I love being out of the loop. I do not need to be updated on situations that do not concern me.
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ziarising · 1 year
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cumrrnet · 7 days
Beige Flags in Relationships 20 Subtle Signs to Watch Out for in Your Partner
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Beige Flags in Relationships 20 Subtle Signs to Watch Out for in Your Partner
In the realm of relationships, we often hear about the red flags that signal warning signs in a partner. However, what about the lesser-known beige flags? These are the subtle cues that might not immediately set off alarm bells but could hint at underlying issues or compatibility concerns.
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Let's delve into 20 beige flags to be mindful of in your partner   - Inconsistent Communication: While not necessarily a deal-breaker, sporadic or vague communication patterns could indicate a lack of prioritization or interest. - Reluctance to Compromise: A partner who consistently refuses to meet halfway or consider your perspective may struggle with cooperation in the long term. - Habitual Lateness: Chronic tardiness could suggest a disregard for your time and commitments. - Overly Critical Behavior: Constant criticism, even if presented as constructive feedback, may erode confidence and strain the relationship. - Resistance to Change: A reluctance to adapt or grow together could hinder mutual progress and shared experiences. - Lack of Initiative: If your partner consistently relies on you to make plans or decisions, it could signify a passive approach to the relationship. - Financial Incompatibility: Divergent attitudes towards money management or spending habits might lead to conflicts down the road. - Emotional Unavailability: Difficulty in expressing emotions or offering support during challenging times could create barriers to intimacy. - Boundary Issues: Disregarding personal boundaries or showing possessiveness may indicate a lack of respect for autonomy. - Inattention to Details: Ignoring small gestures or failing to remember important dates might signal a lack of attentiveness or investment. - Limited Shared Interests: While individual hobbies are healthy, a significant disparity in interests could hinder quality time together. - Unwillingness to Apologize: Difficulty in owning up to mistakes or offering sincere apologies may strain trust and forgiveness. - Conflict Avoidance: While conflict is inevitable, a partner who consistently avoids addressing issues may foster unresolved tension. - Social Disconnection: A reluctance to integrate you into their social circles or participate in your activities could hint at isolation or detachment. - Unbalanced Power Dynamics: Significant discrepancies in decision-making power or control may lead to resentment or imbalance. - Resistance to Feedback: A lack of openness to constructive criticism or refusal to engage in self-improvement could impede growth as a couple. - Dependency: Overreliance on you for emotional fulfillment or decision-making may lead to feelings of suffocation or pressure. - Inflexibility: Rigidity in mindset or an unwillingness to compromise on values could hinder mutual understanding and compromise. - Indecisiveness: Difficulty in making simple choices or commitments might reflect underlying insecurity or hesitation. - Mismatched Future Goals: Misalignment in long-term aspirations or life trajectories could lead to dissatisfaction or resentment over time. Healthy Relationship Habits: Within the context of fostering healthy relationship habits, it's essential to remain vigilant for any potential beige flags that may arise. While establishing positive routines and behaviors is crucial for the longevity of a partnership, it's equally important to be aware of subtle signs that could indicate underlying issues. Beige flags in the realm of relationship habits might manifest as a lack of effort or consistency in maintaining shared responsibilities, such as household chores or emotional support. These flags could also appear as a pattern of neglecting self-care or failing to prioritize quality time together. By remaining attuned to these beige flags, individuals can address any imbalances or concerns before they escalate into more significant problems. Healthy relationship habits require ongoing communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to address issues as they arise. By acknowledging and actively working to overcome beige flags in relationship habits, couples can cultivate a strong foundation built on trust, understanding, and mutual support.
