#professional junk company
thejunkboys1 · 4 months
Infographics The Junk Boys- Convenient Waste Removal Services in Toronto GTA
We have been serving the GTA with dedication and commitment. As a trusted name in the waste removal industry, we continuously strive to provide top-notch services that meet the unique needs of our clients.
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agcjunkremoval · 5 months
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ellenlittle · 8 months
Streamline Your Cleanup with Junk Removal in Queens
Looking to declutter your Queens space? Our junk removal in Queens service is here to help. We handle all the heavy lifting and loading, leaving your home or office clean and clutter-free. We're committed to responsible disposal, ensuring items are recycled or donated whenever possible. Choose us for efficient, eco-friendly junk removal in Queens. Contact us today!
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championaaron · 2 years
#Junk Removal in Naples FL: How to Remove Junk Quickly and Easily#Junk Removal Advice is a website dedicated to empowering homeowners and business owners with the education and resources they need to tackl#How Professional Junk Removal Companies Work#When you call a junk removal service#the company will request a few details from you before sending a team to your property to take on the job. Before you book a junk removal c#ensure you know about your availability#the trash you’re looking to get rid of#and the scope of the job.#Once you provide the necessary information to your junk removal service#the company will then give the much-needed labor to clear out the clutter in your property. The junk removal company will also offer a conv#Quick Junk Removal Service in Florida#Junk Removal Advice is the most efficient#cost-effective#and friendly junk hauling service in Florida. We provide junk removal solutions in Naples#Marco Island#Estero#Bonita Springs#Golden Gate#Fort Myers#and their surrounding places. From bulk junk removal to trash hauling pickups#our professional services are available at your disposal#and our team is ready to help you reclaim your commercial or residential space.#If you have junk#debris#garbage#rubbish#or waste at home or in your business property#we are here to assist you in the best possible way with our junk removal services.#How Our Junk Removal Service Works#We are the top-rated junk removal service in Florida. We provide our customers with a straightforward process that comes into four major ca
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troyprapp · 2 years
TKG Details Matter LLC | Junk Removal Service in Reston VA
TKG Details Matter LLC is a Reston-based junk removal company. During clear-outs and clean-ups, our specialists work hard to deliver top-notch Junk Removal Service in Reston VA. Professionalism is our principal focus; you'll be impressed by our tidy, amiable staff. Also, there won't be any surprises thanks to our straightforward pricing. Our TKG Details Matter LLC junk removal specialists look forward to assisting you in House Cleaning in Reston VA. We will be delighted to assist you in clearing some of the clutter in your life! To speak with a member of our customer support team, contact us right away.
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lvis44 · 1 year
Sweet Escape - Prologue // LH44
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Lewis Hamilton x Y/N - focusing more on a friend group in this section
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, slight jealousy? , age gap-ish (being friends with older people), possible language, not edited
Word Count: 1.2k+
Summary: A little backstory on how you found the friends you now consider family, all leading up to the group trip Lewis has planned and an unpleasant surprise that may come with it.
Notes: This is a prologue to a short series I have been planning. This part was written in a bit of a rush and ended up being longer than I had planned. It's not wonderfully written, the next parts will be much better. Part 1 of the story should be up later today and can be read without reading the prologue, this is just some backstory and context. I am not a professional writer and all of this is a work of fiction and is strictly for fun. Enjoy!
Two years ago you stumbled into a group of tight knit friends, people you are now lucky enough to call family. You had just moved to a new city where you didn’t know a soul, yet somehow you were lucky enough to meet Charlotte. You met through work and she quickly took you under her wing. She introduced you to colleagues, brought you to lunch for work gossip, but most importantly knew when work had been tough. Those days she would show up at your apartment, usually unannounced, carrying a bottle of wine and junk food. She was like the older sister you never had. When she told you she wanted to introduce you to her other friends, you were incredibly nervous. You knew they were all older than you and if they were anything like Charlotte, they were very well off. You tried to explain that you didn’t want to intrude and that you really wouldn’t fit in. She was persistent and you truly couldn’t let her down, so you finally conceded. The shock you had felt when you finally met everyone was astronomical, multiple faces that you recognized, from models to professional athletes, nothing that Charlotte had ever mentioned. The one that had you the most starstruck though was Lewis Hamilton. You’d grown up watching him race, yet there he was, sprawled across Charlotte's sofa with a drink in his hand and a kind smile on his face. You had only been allowed to sit in your shock for mere moments before they were all warmly welcoming you, peppering you with questions and joking around as if they’d known you for years. They managed to not once make you feel out of place, despite the fact that they were all older than you and had been friends for nearly ten years. It had been a natural progression; them inviting you out to clubs, over for dinner or game nights, getting added to group chats. You became a fixture, part of the family. 
At the beginning of the year, Lewis asked everyone to go on vacation while he was off for summer break. It wasn’t really a question, when Lewis was available, everyone dropped everything to see him. He was a rarity, sure he always kept in touch, but text messages and facetimes were nothing comparable to actually having him around. He made all the arrangements and informed everyone of the plans before you had even had time to agree. It was never lost on you that all of your friends were extremely wealthy, vacations like this were nothing foreign to them, but you never wanted to feel like a burden. Being considered a gold digger was the last thing you ever wanted. You didn’t know how you were going to pull it off but you knew you had to, you hadn’t seen him in more than two months now. While you tried to figure out how to scrape together the funds, you texted him and asked what you owe, bracing yourself for the number. His response had been simple and sweet, “Are you crazy? All I want is your company, miss ya :)”.
You had grown shockingly close with Lewis over the short period of time you’d known him. The night you met everyone you had found yourself alone with him, making drinks for everyone. Despite having calmed down, being in his sole presence had brought back all of your nerves, and he could definitely tell. You had ended up blurting out that you were a big fan, gushing like a maniac about his career. He had been kind, just chuckling as you rambled. When you realized what you’d done you quickly switched to apologizing, embarrassing yourself even further. He had laughed it off, shrugging before saying “It’s good to know I have somebody to talk to about racing.” He had asked for your number that night, saying he needed it to bore you with technical talk after races, and he did just that, not that it ever bored you. Every time you saw him you were greeted with a big hug before he asked for the rundown on everything that had been going on in your life. He was always protective of you when you all went out, keeping an eye on you from a distance while you danced in clubs, making sure no one ever tried anything. There had been a few times that you found yourself in the passenger seat of his car, giggly from the alcohol you consumed with your friends, he never let you take an uber, insisting it was far too dangerous for a young drunk girl late at night. He usually stayed relatively sober during the season, only having a drink or two all night, and never drinking during race weekends. He would carry you to bed, despite the fact that you could walk perfectly fine. Each time you fell asleep with a kiss on your forehead and woke with a bottle of water and a packet of aspirin next to your bed. He’s definitely a flirt, you noticed it the moment you met him, but you couldn’t tell if there was anything behind it. It always frustrated you and it never helped the crush that felt to be constantly growing. He’s an attractive man, painfully attractive at that. There have been more than a few times that you have all been hanging out around his pool, where you can’t help but watch the way the muscles of his back ripple under his skin. The main problem though, was he always seemed to have some sort of entertainment. You had met many models over the time you’d known him, all the definition of beautiful, but they only tended to last a few weeks at most. It was rare you would meet someone more than once or twice. You assumed he would have someone with him on this trip, he usually did.
Your suspicions were confirmed just a few days before the trip, he had sent out a full itinerary, including a guest list. There, amongst your list of friends, was an outlier, shockingly it was a name you recognized, a rare repeat for him. You couldn’t help but feel a little nervous, the last time you had met her she seemed to dislike you very much, and she hadn’t made it particularly subtle. You had been the recipient of many a poisonous stare, scoffs of disapproval when you talked about work, but more importantly nasty glares anytime you had the attention of Lewis. Unfortunately there was nothing you could do about it, you had never told him how she had treated you, mostly because you thought you would never see her again. You were in no place to tell him now, you felt it would be rude seeing as you were going on this trip on his dime. The only person that knew what she had been like was Charlotte, who immediately texted you making sure you were okay. You assured her it would be fine and to not bring it up, you were planning on ignoring the girl as much as possible and enjoying some quality time with your friends. You couldn’t help but snort when Charlotte tried to assure you the girl probably wouldn’t even last the whole week. 
Everything would be fine.
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prosperowrites · 3 months
Playing through Persona 3 Reload, it's pretty funny to see that SEES get all this high end equipment funded by a billion dollar company and are kind of sleek and professional.
Then you look at the Investigation Team in P4 and they're bashing shadows with golf clubs, tables, and whatever other junk they can get their hands on.
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 months
The newest video from lab muffin beauty science seems like exactly up the alley of someone with your crusade for fact-checking. It was a wild ride of enlightenment, highly recommend.
Oh this is REALLY interesting. Thanks for the recommendation!
