#so that's why that isn't included; if i added it here i'd have to add it to the image for the thread which involved redoing the whole thing
redthefortuneteller · 2 months
About Snake's death
*Edit: I had to edit out a mistake I made, which was that I wrongly assumed the 20+ people Agni hung upside down in London had died! Thank you for letting me know in the comments and apologies for that! The main focus of the post still stands of course, which is to consider and wonder how the rules of justice in Kuro are applied and which are the rules exactly, if there are any. I also couldn't deny myself of adding a few other things, I once again hope you will tolerate my tendency to ramble on too much!*
From what is generally understood, Yana has a penchant for punishing characters for their wrong doings. I'd mentioned before that we can see this in Snake's case with him getting cut in the same side of the neck that Phelps got the snake bite on. It doesn't look like a coincidence, especially knowing how Yana operates in terms of details and foreshadowing. *Edit: I should like to add that Phelps dying was an accident. Snake, although he wanted to kill Smile, really didn't kill Phelps, specifically, on purpose. I've read someone argue that Snake isn't even to blame for the murder as it was a black mamba who killed Phelps, not Snake. I do not share that opinion, simply because he was the one who sent the snake. But it's still an interesting thought to consider as in "what does the author think or consider in this case?"* This being said, it's still a little hard to stomach that Snake should be dealt with in this way. I will try to explain what I mean. He died not even properly acknowledging Doll's presence, nor all his snakes surrounding him. He saw Finny leaving him behind. He died alone in his mind, wondering why he had such a horribly unfair life, treated like an animal, getting tricked and lied to by everyone, not understanding why or having anyone explain anything to him about why he was made a fool by everyone.
As he had just realized he was in the middle of it all, he was killed. He was dead before he could understand what had been happening all this time. Take Agni for instance, one of my dear long time favourite characters. He died a violent death, but at least died peacefully and happy that he got a chance at redeeming himself by doing good and living for Soma, after his sinful past in which he said he'd lived a life of sin in India and that he "hurt a lot of people". He did get sentenced to death but we don't know for certain, if what he'd done included killing. So I will still refrain from taking that into account. *Edit: Here's a link to a separate post I made, explaining why I assumed Agni had killed those people in London*
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So all things considered, why did Agni die with a smile on his face, while Snake died with "why-?" as his last words? Indeed, why..?
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I wonder if Yana is also taking into consideration the envenomation of the soldiers in the Emerald Witch arc to up the numbers? If we were to consider this to be Yana's "sword of justice" (haha sounds quite dramatic!), should we expect to see other characters dying such abominable deaths? Because there are so many characters who have killed a lot people and others that have killed some. Starting with the Phantomhive servants and ending with Wolfram, it could be a lengthy list. *Edit: Take Baldroy for example, he likely killed too many to even count. If there's such a concept as a "sword of justice", I dread to even wonder what will happen to him in the end.* Of course, don't consider for a moment that I'm wishing such things! I'm simply entertaining the possibility of this implicit method of justice being employed by the author, if, we were to consider that Snake's death came as a sort of payback for Phelps, that is all. Part of me wishes Snake's death would have been handled with a little more gentleness and grace. As he's such a kind hearted character... he didn't even get the chance to understand what he'd unknowingly gotten dragged into. But alas, this is the Kuroshitsuji universe after all where life's injustices are abound!
Thank you for reading and a virtual hug to all of you who love Snake! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
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psychoticblorbobattle · 5 months
Submissions open until January 15th!!!
Hello! Welcome to this lil tournament I'm putting together, despite also running two others right now. Why am I like this.
Anyways!!! I'm schizospec. Sadly, I don't know a lot of characters from media who are also on the schizospectrum or have psychosis. So, I figured, why not make a tournament for it?
No ableism will be tolerated, nor will any other kind of bigotry.
You do NOT have to be psychotic to interact with this tournament/blog. Everyone is welcome! Honestly, I'd be really happy if lots of different people got to have a good time and learn here. Anyone can submit a character!
No anti-propaganda, bullying, harassment, etc. This is for fun.
All submissions must be sent through the ask box to be considered. This tournament will have 32 participants, tops.
NO NSFW IN THE IMAGES SENT. Light blood is allowed but please no full-on gore. A good example is YTTD or Danganronpa; there's blood, but nothing too explicit.
Headcanons are allowed! Please indicate whether the character actually fits the DSM-5 criteria or if it's your headcanon.
Characters with any condition that would cause psychosis are welcome, as well as schizospec characters without psychosis.
You can submit multiple characters in SEPERATE asks. One character per ask. Please do not spam the same character over and over.
No ocs, I'm sorry. I'm sure they're wonderful :)
In regards to images, I will accept fanart ONLY if the artist has given explicit permission, the artist's name is submitted with the art, and if official art isn't submitted in other submissions.
Rules may be added.
Now, you may be asking, what should I include in my submission? I would appreciate if your submission went something like this:
Character Name
Media Character is from
Image of character (links work fine)
What criteria do they fit and what is/would be their diagnosis (schizophrenia, bpd, ptsd, etc)
Curious about what the criteria is? Here's a link to the DSM-5 criteria for schizophrenia, which is a good place to start. I may post links to other collections, idk!!! But this is what we'll be using mostly. If it's difficult to understand or read, I can make a separate post explaining the official criteria. However, if you're schizospec or deal with psychosis and have your own experience to add to it, please feel free to say that!
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Tagging for visibility (not very long tbh)
@actually-insane-blorbo-bracket @tournament-announcer @tournamentdirectory
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futurebird · 9 months
Where are the image descriptions on this site?!
How is it that Mastodon (aka the fediverse) has tumblr beat for having image descriptions? I almost NEVER see images without a description there. But here? It's an epidemic. Listen, they don't need to be long or fancy, just say what the image is! Think of it this way, if the image is a part of a joke did you say enough so people could get it? Would your post make any sense without the image included? What text would you add so that it could still make sense? (It's true that descriptions can sometimes occur in context, or using text that isn't in that particular box. But, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about the sheer volume of posts that are mostly images and not a one has a word to describe them. Those posts are just useless spam to many people. ) I always thought refusing to reblog undescribed images was a little extreme. But I totally get it now. From here out? If I don't have the time to add an image description myself? I'm not going to reblog it. I'm not the only person like this. I know many people who simply won't reblog anything with undescribed images. I'm fed up! ( It will take some time for my queue to catch up. I'm slowly adding descriptions in there too. In fact, it was going through my queue and seeing how many descriptions I'd need to add that set me off. Why do I have to fix everything? Were it just one or two missing, that's fine, but it's most of them. If everyone just described their images in the first place when they posted it would be taken care of ... When you get in the habit of doing it you don't really notice the 30 seconds it takes. I didn't always know to do this, and maybe you didn't either but you can start today!)
But I post mostly art, why do I need descriptions?
Image descriptions aren't just helpful to people who are totally blind. ( And as @the-smol-machine pointed out in the comments totally blind people enjoy art. ) Descriptions help everyone who uses screen readers including many people with sight. There are different degrees (and kinds) of blindness and since many blind people enjoy art, if you describe your art this helps. Don't you want more people to enjoy your art? For example, my niece loves art, but to look at it she needs to make it much bigger and spend some time taking it in bit by bit. She only bothers if she knows what it might be and a description helps her put the image together in her mind. Descriptions also help with other disabilities that don't have anything to do with sight, but rather how people process information. Heck, I generally enjoy reading them myself just to know that I got everything the poster wanted from the image. (I'm not an expert on this topic at all. Suggestions badly wanted, but I am frustrated and annoyed that "describe the images" isn't more of a normal tumblr thing. )
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zerothejackal · 11 months
This post contains textual TMOSTH spoilers! so if you haven't played for whatever reason... don't look!
