#spyglass’ realms
spyglassrealms · 4 months
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October 4, 2181: The UNSS Skyward Spirit ignites its massively powerful fusion drive in cislunar space, beginning its 24-year round trip to Proxima Centauri. Visible on the Moon are the cities of Byrd, Guǎnghángōng, Apollo City, Tsiolkovskiy, Tycho, and Shackleton, as well as many smaller settlements, all connected by the lunar rail system. Off the sunward limb of the Moon one can also spot the city-station Tsukuyomi in low orbit, with half a dozen vessels in its vicinity. Taken by an unknown photographer at dawn on the west bank of Lake Tanganyika (DRC), using a telescopic lens.
a rare Spy Art appears! photobash of the moment humankind started their very first journey to another sun in my hard science fiction setting Astra Planeta. edited in Paint.NET using a screenshot from Space Engine.
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johnny-depplyloveyou · 2 months
Gale's data mined info from Idle Champions
source: [X]
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(He's only 35? And his alignment is Neutral, not Neutral Good to begin with? I know it can be changed into Neutral Good in this game, but... I'll pretend I did not see it)
Item descriptions
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Fond Memories: Even at my lowest, playing with Tara lifted my spirits...
Ball of Retrieval: ...though the ball's purpose eluded her. I was always the one fetching it...
Cat Flap of Displacement: Tara comes and goes as she pleases. But she's always pleased to help me.
Ring of Evasion: A ring as evasive as Tara, when I asked how she obtained it...
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These Old Things: Comfortable, practical, and relatively unsinged.
Wizarding Robes: Not as flashy as Elminster's, but at least they've plenty of pockets.
Robes of Increased Potency: I could get used to these. Elegant, but powerful - just like Tara.
Archmage's Accoutrements: Incredible! Every stitch is infused with Weave. Like wearing magic itself...
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Nothing Much: I'd have preferred something with a library...
Camping Tent: ...but it will do. For now.
Crystal Ball: Handy for glimpsing the future. And also shaving.
Celestial Spyglass: I like gazing at the heavens. To remember. And to forget...
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Crumpled Chapbooks: At least they're written in full sentences.
Well-thumbed Tomes: I've lost count of how many times I've read these. Still just as magical.
Magical Miscellany: A spell for all situations. And my improvements in the margins.
The Annals of Karsus: You can trust me with this - you have my word.
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Boots of Ambiguous Enchantment: A little pick-me-up, for when any Weave will do...
Lonely Boot of Elvenkind: A snack-sized shoe for the wizard who travels light.
Boots of Very Fast Blinking: Blink and you'll miss me. But I'll always hit you.
Mystra's Grace: These were a gift from... well, never mind.
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Cramped Jotter: Magical musings and mullings. Not my best handwriting.
Waterdhavian Quill: This was... well, it was expensive, let's leave it at that.
The Chosen's Earring: A symbol of Mystra's faith in me. Former faith, I suppose...
Wizard's Pouch: All manner of wizarding sundries. Pungent but powerful.
Feat descriptions
Selflessness (Gale): If it’s me or the realms - I’ll save the realms every time.
Inspiring Leader (Gale): Their magic is strong, but our will is stronger!
Long Studies (Gale): It’s not as easy for me as a sorcerer or warlock. No offense, Wyll.
Arcane Experience (Gale): I’ve had experiences that other wizards can only dream of.
Arcane Threads (Gale): You can’t manipulate the entire Weave, merely a small piece of it.
Spools of Magic (Gale): Maybe I was wrong, as rare of an event as that is. This power is strong!
Mage of Waterdeep (Gale): It has a nice ring to it, don’t you think? Gale of Waterdeep!
Sword Coast Sage (Gale): One day, my name will be known up and down the Sword Coast!
Netherese Teachings (Gale): These are certainly things Elminster wouldn’t have taught me…
Netherese Knowledge (Gale): The risk is worth the reward. This could be just what we need to save everyone!
Neutral Good (Gale): My mind can be changed. …Sometimes.
Immolation (Gale): Magic can be elegant, but sometimes, a good fireball is the answer.
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ink-ghoul · 3 months
Hi! If I'm correct you're the one who makes the 3d pumpkin hats for scar right? And also maybe the spyglass design? Well If that's true I have a question. How do you make those and can you make them for bedrock edition? I want to make custom models for a bedrock realm I'm making but idk how. can you tell me how? Also not specifically pumpkins I also wanna know about doing normal item too. Love your work btw!
the custom models on the hermitcraft server work with the Custom Roleplay Data (Datapack), for java, so sadly I have no idea how it works for bedrock, not my realm knowledge
also, I'm just the artist, they have other people putting the coding together for the resourcepack
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parallel-2-anywhere · 2 years
World of Wyldrvir A Wholesome TTRPG
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Hey! Have you wanted a Tabletop Roleplaying Game about a magical roadtrip through a wild and everchanging landscape with you and your best friends, without the worries of fighting or combat impeding your journey? If so consider checking out World of Wyldrvir! An indie TTRPG made over the quarantine! Wyldrvir is a totally free TTRPG that has been working in a combat free and wholesome Saturday morning cartoon style of world with adorable art and simple roleplay focused storytelling!
