phantomguild · 10 months
Fanart Friday Wheel!
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Featuring @pokege-ne-project, @askdeoxys, @ask-enchantingdelights, @askpokemoncrossover, @askwornhearts, @ask-a-learning-ai, @harmonia-university, and @ask-diane!
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asktheisle · 2 months
(@pokege-ne-project ; Shadow) Oh- wait, huh? All this new information was weird. The dragon next to the human's a little scary, but it should be fine if she's friendly-- "Uh, hi! That-- That's cool!" Her attention now redirected and a bit mesmerized, she asked: "What sorta thing do you want to do with these rifts, if you wanna share?"
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This world-dimension if you will-is fragile. It often blends with neighboring ones, and so different events and periods merge or disappear all together. A majority are harmless, but some have drastic events.
I've labeled such occurrences as Paradoxical Merge Events-PME's. When they take place, time and space shift around and for the most part we are none the wiser. Sometimes, some may even forget moments and individuals without the faintest clue as to why.
By knowing these rifts can be activated, it gives way to the potential of finding the Original Dialga and Palkia of this world.
I've tracked several of the original stars, but those two elude me... The closest any of my research has gotten me to their location is somewhere beyond the Alolan island chain.
(( @pokege-ne-project ))
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daybreak-mun · 1 year
Belated Christmas Presents
... because I have the time management skills of a potato.
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Laivan from @asksavel​    I know I’m coming in at the tail end of the story, but what I see, I honestly really like. Looking forward to seeing more of it pop up on my dash!
Rai from @miles-of-muses​    Honestly, roleplaying with you is always pretty fun, even if we don’t really do it as often these days. Your worlds are all pretty interesting to read through.
Neo-Ka from @pokege-ne-project    It’s been a while since I’ve seen these characters in action and I’m excited to see what you have planned for them. You’ve been a great friend over the years, and I really appreciate that. Thanks, Liam.
Cipher from @themeowsticvigilante​    I didn’t see your post about your ruptured appendix until I started this project, but I’m hoping everything goes well! Even though we don’t interact much, I enjoy your characters. The world needs more Meowstics.
Snow from @ask-a-learning-ai    The interactions with Snow I read are pretty good, and while I’ve kind of been in and out of a slump, I’d be down for having our characters interact more in the future. I can definitely see Cherry and Snow being friends.
Mukudori from @ask-a-staravia    It’s pretty interesting to see a take on Legends Arceus that manages to spin it into a different world, but still similar enough to be recognized. Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you in the future.
Shiso from @shaymincafe    You've been a pretty great friend in the few years I've known you, and I always enjoy having our characters interact. I'd be down for hanging out with you and Peaches in FFXIV once I actually catch up.
Kuno + Cucumber from @teamnextgen   I haven't really known you for very long, nor have I really interacted much with you. You seem like a pretty good person, and I'd be down for hanging out at some point.
Luxu from @asktheisle​   I haven't really read your blog, but I enjoy your character designs and general art style. I've heard quite a few good things, so I decided to put this together.
Joule from @dailyashleighraichu Your art is simultaneously a source of serotonin, and pain. I see a bit of my past self in Joule with how she was treated by random people. For me, it didn't really get to that level, but I can empathize with her in some small way.
Elliot from @ask-elliotgang Admittedly, I haven't been able to go back and read through your blog yet, but I can tell there's a lot of work put into this. Figured it'd be a neat idea for Joule and Elliot's cards to be two halves of a larger card here.
Luca from @sphaeramjourney I swear I kept thinking your url is "seraphimjourney", but that's more on me. Your art is always really good and I love the effects in your pages. As with many things in the community, I'm late reading, but I'm liking what I'm seeing so far.
Anyway, Happy New Year everyone!! Here's hoping 2023 sucks less!
Also if any of these blogs would like the full size images, I can DM them on request.
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ask-team-misfit · 2 months
(blueespeon) Teiji @ Pikavee
Pikavee, if I may ask, how exactly did you end up meeting your human? Perhaps this may be a bit too personal for you, but would you mind telling?
