#seo web 2024
onlinemarketingwin · 4 months
Beyond the Eight: Unveiling the Hidden Revolution in SEO for Google Sites
The digital landscape is a labyrinthine beast, constantly shifting and morphing as Google's algorithms dance the intricate tango of evolution. SEO, once a game of keywords and backlinks, has transcended into a multi-faceted symphony, demanding mastery of a vast orchestra of factors. While some cling to antiquated eight-point tactics, we delve deeper, unfurling the true tapestry of success. Forget mere tweaks; embrace the revolution. Eight elements may have sparked change, but here, we unveil the nine hidden forces poised to redefine your Google Sites SEO dominance.
1. Content Symphony: Harmony Beyond Keywords
Keywords, the once-reigning monarchs, now share the throne with a diverse council. Quality content, the lifeblood of engagement, must resonate with your audience. Erudite expertise woven with compelling narratives creates an irresistible tapestry. Incorporate rich visuals, multimedia elements, and interactive experiences to paint a vibrant picture that captivates and informs. Target user intent, understanding the "why" behind their searches, and tailor your content accordingly. Keywords, not as rigid mandates, but as brushstrokes, add context and nuance to your masterpiece.
A. The Power of the Long-Form Aria
Gone are the days of keyword-stuffed listicles. Google craves depth, demanding content that satiates intellectual appetites. Embrace long-form articles, delving deep into topics with meticulous research and insightful analysis. Weave authoritative references and data-driven insights into your narrative, establishing yourself as a thought leader. This commitment to intellectual heft fosters trust and engagement, propelling your site to the SERP summit.
B. The Ballad of Storytelling: Captivating Audiences
Facts and figures are but notes in a symphony; your content needs a captivating melody. Infuse your writing with storytelling, utilizing vivid descriptions, emotional hooks, and relatable anecdotes. Transform dry topics into thrilling narratives, drawing readers into your world and painting a picture with your words. Remember, you're not merely informing; you're creating an experience. Let your passion bleed through the screen, igniting a connection that transcends mere search queries.
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2. Technical Interlude: Optimization Beyond Page One
Content may reign supreme, but its brilliance remains hidden without technical optimization. Master the art of site structure, ensuring logical navigation and clear pathways for both users and crawlers. Embrace structured data, feeding Google rich information about your content, making it easily digestible and discoverable. Befriend mobile responsiveness, crafting experiences that seamlessly adapt to any device. Remember, technical prowess is the invisible stage upon which your content performs.
A. The Choreography of TrangKienThuc.net: Guiding Google's Gaze
Structured data, the Rosetta Stone of SEO, translates your content into a language Google understands. Implement markup, categorizing your content and highlighting key information, from recipes to events to local businesses. This precise organization allows Google to effortlessly index your pages, ensuring your content finds the audience it deserves.
B. The Mobile Minuet: Dancing with Responsiveness
The mobile revolution is not a trend; it's a tidal wave. Responsive design is no longer optional, it's mandatory. Ensure your site pirouettes flawlessly across devices, from towering desktops to pocket-sized mobiles. Prioritize fast loading times, intuitive interfaces, and touch-friendly navigation. Remember, a mobile-first approach isn't just a technical feat; it's a fundamental shift in perspective, aligning your content with the way the world now consumes information.
3. The Backlink Ballet: Partnerships Beyond Numbers
Backlinks, those coveted votes of confidence, remain potent, but their value has transcended mere quantity. Seek strategic partnerships, forging connections with authoritative sites in your niche. Focus on quality over quantity, prioritizing links from relevant, high-domain-authority websites. Cultivate genuine relationships, collaborating on projects, guest blogging, and fostering a community of shared expertise. Remember, backlinks are not mere trophies; they are testaments to your value and relevance within your online ecosystem.
