#phi dang
thephidang · 11 months
It's not about what's happening around you on the outside, it's about what's happening on the inside of you, your internal world. You can deep dive underwater and still come up for air. It's easy to be strong when life goes to plan. It's easy to be strong when life is going the way you want. Real strength comes from braving the storms, riding the waves and withstanding the hurricanes.  Life doesn't get easier, you get stronger.
Phi Dang (@thephidang)
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lizstiel · 9 months
oh! I got a kitten.
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slayerkitty · 2 months
The DFF Experience: A Dead Friend Forever Fandom Round Up (Part 1*)
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I had the wild idea of compiling links to all the various metas, theories, and other resources for DFF for everyone to use so that links and information were kind of all in one place. I dragged @shannankle along for the ride, and we combed through the tag to find all the things we could.
We most likely have missed something even though we tried to be as thorough as possible - if you think there is something we over looked that should be added let us know in the replies or the tags; if you write meta or other resource posts in the future, please tag us and we can add it to the post.
With that, please enjoy The DFF Experience!
Official Trailer
Pre-Release/Pilot Trailer
Behind The Scenes
No More Dream - Barcode
Without Me - Bump
Por's RIP? Pic by @having-conniptions
Dead Friend Forever is More Than Just A 90s Slasher Film Imitation by @syrena-del-mar
Dead Friend Forever is a Marvel of Mystery Writing by @lurkingshan
Phee, Jin, And A Masterful Misdirect by @lurkingshan
Fun Facts to Know and Tell: 
Non refers to his brother New as “P’New” during his argument with his parents in episode 8, confirming that New is the older of the two. 
White refers to Por as P’Por when he’s alone confirming he is younger and not lying about his age
Character Profiles by @raelle-writing
Based on screenshots, White and Phee do not go to the same school as the embroidery is different. 
Fuaiz says White’s parents are rich and engineers
What the Characters Know and Don't Know (As of Episode 9) by @raelle-writing
Actor Reveals About The Characters by @raelle-writing
Theories (Episodes 1-8):
Not Jin’s Video Theory by @raelle-writing
Not Jin’s Laptop Theory by @raelle-writing
Hints at the timeline/dates things happen by @yellingaboutkp
Why Uncle Dang Was Killed by @befuddledcinnamonroll
Is Jin final girl? by @blismytherapy
Non is dead (dead men tell no tales) by @mikuni14
Why So Many Maskys? by @slayerkitty
Tan is New by @tbhimnoteasyonmyself
Are The Boys Being Drugged (Are you High, Top?) by @italianpersonwithashippersheart
Non isn’t dead (alive men tell tales) by @respectthepetty
Theories (Episode 9-10):
Why Jin Sees Keng by @raelle-writing
Is Phee Still Playing Jin (Play On, Player?) by @yellingaboutkp
What's Up With White's Hallucinations? by @jeffsatyr with contributions by @italianpersonwithashippersheart
Tan is Going to Turn on Phee (and other upcoming episode theories) by @slayerkitty
Non Isn’t Dead (alive men tell tales, but they don’t change their clothes) by @subtextsays
Phi is on Tan's Hitlist by @respectthepetty
Non is Alive (Only Alive Men Tell Tales in Telenovelas) by @babyangelsky
Non is the Hidden Character And In This Essay I Will - by @babyangelsky
On The Episode 10 Preview by @crysta1ized
Non is Alive (Alive Men Tell Tales When They Paint in Grayscale) by @yellingaboutkp
Gas Mask for Masky? by @biochemjess
On What Tan Sees by @raelle-writing
Will Phee Tell Jin the Truth? by @mikuni14
How Much is a Hallucination and How Much is Real by @babyangelsky with contributions by @respectthepetty and @shannankle
White is the Mastermind by @sniggerwarning
Top's Scar and Masky on Crutches by @subtextsays
DFF Theory Time by @squishysquadstuff
Theories About White by @crysta1ized
Ninth Person Theory by @raelle-writing
Hallucination or Real? by @raelle-writing
Non is Alive for Now (Alive men tell tales if they're about to kick the bucket) by @harurio
A Scream/DFF Parallel Theory on Who's Behind the Mask by @crysta1ized
Tree Mark Theory by @babyangelsky
Episode 11 Preview Theory by @crysta1ized
New and the Antidote by @respectthepetty
White-Non Theory by @crysta1ized
*Due to the number links and mentions the round up is now four(!) posts. Please see Part 2 here, Part 3 here and Part 4 here.
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respectthepetty · 2 months
I would like the record to state that my man Tan has NOT killed anyone.
Uncle Joe just seemed to have dropped dead.
Por ran into that tree all on his own.
Uncle Dang drove into that wire, which Phi accused Tan of setting up, but Phi has proven to be an unreliable fugly slut. Seriously, that boy is the nastiest skank bitch I have ever met. Do. Not. Trust. Him.
And Fluke shot Top.
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The actual face of an angel.
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I rest my case.
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babyangelsky · 2 months
Non is the hidden character and in this essay I will—
—endeavor to make a really good case for it.
This theory is predicated on the possibility of Non still being alive so for my purposes, I'm going to take that as fact. I'm taking a few liberties in places (to varying degrees of clownery) but that central point doesn't change.
This is a long one so get comfy. Okay? Okay.
As of episode 9, we can now be reasonably certain that none of the creepy shit the boys saw was of supernatural origin. They were hallucinations induced by the drug that New/Tan had them smoke in an attempt to get them to spill their secrets about what happened to Non.
Which brings me to Por.
We know two things about Por. One, that something—or someone—lured him out of the house and two, that he saw a ninth person on the house's CCTV.
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Was the ninth person a hallucination? If he hadn't been lured out of the house, I'd say maybe. Since he was, let's assume he really did see someone for a second on the cameras.
Now, whoever it was didn't just get Por out of the house. He was specifically led down a predetermined path. When he gets outside and goes to the spot where he saw the figure, he looks down and sees a trail of blood.
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He follows this trail and we all know what happens next. He gets deeper into the woods, away from the safety of the house, and starts to hear noises. He turns around, sees a hooded figure following him, and gets chased into a sharpened branch.
Even though New and Phi, although to a lesser extent, are the masterminds behind this little trip to the vacation house, at this moment they are both accounted for. New is playing jenga and getting high with Top and Fluke and Phi is up on the balcony having his dick bitten by Jin. They weren't the ones who lured Por and chased him.
Non did.
What, we're meant to believe that Por just happened to hallucinate a chase that happened to lead him right into a conveniently sharpened branch? And that of all the gin joints in all the cities in all the world, he just had to walk into mine the bad luck of encountering the one branch that was at the perfect height to impale him?
Which is, coincidentally enough, the exact death scenario that Non wrote in his script?
The only way Por meets this exact death is if Non was the one to kill him, and that leads me to the wire that ended up decapitating poor dead Uncle Dang. A wire which I truly don't think that was meant for him.
Let's follow this line of reasoning. We know that Top and Tee took the road when they went to get help for Por on the bike. This would ultimately fail as they got a flat tire and had to go back, having themselves a hallucination a piece along the way.
At that point, there was no wire stretched across the road. Once they got back to the house, no one would come outside again until morning when they heard Uncle Dang approach on his bike. The wire could've been strung up at any point after the boys got back.
Let's say that after ensuring Por got impaled, Non stuck around to see the aftermath and saw Tee and Top on the bike. Wouldn't it make more sense then for him to have strung up the wire to prevent anyone from leaving as opposed to stopping anyone from coming in?
Because if he is following his script then...
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"But Leah," I hear you ask after having humored me thus far, "How would Non even know that the boys would be at the vacation house?"
This is where I sit back down at my vanity mirror in the dressing room at the circus and start taking some liberties.
For Non to have lived, someone had to help him. I mentioned yesterday that I was hopping on the Perth helped Non train and after giving it more thought, I'm doubling down. It's not only possible that Perth helped Non, he had to have done it, and not only because I want Non to be alive so very badly.