I understand if you want to get back to him, considering I myself have a human as well, but I am curious about how you met your trainer.
[ @blueespeon ]
Pikavee: “You want to know how I met my human? I don’t mind telling you about it. We met in the woods.”
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Pikavee, a hybrid of Espeon and Umbreon, with a mono-color background. She is shown from the neck up, with her face slightly angled away from the viewer towards the left. Her expression is rather casual. A meek, shy smile is present on her face. Her ears are upright. End ID ]
Pikavee: “M-my memory’s fuzzy about why I was there, but that’s where he was the night he found me.”
Lief said nothing to all of this, again crossing his arms where he stood. But despite his usual disinterest in humans, he found himself glancing over to listen in anyways.
Perhaps the premise by itself of where Pikavee came from before happening upon humans was intriguing enough.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Pikavee similar to the previous image, but with a different expression. She has a light smile. Her eyes are closed, with a subtle blush present on her cheeks, shown in color. Her ears are upright. End ID ]
Pikavee: “It’s really nothing bad. I look back on it fondly. B-but if anything sounds confusing, or weird at all…”
She trailed off as she heard it again–the earlier noise that was too faint to identify. It sounded a little louder, or at least, she thought it did. But she still wasn’t entirely sure what she was hearing.
She focused on Teiji again, and ultimately decided against finishing her previous statement. Her smile turned apologetic as she tried not to dwell on it too much.
Pikavee: “First, he threw something at me, and…”
That night, a little over a year ago…
Before the Twileon realized it, her entire being was sucked inside that pokeball. The capture device dropped to the ground soon after.
The human who had spotted her, and had only then attempted to catch her, slowly came out in the open with a look of bewilderment still on his face.
He’d been nearby investigating something else entirely; a terrible incident that occurred at his old place of work. What he didn’t expect was to become sidetracked with what he found and follow the trail here, towards a hybrid Eeveelution gigantic in size.
Now that same Pokemon was within his pokeball.
Before he could get much closer, he winced and shielded his face as the pokeball burst. The wilderness was briefly awash in crimson light as the giantess reappeared.
He paused, and looked up to meet her in the eye. He tried not to make sudden movements.
She was shaking in terror, her eyes locked onto him. The rubble and debris that was previously stuck in her fur now lie scattered on the ground.
He noticed how many cuts and bruises the debris had covered up. The most troubling detail to him were the splotches on the lower part of her body that looked like blood.
The pokeball was in pieces. Crackling around the shards like static electricity were a series of red sparks.
Pikavee: “I do remember being scared of him. I just froze when I saw him there, looking at me.”
Very slowly, he moved again. He took one step forward.
The Twileon winced in response and shut her eyes, which made him pause his approach.
Pikavee: “I was scared of hurting him, I think… I’m not sure why else I would freeze like that. He didn’t even try to hurt me. Instead, he offered me food.”
She opened her eyes again only as she began to smell something sweet. Where the human once stood was a bundle of enlarged pokebeans in its place.
He was now further back, a reassuring smile on his face.
??: “That’s the biggest we’ve got, I’m afraid… but you’re hungry, right? Go on, have some.”
Nervously and hesitantly, the Twileon sniffed the beans. She licked them up to eat, trying to ignore that he was watching.
Pikavee: “Th-they were really tasty… and he kept giving me more of them. He led me to his home, and–”
Lief: “Seriously? You fell for that?”
Pikavee looked at Lief with surprise. She didn’t expect him to really listen, let alone become invested.
But Lief was staring back at her like he really was dealing with a sheltered, naive person of questionable maturity.
Lief: “You let the guy woo you into following him because he had food? Not even I’m that desperate. That’s aside the gajillion questions I have about this story.”
He paused only to stuff his face with another berry he was eating.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Lief, a hybrid of Sylveon and Ribombee, shown from the neck up, oriented similarly to the previous image. He appears annoyed. Both eyes are narrowed. His mouth is open, as if in the midst of a tangent. End ID ]
Lief: “If you ask me? Should’ve stayed wild, missy. Would’ve saved both of us some heartache.”