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Communication Strategies: Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful relationship, yet even in the realm of communication, beige flags may emerge. These subtle indicators can manifest as a lack of transparency, passive-aggressive behavior, or an avoidance of discussing important topics. Beige flags in communication strategies may also include a failure to actively listen, interrupting, or dismissing the other person's feelings. Recognizing these beige flags is crucial for fostering healthy dialogue and resolving conflicts constructively. It requires both partners to cultivate self-awareness, empathy, and a commitment to open and honest communication. By addressing beige flags in communication head-on, couples can strengthen their connection and deepen their understanding of each other's needs and perspectives. Effective communication strategies involve active listening, expressing emotions respectfully, and seeking compromise when necessary. By prioritizing healthy communication habits and addressing any beige flags that may arise, couples can navigate challenges together with greater resilience and understanding.   Self-Reflection Exercises: Engaging in self-reflection is an invaluable tool for personal growth and relationship development, yet even in this introspective process, beige flags may surface. These subtle cues can manifest as a reluctance to examine one's own behaviors, defensiveness when confronted with criticism, or a failure to take accountability for mistakes. Beige flags in self-reflection exercises might also appear as a pattern of avoiding uncomfortable truths or refusing to acknowledge areas for improvement. Recognizing these beige flags is essential for fostering self-awareness and promoting healthy introspection within the relationship. It requires individuals to approach self-reflection with honesty, vulnerability, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths. By addressing beige flags in self-reflection head-on, individuals can cultivate a deeper understanding of themselves and their impact on the relationship. Self-reflection exercises involve asking probing questions, journaling thoughts and feelings, and seeking feedback from trusted sources. By prioritizing self-awareness and addressing any beige flags that may arise, individuals can enhance their personal growth journey and contribute to the health and vitality of their relationship.   While beige flags might not demand immediate action, they serve as gentle reminders to reassess compatibility and address potential concerns early on. Open communication, mutual respect, and a willingness to navigate challenges together are key in fostering a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Remember, it's the accumulation of these subtle cues that can ultimately shape the course of your partnership. So, stay vigilant, and may your relationship journey be guided by awareness and understanding. Read the full article
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masteryminutes · 3 months
The Art of Saying No: Boundaries and Time Management
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Discover the liberating impact of mastering the art of saying "no" in "The Art of Saying No: Boundaries and Time Management." Uncover how setting boundaries enhances effective time utilization, allowing you to prioritize tasks and focus on what truly matters. Learn the art of gracefully declining commitments to foster productivity and personal growth. Join this transformative journey to sculpt a life of purposeful time management through the skillful balance of saying "no" and establishing respectful boundaries.
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Setting Boundaries: The Art of Saying No
“The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say no to almost everything.” — Warren Buffett Introduction: The Symphony of Overcommitment Ever felt like you're juggling flaming torches on a unicycle, trying to keep up with a never-ending parade of commitments? You're not alone! In the chaotic circus of life, saying no becomes your superhero cape, rescuing you from the overwhelm. Let’s dive into the enchanting world of setting boundaries and mastering the art of saying no.
The Overwhelm Tango: A Relatable Scenario
Picture this: You, in the midst of a frenzied dance, twirling through work assignments, social invitations, and personal responsibilities. It's not a waltz; it's the overwhelm tango, and you're the reluctant lead. But fear not, for in this chaos lies the power to orchestrate a symphony of balance.
Saying No: Your Time Management Magic Wand
"Ever tried to fit an elephant into a suitcase? That's saying yes to everything in life – an impossible, chaotic endeavor. It's time to trade the suitcase for a magic wand, utter the spell of 'no,' and watch as the chaos transforms into a harmonious melody." In this overcommitted dance, saying no isn't a rejection; it's a choreographer's decision to create a masterpiece. So, tighten your cape and get ready to embrace the magic of boundaries.
Understanding the Importance of Boundaries
In the intricate dance of life, boundaries act as our invisible guardians, safeguarding our time, energy, and sanity. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the profound importance of setting boundaries in both our personal and professional realms.
The Impact of Blurred Boundaries
Ever felt like time was slipping through your fingers? Blurred boundaries might be the culprit. When personal and professional spheres intertwine without clear demarcation, chaos ensues. It's like trying to paint a masterpiece with a brush that's lost its bristles – messy and lacking precision. Metaphorically Speaking: Fences for Valuable Time Imagine your time as a lush garden, each moment a delicate flower. Boundaries are the elegant fences that protect these blossoms from the invasive weeds of incessant demands. Without them, your garden becomes overrun, and the vibrant flowers of your time start to wither.
