zayne-snowman · 1 day
What do you envision for your wedding Dr. Zayne?
A quiet venue, only our closest friends and family invited.
My soon-to-be spouse has snowflakes embroidered to their clothing, matching the ones on my tie.
The bouquet has jasmines, which also decorate the tables at which people will eat later.
The cake was a special request to my favorite bakery.
In the gift boxes for the attendees, among other things, are mints.
Ice crystals decorate the place, hanging from the ceiling and illuminating the place. They’re also details in my spouse’s headpiece and on my lapel.
Our first dance is to “Winter Winds” by Mumford & Sons.
After the celebration, we depart directly to our honeymoon, to a warm place, just the two of us.
I promise to be sweet and gentle in our wedding night.
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hirayaea · 2 months
forget about zayne being a bias wrecker i think i know who really is the bias wrecker here (jeremiah)
if this were an older otome game:
jeremiah is that hidden ML you need to finish xavier's route first for, and there are very specific choices before you can unlock him. also he was added by fan request, and first appeared in the special edition expansion pack. i'd buy it
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sketchupnfries · 10 months
As much as I love your turbo dog saga, I do seriously love your style and love how you draw any angry Cal
Thank you so much! :D I'm glad that you like my style and the angry Cal sketches! Angry boi Cal is def a fave of mine to draw since I love drawing expressions and emotions. Have an angy Cal!
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chaikachi · 11 months
ok ok - so you've mentioned Oscar's absence is just starkly obvious in Ever After. How so? Or more specific, how much different do you think things would have been if he was there? Especially in light of....... that recent event.
Thank you so much for your patience @skynapple! I knew this would be a long answer so it took me a bit to gather everything.
I think I've mentioned it in different ways across a few posts by now, but I'll try and summarize it all here!!
How Oscar's Absence Has Been Emphasized Throughout V9 (Specifically Through Ruby's Attachment to Him)
The first thing that clues us into this is actually how v8 is set up. When the teams are split, they're split by pairings. Or at the very least, foils (I will be referring to ship names just for conveniences sake).
Yang vs. Blake Ren vs. Nora Jaune vs. Weiss Oscar vs. Ruby
And we have multiple examples of who is supposed to foil who by the orders they're standing in the opening specifically. Which, as we all know, is full of symbolism and foreshadowing for the volume as a whole.
Example 1: We have the Bees at the center followed by Renora, Whiteknight, and Rosegarden left to right on either side of them.
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Example 2: We have Ruby and Yang set as foils here with where they're positioned in proximity to the camera as the 'leaders' of each group. But if you look at them in a lineup order again from the outside in, it starts with Renora followed by RG, then WK and BB are flipped.
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Example 3: Technically these are the first shots focused on division in the entire opening... and it's literally who mirrors who. Bees at the far left and right. Renora the next ones in. Then Whiteknight. And Rosegarden again.
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Beyond the symbolism in the opening, this is reinforced by what happens over the course of the volume.
The divide that starts in the first episode is brought on by a disagreement between Ruby and Yang... but where Ruby worries about Yang, Yang worries more about Blake than her sister.
Yang: Do you... think she thinks less of me? For not helping out with Amity? (she asks while looking at a piece of purple machinery) Jaune: Ruby is your sister, she's always going to love you. Even if you disagree with each other. Yang: Yeah... Ruby...
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And Blake, by extension, is worrying about Yang.
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Ruby: I hope everyone is doing alright...* Blake: If you're worried about Yang, you could always try calling her? *flashback to when Ruby said "I'm just glad you're alright." when she found Oscar in the crater only to be separated from him again.
Ren and Nora's arcs and clash of ideals are clearly in focus as well, especially after their 'confession' in Risk.
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Nora: I don't actually know who I am... without Ren... - Nora: When my mom ran from the grimm and left me behind... you found me. We became "Ren and Nora". But I realized on this mission apart... I don't know who just "Nora" is.
Jaune and Weiss is more subtle because they don't have as much character focus that volume, but they are the last two people left standing after Cinder's attack and were the only two present when Penny died. We instead see how that relationship is focused on throughout v9 in light of that shared experience.
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That focus is exactly what happens with Ruby and Oscar's relationship as well, not just in spite of Oscar's absence, but because of it.
All the pairings I just mentioned? They all finished Volume 8 'reunited'. Or I guess a better description would be 'in the same place'.
Yang and Blake in the Ever After. Jaune and Weiss too. Ren and Nora back in Vacuo.