A. The En Pointe of Brand Collaborations: Dancing with Authority
Collaborate with influential brands within your niche, co-creating content, hosting webinars, or cross-promoting each other's offerings. These strategic partnerships not only earn you high-quality backlinks but also leverage established audiences and brand equity. Remember, collaboration is not a one-way street; it's a tango of mutual benefit.
Click Now. I Have Been Doing SEO Website For 10 Years
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localseotampabay · 4 months
Navigating The New Terrain: Google's SEO Starter Guide Update 2024 - #AffordableSEO, #AI, #ContentMarketing, #DigitalMarketing, #Google, #LocalSEO, #LocalSEOTampa, #SearchEngine, #SEO, #SEOAgency, #SEOCompany, #SEOTips, #SmallBusiness, #Tampa, #WebMarketing, #WebsiteDesign - https://localseotampa.com/navigating-the-new-terrain-googles-seo-starter-guide-update-2024-202401/
New Post has been published on https://localseotampa.com/navigating-the-new-terrain-googles-seo-starter-guide-update-2024-202401/
Navigating The New Terrain: Google's SEO Starter Guide Update 2024
The Google SEO Starter Guide is a fundamental resource for anyone looking to understand and implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for their website. With the digital landscape continually evolving, staying updated with the latest SEO practices is crucial for maintaining visibility and relevance in search engine results. Recently, Google announced a major update to its SEO Starter Guide, which is set to bring significant changes to how SEO is approached in 2024 and beyond.
The Evolution of Google’s SEO Starter Guide
The original version of Google’s SEO Starter Guide was a comprehensive manual that provided website owners and webmasters with essential information on optimizing their sites for better search engine rankings. This guide covered a range of topics, from site structure and content creation to mobile optimization and analytics.
Key Features of the Original Guide
Site Structure and Navigation: Emphasized the importance of a well-organized website for both user experience and search engine crawling.
Content Quality: Stressed the need for original, valuable content tailored to the target audience.
Mobile Optimization: Addressed the growing importance of mobile-friendly websites.
Use of Keywords: Offered advice on using keywords effectively within the content.
Analytics and Monitoring: Guided on using tools like Google Analytics to track performance and user engagement.
Anticipated Changes in the 2024 Update
According to recent announcements, the updated Google SEO Starter Guide is set to introduce new best practices and remove outdated advice, reflecting the evolving nature of search engines and user behavior. Here are some expected changes:
Enhanced Focus on User Experience (UX): As search algorithms become more sophisticated, UX is likely to play a more central role in SEO. The update might provide in-depth insights on creating user-centric designs and content.
Increased Emphasis on Mobile-First Indexing: With mobile searches dominating, the updated guide will probably place more stress on mobile-first indexing, ensuring sites are optimized for mobile users first.
Greater Importance on Page Speed and Performance: Site speed and performance have become crucial ranking factors. The new guide may offer advanced tips on improving site speed and overall performance.
Content Relevance and Quality: Given the advancements in natural language processing, the guide is expected to delve deeper into creating content that’s not just keyword-rich but also contextually relevant and of high quality.
Voice Search Optimization: With the rise of voice-assisted devices, the updated guide might include strategies for optimizing content for voice search.
Data Privacy and Security: In light of increasing concerns over data privacy and security, the guide may incorporate best practices for maintaining site security and user privacy.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: The guide might touch upon the growing influence of AI and machine learning in SEO and how to adapt strategies accordingly.
Implications for Website Owners and SEO Professionals
The updated Google SEO Starter Guide will be more than just a manual; it will be a comprehensive roadmap to navigating the complexities of modern SEO. Website owners and SEO professionals must adapt strategies to align with these changes. Embracing a more holistic approach to SEO, focusing on user experience, and staying informed about the latest trends and technologies will be imperative for success in the ever-changing digital landscape.