I first noticed the benzoyl peroxide scare when someone mentioned it in a post I made about the Radium Girls story inducing "what are they hiding from us now?!" anxiety, and I looked it up. I don't use any products with that ingredient at the moment, but it seemed worth checking into. And despite me not being a scientist, the fact that the benzene levels they cited showed up at VERY high temperatures seemed...off. Like how frequently are the products ever at those temperatures? "Maybe in a hot car?" I thought, but still wondered how often acne cream is left in a car in Australian high summer for that long.
And hey- the history professional with little chemistry knowledge was right! Seems like even ordinary laypeople can see the issue here if they just read the study even a little bit.
But because humans respond more to dramatic headlines- and, not going to lie, because we've been primed to believe in this by companies CONSTANTLY doing it for real throughout history with heavy metal dyes, radium, tobacco products, asbestos, fossil fuels, PFAs, etc. -you get "we're all rubbing cancer on our faces!!!!" reactions.
Really highlights the need for a balance between watching companies like hawks because they've proven that they will kill us if it pads their bottom line, and not falling for junk science.
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awhitehead17 · 8 months
First Meetings
TimKon, FirstPrince, Established Relationship, Friendship, Teasing, Soft Boyfriends, Crossover.
Summary: “Tim, how do you know the President’s son? I mean I know you have friends in high places but this is another level.”
Tim frowns, why wouldn’t he know Alex? They grew up in the same social circle, attending fancy dinners with high profile socialites is what they did and Alex happened to be with his mother before she ran for presidency. At a young age, Alex is what made the dinners and galas bearable for Tim.
Also on AO3
Enjoy! :D
Tim sighs heavily into the champagne glass as he lifts it to his lips. “God I hate these things. They’re the worst,” following his comment he downs the rest of the alcohol in the glass in one gulp.
Next to him Kon snorts, choosing to sip at his glass instead. “Is that why you’ve brought me? To share your hatred of these things?”
“Sharing is caring Kon.” Tim mutters unhappily. He honestly be rather anywhere else but here.
Right now he could be in bed, buried underneath blankets watching crappy films and eating junk food or he could be with the team yelling at the screen as both Bart and Kon very obviously cheat at Mario Kart because they’re losing against he and Cassie. Even if it’s neither of those things, he could be curled up with Kon somewhere ignoring the world as the two of them exist in their own little bubble.
But no.
He’s here – thankfully with Kon – at a charity gala representing the Wayne name because Bruce couldn’t make it, Tim happened to pull the short straw against his siblings so he had to come in his stead. He brought Kon so he could suffer along with him, but also to keep him company. Mostly to suffer though. These things are never fun.
“You know what I hate…” Kon speaks up, when Tim glances at him he spots his boyfriend frowning in displeasure and tugging at his suit, “are these damn things. They’re monkey suits, they serve no practical use. I feel like a penguin, I waddle anytime I walk because I’m so restricted.”
Tim couldn’t help but snort at everything that is Kon. His facial expressions, his discomfort and his words. Breathing deeply Tim deposits his empty champagne glass on a nearby table before turning to Kon. Reaching up he slaps Kon's hands away from the suit and begins straightening out his lapels, correcting the damage Kon had caused to the fabric.
“Well, I think you look good. This colour suits you, and this particular name really helps defines your shoulders and physique. You’re just not used to wearing them Kon.”
With his words Tim couldn’t help but drag his hands up from Kon’s chest, where they stayed after he straightened out his lapels, and drag them across his shoulders, letting his fingers run along the seam and just press in enough so Kon could feel it. Tim looks up and meets Kon’s eyes, his boyfriend’s gaze having darkened as he stares back at Tim. Knowing exactly what he's doing, Tim blinks slowly, heatedly, and smirks and lets his hands trail down Kon’s side under the guise of straightening out his jacket.
A hot and heavy atmosphere fills the small space between them and being this close to his boyfriend Tim could see how affected by his actions Kon is becoming. His shortened breath, his fingers clenching tightly into the glass almost smashing it, his dilated pupils, and the extreme tension now seeping through his body as he works to restrain himself.
Tim loves it. He loves riling Kon up where his boyfriend can’t act on his desires.
There’s been plenty of times where it’s been the other way around, where Kon is the one riling Tim up to the point of no return. His boyfriend’s gotten rather good at using his TTK for things in a less professional manner, and he isn’t afraid to bring it out at the worst of times. Tim doesn't have to worry about that tonight, because tonight he’s calling the shots and they both know it.
Leaning in towards Kon, whispering into the space between them as he keeps their gazes locked together he says, “You may hate the suit but I certainly don’t. I can’t wait to get you out of it later on, piece by piece…”
At the end of his sentence a loud crack could be heard and Tim merely raises an eyebrow. They both glance down at the glass still in Kon’s hand only to find it now featuring a new spiderwebbed pattern on it which hadn’t been there when Kon first picked it up. Somehow it’s still in one piece but it definitely isn’t safe to use anymore. Tim lets out a low laugh and decides to pull away and backs up a step. He doesn't want to blow Kon’s fuse so soon after all.
“I might see if I can get another drink, I assume you would like another one?” Tim asks sounding as composed as he has been all night. He’s glad for his acting skills, admittedly they were originally for undercover work but they do come in handy during other times as well.
“Yeah. That would be great. Thanks.” Kon speaks through gritted teeth, his voice sounding strained.
He’s glaring at Tim now, both in the way which tells Tim his boyfriend currently hates his guts but also in a lustful way which Tim knows is going to result in them feeling satiated and satisfied by the end of the night. Unfazed Tim smiles sunnily at him.
Before he could make a move to find a waiter a new voice calls out to Tim which makes him freeze on the spot.
With his back to the room Tim doesn't know who is calling him and he glances at Kon who flicks his gaze over Tim’s shoulder and back again only to shrug in response, telling Tim he has no idea who it is.
Feeling all the lust and playfulness leave his body, Tim turns around to find out who is approaching and immediately groans upon seeing and recognizing them.
“Who is it?” Kon asks curiously, any previous signs of heat and want have also left Kon, the interruption doing a good job of killing the mood.
Tim signs resignedly watching the man approach them. He looks up at his boyfriend. “That is Alex Claremont-Diaz, the First Son of the United States. And an absolute pain in the ass. God, I haven’t seen him in years. Think of Dick’s charm and Jason’s cockiness, put them together and that’s him.”
Kon makes a humming sound and suddenly seems to remember he currently has an almost shattered glass in his hand. He quickly deposits it on the table behind them. “Does he know?”
Kon doesn't have to elaborate what he means and Tim instantly shakes his head. “No he doesn’t.”
That’s all they have time for because Alex is suddenly there, grinning widely at them. “Tim, how you doin’ man?”
Despite his words to Kon, Tim does in fact like Alex, the guy is pretty laidback and has a wicked sense of humour. He smiles back and holds out a hand to him. “Hey Alex, it’s been years.”
Alex clasps his hand but before Tim could react the other man is tugging him in for quick hug before letting him go again.
“What are you doing here?” Alex asks with curiosity. His dark hair is curling artfully across his forehead and his suit is all pressed looking clean and proper; no one expects nothing less from the First Son.
Tim waves a hand flippantly. “I’m here in Bruce’s name, the old man couldn’t make it and I pulled the short straw to attend in his absence. Literally, pulled the short straw.”
“Ah, well it’s good to see you, we’ll have to catch up sometime properly, I know Nora would be thrilled to see you again.”
Tim is about to reply but gets distracted when a tall, blonde man comes up behind Alex and immediately grabs all of their attentions, especially Alex’s. He looks familiar but Tim can’t place who it is although he and Alex seem intimately familiar with one another if the lingering touches are anything to go by once the blonde hands Alex a champagne glass.
“I thought I would grab us another drink on my way back,” the blonde man says in lieu of greetings and Tim picks up on a distinctive British accent.
Alex positively beams and Tim works hard on containing his facial expression, he’s never seen Alex so smitten with someone before. “Thank you, I was beginning to get desperate. Oh!” He turns back to Tim and grabs the man’s hand to drag him closer. “Henry, this is Tim. Tim, this is His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Wales, also my boyfriend.”
To say Tim is shocked is putting it lightly. It would also explain the accent and why he looks somewhat familiar.
Before Tim gets a chance to reply - not that he knows what the correct response of greeting royalty is - Kon, who Tim had admittedly forgotten about until now, pipes up sounding unsure.
“Should we bow?”
A beat goes by and the silence is broken by Alex as he bursts out laughing, Tim facepalms, and Prince Henry’s expression becomes a mixture between amusement and embarrassment. He holds up his free hand with a smile. “There’s no need for that, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Please, Henry is fine.”
Getting over himself Tim shakes his hand and Kon follows suit afterwards. “Nice to meet you.”
So, Alex and a Prince of Wales huh… Tim would have never guessed that. It seems like they’ve both had rather life changing revelations during their time apart.
An elbow in his ribs breaks his thoughts and he rubs the sore spot and glares at his boyfriend. At Kon’s pointed look Tim realises his mistake. Not once, but twice, he’s forgotten about introducing Kon. Whoops.