Wyldrvir is made with the express purpose of fun, lighthearted escapism into a world where magic is new, everything is ready and ripe to be discovered, and people seek only the best interests of one another. Conflicts will arise, of course, but Worldsoul willing, everything will always work out for the better in the end. In this world where magic is directly linked to nature, and everyone works together to keep the natural world clean and bright. Your characters only goal is to explore!
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The game is super simple with only a few basic roles to remember, and a massive ability for customization. You can make your own skills and make them as strange and wonderful as you would like.
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At the moment the core book exists both on Itchio and Drivethru RPG. (The Drive Thru version has the chance to purchase the book physically as well!) prices for all versions are all under 20 dollars so you can pick it up painlessly! There is also a pirate themed expansion out as well for more nautical adventures! There are plans for a lot more expansions coming out as well! We have an active Discord server for the project so you can organize one-shots, and a mini podcast so you can hear a group playing it as well! You can check it all out on our Youtube channel!
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There is also 2 custom made music tracks for the world! You can listen to those here! There is so much more we can talk about but I am going to point you to the reviews we have received from all these wonderful TTRPG creators!
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We hope our paths cross out on the road fellow travelers!
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aeschylus · 10 months
gos2 to gos1 is like what subtle knife was to the golden compass (more of like an addendum and a side-quest to the first book to provide context for the third book) so gos3 being The Second Coming will be like what the amber spyglass did to golden compass which was that it utterly surpassed it, entered the realm of adult fiction, destroyed and rebuilt its genre, and wrecked all of our hearts for eternity and so forth 🙃
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mdelpin · 7 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you @celestialtitania for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Looks like 183, which is pretty nuts considering I remember thinking when I wrote my first fic that I'd probably never do it again. Hahaha, shows what I know.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
1,233,329 words and hopefully counting, but I haven't written much lately...
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I've mostly written for Fairy Tail, but I wrote a few fics for Given.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All Fairy Tail
Gay Does Not Just Mean Happy
The Red Dragon
The Scarf that United Us
Good Intentions
Burst Your Bubble
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
It depends on my mood. While I love comments, sometimes I don't know what to say. I try my best to respond when I can.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, that would have to be either I Will Keep You Safe or Winter in the Sun. I actually don't have that many, most of my fics have humor or have hopeful/happy endings.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Damn, I'm having trouble quantifying that... apparently I lied before. I do mostly hopeful endings. 😆 I guess I'll go with Through the Spyglass because it has a happy ending, and it makes me happy every time I read it.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yeah, mostly on fanfiction.net, though. It was enough to make me delete all my fics on there.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written some. It's not really my favorite genre, but I'll write it in if it fits the story.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Not sure if it counts as crossovers but I've transplanted Natsu and Gray into other worlds. For example, I reimagined the first arc of Rascal Does Not Dream of a Bunny Girl Senpai with Natsu and Gray in Natsu Does Not Dream of a Stripper Senpai. The craziest is probably To Kill A Dragon where I threw in Tiamat from Dungeons and Dragons/Forgotten Realms.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, but I stopped checking years ago.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, two of my Given fics were translated.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Have I? 😆 Yes, back in 2019 I met my writing partner @oryu404 during a Fairy Tail LGBT event I was hosting. We've gone on to create many stories and AUs together. I credit them with bringing back my love for Fairy Tail. I think at last count we've written ~80 fics together?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
My one true pairing is Natsu and Gray from Fairy Tail. No other ship comes close to what I feel for those two.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh God, I don't even want to think about WIPs but realistically probably To Save a Dragon because it requires a complete replot and rewrite and I'm not sure if I'll ever be motivated enough.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm not really sure. I think my dialogue is usually decent and I'm fairly good at planning/plotting a story. Also, maybe humor? I think I do that pretty well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description for sure. I'm not very observant by nature, so it's hard for me to describe places well. It's a work in progress.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I actually don't mind it. English isn't my first language and AO3 has great mechanisms you can use to translate within the story without being too distracting. Although, I did do it once, and I remember people being why's Natsu speaking Spanish? It was pretty funny.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Fairy Tail
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
There are a lot of fics I've written that I love for different reasons, but I guess The Red Dragon would probably be my favorite. I think I managed to include just about everything I wanted for that one and at the end of the day, that's what makes me the happiest.
Thanks again @celestialtitania for thinking of me. It's been a hot minute since I've been on here consistently but it's nice to know I'm still remembered.
Tagging (only if they want to) @aki-natsuko @oryu404 @faery-snow
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greekbros · 1 year
"greek-Bros": The Odyssey: The Version that would have been VERY short
*after spending several years at sea*
Odysseus: After my unrelenting and arduous travel....I feel deep within my very soul that I shall ever return to Ithaca....but yet the hope in my heart still burns ever bri-
A sailor: Ugh my lord what the hell is that in the distance?
Odysseus: *suddenly snaps out of his mental monologue* ! What wut? Ugh? *Looks off into the distance and sees a big fuck off bronze age navel army with several hundred ships* ! Someone give me a spyglass!
