#someone get these hogs a therapist
miraclegemz · 10 months
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july is over I can finally draw shadow again
Did my own take on some shatter shadows, I have some thoughts abt each of them, but please know that they all have Issues
Also these were very much inspired by @/son1c and their Sonic Prime AU so go check them out
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hyenaa-euphoria · 3 months
I hhave three questions, if I may!
Does DogDay in the red giant au like, attack anything that is alive/that moves, or not? Like, if someone where to give him food would he attack them or?? Sorry if this question is dumb lol
This sorta plays into the third question, but do you have any tips on how to draw the smiling critters?
Do you have any tips making a smiling critter oc? I'm really struggling with coming up for a design for my one, she always ends up lookin plain/boring :(
1 sort of…..???
He would rather snatch the food from your hand and forget about you than actually try to go after you!! It’s easy food after all!
And even if he did try attacking you, he can’t really so much, he has no strength left!
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thats literally it. tear bodies. that how you can construct their bodies.. Play with that! Make different poses!
3 Of course! Here are some tips!!
Soo, i usually base my ocs on animal idioms, animal expressions, adjectives, etc. Here are some examples with meanings!!
Loan Shark
Moneylender who asks for a lot of money, usually illegally.
Someone who makes a lot of money from a company
Someone who keeps themselves busy
Diagonally opposite from someone or something
Sitting Duck(s)
Someone thats easy to manipulate, cheat or take advantage of
Someone who works very hard and enthusiastically
Do something to its fullest extent
Person used as a subject for an experiment
Wild Goose (Chase)
Foolish chase for something unattainable
Person who embarrasses a group for being different
Person with one great talent but doesn’t have much more to offer
Road Hog
Dangerous driver, someone who drives recklessly
The most important person in a group
You can also take normal expressions that have certain words that sound like animal species! Take my oc as an example (Sir Bat-An-Eye.)
IF you are basing your little critter on a real animal, you could think, “Man, how do i make this little guy look more Smiling Critter-ish?”
Take Bubba for example,
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He is an elephant! Elephants aren’t a bright blinding blue! Yet in a lot of cartoons they are represented this way because it is way more colorful! Sure to attract kids.
If it is an actual animal, search for some cartoon references of them! Maybe that can help!
Saturate the colors A LOT. Do you think kiddies would like an old, rusty, sad-beige-mom animal in their show??!?! Well- maybe…..🤔
But thats not the point! Make them bright! Make them pop!
Also, don’t always base them off of the animals ACTUAL colors! Give them different colors! If you want to make your alligator oc red because he lives in the depths of an erupting volcano then go ahead! If you want your parrot oc to be THE COLOR OF THE FUCKING RAINBOW then go ahead!! Who says they have to be the normal colors? Not me!
Sooo… if you wanna be very picky like me.. then choose animals by how they would act in a society!
A hyena wouldn’t be nice! They would make fun of people, they would be rude!
A gazelle would be shy! They wouldn’t get their kicks from fighting!
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That kinda what i mean🤔
If you want an elegant Critter, look for animals that often represent elegance, like peacocks!!
What would they do if they were caretakers in PlayCare? A therapist? A janitor? What do they teach? Think about that and maybe that will help you with their necklaces!!
If you need more help, ask away :p!!
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deonaenaeh · 2 years
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prompt: you are the daughter/son of a powerful and influential CEO which makes you a delicious target in the eyes of your father’s competitors for blackmail thus, you have to be guarded at all times
characters: heizou, kazuha x gn!reader
➽ btw good luck to everyone pulling for kazuha and heizou !! heizuha wanters will be heizuha havers <33
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✧ ┊ shikanoin heizou
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playful bodyguard
sometimes you wonder how he even got the job
you used to find him annoying and “unprofessional” due to his chill and childlike demeanor and it is usually distracting
he likes teasing you lightheartedly and making you laugh in private
a lil’ flirty
he calls you “sweetie” and winks at you when he gets giddy 
but as time passed by, you learned to grow on him as his playful personality helped you cope with your stress and realized that that alone is enough to uplift you
apparently good at reading your thoughts and emotions
sometimes it freaks you out how accurately he can relay what's going on in your mind
he can tell when you’re sad and understands what you’re thinking and feeling without you having to tell him, which honestly felt refreshing having a father who is a busy man whom you always have to do your best just to hog his attention
has good intuition 
he’s saved you countless times from investors who he had a “bad feeling about”
at first you thought it was silly until you did a background check and found out one of your investors was secretly a wanted criminal for tax fraud
he generally just saves you from any harmful situation due to his intuition
he knows his boundaries and doesn’t pry on your business but damn he has helped you solve your problems multiple times
you started taking him seriously when you found out he was a professional martial artist while protecting you from perverts
then he stood up, fixed his tie, and smiled at you and escorted you as if nothing just happened
when you encounter difficult people to deal with, he will put a hand around your waist, pull you close, and get in between you and the other party 
he’ll gently reassure you and escort you to your limousine, telling you to wait for him 
but you just know someone’s about to get their ass beaten
he’s adaptable and can be many kinds of people depending on your situation: a friend, a partner in crime, and if you’re up for it, a plus one (or more *wink*) 
✧ ┊ kaedehara kazuha
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gentle bodyguard
he really gives off such a comforting aura that you find yourself relaxing when he’s around the moment he gives you a gentle smile
he has a soft spoken voice that immediately puts you at ease when you’re stressed
he takes his job seriously and follows all your orders obediently 
very empathetic 
he’s really good at discerning your emotions and always comes up with ways to comfort you 
at some point he just became your personal therapist too
sometimes when he’s on guard duty, you can hear him quietly muttering haikus to pass the time
it’s a cute hobby of his
he got really flustered though when you told him about it and suggested he would gladly stop that habit if it distracted you
but you reassured him that his poetry was beautiful and soon he was sharing some of his best ones with you
ironically has soft hands 
but behind his gentle demeanor was a deadly samurai
you wouldn’t admit it but at some point you did underestimate his combat skills until he deadass just pulled out a sword, eyes glowing with anger, and slayed the whole board room when they started harassing you
normally you would’ve freaked out and have him fired on the spot but he was oh so beautiful and graceful as he did so
he sheathed his sword, not a single drop of blood tainting him and you 
then he looked back at you with those gentle gentle eyes
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➽ this is just a little something i wrote for heizou’s first banner and kazuha first rerun! goodluck with your pulls and thanks for reading <3
╰┈➤ other works :
genshin men as your personal bodyguard — cyno & scaramouche
© DEONAEH 2022 All Rights Reserved
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dreadedender · 1 year
Rage Aspect Thoughts
Rage inspires revolution. Rage breaks rules.
Rage knows negative emotions intimately, how to destroy from the inside, how to get under people's skin.
Rage can calm and rage can infuriate. Rage can make the enemy mindless with fury and can pacify betrayers in a session.
A Witch of Rage is the ultimate destroyer.
