#raleigh becket fic
hawktims · 1 year
developing a hyperfixation for pacific rim in 2023 is actually painful bcs 80% of the fandom is dead but also it's been fun being in my own little bubble as i discover all of the content that's been accumulating for the past 10 years
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ramblingtocope · 6 months
vaguely obsessed with ppl who write fics that r "character whose story doesn't end x character who lives to end the story" and choose to not save the one who dies,, in other words "the one who lives x the one who dies."
like YESYESYES show me the tragedy of that love and how it doesn't save anyone, not even themselves. write about their moments together despite knowing that one of them will be their last. the ending can't be changed but the journey can be softer. and that ending can hurt even more.
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georgiapeach30513 · 3 months
The One to Sacrifice, Part 3
Summary: being here is getting to you.
Pairings: Raleigh Becket X Reader, Johnny Storm X Reader
Rating: mild
Warnings:  language, mentions of cheating, mentions of secrets, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.3K
Series Masterlist
*Dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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The moment your father had told you the pond had been scraped you were ready to get back on the ice, but you had responsibilities now, and they involved making sure your niece was taken care of. Everyone else’s lives got to go on living like they always did, but yours changed the moment that Mike had passed away. You became her sole caretaker. Her confidant. Her shoulder to cry on. Her everything.
“So I get to play hockey here?” She looks up at you sleepily. So far Tanzy had enjoyed being here. You had your doubts. Hopefully it would make taking care of yourself easier. As far as your personal life went, it was much more difficult. Small towns had the tendency to do that.
“Yes, darling, now go to sleep,” you whisper, giving a kiss to her forehead.
“Did my dad love hockey?”
“Your dad and uncle Frank loved hockey. Him, Frank, Johnny, and…”
“That man that brought us home?” She peeks up through her lashes at you with the most mischievous grin, and you just nod. “Did you ever kiss him?”
“Go to sleep,” your voice is a bit more animated, but it doesn’t raise. Playfully covering her eyes she starts giggling uncontrollably. “Tanzy!”
“What? He’s cute. You should kiss him,” you roll your eyes, and settle back on her bed. You need to go out on the ice, so whatever it took for her to settle down, you’d do. “He’s nice, too. He drove us home.”
“Uh huh,” you give a fake yawn that you know she doesn't believe, but you can’t help it. It was late, and you were emotionally exhausted, and only one thing helped. You can already feel the tingle of the chill on your cheeks.
“Did you love him?” Tanzy breaks your daydreaming of just moving on the ice. Giving you the softest and knowing smile as she looks up at you.
“Young love,” you agree. You loved Raleigh in your way, although you never loved him the way he loved you. You didn’t even understand what love was. And then some stupid boy with blue eyes that had the most beautiful bit green in them stole your heart, and you didn’t have the balls to break up with Raleigh.
“You should try again,” she lets out a little yawn, flipping over onto her side. “I don’t want you to be alone like daddy was,” she yawns again, waving her hand at you, “I’m good, go skate.”
This child. She knew that you needed to skate, “Love you, Tanz.”
“Love you, too,” she could very much be faking her sleepiness. She’s done it before. But she wasn’t a baby anymore. She was growing.
With a sigh, you run into the mud room, and grab your things. Putting your skates on sitting on the bench by the pond. Remembering a simpler time and skating with your brothers. Inhaling the frosty air with a smile. Skating on the pond brought back so many memories. A less complicated life. Joy. Laughter. Love.
Making a few rounds on the ice, you try to not think, just exist. Focus on your feet and legs as you launch into the air. Not think about everything that happened. Too much had happened. And even more was bubbling up to the surface, and there was more you hoped never would.
Spinning around, you let the world melt away. Let everything blur out in front of you, but then you feel Johnny’s hands on your body. Blurring into puppy love with Raleigh. Someone you didn’t have to hide. Mike would have killed you. He threatened to kill Johnny when he found out.
You come to a stop in the middle of the ice. Your chest heaving with frustration more than exertion. You really knew how to fuck up things. It’s why you prefer to push people away. Coming back home was smothering you. The only one you couldn’t run away from was Tanzy; because she needs you. Who else would take care of her?
On the one hand was this toxic love based on passion and your bodies. A fire that burned too brightly, leaving you with nothing left but ashes. On the other hand was someone you could make a life with. A life here in a small town in Maine. Things weren’t complicated with Raleigh until…Johnny.
You aren’t even sure you loved Johnny, you just wanted him. Wanted everything he had to offer, and he had big dreams and stars in his eyes that were the same as yours. But he made it. He didn’t sacrifice anything. Kept living his life, and pretending like Tanzy didn’t exist. Mike had counted on him, and he failed. Again.
