#permanent outdoor exhibition
camillawatson · 2 years
Street art in Lisbon: the best eye-catching pieces from the 'Soul of the Castle' exhibition – Camilla Watson
Street art Lisbon is well-known for its scene, and the 'Soul of the Castle' exhibition is a perfect showcase for some of the best pieces in the city. The exhibition features work from a range of local and international artists, all of whom have their own unique style. From bright and bold murals to more subtle pieces, the street art on display is sure to capture your attention.
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 street art can be used to brighten up an area and inject life into a cityscape. It can also be used to communicate a message or tell a story. For example, one of the pieces featured in the exhibition is a mural by Portuguese artist Vasco Gargalo. The mural depicts a young girl holding a bunch of flowers, with the words 'saudade' (a Portuguese term for nostalgia or longing) written across her chest. This mural perfectly captures the feeling of saudade that many people experience when they think about Lisbon.
Street art Lisbon is such an important form of expression because it allows people to connect with their city in a unique and personal way. It also has the power to transform a space, making it more inviting and visually appealing. Whether you're strolling through Lisbon's streets or looking.
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jasfhercallejo · 1 month
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The National Museum of Korea is the most representative and extensive museum in Republic of Korea. The museum holds an immense collection: it has more than 410,000 historically valuable and highly aesthetic relics ranging from the Paleolithic Age to the early 20th century, and more than 12,000 masterpieces of its collection are always on display in its permanent exhibition hall.
The museum also houses a Children's Museum, where visitors can learn more about the nation's history through educational programs and experiences. The outdoor grounds feature pagodas and other stone artworks too large to be on display inside. In addition to galleries with a wide array of national and international pieces, the National Museum of Korea is a stage for a number of cultural activities related to collection, preservation, research and analysis, social training, academic publications, intercultural exchange programs, concerts, and more.
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The museum has six galleries: Prehistory and Ancient History, Medieval and Early Modern History, Donated works, Calligraphy and Painting, World Art, and Sculpture and Crafts Galleries.
The National Museum of Korea was established in 1945. In 2005, the museum extended and reopened on a site of 307,227㎡ (building area: 45,438㎡) in Yongsan, Seoul. Since its rebirth as a “cultural complex,” the National Museum of Korea not only to preserves and exhibits precious relics, but also provide various educational programs and cultural events.
The National Museum of Korea has a number of important cultural materials related to Silk Road (both land and maritime) from Central Asia, East Asia, and Korea. In particular, its unique collection of Sinan Undersea Relics which is a valuable source of information for study of ancient trade between China, Korea and Japan. A sunken Chinese trading ship was discovered in 1975, in the Korean southwest coast near Sinan, Jeollanam-do Province. The ship, carrying trade goods produced on orders from the Kyoto area, sank on its way to Japan from Ningbo in Zhejiang Province, China in 1323. About 30,000 maritime Silk Roads objects were excavated; they are 14th century Chinese goods, including celadon wears, coins, metal artifacts, medical artifacts, and many other types of objects.
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Visitors can appreciate its vast collection; numerous national treasures of Korea are exhibited including Pensive Bodhisattva (a Korean National Treasure), Goryeo Celadon Openwork Burner, Ten-Story Pagoda from Gyeongcheonsa Temple Site, and Gold Crown from Silla.
In addition to the programs and contents respects mentioned above, the National Museum of Korea would be one of the best museums in the world, in terms of the size of the museum (biggest one in Asia and sixth in the world), the annual attendance figures (1st in Asia, 10th in the world in 2009), additional facilities (a theater, a cafeteria, a museum shop, education hall, conference rooms), and digital services for the exhibition (PDA, MP3 and kiosk system).
Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Sunday : 10:00 am ~ 6:00 pm (Final entrance at 5:30 pm); Wednesday & Saturday : 10:00 am ~ 9:00 pm (Final entrance at 8:30 pm)
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cherrypikkins · 1 year
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Some fe3h OC things! More under the cut (spoilers warning!)
Backstory: Kitt was born in a remote village in the Oghma Mountains that held a tradition of keeping distinctly marked stones as family heirlooms and good luck charms. For a time, things were peaceful, until the some mysterious mages began to travel in and out of the village. Over time the villagers began to exhibit signs of illness and strange behaviour. By the time the Church had heard the news and sent their Knights to investigate, most of the villagers were either dead or transformed into Demonic Beasts.
The sole survivor Kitt was found by Flayn and Seteth, in a death-like state, the fragment of a Crest Stone fused to their neck. Flayn begged Seteth to help save the injured, convulsing Kitt. Their transformation was miraculously halted by a ritual and a heavy transfusion of blood, which was sanctioned by Rhea.