He grumbled the last part with a huff.
Pikavee sighed, averting her eyes from him. She tried to pay little mind to what he just said, particularly that last bit.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Pikavee shown from the neck up, oriented similarly to the previous image. She appears somewhat concerned or timid. Her eyes are downcast, with her mouth in a shaky frown. Her ears are drooped down. End ID ]
Pikavee: “A-anyway. He um… he led me to his home, and introduced himself.”
??: “You can call me Lynx. Technically it’s Dr. Lynx, but these days I don’t feel very much like a doctor… heh.”
The human currently stood before the giantess. The giantess listened to his every word, lying flat on her belly and watching his face.
Curiosity plain in his face and voice, he continued speaking to her.
Dr. Lynx: “But you. Where did you come from? Surely not from that lab that was destroyed…”
The mention of the incident brought forth a powerful fear in her, enough to make her sit up abruptly.
Having initially flinched away with shock, he watched as her wide eyes began to brim with tears.
Her breathing turned sharp and rapid. The fur on her tail stood on end. 
Soon it was as if she wasn’t looking at him anymore.
Dr. Lynx: “H-hey, hey. Can you hear me–?”
Pikavee: “Um. This part is also kind of fuzzy… I remember him asking me something. According to him, I fainted all of a sudden.”
Pikavee: “I-I just, sort of… w-woke up to him looking at me with worry.”
Back in the present, Pikavee was looking down at her paws. Though she had willingly recounted what she could remember to Teiji, her worry about how this turn of events may have come across to the Espeon, Lief and gods forbid anyone else that overheard, was plain as her large size.
That is, before she tried to end it off on a lighter note.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Pikavee similar to the previous image, but with a different expression. She has a nervous smile of sorts. Her eyes are closed, with a couple sweat drops present on her face. Her ears are drooped down. End ID ]
Pikavee: “B-but, we lived together ever since. I’m glad to have met him…”
pknerd-chimera asked: (@pokege-ne-project ; Neo-Ka) Overhearing this was interesting, but... "Hold on, ya said that human's s'posed to be one of those labcoats, right?" The second to last word held some venom in the Eevee's voice. "Ya sure t'human wasn't hidin' anything from ya? How t'hell do ya manage t'avoid fights, otherwise?" When labcoats did something weird like that, there's always a reason. At least, Neo-Ka was convinced of the trainer's bad intentions, despite contrary evidence.
[ @pokege-ne-project ]
The spite in Neo-Ka’s voice shook what little confidence Pikavee had on the matter. She couldn’t look the Eevee in the eyes.
In fact, she couldn’t look anyone in the eyes anymore. Her tails curled close to her body as she flattened herself further against the ground in a useless attempt to appear small.
Pikavee: “I-I’m sure… um, I think I’m sure…”
Lief: “You think?”
Lief, who has previously just been watching her, now spoke up with a similarly suspicious tone.
Pikavee: “H-he doesn’t say much about his old job. Not to me…”
This, however, was a half-truth.
Dr. Lynx: “S-so that’s what happened…?”
She wasn’t directly told. But she didn’t need to be–she overheard.
Dr. Lynx: “Entro Tech… what have you done? It’s little wonder this Pokemon is so terrified of people.”
Even though she slept outside and could only hear so much of what went on indoors, she figured out the man had a disdain for something called “Entro Tech”.
It stuck out in her mind ever since she heard it.
It made her think of the dreams she would have at night. Of the assortment of questions she always had deep down about herself, and how badly she wanted the answer to those questions.
But these thoughts were ones that brought on a lot of pain…
Lief: “Are you sure he doesn’t, missy?”
Pikavee murmured low after a long pause. She hid her face in her paws.