But Ruby and Oscar? They were the only two established foils that were split up in v8 that didn't get an actual reunion. And that's shown plain and clear in Ultimatum where we see everyone come back together only for RG's hug to be focused on and then interrupted. Foreshadowing to say they weren't quite there yet and to build up to a bigger reunion later on.
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Part of the reason why I say his absence is so strongly felt is because RG is a ship built on absences. I am once again going to talk about other volumes first, I PROMISE i will get to v9 in a second, please bare with me ahaha.
In the v5 finale, we have focus on Oscar's reaction over everyone else when Ruby is knocked out of commission.
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In v6, we have focus on Ruby when Oscar disappears and a focus on the two of them again when he returns in the following episode. (Not pictured in this gif is Ruby's eyes shaking in fear when she's told Oscar is missing, Ruby gasping when he opens the door, Ruby laughing when they tackle him to the floor, and Ruby helping him up afterwards).
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In v7, it's established from episode 2 that they're having conflict which is elaborated on further in the following episode and further still by them being apart and in disagreement for the following few episodes. Until they both come to trust each other again during The Fumble in episode 9.
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And I already spoke about the divide in v8.
But then v9? Where literally the first thing Ruby sees at the beginning of the volume is an illusion of Oscar? Not Yang first. Not Penny first. But Oscar?? And that illusion is one of him beaten and covered in bruises to really hurt Ruby more?
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The scene where Neo flips between those people establishes three things that all get explored throughout the rest of the season.
Ruby's grief over Penny
Ruby's conflict and connection with her sister
Ruby's attachment to Oscar
The focus on her grief with Penny ties back into the Dojo Scene in volume 5. Where Oscar was the first and only person she actually talked to about that grief.
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Ruby: When Beacon fell, I lost two of my friends. Penny Polendina and Pyrrha Nikos.
The focus on her connection to Yang in this volume, one where her sister finally enters a relationship with Blake, leaves Ruby feeling left behind by one of the few people she thought she had left. Even if it is irrational and not an actual loss, that distance feels stronger to Ruby here because she's already grieving so many other losses she hasn't processed yet.
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I've gone over the above scene before, but part of what clues us into her thinking of Oscar, or at least the emphasis on his absence, is the symbolism used. Throughout the volumes, Oscar has been associated very strongly with sunlight, fire, and warmth that drives away the cold of Ruby's grief. This is most specifically and consistently shown with him being framed by lamps and lanterns.
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So when she is placed in a room with her team, furthest from the fire (warmth), next to a lantern, across from an empty chair with a green/teal cloth on it? It's pretty easy to assume who she's thinking about. Weiss could have sat there. Or Jaune. But neither did. Because they wanted us to see how alone Ruby felt.
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And then the focus on her attachment to Oscar with his death being the last illusion Neo uses against her. The illusion that breaks her to the point of reaching for the tea the first time and would have been the final straw had the Curious Cat not interrupted them.
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Not only does this volume highlight what Oscar's absence in the Ever After does to Ruby... It also focuses on what the meaning of losing him in general would do to her. Because Oscar, above all else, is a symbol of exactly what motivates her to keep fighting.
In her letter in v4, she starts to tell Yang that they have to keep fighting for the people they've already lost... but then she hesitates. Crosses it out. Corrects that who they actually need to fight for is the people they haven't lost yet.
And Neo's personally tailored torture chamber starts by haunting Ruby with the memory of all those she has lost, or those whose deaths she feels responsible for...
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...only to deal the finishing blow by telling her that if she keeps down the path she's headed, she will lose those she still has left. And she drives that point home with Oscar. Once again, not her sister Yang, not her friend Penny, not her team partner Weiss, not her Uncle Qrow, or any of their other friends.
Neo. Uses. Oscar.
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Because he is who Ruby is closest to. And his loss is the one that would hit her the hardest.
As for the second portion of your question (I promise this section will be shorter) of how the volume might have been different had Oscar been around it's... really hard to say.
I truly believe his absence made this volume possible given how they structured it, and I really don't think it would have worked in the ways they needed it to had he been there.
That being said, I am down to speculate.
Oscar's always been very tuned into how Ruby is feeling or noticing when she's struggling and jumping to help when he can. There's a possibility he would have tried to do so had he been there. He may have had an approach like "No, enough of the moving forward nonsense, you are not okay and we are going to address that before we keep going". If he had and it had worked, then much of the conflict of that volume just wouldn't have happened, would have been postponed, or would have been resolved without Ruby ascending, which she needed to do in order to move the plot forward.