You take off quickly just wanting to get in the air, and get your mind off — them. You didn’t want either of them quite frankly, and yet they were still both here. What were the odds that Johnny was being forced to be a coach to a girls’ hockey team? And you sigh as your body spins around because there’s a part of you that is lying. You did want something. Honesty, possibly.
You have to think of anything but them. Think about what would have happened if you decided to have a partner. The only one you had ever skated with was Raleigh. You’d giggle as he’d lift you up in the air, and twirl you around. You should have kept things simple, despite his push to turn romantic. No, it was his ability to make you laugh and feel comfortable. Raleigh should have had all your firsts.
You try to imagine a life where things didn’t get fucked up. Where Raleigh came with you to Minnesota. Mike could have still been alive. Tanzy would have had her father, and you would have had your big brother.
You imagine him as your partner. Practically could feel his hands back in yours as you skate around the pond. Life could have been different. Maybe you wouldn’t be thinking about these constant what if’s in your head.
“Ahh,” you fall down on the ice, and glare up at Raleigh who stops so abruptly he falls over as well. “What are you doing?”
He sits up, placing both arms on his knees as he gives you that quintessential Raleigh Becket smile, “I came to apologize,” he tilts his head to the side as he looks at you. “I spent all this time feeling like I didn’t get any closure, and…dammit, Pix, I should have been there for you.”
”What?” Your head turns to look at him quickly. Confusion doesn’t even explain what you’re feeling. Or the secrets you were hiding. How did they fit in with Raleigh?
“When Mike died. I shouldn’t have offered my help, I should have just been there. You quit your dream to raise a child that wasn’t your own.”
“It was the right thing to do.”
“Would you stop,” you look at him confused. What exactly did he mean with that? “You don’t have to be a martyr. You don’t have to do this all alone. You shouldn’t have done it alone. Tanzy…you’ve done a good job on her. You should have had a support system.”
A silence looms between the two of you. Never even getting off the ice. You look up at the stars, and whisper out a thanks to him. Starting to lean into his body a bit before your head lays over on his shoulder. The best thing about Raleigh is the comfort.
“You don’t have to do it alone anymore.”
“Is that an invitation?” He can feel the smile that creeps up on your mouth, and you feel the chuckle building up in his chest that he doesn’t want to release. “I’m sorry, too.”
“Is this a Storm thing?” You groan, starting to lift off his shoulder, but he pulls you back down. “Did he mean anything to you?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Did I?”
You’re unsure how to answer. Because he did mean a lot to you. Johnny is complicated for various reasons. And you have told yourself he meant nothing to you for a long time, but you fear it is to protect yourself the most. Because at the end of the day, you felt like a conquest to Johnny. An easy lay. A virgin.
Raleigh whispers your name, lifting you up to look at him, “Did I mean anything to you?”
“Yes,” you answer with the utmost sincerity. He smiles with glassy eyes, and you hate yourself for the pain you caused him. Not just the lack of closure but the fact he found out about his girlfriend cheating on him. “I loved you. You were my best friend.”
“Why did you do it?” You shrug your shoulders, removing your gaze from his heavy stare. It is too intense, and you can’t fully handle the way he is looking at you. Clinging to any hope you can offer him. “Don’t look away.”
“I don’t know. I told you…it was…”
“You,” he takes a deep breath, trying to choose his words carefully. It was years ago, and the pain is still there. Wedged deep inside of him because he didn’t doubt the way he felt. He was completely in love with you then, and nothing had changed. “Because of a school girl crush. He was your first.”
“He was my only,” that didn’t offer much comfort, but you see his face relax a bit. His hands cup your cheeks, leaning his forehead into yours. “Raleigh, I’m so sorry.”
“I forgive you,” you didn’t deserve him, his forgiveness, or any of his kindness. But you melt into it. It was the first time in so long you have felt comforted. No one ever bothered to check on you, and even if they did, Raleigh just knew. The the need to run away from everything seems to have stopped. You didn’t want to run anymore. You are tired. “Can we start over?”
“I don’t know what that means, Raleigh,” his eyes flick down to your lips, and you know without him saying anything. “Clarify.”
“Start from the beginning. Forget anything happened.”
“You’re suggesting we’re more than friends?”
“I’m suggesting I want you in my life. I’ve missed you, and my feelings haven’t changed,” if you made friends with girls, maybe they would have told you that he was a man that had never moved on, and that should be a red flag. But you didn’t move on either. You had no desire to make a choice. And at the time there was only one choice you could make. So you ran. You pushed everything into your career, and didn’t let any of those emotions bubble up to the surface. No one knew, and you repressed everything. You didn’t want them to know. You didn’t want to know.
“At your pace.”
“Remind me?” Your mouth tips up in a smile, hoping he didn’t forget what it meant. With a smile that matches your own, his eyes flutter close, and he presses his lips against yours. No one moves, and the kiss is warm and lingering. You still aren’t sure if you ever loved him the way he loved you. Or the way he deserved, but you hope you find it.
