#playing around with putting ocs to this audio
detective-piplup · 3 months
@gordonsgottasleep bestie you like half-life right. this is that yeah. i heard black mesa and gordon so
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ilariyalavorowrites · 1 month
Stalking Me, Stalking You (CSI Nick Stokes) Part three
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Imagine: You never saw it coming, you never knew he was there until the moment he struck. For months, this individual had stalking you from the shadows, trying to find a way into your life. Never quite able to but in his mind, time was running out and soon enough you would be completely out of reach. This was the moment to act, to ‘rescue’ you and steal you away.
Warnings: Angst with a happy ending, kidnapping, hurt but eventual comfort. Suffering, lots of suffering, slow-moving plot, stalking, obsessive behaviour.
Pairings: Nick Stokes x Reader and Reader x OC (one-sided)
Word count: 3,068 words
Universe: CSI
Reader gender: Female
Part three of ten
Tagged: @just-call-me-the-old-hag @horsedragonllama @space-helen @kneelforloki @flopiboni
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Monday, Midnight
Greg and Morgan sat side by side, as Archie worked his magic on the various clips of CCTV. Each of the three larger monitors displayed different parts of a timeline that had been created by the day shift’s visual and audio tech Franklyn. They watched as their friend exited her known and preferred coffee shop with her piping hot beverage alone. This had been the last place that she had seen when Officer Sawyer had taken the barista’s statement.
“This is the only first clip that Dayshift obtained after the warrant for her finances came through” Morgan stated with the matching report in hand. The short clip showed nothing out of the ordinary. There was no one tailing her, no strange car parked with a window partially wound down with the driver trying to look casual as their eyes trailed after her.
“It confirms the Barista’s statement at the very least” Greg replied as his gaze shifted to the second screen. Archie paused the first clip and then slid the cursor to the play the next one.
All of them were teetering on the edge of professionalism. Trying their best to push aside their personal feelings. They needed to try at the very least to view the evidence collected like any other case. It was going to be a long night especially as Greg and Morgan had been the ones assigned to review what was already there for this shift. 
The plan was for hands on deck over the next few shifts, to hand over the new details and brief the incoming day shift at the end of their night then repeat the process with a fresh set of eyes the next night.
“This one isn’t the greatest quality, it’s a wall-mounted camera from one of her neighbours that was discovered by the door-to-door interviews” Archie stated as the pixelated footage started. Both Morgan and Greg noted the timestamp, it had been captured at 2:30 in the afternoon. 
“This camera will only record when the motion detection is triggered as you both know” Archie reminded them as they all watched as a battered, Silver Chevrolet Cruze drove past. It did not match the make and model of the car that the Detective had, which had yet to be located even with the BOLO that had been put out with all the necessary details. It had vanished into thin air.
Notes from the lead CSI Ava Dane stated that none of the neighbours had recognised the car when they had spoken after reviewing the footage. One neighbour had commented that he noticed the vehicle when he had returned from home at around 3:10 but he had heard tyres screeching loudly about twenty-five minutes later and when he looked at the window, it was gone.
There had been a slight skid mark noted and photographed from outside that particular address which had been run through the system and matched commonly used wheels. It had the first dead end.
“Franklyn managed to recover a partial plate after cleaning up the image, I won’t be able to get much more than that due to video quality” The tech apologised, knowing that this was not what the two of them wanted to hear.
“It’s a start at least” Morgan responded, trying to remain positive as she turned to the next report. Her eyes rapidly moved over the data displayed there. “It looks like the day shift ran that plate, there’s a fair few listed but they eliminated half” 
As her eyes drifted down the page, they stopped over one particular name. As memories of the case that she had worked on came flooding back. The Detective had been waiting for her at the scene. 
Vaughn Mikhailov was a two-bit drug dealer, he and his older brother Artem had been targeted and shot at in a drive-by gangbangers after they had tried to move in on the turf of another local dealer. The initial warnings had been ignored by the pair, and this had led to the car being targeted. Vaughn had been in the backseat, he had barely been clipped by a single bullet in his left shoulder but Artem hadn’t been as lucky.
He had died at the scene, bleeding out whilst waiting on the paramedics. Vaughn had been cooperative to a point, but eventually, he just screamed at her friend when she had in his eyes failed to get justice for his brother.
It was not always possible to reach a satisfactory end to every case, it had been one of those which slipped through the crack when the leads had all run cold. Morgan remembered that her friend had noted that this had not been her first rodeo with either of the Mikhailov brothers.
“The first time I met them was when I was working the beat, I arrested Artem for soliciting a working girl and Vaughn for dealing. Both of them had rap sheets as long as your arm. It's their mother, I feel for each time one of them ends up in court”
There had been sympathy that lingered as she listened, as it turned out their mother had raised both the boys single-handedly after their father had run off. She had tried her best but they had been drawn into the fast-paced lifestyle of wheeling and dealing. As she watched, the detective informed the woman of her son’s death.
“What is it, Morgan?” Greg asked, noticing that Morgan had not spoken and became transfixed by one of the reports further in. He leaned, to see what she had been reading. It was the list of cars compiled by the plate search. 
“Vaughn Mikhailov,” She said looking up to meet his gaze. Greg’s gaze narrowed perplexed as he did not recognize the name. However, before he could reply, Morgan beat him to the punch.
“It was a drive-by shooting case, I worked a few weeks back and she was the lead detective assigned work to the case alongside me” She started, knowing that she would need to give him more than that if they were going to start to seriously look at him as a potential suspect.
“He and his older brother were targeted after trying to move into another dealer’s turf. His brother died at the scene. He was far from happy with how things went but he had a chip on his shoulder as she had arrested him more than a few times in the past” Once she had finished speaking, Morgan waited for Greg to process the information that had been dumped upon him.
“So he held her responsible for not finding his brother’s killer then. Greg asked, Morgan nodded before one last comment. “He had an axe to grind”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, 4 am
With one hand poised, Nick firmly knocked upon Russell’s closed office door. In a roundabout way, he had expected the text summoning him to the supervisor’s office but not this soon. He had hoped that he would be one way approaching Russell but then again, at least this way soon enough everything would be out in the open.
This was not the way that he had hoped that this conversation would be initiated. He knew that she had already started telling her partner and fellow officers about her boyfriend whenever she had a spare few minutes. She had also scheduled a meeting with HR on the day that she was meant to be returning to work. Nick then would approach Russell around the same time as she would have been seated down with HR. Effectively killing two birds with one stone 
This had always been their plan when things became more serious between the two of them. Multiple discussions had arisen, on when, where and how they approach their collective jobs regarding their romantic relationship and the potential impact on both of their jobs that would need to be addressed and solutions put into place.
She had planned to offer to be moved from Graveyard to Swing or Day if no other compromise could be reached. Where it would be possible for both of them both work the same shift pattern without any issues. Departmental policy had previously torn Sara from the team when her relationship with Grissom came to light, they had wondered how it would have played out for them.
Yes, they were still colleagues working alongside another one, but not under the same direct supervisor. They crossed over for Homicide and Forensic evidence collection and investigation came hand in hand. Without one, you couldn’t have the other.
“Come in” Russell’s voice called from behind the door, bringing Nick back of his thoughts as he pushed the handle and then the door inwardly. “Hey Russell…” He greeted the man sitting behind the desk but what he hadn’t expected was Catherine being in the room, standing off to one side behind Russell.
“Shut the door Nick” Russell continued as he went through the motions of crossing the threshold and closing the door behind him and moved further into the office to stand before the pair staring straight at him.
“I know this is about Detective..” Her name rolled off his tongue, one that had fallen on his lips many times before. “Look, I know that I should have told you..” Nick started to try and explain the position that he had found himself in.
“Nick, I need to know that you’ll be able to recuse yourself if you cross that emotional line where you start to lead your heart, not your head. For as long as you can remain objective then you still work on the case but the moment, that you step over that line. I will remove you and you’ll be treated just like every other significant other or next kin on every other case that had past through this department” Russell spoke with a conviction that could not be ignored or overturned. This was a promise that he would not go back on. 
Nick quickly nodded, happily agreeing with his supervisor’s conclusion. “This will have to be logged with HR and I’ll arrange the meeting shortly”  Russell said before turning to Catherine. “Anything you want to add?” He said, pulling her into the dialogue. Catherine had been quietly observing the short back and forth between the pair.
“Nicky, from here on out, we’ll be watching closer. Please understand, that we want to bring her home as much as you do. Still, we have to follow the rules and ensure there nothing can be challenged further down the line” Her words held a warmth that Nick had felt before, the familial love that had developed and grown over the many years that they had worked together. Once again, Catherine was looking after him, all whilst balancing the integrity of the crime lab and their necessary work on top of that. It was a well-practice balancing act that she had perfected over the last decade.
All it took would be one step in the wrong direction and it would come tumbling back down. That could not happen, no it would not help.
------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday 2 am
As the night rolled by, evidence was processed, reviewed and reported, with the new findings and avenues to venture down next added to the ever-growing list.