Thereafter, Kitt was transported to the Monastery, where they spent a year in recovery. While the new blood in their veins stabilized the effect of the Crest Stone permanently fused to their neck, they continue to exhibit bizarre reactions in combat, especially when monsters are close.
Kitt was welcomed by Seteth and Flayn as family for a time, but has grown to distrust the Church due to their politics and secret-keeping, believing that lives could be saved if certain truths were revealed to the world. Nowadays, they spend their time exploring the woods outside of Garreg Mach, actively seeking Demonic Beasts in the area to hunt and kill. It is revealed that the transfusion of blood, despite saving Kitt's life, is unlikely to completely prevent their transformation further down the road.
They view Professor Byleth as a calming presence and can relate to the circumstances of being caught up in Church politics and secrets without having a say in how to live their life. They believe in fate as a force that not even the Goddess necessarily has full control over, but that it can be influenced in small ways by even the most ordinary of actions, hence their superstitious beliefs.
They are especially concerned about being able to reign in their strength during a fight and not losing their cool.
They are can be recruited in all story paths and will gladly follow Byleth to the end.
Paralogue: 'Rites of Requiem'
Against the advice of the church, Kitt is determined to visit the ruins of their home village. It is swarming with Demonic Beasts - but with Byleth's help, they are able to put the transformed villagers to rest. On the body of one such beast, Kitt finds a talisman, which belonged to their family. The center stone is missing, but it still resonates with power. Kitt senses that it is probably safe for them to hold onto.
Ending Card Title: 'Stalker of Beasts'
Lost Items
Rabbit's Foot - belongs to someone who is somewhat superstitious
Compass - belongs to someone who spends a lot of time navigating the outdoors.
Gem Magnifying Glass - belongs to someone who has a habit of closely examining strange stones.
Favourite Gifts
Blue Cheese, Coffee Beans, Exotic Spices, Riding Boots
Disliked Gifts
Ceremonial Sword, Book of Crest Designs, Gemstone Beads
Unit Selection Quotes:
-- Academy Phase --
"I hear you." - full health
"If I have to." - injured
"…You're kidding me, right?" - near death
-- War Phase --
"I'm listening." - full health
"Nothing to worry about." - injured
"If that's what it takes…" - near death
Critical Hit Quotes:
-- Academy Phase --
"Alright, you asked for it!"
"I'm getting tired of you."
"If it's a fight you want..."
-- War Phase--
"Have it your way."
"I'd run if I were you."
"You're trying my patience!"
"No turning back!" - against named opponent
Victory Quotes:
-- Academy Phase--
"Why can't you just run?"
"Are you satisfied?"
"Didn't have to be like this."
-- War Phase--
"Such is your reward."
"I'm done holding back."
"This is the only way."
Gambit Quotes:
"Let's do this the old-fashioned way." - academy phase
"All's fair on the battlefield." - war phase
Defeat Quotes:
"I don't feel so great. Time for me to bow out." - academy phase
"That's all I've got. I'll leave the rest to you." - war phase, casual mode
"...And just like that, the pain simply...fades away..." - war phase, classic mode
Other Notes:
Will have paired endings with Byleth (any gender), Edelgard, Claude, Bernadetta, Felix, Sylvain, Lysithea, Marianne, Linhardt, Seteth, Flayn, and Hapi
Will have supports but no endings with Jeritza, and Cyril.
A-support with Sylvain will only be possible if both were present at the Battle of Conand Tower.
Favors Ginger Tea
Will excel at Sky Watch and Choir activities.
Is available for recruitment in both academy and war phases. Will default to fighting for the Church as a fully fledged Knight of Seiros but can be convinced by Byleth or Edelgard to defect to the Adrestian Empire.
If they are the one to land the killing blow on either Flayn and Seteth during the Crimson Flower, then both Flayn and Seteth will survive and retreat into hiding after the battle.
Thanks for making it this far! Have a Three Hopes design!
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fe3h ui elements were downloaded from the Spriters Resource site!
portraits were done by following this tutorial by ramyeonguksu!
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the-travelling-witch · 7 months
How did venti find the others like Xiao ather etc? Their all so close like a family a chaotic one but one non the less, so how did that come to be? (Besides the night they got drunk and got tattoos together, ah yes the start of a business)
i‘m leaving out kazuha and heizou bc i’m not sure if i want to keep their backstory the way i have it now; i might add it once i’m more certain about it
Venti found him vandalising the walls of a bridge after Scara ran away from home. After assuring him he wouldn’t snitch on him, Venti asked him about his art, intrigued by the emotion laid bare on the wall.
Much to Scara’s surprise, the -in his opinion- cheery idiot pretty easily guessed his situation just by looking at his drawings and earned a smidge of respect from him. So when Venti asked if he wanted to crash at his place instead of outdoors, he agreed and the situation turned permanent.
