#rwde criticism
ninadove · 10 months
So. There’s this show I really hate.
I didn’t even want to watch it, but I was forced to sit through literally all of it because my parents liked it for some reason that completely eludes me. Not only is the plot catastrophically bad and the characters inconsistent — it’s also very, very misogynistic in essence. Just thinking about it now makes me want to chew on the writing team’s bones.
I genuinely have nothing good to say about this show.
So. Do you know how many posts I uploaded to the corresponding tags?
ZERO (0)
Because there’s no point in spending energy on a thing I hate so passionately, and even less in ruining it for other people.
Don’t get me wrong — it’s OK to point out irregularities in writing, and to talk about specific aspects of a story that upset you. But uploading dozens of posts about how you Hate The Thing, Analysing The Thing Is Pointless, Everyone Who Worked On The Thing Is Stupid, and Everyone Who Loves The Thing Is Delusional, is maybe not the genius take you think it is.
It doesn’t make you smarter than everyone else. It just makes you boring.
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heyitsinquiryz · 8 months
Why does half of the RWBY Fandom hate the show so much?
If you don't like the direction the show has taken just drop it and find a new show like a normal person would. It's far better than being a negative asshole and youtube grifter.
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I know you hate canon Yang but do you think she and Mercury could at one point bond over having been messed up by a parent that made them base their worth on their strength?
....Long Post Ahead
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Anon let me tell you-
I fucking hate that people now believe Adam was Yang's foil because the writers fucked up. No, he's not. He's Blake's foil; they share the same story, and the same past, and everything about them was supposed to be linked together down to their fairy tale allusion. Whatever came out of making him and Yang rivals are bullshit ass-pulls.
Mercury was designed to be her foil; he has a grey monotone color palette and a very low-key, cyberpunk-esque fashion while Yang is in a warm-tone, bright-colored palette with a steampunk style that sets her out from others visually. She's mostly a boxer, while he's focused on kick-based combat. Mercury doesn't have a semblance and has to rely on his own skills, and Yang relies TOO much on hers and it becomes her double-edged sword.
Mercury has a terrible father and no mother, suffering alone in a home that took everything from him and forced him to kill. Yang might not have Raven, but she has a loving family who cares for her even when they're not perfect. Everything about them was set up to be a narrative of two people who could very easily become the other had the circumstances of their lives been different, but their actions had also led them to this point and they have to take control of their future now that a new chapter begin.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, should have changed this aside from the fact that MK and CRWBY are fucking stupid enough to make Yang wedge into a narrative that she DOES not give a fuck about even though she supposedly cares about Blake and her causes, but never fucking does anything for the Faunus or even talk to Blake about her goals for them. It muddles their characters (Yang, Blake, Mercury, and Adam) because now the writers have to make dumbass fucking reasons for Yang and Adam to fight each other when Mercury and Blake are right fucking there.
I made a post about this subject before here and the same sentiment still stands. I fucking hate it here.
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foulfirerebel · 6 months
Tai Yang Xiao Long
is not a shit parent.
A shit parent doesn't love or take care of their kids. A shit parent fobs them off onto someone else. A shit parent runs from their family just as their daughter is born. A shit parent abuses, gaslights, and torments their kid.
Just because Tai isn't the best at helping Yang or Ruby with trauma, which doesn't exactly come in a parenting class or anything, and because of the problems in the past doesn't mean he's not there right now.
And I'm tired of people saying that he's a bad parent, when RWBY has PLENTY of examples of bad parents.
Raven walked out on their family. Marcus Black was practically Cassandra Caining Mercury. Jacques is...Jacques, needs no explanation. Lady Tremaine/Cinder's wicked adoptive mom literally electroshocked Cinder. The Vanille's were, by and large, only interested in Trivia/Neo as more of a status symbol then a kid IIRC or at least didn't treat her too well either.
Tai and Willow may have the problem of 'neglected their kids in a critical juncture of their lives', but I've seen too much Tai hate to let that go. Nobody appears to be jumping on Willow for getting drunk at every opportunity, nor Qrow's on and off visits or drinking problems likewise despite that coming in bad ways.
Nobody appears to actually think of Raven coming in only when Yang was close to death as a black mark on her record as a parent.