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[ ID: A grayscale drawing of Pikavee similar to the previous image, but with a different expression. She's grimacing deeply. Her eyes are shut tight and she's sweating, with small tears at the corners of her eyes. Her ears are drooped down. End ID ]
Pikavee: “Y-you’ll just think it's weird…”
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darkvoid-sun · 11 months
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???: "It's been a long time since I've spoken to anyone. I suppose I wouldn't mind talking... for just a little. Do not blame me for what happens if any of you allow sleep to overcome you. I've given you plenty warning."
The Darkrai seems to have mostly calmed down from his initial agitation at the presence of strangers, mellowed into a begrudging acceptance.
[ @pokege-ne-project @askshinyglaceon ]
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polteashop · 9 months
(@pokege-ne-project; Shadow) Oh! She'd come inside, full of excitement about what this place is. "Hi! Hope you don't mind me, but this looks lovely!" She'd look at everyone, then the menu, thinking a bit. "Hope this isn't too personal to ask, but how did you all meet each other? Also, mind if I try the rawst tea?"
“Oh, don’t worry dear! I’d love to tell you!” Hibiscus starts, reassuring the modified Eevee.
“Me and Mei have known each other for most of our lives; our families were very close to each other and had us at around the same time, so we grew up together!”
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“I’ve known Houkui for some time as well;
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“As for Kettle, I met her later in life, a few years ago.”
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“And Marshmallow, well,” Hibiscus chuckles. “I’m their mother, so I’ve known them for their whole life! The others met them soon after they were brought into this world.”
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“Thanks for stopping by! I hope you like the tea!”
- - -
Featuring Shadow from @pokege-ne-project!
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asktrainerzoroark · 3 months
(@pokege-ne-project ; Pop) Well, now's a good of time as any to socialize. Plus the unique-lookin' Zoroark seems sociable enough! "Yoooo. Hope ya don't mind, but ya seem just as fresh as I am here, and I feel chatty." Pop casually leaned on their baseball bat. "Outta curiosity, what sorta place do ya call home?"
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"Uhhhhh nowhere?"
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"Unless you count Sidhiero's residence over in Adijas. But I've only been there for about a day."
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askthewhiterocket · 4 months
(@pokege-ne-project ; Pop) Huh, more humans! They still weren't used to seeing so many in one spot, but it helps no other Pokemon seem upset by it. Maybe worth it to socialize with more humans?
Pop opted to approach Kyo, bouncing over to her. "Heyooo! Hopefully ya havin' fun 'round here? Hopefully I ain't the only newbie around." Just in case the human wasn't able to understand their speech, the Lopunny did their best to act out what they're saying, but whether that's successful is hard to say.
As Pop correctly guessed, the Lopunny's words came across only as what one might expect to hear from a Lopunny. Thankfully, despite Kyo only being able to decipher chirps and chittering from Pop, their message was not lost on Kyo.
Meowstic shifted her position on Kyo's shoulder and pressed her ear against Kyo's temple, using her telepathic abilities to pass along Pop's message into Kyo's mind. Kyo took a moment to process the psychic message before offering Pop a smile.
"Nice to meet a Pokemon here who doesn't seem all too frightened by my presence," Kyo remarked, "I doubt you're the only new visitor to the island. It's not my first ever visit to this place, I've been a handful of times before, but this is my first time visiting this so-called "Magi Retreat". So, I suppose you could consider me a "newbie" as well."
Kyo bent down a little and offered her hand. "Kyo Writer, at your service. This is my partner, and translator, Meowstic. A pleasure to meet you."
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(@pokege-ne-project ; Shadow) Someone's still really confused by this whole situation. Cautiously curious, she asks, "Fer.. al? I haven't heard that in a while, wasn't it just for when a Pokemon's really angry?" Maybe it meant something different here??
Lucius scratched his chin at Shadow's question. "Hm...I guess it's only fair if I give you a better explanation of the species that exist in our world. Hold on." He reached towards the bag laying against the side of the statue and opened it. After a bit of shifting around, he pulled out a book and flipped open to a page that showed different Audino.