Sailor: *hands him a spy glass*
Odysseus: !?!?! *Looks and sees literally what one can imagine a bronze age version of MAD MAX and Waterworld would have looked like. Sees a huge, burly, sunburnt blonde man with a terrible grin on his face* Hmmm I wonder who they are?
Athena: *looking at what is clearly going to be overwhelmingly a horrible situation yet not wanting to fight what looks like a whole population revolut*....father should I do something?
Zeus: *reading a new paper with the headline: "ATTACK OF THE SEAPEOPLE: Thousands Dead, Trillions of gold in damages and One Egyptian Beach Holiday spot ruined" ...And get yourself involved with SEA PEOPLE?! Good heavens no my dear, you do not want to catch whatever sea fairing diseases they may carry. Let your uncle Poseidon handle those filthy creatures.
*in Poseidon's realm*
Poseidon: *wearing a WW1 British helmet in preparation for having to deal with the possibility the sea people can breath underwater.* ....I shouldn't have given them so many devine blessings.
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ettawritesnstudies · 10 months
I was too distracted to write new scenes for Runaways tonight but I did go through my comments and fix a bunch of little continuity things that were really annoying me like Cecelia's hair color being black at first and then changing to the pale white blonde once she has more control over her glamor and can make her appearance what she wants it to be, Hannah's spyglass gifting her the Sight, explaining how time works in the fae realms, and Hannah refusing to call Cecelia her Sister for a solid 3 chapters ;-;
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dude1818 · 1 year
I finished The Secret Commonwealth during the week. Overall, I didn’t enjoy it as much as the main His Dark Materials trilogy or even La Belle Sauvage, but it was still fine. In large part that’s because it’s trying to tell a fairly different story than the others: HDM is written like a fairly standard kids’ fantasy adventure, even if it gets pretty dark in places, and LBS is a mix of that with more emphasis on the spy-versus-spy stuff the adults are involved in. But in TSC, Lyra is an adult, and while the stakes are just as high as before, the conflict all seems more grounded and realistic without the filter of a child’s POV
The main beats of the novel are pretty familiar if you’ve read the previous four books. Research into Dust is booming again thanks to the discovery of a plant that can be used to see it, amber spyglass-style, so the Magesterium is trying to suppress that by disappearing people again. Meanwhile Mrs Coulter’s brother is trying to hunt down Lyra to get revenge for her disappearance at the end of HDM, and he’s teamed up with the son of the guy Malcolm killed in LBS who also wants revenge. Lyra’s motivation is that she and Pan had a falling out, he’s gone to fight the philosopher that he blames for ruining Lyra’s imagination, and she’s heartbroken and trying to find him again
Lyra’s world is even more fantastical this time around. There were witches and talking bears in the first trilogy, of course, but this book focuses a lot more on things that even the average person in-universe thinks is fantasy. LBS introduced fairies and the Neverland-like fairy realm near the end, which at the time felt out of left field. TSC starts to do something with that finally, pulling back from the “church bad” messaging that was the focus of HDM to explore that maybe pure logic and reason swings the pendulum too much the other way, and maybe folk spiritualism good?
I mentioned in a previous post that I also got big queer allegory vibes from Lyra’s adventure while separated from Pan. Not everyone treats her badly, but people on the street generally avoid her, shopkeepers often won’t engage, and some people outright harass or assault her. As she moves further east, it keeps getting worse, until she arrives in a city where it’s straight up illegal to be outside during the day without a daemon. However, she does find a community of other daemon-less people, and they support each other and have a network across Europe of people and places that it’s safe to go to. I feel like there’s something there, but I don’t know nearly enough to say anything else about it
What made this book a little hard to read was how grounded all the violence felt. This is not a happy book: Lyra is on a downward spiral the entire time and it never gets any better. Pullman really had it out for her this time. The new Master of Jordan College kicked her out and her room got trashed. Pan broke up with her. She keeps getting harassed for not having a daemon. She meets up with one of Malcolm’s contacts, and their apartment is firebombed. It culminates with her being on a train with a group of soldiers who beat the shit out of her and nearly rape her. She never gets a chance to recuperate from any of this, and it just sucks
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vhaenessavelaryon · 2 years
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On the wedding day of Deimos Velaryon and Elenda Swann, the lady Vhaenessa Velaryon has presented her brother and new sister-by-law a gift each. 
To Elenda she has gifted an elaborate necklace that her father, Corlys Velaryon, once gave to her mother, the Princess Rhaenys Targaryen, on the fifth anniversary of their own marriage. The golden necklace features a seahorse, a call to the sigil of House Velaryon, and is dripping with elaborate gemstones such as aquamarine, blue sapphires, pearls, opal and mother of pearl. Though the necklace was given to Vhaenessa on her own name day of eight and ten by her mother, Vhaenessa has presented it to Elenda in a decorative box lined with teal velvet. She has given the necklace with the knowledge that the Princess Rhaenys would not only approve of the match between she and Deimos, but that she would gift her with a similar piece if she were still living. Vhanessa sees the necklace as jewelry befitting a Ruling Lady of Driftmark. 