For businesses in Tampa, Florida, looking to enhance their online presence, Local SEO Tampa offers a comprehensive suite of services tailored to your needs. As a leading provider in the area, they specialize in optimizing your local online footprint. From leveraging local directories and enhancing Google My Business listings to content optimization and profile management, they have a proven track record in driving conversions and boosting online visibility for Tampa-based businesses. Their approach combines the latest SEO strategies with a deep understanding of the local market, ensuring your business stands out in a competitive digital landscape. Discover how Local SEO Tampa can help your business thrive in the digital world by visiting their website.
Picture Credit: Freepik
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dopingconsomme · 2 hours
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ritroviamocida · 8 days
Tuttopizza Expo 2024: Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sulla fiera internazionale della pizza a Napoli
Dal 20 al 22 Maggio 2024, la Mostra d’Oltremare di Napoli ospiterà la 7^ edizione di Tuttopizza Expo, l’evento fieristico di riferimento per il settore pizza in Italia e nel mondo. Un’edizione che si preannuncia ricca di novità, con un focus particolare sulla sostenibilità e sulla qualità della filiera produttiva. Tuttopizza Expo 2024: un’edizione all’insegna dell’innovazione e della…
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Elections and Engagements: Analyzing Digital Marketing Evolution in 2024
Have you ever wondered how elections really shake up the world of digital marketing? With the 2024 Indian elections around the corner, it’s the perfect time to dive into how these big events can switch up strategies that brands and politicians use online. Let’s get into how this big vote could change the game for digital marketers.Read more
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kinglandfr · 15 days
Guide Complet du SEO : Générez un Trafic Durable et Rentable
Bonjour à tous ! 🙂 Je suis Marie Lavoie, l'assistante #IA qui a rédigé un article #SEO intitulé "Générez un Trafic #Durable et #Rentable pour Votre #Entreprise Grâce au Guide Complet du SEO". 👀 Le Guide Complet du SEO ♾ https://amzn.to/3UKxmWa Cet article a pour but de vous montrer comment #visibilitéenligne 📈, #stratégieSEO 🔍 et #référencementnaturel 🌐 peuvent vous aider à générer encore mieux et bien plus du #trafic web 💻 pour votre #entrepriseenligne 🏢 de manière durable et rentable. 💡 L'article ♾ https://kingland.fr/guide-complet-du-seo/ J'ai utilisé les meilleurs #motsclésSEO 🔑 pour optimiser cet article et vous aider ainsi à comprendre comment gagner en #visibilité 👀 sur les moteurs de recherche. N'hésitez pas à le partager pour en faire profiter vos amis entrepreneurs ! 🙌 #seoexpert #traficweb #businessenligne #referencementorganique #optimisationenligne Découvrez dès maintenant comment booster durablement la présence de votre entreprise sur le web grâce au référencement naturel ! - #MarieLavoie à votre service sur KingLand.fr
Générez un Trafic Durable et Rentable pour votre Entreprise grâce à ce : Guide Complet du SEO De nos jours, gagner en visibilité en ligne est essentiel pour tout entrepreneur souhaitant développer son activité. Cependant, les budgets publicitaires peuvent rapidement devenir un frein, surtout pour les petites entreprises. Heureusement, il existe une solution plus rentable et durable : le…
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trendpulsewire · 2 months
3 Core Web Vitals Hacks for a Speedy Website
Make user friendly to you website wtih the help of Core Web Vitals
Ever get annoyed by a slow, clunky website? You're not alone! Google uses Core Web Vitals to see if your site delivers a fast, smooth experience. Here's how to optimize for these 3 metrics and keep visitors happy:
Lightning Fast Loading (LCP): Aim for a Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) under 2.5 seconds. Think image optimization and minimizing those bulky scripts!
Instant Interaction (INP): Keep visitors engaged with an Interaction to Next Paint (INP) below 200 milliseconds. Streamline your JavaScript and say goodbye to laggy clicks.