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(Original artist is me)
Lucius pointed a paw to the blue eyed Audino. "On the left, we call that a "Decorous". Decorous would be the terminology used for Pokémon that have complex societies, cognitive skills that enable them to thrive in varied environments and overall have behaviors that allow them to evolve past the need to rely on the natural world to survive. That would be the category that we would belong to."
His finger then moved to the Audino with the different colored eyes. "Next to that are "Bestias". They are Pokémon that walk the line of being the middle evolution of a Pokémon Mega and G-Max form. For this Audino, they would carry the strength, typing and ability of a mega version of that Pokémon and carry certain elements it would have. However, under the full moon, they would enter a form that would convert into monstrous forms that is said to be a "true form" of that Pokémon."
His finger was now on the very different looking Audino next to that one. "Next to that is a "Feral". Ferals are more tied to the natural world. They are as wild as you can get when it comes to Pokémon and aren't the ones aren't here doing complex shit like making guilds, making cities, writing and all that nonsense. They are just...being animals in the wild. They are not angry. They're just living their lives. As you can guess, people can have conflicting views on them. Personally, I respect them like I respect nature. We do tend to call them different names. For example, a feral Audino is a Tabunne."
Then his finger stopped on the last Pokemon. "And the last one is...well...we call those the Fallen Ones. A alternative name used for them that are Shadow Pokémon. These are Pokémon that were made by the Goddess of Chaos and Arcana. The orange jewel you see is a living symbiotes that prioritize keeping their host happy and strong at the cost of their morals. I wouldn't call them evil. In fact, I would say they are more chaotic neutral."
"If you want more information about about these species, feel free to ask."
Ask Hints Updated.
TDLR Explanation of the above Decorous are essentially the Pokémon version of "humans" in this world. Bestias are Pokemon that act as a middle evolution for G-Max/Mega Pokemon. Ferals are Pokemon that are essentially the animals/monsters of the world. All use the Japanese names of that Pokemon or a shorten version of that name. The Fallen Ones are shadow Pokemon.
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blueespeon · 3 months
(@pokege-ne-project ; Pop) "Hey heyyy!!" Another fresh face. Definitely been a while since they've seen an Espeon 'round. "Outta curiosity, have ya ever been' round the beach? What's ya thoughts on it?"
Toshi: The beach is amazing, honestly! Though, with that being said, I have not actually been to a beach really often. What about you, Teiji? Surely, you have been to the beach very often for your age?
Teiji: I would not really say I have been to a beach "often", by any means, but... It is pretty... It really makes me feel better just by being here. Something about the waves and just the wind is pretty nice.
Toshi: Long story short, we enjoy it here! We had a great time, basically.
Teiji: I am just glad to be here for now... I just want to feel and enjoy the wind here...
Toshi: Suit yourself, blueberry.
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ask-a-wooper-n-mew · 4 months
(@pokege-ne-project ; Pop) Eh? Ain't every day ya see a Mew around, that's for sure. "Well howdy, ya open to a chitchat?" Hoping that that'll be a yes, Pop queries with something of an icebreaker. "Ya used to the big ol' waves like out here? Watcha think if ya aren't?"
Athena thought about the question for a moment.
"Hmm well... Back in my home region of Imaros... Beachboard, not a beach persay but a place with a big water area.. I used to play around there in my youth.. Not so much anymore... I really should for Marcy's sake though..."
Athena then rubs her head a bit out of dizziness.. And clean chest at her stomach area..
"Uhhg... Oh my aching head... I should really lay down for a bit..."
Ask Hints Are Updating....
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phantomguild · 3 months
(@pokege-ne-project ; Pop) Thinking about that little (@pokege-ne-project; Pop) Thinking about the stowaway, the Lopunny does eventually encounter what they overheard is some of the ship's intended crew. "Yoo, ya're called Mint, right? How's the big ol' party been?" They tried to think of a segway to the question, but eh, it might not be perfect. "Unrelated, you're part of t'big boat, right? Silly question, but have ya ever dealt w'stowaways?"