The one initially weak lead that had cropped up early in the shift strengthened as prints from the scene which had been set running whilst the sun was still up bore fruit. Morgan’s theory now seemed more plausible as the same name popped up once more, this could not just be a coincidence in the name of bad blood. 
Morgan turned to Greg, still trying to wrap her head around this as there were still too many variables that did not make a lick of sense. She could understand the steps taken to enact some twisted form of payback by breaking into the detective’s home and destroying everything that she might hold dear. There were no signs of a struggle, no blood splatter or trail to imply that they had been lying in wait for her to return.
With the crime scene photos laid out on the table between them, this felt much like the pieces of a puzzle waiting to be put together to reveal the image displayed upon the box when a handful of key tiles were missing, creating holes in the image. “This isn’t the primary scene, there is no indication that she ever came back. Two separate indications with one connecting factor, her” Morgan said, churning over the thoughts in her head out loud as she tried to make any sense of it all.
“What do we know about Vaughn Mikhailov, beyond his last arrest report?” Greg started before listing off what had been discovered thus far “His prints are all over this crime scene, his car matches the mark and model spotted on the neighbour's CCTV but why would a dealer break into a cop’s home in broad daylight?” He posed the question to Morgan, the blonde’s face twisted in confusion as she tried to gather together a logical answer but found none. 
“How did he find her address? That’s what bugs me unless he tailed her previously but according to the neighbour’s statement” Morgan replied, fishing out the relevant document from the box on her side of the table and turning to the right page. “That car had never been caught on camera before that day and those cameras had been up for more than six months”
“The only way that we’ll get satisfactory answers is that Vaughn Mikhailov needs to be found and brought in for questioning” Morgan nodded her head in agreement, the two-bit criminal had a lot to answer for.
“Brass put has BOLO out on Mikailov’s car”
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday, 4:30 am
The blinding flash of blue lights and screeching sirens were not out of place as the convoy of vehicles pulled up in front of the homestead. Its chain link fence had seen better days, half still attached to the poles that marked the edge of the property and the rest lost within the depths of the tall grass that desperately needed cutting. 
The property itself was registered to one Nikolai Mikhailov, the cousin of their prime suspect. It was not out of the ordinary for Vaughn to crash on his cousin’s sofa when his mother threw him out for the third time that week. Officers had called the property in the past, more often than not on matters of public nuisance or disturbance. Nikolai loved to party well into the small hours and was not shy about using violence to silence any complaining neighbours if they dared to call the cops on him.
Detective Captain Jim Brass surveyed the scene from behind the cruiser’s side door and soon found what he was looking for. With the garage door half enough, it was plain to see the car parked within, its license plate matching the suspect’s known vehicle of choice. No lights could be seen from the street as Officers tentatively approached the front door, ready to burst through the door and apprehend whoever was on the other side.
With the fury of valkyries leading the charge, the officers breached through the threshold as calls of LVPD came and went as Jim watched them disappear inside. This had to be it, this had to be the end of the road.
He was not the only one listening in, as the Officers inside cleared the scene. The investigated interest ran through from the bottom straight up to the top. She was one of them
‘419’ The code of a dead body came crackling over the airwaves, a dead body had been discovered. A chill rushed through him as he envisioned the very sight of her lying there, with empty, glazed-over eyes staring up at him as he wondered why.
’It’s not her’ The voice of Officer Mitchell soon followed as Jim released the breath that he hadn’t known he was holding back, then again he wasn’t the only one. Nick stood silently by, with bated breath as Morgan and Greg left with kits in hand. This was their scene now as they had been the ones to discover the connections that led to this.
Hodges stood in the doorway, reading the scene before him. The air was still tense as they all waited for the relief to set in but yet that felt too premature. The lab tech cleared his throat to try and catch Nick’s attention. He watched for a moment then tried a different approach.
“Nick, this was left at Reception for you” Hodges called into the room, as he held out the unstamped manila envelope for the other man to take. Nick Stokes was scrawled across the front in a large and unfamiliar hand. 
Nick frowned, he was not awaiting any post as he took it. “Thanks, man,” He said as he turned it over, inspecting it from every angle. There was nothing about the envelope that stood out, it was a standard A3 office stationery that was stocked by countless suppliers but the question arose of who had sent it.
As he carefully opened the sealed flap and reached inside, Nick quickly found the content. A series of photographs which he slid out. Hodges slid up beside him as he turned over the first which revealed little other than what he already knew to be true.
“Is that…” David questioned at the sight of his friends and colleagues locked in a rather passionate embrace. “Yes,” Nick curtly replied, annoyed at the very prospect that they had been followed and their privacy had been invaded like this as he turned over the next one.
It was the last one that drew a shocked gasp from Hodges, as he shook with a rage that he hadn’t felt for some time. The sight of her bound and unconscious in the boot of an unidentifiable vehicle with the words I WIN STOKES, SHE IS MINE written in bold, block capitals across the top of the image.
Each had focused upon her, she was the object of this maddening desire. A tail had been placed as her routine was documented. He held pride of place in a number of the images, whether he liked it or not.
He was taunting him, this was just his opening move.
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caashmoneynae · 8 months
AUTHOR'S NOTE: cut off the beginning of this chapter as well. enjoy! 🫶🏾
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SUMMARY: in which LeShaun isn't able to make it to the studio session, so Khadijah has to fill in for her. ✨
"you ready?" James asked, pressing a red button on the soundboard to speak to his lady, as he looked at Khadijah through the glass of the booth while she adjusted the headphones on her head.
"J, i'm nervous. what if i don't do it right?" Khadijah asked, nervously fiddling with the end of her hair while she looked at her man through the glass.
"trust me, you'll do fine, a'ight? don't focus too much on the song, say it how you'd say it to me, y'know what i'm sayin'? ignore the microphone, ignore the headphones... just act like we're having a... conversation." James suggested, letting out a chuckle after "conversation", as Khadijah chuckled with him and cracked a smile.
Khadijah's smile didn't last long, however, and her lips formed a pout, earning a chuckle from James while he gently shook his head at her.
"you want me to come in there with you, mama?"
James smiled at her and he let out a soft chuckle before he pressed down on a yellow button, making the song play inside Khadijah's headphones while he got up from the chair and made his way into the booth. closing the door behind him, he walked over to Khadijah and stood behind her as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
"just relax, a'ight? get comfortable." James whispered in her ear, kissing her earlobe, as Khadijah's body tingled underneath his touch and she swallowed the lump in her throat before nodding her head, letting out a soft breath through her nose to get herself comfortable.
Khadijah listened to the audio and she waited on her cue to say LeShaun's verse as she gently bit down on her lip to ease her nerves while James's thumbs rubbed up and down her hips.
"I'MA CALL YOU BIG DADDY AND SCREAM YOUR NAME, MATTER FACT, I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOUR CANDY RAIN." Khadijah rapped temptingly, making sure she got the lyrics correctly, as a small smile crept onto her and James's faces at her getting out of her shell.
"there you go, baby." James praised softly in her ear, kissing her earlobe for a second time, as he kissed down from her ear to her neck and dipped his head down into the crook of it.
"MMM, DADDY, SLOW DOWN YOUR FLOW. PUT IT ON ME LIKE A G, BABY, NICE AND SLOW," Khadijah continued before her breathing gently hitched, feeling James's lips lock on a patch of her skin, as he french-kissed her neck and Khadijah pulled herself together before finishing the lyric, "I NEED A ROUGHNECK NIGGA, MANDINGO IN THE SACK, WHO AIN'T AFRAID TO PULL MY HAIR AND SPANK ME FROM THE BACK."
as the song played inside her headphones, Khadijah began to lose concentration due to James's lips on her neck, a soft moan falling from her lips into the microphone as James's thumbs hooked onto the waistline of her biker shorts, his right hand slipping into them while his left stayed on her hip.
"focus, mama." James muttered against her neck, knocking her out of her sinful thoughts, "it's okay to moan. let 'em out."
"MMM, BUT DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT YOU CAN WORK IT OUT?" Khadijah continued, a moan slipping from her lips at the beginning of the lyric, as James's middle finger applied pressure to her clitoris, causing another moan to come from her lips while the man pulled her panties to the side and trailed his finger up and down her cunt.
"the track stops after the chorus. that's all you gotta do for now, mama," James whispered in her ear, wrapping his lips around her earlobe, as Khadijah's hips lightly bucked against his, "that's when i'll give you your reward."
"DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT WELL. DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT WELL. DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT WELL." Khadijah rapped alluringly, her brows gently furrowing once James's finger slid inside her entrance, as her eyes fluttered a bit and she whimpered softly, his body pressed up against hers while she grinded her hips against his finger.
"just like that, baby. chase that nut." James whispered in her ear, feeding her praise kink, as Khadijah whimpered and her eyes shut, biting down on her lip while she gently gripped James's arm.
"DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT WELL. DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT WELL. DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT AND DOIN' IT WELL." Khadijah moaned out, failing to keep her composure, as James smirked against her ear and let out a soft chuckle, thrusting his finger faster while her walls clenched around the slender digit.
her peak was coming closer and closer and she felt herself cumming faster than usual, but this was no surprise. with how skilled James was in bed, Khadijah could cum seven times in one night. it was no shocker that someone like James was very... open-minded with his sex life.
