a mass of air or water that spins around very fast and pulls objects into its empty center.
I mean it as in: when you lack something, you tend to seek it out, hold it in tighter, draw it in. Because you don't have it, so you desire it more than ever. And the force by which you pull it in must be enough to win over anything that's keeping you away from it.
What does Nico have to do with it? Well - and this involves quite a lot of my headcanons - Nico's a born extrovert with lots of love to give. He craves affection. He wants to be loved. But things happen and love is the last thing he's given throughout the story. He keeps giving away without receiving, and it creates a vacuum inside his chamber of a heart. And when the time comes that someone pokes a hold in it, or it just... breaks - the air - which, in this case, is Love - gets sucked into it.
Overall, a siren is a predatory creature (?) who feeds on sailors. But, have you ever considered a story of loneliness? - In which, perhaps, the deserted, abandoned siren crying out for acceptance at the bottom of the ocean, hoping for the love they have lost their hope in having?
It's like a water vortex. It sucks you into the deep, into its empty center, drowning you meters under the water's surface - like a Siren pulling you down, down to your death - Death, because that's what Nico is.
He pulls you to Death, to where he's locked in and what he is - to keep you with him.
Which brings us to Poseidon.
Ngl Happy would do this better than me. A lot. LMAO. He had a whole thing about Poseidon/Nico which I'm pretty sure I can never compete with (not that I want to. I'm very much happy leeching of his content 👀🥺). Highly recommend going for his blog if you like Poseidon/Nico btw.
But anwwwww we're here and you've chosen me of all people to ask. So.
Poseidon. Obviously, he isn't scared of sirens. And I'm pretty sure he can take some water disasters or whatnot.
He's also staying at the bottom of the ocean. Well, that saves a trip to your lover. Yeah I think it'd be kinda nice, you know? - you call out from the depths of darkness and crushing pressure, only to have someone amidst that darkness and pressure come to you.
And surely Poseidon has enough water to fill that emptiness at the heart of that vortex, don't you think?
I think it'd be nice. Atlantis is basically the wetter version of the Underworld anyway.
I wish I could provide some headcanons but my back hurts, so let's just hope Happy catch winds of this and idk maybe feeds us with his own input... 😭😭😭
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heavenly10 · 5 months
feeling emo and sentimental... i'm gonna share my new years resolutions... i already talked about them on peach but i might as well share here too... kinda long though but i think i'll make a tldr at the end
become face and body neutral - like throughout these last few months i took selfies and nudes of myself and i feel like by doing that i got more neutral towards how i look. like idk nothing gets done feeling so negatively about yourself. the selfies thing was honestly to also find my angles HAJSDFHSAF but also i'd like to take selfies better too. as for the nudes part like idk i think i will be keeping all that to myself but it's the same idea for my face i suppose, i look good and i feel neutral. i dont have to edit a selfie or a nude for my skin to be smoother or whatever like i look fine and i can just exist like Relax... also my cheeks are becoming rounder YES GOD!!!!
work out more - well i've already been working out anyways and this year i'm happy because i got to improve my core strength a bit so that's good. i do it so that way my back is not in pain and same goes for my legs so YAAAY for not being in pain
cook more - i've been very on and off about this....like heinously HJASHDFJASF uhm something that got me back into cooking though is fried rice like that will never fail me and this time i really got it down so YAAAS... i'd like to cook more in the future and get better at it... btw i dont think i talked about it but i got a new rice cooker and it is very good like yes god!!
play and clear my video games - i've been playing ff7r mainly lately and recently for christmas i bought project diva x on the ps4 on sale... i'd like to own a physical version of that game someday but everywhere is selling it for full price or whatever like i'm not paying that much for a flop game... well anyways i'd just like to play more beyond my silly mobile games and perhaps i'll even play MMOs... but i'd like to play the games i have on the consoles i have (psp, psvita, ps3/4, etc.) and just finish them or revisit others
animate more - okay i only really started doing that this year because of oomf's birthday and hatsune miku's birthday but i'd like to make more... i do have a lot of ideas but that all requires me to finish my 3d models speaking of which...
model more - i already kinda talked abuot this on my art blog but i did Technically model more compared to last year, only 3 models in 2022, this year i made 6... whoa... well i guess the amount doesn't really matter but i would like to really just practice more, finish projects, and let my 3d models come to life through my renders and animations
listen to more music - i already mentioned on my 12 tracks for 2023 post but i listen to music as a small way to engage with history. i started in 2022 and it's been a really fun journey listening to all this music and there's so much out there too.