“Art such as yours needs a home, don’t you think?”
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After having been close to his group of friends for many years, Xiao slowly felt more and more alienated once they all went on to pursue “safe” but, in his opinion, boring paths in life. Studying to go on and get an office job felt like a cage to him, the only time he ever felt truly free was between the pages of his sketch book.
His habit of doodling the day away and sneaking out at night to visit underground art exhibitions only intensified after a harsh incident in his life. One night in the old vaulted cellar, he got involved in a conversation with a guy who looked so out of place in his bright clothes, it was almost laughable.
He asked Xiao if he was an artists as well and if he could see some of his pieces. When asked why, he only cryptically answered that he could spot talent when he saw it, going on to reveal that he was the infamous artist “Freigeist” whose works always were the talk of the town at every exhibition. Exchanging numbers, he stayed in touch with Xiao and encouraged him to follow his passion, even if others couldn’t understand why.
“People without wings could never understand what it’s like to fly.”
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New to the city and without any friends, Aether spent most of his time either working odd jobs or somewhere where he could draw in peace. He didn’t regret moving away after his sister left their hometown, but he found himself a little dejected at the sad reality.
It was hard to get his foot in the door of new social cycles with established friend groups. But as luck would have it, he one day found himself in an overcrowded café, sketching flowers native to his home from memory. Just then, two guys caught his attention, asking if there was still room at his table.
Sneaking a glimpse at his sketches, Kazuha struck up a conversation and Heizou invited him to join their group of friends if he ever had the time, seeing as they were all interested in art as well. From then on, his days were far more colourful than before.
“Oh look who the wind brought in! You must be the guy Kazuha and Heizou told me about, nice to meet you!”
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holly's modern au masterlist || holly’s modern au tag
modern au tag list: @r0ttenhearts @bananasquash @hoshiwitch
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
Hey, so how do you think Ichigo Kurosaki and Renji would deal with a s/o who is the cute one in the relationship according to everybody, but s/o is convinced Ichigo/renji is the cute one. Also this s/o may or may not be ruining his reputation by associating with him. Like when he acts aloof emotionally and can’t just straight up admit things, like he has to be like “I was in the neighbourhood, so I decided to pop over *is lie. He really wanted to come over from start*”, s/o’s thinks he’s cute, “Awe… you’re so shy…”?
Hey Dreams! Can I call you that? This is super belated but I took your cute little ask and made headcanons for it. I sat here and thought HMM what if Ichigo and Renji were tsunderes (or tsunderes lite lol), and came up with a few things. I know it took me nearly a month to reply but I hope you enjoy this literature bite regardless. Have a great day!
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Abarai Renji
Renji has a reputation to protect.
After all, his appearance makes a very bold statement; geometric tattoos, fiery red hair, a deep set frown between his brows, and a characteristic snarl that made you think he'd bark at you as soon as you pass him by.
He had worked hard for this reputation, and proudly carried it wherever he went, exhibiting it for everyone to see.
But you saw something the others didn't—the softer side of him he hid.
You knew the way his cheeks would color when you'd kiss his cheek.
You knew how he would stammer over his words when you asked him if he missed you. He could never lie to you, but admitting the truth out loud was always so embarrassing.
You knew the silly way he loved when you played with his hair and how sometimes he'd even let you braid it.
Whenever someone would talk to you about how scary Renji could be you always laughed outright. You'd laugh even harder at the wide eyed looks they'd give you as if you had lost your mind.
“He's not scary at all!” you'd tell them and try not to tell his secret. Your boyfriend was simply too cute. You didn't understand how anyone could fear him.
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Kurosaki Ichigo
Ichigo loves his tough guy persona. At first, it was pushed on him—his hair color giving him the appearance of someone who loved to cause trouble.
Eventually, he found it had its own charm. He liked looking tough, and he liked looking like the kind of guy who was cool and charismatic even if that was the complete opposite of his true personality.
Around you, his persona would come crumbling down, one smile and one giggle at a time.
You had a way of wrapping him around your finger he couldn't even put into words.
Where others would complain about Ichigo and his permanent frown you'd hum with a finger on your lips.
You hardly saw him frown in your presence, except for the times you'd place your hand on his knee, or when you'd rest your head on his shoulder.
He'd move with a jolt, turn crimson, and frown at your arms out. “W-what are you doing?” he'd ask you holding you at arms length by the shoulders.
“Cuddling,” you would say with a small smile. “That's what couples do, you know?”
His blush wouldn't recede but the volume in his voice went down enough decibels not to be heard outdoors. “Fine,” he'd mumble, still frowning, eyes looking everywhere but your face. “But at least warn a guy before you do that. Are you trying to kill me?”
