#sid jenkins mention
qtkat · 2 months
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more than god loves them
“freddie! mate, the sun’s shining, we’re bevvied, spliffed, and sorted. this feels like the beginning of something.”
in which y/n miles travels back to bristol for college and befriends her form mates, getting swirled into all the drama that comes along with them.. accidentally catching the eye of a weird guy with a weird name
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READER, is female and uses she/her pronouns — is described as having longer hair and blue eyes to match chris’ since she’s his little sister. she is sixteen at the start of this series and she ages along with the characters. hair color/texture and skin color are not specified.
WARNING, this story contains explicit and mature content and themes such as drugs, sex, and very bad decision making. throw yourself off the deep end here instead of in real life lovelies. this does contain spoilers for both gen one and gen two of skins uk.
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chapter index.. 𓏲ּ
𐝃ْꦌ prologue
𝜗𝜚 chapter one.. wip
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creelby · 7 months
okay but in all seriousness the skins fandom is so problematic
i mean for starters there’s people who actually think chris and angie’s relationship is unproblematic when technically it’s illegal (don’t get me wrong, i love it. but i love it because it’s wrong if that makes sense)
and the cassie fans who are anti recovery and pro ana
gotta say my fav part of the fandom are the sid fans because they’re so silly i love you guys
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neet-wifey · 3 months
I'm done with the cutesy-kawaii, baby pink baby blue, catgirl puppygirl, ">,<" bio. That was to FOOL people!!!!!! Now you will see me in my true form. Loser sid jenkins pfp and mystical runaway girlfailure bg with the most depressing and chronically online basic bio ever. I won't change the other one though it's accurate enough.
Have i already mentioned i'm in love with my new theme? The beige/dark green is such a good combo. Thank you The Batman 2022 Riddler for creating that concept.
All in all, besides needing to finish season 2 of Skins (imsorryimsorryimsorry i keep forgetting and i push shit away) i'm glad i'm escaping the overwhelming ":3" aesthetic. Nothing wrong with it, i love it, but this theme feels more true of myself.
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phoebeprufrock · 2 years
Ten Blorbos From Ten Shows
Tagged by @forasecondtherewedwon 💕
In no particular order:
1. Diego Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
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Nothing says Blorbo like a traumatized himbo.
2. Lucius Spriggs - Our Flag Means Death
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He’s alive, ok?!
3. Maury Beverly - Big Mouth/Human Resources
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I am not immune to Nick Kroll doing voices and a man hormone monster who wants to be a father.
4. Susie Myerson - The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
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Every morning I wake up and manifest professional success for Susie.
5. Rebecca Bunch - Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
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Honestly props to this show for having the most blorbo-shaped characters in history.
6. Eleanor Shellstrop - The Good Place
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I just want to put her in my pocket and feed her shrimp.
7. Diane Nguyen - Bojack Horseman
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Truly deserving of her happy ending and everything good in life.
8. Don Keefer - The Newsroom
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I love Don beyond rationality. I would go to war for him. I would kill for him. I would eat fish for him.
9. Bart Curlish - Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
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Unhinged murderous women my beloved <3
10. Iknik Blackstone Varrick - Legend Of Korra
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A war criminal. A terrible person. An awful boss. A two-faced bastard. My little baby <3
Honorable mentions because I am physically unable to complete an assignment as requested: Winston Bishop (New Girl), Sid Jenkins (Skins), Arianna Dell'Arti (Boris), Lily Iglehart (Sex Education), and ALL THE DERRY GIRLS.
Tagging @theycallme-thejackal for that wonderful Susie gif, @burntblueberrywaffles, @bekindreblog, @moonteases and anyone who wants to do it!
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blasphemecel · 2 years
Oblivion — Sid Jenkins
PAIRING: Sid Jenkins/Reader WORD COUNT: 4k WARNING(S): Mentions of drug & alcohol abuse, Reader impliedly has a dysfunctional family, Self-esteem issues TYPE: Humorous, Light Hurt/Comfort NOTES: Target audience for this: me and me only
“You wanted to talk?” Sid says, narrowing his eyes at you like you’re suspicious. He’s awkwardly standing up while you’re sitting in the grass, cigarette hanging from your lips. His gaze lingers a little at the way you’re holding your lighter. On your fingers.
You crane your neck up to look at him, squinting for no real reason since there’s no sunlight out right now, if ever, and rub at your eyebrow. “Oh, yeah,” you reply like it’s an afterthought, your voice muffled. Then you pat the patch of grass next to you. “Come on, sit.”
He observes you for a good second until doing as you suggested, though overtly cautiously. You told him to meet up with you to talk, which implies there’s something you need from him, which can’t be any good. “What do you want?”
“On my way here, right,” you start, although the topic is irrelevant at best. “Some fucker drove by straight in a puddle and sprayed me. Now I smell like shit from the sewer.” What follows your explanation is an arm sway.
“I didn’t notice,” he dismisses. Despite his thorough examination of you, it didn’t occur to him that you seem a little more wet and disgusting than usual.
“Yeah, yeah, figures. I know you don’t shower.”
“It was one time. One time. We were running from Michelle’s mum. She was gonna give us a beating.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
“Listen. What’s this got to do with you calling me over?”
“Why are you looking at me like I’m doing something wrong?” you coax, though your face turns mischievous. You’re always aware when you’re being annoying, and it makes you even more obnoxious.
Sid is stuck switching between an uncomfortable smile and settling his lips in a thin line — something you’ve noticed him do before whenever he’s unsure about something. “I’m not looking at you in any kind of way, like at all.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. Yeah, really.”
“Why so high-strung today?” you ask, and you're intent on quizzing him and finding out more about his state of mind or whatever for the first time in your life. Which might’ve been lovely, somehow in some iteration of this world far away, but you’re also dodging the subject and it’s ticking him off.
“Because you’re wasting my time.” Sid grimaces in clear cut disapproval.
You smile wide as if his displeasure lights up your world, and your eyes crinkle. He always looks so disgruntled. You can’t help but find it amusing. “Don’t be a wanker. I know you don’t have anything else to do.”
“I’ll have you know, I—”
“Actually, you are a wanker,” you say with a snort, making obscene motions with your hand.
“Stop it.”
You find more entertainment in his bemusement, unsuccessfully attempt to stifle your laughter and offer him a cigarette as a truce of sorts. Despite accepting it, Sid’s motions are jerky when he takes it from you, and you’re not blind to the way he’s glaring while you light it for him.
“Relax,” you say.
Sid calls out your name like it’ll help get you back on track. In a stern voice, almost.
“I ate eggs for breakfast this morning. Hard-boiled. Tasted like fart, straight fart.”
A more insistent repeat of your name escapes him.
You straighten your posture as you’re sitting, holding up a finger with a smile. “I just remembered. Listen man, my mum’s getting married to her boy toy thing and there’s this wedding stuff and I need a plus one. Wanna come?”
You’re grinning way too hard, considering what you just said, and Sid scoffs as an instinctual response to your happiness. “Like anyone wants to go to your crackhead family’s wedding.”
“Why not?” You cock your head to the side. “It’d be funny, I think.”
“Yeah, to you, maybe.”
“Didn’t you get in deep shit for that dope you got off the… the one substitute teacher, Mad Twat?”
Sid says nothing. Just exhales in an over-exaggerated manner and throws his hands up to show you how done he is with this conversation.
“And like,” you continue, after breathing out another drag, “so like, you can be a crackhead, but my uncle from Birmingham can’t?”
“I’m not a crackhead, for fuck’s sake. It was just spliff!”
You roll your eyes, inching your body further away from him, leaning into the grass.
“Can’t you- Can’t you take Tone or something?” he suggests, but not necessarily because he’s eager to throw him your way. No, it’s more that everyone likes Tony, so he’d be a good fit for showing off to your mum, and he’s a bit of a sociopath, which would ensure your fun throughout the reception. He’d agree, of course, as it’d be an easy opportunity to cause chaos at someone else’s expense. That’s what you’re into, right?
You blink at him almost like you’re considering his offer. You’re not much different from everyone else he spends any substantial amount of time around; an insolent, insufferable asshole with neatly packaged emotional damage. And Sid is not good at reading people, never has been. Your request to go with him could signify something, but it also could not. He can never tell where the layers are when it comes to you, or what you’re thinking‌.
What he knows is that, deep down, he wants it to have some hidden meaning, something subliminal you’re trying to convey to him, even though that’s far-fetched. That maybe, just maybe, you do prefer hanging out with him, compared to the others.
The frown on his face runs deeper, scrunching his entire face. Everyone seems eager to play with his emotions nowadays, even if unintentionally.
An aggressive shake of your head brings him out of his mulling. “The guy doesn’t even understand why speeding is illegal. You think I’d wanna invite him to a wedding?”
“Well, yes-” Disregarding the thought process of how you’re exactly the type of person who would encourage some foolishness to happen at such an event, he resorts to grimacing again, and then he shrugs his shoulders a few times. “It’s not exactly that he doesn’t understand why it’s illegal. He just doesn’t care, alright?”
You purse your lips, though not exactly in disapproval. It teeters more on the edge of, ‘Wow, seriously? And that’s the guy you look up to?’
“Or maybe Anwar could go with you. Or Michelle. Michelle’s nice.”
You frown. “Okay, maybe they could go with me, but I’m asking you. So instead of dodging me like a prick, just say no!”
He blinks at you, disregarding your outburst. “Why would you ask me?”
Sid’s seemingly genuine confusion doesn’t move you as much as it annoys you. You make jazz hands at him with an expression of mock insight. “Maybe because I want to go with you…?”
“I don’t see why, but fine,” he concedes, leaning his face into his hand, charily watching you.
“Good Lord, Sid, don’t be such a soggy bastard,” you huff, then stand up and almost trip over. Your wet, disgusting bag is hanging off one of your shoulders, and then you turn more sly and satisfied suddenly, after you stomp on your cigarette. “Cheers though. I’ll call you for details later.”
You make a telephone motion with your fingers, and you’re gone.
With your way out of earshot by now, Sid cringes retroactively, like he just smelled a rotting carcass. Then, with a hint of bewilderment, he mutters, “Soggy?”
You don’t call him for details later. It’s a week after when you’re in the middle of a shower and you hear your phone ring. Opening the curtain, you look around and wipe your hands on the nearest cloth, then stretch towards the cabinet and grab the device.
“Hello?” you say in an inquisitive manner, having not looked at the caller ID.
“Hey, what’s that noise?” You recognize the voice. It’s Sid.
“Just in the middle of washing my bum,” you say, holding in a cough. It’s kinda breezy like this. “I know you wouldn’t be familiar, but-”
“Shut up. And aren’t you wasting, like, a shit ton of water right now?”
You snicker. “Too bad for whoever’s taking a shower after me, then.”
“You’re such an ass.”
“And what can this ass do for you?”
“Oh, yeah, uh… you never got back to me about that wedding thing. Is that still happening?”
“Well, yes, I mean. It’s this Sunday, so.”
You can’t see him, but you can tell he’s making one of his funny miserable-looking expressions again, huffing and puffing and kissing his teeth. “That’s in five days! And you didn’t tell me shit.”
“I got caught up in—” your eyes dart around the bathroom and land on the graffiti that says CHRIS MILES PEED HERE with a huge arrow pointing towards the corner, a result of last night’s shenanigans. Should wipe that off when I’m finished here, “—something.”
“Yeah, I forgot, shaking your bottom to Like a G6 all night must be exhausting. My bad.”
“Alright, who up and pissed in your dinner?”
“You! Don’t make big plans and then go ghost for like-”
Before he can continue his charade about timeliness and such, you feel the water turn abruptly way too cold. You yell out a strange, strangled kind of noise, shiver, and turn the faucet off before jumping out of the shower, naked feet padding across the bathroom tiles. So fucking gross.
A beat of silence passes before Sid says, “Everything ok?”
Without thinking too hard, you decide that you won’t tell him the hot water ran out since he’ll get a tickle out of it after quick consideration. No, you know he won’t laugh at you — he never really does that often, and it kind of sucks since you pride yourself on being a bit of a comedian. It’ll be more of an ‘I told you so’ ordeal, and you can’t deal with that brand of obnoxiousness. “Almost slipped.”
You shudder. It’s so cold in this piece of shit with poor insulation.
“Well, anyway,” he says, not very concerned. You think about how you’ll have to rinse yourself off on the sink and pout before closing in on the mirror. Noticing your mom’s lipstick, you feel a tinge of intrigue for no apparent reason. “What do I dress like?”
You shift your phone, supporting it with your shoulder, and untwist the lid off the lipstick, narrowing your eyes at it. “Hmm?”
“I’d probably have to wear a suit. Right?”
“I mean, it is a wedding.” As funny as you think it’d be for him to show up in his usual, ridiculous, skater-ish (despite how you’ve never seen him even touch a board), oversized pants. “I reckon there’ll be a dress code.”
“Uh, and, what about the hat?”
You purse your lips and draw devil horns on your reflection. Such a vibrant shade of red. “I don’t know,” you say. “Maybe. Maybe I’ll tell them you’re with me real cool, and they’ll let you wear your hat.”
“You’re not a mob boss, in case you’ve forgotten.”
“Hide that balding hairline and don’t vex me, little boy.”
Sid sighs, and you hear it, and you almost want to laugh because he makes everything so easy, but he doesn’t bother scolding you for your attitude either. There’s no point. “And what about transport?”
“A cab will do. It’s not that far away, really.” You give your reflection a moustache next, and start making different expressions, angling your face.
“Uh, that’s great, I guess. You’re gonna pay for it, right?”
“Don’t worry about it, tightwad.”
“I’m not some kinda scrooge. I just, you know.”
Despite not knowing, you go, “Mmhm.”
Some more silence passes. Figuring you two have nothing else to say or otherwise harp about, you’re about to hang up on him abruptly, but Sid talks again. “[Y/n], don’t tell me you’ve been standing naked in your toilet like a bellend all this time.”
“What gave you that idea?!” you say with fake incredulity, watching yourself smile in the mirror. And the devil horns you drew, and the porn-esque moustache. You come to find you don’t look very villainous.
“There’s this… ominous echo…”
“Oh my. Okay, Criminal Minds. Analysed the background noises and everything.”
“You’re gonna be sick. Get off the phone,” he grumbles.
“Noooo, you first,” you fire back with fake coyness.
He does‌ so without a word. You twist your lips and bring the phone down to stare at it emptily for a second, before discarding it somewhere. Looking at the mirror next, you blink at your doodles. You hope they’ll stick even after you wash away CHRIS MILES PEED HERE.