"oh, my god, i'm 'bout to cum!" Khadijah moaned once the audio shut off, making James let out a low chuckle, as he added another finger inside of her dripping cavern and took the headphones off her head with his other hand, sitting them on the microphone while her body writhed against his.
"J-James!" Khadijah squealed loudly, tossing her head back onto his broad shoulder, as her hips bucked against his fingers for a final time before she released a whimper, her nectar leaking down James's digits while he laid kisses on her earlobe.
waiting until her body relaxed in his arms, James carefully removed his fingers from her erogenous vagina and slipped his wet fingers into his mouth, lapping up her honey from them while he looked down at her dazed expression and chuckled.
"Go lay on the sofa. We ain't finished just yet, shorty."
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chimkin-samich · 10 months
Honestly, what started your interest with these specific game characters? (Btw, I don't know if this has been asked before or not since I'm quite new to you and your comics! Amazing work btw.)
Also what peeked your guy's drawing and writing interests? It would be interesting to know how you guys got to this point. 😁
(It's also creepy how the ask thing is just like: "Go ahead, put anything." XD)
It has not actually been asked before! Your the first, so for anyone who’s interested in some Feral and Sly lore well feel free to click the read more since it’s kinda long lol
For the interest in Sun/Moon/Eclipse, Feral was honestly the first one to get drawn in, she has been a long time fan of fnaf, likes to brag about how good she was at the first few games (she is I’ve seen it lol) so her getting interested in SB was obvious, she especially like this one for it highly interactive gameplay
I on the other hand knew of fnaf but I was never in the fandoms or played any games, anything I knew about the games was either seen while scrolling thru tumblr or my little brother blasting a gameplay in our room and I didn’t mind listening in if it was YouTuber I liked as well
Feral got a bit interested in the boys after reading a few fics around last year June, she tried to catch my attention but I didn’t really bite at the time, it was around August were she caught my attention when she first drew them, saying they reminded her of me, even drew Sun with chipped rays as a little call to my SH scars but it kinda dropped off since we were in the midst of fighting with the system to let us get married lol
Around December it really kicked in for her and then me, I started delving into reading fics and searching for fan art and was like “oh shit das me” and feral ran with it saying let’s do self insert shit and I was totally down for it, it wasn’t the first time we did something we’re she put herself in and I was a character that I related to heavily
From there we started planning the storyline but decided to do little meant to be yours animatic to kick off some attention towards our stuff lol
As for what got us interested into writing and drawing? Honestly the answer is the same for both of us, we started drawing young them jumped into writing for our own little stories and ideas, we’ve both always been artistic from a young age and when we met it was one of the first things we bonded over, oh and I do also have a passion for singing as well! Which also caught her attention I used to send her audios all the time or sing on call for her
Just something about being able not only to write your own stories but create visual pieces really helps when you have extremely hyperactive minds and imagination, sometimes we yell at each other cuz someone says something cursed and cuz of how we can perfectly see the image in our mind it makes the cursed thought so much worse 😭
But yeah that’s pretty much it! Love of creativity and such started our art and writing passion and that led to us wanting to create our stuff now here with the lovely robo boys, we do have our projects of course, Feral plans on making a comic/book (2 in one kinda thing) that’s gonna be a trilogy and I have my own OC’s that I still world build with
Not to mention all our world building with OCs weve plan on making into story’s as well in the future ✨
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renarinkholin · 9 months
Heyo, so, I noticed your reblog on a post mentioning "Dier Venture" and now I'm intrigued... is that a Mistborn oc fic I smell? Exploring the Venture family? Because if so, I would love to read it! (If Dier is just an obscure canon character or something else entirely, ignore this ask. 😅)
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(Character portraits by the insanely talented Elisgardor on Instagram)
Dier Venture is my character for a murder-mystery actual play series Secrets in Stained Glass that just finished airing! It's set 10 years before the events of The Final Empire book, at a weekend winter solstice party hosted by House Elariel. We use the Mistborn Adventure Game system to build our characters and roll the dice, and the mystery and storyline itself were written and run by the ever amazing, ever wonderful @rashenditrash as our illustrious Narrator. There's a lot of fun references to the books and secrets tucked away, and even though it's technically a prequel, we did a lot of work to make sure things would fit within the Mistborn canon as seamlessly as possible.
It's five episodes long, though there's some written bonus content as well! The series was edited and produced by yours truly (it nearly killed me, but it was absolutely a labor of love) and you can watch the whole thing on YouTube or listen to the audio versions on whatever podcast platform you prefer. Though, I will say, for any audio listeners, there are a LOT of visual assets and graphics for this show so if you just listen, it might be worth coming back to look up the visual elements afterward.
Lo, trailer be upon ye:
As for Dier himself... (fine, i'll put a cut to save people's dashboards, open for more info on The Trashboi™)
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Dier is a known Coinshot and all around terrible trash person who makes only the best life decisions because it turns out when your name is "Venture" you can get away with quite a bit without having to deal with pesky things like "consequences." Or so he thinks, at least. He's the first cousin of the recently ascended House Lord, Straff, and is technically second in line for the house title after his cousin's little brat of an heir, Elend. No one in House Venture is really thrilled about that, including Dier himself, since he's probably the last person anyone should ever put in charge of anything and has made it no secret that he considers himself completely allergic to responsibility.
I love this asshole with my whole heart, I put WAY too much effort into developing him, and he was a blast to play. I could talk about him for hours, and Matt was an utterly ruthless Game Master and just really dug into all the messy complexities of this terrible boy and Why He Is Like That, Why Did You Make Him Like That, Feather????
The good people of the 17th Shard Discord may or may not be bullying me into doing a 10-hour stream so that I can just blab all the Dier meta into the world. We'll see.
Regardless, I love to talk about him, so if anybody ever has Dier Venture questions, my inbox is literally always the most open, haaaaaa. I will never turn down an opportunity to run my mouth about an OC and that is a threat.
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uncommondumdum · 7 months
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Reposting the Kai lore here just cause I can,, quick info/ other stuffs I forgot to add:
Kai is basically a Coyote fanboy oc that I made back in I think… August??
Kai’s name was thought of from the way Coyote’s name was pronounced. The two sound very similar.
His full name is Kai Odie.
Kai was born on the 15th of the 5th. Idk what year tho.
Also some of my ocs timeline and Kai’s timeline aren’t the same,, there’s other timelines out there but they all still have zombies in them.
The timeline takes place before it died took place around the 1990s-2011.
Kai has also somewhat improved as a person,, he’s pretty chill nowadays…I guess. I mean,, less mean that’s for sure.
He beefs with ppl/things a lot tho,, it’s literally ez to get Kai to hate u,, u could be a Taylor Swift fan and he’d hate u for that. 😭
Kai is basically pretty friendly tho,, sure. He murdered a bunch of zombies and possibly people but that was out of self defence. He wouldn’t murder anyone on purpose, unless it’s Midnight Shadow or it’s someone that wants to harm him.
Kai wore glasses when he was a kid due to poor eye sight (not being able to see from distances) until he was a teen,, which he just started wearing contacts (even tho it’s semi dangerous to wear those) …this did somewhat give him the reputation of him being the “smart nerdy” guy but he later proved them wrong.
Kai’s also deaf as well,, he wears a hearing aid although it’s unnoticeable. He got this from putting his headphones on max volume and plus other people playing loud audio/screaming into his ear when he was a kid. O and he knows how to read lips as well and he knows sign language. (He didnt get the hearing aid until he was 17,, his parents thought he was deaf because of the fact he had a hard time hearing them directly unless they yelled sooo yea) Kai also just turned off his hearing aid whenever he didn’t want to hear sum however with the zombie apocalypse he kept that on 24/7 cause he didn’t want to risk not hearing sum and dying from it.
Kai also wears earrings, he used to wear black earrings but now he wears cherry earrings, the only reason why he’s wearing cherry earrings of all things is because of Coyote.
Kai actually also has a tattoo on his back where it’s just Coyote’s name in a rlly rlly fancy goth font. Forgot the name but yea. No one knows about it except for Coyote. They actually got the tattoo together and have matching tattoos.
Kai has average strength, sometimes it works out in his favour, sometimes it does not. Mainly depends on who he’s fighting though.
when Kais Mom first saw that Kai dyed his hair gave himself whatever that pink and blue thingy is called that covers his other eye she tried cutting it off however Kai just kept on refusing to do so, which ended up with him getting grounded and Kai’s Mom kept on trying to convince him to get rid of but no matter what she said he just kept it. Which,, made her rlly mad and her hatred for Kai only grew more and more the more she looked at him. Kai’s Dad however just didn’t care and eventually convinced Kai’s Mom to just let him do whatever he wants since he thought that if he was happy then he’d get better grades (very weird logic god damn) and so she did. But she still secretly hated him. (Kai’s Dad was also old and just simply did not give a fuck about what happened anymore. The Mom was also old but she had more care then the dad did.)