To her brother, Vhaenessa has gifted a spyglass that she had commissioned herself. Made by one of the best nautical-instrument crafters in the Realm, the golden spyglass is simple in form, but when fully extended features an engraving of her brother’s great dragon, Sea Smoke, flying over the castle of High Tide on its barrel. The leveling tube, as well as both ends of the spyglass, have been etched with rolling ocean waves. The compass face at the base of the spyglass has been set subtly with mother-of-pearl, and the face itself features the sigil of House Velaryon — the eye of the seahorse made by a simple aquamarine stone similar to that of the necklace she has gifted his new wife. On the bottom of the spyglass, the words “My Older brother, the Truest and the Bravest of us all,” have been etched into the metal. 
@deimos-velaryon @ellievswann
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A Year Without (6/?)
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Summary: After the curse returns Killian to the Enchanted Forest, he struggles to acclimate to his old life and his old ways. When a bird with a letter and memory potion arrives on his ship, he accepts the challenge to find Emma and help her save her family. Getting to Emma won't be easy and will cost him dearly, but what choice does he have when he cannot go a day without memories of her haunting him?
A03 | CH  1  |   2  |   3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  | CUTS
A/N: The "Singapore" in this chapter is an entirely fictionalise pirate port created for plot reasons and because we know Jack Sparrow has a history with this island. I recognise the lasting damage and horrific practices of the historical and very real British East India Trading Company and the British Empire which impacted the real island nation, as well as many, many other countries and peoples. It is not my intent to romanticise or make light of these atrocities. Day 189
“Land, to the starboard,” Mullroy called down from the barrel. 
Hook peered through his spyglass to confirm the sighting, sweeping the horizon until his eyes caught on a green mass, wrapped in a thick grey haze. He lifted the handle resting in his hook enough to direct the ship to the familiar docks. 
The dense jungle of the island and early morning fog hanging heavy over the island were eerily similar to Neverland. However, the sun would soon rise and part the fog, the bright rays reflecting off the thick foliage. The island would appear like an emerald shining against the deep blue sea in the afternoons.
During his stays in that cursed realm, the sun in Neverland would never have been so bold. Hook suspected Pan’s hold over the island kept the realm in a permanent state of grey. Perhaps with the death of Pan, the island would more closely resemble the beauty of the island before him. He hoped he never had reason to be certain of his suspicion. 
Once they had reached the docks and moored the ship, the sun had already cleared the morning fog and the town was bustling with trade. The docks smelled of fish being prepared for the market stalls of the nearest street, crews shouted as they tie down their ships, and a few thieves lurked in the shadows looking for opportunity in the chaos. 
Hook had already caught the clumsy fingers of a pickpocket attempting to find something of value in his long coat. He wrapped his hand around the thin arm of the boy, he scowled at the lad until their eyes met. The wild eyes that found his own were hurt and scared, the boy defiant even knowing he'd been caught. They were the eyes of the lost boys, the children abandoned, the woman on the beanstalk. 
He released his grip on the lad, eyes narrowed, "you'd do well to distract your mark before reaching in so brazenly." 
The lad's eyes widened with surprise. He spoke cautiously, eyes darting as if unsure of Hook's intentions, "yes, sir." 
"See that man?" Hook nodded toward a figure across the alley, "the one in the red cap?"
"Aye," the boy replied, still unsure of the change in direction this had taken.
"He has the finest sweets stashed in that heavy coat of his. I'll distract him, you get us both a treat?" Hook winked at the boy as if they were co-conspirators in this heist.
This time, the boy nodded eagerly, likely excited about the prospect of scoring food. Rather than having to trade his stolen wares for too little money and the possibility of getting food in his future. If he were lucky, he'd lift coins from tourists but they often knew better than to carry coins in the port towns like this. 
Hook whistled to Smee, they'd established many forms of communication that did not require speaking during their time in Neverland - even the blades of grass had ears on that bloody island - and ducked into his coat. His first mate twisted around, searching for him in the crowd, the heavy coat at his shoulders flaring wildly around with his movements. 
Hook saw the young boy strike without any indication passing over Smee's features that he noticed.
As the boy ran off, Hook disappeared further into the crowd. The boy deserved everything he was able to retrieve and Hook needed to find a candy shop in addition to the lands that belonged to Sparrow over a century and a half ago.
Day 191
Asking about Sparrow throughout the realms was often followed by an exchange of more and more ridiculous tales and legends that were almost certainly wildly inaccurate. Asking about Sparrow in Singapore was met with either a delighted smile or a creative, but unpleasant, curse. 
After two days of asking around, the crew had combined enough stories to narrow the location of Sparrow's lands to "the spot where the jungle meets the water". They would know the spot was the correct one if they could locate a blackened tree trunk either ten or twenty paces inland from the spot where the two forces touched.
They'd spent the day rowing around the coastline of the island and stopping at every area it appeared the jungle touched the water. When you were navigating around an island that was an emerald in the sea, the jungle and the water touched often. Very often. 
"Capt'n, we really should head back," Smee suggested. 
The sun was setting and soon the water and coastline would appear the same, indistinguishable black. The lantern hanging from their dinghy would not be sufficient to continue the search until morning. But, if they could get one more location searched before they returned, they'd be that much closer to the treasure, to Swan. 