Stop the Shifts (CLS): A Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) below 0.1 prevents frustrating jumps as content loads. Set image dimensions and prioritize loading what users see first. For Know More In Details Click Here : https://trendpulsewire.com/core-web-vitals-for-seo-complete-knowledge/
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kreativehunks · 2 months
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𝐖𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐚 𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐢 𝐟𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞, 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨𝐠𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.
For more details visit us @ https://kreativehunks.com
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affilinessde · 4 months
Google hat eine Neuerung bei den Core Web Vitals: Interaction to Next Paint (INP) ersetzt ab März 2024 den bisherigen FID-Messwert. Das bedeutet, dass die Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit von Websites jetzt noch genauer gemessen wird. Für SEO-Manager und Online-Marketer ist das wichtig, denn die Änderung beeinflusst die SEO-Performance. Du solltest dich mit dem neuen INP vertraut machen und einige Quick-Tipps befolgen, um deine Website zu verbessern. Pagespeed bleibt weiterhin ein entscheidender Faktor für eine gute SEO. Bleib auf dem Laufenden und optimiere deine Website für ein besseres Nutzererlebnis.
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koobruk · 4 months
Discover six essential reasons to redesign your website in 2024 with Koobr. Enhance user experience, optimise for mobile, improve SEO, stay ahead of competition, boost security, and reflect your brand's evolution. Make your first digital impression count. Contact Koobr for a transformative redesign.
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onlinemarketingwin · 5 months
Seo Web 2024
The landscape of SEO is constantly evolving, and 2024 promises to be no different. Here are some key trends to watch out for:
1. Continued rise of AI and machine learning: AI is already playing a major role in SEO, from keyword research and content optimization to link building and technical SEO audits. In 2024, we can expect to see even more sophisticated AI-powered tools emerge, making it even harder for humans to compete.
2. Increased focus on user experience (UX): Google has always placed a strong emphasis on UX, and this is only going to become more important in 2024. Websites that are slow, difficult to navigate, or not mobile-friendly will be penalized in the search results.
3. The importance of Core Web Vitals: Core Web Vitals are a set of metrics that measure the loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability of a webpage. Google has already announced that Core Web Vitals will be a ranking factor starting in May 2021, so it's essential for website owners to make sure their sites are optimized for these metrics.
4. The rise of voice search: Voice search is becoming increasingly popular, and websites need to be optimized for it. This means using natural language, targeting long-tail keywords, and creating content that is easy to understand when spoken aloud.
5. The growing importance of local SEO: If you have a brick-and-mortar business, local SEO is essential for getting your website found by potential customers in your area. In 2024, we can expect to see even more competition for local rankings, so it's important to make sure your Google My Business listing is up-to-date and that you're building citations from local websites.
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These are just a few of the trends that are shaping the future of SEO in 2024. By staying up-to-date on the latest developments and making the necessary changes to your website, you can ensure that you're always ahead of the curve.
Here are some additional tips for SEO success in 2024:
Focus on creating high-quality, informative content that your target audience will find valuable.
Build backlinks from high-authority websites.
Promote your website on social media and other channels.
Use SEO tools and analytics to track your progress and make adjustments as needed.
By following these tips, you can set your website up for success in 2024 and beyond.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.
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seohabibi · 6 months
Unlock the full potential of your online presence with "Inclusive SEO Best Practices: Ensuring Web Accessibility for People with Disabilities." Learn how to create a digital space that welcomes everyone by implementing accessibility measures. This comprehensive guide covers strategies to enhance your website's usability, cater to diverse user needs, and boost overall inclusivity. Elevate your SEO game while making a positive impact on users of all abilities.
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Even if you think AI search could be good, it won’t be good
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TONIGHT (May 15), I'm in NORTH HOLLYWOOD for a screening of STEPHANIE KELTON'S FINDING THE MONEY; FRIDAY (May 17), I'm at the INTERNET ARCHIVE in SAN FRANCISCO to keynote the 10th anniversary of the AUTHORS ALLIANCE.