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Why would Perth and his cheekbones be on the promotional poster for the finale (BESIDE NON I MIGHT ADD) if his character weren't important to the plot? Why would he be there if his only role was to massage Uncle Joe's shoulders?
Allow me to posit a Wild Ass Theory a la @respectthepetty :
If Perth's character helped Non and Known Criminal Keng escape Uncle Joe, that means the video where they were captured getting on a bus was authentic.
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But because Uncle Joe and the mafia are still a threat, they can't just go chill somewhere. They have to go on the run and into hiding somewhere they won't be found.
Somewhere like a rarely visited vacation house in the middle of the forest with no contact with the outside world.
Or, alternatively, a creepy temple near that rarely visited vacation house.
Think about it. Non had already been to that house, he's familiar with it, he knows it's empty for long stretches of time and exactly how isolated it is. A terrified teenager fearing for his life is going to want to go somewhere familiar and that house (or the temple) is the perfect place to hide.
I don't think Non went to hide there with the intention, or the hope rather, that he'd get an opportunity for revenge one day. I think he just took advantage of a situation that fell into his lap.
The boys arrived in the afternoon and shit didn't start going down until later that night. That's plenty of time to sharpen a branch, lay down a blood trail, and put on his mask and cloak.
We know all the movie props and the camera and everything were still at the house so it stands to reason that Non had access to them. And we know he had access to the house because White found the knife that was used to cut Por's arms in the closet in the kitchen. The only way that knife could've gotten there is if Non put it there.
Not just any knife, by the way. It was Non's knife, the one that he brought to the house when they came to film and then used to cut Top.
I can't say with any certainty whether Non is acting on his own or with help, but I lean more toward him acting alone. Even if he escaped with Keng, it doesn't mean Keng is still with him all this time later and besides, I much prefer to imagine that ol' boy got eaten by a tiger.
One last thing. This isn't really part of my theory, more like support for it, but when Por is agonizing on the couch, he keeps saying sorry and trying to talk about what he and the boys did three years ago. It could just be a coincidence or deathbed guilt, but I don't think it is. I think Por knows exactly who killed him and that's why he kept apologizing and trying to confess.
In conclusion:
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Hope you don't mind being tagged for the DFF round up @slayerkitty ! 🙏🏼
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visualtaehyun · 4 months
Sooo I kinda went back through all six episodes to examine the progression of how Day and Mork speak with each other. For ease of understanding, I'm color-coding words referring to Day and Mork like this again.
Disclaimer: not a native speaker, still learning 🙏
Episodes 1-4
Both use ผม/คุณ /pom, khun/ - ผม = polite, formal, respectful male 1st person pronoun - คุณ = polite, formal 2nd person pronoun -> other than pronoun choices, they speak pretty casually with each other:
Neither of them uses polite ending particles but Mork sometimes uses polite male ending particle ครับ /khrap/ (and then Day uses it back sometimes) - in the beginning seriously, for example when knocking on Day's door/bringing him meals, later on playfully and affectionately -> it becomes more frequent the closer they get and thus the more he teases Day
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- ชัดครับ เจ้านาย /chat khrap, jao naai/ - ไม่คิดว่าคุณเดย์ของเราจะดังขนาดนี้นะครับเนี่ย /mai khit waa khun Day kaawng rao ja dang kha naat nee na khrap niia/
Speaking of particles- จ้า /jaa/ (also จ๊ะ, จ๋า etc.) is a particle used with juniors/children/people of lower status (you can hear Day's mom use it like this, for example, in ep. 6 when she greets Mork back) and commonly between family members or among intimates as it, you guessed it, conveys intimacy:
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- จ้า พ่อสุดหล่อ /jaa, por sut laaw/ - [...] ขอบคุณครับ /khaawp khun khrap/ -> พ่อสุดหล่อ /por sut laaw/ contains the same พ่อ /por/ that means father, it's not just used in that context though - it can be used like a prefix to turn a noun into its male form, like พ่อสื่อ /por seuu/ = '(male) matchmaker' aka the word that Mork uses in ep. 6 to break all our hearts, and also to affectionately call a younger male
Both use impolite ending particles วะ /wa/ and นะเว่ย /na woei/ during their first argument (also a lot of แม่ง /maaeng/, a curse word, from Day that isn't in the subs at all lol) and, outside of this fighting context, they use these same particles casually here and there (same as Day does with his friends for example):
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- นี่มันชีวิตคุณนะเว้ย /nee man chee wit khun na woei/ - คุณคิดว่าผมเหมือนคุณหรอวะ /khun khit waa pom muean khun raaw wa/
During this same argument, because of Mork's trauma response, he abruptly changes from คุณ /khun/ to just เดย์ /Day/ as he's pounding on his door (the same thing also happens when Day gets lost at Chatuchak Market btw) -> Shoutout and thank you to @btwinlines for opening my eyes to this 🙏 ...and inadvertently prompting me to write this post about the entire evolution of their language use lmao
The Phi-Nong along the way to the actual Phi-Nong
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ผมโตกว่าคุณละกัน ไอ้น้องเดย์ /pom dtoh gwaa khun la gan, ai nong Day/
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- นอ้งครับ ไม่ไหวอย่าฝืน /nong khrap, mai waai yaa fuuen/ - พี่ครับ ไม่ถาม อย่ายุ่ง /phi khrap, mai thaam, yaa yoong/
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ใจเย็น ไอ้หนุ่ม รอบต่อไปพี่ค่อยเอาจริง /jai yen, ai noom. raawp dtaaw bpai phi khaawy ao jing/
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ผมว่าเสียงพี่เขาอ่ะ เหมือนกลิ่นบุหรี่ /pom waa siiang phi khao a muean glin boo ree/
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- [...] พี่หมอกของมึง /phi Mork khaawng mueng/ = your Phi Mork/ that Phi Mork of yours - พี่หมอกอะไรของกูล่ะ /phi Mork a rai khaawng guu la/ = What 'Phi Mork' of mine? - ก็คนดูแลของมึงไง /gaaw khohn duu lae khaawng mueng ngai/ = Well, [he's] your caretaker! - ไม่ใช่ของมึงแล้วจะของใคร /mai chai khaawng mueng laaeo ja khaawng khrai/ = If not yours then whose [is he]? -> in the following little exchange with that fan of Day's, Mork calls himself พี่ /phi/ and Day by name
Episodes 5-6
Day->Mork: ผม /pom/ -> พี่ /phi/, พี่หมอก /phi Mork/ Mork->Day: พี่ /phi/ -> เดย์ /Day/, น้องเดย์ /nong Day/, เรา /rao/, น้อง /nong/ etc.
Their particle use has largely remained the same but they are getting sweeter, as I said before, by using ครับ /khrap/ more frequently and not just in a teasing? playful? sarcastic? manner but also genuinely sweetly:
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ฐานะอะไรดีล่ะครับ น้องเดย์ /thaa na a rai dee la khrap, nong Day/
How to even explain how sweet this sounds because Mork uses ครับ /khrap/ and calls him น้องเดย์ /nong Day/ specifically, nevermind the loaded word ฐานะ /thaa na/ = status
When I catch you, P'Aof!! Having Mork say something so romantically charged and then following it up with the getting-ready scene 🤌
There's more use of ครับ /khrap/ in this scene before this exact exchange here but this is the standout:
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เดย์ก็เป็นคนหล่อเหมือนกันนะเนี่ย รู้ตัวปะครับ /Day gaaw bpen khohn laaw meuuan gan na niia. ruu dtuua bpa khrap/
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เวลาพี่พูดเพราะ ๆ เนี่ย พี่ก็หล่อขึ้นเยอะเลยนะครับ พี่รู้ตัวปะครับ /weh laa phi phuut praw praw niia, phi gaaw laaw khuen yuh loei na khrap. phi ruu dtuua bpa khrap?/ -> เพราะ /phraw/ describes a voice as pleasant, sweet, melodious. When Porjai asked what her voice sounds like, the first thing Day said was เสียงเพราะ /siiang praw/ = nice/pleasant voice. So this is basically "when you speak sweetly", it's about the tone of his voice as well as choosing to use polite ending particle ครับ /khrap/ to sound more gentle - so much for zero tenderness 😌
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rocketturtle4 · 3 months
Pit Babe Thoughts - What a Banger of a show!