It was those moments you'd find him indescribably cute. If anyone asked you who was the cute one in the relationship you'd decidedly volunteer Ichigo as a candidate.
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peroxidebutch · 11 months
engaging and educational things to do on the web :)
ArcGIS StoryMaps - informative, presents maps with spatial GIS data on numerous topics from various organizations in a scrollable format (best on desktop). we really enjoyed For the Birds :)
United States Botanic Garden Virtual Tour - 360 degree view of various parts of the U.S. Botanic Garden, indoors and outdoors, also includes links to video tours (youtube)
National Museum of Natural History Virtual Tour - includes permanent, current, and past exhibits, narrated tours, and more!
Van Gogh Museum: Enjoy the Museum From Home - high quality views of Gogh’s paintings, 4k video tour (youtube), virtual book club (meetings have ended, but the free EPUBs and PDFs remain on the site for download), Unravel Van Gogh application to learn more about individual paintings, and a children’s media section
bonus: while not really educational, we’re a big fan of the calming Window Swap, which allows you to see the view out of people’s windows all over the world (with audio!)
mandatory disclaimer we have not tried every link on these sites and are not affiliated with these organizations. some links may have ads (window swap especially). please feel free to add on your favourite sites like these in the notes!
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westernconnecticut · 8 months
Veterans’ Day is a National holiday that honors the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. It keeps the importance of those who protect our homeland close to our hearts and reminds us of their bravery and valor. Native Americans have fought valiantly in the United States military in every conflict since the American Revolution, even before Native Americans gained U.S. citizenry in 1924. Honoring Native warriors and veterans has always been part of indigenous culture. It keeps the importance of those who protect our homeland close to our hearts and reminds us of their bravery and valor. Each year, in honor of Veterans Day, the Institute for American Indian Studies in Washington Connecticut honors the exceptional military service of Native Americans in a formal dedication. This year, the Institute is once again inviting the public to participate in the program that will honor Native and non-Native Americans whose passion and loyalty have helped to make America what it is today on Sunday, November 5 at 12:30 p.m. The Institute is located at 38 Curtis Road in Washington Connecticut. At this year’s event, veteran Gary Tinney, Paugussett, will lead the ceremony. New at this year’s event is the Yootay Singers Drum Group based out of Mashantucket, CT, which will perform honor songs recognizing the rich contributions of Native and Non-Native Americans who have bravely served side by side in the U.S. Armed Forces. Allan Madahbee (Ojibwe) will also join the ceremony and play Amazing Grace on his traditionally crafted flute. Attendees will be immersed in a meaningful ceremony that is a powerful experience. The ceremony will be outside so attendees are advised to dress appropriately for the weather. In the event of rain, the ceremony or portions of it will be held inside the museum. This event is free and open to the public, but pre-registration and donations are always appreciated. Registration is at http://iaismuseum.org. For questions please call (860) 868-0518 or email [email protected]. About The Institute for American Indian Studies (IAIS) Located on 15 woodland acres the IAIS preserves and educates through archeology, research, exhibitions, and programs. We have an outdoor replicated 16th c. Algonkian Village, the award-winning Wigwam Escape, and a Museum with temporary and permanent displays of authentic artifacts from prehistory to the present that allow visitors to foster a new understanding of the world and the history and culture of Native Americans. The Institute for American Indian Studies is at 38 Curtis Road in Washington Connecticut.
Veterans’ Day is a National holiday that honors the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. It keeps the importance of those who protect our homeland close to our hearts and reminds us of their bravery and valor. Native Americans have fought valiantly in the United States military in every conflict since the American Revolution, even before Native Americans gained U.S.…
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tonifoto · 2 years
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Hello,  I have exciting news: my zine “Leap!” will be exhibited at an event called Booked 2022 in Helsinki! “Leap!” is my first photography focused zine I put together back in January 2022 and it is a project I’m very proud of. Its interesting to see something so personal make its way into a public space. In this week’s post I wanted to share a little about this zine without giving too much away. 
To put it simply, Leap! is about my permanent move from Canada to Finland to live with my partner after five years of semi-long distance relationship. In other words it attempts to celebrate a new chapter in my life. Here is some info about the book:
48pages / 210mm x 133mm Thread sewn binding Matte paper 130gm
All of the pictures in this book have a dark tone but I think that reflects Finnish winter pretty well. I wish there were more light but it is what it is (I like this saying).  By contrast, I always get a warm feeling when looking at them since they are essentially ordinary everyday things that me and my partner enjoy doing, one of those being long outdoors walks in nature.