They can make anything possible with enough self-justification. Meaning, as long as they stay feeling negative emotions strongly (fear, disappointment, anger, sadness), they can do anything in the moment. Think of it as their flight or fight senses kicking in at extremes, letting them teleport away if they're too upset / too scared, or giving them immense strength and whatever powers they can imagine to fight off what's bothering them. Their powers are handy, but dangerous as they feel negativity so passionately, it can literally destroy them. They have to be careful.
An Heir of Rage is especially susceptible to feeling rage and is receptive to other's upset emotions. They would able to shift people's rage through showing them how ridiculous their anger is (by mirroring it) or joining them in their anger/dejection and doing so helps them both deal with it together. Once god-tiered, an Heir can embody their aspect, so this could mean an Heir of Rage can shapeshift to what someone fears the most, or become the very bad thoughts that infiltrate their enemies' brains, like entering their minds to create a tailor-made hellscape they can't escape.
Don't mind me getting a bit personal as I try to describe my thoughts on my Classpect, lol. With how apt Mages of Rage are in sensing negativity, they are able to distinguish who is trustworthy and who isn't, essentially being able to sniff out intent. They have the most potential to be the group therapists. They understand all aspects of Rage, both the good and the bad, and treat it with compassion. They can understand anyone's troubles and be the perfect person to come to for help on what should be fair and how to deal with conflict. On the other hand, the classpect is also stubborn, and when their advice isn't taken, they can take it as a personal affront as their views on an injustice are unbreakable.
A Thief of Rage hoards all negative attention. They like taking all the blame; wants noteriety to be their brand. It can be a kindness that helps calm others and bring peace to the group, to have someone that's always taking the brunt of everyone's emotions so that they may pass, or it can be disastrous as they cause conflict by hogging all attention, concern, and energy that shouldve been given to the bigger picture problem. They make for a great distraction in battle, able to dodge attacks as enemies can't take their eyes off them, even zapping the very motivation to fight out of them the longer they chase and using it to make their movements faster. They can be the biggest detriment to a session or the biggest surprise asset.
A Prince of Rage works to soothe. They want things to stay calm and for everyone to work together in harmony. They would never want to rock the boat, never giving in to their anger with an ocean of pacience and understanding. They prefer doing everything they can to motivate people to see the bright side of things, lulling anger and fear into the background. They're the most comforting of people, knowing just what to say to make you wipe away your tears and giving the best hugs.
In god-tier, I can imagine them having the strongest pacifying power out of any Rage player. Just by being in the battlefield, their opponents start feeling chiller and forget what they're even fighting for. Like a teabag seeping in hot water, the effect can slowly take over and turn the tide.
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r0-boat · 2 years
Ingo x gn!reader
Ingo's more possessive than he once was
NSFW below
Ingo's return was sudden but welcomed, he was surprised to see you have been filling in his place for him. He was happy for you and Emmet because it would have been hard, running a Subway with only one boss, and you are doing such a great job.
Ingo was ecstatic to return back to work but his therapist advised him to at least take a month off before going back to work suddenly after a severe traumatic experience. To fill his Subway needs every day he would come and visit Gear Station and hang out with his partner and brother.
However he can't help but notice how popular you were, which wasn't inherently bad he was happy for you truly he was, but...
It was the way other passengers looked at you he couldn't quite explain it their eyes half lit when they listened to you talk, gawking behind them to steal glances.
It wasn't just at the subway either...
Was he always been like this? he doesn't remember. You seem so surprised by his actions.
During one of their shopping trips another shopper casually flirted with you, you laughed it off and turned it down saying that you're already in a relationship but Ingo couldn't help but feel a burn in his chest. It didn't feel like enough his hand grabbed the hips pulling you towards him still looking at the person.
You took him out for ice cream was sitting on a park bench ingo noticed someone looking at you he scoots closer and kisses your neck.
Even his brother wasn't safe you, Ingo noticed that the two of you got along extremely well now, when he saw the two of you having an engaging conversation he walked up behind you wrapping his arms around you, giving your shoulders multiple kisses to hog your attention.
Even the depo agents were completely enamored with you... he has been gone for so long and he left you all alone with so many eyes on you... his chest swelled
Without a second thought, He got up from the bench walking over to you with a smile.
" excuse me boss, I need your attention for a second"
Your eyes light up smiling and nodding as you follow behind ingo.
You didn't think for a second when he walked through a set of doors leading into his old office. Everything was just how he left except it was cleaning and an extra coat and hat hanging on a coat rack.
Your fingers gently touch the desk reminiscing of the past of the past, turning your head after doing the lock click only for Ingo's tounge to taste yours bending you down against the desk slamming both hands on the wood.
Ingo pulls away from your lips giving you hungry look,
" hands and stomach on the desk... I need to reclaim what's mine." He let out a growl that made you shiver you didn't need to be told twice.
He pulled down your pants his rough calloused hands feeling and rubbing your soft bum before
You moan was a little too quiet for his liking his other hand grabbing your bottom jaw fingers on your tongue. He leaned his hips forward grinding his straining bulge against your ass
Ingo's breath hitches when his name leaves your lips, his hand leaves your stinging bum deciding he wasn't going to punish you further.you heard his belts being fumbled his pants dropping and the wet Strokes of his cock.
That's more like it~ your yells of pleasure will always drive him crazy know how to how much he has changed.
" This ass is mine"
" say it! Say that you belong to me!"
Ingo demands and his Warden tone of voice. All you did was moan and whimper at his sudden dominance.
"I said, Say it!"
"Ingo! Ingo, im yours only yours, I belong to you,"
Usually his hungry mouth would be on you making you scream but Ingo just wants to be inside of you right now.
He soaked his fingers in saliva as he plays with your hole shallowly thrusting and working it loose for his bigger twitching cock.
"This hole is mine, it belongs to me"
Ingos wet fingers scissoring inside of you felt so good, arcing your back trying to get him deeper while you sucking on the fingers in your mouth.
His teasing fingers are replaced with the head of his hard precum slick cock, he groans slowly working his big dick veiny inside you. He slaps his hand over your mouth as he slams inside of you muffleing your screams. His nails dig into your plush hips driving himself deep into you over and over. The force causes the desk to creek as it moves with ingo's thrusts.
However this isn't enough
"Ah! Hah! Fuck! leg up on the desk please."
You lift on your legs up to rest it on the wood, the new angle was heaven for the two of you.
Ingo was hitting every spot that made you scream Nails digging and clawing into the wood.
The angle was melting control like a hot iron with butter. His cock twitched his balls felt too tight, he needed to cum and he needed it now
"So close my love! Cum! Cum for me! Scream my name, make sure everybody knows that you're mine!"
He yelled pace quickening chasing his high you feel his goatee scratching against your back when he leans forward to sink his teeth into the back of your neck
You jump and spasm "INGO!" Your walls tightened around his cock as you cum.
His eyes roll back following suit pulling out just in time to spill his seed on your bare back.
His chest heaves bathing in the Afterglow, ingo gives you like kisses all over your neck and shoulders. Ingo's possessive fire was quickly replaced by guilt.
" I apologies I... "
You turn your head and kiss him.
" I know... don't be sorry I am yours forever and always, no matter how much time we spend apart it will never change how much I love you"
Ingo smiles hiding his red face by nuzzling into your neck "thank you...i love you too"
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Okay finally a proper liveblog of Shadybug and Claw Noire!