You settle into his arms, snuggling closer, and feeling at least comfort. It wasn’t much, and it wasn’t love, but it was…something.
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“Tanzy, why are you still awake?” Tanzy looks back at her uncle, shushing him before her eyes go back to the ice. “Oh…they didn’t waste time,” he rolls his eyes as he sits down beside his niece. Giving you and his best friend an eye roll. The two of you embrace in a hug before you stand up, and start skating around the ice.
Laughter fills the winter air with a lightness that he hasn’t seen in his friend in a long time. The two of you fall in sync, partnering up, and going with the flow. He sighs as Tanzy flips around in her bed. “They kissed.”
“It wasn’t their first time.”
“But it was like a real kiss,” Frank chuckles, reaching over to pull the covers over both him and Tanzy. “She never kissed anyone back home. I never saw a boy.”
“Don’t make sense out of your aunt.”
“She deserves to have fun. She’s a good aunt. She worked a lot. I never saw her on the ice. And now we’re here, and she’s laughing, and — they were in love, huh?” Frank shrugs his shoulders, retching while Tanzy watches her uncle curiously. “What?”
“Thinking about Raleigh and my sister is weird. He’s a good guy, but it’s…gross. But I know he’s never looked at a woman like he does Pixie.”
“Be happy for her. She didn’t smile a lot. She’s always thinking.”
“About what?” Tanzy yawns, and starts to snuggle into his body, just like she used to with her dad. She didn’t ever want to forget him. But most of what she remembered was through someone else’s memory. “Your dad?”
“No. She has secrets, Frank. Secrets that make her sad.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. I’m just a kid. Her and dad whispered a lot. She cried a lot, and then she had to take care of me,” she yawns again, and her words get softer. Quieter. “Let her be happy.”
“Go to sleep, and I’ll try,” he gives another quick glance outside, but looks away quickly. You weren’t so much skating as holding onto each other. That weird thing the two of you did when you just touched foreheads together and looked at one another.
Secrets. You had secrets that made you sad. You did leave, and not tell Raleigh goodbye. Wouldn’t return his calls. You didn’t like the idea of “Johnny,” Frank groans. Johnny did something. He always did.
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“You and the mechanic,” Tanzy starts to tease you, but you turn around to look at her shaking your head. She was supposed to be getting her gear ready for hockey practice. “Uh huh, I saw you.”
“Skating together is nothing to get too excited about,” after a bit of sleep, you realize that even just a slight peck of a kiss was a horrible idea. Raleigh clearly is still in the zone of everything is perfect, and he can be perfect just for you. It isn’t that you doubt that. But you have only just arrived and there are still so many things swirling in your head, and you are drowning in thoughts. You need to skate, and every time you did there was a man.
“Yeah, but you didn’t just skate. I saw you,” she gives you the sweet mischievous grin that makes you think of Mike, and you can’t even be mad at her. She had this attitude just like Mike and Johnny, always into something, and always ready for a good time.
“I remember now why I hated your dad’s room right there.”
“Why because he watched you kiss that man, too?” Wrapping a hand around her stomach she lets a wave of giggles rush over her. Head leaning back, and you try — try not to laugh with her, but you can’t. She already seems happier here than she did. Being around family is good for her, and a bit suffocating for you.
“Raleigh did watch me skate a lot.”
“Did Johnny?”
“Now what kind of question is that?” Tanzy shrugs her shoulders as she lifts up a duffle bag. “Why would you ask about Johnny?”
“Why are you getting so defensive about Johnny? It was first the mechanic, and now him. Did you kiss Johnny, too? Like the Johnny Storm, did you kiss him?” You stepped right into that. You couldn’t blame her for being curious, but your relationship with Johnny was for nobody’s ears. You buried that and the memories a long time ago.
“Go on, get into the car. Gimma is waiting for us,” you car still hasn't been fixed. You didn’t doubt that Raleigh could, but he of course had other cars ahead of you. With a deep sigh, you watch Tanzy jump into the car with your mom, and you look around the kitchen. Nothing had changed. It brought you a bit of comfort, and still there was that tad of unease that always lingered in places where memories of your brother were the strongest.
Nothing is ever easy here because some things just never change, despite how much is always changing. Just take a deep breath, and go.
Trudging out to your mom’s car makes you feel like a child again, especially going to the rink. You fasten your seatbelt, and look in the rear view mirror, and the sly smile on Tanzy’s face lets you know she’s not letting this go.
“You should invite Raleigh for dinner.”
“He was most likely going to come anyway. I have to make sure all my boys are fed. Him and Frank mosey on in. It would be nice for…” Tanzy starts laughing uncontrollably as your mom rattles on.