So having just realised I watched the entire CUT VERSION of this show and now planning to rewatch the entire thing from scratch because it's so good I want my extra minutes DANG IT.
I thought I'd put some thoughts down first because DAMN this show may not have been perfectly polished but it was amazing for a multitude of reasons.
Playing fast and loose with pairings and ships.
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Now obviously our main 2 ships were our main 2 ships, we haven't entered a parallel universe, but the amount of tension they threw in anytime ANY two sides were together was delicious. It's fun to not know who will end up with who, the show teased and toyed with possible pairings and I LOVED IT.
(Also main ships may have been main but I was half wondering if we WOULD end up with Way/Babe somewhere in the middle there!)
2. Having fun with personalities and sex dynamics.
Now I have recently run across the understanding that a lot of BL is based of one specific pairing type from a much broader range of couple dynamics present in Yaoi and Shounen-ai (super darling X milquetoast) stories. And while this doesn't really feel like we're distant from that pairing type. The show doesn't strictly fit this and certainly plays with the audience perception by having Babe as the Uke.
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3. Omegaverse
But also introducing lesser known elements of Omegaverse like Enigma's was extra cool.
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4. New settings!
Racing BLs aren't exactly the norm.
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5. More playing with lanuguage dynamics
Not brand-new but we got a lot of play around language and age, Papa Mama, Loong and Nu, The way Alan switched around his "I" Pronoun so much. BL not leaning so heavily on Pom and Phi or Gu and Mung or even Khun and Pom is fun to see!
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6. A lot of casual physical affection
Now this is definitely becoming more common but I still want to highlight how physically affectionate Babe and Charlie (In particular) got to be with each other the whole time
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Overall the series was compelling, intense, and well executed. The relationships (Friendships and romantic) were utterly compelling. I love the way so much teasing was done with all the side peeps. I love how it had real stakes, emotions and consequences. I loved how much it played out the background and relationships of the characters, the way that all of Tony's children felt something for him, were compelled to love and hate and feel responsible. I loved how some people got forgiveness and others didn't and how people's very real pain, anger and betrayal got explored so deeply.
The show was not flawless or perfectly executed by any means.
But it was a compelling and interesting plot with utterly compelling relationships played all the way out without rushing or skipping.
And I loved it
I am off to watch the Uncut Version, can't wait.
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turtlesocksv2 · 2 months
Liveblogging DFF episode 10
Last episode we got some past reveals, some vows to tell the truth, a spanking, and Regina George enjoying the chaos. Can't wait to see what happens next.
The shot of Tan visibly pulling himself back into character as a Person With Hinges is so good. And so funny.
I do like White being like "you told me you wouldn't be like this!" to Tee. Maybe White does know more about Tee than we think.
Tan doing the wire to get Uncle Dang is so cold. Poor Uncle Dang. Tank knocking Top the fuck out is 10/10 though.
Ok but the TanTop eye contact and manhandling at the brainwashing "Calm down. Non's not going to hurt you if you protect him." 👀
"i never would have let you all come here if I knew Tan was going to kill you all!" well maybe you should have, Phi! You lost focus! You've done pretty much jack shit to get answers for like 2 years, of course Tan resorted to a little murder. I still love you Phi but your lack of resolve disappoints me.
Jin's a judgy bitch for someone who did revenge porn on a boy he wasn't even dating. Oh, you're surprised Non had people care about him enough to go to such lengths? You don't like being manipulated? I mean, I'd be judgy too if people were trying to murder me so I get it. It's just funny.
"Actually I don't have the right to be mad at you" You really don't! but also you do just a little bit.
Cool Motive, Still Revenge Porn for a guy you weren't even dating. It'd be one thing to track Phi down and send HIM the video, if you were really actually caring about Non 'cheating'. Another beast entirely to post it online for everyone to see. though of course he was so drunk it very well could have been Tee/Top/Por/etc uploading it from a shared drive for their movie and Jin might just think he's the one who did it. But he still recorded it in the first place, for which there is no forgiveness.
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Phi with the axe 👀😍
"Everything's happening just like in Non's script! Look at Top, it's like he's possessed!" "....Actually I think he's just high." Aaaaaaand White just got added to Tan's Murder List. Baby White, you have to stop. Your eyes too big. Your logic too smart. Your tripod too tough. They'll kill you.
Phi and Jin getting lost in the woods, because now that they've talked to each other they have too much information. they can't just reunite with the group or the murder party is over 2 episodes early.
so like, the Janta Cult is real, right? or at least not something Non made up for the movie. He had to have known Por's family had a mansion in that area and it gave him the idea for the movie. The shrine existing was clearly not built for the movie either. I want More Janta Cult! give me More Janta Cult! Stop giving me hints about supernatural murder cults in woods that bend and change to get you lost within them if you're not going to follow through!
god Phi wants to badly to be the Strong Protector Boyfriend Who Fixes Things.
And of course the second Phi and Jin reunite with the group, Jin immediately outs Tan. really interesting that Fluke freaks out immediately after Tan is outed as New and takes White hostage.
Oh shit, Fluke is absolutely going over that railing isn't he?
Tan's gleeful surprise when Top gets shot.
Fluke's breakdown is so good.
Oh next episode is going to be fun.
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feuqueerfire · 2 months
DFF Characters That Compel Me
Hard for me to say I like these characters but there are a few who I'm fascinated by and think about them often and apparently wanted to write a long post about it.
I'd love to hear if you have any characters that gave you brain rot and want to write about, especially because idk if most people have a favourite character in here? Or if they love the character? I'm curious to know how people interact with the characters in this show.
I'll talk about 3: New-Tan, Tee, and Fluke.
Of my top 3, the most obvious and popular one is New-Tan. I will always love a sibling bond in stories and what's better than sibling revenge? Especially delicious because New was a shit Phi to Non while they were living in the same house, didn't care about anything Non said or showed him, and probably did nothing to comfort Non when their parents looked at New more favourably. And yet, he gives up his entire self for Non: He gives up his scholarship and his education, he lies to his parents, and he constantly smokes drugs to get to see Non. He gives up his entire identity when he assumes the new role of Tan and becomes someone whose existence and purpose is to avenge Non. I liked the twist that it was actually New who was the driver behind the revenge, it felt so much more desperate. The revenge and killing also take so much patience and intelligence, whether it be the drugs or the traps or making Top the faux killer for a bit. In the end, he follows his brother's script and makes sure that they all die and nobody leaves that house.
I think a lot of love and support for New came from people's love and pity for Non because they wanted New to avenge Non. Non wasn't really a character that I felt much for, to be honest; like obviously his situation was sad but I never really thought about him when he wasn't on-screen, so I think my view of New is more about what doing all this means to New himself rather than what it means for Non.
I loved the ending for him too. As I said, he gave everything up and had nothing waiting for him out there, so it feels narratively fitting that he dies in that house with them. Before, New used to see Non tell him to take revenge and accuse him of abondoning him but here, he sees Non thank him for avenging him in his hallucinations. Then, he immediately thinks about using Uncle Dang and White as collateral, the innocents that he had to use and discard (the same way Non was), to gain that gratitude. Doesn't have much time to duel on it though because he's helpless again when he sees Non hang himself. I'm glad that the last thing New sees is Non emerging from the light to thank him before returning to the light.
Love him <3 Also look at his cute, mass-murdering face here (when Fluke shoots Top I think)
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Seems like I have a lot to say, so I'll put Tee and Fluke under Read More.