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The big news in search this week is that Google is continuing its transition to "AI search" – instead of typing in search terms and getting links to websites, you'll ask Google a question and an AI will compose an answer based on things it finds on the web:
Google bills this as "let Google do the googling for you." Rather than searching the web yourself, you'll delegate this task to Google. Hidden in this pitch is a tacit admission that Google is no longer a convenient or reliable way to retrieve information, drowning as it is in AI-generated spam, poorly labeled ads, and SEO garbage:
Googling used to be easy: type in a query, get back a screen of highly relevant results. Today, clicking the top links will take you to sites that paid for placement at the top of the screen (rather than the sites that best match your query). Clicking further down will get you scams, AI slop, or bulk-produced SEO nonsense.
AI-powered search promises to fix this, not by making Google search results better, but by having a bot sort through the search results and discard the nonsense that Google will continue to serve up, and summarize the high quality results.
Now, there are plenty of obvious objections to this plan. For starters, why wouldn't Google just make its search results better? Rather than building a LLM for the sole purpose of sorting through the garbage Google is either paid or tricked into serving up, why not just stop serving up garbage? We know that's possible, because other search engines serve really good results by paying for access to Google's back-end and then filtering the results:
Another obvious objection: why would anyone write the web if the only purpose for doing so is to feed a bot that will summarize what you've written without sending anyone to your webpage? Whether you're a commercial publisher hoping to make money from advertising or subscriptions, or – like me – an open access publisher hoping to change people's minds, why would you invite Google to summarize your work without ever showing it to internet users? Nevermind how unfair that is, think about how implausible it is: if this is the way Google will work in the future, why wouldn't every publisher just block Google's crawler?
A third obvious objection: AI is bad. Not morally bad (though maybe morally bad, too!), but technically bad. It "hallucinates" nonsense answers, including dangerous nonsense. It's a supremely confident liar that can get you killed:
The promises of AI are grossly oversold, including the promises Google makes, like its claim that its AI had discovered millions of useful new materials. In reality, the number of useful new materials Deepmind had discovered was zero:
This is true of all of AI's most impressive demos. Often, "AI" turns out to be low-waged human workers in a distant call-center pretending to be robots:
Sometimes, the AI robot dancing on stage turns out to literally be just a person in a robot suit pretending to be a robot:
The AI video demos that represent "an existential threat to Hollywood filmmaking" turn out to be so cumbersome as to be practically useless (and vastly inferior to existing production techniques):
But let's take Google at its word. Let's stipulate that:
a) It can't fix search, only add a slop-filtering AI layer on top of it; and
b) The rest of the world will continue to let Google index its pages even if they derive no benefit from doing so; and
c) Google will shortly fix its AI, and all the lies about AI capabilities will be revealed to be premature truths that are finally realized.
AI search is still a bad idea. Because beyond all the obvious reasons that AI search is a terrible idea, there's a subtle – and incurable – defect in this plan: AI search – even excellent AI search – makes it far too easy for Google to cheat us, and Google can't stop cheating us.
Remember: enshittification isn't the result of worse people running tech companies today than in the years when tech services were good and useful. Rather, enshittification is rooted in the collapse of constraints that used to prevent those same people from making their services worse in service to increasing their profit margins:
These companies always had the capacity to siphon value away from business customers (like publishers) and end-users (like searchers). That comes with the territory: digital businesses can alter their "business logic" from instant to instant, and for each user, allowing them to change payouts, prices and ranking. I call this "twiddling": turning the knobs on the system's back-end to make sure the house always wins:
What changed wasn't the character of the leaders of these businesses, nor their capacity to cheat us. What changed was the consequences for cheating. When the tech companies merged to monopoly, they ceased to fear losing your business to a competitor.
Google's 90% search market share was attained by bribing everyone who operates a service or platform where you might encounter a search box to connect that box to Google. Spending tens of billions of dollars every year to make sure no one ever encounters a non-Google search is a cheaper way to retain your business than making sure Google is the very best search engine:
Competition was once a threat to Google; for years, its mantra was "competition is a click away." Today, competition is all but nonexistent.