This is still a crazy theory that mostly feels like a headcanon or whatever the fuck matpat does and calls "theories." But, hey, it still deserves to be updated!
After all, y'all seemed to like the crazy theory in its raw poorly-written state! :D
the final argument is still... not the best, and feels even MORE headcanony than everything else... but i think it's neat!
here's my hypothesis again, for those joining in late, and because that's how theorizing works:
Barry the quokka, our avatar, is a chaos user.
Now, I know what you're thinking...
"There's no proof of that bestie, bro's onto nothing 💀🔥🔥!"
well, normally I'd say:
"It's just my own silly headcanon without any support ^_^ just for fun!"
EXCEPT, there may be some evidence, in the behavior of the THINK minigames.
So what if these minigames are more real that what we're led to believe, I mean Barry is clearly not carrying his DreamGear with them, as no character ever brings it up.
my theory here is that Barry has a weakened/dormant ESP ability. Let's go through my evidence, shall we?
(and some extra stuff i noticed after writing the original post, and that other users brought up)
Evidence No.1 — The nature of the interrogation sections.
Every Interrogation section unfolds as follows:
We have Barry collect the clues (although Tails gives his own insight, Barry is always the one to notice them.)
Tails mentions that he and Barry have formed a case/hypothesis, or Tails goes directly to make an accusation or argument.
(Barry themselves progressively wonders why they are added onto the accusation with Tails)
We have to select the exact correct clue/object from Barry's inventory to support Tails' argument.
We then go through the THINK minigame so that Barry can order their thoughts.
Tails explains his argument with Barry's proof flawlessly, although Barry often lags behind during this part.
"But this isn't proof of anything--"
I believe that these "game features" can be explained in-universe through some sort of telepathy.
"But, what is it there to explain? All of that seems normal to me?"
then, my good friend, you may need to re-read!
(especially the italicized and bolded bits)
Barry is always the one to find clues and stuff—but we will go over this later. So, remember it.
And even though Barry is not often fully aware of what Tails is thinking, he always adds them to the accusation, it's always "we," and never "I."
(correct me if I'm wrong here but I don't think Tails ever excludes us once we have gathered enough clues)
And while yes, Tails is really friendly and Barry is basically playing to be the detective's assistant, maybe its because Tails notices something we don't
The game doesn't actually show Barry telling their thoughts to Tails, yet both Tails and them manage to form a flawless argument from some object or trash that was lying around.
He comments on them first to give the player insight on what we should be looking for, but Barry never really tells Tails directly what they're thinking on.
And their dialogues often evolves from a small argument being immediately supported by Tails with a stronger argument.
And look, Tails is a smart kid, we know this. But intelligence is tied to specifics. One cannot be intelligent on basically everything.
But even if, for the sake of the argument, Tails were to be smart at everything... he's still a kid. He's going to be prone to making mistakes, many times before him being a kid has overcome his high intelligence.
terrible example but, look at Forces.
But somehow Tails always has something to say during an interrogation, and almost always includes Barry even if the quokka is not adding much to the conversation.
Now, going back to "all of this can be explained with telepathy": What if Barry has been giving information to Tails with this unknown power.
And Tails, being always surrounded by chaos users, doesn't point it out because, well, he's simply used to odd shenanigans when it comes to chaos powers.
Though the part of "Barry always finds the clues" feels less of telepathy and more of something else, but the theory isn't over!
After all, my hypothesis was that Barry had an ESP ability power, but I never specified which one. So let's continue.
Evidence No.2 — Barry is somehow aware of what they should be looking for, always.
Barry is the one to always inherently notice something relevant, even if Tails is the one to point out its importance, this is shown through the game outlining with green certain objects.
While Barry probably doesn't see this outline that helps the player, they probably do notice the objects over other things—but hey, maybe they do see it, but they... think it's normal.
something like that is probably something they've never questioned before.
They are the one to also find which specific clues or people can aid to Tails' argument, this is especially noticeable on the final interrogation, where Barry has their time to shine.
this specific section, originally, was part of evidence No.1, but I think it deserved to be pointed out individually.
something, something, some sort of clairvoyance or greater awareness acting here.
But that is not all, Barry is also somehow aware of "Chaos Control," and while it could be argued that they SHOULD be aware of it, because this technique has been used to save the world several times.
What they shouldn't be fully aware of, probably, is what the technique is specifically called, for all the public knew, chaos control was just another power of Shadow and Sonic.
But given that in-universe this surprises everyone, let's assume that Barry shouldn't know of it in general. And yet they still know of it.
And talking about supernatural awareness...
That time in which Barry pointed out Espio talked on italics? Sure, its treated as a joke but... what if it wasn't entirely one?
Evidence No.3 — Barry's physical actions during THINK minigames.
there's at least one (and two debatable one) occasions on which Barry performs a seemingly physical action during a THINK minigame.
First, when barry has to distract Knuckles so that Tails can fix the machine.
Knuckles seems to be going in for the kill, and prevent Tails and Barry from seeing the score of the arcade machine, Tails tells Barry to distract Knuckles while he fixes the machine.
But then we get a THINK minigame, instead of ... anything else, which is odd, Barry should be actively preventing knuckles from advancing, not thinking.
This implies barry was doing something while thinking, and while they could've tried to hold knuckles or something, we know by previous dialogue that Barry both is weak physically and that Knux wouldn't hesistate to hurt them!
The second time, which is highly debatable, is when Sonic is breaking the doors to advance.
Sonic mentions how he's gonna need a few hits to break through the doors, but instead of just seeing a small cinematic (like the one we're shown after the minigame)
We go through another THINK minigame, and after it, Sonic breaks the door with a single spin dash, it's odd that we see this.
Not much from a gameplay perspective, sure, but still overall strange in several levels, But personally, I choose to believe Barry is somehow unconsciously giving power to Sonic!
whether it is an ESP ability or just poeer of friendship is up to debate though...
The third time is during the boss fight against the Mirage Express itself.
Not only we do not get to really see how sonic and his friends are fighting the train, but what we do see... doesn't add up, especially so with the THINK minigame we have to play.
We see the flicky which should probably be inside the train, yet we see Amy hitting the train from the outside, and the minigame itself puts us in Sonic's place outside the train?
But like the previous point, what if this was explained thanks to Barry and what they could be doing. The last fight is a THINK minigame because Barry was helping.
Do you think after being inspired by Sonic himself, Barry would just stay there cowering?
Especially seeing, seemingly, everyone fighting along? Such a strong bond between the different friends of Sonic, from Vector to Tails.
He, without probably realizing, could've helped with some power, giving Sonic the information needed to hit the train.
Or perhaps even using some psychokinesis to attack too, we really don't see what's happening, and technically we only see Amy somehow delivering a hit to a train actively moving.
So anything goes, I suppose
this point is the weakest of the whole theory, but I think it still holds some weight, especially since no one seems to point anything up.
But I like to think that Barry did something, and based on previous time's they've done odd stuff... well, I just connected two dots.
Conclusion: Barry is a psychic chaos user, and they probably don't know.
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rosekasa · 11 months
Hello! I am a beginner artist and I love ur art!! Super pretty and the colors are very tasty. Do you have some tips? I'd love to see your art process!
HELLO ANON!! first of all i am very honoured that u would ask me this because 90% of the time i feel like i have no idea what i am doing and like im still a beginner artist myself DSDSJDF. i would love to share some stuff i learnt and some stuff about my process (regardless of how messy it is sdfhsj)
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(final piece)
here's an old example of my process i found! while the steps sometimes look different for other pieces, i feel like this is a good demonstration of how the basic structure looks.