Clearing his throat and taking a hold of Kon’s hand he finally introduces Kon to the other men. “This Conner Kent, my boyfriend. Kon this Alex and apparently his Prince of Wales boyfriend as you just heard.” Tim immediately rounds on Alex. “How on earth did that happen? You of all people!”
Alex looks affronted and places a hand on his chest in mock hurt. “You wound me Timmy-tam. I am an upstanding American Citizen, I have no idea what you are on about…”
Tim merely raises an eyebrow, a similar look Prince Henry is throwing him too, and after a couple seconds Alex deflates and drops the act. He leans in close to Tim and pretends to whisper behind his hand. “I have no idea either but I am not complaining!” Alex winks at his boyfriend and straightens back up. Prince Henry tries to hide his smile behind a sip of champagne but he isn’t fooling anyone.
Kon steps into the conversation looking as baffled as ever. It’s a cute look on him and Tim can’t help be reminded of the time Kon got confused when he accidently mixed up the chickens as he had been sorting them out in their pens on Kent Farm.
“Tim, how do you know the President’s son? That’s what I’m trying to currently wrap my head around… I mean I know you have friends in high places but this is another level.”
Tim frowns at his question, why wouldn’t he know Alex? They grew up in the same social circle, or Tim did until his mother passed away. Attending fancy dinners with high profile socialites is what they did and Alex happened to be with his mother before she ran for presidency. At a young age, Alex is what made the dinners and any galas bearable for Tim.
Tim turns to Kon gesturing between himself and Alex. “We used to attend these kind of events when we were younger. I used to get dragged along with my parents and Alex and his sister would occasionally be at them too. Despite our age difference, it helped having another young person around at the dinners.”
Alex seems to be looking at him thoughtfully. He takes a sip of his drink before pointing at him teasingly. “You were such a well behaved kid I couldn’t understand it.”
As if a lightbulb had gone off inside Alex’s mind he lights up excited and grins menacingly. From that look alone Tim knew he was in trouble. The situations worsens when Kon takes a keen interest in whatever Alex is about to spill out of his mouth.
“So the first time we met – god about twelve years ago now – we were at an evening gala, my mother was there networking and working on her campaign long before her presidency. As kids, June and I of course had to entertain ourselves. I decided to run and hide from June and slid underneath a random table, it was covered in a white table cloth and was perfect for cover, only I wasn't the only one under there!”
Alex turns to Tim pointedly and sends him a grin, all Tim could do is roll his eyes in response. There’s no point in trying to stop the man from sharing the story, especially not when both Kon and Prince Henry seem invested in hearing it, so he keeps quiet and lets Alex tell it. Kon shoots him a curious gaze but it’s immediately turned back to Alex as he continues speaking.
“Under the table was baby Tim, no more than what, eight years old-“
“Seven.” Tim corrects him. Not that it makes much difference.
“- and he was crying. He was super upset about something. I completely forgot about June and it took me around twenty minutes to calm him down and to work out what was wrong.”
Simultaneously both Kon and Prince Henry send him a concerned yet sympathetic look and despite himself Tim felt himself blush. It’s stupid, this happened years ago.
At this point Alex seems to hesitate, he sends Tim a questioning look, and Tim shrugs in response, waving a hand to say, ‘you can tell them.’ As he said, it happened years ago Tim’s long gotten over what happened by now.
Alex turns to his boyfriend, grabbing his free hand Alex suddenly looks the most unkempt he has done all night so far.
“His parents had left him behind at the gala. They’d been gone for nearly an hour before I found Tim underneath the table.” He whispers, his tone laced with shock and disbelief.
The Prince’s eyes widen and his mouth drops open, his gaze darts between Tim and Alex clearly shocked at reveal. Kon on the other hand grabs Tim’s hand and squeezes it comfortingly, when Tim meets his gaze Kon is wearing an expression of understanding and sadness. After all his boyfriend knows how shitty his parents were when he was young, this honestly isn’t a surprise.
“What – what did you do? Did you call the police, child protective services, there must have been something you done. That - that is absolutely appalling.” Prince Henry stutters out. It says a lot about his character on how he sounds so protective for someone he only just met by hearing story from when were a child that occurred years ago.
Alex shakes his head, continuing on with the story. “No. Not long after I calmed Tim down June actually found us. I ended up coaxing Tim out from underneath the table with some tim-tams while June went and got mom. Mom came and took over, she got Tim talking about what happened and he ended up staying with us for the night.”
Prince Henry looked like he was about to speak up, the hard look on his face telling Tim exactly what he was about to talk about. Tim holds up his hand to stop any questions being asked.
“It was difficult situation and because of who my parents were there wasn't a lot that could actually be done. I wouldn’t have been taken away from them despite what happened that night.” Despite how bad the situation actually was, Tim still feels that instinctive urge to defend his parents. He clears his throat, feeling the need to change topics. “Anyway, it was a shit night and what happened happened.”
Alex raises an eyebrow. “It wasn't all that bad, you met me!”
Tim sends him a look. “I stand by what I said.” He tries his best to stop the playful smirk threatening to break free but in the end loses and lets himself grin.
Alex makes a disgruntled noise and crosses the short space between them in order to throw an arm around Tim’s shoulder and squeezes him tightly. “You love me. Don’t deny it! We had a great little alliance from that night onwards.”
With his face half smushed in Alex’s jacket Tim huffs. He’s used to this sort of treatment by now, not just from Alex but from his brothers too, and even on the occasion from Kon. After several beats Alex lets him go and crosses back over to be by Henry’s side. Tim blinks and immediately sees how well they fit together.
They start on a new topic when Alex brings up Henry’s LGBT+ shelter projects he’s currently working on with his best friend. Tim is immediately invested in learning all about it and even offers up his own information on his Neon Knights programme. Despite the differences in the projects they both agree to try and come up with a way to support one another, they even make a mental note to arrange a meeting so they can talk about it further.
Eventually the First Son and the Prince of Wales’ attention is being called elsewhere. The couple say their farewell’s, along with another hug from Alex, and promise to catch up in a less formal situation another day before wandering off, not hand in hand but certainly close to it.
Tim feels Kon step up to him, a hand sneaking across his back before settling on his waist.
“Well that was interesting.” His boyfriend states seeming amused. Tim instantly feels guilty, he pretty much ignored Kon the entire time as he got caught up in Alex and then in Prince Henry and his projects.
He turns to look at Kon to apologize but the Kryptonian waves it off. “Relax Tim don’t worry about it. If anything I’m sorry about what happened to you. At least Alex had been there and his mom. Crazy to think that the president took you in and looked after you as a kid.”
He guesses it seems rather crazy if he really thinks about it, but then again their whole lives are crazy. The president looking after him when he was a kid actually seems rather mundane compared to everything they deal with on a day to day basis.
Tim hums, unable to come up with a response to Kon’s statement. Alex had helped him that night and many more after that. It’s a shame they ended up losing contact, but then Tim decided to stalk batman across rooftops at night with a camera and became his hero years later and everything else that followed.
Maybe going forward Tim should try and put in the effort to keep in contact with Alex, and now Prince Henry too. Tim needs to start learning to separate his hero life from his civilian life and having some ‘normal’ friends wouldn’t hurt. It’s a work in progress but he’s getting there and this seems like a good stepping stone.
Behind him, Kon presses his chest to his back, and Tim could feel him slipping a hand along his side and into his front pocket of his trousers. Kon ducks his head until he’s pressing his lips against the skin of Tim’s neck towards his ear.
“I don’t know about you, but I think we’re good to go from this dreadful event right?” He trails his lips across Tim’s neck, the action makes him shiver as Kon’s breath ghosts over his skin. “Because I know there’s something I’d rather be doing right now…”
A wanton groan escapes past Tim’s lips without him meaning it too and right there Tim knows he’s done for. Before Kon could get anymore of the upper hand over him, Tim turns around, dislodging Kon's hands, and settles his own hands on Kon’s chest gripping his suit.
“I did make a promise after all did I?”
Kon’s stare is full of lust and desire. It’s an echo to the mood between them earlier. “Better hurry up and get us out of here Tim…”
Tim wastes no time in grabbing Kon's hand and starts leading him towards the exit of the room. As they go he somehow catches Alex’s gaze from across the room and the older man sends him a shit eating grin and a wink. Tim flips him off before continuing to drag Kon out of the event, Alex’s laugh could be heard in the wake of their departure.
He doesn’t care what Bruce has to say about them leaving earlier than scheduled, he has much more important – better – things to do with his night.
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payperloadmovers · 21 days
Best Short Distance Moving Companies
Need to relocate? Pay Per Load Movers provides short distance moving services tailored to your needs. Our experienced team ensures a smooth and hassle-free moving experience, whether you're moving across town or to a nearby city.