But however there was a deal,, Kai can keep the eye cover thingy if he only put it in a feminine ponytail or pigtail/kept the hair rlly long and he agreed. This deal was made by Kai’s Mom and she did it behind the Dads back.
O yea speaking of that,, during the apocalypse in his timeline, while he was asleep he was attacked by a zombie and he got half of his face infected. He was able to cure it tho. Gud thing it was where the eye cover thingy was so it’s ez to hide.
Anyways spoiler for night 3 under here
ok so the only thing that’s different here is that instead of Coyote being the traitor it’s Kai.
The deal in question (and betrayal) basically went like this:
“I’ll get u out of here if u help me make deep night strong and stuff.”
“ok 👍”
(Literally after he meets Coyote and the others and night 3)
“I change my mind I hate u I hope u die.”
Now,, Kai didn’t intend or plan to explode the place on purpose. He wanted to keep the cabin in shape however with the way Midnight Shadow planned it all out he had no choice, he had to explode the place with what he had on him to try to kill Midnight Shadow.
When Murch found out that Kai betrayed him he basically just started hating on Kai and being a big meanie to him and Coyote had to go and defend him every time but that only just made Murch hate the both of them. Except,, not only is it hatred from the betrayal. It’s jealousy.
He secretly wants Coyote, but with Kai being there for Coyote more then he himself is. He grew jealous of him.
So yea.
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ann1-wr1tes · 4 months
Is this love?
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Synopsis: Jeff sneaks into Knives' room through her window. But he didn't expect to walk in on such an intimate scene...
Warnings: Smut, adult themes, masturbation, ocs...(NOT PROOFREAD)
Word Count: 2,385
Tags: @cyberp-1-nk
A/N: So my brain hurts so bad right now. I kind of blacked out while writing this so I hope it makes sense and isn't crap-
Knives lays back in her bed with her phone in hand. She knew what she was looking for as she went to google and searched up a certain type of….audio. It was one of the things she'd always do when she had her own time to herself. It was the perfect way to destress and act somewhat more like herself. Although who she was in public was her, it was a more watered down version. She was focused on being perceived a certain way by the others around her, she had no time for imperfections or mistakes. So she was always most commonly recognized as the stoic witch. No one ever really messed with her and when they did they would be sent off to Zalgo's castle. It was a simple and effective fix.
But despite her icy cool exterior, deep down she was not what she portrayed to others. When she was alone she'd be the girl to kick her feet in the air and squeal while listening to some suggestive boyfriend audio. Or sometimes she'd play some games that were certainly not family friendly. In order to keep this a secret she always keeps her door locked so no one would come busting through the door and finding her having her…"alone time".
Which is the exact reason why her bedroom door was locked right now. The last thing she wanted was for someone to come waltzing in uninvited and finding her being down bad for some fictional men on a video game or her squealing over an audio.
As she lays back in bed, she puts on her headphones and presses the play button. Immediately she is greeted with a deep, husky voice. It practically brings a huge, goofy ass grin to her face as she revels in how nice and smooth the mans voice is. Its almost as smooth as honey and as the person talking on the audio gets more and more into it, the plot starts to change…it starts to get more and more suggestive.
Knives can't stop herself from grinning like a goofball when the man whispers out a hushed petname that practically rolls off his tongue as if he were singing a melodic song. Knives hung onto his every word, falling deeper and deeper into the plot of the audio, listening to every tone change, to every hint in his voice that seems to get deeper and huskier. It all slowly pulled her away from reality and into this image in her head. She imagined the scene that was being described to her. This man touches her cheek softly, she smiles. His hand slides down her cheek to her neck where he holds his hand there for a moment, leaning in close to her ear to whisper some petnames and compliments, talking about how "cute she looked when she gave him that face"….
His hand slides down lower to the hem of her shirt. His fingers dance around the end of the fabric like he was playing with it. Then suddenly he slips his hand under her shirt and presses his palm against her bare stomach, trailing up and up and up until his palm is cupping her breast. His mouth is hot on her neck now, teasingly kissing and nipping at her soft skin.
From the vivid imagery and description coming for the audio it made a certain feeling build within Knives. She could feel her body practically melting as things progressed on. In fact she swore she could feel a certain kind of warm feeling building in between her thighs.
Now the man in the audio describes taking off her shirt, then her bra, then her pants. His fingers ghost across her underwear. There's a small wet patch on the front of her panties and he traces a finger up and down her clothed slit, teasing her.
At this point Knives could tell that she was getting worked up. So the obvious thing to do was to relieve herself….
Her hands slowly slip down her pants past her thighs and around her knees. She spreads her legs and her hand reaches down to trace little circles into the wet patch on her underwear just like the audio.
She was teasing herself but it was so she could imagine exactly what was going on in the audio she was listening to. As soon as the man's fingers pull down the fabric of the underwear, so does she. When he describes how he rubs her clit with his thumb, she does too. It leaves her shuddering and squeezing her eyes shut even tighter.
When the man finally describes how he slips his fingers inside her cunt, Knives is all too happy to do so as well.
She slips two fingers past her opening, feeling all the wetness and warmth collecting on her fingers as she lets her mouth fall open. She starts to slowly pump her fingers in and out of herself, feeling her own pleasure slowly building.
As the pleasure continued to build, Fang's senses dulled. She was now completely sucked into the words coming from her headphones and her fingers that were buried deep inside herself. She let herself get lost in the sound of the audio, letting it consume and drown everything else out. Her mind started to get fuzzy and foggy as she began feeling tingles of pleasure course through her veins.
This all made her unable to notice Jeff, who was currently unlocking her window. It seemed now that locking her bedroom door didn't matter, since the people who resided in the manor would always find a way in.
Jeff unlocks her window and pushes it open. He scrambles inside haphazardly and as soon as he gets one foot on the ground, he opens his mouth to announce that he was there but freezes when hes interrupted by a loud moan.
Jeff's eyes dart to Knives' bed and there he finds her sprawled out, legs spread, her pants jumbled around her thighs and her fingers were working in and out of her needy cunt. Jeffs mouth fell open and suddenly it felt ten more degrees hotter in her bedroom.
He watches for a moment as she lets out a particularly loud moan, her back arches, her head is thrown back with her eyes squeezed shut. He tries his best to burn that image into his mind for…later use. But he swore he wasn't trying to actually watch.
Taking a step back he decides it's time to go, the last thing he wanted was for Knives to send him to Zalgo's castle for the fifth time this month. He backs away some more toward the open window and turns around. When he turns he forgets about one of the plotted plants that sits near the window and his shin collides with the vase, knocking the plant over.
Jeff watches in horror as the plant topples over and the sound of glass shattering rings through the air. Now on the floor lays a mess of soil and broken shards of glass.
Knives hears this sudden commotion and practically springs up in her bed. She catches Jeff standing over the broken plant and he looks at her with a shocked expression that matches hers. It takes a split second of them staring at each other before Fang screams and quickly pulls her panties back up.
Jeff contemplated on whether he should just throw himself out the window and Knives was mortified. She rips off her headphones and discards her pants, not taking the time to pull those up before she practically tackles Jeff.
"YOU FUCKINF PERVERT! WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU WATCHING ME?" She howls. She shakes him back and forth roughly and Jeff immediately goes to defend himself.
"I WASN'T WATCHING I SWEAR!" he hollers back. Though that may be a tiny lie, but he was just about to leave…he swore.
"I DON'T KNOW..I JUST WANTED TO SURPRISE YOU-" Jeff holds both of his hands up in the air as a sign of defeat as Knives stares daggers at him and practically has smoke coming from her ears.
That's when Jeff realizes just how close he was to Knives. She was straddled on top of him, no pants on and sitting directly on his crotch. Gods he was sure this couldn't get any better worse.
With a sudden thought Jeff, decides to quickly flip Knives over onto her back. He wasn't about to get beat to shit by Knives if he didn't have to. The quick movement stuns Knives and without either of them realizing, the motion accidentally pulls the headphone cord right out of the audio jack on Knives' phone.
As soon as Knives hears the audio and the now loud moans echoing through the air, for her and Jeff to hear she swore she felt a tiny piece of herself shrivel up and die. Faster than the speed of light, Knives shoves Jeff off of her and practically throws herself at her phone. She grips it in a fury and turns it off as fast as she could. Though by the time she stopped it, Jeff had already heard enough…
As she stands there frozen in place, regretting her life choices, Jeff can't help but let his eyes travel over her figure which was very poorly covered now and revealed quite a bit. In fact he swore he could feel his pants tighten ever so slightly as his eyes dipped down to look at her curves and smooth skin.
Knives follows his gaze and catches him staring. She grips a pillow and chucks it roughly at his head. Jeff groans slightly as the pillow hits his face and he goes to peel it off. As soon as he does he finds Knives crawling over to him. She takes the pillow from his hands and settles herself into his lap.
Jeff could feel his head spin from the sudden shift in moods. First Knives is angry and chucking pillows at his head and then suddenly shes crawling into his lap, giving him attention and affection.
She nuzzles into his neck, wrapping her arms around him and smiling at him softly.