At the very least, Oscar would have snapped at both Weiss and Jaune for talking to Ruby the ways they had been before that boiled over. But I don't know that he would have actually been able to help with what little time they had... as well as some other factors.
Ruby was at a very low point, Yang was trying to get her to open up and Ruby wouldn't. Weiss and Blake also tried to offer support or reassurances but fell short.
One of the interactions with WBY that happens after Ruby snaps and storms off clues us into this:
Yang: Dammit! How could she just run off like that? Blake: She was clearly upset. Yang: That wasn't upset, that was... UGH! She could have just talked to us. Weiss: Maybe she didn't feel like she could.
I feel like this is a double edged sword. On one hand, with Oscar's absence being focused on, it implies that maybe Ruby didn't feel like she could talk to her team... but she might have been able to talk to Oscar because we know she felt safe enough to do that before. Both the dojo scene, and the fumble are great examples of this.
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But there reaches a certain point for everyone struggling with mental health where community support doesn't cut it. Ruby may have been at too low of a point to even talk to him of all people. And Oscar trying to force her to open up when she didn't have it in her could have very well done more harm than good.
One other thing that's said in the volume after Ruby has begun ascending is this:
Weiss: We've done everything we can. Now it's up to Ruby.
I think Weiss of all people did more harm to Ruby's mental state than any good, but I digress.
The point of this line is that friends and family can offer support as best they can, but sometimes you have to fight your own battles. This was a journey Ruby had to do alone. Which as a side note, is a very nice parallel to Nora's current arc.
I think with enough time and support, that maybe Ruby would have been able to avoid locking it all away until she burst... But stories are driven by conflict and their subsequent resolution. Ruby's breakdown needed to happen one way or another and was a long time coming.
And I think they way they used Oscar - and specifically, his absence - to contribute to that breaking point was executed brilliantly.
Even if it hurt like hell 😭
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kissofthemis · 1 month
AU where Giann returns and mc falls in love on sight, (poor Marius)
A clean, composed canvas. Every brushstroke carefully measured, every color meticulously selected.
Marius von Hagen was the sort of person who prepared every aspect of his existence in advance. In his position, he could not afford to not be over-prepared, as he was painfully aware that he had more enemies than friends. Whether the target was Pax, Z, or even just Marius himself, the amount of targets on his back required the young man to anticipate every possible situation, every possible outcome, and every possible next step... and to plan accordingly.
Of course, even the Pax Group's CEO was a mere mortal, and he could not account for the occasional obstacles or stumbles in his path. Even Marius von Hagen, of all people, could be taken by surprise. Usually he was able to fix those sudden little splatters and jagged strokes, covering them with his own colors and incorporating them into his greater picture.
Today, however?
Buckets and buckets, mismatched colors and hues, shades of all kinds, drowning the once sensible, orderly painting.
A torrential downpour of chaos descended onto Marius' precisely curated canvas, throwing his mind and his world into disarray.
When the door to the NXX meeting room cracked open, Marius had fully expected it to be Vyn trudging in late. As haughty as the psychiatrist could be, he was notoriously not a morning person, and Marius had made it his personal mission to give Vyn grief every time he was not exactly on time. (Perhaps more accurately, when he was not at least 3 minutes early. Was that unfair? Perhaps. Did Vyn deserve it? Absolutely.)
But the man who stumbled into the room was significantly taller, with hair significantly darker, and a face that was significantly less punchable.
Everything around him faded and dimmed, to backgrounds not fully developed as he focused on the person taking center stage in his painting. He thought Rosa might have jumped up behind him, but her startled words as she clung to Luke were not discernible. Luke's voice was mere static in Marius' brain, but he sounded angry and accusatory.
A figure moved out of the corner of his eye; judging from the size and colors, Artem. Of course, Artem would know who had just intruded on what was supposed to be a private meeting, for a top-secret group.
But Marius was not going to allow anyone to make a move before him.
All of the young heir's senses returned at once, and he darted forward, pushing his long legs to their limit so he would be the first one to the newcomer's side.
Much to his relief, Artem did not stop him.
"Giann!" Marius cursed himself internally for the way his voice cracked, for showing an ounce of weakness, but he would just hope that the other three people here would extend some mercy. "Giann, you're home!"