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agcjunkremoval · 5 months
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ellenlittle · 9 months
Refrigerator Removal NYC - Hassle-Free Appliance Disposal
Need to dispose of your old fridge? Try our refrigerator removal NYC services. We've got you covered! Our team provides fast and eco-friendly removal. Schedule a pickup, and we'll handle the rest, so you don't have to worry. Affordable, licensed, and stress-free. Contact us today!
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thedivinelights · 17 days
I realised that I haven't put anything out in a while, I've been working on both college (rip A-Level Math) and the rewrite for Console.WriteLine("A Christmas Carol");
SOOO... have a nice long snippet from Stave One, with a completely rewritten charity worker scene!
They didn't spare a second glance towards Bob when he stood at the door frame and waited for one of them — usually Marley, sometimes Scrooge — to bid him enter. He walked with a hesitant stride, like a little boy who had been called over by his parents with his full name spoken in distaste.
“Sorry to bother you, sirs, but I received a call from the Save the Children Fund.” Bob toyed with the volume buttons on his tablet, shifting the white sound bar back and forth. “They’re, uh… they’re waiting outside right now with a—”
“Mr. Scrooge and Mr. Marley, I presume?”
Bob couldn’t stop them, no matter how hard he willingly tried, and thus did three intruders barge in with their contrasting dispositions and red blouses, movements barely discernible to the carollers that hounded their lobby every other year. It made Scrooge sick. It made Marley groan. It made them want to wrench open the window, lean out, and scream their rage to the uncaring heavens.
The young lady that stood before them was exhaustingly perky, box braids patterned in pink and black like two-thirds of a Neapolitan ice cream, covered in a blue beanie far too big for her head. Her toothy smile was too bright, and her amber eyes were too wide; it was as if she had consumed one too many cups of coffee that morning, and the caffeine by which she had consumed was far from out of her system.
The man beside her held a more stoic countenance, relievingly, with grey eyes more disinterested than curious, black flowing locks tied into a barely-ponytail that could scarcely keep the strands from his forehead. One would call him professional — respectable, even — were it not for the pink shades framed by hearts that hung loosely with his lanyard, a curious symbol that meant more to him, and less to his opponents.
The last of their company was a boy no older than fourteen, with a shock of unruly pumpkin orange hair, and a face that seemed far too much like that of a novice’s. He clutched a clipboard to his chest as if it were a shield, scared hazel eyes darting around the room, the honesty of his heart laid bare for all to see without deceit or duplicity. Such was the beauty of being so young and naive. Such was the cruelty of it.
“State your names.” Scrooge commanded, clicking his pen and scribbling furiously, never once taking his eye off the fine print.
The woman stepped forward first. “My name’s Hope, Mr. Marley—”
“Mr. Scrooge.” Hope corrected apologetically, motioning to her companions. “This is my partner, Deshraj.”
The man waved and gave a half-hearted hum.
“And the newest member of our foundation, Sammy!”
The boy in question bowed respectfully.
“You speak on behalf of Save the Children?” Marley asked.
“Of course, Mr. Scrooge—”
“Marley.” Scrooge fixed with a snarl.
Hope shuffled awkwardly as she’d gone two for two, embarrassment tinting her cheeks, even as she pushed onwards. “Of course, Mr. Marley. We did send an email regarding our arrival, after all.”
“Did you now?” Scrooge looked up from his work — a miracle in and of itself — and gave a condescending smile. “My apologies, Hope. It must have fallen into my junk mail.”
He decided to ignore how Bob scoffed in his little corner of the world, knowing damn well that Scrooge checked his emails more thoroughly than most, and knowing damn well that he didn’t miss a single one.
“N-No worries, Mr. Scrooge.” Hope chuckled nervously, as if she didn’t understand how her attempt at a joke fell flatter than a pancake on a hot griddle. “We’re just glad to have this opportunity to speak with you!”
Scrooge’s smile widened, though it was a smile devoid of warmth or sincerity. “Then by all means, speak with us.” 
He did not stop Marley as he rose from his seat, moving with the grace and poise of a panther stalking its prey, his gaze piercing through the facade of the trio standing before them. Hope faltered
“We understand that Asplex Industries is a major player in the technology sector.” Deshraj began, his voice calm and measured, regarding them as he often did with everyone, and that had been with indifference and monotony. “We wanted to discuss the possibility of partnering with your company for some of our upcoming initiatives aimed at helping underprivileged children. Your newer, more sustainable heating systems could be revolutionary in our winter relief program.”
“And with your donations, hundreds, no, thousands of children could finally spend Christmas in warmth and comfort, instead of shivering in the cold.” Hope added, her voice tinged with desperation as she clasped her hands together in a pleading gesture. “We don’t ask for much. All we request is your support. Your generosity could make a world of difference in the lives of those who need it most.”
Scrooge leaned back in his chair, tapping his pen against the desk as he regarded the trio before him with a calculating eye. Beside him, Marley remained silent, his expression unreadable as he observed their visitors. The boy — Sammy, they believed his name was — watched from behind his companions in this futile endeavour, keeping his distance and his dignity. He spoke not a word in refute, retort, or response, for there was nothing he could give, and nothing they could take.
“You there, boy.” Marley motioned him over, and he did. “Speak your situation.”
The boy said nothing, and he would say nothing. Words were not his only weapon, however, for his eyes spoke for his mouth, pleading for compassion, imploring for understanding, reaching for a glimmer of hope in a world that had shown him nothing but cruelty.
Scrooge scoffed. “Typical. Can’t even speak for yourself, can you?”
Marley shot Scrooge a reproachful glare before turning back with that selfsame steel towards the intruders. His gaze held conversation too; he demanded answers, and so they were offered.
“Sammy was from the orphanage down the road.” Deshraj explained, his tone gentle as he placed a comforting hand on Sammy’s shoulder. “He was a ward of the state until recently, when he aged out of the system. Hope and I fostered him after that.”
“The orphanage should have come with the facilities you want to take.” Scrooge spoke, dripping with disdain. “Unless, of course, you have already dried them up?”
He looked at Sammy, a silent ask of consent, and the boy nodded.
"The caretakers didn’t care much so long as they received their government stipends.” Deshraj’s bitter tone said all, the proffering of a knowing, glacial leer making Marley stiffen. It was the stare of a man who knew what he was. Marley wanted to desecrate the sacred ground he thought he trod.
“You can claim a Junior ISA for him, can you not?” Marley asked.
“I’d suppose so, but we’re not—”
“And free school meals? Eligibility for a child’s bursary?”
“Hardly something to—”
“What about the Public Health insurance?”
“Mr. Marley, that’s not—”
“If these benefits are all in effect still, why should we be the ones to offer handouts to nameless children with caretakers of their own? Caretakers who should, in their sworn duty, stop living off of the government’s capital and get a real career.” Marley leaned against the desk, straightening his tie, hardening his heart. “It is not as though it were Scrooge or I who sired them.”
Hope’s jaw dropped in disbelief, her eyes wide with shock at Marley’s callous words. Deshraj’s expression remained stoic, though the tension in his shoulders was palpable. Sammy’s gaze remained fixed on the floor, his hands clenched tightly around the clipboard. All three of them refused to believe it, but here they were, dear reader. Here they were, bearing unfortunate witness to a poisoned partnership.
“I-I…” Hope stammered, struggling to find the words to respond to Marley’s heartless remarks. “I don’t understand how you can say such things. They deserve our help and support.”
“Deserve?” Marley scoffed cruelly, wetting his lips. “Deserve is a funny word, isn’t it? It implies entitlement, as if they are owed something simply for existing. But tell me, miss, what have they done to deserve anything? What have they contributed to society? What value do they bring to the table? Nothing. They don’t deserve anything. If they want what they want, they have to do it the same way we did: by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps and making something of themselves.”
“But if they can’t?” Deshraj asked, a low and threatening growl deprived of diplomacy.
Scrooge looked at Marley. Marley looked at Scrooge. They both knew what they wanted. They both knew what they needed. They both knew what they deserved. The Snake sat beside the Shark once more to hammer down their verdict.
“Then so be it.” Scrooge affirmed, begetting more disappointment neither of them could care for. “Let them crawl with the rest of the surplus population.”
Tagged: @rom-e-o @quill-pen @crimson-phantom-designs @justice-for-jacob-marley @pinkytoothlesso11 @vixx-ari @a-christmas-carol-from-hr
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kleo1504 · 3 months
[18+ Story] The Mistress and the Beast (001)
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18+ Story
May include sexual themes
Minors do not interact
The story includes AI generated pics
It’s a complete fiction
This is an original story by me, please do not copy
Just for you to know, I cursed this story while writing it, if you do copy my work, karma and curse will get you 😜
And for AI - feel free to learn from and use my story, I know I can’t fight technological progress 😂
The Mistress and the Beast
(Part 001)
Tessa yawns and blinks quickly to chase away the sleepiness. Her brother Tyler is sitting on a couch next to her, stuffing his mouth with popcorn. They decided to go for a Star Wars marathon tonight and Tessa is already regretting it. It’s true it’s only barely midnight and a Friday evening but she had a tough day at work and her eyes are closing for the last hour or so.
