#spanish fly review
fozia786 · 27 days
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Spanische Fliege Drops For Female in Pakistan
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ayesha636 · 27 days
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Spanische Fliege Drops For Female in Pakistan
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saira625 · 27 days
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Spanische Fliege Drops For Female in Pakistan
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nehal637 · 27 days
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Spanische Fliege Drops For Female in Pakistan
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sidra736 · 27 days
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Spanische Fliege Drops For Female in Pakistan
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kinziethings · 2 years
REVIEW: Spanish Siesta: Flying into Love #2 by C.F. White
REVIEW: #SpanishSiesta : Flying into Love #2 by @CFWhiteUK #ContemporaryMMRomance #MMromance #BestFriendsRomance LOVED it !
  Matt Robinson just got dumped. Again. With his sister’s wedding on the horizon, he needs a plus one. Kieran Barker has been in love with his straight best friend for far too long. It’ll never happen. Having already been left behind when Matt went to university, Kieran can’t take more heartbreak. So when Matt invites Kieran to spend a whole week with him on the island of Majorca, Kieran can’t…
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bookstattoosandtea · 2 years
Release Blitz and Excerpt: Spanish Siesta by C.F. White
Release Blitz and Excerpt: Spanish Siesta by C.F. White
RELEASE BLITZ Book Title: Spanish Siesta (Flying into Love #2) Author and Publisher: C F White Cover Artist: Kelly Martin (KAM Design) Release Date: July 29, 2022 Genre: Contemporary M/M Romance Tropes: Friends to Lovers Themes: Bisexual awakening, forced proximity, coming out Heat Rating: 4 flames Length: 65 250 words/260 pages It is a standalone story and does not end on a…
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
oh just a little tip, i think it would be wise if you added the spanish translations somewhere inside the fics, this could be at the end or next to the spanish sentence, since you can’t copy text from posts it’s hard to translate since you have to type everything in google translate by hand <33 anyways i loved your fic, you’re very talented and i can’t wait to see more of miguel and his beloved sunshine.
you know what might be funny? if they were on a mission and got hit with a gas that switches their personalities🤣 now that would be something i would pay to see 😂
From Your Point of View
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((Miguel O’ Hara x Female! Reader))
A/N: Hello~✨ Thank you so much for the request and the critique. I have now added some translations at the bottom of the fanfics because I forgot how weird tumblr can be about copy and pasting stuff😅. Also I hope that I didn’t disappoint with this as I was kinda struggling on what to write for this one.
-Still haven’t seen the movie so be warned I may get some stuff wrong-
Warnings: Grumpy x Sunshine, Female Reader/Female Pronouns, Barely using (Y/N) ((Sunny is their nickname not their name)), bioweapons, kinda graphic injuries, Outta Character and Outta pocket behavior, and Google Translated Spanish. ((Thank you @22carolina08 for reviewing it before I posted it))
The cackle of women enjoying the fruits of their labors filled the corridor of the abandoned warehouse as they surrounded the machine they were working on. It was a tall glass sphere with some kind of purple dust floating around inside while two titanium computers stood on either side of the device.
The three women standing around it were a set of Green Goblins who jumped from different dimensions to find a universe where there wasn’t an arachnid hero to stop them from using a bomb to take control of the city.
However they didn’t expect there to be four spidermen to be observing them around the property with one little spider hiding along the walls of their lair.
“Lyla,” Miguel whispers as he observes the meeting from the top of another warehouse. “Analyze the contents of that bomb and tell me how bad it is.”
The yellow AI materializes in front of him as Miguel tries to swat her away like a fly, not wanting her to compromise his location. Lyla rolls her eyes and explains, “The dust in that little bomb they have is made from spores of this rare mushroom. It’s been reported that inhaling the spores can cause drastic changes in behavior, mood swings, and mild hallucinations. Most cases detail paitents becoming aggressive and violent.”
Jessica’s voice buzzes through the intercom as she quips, “So they are planning on driving the city into a state of panic?”
“Sounds like it.” Ben Riley gruffs in annoyance. Miguel couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he knows the Scarlet Spider was still pissed that he couldn’t go ahead and stop the goblins.