"You're such a perv, you know? If you wanted this, you could've just asked. You're mean. So, so mean." she utters gently. Jeff is so starstruck at this point that he's sure he looks like an idiot.
"I didn't mean ta'…" Jeff tries to explain but it all comes out in stammers. Knives quickly shushes him by pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, then to his cheek, then his jaw, down to his neck. Jeff, who isn't one to complain about given opportunities, places his hands right on her ass. He revels in the feeling of having her lips press against his neck. Every once in a while he feels her teeth, teasingly grazing across his skin.
Knives can't help but moan slightly when she feels just how aroused Jeff was by this. Feeling neediness wash over her, she starts to grind against his clothed cock that was now straining against his jeans.
Whines and mewls leave her throat as she presses more kisses and bites against his neck. At this point there's black lipstick, hickies, and bitemarks scattered across Jeff's pale skin. Jeff keeps his hands planted on her ass and helps her grind down on him slightly, earning more moans and whines from Knives.
Knives rolls her hips against him needily and starts to trail her kisses lower. Her hands even dip under his shirt and she brushes her fingers against the hard muscle and smooth skin that lays there. As she goes lower and lower, Jeff can feel his dick twitch in his pants. He had no idea just how much he wanted this until Knives hands were brushing against his bulge and palming him through his jeans.
Without warning, she undos his belt and pulls down his pants. On the front of his boxers, Knives could see a small patch of precum staining the fabric. Without hesitation she pulls own his boxers and his cock springs out from its confines and slaps against his stomach.
Jeff swore to himself as she licked one long stripe up the underside of his shaft. She presses a chaste kiss to his tip before wrapping her lips around it and bobbing her head. Jeff gasps at the sensation and he could feel himself twitching in her mouth. He almost feels embarrassed from how fast she was able to work him up but as she sucked and bobbed her head, his thoughts slowly melted.
Her tongue flicks along the length of his dick, making sure not to miss any part of it. When she finally takes him deep into her mouth he lets out a low growl and closes his eyes tightly, letting the pleasure overtake him. He buries a hand in her hair, resting it as gently as he could against her scalp.
Knives swirls her tongue around him, enjoying the way he grunts and pants. It's even better when she rakes her nails up his chest and Jeff's mouth goes slack, his head falls back against the wall and his eyes roll into the back of his head.
Jeff can feel his orgasm coming and it was coming on far too fast than he would've liked. With a few more swirls of Knives' tongue and the feeling of her nails raking against his skin, Jeff lets out a loud moan and spills in her mouth. Jeff lets his hold on her hair go as his head lolls back. He is convinced that this is what heaven feels like.
Knives leans back up and wipes her mouth off on the back of her hand bashfully. She takes in the beautiful sight before her. Jeff looks dazed out and blissful as he comes down from his high. His neck is adorned in smudged black lipstick and hickies. And not to mention there are little scratches trailing up and down his abs.
Knives can feel her heart throb in her chest, if she were in a cartoon she was sure she'd have hearts in her eyes. Then she wonders….
Is this love?
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localcuttlefish · 1 year
I am in desperate need to know more about your FAITH oc. Please!
Oh yippee!! I’m happy someone is interested in him!!
Fun fact, Isaac Chandler originally started way over in Dead By Daylight! I got really into the game in 2020, and I decided to build him around the concept of using audio cues and geographical features to the player’s advantage. He had perks that would allow you to see the nearest two generators from the highest accessible point on the map, and features that make it easier to hide from killers by seeing where the sounds of their footsteps/voices come from.
I moved him to The Magnus Archives fandom in late 2020 or early 2021, and in that universe, he is an Avatar of The Desolation, marked by The Dark. I started to write a statement for him, but it’s yet to be completed.  
He ended up being rebranded for Bloodborne in July of 2022, in which he is the antithesis of Ludwig the Accursed and Holy Blade. I wanted to see what I could do about making a character that specializes in misdirection instead of head-on savage attack.
In October of 2022, I remade him for a Dungeons and Dragons campaign, basically turning him into the Antichrist. A human shadow sorcerer with an acolyte background. I intend to multiclass him a few levels into either bard or paladin depending on how his character arc plays out. 
When I rediscovered Faith: The Unholy Trinity a few months ago, I knew I wanted to rebrand Isaac again. So, I now bestow unto you, his backstory below the cut!
Backstory TLDR: Adopted into an evangelical family, but the family didn’t know his genetic predisposition to synesthesia, so they fed into a delusion of The Holy Spirit until it was no longer convenient, at which point Isaac snapped and burned down a church. 
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CW FOR: Complications during childbirth, emotionally manipulative parents, evangelical parents, mentions of cult grooming, murder, delusion, panic attacks, 80’s-typical medical malpractice, negligence of mental illness.
Isaac was born in Rouen, France to Henrietta Lambros, a skilled musician who also had synesthesia like him. However, she had witnessed the gruesome death of her husband, Jehan Lambros, a mere nine hours prior, and this event sent her into shock and premature labor, which led to the loss of her life almost immediately after Isaac was born.
Isaac grew up in the care of the church for the first three years of his life because his uncle (and now legal guardian), Victor Chantel, happened to be a clergyman, but as soon as Victor had the chance, Victor kidnapped Isaac and brought him to America. Victor was a member of the Order of the Second Death in disguise, who believed Isaac may prove useful in a future ritual because of his circumstances. This cultist did not get very far in America before being apprehended by law enforcement personnel due to suspicious activity, and the truth of the cultist’s intentions spilled out quickly. Being that Isaac’s legal guardian had been arrested, Isaac was immediately put into the US foster care system.
He was officially adopted by Abraham and Sarah Chandler in Connecticut when he was four years old, but he wasn’t out of the hot water yet. Abraham and Sarah were incredibly devout to the Roman Catholic Church, and quickly imposed their beliefs on Isaac. Being in a vulnerable state, Isaac internalized their evangelical preaching, and began applying this lens of belief to everything he did. Since he was still too young to be enrolled in a Catholic school yet, his new parents send him to a nearby daycare for early education until they could reasonably get him into Catholic school.
The daycare taught him things. Like how to sing strange words in other languages, and laugh along with the man in red who visited every now and then. Isaac had been marked by the Order of the Second Death.
But lucky for him, his evangelical parents were very quick to send him to a private school the second he turned five. As Isaac grew, he developed a certain liking for music and music theory, citing the doves and pigeons singing being the reason as to why. Shockingly enough, his parents fostered this hobby into a full blown passion by encouraging him to join church choir. He was a prodigy of sorts, taking liberty to harmonize and using every chance he got to learn how to write and play music. The organist and choirmaster loved him for his enthusiasm and devotion to the craft and to the church.
Isaac claimed that The Holy Spirit was helping him write, though. At first, the adults in his life entertained this thought and encouraged him to follow the guidance. In reality, this was not The Holy Spirit at all. This was Isaac’s synesthesia manifesting as colors of sound, but warped by the dark powers of The Order of the Second Death’s influence on him. His synesthesia became almost fantastical and impossibly whimsical, taking shapes of sparks of fire and dancing lights and swirling smoke appearing before his eyes. Far, far different than any typical manifestation of synesthesia.
It corrupted his mind slowly as he grew up, still clinging to the idea that he was chosen by The Holy Spirit to see its ineffable plans. Once he was ten, his parents stopped entertaining his fantasy, and instead viewed his insistence as heretical or blasphemous. He was punished in progressively more severe ways for each time he tried to convince his parents he was telling the truth about what he was seeing. His thoughts grew darker and darker, but he progressed through school, still attending choir, still learning to play and write music. He was given medication to stop his “psychosis”, and conditioned by at least two or three different therapists, none of which came to any conclusion except serving to make him more resentful and delusional.
His resolve shattered on a cold Easter mass at midnight when he was seventeen. Before mass began, Isaac had desperately tried to convince the choir and his parents that he was seeing The Holy Spirit, to which his father shouted back at him that as soon as mass was over, Isaac would be sent to a psych ward.
Isaac promptly took the sanctuary lamp during communion and set the church ablaze, par the commands of what he believed to be the flames of The Holy Spirit demanding that he purged these non-believers. Nine were killed, and another twenty were critically injured in the blaze.
Isaac was charged for his crimes, but pled insanity, and was verifiably proven not of sound mind. In addition, he was charged as a child instead of an adult. He was institutionalized for nine months consistently, but for the following two years he was in and out of the psych ward due to frequent severe panic attacks and paranoia over fire, darkness, and The Holy Spirit. His parents weren’t in the least bit supportive through the process, preferring to just default give him up to the psych ward as soon as he had an episode instead of trying to work through his trauma as a family.
When Isaac was 20, he moved away and cut contact with his parents. For about a year, he struggled and drifted from place to place, making money where he could and using churches and abandoned buildings as sanctuaries. He ended up landing a semi-consistent job in retail at a guitar shop, where he would eventually meet Joseph Morgan, the lead bassist of Among The Bloodied. Joseph frequented the place, and eventually became friends with Isaac. The rest is history. Joseph found out Isaac was a musician, Joseph brought the rest of the band around, Isaac offered to fill the spot of the sixth band member in Among The Bloodied, and they’ve all been near inseparable since.