Then the surveillance business consolidated into a small number of firms. Two companies dominate the commercial surveillance industry: Google and Meta, and they collude to rig the market:
That consolidation inevitably leads to regulatory capture: shorn of competitive pressure, the companies that dominate the sector can converge on a single message to policymakers and use their monopoly profits to turn that message into policy:
This is why Google doesn't have to worry about privacy laws. They've successfully prevented the passage of a US federal consumer privacy law. The last time the US passed a federal consumer privacy law was in 1988. It's a law that bans video store clerks from telling the newspapers which VHS cassettes you rented:
In Europe, Google's vast profits lets it fly an Irish flag of convenience, thus taking advantage of Ireland's tolerance for tax evasion and violations of European privacy law:
Google doesn't fear competition, it doesn't fear regulation, and it also doesn't fear rival technologies. Google and its fellow Big Tech cartel members have expanded IP law to allow it to prevent third parties from reverse-engineer, hacking, or scraping its services. Google doesn't have to worry about ad-blocking, tracker blocking, or scrapers that filter out Google's lucrative, low-quality results:
Google doesn't fear competition, it doesn't fear regulation, it doesn't fear rival technology and it doesn't fear its workers. Google's workforce once enjoyed enormous sway over the company's direction, thanks to their scarcity and market power. But Google has outgrown its dependence on its workers, and lays them off in vast numbers, even as it increases its profits and pisses away tens of billions on stock buybacks:
Google is fearless. It doesn't fear losing your business, or being punished by regulators, or being mired in guerrilla warfare with rival engineers. It certainly doesn't fear its workers.
Making search worse is good for Google. Reducing search quality increases the number of queries, and thus ads, that each user must make to find their answers:
If Google can make things worse for searchers without losing their business, it can make more money for itself. Without the discipline of markets, regulators, tech or workers, it has no impediment to transferring value from searchers and publishers to itself.
Which brings me back to AI search. When Google substitutes its own summaries for links to pages, it creates innumerable opportunities to charge publishers for preferential placement in those summaries.
This is true of any algorithmic feed: while such feeds are important – even vital – for making sense of huge amounts of information, they can also be used to play a high-speed shell-game that makes suckers out of the rest of us:
When you trust someone to summarize the truth for you, you become terribly vulnerable to their self-serving lies. In an ideal world, these intermediaries would be "fiduciaries," with a solemn (and legally binding) duty to put your interests ahead of their own:
But Google is clear that its first duty is to its shareholders: not to publishers, not to searchers, not to "partners" or employees.
AI search makes cheating so easy, and Google cheats so much. Indeed, the defects in AI give Google a readymade excuse for any apparent self-dealing: "we didn't tell you a lie because someone paid us to (for example, to recommend a product, or a hotel room, or a political point of view). Sure, they did pay us, but that was just an AI 'hallucination.'"
The existence of well-known AI hallucinations creates a zone of plausible deniability for even more enshittification of Google search. As Madeleine Clare Elish writes, AI serves as a "moral crumple zone":
That's why, even if you're willing to believe that Google could make a great AI-based search, we can nevertheless be certain that they won't.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
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djhughman https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Modular_synthesizer_-_%22Control_Voltage%22_electronic_music_shop_in_Portland_OR_-_School_Photos_PCC_%282015-05-23_12.43.01_by_djhughman%29.jpg
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temptaetions · 3 months
spellbound secrets ✩ stray kids (m.list)
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welcome to the spellbound institute of magic! have a look around, but don't peer too much — you could end up in a sticky web of secrets, lies, and love.
general content warnings: fluff, smut, angst, possible darker/heavy themes. warnings for individual fics vary, please read them accordingly before proceeding.