In the earlier episodes, Tee was irritating as he and Top kept trying to destroy the footage, fucking ran off with the motorcycle, and were just being overall selfish and hiding things. In the past, I was softening up to Tee when we discovered that he, as a teenager, works doing shady shit for his uncle to buy meds for his father but he was still a POS.
I can't believe he covered for Top and made Non not only take the blame for it but also dragged him into the stupid gang mafia horse account shit with him. He brought Non into this world that had no way of escape, like if Non couldn't get the money, interest would continue accruing and he'd be trapped in the cycle while after he did get the money, Non was beaten and kidnapped. Non literally died in the stupid room.
Yet Tee claimed he didn't think that his uncle would truly kill Non or whatever, how stupid, how can you think that after you've worked under him? His naiveté confused me and I still wonder if it wasn't purposeful ignorance. If Tee convinces himself that he truly never guessed what could happen to Non, maybe he'll feel less guilt about what ended up happening. Selfish, selfish.
Tee felt so alone, even if he was in the group it's not like he could tell them about his side hustle (except fuckass Top). When he was consumed by guilt after Non's death, he still couldn't tell anybody what truly happened. He didn't have family to rely on, either. His scene with his father was so sad as he cried that his father was supposed to be the one taking care of him but his dad was laughing about how Tee has gray hairs now. Ah, sad.
Then, of course, he meets the only good thing in his life, White. He's such a bastard to White too, like getting his high school bf who is 2-years younger into pot lol (White was probably 15 there?), fucking leaving White to get on that bike with Top, and also his apparently uncontrollable jealousy. It seemed like such an over-the-top reaction when he reacts badly to White and Jin's acting scene in ep 1 and the fact that White's hallucination fear at the end involved Tee breaking up with him with accusations of being unfaithful? Bro, Tee, while White was brining light into your life, what the hell were you doing for White? And then of course the end, where he stabbed White... I don't even have words.
I like Tee but I'm influenced by Tee/White, sue me. I've been watching edits and been in a state of disarray because I'm so sad about this. Fucking fuck fuck. I watch series and sometimes I love a pairing and that manifests into me thinking up scenarios of them post-canon or in a missing scene in the show. Can't do that here, can I? Fuck, I was prepared for Tee to die. I needed Tee to die, I wanted him dead dead dead. I was not prepared for what the fuck they gave me, I can't believe Tee stabbed White.
Love him <3 selfish, lonely fucker who was trapped but dragged Non and White into his hell with him.
Also have this TeeWhite edit to White Ferrari by Frank Ocean. "You say we're taller in another dimension" is truly ending me fuck
Personally, I haven't heard much discussion about Fluke but he was the first character who I got really into because we started to get to know his personality in the earlier eps while he was alone in the house with White and taking care of Por.
I got into watching shows/series through Squid Game lol and the character that most compelled me there was Sangwoo, truly another dickhead and although they're not the same at all, I still found some similarities, such as their career-related status (Sangwoo being an SNU-graduate with a great job unlike most others there and Fluke's obsession with having a clean record to become a doctor), throwing their weight around (tricking Ali and being mean/scary to White), and just their selfish tendencies in general.
Fluke was overly concerned with his reputation and didn't want the new kids to know what happened 3 years ago with Non, which is what I first picked up on about his character before we got to the flashbacks. It was so selfish; people were worried about a life-and-death situation, but Fluke could only think about his future ambitions. I remember being extremely baffled at the end of episode 4 (I believe) when he points the gun at Tee, tells the walkie-talkie to not come, and then DESTROYS it, severing their connection to the outside world and leaving them trapped with a murderer/ghost/whatever. Just so that they don't become murder suspects for Por's death? girl, I don't understand your plan but you were clearly blinded by your greed for the future.
I love seeing selfish, cowardly characters, and Fluke certainly is one. He witnessed such crucial wrongs and misdoings against Non (Top breaking the camera which started the whole damn thing and Non recording the video which broke the camel's back) but never once spoke up. He said he didn't want to become "like [Non]" meaning he was protecting his own hide by making sure there was someone more bullyable present so that they didn't turn on him. A coward and a dick. In the end, I found it fitting that he had to gouge his eyes out.
Fluke didn't ever stand up to his friends or oppose them, but his cowardly ass was ordering White around while they were alone. Also, the bravado with which he wielded the gun in the later episodes, even taking White hostage and shooting Top, but once somebody else like Tee or Phee had the gun, he was cowering, rolled into a ball with his knees to his chest. Ah, the different ways he behaves when he thinks he has the upper hand vs when he's at somebody else's mercy!
Love him, what a useless character <3 Also, if you ever need to tell your secret but don't want it to get out, just tell Fluke to get it off your chest, that man is never saying a damn thing (even if it would save someone's life).
Anyway, that's that I guess. So many words here and none of it new but I needed to write all these words out, they were haunting me.
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motnguoibinhthuong · 3 months
Quan điểm là cái thể hiện trong từng cách lựa chọn từ ngữ, cách gọi tên, xưng hô chứ không phải đợi tới lúc khẳng định tôi là/tôi thích/tôi ghét/... người ta mới biết được. Lâu lâu có vài thứ cần nói rõ thì phải nói, còn lại tốt nhất là càng hạn chế càng tốt, vì "không có gì là của bạn ngoại trừ vài centimet khối bên trong hộp sọ của bạn". Cũng đã thanh lọc bớt, tránh xa hầu hết thị phi để nhẹ đầu, nhưng giữa dòng thời cuộc thì không tránh khỏi việc khó chịu khi thấy đủ thứ nhiễu nhương.
Mùa lễ lạc cũng qua rồi. Năm đầu tiên thật sự có ngày nghỉ Tết sau rất nhiều năm dài. Có thời gian nhưng cuối cùng mình cũng vẫn không ngủ đủ giấc, và dường như là ngày có dài gấp đôi thì mình cũng nghĩ ra nhiều thứ để lấp đầy để nó không trôi qua vô nghĩa.
Năm nào mùa này, nỗi ám ảnh về thời gian và tuổi trẻ vẫn cứ lờn vờn, và mỗi ngày nó một lớn hơn. Những cột mốc trước cứ căng thẳng khi nghĩ về nó, giờ đã sát bên. Có lẽ, những điều này mới chính là động lực để mình phải liên tục nghĩ ra thứ này thứ nọ, liên tục làm nhiều thứ để tránh cảm giác tiếc nuối về sau. Nói chung thì cũng là tham làm đủ thứ, nên nhiều khi ngồi giữa một đống việc đang dang dở lại không biết phải bắt đầu từ đâu.
Bước ra khỏi mây đen, nhìn bầu trời xanh rộng lớn, đôi khi thấy tiếc một chút vì đã không lựa chọn rời khỏi sớm hơn.
Trở lại cuộc sống vốn có, những ý tưởng cũng lần lượt trở lại. Mình đỡ phải trăn trở về việc cân bằng giữa những ý tưởng bên trong suy nghĩ và cuộc sống bị khoanh tròn trong vùng giới hạn chật hẹp khi trước. Giờ quan trọng là bắt đầu làm từ đâu.
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thephidang · 10 months
One day you're going to feel so alive again and you bet it will be worth it. Your cheeks will hurt from smiling so much. Your stomach will ache from how much you laugh. Your shoulders will be free from the aches and burdens of the world. You'll be dizzy with euphoria riding high on life. I promise you that day is coming. I promise you that you're stronger than you think and you can handle anything that happens in the meantime. What a beautiful day that will be.
Phi Dang (@thephidang)
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phisaya · 2 years
@smiledotdeer​ | from here
“Oh you finally met Cujo, did you? Good!” [ He chuckles and pets at one of the St. Bernard’s ears after Phi moves her hand off it. ] “I’ve had him for quite a while, actually; he’s just usually roaming about whenever you’ve visited. I’m glad you two got to finally meet! He does love people so!”