As of today, Isaac Chandler is the keyboardist, co-songwriter, and co-vocalist for Among The Bloodied. He avoids his hometown if he can, but Beelzefest is an essential stop on their yearly tours around the upper east coast. He avoids his parents and most big religious organizations, but he still keeps his unhealthy fear of The Holy Spirit. He hasn’t stopped seeing the flames dancing in tandem with music. 
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seadragon-sailing · 1 year
I must ask the mod:
Do you have voice headcanons and/or claims for your characters?
Alright! This one's gonna be a doozy for ya girl here because it seems like in any AU I put my main OCs in, I have to really make sure that their voices suit how they sound in my head as well as their mannerisms and what languages they use (the language I try to do my best with, but it mainly comes down to the sound of the voice more than anything).  In this case, I think only Feng and Tamara get their usual Voice-Claims which will be listed in this post because they ALWAYS sound a certain way to me that I can never seem to let go of.
Unfortunately, because of my dumb ass messing up the format of this post, I’ll have to put links to video clips or even audio clips instead ^^;; Sorry, everyone!
I’m gonna put the rest of the stuff under the cut because... Oooooh, it’s a bit of a mess. I’m so sorry!
Kyung's Voice-Claim: CoCo Lee
English Speaking: (X)
Cantonese (I’m pretty sure it is, I think...) Speaking: (X)
Fun fact: Originally, I was going to go with Kelly Chen, mainly for her singing voice in her rendition of “Reflection” from Mulan due to it sounding more like how I would imagine Kyung’s singing voice would be like in this AU, but I’m glad I did some more digging!  I love CoCo Lee’s energy, her laugh and how she can sound a little more silly at times!
Shinju’s Voice-Claim: Maggie Cheung
English Speaking: (X)
Cantonese Speaking: (X)
Fun fact: I’m quite happy that I dug more for this one rather than just going with Lucy Liu like I had originally planned.  Her regular speaking voice is honestly perfect when I imagine how Shinju speaks in this AU!
Feng’s Voice-Claim: Kevin Michael Richardson
(Primarily his role as Captain Gantu from Lilo & Stitch)
Gantu clips: (X)
Fun fact: I genuinely tried to find a proper Cantonese actor that sounded close enough, but goddamnit- It’s hard finding voices with that distinct gravelly baritone I always imagine Feng talking in.
Tamara’s Voice-Claim: Angela Bassett
Audio Sample Compilation (it’s the same VC as she has in the Oddworld!AU and in the “Mainverse”): (X)
Singing Sample: (X)
Same Voice-Claim for the most part, except I’m deciding Tamara won’t need a designated singing VC like her other AU counterparts.
Luka’s Voice-Claim: Michael Fassbender
English and German Sample: (X)
French Speaking Sample: (X)
UUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHH- This one gave me a lot of hell.  So, as much as Luka is fluent in Cantonese in this AU, he’s a primarily English speaker with his native language being German, his secondary being French, and him being able to do decent Spanish.  I was also VERY picky about how the voices sounded because Luka, in my mind, sounds a little more higher-pitched and gentle in a way.  
Fun fact: I was originally going to go with Timothée Chalamet because his English and French give me more Luka vibes, but I think it’s mainly because of how much of a hilarious dork the dude is.
Lee’s Voice-Claim: Harry Shum Jr. (Speaking), Li Yugang (Opera/Singing)
English and Cantonese Sample: (X)
Opera/Singing (Decided to go with this vid since he sings both is his regular male voice, and the one he uses for his Dan roles): (X)
Li Yugang also played as Consort Yu in his performance of Farewell My Concubine here: (X) Li Yugang appears at the 2:28 mark.
I think the only problem I ran into was getting super specific on trying to find Cantonese Opera actors who performed Dan roles, which seemed to leave me with nothing, or just circling around back to Peking Opera or general Chinese Opera as a whole. QQ
Fun Fact: I was originally going to just go with the usual VC I have for him (Aurelio Voltaire), but because of the setting the AU takes please (it being more historical) and given his career as a Chinese Opera performer, I had to really dig for this one.  I would have gone with the famous Mei Lanfang, but it was even more difficult to find good samples for my notes.  That being said, I at least found a pretty good clip of Mei Lanfang both singing and speaking in a Dan role: (X)
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fuzzydreamin · 1 year
16,17,22 !!
16. If you could have any three companions travelling with you, who would it be?
I'd swap it up all the time, do certain quests with the group I feel is most fitting, or put them together for a bit to see how they all act with each other (forcing them into the getalong shirt).
But if it's jsut three... Preston, Nick, and either Hancock or Gage. See bellow for reasons.
17. Which companions do you romance? 
All of them so they stop bothering me, and cause I can.
Really though, I go after Preston, Nick (mod), Hancock, and Gage the most. I love them.
Shout out to Mac and Danse, you my boys too.
Yes, my Nora is massively poly. The game allows it so I use it.
22. Do you like your player to have a voice or not?
Yes actually! Maybe it's because I am much more invested in the story and lore of the game than just sandboxing around, but I do really enjoy playing the default character, and I love the female voice! It is a little weirder during the times I do decide to create an OC or something, but I just... ignore it then. Focus more on the option that character would pick and how I think they would say it, over how it's said in the game.
Courtenay Taylor did such a good job voicing Nora. There's rarely a moment where I don't enjoy the tone and inflection put into it. She's very emotive!
I really really really want someone to release the original Vault 111 audio - apparently she was crying the whole day after because of how emotional it was! It's such a shame they cut it just to make the intro go faster.
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rubykgrant · 2 years
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Hey, it’s my RVB OC, Poppy!
I split the character chart into sections to make it a little easier to look at, but also included the full version as one piece.
Some info about her that doesn’t fit in the chart, and how she fits into the RVB nonsense; Poppy’s got a bit of a “cheerfully dismissive” attitude when she’s not in a mood to deal with somebody, and that can change depending on how she’s treated. At her best, Poppy can be very patient and understanding. She likes making people laugh, and when she’s really close to them, she tries to be a source of comfort. She’s got a temper brewing under there, though (she can shout and rant with the best of them, but you really need to worry if she’s coming after you quietly). For the most part, Poppy is easy-going (because she’s been through a LOT, and knows what she’s capable of), and pretty quick with sarcastic little comments. She also feels her painful emotions VERY deeply, and freely cries or otherwise expresses why she is upset (not so much lashing out, just being honest). One of her skills is messing with audio communication, and her favorite trick is to play annoying songs as a distraction
Some of my favorite little quotes I have for her-
*being told to inspect a dangerous looking forest* “I’m not going in there! It looks like the Blair Witch is in there!”
*somebody giving her a harsh order* “Hey, why don’t you try asking that again, only this time you get that tone out of your mouth when you talk to me?” (said cheerfully while still being INTENSE and threatening)
She was assigned to be the go-between for two groups of Flag Zealots (Ted, Fred, Jed and Lou, Drew, Hue). In general, her job was supposed to be ordering supplies and ammunition, but the entire area got ignored after a while (crazy Freelancer stuff was happening elsewhere, plus Blood Gulch shenanigans). Eventually, Poppy started just gave the guys water balloons so they could keep fighting, but everything had become less intense. Also, everybody liked Poppy a lot, and they didn’t want to accidentally hurt her in the crossfire. However, she DID get injured rescuing a couple of them when a forgotten land-mine went off. While Poppy was unconscious and recovering, her Reds and Blues were visited by some... unpleasant people. When Poppy woke up, they were gone. She also had to fix herself up a bit with a prosthetic arm.
She kinda bops around on her own for a while, trying to stay under the radar (because she sure don’t trust most of the organizations that try to be in charge). Down the road, after stuff with Temple’s group happened, the UNSC is trying to round up “former Flag Zealots”, which includes Poppy by association. They have the great idea to try and re-focus all that fanatic energy into being good soldiers (spoiler alert; this SUCKS). She’s none too thrilled about going through basic training AGAIN, especially knowing how manipulative all this BS is. The man put in charge of training the left-over zealots and new recruits is none other that Sarge. He happens to be missing his Red Boys right about now (and heck, he even misses the Blues), and Poppy’s lack of respect for authority reminds him that his favorite thing about his team is... they weren’t “perfect soldiers”. In fact, Papa Warcrimes starts realizing he doesn’t care much for the military anymore (a sign of the apocalypse!)