“Sounds like a party to me, mate.” Hobie cracks as he watches from the ground. “Oi, Sunny, Dear? Wanna crash their party?”
“Yes, a party of people violently hurting each other and causing mass chaos does sound like fun.” Miguel grumbles saracastially before scolding Hobie. “She can’t reply to you, Brown. Not when she’s undercover.”
Miguel can barely make out her outline with the infared of his mask lens, but he can see his little jumping spider wander among the goblins unseen.
A big advantage to have someone with his beloved’s powers. She had almost every trait of the typical spider men, but she had a unique camouflaged ability. Without the suit Miguel made her, she can lower her heart rate and rapidly chill her body temperature so she can remain undetected by infared. She can also go invisible for a few moments without the suit, but both abilities are limited due to how strenuous it was on her being.
The suit allows her to remain undetected for a much longer time and prevents her from putting too much strain on her body. The slight heat the suit emits to keep her body functioning is the only thing that Miguel can use to track her. A major drawback of her gift is that physically she’s not as strong as the others, but she can handle herself in a fight.
Of course, he’s always there to help her. Her protective predator and his gentle prey. A match made in heaven as Jess always jokes.
“(L/N).” Miguel whispers into the com as he watches his love sneak around the device. “Attach the bug I gave you to the main computer so Lyla can deactivate the bomb.”
He makes a signal to the others to tell them to be ready for the ambush. The plan was suppose to be a simple get in and out. The invisible web shooter would get the bomb deactivated while Miguel, Hobie, and Ben rush in and take out the goblins. Jess served as support in case the villains ran past them. It was suppose to be an easy mission. Until it wasn’t.
As the bomb got deactivated, a light beep from the monitor causes the Goblins to turn around and notice that someone tampered with their bomb. Before the little spider could escape, one of the Goblins throws a jack o lantern explosive at her, causing the glass vial to exploded.
Miguel’s blood ran cold as he witnesses his love engulfed in black and purple smoke, and all reason went out the window as he rushed into the contaminated warehouse to save her.
“Miguel, wait!” Jessica screams out she drives her bike in front of the other two spidermen trying to rush in.
“What gives, Drew?” Hobie snaps, concern burning in his eyes. “We gotta get in there.”
“Not without these.” She snaps back as she hands the boys four sets of gas masks. “Lyla said it’s transmitted through air. Hurry up and put these on.”
Ben grumbles and slams the mask on before running in while Hobie and Jessica share a look. “You think Sunny will be alright?” The spiked spider asks as he places the gas mask on his already covered face.
“She better be.” Jessica sighs. “I definitely don’t want to find out how Miguel will react if she wasn’t.”
With that Hobie runs in while Jessica calls for backup to help contain the spores seeping from the windows.
“Vitals appear to be normal.” Spider-Doc mutters to the three spider people surrounding one of the hospital beds. “O’Hara and (L/N) are both looking good on blood pressure and brain activity, so I expect them to wake up anytime soon.”
Thankfully, Hobie and Ben managed to capture the green goblin trio and reinforcements came just in time to contain the spread of the bio weapon. However, both Miguel and his companion were found bloody and unconscious when they found them.
The beloved spider woman had most of the damage with several shards of glass impaled into her back and arm while gaining a severe concussion. The team figured that in the rush of the moment and his vision obscured by the cloud of dust, the goblins took Miguel by surprise and got him with three sharp projectiles while he was trying to help Sunny.
Despite the horrific scene, both of them were deemed to be alright after some surgery and the only physical damage was Sunny’s now broken arm, which should heal in about a week thanks to the signature spiderman super healing. The only worry was the psychological damage.
Both were definitively exposed to large quantities of the gas and from what Lyla had said about the mental effects of the spores, they were worried about an invisible spider and her beast of a companion tearing everything apart.
Jessica sighs as she sadly gazes at the broken and restrained bodies of her friends as Hobi places a small bear on his little friend’s bed.
“Didn’t Lyla say anything about how that antitoxin is coming along?” Peter says as he bites his nail.
