#so thanks cates??????
quetzalpapalotl · 1 year
How did you first get into Transformers and who was your first favorite character from the media that got you into them?
So for my entire life I had never consumed any kind of Transformers anything ever. I wasn't even sure if it was a Japanese or a Usamerican frachise. But I had a Tumblr mutual who was really into it (I had also recently watched a couple youtube videos), which is how I came to know Transformers were for real gay, something I didn't see coming. And making sure that was in fact accurate, I ended up reading the wiki pages for Cyclonus and Tailgate. This was on December 5, 2018, I know the exact date.
Also, at the same time, my main fixation back then was Venom (the comics, not the movie) and Donny Cates was not only making a disaster of his run that had no understanding of Eddie and the Symbiote as characters, was destroying the characterization and development Mike Costa had just lovingly worked on (the irory) and was just a bad story on its own right. He was also stalking Tumblr and complaining on Twitter that people here didn't like his comic and potraying the fanbase as irrational fangirls.
So I was upset and wanted a distraction. And after reading the wiki pages on the cygates I thought I wanted to see more, so I read mtmte 47. Then I read mtmte but only focusing on the cygates, that makes them my first favorite characters. Then I catched on that the story seemed actually good and read it properly, might as well read the rest of phase 2. Then might as well read phase 1. Then accept this is my life now and chek other stuff in the franchise. Switching my focus from Venom to this. And here I am now.
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cheebuss · 18 days
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Another one down, Demo will be lucky last! <3
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philocalistwrites · 8 months
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the power of women
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cinemapix · 1 year
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TÁR - dir. Todd Field (2022)
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francesderwent · 9 months
you know, for years I’ve either been primarily occupied with some past knot that I was trying to mentally unravel into what-might-have-beens and closure or with some imaginary future that I was painting in my head based on illusory signs. but lately I’ve been pretty securely ensconced in the present moment. occasionally I indulge in gazing back to look for the invisible string or peering around the corner to wonder what might be coming next, but mostly I’m just thinking about the now, and how happy I am in it. what’s on my mind is going for little walks, and washing the dishes while someone else dries.
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butchedshauna · 7 months
this is a psa that the shauna defence squad has made room for cate dunlap, soz i dont make the rules
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whatmakesyoulove · 1 year
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     Please Welcome the 9th Cate Blanchett Birthday                                          Project | 2023
For the past 9 years I have been collaborating with Cate Blanchett fans around the world in order to make something special for her birthday.
As the years go by, I find this project has grown to be more and more meaningful to me. It’s not just a way to thank Cate and pay homage to her outstanding work, but also, a way to see how she has influenced so many people around the world and, in a way, made them better: She made us change, she created a community that keeps finding new way to collaborate and create new, exciting things; she even inspired us to "create" a better world for ourselves and our surroundings.
This year, I have asked the fans to tell how Cate has inspired them. It can be an inspiration to do something new or to change something. Or even how she has inspired them to move forward and be better.
I am very excited to share with you this very beautiful list of people and their stories. I would like to thank you all for joining and contributing.
A special thank is needed to Mari’ Cavicchiolo, Simisek, Lil Bellyacher and Martina for helping me financially print the project and send it overboard to Cate. 
   Cate has received the printed edition of this project.                Pictures can be found on my Instagram page                            HERE | Watch the Project HERE
Important Credits & Extra special thanks:
Creator and Editor: Eden (Israel)
Martina (Marto) - Who helped a lot with grammar and language.
Sarah, Michelle and Elena - Who helped spreading the news across the internet and encouraged fans to participate in the project.
The Project on Social Media:
The Project Official Website- CBbirthdayProject
The Project Official YouTube Channel - CBBP
My Twitter account INC. updates
My fan Instagram account INC. updates
Thank you all for joining this year. Please share so more people will be aware of our project!
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Ah this is awkward. Um.
You're like, gray aroace right? I'm pretty sure I'm fully aroace (as in has never had a crush sexually or romantically) and idk if I wil at some point but whatever.
Anyway, so like, I was talking w my friend - and like, I have two people I really consider 'friends', who I'd always like... kind of imagined spending my life with ig? Like not romantically, but in a 'you're my best friend and how can I ever stop caring about you' way. And so my friend was talking about how they really want to find love and get married and like...