1. the sketch - this is where i'm mainly figuring out how i want the piece to look. i was redrawing a screenshot for this piece so it looks a LOT neater than what a lot of my other sketches look like, for example, here's the process of me figuring out my recent drawing of haise:
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(final piece)
in the first two steps, i was mainly working with showing myself what the piece was going to be. the last one was where i used references/technical knowledge to try and show whoever will be looking at it what the piece was
2. cleaning up the sketch + base colours. these two usually occur simultaneously because i will get bored cleaning up the sketch midway through and want to start adding colour LMAO. on a more practical note, sometimes putting down the base colours and having a better idea of what the finished product will look like might make it easier to refine things.
a note: cleaning up for me doesn't mean doing lineart. it mostly means erasing any overly messy lines on the sketch and redrawing small parts to make it look tidier where needed. i often leave it 'messy' at this stage, too. like here:
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(final piece)
3. light/shadow. this is my FAVOURITE part because it's where the piece starts pulling together. the method i used in the current piece was putting a multiply layer over the colours folder and filling in where light would be obstructed. after that, i used a luminosity layer to put in some bright sunlight. marc brunet has a great way of explaining it by advising to pretend that the light is the camera and you're behind the lens. this is such a good way to block in average light/shadow values! sometimes this looks a bit crazy because everything is still so messy but that is why we have...
4. rendering. this is where i fit all the remaining pieces of the puzzle together. i'll refine the colours a bit more -- e.g. colouring in the eyes, -- and fiddle a bit with the shadows to add some more variation to the hues/value. this is where i think a lot about light and shadow theory and try and make it look more realistic. marco bucci saved my LIFE with his videos about ambient occlusion and ambient light (part 1 / part 2) -- essentially, what i keep in mind the most is that if a plane in shadow is facing the sky (or is open to any other form of light that isn't the direct light source) it will contain ambient light. it is SUCH a game changer when you add it to your pieces, trust me, even if youre lazy about it. if needed i'll pull up some references to make everything look good!
5. rendering... part 2? honestly this step kind of blends with the last one as i tend to do it simultaneously. i basically clean up all the messy lines from before by painting over them! with the majority of the colours i need put down, i can just eyedrop them and paint over anything that's needed. this also comes in with the light/shadow, where, if i need a more subtle hue for either/or, i will eyedrop it and brush it in.
some further notes:
i very rarely use references during the first stages of my sketch. i think it tends to look quite stiff and unnatural if i rely too hard on the. and i personally prefer the creative room when the idea is still being conceived. references come in when i can look at what i have down on the canvas and have a fairly decent idea of what i want, including pose, composition, etc. it's essentially a first draft to guide me to where i want to go with the piece. it's when i'm done with this that i bring out references, and even then, they don't necessarily have to be the exact pose -- i'll usually get a couple of pics which show what i need to double check and keep them up as a guide. by the end of the 'sketch', i usually have a basic construction of what i need to continue, even if it's messy.
i use very soft brushes when putting down colour because it allows for more hue variation. like i said, i enjoy eyedropping and brushing in colours afterwards, so this really helps!
layer modes are ur friend! i try not to rely on them too hard during rendering because i like the freedom of painting over but they're very useful when you're blocking in your initial colours
sometimes, when i feel like i want to try something new with my art, i'll keep pieces that inspire me up in front of me. i have two of sui ishida's art books and sometimes i'll just flick to a page that oils the Art Gears in my brain and keep it open while i draw. i don't necessarily reference it, but i like having it there so i can glance over every once in a while. i don't usually make a conscious choice where i'm like "ok i want to render skin the way he does" but it's more like. my brain knows what it likes in his art and it'll try and push that part of my art in a similar direction.
honestly the best advice i have is that art is very much based on vibes. everytime i've tried to think too much about it, to do things 'correctly', to rigidly stick to art theory, my art has not come out nicely. i think the technical parts of art are important to know and understand but i also think it's important to let your knowledge come through naturally when it is needed instead of pressuring yourself to do things 'right'. tbh you probably already know that but it's something i forget a lot so maybe it serves as a helpful reminder?? sedsfhsl
ANYWAY SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG! i hope i covered what you needed and if you need anything else/want me to expand on anything feel free to drop me another ask ! <3
make sure to look after yourself and trust yourself and ENJOY!!! art is about having fun!
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alaskashigh · 5 months
Just leaving this here because I saw a post talking about how it "isn't okay to ship regions" or some shit, and I have also seen people be assholes about ships in fandom (cough- on tiktok- cough)
I have no problems whatsoever with any ships as long as they are legal and not disgusting. Every ship is welcome on my blog, so you will never see me seriously shitting on a ship because I "don't like it" unless the ship is, like I said, gross and illegal. I may jokingly say I hate Texacali, but I don't mean it, nor do I hate anyone who ships it. Yeah I may not really read it or talk about Texacali since it isn't a ship that i'm interested in, but that doesn't mean that other people who are aren't allowed to be here. Hell, you can talk to me about Texacali and I would happily give you my input or headcanons on it! Shitting on ships that other people like can make fandoms an unsafe place for those who do genuinely enjoy that ship, and we wouldn't want that now, would we.
This also goes for the people I've seen on tiktok making hate pages for WTTT ships, including servers, and even attacking those who enjoy those ships. I'm not saying you have to like a ship, just don't go around being an asshole to others because they like a ship that genuinely makes them happy. Ships aren't for everyone, and if it ain't for you, then fuck off. I don't go reading or engaging myself in things I know I don't like, so why would you?
This fandom is one of the nicest and kindest communities that I've seen in a long time. It's a safe place for many, and a place that everyone can go to talk about the things that they enjoy about Ben's fandom, so let's not ruin that by attacking people for their ship preferences or adding unnecessary rules made just to keep peoples creativity and the things they love in a small box. I'd hate to see this fandom get turned into just another toxic and gross community.
I'm not writing this just because of the post that I saw, but also because of the things I've seen on multiple occasions that have been pissing me off. Let's keep this fandom a safe place for creative thinking and ships, as long as they are legal and not harmful or gross. Thanks.
(If anyone wants me to add or change something about this post, let me know and I will.)
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
what’s the point of a fic rec list if ur only going to show the same people every month
we get it you want to show off ur big writer friends & you want to suck up to the other popular writers but you can do that without lovebombing their fics with the same nonsense keysmash this was amazing *insert random heart gif* review for every single fic until they’re forced to acknowledge you
it’s kind of cringey & i wouldn’t be surprised if it made some of those writers ur trying to suck up to really uncomfortable
we all see the same popular writers all the time they don’t need ur sad attempt at exposure and ass kissing to get people to read their fics people want to see new & small writers or writers who don’t get a lot of notes not the same fics from the same writers that always get rec’d
maybe next time try finding actual smaller writers in here & giving them valid reviews instead of ignoring them &making them feel bad for not being good enough to make ur omg best writers ever 💜 list each month
i realize that you're probably a troll and i shouldn't bother with this but there's actually some points in here that kind of concern me so i'm gonna answer this piece by piece so i can get my thoughts out properly.
why show the same people every month
it wasn't and isn't my intention to only show the same people in my fic rec lists. i've said this before on here but i'm very busy irl so i don't have a lot of time for tumblr and reading and exploring for fics. most of the fics i see are from people i follow, the fics they reblog, or the recommended posts tumblr gives me so those are the majority of what goes on my fic rec list.
it sucks, but i don't have a lot of time to search and find new fics or writers. if i had a less demanding job or personal life than i'd love to take more time to explore fics, but i just don't and i realize that can come off as me favoring certain writers but there's nothing i can do to add more time to my day. i've always made it clear that i am open to new recs/fics/writers, i've found some of my favorite fics through other recs people have sent me!
it's also for that reason that i made the monthly fic recs specifically for fics that were also written in that month. i can't keep up or keep track of what month/year every fic was posted to make sure they're added accordingly. i thought making the monthly rec list this way would not only show off new fics and maybe newer writers/blogs but also be easier for me to keep track of what fics to include so i don't get overwhelmed and end up quitting.