Spider-Doc nods as his lens shifts to appear like he’s hopefully smiling. “Lyla has said thanks to the samples from their suits, an antitoxin will be finished in two days.”
“Two days?!” Hobie snaps up. “We are about to have two spidermen possibly going on a rampage if we piss them off. I don’t think we can wa-“
A soft groan emits from the bed beside the ranting anarchist and everyone’s attention breaks from the poor doctor and onto the small spider. Her eyes flutter open as she frowns at her surroundings.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” Jessica soothes as she helps the disoriented girl sit up in her bed.
“I’m fine.” The girl said in an unusually blunt way. Her eyes now harden in an annoyed expression as she looks around at the group. “Next time, you guys should be more considerate to someone recovering from having their shit rocked.” She scolds before growling at the pain.
The sight of the sweet girl now acting so bothered towards their presence was so unsettling, but not unexpected. They were aware the sweet girl they knew was gonna be changed by the gas, but it’s still disturbing.
As they all stare at the glaring girl, a deep groan comes from the bed next to her as her attention focuses on her love. Her anger emerges as she snaps back to the spiders.
“What the fuck did y’all do to him?! Was it that asshole Ben Riley? I’m gonna kick his ass if he’s the reason my Miggy is in-“
“Cariño?” A soft mutter causes her verbal rampage to end as a pair of ruby eyes focused on her. Once she meets his eyes, an uncharacteristically soft grin comes over his face as he mumbles sweetly. “Hola, mi niña bonita, ¿cómo te sientes?””
“I’m fine.” The girl mumbles as she tries to keep her stern face while a little dusting of blush takes over. “What about you?”
Miguel chuckles at her face and gently reaches over and caresses her hand as he swoons, “Siento que puedo enfrentarme a un toro ahora que he visto tu hermoso rostro, mi amor.”
The group of spidermen looked at Miguel horrified as he looks up at them. Expecting him to snap at them or try and escape his restrains, but he doesn’t do either. He gives them a bright friendly smile as he cheers, “Oh, you guys made it out alright. I’m glad we are all still here together. Great job, everyone.”
Hobie backs up a couple of steps trying to calm his raging heart before he had a heart attack from the shock. Jessica looks at him disturbed as she silently records the duo on her phone to show her husband later. Peter calls Lyla on his gizmo as his face looses all color.
The AI emerges out of the gizmo with a cheery, “Hello~ you ringed?”
“What’s wrong with Miguel?” Peter snaps as he hears Sunny immediately yell at him about what he said about her Miggy.
“Oh I meant to warn you about that. Well the aggression is on a most case scenario kinda thing, not an every case thing. Since Miguel is more genetically altered with spider than Little Miss Sunshine, his natural aggression cancels out the one caused by the bio weapon.” The assistant explains.
Hobie laughs at this as he looks at the now confused Miguel, “So our big bad leader is as harmless as a kitten now?”
“Yep.” Lyla giggles. “And because our sunny pants there was as dangerous as a jumping spider before this, she’s now part of the majority percentaile.”
“What the fuck did you say about Migue, you twig?!” The formerly harmless girl bucks in her restraints as her protective nature causes her to want to thrash the punk star.
“Mi amor, por favor cálmate... No está tratando de ser grosero…” A now teary eyed Miguel tries to sooth his partner in a shaky calm voice.
That was when Jessica realized a mistake they made. When they restrained the pair earlier, Miguel was placed in titanium bands that crossed over his chest, arms, legs and hips. Since Sunny wasn’t considered a ‘major’ threat in comparison, she was just held down by some chains.
Because of this, the earth deafening sound of chains shattering cause all of the spiders to scream. The AI giggles as she responds,
“I forgot to mention that the chemical not only increases aggression, but also physical strength. In humans, they would just be slightly stronger than normal, but in Miss (Y/N)’s case…”
The rest couldn’t hear what else Lyla had to say as Hobie started booking it down the hall with a pissed off Sunny hot on his heels. Jessica frantically tries to undo Miguel’s restraints as he cries for his lover to come back.