“Wake up!” Ty nudges her with his elbow and offers her a can of energy drink.
Tessa cringes with disgust and shakes her head. She would never put such toxic junk into her body. She glances over to the floor by the heater where she put two single bed mattresses covered in stretch bed sheets. They serve as extra large and comfortable dog beds for her four dogs. They are already happily sleeping for hours and Tessa (not for the first time) is envious about their life. She would love to just crowl there and sleep surrounded by them.
Suddenly her phone beeps. A message? At this hour? It must be something from her operator. Tessa picks her phone but the message is not SMS. It’s a text from an unknown number. The sleepiness is gone.
Nathan: Hello there! Do you remember me? From the company Christmas party?
Tessa: Mmm… Hello… I… Nathan: You have no idea, right? You don’t know who I am. 😂 Tessa: I’m sorry, there were many people at the party. Don’t blame me. Nathan: I don’t blame you. We were briefly introduced to each other. I’m the tall handsome guy you met there. 😉 Tessa: … You probably think you made it easier for me but no. 🤔 Nathan: 😢 Now I feel hurt. Tessa: I was introduced to like 20 people there and I only remember the once that could be potentially beneficial for me at work. Nathan: Same for me, ma’am 😊
Is this guy serious? He’s bothering her because of work this late at night on Friday? Tessa decides to quickly put him at his place.
Tessa: Oh I see! But you shouldn’t share work related information through private chats. Tessa: Please use the official secured communication channels. Tessa: Like company email or our secured instant messaging app. Tessa: Send your inquiry there. Is it urgent? It’s no longer my business hours but if it’s important, I can log in. Nathan: 😂😂😂😂😂 Nathan: Oh dear! No! Wait! I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. Nathan: I should have stopped you earlier but I was laughing so hard. Tessa: I don’t follow… Nathan: I’m not texting to solve work related issues. Although I admire your professionalism. 😉 👍 Tessa: 🙄 Nice… What do you want then?
Tessa pinches the bridge of her nose. Another cocky idiot from work. Tessa works in a bank and it’s a perfect environment for Alpha males with overgrown egos. She met several of these before.
Nathan: Come dine with me! 🍷 Tessa: Excuse me? Nathan: Don’t you eat in the evening? Tessa: It’s nearly midnight. Nathan: And you’re up. So get dolled up. I’ll send you a cab. Tessa: … Tessa: You can’t be serious. Nathan: Come on! I’m in the hotel bar alone. Come and keep me company! Nathan: I hate eating alone. Tessa: I’m sorry but that sounds like your problem. Why should I bother?
Is this guy even real? How can he think she would just come running at him snapping his fingers like that? Someone would need a proper trimming of their ego here.
Nathan: Come on, babe! Don’t make me beg. Tessa: Well, if you ask me to actually get up, make myself decent Nathan: You don’t have to be decent 😉 😈 Tessa: 🙄 … ride a cab and keep you company as if you were a 10-year old boy Tessa: A little begging is mandatory, to be frank Nathan: … Nathan: No, seriously. I never beg. So just come over and let’s have fun! 🎆 Tessa: If you beg me 😎 Nathan: 🙄 Ah! Fine! PLEEEEEEEEASE! Nathan: Happy now? Are you coming? Give me your address so I can send you a cab.
Tessa is already fully awake anyway. This macho man clearly needs to teach some manners. She gives him an address of a nearby non-stop convenience store, she would never share her address with this guy. She briefly informs her brother about her plans.
“Send me his phone number and name and ask the cab driver where he’s taking you and text me so I can inform the police if you don’t come back. And take the taser gun and pepper spray with you.” He says, his eyes never leaving the screen with Luke Skywalker destroying the Death Star.
“As always. I’ll text you when I arrive on the spot and everytime I manage to go to the restroom.”
Ty shows thumb up.
Tessa jumps into a cab dressed for success but she’s covered in a nice black coat. She quickly interviews the cab driver and texts Tyler. Once she’s standing in front of a fancy hotel, she texts her brother again and heads to the hotel bar. She leaves her coat in the dressing room so she enters the bar with confidence, dressed in tight shimmery leggings combined with black leather and lace tunic. It’s not exactly revealing apparel but inspires the imagination. Tessa works hard, doing yoga and weightlifting, to maintain her hour-glass figure. She’s not exactly chubby but she’s got plenty of curves, suggesting she’s not denying herself a cake from time to time. Tessa wears her shoulder-length wavy blond hair out of her steel grey eyes using black stretch bandana.
Tessa quickly scens the room and notices a tall dark stranger by the bar. It must be Nathan. She strides confidently towards him. When she’s half way there, he looks up from his drink and his eyes lock with hers. A smug smile appears on his face and Tessa can’t wait to wipe it off.
“You look even better than I remember from the Christmas party.” Nathan says as Tessa takes a seat on a bar stool next to him. “What do you drink?”
“Matcha tea if I’m supposed to stay awake at this hour.” Tessa says and nods at the bartender to call him.
“You’re not a night-owl, huh?” Nathan chuckles. “But seriously? A tea?” Tessa looks into his jade green eyes, never dodging. Nathan gulps and breaks eye contact to speak to the bartender. He asks for matcha tea for you.
“Honestly, I’m not used to listening to somebody’s orders like this.”
“And yet you are here!” Nathan smiles at her with confidence. His face is indeed handsome, all sharp angles, beautiful eyes, attractive lips and smile. He’s got short black hair, nicely layered and styled. The impression of perfection is only disturbed by the two-day shade of facial hair. Interesting detail. Men like him usually don’t skip shaving. Everything else on him is meticulously perfect.
“Scolding someone doesn’t have the same effect over messages.” Tessa retorts.
Nathan laughs again and stands up. “Why don’t we sit at the table and have dinner so you can go back to bed…” He makes a pause and checks Tessa out shamelessly. “... be it yours or mine.”
Tessa rolls her eyes and follows him to the table. She is served with her tea instantly. Nathan is truly tall, his body underneath an expensive suit is likely lean and toned. His walk has a certain rhythm suggesting he might be a good dancer and… well… lover.
Tessa skips the meals in the menu and checks the desserts, ogling Nathan from behind the menu.
“Anything you would like to bite?” Nathan looks up and straight into her eyes, grinning mischievously.
“Certainly but let’s eat first.” Tessa says with a quiet voice, watching the effect of her words on him.
Nathan smiles happily, clearly thinking this will end well for him. Waiter comes, Tessa orders an ice-cream sundae for herself. Nathan looks a bit surprised but he orders beef steak for himself. “Ice-cream? Don’t you want anything more?” He asks as soon as the waiter is gone.
“I’ve already had dinner. I’m fine with just the dessert.” Tessa says and looks into his eyes. “Why do you need me to sit here with you?” She asks.
Nathan shifts a bit on his chair. “I told you. I don’t like to eat alone.”
“Why me, though? You could easily hit on any woman in this hotel.”
“I remembered our meeting at the party. That’s all.”
“Did I make such a big impression on you?”
“Well, clearly I didn’t impress you when you didn’t remember me.” He chuckles but it’s more insecure than joyful laughter. Nathan clears his throat. “Why did you come?”
“I was curious.”
“And? What’s the verdict?”
“Hmm… it’s not bad but it could be better.” Corners of Tessa’s mouth rise a bit in a teasing smile.
“Was I way too bossy?”
“You were.”
“I’m sorry. I’m used to giving orders and I expect them to be followed.”
“I’m the same.”
Nathan’s eyes sparkle. “I’m afraid I won't let you boss me.”
“Did I ask for your permission?” Tessa says calmly, her eyes fixing him on the spot.
“No, seriously, I think I’m not ready for something like this.” Nathan says and his voice is much more nervous than before.
Tessa shrugs her shoulders. “Text me when you are ready, then.” She stands up.
“What? Wait! You’re leaving? What about your ice-cream?”
“You can have it. It’s the only dessert you’re gonna enjoy tonight anyway.” Tessa breezes over her shoulder walking away, aware of his piercing eyes following her every move and sway of her hips.
To be continued...
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ballsackhireling · 29 days
My client’s really hot today. I work at a massage place, I wear a skimpy little outfit of just booth shorts. Most clients just want a massage, when I came into my office she was lying on her stomach, she put a small towel on her ass and across the part of her back where her tits are. That’s a problem. I’ve only been working here a week and most clients don’t strip down like that. It’s hot. I should be professional but it’s hard when being professional means wearing a skimpy little outfit and looking at ass all day.