Gabriel's VA is having so much fun in that intro
How'd they get video from the other dimension? Is that explained?
FUCKING BETTERFLY I refuse to call him that we're calling him Hesperia. Anyway buddy boy everything is crumbling you don't have time for the speech!! You already know she's doing this shit just say yes!!
Well someone went whole hog on the intro sequence
Also I forgot this is right after Destruction no one is getting any fuckin sleep
Mari and Alya are real gay here
Hesperia asking Mari not to panic after all that has big "B̷̬͇̬̏́̿̚Ȩ̸̬͇̠̓̏͐ ̵̛̝̠̖̤̱͎̻̱͗̉͊́̾̂̔̓̐̃̆̾̽͘N̸̝̠͓͍̺͔͉̮̰̈́̈́̍̒̒̊͐̒̈́̃͜Ǫ̶̧̡͓̥̤̪̤͛T̵͈̳̝̾̀͒ͅ ̴̺̾̈́̾͂̋̇̒̆À̴̢͔͖̯̺̜͇͎͎̬̻̖̲̏̒́͘͜͠F̴̧̧̘͇̈́̏̔̀͜Ŕ̶̨̟͎͕͓̤̟̤̺͓͚̺̰͒̊̌̅̂̈́͝Ḁ̶͙̈́͝Ĩ̵̢̘̩͉̳̯̼D̴̡͉͇̳̮͎̜͐̐́̍̎̉͝" energy.
rest in fucking pieces Markov!
Claw explodes a wall and Sabine just calmly goes to check like?? I'd be sprinting up there???
I was really hoping Shady would say 'Lucky Harm'. I would've also screamed and lit something on fire, but it would've been funny
so. not only can SB make binoculers that track butterfly pheramones. But Hesperia /gives off butterfly pheromones???/ I guess the fandom making everyone more animalistic was right? We won but at what cost?
Also SB and Claw's banter kills me I love the rivalmance
Okay this is a personal thing but I hate this because if it were a more appropriate couple, Hesperia being so soft and carrying Marinette away would be adorable shipping fodder but it's Hesperia and Marinette so I'm like sir step like three feet away
Once again, rip the Eiffel Tower.
I know it's said that Gabriel stole the Miraculous, but does he say it later or are we taking SB's word for it? Because that could be a lie from that 'the supreme' guy.
Tikki. Everything you just said about parallel universes went over my head and this is coming from someone who loves Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.
Also fuck this existing with Bunnyx's One True Timeline thing
Okay so I 100% called why the Timers are in place. But why does 'being used for evil' override the security system???
... I'm yoinking Claw's nunchucks.
Okay that's the context for Claw doing that. So uh. Buddy boy needs a fuckin therapist NOW
Ladybug: "I'll explain everything to you later." Me: "ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?!"
Why.... why did time freeze when making Celestial Cat? It's not a thing that happened any time befre??
Also LB should be having Chat Blanc flashbacks right now
First mention of 'The Supreme'. Saying he'll spare whichever gets the Butterfly. But also like. Ya don't have to be so happy about it.
So like. /is/ the other world some evil hellscape where only a few are good? Or is it just that SB was bullied and Claw lost his mom and The Supreme is manipulating them? Because Hesperia is going on about shit being awful, but if there's more changes then just the slightly altered path, that kinda ruins the idea that they're all just a touch different. But if that world's so fucked how'd they turn out good?
I love how Mari's beartrap diary comes back just to get easily broken into because no one would care about minor property damage if they're breaking into her house to read her diary.
Hesperia: "Claw Noir knows nothing about friendship" Me: "GEE I WONDER WHY"
ofc Alya leaves before seeing who Claw Noir is.
.... Hearing that Andre is on the 'never too late to do good' show or whatever is hurting me knowing the abuse abandonment and kidnapping he takes part in during season 5.
GOD EMODRIEN AND EMONETTE JUST FUCKIN but also their lovesquare is great.
We see a glimpse into the other world in a flashback and things seem? Fine?? ???
So SB and Claw didn't know about the Wish that could give them what they want, but joined The Supreme because......?
"MOM GET OFF MY BACK!!!" Peak middle school emo phase.
Okay but question of how bad things /actually/ are aside, the acting in this? It hurts hearing her cry and all and just want to have the life with friends.
Monarch has finally shown up and he's also having fun but also SB, Claw? This would be the time for regular knives!
Okay but why are they trusting Monarch so easily? You'd think they'd have some trust issues with people offering to make their dreams come true
Giant Shady and Claw. If they're not Akumas, I'm assuming Illusions. Why doesn't Mari think of that?
Alya is the MVP tho!
Mari honey your plans are ALWAYS convoluted it's your thing.
Stilll a little bullshit on why they didn't do the identity reveal but... I mean they gotta ya know?
GOD Monarch's stained glass butterfly lapel is the only thing about his design that absolutely FUCKS
Oh hey Multiplication makes Gabe a normal height instead of fucking 220cm/7'2"!!!!!!!
Here's how Maribug and Adrichat(the ships) can still win!
Chat without an ear looks cursed
So the Guardian Angel thing saves them, but why didn't Monarch try to Venom them a second time?
Still hate how Shady pins all the bad things in her life on Chloé even though either 1.) all the pain is from The Supreme making everything a hellscape and filled with assholes, or 2.) everything was the same up until Origins where she had friends and loving parents and all.
Okay other than the :/ on the Chloé bashing and the question of what's going on in their world/why things are Like This, the scene is fucking fantastic. No commentary. For as much as I dunk on ML, when it's good it's REALLY GOOD
Okay only one note: Mari has way to much faith her speech will work. Like girl at least dodge.
I do think it's a little weird that Claw stopped though. Like, he and Shady already signed up for murder. He's probably killed someone's mother before. Why would he care about the Wish doing it for him?
Also like. Monarch wasn't watching this shit? Really?
They still have the dunking on each other dynamic.
So. The Rooster can do interdimensional travel. Because sure that doesn't break it's bullshit rules I guess. Why doesn't Monarch do this later when no one's paying attention?
Scarabella and Kitty Noire universe! I'm just gonna assume they're the lovesquare in that one.
anime universe lmao
The comic one is a copout
Wait. The implication with the Mr. Bug and Lady Noire one is that it's still the original LB and CN just swapped. How did. How did they swap in 10 seconds without revealing their identities???
Mari's final speech once again implies that everything was the same until Origins.
Also the Alyanette is STRONG today
Get these girlss a fuckin NAP
Okay overall thoughts:
While I do think it has it's flaws, some of which piss me off a lot. This was mostly a very fucking good special holy fuck.