Did Tai screw up when Yang and Ruby were young? Sure. Is he still there and still trying? YES. And I, for one, massively prefer Tai over Raven as far as parenting Yang and Ruby goes. He was a much better parent to Yang then Raven was, and yet some fans treat Raven with kid gloves and reserve the sledgehammer for Tai?!
Okay, maybe I should confess that the reason I feel so strongly about this is that I relate to that. Not the whole 'emotionally distant parent' thing, but the 'raised by a single parent when the other one left' thing. Yes, Tai messed up in the past and that messed up Yang quite a bit. It's not as much as Raven leaving did, but it does deserve criticism. Not an explosion, however, we got that with the Raven confrontation(s) in V5.
Again. I prefer a parent who tries at the very least, and this includes Willow too, to a parent who walks away or actively abuses their kid.
For Grade A parenting (genuine) in RWBY though? The Belladonnas, Pietro, and Ren's folks come to mind. Heck, Saphron and Terra and possibly Jaune's parents too if we ever get to see them?
TL;DR: No, I don't think Tai is a shit father or the "third worst parent" as a mutual described him. There are far worse in RWBY than Tai, and that's the truth. I'm not saying he did nothing wrong ever, I'm saying people are being way too harsh on him.
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iceaura39 · 11 months
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So, I’ve noticed a common topic among my fellow RWDEsters is RWBY lying to Ironwood. I wish to make a post about that, but before I do that, I’d first like to wrap my head around why she did that in the first place. Anyone willing to help a brother out?
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papillaee · 2 months
It baffles me seeing that some RWBY fans seem more angry and sad about the death of a company and the possible end of a fictional show than they were back when RT was exposed for abusing their employees.
These people have such a parasocial relationship with RT that they also have to blame other company above them for closing it down. "It's Warner Bro's fault 😭" no it was still RT's faults because they literally admitted they weren't making much money from their ip's. They're incompetent idiots and bigots who also rightfully got boycotted by many people. It's not suprising they lost money, at all.
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lucky303 · 4 months
look man idk how to title this but
if anyone tries to tell you RWBY is a progressive show with LGBTQ+ characters and representation just remember that rooster teeth wasn't a very progressive company that didn't like LGBTQ+ employees
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Why do you think RWBY v1-3 worked compared to the rest of it?
Honestly a lot of the first three volumes doesn't - the pacing can be awful (and grinds to a halt within arcs dealing with Jaune), the writing decisions leave a lot of to be desired(and are beyond offensive at times).
To say what the first three volumes do well is to talk about what the volumes after dont.
The issue with V4 and onward is simple one:
Too many new redundant characters
I have been hammering on this point again and again - in a weird attempt to expand the world, the showrunners ended up filling it with things that overlap win purpose or outright have no purpose.
Generally if you want to have something happen and want to choose between existing character and new character as initiator, nine times out of ten it's better to go with an existing character.
For example, why did we need Salem's evil council of evil? Why did we need a whole team of villains on Salem's side that essentially fulfill same role and purpose as Cinder's group already did? They don't exactly do anything for the lore or the setting and most of their purpose is one-note - Hazel for example exists just to rage about Ozpin in a poorly executed attempt at making his intentions and role more ambiguous - but there are already plenty of characters who can fill that purpose, so why was Hazel, as a character made? Raven exists, Ironwood exists and is clearly having a crisis, even Haven's headmaster exists (let's say he does) - plenty of ways other characters can fulfill the same purpose as Hazel without Hazel existing. Same extends to the rest of Salem's group - Watts exists solely to "explain" the computer virus (why did we need it explained?) and to have a reason to go against Atlas (but Cinder already has a reason thanks to her backstory in-show???) and Tyrian is the same way.
Too many redundant story beats
The writing attempted to make the setting more complex, but in the end a lot of what's added has no real reason to be there - why do we need Relics when Maidens are already there? Even if we were to go with the same idea of Gods causing doomsday(as dumb as it is) the writing could just as easily have the exact same plotline with collecting Maiden powers, for example. So why have vaults and then relics on top of that?