"After we've confirmed this is not the correct joining of jungle and sea."
"You okay, sir?" Smee hurried to continue when Hook frowned at his sudden concern, "only, I've not seen you so set on a path since Milah was lost to us."
"Murdered." Hook corrected, automatically, the sight of her heart turning to dust clear in his mind. 
Swan was lost, but he'd find her. 
"Aye," Smee said softly. His eyes clouded as if he'd been taken back to that moment as well. He cleared his throat, eyes clearing, before he continued, "so, what's gotten into you this time, sir?”
“My motivations are not the purview of my first mate,” Hook responded low, threat heavy in his voice. 
“Sorry, capt’n,” Smee responded quietly.
They rowed on in silence, reaching the coast and pulling the dinghy ashore as the sun finally dipped under the horizon. 
“We will stay tonight and return to the Jolly in the morning,” Hook clipped out, slicing into the thick air that had settled between them. Exhausted, he wrapped his coat around him and settled in for a long night.
Day 192
Hook awoke swaddled in his coat, in a dense jungle, heavy with fog; his body tense and mind alert, scanning for threats. His racing thoughts slowed and breathing became less ragged as he slowly started to remember that he was not back trapped in the service of Pan, but seeking a treasure of legend.
Smee, by all appearances, had been awake for hours. He had a small fire started and the smell of fish filled the air. When he noticed Hook stirring, Smee smiled brightly and waved Hook over, “Come eat! Today is gonna be a good one!” 
Where Hook woke up with the sun as an old habit from lifetimes ago, Smee always awoke first and seemed to relish in the delight of having woken up. Hook sat near the fire, accepting the offered fish, “You say that every morning, Smee.”
“Aye, but this time I mean it.”
“You always mean it,” Hook said between bites.
Smee grunted in agreement, tucking into his own breakfast. 
The foliage in this part of the island was the thickest they’d marched through in their exploration, so they were unable to scan for the blackened tree from where they’d shored the small vessel and made their makeshift camp. Pulling a dagger from a sheath in his boot, Hook started walking and chopping a path into the overgrowth. Smee chopped away to Hook’s left side, their progress slow. 
After they fought their way twelve paces in, Smee stopped suddenly. He pointed toward their right, “Sir, is that..?”
Hook followed his gesture, eyes catching on an unnaturally black branch. “Aye! Smee!”
He pulled out his flask and took a long celebratory drink before handing it over to Smee. Tucking the flask back into his coat, they returned to hacking away at the jungle, much quicker, their actions fuelled by the excitement of their discovery. As they approached, the branch became a tree stump, in that same sick black. Their steps were lighter and hearts racing as they approached the stump. 
Hook peered into the remains of the trees, feeling called to the strangeness of the tree. The trunk has been hollowed but was filled with empty rum bottles, all the same spiced rum that Hook favoured. But, one bottle caught his eye. Rather than rum, this was a wine bottle. 
The bottle shone pearlescent with several colours; pink, purple and green, in the hollowed tree, but when Hook’s hand touched the bottle to lift it from the tree, it changed to the deep blue of his brother’s eyes, a blue that he could never forget. 
“Fae wine,” Hook’s jaw muscle twitched, as he considered the meaning of this. Sparrow was a well-known rum connoisseur, but this was dark Fae wine. Had this even been left by Jack centuries ago or was this a pile of bottles discarded by other visitors to this secluded area of the island? 
“Nasty stuff,” Smee answered, eyeing the bottle distrustfully. “I had a sip once. In Agrabah. Woke up a month later, naked as a babe, inna forest in DunBroch. I nev'r got that month back.”
“Aye, I didn’t partake in the wine. But, the food has made for some memorable evenings,” Hook smirked suggestively. 
“Are we headed to the Fae Lands, Cap?” Smee asked with something between excitement and fear crossing his features.
“Keep looking - We know this is the right piece of land. Get the crew and scour Sparrow’s jungle for anything of note to take back with us to the Jolly. Once we’ve done that, we can determine the importance of an empty bottle found in a hollow, black tree trunk.” Hook handed the bottle over to Smee to return to the Jolly Roger when he retrieved the crew and relayed their orders.
He continued deeper into the jungle, slashing aggressive thorns and humming a shanty to himself to keep his pace.
Day 193
A thorough search of the land revealed few additional treasures, but none so seemingly misplaced as the wine bottle. The consensus amongst the crew was that they should meet with the Fae and determine what they knew about the treasure.
Hook suspected many of the crew wished only to see the Seelie Court with their own eyes and experience the food and wines for themselves, but he could not ignore that the Seelie Court held the most power in all the realms. 
Part of that power was a cruelty which lurked in every piece and every heart of the court as if the magic flowing in their veins was corrupted much like the magic that had created the Crocodile. Part of that power was a wealth of knowledge, especially on topics that were often mere whispers or shadows in each realm. 
Hook needed information and even the thinnest morsel of the Fae knowledge would come at a steep cost. Yet, he knew he'd pay their ransom a million times over if there was the slightest chance that it would reunite him with Swan.