Peter sighs and asks, “How much longer until the antidote is ready?”
“I can rush it for you. Should take another 3 hours hopefully.”
“Do you have any tranquilizers?” Peter asks as a now free Miguel tries to chase down his angry lover.
Hola, mi niña bonita, ¿cómo te sientes? - Hello, my pretty girl, how are you feeling?
Mi amor, por favor cálmate... No está tratando de ser grosero…- My love, please calm down...He's not trying to be rude…
Siento que puedo enfrentarme a un toro ahora que he visto tu hermoso rostro, mi amor.- I feel like I can take on a bull now that I've seen your beautiful face, my love.
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morallyinept · 5 months
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A full transcribe of FRANCISCO 'CATFISH' MORALES' dialogue/lines from the film TRIPLE FRONTIER
Includes full dialogue, and dialogue from any deleted/additional scenes available.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to read the dialogue. 🖤
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☝🏻Dialogue has been fully transcribed by myself using reference to original scripts (if available), audio subtitles and using my own two ears. Therefore, mistakes can be made, however I have tried to be as fully accurate as I can. If you spot an obvious mistake, please kindly let me know. Where audio is not clear, I have marked with *inaudible* Scenes are separated for ease of reference.
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(In Spanish) Hey! Everyday you’re uglier.
(In Spanish) Good to see you.
I don’t know man. I got the new baby now. And my lady isn’t into me doing this kinda shit any more. 
What happened to that bullshit about going back to your mother's homeland and empowering the people to police themselves? Anyway, I lost my licence. I can’t even fly right now. 
Yeah, I don’t think so. 
I didn’t mean to call your shit bullshit. 
I got busted. It’s not a big deal. Actually, it’s a big deal. 
Technically it’s a suspension. I’m still under review. 
Well, what about you, what are you gonna do? 
Yeah, Benny! 
When is it? 
Pope. Pope, I have kids over here. Does he have kids living in here with him? ‘Cause that's gonna make things whole lot more complicated and is not what I signed up for.
Why is she doing this? 
Man I almost forgot why I got out of this business. Shit gets so dark so quick. 
Benny. I got two guys on motorbikes coming your way. 
You were gonna piss yourself. 
(In Spanish) What were you thinking?  
Bullshit, you can’t help yourself. 
There were two vans in the courtyard. But if the family uses those vans to go to church, then we got nothing. So we need another van. Can your girl work that out? 
We don’t know that. 
Never spend your money until it’s your pocket, Benjamin!
How original. 
Actually, I think Mark Twain said that.
Seven getting in the van.
One guard secured in kitchen 
Your girl gave us up, Pope. We gotta get the fuck out of here. 
Like a serious fuck up. 
He’s gone, man. 
Guys! I got another wall over here!
It’s everywhere. It’s the whole fucking house. 
Okay. I'll get these last ones loaded down there, and you call out when you’re ready to light it up. Move, move! 
What are we shooting at in here?! 
Is that Lorea?
The family? 
That’s three. 
Anybody got eyes on that SUV the guards came in? Because we’re gonna need it. 
Benny! Hey! 
What do we do up here? I’ve got the family waiting to go in. 
Your girlfriend’s here. 
Just load ‘em up here and I’ll weigh them. Where’s your guy? 
What the fuck are we gonna do with that thing? 
It won’t all fit in the net. We gotta get the rest of it inside. 
That’s 250 million dollars. 
If that scale is even close to being right we’re gonna have a weight issue. 
That’s 9,000 at 2,000 feet. If we want to get to the ocean, we gotta fly over the fucking Andes, man. 
Okay. She’ll make it. Let’s go. 
The weight drags at higher altitudes. I’d like to stay under 5,000 feet till we hit the Andes. Ocean in four hours. 
I’m gonna try between these two bigger peaks. Find this valley I saw on the map. 
Just one last push through the Andes. 
It’s gotta be 11,000. Can’t fly that high. 
I don’t know. 
All right, baby. All right, baby. Come on, now. All right, baby. 
It’s close, though. 
It’s too much weight. It’s too much fucking weight. We’re never gonna make it. 