The Gods are the same way too. Why have Gods at all when you can already comfortably just go with the idea of Salem getting Maidens powers to her side being just as catastrophic? Salem's backstory doesn't even need them - in fact if one were to remove the Gods and keep the backstory the same, the end result would be exact same story. But the show doesn't do that - instead, come V9, it adds ANOTHER layer of gods and magic trees and gives the god brothers a backstory that ALSO wasn't needed and doesn't do ANYTHING in terms of furthering the narrative.
Generally if there's a plot thread you'd want to do the first question to ask would be "Does this change ANYTHING for any of the characters?" - plot is an excuse to get characters through the story beats after all. In the case of God Brothers, the plot thread invents a new problem and then solves it - nothing changes.
Lost Focus
The show is titled RWBY for a reason.
Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang - that's the core of the show.
The show started with the color trailers focusing on them and their journeys. The Volume 3 ended with them each having their own issues to deal with and plot threads tying to those issues.
What do the Volumes that follow do with that set-up? Nothing.
Volume 4 is absolutely pointless in grand scheme of things.
Volume 5 is absolutely pointless in grand scheme of things.
Volume 6 is absolutely pointless in grand scheme of things.
In fact, I wrote about the story structure issues with V4 years ago
The narrative structure, at the basic level, is a game of Connect-the-Dots - you have specific story beats you want to reach that work in accordance with overall story and character outline - it's up for The Plot(tm) to lead the characters from one beat to the other.
The way RWBY works past V3 is by inventing a new problem that didn't and then resolving it, essentially staying in place. I sort of outlined it in the V4 structure chart in my write up in how nothing in that Volume serves any real purpose nor furthers the characters.
What does the mess at Haven Academy contribute to the story story that Beacon already haven't? Does what happen there affect the story going forward? No.
What does team RWBY and the whole absolutely dumb and boring mess with the mech and leviathan do for the story? Are there any lasting consequences from that happening? Nope.
What does the run-in with the Apathy do for the characterization? Are there any lingering psychological effects? Do we learn something new about how Grimm function or how the Eyes work? Are there any lingering implications or any story holes that the encounter slots in into? Absolutely nothing.
That's three big examples in those Volumes where the writing invents a new issue, resolves it and doesn't further characters or narrative by doing so.
In Connect-the-Dots, you don't stop hopping from dot to dot midway-through, you don't hop back and forth between existing dots. Story beats and character beats are beats for a reason - they move things forward, they affect things, they alter things. If you have something that leads the narrative back at the place it was before in then you might as well delete the entire thing.
Now this is not the same as characters being stuck in loops or the idea of repetition as storytelling device - repetition that the narrative is aware of WOULD be a story beat in on itself and this is not that.
In fact even going into Atlas arc - the endgame has almost nothing to do with the build up to it and would happen anyway even if most of the volumes leading to it were removed.
Anticlimactic Payoff
If the narrative is build up to something, the pay off should generally equal to the amount of time and focus spend on the build up (unless it's used as a contrast).
Yet in RWBY a lot of mysteries end up being more of matter-of-fact answers than revelations.
What happened to the moon? Oh something crashed into it.
Why are Ozpin and Salem the way they are? Gods did it.
Why is Raven angry at Ozpin? He...turned her into a bird?
What has been Raven up to? Nothing.
Is Ozpin shady or not? Eh, not really - he's just sort of there.
What's up with the creatures of Grimm? Gods did it.
All of these were teased and built up going forward and the actual revelations never justified the build up or teasing that came before.
None of those revelations did anything to further the narrative or develop characters.
It was as if the writers were going through a checklist of what needs to be revealed.
So, What about the first three Volumes?
Now, flip everything I wrote about V4 and onward upside down.
That's the first three Volumes.
The only characters that exist are the ones that have an use within the narrative.
The plot threads are revealed when they become relevant - Mt.Glenn comes up when it matters, for example. If anything there's not enough reveals.
One can easily trace the plot threads through the story - how Ruby's introduction to Beacon affects her dynamics with Weiss, how Jaune's and Ruby's struggles with unexpected positions of leadership affect the team formation, how the friction within the teams furthers the plot to crash into villains goals. And what's more - each mini-arc ties to the four leads and their characterization. Things don't just happen - each storyline starts with the character and ends with characters growing or their relationships changing.