My other friend also talks about finding a gf and all that and basically the point is they both talk about how they're so scared they'll never find 'love' and 'move on'. And the thing that terrifies me is they're like moving on from when, other than familialy, our platonic relationships were ig most important? Like, they will never value these bonds as much as I do. They'll leave me behind for romantic partners and I'm so scared I'll have to force myself into loving someone that way just so I don't get left behind. It's hard enough with my parents, and I'm so scared of losing them, but I'm going to because I'll never matter as much to them as they do to me.
I think that was the moment it really clicked for me 'I'm different' and I don't know what to do.
Hi darling!!!!
First of all, I don't identify as any manner of ace or aro. They're not comfortable terms to me, and it's taken me a long while to get to a place where I can actually, like. Write that? I used to identify as ace, but I don't anymore. Primarily because it became such a huge anxiety trigger for me. And, honestly, it still kind of is. The entire question of my sexuality makes me feel like throwing up, a little. Not mad about it or anything, and not offended either(you can assume whatever you want about me) but, anyways. I love you <3
So, like. I'd like to start off with saying a couple things.
First and foremost, your perception of friendships is completely normal, actually. So many people today, and I mean this honestly, have a disordered perception of the value of relationships. So often they set friendships on back burner, and instead focus on romantic relationships. And, actually. I'll tell you why.
Friendships are so, so, so valuable.
With any luck, any person can find a lover. In fact, most people without much work can swipe right a few times and get everything they want out of that situation.
But a friendship? A real, whole, true one?
Stars, you're lucky if you get one in your whole life.
There is something beautiful, soul-quenchingly holy and wonderful about true friendships, about kindred spirits. There is something so endlessly pure about loving a person not even for some kind of romantic pursuit, but just for the hell of it. For the hell of loving. For the hell of living. For the hell of understanding, for the hell of breathing, for the hell of sharing. There's something so infinitely beautiful, and there's something scary.
Because true friendship doesn't ask for anything but companionship and patience, for the mutual care of someone. That's all it wants, and that's its end. That's the goal of friendship. Mutual care. Patience. Companionship.
Romance asks for more than that.
But true friendship is one of the most pure loves.
The ancient Greeks called it Philia.
C. S. Lewis said, about it, in his book The Four Loves(100% recommend you read this at some point.) "“Friendship is unnecessary, like philosophy, like art.... It has no survival value; rather it is one of those things which give value to survival.”
That's a beautiful, amazing thing right there. It's like philosophy, it's like art. It's brilliant. It's lovely.
Now, all that to say, that if friendship is like art, you are not different or new to value it as you do. It means you have a natural predilection, maybe, to value it as you do, just as some people are naturally disposed to art or philosophy, or even to romance.
On to the specifics about your friends. If your friends don't value you like you value them, they're kind of crappy friends.
Because even a desire for a relationship should not change the love they have for you. Even being in a relationship should not decrease their care for you.
It took me a while to learn this, and in fact it's through the love of my best friend that I have learned this. I had friends, when I was in high school, who abandoned me, repeatedly, for each other. They treated me like I was disposable. Like my existence didn't matter. I'd have died for them. They wouldn't have died for me.
But then, I met the girl I'd call my "bosom friend--an intimate friend, you know--a really kindred spirit to whom I can confide my innermost soul. I've dreamed of meeting her all my life. I never really supposed I would, but so many of my loveliest dreams have come true all at once that perhaps this one will, too. Do you think it's possible?"(Anne Of Green Gables, by L. M. Montgomery)
She's in a relationship, set to be married, actually, now.
But the thing is, I have never once questioned her love for me. I've never once had to. She's never made me feel like I didn't matter to her. I even brought it up, once. That I would always expect to be second to her husband-to-be, and she said we weren't on the same playing field, so to speak. I don't remember exactly what she said, but it's settled, deeply in my soul. It was something along the lines of, He's my boyfriend, but you're my best friend. It made me cry, nearly.
She's my best friend, and she values me like I value her.
So, I've got to tell you.
If they do not love you like you love them.
They're not the people you want to line your dreams up with.
Believe me. If you believe nothing else I say, believe me on this.
You want people who love you just as fiercely as you love them.
They should value the bond as much as you do. Don't settle for less. Find friends who will fight and die for you. If they won't, you can do better. Find friends who are willing to love you. Find friends who want you in their futures.
Really, dearest, this has very little to do with sexuality.
Ik it sounds dumb, because why wouldn't it?
But this is about friendship. It's about this stupid world we live in refusing to place emphasis on friendship. Stars, compare it to art! How would you feel if people went "Art is kind of stupid, we don't need it to live, so there's very little point to maintaining it or making more or making the stuff that sticks in your ribs and makes breathing hard." Like, that's what society has said about friendship!