i also made sure that the monthly fic rec list isn't the only time i recommend fics, i have an entire blog dedicated to fic recs that i reblog every fic i like to. i link to it in every fic rec list so everyone can go and look at all of the fics i like and recommend.
we get it you want to show off ur big writer friends & you want to suck up to the other popular writers
i don't think this is a good way of looking at it, if i'm being honest. i'm not trying to show anyone off or suck up to anyone, i just wanted to make a post that showed my appreciation for fics that i liked in one big post since (as i said above) i don't have a lot of time to do comment reblogs for every single fic.
and it really bothers me the way you seem to view "popular" blogs on here. this feels like you're implying my "big writer friends" are only my friends because of that. this is tumblr. it isn't some overused high school stereotype where everything is a popularity contest. people can just be friends because they get along and like each other. and, i don't know if you know this, when you're friends with someone usually you support the things they do. i like the things my friends write, so i support their fics. it's as simple as that.
you can do that without lovebombing their fics with the same nonsense keysmash this was amazing *insert random heart gif* review for every single fic until they’re forced to acknowledge you
i know that i'm a writer, but i am not good with compliments. i do my best to try and pick out my favorite lines or focus on the things that i really loved about a fic, but when i have to think of new ways to describe how much i liked something, my brain blanks, so i default to my usual compliments. i don't think there's anything about that that's lovebombing, and i don't think you really know what that word means.
also i have never once said that anyone had to acknowledge me or my rec list or anything else. i make my rec list and give my compliments as a way to show my appreciation, i do not expect anything back from any of the blogs i mention the same way i don't expect any type of interaction from anyone on tumblr. nobody owes me any kind of interaction, and i don't make my posts with that expectation.
it’s kind of cringey & i wouldn’t be surprised if it made some of those writers ur trying to suck up to really uncomfortable
i don't give a fuck about being cringy, if you find my rec list cringy then that's your own problem.
however, i would like to say that it was not and is not my intention to make anyone uncomfortable with my recs, and if what i've said in those comments has made any of the writers i mentioned uncomfortable then i am truly sorry. i am more than happy to untag you or remove you from the list or whatever you'd like to make you comfortable. this was simply a way for me to highlight the fics that i've enjoyed each month, but i do not want to do that at the cost of making someone uncomfortable.
we all see the same popular writers all the time...people want to see new & small writers or writers who don’t get a lot of notes not the same fics from the same writers that always get rec’d
anon, i don't know if you know this, but you can also make a fic rec list. i'm just one person, i'm not going to see every single fic from every single writer. there are fics i'm going to miss, writers i'll probably never see. i can't help that, and it feels a little unfair of you to put that on me.
if you're tired of seeing the same writers, then reach out to other writers!! make your own fic rec list with new writers on it!! or if you're that desperate to see certain writers on my rec list, then, like i said, my askbox is (almost) always open for people to send me recs.
maybe next time try finding actual smaller writers in here & giving them valid reviews instead of ignoring them &making them feel bad for not being good enough to make ur omg best writers ever 💜 list each month
you'll probably get a lot of joy from knowing this, but i think this part actually bothered me the most out of this entire post. i'm very concerned with the idea that people think i'm purposely ignoring them or that my fic recs are making anyone feel bad or like they aren't good enough.
this was just a fun way for me to show fics that i like and give my appreciation to the writers without getting overwhelmed or worried that i wasn't doing enough. it was never meant to make anyone feel bad about themselves in any type of way, and i am so unbelievably sorry if i've caused anyone to feel like that.
i do my best to find new writers when i can. i check every recommended fic tumblr gives me, i scroll through the for you page, i even go through character tags, but the problem of it is, i just don't have enough time to look through every single hour of every day. i try, i really do, but i'm not going to be able to see every single fic. i'm in no way trying to be hurtful or rude, it's simply a me problem that i don't have a solution for.
my reviews won't change, nor will my monthly rec lists. i do the best that i can, i enjoy making these lists, and i haven't heard of anyone else having a problem with this except for you. i'm sorry how i do this has upset you this much that you felt the need to send this to me, but i hope that you can come to realize that none of this was done with harmful intentions and maybe take this as a chance to make your own rec list and shoutout some of those fics that you feel i've been ignoring.
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calidrisminuta · 8 months
Botany of Orsterra (From CotC)
The list of foods and cuisines is proving really useful in my writing, so I thought I'd do the same with the plantlife of CotC's Orsterra, too. I'm missing quite a few because I can't review certain Traveller Stories, but I've got a few from notes and the like, and there's a fair bit from NPC dialogue in the various towns.
This is very much a work in progress!
There isn't as much as I thought there would be, since I was only wanting to include Orsterran-specific plants, rather than generic ones like roses or pine trees, unless a specific variety is mentioned in the story.
I haven't checked the memoirs yet either, but I'll be adding to this post every time I find some (or I find Traveller Stories to review on youtube), so thank goodness for the ability to edit here!
Anyway, without further ado, the list:
M = Medicinal B = Botanical E = Edible
Various: Blue Hydrangea {Master of Fame}, Crimson Devilbloom (M) {Ashlan's Tale} A presently illegal medicinal herb, and no-one knows where it grows, although it's been studied in Atlasdam so it may originate there. Thanks to @hazelgatoya for that one! Also, thanks to @theynanigans again for finding the mention in Isla's letters, too: "Day 361: Crimson Devilbloom - "The sickly secretions of that plant cause thinking to take meow-mentous ef-fur-t."
Theatropolis: Lapisleaf (B) {Eunice’s Tale}. Contains a pigment that creates a vivid blue, used in painting. (Edited to add) According to Isla: “When the nectar of these flowers is mixed with pigment, it changes into a striking blue colour. This was a closely guarded secret among painters of old, but researchers eventually discovered this characteristic fur the whole world to know.”
Theatroshroom (E) {??Can’t remember where this one came from??} Apparently, they're very tasty. Edited to add - they're from Adelle's Tale. Thank you, @theynanigans!
Atlasdam: None mentioned.
Rippletide: None mentioned.
Grandport: Quatrait blooms (NPC Woman from Quaragosa) (E) Apparently this can be stewed with fish to create a tasty dish.
Emberglow: Embershrooms (E), used in a variety of dishes. Frostfern (M) {Miles’ Tale}, a compound for a remedy used by the Knights Ardante. Snow Crystals (B) {Sofia’s Tale}, Grace Mushrooms (M) {Rodion’s Tale}, the spores of which are used in a remedy. Cave Mint (M) (E) {Shelby’s Tale}. Shelby's favourite herb, and apparently it can be brewed into a tasty tea. More info from Isla's Letters again: "Day 286: Cave Mint - "Do you know which herb can grow in even the darkest caves, and is useful as an ingredient in both food and medicine? Why, it's cave mint, of course! Hmm… I think next time I have afternoon tea with my cait fur-ends, I'll use cave mint to make tea." Thanks to Theynanigans for finding this!
Frostlands: Züsbaum (E), Per one of Isla’s letters, it grows in the Frostlands and its leaves have a sweet flavour. A tea made from them has a taste distinct from sugar. Many monsters love them, so picking the leaves is a monumental challenge, but many say it is worth the risk.
Also from the Frostlands: Snowstalks (B), a plant that grows in the plains near Emberglow. By soaking cloth in their sap, it can be used to make clothes that are warmer and better against cold conditions. Soaking cloth in the sap of Snowstalks makes it very soft, and will keep people dry. It’s also Lulu’s favourite.
Cathedral of Tytos: None mentioned.