The Analogies of Protection
1. The Time Fortress Think of boundaries as the protective walls of a fortress guarding your most precious treasure – time. Would you leave the gates wide open for anyone to wander in and disrupt your sanctuary? 2. The Energy Shield Boundaries are your energy shields. Picture them like force fields that repel the draining influences, preserving your vitality for what truly matters. Would you willingly let your energy seep away like water through cracks in a dam?
Understanding the importance of boundaries is akin to recognizing the value of a well-tended garden or a fortress with impenetrable walls. It's about reclaiming control over your time, preserving your energy, and fostering a life where both personal and professional spheres coexist harmoniously. So, let's raise our fences and fortify our boundaries – the guardians of our most precious assets.
Identifying Personal and Professional Priorities
In the grand tapestry of life, knowing our priorities is akin to wielding a compass that guides us through uncharted territories. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery and explore the profound significance of discerning personal and professional priorities.
The Power of Knowing
Why bother identifying priorities? Imagine trying to navigate a bustling city without a map. Without knowing where you want to go, every street seems like a potential path, leading to confusion and wasted energy. Similarly, knowing our priorities provides us with a roadmap for effective decision-making. Setting Boundaries as Goal Aligners Ever felt torn between personal goals and professional demands? Boundaries come to the rescue, aligning seamlessly with individual aspirations. Think of them as the guardrails on a winding mountain road – they keep you on track and prevent you from veering off into the abyss.
Examples in Action
- The Work-Life Balance TightropeSetting boundaries between work and personal life is like walking a tightrope. Without a defined path, you risk stumbling into the chaos below. Picture each boundary as a steady support wire, allowing you to maintain balance and harmony. - The Social Media DilemmaIn the digital age, our time is often hijacked by endless social media scrolling. Establishing boundaries here is like putting up signposts – reminding us when it's time to exit the digital highway and engage in activities that truly matter.
Identifying personal and professional priorities is the North Star guiding us towards fulfillment. By setting boundaries aligned with our goals, we create a framework for success. It's akin to sculpting a masterpiece – chiseling away the unnecessary to reveal the true essence of our priorities. So, let's embrace the compass of priorities and carve our path towards a purposeful and balanced life.
Tips for Setting Boundaries at Work
Navigating the bustling seas of the workplace can often feel like sailing without a compass. Fear not, for the art of setting boundaries can be your guiding star. Let's explore some practical tips to master this invaluable skill and maintain a sense of balance amidst the professional storm.
1. The Harbor of Clear Communication
Anecdote: Imagine your workload is piling up like a mountain of paperwork. Your colleague, sensing your stress, asks for your help on an additional project. How do you respond? Tip: Be transparent about your current workload. Communicate your priorities like a lighthouse signaling safe passage or stormy waters. Clearly stating your limits prevents you from drowning in an overwhelming workload.
2. The Lifeboat of Saying "No"
Anecdote: Your manager assigns you a task outside your job description. Do you accept it without question? Tip: Learn the art of saying "no" gracefully. Picture each "no" as a lifeboat in a sea of endless tasks. Politely declining tasks that don't align with your role ensures you stay afloat and focused on your essential duties.
3. The Compass of Personal Time Management
Anecdote: Colleagues inviting you for post-work gatherings every day. Do you feel obligated to attend? Tip: Set boundaries around personal time. Your evenings are precious islands in the vast sea of work. Treat them as a compass guiding you to recharge. Attend social events sparingly to prevent burnout and maintain your professional ship's course.
4. The Buoyancy of Prioritization
Anecdote: A sudden influx of emails threatens to engulf your workday. What's your response? Tip: Prioritize tasks like buoys in stormy waters, keeping you afloat. Respond to urgent emails first, then navigate through the rest. This ensures you stay on course, addressing tasks efficiently and preventing a tidal wave of stress. In the professional ocean, setting boundaries is your compass, lifeboat, and lighthouse. By implementing these tips, you'll not only navigate the waves of work but also sail towards success with confidence and balance.