“It would be nice if you guys wouldn’t make a big deal about it. Raleigh and I…”
“Yes, yes,” your mom looks at you with an exasperated look. It isn’t the first time that she’s had this conversation with you. “You and Raleigh have always skated together. And skating together always leads to him crawling into your bedroom and watching movies until you pass out, and I tell him to please use the front door instead.”
You glance towards her looking ashamed. You had no idea she actually knew about that. “I allowed him to stay because he made my ice princess happy. I could hear you guys laughing, and you almost never stopped talking, so I didn’t think anything was going on. And then when you actually were dating — honey, nothing ever happened?”
“Tanzy is in the car.”
“I know about kissing!”
“What I mean is you shouldn’t have to stay in your head. Raleigh gave you something more to talk about than skating. He opened up your cold heart. I heard you laugh, and weren’t repeating your routine obnoxiously over and over again. Raleigh made you human, and I hate to think that someone who was your best friend,” starting to interrupt, she covers your mouth with her hand, “I know he and Frank are close, but those two didn’t have what you two had.”
“It would be really weird if they did. I’m glad to know that everyone thinks I’m…”
“Icy,” you shoot a playful glance back at Tanzy, but try to laugh. You weren’t the most personable human in the world, and you never had been. But there is a part of what your mom is saying is right. You did feel differently around Raleigh. He was able to bring out the best of you.
“Well there he is,” your mom smiles and gives Johnny a wave as she pulls into the rink. No one was here. “Tell Johnny I said hey, and he should come by for dinner tonight, and…”
“No!” She looks taken aback as you shout at her. “Just — not yet. We don’t even know how he’s going to be with his goddaughter,” you take a deep breath, and hold your head up high as you get out of the car. Giving a wave to your mom as you give Johnny a terse nod. He’s so full of himself, his smile just gets larger.
He gives your mom a friendly wave, and his hand presses on Tanzy’s back, “Why don’t you go ahead and dress out, there’s some things I’d like to discuss with your aunt.”
“Are you wanting to kiss her, too? Aunt Pixie, you’ve got all the boys,” she gives a little giggle as she runs into the rink, and you follow right behind her.
“Let me guess, you were kissing that Neanderthal Raleigh?” You don’t answer, just walk right into the rink, and have a deep need to skate on its smooth surface. “Wow, okay. So, you won’t give me the time of day even though I know what you taste like, but you’ll let that man kiss you in front of Tanzy.”
Spinning around you glare at him, “That got your attention, ice princess. What does Raleigh have that I don’t? I got the bigger bank account.”
“And you got the bigger head.”
“You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you,” you shove his shoulder. This is what always irritated you about him; his ease at getting under your skin. “You didn’t even give me the time of day, but you let that man kiss you?”
“Why do you care? It’s not like you couldn’t have any girl that you wanted. And you have. Raleigh is…”
“Hung up on you. We both know it. Did you tell him about us? About how I couldn’t keep my hands off you, and you were just as needy for me?”
“I thought you needed to talk to me about something. Where is everyone?” You did not need to go down this road again. You just wanted for Tanzy to practice, and you to eventually go home, and away from him. He is your kryptonite.
“That’s what I thought,” he whispers before he starts walking towards the ice. “Has Tanzy ever played?” You shake your head no, sitting down on a bench, and he joins you. Too close. Just to prove you don’t like the closeness, you scoot away. “Her dad was Mike Weiss, and you didn’t put her in hockey?”
“I was struggling to feed us both, and you wanted me to put her in an expensive sport that I couldn’t afford?”
“You could have told me,” see this is the reason you easily fall for Johnny. There’s something in the way he looks at you, actually concerned. “That’s why you’re back, money?”
“Kids are expensive, even more so when you’re on their own. Her godfather didn’t reach out, so I just made do. And now I’m back in. Back here wallowing in the past, and…”
“You always were so melodramatic. It’s not that serious. You’re here getting help and support. Who fucking cares?” You cared. Your pride cared, and he called you melodramatic. “Keep the drama for the ice. It’s what I do, baby. You don’t have to have all that shit swirling in your head while you try to make sense out of everything. We had fun, right? So you cheated on some chump that was obsessed with you. How come you never had sex with him? Am I the only one? You look better when you keep your issues on the ice, and let me do the thinking for you.”
“That doesn’t fix everything.”
“Does constantly worrying about it?” You still. If there was anything you always admired about Johnny was his ability to not care. “Pix, can I be honest with you?”
“You always are. Even if I don’t want you to.”
“You’re wound too tight. You always have been. That’s why we…well, you wanted me to teach you. I did, and for a few months you relaxed. You skated better than you ever had before, and then you just — poof. I wasn’t heartbroken, but that man you are kissing was. So if you want me to relax you, get rid of him. Or use him to relax you. Either way, get laid,” you stutter a moment, as you hear the locker room door slam shut.