Cragspear: Adorablooms (B) {Main Story}, Apple Blossoms (M) (B) {Therion’s Tale} Spoilers for Therion's Tale, but IIRC Apple Blossom was used in a perfume that helped to control/charm people. Might have different properties in Orsterra.
Valore: White Grape Blossoms (B) {Main Story} A flower sold in Valore, and of great significance to Bargello. Has no medicinal properties that we know of. Wyrmwood (M) {Millard's Tale}, a plant that grows around Valore, and is used in medicine.
Also Valore: Vermiliweed Blossom (B) Features in the main story. "A flower that flourishes in the Woodlands. Contrary to its adorable appearance, it is poisonous and used to hunt wild boars."
Sufrataljah: Drizzleshrooms (M) {Soleil’s Tale}, King Cactus Meat (M) {Soleil’s Tale} Both used in remedies. Drizzleshrooms were boiled with something by a Sunshade tribe to create a remedy, and King Cactus meat is bitter but can bring down Desert Fever.
Victors Hollow: None mentioned.
Sunshade: None mentioned.
Shepherds Rock: Nothing in the area is poisonous, according to Merrit's Tale. Antidock grass grows in the Highlands, and is medicinal (used to make antidotes for poisons.) Also known as Noxroot in other areas of Orsterra. Ephemera is a plant with distinct leaf patterns and purple flowers, and the use is medicinal. (powder from the stems can be used in first aid, and it can be dissolved in hot water to make a cold remedy.) Info again from the wonderful @hazelgatoya!
Flamesgrace: None mentioned.
Berecain: None mentioned.
I’cirlo: Panacea Herb (M) (E) {Former Edoras Ambassador}
Clearbrook: Bellflower (M) {Rita’s Tale} Possibly contains different properties in Orsterra, but I need to review Rita's Tale to see if anything different is mentioned. From Isla's Letters: "Day 312: Bellflower - "Have you ever seen an herb with bell-shaped petals blooming by the riverside? Its characteristics change slightly depending where it grows, so only ex-purr-ienced botanists can identify them!" Credit to Theynanigans!
Redleaf Grass (M). {Penny's Tale} Has bright red leaves, and grows along the rivers in Clearbrook. Waterweed (M) {Rita's Tale, but also mentioned in Hayes' Tale}. Grows along the Clearbrook Traverse, and has bright blue petals. Used in medicinal salves. Isla's letter mentions it as well, as something to use if you get hurt. Laurel Seed Oil (M) {Rita's Tale}. Alfyn uses it to take the scent of tallow away from his salve. "Laurel leaves have a pain relieving compound, and the oil made from their seeds can cool down feverish patches," Rita says.
Donescu: None mentioned.
Edit: From Largo's Traveller Story, we have Blue Poppy (B), a flower that is highly attractive to monsters, Slumbersage (M), a plant with a sedative nature, and Sungrass (B), a plant that Shaggy Meeps like to graze on.  From Isla’s letters: Slumbersage is purr-fect for making medicine to help people sleep, but it’s difficult to get the dosage correct, so don’t try without an apothecary present.
SPOILERS! Edit 2, from Miza's Journal in Bestower of All Ch.5: Marisnows (B), Rosettes (B), Scarletseeds (B).
Arte Shrooms (M), from Dorothea’s Traveller Story. When processed, they are both the cause and cure of an illness in Shepherds Rock. They are both tasteless and odourless.
From Cornelia’s Traveler Story: Snowrosea (M), found in the depths of the Cave of Laments. Can be used as a remedy for Frostlung when infused into a tea. Stilldrop (M), "a powerful herb that grows near the village of Stillsnow. A small dose has the power to cure all sorts of illnesses, but frequent use can lead to a condition similar to Frostlung." It has a sweet scent.
River Beans (E) Phaseolus Lunatus - Lima beans!
From Lemaire's Traveler Story: Phantom Flowers. (B) They grow on the North Theatropolis Plains, and appear a dull grey colour until it rains, when they gain a sheen similar to that of a rainbow.
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honeydewtreacle · 5 months
Okay, I just went over the iceberg and I have found or heard of a large majority of the stuff on there. My main question is how did you discover all of this stuff he's been in?
My other question are as follows
What is "why don't we say..."?
Do you have any information on Everything is Fine? I wasn't able to find much at all besides a basic premise.
What is Love NY?
Did you find a video of him singing the national anthem? I read about it and an article from the SoR days, but I didn't find footage.
I know about everything on the third tire except "Megan"? UNLESS IT'S THAT MEGAN!!? In that case, we good 👍😳👀
Is On Your Marc the show he and Drew created that is going to show (I believe) off Broadway starting early next year ? The Life and Slimes of Marc Summers?
Wasn't able to find much on Slow Children either, so if you have any, that'd be awesome!
What is "I could use a drink" BTS? I know about Drew's show, but the BTS I'm not sure about.
BROdway? I searched it up and could find nothing.
Last I guess is how on earth did you find that Collage staging of Hair he did? That's a deep cut!
One thing to suggest be put on there if you want to add anything is Twilight in Manchego. I just found it today. Idk if you've already discovered it, but in case you haven't it's something he did in 2008 I believe. If you Google it, it should pop up. There are a few videos on YouTube and there's a Facebook page.
So happy to answer!! I found most of this just by watching interviews, he's mentioned a lot of the stuff he's done offhandedly, not all of it of course. Others I found just by googling around, theres this site that has extended credits which is helpful. But really a lot of this isn't too difficult to find, I have "I must know everything about this topic" hyperfixations if that gives any more context.
And I'll say right off the bat that I found out about Twilight in Manchego like a few days after I made the ice berg, so I'd definitely put it on there now. Another thing I'd probably add now would be the reading he did for Book of Mormon.
Okay, now onto that list!
- I meant "How come no one says.." the song by Brett Ryback, that's my bad, I consistently get the song name wrong for some reason. I added it to the list because Alex has sung it four times (thats been recorded [1, 2, 3, 4] CW for wildly ableist language) and I'm like 99.9999% sure its the song he references in this interview and I found that a bit amusing.
- For both Everything is Fine and Slow Children, I only know what Alex has said in interviews. I don't have specific links, nor the time to rewatch a bunch of stuff right now, but I believe he talks about both of them briefly in this podcast with Drew if I'm remembering correctly. (I'm super sorry if I'm wrong!!)
- Love, NY was a show he did a reading for at the New World Stages, here's a playlist of the some the performance. He plays a character named Benjamin (Benji).
- No!! I never found a national anthem video, drives me up a damn wall honestly, you'd think something like that would be documented but I've had zero luck finding anything.
- I definitely mean that Megan yes. I thought it'd be funny.
- Kinda! On Your Marc is the documentary they did about the show. It was screened at a few conventions from what I know. It's listed on Alex's imdb.
- There's this fun article about the recording of the album, including a video which is broken in the article (had to check their Flickr to find it) so here's that.
- It's just a YouTube video! But it's a bit hard to search because of the pun, so here's that.
- I found it because F mentioned it in this show, I thought it was hilarious and I immediately had to find it.
Thank you for asking!! I will answer the other one soon, but I'm out right now. ^v^
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innerchorus · 1 year
How do the various adaptations of The Heroic Legend of Arslan compare to each other and the original novels by Yoshiki Tanaka? I'm specifically interested in a general comparison of the manga adaptations by Chisato Nakamura and Hiromu Arakawa.
Oh man, this question probably warrants an essay to answer it properly, and tbh I don't think I'm in the position to do it because 1. I still haven't read Nakamura's version in full and 2. there isn't a translated version of it available either, which makes it a lot harder to compare nuance (I have to run the pages I'm interested through a translator first to try and decipher it).