The Payoff is extremely good - V3 takes every single thing the show did through the three volumes and makes use of it. Everything matters - Mt. Glenn exposition, Roman, WF stuff, Jaune's insecurities, Pyrrha's characterization, Yang's characterization, Blake's conflict, Ruby's growth and position int he story, Weiss growth, etc - everything gets used and everything affects the characters involved.
For all the flaws, for all the absolutely insensitive story decisions and bad jokes - the first three volumes manage to handle those key points well and the end result is far more enjoyable.
The volumes after don't.
While good action sequences helped one of many reasons I hold V1 through V3 dear to my heart is because the show pulled off something that was quite rare back then when those Volumes aired - delivering actual consequences and not being afraid of upsetting the status quo within the story.
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snowowlll · 3 months
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worst fandoms on earth award nominees!
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currantlee · 1 month
A few comments on a recent post about RWBY I made got me thinking about something. Basically, I think that Rooster Teeth – and possibly by extension its parent companies – have artificially inflated RWBY as a media project and franchise rather than letting it grow organically. Therefore, it became a bubble that was bound to burst at some point. RWBY might never have been a profitable IP, which might be very relevant for its future.
This is not a problem that arose after Monty Oum‘s passing, I feel like this was already coming before that. Shane Newville‘s open letter (which absolutely comes from an emotional, mentally unwell state of mind, but has had many of its contents confirmed over the years, even beyond being one of the first descriptions of the toxic work environment at Rooster Teeth) makes a few points that support this impression. Whether you agree with the letter or not, you cannot deny that the first two volumes of RWBY, while they also had merch accompanying them and stuff, were not produced following industry standards – starting with the 3D software used, Poser Pro (Monty Oum‘s preferred tool for animation). This led to some really creative animation work that, while not always high-quality by industry-standards, was certainly pushing boundaries. It was creative and it worked for what RWBY was: a passion project created by someone who saw animation as his strongest suit – as his preferred medium to tell a story. I‘ve seen a lot of people claim that Monty Oum wasn‘t a writer, and while that‘s true, I feel like the implication of that statement is always that he couldn‘t tell stories on his own. I don‘t think that‘s true. I think Monty Oum was a great storyteller when it came to expressing certain things through animated action scenes. It‘s just that he wanted to tell a story that included more than just that and a few lines of dialogue – which is where Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross come in, two at the time very inexperienced writers (who possibly had a fallout with Monty Oum over creative differences later), as well as some talented folks – people like Shane Newville. They were chosen to work on this because Monty Oum acknowledged their potential and liked to work with them, and I feel like that created an environment where they were really allowed to flourish. Volumes 1 and 2 are certainly not flawless, but I feel like I can tell the people making it had fun.
To Rooster Teeth however? I think RWBY (and by extension, Monty Oum as a creator) might have been little more than assets to them. RWBY was first created around a time when RT first tried to be more like, well, an actual company. At least from 2014 onward, but possibly even earlier than that, this included an effort to conform to industry standards more, mostly in order to be able to hire more people – very visibly so in RWBY in the form of the switch to Maya (my opinion about that is, the way they did it didn’t do RWBY any favors at all). I think they saw RWBY and Monty Oum as an opportunity to appear… More important, bigger, than they ever really were.
So what did they do? Again, I kind of have the feeling that they “upscaled” RWBY to a size where it appears like this big thing, but it became far too much to handle. Essentially, they created a mock giant, or a metaphorical quasi-star: something that can appear big from afar, but is actually very small / unstable (and if we go with the quasi-star metaphor, disturbs all of its surroundings). This is what I mean when I say that RWBY was a bubble bound to burst, because no star lives forever – and quasi-stars can only exist under very specific, very unstable conditions (I linked a Kurzgesagt-video in case you’re interested what exactly a quasi-star / black hole star is / was, cosmology is so fascinating IMO). Once these conditions exist no longer, they both fall apart and collapse into the black hole that is their core at the same time.
My main argument for this is that RWBY was essentially a huge money sink for RT (Source: Barbara Dunkelman’s unprofessionalism). They pumped so much money into this… Perhaps even more than they ever made from it. While this isn’t 100% confirmed, it is very much possible (and IMO not exactly unlikely) that RWBY was never profitable — which it might have been if RT hadn’t been so hellbent on creating the illusion of a multi-million-dollar franchise.