“Unless you want to tell me what really happened. Because believe me when I say this, Pix, something happened. Between you and me, and you’re hiding from it. You don’t have to tell me, but if it’s something that keeps you this stressed, and made my best friend yell and cuss at me, well…that’s your call since Mike can’t explain shit.”
You start to say something. Anything. But Johnny stands up, and gives a nod to Tanzy. “I know I’m an asshole. But while I’m here, I could be your asshole. And I’d like to get to know the squirt. And offer coaching. One on one. Pix, I’m not the evil monster you want me to be. I’m just a prick,” he reaches down to pick up his skates, leaving you wondering what exactly was going on inside your head, and if you made a bigger deal than things. Just like you always did.
Take out the men. And think about just you. You have to take responsibility for your actions. No one can but you. You may be sticking your foot in your mouth, but Johnny deserved to know Tanzy. “You should come by for supper sometime. You and Tanzy can skate on the pond.”
“I haven’t skated on that pond in years. What do you say, squirt, want me to start giving private lessons?”
“What about practice?” She asks, looking around to see everything is still empty. He set you up, but this will make her so happy.
“Practice doesn’t actually start until tomorrow, but we can get some skating in. Pix? Care to join us?” You shake your head no, wanting more than ever to just see Johnny with her. Watching as he actually laughs at things she says, enjoying her. It’s a shame he had all this time without her, and she with him. It just works.
You feel a slight ping in your heart as you watch them, giving your mom a text that there wasn’t actually practice today and she could pick you up.
I knew. Johnny said he could bring you two home.
Of course he did. Of course she knew. It’s fine. It was okay. Get out of your head. That was years ago. Raleigh would have to get used to Johnny being in your life. For Tanzy. And that’s how you wanted to keep it. For Tanzy.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmaii @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @charmed-asylum @cjand10 @rosemirrors @midnightramyeoncravings @patzammit @valhalla-kristin @kmc1989 @peaceinourtime82 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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kotekenobii · 6 months
gonna try and remember i have tumblr more because man. i need to make friends in the pacrim fandom - SPECIFICALLY people who love Chuck/chaleigh PLEASE i need to befriend all of you. Shoot me a message or interact with this post or something idk im going insane over here
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lune-la-chanson · 4 months
Can anybody help me find a fic/series of fics?
It’s a Pacific Rim fic/series that focuses on Hercules Hansen after Operation: Pitfall. In one of the things he goes down to a country in Latin America and joins a fight ring for a little while, then in another chapter/work of the same series he talks to a little old lady who tells him that his kid is still alive. I’ve been trying to find it and I didn’t bookmark it.
It could possibly be Drift Compatible by nanuk_dain, but I don’t think it is from what I’ve read of it.
Please help! Thank you!
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shaolinrouge · 10 months
me when i am overcome by the urge to write a chaleigh formula one au because i want to add another sports fic to the collection but i already have like four WIPs and my sanity is dangling by a thread
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ff7-has-taken-me-over · 10 months
The only reason Chuck isn’t constantly throwing hands with Raleigh (besides the fact that his dad would have his head for it) is because of the relationship they hold behind doors.
Raleigh’s always cool swagger and nonchalant, quick witted comebacks and it’s so grating to Chucks nerves sometimes that he swears he could deck the man if he didn’t begrudgingly love him so much.
That’s a lie, he’s so gone on Raleigh (always has been really) that it’s almost pathetic. Would’ve made a younger, more stubborn Chuck scoff and roll his eyes but that’s not him anymore.
But the only reason he doesn’t constantly badger Raleigh and quite possibly deck him is because behind closed doors he’s so good for Chuck.
He’s always so soft and pliant for him, moaning his name so good and listening to anything Chuck says without protest. And the knowledge that Raleigh’s only like this for him? That nobody else has ever seen him like this? It sits so nicely in Chuck’s chest and the possessive thrill he gets from it is a nice bonus.
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coldmilkchoices · 9 months
if you are a pacific rim fan and you havent read this fic you need to it is Thee pacific rim fic of all time ive never read a fic thats so in character in my life. the writing is incredibly evocative and it does so much cool stuff with the drift
Summary: One day he looks up from the scaffolding and realizes that he’s almost exactly at Jaeger height and has to wrap his hand tight against the metal to keep from stepping out into the air. Not because he wants to kill himself or anything, just because for a split second his mind felt that old equilibrium and he just knew he should be able to, should be able to walk straight across the valley in front of him and out into the sea and on forever until he finds whatever’s next.