The Art of Saying No
Embark on a journey to master the delicate dance of saying "no," an art form that transcends mere rejection. Imagine it as a brushstroke on the canvas of your life, shaping boundaries with grace and intention.
The Canvas of Boundaries
Metaphor: Consider your time as a canvas awaiting your masterpiece. Every "no" is a stroke of color, defining the vibrant boundaries that make your life a work of art. Saying "no" is not a refusal; it's an intentional brushstroke, adding depth and nuance to your canvas of commitments.
A Symphony of Well-being
Rhetorical Question: Have you ever felt burdened by an overwhelming symphony of obligations, drowning out your well-being? Saying "no" orchestrates a symphony of balance. It's the conductor's baton, ensuring every note of your life resonates in harmony with your well-being.
The Sculpture of Self-Care
Simile: Picture self-care as a sculptor chiseling away the excess, revealing the masterpiece within. Saying "no" is the sculptor's tool, carving out space for self-care. It's not a rejection; it's the chisel that shapes a life of purpose and fulfillment. In the grand gallery of life, saying "no" is your curator's decision – selectively choosing the art that adorns your existence. Embrace the artistry of saying "no," and watch as your life becomes a masterpiece of intentional living and boundless well-being.
Common Boundary Challenges
Embarking on the journey of setting boundaries is akin to navigating through a maze – thrilling yet riddled with challenges. Let's unravel the common hurdles encountered on this boundary-setting expedition and unveil the strategies to emerge victorious.
1. The People-Pleaser's Quandary
Metaphor: Imagine being a chef catering to everyone's taste, leaving your signature dish bland. Sound familiar? Challenge: Constantly seeking approval can make saying "no" feel like denying a hungry crowd their favorite dish. Solution: Transform your kitchen into a gourmet haven by recognizing that saying "no" is the secret sauce of self-preservation. Your unique flavors shouldn't be diluted to please every palate.
2. The Guilt Trap
Rhetorical Question: Ever felt guilty for putting your needs first? It's like carrying excess baggage on a scenic hike. Challenge: Guilt can act as an anchor, preventing you from sailing smoothly through life's waters. Solution: Cast off the guilt anchor and set sail. Prioritize self-care, understanding that a well-maintained ship can weather life's storms more effectively.
3. The Fear of Disappointment
Simile: Fearing disappointment is akin to tip-toeing through a field of fragile glass. Challenge: Afraid that saying "no" might shatter the delicate expectations others have crafted for you. Solution: Picture each expectation as a glass flower. Saying "no" is not a sledgehammer; it's a gentle reminder that your garden should bloom in alignment with your essence. Navigating these challenges is like weaving through a dance, where saying "no" becomes the elegant twirl that leads you gracefully through the complexities of life. Embrace the dance, and let your boundaries waltz you towards a life of balance and fulfillment.
Examples of Healthy Boundaries
Embark on a journey into the lives of individuals who have mastered the art of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Their stories are beacons of inspiration, illuminating the path to a life rich with balance and fulfillment.
1. The Time Alchemist
Scenario: Meet Sarah, the professional juggler with a thriving career and a bustling family life. Metaphor: Sarah is like an alchemist turning time into gold, carefully dividing it between work, family, and personal pursuits. Boundary Mastery: Sarah sets strict work hours, leaving the office at a designated time to savor precious moments with her family. Her ability to transmute time into quality experiences reflects the magic of balanced boundaries.
2. The Social Architect
Scenario: Enter Alex, the extroverted social butterfly with a heart for community. Rhetorical Question: How does Alex manage to flutter gracefully from one social event to another without burning out? Boundary Mastery: Alex excels at saying "no" when needed, ensuring each social engagement adds value without draining energy. Picture Alex as an architect, meticulously designing a social landscape that nurtures connections.