Sid does not dress in a suit, but you don’t blame him since your call was short notice, and he was the one who had to start it. Instead, he settled for some shirt that seems ‌ill-fitting, like he got it years ago, but hasn’t completely outgrown it either. Some boring dress pants and sneakers to follow. And the beanie. The beanie’s always there.
You don’t look much different from usual either, except maybe for the way you have toned down everything a bit, in terms of colours. Polished enough to make you look presentable, but not so much that there’s any radical difference.
“It’s going to be boring, isn’t it?” says Sid dryly, adjusting his hat even though it wasn’t ruffled.
You give him a side glance and then move back and forth from where you’re sitting. “Well, I don’t know. There will be a banquet and performance-enhancement drugs are allowed.”
“[Y/n], don’t talk about that in the car,” he whines, face-palming.
“I don’t think he cares,” you say, curving your mouth, and then turn to look at the taxi driver’s reflection in the tiny mirror. “Do you care?”
“It was such a bother coming,” Sid complains again and you wonder what his problem is at first, until you realise he always has a problem.
“Of course it is. I could send you sightseeing and you’d still find something to be upset about.”
He inches away from you in a petty move, considering how the taxi isn’t exactly spacious. Curls into himself like you’ve offended him. “Well, I mean, yeah. That kinda sounds like you would’ve been trying to get rid of me. And what’s the point of sightseeing alone, anyway? In this hypothetical situation.”
“You were right. I should’ve invited Anwar. At least he’s both cute and funny.” You say it as a joke, but you can tell he’s taking it to heart by the way he scoffs and if his reflected expression is anything to go by. Still, he’s got his back on you now, and you feel like the snowballing of the situation is out of your hands.
“What’s with you both?” the driver asks, mostly annoyed because he has to deal with pointless drama within the comfort of his own vehicle.
And with that, you cease engaging him until you arrive at your destination.
There’s a certain stiffness in you when you arrive and make your way inside, flashing your invite and pulling him in. “You know, I don’t really mean half the things I say,” you mutter, though you sound irritated at him misinterpreting your actions with such ease, which ‌makes him feel worse.
“I know.”
“So stop moping around. It’s a wedding and you’re allowed to snort anything you could want in the world.”
“I told you I’m not a crackhead,” he’s yelling and he’s whispering all the same.
“It’s never too late to start.” You wipe your nose and sniff to indicate something, meanwhile Sid pouts and kicks away imaginary dirt.
The first person who approaches you is one of your uncles. Sid sees a little bit of you in him, although a really… aged you, mixed with someone else. He’s already drinking and there’s a glint in his eyes when he says, “Aye, [Y/n], I didn’t know you got a boyfriend.”
“That’s not my boyfriend. Just some homeless guy I picked off the street.”
Sid nudges you in the ribs. Hard.
“Sorry. He’s a little sensitive about it.”
“No worries, man.” Your companion lets go of your hand and wipes both of his on his pants, so at least the claminess hadn’t been a hallucination. You shift a little, and then your uncle takes a loud sip of his drink. He takes this as his cue to leave. “Alright, alright, you little twats have fun.”
Watching after his retreat, Sid frowns. “I don’t think we will. And seriously, a homeless guy you picked off the street? You were just trying to apologise a few seconds ago, mind you.”
Disregarding what he said, you start. “Well, I have a lot of family lore to catch you up on, if you want. Or maybe we could trigger the fire alarm and ruin the ceremony already.”
“Your origin story sounds good. Not really. Well, it sounds better.”
“Let’s find somewhere to sit,” you offer, because the idea of telling him the extensive backstory while standing up is tedious. He plops down somewhere near the back, eventually, on these shitty plastic chairs that definitely don’t fit a wedding. You follow suit, adjusting your seat to be closer to his.
You’re halfway through the anecdote about why your stepdad is also already drunk and dragging his face across the cake — it involves cheating and a lack of a refund — when you notice Sid is spacing out. Smacking his shoulder, you draw out an overdramatic hiss from him. “I’m trying to fill the awkward silence here and you’re not helping.”
“It’s hard to concentrate on all the, um… the going on.” And you talk a lot which is hard for him to keep track of, but he doesn’t tell you that.
You raise your eyebrow, almost willing to pretend he’s making sense. “What’s with all this weird fucking tension? I swear, you’re not this whiny usually.”
Sid shrugs in a faux casual manner before adjusting his position to be more comfortable. Trying to pay attention to him properly this time, you’re watchful of his movements, like he always seems to be wary of yours. Then, with a hint of curiosity, you smirk and try to intertwine your fingers around his. He startles, but doesn’t pull away either.
“Do I make you nervous?” you ask. That’d make sense, at least a little.
“Define nervous.”
“Awkward, irritable, irritating also, hard to be around, alert.”
He allows himself a cheap snort at that. “Then maybe.”
“And why’s that?”
“I think we’ve known each other for far too long to play twenty questions,” he quips. Hopes you won’t notice the way he’s rattled by goosebumps when you draw absentminded patterns on his skin with your finger. You give him high-fives, not caresses.
“You shouldn’t be,” you say. “We’re good friends. Gotta have each other’s backs and shit.” He knows you don’t mean it much. If you do, you don’t act like it.
“That’s a- that’s a problem… to me.”
“I don’t see why it would be.”
“We’re all hanging out almost every day, yeah? It just keeps occurring to me that I'm not a good fit for anyone.” Now’s probably not the time to bring this up, but he’s always been a little selfish like this. That’s one thing you know about him for certain. And if not that, he can be embarrassingly open about what he’s thinking.
“For anyone? I didn’t know you had anything other than naked Michelle’s in that empty head of yours.”
“I don’t- I just- you think it’s stupid, right? The thing with Michelle.”
“Of course I think it’s stupid,” you scowl. “Got you acting like a tool at times, and that’s coming from the second asshole in command. The main asshole’s Tony, though, for sure.”
“Well, I think it’s dumb and pointless, too. I realised that, she realised that. And she used me to prove Tony wrong, and it hurt so fucking bad, but that doesn’t matter,” Sid goes on. “I try thinking of other people and it just feels like I’m not good enough for anyone, you know?”
“No, I don’t know. I’m perfect,” you interrupt with a giggle.
“That’s the thing. What does that make me?”
Your smile falls. Now would’ve been the time for him to oppose you and play those verbal exercises you two always fell into. He doesn’t seem to notice your shock, but shakes off your hold on him and you can see he’s more twitchy than before.
“I think about you, alright? A lot. You invite me to this wedding and I’m thinking about how you can be with someone, I dunno, someone more compatible with you. I want to be like that. Someone fun and playful, like Tone and Anwar and Chris and Maxxie and literally anyone else. It always comes back to this crap. I always act like I’m better and nicer than everyone, but it’s bullshit. It’s all bullshit.”
He doesn’t look like he’s on the brink of crying, but his words are tearful in nature.
“I’m just letting you all drag me around-”
“You talk too much,” you interrupt. You two work in an amusing way; he thought that about you earlier. “And you just care about having your pity party right now and how I won’t be your rebound for Michelle, so I’m not even gonna say anything in the meantime.”
That’s a harsh rejection, rough enough to bring a wince out of him, though it’s not like he’s not used to being seen as ridiculous, and he knew the chances of this going reciprocated were low. He doesn’t want you to think that’s all he’s feeling or thinking about, though. That was never Sid’s intention. “You don’t understand!”
“Make me understand then.”
“With you, I think I just feel a little different. Like with Michelle, I had these… fantasies, I guess, of how things were supposed to go. Kinda like some shitty show on the telly, but in my head instead. Anyway, when I think about you, I don’t want that. I just want you. I imagine us dicking around and such, not fairy tale moments.”
Sid isn’t poetic with his words, but you didn’t expect him to be. There’s no romance in it, but it’s genuine, way too matter-of-fact for comfort. You’re well aware that no one feels sentimental towards you, or takes you seriously at all. So this? This is a lot already.
“Sid, look at me,” you say. He hadn’t done that even once the entire time he was talking, which you’re willing to chalk up to nerves rather than being disingenuous.
“You want eye contact while putting me down for good? Such a you move.”
“Just listen for once,” you say, furrowing your eyebrows in frustration. “I’ve fancied you for years, but you’re always chasing something or someone else around. That doesn’t mean I’m gonna run in your embrace immediately or whatever, but-”
“Wait.” He seems a little dazed, widening his eyes. “You do?”
“-just stop with this self-deprecation bull. It’s sad. Never helped anyone.”
Something goes on in the background. There are noises of shock going around. You forgot people were around, even though everything else was supposed to be a main event. The moment stalls like this, but you don’t want it to end on this note. Incomplete.
“I can change.”
You pinch the bridge of your nose. “I don’t want you to change. We can just both be better, alright? If we’re gonna be together.”
The yelling in the background gets more intense, but you don’t pay it any mind. Waiting for his answer.
“I think I can work with that, yeah.”
You don’t initiate a kiss with him when he leans in like he wants you to, instead opting to bend further into your chair and smirk at him. Your triumph is short-lived, though, because you tip it back far enough that you fall and hit your head rather hard. All Sid can do is try to help you with almost late franticness while your family ignores your groans of pain.
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Twisted Tristan’s Tormented Christmas
Fandoms: Buffy the vampire slayer, Angel, Buffy Dark Horse comics, Buffyverse and A Christmas Carol.
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, its spin-off series Angel, its dark horse comics continuation series, or any of the characters created by Joss Whedon and others in the Buffyverse.
15 years +, Mild to Strong Violence, Sexual References. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other +
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“Have yourself a merry little…” The voice on the television began to sing with a campy Christmas cheer before the song was abruptly ended by Tristan switching off the television in the living room of the apartment, he shared with Faith above their bar Rogue’s. “Christmas is cancelled this year; we are drinking straight through to New Year’s.” A drunken Tristan declared, while wearing just a pair of tight white boxer briefs as he held a half empty bottle of whisky in his hands, before crashing on to the nearby couch. This year had been especially difficult for Tristan Summers, who had went from being a vampire who was possessed by a demon, to being killed, only to come back to life and find himself sucked into a twisted dimension where he and his parents Buffy and Angel worked together to kill the shadow demon that had once possessed him. Being back from the dead should have been reason enough for Tristan to celebrate Christmas, however, despite many pleas from both of his infamous parents he continued to decline, even going as far as convincing Faith to head to Los Angels for Christmas so he would not have anybody to remind him come the day. The earliest Christmases that Tristan could remember with his adoptive parents seemed like a perfect Christmas looking back which were probably heavily influenced by nostalgia and how much he missed them. Heck, even his Christmases spent with vampires Dante and Drusilla were fun for him, of course they were all crazy and there’d usually be humans on the table instead of turkey but it still felt like a family holiday, a deeply disturbed family, but family nonetheless and after so many losses, heartbreaks, and betrayals, Tristan was done with it all, especially Christmas. After everything him, Buffy, and Angel had gone through to get to a place where their relationship was somewhat healthy, or at least healthier than Tristan trying to kill his biological parents, he did feel guilty for rejecting both of their invitations but he just did not feel ready to open himself up to another form of family, especially not on Christmas Day.
As the hours passed, Tristan waited until his bottle of whisky was completely empty before passing out drunk on the couch where he sat but sleep was not something he would get much of on the night of December 22nd as he suddenly found himself being awakened by his old high school friend Mandi Jenkins, startling him to his core, considering Mandi was killed by Drusilla not too long ago. “Mandi,” Tristan mumbled as he rubbed his eyes, unable to believe what stood before him. “How is this possible? Your dead…I saw your body myself after Dru killed you.” “I believe the correct answer would be it’s the magic of Christmas, believe it or not that kind of thing really does exist but to be fair in a world filled with vampires, witches, slayers and sons of slayers is it really that far of a stretch that Christmas really is that special after all.” Mandi replied to her old friend. “Clearly, I am dreaming once again.” Tristan realized, as he stood up from his couch. “There’s only so many twisted dream scenarios one unhinged slayer can handle before he becomes completely and utterly tormented like…” “Drusilla…you were going to say Drusilla, right?” Mandi interrupted the slayer’s son, instantly noticing his guilt over mention the name of her killer to her so casually. “It’s okay Drusilla killed me, biggest surprise was it was not you who killed me…and I use the term loosely considering I am not actually Mandi.” “Are you the first? Please tell me you’re the first and not the shadow demon because I am getting sick of going up against the shadow demon.” Tristan complained. “I am the ghost of Christmas past.” Mandi revealed to him, only to be met by laughs of disbelief from Tristan. “Are we really doing this?” Tristan asked in between laughs.
Exactly one blink later and before his very eyes he was now standing next to Mandi on the snow covered grass of his family home in Riverborn looking into the dining room window to see his adoptive parents playing games, talking and laughing with each other and a six year old version of himself. “They loved Christmas so much, my dad used to dress up as Santa, I guess like most dads did but he really committed to the role either that or I was a really dumb kid because I was shocked when I found it was him.” Tristan admitted to Mandi, with tears in his eyes as he watched a beautiful Christmas memory before his very eyes. “Do you remember how our parents used to meet up on Christmas night and it would be like this big mash up of Christmas? And how you used to spend New Year’s with me every year?” “I know I look like Mandi, but I am not actually her remember,” The ghost of Christmas past reminded him. “I can see why Christmas is so difficult when it serves as a reminder of all you’ve lost but not all of which you have lost is bad…” “What does that mean?” Tristan wondered, before realizing. “Dante and Drusilla…I loved them like family too and the whole time they were the ones who killed my real family, first my parents, then you, well Mandi…” “I know how much Mandi Jenkins meant to you which is why I chose to take this form and I know the guilt you feel for not only her death but your parents’ too but all of that was out of your control.” Mandi of Christmas past explained to the son of the slayer. “Maybe not…but killing Mandi’s boyfriend was definitely all me, killing all those slayers, and all those innocents, that is all on me without any excuses and that is something I can never make up for.” Tristan admitted, never forgetting the horrors he had committed with his own hands. “I could feed you the line and play the role of a person endorsing your shit by saying you were manipulated by two vampires, one whom you were in love with, but the truth is you chose that path and you killed all of those innocents and that is something you should have to live with for the rest of your life without a doubt!” Mandi made clear to Tristan. “However, that does not mean you should resign yourself to the shadows, if you truly want to redeem yourself and be the better person then you need to learn the true differences between the past you, your present and what your future may look like.”