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driftwithme · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pacific Rim (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Raleigh Becket/Chuck Hansen, Angela Hansen/Hercules Hansen, Chuck Hansen & Hercules Hansen, Chuck Hansen & Mako Mori, Chuck Hansen & Max, Hercules Hansen & Scott Hansen, Raleigh Becket & Chuck Hansen, Angela Hansen & Chuck Hansen Characters: Chuck Hansen, Raleigh Becket Additional Tags: POV Chuck Hansen, Chuck Hansen Lives, Chuck Hansen Needs a Hug, Chuck Hansen Is Bad At Feelings, Post-Operation Pitfall (Pacific Rim), Long-Distance Friendship, Pining, Romance, Deviates From Canon, Mental Health Issues, Friendship/Love, Light Angst, Emotional Hurt, Unresolved Romantic Tension, Post-Canon, Drabble, it's mutual pinning really, not that Chuck knows that yet, Mentioned Mako Mori, Chuck Hansen-centric, Mentioned Hercules Hansen, Mentioned Angela Hansen, Mentioned Scott Hansen, chaleigh, Max Hansen is sick :(, Mentioned Max Hansen, Post-Movie: Pacific Rim (2013), Movie: Pacific Rim (2013), Not Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018) Compliant, Chuck Hansen has perfectioned the art of longing through the phone, Chuck Hansen is a mess, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Phone Calls & Telephones, Chuck Hansen wakes up to realize he accidentally called Raleigh, Raleigh is about to go to sleep when he notices Chuck is calling, angst ensues, Chuck Hansen & Mako Mori Friendship, Max will be okay guys don't worry, He's just sick for the sake of the conflict, Chuck Hansen has had a crush for over a decade, Oblivious Raleigh Becket, Oblivious Chuck Hansen, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Series: Part 1 of Apocalypse (Side B) Summary:
His phone rings again and Chuck does nothing but watch it, mesmerized. He doesn't know how he pressed the number or at what point of the last hour he felt asleep over his desk. All he knows is that he can almost bite his own heart with his teeth when the line picks up, the screen lightning up.
He curses under his breath, scrambling to sit up-- and winces. His back is sore.
"Is it a bad time to call you?"
Of all the people in the world he could have called half asleep, of all the ways he imagined his Monday morning to go...
"No," there's noise, a light click, before Raleigh replies: "not at all."
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winchester-burger · 8 months
I'm sorry to everyone in the chaleigh tag on ao3 'cause I started writing whumptober and turns out I can't write things without chaleigh in it, so I keep shitposting like a madman
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redrikki · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Pacific Rim (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Raleigh Becket & Yancy Becket Characters: Raleigh Becket, Yancy Becket, Original Characters Additional Tags: Worldbuilding, Journalism, News Media, The Drift (Pacific Rim), Drift Compatibility (Pacific Rim) Summary:
A writer for Smithsonian magazine has a rare chance to see beyond the pop culture portrayals of the Drift to the more complicated reality behind the revolutionary technology.
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rayslittlekitten · 2 years
Another crossover idea
Triple Frontier x Pacific Rim. Hear me out:
Will and high school sweetheart end up breaking up before he goes off to the military and she's goes to college and have one last hurrah before they split ways. She finds out she's pregnant, ends up not telling Will.
She ends up keeping the baby and Becket family ends up raising Raleigh as her baby brother. Yancy is actually Raleigh's uncle.
Maybe at some point she dies before Pacific Rim. Raleigh and Yancy join the Jaeger program.
Fast forwards to after PR and TF. TF guys see on the news about Raleigh and Mako.
"Yo, Will that looks too much like you" - one of the TF guys
"I don't have a son." - Will
Will recognizes the last name and does math (I also did the math and it is very possible that Will can have a kid at 18 and that kid would be the same age as Raleigh).
And then Ben would be like: "I have a nephew and he fights KAIJUS?! My nephew is bad ass!"
Will goes looking for Raleigh.
I always found the cinnamon roll that is Raleigh to have a lot of similar qualities to Will and that sparked the idea.
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bl3uvelvet · 1 year
Title: The Wellerman Series- Part TWO: Weeks From Shore
The third and final chapter for this part has been added!
Summary: Chuck heals and Raleigh deals. Only, it's not quite that simple, for either of them.
Read on AO3!
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whumpdoyoumean · 2 years
Whumptober #12
xxx what could go wrong?
Mako’s agonized screams are still echoing in Tendo’s mind as he climbs back into the remnants of the plane. He’d had to apply a makeshift tourniquet to her mangled leg once they got her safely out of the wreckage, but she’s stable now. By some miracle her phone is working and she’d been able to call HQ. Apparently the pilot’s mayday had made it through and help was already on the way when she called which is good because they could really use it.
Dread settles deep in Tendo’s chest as he makes his way back onto the wreckage. He’s not even sure if Raleigh survived the crash, and if he had, well. They’re going to have a hell of a time getting him out of here. It’s unclear whether the lower half of his body is being crushed under the mess of aluminum and steel, but even if it’s not it’s going to be tricky. It’s like he’s at the center of a deadly game of Jenga; any wrong move could bring the whole thing crashing down around him…
One step at a time, Tendo reminds himself, shaking the grisly image from his mind. 