This is purely speculative, but this might also be why Volume 10 was never greenlit. We know that Volume 9 was to a significant part funded by Crunchyroll and in fact would not have been possible without them (probably because RT was already out of money at this point). They might have bought into this mock giant, then realized they had pretty much been scammed once Volume 9 aired. This might have led to Crunchyroll’s unwillingness to fund another season for something they knew now was effectively a money sink. Since RT at this point lacked the funds to produce Volume 10 alone and therefore was dependent on investors like Crunchyroll and Warner Brothers… Volume 10 was never greenlit, no matter how hard they attempted to get their fans’ hopes up and start a hashtag campaign on social media (as far as I remember, that was started by Rooster Teeth, not the fans. I don’t have my Twitter account anymore though, so I can’t check). Again though, this is speculation.
The worst part? This refusal of RT to just… Downscale RWBY again, this determination that it had to be this huge franchise… Was all put on the backs of the creatives working on it. We know at this point, from multiple sources, that RWBY and other RT productions have had an incredible amount of crunchtime, working overtime, employee abuse, … going on behind the scenes, which seems to only have gotten worse after Monty Oum’s passing. At the end of the day, all RT does and has ever done is blame others for their incompetence. Like, no shit, I’ve seen fans claim that it’s the FNDM’s job to “keep the show alive” (particularly in the light of #GreenlightVolume10), which… No, that’s not the fans’ job. It’s the job of the company who has been entrusted with this beloved IP, and said company has proven to be utterly incompetent on multiple occasions, which is unfortunate, but a sad reality for all those who love RWBY. And while Rooster Teeth has never directly said such a thing, they have certainly implied it and taken advantage of the existing sentiment within their fanbase, as well as their parasocial relationship with it (again, see #GreenlightVolume10 for reference).
To clarify, I’m not saying none of this would have happened if RT didn’t insist on making RWBY this big franchise (and biting off far more than they could chew in the process) – again, RT was far too notoriously incompetent at everything a company should manage – but I do think it might have played a role. It also isn’t an excuse for all the employee abuse. Again, what they should have done is downsizing the project, not inflating it further and further.
If I’m not somehow completely in the wrong (because IMO this just makes way too much sense to not be at least partially true – but let’s face it, a lot of this is just me connecting dots, and there is always a chance I’m connecting them wrong, even though I don‘t think so), then it kinda blows my mind that there are still people who believe in this scam. Though I will say, emotional attachment can do that to anyone. If anything, I’m honestly sorry that those folks lose something that means so much to them, and that false promises were made to them.
At the end of the day, the story of RWBY (the “franchise”) is twofold. It’s a story about an incredibly talented creator who passed away far too early, who was given the incredible opportunity to make his dream come true. It’s a story of people he trusted taking up his torch, and maybe getting lost in the dark along the way. It’s an inspiring story regardless, and I hope to see it continued at a downsized scale so it can grow organically, preferably in the hands of an indie animation studio like Dillon Goo (🤞)
But it is also a cautionary tale to both creatives and companies who employ them, a tale about false promises, abuse of both employees and fans, as well as how to not run a project. Don’t blow your thing out of proportion too early, don’t create a mock giant / metaphorical quasi-star. Let your ideas and projects grow and flourish organically and sincerely.
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g0blinwitch · 6 months
I dislike how if you critique something you're labeled as "just a hater" in some internet circles like, so? Am I not allowed to dislike something? I'm not saying you can't enjoy a show, I'm just voicing why I dislike it. If my reasoning for why I don't like something causes someone else to be like "hey wait a minute, this show/book/movie/whatever is dumb actually", cool! I have someone else to rant to. If not, also cool! It's okay that someone doesn't like someone you like.