I start with the calves first. The client requested no back work on her booking since she’s ticklish there. Weird. She requested the full body experience otherwise. Her skin’s soft. Her muscles are tight. If they weren’t so bad I’d think she was a regular. She’s super relaxed and when she looks at me she’s so confident. She turns around a little too much to look at me and I can see her tits hanging out of her towel for a second. I pretend not to notice. Was that an accident? She’s really hot. She puts her head back and I look at her ass popping out through the towel. It’s getting to be overstimulating. I move to the back of her knees. Why did they give me such a small uniform? I lotion her up again. Now it’s time for her thighs. They’re soft. I have to press deep to feel the tight muscles. She makes a whimper but I can tell it’s a good whimper. I keep going. The uniform’s not just tight my dick’s getting a chub. I keep working. I hope she’s one of those clients that wants me to be her man whore. I bet her thighs would feel great clamped against my face, maybe she’s strong enough to pin me with them. Probably not her frames really supple. I could totally pin her though. It would be so easy. I bet her pussy’s so tight too. Her muscles are pretty relaxed . Wait how long have I been massaging her thighs? She stopped making noise? Has it been an awkward amount of time? I should move on to her ass. Could I smack her thighs and get away with it? Focus. Fuck my pants are really tight now. I wanna fuck her so bad. Alright calm down and do your job man, keep it professional.
FUCK! It feels so good, I wanna fuck it so bad! Please treat me like your whore! Make me fuck you. I wanna cum! I want it inside! Wait fuck no my pants feel tight. I’m getting tingly, I think my underwear’s holding it down alright. Okay keep rubbing. Shit it’s smooth and thick, I want to smack it even more. I should bury my cock in it. Wait no slow down, fuck I’m getting too big. My dick’s coming out of the left pant hole of my underwear, my erection is poking out shit I’m too big. The booty shorts are too small the head of my dick is sticking out of the pant leg right next to the company logo! Fuck both my hands are on her asschecks. If I move one to put my dick back in my pants she’ll notice. What’s that sound she’s making? I think she moaning a bit? Hot hot hot really hot. Shit Precum’s coming out. Okay move your hips so your junk’s above her ass. That way your pre will soak in the cloth and not her skin so she shouldn’t notice.But now that I’m here I need to stop working on her ass or she’ll wonder why I’m doing it. Okay if I work on the back for a bit I can calm down. Move my hands up
“Hey wait I said no back remember? It makes me ticklish”
Fuck fuck I wanna cum, she’s right there I need an excuse she.. she’s turning around and her titty cloth only covers her back. Fuck they’re beautiful. Perfectly round and RED ALERT ASSHOLE SHE CAN SEE YOUR DICK! Oh fuck what’s she gonna do? She doesn’t look so unhappy she, fuck she grabbed it! Oh she’s stroking! Fuck pump me dry you beautiful woman wait it’s too soon. I’m too sensitive.
“I’m gonna cum”
No don’t stop! I want to fuck. She’s opening her legs, that means I can stick it in! She’s grabbing my hair, oh I see. Don’t worry I’ll eat you out well. I’m really good at it.Yeah that’s right, oh you were getting blue balled too? That’s okay, don’t worry let it all out for me. Good girl, I love watching my clients orgasm. Time to fuck I think. I’m going to show it off next to her monster can. “Do you want it inside?” “Yes please”. Good girl. Fuck she’s wet. Good thing I calmed down eating her out. Looks like she really likes having her wrist pinned down. I should probably keep her mouth busy and make out with her. She’s tight and wet and it’s so inviting when I stick it in. Pump. Pump. Pump. Pump pump pump pump pump pump pump pump pump pump pumppumppumppumppumpumppumppumppumppumppumppumppumppump.
Cum for me. Do it. We both know how worked up you are you are you can… there you go, good girl. Pumpumppumppumppumppumpumppumpumppumppumppumpumppumppumppumppump. She’s cumming again her pulsing feels really good, shit too good I’m gonna…
Play it cool don’t worry you got three out of her. Keep making out, hug her, she’s hugging you with her arms and legs too good. Aftercare, give her some water let her put her head on your chest. Oh yeah, I’m definitely getting a big tip after this.
The first part got deleted and I had to rewrite it. Originally it was going to be about how sweet I was going to be to you today and cuddle you, then I suggested massaging you then I thought about how I could touch you while you relaxed then I horny spiraled from there. The transition was really smooth in the first draft I wish I had it. I love you!
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Life After Richmond pt. 2
A Jason Sudeikis multi-chapter RPF w/a reader insert/OFC. No use of y/n l/n.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
"How do I look? Is the dress too much? Maybe I shouldn't wear heels?" Callie twisted and turned in front of the full-length mirror. Her dress was a wrap dress with a deep V, which followed the curve of her bust. It held with a knot at the waist and draped to just below her knees with the slit hidden by the wrap unless she moved. It was classy, demure but feminine and a little sexy. She felt the best she had in a long time. She'd put back on the weight she lost following the breakup, and her hair and skin had recovered from the excesses of wine, junk food and sleepless nights. 
"You look fantastic. The heels are fine - not too high. You look like a woman who means business." In her living room, Laura was checking and rechecking the email confirmation for the meeting. "We need to go. Are you ready?"
"Yep, let's do it." Callie gathered her coat and bag, her laptop sleeve, and took her phone off charge. A short cab ride later, they were booked in and waiting for the elevator to take them to the 12th floor. Callie got out her phone to put it on silent. There was a good luck message from her sister and a message from Jason, which presumably was on similar lines. She opened them to clear them. Jason didn't say good luck, though. It just said 'Don't freak out.' Well, that was one way to instill confidence she rolled her eyes. 
Laura hustled her out of the lift as she pushed her phone back into her bag. She felt a solid shove in her lower back, guiding her into the conference room. Callie froze in the doorway. She looked past the Apple exec to the two familiar figures in the window overlooking the city.
"Good morning, Ms. Draper, thank you for coming down to see us. I'm Dan Andrews, and I believe you already know these gentlemen?" Laura caught Callie's laptop sleeve before it
hit the floor and proceeded to also take her bag and coat from her hands. She put everything onto the large glass table and went to shake hands, pulling Callie with her. Callie felt her arm move with the motion of shaking hands and she mumbled an introduction, but she barely glanced at Dan. She then found herself standing in front of both Brett and Jason. 
"Good to see you, love. You look great." Brett smiled, pulling her into a hug that lifted her feet from the ground. Her hands pushed him away slightly, anger rising to the surface. 
"What the fuck, Brett?" she whispered. He placed her back down, her feet stumbling slightly. Jason caught her elbow to steady her, and hugged her gently, dropping a quick kiss on her cheek.
"It's good to see you after so long. Don't freak out." He muttered directly into her ear, "You look incredible." He felt her shiver as she pulled away from him, frowning.
"Shall we sit?" Dan suggested. Callie and Laura took one side of the table while Brett and Jason sat on the other side. "Feels like couples counseling." Dan joked, the sudden tension in the room had not been lost on him. Callie brushed non-existent lint from her dress, suddenly regretting the low neckline and split in the leg. She felt more self conscious and nervous than she had in the company of strangers. It was unsettling to have her professional and private lives combine without her knowledge. Across the table, Jason found himself wondering just how far into the neckline of her dress her blush went, and hoping he could talk her round from her anger.
He hadn’t wanted to catch her off guard, he had expected Dan to take the meeting alone and fill him in afterwards. He'd wanted their second meeting to be more like the first - coffee, maybe a walk. Not ambushing her in a clinical conference room.
"So, I understand you've met with the team at Netflix. I'd love to know more about their plans, maybe there's some details where we can be better suited, or we can be more flexible. But let me outline our intentions first - with Brett and Jason's input and then you can weigh in. Sounds good?" Callie nodded slowly without smiling, avoiding Brett and Jason's eyes. "Great, so I don't know how involved you want to be, or how much Netflix wants you to be, but we want it to be entirely your decision - I don't want to dictate to you. The intellectual property is yours and will obviously remain so, we will work fully with you. That's basically us in a nutshell. Did you want to talk through your other offer?" Callie shook her head and didn't bother hiding the anger in her voice. 
"No. To be honest, I want to hear from these two first." Brett took a deep breath and went to begin.
"Cal, please-"
"We never intended to ambush you." Jason interrupted, holding his hands up "Let me start at the beginning. I called Dan before I'd even finished reading the first chapter of your book. I knew immediately that if it ever crossed his desk, I wanted to be involved. That was the only thing I requested at the time and that was months before we met. Then I finally got to meet you, and we stayed in touch, and the more we talked the more I wanted to make this happen. Every idea you mention in conversation, every plotline you hint at, has gotten me so invested at the thought of working with you. When you told me about Netflix, I pushed Dan to arrange this meeting but I genuinely thought he'd meet with you alone first. I figured I wouldn't factor into this meeting at all. But Dan knows me, he knew I wouldn't be asking him if I was willing to hand the show to someone else. I only found out that I needed to be here last night, and by then I thought it would do more harm telling you. That's it, that's all there is so far." Callie held his gaze and didn't look away or say a word, knowing he still had more to say. "I want you to be involved in the whole thing. Exec producer - you, you want to write the whole thing alone? Totally fine, you want a writing team? It's yours. You outline the entire story arc, you decide the number of episodes we need. You help cast the thing. You'll be credited as co-creator-"
"I don't know the first thing about TV. I don't understand most of what you've just said." She said reproachfully, not letting him off the hook. 