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"Not really? Usually, we just use the rift generator. I dunno how it works exactly, all I know is that's pretty handy for getting around. Though it can only be used for one thing at a time, so sometimes we ride on a Lapras or Dragonite or, failing that, just get on a boat."
Mint thought back a bit to when she arrived, putting a paw to her chin. It was faint, but there was an instant that she wrote off as a trick of the light, though now that she thought about it, and after meeting that Vulpix, and now this question, she quickly pieced together a pretty good idea of the full picture.
"I... think I saw someone getting off of the boat we were riding...? Ashen's a lot more keen than I am on these things. But hey, I get it. Sometimes going from place to place is hard, especially with a lot of the major settlements, ports included... um... well, destroyed."
"Everyone's been rebuilding for the past few hundred years, but it's all still a work in progress, especially with the Hollow Pokémon still roaming around."
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asktheisle · 4 months
(@pokege-ne-project ; Pop) They aren't used to being too close to humans, but given the amount of Pokemon not minding, these folks seem safe. So! They ended up approaching Gabe, since it looked like he probably could understand them. "Heyoooooo, hope ya don't mind me! This place's cool as hell. What's your favorite grub for this season, if ya don't mind me askin'?"
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Making them traditionally is a long process that gets everyone involved, but I personally like it that way. Outside is made of different root veggies like yautia and calabaza, plantains too. Inside is usually meat, but I also found a recipe that calls for rice for those who want to avoid that.
Some people like to wrap them in parchment paper to boil them, I like to go all the way and use banana leaves that I pick from around here and clean up in addition to the parchment.
[He seems to be incredibly happy about the subject at hand.]
I learned how to make them with my parents years ago, people love 'em. I get a nice little payment every holiday season back at Poni Island selling them to people. That and combine it with coquito sales? Hoohoo~
((1 ask until bar rotation))
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ask-team-misfit · 4 months
[ in response to this ; @pokege-ne-project ]
Her attention on Neo-Ka, she calmly shook her head.
Rue: "No, I'm not her guardian. Fenninkou is my partner and friend."
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Rue: "But I guess you're not entirely wrong. Ever since we met, she's lived here with me and my father."
Appearing much more apologetic, she bowed her head a little.
Rue: "I am so sorry any of you had to see that. Things have been rough as of late, and Fenninkou really wants to do something about it."
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Fenninkou: "Well, yeah! All we've done ever since becoming a team is do chores around the village. But the adults get to do all the good stuff! Like finding treasure!"
Rue sighed from this comment.
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Rue: "She's not a bad person. I can promise you that. But her idea of helping is beyond our grasp..."
Lief: "Not to mention buck wild. You must have the patience of a saint."
While not happy to have heard Lief, she maintained composure. Her tails again twitch somewhat before going still.
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Rue: "You have some explaining to do."
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arc-of-creation · 1 year
(hello!! @pokege-ne-project ; Shadow) Huh! New place. New person. So much new. Hopefully the humanspeak ain't too rusty. "Oh, hi! Er, what kind of service thing are you talkin' about?"
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ask-wildmons · 1 year
(@pokege-ne-project (ty also for the previous ask!)) Wesn pops out! Hoping to offer a shoulder at least, he'd chime in a question of his own. "Oh, did you need to get away form somethin' too? I don't mind listening, if you need it!"
(Heyo, thanks for the ask friendo! Sorry it took me an eternity to get to!)
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Ari thinks for a moment, remembering all the things they did back then that they won't ever forgive themself for. Even if they did get some payback on the people that caused them to lose their way, it won't make up for all that they've done.
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"Well, let's just say, I got on a lot people's bad sides when I came to my senses." They let out a chuckle, imagining the reaction they had when they saw Ari's little farewell present. "I'll bet they weren't too thrilled to see that I'd unleashed one hell of a virus on their network as my resignation."
Ask Hints have been updated!
Your biggest regret / came to your senses?
The virus you unleashed?
Press them for more information?
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