3. The Wellness Warrior
Scenario: Join James, the fitness enthusiast committed to a healthy lifestyle. Simile: James is like a gardener tending to the soil of his well-being, nurturing a garden of health. Boundary Mastery: James sets firm boundaries around his workout routine and sleep schedule. Just as a gardener protects delicate plants from harsh weather, James shields his well-being from the storm of unhealthy habits. These boundary maestros illustrate that saying "no" can be a symphony of self-care and a canvas for a well-balanced life. As you weave your story, draw inspiration from these examples, allowing their tales to guide you towards a life where boundaries become the brushstrokes of your masterpiece.
Parting Thoughts on Boundaries
In the grand tapestry of life, boundaries are the threads that weave moments into a masterpiece. They are the guardian angels of your time, ensuring each second is spent with purpose and intention. As you navigate the seas of responsibilities, picture boundaries as your compass, guiding you through the storm towards the shores of balance. Embrace Boundaries as Your Allies: - Just as a conductor leads an orchestra, let your boundaries harmonize the symphony of your life. - Consider your time as a precious garden. Nurture it with the boundaries that protect and cultivate its growth. Empowering Closure: As you set sail towards a life of intentional living, remember that boundaries are not constraints; they are the wings that enable you to soar. Say "no" with grace, set limits with love, and watch as your life transforms into a canvas painted with the hues of purpose and fulfillment. Boundaries are your allies in the journey of time management, guiding you towards a life where every moment is a brushstroke of your unique masterpiece.
The Gentle No: Strategies for Declining with Grace
Navigating the delicate art of saying "no" is like tiptoeing through a field of daisies – a balance of firmness and grace. Let's unravel the whimsical ways to decline commitments with charm, turning each refusal into a dance move in the symphony of self-care.
1. The Diplomatic Decline
Strategy: Picture yourself as a seasoned diplomat skillfully defusing tension. Metaphor: Your refusal is a diplomatic negotiation, where you express gratitude for the invitation and gracefully decline, leaving no room for offense.
2. The Comedic Cushion
Strategy: Inject a dash of humor to soften the blow. Rhetorical Question: Ever defused a tense situation with a well-timed joke? Crafting a humorous refusal is like a comedian delivering a punchline, lightening the mood while getting your point across.
3. The Empathetic Echo
Strategy: Reflect their sentiment and kindly decline. Simile: It's akin to catching a friend's tossed ball and gently returning it, acknowledging their effort while declining the invitation.
4. The Gratitude Gait
Strategy: Express gratitude and explain your current commitments. Metaphor:* Imagine your schedule as a suitcase – it's already packed, and adding more would be like attempting to squeeze in an extra pair of shoes. Politely decline, expressing your gratitude for the opportunity.
5. The Futuristic Fence
Strategy: Propose an alternative time or way to contribute in the future. Simile:* It's like building a fence for future collaboration. You're not rejecting the garden; you're planting the seeds for a more opportune season. Mastering the gentle no is like learning a new dance – it takes practice, a bit of humor, and a touch of finesse. As you twirl through the steps of refusal, remember that saying "no" tactfully is not a rejection; it's a choreography of maintaining balance on the tightrope of commitments. Embrace the art, and watch as your graceful declines become a melody in the harmonious symphony of your well-balanced life.
Saying No at Work: Navigating Professional Refusals with Finesse
In the intricate dance of professional life, saying "no" is a skillful pirouette that requires finesse and tact. Let's explore the art of professional refusal – a ballet where each "no" is a graceful leap towards effective time management.
1. The Strategic Spotlight
Tip: Direct attention to your current workload to convey your limitations. Metaphor: Picture your workload as a stage with a spotlight. When you say "no," strategically shine the spotlight on your current projects, showcasing the intricacies that demand your focus.
2. The Calendar Choreography
Tip: Suggest an alternative time or propose a rearrangement. Rhetorical Question: Ever rearranged furniture for a better layout? Similarly, suggest a rearrangement of timelines, ensuring your commitments align with optimal efficiency.