It's been so greatly reduced, so greatly destroyed, so corrupted by the media and by hook up culture and by the concept even that friendship doesn't matter unless you're gonna date eventually.
Literally, what the heck is up with that?
It's so stupid and pointless you don't understand.
We live in a world that destroys and degrades friendship on an altar of romance.
My best friend's brother once heard her tell me she loved me and he called us gay. That's how estranged we are from a world that respects friendship. Brothers crack jokes that burn and make you wonder if you're doing something wrong by expressing something so simple as love.
I still tell her I love her. I call her beautiful. Lovely. She does the same for me.
We lift each other up, point each other towards where we want to go.
And there is so much hope for our futures in our lives. I'm going to be in her wedding next summer. I want to meet her husband. I want her to meet my future spouse, whoever they are. I want to meet her kids. I want her to meet mine. I want to go to movies with her. I want to eat dinner in her house. I want to meet up for a glass of wine and sit as grandmothers on the same front porch and talk like there's an endless life before us.
My friend wants the same things.
Darling, dearest anon.
If your friends want to move on from your friendship, they're not the kind of people you want as friends.
Because you deserve to be valued as you value others.
That's just a fact of human existence.
And if these friends want to move on, to step out into the world and leave you behind, to cast aside your friendship for romance, pretend like that's some sort of mutually exclusive relationship, pretend, for even a moment like love is some sort of finite resource, and that they're willing to cast you off like you don't matter in exchange for it.
Not only are they wrong, it's highkey cruel of them.
If they're thinking the friendship is limited, that it's conditional, that it's doomed, or that it's fading, or whatever kind of hula hoops they're jumping through in their heads, that's what it's going to be, because they're striking a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It has nothing to do with you.
You honestly sound like you're the normal, functioning person here.
They sound like they're the ones who are different.
Sure, a point could be argued, I suppose, that in this culture an emphasis on friendship and a platonic love of others is different.
Sure. You could say that you're different because you want to be loved and valued in return. That you love intensely and deeply.
But stars.
Lovely, most beloved anon.
Find new friends.
Ditch these people. I know it's gonna hurt. Friendship breakups hurt more than heartbreaks(I've experienced both, I can attest to this) but if they're not going to love you as you deserve. You are worthy of so much more than this hovering feeling of impending doom. You're worth more than listening to them talk about the romance they want to leave you behind for. You're worth endlessly more than them underappreciating and undervaluing your friendship.
Just walk away.
It's not worth it to love like that. It's unrequited. It's undervalued.
There's a best friend out there for you, I'm sure of it.
Someone who will value you just as much as you value them.
And maybe it will take a while to find them. Maybe you'll have to go through more friendships that aren't valuable enough to the other party.
Who cares.
True friendship exists. True filial love exists. You can find it.
The world probably feels really small, right now. It is not small.
The world is huge. It is full of people.
And you don't need a lot of people. That's another lie.
All you need is one good friend. All you need is one. And you'll be okay.
I never thought I would make friends who actually loved me. And then, I did.
So if a wreck like me can find legitimate friends who love and value me as much as I love and value them, you'll have no problems, dearest.
There are people out there waiting.
There are friendships in the world that you can make.
These two people are not the only two you get.
I swear it to you.
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jellicle-chants · 8 months
act one or act two
Good question! I like them both for different reasons -- Act 1 I think has really good pacing, with a bunch of upbeat/quick-tempo songs all coming back-to-back, which makes it really fun to listen through. On the other hand, Act 2 has some of my favorite songs (Gus, Mistoffelees, Skimbleshanks, and of course Macavity), but there's also a lot of slow parts that I find pretty tedious when just listening to the soundtrack. I don't know that I could choose one over the other.
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catepagewrites · 11 months
So I can't pre-order it now, but I've added it to my goodreads and I absolutely will when I can afford it! I can't wait for it to come out in paper back as well so I can add it to my home library! 💜
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KAYLA! I am honored! To be added to someone's TBR is just the biggest honor! Thank you so much! Thank you Thank you Thank you!
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catebeesart · 2 years
Hello hi I found the post with the elven LI’s and I have taken your recommendation to ask about clothing references. I would very much like to see said folders. Also your art is very pretty :)
Hello! first of all, thanks so much <3 very appreciated! Second, this is gonna be long, so let me add a read more
Alright I'm gonna try to keep this brief but I think I'll fail
Like with all of the other character art I did, I referenced a bunch of real world folk/traditional costumes and mixed them with fantasy stuff. City elves are a bit more mish-mash than, say, the dalish, especially considering that these three travel a lot and some of them don't feel very connected with their hometowns.