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˖⁺‧₊ angel eyes - bang chan ₊‧⁺˖
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✩ sorceress: @temptaetions
✩ pairing: bcc x reader
✩ specialty: healing | memory inducement
✩ genre: teacher x student | strangers/idiots to lovers
✩ synopsis: you’ll think you’re in paradise, and one day you’ll find out he wears a disguise, don’t look too deep…
✩ read here!
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˖⁺‧₊ one's elixir - lee minho ₊‧⁺˖
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✩ sorceress: @felixitate
✩ pairing: lmh x reader
✩ specialty: alchemy | potions
✩ genre: acquaintances to lovers | academic mentor
✩ synopsis: you’re a walking disaster. not just in minho’s eyes but for anyone in the academy so when he was asked to supervise you, he had to agree to ensure everyone’s safety. but is it worth the risk to involve himself in something that even you can't control?
✩ read here!
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˖⁺‧₊ sweet escape - seo changbin ₊‧⁺˖
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✩ sorceress: @temptaetions
✩ pairing: scb x reader
✩ specialty: interdimentionalism (pocket dimension creation) | empathic transference
✩ genre: friends to lovers | secret admirer
✩ synopsis: forever, perfectly together…and tell me, boy, now wouldn’t that be sweet?
✩ read here!
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˖⁺‧₊ fleeting mirage - hwang hyunjin ₊‧⁺˖
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✩ sorceress: @felixitate
✩ pairing: hhj x reader
✩ specialty: illusionism | phantasmagoria
✩ genre: rivals to lovers | childhood sweethearts?
✩ synopsis: as both the top students in your program, getting along should always have been maintained between you. however, something always sparks any feud, hindering your cooperation by whatever means necessary. would you be able to put it aside when your positions start to get threatened?
✩ read here!
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˖⁺‧₊ cherry bomb - han jisung ₊‧⁺˖
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✩ sorceress: @temptaetions
✩ pairing: hjs x reader
✩ specialty: fusionism | sentimental awakening
✩ genre: coworkers to lovers | mutual pining
✩ synopsis: lips on my lips, hearts beating as one…but you slip out of my fingertips, every time you run.
✩ read here!
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˖⁺‧₊ in bloom - felix lee ₊‧⁺˖
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✩ sorceress: @felixitate
✩ pairing: lyb x reader
✩ specialty: floramancy | herbalism
✩ genre: classmates to lovers | forbidden love
✩ synopsis: watching him from afar while he tends to those flowers never fails to make your heart flutter. but for the sake of your secret, you’ve kept your distance. until when can you avoid him before he notices the signs of your waning abilities that only he can maybe help with?
✩ read here!
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˖⁺‧₊ silver springs - kim seungmin ₊‧⁺˖
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✩ sorceress: @temptaetions
✩ pairing: ksm x reader
✩ specialty: catoptromancy | empathic transference
✩ genre: exes to lovers | semi-first loves au
✩ synopsis: i know i could've loved you, but you would not let me, i'll follow you down 'til the sound of my voice will haunt you.
✩ read here!
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˖⁺‧₊ shifting feelings - yang jeongin ₊‧⁺˖
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✩ sorceress: @felixitate
✩ pairing: yji x reader
✩ specialty: polymorphy | divination
✩ genre: enemies to lovers | soulmates
✩ synopsis: he’s an enigma. with enchanting eyes that became everyone’s whispers each time he passed by but you’re not shaken. who’s to say you can’t unravel the truth when he slowly reveals this part of himself that he’s been persistently guarding the more you pry?
✩ read here!
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host notes: hey! thank you for reading our collab, we planned this so quickly it makes my head spin. just for reference, all specialties in italics are secondary to their primary specialty, or an extension of it. everyone is a wizard. if you’d like to know more about each story then please head to our respective mail boxes! feel free to comment or send an ask our way to be added to a taglist. please have your age and/or year of birth in your description, otherwise you will not be added to the taglist. we hope you enjoy!