It means we’re losing fucking money. 
Do you wanna get to the ocean? 
That’s feeling better. Come on. Come on. 
Come on. 
One of the gearboxes has blown. 
I don’t want to go into a spin. 
Okay, we might be in trouble here. 
I’m losing altitude. Ah, we should land. We should land now. 
I’m trying to get her back to flat. 
I remember it. 
I can’t land this with that bag under us. We should lose the money, maybe we don’t die. Lose the money, or we’re all gonna die! Hit the external load release. It’s on the wall! 
There should be a manual override on the cargo hook! 
Alright, I’m gonna try to land over here. 
Bad landing. 
Let’s move. 
Pope, what's he reaching for is that a weapon? Pope, do you cop-?
(In Spanish) Get back!
He’s up there. 
Dancing? We were dancing when we got on the plane to come down here. I would call this full intercourse. 
Yeah it is. 
I was too quick on the trigger. You know it and I know it. I killed those people. 
Just shut up and concentrate! Jesus Christ! 
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! 
We’re all on the hook, are we not? 
Relax. Relax. We’re not picking at the fucking scab right now, okay? One foot in front of the other. Alright? Come on. Let's go. Jesus fucking Christ. 
Are you sure you want me to get rid of the mules?! 
Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! 
I’ll cut up behind you. 
I'm gonna say something. Are you listening? 
We gotta get back on our game. Enough of this. It stops now. You understand? 
As many as I had to. 
How’s your sleep? 
What about the next town over? 
What do you mean, we just mow them all down? 
It’s alright. 
Cover me 
I’m taking a shot
(In Spanish) Dumbass!
(In Spanish) Where are the keys?
(In Spanish) Vamos, Pope! 
Did you just give that fucking kid money? We should have killed that kid as soon as he saw our faces. 
I’ll tell you right now, if we get to that beach and Ben isn’t there, I’m fucking killing people. 
Come on! Come on! 
More are coming. 
Pope, shoot! Shoot the driver, what is wrong with you?! 
Where are they? 
Pope, kill them. Just kill them! 
I see it, I see it. 
I gotta get home. 
(In Spanish) See you.
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study-with-aura · 3 days
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Tuesday, May 28, 2024
I am so happy to be done with my piano practical! I think I did fairly well. I do know that I messed up slightly on my technical tests. I had to start over on one of them. As in, how does one mess up a chromatic scale!? Somehow, I managed to. I think my fingers were trying to fly too quickly, and I skipped a note, and the rest is thankfully history. The other one that I didn't start over but had a pause on was the leading tone diminished 7th arpeggio in which my silly fingers wanted to play a dominant 7th but I caught it so I didn't have to start over. I know I'll lose points for those two for sure, but other than that, my ear tests went well. Thank you to my teacher who is constantly doing ear training with me! My sight reading was a bit slower than it should have been for the set tempo, but other than that, I played the selection well and didn't stumble through it since it was quite simple. Sight reading makes me nervous for some reason.
However, the best part of the test was repertoire. I was so happy with my nocturne! It was Nocturne in E Flat Major, Op. 9, No. 2 by Chopin, and it is one of my favorite pieces that I have learned to date. I've always liked the piece so prepping it for my practical, it was my number one immediate pick that I didn't even need to think about when I saw it on the list.
Tasks Completed:
History 9 - Studied more terms
Theory - Reviewed chromatic scale and melody inversion
KA Geometry - Completed daily mastery challenge
KA Biology - Completed daily mastery challenge + completed Unit 8: Lesson 2 (part 1)
Duolingo - Studied for approximately 30 minutes (Spanish + French + Chinese, or will have by tonight)
Piano - Level 9 practical exam
Reading - Read pages 66-97 of A Whisper in the Walls by Scott Reintgen
Chores - Laundry
Activities of the Day:
Personal Bible Study (Psalm 55)
Morning Yoga
Nature hike with Julien
2.5 hours gaming with Julien (will do after posting this)
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fozia786 · 3 months
Spanische Fliege Drops in Pakistan > 03267188259
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ayesha636 · 26 days
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Spanische Fliege For Female Drops
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saira625 · 3 months
Spanische Fliege Drop in Karachi > 03267188259
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nehal637 · 3 months
Spanische Fliege Drops for Women's Libido in Pakistan > 03267188259
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sidra736 · 3 months
Spanische Fliege Drops in Pakistan > 03267188259
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thatonebirdwrites · 4 months
Oh, this chapter was a beast. I'm starting to get the hang of writing Andrea though. Sprinkling in her heritage helped a lot actually, and made it a bit more fun. Plus I went down the rabbit hole of increasingly bizarre Argentinian slang. That was a ton of fun. This chapter is very heavy on Rojarias. It implies supercorp though.