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spookyvalentine · 2 years
fifty (more) questions for commander shepard
once again, these questions are not in any particular order! we can pretend shep’s doing AMA on space reddit during the reaper war
first round of questions found here
Third, fourth
1. Where would your Shepard go back to play tourist? Are they going alone, or bringing someone(s)?
2. Your Shepard is making a sandwich. What’s going in it?
3. What’s Shepard’s love language? What love languages do they respond best to?
4. What were Shepard’s opinions of Cerberus before waking up on their table?
5. Is your Shepard politically active? Do they stay on top of galactic comings and going’s
6. What would they be doing, if Shepard never joined the alliance?
7. What’s Shepard’s favorite way to let loose?
8. Does your Shepard like to be alone? Are they prone to isolate?
9. What does Shepard like to wear when they’re out of the armor?
10. What does TIM think of Shepard at the start of me2? And at the end?
11. What does Shepard think of TIM?
12. Who is Shepard’s favorite non-companion character? (Shiala, Chakwas etc)
13. What kind of roommate would Shepard be?
14. It’s takeout potluck night with the gang! What’s Shepard ordering, and from where?
15. If Shepard could have an extremely dangerous and illegal pet, what would it be?
16.. What does Aria think of Shepard?
17. Does your Shepard seek counseling/have a therapist?
18. Obligatory gang beach episode! What’s Shepard doing?
19. What was Shepard’s first interaction with an alien?
20. List five songs your Shepard is currently listening to
21. What companion quest did shepard enjoy the most? What was the most difficult one for them to do?
22. Any guilty pleasures?
23. What does Shepard think of Conrad Verner? How do they handle him?
24. How does Shepard handle house arrest? How do they fill their time?
25. How does Shepard react to meeting Javik, a real life prothean?
26. What is Shepard’s relationship with Joker?
27. What does your Shepard take pictures of?
28. Who is your voicecast for Shepard? Is it Jennifer Hale/Mark Meer? Do they have an accent?
29. What is the perfect day for Shepard?
30. What did Shepard think of the thorian? How did they feel about killing it? What did they decide for Shiala?
31. How did Shepard feel, seeing Legion wearing their old armor? Does that change?
32. Any vices?
33. Is Shepard free with affection, or more reserved?
34. Are there any people out there that betrayed Shepard? How do they handle it?
35. Is your Shepard a biter? (Interpret this as you will)
36. What is their relationship with Wrex?
37. Does Shepard have any friendships that surprise the rest of the crew?
38. If Shepard is dropped into the middle of the wilderness for a week, how do they handle it?
39. Does Shepard have a will? What do they want done with their body after they’ve passed?
40. How does your Shepard react, when Liara says she’s the one that handed their body over to Cerberus?
41. They’ve been caught in the rain! How does Shepard react?
42. How does Shepard handle the reporters? What are they like in an interview
43. What was the clone’s fate? Do you think Shepard and their clone could coexist?
44. What’s the perfect date to sweep Shepard off their feet?
45. How many unread emails are in their inbox?
46. What does your Shepard get competitive over?
47. What museum is your Shepard going to? natural history, science, art… the zoo, aquarium?
48. What kind of a sleeper is Shepard? Sprawl out, hog the covers, octopus…. How many hours do they normally sleep?
49. Do they have any morning or evening rituals?
50. What scents in particular draw Shepard in?
+1 what, to your Shepard, is a good death
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ask-hannah-blog · 5 months
Kelsey is my eating disorder patient. I’ve been working with her for a while, and we’ve made some really good progress. But I tell you sometimes I just want to tell her to eat a sandwich and call it a day.
So maybe she was feeling a lot of stress with the holidays, and all the food she’d be expected to eat.
Maybe I used a little clowny hypnosis to make her endlessly and shamelessly hungry for the holidays.
And well…
Haven’t seen her for two weeks. She wandered in today double fisting breakfast burritos, belly straining against her skinny jeans.
Wow wow wow what a turn on.
Obviously it was my duty as a therapist to provide her comfort so I joined her on the couch, unbuttoned her jeans and rubbed her belly as she stuffed herself, all the while encouraging her on her new diet. I even sent Daisy out for more food! It was just so satisfying to see this woman who had always been terrified of food just gorging!
Then I thought:
If she becomes an obese hog, Adam Will definitely dump her. And then he can be mine!
I know that sounds unethical but think about it.
Kelsey is cured of her eating disorder.
Adam has someone to give him relaxing foot jobs for his anxiety.
I get a hubby!
And Sissy gets a daddy.
So it would honestly be unethical not to stuff her at this point!
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liaromancewriter · 2 years
What If? (Epilogue)
Premise: If Ethan and Cassie had met in college, would they still be inevitable?
Book: Open Heart (College AU) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,550
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
A/N: Thank you to everyone for coming along on this rollercoaster of a ride with me. I’m so glad I finally worked up the nerve to write this AU. 
Submission for @choicesmonthlychallengejune2022 Day 6 prompt “Reunited”
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There were days when Cassie Valentine felt like giving up. And others when she was fired up to beat physical therapy’s butt.
Today though, today she was neither. She couldn’t work up the enthusiasm for the PT exercises, but she kept going through the motions because otherwise she might never get up again.
It had been three months since her accident and two since her ACL reconstructive surgery. The hardest part of the whole experience had been a sense of loss she couldn’t shake.
While the doctor hadn’t come right out and said it, she knew from the cautious words he spoke that ballet was no longer an option. Her knee might never support the type of hyperextension required for professional dancing.
Cassie consoled herself that getting a spot in a professional dance company had been a pipe dream. She was good, but not great enough to advance past the corps. And really, Valentines worked in the family business. So, it had all been moot. But it didn’t lessen the hurt.
“You’re a million miles away. It won’t work unless you focus.”
She looked over her shoulder to see Ethan standing at a respectful distance, watching her with concern in his eyes.
Here was someone else she couldn’t figure out.
He’d given up his summer internship at a community clinic to be there for her. He’d started showing up at her PT sessions, asking questions of her therapist, learning the exercises, giving her silent and not-so-silent encouragement from the sidelines.
Ever since that morning at the hospital, he’d done as she asked. Taking it a day at a time;  never pushing or demanding.
She hated this version of Ethan. The one who never held her hand so that sparks flew when they touched.
Cassie wanted the arrogant boy—man—from the bookstore that had refused to back down. The one that had kissed her in a coffee shop in front of everyone and complained when she hogged all the popcorn.
She wanted the Ethan she’d fallen in love with; not this silent spectator who never made a wrong step and was almost clinical in his approach, like she was a patient.
Cassie didn’t even know why he was here since he was clearly not interested in her anymore in a romantic sense.
“I’m done,” she declared, gingerly disembarking from the stationary bike.
“You still have twenty minutes left,” he frowned, glancing at the clock on the wall.
“Don’t care,” she said dismissively, brushing past him to head to the women’s locker rooms as tears pricked her eyes. She was so done.
Cassie sat down on a bench, shoulders dejected, tears streaming down her face when the door behind her flew open and Ethan rushed in.
“You can’t be in here,” she objected, but he wasn’t listening as he advanced towards her.
“What is wrong with you?” he shouted, frustration eking through. “You can’t just quit PT if we’re to get you ready for the company’s next season. I know it’s taking time, but that’s how it works with an ACL injury!”
Cassie was surprised at the passion in his voice and the determination on his face. The placid Ethan of the last few months was nowhere to be found. She let him rail at her a few minutes long, recognizing that he was like a volcano that was finally ready to erupt.