You might be wondering about the hare on the cover. There are pictures and paintings of hares scattered throughout the book. I noticed when I was looking through my archive for the initial selection of images I noticed how many pictures of hares there were. They were mostly shot through a window since, if I were to open the door it would skip away instantly. I noticed them quite often, so it probably meant something right? I sometimes like to look up symbolism and meanings for things and I read that the hare represented new beginnings. I thought it fit and I rolled with it.
This project made me realize how much I enjoyed putting images together into a book. I’ve been a book collector since my early teens, collecting books from artists I like, old and new as well as picture books. Aside from the art itself, the image placement, end paper selection, paper weight, the binding and much more are what excite me. It seemed like only a matter of time before I started making my own. I wondered for a long time why I enjoyed books so much - I haven’t come to a conclusion but it is probably has something to do with it being tactile. 
For those curious about cameras - I used my trusty Fujifilm XT1 with a 23mm F2 for all the images (I think). To my surprise it survived daily use in sub-zero temperatures as well as heavy snowfall!
Lastly, as much as I doubt anyone in the right area will see this (It always feels like I’m speaking into the void), here’s the information for the event just in case. The event will carry some copies of Leap! for sale as well.
26 November - 18 December 2022 MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 C, Helsinki
If you’re not in the area but are interested in buying a copy. Just send me a DM! The money will go to printing costs on future books or zines since I’d like to keep this ball rolling. 
One day I’d like to talk more in detail about how the idea developed the picture selection process as well as inspirations behind the sequencing and design (My favorite part) but for now this preview will do.
Thanks for reading my ramblings.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Spain (No. 2)
In 1991, the Basque government suggested to the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation that it would fund a Guggenheim museum to be built in Bilbao's decrepit port area, once the city's main source of income. The Basque government agreed to cover the US$100 million construction cost, to create a US$50 million acquisitions fund, to pay a one-time US$20 million fee to the Guggenheim and to subsidize the museum's US$12 million annual budget. In exchange, the foundation agreed to manage the institution, rotate parts of its permanent collection through the Bilbao museum and organize temporary exhibitions.
The museum was built by Ferrovial, at a cost of US$89 million. About 5,000 residents of Bilbao attended a preopening extravaganza outside the museum on the night preceding the official opening, featuring an outdoor light show and concerts. On 18 October 1997 the museum was opened by Juan Carlos I of Spain. On the 13th, two ETA militants had shot dead a Basque policeman who interrupted their attempt to set up grenade launchers to attack the opening.
Source: Wikipedia  
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jackhkeynes · 1 year
16th Lexember
baugl "campsite"
baugl /bojl/ [ˈbo.jʊ] - camp, campsite, an outdoor place acting as a temporary accommodation either in tents or entirely outdoors; - improvisation, kludge, stopgap, patch, a temporary set-up formed by convenience or due to time constraints that one intends to replace with something more permanent
Etymology: from Old Boral bavȝl (probably /bawʎ/) "tent, campsite", cognate with Cambrick pabell "tent" in coming via a Kelt form (the Borland reflex exhibiting characteristic initial voicing) from Latin pāpiliō "butterfly, (later) tent". In the latter sense the word is seen from the sixteenth century, originally with reference to a room's hasty arrangement of appliances/furniture or similar processes that resemble the ad-hoc set-up of a campsite.
Indigneð mey noc dell'oc baugl van. /ˌɪn.dajˈnɛθ mi nɔk dɛˈlɔk bojl van/ [ˌɪn.dɐjˈnɛh mi nɔ ˌdɛ.lʊ ˈbo.jʊ van] begrudge-sbj.2p 1s neg of-def-s.px camp vain Don't hold this bad set-up against me.
opening of a 1813 letter sent by Dorothe Shock, proprietress of Miszen [1] emporium De Marnoshring, to her mother Johanne in her home village of Siorow. This missive is taken from the collected correspondence kept in trust at the Marnosh Gravatory [archives], the enterprise having grown dramatically from a single shop selling trinkets to a quasipolitic guild [multinational corporation] controlling much of the market for children's toys and various material hobbies.
My dearest mother,
First I must reassure you that [her brother] young Crazi has arrived in Miszen safe and in good spirits. He has not taken to commerce as enthusiastically as you had hoped (or at least not as well as he has taken to nights out with soldierly friends and woodheaded mornings!) but his allegedly-charming features seem to have contributed to a string of advantageous deals with the usual suppliers.
You shall I expect be unsurprised to hear that the Potchware [2] woodcarvings refuse to be bought at even half the cost of importing them (never mind Hamburg's stanglehold on the Elbe); eventually I managed to convince a particuarly-credulous customer from Crovatia that they were the only attested artworks of a remote people of Chrysia, which limited our losses to an acceptable amount.
