postitforward · 4 months
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Hey, y’all 👋
It is week five, our final week, of Holiday Blues. How y’all keeping? 
The holiday season can feel a lot. For those who celebrate, Christmas has come and gone, we are on the verge of a new year, and we’ve got the long winter months before us 😩 but that is why we’ve got Self-Care Sunday, and that is where we want to give you some essential time to rest and recuperate well into the new year.
For Holiday Blues this year, we have partnered with Therapy for Black Girls, who have put together some essential resources to help YOU through the winter and ensure you get the essential downtime y’all need to truly look after yourself. For this last week, the theme is Affirmations and Self-Care!
Did you take good care this year? Let’s talk about centering self-care and making more space for your mental wellness and personal growth in the new year. Join @therapyforblackgirls for tips and resources that will help you look after yourself when you need it most. 
🧘WATCH: Self-Care Sunday. Tumblr X Therapy for Black Girls: Affirmations and Self-Care. 12/31 at 1pm EST. 🧘
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yogadaily · 1 year
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(via Pin on shirley  || Curated with love by yogadaily) 
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tatyanapshenychny · 1 year
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selfloverainbow · 3 months
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kayleightarot · 1 year
Happy Sunday, folx Energy today, says don't push the river; meaning, go with the flow. There are many emotional influences working around us today, and some of them are heavily influenced by the planetary dance (as they often are). While it may be making for an emotional day, it's also creating an opportunity for self-care. It is the perfect day to say no, step back, to create space for yourself, and even to heal some old wounds if they've come to the surface. Honour your emotions, your self-care, and your boundaries, today, and the rest will lok after itself. Gus an ath thuras (Until next time), Lovelies   Namasté
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I am enough, just as I am. | Self-love Affirmations
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graphicdesignmaker · 1 month
Exploring the Art of Designing
Introduction: Designing is more than just a profession; it's a form of artistic expression that shapes the world around us. From the sleek lines of modern architecture to the vibrant colors of fashion trends, design influences every aspect of our lives. In this blog, we'll delve into the fascinating world of designing, exploring its various forms, techniques, and the impact it has on our society.
The Essence of Design: At its core, design is about problem-solving and creativity. Whether it's creating a user-friendly interface for a website or designing a breathtaking piece of artwork, designers blend functionality with aesthetic appeal. They consider elements such as color, shape, texture, and space to craft visually engaging and meaningful experiences.
Designing Across Industries: Designing is not limited to one field; it permeates multiple industries. Graphic designers craft compelling visuals for branding and marketing, while interior designers transform spaces into inviting environments. Fashion designers push boundaries with innovative clothing designs, and architects conceptualize and build structures that define cityscapes.
The Creative Process: Behind every stunning design is a meticulous creative process. Designers start with research and brainstorming, gathering inspiration from nature, art, and current trends. They then sketch and prototype their ideas, refining them based on feedback and iteration. Finally, they bring their vision to life through digital tools, traditional craftsmanship, or a combination of both.
The Role of Technology: Technology has revolutionized the field of designing, offering new tools and possibilities. Software like Adobe Creative Suite empowers designers to manipulate images, create animations, and design intricate layouts with ease. 3D printing technology has opened up new avenues for product designers, allowing them to prototype and manufacture complex designs quickly.
Designing for Impact: Designers have the power to influence behavior, evoke emotions, and drive change. Sustainable design practices promote environmental consciousness, while inclusive design ensures accessibility for all individuals. Design thinking methodologies encourage collaboration and empathy, leading to innovative solutions to complex problems.
Conclusion: Designing is an art form that blends creativity, functionality, and purpose. It shapes our world in profound ways, from the products we use daily to the spaces we inhabit. By understanding and appreciating the diverse aspects of designing, we can harness its potential to create a more beautiful, functional, and inclusive world for everyone Read more
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ivydoomkitty · 2 years
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How's your Sunday going? 💜 I've been dealing with some things in my life that trigger my anxiety in the worst of ways, so today I'm doing my best to practice self care. 💜💜💜 #reflecting #anxiety #anxietyawareness #loveyourself #selfcare #selfcaresunday https://www.instagram.com/p/ChiXOnEPCK0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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health-is-wealth-le · 2 months
Taste of minerals
Join our Telegram channel to watch the full video HERE: https://t.me/lifentco
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high maintenance to be low maintenance girly but make it diy bc salons are expensive and my delusions convince me that my homemade waxings, blowouts, gel manicures and facials work just as good
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james-health74 · 5 days
Pineal Power: How Pineal XT Enhanced My Wellbeing
I've always been interested in natural ways to support my health and well-being. Recently, I came across Pineal XT supplements, and after trying them for a while, I'm impressed! Here's why I believe Pineal XT deserves a spot in your wellness routine.