gif more and possibly get into archiving? - ok i picked up gif making this year, i used to do them back in like... high school or whatever but then i just stopped. but then i realized this was a really good way of archiving. i'd like to actually scan things like scanning this yoshitaka amano artbook i have or even the f7d artbooks since that game is more than likely going to close this year...but i dont have a machine that scans and technically i could just take a silly picture off of my phone but idk i dont think it's the same. maybe one day but other wise i'll probably just stick with gif making
so basically it's just me keeping up with the stuff i've done recently or have been doing. unfortunately as of writing this i feel sad and maybe it's because i don't want this day to pass and for a new year to start but it will anyways whether i like it or not... le sigh...
anyways happy new years eve hope this new year will be better for everybody
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ksficrec · 6 months
Hi! I just wanted to say that I love this blog, and I also wanted to take the opportunity that so many Kakasaku stories are shared here to express some frustrations I have when I’m reading a fic.I wonder if maybe there’s somone out there that share the same opinions so that’s why I’m here with a little list of things that bother me in a Kakasaku fic:
1- The “Sakura-Chan” thing. Kakashi does NOT call her like that, and frankly it only makes sense when Naruto says it. Kakashi calling Sakura like that is very ooc and not cute AT ALL for me.
2- Ino always being portrayed as the “sex expert”, pushing Sakura to dress sexy or whatever as if Sakura was a virgin prude with no sensuality of her own. It pisses me off, like why humiliating Sakura like that?
3- Sasuke being portrayed as a villain in OU fics: Sasuke suffered a lot of trauma and was heavily manipulated by Itachi, Orochimaru and Obito, but even if he was rude to Sakura sometimes, it was because he felt he had to push people away so he didn’t loose loved ones again. He deeply cared for team 7 so in OU fics, there’s a lot of ways you could write a good Kakasaku without having to bash Sasuke because canon Kakashi and Sakura understand Sasuke very well, it doesn’t make sense for them to hate him.
4- Last but not least, let’s be clear about what is slow-burn: slow-burn is when the relationship and chemistry are being constructed gradually, not rushed or urgent. They go slow with respect to each other’s limits. Writing a scene when the couple is about to have sex and then something/someone comes up and gets in the way is NOT slow-burn!!
Anyway, I just needed to take some things out of my chest because these little details really bother me when reading a story. Thanks for the attention, and keep up the good work!
Hi! Firstly, thank you 💕 Then,
This is where I realised I forgot most of canon and most of my Naruto knowledge now I think is purely from fics because I don't remember at all if Kakashi calls her Sakura-chan in canon or not! I don't mind it so much in fics, plus when it's used there is always a moment when feelings happen and he stops calling her -chan, so I don't so much mind this one. But I also prefer when he doesn't call her -chan, but instead sees her more as an equal in the field also (but idk if this is maybe a wstern bias I have and perhaps am not interpreting the japanese suffixes quite right).
I don't like the shy virginal Sakura portrayals either anymore (I think I did when I was a teen because I could relate to her that way). But also given the age difference and that in many fics Sakura is 18-19, I get the shy angle. But I just don't like reading that anymore, give me bamf, confident, sexually secure Sakura any day. However the flirty Ino is a trope I LOVE in fics.
(What does OU mean?) I get this but also I never really liked Sasuke too much. As an adult I understand that all his problematic behavior stems from being hurt and manipulated like you said, but the way he treats Sakura in canon is still very poor, traumatised or not. I get where it comes from but it's still not good behavior. Anyways in fics I also prefer when he is not such a bad guy, but a more sort of complicated situation. I also like the fics where he is dead but Sakura has only lovely and loving memories of him, which also complicates the situation
I am not sure what the actual fandom definition of slow burn is?? I am realising?? Because when they keep getting interrupted it's slow burn for the reader cause you want it so bad but it keeps getting delayed... but yea that's not so much slow burning feelings tha tthe characters have. While what you are describing is also friends to lovers (alt enemies to lovers) which is its own tag... so idk!! I'll take your word for it tho
I love this ask, you are all welcome to sending this kind of asks!
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casluvscas · 9 months
casluvscas: WHO ARE THEY?