After all, his beloved older brother had been off the grid for so long, and now... and now he was in Marius' arms again!
Marius flung his arms around his brother, causing the older von Hagen to wince slightly. But Giann did not retreat; instead he leaned into Marius' shoulders and returned the embrace, albeit weakly.
What a funny scene, for Marius to be holding his taller, older brother like this.
"Sorry for making you wait."
"I'll tell you how to pay me back later."
Now that he was grounded, now that he knew for a fact that the person in front of him was his dear brother, now that he knew he was not dreaming or fantasizing or hallucinating or reminiscing, the rest of the background began to seep more fully into Marius' mind. He was able to transform the mismatched buckets of colors, weave them and brush them and mix them into something new. It was not what he had envisioned, these hues or shapes or patterns, but it was his. He could handle this again.
He would be stronger with Giann here, after all.
"Giann?" Rosa's voice was clearer now in his head. "Mister Giann von Hagen, sir?"
"How do we know it's actually him?" Luke's wary words came out in a low growl, and Marius whipped his head around immediately to provide a stinging retort.
"I also know Giann, as I worked with him on the NXX cases prior to your arrival," Artem reminded the others calmly, "and while I appreciate your caution, I do not believe it is necessary, Luke. That man is undoubtedly the real one."
Marius made a mental note that he owed Artem for speaking up on his brother's behalf.
"Mister Giann von Hagen, sir!" When had Rosa approached? Her footsteps were so quiet, despite the way her eyes were glowing with wonder and her body was practically quivering with excitement. "Ah, I mean... please pardon my interruption!"
"No need to apologize. If you're here, then I know you are a person who both Artem Wing and my brother trust." Giann straightened up to his full height (much to Marius' chagrin), giving Rosa a polite but feeble smile.
The way Rosa began bouncing on her tiptoes did not escape Marius' notice.
"Jiejie..." Marius whined as he adjusted his position, still standing (nearly) shoulder to shoulder with his brother. "You never address me so politely... I'm just Marius to you... just the brat... You don't even call me King...."
"King?" Giann echoed. "Is that the codename you chose for yourself?"
A deep flush illuminated Marius' face, stretching from ear to ear and covering him in a faint red glow. "I... For the Pax Group and our family name, obviously! I had to do them justice, you know!"
"Obviously. I know."
Still reeling as he tried to recover from being mortified by his brother in front of the woman he had a massive crush on, not to mention the other two dorks on the other side of the room, Marius averted his gaze.
But even without looking at Rosa, he could hear the excited lilt in her voice and imagine the way she was beaming as she continued to speak. "Marius has spoken so highly of you! I have had no doubt in my mind that you must be a wonderful person, and it is such an honor to meet you, sir!"
A gentle laugh left his brother's lips. "No need to be so formal. Clearly you and Marius are good friends, so you are already a friend of mine."
Good friends. Marius felt as though a paint scraper had been stabbed into his chest. "Let's sit down, Giann," he urged. "You seem really exhausted."
Giann did not argue, instead allowing Marius to guide him to the couches and seats further in the room.
"I am so sorry!" Rosa piped up as soon as they sat down. "You clearly need time to recover! Any of my questions can wait for a later time!"
Giann waved his hand dismissively. "I don't mind. Really." He smiled, with soft glow like that of a sunrise about to brighten up the world. "I want to learn about you. And about this young man, too." He nodded to Luke.
Whether Luke ever got to speak to Giann that day, Marius could not recall. He was too focused on the way in which Rosa's eyes sparkled, in the way in which she leaned forward when Giann spoke, in the way in which her hands fiddled nervously with the edges of her sleeves, in the way in which her left foot tapped with a mix of eagerness and anxiety, in the way in which her voice hummed when she responded to his questions, in the way in which her chest seemed to tremble as her rapid heartbeat burst against her ribcage.
She did not only bask in the glow of Giann's warmth and glory, but she returned it in full force.
Oh. Of course.
Giann was the true genius. Giann was the true leader. Giann was the go-getter, the organizer, the one who people loved. Marius was only ever a substitute, an inferior stand-in. Whether as president of Pax, or as a member of the NXX... Marius was never meant to stay. Marius' job was simply to ensure that nothing fell apart, and to keep Giann's name in good standing. To ease Giann's transition back into his rightful role when he returned. Marius was just... a child, a dreamer, an idealistic fool.
No wonder Rosa was enamored with Giann. Maybe she even loved him, or would love him soon.