3. The Gentle Gratitude Gesture
Tip: Express appreciation for the opportunity while declining. Simile: Declining a work request with grace is like handing back a borrowed tool with a genuine smile. Express gratitude for the trust bestowed upon you while politely declining.
4. The Collaborative Canvas
Tip: Offer alternative solutions or delegate the task to a colleague. Metaphor: Think of your team as artists collaboratively painting a canvas. When saying "no," suggest another artist (colleague) who might bring a unique brushstroke to the masterpiece.
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realtalkwithmattycom · 4 months
Prioritizing your happiness and well-being first
Setting boundaries is not being selfish it’s prioritizing your happiness and well-being first. #mindfulwayofthinking #realtalkwithmatty #settingboundaries #personalboundaries #fenceoflimits #establishinglimits #mindful #communicatingboundaries #mindfulness #propertyboundaries #knowyourlimits #respectingboundaries #selfrespect #selfcare #selfworth #knowyourworth #mindfullife #boundariesmatter…
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theloulouge · 6 months
Life Lens - Entry 100
Living Without Compromise I’ve reached a stage in my life where I’ve gathered a fair share of experiences. I’ve seen enough to understand the basic principles of respect and loyalty, and it’s safe to say that by now, most people around me should know them too. I’ve realized that there’s no point in endlessly explaining something as fundamental as respect and loyalty. It’s like teaching someone…
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4 Reasons Personal Boundaries Are Essential as an Entrepreneur
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Boundaries play an important role when it comes to life as an entrepreneur. People who own their own businesses need limits and clear guidelines set in place to handle everything that comes along with being an entrepreneur. That’s why we’re here to list 4 reasons personal boundaries are essential as an entrepreneur. Take a short break from looking into the benefits of getting a tailor’s bunion surgery, and let’s jump right into it.
Increases Productivity
Personal boundaries are essential when it comes to being productive as an entrepreneur. Boundaries create guidelines for what an individual expects when it comes to their professional working environment. In turn, this helps them to stay on track and focused on the work at hand without being interrupted or someone intruding on their space. Productivity is an important part of being an entrepreneur, and that’s why establishing personal boundaries at work is so important for them.
Maintains Emotional Well-Being
It’s crucial that entrepreneurs take care of their mental health. They are constantly met with various challenges and hefty demands each day, so it’s important that they’re able to mentally handle whatever comes their way. Boundaries at work help to preserve an entrepreneur’s emotional well-being by allowing them to say “no” in situations that put their mental health in jeopardy and manage stress in an effective way. Entrepreneurs with personal boundaries put in place also have a healthy work/life balance as they’re able to prioritize what’s important in their day-to-day lives. They can easily put work aside to practice self-care or spend time with loved ones because of the commitment they made to themselves by establishing strong personal boundaries.
Encourages Growth
Boundaries play an important role when it comes to professional growth for entrepreneurs. Personal boundaries help to clarify what’s truly important and then allows an entrepreneur to set limits on where their energy, time, and resources are spent. In turn, this makes it more likely that an entrepreneur will have more focus and energy toward working on the goals that are meaningful to them. Personal boundaries also foster self-discipline which further encourages the growth of an entrepreneur. They know what their limits are, and they stand by them making the entrepreneur more disciplined and motivated.