It was December 23rd the eve before Christmas eve and Tristan had all but regulated his experiences the night before as nothing more than a drunken dream as he pulled himself together, showered, washed, and put on some clothes before opening up his and Faith’s bar Rogues which they opened during the day despite the fact most of their customers couldn’t step out in the day, however, one particularly loyal customer only showed up during the day, Miss Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins, a former vengeance demon from an alternate world who had found herself annoyingly human and in New York City. “So, you spend a thousand years give or take with the best gig a girl can ask for…minus all the bloody bunnies and then boom some shadow demon gives you an offer you cannot refuse although in hindsight I probably should have…” A drunk Anya Jenkins slurred while drinking her bottle of beer, sat on a stool, at the bar counter, within Rogues bar, which was empty barring her and her bartender Tristan Summers, who stood behind the counter, looking far from amused by his company. “Only to be beat by two humans and the worst part of it all is not only does the world suck a lot more than I hoped for but this world’s version of my boss tells me I have no choice but to stay human because this world’s me was given too many chances…” “You have told me this story every time you come in here in the afternoon, always drunk before the sunsets, forcing me to get you a taxi so you do not wind up some vamp’s dinner…” Tristan complained to her. “You need to get over it already and find yourself some kind of life you do not totally hate living.” “Oh, I am very sorry if my life’s problems bore you!” Anya said with great sarcasm. “It was you lot who did this to me…it’s only fair you have to wallow in my misery with me.” “Hey, do not get uppity with me because you were bested by a broken key and a halfwit.” Tristan mocked the former vengeance demon, and by doing so also mocked Dawn and her boyfriend Xander. “You are almost as bad as Sid for the complaining, but the guy is a freaking puppet who cannot drink…real problems, unlike yours!” “Remind me again why I keep choosing to come back here to a bar which service is severely lacking?” Anya asked, while digging at Tristan at the same time. “Because this is the only place stupid enough to let you have a tab!” Tristan replied. “Which was definitely more Faith’s idea than mine considering I know for a fact you are never going to find a way of paying us back nor do you want to look.” “You make an excellent point,” Anya responded before finishing her beer and placing the empty bottle onto the bar counter. “Where is your fellow slayer anyway?” “Spending Christmas in Los Angeles with everyone including the two humans who brought you down to your knees.” Tristan informed her, all too happily. “If I knew you were this much fun during the holidays I would have told her to take you with them although considering you’re an alternate world version of the girl Xander almost married I do not think Dawn would be too happy…saying that I am not too sure if I care about her not being happy.” “So, you turned down being somewhere for Christmas so you could serve me alcohol all through the holiday and yet I’m the one who needs to get a life?” Anya said blatantly, as she stood up from the barstool and began walking towards the bar door, ready to leave Tristan alone to think about her latest insult.
Later that very same night after he was finished closing up Rogues, the only male slayer Tristan went straight to bed, avoiding any drinks in an attempt to avoid further dreams about Christmas past, but alas the ghost of Christmas past and had come and gone and it was now time for the ghost of Christmas present and who better to represent it than Drusilla, a vampire that Tristan had a lot of history with, history which continued to troubled him right up to this very day, and possibly in the future too. “My boy still looks like an angel when he sleeps but the things, he’s done makes his daddy angel weep and weep.” Drusilla tormented Tristan, as the male slayer awoke from his sleep to find her stood above his bed within his bedroom. “Considering you were not invited into this home this has got to be another dream,” Tristan reassured himself, as he climbed out of bed and stood up on the floor, ready to face the vampire who made him into the monster he once was. “So, are we still on the theme of Christmas or is this just another dream with you in it?” “Yes, I do seem to haunt your dreams on the regular…tell me what is worse for you? The dreams in which I am killing everybody you loved which serve more like flashbacks than dreams, or is it the dreams in which you’re happy, we’re happy, Dante, and Mandi too?” Drusilla, the ghost of Christmas present, questioned the man who once loved her like a mother, knowing the turmoil her mere presence caused him. “I cannot believe I am saying this,” Tristan admitted to both himself and the ghost of Christmas present, eager to avoid anymore talk of his troubling past. “Please tell me this is another Christmas dream…” “Yes,” Drusilla said after a sinister cackle, the Christmas ghost playing their part of the deranged vampire a little to well, before the two found themselves standing outside the front doors of the Hyperion Hotel, within the garden, looking through the front doors to see Tristan’s father Angel reluctantly decorating a large tree within the reception area of the hotel, under close super vision by the all-powerful witch Willow. “Hate to break it to you Dru but if this is what you have to show me then your seriously lacking in the sinister department these days…or this Christmas ghost version of you is way too much Christmas and not enough Halloween.” Tristan scorned Drusilla, as he continued to watch his father Angel decorate a tree with Willow, looking further to find Faith and Spike knocking back drinks at the counter of the reception area, while behind the reception area Giles, his mother’s watcher, was heavy into what looked like a game of scrabble with Dawn and Xander, the watcher looking justifiably frustrated by what Tristan assumed was the others lack of verbal intellect in comparison to Giles. As Tristan continued to search through the festive scenery before his very eyes, taking Drusilla’s silence as a hint to continue examining what lay before him, after a few more moments he found his mother Buffy Summers sat on the stairs playing dolls with her six year old niece, and his cousin, Joyce Harris, and for some reason that he did not want to admit to himself he began to feel a gut in his stomach, jealous not of Joyce or her child play, but broken by the sign of Buffy being motherly to a child, a child that was not him, a child that would never be him. “You are right in thinking she will never be like that with you, for you a neither a child, or remotely innocent…the days of that ever being likely for you are well and truly over.” Drusilla told him. “You are never too old to be somebody’s son but are you too far gone to allow anyone to love you like that?” “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?” Tristan questioned the vampire, confused by her often-cryptic ways of putting a sentence together. But before the son of the slayer could get any answers from the ghost of Christmas present he found himself waking back up in his bed in his bedroom, only this time there was no sign of Drusilla to be found.
It was now December 24th, officially the eve before Christmas, and it felt to Tristan like this particular Christmas was on steroids, as Christmases tended to feel like during times people were far from feeling the festive spirit, and it seemed to Mr. Summers that he could not turn on a television, stream a song, or listen to the radio, without the message of Christmas being shoved down his throat, but as he opened up his bar for another day to night shift, he began to look forward to the distraction of Anya Jenkins, knowing she would be the last person to feel the festive cheer, or at least that is what he thought. As Anya strolled into Rogue’s dressed as a literal elf, holding a hot, sexy, and barely dressed, male Santa in her arms looking happier than she had ever looked before, Tristan could not believe his eyes, believing instantly some sinister magic was to blame for this ungodly sight before him. “I thought you hated elves why the hell are you dressed up like one?” Tristan asked Anya, as she sat down at the bar with her festive suitor. “It’s bunnies, it’s always been bunnies, bloody bunnies!” Anya corrected the male slayer, unnerved by mentioning the creatures she feared the most. “So, you hate Easter but not Christmas then?” Tristan wondered, before turning to examine the sexy Santa, failing to not notice his amazingly chiseled and seemingly oiled hairless chest. “Or do you just have a kink for Santa’s…which judging by this one makes a whole lot of sense.” “I like money, and lots of it, and I got myself as an elf at some shopping mall…can you believe shopping malls are still a thing on this world? In my world we enslaved all designers forcing them to make their designs exclusive to us which definitely wound up backfiring when they started stitching terribly and we got all angry and killed them all.” Anya revealed to Tristan, with a sense of fondness. “Now those were the days…” “Did you just say this world…as in you’re from another planet or something? Because that is super cool, everyone meets vampires and demons these days, but I never hear stories about aliens.” A clearly confused sexy Santa asked Anya, all too excited by the potential of her being an alien. “I knew by Xander that dumb was your type but at least this one’s hot.” Tristan told Anya, mocking both Xander and the sexy Santa without care. “Well aliens are from another planet and I am from another universe so yes, I’m technically an alien to this world anyways.” Anya replied to Tristan, before going on to say. “Also, I am not the Anya who almost married that lump I am the Anya that has only had the misfortune to meet him once.” “So, Santa what do you want to drink?” Tristan asked the man, eager to change from the topic of aliens. “Oh, I do not drink, I respect what goes into my body.” The sexy Santa, instantly losing all appeal to both Anya and Tristan within that one instant. “I’m cool with the whole not drinking thing but respecting your body? Is that really a thing when there is literally a fast-food joint on every corner? I mean I am all for self-love and stuff but keep your greens and I will keep my fats.” Tristan responded to the man dressed as Santa. “Tristan your bitterness over no Christmas date is starting to show, maybe you should hitch a ride to L.A. before it’s too late and spend Christmas with that god-awful family of yours.” Anya suggested to the male slayer. “I’d gladly tend to the bar for you…if I’m payed Christmas wages of course.” “No thank you,” Tristan scoffed, not willing to trust Anya, nor willing to go anywhere, especially not on Christmas. “I mean I know this place is just a dive bar and everything, but I would not trust you to take care of my stakes never mind my bar, and everything’s a stake if it’s wooden and you get creative…”
After spending his day shift watching Anya making out with the sexy Santa she brought to Rogues, and the night shift serving demon after demon, creature after creature, and the odd human who were very odd indeed, Tristan shut down the bar for another night before putting himself to bed once again, falling into a deep sleep, hoping the future was further away than what it would be…as before long he found himself awakening on the cold hard ground of his own grave. “Well this is definitely a little too much melancholy for even me…” He mumbled to himself as he stood up from the ground and walked off his grave, looking around the San Francisco cemetery, confused by how he got there. “Down here big guy!” Sid instructed the slayer, forcing Tristan to look below to find the living puppet stood in front of him. “In case you’ve not quite caught up on all of this, yet I am your ghost of Christmas future.” “I figured that much but why take to me to where Buffy buried me before the whole coming back to life via some powers that be meddling?” Tristan replied to the puppet man, made of wood. “Well where else were they going to stick your lifeless body the next time around?” Sid answered him. “They never got round to getting rid of the grave, not that they needed too considering you wound up back in it before long.” “What did I die of a severe lack of Christmas cheer?” Tristan joked, unaffected so far by this spiritual visit. “Or maybe a vampire staked me with a candy cane, the amount I’ve staked seems kind of poetic actually…” “Nope, after you went back to the bad way of life much to no-one’s surprise your mum Buffy stepped up and killed you…if memory serves right you were stabbed to death with way too many wounds for it not to be a little…you know…fun for her.” Sid revealed to the slayer. “But after all the work they put in saving you just for you to go back to being a bastard who would blame her…” “So, I go back evil? I wouldn’t do that…not after everything…” Tristan dismissed his claims, all while fearing Sid was telling the truth. “Yep, that’s what you thought too but after continuously pushing away the parents, then Faith, and even Anya got sick of you…well after all that you had nobody and before long you were back budding it up with Drusilla acting as if you did not know she and Dante killed your parents…or maybe you just really did not care anymore.” Sid continued to explain to a stunned Tristan. “I mean how are you supposed to be human when you haven’t bonded with any since you started playing with monsters.” “That’s not true!” Tristan snapped at the ghost of Christmas future. “I care about Faith she has never given up on me, and I care about Buffy and Angel, I mean sure the parents thing is a little complicated but I do care about them…and I cared about Mandi, Lucas, and the parents that raised me.” “If you really care about all these people, the ones who aren’t dead yet then why are you treating them like they are already gone?” Sid asked Tristan, already knowing the slayer’s answer. “Because you fear one day you might end up caring too much and losing them which will happen as nobody lives forever, thing is…if you don’t care, lose, get hurt, and let your heart break, then you’re not really human as much as it sucks, we got to feel the bad as well as the good because nothing is more dangerous than becoming numb to it all.” Tristan wanted to argue back with the man trapped within the dummy, wanting to prove him wrong, but Sid’s words were wiser than Tristan would like to admit, and even if he was not a fan of Christmas itself he was certainly a fan of those who did care about it, those who wanted to spend it with him and before long he started to realize that he had made a huge mistake by trying to skip Christmas….
As Tristan woke up in his bed within his room on Christmas Day, he was immediately met with guilt as he realized he had missed out on a chance to bond with his friends, his family, and potential loved ones. He was not suddenly a fan of Christmas itself, that would take some time, but he began to remember its message and how important it was for people, how important it once was for him, and as he climbed out of his bed, rising onto his feet, and walked over to his window to see the back alleyway, in between his building and several others, was covered in snow, as snow continued to fall from the sky, and for a moment, just a moment, he even considered opening that window and yelling Merry Christmas. Instead, he chose to get changed and then call up those who would answer to him, so he could wish them a Merry Christmas and admit to his regrets of not being with them on this special occasion but after he had got changed, and walked into the living room of his apartment, he quickly realized he had no calls to make as his living room was decked to the halls with Christmas decorations, including a fully decorated tree, as his mother Buffy Summers, his father Angel, his aunt Dawn, her man Xander, and their daughter Joyce, stood beside his friend Faith, the vampire Spike, his mother’s best friend Willow and the retired watcher Giles…all of them ready to spend Christmas with him whether he wanted to or not…but luckily for him he was more than ready to celebrate Christmas with them all.
Have a truly twisted Christmas that only torments you in the more joyous ways and a happy new year, a year which will hopefully be less chaotic than 2020, keep slaying slayerettes.
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Hungover- Sid Jenkins
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Pairing: Sid Jenkins x Reader
Characters: Sid Jenkins
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol and drinking
Request: Anon- "You make no sense to me." "Welcome to my life."
Word Count: 427
Author: Charlotte
“What’s wrong?” Sid asked as he saw you solemnly looking down at the piece of paper before you.
“Hangover,” you whispered.
You’d been out until the early hours of the morning, boozing and dancing, leaving you now with a headache and wishing for everyone who made noise to spontaneously combust- quietly.
“How’d you do on the psychology mock?” He asked, placing his sheet of paper down in front of you.
It was the mock exam you had completed two weeks prior. Sid’s scruffy handwriting covered it in black pen, with the teacher’s red pen placing a capital C in the corner enclosed in a matching circle.
“I really fucked up the cognitive question, and the biological question and the methods one too,” he sighed, sitting down with you. “It’s complete bullshit.”
You flipped over your paper so that he could see yours. Your clear handwriting covered it, with the teachers red pen having marked an A* in a circle in the top corner. Sid’s jaw dropped as he stared between you and the mock exam.