“You and I both know that my days of dancing ballet are over,” she said quietly when he stopped pacing. “I have accepted it and you should too.”
“There’s still a chance,” he said, calmer now, his tone more rational. “I’ve read some promising case studies in the medical journals, spoken to a few experts…”
“You’ve been reading medical cases and talking to doctors about my injury?” she asked, unable to hide her shock.
“What?” he said absently at the interruption before continuing. “I mean, yes, it won’t be easy or quick; could take a few years to reach that level of athleticism again and there are no guarantees in medicine, but I believe you can do it.”
Cassie saw the resolve on his handsome face, heard the utmost belief in his voice, and she knew he wasn’t indifferent. Without another thought, she reached for his hand, feeling the spark as their fingers entwined of their own accord.
She tugged his head down, brushing her lips against his, lightly at first and then demanding. Tracing the seam of his closed lips with her tongue, she cajoled him to let her in and then he took over.
He placed his hands on her ass, lifting her up and she wrapped her legs around his thighs, confident he wouldn’t let her fall. His body pressing her back against the wall was so familiar, feeling him quicken against her lower belly as the kiss went to fiery to explosive.
His mouth devoured hers, tongues dueling, months of separation making them greedy. Her hands were everywhere, tracing his muscles, clutching his sides, burning up with want. He gave as he good as he got until she wanted to forget where they were and beg him to take her.
A sharp, piercing sound broke through the fog of lust surrounding them. He released her lips, his forehead against hers as they both struggled to catch their breath. He reached for the ringing phone in his pocket and dismissed the sound.
His eyes, those beautiful blue eyes, peered into hers and she could no longer hold back the words.
“I love you, Ethan.”
He went still and then moved back, no longer holding her up against the wall and her feet slowly drifted to the floor. Disappointed, she started to turn away, but he stopped her. His hands framed her face and his expression was solemn as he gazed intently into her eyes.
“I love you, Cassie. Forever.”
And then he smiled, slow and soft, and she knew they would be alright.
Eight years later…
“The two of you are nuts,” said Max, not for the first time since she’d called him two days ago and asked him to come to Boston. “Mom’s going to flip when she finds out you eloped and didn’t tell her.”
“I know, but you know how hard it’s been,” said Cassie, stroking the beautiful bouquet of daisies that brought a pop of color to the dull offices in city hall. “We hated being apart while Ethan completed his residency at Edenbrook and I finished my doctorate coursework. When we found out I got a spot on the hospital’s behavioral psychology team to complete my licensing requirements, we knew we didn’t want to wait any longer. After all, why delay things when we’re…
“Inevitable,” finished Max flippantly, rolling his eyes at the syrupy sentiment and making her laugh.
As much as he teased her, he couldn’t deny the two of them were completely devoted to each other. It had taken Max time to come to terms with Ethan, but the man was completely gone over his sister so it had been hard to not befriend him. And as long as Cassie was happy, Max was too.
“There’s Ethan,” he said and they both turned to watch him walking towards them.
His head was cocked as he listened to whatever his companion, a petite young woman wearing a wine-colored dress and carrying a bakery box in her hands, was saying
“Sienna!” cried Cassie, rushing forward to throw her arms around the other woman before stepping back to slip her arm around Ethan’s back. “I’m so glad Ethan was able to find you in time.”
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world,” beamed Sienna. “I even baked you a cake.”
She lifted the cover of the bakery box to show Cassie and Ethan the small wedding cake, smiling shyly when they both showered her with praise.
“Oh, where are my manners,” said Cassie, turning sideways to place her hand on Max’s shoulder.
“Sienna, this is my twin brother Max. Max, meet Dr. Sienna Trinh, pediatrics resident extraordinaire at Edenbrook,” she said. “Remember when I came to the hospital for my interview and got hopelessly lost? Well, I was afraid they would find my ghost wandering the halls for eternity and then Sienna appeared like an angel and rescued me. I’m so glad we’ll get to work in the same place. We’re practically besties already.”
Max smiled, amused at his sister’s enthusiasm about her and Sienna’s new friendship than the story of how they met. He nodded his head at Sienna in greeting and wondered at the vague disquiet he felt as he met her soft gaze.
He forgot all about that a short while later when he watched Cassie and Ethan face each other and recite their vows in front of the justice of peace, promising to have and to hold each other forever. As they exchanged their first kiss as husband and wife, they had eyes only for each other.
Max glanced to his side and his eyes met Sienna’s radiant ones, her smile watery as she took the tissue he handed her to wipe away her tears.
And then he felt it again. Something he couldn’t describe…yet. He only knew that his life had fundamentally shifted and it had something to do with one Sienna Trinh.
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All Fics & Edits: @potionsprefect  @trappedinfanfiction  @bex-la-get  @mysticalgalaxysstuff  @genevievemd  @choicesaddict5  @jerzwriter  @rookiemartin  @schnitzelbutterfingers  @vi-writes-stuff  @coffeeheartaddict2  @quixoticdreamer16  @dorisz  @zahrachoices  @lucy-268  @a-crepusculo  @jamespotterthefirst  @ofmischiefandmedicine  @headoverheelsforramsey  @takemyopenheart  @gryffindordaughterofathena  @queencarb  @crazy-loca-blog  @natureblooms24 
Ethan & Cassie Fics & Edits only: @custaroonie  @lady-calypso 
@choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics
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Lorgar, huh? I wouldn't object to that, I feel like he would also be apart of the yandere Hellfire squad, before all the heresy. After it also, albeit in a different way. I feel like he would feel shame for having a crush and would spend meditating in order to not think of it, only to prolong his yearning for that person. I feel like the guilt and shame would pile up until it couldn't hold it after more under its own weight.
No offense, it's gonna be a really strong religious guilt crisis he's gonna have because of this, I'm all for it. Do you think he would yank the hog to them or just not do it at all because he feels like he is falling to carnal pleasure? He has definitely sunken low, all for this.. lust for someone who he had only fantasized gazed at and maybe sometimes stalked followed for their own safety. He is in love with their body, their spirit, their scent.. unfortunately, he cannot confess to any of this, ever, due to the disgrace he feels. I would most definitely smash even with the added religious guilt, maybe he just needs to get his dick sucked, jk... unless? 😳
Something about a very holy man losing a inner fight with his desires is very sexy of him, idk how to describe it. He knows it's bad, but he's never been treated or felt like this before. His demons are sex and they are winning, he needs it exorcised. 😞
I think though all the hormones, he probably needs someone that can give a bit of clarity to life and also a lap pillow and maybe some loving touches and maybe an army of therapists. Like also maybe decent father figures?
Anyway, in other news: man tries to pray his shame boner away, it only becomes stronger in response. Thanks a lot, GOD.
When I tell you I'm thinking heretical things right now...
To answer your question, I don't think he'll play five-on-one. I can imagine him meditating and his thoughts are invaded by them. He's faltering so much, so. damn. much. Emperor help him. Please, please help him. He tries to think of the restraint Kor Phaeron so cruelly beat into him to no avail.
He's... aroused.
He's... No...