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“Then I need to hang out here more! My dad and I had a border collie, Rosie, when I was a kid. She was a real sweetheart.” Phisaya drapes herself over the dog and ignores the itch in her eyes. Danged animal allergies. She’ll put up with it for Cujo!
“There was also this stray cat that’d hang around the house, but he stopped showing up when I was in middle school. I haven’t had any pets since, but I dunno if I’d have the energy for a dog right now. If you ever need someone to give li’l Cujo a walk, though, just text me!”
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respectthepetty · 3 months
Second wild theory based on some thoughts and your tags that all Phee and Tan want is a confession: what if that's true? What if Phee and/or Tan gets the gun and starts an exposition drop about Non while holding the remaining boys are gunpoint and demanding answers and THEN THEY GET ATTACKED BY THE KILLER WHO IS NON'S BROTHER???
First, I need you to know that on a scale of "being completely normal about this show" to "if this show fails me, it'll be my villain origin story" that I'm currently FAR PAST the latter.
So with that being stated, I'm operating off of Wild Ass (Slasher) Theory 101 for this show aka
We've already met the killers and brother.
TLWR: Non is still alive. And it's all Dr. Sammon and Pit Babe's fault.
All the players are already on the board. We've seen all them in the first half, so now we are being reminded that we have seen them in the second half, like how the woman Keng was speaking to on the phone in episode seven about the money laundering was there in episode six.
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And Perth's character was there too. (In the background in the purple/black jackets with the grey shirt)
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So we've already met the brother somewhere in the first six episodes. Considering that two of those episodes were set in the past and Non would've noticed his brother, that means that we've seen the brother in the present.
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We all keep stating White or Tan is Non's brother. There are some theories Perth is Non's brother, but he didn't notice him the gambling hall, and if the parents are really sending money to their gambling son then what is life?
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White is my vote for final gay, and yours too. White is morally superior to the rest of the group and he is clever, which are two qualities a final girl must have. He also has a thin background story - he is dating Tee. Tan has no background story. He is simply everyone's friend who came along AFTER Non went missing; therefore, he is Non's brother.
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And I think that Phi and Tan wanted the boys to confess to whatever they did to Non. Phi's dad was and perhaps still is a police chief. Tee's uncle is possibly going to jail, but wanted Non dead. Perth's character might be an uncovered reporter like the lady speaking to Keng was, and maybe, just maybe, the knowledge of what happened to Non could be of use to somebody beyond just Tan and Phi.
So scare the living shit out of the boys? Sure! Terrify the hell out of them? Of course! Maybe stab them a little bit here and there? Well, when in Rome (or the woods), do as the Romans do. Give them some hallucinogenics? Duh! Yet I don't think they intended to kill any of them (well, at least not until they got the confession).
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But Por just had to run into the damn tree after seeing something in the camera.
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Which caused Phi to ask Fluke how long he could keep Por alive since they planned to get that confession before the next vehicle arrived. But then Fluke cancelled their Uber.
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White found the walkie-talkie that could be called for help. White found the gun that Fluke is now waving at everyone. White found the knife. White realized there was no cell phone service. White saw the tape. Pure and innocent White just keeps doing ALL the things that nobody asked him to do when WHITE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO EVEN BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!
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But now we have Jin seeing Mr. Keng, and Fluke spilling all the tea as he screams that "these fuckers killed someone," so Tan is going to get what he came for one way or another, even if a couple of dead bodies have to be exchanged for him to finally hear what happened three years ago to his brother?
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And all of this makes sense in my head. Tan and Phi just wanted a confession. They didn't want anyone to die. However, they couldn't control every aspect of this weekend plan and shit went off the rails. Por ran into a tree. Fluke got a gun. Their Uber was cancelled. And now they have to figure out how to finish this murder mystery party when half the participants are losing their effing minds.
But then there is Uncle Dang.
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And our Troublesome Trio looked genuinely shooketh when they saw what had become of him.
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In Wild Ass (Slasher) Theory 101, nothing is supernatural. The killer can be everywhere because there is more than one killer, and that's why I'm praying Non is still alive.
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The boys made Non the killer. Jin said since Non wrote the killer, Non would understand him better than anyone else.
Uncle Dang died first in the original film. Por was the director who took Non's writing credit. Top was the next to die before he screamed "cut!" at everyone. Fluke was probably next after that. Tee replaced Non, so it would have been Tee and Jin in the end, and Jin was the original main character and final gay as he deserted Non in the woods.
Non is finishing his movie, the way he wrote it.
And this is where my crazy really kicks in.
Phi knows.
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Por, Fluke, Tee, Top, and Jin did a very bad thing to Non and ALL have seen and heard something out there in the woods.
White is Tee's boyfriend. He came around after Non went missing. He has seen a rash on his skin.
Tan is probably Non's brother. He wants a confession, but Tan saw something in the house that scared him.
Phi has seen . . . nothing. Phi has heard . . . nothing. He knew how to work the security system. He keeps giving orders. He continues to state the killer is a person.
And he'll do anything for Non.
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He was very upset at Non, but he did tell Non he'd forgive him . . . if Non got lost and died.
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Por, Fluke, Tee, Top, and Jin couldn't decide if Non was missing or dead, and the mafia is sending death threats and putting hits out on Non, so perhaps Non took a note from Pit Babe's Charlie and died. Or maybe he took a note from a different Tan and died (after killing his boyfriend).
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Dr. Sammon, the writer behind Manner of Death, and Pit Babe's writers are the writers for Dead Friend Forever. Pit Babe is based off a novel, but in the Venn Diagram of BLs in which someone fakes his death the overlap is very slim with Chains of Heart being the third, and surprisingly, the screen writer for that series also wrote the screenplay for Dr. Sammon's Make a Wish. The world is small.
So why not disappear? Why not fake his own death?
But also, why wait three years to show back up?
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Because the main threat is neutralized and awaiting jail time, but maybe, just maybe, Non hasn't been completely quiet for three years.
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Mr. Keng very well might have died from the mafia. He was warned to watch out knowing how dangerous investigating them could be.
But . . . what if somebody else killed him?
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Like I wrote at the beginning, I'm being crazy about this show. Wanting Non to be alive is very wishful thinking, but in my mind, if anyone is attacking these boys, I want it to be him. Tan seems pissed, but the most he has done is (intentionally) lose Top in the woods, and Phi is busy protecting Jin (because he wants to save him for last?), so they might start demanding answers in all this chaos, but if Phi's boyfriend died like Pit Babe's Charlie, don't you think he'd be like Barbie and forgive his boyfriend if he came back into his life magically? And don't you think he'd be willing to help his boyfriend get revenge on all the boys who left him for dead, especially the one who is about to leave the country forever?
Because I think he would.
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But, then again, Non could actually be dead and Jin could be a good guy who I keep incorrectly blaming for everything.
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Because it wouldn't be the first time Dr. Sammon killed a gay.
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But it would be the first time she kept him dead.
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So is this gonna be like Director Tee & Co. finally skipping out on a time jump when I needed it the most in Hidden Agenda even though that's what he is known to do, or is Dr. Sammon and the Pit Babe crew going to stick to the game plan and raise the gay from the dead?
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I guess I'll have to wait and see.
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storyofmychoices · 2 years
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SpreadJoy #583: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote in edit by Phi Dang
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[Writing Commission] Lời chưa nói
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Lời chưa nói, 
Cất vào góc cùng con tim, 
Cứ mãi lặng im nơi đó, 
Day dứt chẳng nguôi ngoai…
Dáng người đàn ông cao lớn đứng dựa lưng vào chiếc xe hơi đậu bên lề đường con ngõ nhỏ mang đầy đủ vẻ đối lập với không gian có phần đơn bạc xung quanh vốn dĩ sẽ thu hút sự chú ý của nhiều người qua lại. Thế nhưng lúc này lại không có ai cả. Sự tĩnh lặng phủ xuống đôi vai Masumi cùng màn đêm dịu dàng. Sương quẩn trong khói thuốc lan tỏa đưa đến cho khứu giác anh cảm giác bình lặng khó kiếm tìm trong bốn bức tường cao ốc của nơi làm việc. 