“How the fuck did you do that?” He asked. “The night before was Tony’s birthday and from what I heard you didn’t even go home, just crawled into class after the night of boozing.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you didn’t know what to say. You enjoyed a night out often, you enjoyed drinking and partying, but you also knew that school was very important and wasn’t going to flunk out. You had plans for the future, but you weren’t going to let life pass you by now.
“I actually study,” you stated.
“So, do I. How can you party constantly but never lose a bloody point in any exams?” He huffed. “You make no sense to me.”
“Welcome to my life,” you sighed. “It’s a gift really. I also study better pissed, so it works out for both my lives. I can keep my social life and have a blast but also do well in class and get into a decent university.”
Sid let out another huff, flopping onto the table between you.
“Well I’m going to lose both at this rate. I’m going to be grounded for life if I don’t get a higher grade, then I’ll have no social life and still fail to get into university,” he frowned.
You gentle patted his shoulder to try and be supportive.
“I’ll help you study, just not now, I need another cup of coffee,” you stated, standing up from the table, ready to try and sort out the hangover you were suffering with.
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betratyal · 5 years
                       the first clear thought in years:                              I REFUSE TO DIE.
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JACOB BATALON? No, that’s actually PETER PETTIGREW from the MARAUDERS ERA. You know, the child of AMBROSIA PETTIGREW and ALISTER MCALISTER? Only 20 years old, this GRYFFINDOR alumni works as a DISH WASHER and is sided with HIMSELF. HE/THEY identifies as AGENDER and is a HALFBLOOD who is known to be CUNNING, HUMOROUS and ALLOCENTRIC but also OBSESSIVE, PASSIVE and COWARDLY. 
LINKS – pinboard, stats, app. CHARACTER PARALLELS – winston bishop ( new girl ), sid jenkins ( skins ), charles boyle ( b99 ), edmund pevensie ( narnia ), eric forman ( that 70s show ), bunny corcoran ( the secret history ) AESTHETIC –  ketchup stains on band shirts, an incomprehensible minute long string of curses, tracing the veins in your wrist, the smell of breakfast and fresh coffee, card tricks at three in the morning, freddie mercury impersonations, lying on the floor of the kitchen staring a the ceiling for three hours, trembling hands holding a joint, a guilty grin. HEADS UP – this intro contains mentions of bullying, death, mental illness (eating disorders (bed & bulimia) and depression and anxiety), self destructive tendencies and weed. ive trigger warned each bullet point where it comes up.
history ( 1960 - 1978 )
peter was born to ambrosia pettigrew, a halfblooded scottish-filipino witch. his father -- a muggle -- was not in the picture and hadn’t been ever since he’d learned of ambrosia’s pregnancy; he would sent her money every now and then, in the first years of peter’s life, but was never in the picture. ( and that was for the best, thought ambrosia; she didn’t love him, and he was a muggle, but still --- she was heartbroken and wished that she could give more to her son ).
peter grew up living with his mother in a small flat in glasgow. his grandparents lived nearby, and he spent a lot of time with them. peter learned how to be alone from a young age, with his mother working a lot and he himself lacking friends and peers to waste the days with --- as a child, he delved into fictional worlds ( superhero comics, roald dahl novels, animated tv shows ) and found friends there.
bullying tw / went to muggle elementary as well, but never felt at home there. he was the odd one out: his clothes didn’t fit well, his nervous habits were annoying to his classmates, his words were too clumsy and his eyes too shifty. he didn’t mind not having friends ( or so he thought, until he did have them ) but he did mind being picked on and teased. end of tw
death tw /  his grandmother died when he was seven and it was devastating; peter’s family was so small and compact, his social world so limited, that it had a huge impact. his relationship with his grandfather did grow much stronger through it. end of tw 
and then peter finally went to hogwarts! and peter made friends for the FIRST TIME. and he found a second home! ah, my god --- peter was so happy, he was really so hyped and in awe of his life and his friends. it all felt a bit surreal; especially because he looked up to james and sirius and remus so much --- james, mainly, but all of them were so amazing, and he was so amazed that they liked him, too.
peter always loved heroes. he loves comic books and people who save the day and get the girl and do it all. i think he kind of … projected that onto james and sirius especially? did not know how to do this friendship thing as an 11 year old tbh, was a mess, was blinded by their amazingness damn, and thus kind of hero worshipped them, didn’t see their flaws and faults.
re: peter being a gryffindor; peter admires heroism and bravery and chivalry, and it’s your values that get you sorted some place. and he always did try to be brave, and he WAS in a lot of moments, because he became a damn animagus for his bud! i mean! he was not a hatstall btw  — i choose to ignore that stupid bit of post canon. it took a while for the hat, sure, but no more than two minutes.  
peter was a pretty bad student, to be honest. not because he was stupid, but because he’s just not build for school. deadlines? exams? homework? no thank you --- those were both sources of stress and horribly tedious things and peter was much too occupied with shenanigans and having fun. peter learned better in different settings: he got very good at certain charms because they allowed him to be lazy ( hello, accio! ) and was able to put his mind to becoming an animagus because there was a necessity and a proper motivation, and became better at potions because of all the hangover potions he brew. 
becoming an animagus for remus was ! important ! to peter ! he did it for remus, not because of peer pressure, or anything else — he did it because it was right, and his friend deserved it and ! he did it, too, because he could. sure, his transfig grades may have been more than poor, but the kid did have some skill. he just needed motivation, which mcgonagall didn’t give (bc. she scared him.) and this situation? motivated the hell out of him.
peter would be lying if he said he wasn’t taken a bit aback when he learned about remus’ lycanthropy — not because he was scared of him, to be honest, but he was just ? shocked ? he was more scared for remus, and so sad? so fucking sad for him? : ( he cried
he also loved spending his time at hogwarts playing games; from muggle card games to chess to gobstones. collected chocolate frogs Very Seriously as well, and still does tbh.
weed & anxiety tw / peter started smoking pot in the summer between his fourth and fifth year, and never really stopped. it made him slack more at school, but also eased his anxiety, which had started to develop in his fourth year. as months passed, peter became more and more of a stoner, which made him both more relaxed and funnier, but also … a whole of a lot lazier. end of weed tw
peter had always been a bit … fidgety, easily on edge, a bit nervous, but he’d never really known anxiety until around fourteen years old. his insecurities grew, as he started comparing himself more to his friends and finding nothing but things he lacked in comparison to them, and questions as to why they put up with him. end of anxiety tw
so his schooldays mostly looked like … doing nothing, playing games, having fun with his mates, getting high, forgetting his homework, stressing about homework, and somewhere, in a tiny corner of his being, worrying about the war. whenever those worries started coming up, though, he was able to push them away, because the war was not yet there, not for him at least. there was graduation to worry about first, and once that was done, then he could worry about the war.
post graduation - now ( 1978 - 1980 )
peter joins the order along with his friends, because it was what was right. peter believes in their cause, hates the death eaters, hates discrimination and racism and terrorism --- of course he fucking does, and so he joins, even though he feels incompetent. i have written a lot about this in his app too, which is linked above! 
he starts working as a dishwasher in muggle glasgow, preferring a bit of a break from the wizarding world every now and then. peter’s not unambitious, per se, but he doesn’t have enough faith in himself to try and pursue a career ( and besides, what’s the point in the midst of a war? ). plus, peter doesnt need any more stress on his plate, and dish washing is laidback and at least kind of fun. 
depression & weed & eating disorder (bed/bulimia) tw | peter feels useless in the order, though. he seems to lack the skills, the guts, the everything that the people around him have. before, their heroics mightve inspired him; now they just make him feel like a shitty person, like a burden. peter starts secluding himself a little, hiding in his mother’s home. he smokes more pot. he sometimes goes almost week without seeing someone besides his mum and his coworkers. he watches too much telly and reads comics and drowns in fictional worlds and he becomes depressed. he sinks into it without noticing and can’t come back from it. his eating habits ( which have always bordered on unhealthy ) turn worse; peter binges, and then restricts, falls into a cycle. it’s the only routine he has.
when he’s around his friends, he lives up a little. he cracks jokes and wants to play games and laughs and feels a bit more alive, but he always craves his time on his own. that’s his new way to feel safe: to stick to his newly found routine, hidden in his room, away from reality. | end of tw
the idea to join the death eaters comes out of fear. peter feels like the order is losing, and feels like death is inevitable. i dont know how true this is, but the fact is that the death eaters are ruthless and that his life is on the line because of his position. i wrote a Lot about this in his app too, so if u want a more comprehensive explanation i’d def read it here, its the second hc!
he joins, because he thinks it will give him a saver position. play both sides, play for the winning side --- he’s always had a bit of an opportunistic streak, which definitely helps sway his decision. in the end he’s just afraid of dying, and that’s why he joins; he’s twenty, his life has hardly started --- he doesn’t want to die, no cause is worth that, none at all. ( he should have just ran )
he joins in may 1978, for timeline reasons, so he’s been a death eater for only a few months. it’s been a lot different than he imagined ----- peter thought he’d blend in the background quietly, that he’d have to do shitty jobs ( which is true ) and that he’d be left alone. he underestimated it, because well --- he was desperate when he joined, and he didn’t think about the consequences, and he didn’t think about how voldemort’s cruelty wasn’t just reserved for his enemies but for his followers, too. there’s no stepping out of line with the death eaters; mistakes are not treated lightly and peter --- afraid, a bit of a bumbling idiot, learns this quite soon.
his function is mostly just to be a spy; relay information and share plans, name members, etcetera. he’s not very active because he’s a spy, but i imagine that he is present at the bigger meetings. AND FML HE’S GOOD AT IT! he’s good at lying and sneaking and being a sly bastard --- he used those skills for pranks, once. now he uses it to betray his fellow prankers : D
peter, at that point, hates himself. he’s always had a bit of self loathing, but it’s gained the upper hand now and he’s drowning in it; it does allow for him to ignore his conscience, though, for him to ignore the reality and just stew in his negativity. he’s got a woe is me mentality, for sure, and he’s so god damn passive about his situation. 
timeclash reaction.
peter’s reaction to the timeclash was ... a lot. i wrote about it in his app, so if u want to read my whole ass rambling, i rec that. but tldr: he’s shocked, at what he becomes. the peter he is now is a traitor, yes, but he’s not yet the person who ends up betraying james and lily and harry, who frames sirius --- and it’s ground shattering to find out that he’s on the road to become such a person. 
self destructiveness, weed, alcohol tw / his self loathing grows more. peter wasn’t doing very well before, but the timeclash makes something snap inside him --- he abandons his needs, punishes himself in small ways, loses sight of himself. he drinks and smokes too much. he’s so scared of himself. he’s in hiding, when he first finds out, scared of his friends and the death eaters and the order members and the people from the future who have met a worse version of him end of tws
part of peter is also like “i havent done any of these things yet, i know i am not the BEST person but i am still . not That Bad! stop being mad for something i havent done yet!”
around this time, he’s realising that he can either keep hiding, that he can completely destroy himself and all the ties he has, or he can take this opportunity to change his course. to not become the person all these people from the future know, to change change change, to make up for the wrongs he has committed and the wrongs he will commit if he keeps on going the way he is --- and that’s where he’s at now.
on another hand, he definitely watched all the star wars movies that came out over the past 50 yrs and hates kylo ren and cried when han died!!! he is in awe of the mcu movies but also thinks they did the comics dirty. i wish someone would introduce him to video games bc he would cry from happiness.
personality & details
OKAY onto the fun stuff, that was way too depressing and peter is usually a comedic icon
peter parker is his favourite superhero just because … they share a first name and because peter parker is a bit of an underdog too and peter is just like! amazing! he named his owl parker.
he hates cats. used to love them — he was allowed to take the cat from home with him to hogwarts when he was eleven, but he brought him back home after an unfortunate incident where his cat nearly ate him while he was in his animagus form. “sorry ma, i don’t love him any more. here. have him.”
peter is actually a solid cook. this is because he learned to make some basic food when he was still a kid, first with his grandma, and later on his own. he liked doing it for his mother and he was. .. good at it? peter is also just passionate about food and finds comfort in cooking. breakfast food and baked goods are Prime Food Categories.
he is asexual af, panromantic. has kissed both guys and gals and nb pals but did not like it??? confused. does not understand sexuality and all that jazz but tries not to think abt it because like! he’s got enough stress! doesnt need to think abt this!
peter is also agender, but i think he’s a lot less aware about this, because it’s confusing and so he just tries not to think about it. he does feel okay with he/him pronouns, but just doesn’t feel connected at all to being a boy/man
peter has abandonment issues because his dad, well, never even bothered to be there. not even for a second. he’s just constantly scared that people will leave and it’s funny, because he will probably end up abandoning all of his loved ones KDJFHSDF.
peter is quite non confrontational but also not … meek? he just avoids it, either by physically staying out of people’s way or by dismissing most of the things said and getting out of there. a Passive Kid. 
he’s such a fucking dork i swear to god. but he’s funny! peter is really funny. i deeply believe in this. he makes great puns and is able to just come out of nowhere and make a comment that just. hits the nail right on its head.
peter curses a lot and has a scottish accent and sometimes he will have a minute long cursing session that no one rly understands.
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papermoonloveslucy · 6 years
S6;E1 ~ September 10, 1973
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Directed by Coby Ruskin ~ Written by Robert O'Brien
Lucy befriends a gruff painter (Danny Thomas) who says that most artists only sell their work after they die. Lucy decides to go into mourning to help his work sell – until the artist wants to paint Lucy herself – nude!
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter)
Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter) does not appear in this episode, nor does she receive screen credit. The character will not return to the series until the fourth episode of season six. Despite her absence, the final credits do state “Lucie Arnaz Wardrobe by Alroe.”
Guest Cast
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Danny Thomas (Danny Gallupi) was born Amos Muzyad Yakhoob Kairouz in 1912. His screen career began in 1947 but he was most famous for appearing on television in the long-running show “Make Room for Daddy” (1953-1964), which was shot at Desilu Studios.  When the series moved from ABC to CBS in 1957, Thomas and the cast starred in a rare TV cross-over with “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” titled “Lucy Makes Room for Danny.”  In return, Lucy and Desi turned up on Thomas’s show.  Fifteen years later, Lucy and Danny did yet another cross-over when Lucy Carter of “Here’s Lucy” appeared on “Make Room for Granddaddy.”  In addition, Thomas also played himself on a 1965 episode of “The Lucy Show.”  Thomas is fondly remembered for founding St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. He is also father to actress Marlo Thomas. He died in 1999.
Danny Gallupi disguises himself as his brother, Giuseppe Gallupi.  