The mayor continues to promise better roads out west to Lepzi—it is nonsensical that one cannot make the journey in a day and must suffer an uncomfortable night in the only Ossatz lodginghouse with tolerable chambermaids. I cannot see that such projects will find funds for themselves so long as the garrison demands its gold, and so long as the Boheme menace rattles its sabre across the southern…
[1] An urban regional centre in Saxony on the site of our Meissen. [2] A staddomain in Cappatia [South America] known at the time for its sugar and cocoa exports, and not (yet) renowned as a centre of artistic expression.
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radellama · 2 years
19, 20, and 7, for the art asks?
Thank you! ^_^
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
Going to use this as an excuse to gush about a recent favourite artist and say murals and immersive art! There's this dude called Rone, he does these massive murals of ladies faces on walls and turns the space around them into set-like pieces. It's really inspiring and I'd love to make an immersive piece one day... From my understanding, he's usually working in places that are already abandoned/about to be demolished, and enhances that by creating a scene around that solitude and pairing it with these giant murals (and also adds to the wow factor that these aren't permanent installations) The spaces look like movie sets, and he's got an exhibit going on right now in the city that I hope I can afford to visit next year!
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19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
Hmmmm... I'm gonna say the atmosphere in places. I know that sounds wanky, but I really like drawing places that either feel very lived in or feel very liminal. I really want to draw more interior scenes and nature-y outdoor ones, here's a wip I've had to pause and a few older works to show what I mean lol
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20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
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Send me some art questions~
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everydayoriginal · 2 years
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Dim Stars: Happier by Scott Bakal
This is a diptych titled Dim Stars: Happier.
What makes me happy? The chance to be outdoors in the summer working on my bonsai trees. What makes you happy?
Art: 5″x7″ each (x2). This work is mixed media on gallery wrapped canvas.
History: I started creating this character and the Dim Stars world about 15 years ago they have been exhibited in galleries all around the U.S.. Various pieces have won awards from most of the major illustration competitions. The nine-piece series, ‘Dim Stars: Pollution’ was acquired by the New Britain Museum of American Art for their permanent collection.
VIEW DETAILS brought to you by Every Day Original
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freedformwriter · 2 hours
Diary of a Baggage Train: Day 3
This compositional device constricts and releases the visitors experience, encouraging them to appreciate the holistic …natural landscape.
The visitor centre at Cashel Native Forestry Centre is the usual ad hoc collection: children’s art (unsurprisingly, mostly of trees), copies of a lizard census, a whiteboard chronicling what people have seen on their walk (sheep, two ducks, a red fox). What intrigues me the most are the slick signs adverting the forestry’s services completed and shortlisted accessibility projects. Long covid has sharpened my principled support for accessibility. I’ve just walked the centre’s green path, a 500-metre loop that took me along a lovely little babbling brook. I’m immensely grateful for the immersion in a private, wild spot with an abundance of benches. But these installations approach accessibility with a philosophical lens in which level access doesn’t factor.
If a gallery asked me to curate these proposals as an exhibition, I would call it ‘Put Me In A Box So I Can See Things.’ The box already installed looks like one of those cages they lock thrill seeking tourists in before lowering them into shark-infested waters. It juts from a steep bank above a waterfall, its corroding iron bars a permanent autumn among green trees. Shortlisted projects include a box bridge over a waterfall, allowing humans to access a space that is wholly inaccessible by being in the middle of the river. A third project proposes to encapsulate the experience being directly on the rift between Lowland and Highland Scotland. I’ve just crossed the Ice-Age rift on the short drive from Balmaha to Cashel, and I’m intriguing to see it expressed in design. It’s another box.
My favourite, most prosaic, proposal is called Am Balla. Eschewing waterfalls and ridgelines, it wants to put a box on the Caledonian Canal. It’s bold. A canal is a natural resource already paved and tamed by human. It’s also the only proposal that directly confronts why we need boxes to access nature. The box, the architect tells us, is a framing device, creating a ‘controlled spatial experience’ that better engages people with the canal. I hear an underlying assumption that people cannot properly see an outdoor space without an indoor space, a restricted interior created to match and enhance the limitless exterior. Is this absolute architectural wankery or is there something behind this whole concept of intermediary boxes? My immediately reaction is to rail against the professed need that even the most pedestrian – literally – of landscapes now needs an interpreter. But then I use restriction, of senses and movement, to liberate my thoughts. Humans have for millennia. I’m going to back to the whiteboard with this one.
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daysofsamdandtime · 2 days
Day 11
Finally heading off with a plan for the morning I walked down to Kings Cross Station to get the train over to Portobello Markets, and a bakery or two I wanted to try. A lovely morning walk through the markets and down Portobello Rd through Notting Hill, stopping at the second bakery for two too many scones. I sat in Kensington Gardens and enjoyed the pastry and a scone before some geese and swans got a little close for comfort, as in not in the pond anymore.