“Sao con cứ mãi trì hoãn chuyện kết hôn thế?” 
Cuộc hội thoại ban sáng với người cha trở lại trong tâm trí Masumi không hề tình cờ. Anh đã nhiều lần nghe câu hỏi đó, và câu trả lời của anh vẫn thế. Vấn đề bản quyền của Hồng Thiên Nữ vẫn chưa được giải quyết. Một lý do anh đưa ra đã nhiều năm nay cùng với việc thực hiện tâm nguyện của người đàn ông đó xong xuôi anh mới nghĩ đến chuyện gia đình. Đến bây giờ, thành thực mà nói nó vẫn là một câu trả lời bằng tất cả lý trí. Chỉ là gần đây, lý do dần trở thành một cái cớ. Có sự thay đổi nào đó trong anh, cỗ máy công việc của Daito Art. Anh không đơn giản từ chối việc lập gia đình vì công việc dang dở nữa. Phần nào trong đó anh thảng thốt nhận ra lý do mình đưa ra năm nào dần trở thành một cái cớ để viện vào, để né tránh việc phải gặp mặt một vị hôn thê, tức một người con gái sẽ bước vào cuộc đời anh. 
Một người con gái bước vào cuộc đời anh. 
Trước kia Masumi không suy nghĩ nhiều về những vấn đề như vậy, cho đến khi gặp Maya - cô gái dẫu bé nhỏ nhưng lại mang trong mình sức mạnh ý chí phi thường. Nghĩ cũng thật lạ lùng, với một khoảng cách về tuổi tác đến cả thập kỷ như vậy giữa hai người, Masumi chưa từng tưởng tượng ra có một ngày mình sẽ vô thức chạy xe tới một góc đường nhỏ hẹp, chỉ để nhìn lên một ô cửa sổ sáng ánh đèn, bên trong rộn rã tiếng nói cười và lẫn văng vẳng đâu đó là giọng cô thiếu nữ tuổi đôi mươi đầy sức sống khiến anh ấn tượng ngay từ những lần đầu tiên chạm mặt. 
Nụ cười vô thức đến trên môi người đàn ông khi hình ảnh một cô bé kiễng chân bên ngoài lớp học kịch hàng giờ, mê mải xem những học viên tập luyện ùa về trong tâm trí. Maya, cô bé mới mười ba tuổi ngày đó đã khiến anh thật ngạc nhiên với tấm lòng hiếu học và đam mê nhiệt thành rất đơn thuần đối với kịch nghệ. Đến nỗi khi đó anh chợt bắt gặp mình tự hỏi, đã bao giờ bản thân giữ một tấm lòng mê say mãnh liệt với thứ gì đó như vậy chưa? Đã bao lâu, anh quên mất cách cống hiến hết mình cho thứ được gọi là đam mê? Đứng trước một cô gái bé nhỏ thậm chí còn chưa bước qua lễ thành niên đã có thể để bản thân được cuốn phăng đi trong nguồn cảm hứng dưới ánh đèn sân khấu, vì mong muốn thể hiện trọn vẹn nhân vật mình hóa thân vào mà sẵn sàng  dầm mưa cả một đêm ròng như thế bỗng nhiên Masumi dâng lên lòng cảm phục lẫn nỗi hổ thẹn đâu đó của một người bước chân qua ngưỡng cửa trưởng thành đã lâu rất thành thật. Lòng ngưỡng mộ anh dành cho Maya đánh dấu bằng đóa hồng tím đầu tiên ký tên người hâm mộ. Không có một chút nào trên những dòng ghi thiệp lúc đó là giả dối. Anh trở thành một người hâm mộ ẩn danh của cô thiếu nữ khắc khoải ước vọng chạm tay vào nghệ thuật sân khấu đỉnh cao từ thuở ấy. 
Masumi đã tâm niệm với mình rằng, bản thân anh nuôi dưỡng cơn ngưỡng vọng ấy cũng là cách anh ươm mầm một tài năng non trẻ. Từng bó hoa, từng món quà và những sự giúp đỡ khích lệ  lẫn động viên thầm lặng dành cho từng bước tiến trên con đường nghệ thuật của Maya đối lập hoàn toàn với mỗi lần chạm mặt cô bé. Nghĩ đến đó làm anh muốn phì cười. Nếu phải thành thật thì anh sẽ thừa nhận, phản ứng của cô bé trước những châm chọc của anh thú vị đến mức anh đã có ít kiềm chế hơn mỗi lần đối diện. Tự lúc nào, anh cũng chẳng hề để ý, lòng hâm mộ tiến thêm một bước dài thành cảm giác thích thú trước sự hiện diện của cô bé. Maya trên sân khấu và đằng sau ánh đèn biểu diễn đều khiến  Masumi chú ý. Anh không nhận ra sự biến chuyển đó cho đến tận khi Maya đối mặt với cuộc khủng hoảng lòng tin vào đam mê đến hầu như không thể trở lại sân khấu. 
Masumi vẫn nhớ rõ cảm giác bất lực của mình trong đêm mưa đó, khi anh tìm kiếm Maya với cơn lo lắng hoang mang lấp đầy lồng ngực. Cô gái vẫn luôn như một mặt trời lý tưởng nhỏ bé đã kiên cường vượt qua rất nhiều khó khăn, sóng gió giờ đây ủ rũ giống như cái cây bị quật ngã qua ngày giông bão. Cái chết của người mẹ là một đòn quá lớn với thiếu nữ. Mà anh, kẻ máu lạnh đã gây nên cơ sự không chỉ là một cơn bão truyền thông Maya phải hứng chịu mà còn là nỗi đớn đau hối hận không gì sánh nổi cho cô, khi đã tìm thấy dáng hình người con gái lại chỉ có thể chôn chân một chỗ cảm nhận cơn đau của cô lan sang mình như từng đợt sóng triều dâng chát đắng. Mưa đêm vẫn không ngừng xối xuống, dù thế nào cũng không thể rửa sạch tội lỗi anh đã gây ra, cũng chẳng thể cuốn trôi đau đớn cuộn trào trong lồng ngực thiếu nữ. 
Đưa Maya về nhà đêm ấy, siết chặt trong tay mình tấm thân nhỏ bé của thiếu nữ đẫm nước mưa lạnh ngắt, cuối cùng Masumi cũng có câu trả lời cho câu hỏi đột ngột của Mizuki vào một ngày trước đó không lâu. 
Ngài yêu cô bé đó à? 
Trước khi Masumi kịp nhận ra lòng ngưỡng mộ của bản thân đã chuyển mình, trước khi lý trí anh kịp lên tiếng chối bỏ hay nhắc nhở về khoảng cách tuổi tác giữa hai người, trái tim hầu như bị quên lãng trong cái danh cỗ máy công việc của anh thốt nhiên lại khẳng định. Phải chăng đó cũng là lý do hôm nay anh để lại công việc sau lưng để đến tận đây, trong buổi đêm sương mù, chỉ để đứng dưới khung cửa sổ nơi Maya ở và tự hỏi bản thân thật ra muốn điều gì vậy? 
Đêm càng về khuya càng trĩu nặng với câu hỏi chưa có lời giải đáp. 
Masumi đã đến nhà hát từ rất sớm nhưng không vào chỗ ngồi ghi trên tấm vé ngay mà đứng lặng ở một góc khuất lô trên quan sát những người đến xem vở diễn dần dần lấp đầy khán phòng. Một người đàn ông từng trải qua biết bao cuộc hẹn, gặp gỡ với đủ loại người như anh mà giây phút này lại thoáng chốc cảm thấy nhịp tim đập nhanh hơn bình thường. Có lẽ đó là cảm giác người ta vẫn hay gọi là hồi hộp. Anh đã hồi hộp từ khi từng vị khách bước vào khán phòng biểu diễn vở Anna Karenina hôm nay không phải người anh mong đợi. Đường đường là giám đốc của công ty nghệ thuật Daito Art nổi tiếng mà mời một người con gái đi xem kịch, anh còn sợ người ta từ chối, thì người đó chỉ có thể là Kitajima Maya. 