(Not to mention that the "you're just a hater" argument is often lodged at people who criticize media that is deeply flawed(ex: racism, sexism, classism, etc) with the intent to "get them to shut up" so to speak)
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“The titan said Belos is evil tho! Are you stupid the show said he was evil!”“Masha said lil’ bro just got jelly that his brother got a girlfriend! He doesn’t have depth and his ending was supposed to be unsatisfying!”“But James Ironwood losing his arm is supposed to represent him losing his humanity”“Jason Rose said that James could’ve always become evil and sided with Salem”“They literally called him genocide general!”“But in this Q&A they said the puppies survived they just lost their laser powers! And in the tie-in material, they showed everyone was fine! You just hate Starco!”“The show/tie-in material/a fucking Q&A said blah blah blah!”These arguments are shit. TOH- “God says witches are evil so it is his duty to kill them!” is a pretty horrible justification for killing someone except when the titan says it to Luz. I don’t think Luz is in the wrong for killing Belos, he was a genocidal maniac and child abuser and genuinely irredeemable- nobody who hates the ending of The Owl House complains about Belos being irredeemable, they complain about the show flopping the cult critical message, how hunter’s possession felt like needless shock value, the show not properly setting up the collector or how the coven system/conformitorium’s writing is a mess or how Eda becoming a teacher makes as much sense as Toph becoming a cop and you can go ‘but the show said-’ what the show said had unfortunate implications, was uncomfortable to abuse survivors, and I can’t forgive the ass-pullery of the trailer-bait nightmare sequence or how in the hexside crew became irrelevant! When people complain about how Belos was handled nobody complains about him not getting a redemption arc- they complain that hunter should’ve been there to see belos die or how they hate Luz’s power up. RWBY -James Ironwood’s and Penny’s character arcs and deaths felt so ableist it’s actually uncomfortable to watch, I have ASD my sister, and like half of the people I know have PTSD, I don’t know any amputees but I’ve seen plenty making noise about how shit the writing was. Good, they should be mad! The show’s message about prosthetics/amputations was toxic! Not mention for all the hopeful messages Team RWBY screams at the top of their lungs about trust they knowingly broke Ironwood’s trust for very poorly defined reasons! while I do think ruthless pragmatism is a bad thing, team RWBY offered no alternatives, he wasn’t a villain- he was facing an ethical dilemma and got fucked over. And SVTFOE- I shouldn’t have to buy tie-in materials to understand the show- tie-in material should be a bonus not a supplement or requirement, I Don’t have to buy the ATLA comics inorder to understand the show, I don’t have to read all of Lord Of The Rings to understand the movies. It doesn’t matter how the show was supposed to be interpreted or how the audience is supposed to feel, and It’s perfectly valid for the audience not to care about damage control spinoffs (cough cough Steven Universe) or Q&A’s or whatever. I’ll admit sometimes the audience is fucking stupid and completely media illiterate but can we stop acting like anyone who doesn’t blindly consume product and go with what the writers said are stupid? I know im not articulating this well but I’m pissy rn and I’m having trouble deconstructing whats wrong with those kind of arguments but god there is so much wrong with these arguements
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This day can't can't getting better because according to the leaks Vacuo was going to be a colonized nation!
And you know what else? The writers were going to make the "oppressors" be wrong and bad because they don't like they fact they are being colonized.
Now I'm not to sure if this was the finalized storyboard but if it was......may they all burn in hell. Cause wft is this shit!!!!
Pretty sure stans will eat this story arc up and trying to justify why colonizers were actually good people who had good intention when colonization brings nothing but pain and trauma
Oh fuck me, they're gonna colonize Vacuous again...what the hellllllllll.
Yes, I said again because Vacuo WAS colonized. BY ATLAS. That was a canonical event that caused the Great War, and got Weiss' family to become fucking tycoons. The exploitation and colonization of Vacuo 80+ years ago was a crucial part of Atlas' domination in technology and Dust production, as well as the monopoly that the Schnee Dust Company controlled.
And let's be honest here, bby, was any of us surprised that CRWBY is planning to make an oppressed group the bad guys for not being nice enough to their oppressors?
Of course the stans would eat it up. They DID. On multiple occasions. That's why I'm glad that fucking bitch of a company is 8 levels of hell under.
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kitkatopinions · 4 months
Thinking about how some anti-rwde posters will be like "stop being so negative, if you hate something just ignore it, stop wasting your energy on things you don't like, you're only hurting yourselves, all this hate is spreading toxicity!" But then like... They're all the time posting negative critical things, wasting energy on things they don't like, engaging with things they don't like, etcetera etcetera. They're just posting it about rwde and Ironwood and Adam and Celtic Phoenix and hbomberguy.