No, please—
He thinks of them, of their body flush against his, writhing under his passion, moaning in his embrace, sighing his name so sweetly, and—and—please, no—
Lorgar jolts to reality, the sweat cold against his skin. His body trembles out of fear and desire and Father help him, he doesn't know which one is stronger.
The mortification, terror, and desire rolled into one and simmered beneath his skin when he looked down, when he realized what had happened and saw the signs of his shame made manifest.
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muu-kun · 1 year
The together boys duh
Send a ship & I will answer.... / Accepting / Deo & Muu ( @falseamore )
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Who is a night owl: Both. There is no way a demon of a devil wouldn't be up late in the night while Muu spent so much of his time insomnia ridden that he's grown comfortable having down time to decompress and evaluate how his day prior to accomplishing his affirmations before bed.
Who is a morning person: Muu. Again, insomnia. It also comes from the territory of being a dog owner and past childcare educator. (Good luck to the parents who find out about his new job.) Plus it became more beneficial for him to move his therapist appointments to the morning to be able to work in the afternoons and then have the entire evening to himself. (and Match and Deo of course.)
Are they cuddlers: Absolutely.
Who is the big spoon: I think of it more as who initiates spooning more and who is goes with the flow of it. Muu definitely is the one to initiate regardless of he is aiming to be the big spoon or the small spoon. The one eager to tend to or the one wishful of being tended to basically. Thus that leaves Deo as the one who goes along with whatever desire he is being presented with at that moment. Which is nice in the way that there is never an established dynamic in which he can never be the little spoon. In fact, he's probably it quite often as Muu is very much of a fan of the term jetpacking. Sometimes that doesn't appease him though and he'd just much rather be the baby.
Who is the little spoon:
What is their favourite sleeping position: Muu doesn't know as he is still learning what works for him. Having not been in a romantic relationship for six(?) years has caught him in the realization that he's only spent the evenings with people since then in a platonic (or purely physical) sense. He'd probably state for the time being back to back as he grows accustomed to the change of having someone in his space. Plus it is the only sleeping position he can think of that can offer him the ability to continue alluding to the possibility that he's a cool person, because there isn't any chance for him to continue that charade once he's discovered to be the occasional adult thumb sucker at times his rumination gets out of hand.
Who steals all the blankets: Muu. At home, he sleeps with a minimum of three blankets on his bed at any given time as he has a tendency to run cold. To be anywhere without nearly as many means he just requires more of it. He's also the first one to complain when it is in fact Deo that hogs them all.
What they wear to bed: Muu can only speak for himself when he states he is essentially a naked sleeper. More often he only reduces himself being down to his underwear for the sake of not wanting to deal with the sensory input of clothing when he's trying to sleep. He wouldn't necessarily be opposed to going completely stark even in a shared sleeping space with someone in a comparable state of undress as he doesn't inherently find the unclothed form to be a sexualized one. He'd actually be far more inclined to uncomfortable if he found out Deo was the type to sleep with his socks on.
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Oh, Muu doesn't care if it is enjoyable for Deo to be seen in his t-shirt; he's stealing them regardless. On the flipside, Muu has definitely made an effort to pressure them into trying on his cropped shirts as a means of seeing Deo in what is essentially a baby tee. He can't help that the taller has the accentuating body type to model them well.
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Who can fall asleep mid-conversation as the listener is Deo, but the one who can fall asleep in the middle of talking is Muu. It is no joke to say he can tire even himself out with his rambling and over done explanations on things.
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: I'm going through a loop for this one by saying Deo. Muu has stirred himself awake with sad dreams, yes, but he actually cannot recall a single instant of enduring a true nightmare. Even with his copious amounts of mental health conditions that come with a strong likelihood of them as a symptom.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Neither. At most Muu find himself being patted by an unconscious Deo mid slumber between the pair of them, or perhaps it is the other way around with Muu lightly sending out a minor kick from a stretch he obviously didn't intend on stretching that far. No accidental hitting beyond that because otherwise Muu WOULD freak out to say the least.
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Both. Though with Deo it would be professed more predominantly with actions that get him to what he wants hands on. Muu on the other hand either nags, or gives a three paragraph introduction to what he's doing to do before he actually does it. Think of it as.. Consent is always sexy, and Muu is always needy.
Who said “I love you” first: Muu. He demands it really. Mainly it is due to being told by a partner in the past that he was a flatline; incapable of really indicating to people that he truly cared about them due to the fact he treated everyone in the same manner. He's been out to prove that wrong for a long time since, and he will lose his marbles if he misses out on the opportunity to say I love you first just as he was the one to ask Deo to be his partner to begin with.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: They both think they are funny and have unflattering candids of each other as the wallpaper on their phone. Deo I just believe would the first to change it to a more appropriate photo to suggest fondness because he is more self sufficient in his opinion of himself. Muu requires more guidance into things or otherwise he is prone to believing he might be imposing on the relationship by moving too fast. Or by becoming too attached to quickly. He's dated emotionally neglectful people that have gone as far as to critique him on asking that they spend the day together, but he's working past that to remember Deo isn't any of them. Still, he feels safer moving at the speed set by Deo than adapting his own.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Muu. Sometimes they are loving and can be indicated as such by drawing little hearts. Other times he's a complete child that draws phallic images instead. Those ones he always gives away though by cackling on his way out of the bathroom.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Deo. Muu isn't a gift giver, to be honest. It is his least given and received love language. He's much rather into quality time and words of affirmation than anything.
Who initiated the first kiss: Deo. He will let him have this one. After that though it is Muu that gives them more frequently. All he'd needed was the indicator that they were giving them to begin with, and by then he was he giving them out all the time.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Muu. He prides himself on being the instigator of the last kiss at night as he tucks Deo to be comfy and cozy, and of being the one to delightfully start him off on his day by giving him a tender morning kiss as well. Although, again, it can vary depending on what mood anyone is in at the start of the day. If Muu were to have a particularly convincing dream centered on some level of loneliness he was wrestling with his internal self on, the last thing he'd want to do on waking up is being the kisser. Instead, he'd want the kisses first to make him feel much better.
Who starts tickle fights: Deo. Deo is bigger than him, so Muu ain't looking to be punched by tickling him unless he is looking to hold his own if they get scrappy.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Muu. He is also the one to holler as he is taking a bath if Deo would care to join him.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Muu. His own place of employment doesn't permit visitors for privacy reason, but that wouldn't prevent him at all from utilizing his break to make a visit at either home or at Deo's job with some food for the pair to munch on.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Deo. It really goes along with wanting to provide space for Muu to lead the space since he is still apologetic for hurting him in the past, but eventually they grow into a more honest dynamic of Muu doesn't particularly want to be guiding anything. He'd rather be able to succumb to someone else being in charge instead of always planning out his next moves every second of the day. It is tiring, and really he would just like to relax by comfortably residing in someone else's shadowing energy for once.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Muu must be called to let them outside. As a vegan, he provides care to all creatures. Even the creepy crawling ones.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Deo. Muu has no interest in drinking alcohol anymore for no real reason other than he just doesn't like the vibes associated with being under the influence. Plus he has vivid memories of what drinking can make him dumb enough to do without really thinking about it beyond the impulsiveness of the brain that lives downstairs.