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He was probably the easiest to do, since I had already drawn him before
His clothes are inspired by castillan traditional clothes, which I sort of turned into an excuse to give him those torero pants with the highest high waist I ever saw.
The boots are supposed to be the antivan leather ones the Warden can gift him, and they're inspired by spanish half chaps (from the lower left picture, that's a costume from Granada)
The dalish gloves are also there, but they're a bit less detailed, I just added some little Mythal trees to make them dalish-y
He has little strings of pearls in his hair because it's another renaissance Spain/Italy thing i really like
My favourite thing i gave him is the hip chain with the little charms. I forget where I saw this headcanon but it basically talked about how Zevran holds small trinkets very dear and that he probably uses the metal you can gift him by melting it into keepsakes of his adventures. they're really tiny but you can see the Denerim shield, the Circle symbol, a hammer for Orzammar, the Redcliffe windmill, the Dalish mask and of course the Grey Warden griffin
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He's the least traditional one, I doubt he'd want to wear Tevinter clothes after years in Kirkwall.
I used more-or-less accurate references for the armor, mostly for the wide use of leather that seems to make up most of Fenris's canon outfit. Still gave him a gambeson because I'm not a savage.
Originally I wanted to dress him in looser clothes, considering his marks might hurt from all the friction on his skin, but It's very hard to give loose fitting clothes to someone wearing so many straps, so I stayed sort of middle ground
I still kept some of his original design details, like the clawed gauntlets, the feathers in the braces and the bare feet, plus! Hawke's red favor and the Amell crest (it's on his shoulder now, where crests usually are)
Also he has a regular big sword instead of a fuckoff big sword because uh I'm a stickler for rules
The tip of the scabbard has a little metal hawk decoration :)
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She doesn't like speaking of Denerim, but at the same time I feel like she would sill hold on to some of the little fashion quirks from there (which I also made up by making my Tabris wear Kurdish-inspired clothes and spreading it to the whole alienage)
So yes, the vest and some of the jewellery are inspired by Kurdish costume, while the rest comes mostly from her concept art
There is a Lot of Sera concept art, and I get it! cause it's very hard to keep to one singular idea while designing her. I brought back some of the combat archery armor that she had at some point in her development, plus the makeup stripe over her eyes (which I added at the very end and forgot to save the picture i took it from)
The asymmetrical gloves are sort of what an archer would wear, with the arm that holds the bow being more covered to avoid injuries from the bowstring and the drawing hand only covered around the fingers.
The pants are inspired by the medieval multicolored hose because listen, she's a little jester at heart and she would totally wear those
The HAIR was hard to decide, because the bowl cut is nice, but the side-shave is also very badass. the mullet/ponytail one was very close to being the final choice though.
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madamescarlette · 2 years
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For @francesderwent​, and because this was such a fun trip down memory lane to go through my old icons!!
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francesderwent · 4 months
Catefrankie 2023 Year in Review
January through April: Lockwood & Co Mass Hysteria
April: I Will Not Be Elaborating At This Time
May: most of this month was lost to sleep problems. except for the Girls Trip!!!!!!! I was Still Not Elaborating
June: The Good Witch and Still Not Elaborating
July: The Bear s2 & Mistborn rage and Still Not Elaborating
August: finally read Busman's Honeymoon and Still Not Elaborating
September: connected the two dots with my Taylor vs Maisie manifesto and Still Not Elaborating
October: TGW deluxe and 1989 Taylor's Version and Still Not Elaborating
November: Cate tries to figure out what the female equivalent of Sexy Responsibility is (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) which is essentially the same thing as Not Elaborating
December: the singleness post, and Still Not Elaborating. Except Maybe A Little As A Treat.
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Have you met Zelma Stanton?
No. Why? Do I know her in other realities?
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heffrondriving · 2 years
okay but fr the highlight of my day was going through my notes for the video post with katelyn being kendall's worldwide girl and happily getting to read everyone's cute wholesome tags and excited screaming,,, it's like we're all in the same room and hugging each other hehe ily guys 💕
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pinkanonhopes · 2 years
Good luck for tomorrow's test!!!
aaaaaa thank youu :)) it's about aristotle and he's not my fave so i'm not super happy to study this but i might find something interesting :))
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