We've all seen the Tumblr User going by the name 'casluvscas', but there's not much known about the said person. Perhaps it's time to ask some questions and gain some knowledge through this interview.
"Hi! I'm Cas, just a reader trying to look for art and writing scraps in the fandoms I'm in so I have something to fan over. No, I am not a bot !! I just don't have tweet or blog (twt/tmb) or make posts (ig) so I can see why you'd think an account with nothing on it (not even reboots but truth be told I forget I can do that lol) is an automatic account. Don't worry though! A living and breathing person is running this :p
Right, introducing myself. Well, you know my name, so I'll tell you about my interests.
Currently, I'm not actually in that many fandoms, just two (and I guess two more but also not really?) which are Genshin Impact (GI) and Miraculous Ladybug (MLB)! (The two maybe-maybe-not fandoms are ATLA and well some webtoons but idk if there's actually 'fandoms' for that)
That's out of the way, but I guess I'll share some more. I actually just got into reading webtoons and I've been a fanfic reader since like 2021-2022?? So maybe 1-2 years tops, and I tried writing my own fics but that sucked. I'm really into shoujo manga/Anime but I'm also just starting to get into that lmao (I'm just starting to have a hobby) and I really like horror movies!
I love listening to music, and I know it seems very 'tik-tok music' to listen to Laufey (at least to some) but I've been a laufey lover since 2020-2021 soo... I also really like jazz and classical music like Chopin and Mozart!
I do not have the skills to draw, I love color theory because it's so cool to see how things change in perspective and lighting and making the same color look like 3 totally different colors (even though half the time I can't make heads or tails about anything (another thing I just got into lol))
That's all about me I can think of from the top of my head. Oh, and I'm Filipino. I also seem to really like blondies. So, uh, yeah, that's that for 'casluvscas'! Thanks for having me!"
And that is it for today, folks! We've learned quite a lot about Ms. Cas right here, but it feels like that's just the start of her personality, so stay tuned for more news on who casluvscas really is!
Cas Out! ♡
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mcwentfandomtraveling · 7 months
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Clinic Hours- Colress x Fem reader
A/n : Felt in the mood for something clinic-y and medical and possibly sickfic-y :3 and decided it was about time to have some Colress on my blog! So here he is! Beloved Husband! <3 I ask for please no constructive criticism since I'm not in a place to handle it right now, and sorry if there are any medical inaccuracies too, just really wanted the esthetic and feeling...hope you guys enjoy it too! Sending hugs and warm wishes!
Warnings : medical stuff, idk, needles? Not overly romantic...
Clinic Hours- Colress x sick Fem reader
Y/n coughed and wheezed as she walked into Colress's lab and flopped down in a chair beside him.Colress turned to look at her.
"My dear, what happened?" He asked in a worried tone, eyes scanning over her for a better picture of the issue.
She coughed again, hacking and wheezing, and greatly worrying Colress as he waited impatiently for an explanation.
"It's really nothing! Remind me to never go fight a horde of Foongus and Amoonguss in an enclosed area again, don't mix poison powder and stun spore" she laughed awkwardly causing another coughing fit.
Colress's pupils dilated at the shocking news he just heard. "Very well, come with me to the clinic I have set up" he said leading her through a different door in the lab.
She saw some of his pokemon, Beheeyem and Magneton checking some charts and data as she noticed Colress stopped at an empty bed in a semi-large medical ward.Y/n's head kept spinning as she looked up at him.
"Please lay down on the bed Y/n" Colress asked.
She stood there feeling awkward "Colress, aren't you a scientist? Not a medical doctor?" She asked curiously.
He smiled, "well as much as I think team plasma was mistaken in its endeavors, it gave me the opportunity to learn skills I otherwise never would've thought I had" he explained.
"Like what" She asked curiously as Colress gently guided her to sit on the bed then lay down.
He smiled, "Well now, who do you think had to treat injuries and illnesses of the members on the Team Plasma Frigate? Most of the admins thought that a scientist who studies the potential of pokemon through the lense of genetics was close enough to a medical doctor so they dumped it on me, both pokemon and trainers, and I didn't want to let them down and I was surprisingly good at it, so I often held clinic hours once a month for the members back then" Colress recalled as he started testing her vitals, wrapping a blood pressure cuff around her arm, watching the numbers before deflating it then listening to her heart.