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Hans Conried (William Barkley) first co-starred with Lucille Ball in The Big Street (1942). He then appeared on “I Love Lucy” as used furniture man Dan Jenkins in “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8) and later that same season as Percy Livermore in “Lucy Hires an English Tutor” (ILL S2;E13) – both in 1952. The following year he began an association with Disney by voicing Captain Hook in Peter Pan. On “The Lucy Show” he played Professor Gitterman in in “Lucy’s Barbershop Quartet” (S1;E19) and in “Lucy Plays Cleopatra” (S2;E1). He was probably best known as Uncle Tonoose on “Make Room for Daddy” starring Danny Thomas, which was filmed on the Desilu lot. He died in 1982 at age 64. This episode was his final appearance on a “Lucy” show.
William Barkley owns the art studio adjacent to the plaza.
Sid Gould (1st Bidder) made more than 45 appearances on “The Lucy Show” and nearly as many on “Here’s Lucy.” Gould (born Sydney Greenfader) was Lucille Ball’s cousin by marriage to Gary Morton.   
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Shirley Anthony (2nd Bidder) makes the sixth of her 13 episodes of “Here’s Lucy.”  This is one of only two times where she received screen credit.
Bob Whitney (3rd Bidder) appeared with Lucille Ball in The Facts of Life (1960). This is the first of his five appearances on the series. Like Danny Thomas, he was born in 1912.  
Bob Harks (Auction Spectator / Stand-In for Hans Conried, uncredited) was seen in the background of Mame (1974). In 1970 he popped up on his first television show and was seen in more than a dozen episodes of “Here's Lucy.” He died at age 83 in 2010.
Frieda Rentie (Auction Spectator, uncredited)  makes the second of her three uncredited appearances on the series. Rentie was in the 1958 film South Pacific and 1972’s The Poseidon Adventure.
The artists and gallery spectators are played by uncredited background performers.
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“Here's Lucy” opens its 6th season with a slightly newer look. Lucille Ball has an updated, more  contemporary appearance with new make-up and wigs, and the entire show is shot in soft focus to help downplay Ball's age (62). She is no longer shot in close-up and always filmed through a filtered lens. This is generally the complaint about the film Mame, which was finished and about to be released. Although originally scheduled for release in late 1973 in time for awards season, poor early word of mouth led Warner Brothers to move the release date to Spring 1974.  
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For the 1973 Fall Season, CBS moved “The New Dick Van Dyke Show” to follow “Here's Lucy.”  By the end of the season, both shows will be canceled.
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Shirley Anthony (3rd Bidder) introduces the episode on the series DVD and recalls that Thomas and Ball had great affection for one another and liked to make each other laugh.  
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Lucille Ball dabbled in painting during her rare free time at home.
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The previous episode, at the end of season five, hinted that the series would continue but how or if Carter's Unique Employment Agency was bought back is never mentioned.  Neither Lucy's home nor the Employment Agency are seen in this episode. Scenes are set in Danny's attic studio [TV trope: all artists live in sparsely furnished attics with skylights] or in the plaza adjacent to the Barkley Art Gallery.  
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Lucy says she does paint by numbers because it is for beginners. Paint by Number kits date back to 1950 and were a cultural phenomenon.  
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There are two 'age' jokes in the first scene, both directed at Lucy. Danny tells her to go find a bingo parlor and Harry says she reminds him of Grandma Moses. Anna Mary Robertson Moses (1860-1961) was an American folk artist who began painting at the age of 78 and is often cited as an example of a person who successfully began a career at an advanced age. In “Nursery School” (ILL S5;E9) Lucy Ricardo is so proud of Little Ricky's first drawing, she dubs him the next “Grandpa Moses.” The Ricardos had two framed prints by Grandma Moses next to their front door: “So Long” and “The Old Snow Roller.”  
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Lucy quotes lyrics from the song “People” written by Bob Merrill for the 1964 Broadway musical Funny Girl. It was introduced by Barbra Streisand, who also sang it in the 1968 film adaptation.  
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Danny cites Van Gogh, Gaughin, and Modigliani as painters who only found fame and fortune only after death.  
Lucy rebuffs Danny's assertion that all great paintings of women were nudes by citing “Whistler's Mother.” The actual name of the painting is “Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1” by American painter James McNeill Whistler. It was painted in 1871 and is housed at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris.  Danny incorrectly claims that the subject is sitting in a rocking chair.
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Danny jokingly says that the reason the “Venus de Milo” didn't have any arms because the sculptor didn't want her to use them to cover nude body!  One of the most famous pieces of statuary in history, it is of Greek origin and dates back to between 130 and 100 BC.  It currently is on view at the Louvre in Paris.  
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The (nearly) 'nude' painting of Lucy featured in the episode was saved and is now at the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Jamestown, New York.
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In “Paris at Last” (ILL S5;E18) Lucy Ricardo encountered an artist (Shepard Menken) on the street passing off mass produced paintings as original works of art!  [TV Trope: All artists and Frenchmen wear berets!]
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Lucy Carmichael took art class in drawing in order to get close to an eligible bachelor (Robert Alda) in “Lucy Goes to Art Class” (S2;E15).
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Lucille Ball and Danny Thomas were together in “Lucy Makes Room for Danny,” a 1958 installment of “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” which also featured Gale Gordon as a Judge...
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and “Lucy Helps Danny Thomas” (TLS S4;E7) where Mrs. Carmichael gets involved in Thomas's TV variety show.  
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Character Consistency! Harry was formerly depicted as a miser, but here he is walking around with $500 cash in his pocket, and spends $5,000 on an unseen painting.  
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Nautical Knowledge! Harry calls the subject of Danny's painting a ‘boat’ and Danny corrects him that it is a ‘ship.’ At the start of the series, Harry's home and office were decorated with ships and other nautical items. One of Harry's hobbies was building ships in bottles. He should know the difference.
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Oops! When Lucy startles Danny while he is hiding behind the door, he jostles the shelf unit with his arm and a brown bottle falls to the floor.  Danny Thomas appears surprised, but picks it up.  It falls with a sound that betrays it is actually empty and plastic.
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Wardrobe Malfunction! When Danny is disguised as his own brother, Giuseppe, his hat has trouble staying on his head due to the wig. It falls off twice, but is caught before hitting the floor.
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“Lucy and Danny Thomas” rates 3 Paper Hearts out of 5
Lucille Ball and Danny Thomas have great comic chemistry but the script feels like it could be from any series.  Harry behaves uncharacteristically and there is no tie in to the the series’ premise. 
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robynqueenofstuff · 7 years
Something I’ve Always Wanted To Say To Those Who Complain About A Lack Of Good Female Characters.
Yes we are just SHORT on good female characters, aren't we?
‘Takes a ginormous breath’
I mean besides Ellen Ripley, The Bride, Katniss Everdeen, Imperator Furiosa, Rey, [insert surname here] Princess Leia, [One of the greatest fucking characters ever] Sarah Connor to just name the most well-known few. We only have Hermione Granger [obviously], Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley, Minerva Mcgonagoll, Molly Weasley, Lily Potter, Bellatrix Lestrange, Jyn Erso, Padme Amidala, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Wren, Mara Jade, Jaina Solo, Tahiri Veila, Jan Ors, Nomi Sunrider, Lumiya, Juno Eclipse, Bastila Shan, Satele Shan, Ahsoka Tano, Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli, Aayla Secura, Adi Gallia, Shaak Ti, Jaden Korr [Optionally female], Asajj Ventress, Aurra Sing, Zam Wesell, Steela Gerrara, The Seventh Sister, Satine Kryze, Shmi Skywalker, Darth Zannah, Mother Talzin, [The fucking Hapes Consortium places women higher over men] Belle, Jasmine, Mulan, Pocahontas, Tiana, Jane, Rapunzel, Ariel, Cinderella, Megara, Lilo, Nani, Nala, Vanellope, Lady, Merida, Jessie, Dory, Helen/Elastigirl, EVA, Edna Mode, Joy, Sadness, Anna, Elsa, [Yes i think she's a good character but for different reasons than others do] Kida, Wendy, Alice, Judy Hopps, Kanga, Kala, Captain Amelia, Moana, Esmeralda, Flora, Fauna, Merryweather, Rita, Miss Bianca, Mary Poppins, Eglantine Price, Sally, Audrey Ramirez, Mittens, Maleficent, Ursula, Cruella De Vil, Queen Grimhilde, Yzma, Lady Tremaine, Queen Of Hearts, Madame Medusa, Mother Gothel, Honey Lemon, Go-Go, Chel, Marina, Eris, Tigress, Ginormica, Roxanne, Astrid, Valka, Ginger, Fiona, Fairy Godmother, Tzipporah and Miriam. Chihiro, San, Moro, Lady Eboshi  Sophie, Kiki, Shizuku, Arrietty, Ponyo, Nausicaa, Princess Kushana, Kaguya, Sheeta,  Marnie, Annie, Coraline, Anastasia, Mrs Brisby, Elle Woods, Dorothy, Matilda, Alicia Huberman, Violet, Corky, Alice Creed, Clarice Starling, Mrs Danvers, Janine Melnitz. Kylie Griffin, Junior Ghostbuster Catherine, [yeah there were already female Ghostbusters before that crappy movie] Lisbeth Salander, Mathilda Lando, Marge Gunderson, Judge Cassandra Anderson, Ma-Ma, [Madeline Madrigal] Regina George, Cady Heron, Clementine Kruczynski, M, [the one played by Judi Dench] Moneypenny,, Elle Driver, O-Ren Ishii, Julie Kohler, Yuki Kashima, Amelie Poulain, Lucy, Rose Dewitt Bukater, Joy ‘Ma’ Newsome, Grace Howard, Philomena Lee, Ofelia, Kara, [From Dragonheart] Sarah Williams, Maria von Trapp, Marion Ravenwood, Dr. Elsa Schneider, Evelyn Carnahan, Officer Anne Lewis, Dr Ellie Sattler, Paikea Apirana, Motoko Kusanagi, Carrie White, Arwyn, Eowyn, Galadriel, Yu Shu Lien, Jen Yu, Jackie Brown, Nefretiri,  All the girls from St Trinians, Bliss Cavendar, The girls on the Roller Derby Team, [Maggie Mayhem, Bloody Holly, Rosa Sparks, Smashley Simpson] Sally Albright, Jean Louise ‘Scout’ Finch, Claire Standish. Allison Reynolds, Kim Possible, She-Ra, [Plus the female characters in She-Ra and He-Man] Jem, Synergy, The Holograms, The Misfits, Penny Gadget, Jessica Jones, Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Anya Jenkins, Faith, Cordelia Chase, Drusilla, Emma Swan, Carol Peletier, River Tam, Xena, Lady Penelope, Roseanne, Dana Scully, Morticia Addams, Wednesday Addams, Lily Munster, Vastra and Jenny, Jessica Fletcher, Olivia Benson, Lilly Rush, Korra, Asami Sato, Lin Beifong, Opal Beifong, Suyin Beifong, Kya, Daria Morgendoffer, Jane Lane, Susan Foreman, Barbara Wright, Jo Grant, Donna Noble, River Song, Ace, Nyssa, Romana, Sarah Jane, Clara Oswald, [the majority of the Doctor Who companions are female] Madame Vastra, Jenny, Zoe Washburne, Kaywinnet Lee ‘Kaylee’ Frye, Lagertha Lothbrok, Claire Underwood, Uhura, Nurse Chappell, Nurse Abby, Captain Katherine Janeway,  B’elanna Torres, Seven Of Nine, Kira Nerys, Jadzia Dax,  Deanna Troi,  Penelope Garcia, Kima Greggs, Evelyn Salt, Starbuck, Lois Lane, Katara, Toph, Mai, Azula, Suki, Ty-Lee, June, Serras Victoria, Sir Integra Hellsing, Dr. Girlfriend, Elektra Nachios, Alex Drake, Cameron, [Even if she's a cyborg she counts] Veronica Mars, ALL THREE CHARLIE'S ANGELS, THE POWERPUFF GIRLS, The female rangers in Power Rangers,  Sabrina Spellman, The majority of characters from My Little Pony, Mabel Pines, Wendy Corduroy, The Crystal Gems, Princess Bubblegum, Marceline The Vampire Queen, Flame Princess, Princess Allura, Katie ‘Pidge’ Holt, Violet Baudelaire, Lucy Pevensie, Alice, [again] Nancy Drew, Annabeth Chase, Clarisse La Rue, Sally Jackson, Thalia Grace, Piper Mclean, Hazel Levesque, [I AM GOING TO GET SO MUCH SHIT FROM PERCY JACKSON FANS BECAUSE THESE ARE THE ONLY ONES I CAN THINK OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD]  Daenerys, Arya, Margaery, Catelyn, Brienne, Olenna, Sansa, Susan Sto Helit, Liessa Dragonlady, Tiffany Aching, Hannah Wolfe, The female characters in Malazan Book Of The Fallen, Harriet The Spy, Althea Vestrit, Aerin, Sorcha, Daine, Sabriel, Maka Albarn, Tsubaki Nakatsukasa, Liz and Patty Thompson, Meryl Strife, Milly Thompson, Winry Rockbell, Izumi Curtis, Riza Hawkeye,  Mikasa Ackerman, Pepper Potts, Gwen Stacy, Black Cat, Wonder Woman [That’s a fucking no brainer], Batgirl, Batwoman, Supergirl, Raven, Starfire, Huntress, Black Canary, Zatanna, Catwoman, Hawkgirl, Mera, Katana, Talia Al Ghul, Enchantress, Poison Ivy, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Natasha Irons, Storm, Rogue, Ms Marvel, Emma Frost, The Wasp, Invisible Woman, She-Hulk, Gamora, Kitty Pryde, Psylocke, Valkyrie. Mystique, the female Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, Not to mention the girls from Fables, Rayne, Clementine, Amanda Ripley, Coco Bandicoot, Bayonetta, Ms Pacman, Valna, Yuko, Amu, Lena, Alex, Etna, Flonne, Jennifer, Raspberyl, Vulcanas, Usalia, Maya Amano, Ulala Serizawa, Yukari Takeba, Fuuku