"Callie, you are the captain. We're your navigators. Brett and I want to do this alongside you, otherwise we won't do it at all. What do Netflix want from you?" Callie took a deep breath. 
"They didn't say outright it’s early days, but I get the feeling they want me to be pretty hands off. I get credited as an exec producer but that's all. Their choice of writers, their choice of showrunner-"
"Do you know who?" Dan interrupted, "Does that have an impact on your decision?"
"They've discussed it being a Shondaland product. Which is fine, I guess. I love Bridgerton. I think she's worked really hard to get where she is. She's a force of nature. But she's also let Greys go on for nearly 20 years. And I obviously have no idea what she's like as a person. And they want full and total control. They want to be able to keep it going without my input and stray from the text, equally they can bin it after a season if they choose to." Across the table Brett rolled his eyes. 
"You are the one who should be in control of this." Jason nodded next to him. "Within sensible reason, we don't want to upset Dan." Brett offered the man at the head of the table a smile. 
"I agree. But if that's not what you want, then I get it." Jason chimed in. Callie stood up abruptly. 
"Can I get a minute please?"
"Sure, sure, we'll leave you-" Dan motioned for the room to be cleared but Callie got to the door first, leaving Laura and everyone else behind. 
"It's OK, I'll step out." 
The glass room had frosted panels running horizontally, all Jason could see was Callie's legs pacing backwards and forwards up and down the corridor outside, the frosted panel meant he couldn't see her face, just the very top of her head. He focused on following her feet with his eyes. She stopped and dropped into a low crouch, he could see the muscles in her calves and the curve of her bottom. Laura watched him from across the table with a smirk. Callie's last 6 months of conversational foreplay had not been on her bingo card. Through the glass, it looked as though Callie had her head in her hands. His heart ached at the thought that he was contributing to making the decision more difficult. She stood up again almost straight away and spun on her toes. He could see the outline of her body making for the door, which was thrown open with some force. 
Callie had paced up and down until she was dizzy. As an author, she was relatively well known - all the more since Jason had been peddling her book on both coasts to any and all of his friends and their friends. Daytime TV appearances had been a huge step up from when she’d published her first book. The journey into television was a daunting one, and the idea of Netflix and their colder approach frankly terrified her. Her book was her baby and she didn't want to let it go fully. The alternative option was clearly so much better, and she was overjoyed at the thought of working with Brett. It was working with Jason, which scared the shit out of her. She was a genuine fan, she'd already called him hot (something they'd never circled back to directly), they were beginning to speak almost more frequently than she and Brett did, she valued and craved his creative input. She sank to the ground, unsure whether to run for the elevator or back to the boardroom. The thought of disappointing him or underperforming was far more frightening on a personal level than a professional one. She dragged her hands through her hair, let out a huff of air and sprung to standing. She grabbed at the door handle and headed back in. 
She spoke directly to Brett and Jason without going back to her seat.
"I don't know anything about TV. Literally nothing. I don't want to fuck this up. I don't want to get it wrong. This would be much easier if I fucked up with a bunch of strangers. I could walk away, carry on writing and never think about it again." She met Jason's eyes, her voice wavering slightly, "I really can't disappoint you. I don't want this to be something my friends can hold over me for the rest of my life. I don’t want to end up jeopardising your career, or his." She gestured to Brett. He was standing in front of her before the last word had even crossed her lips. 
"I know you don't want to disappoint us. I doubt you could." He said with a smile, Callie rolled her eyes. 
"No, I mean-" 
"I know what you mean. I don't think you will disappoint anyone, and I certainly wouldn't hold it over you for the rest of our lives. I think you underestimate how much Brett and I want to work with you. This isn't about you winning us over - you already did that. We don't want to disappoint you." Callie's eyes filled with tears, moved by his words and struggling to hold onto her anger. "What do you think?" He asked, his eyes pleading. She sighed heavily, her resolve weakening.
"I have an advance for my next two books. I have deadlines."
"And we'll support you in meeting them. Hell, I want first refusal on adapting them. We can work all of this stuff out, together. I know he's a twat, but give us a chance." Jason nodded his head towards Brett, making Callie smile at last. 
"What happens next?" she asked. Jason sighed with relief, and Brett reached out to hug them both.
"I have some basic contracts here, just discussing exclusivity and allowing us to get into the finer details. This means we can set up further meetings to take our time on the important stuff without worrying that Netflix will poach you. It means we can get it right, not rushed." Dan smiled, producing the paperwork with a flourish.
"No fear there, Dan. I'm not going anywhere."
"Glad to hear it. Let's get those signed, and then you're free to celebrate. As you're already friends, you can start working on how you want the show to look and feel, I think that will get us into a great position to discuss the full contracts. We have the added benefit that Jason in particular knows how we like to operate and what these next discussions will entail. Believe me, I hear you about this sort of thing testing friendships, but this is harder with a group of strangers. I'll go and arrange some coffee while you all have a read through."
Another couple of hours later and the four were outside the building in the cold. Despite initially concentrating on only having met Jason once before, Callie had also remembered that it had been just as long since she'd seen Brett. None of them were ready for the day to be over, and they were desperate to speak freely without Dan listening to every word. Jason led them to a pub where they ordered champagne and beers to start and poured over the food menu with their heads together. Once they'd decided on food, Callie took the menu to the bar to order, leaving the others in the booth. She waited patiently for the barman, pulling the V of her dress to make sure she wasn't showing too much. A hand on her lower back quickly distracted her. Jason had left Laura and Brett to argue over who was getting the better deal with the show, in favour of finally getting Callie alone.
"How does it feel?" He asked. She beamed at him, her smile met her eyes, and she shone with happiness. The fact that this was the smile he'd been trying to get from her all day made the reward even sweeter.
"Amazing. I need to pinch myself! If you'd said back in London that this is where we'd end up in 6 months, I'd have laughed at you. I just wish… I wish I hadn’t been caught off guard like that."
"I know. I’m sorry, I’m really so sorry. It's been a long time coming.” She nodded, accepting the apology. “You look so much happier."
"I really am. You were right, it does get easier. It's made me wonder if I was actually happy with the way things were, because I know for a fact I'm happier now."
"What can I say, I'm smart and hot." He said with a smirk. 
"6 months, and I thought I'd gotten away with that. You've just been waiting to bring it up in public." Callie laughed, hiding her face behind the menu. 
"Can you blame me when I knew you'd blush so beautifully? I had to wait to see it in person." Callie was saved by the barman taking their mammoth food order. 
"I hope this wasn't some long, elaborate plan to get me to spend time with you. Or do you slide into a lot of DMs?" She teased once they were alone again.
"If Brett had given up your number sooner, I would have straight up called you. Besides, it worked, didn't it?"
"I was at a very low point back then, you caught me off guard - again." She dismissed his comment with a wave of her hand.
"Ah, so it's not true. Second meeting regret? Was it the boardroom lighting?" He replied with an easy smile. Callie thanked the barman and turned back to Jason.
"Not at all, in fact, that tweet was completely, absolutely correct, and I stand by it. I'd send it again for sure." She cowardly disappeared back to the booth, not waiting for a response. She dropped down in the booth opposite Laura who'd move to sit next to Brett. They were both reading through the contract they'd all just signed. As soon as she sat, Callie realised that the only space left was next to her. Fantastic, how she loved facing the consequences of her ill thought out actions. Jason sat down beside her and nudged her shoulder. 
"Didn’t think that one through?"
"I did not. I was expecting a Laura buffer, you caught me."
"If only." He grinned, pouring more champagne for her and Laura.
"Right you two, quit flirting for a minute, Laura wants a plan."
"I do want a plan. I want to know how the hell Callie is going to write me two books and co-create a TV show at the same fucking time." She banged the table.
"I will be fueled by chocolate and booze?" Callie suggested. 
"No way, I'll compromise with you being fueled by a healthy diet, coffee and a thriving sex life." Callie scoffed, "Yeah, sure thing babe. I'll get right on that. It'll all work out Laur, don't stress over the details."
"I keep telling her you've got us, why does she think that's not a good thing?" Brett wondered aloud.
"Probably because we met up for coffee and you guys left about 7 hours later." Callie shrugged. 
"We hadn't seen each other for ages. This is different. Once we're finished on Ted you'll be sick of seeing us." 
"Are you kidding me? You make her laugh all the time and she's got the hots for Jason. I don't envisage much work going on." Laura laughed. “You lot will send me to an early grave with this.”