She smiled at his explanation. "Awwww! That's sweet of you Colress" she said as she got another coughing fit, Colress quickly started listening for any whistling or crackling sounds in her lungs.
He listened carefully and said "Y/n dear, I'll have Beheeyem and Magneton help your injured pokemon, alright? You just leave this to me" he explained.
"Alright" she agreed as she gave her pokeballs to Beheeyem and Colress wrote some notes down.
"Now then, can I take a blood sample Y/n?" He asked as he got a kit with the necessary tools for a blood draw.
Y/n sat up awkwardly.
"Is it necessary?" She asked nervously.
Colress smiled sadly, "I'm afraid it is, love" he said as she looked down sadly. Colress sighed, "This is an odd presentation for poison powder and stun spore, usually it causes weakness and fevers as well as muscle pain, so I want to see if perhaps you have an allergy to Foongus spores or at least figure out why it's happening the way it is and what I can do to do to fix it" he said as she nodded.
She lay down again silently as Colress tightened the tourniquet around her arm and started cleaning the area for the blood draw.
"It's just a few samples it'll be over soon" he consoled.
He kept praising his dear y/n as he inserted the needle into her arm and started collecting a few vials of blood.
She whimpered a bit at the awful feeling.
"I know baby, I know, you're doing great ok" he said as he finished up and taped a cotton ball to the area.
She got another coughing fit as Colress's worry grew. "Any other symptoms besides the nasty cough?" He asked, she groaned at the awful feeling, "sore throat and headache" she said.
Colress noded.
"In the meantime I'm giving you some heal powder, mix it with some water for some relief, alright? I'll work on fixing it" he said.
Y/n smiled, "Thanks Colress" she said.
Colress smiled and gave instructions to one of his Elgyem to give Y/n some heal powder and water while he walked off to analyze the blood samples he took.
He brought them back to his lab and set aside his pokemon research, since his lover's health took priority.
He started testing the samples he got looking at immunoglobulin E antibodies, as well as testing other samples for any other conditions he may need to know.
Colress was infact correct about the allergy, however the scientist in him wanted to make a solution to fix the allergy entirely instead of just easing symptoms.
"The potential of pokemon" he mumbled as he wrote down his thoughts. He started working on a solution using the help of a Foongus he caught a while back.
He came to a weird conclusion.
Using the spores found in the ancestor of Foongus and Amoonguss, Brute Bonnet, he can relieve the allergy that his lover had.
To do this he'd need that rare pokemon from far, far away.
So he contacted any available professors in the Paldea region and asked if they wouldn't mind trading over that paradox pokemon, and sure enough they agreed.
He went to the trading station in the lab and received the paradox pokemon.
Then immediately started finding ways to completely cure her allergy.
He harvested some spores off of it and synthesized a cure for her. Then had Brute Bonnet play with the other pokemon.
He smiled at his hard work while walking back to the clinic section, to Y/n's bed.
Colress smiled as there was a noticeable and positive change in her breathing.
"How are you feeling Y/n?" He asked.
She cheerfully smiled and hugged him.
"I feel great Colress! Thanks for helping me out! You were right about heal powder granting some relief" She said.
He smiled at her cheerful remarks.
"I'm very glad Y/n but we're not quite done here" he said.
She awkwardly tiled her head to the side waiting for him to continue.
Colress sighed and explained "I can't very well let you go back to training and adventures knowing you have an allergy like this, now can I?" He smiled sadly.
She noded sadly in understanding.
Colress gently held her hand in his.
"So let me cure it completely" he said.
Y/n looked puzzled.
"Already?" She asked.
He laughed happily.
"Yes my dear, synthesizing a cure for an illness like this isn't too hard, I was able to accomplish fusing Kyurem and the legendary dragons afterall as well as Solgaleo and Lunala with Necrozma afterall" he explained.
She beamed with delight.
"Wow I really do have the most amazing boyfriend ever!" She happily chirped.
Colress smiled.
"I love you Y/n, please always come find me when you're in need of assistance, I'll ways help" he promised as Y/n hugged him tight.
"Now now, hold still my dear, I still need to inject you, ok?" He stated.
Y/n nodded and looked away nervously as Colress was quick about injecting her.
"There! Perfect" he said as he gently covered the area with a small bandage.
Y/n smiled as she pulled Colress to sit on the bed with her as she cuddled him.