Poppy gets introduced to the rest of the group through Sarge; he hasn’t really had a “new friend” like some of the others get occasionally, so I had fun with the idea that he just decides to adopt a little smart-mouth. Obviously, she resembles Simmons in certain regards, while also being his opposite (he’s a people-pleaser, and she’s a rebel... though not as obnoxious as Grif) and being close to Sarge sets her up to be simply DESPISED by the dude... but then he has an actual conversation with her, and before he can be properly ticked-off, he just kinda goes “Oh, sibling?”. It’s just really funny to me that they COULD have a whole bitter rivalry going, but instead they click, and Simmons gets a “new friend” too! It is double-ironic because... one of the unpleasant people who hurt Poppy’s group of Reds and Blues is significantly similar to Simmons (oh boy! ANGST!). While she almost begins just as a side-character there to play off the others, this is intentional to make it more surprising when she is revealed to be important and stuff. She also gets to finally be herself with these people (at first, she’s hesitant to let herself be part of this new group, because they remind her of her own Reds and Blues, but she also knows that they all have a history that doesn’t include her... so, as time goes on, she accidentally finds a bond with each of them). Her armor color would be white... which means the prophecy is complete! Red Team Lesbian Flag!
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
i need to hear more about this au of yours bex!!!! collabs, who else is involved, i wanna hear more if you wanna share?!!
I am more than happy to share! Alan belongs to @lucifers-horror-harem Eleanor belongs to @darkestamralime and Eve belongs to @tinymonsterlover
All my friends have very hot and fun OCs to play with. Under the cut more sex work, camming, toy use and more.
Amber started doing cam work after college. She found out about it being an option and she had to admit it sounded fun, she started it casually, just to see if she could and if the money would be good. She had a good job already, one related to her degree that covered her expenses just fine but this, camming, it was fun, way, way too fun. It scratched a certain itch, Amber exhibitionist tendencies were fully unlocked and she decided to lean into this hard. 
She researches, networks, connects, makes a few friends and she invests. She invests in her streaming space, her outfits, her audience and has been at this for a few years at this point. She is well known, well loved and very, very well tipped. 
Amber loves game nights the best and loves to show off. Some nights where she plays stripper are her favourites, allows people to pay to play music for her to dance to, more money the more clothing comes off, naturally. Her pole skills are ever improving, she puts a lot of effort into learning it and loves the exercise it provides. Another great night is doing full group sessions, people can pay to submit porn clips for everyone to get off together too and Amber will rate your taste. 
Alan Sharpe is someone that she collabs with early on. Mr.Sharpe has some very dom/Daddy/Master/Sir focused content, he also does some straight audio content that does very well and when Amber makes a few guest appearances to help make some of the background sounds more “realistic” his stream numbers go insane. Amber has had him by a few times on hers, particularly on some “game nights”, Alan actually won during an extended game of “Edge To Edge” against Amber and she totally didn’t let him win on purpose or anything like that and he got to choose the direction of the rest of the stream that night. No one complained, least of all Amber. They have a great friendly and working relationship outside of camming. 
Amber is bi as fuck and has a few lovely ladies she does collab streams with, her main two are Eleanor and Eve. With both they go really hard, coordinated outfits and fully planned scenes, toys galore and more dirty talk than anyone could ever reasonably handle. Amber is convinced if she did a stream with both at once she wouldn’t need to cam for two months from the money that they’d make. She is thinking of holding out on that for a big anniversary for her account. To go into a bit more detail, people love how even it is between her and Eleanor, there is a wonderful give and take, a very fun and light energy, like two old friends with tons of stories and banter and lots of orgasms and strap-on use. They vibe and gell super well. For Amber and Eve, people love how intense it can be, Amber loves to laugh and usually keeps it light and fun in general but Eve can bring out this really strong heavier vibe that is a great change of pace, lots of body worship too. 
Now as for Freddy! It was one evening while doing a Q and A where someone asked if there was anyone else that she would stream with and she said with the right person she’d love to. She had gotten into a comfortable routine with who she’d be streaming with so far but if you wanna stay on top you always have to be open and willing to try new things. She says she is open to suggestions and the chat lights up, it’s hard to keep track until someone suggests one name and the whole chat echo’s it. Seems very familiar and she does a quick google and she has seen him around, watched (and cum) to those streams. He does some very hardcore streams, has a whole elbarote set, very BDSM focused and the streams where he invites some girl on to play with are the best ones. She teases that maybe she could be one of those lucky, lucky girls. She reaches out on a whim after the stream that night and guess who is a big, big fan of Amber’s? 
Plans are made for a meet-up to check compatibility and she can hardly wait!
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steamedtangerine · 1 year
saw the night of the hunter bc of a post of yours. it really was incredible. mitchum is one memorable son of a bitch in it. saw that you were ill too, hope you're doing better.
Thank you for the concern.
I have the flu and I'm trying not to run myself into the ground. It doesn't help that I'm witnessing or experiencing disappointments all around me. I know that right now there are some people doing a lot worse than me.
I usually feel I'm doing something good by helping out at a local charity I help out in Detroit....but again, I'm sick, and the minute I put in any mild exertion, I start to get a drying hacking spree and I have to sit down. What good am I now?
I'm worried if I'm starting to fall apart for my age (can't take cold walks, can't drive too well at night) .....where I helplessly watch as my life starts to downgrade and watch it all go in the trash. I'm worried why I collected so many books....many of them I was hoping to scan and post online......but it seems like no one cares anytime I post any OC (even if it isn't my own screwy gifs and such).
I'm seeing dysfunction everywhere (ie. Tumbex-which was a great Tumblr archive is now broken), and I'm seeing the internet get dumber and something I find I relate less and less to. It doesn't help that Tumblr shadowbanned me......but then again, maybe it will keep away some of the fake Twitter accounts that have started to crop up.
Again, all and all, things could be a lot worse, and I'm trying not to be miserable, but right now I just can't jolly well keep myself from being stinking ugly about things when I know I've seen better days by comparison.
Mitchum did a memorable job as a villain. That was the only movie actor Charles Laughton ever directed, and I always wonder what else he could've done if he stuck with directing.
For some reason, I recall there was a side project from one of the members of a 90s Indie band from Chicago called Tortoise where they incorporated audio samples from Night of the Hunter. They would play selections late night on Detroit public radio (back when Detroit public radio ruled). I just can't find that album.
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sorserah · 13 days
Mechaniacs - Kirin Jindosh x OC - Chapter I
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Summary The story of Dr. Addison Lynch, a neuroscientist who played an important role in the past and will again in the future. (fic from 2017) _________________________________________________ tags: unethical medicine, blood, violence, neurology, neuroscience, dishonored universe usual type of stuff, first person _________________________________________________ ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/8598001/chapters/19717660
*click* „Dr. Addison Lynch, 20th day, the Month of Rain 1852 8:25 pm, subject 1B, male around 33, brain relatively intact. The Cortex, Cerebellum and Medulla display no signs of an infection on the outside. I am separating the lateral part of the temporal lobe to get a closer look at the Limbic system. The Limbic system displays no...“ I rearranged the magnifier and the light to get a better look, „... I correct, the posterior part of the amygdalae has turned dark red, black almost.“ *click* „This is marvelous.“ I whispered. Finally, I got my hands on a Nest Keeper and not a corpse simply inhibited by bloodflies. I had to steal and ship it personally to Addermire Institute. *click* „Victim probably wasn‘t infected for a long time. Hypothesis: Function of the amygdalae reduced, so victims won‘t feel fear while living near and for bloodflies. Hypothesis: Parts of the frontal lobe infected too, which leads to a complete change or loss of personality. Have to examine other bodies in different stages.“ *click* 
This is going to be problematic. It‘s nearly impossible to leave Addermire since they locked it up, because of Dr. Hypatia. I still don‘t know why. My guess is she‘s working on a cure and they want to keep her safe from the Crown Killer. Anyways, I need other samples to continue my research and hopefully confirm the hypothesis. I need to satisfy my curiosity and get my reputation back. But last time was difficult enough: Bribing the captain of the supply ship with the coins I saved for years, one ‘Whisky and cigars‘ date with the Overseer responsible for departing the corpses, thank god he kept the mask on, stealing his keys after he fell asleep and carrying a rotting, 80kg body on my back for 2 hours. I am not sure if I can do it a second time.
I put the punch card out of the audio recorder and made a copy, which I stored in by bag. Always ready to vanish, if I have to. 
Someone knocked at the door and didn‘t wait for me to answer. „Miss Lynch, it‘s bath time now.“ I sighed, closed my eyes and simply nodded. Very few of them actually acknowledge my title, since I am a woman and well maybe because I did something in the past that brought me here. But I like to think they are just sexists.
The bathroom was already hot and steamy, I undressed myself and climbed into the bathtub my arms resting on the sides. Only a white curtain isolates me from the guard sitting on a chair next to me. This time I didn‘t even bother to close it. He would place his chair so he can watch anyway. He was always watching. 
I lost a lot of weight the last 2 years since I was brought here. I was provided better in Dunwall, even when the plague was at its worst. My ribs and hipbones are standing out now, my skin unhealthy pale with a purple undertone, dried, dark blood underneath my fingernails, my inner thighs were a little bruised from the night with the Overseer. I bit my lip and smiled, it wasn‘t that bad though. 