Yamagashi, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Rise Kujikawa, Naoto Shirogane, Ann Takamaki, Haru Okumura, Kyoko Kirigiri, Sakura Ogami, Aoi Asahina, Chiaki Nanami, Sonia Nevermind, Akane Owari, Fiora, Melia, Sharla, BB Hood, Morrigan, Felicia, Q-Bee, Lara Croft, Samus Arran, Aya Brea, Elizabeth Comstock, Ellie, Faith, Jill Valentine, Ada Wong, Garnet Til Alexandros XVII, Tifa Lockhart, Aerith Gainsborough, Yuffie Kisaragi, Rydia, Rosa Joanna Farrell, Celes Chere, Terra Branford, Relm Arrowny, Rinoa Heartilly, Quistis Trepe, Selphie Tilmitt, Ultimecia, Ashe, Fran, Freya Crecent, Eiko Carol, Yuna, Rikku, Lulu, Aqua, Zelda, Midna, Alice from Mcgee, Odessa Silverburg plus all the females in Fire Emblem, Vocaloid, Touhou  and Sid Meir’s Civilization. Not to mention the option to play as female characters in most of the LEGO games plus the option to play as a female in Mass Effect, Dragon Age: Origins, Elder Scrolls, World of Warcraft, Fallout, Saints Row, Fable, Terraria, Borderlands, Jade Empire, Neverwinter Nights, Rock Band 2, Tardew Valley, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, Fate, Harvest Moon: The Tale of Two Town, Guilty Gear, Overwatch,  Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Dynasty and Samurai Warriors plus the enormous roster in League Of Legends, Every last female in Skullgirls, All the female Pokemon trainers, All the females from Magic The Gathering, Hit-Girl, Powergirl, Tigra, Lady Sif, Spider-Woman, Vixen, Witchblade, Lady Death, Stephanie Brown, Jem, Aeon Flux, Gwen, Morgana, Morgause, Nimueh, Maid Marian, Djaq, Lady Isabella Of Gisborne,  Irene Adler, Carolyn Berek, Serena Stevens, Megan Wheeler, Kate Beckett, Nikki Heat, The girls from Women’s Murder Club, Beatrice Adela Lestrange Bradley, Temperance Daesee Bradley, Brenda Leigh Johnson, Joanne Kilbourn, Josephina ‘Jo’ Lupo, Catherine Willows, Alex Rovias, Alicia Claus, Jennifer Tate, Sarah Kerrigan, Joanna Dark, Catherine 'Ann’ Archer, April Ryan, Claire Redfield, Alis Landale, Alyx Vance, Heather Mason, Elena Fisher, Amaterasu, Shantae, Rosalina, Chrodechild, Chris Lightfellow, Ellen from Folklore, Jade from Beyond Good And Evil, Maya from Septerra Core, Miriam from The Guardian Legend, The female characters from Dead Or Alive, And even if you choose to play as a male character in games like Mass Effect and Dragon Age there are still a number of female characters to choose from such as Liara T,Soni, Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Ashley Williams, Miranda Lawson, Kahlee Sanders, Samara, Morinth, Dr Kelly Chambers, Samantha Traynor, Morrigan, Leliana, Wynne, Shale, Flenneth, Cassandra, Even older games have ones like Jill Of The Jungle, Debra Dare, Lady Bug, Kangaroo, The heroine from Secret Of Mana, The female ninja from Ninja Warriors, Princess Rosella from King’s Quest IV. Even Princess Peach and Daisy can count as they kick total amounts of ass in the racing and fighting games Nintendo puts out. Aunt Entity, Sergeant Rita Vrataski, Polgara The Sorceress, Cutie Honey, Vicki Barr, The girls from The Babysitters Club, The ladies from The Sleepover Club, Princess Cimorene, Egwene al Vere, Elizabeth Swann, Tia Dalma, Lieutenant Jordan O'Neil, Kyra/Jack, Carolyn Fry, Mimi Kirogoe, Hana, [The mother from Wolf Children who is now one of my favorite characters ever] The girl from The Fox And The Child, Annalise Keating, Lady Macbeth, Cherry Darling, Cathy Gale, Emma Peel, Cybersix, Elphaba, Samantha Barker, Karen Silkwood, [who was a real person] Meg Altman, Thelma Dickinson, Louise Sawyer, Shoshanna Dreyfus, Trinity, The girls from Charmed, Emma Swan, Regina Mills, Mina Harker from The League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Pauline Hargraves, Max Caufield, Jodie Holmes, Samantha Greenbriar, Thea Queen, Squirrel Girl, Beatrix De Costa [Fire], Tora Olafsdotter [Ice], Wondergirl, Dazzler, Black Alice, Dove, Gypsy, Jade Canary, Cassandra Cain, Big Barda, Darna, The Boss, Meryl Silverburgh, Mei-Ling, Naomi Hunter, Sunny Gurlukovich, Olga Gurlukovich, Fortune, Quiet, GLADOS, SHODAN, Velma, Daphne, Miss Ernst/Grand High Witch, Sailor Moon and the Sailor Soldiers, [Sailor Venus, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Pluto,] Bulma, the majority of the characters in Orange Is The New Black, Leslie Knope, Ann Perkins, April Ludgate, Asuka Langley Soryu, Haruko Haruhara, Nana Komatsu, Nana Osaki, Lucrezia Noin, Lady Une, Dorothy Catalonia, Sally Po, Reyna, Zoe Nightshade, Meg McCaffery, Calypso, The females from The 100, Alicia Melchiott, Isara Gunther, Cosette Coalhearth, Miku Hinasaki, Leah, [from Diablo]  Melody Farklight, The Totally Spies!, Mia Dolan, Kathy Selden,  Vianne Rocher, Princess Ann, [Ann ‘Smitty’ Smith] Margaret Hale, Lauren Olamina, Sara Crewe, Mary Lennox, Jennifer Simpson, Christine Collins, [Who was also a real person] Turanga Leela, Tauriel, The ladies from Steel Magnolias, All the female Transformers, Farah, Annie Sawyer, Nina Pickering, Gabrielle, Saturn Girl, Sage, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, She-Thing, Scorpion, Songbird, Silk Spectre II, Spider Girl, Silver Sable, The ladies of the Wildstorm universe, Fault Zone, Solara, The Wink, Paragon, Lady Deathstrike, Madame Masque, Cheetah, Emerald Empress, All 20 superheroines before Wonder Woman, Alanna of Trebond, The ladies of The Lunar Chronicles, Catti-Brie, Alyx, [From the Adventures Of Alyx books] The ladies from Marvel's Runaways series, Veronica Layton, Marguerite Krux, Mako Mori, Blaze The Cat, Toby 'Kissy' Masuyo, April Ryan, Mona Sax, Fox,  Ninja Princess, Papri, Lady Master Of Kung Fu, Reika Kirishima, The ladies from the Tales series, Noel Vermilian, Shield Knight, Petra from Emerald City Confidential, The ladies from Elsword, Anna Leonowens.[another lady from real-life but perhaps best known from The King And 1] Eliza Doolittle, Ree Dolly, Hushpuppy, Unicorn/Lady Amalthea,  Aeryn Sun, Chiana, Mallory Kane, Pauline Hargraves, Gwen Cooper, Toshiko Sato, Samantha Carter, The Tiger Woman, Barbara Meredith/The Black Whip, Hana Tsu-Vachel, Tessa Alvarado, Jo March, Liesel Meminger, Betty Barrett, Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug, Shelby Woo, Jaime Sommers, Molly Moon, Torchy Blane, Eliza Maza, Angela, Demona, Fox Xanatos, The girls from W.I.T.C.H, Mona The Vampire, The Worst Witch, Ms Frizzle, Carmen Sandiego, Leslie and Joni from Cluefinders, Ren Stevens, Jules Paxton and Jess Bhamra, [from Bend It Like Beckham] Hazel Grace Lancaster, Mara Of The Acoma, Aerin Dragon-Killer/Firehair, Angharad 'Harry' Crewe, The three sisters from Ballet Shoes, Anne Shirley, Lyra Belacqua, Kerowyn, Dashti, Sadie Kane, Zia Rashid, Samirah-Al-Abbas, Lydia Deetz, Juniper Lee, Gretchen, Spinelli, Alex Mack. Or female characters for really young kids such as Lizzie Mcguire, Andi Mack, Dora, Peppa Pig, Lola, Charlie, Looby Loo, Ramona Quimby, Pippi Longstocking, Star Butterfly,  Meg Murray, Madeline, Angelina Ballerina, The lovely ladies of Balamory, Jemima Puddle-Duck, and Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle. Or females from Greek mythology like Gaia, Hestia, Demeter, Nemesis, Medusa, Nyx, Ananke, Rhea, Athena, Demeter, Persephone, Artemis or their Roman counterparts. Or the ladies from Norse, Finnish or Egyptian Mythology. Or historical female figures to look up to such as Elizabeth the 1st, Joan Of Arc, Queen Cordelia, Queen Gwendolen, Ethelfreda, Boudicca, Florence Nightingale, Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, Catherine The Great and Audrey Hepburn. You play as a female Avatar in Cooking Mama and all of the Imagine series, The Jurassic Park dinosaurs were all female, Minecraft allows female appearance through customized character skins EVEN BARBIE! THERE! I SAID IT!
But besides that entire fucking catalog, I find myself and the rest of the female population well under-represented.....Except of course for the huge fucking roster of female characters available.
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myriadimagines · 7 years
Preference: Skins (First Generation)
How You Meet
Characters: Anwar Kharral, Cassie Ainsworth, Chris Miles, Effy Stonem, Jal Fazer, Maxxie Oliver, Michelle Richardson, Sid Jenkins, Tony Stonem
Warnings: smoking, alcohol consumption, swearing and mentions of drugs
Request: “Preferences : Skins first gen; how you meet” - anonymous
A/N: First Skins preference !!
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Anwar Kharral
You pulled your hoodie sleeves over your hands as you took a drag at your cigarette. The sun was just beginning to rise, and the air was still quite cold. You huddled on the front porch, listening to the birds beginning to chirp. 
You were at someone’s house and were the only one awake. There was some crazy party last night, and quite frankly, you didn’t remember much of it. One thing was for sure: everyone was completely smashed.
The sound of the back door opening and footsteps made you turn around. You watched as a figure pulled out a mat and kneeled down on it. Laughing to yourself, you walked over.
“You’re joking, right?” you leaned against the wall as you blew out a puff of smoke, and the guy looked over his shoulder to look at you. You recognized his face immediately, and laughed even harder. “You drank the most out of all of us! Are you gonna pray the alcohol away?”
“Maybe.” he responded, looking you up and down. Raising an eyebrow, you dropped the cigarette on the floor and stepped on it.
“You checking me out?” you asked, and the boy quickly turned around. Laughing, you sat down on the steps. “No need to be shy about it.”
“Do you mind? I really need to just get this out of the way.” he responded, not turning around. Smirking, you looked around you.
“What was your name again? Annie?”
“Anwar!” he exclaimed, turning around again. As you laughed, he sighed and finally looked up at the sky. “Fuck it. An attractive person is talking to me, God can wait.”
“That’s the spirit.” you joked as Anwar turned around to fully face you. “And this attractive person has a name, thank you very much. I’m y/n.”
Cassie Ainsworth
You had been watching the blonde girl sitting alone in the diner you worked at for a while now. She had not ordered anything since she had entered, and was instead playing with the salt shakers. Biting your lip together, you adjusted your shirt and grabbed a your notepad before walking over.
“Miss?” you walked up to her table, and she looked up at you with wide eyes. “Would you like to order anything?” 
“Oh wow, look at all this food!” she exclaimed, and your mouth twitched into a grin. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint what exactly about her airy voice you liked, but you could listen to her voice all day. “How can I choose?”
“Want me to recommend something for you?” you offered, and for some reason she looked taken aback. You pointed at a milkshake on the menu and grinned at her. “That’s my favorite.”
“Wow, lovely.” she grinned widely. “A milkshake, wow.” 
“I’ll whip it up for you now, then.” you nodded at her, and turned back to the kitchen. As you got together the ingredients, you snuck a peek at the blonde girl. She gazed out the window, smiling and waving at people passing by. Smiling to yourself, you poured the milkshake into a glass and walked back to her. 
“Sweet.” she commented, slowly spinning the glass around. “Thank you so much. This is so cool.”
“No problem.” you smiled, waiting expectantly for her to try it. She paused, looking at you a little uncertainly. You gave her a sheepish grin, and took a step back. “Sorry, I’ll leave you alone now.”
“Wait, I’m Cassie.” she suddenly stuck her hand out to you. Smiling, you shook it. 
“I’m y/n.” you stuck your other hand in your pocket. 
“y/n, wow. What a cool name.” she looked up at you dreamily, and you looked over your shoulder to see if your boss was watching before sitting opposite her. 
“I think Cassie is a cool name too. And I’d love to know more about you.” 
Chris Miles
“Um... excuse me?”
You awkwardly reached out and tapped the shoulder of the body that had passed out on your lawn. If your parents weren’t out of town, they probably would’ve called the cops. Luckily for the young man, you decided to try and wake him up before calling for help.
“Oi, wake up.” you shoved him a little harder, and he groaned. Sighing, you finally reached over and slapped him across the face.
“Fuck!” he suddenly cried out, jerking away from you. You pressed your lips together to hold back your laughter. Tilting your head, you raised your eyebrows. 
“What’s your name?” you asked. 
“Chris.” he mumbled, burying his face back into the grass. Rolling your eyes, you rolled Chris over onto his back and loomed over him.
“Well, Chris, do you realize you’re on my lawn?” you asked, and Chris gave you a lazy smile. He lifted his head slightly and looked around, before laying down again.
“I am? Weird. Wait, what the fuck happened last night?” he squinted in the sunlight, grinning mischievously at you. 
“Fuck if I know.” you shrugged, readjusting yourself to sit down crosslegged. “I just got up this morning and saw you lying here, and went to check if you were alive.”
“Nice of you.” Chris joked, and you finally laughed. Chris smiled to himself proudly, finally propping himself up on his elbows. “Who are you?”
“y/n.” you reached out your hand, and Chris enthusiastically shook it. “Do you need some water? Maybe something to cure your hangover?” 
“That would be great, y/n.” Chris struggled to stand up, and you laughed again as you reached over to help him. Slinging his arm over your shoulders, the two of you began to walk towards your house. 
Effy Stonem
“This place is awesome!” your friend yelled into your ear as he jumped up and down to the music. You gave him a tight smile back, not really hearing him over the cheering and blaring music. He began dancing more wildly, allowing more and more people to come between the two of you. The next thing you knew, you had lost your friend, and were standing alone in the middle of the dance floor.
Pushing people aside, you made your way to the edge of the room. You leaned back against the wall, folding your arms across your chest. You never really liked clubs, but your friends kept dragging you out anyway. 