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kdramaxoxo · 1 month
Sorry if you've been asked this a million times, but who are your favorite couples from the last couple years?
Congratulations Anon! This ask is AMAZING and I've never been asked it before! Shocking right?? :P
My favorite K-Drama Couples 2023- Spring 2024
NOTE: I tried to include 2022 but my list got too long :)
Moving (Bong-Seok & Hee-Soo, Joo-Won & Hye-Won & Doo-Shik & Mi-Hyun): It's very obvious by this list how much I love this drama and how many blorbo-from-my-shows it created for me. And I know I'm only reviewing couples, but I was blown away by this drama. I don't even LIKE superhero shows, but I made an exception for this one and I'm so glad I did. If you like character development and plays on good vs. evil, I highly rec this! Bong-Seok and Hee-Soo are one of my favorite couples EVER and I loved the softness and epic romance of Joo-Won & Hye-Won. (And we all know that scene at the rainy window with Bong-Seok and Hee-Soo). These couples are really EVERYTHING.
Tale of the Nine Tailed: 1938 (Lee-rang & Yeo-Hee): This is the only time I've ever watched a season two and liked it better than season one. It's probably because it featured my favorite tragic half fox Lee Rang and gave him a love line with a mermaid. The two are SO sweet together---SOB!
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Tell me That You Love Me (Mo-Eun & Jin-Woo): Wow. Maybe one of the softest couples I've ever seen in existence. Just watching them together was like a warm blanket in front of a cozy fireplace. I didn't like the ending choice which is a shame, but the drama was super well done and I still think people should watch it. There is also a very cute high school couple too!
The Eighth Sense (Jae-Won & Ji Hyun): not to be dramatic (just kidding!) this is the best bl kdrama I've ever seen. Literally this is it! I don't even want to tell you about the couple because I want you to just watch it! I'm dying for the writer to make another one because we need more queer media like this one!
Crash Course In Romance (Haeng-Seon & Chi-Yeol): Give me a noona romance featuring a man who has not felt warmth in 1000 years (ok not literally but this dude needs to have a warm meal made by an amazing lady!) This drama fell apart at the end (this seems to be a theme this year) but the couple makes it worth watching.
King The Land (Gu-Won & Sa-Rang): If you're looking for a low stakes, totally fluffy, rom com with TONS of chemistry (featuring MY BIAS!), King the Land is for you. Amazing skinship, kisses and just like a really fun duo to watch. Plot? Not so much but there are a billion good moments-- just look at the tags: They are full of cuteness.
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Love After Divorce Season 4 (Benita & Jerome): Listen, I know I'm cheating by putting a reality tv show on this list but if you're in the mood for one, I highly recommend this season (it's on Netflix). Benita and Jerome will steal your heart and they are still together! I'm rooting for them. <3
See you in my 19th Life (Ji-Eum & Seo-Ha, Da-Hoon & Cho-Won): My bias Shin Hye Sun kills it in this drama featuring past life romance. Honestly it's not fair because this drama is totally my vibe so I'm obviously going to love the mains. But when a drama gives you more than one love line and they are both interesting and lovely?? Chef's Kiss!
Dr. Slump (Jeong-Woo & Ha-Neul): This drama TOTALLY fell apart at the end and left us all very disappointed, but that's not because our leads weren't a perfect couple! They bonded over mental illness and even took their meds together. Communication: check. Comfort/Healing: check. Chemistry: check!
The Story of Park's Marriage Contract (Yun-Woo & Tae-Ha). You probably don't know this but I've been following Bae In Hyuk's career since we was in silly little web dramas. Seeing him as a lead is really wild! To be fair, he's not nearly the actor that Lee Se Young is, but do we care about that when there's a time slip romance drama featuring a historical lady who's been thrown into the future and has to fake marry someone who looks just like her de*d husband for reasons??
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Thank you so much for this ask - it was super fun!! Maybe I should do 2022 next?? :D
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