"OK, Laura is cut off from the booze now since she can't keep her trap shut. Like I said, details later. For now, I'm just going to enjoy where my hard work has gotten me." Callie brushed over Laura's comment with a winning smile. Whatever had been brewing over the phone with Jason for the last 6 months was not going to be addressed in a bar. She’d been fresh from her break up previously, and was unprepared for being remotely attracted to anyone. Six months of conversation with Jason had built a friendship and now they were adding in a co-worker status. Rocking the boat now was not an option. The night ended as Callie had expected it to - whether it had been a good or bad day. Laura next to her with a bag of sweets between them in bed, dissecting their day. 
"I can't believe today."
"I know, mental."
"And now you're going to be working with two of the current best TV creators, for Apple TV... Jason Sudeikis is your boss!"
"Or... am I his boss? It's my book, after all."
"It's his TV show."
"Our TV show. Jointly."
"Whichever. You want to sleep with your boss!" Laura giggled, still drunk.
"I wouldn't say no." Callie agreed, also feeling the effects of plenty of champagne. "But, y’know, probably not a good idea."
"Well then, you two need to decide on the boundaries because I know we're joking about how much you like him, but holy shit when he saw you in that boardroom this morning!"
"I wasn't looking. I was too busy being angry." 
"I know. And then too busy being businesswoman of the year. But I've been watching him watching you. All. Day. Long." Callie made a little 'pfft' sound. "It's true. In my expert opinion-"
"He's got it just as bad as you."
"He has literally been staring you down all day. So you guys might need to talk. Or screw. Or bury these feelings so deep we never speak of them again."
"Hmm. I like those options." Callie said through a yawn. "I need to sleep on it. Or him." She sniggered, moving the sweets to her bed stand and switching off the light. In the dark, Laura giggled,
"It's been 84 years..." 
"Fucking feels like it!"
A couple of days later, Callie had made plans to meet up with Jason and Brett before they returned to London. 
"You're welcome to come round here, and I'll cook? Where are you staying?"
"I'm at a hotel in the East Village, but Suds is at his place in Brooklyn, which is between us."
"Hmm. My place is a bit pokey." Callie admitted.
"Fucking tiny."
"Just let's go to Jason's, yeah? I'm sure he'll let you cook, and I bet his kitchen is better than yours."
"Fine, you let him know and send me the address. I'm going to get some stuff for lunch."
"Yes boss."
"Learning already, good boy!" Callie hung up and finished packing up her laptop and notepads. On the way to Jason's, she picked up the ingredients for the lunch she wanted to make. Time living alone, years of work in the service industry and a top chef sister meant she knew her way around a kitchen. The recipes she knew well and cooked often were well practiced masterpieces and she loved showing them off. By the time she'd reached his front door, she was laden with bags and ready to get to work. 
"Here she is at last!" Brett called through the corridor while Jason took bags from her.
"I suggest if you want feeding, you shut that pretty mouth." Callie blew him a kiss with her free hand.
"And this is why she wasn't allowed to work front of house." He laughed.
"Come through, you want a coffee?" Jason offered, working neatly around Callie as she unpacked her laptop and notes. 
"God, yes please." She shrugged off her hoodie and put it on the back of her seat. He put a coffee and pastry next to her and sat between her and Brett. "Oh wow, my hero, I'm starving!"
"Easily pleased."
"Title of your porno, Brett." She retorted, rolling her eyes. 
"Remind me why you two have never worked together before?" Jason interrupted with a laugh.
"He'd annoy the fuck out of me." 
"I know your pain. So, bad news first - we're back in London in two days for at least another 2 months, and then I have a month in LA planned." Callie nodded, pulling out her diary,
"OK, so our first 3 months are mostly going to be online, that's fine. I can come to London for a week, week and half, midway through if that helps?"
"That would be amazing, thanks."
"I'll get the flights booked through Laura."
"She can submit it to Apple to pick up the tab. You're not still working a full time job are you?"
"Not full time, I quit when I moved from Chicago but I do have the option to do some bar shifts if I need to, I just have to ask for them."
"We'll try and avoid that. We'll get an advance on your royalties through Dan to help."
"I've got the advance from the two new books as well, and I'm remarkably thrifty when I need to be." The conversation and planning continued through the morning, plotting logistics and scheduling regular meetings in preparation for their time apart. They started talking storyline as Callie began preparing lunch. Brett was chief note taker, Jason talked and watched Callie as she worked. She chopped potatoes, sliced and seasoned chicken before wrapping it in prosciutto. He loved how methodically she worked. He occasionally offered comments on where to find pans or oven sheets, coming up behind her with one hand on her waist to get to the high cupboard she couldn't reach. He took over chopping vegetables when she needed to scribble down some ideas. They moved around each other with complete synchronicity. Callie's cooking went down a storm, and by late afternoon, they had plans for how to move things forward. 
"So apparently everytime we see each other, someone's getting on a plane and it's months till we see each other again?" Callie shoved her stuff into her bag once they'd all decided they'd had enough. 
"Feels a bit like that." Brett admitted, checking his Uber app. "My ride's here, want to share?"
"No I'm good thanks, I'll walk." He gave her a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek.
"Soon, you'll be fed up with us. Or maybe just me." He said with a twinkle. "I'm really so happy you're doing this. I promise we won't get it wrong. Not with you here to supervise."
"Thank you for everything Brett, it's going to be amazing. And since you've basically put the seal of approval on my work, mum totally loves you now."
"Wow, high praise indeed!"
"I'm pretty sure she's hoping you'll marry me, but I told her bollocks so be prepared for her to suggest Beth instead." From the front door, Jason sniggered. 
"Beth is the better cook, fine by me." Callie clutched her hand to her heart, feigning devastation.
"Just leave me Brett, I can't take any more." She fake cried.
"Love you, you muppet."
"Love you too, speak to you in a couple of days once you've slept." She hugged him tightly and waved off his Uber once he'd hugged Jason. "Right, I'll grab my stuff and get out of your way." She said brightly. 
"Don't feel like you've got to disappear because Brett's gone. He had a date. Stay if you want, we can work some more or put a movie on?" Callie paused. Laura was busy so she would be going back to her empty apartment, alone, where she'd stay unless she ventured out for a slice of pizza later on. Following their night in the bar, she'd concluded that 'this thing' with Jason was definitely just a crush. Which combined with being a little starstruck, had just been blown out of proportion. An ocean between them would not be a bad thing, she'd said with a firm nod. Laura had laughed till she cried. 
"Only if you're sure, I don't want to intrude? Also, he has a date?! Sneaky bugger didn't tell me!"
"I believe his words were 'something,  something, she's too invested in my love life, something, something should get one of her own.' I didn't take much notice." He handed her a beer from the fridge. Callie's jaw dropped. 
"How. Rude. He'll pay for that. If it's not him, it's Laura, or Beth, or my mother." She muttered angrily.
"They just want you to be happy."
"Which they're all convinced is directly linked to me getting laid." She pointed out. "Sorry, too blunt. I need to just shut up." She paused to collect her thoughts. "They all just assume that I need to be in a relationship to be happy." She sank into the sofa cushions. 
"And what do you think?"
"I think I spent 5 years in a relationship which was actually making me miserable but I was too determined to make it work to be bothered about my own feelings. Turns out catching him with the neighbour was the cure. I don't know, I've been on a couple of dates since then. I’m just taking everything a day at a time. Maybe Brett's right. Don't tell him I said that." 
"Take your time. Only you know what you're ready for." Jason offered. 
"Movie time, what's it gonna be?" Callie frowned, thinking.
"No judgement?" He boy scout saluted. "You Got Mail?"
"Why the fuck would I judge that? Great choice." Callie grinned in response and was quickly lost in the movie. She caught Jason's eye from time to time but it seemed he was just as engrossed in the screen as she was. She sighed happily as Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks walked together discussing her meeting with NY152. By the time Joe was giving Kathleen the "how about some coffee, or you know, drinks, or dinner or a movie... for as long as we both shall live..." speech and begging her to forgive him, Callie had tears threatening to roll down her cheeks. She'd brought her knees up to hug them and wiped her eyes in the elbow of her hoodie. 
"There's definitely a perfect movie, and this is it." She smiled. 
"You're not wrong there." 
"The writing is just… Ooof." She looked skyward with a hand on her heart. 
"So's yours." She dismissed his comment, rolling her eyes. 
"You haven't worked with me yet. I thrive in chaos." 
"That makes two of us." 
"I don't know how to thank you for all of this."
"Please don't, believe me, I should be thanking you. I had no idea what I was going to do after Ted. I was terrified that nothing would come close, but then I met you. I told Brett when we left the restaurant that nothing was going to stop me from working with you. I meant it." Callie nodded, unable to speak for fear of crying. She cleared her throat and stood up, 
"I should get going. There's some leftovers in the fridge, don't forget them." He shook his head with a small smile.
"You’re something else, Callie." He stood to hug her tightly and she welcomed being completely surrounded by him. "See you soon." He said quietly, leaning down to kiss her cheek and catching slightly closer to the corner of her mouth than he'd anticipated. She sighed and took a step back. 
"See you soon."
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