“Not having fun?” a voice suddenly spoke next to you and you flinched in surprise. You came face to face with a young girl with wild hair and bright blue eyes which seemed to glow in the dark. She gave you a smile, a sort of mysterious, somewhat sinister smile, and you pressed your lips together.
“No, not really.” you grunted. “Don’t really enjoy going to clubs.”
“Try this.” she held out her hand and offered a small white pill to you. Frowning, you shook your head and she scoffed. 
“I don’t need drugs to have fun.” you retorted, and she smirked. 
“Come on then, you wanker.” she tugged at your arm. “Show me how to have fun then.” 
“Effy!” a girl suddenly yelled, materialising from the crowd. “What are ya doing here? Come back here and dance with us!”
“Be there in a minute!” she called back, before turning back to you and grinning.
“Effy, huh?” you asked, and she tilted her head. “I like it. It suits you.”
“Just like y/n suits you.” she responded without missing a beat, and your eyes widened.
“Wait, how did you know my name?” you stopped abruptly in place, and she shrugged.
“I have my ways.” she responded vaguely. “Now, let’s dance.” 
Jal Fazer
You closed your eyes and tried to play your instrument slower, but groaned in frustration when it didn’t work. You had a recital coming up with a difficult piece to perform, but no matter how many times you practiced, you couldn’t seem to get it right. 
Readjusting your seat, you tapped your fingers on the desk and flipped through the music scores. Your music teacher was supposed to be here 10 minutes ago, but he was late, as usual. Leaning back in your chair, you pressed your lips together and wondered how you would be able to perform.
You were so deep in concentration you barely heard the door open and someone walk into the room. A girl sat opposite you, carrying a case which contained what you guessed to be a clarinet or a flute. She avoided eye contact and fiddled with the edge of her skirt. 
Gesturing to her case, she looked up at you and you gave her a tired smile.
“Flute or clarinet?” you asked.
“Clarinet.” she confirmed, and you nodded in approval. 
“You been playing for a long time?” you continued asking, and she nodded. 
“How about you?” she gestured to your instrument, and you shrugged.
“A couple years, I guess.” you ran your hands through your hair. “I feel like I’ve hit a roadblock though, I can’t seem to crack this piece.” 
You handed the music scores to her and she flipped through them, examining them. The door suddenly opened and your music teacher appeared, and you collected your things. She handed the scores back to you, and you smiled at her.
“I’m y/n, by the way.” you said. “I’d love to hear you play sometime.”
“Jal. And I’d like to hear you play, too. When are you performing this?” 
Maxxie Oliver
Almost out of breath, you sprinted up the stairs up to the dance studio. It was early morning; the sun had barely risen over the houses. The staircase was dimly lit, and you almost tripped over a few times. Huffing, you readjusted the bag strap over your shoulder and finally made it the the room of the dance studio. 
Digging into your hoodie pocket, you pulled out a paperclip when you realized you heard music coming out of the room. It was very faint, but you could hear it over the sound of your heavy breathing. You placed your hand on the doorknob and turned it, and it opened, to your surprise. This early in the morning, the studio was usually locked, and you had to pick the lock to open it. As you slowly opened the door, you heard footsteps scrambling and the music stopping abruptly. 
“Hello?” you heard a voice call out uncertainly. You peered around the door to see a young man with shaggy blonde hair staring back at you. He wore ripped jeans which hung onto his hips and a baggy shirt. Stuffing his hands in his pockets, he looked you up and down. Defensively, you crossed your arms.
“What are you doing here? The place is closed.” you snapped, and he gave you a small smile.
“I don’t think you run this place, so I could ask you the same.” he raised an eyebrow at you, and you flushed slightly. 
“Alright, you got me.” you strolled deeper into the room, raising your hands above your head. The young man laughed, and you relaxed. “I come here early in the morning to practice my dancing. My dad doesn’t approve of me coming here, so I wake up really early to come here and dance so he doesn’t know.”
“Dedication, I like it.” he nodded approvingly, and you laughed. He raised his arms out to you and grinned. “Well go on, show us a move.” 
“Alright, prepare to be amazed.” you teased, tossing your bag to the side. Bowing dramatically, you paused before you started dancing. “I’m y/n, by the way.”
“Maxxie. Now let’s see what you got.” 
Michelle Richardson
You hiccuped as you stumbled out onto the street, still holding onto your drink. It was relatively quiet outside, the music from the club pulsing behind you. You took a deep breath in, relishing the cool air, before turning to go back in. Your hand had just pushed the door open when you heard sniffling.
“Who’s crying out here?” you wondered aloud, stepping closer to the sounds. Leaned up against the wall you could make out a figure hugging her knees to her chest. You pressed your lips together, unsure of what to do, before going up to her and sitting down. The girl looked at you, tucking her curly brown hair behind her ear. Offering your drink to her, she shook her head. You nudged her again, and she groaned.
“Fuck it.” she took the drink from you and took a swig, cringing slightly as the alcohol hit her tongue. You reached into your pocket and pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up. You sat in silence for a bit, before offering the cigarette to her.
“y/n.” you said, as you exchanged the drink and the cigarette. “Wanna tell me why you’re crying?”
“My boyfriend’s a fucking cunt.” she spluttered, beginning to cry again. Smirking, you finished off the drink and leaned your head back against the wall.
“Break up with him, then.” you said, and she looked at you in shock. You turned your head and raised an eyebrow at her. “If he’s a cunt, why are you still with him?”
“I-” she started to say, when you suddenly heard the door open again. A young man stepped out and looked both sides of the street, unable to see the two of you sitting in the darkness.
“Nips?” he called out, and the girl next to her held her breath. “Come on, Michelle. Where are you?” 
You turned back to her and offered her your hand. She looked at you uncertainly, and you reached over and grabbed her hand. 
“Let’s get out of here before he sees you, Michelle.” you whispered, pulling her to her feet. Managing a smile, the two of you sprinted down the street. 
Sid Jenkins
“I fucking hate this coursework.” Sid mumbled as he hunched over the desk. While the others were all out doing god knows what, he was stuck in school, forced to finish his work. 
Sid groaned and leaned back in his chair and looked out the window, cracking his knuckles. He pulled his hat a little further down his face and folded his arms. He was about to mumble something to himself again when the door opened. 
Scrambling to get his papers together and make it look like he was working, Sid looked up and made eye contact with you. Your eyes widened, not expecting anyone to be in the room, and began to back out.
“Shit, sorry, I thought the room was empty.” you quickly stammered.
“Well, it practically is, since I’m a nobody.” Sid responded, and you couldn’t help but laugh. Sid smiled to himself, proud that he made you laugh, and you stepped deeper into the room.
You and Sid had some classes in common, but never really talked. All Sid knew about you was that you were pretty good looking, but he doubted you would ever notice a loser like him. 
“What are you working on?” you asked, gesturing to the papers on the desk. You were holding a book and had two other books tucked under your other arm, which you placed on the desk as you stood next to Sid.
“Fucking coursework.” Sid sighed, looking up at you. “I can’t understand it.”
“Want some help?” you offered, already pulling up a chair to sit next to him.
“Shit, really? That- that would be awesome.” he stammered, managing to smile at you. You smiled widely back.
“No problem. y/n, by the way.” you added.
“Yeah, I’m Sid. I know who you are already.” Sid blurted, immediately regretting it the moment he said you. You paused for a moment, before laughing good-naturedly. 
“Not creepy at all.” you laughed, before beginning to read Sid’s work, unaware of Sid gazing at you.
Tony Stonem
Tony scanned the grass as more and more students began to fill the lawn. He wasn’t really listening to whatever Sid was babbling on about. It was the first day of college, and needless to say, Tony wasn’t exactly thrilled. 
He suddenly heard loud laughter coming from his right. Turning around, he caught sight of you laughing with your friend. You were standing under the tree, enjoying the shade. He smiled to himself as he noted how attractive you were, and how your smile seemed to light up your whole face. 
From where you were sitting, your friend caught sight of Tony staring at you. Grinning mischievously, they reached over to nudge you. 
“I think that guy is checking you out, y/n.” they grinned, wiggling their eyebrows as they jerked their chin in Tony’s direction.
“Yeah, right!” you laughed, turning around to check. You made eye contact with Tony, and immediately blushed when you realized how good looking he was. As if he could read your thoughts, he smirked and raised his hand in a wave. You grabbed your friend’s arm in panic, your eyes widening. “Oh god, he’s fucking waving at me!” [x]
“Well don’t just stand here, go say hi you idiot!” your friend exclaimed, prying their arm from your grasp. They pushed you in his direction, and you nervously walked over. Tony sat up straighter, his smirk still on his face.
“Hello, gorgeous.” he said smoothly, and you flushed. “What might your name be?” 
“y/n.” you ran your hands through your hair. “And who may you be?”
“Tony Stonem.” he responded, exuding an air of confidence. “Let me walk you to your first class.”
*an extract from my one shot “Worth The Effort” [x]
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jimmygeurts · 7 years
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We ascribe a lot of meaning into the personal possessions we collect and the places we live over the years. That seems like it might be a tough concept to convey in a cinematically compelling way, but director Kleber Mendonca Filho pulls it off with his latest movie. While his previous film Neighboring Sounds took a broader view of a Brazilian neighborhood, Aquarius focuses on a single woman and her longtime apartment, creating a 145-minute epic and political parable out of it. And it features the performance of a lifetime for actress Sonia Braga as that woman Clara.
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For reasons that are easy enough to understand if you’re familiar with both films’ plots, Interstellar is the Christopher Nolan film most people associate with Arrival. But really it’s closer to Memento in that both are ingeniously structured films built to surprise and pack an emotional wallop in its ending. It’s guided by everything from maybe Amy Adams’ best turn to Denis Villeneuve’s assured direction to its capable production design and score. And it, along with the upcoming Blade Runner 2049 and Dune remake, suggest Villeneuve may be our next great science-fiction filmmaker. We’ve come a long way from the dopey giant spider of Enemy. 
Green Room
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As a lover of both punk music and genre films, Green Room is a brilliant combination of both. It gets punks better than nearly any other movie — how they’re less likely to be spiky-haired Sid Vicious types than relatively mild-mannered folks (including Imogen Poots, Alia Shawkat and the late, great Anton Yelchin) concerned about charging their phones, finding gas for the car and getting to the next terrible gig. Then it takes the worst possible one in an isolated neo-Nazi venue and devises an expertly claustrophobic scenario out of it. In a banner year for close-quarters thrillers (see also: Don’t Breathe, 10 Cloverfield Lane, Hush), this one stands tall. 
The Handmaiden 
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Speaking of expertly crafted genre films, there’s the latest and greatest from Oldboy director Park Chan-Wook. Reimagining Patricia Highsmith’s Victorian-era novel Fingersmith, The Handmaiden lets the filmmaker play with a formal dress period setting and formal chops anyone could appreciate. But there’s also the lurid details of his previous work, including explicit lesbian sex scenes, sadistic behavior and some unsavory actions involving a wooden puppet and bells. The result is the kind of combination of high art and the low-minded that we don’t usually get on screen outside of Brian De Palma and Paul Verhoeven.
Manchester by the Sea 
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Manchester by the Sea is a portrait of death and grief that’s so devastating at times it can feel nearly unbearable. It’s also one of the funniest films of the year, in ways that often directly connect to the former. It’s about the ways the world can be so cosmically cruel you can’t do anything but laugh bitterly; your dead brother is in a freezer, you have a huge new responsibility to take on when you’re a wreck, the goddamn stretcher won’t even fit into the ambulance. That’s an incredibly tough emotional high-wire act to pull off, but thankfully this has the singular talent of Kenneth Lonergan behind it, as well as unforgettable performances by Casey Affleck and Michelle Williams.
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When I called Carol the best American Wong Kar-Wai film last year, perhaps I spoke too soon. The gorgeous third act of Barry Jenkins’ sophomore feature Moonlight, along with Carol and the Lily Gladstone/Kristen Stewart segment of Certain Women, seems to suggest that diner scenes are the best cinematic settings for romantic longing. Yet Moonlight also has much to say about race, sexuality, family, even Florida. Its ability to successfully span all of this subject matter over three different time periods makes it one of the most skillful cinematic feats of the year.
O.J.: Made in America
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Not only did we get two films about Sarasota newscaster Christine Chubbuck this year, we got two sprawling epics about O.J. Simpson. One could quibble about whether O.J.: Made in America should be considered television or cinema — it was primarily viewed as a five-part event on ESPN, to be fair — but I’d argue it’s a film whose eight-hour running length gives it a scope few documentaries can compete with. In Simpson’s history, it encompasses race, gender, fame, the judicial system and more. By the time it gets to its truly pathetic final hour, it convincingly makes the case his life story is one of America’s greatest tragedies.
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In a year where “the working-class” and “the elite” were endlessly, needlessly pitted against each other, this lovely story of a bus driver who also writes poetry begs the question why. It’s also gently, nonchalantly inclusive in its diverse cast of characters in a way that feels like a salve in these turbulent times. It’s gripping even as its plot revolves around a normal guy’s work week and a dramatic climax that hinges on a misbehaving dog. Jim Jarmusch has long been one of our best filmmakers; this and Only Lovers Left Alive suggest he may be getting even better with time.
Toni Erdmann 
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A prankster dad who sports fake dentures, a wig and an obviously false alias to get closer to his workaholic daughter has all the trappings of an obnoxiously broad comedy. Yet in the capable hands of Everyone Else’s Maren Ade, it becomes one of the best, most idiosyncratic films of the year. It’s a showcase for some wonderfully absurdist comedic set pieces (naked party! “The Greatest Love of All”!), a cutting corporate satire and a genuinely touching family drama. Hiring Jack Nicholson and Kristen Wiig for the American remake isn’t a bad start, but it has its work set out to achieve something this singular.
The Witch
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The Witch hasn’t made a huge number of end-of-year list appearances, perhaps because it’s been one year since its theatrical release and two years since its Sundance premiere, perhaps because of the seemingly growing backlash against “indie horror.” No matter: it’s one of the best films of 2016, indie, horror or otherwise. The most memorable moments may come in the unnerving final act, as things truly get hellish. Yet arguably even more impressive is how compelling its slow-burn build is, aided by debut filmmaker Robert Eggers’ assured direction and the convincing Puritan period details.
Honorable mentions: 20th Century Women, Cameraperson, Certain Women, Christine, Elle, Hell or High Water, Indignation, Love & Friendship, The Mermaid, Microbe & Gasoline, My Golden Days, The Nice Guys, Right Now, Wrong Then, Silence
Still haven’t seen: I Am Not Your Negro, The Red Turtle, The Salesman, Things to Come, Tower
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afraidofdifference · 3 years
the audacity of survival
Underneath the tragedy and adversity, To Pimp a Butterfly is a celebration of the audacity to wake up each morning to try to be better, knowing it could all end in a second, for no reason at all.