I used to think that Nakamura's manga was a very straightforward adaptation of the novels, but recently realised that's not the case. I'd apparently only read a little of it before because I think it was back when I was still avoiding spoilers. But I've learned Nakamura wasn't afraid to add scenes if she thought it would benefit the characters in some way (see additional conversations between Isfan and Zaravant, and Hilmes and Irina). I feel as though Nakamura is sensitive to the emotions of the characters and that's what's driving these scenes; she wants to show the connection between them and, in some cases, make them feel better. There's also the incident where Elam and Alfarid encounter Sam, which is presumably used as an opportunity to show that Sam has a good heart even though he's ended up with Team Hilmes.
Both Nakamura and Arakawa will cut or abbreviate stuff at times. So in Nakamura's manga, Isfan's night raid got cut and Guiscard killed the mage instead. Perhaps she thought it best for the pace of the storytelling? It's not a major plot change, but it does get us through that section a bit faster. Arakawa's manga also doesn't adapt every novel scene. For instance, in the novels there's a scene where Hilmes rejoins Zandeh in the final stages of the hunt for Team Arslan as they near Peshawar Fortress. Arakawa didn't include it, opting to show a panel of Hilmes travelling fast, obviously heading back to pursue his prey, and then later he and Zandeh are shown together when they confront Narsus and Alfarid. Why did that scene get cut? Again, pace maybe (the same as the missing Hilmes and Zandeh scene before Hilmes sneaks into Peshawar), or Arakawa didn't like how sarcastic Hilmes is to Zandeh there and decided to omit it on that basis, lmao
As for more major changes, I'm inclined to say Arakawa's manga has more of those, certainly now we're heading towards the conclusion. Nakamura's manga stays closer to the novels than I'm expecting Arakawa's to as far as the ending of Part 1 (Book 7) goes, though the final scene of Book 7 is absent, allowing for it to feel more conclusive. But I think it's obvious at this point that Arakawa's version is already modifying novel events in a bigger way, and is probably aiming to answer some questions and deal with all outstanding plot threads by the end, so I'm excited to see where that goes. Just don't kill off my faves, please.
On the whole, Arakawa's tweaks feel like they have been very carefully considered to stay true to the heart of the novels and preserve the characterisation. I still have to translate the extra Hilmes and Irina scenes from Nakamura's manga, but I am amused that Tanaka directly said 'Hilmes didn't go and talk to Irina at this point in time' and Nakamura said 'yes he did'. Nakamura seems slightly more wilfull about doing what she wants in this respect (but again, she doesn't make big, plot-altering changes... even the added stuff with Sam slots neatly into the novel canon plotline without causing ripples).
You might have seen this post already, but @colleyuriko discussed a specific instance with regards to the tone difference of the Daryun and Narsus relationship in Nakamura and Arakawa's versions, regarding Daryun's comment about Alfarid (my reblog here with some of my thoughts too). I think that's worth a read.
Nakamura's manga takes 13 volumes to reach the end of Book 7, while Arakawa's version will hit 19 next month when the next volume is released and obviously hasn't finished yet. So from that alone I guess Nakamura's treatment of canon is briefer than Arakawa's (even allowing for some of the content added by Arakawa, such as early scenes with Etoile).
Obviously, there are stylistic differences in the art etc, but those are self-evident so I don't think I need to go into them. Hopefully this has at least started to answer your question!
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semi-sketchy · 6 months
Frontiers writing really does feel like "okay let's grab what people love talking about online" mixed with hazy memories of what happened in past games without anyone bothering to, you know. ACTUALLY look at what happened in them.
And then a lot of new stuff being added that then, isn't expanded.
Yup. It's dangling keys in front of my face when I know exactly what those keys go to, and it's not what you're telling me. Like I'm not an encyclopedia and I've got an awful memory, but even I know off the top of my head that Eggman didn't stop Neo Metal in Heroes. Considering how much Flynn loves that storyline I'm honestly surprised he got this wrong.
The cutscenes in general are quite shoddy and miss a valuable piece of writing advice: be careful about including normal conversations.
True, people DO talk this way, but the reason we don't write about it and instead condense it to a "they chatted about the weather for a few minutes" is because it's boring.
I feel like I should give the side stories more slack since they're optional, but they're really so meaningless. Well, they're SUPPOSED to mean something, they're meant to build up this mystery, but just asking mundane questions about random stuff isn't really what I'd call "building a mystery." It's just characters speculating about tiny little details surrounding the ancient culture that doesn't loop back into the overall mystery. They're not good foreshadowing and add nothing of value, not even entertainment. They're all so impersonal since they don't even use these little scenes to show how well the characters bounce off each other.
If you want an example of this done well, there's TONS of optional discussions in Xenoblade 3 where the gang just talk about regular stuff, but it's so funny because they don't know what the hell they're talking about. There's one where Sena accidentally invents zoos, it's great and I'm mad no one has compiled them on YouTube yet Of course, there's also stuff to expand on the lore and world building, but they're mostly reserved for everyday antics that highlight the excellent dynamics these characters have.
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And that's what makes them good. It's not just "Everyday conversation #16" because it gives the characters a chance to make something a little more personal to them.
Frontiers misses that mark by because it needs these characters to be informational mouthpieces to move the plot and that destroys the concept of character voice.
Tails uses big words to signal that he's the smart one when his actions spoke well enough for him before. Eggman is literally just sitting on the sidelines for 80% of the plot and instead of pulling any strings, he's reading textbooks into audio logs. Like buddy. You have an AI that is totally obedient, why is your order "find me a way out of here" when you're studying this place? YOU are the one coming up with answers and connections everywhere, why aren't YOU looking for a way out yourself instead of sitting on your ass and relishing in a robot punching Sonic? Fucks sake, Sage can activate these ancient weapons, have her USE THEM to GET RID OF SONIC so he can't UNLEASH THE BEAST. This is such a simple and easy way to make the plot more interesting I will not stop harping on it
I wonder if this story will sour on people over time or if in 10 years it will still be praised it as one of the greats.
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pepimeinrad · 6 months
OFMD Soundtrack Concert
I spent a huge part of my last week looking at the OFMD soundtrack in detail and love the music used in both seasons (OST, post 1920s-songs (Miles From Nowhere is my absolute favourite) and "classical" pieces (mainly for orchestra and/or piano)). It's been a bit of an obsession actually, and I can't stop imagining a big concert of all of my favourite "classical" (and baroque etc, I know) pieces... if only I had an orchestra and venue at my disposal... the 22 tracks (20 really) add up to about 100 minutes. The list of things I'd have them play under the cut:
A Pirate's Life (Mark Mothersbaugh) Yeah, alright, I won't have Joel Fry there to sing it and it isn't a classical piece. But I would want the concert to start like the show, with this. A bit of a gimmick, someone with a guitar just doing this small bit to get everyone in a pirate mood. The last thing all the way down will also be from the OST, more on that when I get to it.
2. Concerto for Recorder and Viola da Gamba in A Minor, TWV 52:A1: I. Grave (Georg Philip Telemann) This is the one piece that always gets me nostalgic for season 1. This is early Stede and his early crew, I always have his voice in my head while listening to this. One of THE OFMD pieces for me, also because it's reused in episodes 1x07 and 2x05.
3. Symphony No. 34 in C, K.338 - 2. Andante di molto (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart) This one is used once in 1x02 and twice in 1x03 - I was debating if I should include it since it's so long and only a small part of it is actually heard in the show. I've added it because I really like it and do find it iconic in those scenes - Stede finding his brand! (and because I feel it fits with the flow of the concert)
4. Sonata No. 2 in A major Op. 2 No. 2, - III. Scherzo - Allegretto (Ludwig van Beethoven) On to episode 1x04 where we get to hear quite a bit of this one over Stede and Mary having to get married. Another very nice piece that always transports me straight into that episode. Overall the soundtrack mixes orchestra- and piano-pieces quite colourfully, which would be reflected in my concert too (would need a very able pianist for it!).