Chỉ năm phút trước giờ diễn, khi các ghế ngồi hầu như đã chật kín người Masumi mới xuất hiện ngồi vào chỗ trống bên cạnh Maya. Anh thấy rõ cô gái giật mình, ánh sáng trong mắt cô hầu như tối đi bởi biến chuyển không lường trước được. Vào khoảnh khắc cô bật dậy khỏi ghế, tựa muốn trốn chạy, anh đã kịp nắm lấy tay níu cô lại. Không chỉ có cô gái nhỏ trước mặt, ngay cả Masumi cũng ngạc nhiên thoáng chốc trước hành động của mình nhưng anh lấy lại bình tĩnh nhanh hơn để quyết định không buông bàn tay với những ngón nhỏ thon dài mềm mại đó ra. Mặc kệ những phản kháng từ đối phương, anh chỉ càng siết chặt chúng hơn, bởi từ tận đáy lòng anh hiểu rõ chỉ cần nơi lỏng chút thôi, cô gái bên cạnh anh cũng sẽ giống như cánh bướm vút bay đi, biến mất vào thinh không vô tận nơi anh không thể nào chạm tới được  thêm lần nữa. 
Vở kịch đã bắt đầu. 
Phản ứng của thiếu nữ bên cạnh Masumi cũng dịu đi đôi chút, cô gái thấp giọng nài nỉ mong anh bỏ tay ra với lời hứa sẽ không chạy mất. Được một bước, anh lại muốn tiến thêm một bước, muốn cô chấp nhận một cuộc hẹn với mình dù cho ngay lúc lời nói thoát ra khỏi cổ họng, anh cũng chưa hình dung được 'cuộc hẹn' mình muốn là như thế nào. Khoảng thời gian người thiếu nữ chần chừ suy nghĩ kéo thành một khoảng thinh lặng mà anh không biết mình đã nhủ thầm trong lòng mong cô không từ chối biết bao nhiêu lần. Có vẻ ngơ ngác khựng lại đôi chút và sự bối rối thoáng qua trong mắt cô gái nhưng rồi cô cũng đồng ý. Khi ấy, chẳng rõ cô có nghe thấy tiếng thở ra nhẹ nhõm của Masumi. Chẳng hiểu vì lý do gì, trước mặt Maya anh vô tình hoặc cố ý đã luôn tỏ ra là một người xấu tính thích bắt nạt người khác, bắt nạt cô. 
Khó khăn lắm mới có được một cuộc hẹn với cô gái nhỏ, thế nhưng Masumi vốn là kẻ xa lạ hoàn toàn với những buổi chơi bời đôi lứa. Thứ anh muốn có chăng chỉ là khoảng thời gian ở bên cạnh Maya, thời gian của hai người và cũng chỉ có lúc ấy anh mới có thể thoải mái vứt đi chiếc mặt nạ cứng nhắc mình đã đeo trong thời gian rất dài . 
Cuộc hẹn không định trước đích đến ngoại trừ vở kịch làm cái cớ mời Maya dẫn bước chân cả hai người đến nơi từng quen thuộc của Masumi. Dưới bầu trời đầy sao lấp lánh, dẫu biết là sản phẩm nhân tạo nhưng vẫn hệt như những ngày xưa cũ, anh cảm thấy bản thân thật nhỏ bé trước vũ trụ bao la. Nhìn sang người thiếu nữ cũng chăm chú nhìn lên cao, ánh sáng của những vì tinh tú phản chiếu trong đôi mắt mở lớn của cô xao động. Anh chợt tự hỏi, cách cô nhìn bầu trời nơi đó, những hành tinh xoay vần trong không gian huyền bí ấy liệu có giống như anh? Liệu cô có thấy chúng như cách cậu bé ngày xưa mỗi lần cảm thấy buồn đau bất lực đều chạy đến đây để trút bầu tâm sự không thanh âm với sao trời? Những lời anh nói cùng cô đều là những lời anh chưa từng nói cùng ai, việc trở lại tuổi thơ cũng vậy. Anh đang từng chút một, đưa một cô gái bước vào thế giới đóng cửa đã lâu của bản thân. Thời gian anh bỏ lại bầu trời sao rực rỡ để trở thành một cỗ máy công việc, bỏ quên những giọt nước mắt thơ trẻ lùi xa vào dĩ vãng cách xa đến nỗi giờ đây cùng cô trở lại, lòng anh xôn xao những hoài niệm. Chẳng phải Masumi đang thông qua Maya để tìm lại bản thân đã đánh mất của một ngày cũ hay sao? 
Bước ra khỏi đài thiên văn, cô gái bên cạnh Masumi chợt cảm khái về những ngôi sao mới đây thôi còn tỏa sáng. Sự tiếc nuối trong chất giọng nhỏ và trong của cô khiến anh buột miệng. 
"Bầu trời sao vẫn đang nhấp nháy trên kia mà. Nó vẫn còn ở đó, chỉ là bị che lấp đi thôi." 
Anh không định an ủi, đó là một sự thật hiển nhiên nhưng trong cái cách cô thiếu nữ mở to đôi mắt chứa đựng cả thế giới không an tĩnh lên nhìn lại rồi bất chợt quay đi giấu vẻ ngượng ngùng khiến anh ngẩn người. Trong một khoảnh khắc, Masumi nghĩ về câu Maya định đối đáp với mình. 
Nó giống với điều anh đã nghĩ, phải không? 
Vẫn chưa tới giờ ăn tối, cô gái để mặc Masumi dẫn mình tới một lễ hội đông người qua lại. Nhận những món đồ anh mua cho với vẻ mặt lạ lùng thú vị đến nỗi anh phải tự kiềm chế mới không thêm vào một hai câu châm chọc cô gái vẫn còn mang nhiều nét tính cách của một đứa trẻ này. Nếu không phải vậy thì cô ấy đã chẳng tự nhiên đoán bừa anh hồi nhỏ tính tình ngang bướng, xấu bụng, lạnh lùng và hay bắt nạt kẻ yếu mà chẳng hề nể nang cái người hơn mình đến cả chục tuổi này chút nào. Lần này anh bật cười thành tiếng. Ngay cả hình ảnh cậu nhóc Masumi trong cô cũng xấu xí đến vậy hay sao? 
Khi anh bảo lúc nhỏ mình rất thẳng thắn bộc trực, đổi lại Maya phá lên cười như thể đó là câu chuyện khó tin nhất trên đời. Cô vô tư hỏi. 
"Rồi tự nhiên ngài đổi tính đúng không?" 
Gi��a những ồn ào của đám đông xung quanh, có lẽ Maya chưa thể nhận thấy ngay khoảng lặng của người đàn ông. Masumi đứng bất động trước câu hỏi của thiếu nữ. Con người máu lạnh điều hành Daito Art bây giờ do tự nhiên mà thành ư? 
Anh đã được dạy dỗ rất nghiêm khắc để không tin vào bất cứ ai ngoài chính bản thân mình. Thế giới trong mắt anh đã sớm trổ rõ vẻ tàn nhẫn không khoan nhượng của nó. Và anh sớm biết mình phải đeo lên lớp mặt nạ lạnh lùng để không ai có thể xâm phạm được. Số phận con người, vốn dĩ chỉ có thể dựa vào hai bàn tay chính mình để định đoạt. Masumi biết được điều ấy, từ quá sớm. 
Rõ ràng câu hỏi của Maya chỉ là tự nhiên bộc phát, nhưng lại khiến Masumi phải suy nghĩ. Cô gái với ánh nhìn không an tĩnh ấy cứ thế để lại cho anh những nỗi niềm ngổn ngang, những cảm xúc mà bản thân anh chưa từng trải qua, cũng chẳng can đảm để gạt bỏ hoàn toàn.