I continued my walk through to Hyde park and down the serpentine where I finished my second and third scones in the rose gardens. Sans a lot of roses as the beds were being refurbished, but still lovely. Making my way down the back of Buckingham toward The Other Palace for the matinee of Babies.
Babies was excellent, the cast were so tight and it was just a good show. A poppy score, a fun story and reasonably low stakes with a decent moral made for a really lovely afternoon. The high energy of the cast added to the enjoyment as the young cast and plastic babies whirled around the space, a great scenic design not bogging them down in realistic school and outdoor settings. The chore was effective and tight, and I need a full recording of the show please.
I then made my way to the Tate, Britain, to see some more art. Again choosing to not go for the paid exhibitions I made my way around the permanent galleries. Highlights were Hockney’s ‘A Bigger Splash’ the JMW Turner gallery with some Constable thrown in, and a Sargent painting of Monet painting. A lovely gallery covering many decades of British art it was a lovely way to spend the afternoon.
I then made my way down past the Battersea Power station to the Turbine Theatre for Closer To Heaven, with music by the Pet Shop Boys, starring (original Fantine Frances Ruffelle) a very camp fun show… except that the music really didn’t lyrically let the actors do much. There were a few exceptions to this mainly in the second act however - and I did think it was a new piece, turns out it’s a revival - it needs work. The cast were all very talented and when given the chance to show it, were great. The piece held them back, not exactly knowing what it wanted to be and trying to be too many things at once.
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solxproperties · 14 days
Discover Your Dream Home: Homes for Sale in Benahavis, Malaga
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Are you trying to choose the ideal residence for yourself? Imagine stunning views, mild Mediterranean breezes, and lively cultural activities. A hidden gem that welcomes you is located in the enchanting Costa del Sol, Benahavis, Malaga. This in-depth guide will discuss Benahavis attractions, real estate, and why buying a property here is a lifestyle decision rather than a financial decision. To realize this dream, consult a licensed real estate agent Benahavis Malaga.
Benahvis was made by Malaga
A haven of natural beauty
Benahavis is famous for its magnificent landscapes. This lovely city, surrounded by green mountains and with a view of the busy Mediterranean, provides residents wanting adventure and quiet with a serene and gorgeous getaway.
Rich cultural heritage
Benahavis is a small town with a rich cultural history. Its classic Andalusian architecture, old buildings, and cobblestone streets provide a window into the city's past. With its magnificent theaters and rich art exhibits, Benahavis has a timeless attraction that draws both residents and tourists.
The joy of cooking
Benahavis, sometimes called the "Costa del Sol restaurant," is a gourmet haven. Several well-known eateries in the town provide exquisite food. Benahavis offers a diverse menu that pleases all palates, ranging from traditional Spanish tapas to foreign cuisine, creating an exciting sense of taste.
Real estate management.
Optional properties
Everyone enjoys Benahavis' property to match life, whether they see a modern apartment in a busy city, a gorgeous townhouse in a quiet neighborhood, or a stunning mansion with expansive sea views.
Investment potential
Purchasing real estate in Benahavis is a wise financial move in addition to providing a place to live. Rent demand is driven by the city's appeal to tourists and foreigners, which makes it a desirable choice for investors seeking appreciation income or long-term rentals.
Modern amenities
Benahavis has all the latest comforts and amenities one might want despite its excellent location. Top schools, medical facilities, retail centers, parks, and public transportation are all easily accessible to residents, guaranteeing a convenient and enjoyable lifestyle.
Why choose Benahavis, Malaga?
Lifestyle and leisure
Living in Benahavis means experiencing the high life. The breathtaking Sierra de las Nieves Natural Park, close to Marina Cultural Resources, offers residents world-class golf, renowned beaches, and trekking adventures. These outdoor activities draw tourists and help the city regain its appeal.
International people
Benahavis' international and social environment attracts tourists from all over the world. Benahavis welcomes all, whether they are a family looking for a safe and healthy society or a retiree wanting a peaceful retirement.
Communication and access
Benahavis's prime position provides parking and quick access to major cities. A short drive away is Malaga Airport, a primary international gateway that offers convenient access to international locations. Traveling throughout the neighborhood is hassle-free thanks to the public transportation alternatives and well-maintained city roadways.
Investing in your future
Economic benefits
Purchasing a property in Benahavis has several financial advantages. The city's strong real estate market, advantageous tax structure, and economic expansion make it an excellent place to invest. Benahavis offers good long-term value and profits, regardless of whether you are purchasing a property for your permanent house, a holiday spot, or an investment.