A blank canvas, devoid of color, light, or life.
In all fairness, Marius preferred Giann von Hagen to Marius von Hagen, too.
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ryllen · 1 year
seeing your farmer makes me happy ☺️
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trashlie · 5 months
Whatever happens with this week's update, we know Quim is out for blood with our hearts
Actually, this is a good time to let you guys know that this week's episode is going to be delayed ;____; Quimchee's assistant decided to let her know SIX HOURS BEFORE THE EPISODE IS SUPPOSED TO GO UP (please note the assistant's pages were due LAST NIGHT) that she HADN'T EVEN BEGUN COLORING THEM.
So :( this week's episode has been delayed. Quimchee is hoping to be able to post both this week and next week's episode at the same time (kind of like she did a couple weeks ago) since they go hand in hand, but we'll see if webtoon actually allows for it. ;______;
So, update, no new episode tonight guys because quimchee's coloring assistant can't communicate and come out and say that she can't hit her deadline ugggghhhhhh
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caleb-pilot · 6 days
I am not apologizing for what I said. You come on to my blog and expect me to melt? I'm not having it, idiot. Not having it. You'll never have me.
((at the admin with all the weakness in my heart: you did a number on me. If all my followers have to see me walk the walk of SHAME then so be it. I'll do it on main IDC))
you keep telling yourself that baby, but here you are … in MY inbox. been thinking about me at night, when you’re all alone, hm?
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What's your opinion on that famous art piece that was shredded the minute it was sold?
Maybe yours burns in a similar way?
I remember reading about it and laughed at a certain part...
Ah, here.
“Some people think it didn’t really shred. It did. Some people think the auction house were in on it, they weren’t.”
Perhaps I'll do something similar to a painting in the future with my flames.
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seaofgoldensand · 18 days
rose, bubblegum, mint, rogue 🌹⭐️
spill paint.
i was shy to throw in rogue👉👈
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MADI GET OVER HERE SO WE CAN BAKE COOKIES i won't blow up the oven like xavier promise
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alsoyooraiyah · 1 month
Tell us about Dola!
shsjshs idek where to start with Dola ;w; thank u for giving me an outlet for talking about her LND incarnation omg I hope you know what you’re getting into when you asked this…
so like!! in general she’s my OC that I use everywhere bc I just like her too much to even care about making other OCs because to me she’s like… the ultimate cool doll >.> she tends to retain a lot of her traits each time + I try to keep as much of her original conflicted artist background as possible while still making it make sense with the lore of the universe I’m putting her in
So in LND as MC, she still has Caleb + Josephine, is a Hunter, and ofc has the aether core in her heart but strays from canon in that:
Art has a huge place in her life because her parents were renowned artists and she was primed to follow in their footsteps. She ends up dropping it sometime after she was orphaned though, and only picks it up around high school age and in secret
Gets dreams of fragments of her past lives with Rafayel, but she can never recall the face of the man that’s always in her dreams once she wakes up. Trying to sketch out the man’s face is her main reason for getting into art again, and it snowballs into her making art inspired by her dreams in general
She knows a lot about Lemurian myth and history because she dreams about the place + this one Lemurian so much that she had to look into it, and by extension is fascinated by the sea
Which also means that she did actually attend Rafayel’s lectures at her university when he became a visiting professor there. They kind of only have one proper conversation throughout that entire year though.
Her heart issues affect her more than they affect MC in canon, so the UNICORNS treat her a little differently to work around it. Largely that means she doesn’t go on as many missions as MC seems to? And is often deployed a support/the human radar bc of her Evol rather than a frontline fighter.
Doesn’t feel that strongly about being a Hunter once she actually is one? Tbh I think she kinda hates a majority of the work and commitment that comes with it but feels she can’t just quit after spending so much time working towards becoming one. Xavier and their training sessions together are kind of the main things keeping her there (+ she has fun killing Wanderers)
She’s not as bubbly or cheerful or bratty as the canon MC is. Her personality is a lot more reserved and introverted and she LOVES studying + learning, but there’s still a bit of playfulness there. There’s actually so many parts of the main story, Tender Moments, and Bond/Memoria that I’m changing or outright excluding because they just don’t work out for her the same way they do with canon MC sigh >.>;;
LOVES plants and flowers. In every iteration I have of her she’s at least half covered in floral tattoos and her home is always full of them! Very into flower language to an extent that I’m not ahdjsjs she makes me research a lot of things…
Kind of obsessed with death (mostly because she believes herself to be on a short timer) and is a little fucked up? Will join Rafayel in his quest for vengeance and will believe his murders are all justified if she finds out about them tbh.