They totally get the base concept of 'I don't like x, I have a problem with x, and I'm allowed to voice my opinion on it' when it's reviewing a fanfic somebody made. They'll totally post that it isn't toxic to criticize when it's them criticizing anti-rwby youtubers. They'll even wildly speculate about intentions (claiming hbomberguy is trying to destroy rwby, claiming critics never watched the shows, saying that rwde is a bunch of straight men,) or be wildly insulting (comparing rwde posters to pigs, sending hate anons calling us stupid and saying we should never breed,) or even just fucking lie (screenshotting parts of posts to purposely take things out of context, saying rwde posters ship things we don't ship, saying nobody harasses rwde posters.) All that is just fine to them. All is fair to them in RWBY and war, they don't think they should have to hold back even a little bit, they'll defend that them posting hate and criticism and negative things is allowed and even good. They think it's important work even, to do things like tell their followers a free fanfiction is evil, stupid, and boring.
And then when it's Rooster Teeth the abusive and bigoted company that'd getting called out? When it's a problematic show made by problematic people getting called our? When it's Miles "Video Games For Your Girlfriends" "Watching Girls Make Out Gives Me a Semi" "Calls Tifa Lockhart a Prostitute" "Careful Miles She's Still Only Sixteen" Luna getting called out?
Then it's 'Just don’t talk about it if you don't like it,' 'stop being negative,' 'if you don't like it just ignore it,' 'you're hurting yourself by thinking about it,' 'your criticism is too mean,' 'you guys are wasting energy,' 'it's unfair to talk about people you don't know,' 'instead of putting down someone else's creation, make something of your own,' 'posting this criticism is just proving you're insecure,' etcetera etcetera.
Huh. Wonder why it's completely acceptable for someone to seek out the fanfictions and posts of total strangers to relentlessly pull apart in every way they can without having to curb any anger or pull their punches, and yet I'm not allowed to even post nitpicks of rwby without having someone be like "why do you guys engage if you don't like rwby? Stop being mean and maybe we'll consider this real criticism. You're hurting yourself by talking about something you have any problem with. Why don't you spend your energy on saying only nice things about only things you think are flawless?"
Preaching to the choir here, but the double standards are hilarious.
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
Pyrrha should've been full of herself, I need people to hear me out on this. I don't mean she acts outwardly in a Weiss or Cardin way.
She's wonderful. Kind, charming, intelligent, strong. She glides through classes easy. Always has good information to give others, but she doesn't think they ever have anything to give her that she can use. She's already learned all the lessons beacon tries to teach. She knows her history, no one ever beats her when she spars. She knows she's gorgeous, everyone has always said so much. She tries to be perfect.
But because she's so sweet to everyone it's a lot less likely that people care how much she succeeds. There are a few who get bitter but largely she's loved by her classmates. But even in this she's shown to never back away when challenged. Regardless of who confronts her if they ask for a fight she will give it to them and not restrain herself in doing so. She only fights until they concede. Despite herself however, she tends to quietly view those around her as less than. It's subtle but she has to school her face after her victories to mask the condescending look that threatens to appear.
Because of this view, she never has doubts that eventually Juane will fall for her. Everyone always does. But he's the only person who seems to know his ability around her. He never challenges her like the others do. He gets snarky with her at one point but then he's obedient when she teaches him. She finds his lack of knowledge of her but understanding of her skills exceeding his refreshing. So, it leads her to be patient if he ever gains feelings for others.
And these opinions of herself are only reinforced when she's offered the maiden powers. It's a heavy burden, but who else besides her could possibly weild it she thinks. When she goes to fight Cinder she has no doubts that she'll survive. That she'll gain those maiden powers she's owed and come back victorious, return to Juane and the others proudly.
But there was only ever one ending for Achilles. And Pyrrha's hubris sends her racing into it.
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papillaee · 6 months
Almost every woman that gets involved with Jaune and is an important part of his development literally falls into the fridging a woman trope (where a female character dies to serve as motivation and to develop a male character) and you're gonna tell me Jaunes writing isn't misogynistic???? Like COME ON
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