5. Sonata in E Major, Kk. 380 (Domenico Scarlatti) They've gotten rid of the Spanish! I love the whole lighthouse sequence a lot (Wee John makes me laugh every last time) and the crew's joy is transported very well in this piece. Another one where the quotient "bit played on the show/length of the piece" is not that big, but another one that I just really like and find fitting to include.
6. Concerto in A Major, BWV 1055: III. Allegro ma non tanto (Johann Sebastian Bach) Welcome on the fancy ship of not so fancy people... episode 1x05 is one of my very favourites and that whole environment of the french ship is very well represented in this piece I think. There are loads more pieces in the episode that I haven't been able to identify, but I think this one here is the most striking anyway.
7. Gnossienne No. 5 (Erik Satie) Yes, I'm putting this here. There are more than half a dozen other points in the show where this lovely tune is heard, but I want to place it at the 'you wear fine things well' part. To calm down after the fast paced party from before. To make everyone think of that moon that's way too big. And this is the spot where the piano-version of this is heard for the first time anyway.
8. Concerto for 2 Cellos in G Minor, RV 531: I. Allegro (Antonio Vivaldi) Bit of a jump from 1x05 to 1x09, but the episodes inbetween had little material for a concert like this (where there'd be no one to sing Mozart's "Voi, che sapete", that's also why Verdi's "Dies Irae" isn't there either). I love the crew and their various excuses - and find this to be a fun piece that needs to be there. One thing that I've read several times that irks me: I'm still searching for the piece that's playing in 1x03 where Stede almost dies and Blackbeard attacks the Spanish. People say it's this one here, but I've listened to it so often and am SO sure that that's not it. Don't know what is, though.
9. Arabesque, No. 1 in E Major (Claude Debussy) Mary living her best life! I love that we got to see that and love her and her fellow widows a lot. I'm not quite happy with having two Debussy's back to back, but like this piece and like thinking of Mary too much to leave it out.
10. Rêverie, L. 68 - Rêverie (Claude Debussy) I'm a sucker for 'oh shit, I love them!'-flashback-montages and the one set to this piece is a beauty! Another bit that I've watched so often that I see it all in my mind while listening to this. The part where the show jumps to Ed and his flashback to 'you wear fine things well' (like 2:04) always kills me.
11. The Four Seasons - Summer in G Minor, RV. 315: I. Allegro non molto – Allegro (Antonio Vivaldi) We say goodbye to season 1 with another Vivaldi, one that took ages for me to recognize in the show. I knew it was supposed to be there while Stede starts his Fuckery and Kraken!Ed abandons the crew, but for a very long time was sure that that wasn't really it (and a bit of doubt remains). Well, the slow parts are definitely in the show, just to my ear the fast parts sound different. Anyway, it also shows up in 2x06 and needs to be in my concert.
After this we'd have the intermission - and part two will be in a reblog because I've run out of links in this post.
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mr-laveau · 1 year
What is castle audios? Is it any good? I’ve gotten used to the long storylines in redacted’s stuff, so would it be similar to that? Your designs are super pretty
H E L L O anon!
To answer you off the bat, it's REALLY GOOD. Like, if you enjoy redacted, I honestly think you can take a spin with Castle if you're into F4A audios because she absolutely does work within the same realm of content while adding her own twist to the setup of the world and keeping her characters fresh + unique!
The channel is a lil younger than Redacted hence why it doesn't have longer playlists of videos that his channel does but that doesn't mean it's not going for the long-haul because with the setup of the series thus far, things have moved out of character introductions and more into plot interactions while promising bigger things for the future with the incoming Endax chronicles!
Personally, I don't typically recommend stuff I don't like unless the person is insistent about getting into it and seeing it themselves so trust when I tell you that this is great!
If I had to list some strong suits that the channel has, overall it is that Castle knows her strengths as a writer and plays into that with the way she isn't afraid to connect characters outside of a name drop and set up a whole story that makes everyone feel closer in the small town of Glenwood*, whether that be through joint audios or other characters getting voiced within another audio which adds to the intrigue towards character relationships.
*I also have to say that she boasts more initiative in actually voicing other characters in an one audio and isn't afraid to show how far the river runs in the connections everyone has with each other AND she's very community oriented in the way that she includes other VAs to add to her story while encouraging fans to come up with ideas,theories and just making content in general!
She's also very good at dropping hints and leaving trails so if you're like me, a SH kinnie, then you'll have a blast digging through videos not just in the Glenwood series but stuff like QnAs or CW reacts videos for any lore drops that could piece together the puzzle as you go along!
I also cannot stress how wonderfully she plays into the idea of setting up good characters, creating interesting listeners, intriguing plot hooks and amazing mysteries about what is to come with the next audio. She's got wonderful ideas and great execution and I am always excited when she updates to hear what's new!
If you're looking for somewhere to start and especially if you're basing your picks of Redacted characters, here's my recommendations!
If you like Milo, try Beth
If you like David or Aaron then I do recommend Claire
If you're into peeps like Ivan or Blake, try Rachelle
If Elliot is your cuppa, I'd say to go for Chloe (similar vibes)
If you love Lasko then I can't recommend Rose enough
Guy/Milo/Asher peeps could love Abby, that's for sure
If you wish you had more William, go for Celine
Want something that feels like Darlin/Lovely then I say try Genevieve because it's amazing and Gen is such a doll!
The others I will leave you to explore on your own!
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scribbledquillz · 6 months
Anxiety rambling under the cut.
I don't like having to make posts like this because I inevitably end up feeling like I was somehow trying to manipulate people into telling me I'm not a bad person. But sometimes the anxiety brain rips the wheel out of my hands and leaves swerving all over the road, and this is definitely one of those moments. Getting things out tends to help so here goes.
I realized this afternoon that - despite doing my best to research and plan my script and plot with the right care towards a certain minority group - I've still managed to inadvertently include at least one, possibly two depending on perspective, tropes that are. Not cool. The "silent native" one specifically. Add that to the fact that there's a situation in the plot done by the main antagonist that is EXTREMELY messed up (and never presented to be anything BUT messed up and vile) and I'm basically in panic mode over it.
I'm trying to tell myself that I caught it. I'm fine, I'm fixing it. I've added an additional scene that lets the characters have more voice in the story and gives a more direct perspective on why one of them reacted to something with anger and (mild) violence (injury to and threat toward the life of their child). I've also settled on a way that will allow them to be shown to be speaking in a different language than the other cast members, at least until I've been able to build up interest with my prologue and (hopefully) raised enough money to cover the cost of first a sensitivity reader (which I'd planned to do from the start) and then potentially a translator who can help me have their speech translated to a dialect appropriate for the region they would feasibly be in. Coast Salish, Halkomelem specifically.
But anxiety being what it is, I can't stop rotating a hundred more what ifs around my head.
What if there's another huge problem you aren't seeing? What if your fix isn't good enough? What if you've got to go back and redo the last six months of work? What if even after bringing in a reader, translator, etc it still isn't enough and the internet rips you to shreds for being an entitled white lady trying to tell stories you shouldn't be?
Given the context of the story, where it takes place, what it involves, it only makes sense that this group of people I'm worrying about (which technically aren't homo sapiens, but are an extremely close evolutionary relative) have a lot of similarities with the indigenous populations nearby. It wouldn't feel right or genuine to try to make them something else. And I swear on everything I'm doing my best to make sure I approach this story with the right respect and consideration it needs.
But omg if I fuck this up... My first writing project I've actually managed to see this far... Jesus I don't know if I could handle that.