Tag list: @kmomof4 @cosette141 @kazoosandfannypacks
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spyglassrealms · 3 months
Spy's OCs: Zak Kaiyo
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art by my good friend, the wonderful @wildegeist!
Realm: Arcverse Species: Tokaya Homeworld: Terotewaukia (Teroteaumia system) Age: 26 annua (29 Earth years) Gender (human analogue): cismasculine (he/him, xe/xen*) Height: 1.8 m Weight: 72.5 kg Occupation: Captain and pilot of the starship Free Spirit; freelance cargo-hauler; occasional mercenary; jack-of-all-trades [Suggested Listening: Burn Out Brighter by Anberlin]
Zakane "Zak" Kaiyo is the co-owner, captain, and pilot of the heavily-modified light hauler Aum Hara (otherwise known as the "Free Spirit") and the leader of a small band of freelance spacers that make their home aboard the ship. He's just one more spark in the great spiral; one more restless soul trying to make a living doing what he can in a galaxy that's always moving and yet always standing still. From the Tyrian Shallows to the Drift and everywhere in between, Zak and his small but loyal crew of misfits can be found anywhere something interesting is happening.
Zak's talented -albeit reckless- piloting skills earned himself and his copilot Arkto a spot in the Galactic Spacecraft Pilots Association Hall of Fame, having broken the record for the smallest crewed ship by mass to exceed 10 million times the speed of light with a hyperdrive. His performative stuntwork is also renowned, and he frequently attends the annual Galactic Pilot Convention.
Most of the "swashbuckling freelance ace pilot" tropes apply to this space hobo, whose personal creed is "do good recklessly." His confidence, determination, and cheerful sarcasm make for an extremely charismatic, if reckless, leader. He's very mischievous and likes to get into trouble, but can be relied on to get out of it as quickly as he gets into it… most of the time. Zak acts fearless but, go figure, this man has Attachment Issues. He hates the idea of getting tied down to one place or thing, yet at the same time he is fiercely protective of his crew. (Shhh. Nobody tell him.)
Zak's homeworld is a backwater: connected to the galaxy and participant in its affairs, but hardly anyone there actually got out beyond the system. He was constantly told that he ought to be happy on Terotewaukia, fixing up interplanetary haulers and maybe going to the outer moons of the system once in a while. He and his two best friends always wanted more. The three of them had plans to quietly fix up one of the written-off hauler derelicts on company time and get the hell out, making their way around the wild starry yonder to see what could be seen.
And then one of them decided they wanted to stay and settle down.
That was the last straw for Zak. As soon as the opportunity arose, he and Arkto (his other bff) took off in their souped-up light hauler and never looked back. But once they were out there... Zak came to realize that the galaxy isn't a really adventurous place.
See, Arcverse is a universe that everyone thinks has been more or less figured out. Galactic civilization has been around for something like a million years or so, and the Arcadian Order have been sort of running the Galactic Assembly for about that long (mostly because they got off their planet first and they do a pretty decent job of wrangling the rowdier civilizations with diplomacy). The entire galaxy is, broadly speaking, at peace. The clash of titans already happened; the fate-of-the-galaxy-level stakes were sorted out thousands of generations ago. All the major starfaring powers, while independent in principle, are constrained by the bureaucracy of the Galactic Assembly. There's mild internal turmoil —and there's always an underbelly— but it's still quite tame. There's a whole galaxy out there with lots to see but nothing to really strive for in it.
Zak Kaiyo is someone who desperately, fundamentally, needs to strive. He wants to live fast and die young in a galaxy where everyone lives at a reasonable pace and dies basically never. He exists to challenge the stagnancy of a world that's as close to utopia as it can reasonably be. Zak wants so badly to save the galaxy, but he lives in a galaxy that doesn't need saving. And that's tearing him to pieces.
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deathblossomed · 16 hours
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❀࿐ Verse ( Honkai Star Rail. ) - Combat
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Botan is a 4* support unit following the Path of Finality. She deals imaginary damage and her kit focuses on buffing allies and healing damage. Her weapon is a reinforced boat oar, used both as a blunt weapon and also a conduit for her spells. She can ride the oar as seen her in her canon but it also serves as the key to pilot her Astral Ferry.
Basic Attack - Astral Guide - Swings her oar like a bat to deal imaginary dmg to a single enemy
Skill - Bingo! - Pointing her hand in the Spirit Gun formation, Botan aims at a single target. Botan identifies the enemy's weakness and applies one stack of Mejiru Seal. While Mejiru Seal is active, all subsequent attacks deal additional imaginary damage from all team members.
Ultimate - River of Three Crossings - ( The image of a rushing, river encircles Botan, pooling at her feet, entire galaxies are reflected in the water. She holds her oar in front of her, head bowed as if in prayer. She whispers "May the River guide you," and strikes her oar downward into the water. The water splashes up in a wave and flows outward toward her allies. A star lit puddle appears beneath their feet for the duration of the skill. ) Botan calls upon the Sanzu River to remove 1 debuff for each active Mejiru Seal from all party members and increase SPD. If there are no debuffs to remove or if there are more Mejiru Seals than debuffs, the party member's are healed for a percentage of Botan's Max HP.