Sam hated being away from Ruby. Three days in hiding. Three days where she dealt with snipers. Three days where keeping Andrea alive was proving to be far more messy than expected. 
Two and a half days since Lena, Kara, and Nia vanished off the their radar. No reply to texts, phone calls failed to go through, and not even Brainy with his high tech could pinpoint their signals. 
Tomorrow Sam had to go into the office for a crucial meeting, which meant Andrea would have to come with her. She couldn’t leave the woman alone in Lena’s loft. Sure, Lena might trust Sam, but she knew Lena did not trust Andrea. Her permission only extended as long as Sam was with Andrea. That much Sam knew from Lena’s subtext. 
At the moment, she wanted to just plan tomorrow and call her daughter. That required Andrea to cooperate with her. After three days together, Andrea had fluctuated between flirting, not speaking at all, or tossing out insults like candy. Sam had wondered if Andrea viewed pushing her to get a reaction as a game, but then last night had happened. That altered Sam's interpretation of Andrea's prickly and sometimes flirtatious behavior significantly. 
"If I don't do something, I'll lose my mind with worry," Sam muttered. It was late evening, the sun had long set, and Sam was still unable to figure out a solution to Andrea's situation. She turned on the TV but watching something felt too aggravating. What she really needed was to release her energy, so she pulled out Lena's box of consoles instead. "Not being able to help is maddening."
Her call with her daughter had helped only marginally, but not being able to hug Ruby and give her a forehead kiss goodnight? Or sending a goodnight text to Lena to remind her to cuddle her beefcake? Sam missed them, and her worry especially for Lena, Kara, and Nia had her wishing she could figure out flying. She'd race to Ireland and search for them if it could help, but that wasn't possible. So distractions it was.
"Distractions is a tactic, no? Do you play much video games?" Andrea sat down on the sofa and picked up one of the controllers from the box under the table, where most of the video game and board games were kept.
"Yeah, with Ruby. You play?" Sam gestured to the big screen TV with her controller. She pulled up the menu for the game, but moved her joystick back and forth between single player and multi.
"Si." Andrea smirked at Sam's startled look. "I am not so uncultured, Sam. One of the programs at Obsidian is a virtual world where players can do anything. I work mostly in the business section of my father's company, but I also organize the public beta testing events. Though virtual reality is un poco," Andrea held up her finger and thumb to show a tiny sliver of gap between them, "more complex than this." She held up the controller. "This is - quaint."
"Huh. What a roaring review. I'll be sure to let Ruby know you called one of her favorites quaint." Sam grinned and lightly pushed her shoulder against Andrea's. This startled the woman, who looked at Sam with slightly narrowed eyes.
"I formally challenge you then," Andrea said with perfect, British diction. A massive difference from the lilt of her Spanish accent.
Sam wasn't the best with accents, but she figured she'd give it a try in the spirit of the game. "I formally accept your challenge."
Andrea laughed. "You call that an accent? The frog croaks better."
"Oh, shut up and play," Sam growled. She flicked to multiplayer and entered the character screen. They'd played well into the night, where Andrea turned out to be a relatively decent gamer. Sam had ordered pizza, checked it for poisons - couldn't be too careful, and did her best to try not to think about the fact she desperately missed her daughter, and was incredibly worried for her missing friends. Andrea seemed to sense this as her insults were at a minimum, which was a rarity.
Read the whole series here.
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