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emblemxeno · 2 years
It really sucks that the Fates retranslation mod author added in and or/changed a bunch of stuff from the original game, because if the description of the mod is to be believed, this might just be the best English translation Fates has ever had; they went through every version of the game's script they could find, including the localized one, the original japanese one, and the other fan translations, all to ensure accuracy, have a team working with them to double-check for mistakes, went out of their way to make the dialogue sound natural, and plan on translating ALL of the game, including supports.
Given that those last two points are practically the biggest issues with the og english patch (there are some mistakes here and there in terms of poor translation from what i've heard, but the big flaws with the mod are that a lot of the dialogue reads heavily stilted and unnatural, along with large swathes of the game remaining untranslated from the original japanese, and probably will stay that way for the rest of time given that the mod team has been dead for half a decade at this point), having a mod that's basically just the english patch but better and actually finished seems like a dream come true.
Annnd then they started adapting scenes from Fates's supplemental material into the story; and made Lilith into a playable character in the main story, along with writing and adding in supports for her based off interactions she has with other characters in supplemental material; and created new supports for the Corrinsexuals based off some of their interactions from the Nohrian festival of bonds DLC; and “rebalanced” certain characters; and made up new boss conversations for if certain characters fight a boss; and completely rewrote the Male Corrin and Soleil support chain; and added in more same sex S-supports; and rewrote the begginings of Peri's support conversations to have her be less hostile to the other party; etc…
Like, i appreciate the amount of effort that must have been put into all those new additions, especially since Fates supplemental material isn't exactly the easiest thing in the world to find, but this isn't a retranslation anymore; this is a content patch of Fates with a new translation slapped on top of it.
And i'd be fine with that, if only the retranslation and the stuff that straight-up changes the game were put in different mods; if they had one mod that was called “Fates retranslation”, and it actually WAS just the base game but with a translation that's more faithful to the original jp script (kinda like another Fates retranslation patch out there), and another called “Fates expansion”, where all the stuff that changes the game and/or adds in new content for it was put, i wouldn't have any issues with this whatsoever.
However, that's not how it works; as far as i'm aware, if you download the retranslation mod, you're gonna have to deal with all the extra changes to the game that came with it, which alter the game so much you're still better off playing the unfinished, awkwardly translated english patch if you want to see what a more faithfully-translated Fates looks like.
Man, Fates's just cursed to never get a good, finished localization, isn't it?
Most likely yeah. Idk why people are so dead set on changing stuff that didn't need to be changed. Localization/translation isn't meant to be "create your own story from these building blocks" it's just... translate a script in such a way that you get the same info as the original, but it's more readable to the audience that uses the different language.
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fictionkinfessions · 9 months
This is a post about the current blog poll regarding ask games on this blog. You can find the original post and poll to vote on via this link below. Please do not send votes via ask messages.
Posts about this topic have the tag 'blog poll'.
This is long. Here is a read more.
Anonymous asked: sorry im not home and mobile search sucks or else id look myself, but is there a catchall tag for ask games? i think there is but bad memory lol. if not maybe there should be so people can block all games instead of each new one !
Anonymous asked: Suggestion for the ask game debacle: why not tag all those posts with one consistent tag like "kinfessions ask game" or something? Either in addition to or in place of the custom tags. That gives everybody's blacklist something to pick up without requiring someone to add a tag for every single ask game.
Anonymous asked: voted to keep ask games but consider just adding a catch-all tag alongside the specific game for blacklisting purposes maybe? the anon has a fair point with how many there have been lately that it can kind of drown out regular confessions but ask games are fun and it wouldn't exactly be fair to completely get rid of them. wouldn't mind a sister blog for them either though
There isn't a catch all tag, and that's a extremely good idea. I'm kinda kicking myself for not asking for feedback before making a whole poll about it. We'd still have the poll, but there would've been better options about what to do. Also for not doing that to start with.
Anonymous asked: i'm all for continuing the ask games, but can we at least LIMIT them? sometimes it feels like there's a new one every day, or like everything posted is a response to an ask game. it's obviously not stopping anybody from kinfessing normally, but it feels weird to only see ask game responses when the blog was originally intended for kinfessions
Anonymous asked: a suggestion about ask games: host one or two as events with loose but present time limits. kinda like this blog had for june, with mostly pride-themed prompts? it would probably require more moderation, so no pressure if you don't feel up to it mpc. we could even vote for favorite games but i can see it may leave someone upset bc their idea lost. right now it seems (to me. just a personal opinion) like this sudden overflow of different yet very specific prompts is a bit directionless. it's not necessarily bad for a community blog but could discourage a full "conversation"? of linked confessions, which i see as the point of ask games. this isn't to say there are no responses to posted answers - quite the opposite, actually! i just think having fewer themes would allow more unique experiences to be included, instead of splitting more subtopics.
True, there have been a fair amount, and it's been ramping up. Not a bad thing, it's nice that people have curiosity about other's canons and sources.
Seems like a lot of work, but doable imo. My concern would be actually getting people to vote for the ask games. Also if an ask game wins, but nobody plays it, then what? Do we just go onto the next one? Would there be a time limit? What if people send things after the time limit? I'd feel like such a dick for not posting it because they didn't send it in on time. This isn't really a final exam at school or your office job with time limits. Literally how do I explain it without sounding like a Super Serious Tool?
People do that for holiday things, you can't stop that from happening. The only reason I put a time limit for holidays is so nobody gets triggered after they remove a tag from their blacklist, assuming nobody celebrates Fathers Day 2 weeks afterwards. You know what I mean? Not to mention this blog is very active. People may not see prompts until long after the time limit, and they may still want to participate. Also who thinks up themes, if there will be any?
Though maybe we don't vote on them. Like you mentioned, people might get upset if theirs isn't picked. I suppose we could just do it chronologically, as they're sent in. I'm not sure how to manage this. Save the future ask games to drafts and hope I don't lose them? Probably.
Anonymous asked: Going to agree with the anon, there is a bit too many ask games ngl, like I like them but there is so many of them at this point and like I even blacklist the tags but they still get through. I just wish that there was a bit less of them or that there was a seperate blog :(
The thing about the auxiliary blog is that it won't have the same amount of traffic and might go dead. Not a bad thing, such is life. But I think part of the appeal of ask games replies and confessions is that this is a fairly high traffic blog. People want to be seen, even if it's anonymous. I wouldn't mind running a side blog, or at least getting it active enough to let someone else handle it.
Anonymous asked: Hello MPC! You don’t have to post this, but I saw that you were asking for opinions and I can’t actually find somewhere to vote on a poll (unless it was metaphorical? I can’t tell honestly), so feel free to delete this if it’s just taking up space- but I kind of agree with the anon who spoke up about the ask games. It’s not really a bad thing they exist, but when you have so many going at one time, it’s hard to keep track of and sometimes the pinned post/asks become incredibly long. It also feels like it goes against the whole ‘this is not a canon call’ mindset of the blog because it can and does spark up conversations between people, if that makes sense? It’s not a bad thing people are involved, but I feel like it takes away from the point of the blog a little. I think having the ask games be cleaned up and a new system put into place to make it easier to block the tag/find them would be super helpful, but I know that can be stressful. All in all, I’m sure everyone will support your decision!! Thank you for everything you put into this blog MPC 🖤
The voting poll post is here if you haven't found it already. Thank you for your input, you have some good points. https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/724128639169544192 It's true that the ask game post is incredibly, tediously long. Even with tags, it's hard to ignore.
I don't know about the canon call thing, I haven't really seen people implying they should be contacted over x y z happening in their canon due to an ask game reply. Honestly I'm not fighting that battle very hard anyways.
I get the feeling that ask games are going to stay. But we did get some ideas on how to manage them better than their current form.
Summary of suggestions
Limit amount of active ask games per week or per month. Maybe 3 per week?
Create a catch all tag for ask game responses
Ask game topics per week or month. Maybe can be voteable as well?
Create side blog solely for ask games regardless??
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