It would be easier if the current step weren’t to see if Raleigh is alive. His fingers tremble as takes one of the man’s wrists in his hands and feels for a pulse. He almost laughs when he finds it, and one hand clutches at his rosary. The other hand reaches up to touch Raleigh’s face, mindful of the dark, sticky blood that covers half of it. 
“Hey, Raleigh, you with me?”
Raleigh’s eyes move beneath the lids, and his lips part slightly. 
“Raleigh! Raleigh, you there buddy? Hey, you with me?”
Raleigh lets out a groan, and his eyes flutter open. It doesn’t offer the reassurance Tendo had hoped for, however--his eyes are glazed, and one pupil is visibly larger than the other. 
“Tendo?” he slurs, and Tendo can see his shoulders begin to tense.
“Whoa whoa whoa!” he says quickly. “Don’t move, don’t--don’t try and move. You’re, uh…you’re stuck pretty good. Wouldn’t want anything to shift. But help is coming, okay? Help is on the way!”
The corners of Raleigh’s mouth lift in a tired smile. “You’re always so worried.” The words all run together as he speaks. “Why’re you always so…” The smile drops from his face. “Where’s Mako?”
“She’s fine! Mako is fine, Raleigh, she’s safe. She’s on the phone right now letting everyone know what happened.”
Raleigh nods slightly. “What happened…” he breathes, and Tendo isn’t sure if it’s a question or not. He doesn’t want to answer, though. 
“How are you feeling?” he asks instead. 
“Not…not feelin’ much ‘f I’m honest.”
It’s a mercy, in a lot of ways. But it also means that he’s in bad shape. And him surviving so much just to die here, that would be nothing short of cruelty. Even in bad shape, though, Raleigh is observant enough to read Tendo’s expression. 
“‘sat a bad thing?”
“No,” Tendo says, feigning a scoff. “You’re gonna be fine.”
Raleigh’s brow furrows slightly, mouth pulling down at the corners. And then he asks, "Where's Mako?" 
Tendo's stomach turns. He knew Raleigh had a concussion, but he hadn’t known it was this bad.
"She's safe, buddy," he says, quietly so his voice doesn’t crack. He reaches forward to squeeze Raleigh’s hand, hoping that the gesture is more reassuring than his voice.
"Good," Raleigh mutters, his face relaxing a little. "Good...And Yancy?" 
Tendo's breath catches in his throat. God what is he supposed to say to that? He forces his battered ribs to expand and he takes a deep breath. "Yeah. He's out there waiting for you too, so you've gotta hang on, okay? Hang on until we can get you out the hell out of here. It won’t be long, now.”
“That’s good, cus I’m…” Tears well up in his eyes and his chin wobbles. “‘m scared.” His voice cracks. “I want--I want Yance to be here, if, if I die I need him to--Yancy?”
“He went to get help,” Tendo says, hating himself for lying and knowing that telling the truth would make him hate himself more. He has to blink tears from his own eyes. “And you’re not dying. Do you hear me? You. Are not. Dying.” 
The familiar sound of chopper blades pulls his attention upward, and Mako’s voice comes a second later: “I see them!”
“You hear that, Raleigh? They’re here! They’re…” He trails off as he looks back down. “Raleigh?”
The man’s head has tipped down to his chin, his eyes closed. 
“No, no, no. Raleigh. Raleigh, come on! They’re coming, they’re right out there, you gotta…Fuck! Come on, man, you gotta hang on. I’ve lost you twice already, okay, and even though--even though you didn’t really die I remember how it felt when I thought that you had and I don’t want to feel like that forever. So you hang on, Raleigh! Hang on!”
The sound of the choppers has risen to a roar, and he can hear shouting. 
“Here!” he yells. “In here!” 
Uniformed people swarm onto the plane--an exfil team made up of soldiers and medics--and one of them takes him by the arm. 
“What--what are you doing? I’m not leaving him!”
“We gotta check you out.”
“I’m fine!” The cry that rips from him as he tries to shrug the man off severely undermines the statement, however, and he realizes for the first time just how much pain he’s in. 
“Come on.”
He lets himself be led away, looking over his shoulder as he does. “Get him out! You get him out of there!”
“We’re gonna do our very best, sir. Gonna step out of the plane now, it’s a bit of a drop but I gotcha.”
Mako is already on a gurney with an IV in one arm when Tendo gets out of the plane. 
“Where is he?” 
“They’re working on getting him out,” the soldier answers, and Tendo is glad that he didn’t have to.