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farfrompleasant · 1 year
Happy Freyja Friday!!! 💖🎉😘
It's almost your actual one year anniversary with the freyby! What a beautiful journey and union you two have had 💞💞💞 to many more!!!
TWO sheds in two months?! Miss Thing is back to doing the most I see! How are you two faring these days? How's school treating ya?
Philly actually planted a lot of honey locust for beautification/urban green planning, and I've read/seen that you can take the seed pods and boil the sweet um goo (??? I'm not a scientist lol) out of them to make a natural plant-based sweetener! But, obviously all the seed pods I see have been crushed by cars and feet and rained on and peed on etc etc so that's a no go 😢
One day, my foraging dreams will come true lol have you seen Alexis Nikole Nelson's (aka the Black forager) content on social media? She's super awesome.
A feeble attempt was made to revive the book club but it's still pretty dead lol at least we have this 😘
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I made a dog fort out of our bed when it was really cold last month and Nova was hogging it the other day 😂
Happy Freyja Friday!!!
I’m actually on time chdhhdhdhdjskendbjdjf, absolutely insane!💀 it will be an entire year I’m just two days and I can’t cope! It feels like we’ve been with each other for a much longer time, and I’m just baffled at the fact that she grew to love me in just a year😳 it’s giving fall in love at a certain amount of time trope, if you know what I mean then you know! (I hope you do…) but still, thank you friend… you’re the sweetest evers!🥺❤️ and I want you to know that with every union, you’re also apart of it as you were there during the early days of my journey with this scaly girl c;
I still can’t get over the back to back shedding, and apparently neither can Freyja. Her beard has been dark during the process😅 anywho, I am doing okay. Between school, work, and having minor health issues going on I think I’m tackling things rather well. As for our girl, she’s a lot happier these days; we’re expanding her diet, and gathering accessories for her enclosure in hopes of sprucing it up! And she’s always warm despite the bitter winter biting us all in the rear before it’s officially spring. Seriously, thank goodness for ceramic heating!
Honey locus? I have to look that up, friend! I didn’t know that was a tree 🥺 very mesmerizing tree with a cool base and warm, autumn favored leaves… I want to see more of those! Philly has good taste. Got me romanticizing a type of tree 🤭 wait— so you’re saying that with this sweet goo that is extracted from these pods, you can make an organic sweetener?! That’s amazing 🤩 I hate that there’s no real opportunity to do that given that you’re living in a city where plant life/resources aren’t necessarily considered(?) Like, if it was cleaner and plants weren’t looked at as embellishments, then that it would totally be doable imo 🥺
I can’t wait to witness your foraging, I just know that it would bring me so much joy as a) you are doing your hobby and b) you’re sharing it with me and teaching me a few things along the way c; I can’t say that I heard about Alexis Nikole Nelson or any of her work but I’ll check it out whenever I can find some time ☺️
And 😭 rip to our bookclub! It was initially productive, and I loved being apart of it along with just hearing everyone’s perspectives on the material c: not to mention I totally bragged about it to my therapist at one point 🤭 it’s a flex, okay! I feel that there may be a revival period if someone finds a really good read 😂
That is soooo cute friend! A doggie fort sounds so cozy and I know for a fact that some cuddles took place 🥰 and of course Nova is basking in the comfort of it all, I really love that for her❤️ I hope Abbie and Lizzie are getting their turns whenever they can lolol and that Wallace and Heller are experiencing great comforts as well in their own feline way c: I feel like they probably squeeze their way into certain nooks and crannies that would incite a war if bothered or removed 😂😅
And of course, I hope Philly weather is being kind to you my good friend 🥰 hope you are feeling well and will continue to prosper in any way you see fit!
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This is a day after her second shed, she’s obsessed with resting here again for whatever reason c:
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abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Kotetsu would never get therapy not because he doesn’t think he needs it but because he knows how short Sternbild is on therapists and so long as he can still feed himself, call his daughter and go to work then he’s not bad enough that anyone would take him seriously. He’s still functioning! He’s fine! There are so many people that need it more than he does and if He takes one of the seats and someone further down the list loses their home, job or god forbid their life because he was hogging the resource he’d never forgive himself.
(The fact he spirals about that idea is NOT a reason he needs therapy by the way. It’s perfectly normal to place everyone else’s needs above his own. That’s what heroes do after all. That is part of what makes him a hero.)
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pearl484-blog · 1 year
A letter to my past self
Dear past self,
I know you struggle with your anger issues, and it gets you into trouble. A lot. And honestly, your habit of chasing the feeling of anger despite KNOWING that it screws you over is....not helping.
I know why you're doing it. It makes you feel strong and powerful and focused in a world that makes you feel weak and keeps telling you you're stupid and lazy and will never amount to anything because you keep losing things.
I'm sorry to tell you, you have ADHD. No, you won’t believe me, and yes, I get why you're so frustrated. The meds are not the cure all everyone will tell you they are, and you'll want the behavioral therapy. I know how much you struggle with meds, and they have side effects. Side effects that will kick your ass. You're smart enough to know the first, and pessimistic enough to fear the second.
Use coffee on really bad days. It'll work similiar to meds, but it won't turn your heart into a jackhammer and you'll be able to eat most things. Yes, I know you hate the taste. Drown it in creamer. A lot of creamer. You'll learn the proportions you need and how to tell about how much coffee to drink.
The behavioral therapy though is your life saver. It will teach you how to outsmart yourself, how to plan ahead, and how to drag yourself out of the messes you are always getting yourself into. And I don't mean being a lying, manipulative turd. I know you can lie. But your lies aren't always foolproof, and you'll get caught. A lot.
Sorry. I can’t stop that. You're too clever to realize you can't talk your way out of everything. You're too passive to fight someone hard enough to get in serious enough trouble to get a wake up call, and your ADHD controls too much of your life to let you stop that trainwreck without the proper tools. You'll need a therapist, and a LOT of help.
What I CAN help you with is your anger. See, I know that everyone tells you to control your anger and your temper. They tell you over and over that you're out of control and you're a hothead, and that's not appropriate behavior. I can't make them stop. They will never stop even after you learn to get a handle on it. So you can't do this for them. You have to do this for you, and I PROMISE you, it is worth it.
The secret is that anger is not inherently bad. It's your mind's way of saying that a boundary of yours is being violated or that someone is bring unfair. It is TRYING to help you, but it doesn’t know how.
Your anger knows when people are treating you badly. Your anger can tell when you're being ignored or people think they're more important than you. It knows all the times people put being right ahead of you being lost and confused and unable to explain yourself because you can't think of the words and you don't want to sound stupid. It knows how wrong it is when you feel like you have to plsy dumb and say whatever it is people want you to say so you can leave without getting into trouble or digging yourself deeper.
Your anger is not a fire that you can smother into nothingness. It is a guard dog. Sometimes, it overreacts and growls at nothing, and you need to be the owner and let it know that you know what's up and you know that it's okay, that there's no reason to growl, but if you think you can outscream it, or wrestle it into submission, you're wrong.