Chiều buông chậm nhưng cũng không đủ níu lại ánh ngày tàn. Khi bầu trời đầy sao bày ra trước mặt cũng là lúc hai người đối diện với nhau qua chiếc bàn tròn đặt trên tầng cao của một nhà hàng sang trọng. Thiếu nữ im lặng, sự chú ý của cô đặt phía ngoài lớp kính thủy tinh. Ngay cả khi bất động, thế giới dưới hàng mi dày của cô vẫn xao động không ngừng, dường như thoáng qua chút buồn bã. Vẻ mặt đăm chiêu lặng lẽ đó khiến Masumi phải hỏi. 
"Sao vậy? Tự nhiên cô bé lại ngồi im thế?" 
Chần chừ một thoáng, anh vẫn để nghi vấn từ đầu buổi hẹn hò đến giờ vượt khỏi bờ môi. 
"Đi với tôi không vui sao?" 
"Không phải…"
Cô gái đáp lại hầu như ngay lập tức khiến gánh nặng trong lòng anh nhẹ bớt đi phần nào. Masumi lẩm bẩm thành tiếng. 
"Vậy là tốt rồi." 
Rồi thốt nhiên, giữa hai người chỉ còn lại tiếng đệm đàn dương cầm du dương. Bản nhạc êm nhẹ, dặt dìu có chút da diết đến lạ, bản nhạc anh hoàn toàn không biết tên cứ thế lấp đầy khoảng trống mà anh để lại sau câu hỏi. Thời gian càng trôi về cuối, Masumi càng lúc càng tự thấy mình bồn chồn. Những lời anh đã chuẩn bị cho khoảnh khắc này, không cách nào thoát ra khỏi cổ họng khô khốc. 
Cuộc hẹn đúng là không có kế hoạch cụ thể nhưng nó vốn dĩ không phải không có chủ đích. Anh đã chuẩn bị để thú nhận với cô gái ngồi trước mặt anh đây tất cả, bao gồm cả câu chuyện về những đóa hồng. Hoa hồng tím, anh thoáng nghĩ với một cảm thức lạ kỳ trong lồng ngực, loài hoa của thứ tình cảm anh khó xác định và gọi tên dành cho một cô bé kém mình đến cả chục tuổi. 
Đã có khi Masumi nghĩ, chỉ là một cô bé thôi. Một cô bé ghét bỏ anh hơn bất kỳ ai.  
Trong trăm ngàn lần tưởng tượng về phản ứng của Maya khi biết rõ chân tướng mọi chuyện, điều anh không muốn nghe nhất vẫn là lời từ chối của cô. Lạ thay, một Hayami Masumi lạnh lùng quyết đoán trong công việc giờ đây lại nao núng chỉ vì không muốn nghe một lời khước từ của một thiếu nữ. 
Khó khăn lắm Masumi mới hạ quyết tâm và chuẩn bị cho một lời thú nhận trước Maya, chỉ để cõi lòng rối bời bấy lâu được nhẹ nhõm. Thế nhưng thực tế không dễ dàng như anh nghĩ. Cảm giác chẳng hề có lấy một tia hy vọng nào để không nhận lại một lời chối từ càng lúc càng rõ rệt. Anh như người đi giữa hai bờ vực thẳm chông chênh, muốn tiến tới không được mà lùi lại cũng chẳng xong. 
Ngay khi Masumi lấy hết can đảm để mở lời, một cuộc điện thoại cắt ngang. 
Bà Tsukikage biến mất. 
Nhận được tin, Maya mặt mày thất sắc. Bỏ lại cả bữa tối vừa mới được dọn lên, cô một mực muốn trở về. Thân thể mảnh mai của thiếu nữ run rẩy suốt bên cạnh anh trên quãng đường từ nhà hàng về. Hẳn cô cũng đã tự trách mình rất nhiều. Không cần quá nhiều tinh ý để Masumi nhận ra điều đó, cho nên suốt cả quãng thời gian đó anh đã giữ im lặng. Thậm chí cả khi Maya yêu cầu anh dừng xe lại, chạy vọt ra ngoài để gặp người bạn, anh vẫn bất động bên cạnh vô lăng nhìn theo hình dáng cô gái run run nhận bức thư cô giáo gửi. Masumi rõ ràng không phải một người giỏi nói lời an ủi. Nhìn đôi vai cô gái nhỏ rũ xuống bên lề đường, anh xuống khỏi xe chỉ với mục đích có thể nói gì đó khiến cô bớt lo lắng. Thế nhưng thực tế chứng minh chuyện đó không hề dễ dàng như vậy. 
Cảm xúc của Maya dường như bùng nổ, cô không ngừng chất vấn anh. Trong cơn lo lắng mất bình tĩnh, cô không còn kiềm chế nữa mà hét lên. 
"Nếu như cô giáo cũng giống mẹ tôi… Thì tôi sẽ hận ngài suốt đời!" 
Mặt đất dưới chân Masumi như nứt toác ra, anh nghe tiếng vọng của thế giới vụn vỡ không cách nào cứu vãn. Phải rồi, chưa bao lâu sau cái chết của mẹ Maya, làm sao cô có thể quên nỗi đau anh đã gây ra chứ? Cay đắng lấp đầy lồng ngực, Masumi tự giễu. Ấy thế mà chỉ một lúc trước thôi anh còn định thổ lộ với cô. 
Khó khăn lắm anh mới có thể tiếp tục cất tiếng, tông giọng trùng xuống thấy rõ. 
"Tôi hiểu rồi." 
Quay trở lại xe lấy những món đồ đã mua cho Maya, anh trao chúng cho cô, lòng trĩu nặng. Lời cảm ơn vì một buổi hẹn hò hiếm hoi vuột khỏi lồng ngực đắng nghét. Lẽ ra anh nên biết trước hố sâu ngăn cách giữa anh và Maya không chỉ đơn thuần là một chục năm tuổi tác, mà còn là bức tường vững chắc tự anh dựng nên bởi những toan tính lạnh lùng của mình. Khiến cho cô gái này tổn thương đến như vậy cũng là anh, mà hết mình giúp đỡ cô ấy cũng là anh, sự thật trớ trêu đó mãi mãi trở thành bí mật anh sẽ chôn vùi từ nay về sau. Nếu như không nói ra, có lẽ hình ảnh người hâm mộ ẩn danh vẫn còn được sáng sủa trong lòng cô, hơn là rơi xuống đáy cùng căm ghét như anh. 
"Hôm nay tôi hẹn với cô là… Chỉ là…" 
Chỉ một giây, mọi lời chưa nói đều tan biến vào hư không. Masumi ngoảnh lại, mỉm cười với thiếu nữ mang vệt nước mắt chưa khô trên gò má tái lạnh. Không cả nói lời tạm biệt, anh bước vào trong chiếc xe hơi, nổ máy phóng đi như chạy trốn. 
Trên bầu trời, sao dù sáng vẫn bị mây mù che lấp. 
~ Hoàn thành ~ 
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lcftcult · 2 years
@phisaya​  ||  x
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“D-Dang Phi!  I-I had no idea!”  Stammers the feline as she looks her friend over from head to toe.  She couldn’t recall seeing Phi with a pregnant body, unless the sinner was completely oblivious?  That or her friend, when pregnant, didn’t ‘show’ as some would say.  When Mari is presented to her, Black Star can’t help but squeal in delight.  In the living world, Black Star was in charge of taking care of and feeding the younger kids in the compound, so she was always drawn to small children.
“Awww!  She’s so cuuuuuuute”  Cooed the feline, wagging her tail as she fawned over Mari.  Then she nods eagerly at her friend’s question.  “I-If it’s okay with you, I mean!”  With no effort, Mari had won Black Star over.
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