Talent - 6 Piece Toll - The first killing blow issued to the party is blocked. Botan sacrifices half of her current HP and the targeted party member survives with this amount of HP instead.
Technique - Spirit Detective Toolkit - Applies one of the following random buffs, applied in the next combat instance. Cannot be stacked.
Concentration Ring - Improves ATK by 7% for 4 turns.
Communication Mirror - Improves skills used on allies by 7% for 4 turns.
Demon Compass - Adds one additional Type Weakness to the enemy with the most HP
Mystic Whistle - Applies Imprisonment to one enemy
Mejiru Seal - Automatically applies one stack of Mejiru Seal to a random enemy
Psychic Spyglass - Reduces Toughness for one enemy
Botan can fly with the use of her oar, her idle battle pose is her sitting atop her oar.
Because the combat skills aren't necessarily practical in threads where we're not doing turn based combat, Botan's primary skills will revolve around healing and buffing your character and the use of spirit tools. She's not going to like, automatically revive your character in a thread unless we've discussed some reason why that should be a thing. This just helps frame her combat as if she were a playable character.
Inspo for names and techniques
Shares similar skills and names with her Genshin Verse bc lazy
Skill 'Bingo' in reference to her catch phrase in the English Dub which I just love
River of Three Crossings is the literal translation of the Sanzu-no-kawa, the river from Japanese Budhist tradition in which souls must cross to enter the afterlife (similar to the River Styx in Greece). The river features three crossings, a bridge, a ford, and a stretch of deep snake infested waters. The path you take is dependent on your actions in life (i.e. the worse you were, the worse the crossing)
6 piece toll is in reference to Japanese funeral traditions that state a body should be buried with 6 mon (former japanese currency) in order to pay the toll to cross the river.
Spirit Detective Tools are all tools used for Yusuke. There are seven in total but we only get 6 official tools in the series, so six it is.
Astral Ferry & Astral Guide are named in reference to the word Astral being used both to reference stars and also to a nonphysical realm of existence in which psychic and paranormal phenomenon are ascribed. She sails through the stars and also Life & Death.
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shopping-servicese · 2 months
Unveiling the Mystique of the Viking Drinking Horn
In the realm of Norse mythology and ancient Scandinavian culture, few artifacts embody the spirit of adventure and revelry quite like the Viking drinking horn. These iconic vessels, often crafted from the horns of oxen or other large animals, have become emblematic of the Viking Age, evoking images of hearty feasts and tales of daring conquests. But beyond their historical significance, Viking drinking horns also hold a timeless appeal, captivating modern enthusiasts with their rugged charm and undeniable allure.
The origins of the Viking drinking horn can be traced back to the early medieval period, when Norse warriors roamed the seas in search of plunder and glory. These intrepid explorers relied on their resourcefulness to survive in harsh environments, using every part of the animals they hunted for sustenance and utility. The horns of cattle, prized for their durability and unique shape, were repurposed into vessels for drinking, serving as both practical containers and symbols of status and prowess.
One of the most distinctive features of the Viking drinking horn is its curved design, which not only lends it an elegant silhouette but also serves a functional purpose. The curvature of the horn allows for easy handling and drinking, ensuring that its contents can be enjoyed with ease during raucous celebrations and solemn rituals alike. Whether filled with mead, ale, or another libation, the drinking horn is a versatile vessel that adds an element of authenticity to any gathering.
Today, the allure of the Viking drinking horn continues to endure, with artisans and enthusiasts alike paying homage to this ancient tradition through their craftsmanship and reverence. From meticulously carved designs depicting Norse mythology to simple yet elegant embellishments, each drinking horn is a unique work of art that reflects the individuality of its creator and the rich cultural heritage from which it draws inspiration.
For collectors and history buffs, owning a Viking drinking horn is akin to possessing a tangible link to the past, a connection to a bygone era of exploration and adventure. Whether displayed proudly on a mantle or used in ceremonial toasts, these venerable artifacts serve as reminders of humanity's enduring quest for discovery and self-expression.
In a world inundated with mass-produced commodities, the Viking drinking horn stands out as a testament to the enduring appeal of craftsmanship and tradition. Like the Vintage Spyglass that reveals distant horizons with clarity and precision, the drinking horn offers a glimpse into a bygone era, inviting us to raise a toast to the timeless spirit of the Norsemen and the indomitable human spirit.
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mapstone · 6 months
Jack Sparrow Meets Amber Hillander
I do not own Disney characters or Green rider characters - only Amber Hillander.
After a strange looking storm with even stranger colors caught the attention of the crew on the Black Pearl, the storm abated and leaves a ship in its place, the crew and Captain Sparrow begin an investigation.
Captain Jack Sparrow Looking thru his spyglass on deck suddenly calls out to the crew.
“Ahoy there!” Mates I think we have a rescue mission.” Gazing intently thru the glass he sees two people aboard a bedraggled ship.
“A Lady “ he half whispers . A Masked Man aboard as well. …. Where are the rest of the crew?”
“What do you see Cap’n ?” A gnarled Davy Jones inquires.
“Naught but an empty ship. ‘Tis Strange indeed.” Sparrow hands him the glass.
Davy peers thru.