This is the first time he’s really slowed down since waking up after the crash, and the exhaustion hits him all at once, slamming into him like a truck. He’s falling before he has a chance to realize what’s happening, and the soldier that brought him out of the plane is the only thing that keeps him from becoming a heap on the ground. 
“Hey, we need a medic over here!” 
He’s barely able to focus on the questions that barrage him. He’s too busy watching the wreckage, waiting and praying and praying and praying again.
Later, when he spends a week waiting with Mako to see if Raleigh will wake up, he’ll realize that hope can feel worse than despair. He’ll wonder if all of this worrying and caring and hurting (and broken ribs and bruised organs) are worth it. And, when Raleigh opens his eyes and immediately cracks a joke, he will decide that it is.
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hexagonspress · 1 year
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you are (not) becket by @gyzym
Here, it's simple: you and me and your dead brother are all swimming in the sick stillness of the water after the storm.
Titles: Mrs. Eaves Body text: Garamond Case title: OCR A Extended
3,079 words | 108 pages
Binderary book 2 (these are absolutely not in order of when I finished them. This was a frantic ten-minute case-in on the morning of the 27th before being three minutes late to work because I was washing my glue brush.): Pacific Rim is a story that went inside my ribcage and my brainstem and won't ever leave. It was my first exposure to a character who's dead from the beginning and who haunts the story for the rest of it and I think about Yancy Becket every two days and I will for the rest of my life. And thus, from there, I get here, where "my name is Becket and I didn't ask to be your gravestone. Like I wanted this, Becket, I swear to fucking god" is just a line that is tattooed on my brain. I've cried over this fic a bunch of times. It makes me feel ice-cream-scooped out in the middle of my chest. I love it and it needed to be in printed form.
More pictures/design/process under the cut.
Design and Construction Case and covers: Flat-back case binding with bradel board covers and spine. This was my first time experimenting with layered materials for the case, because I wanted to mirror the missing pieces that are such a prominent part of the vibes of the fic to me, and oh boy. Layer 1 was on the front board, Hollander's Mango Leaf tissue in blue. Layer 2 was a full-cloth binding with Hollander's pearl linen cloth in charcoal grey, with the upper left half of the title text cut out using a Cricut. Layer 3 was again on the front board, Hollander's Lokta paper in natural. All of the title text was cut out with a Cricut and then I ripped the paper in half (an ordeal) and glued it down with a glue stick. I chose to tear the front because there's a lot of imagery of being torn free versus letting go in Pacific Rim in general, and this fic specifically, and yknow, it felt right.
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Insides: No endbands; the book was too small for the pre-sewn ones to work. Endpapers are black cardstock and torn Lokta paper. The casing in was done with PVA, gluing a small tongue of the black cardstock to the case, and then I glued the torn Lokta paper over the rest of the bare board to create a faux endpaper. The torn papers are the same idea that I mentioned with the cover. The front paper is a torn piece of a whole - Raleigh, after Yancy. Mako, after her parents, after Stacker. Yancy. The back is a set of torn pieces pasted back together - Raleigh-and-Mako, without the people they've lost. Yancy, after. I don't know. I think about this a lot. (Also, I'll come clean. The black ink on the back endpaper is eyeliner. My deepest most sincere apologies to any archivists. I don't own black ink and it was three in the morning.)
Typesetting Typeset was done in InDesign. It's nothing fancy. Grief, in real life, and in the way that it is in Pacific Rim too, is a stark thing, and I wanted to reflect that. So, no headers, no page numbers even, and just plain black page breaks for each of the numbered sections. Garamond, my beloved.
We All Do It, or, the Mistakes Section Honestly, this was one enormous oops after another. Since the book's so small each page had to be cut out individually and I won't even get started on the number of mistakes I made doing that. Then I utility knife trimmed and sanded down the edges maybe six times because I couldn't achieve a straight line (I had to change my knife blade. This did not occur to me). The top margin is like 1.3 times bigger than the bottom margin. The Lokta paper faux endpapers were because I cut the original cardstock papers an inch too short and didn't feel like cutting them again. And then the big one...I measured for the case and then didn't write down which measurement was width and which was height. The case is literally the wrong orientation and I didn't realize until I put the block in and the top/bottom margins were wrong. I'm so fucking lucky that the margins were already so small that the block covered all the exposed board so I just cased in anyway but I did have to sit on my floor in despair for a good ten minutes.
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Here's the French link in progress because I didn't want to end on my series of fuck-ups. This was incredibly fun but I never want to make a book this small again. That's a lie. It's going to happen again but better. <3
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shaolinrouge · 9 months
the problem i have with writing fics is that i get WAYY too invested. all i needed for this f1 fic was a baseline for team scores and the drivers, yet i now have a summary of every race of the season, incidents and penalties, and the score changes for both teams and individuals. i don’t even NEED the first half of the season ?????
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