„Ten minutes left Miss.“ I leaned over the sides with both arms, facing the guard, „Maybe...20 minutes?“ I asked, with my right thumb moving over my bottom lip, bringing it up to my mouth locking my eyes with his. „No, you ask this every time.“
I answered with the lowest voice I could do „And I know you want this. You like to watch, don‘t you?“ I moaned „I know you want to fuck me George, take me from behind, pull my hair. What‘s your kink? Shall I call you Daddy? I could do that.“ He shifted nervously „No, I...I don‘t fuck with maniacs, and my name is not George! 5 minutes and you have to leave!“ I laughed „Well, thats your loss. And it‘s Doctor.“ and dived underwater.
Twenty minutes later I was in my bed. It was next to a window, I could see a storm coming and the waves building up higher and higher below me. I extinguished the candle next to me and used the last few moments of moon light to write some sentences into my notebook before I stored it in my backpack. One last thing left to do then: taking my meds, waiting for them to kick in and letting the darkness consume my thoughts. 
Eight hours later, I was up and dressed, my dark grey, shoulder long hair was brushed and my black eyeliner and dark red lipstick flawless on my face. „Ready for a new day!“ I exclaimed to my reflection.
Suddenly I heard screams, followed by rumbling and shattering glass. „Someone left the door open! WHERE ARE THE OTHER...“ I heard something was ripped off and a muffled sound. I held my breath, it was definitely on this floor. Just before I decided it was time to get my things and get the hell out, the guard "George" was thrown through my glass door, decapitated. I stood there in shock for 2 seconds, which was one second too long. The creature or what it was, and I looked at each other. She looked oddly like Dr. Hypatia but less human. „I always wondered what your flesh would taste like...“ Oh hell no. I grabbed my backpack and jumped right through the window next to my bed. If I had to decide how to die I am rather taking this option than to be decapitated and eaten by that thing. 
Glass shattering, skin sliced open and then I hit the water surface and the world went black.
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kimaratomoya · 6 months
Áine's 13, and her OC's name is Synergy. Áine is ginger and Synergy is blonde, when the girls meet for the first time they briefly describe each other's appearence as part of greeting each other as friends who have never met each other in person before or seen photos of each other, and Jene brings up how she expected Áine to be blonde because of how Synergy was blonde. Áine responds that she couldn't find the perfect shade in her pencils at the time of creating Synergy, so she just went with blonde instead. This later becomes a plot point when Áine starts to turn into her.
Áine's a kid who, unlike Jene, has a lot of free time and free reign on her hands, which she uses to spend time on the internet, draw and fangirl. She secretly feels very lonely. It wasn't always this way though. Up until the age of 11, Áine had two loving parents and a 5 year old brother, and she felt satisfied in life. However, her father cheated and abruptly divorced them, taking her younger brother and leaving her mother's side of the family clinging to the shreds of their life. To make ends meet and pay for her daughter's expenses, her mother had to work full time which led to neglecting the house, leaving Áine alone. Áine's a lonely kid who misses the life she had before, and she tries to counter this loneliness by being chronically online and indulging in as much fandom content as she possibly could. Parts of Synergy's backstory and personality were based off the isolation that she felt after her father took her brother and left.
Synergy's backstory was that she was a kid who got scooped by accident, but the animatronics realised they got the wrong person and tried to taxidermy her. She isn't purple and doesn't look like she's decaying as much because she was preserved in a different way to Michael Afton. Áine had a theory that remnant worked best when it was connected the most with a corpse, and the less corpse that once belonged to the soul it once glued to, the less the ghost would end up resembling the person it was in life. This is why Michael Afton didn't try to mummify himself and just let himself decay even if it meant turning into a walking stink bomb- if he removed his blood/ organs/ whatever disgusting stuff that would make him less worse, he would lose his humanity in the process. Springtrap's, like Michael, has an entire human corpse to work with, but losing his blood after bleeding out led him to be less smart. He's still kept William's murderous tendencies, but he's now dumb enough to repeatedly be fooled by a couple of audio tracks leading him around. Circus Baby is a similar instance considering she could speak, but Áine believes that Elizabeth Afton was just Like That in terms of the very morally questionable choices that she made. The animatronics don't have the entire corpses of children in there, only bits of them. Enough for remnant to bind them there and for people to notice they smell, but not enough for them to have significant reasoning to realise that they're killing innocent night guards, for example. Being a taxidermy made Synergy more human-like than the animatronics, but less human than Michael Afton or Springtrap, who have their entire corpses intact. However, she's the most human looking of them all.
Synergy doesn't go out of her way to hunt down and kill the nightguard because she doesn't really have a motive to do that. However, she won't stop the other animatronics from doing that either. Synergy, unlike the other animatronics, prefers to haunt during the day. She'll sometimes walk around in her taxidermied human form and attempt to engage with children playing, but she behaves in such an offputting way they often run away from her. When night comes, she puts on her suit like pajamas and finds some place to spend out of sight, where no one can hear her weeping.
Synergy can wear springlock suits without trouble, getting spring locked is just a minor nuisance to her because she doesn't have organs. She has her own suit she hides in to stop the employees from wondering WTF such a realistic life sized doll is doing just randomly lying around the place. Outside of universe, it's a reason for Áine to keep drawing her character- she felt like Synergy without a suit just seemed too out of place for FNAF, a franchise FULL of animatronics. Synergy's suit was Nugget the squirrel, a pink tassel-eared squirrel trapeze artist who was a rejected animatronic to be used for parts… if only it didn't move around every night.
There's probably a moment where Áine sees Synergy's suit lying around and excitedly looks inside it, only to be disappointed that it's empty. This, of course, is foreshadowing.
Synergy was originally supposed to have red hair like Áine, and Áine's original designs of her had very red hair, but Áine decided that Synergy's shocking red hair made her too similar to Circus Baby especially as the two were supposed to have unnaturally white skin. Later designs gave her claws and dislocatable joints as a nod to her origin.
I will tell you more about how she fares in real life… but that's a spoiler!
Aaaand, that's all the information you're getting from me ;)
Honestly bestie, this is so fucking cool.
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alishamaybe · 9 months
OC Mundane Tag Game
@authortobenamedlater and @christian-latte-anon tagged anyone who wanted to do it, and I do!
Rules: Pick an oc you'd like to talk about and answer the questions for them! Then tag ten people, or as many as you can. 'Underdeveloped character I adopted' is fine, too! Absolutely no pressure to play, though.
Also, if some of it can't apply to your ocs, just answer what would be the answer - like if they're in a historical setting, they likely can't watch movies, but what is a movie they'd like?
(Also, most people have many ocs, so feel free to retag people and answer as many times as you get tagged! Or get really wild and just answer for as many ocs as you'd like! :D)
What is their favorite movie?
What is their favorite season?
What do they find annoying?
Do they play an instrument? If so, what? How good are they at it?
What's their favorite meal to eat?
Do they have a favorite video game or board game?
Do they celebrate their birthday?
What's their bedtime routine?
What's an oc (or canon character) that they like to spend time around? What do they tend to do together?
[I removed one question I didn't want to answer from the list.]
OK! I wanna answer for canon characters who we barely know anything about: Tokita, Shoji, and Yaotome (pictured below, left to right). Even though these images of them are from after high school, most of my answers are for how they were in their first year.
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Image source: Haikyū!! Wiki
Tokita: (Skipping ahead to 2022...) Riverside Mukolitta. It has this offbeat humour that he likes. Shoji: He doesn't really watch movies, so he doesn't have one. But he enjoys watching NHK documentaries from time to time and of course, volleyball tournaments. Yaotome: Pacific Rim >:)
Tokita: Summer. He has particularly dry skin, so winter is painful. Even though high humidity isn't comfortable either, it's much better than having continuously cracking and bleeding skin. Shoji: Spring. Yaotome: Spring.
Tokita: Having to engage in conversation with someone he finds boring. Shoji: Even though he continuously puts in his best effort, he just can't seem to get grades higher than just passing... Yaotome: Not knowing something. If he thinks of something and doesn't know the answer, he generally won't be able to feel comfortable until he finds it.
None of them play instruments. But Tokita likes recording the sounds of all sorts of objects and creatures, then making unusual-sounding tracks with them.
Tokita: A simple cheeseburger. Shoji: Sansai tempura with udon. Yaotome: There are too many delicious meals! He can't pick.
Tokita: Portal 2. Shoji: Mario Kart Wii. Yaotome: Go.
They all celebrate.
Tokita: He plays audio recordings he took during a trip to Hokkaido a couple years back and falls asleep to that. These include the sounds of Lake Toya, a pebble being kicked along a street, and a road in Otaru with cars rolling along. Shoji: He prepares his things for the next day, brushes his teeth, says goodnight to everyone (including the cat) then goes to bed. Yaotome: He repeatedly gets distracted by different things and his parents have to keep reminding him to go to bed until he finally does.
Tokita: He likes spending time with his younger brother. Tokita feels more free to talk about anything with his brother compared to anybody else. Shoji: Yaotome. Yaotome: Shoji. Shoji and Yaotome are best friends and spend a lot of time together. Yaotome helps Shoji with his studies because Yaotome finds academics pretty easy. They also just Hang Out. Yaotome often has an urge to infodump, so he appreciates that he's free to do it to Shoji. Even though he often struggles to keep up, Shoji likes learning about all these new things.
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