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Sharper Focus and Enhanced Concentration
One of the most noticeable benefits of taking Pineal XT has been the improvement in my focus and concentration. Before starting the supplements, I often struggled to stay concentrated throughout the workday. My mind would wander, and it took longer to complete tasks. However, since incorporating Pineal XT into my routine, I've noticed a significant difference. I can now focus on my work for extended periods without feeling scattered. This newfound focus has improved my productivity and overall work satisfaction.
Natural Energy Boost Without the Jitters
Another welcome change is the natural energy boost I experience with Pineal XT. Unlike coffee or sugary drinks, Pineal XT provides a sustained, jitter-free energy increase. I feel more alert and motivated throughout the day, allowing me to tackle my to-do list with enthusiasm. This sustained energy is particularly helpful during afternoon slumps, where I previously relied on unhealthy pick-me-ups.
Improved Sleep Quality: Waking Up Feeling Refreshed
Quality sleep is essential for overall health, and I'm happy to report that Pineal XT has positively impacted my sleep patterns. I now fall asleep faster and experience deeper, more restful sleep. This translates into waking up feeling refreshed and energized, ready to conquer the day. Previously, I often woke up feeling groggy and unfocused, but Pineal XT has made a significant difference in my mornings.
A Natural Approach to Wellness: Supporting My Body
One of the things I appreciate most about Pineal XT is its natural formulation. Many supplements on the market are laden with artificial ingredients and fillers. Pineal XT, however, uses natural ingredients to support the body's own well-being. This natural approach aligns with my philosophy of prioritizing holistic health practices.
In conclusion, Pineal XT has become a staple in my wellness routine. The improved focus, sustained energy, better sleep, and natural formulation have all contributed to a noticeable enhancement in my overall well-being. If you're looking for a natural way to support your cognitive function, energy levels, and sleep quality, I highly recommend giving Pineal XT a try.
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intodevoid · 1 year
Some self care things you can do right now and it takes 5 minutes or less.
Wash your hands.
Brush your teeth and/or wash your face.
If you have bangs you can wash them too
Check on your posture
Take your eyes away from the screen for the next five minutes, you can set a timer
Listen to your favorite song
Strech those legs and arms
Have a glass of water or any liquid, it can be juice if you have any
Take three big breaths
Make a to do list for any tasks you have to do during today, this is important, just focus on today.
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tatyanapshenychny · 9 months
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traveltme · 1 year
Take care of yourself
Self-care is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, and it's something that we should all prioritize in our lives. Whether it's taking a relaxing bubble bath, practicing yoga, or simply taking a few moments to breathe deeply and clear your mind, there are countless ways to care for yourself and nourish your body, mind, and soul.
One important aspect of self-care is getting enough sleep. Adequate sleep is essential for physical and mental health, and can help you feel more alert, focused, and energized throughout the day. To prioritize sleep, consider establishing a regular sleep routine, minimizing screen time before bed, and creating a peaceful and comfortable sleep environment.
Another important aspect of self-care is nourishing your body with healthy foods and staying hydrated. Eating a balanced and nutritious diet can help boost energy levels, improve mood, and support overall health. Staying hydrated is also important, as water is essential for many bodily functions and can help keep you feeling refreshed and energized.
In addition to physical self-care, it's also important to take care of your mental and emotional well-being. This could include activities like journaling, meditating, or practicing mindfulness, which can help you manage stress, anxiety, and other difficult emotions. It can also mean seeking support from a therapist, counselor, or trusted friend or family member when needed.
Ultimately, self-care is all about taking the time to prioritize your own needs and well-being, and finding ways to nourish yourself on a daily basis. So take some time today to care for yourself in whatever way feels right for you, and remember that self-care is an ongoing process that requires patience, practice, and dedication.
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literally me i love self care sundays🩷🩷
(picture is from pinterest)
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kayleightarot · 1 year
Happy Full Moon Self Care Sunday, folx! This week, the energy of the full moon in Leo (1:28 pm ET) is giving us a gentle push toward self care. 
Use that Leo energy to remember that you are enough. You, right now, as you are, are enough.  So, don’t participate in anything today, that doesn’t support that mantra, or that isn’t respecting that boundary. 
If that doesn’t feel sustainable, then consider it a day off from trying so hard for others, and do for you, in as many ways as you can. Go, Do, Be Gus an ath thuras (Until next time), Lovelies Namasté
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