^Okay I feel like that’s a lot ahdjshsja >.> in LND I wrote her with Rafayel in mind as the endgame >.> Zayne’s more of a bestie/brother/secret third thing, and Xavier… I guess to her he’s a friend but he definitely is in love with her? And Dola eventually becomes aware of that and isn’t quite sure what to do about it.
Gosh anyway!! Thank you for being interested ahdjshsjs she’s been my baby and muse for like… 3-4 years at this point? I have so many thoughts about her like you wouldn’t believe ;-;
(i have a whole inspo blog for her ahdjshs it’s @dolasach >.>)
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hirayaea · 2 months
I humbly submit
as a Xavier song 🥺⭐️
I have listened it and it is PERFECT 🙏 THANK YOU for the recommendation
じっと見つめた キミの瞳に映った ボクが生きたシル
何度も途切れそうな鼓动 强く强く鸣らした
This gives me so much Shooting Stars MC vibes 😭😭😭
I actually found another song and it’s kinda angsty but it reminded me of Xavier + Myth MC and I just kinda wanted to cry
Here you go:
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sketchupnfries · 11 months
Just finished Survivor. Cal was so angy 😡 the whole game 😳I really loved seeing his development though! The Wanderer outfit was definitely my favorite. Did you have a favorite moment?
Same here! I loved his character development throughout the game and that boy really needs a hug after the events of that game :'( The Wanderer outfit was by far my favorite outfit, especially with the cute little backpack for BD-1 on it! At the moment I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't finished the game yet, but my general fave parts of the game were any moments where the Mantis crew were together :) Have a lil Cal in the Wanderer outfit!
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chaikachi · 8 days
For the ask game, 14, and 10 for Ruby?
14. Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind?
I don't tend to treat media in absolutes where i think I'll NEVER draw a certain thing for it. But I was surprised to find how quickly Whiteknight grew on me. As for characters, had i the time, stamina, and energy I'd draw all of them at least once if I could. But alas. 😔
10. Favourite piece of fanart for Ruby? If we're talking work by others, I'll admit I don't save a lot of them. I do have this one hanging in my living room tho. If of my own work, probably a wip I haven't finished yet. 🫣
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
I'm sorry whAT you work WHERE???? How did that process go? Did you ever intern?
Yeah, Microsoft (which takes effort to not type as "Michael Soft" since I somehow started exclusively calling it Michael Soft to my friends like no actually that's not the name of the company.) I recently made senior engineer!!
And yeah I was an intern back in 2017! The process started in summer 2016 when recruitors were visiting my college, which was 95% finance companies recruiting finance interns and then a handful of tech companies participating too. I was gonna be abroad in Denmark during fall 2016 when most career fair stuff was happening, so I hopped in and had a resume screening and a first-round interview with Microsoft. (The interview was with my current skip-level [boss's boss] and I still work with him, he's great.)
So I got a callback for second-round interviews which would happen in the fall, and would happen on-site in Washington state. And I was like "hey I'm in Denmark...?" and they were like "Sounds pog. Do you want like an extra night in a hotel or something?" so I did in fact fly from Denmark to Washington state for the next-round interview, which was actually 3, 1-hour, back-to-back interviews which were all 1-part interview and 1-part technical.
So I got the internship! And they put me in the New England office which was my top preference. Interned there summer 2017 and got an offer for full-time starting after I graduated in 2018. Been there since. It's a good work atmosphere and I like it!
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fleur-de-leap · 11 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers
kliuhltgisurd Thank you for this! I really appreciate this! Normally I don't do this sort of thing, but the way of spreading it is... actually really interesting! :O
Hmm... 5 things that make me happy...?
Music! What kind tends to vary, but if no music at ALL ends up hitting, it's a problem > - >
Making things for people! I like to see how excited they get when they like it! Doodles, drabbles, crochet things, whatever! I just like seeing them happy
Glow in the dark stuff! I am a simple bitch, if it glows, I want it XD
Getting to ramble / make ocs in general. I especially like when I can bounce it off of someone / scream at someone else about it! It's why I had to make a whole blog for all my OC stuff XD @leap-cant-stop
Animals! One of my low brain power happy-things is funny animal videos!
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