As we marched for Breonna Taylor and George Floyd; as the climate apocalypse came to our doorstep in a literal firestorm; as the Age of MAGA raged; as unfathomable death was visited upon us; Spotify’s Year in Review tells me that I listened to a lot of Kendrick Lamar. It wasn’t a conscious choice (unlike with Wilco and The Roots, three straight years figuring atop my most-played artists), but something in K.Dot’s music resonated with the annus horribilis. 
Sports as metaphor is often overblown. Orwell’s “war minus the shooting” is so often misunderstood; Orwell was puncturing the inflated meaning we ascribed to sport rather than underscoring it. 
And yet, I found myself thinking about Craig Jenkins afore-mentioned review of Kendrick’s To Pimp a Butterfly during the remarkable test match in Sydney.
As a boy, I spent a lot of time pounding a ball against a wall. Outdoors, I would spend hours on end honing my tennis game against a wall. Pete Sampras (does this date me more than my love for Wilco?) serving and volleying against a wall, scraping the fuzz off a nearly-bald tennis ball, darting side to side till the ferocity of my own shots put paid to any hope of continuing the rally. 
That isn’t strictly true though; I was never Sampras. Not for me the rapid-fire serve-and-volley, three-shot rally on the rarefied lawns of Wimbledon. Andre Agassi was more my speed. Andre who impossibly took balls on the rise, Andre whose neon carapace eventually, inevitably revealed the lunch pail retriever at heart, Andre who took a (second) cortisone shot to grind through a four-set second round victory that was all but forgotten a week later.
Indoors, it was much the same when I would hone my batting skill by tossing a ball against the wall, ready with a solid defense for its return. Everything would be put on pause if one of my favorites, Sachin Tendulkar or Damien Martyn, was batting, but when facing the wall, I was always Dravid. On a pitch where the ball jagged at right angles, the orthodox Euclidean angles of batting meaningless in the face of a most wicked pitch and fearsome bowling attack. The thrill of the struggle as described so eloquently by Sid Vaidyanathan.
Near the start of this pandemic, I revisited Drew Gilpin Faust’s This Republic of Suffering. “Mortality defines the human condition”, begins Faust, going on to add, “Human beings are rarely simply victims of death. They are actors even if they are the diers; they prepare for death, imagine it, risk it, endure it, seek to understand it.” Consciously and not, we have all been engaged in this epistemological exercise over the last year. The question uneasily presents itself, what does it mean to survive in a time of such loss? What should the act of survival look like and what can a better survival look like? 
Again, sports as metaphor can only go so far before it crosses into disrespect and trivialization. But gosh if the fifth day in Sydney did not scream louder than Scorsese’s lamentable rat in The Departed. Well past Rahane’s dismissal suggested that we were in for a straightforward denouement; past even Rishabh Pant’s extraordinary Mad Max effort (metaphors all the way down and Pant deserves a post all its own); we were confronted by the prospects of one batsman fighting for his spot on a torn hamstring and another with a dodgy back battling a fearsome bowling attack. On current form and increasingly on record, Starc-Hazlewood-Cummins-Lyon is about as potent a foursome as I have seen. Not content to leave it at that, the writers added a few more theatrical flourishes: a one-handed batsman serving as the only backstop behind the two. 
A large part of me watched for Pat Cummins’ extraordinary skill; art is art even when viewed from a position of defeat. But an even bigger part watched for the audacity of the struggle. I have tried communicating to non-fans just how viscerally thrilling that entire final day was. 
There is a scene in Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining where Shelley Duvall’s character looks over the type-written pages that her writer husband, played by Jack Nicholson, has produced. Through Duvall’s eyes, we see the words “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy” repeated over and over again. Duvall’s face is centered on the screen and as the seconds tick by, the tension rises as we keep expecting the deranged Nicholson to pop up behind her. It’s only when the shot cuts to go behind Duvall that we realize just how tense, wound up to max, we have been at the prospect of Nicholson appearing at any moment. The Shining is composed of a series of such moments stitched together; imagine being wound up so long repeatedly. No description of The Shining can capture that felt tension, much as the scorecard from Sydney could never hope to capture just how exhilarating every single ball was, for almost two full sessions of play.
The predictable - and cynicism aside, entirely justifiable - celebrations of test cricket qua test cricket at the end of the fifth day. I won’t speak for anyone else, but Sydney was cricket at its most meaningful for me. I’m not sold that the struggle is always beautiful or worth celebrating. But it can be undeniably thrilling, a high that defies explanation. When everything can come crumbling down in a second, an inch (how close was Cummins on some of those short balls?), an instant, there is something comically hedonistic about an entire day stitching together those windows of possibility. Ravichandran Ashwin says that he woke up from a night racked by back spasms thinking of Faf Du Plessis in Adelaide. He will excuse the rest of us for waking up thinking of Pat Cummins in Melbourne. I don’t know what else Ashwin was supposed to do and he would have been no less audacious had he been dismissed and the result been different. That’s the reality of mortality. The feeling is something different. 
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How to Do Green Cleaning
The call for global action to curb the negative effects of climate change has not only intensified over the last couple of decades, it has encouraged companies and individuals alike to make small to significant changes that will help mitigate the impact of global warming on our environment. Reducing the use of harmful chemicals that are introduced to our immediate surroundings is one simple way of making a positive change. This is why a lot of house cleaning service are making a switch from the traditional cocktail of harmful chemicals as cleaning agents to more eco-friendly alternatives.
An Alarming Issue
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An Alarming Issue
Availability of Information
The Three Factors
Green Activism
Natural Resources
Governments across the globe are taking steps to address this alarming issue to reduce our global footprint. According to Li (2016), the US government had passed regulations that protect the environment while making businesses thrive thereby protecting the economy as a whole. Having an economic incentive makes it easier for the general population to support these government efforts. While the US Environmental Protection Agency is doing whatever it can to regulate harmful chemicals that go into the cleaning products freely sold in the markets today, it takes added awareness on the part of the consumer to watch out for substances that exposes them to greater risk, such as folmaldehyde, and toxic air pollutants like perchloroethylene and ammonia, which are listed by the EPA as common substances found in our common cleaning agents (EPA 2018).
Making a small effort to choose a “greener” alternative has a number of benefits worthy of mention. The general public is getting constantly reeducated and has become thoroughly aware that shifting to an environmentally friendly alternative to their usual chemical-laden cleaners is not only healthy for the environment, it is also healthy for the whole household. Let us discuss some of the reasons why consumers opting for the healthier choice are on the rise.
Availability of Information
Information availability, green marketing, environmental awareness among consumers brought about the shift towards more environmentally friendly cleaning products. Cleaning products described as environmentally friendly are those aimed at minimizing the risk of harm to the environment, or environmental impact – these products rely entirely on the use of natural compounds, such as baking soda, lemon, and vinegar, or on special, non-toxic, and biodegradable formulations and packaging. (Greene, 2019).
Various market reports appear unequivocal in acknowledging the shift towards the manufacturing, availability, and use of cleaning products focused on reducing environmental impact. The global household cleaning products market is expected to have a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.11% from 2018 to 2022, and a prominent influence identified in this trend is the emergence of sustainable or eco-friendly products in household cleaning. (“Global Household Cleaning Products Market”, 2018). Another report expects the global household green cleaning products market to grow at a CAGR of 6.50% to 2024, amounting to approximately USD 27.83 billion (“Household Green Cleaning Products”, 2019). For the laundry cleaning products markets, trends in the development of product formulation also show a significant shift towards eco-friendly and sustainable practices (“Advancements in Product Formulations”, 2018). An explanation for these trends is a reasonable subsequent question.
The Three Factors
This paper argues that the mechanisms underlying the shift towards environmentally friendly cleaning products are described through three factors: (1) information availability, or the extent to how certain compounds and formulations can act as environmental hazards, mostly through scientific research, is present and publicly accessible (Bergeson, 2019; DeLeo et al., 2018); (2) green marketing, or how companies tout themselves or their products and services as environmentally beneficial (Jenkins & Kähler, 2018), and; (3) environmental awareness among consumers, which pertains to public knowledge on environmental risks that products or their
Explaining the Shift to Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products
The environmental movement in the United States seems to have appeared nearly overnight. The conversation surrounding “green” products and environmentally friendly methods of living seems new, but the modern-day environmental movement in the United States began in the 1960’s and 1970’s and was focused on a small number of environmental disasters such as oil spills, lake fires, and other disasters (Gordon, 2012). This form of environmentalism was focused largely on conservation and the preservation of America’s landscapes and natural resources and native species of plants and animals.
Since the 1970’s, the environmental movement has evolved considerably. From its humble beginnings in preservation and conservation, the environmentalist movement revolves largely around air and water quality standards. Activists rally to ensure that air quality is preserved, that pollutants discharged in water are regulated, and that chemicals available to the public are safe.
Green Activism
As part of this activism, many households and businesses are electing to use cleaning products that are marketed as “green” or environmentally conscious, so to avoid polluting the air and water in their homes and in their communities. Activists believe that by using natural or environmentally friendly cleaning products, they are making their homes safer by not using potentially dangerous chemicals (Peltier, 2018). The shift from conventional cleaning products to environmentally friendly cleaning products is a result of the modern environmentalist movement and is a decision that is made by environmentally conscious individuals who want to avoid being exposed to the potentially dangerous chemicals present in conventional cleaning products.
Explaining the Shift to Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products The conversation surrounding “green” products and environmentally friendly methods of living seems new, but the modern-day environmental movement in the United States began in the 1960’s and 1970’s and was focused on a small number of environmental disasters such as oil spills, lake fires, and other disasters (Gordon, 2012).
Natural Resources
Environmentalism, then, was focused largely on the preservation of landscapes and the conservation of natural resources. Since then, it has broadened to encapsulate many facets of human life, like selection of “green” marketed cleaning products. “Green” or environmentally friendly marketed products are intended to replace the unfamiliar and potentially dangerous chemicals found in conventional cleaning products. Additionally, some consumers will select environmentally friendly cleaning products to lessen the impact that conventional cleaning products have on the Earth. In short, consumers are switching to more environmentally conscious cleaning products because of the documented impact that conventional products have on them, their families, and the Earth that they live on.
The number of dangerous chemicals found in conventional cleaning products is astounding and is cause for concern for many consumers. The Environmental Working Group (EWP) has created a databased detailing the risks of common conventional cleaners and grades them from A to F based on a number of factors. Windex, for instance, scored a D because of its key ingredient of Ammonium Hydroxide. This grade was assigned based on the moderate respiratory and environmental exposure concerns (The Environmental Working Group, 2016). The EWP then provides a list of safer products that were granted A’s. No surprise, the majority of these recommended cleaners had “natural” or “eco” in the name: “Attitude Sensitive Skin Natural All-Purpose Cleaner”, “Attitude All-Purpose Eco Cleaner” (The Environmental Working Group, 2016, April). This concern for both humans and the environment in this assessment is vital in understanding the shift from conventional cleaning products to eco-friendly ones: consumers are interested in protecting themselves, protecting their homes, and protecting their earth.
Gordon, E. L. (2012, June). History of the Modern Environmental Movement in America. Retrieved from U.S. Department of State: https://photos.state.gov/libraries/mumbai/498320/fernandesma/June_2012_001.pdf Peltier, K. (2018, November 06). 10 Reasons to Start Green Cleaning Today. Retrieved from The Spruce: https://www.thespruce.com/reasons-to-start-green-cleaning-today-1706950
The Environmental Working Group. (2016). EWG’s Guide to Healthy Cleaning. Retrieved from General Purpose Cleaner: https://www.ewg.org/guides/subcategories/3-GeneralPurposeCleaner
The Environmental Working Group. (2016, April). EWG’S Guide to Healthy Cleaning. Retrieved from The Environmental Working Group: “Windex Advanced Glass & Multi-Surface Cleaner.” EWG’S Guide to Healthy Cleaning, edited by Bill Walker, The Environmental Working Group, www.ewg.org/guides/cleaners/1418-WindexAdvancedGlassMultiSurfaceCleaner.
Gordon, E. L. (2012, June). History of the Modern Environmental Movement in America. Retrieved from U.S. Department of State: https://photos.state.gov/libraries/mumbai/498320/fernandesma/June_2012_001.pdf Peltier, K. (2018, November 06). 10 Reasons to Start Green Cleaning Today. Retrieved from The Spruce: https://www.thespruce.com/reasons-to-start-green-cleaning-today-1706950
Advancements in Product Formulations show shifts toward Eco-friendly Products expanding Scope of Laundry Cleaning Products Market, observes Fact.MR. (2018, October 9). Global Data Point. Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A557420813/ITOF?u=livuni&sid=ITOF&xid=61e3349d
Bearth, A., & Siegrist, M. (2019). Situative and product-specific factors influencing consumers’ risk perception of household cleaning products. Safety Science,113, 126-133. doi:10.1016/j.ssci.2018.11.023
Bergeson, L. L. (2019). The rise of ingredient disclosure: The California and New York experience. Environmental Quality Management,28(3), 141-144. doi:10.1002/tqem.21610 DeLeo, P. C., Ciarlo, M., Pacelli, C., Greggs, W., Williams, E. S., Scott, W. C., . . . Brooks, B. W. (2018).
Cleaning product ingredient safety: What is the current state of availability of information regarding ingredients in products and their function? ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering,6(2), 2094-2102. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.7b03510 Global Household Cleaning Products Market 2018-2022: Emergence of Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Products in Household
Cleaning Gaining Momentum. (2018, August 9). PR Newswire. Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A549493131/AONE?u=livuni&sid=AONE&xid=4bfcf884
Household Green Cleaning Products Market Worth $27.83 billion by 2024 – Exclusive Report by 360iResearch. (2019, April 24). M2 Presswire. Retrieved from http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A583408898/ITOF?u=livuni&sid=ITOF&xid=beeacd72
Li, H. (2016). Why Environmental Regulation is Good for the Economy. Public Policy Initiative, Wharton University of Pennsylvania. Retrieved from https://publicpolicy.wharton.upenn.edu/live/news/1545-why-environmental-regulation-is-good-for-the US Environmental Protection Agency (2018). Chemicals and Toxics Topics. Retrieved from https://www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/chemicals-and-toxics-topics
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