A good life
Beyond financial concerns, Benahavis provides an unmatched standard of living. For people of all ages, the city's peace, natural beauty, cultural diversity, and contemporary amenities make it the perfect place to live. The Benahawi live as they wish, whether adventure, relaxation, or a mix.
The time to act is now.
Benahavis offers a variety of features that will make your dreams come true for the property, whether you are a first-time home buyer, investor, seasoned furniture designer, or retiree searching for a peaceful haven. As interest in Benahavis real estate grows, you can find new homes near me Benahavis Malaga and earn your spot in this prestigious area.
Employee Guidelines
Getting into the real estate industry can be difficult, but you don't have to do it alone. Get advice from experienced real estate agents who have expertise about Benahavis' specific real estate market, as well as about property difficulties and investment options. You can discover the ideal property that fulfills your requirements and make well-informed decisions with their help and expertise.
Your dream home is waiting for you.
Benahavis, Malaga, is renowned for homeowners and investors because it combines natural beauty, cultural diversity, modern conveniences, and affordability. Benahavis has something special: an appealing appearance, exciting cuisine, sports, and economic opportunities.
Discover real estate for sale Benahavis Malaga, and start living the life you've always wanted. Accept this fantastic city's grace, beauty, and allure, and recognize your goal of owning a property in one of the most breathtaking areas of the Costa del Sol.
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gogiaprints · 15 days
Suitability of Signage Display Boards in Delhi and Sun Boards for Indoor and Outdoor Use in Delhi’s Weather
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Delhi's weather is characterized by extreme temperatures, ranging from very hot summers to chilly winters, along with a monsoon season that brings its own challenges of heavy rains and high humidity. This variability necessitates careful consideration when selecting materials for both indoor and outdoor signage to ensure longevity and effectiveness. Signage display boards and sun boards are popular choices in the region, but their suitability for different environments varies based on the materials and construction techniques used.
1. Signage Display Boards
Signage display boards in Delhiare designed to cater to a wide range of applications, from retail advertising to corporate signage. The materials typically used include:
- Acrylic: Acrylic is favored for both indoor and outdoor signage due to its robustness and clarity. It withstands weathering well, does not yellow over time, and offers excellent light transmission qualities, which is ideal for backlit signs.
- Metal: Aluminum and its composites are commonly used for outdoor signage display boards. These materials offer durability against wind and water, resistance to rust, and are light enough for easy installation yet strong enough to withstand Delhi’s gusty winds.
- PVC Foam Boards: These are preferred for indoor use due to their lightweight nature and smooth finish, which makes them suitable for high-quality digital printing. While they can be used outdoors, they are less durable under direct sunlight or heavy rain compared to acrylic or metal.
2. Sun Boards
Sun Board manufacturer in delhi, often made from a form of rigid PVC, are versatile and can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications. However, their suitability varies depending on specific conditions:
- Durability: Sun boards are water-resistant and fairly durable against physical impacts. They are commonly used in outdoor settings for temporary signage like election campaigns or event directions. However, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight may lead to warping or color fading if not treated with UV-resistant coatings.
- Print Quality: Sun boards offer a flat and smooth surface that is ideal for digital printing, producing vibrant and sharp images. This makes them popular for visual displays in retail environments, exhibitions, and indoor informational signs.
- Adaptability: The lightweight nature of sun boards makes them easy to install and relocate, which is beneficial for both permanent fixtures and temporary setups. For enhanced durability outdoors, it is advisable to use thicker boards or those specifically treated for UV resistance.
3. Considerations for Delhi’s Climate
For both signage display boards and sun boards, the following considerations should be kept in mind to maximize their efficacy and lifespan in Delhi’s diverse weather conditions:
- UV Protection: Opting for materials treated with or inherently resistant to UV damage is crucial to prevent fading and maintain the integrity of the print and material.
- Water Resistance: Ensuring that the materials can withstand the monsoon season without deteriorating is key, especially for outdoor applications.
- Heat Resistance: Materials should be chosen based on their ability to withstand high temperatures without deforming or losing structural integrity.
In conclusion, both signage display boards and sun boards can be suitable for indoor and outdoor use in Delhi, provided that they are chosen with the local climate in mind. For outdoor applications, materials such as acrylic, metal, and UV-treated sun boards are recommended due to their higher durability and weather resistance. Indoor applications offer more flexibility, allowing for the use of materials like PVC foam boards that provide excellent print quality and ease of handling. When selecting signage solutions in Delhi, partnering with a knowledgeable manufacturer like Gogia Prints can ensure that your choice not only meets aesthetic requirements but also stands up to the environmental challenges posed by the region.
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