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frecht · 7 months
ok well. i saw the post about tumblr dying. i dont know how long it will take and also i'm dreadfully bad at talking online but mutuals if you want to continue parallel playing in the online sphere i'll put some of my other links here
https://canridauis.neocities.org/ (neocities -- i have a couple short stories up there and have been thinking abt uploading some art as well) (and here is my neocities profile also)
https://www.instagram.com/canridauis/ (my art instagram, where i only really post art and also have been trying to stay off of when im not posting but like. might as well put it here anyhow. it might become more professional in the coming years (typing with proper capitals and whatnot) since i do want to professionally go into illustration but it's better than nothing)
if tumblr does die i may just start sending all my rambles into the anonymous message server so perhaps one day you will send something right after i do and see my message.....? this is a stretch. but i do think everyone should use this website more it's so fun. i love venting into it when im irritated at my annoying suitemate
and my discord is also canridauis. idk if you can share discord profiles (do they even have links?) and besides i'm BAD at talking online so even if you friended me on there to be perfectly honest i think i wouldn't interact (not out of being mean but out of feeling awkward). but might as well list that here anyway.
i've also been thinking for a while about starting a traditional blog so if i do that i think i might link it here as well. and if any of you start one and we're using the same hosting site i'll definitely follow you there!
i'm not planning to start up an account on any proposed tumblr replacement social media because i really do wish to be more offline so if tumblr falls apart anytime soon i suppose this is farewell.
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burnt-kloverfield · 1 year
Happy New Year! Just dropping links to some of my sideblogs, because hey, why not? I think they’re pretty neat. Anyways, there’s a bunch of random things, some aesthetic stuff, a Reylo sideblog, I mean, you might find some more stuff you just love, right? And likes come from me, this is my main, but I might reblog the stuff I love to my sideblogs. That’s how that works. Anywho, links below the read more:
Aesthetic Blogs
@darkspringaesthetic​  If you’re looking for cottagecore, classical paintings, green countrysides, purple flowers, stormy skies, etc. you’ll find it all here. Perhaps most regular of my sideblogs. It really started before cottagecore took off. It’s that feeling of a rainy spring day, where there’s new life everywhere, but it’s dark and rainy. 
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@feverdreamsummer This is a vaporwave aesthetic blog. "VaporWave Americana It's the feeling you get, when you're on a road trip, and you've just woken up from a nap, and your face is hot from the sun coming in through the window, and you might have just missed the Hollywood sign, but you're catching sight of the most beautiful sunset you'll never see again."
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@royalwinterkingdom Wintry, snow, velvet. It's gotten a tad pink/purple/pastel, but it was originally meant to feel like you're royalty in all your fur and velvet looking over the pine forests of your snow covered kingdom.
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Fandom Blogs
@pulltothelight Reylo sideblog, need I say more? Okay, well, I do write Reylo fanfic, and you can find that there. It's a mix of classic Reylo stuff, new Reylo stuff, Star Wars, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, etc.
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@buildingverse I'm going to catch up one day, I promise! "The center of Multidimensional Chaos caused by AsheRhyder's Roommates and all the Buildingverse Fandom. A fanblog who went on hiatus and then never caught up but will, eventually. " I mainly reblog Labyrinth, Phantom of the Opera, and Pirates of the Caribbean here. Like I reblog all of those on my main, too, but here is specifically for that kind of stuff. I never finished the comic, but I am going to sit down and completely binge it, one, day! I swear!!!
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@kloversims I play sims, and I used to post more. Now, I guess this is cc or something, IDK. Pretty dormant? Maybe I'll start up a new legacy or something *shrugs*
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Random Blogs
@cringydashboard This one is pretty much me digging through the depths of my ancient dashboard (I just figured out a way to see how my dashboard would look in like 2011, etc) and I'm reblogging old, classic, funny, interesting, truly cringy tumblr posts. It just feels like time to dig back into the past and relive why we all love tumblr.
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@dollchronicles Look, I love cute things, games, toys, childish things. I personally have a tag about wanting to live with the muppets. This blog though is about toys and cute games. Originally for Toca Boca, but now it's mainly Tsuki Odyssey.
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@becominglolitaprincess Speaking of cute things, You wanna follow my selfie blog?
@autismwehaveaproblem I'm autistic, I love autism, I post enough about it to really have a whole blog for itself, right?
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