You need to understand it. You need to learn to ask it what is wrong, and you need to hear it. Figure out what it wants and why it NEEDS to act. Bargain with it, explain what can and can't be done, but remember that you're going to have to give it some ground too.
Don't go hog wild. I know you. I know you're tempted. But you have no idea how far "if I don't like it, I'll leave and no one is going to stop me" will go. Because you CAN go. You can walk away at any time. You are there because you want to be. You do not owe anyone anything. No one has the right to put their hands on you to stop you, and if they do, that is full permission to let your anger MAKE them let go of you.
I know you are smart. I know you are clever. I know you are worthwhile, and I know you deserve love. I know you deserve to be heard, no matter how pointless ralking seems. I know you deserve to feel, no matter how ugly the feelings.
Don't worry about being kind. Being kind will come naturally, when your anger knows that you know you deserve kindness. You'll learn it more strongly and deeply than you ever thought possible as you learn how to tell what's bothering your anger, and learn how to see it in others. Just worry about you for now. The rest will follow.
I believe in you
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shkoh1 · 2 years
An Energy Auditors Professional Mission
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Energy Auditors: A Professional on a Mission to Save Energy
Hopefully, most people that become Doctors, want to be Doctors. If someone is going to go digging around in my belly, I want them to enjoy what they're doing and not wish they were out leading a group of fisherman on a flounder trip.
I feel the same way about Energy Auditors, anyone that is going to test my furnace for killer gases and inefficiency, better like what they're doing. I Don't want an auditor dreaming about moonlighting as a massage therapists and missing the big hole in my heating duct. An auditor that shows up at the door with a baby blue company shirt that has a professional logo on the chest that says RESNET ( or something similar ), a clip board, and a ladder, should be qualified and hopefully enjoy finding energy savings opportunities and areas of energy waste.
A good auditor will have the ability to talk the walk, test everything in sight and measure everything not in sight. With a number of tools ( that you have never seen before ) with names like monometer and fyrite Pro, he or she will be able to tell you the difference in air pressure in pascals, the presence of CO in parts per million and the size of an air leak in cubic feet per minute. And when all the data is collected and recorded, the auditor has the ability, and the pure joy, of telling you exactly why your heat pump freezes, your ducts leak, and your power bill is dragging you to the poor house.
Variety of License and Certificates:
Several nationwide companies have developed training and certification programs that offer recognition for residential energy auditors. RESNET ( Residential Energy Services Network ) was established in 1995 by the National Association of State Energy Officials to develop the standard for a home energy rating system.
The other main auditor training program is BPI (Building Performance Institute). Along with these two programs, RESNET and BPI, many State and local agencies will offer home performance training of their own design that concludes with a certificate and the knowledge of how to operate and test with the specialized equipment available to an inspector.
Two year degrees are offered at a number of Colleges in building performance and offer a more in-depth and wide knowledge base than is offered by the 3 or 4 week RESNET courses. If an auditor is really going to get serious about saving energy and want the big bucks available by performing energy audits on high rise office buildings and manufacturing plants, than a four year degree is needed in the field of energy engineering. I am doubtful that you or I will see a true Energy Engineer on our front porch with a smoke stick and an infrared camera, but one never really knows.
Energy Efficient Retrofits and Cost Effective Calculations: The main reason for performing an energy audit on a home is to prioritize a list of energy efficient retrofits and to establish the associated cost effectiveness or payback period. An auditor will test and collect data in an effort to discover where the most energy can be saved and which retrofits will save you the most money - and do it with the least amount of financial investment.
Here are a few more things that an auditor will be able to complete during an energy audit.
Evaluate each major appliance for rate of energy consumption. You and I can spot an old energy hog refrigerator a mile away, but the energy auditor will be able to add type, size,condition, modified energy factor, and yearly kilowatt hours used to the deal. Recommend appropriate energy conservation measures along with associated maintenance procedures. Just because you install a new furnace doesn't mean you don't need to know how and when to clean or replace the furnace filter. Estimate labor and material costs on retrofit projects. Just how much will it cost to replace the metal framed, single pane, obscure glass, single hung window in the bathroom with a new vinyl framed, double glazed, low-E, U-30 window considering the 8" hardiplank lap siding and the brickmoulding trim? Project the monthly savings expected from a particular energy retrofit. How many kilowatt hours of electricity will be save if R-25 insulation is installed in an underfloor that has no insulation? Point out, avoid, and mediate potential health and safety problems. You know, it's not really a good idea to have an old gas fired water heater in your master bedroom closet. The energy auditor will be able to instruct the household on behavior that wastes energy, like running around the house in a bikini in January with the thermostat set on 82 degrees. This behavior might remind you of your vacation in Hawaii, but at the end of the month, the power bill will remind you of the advantage of wool sweaters and thermal socks. Quality Assurance Inspections: You will be amazed at the number of residential energy auditors that have home construction experience. Not only do they know how to test for air leakage, but they know how the wall was constructed in the first place. A good energy auditor will not conclude his contribution to your homes energy saving retrofits by handing you a piece of paper with a list of recommendations, but he will follow up on the retrofit process and see that the work is done correctly. Let's face it, an insulation worker that is paid by the square foot and is one week removed from a bungalow in a neighboring country, may not be interested in the highest degree of work quality and performance.
Some follow-up qualities of a home energy auditor are:
Inspect the project near completion to check for quality work. Verify compliance with the work specifications and see that all work that was scheduled to be done actually got completed. Provide some directions and feedback on performance to contractor supervisors. Provide detailed procedure for correcting any work that was not completed satisfactorily. Emphasize to the residents the importance of continuing and regular maintenance and some TLC. Arrange for and schedule future monitoring or maintenance when appropriate. When you have the energy auditor standing on your front steps and you have approved the patch on his work shirt as being professionally designed and recognizable as a trust worthy organization, the first question you should ask is this, " What is your mission?"
You might ask, "Why are you here?", but that could lead to the honest response of, "for the money!" So, let's take a look at some of the heart-felt ideals that separate Energy Auditors from fisherman, surgeons and massage therapists.
Energy Auditors Mission Statement: The bottom line is simply - to conserve energy and save money - do just that and most homeowners will be tickled pink.
This one is a little more reminiscent of a die-hard tree hugger, protect the environment by reducing harmful by-products. The by-products we are talking about here are mostly carbon based. When you use more energy than you really need, you cause ridiculous amounts of carbon to be released to the atmosphere.
I like this one and there are no tree huggers in sight, increase home comfort. The first indicator of a successful energy saving retrofit is this -the home is more comfortable. The home is warmer, less drafty and quieter.
One of the most important mission statement items involves basic health and safety. For this one, the physician and auditor have something in common. Whatever you do, do no harm. An auditor is trained in combustion appliance safety, mold and mildew remediation, indoor air quality, ventilation, lead paint hazards and asbestos dangers. More here best accountant singapore
Be a resource for the residents concerning energy products, conservation procedures, and lifestyle contributions. An energy auditor will leave the household a little wiser about all things that effect home energy savings. I trust most auditors learned the benefits of sharing in kindergarten.
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4sweetrevenge · 4 years
unironically like... if u have anxiety, take an acting class
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