Enhances Relationships with Others
Personal boundaries make it okay for an entrepreneur to express their limits, desires, and needs to others. This allows them to foster and maintain respect within the relationships that they have. It also makes it easier to empathize with the boundaries of others, and this creates a safe space for a positive and healthy relationship to develop which is crucial for entrepreneurs. Establishing boundaries also creates a clear framework for addressing any conflicts that arise in a relationship. This makes it a must when it comes to conflict resolution and navigating disagreements with clients or team members. Photo by Microsoft 365 on Unsplash Read the full article
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heatherschultz · 2 years
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Boundaries within balance are so incredibly important, but also tricky to navigate at times. While it's imperative to not be a doormat and allow others to just walk all over you like a pushover, it's also good to be not overly cautious where are walls are so tall, thick, and impenetrable that not a soul can get through. Both lead to the same result - feelings of loneliness and isolation, just one is loneliness with people and the other without. It is possible to establish healthy and reasonable boundaries that work within balance. If someone is offended by your boundaries and you know you're being perfectly reasonable don't allow that other party to steal your peace. That is for them to deal with. This can be hard for someone who is people pleaser, but it's not worth being well liked by others if in the end it hurts yourself. Most respectable people who are understanding, will understand though. Keep doing you and you will be ok! You never know, one day that very person you had to put up a boundary for may come to you thanking you for that at some point! 💟 Purchase my new oracle deck, Written In The Stars here ➡️ https://etsy.me/3vmubWn 🔮Join the Shadow N Shine Family on YouTube! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/c/heatherschultz/ 💖Follow my adventures here! ➡️ https://shadownshine.com ✨Whatever you do…. do it with sparkle!✨ #boundaries #boundariesarehealthy #boundariesarebeautiful #setboundaries #healthyboundaries #boundariesarenecessary #settingboundaries #settingboundariesisselfcare #boundariesandprotection #boundariesandbalance #boundaries101 #setboundariesfindpeace #boundariesaregood #boundariesmatter #boundariesmatterrespectthem #emotionalboundaries #personalboundaries #selfcare #selflove #mentalhealth #selflovejourney #selfcaresunday #selfcarematters #selfcarefirst #selflovetips #selflovematters #selflovefirst #selfcaretips https://www.instagram.com/p/CiLBcw7O9Vb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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5 things you absolutely must keep secret in your life | shun the weak
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mymetric360 · 4 months
Should I consider calling the police to obtain a restraining order? #FamilyDrana #PersonalBoundaries #ToxicFamily #RelationshipIssues Feeling pressured to see your significant other when your father is seriously ill is an incredibly tough situation to be in. Family drama, tense emotions and abusive behavior have all come into play here, making the situation even more challenging. So how should you handle this kind of pressure from your significant other while ... Read more: https://mymetric360.com/question/should-i-consider-calling-the-police-to-obtain-a-restraining-order/?feed_id=47566
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I accept flaws, I don’t accept lies and disloyalty.
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ziarising · 1 year
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Saying goodbye to a lot of things now. #letitpass #selfcare #selfhelp #healing #standupforyourself #personalboundaries #writerscommunity #writersquotes #igwriters #poetsandwriters #poetrycommunity #lifeskills #journeys #lifedecisions #selfworth #selfempowerment #womenempoweringwomen #powerofpositivity #guiltfree #familydynamics https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm63-fuKmIX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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If a child doesn't want to hug or kiss a family member, then please don't force the young child to do so for tradition.
A handshake, a high-five, a wave, or a verbal acknowledgement may be more comfortable to one or both parties.
Just don't make it awkward.
You're there for a brief gathering or fellowship not a forced hug and kiss on traditional principle.
Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway
Follow @stormyfaye for more.
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#Holidays #HolyDays #FamilyGatherings #BabyShowers #Hellos #GoodByes #Introductions #HugsAndKisses #Hugs #Kisses #Boundaries #PersonalBoundaries #NoMeansNo #SituationalAwareness #Predators #Children #Parents #Family #Strangers #StrangerDanger #KissingBabies #STIs #STDs #Viruses
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janahjean · 1 year
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#personalboundaries #peoplepleasing #selfcare #enabler #kindness #mentalhealth
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realtalkwithmattycom · 11 months
Always protect yourself
#investinyourself #protectyourself #mypeace #greaterisyours #notetoself #setyourboundaries #personalboundaries
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theloulouge · 9 months
Selective Vulnerability
Here’s a little something I stumbled upon while browsing through the Threads App – an absolute gem that perfectly captures a relatable experience. You’ve got Patrick Star, looking equal parts surprised and bewildered, fixated on his computer screen. And let me tell you, I’ve been there – those moments that make you cringe and think, “Did I really say that?” But you know what? It’s all part of…
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