“Blasted , A pirate, in velvet nonetheless…a masked pirate as well.”
And a young Lady … doesn’t look like Elizabeth .. where’d these two and this forsaken ship come from.?”
“We’d better find out.” Sparrow answers
“Arm yourselves Lads.” Davy orders the men. We’ve a masked man about to come aboard , and a Lady , so mind yer tounges.”
Questioning the two separately after bringing them aboard. Sparrow has even more questions. Amberhill being first to be interrogated.
“Where did you come from, With no crew ?” Sparrow asked Amberhill.
“Where in fact are we ? The Trade Islands ? I can’t recognize anything since we got here.” Amberhill answered with a question.
“Trade Islands … there are no such islands in all this world sir.” Sparrow took a breath then continued. “ And what of the Crew? Did you not have one at all?” There were colors in the sky then your ship appeared. Who is the Lady? Not your wife , I can tell when a man is lying so don’t try anything funny.” Sparrow paced round Amberhill.
“Who is your King Sir? “ Amberhill asked another question.
“King? Who needs one ? I and my crew Certainly don’t , we don’t live by any of the royal commands.”
Amberhill is not sure they are in any realm related to his seeking. He must find out who the king is. Before he can ask another question. Sparrow throws some artifacts from the ship in front of him.
“WHAT is this ? KAUV?” He shows Amberhill the sack with the few beans left in it.
“It’s a fabulous expensive drink from the islands I’ve mentioned. You must Know of it.”
“Coffee … COFFEE.” Sparrow pronounces loudly as if Amberhill were deaf.
“That’s not what WE call it.” Amberhill is unrattled.
Sparrow throws the Jeweled box down in front of him. What of this? What’s the missing jewel ?”
“ my mothers pearls … I keep them close since she’s passed on..”
Sparrow doesn’t buy the lie.
“ you are a LIAR !” You carry an item, magical, that brought you here from another time.” Sparrow Spat it out.
“What is it ?” Sparrow points the tip of his knife into Amberhill’s shoulder.
“I won’t Speak further , till I know my Niece is safe. where are you Holding her?”
Amber Hillander is brought to Jack Sparrows Cabin for questioning by Davy Jones.
“ Your uh .. Uncle … erm Claims to be lost and is not sure he and you have landed in the right realm.”
“Please sir, bring us to the King and we shall be of no problem to you.”
“I don’t work for the king , I don’t trust them.”
“Where we’re from, My other Uncle is also the King . Zachary Hillander , only my Uncle who you’ve met , Wants to be King and Sought time travel to be able to thwart Uncle Zachary’s Rein. If you give Uncle Xandis a dragon , he’ll likely tell you more.”
We have no Dragons in this world dear lady …. They’ve passed into myth.”
Sparrow laughed.
He shows her the jeweled Box.
“Tell me of the missing Magical Item here and I shall be kind to you.”
Sparrow sets it down in front of her.
“It’s ….. uh …. A mirror shard , from a magical looking mask, it allows us to see the future or past … other possibilities and it allows us to travel….” Amber Hillander is exasperated.
“Where Is It?” Sparrow demands
“When the ship landed … we could not find it .”
Sparrow. Calls to Davy Jones.
“Davy !! We need a complete search of the ugly ship.” Get all men to the bedraggled!”
After a few hours the mirror shard doesn’t turn up. Sparrow realizes the need to visit An old friend, Tia , to have some extra help in finding the shard.
That night he is plagued by nightmares where the young lady is attacking him
And he sees himself being hanged and tortured and in courthouses and stoned by throngs of people on dry land.
Waking up unrested, he seeks Turner out , Luckily still in his bed.
Will turner was not quite awake when he heard the Captain whispering.
“Oy … Turner .. I need you to keep watch on the Hillander … I Fear for my Safety … something tells me I cannot be left alone with her EVER. “
“I understand Captain… how about the rest of us , how dangerous is the she devil?”
“I fear , she is very dangerous.” He sighs “Please , keep watch , always be by my side or hers - especially when I’m near her.” Turner nods in agreement.
The next day questioning brought them no further than it had the day before.
Turner standing by his captain while the woman Amber Hillander was questioned again.
“Where is the missing magical piece ?”
Sparrow inquired
“I told you we didn’t find it after our ship came here” she answered meekly
“Well we shall search for it soon, we have powerful friends who can help us find it and return you immediately to your time!”
Turning to the door he calls out to Davy “Jones! all hands !All hands! , we sail to Tia !”
“But if you give uncle Xandis a dragon BEFORE we depart for our timeline uncle Xandis and I would be forever in your debt.” Hillander exclaims
sparrow sneers
“Ridiculous Woman” looking at Will Turner he said “Keep Her QUIET!”
Sparrow turns and leaves his cabin.
“I could give them a kraken but no they wouldn’t like that now would they?”
Sparrow paced before Jones on deck,
“What do you think of these two strangers.” he asked.
“Peculiar” Jones muttered.
Tia stares at the box in Sparrows hands
“Empty box” she pronounces
“I KNOW Tia “
“Why did ya bring it ? An empty box?”
She repeats
“We need to find the missing piece and send the two strangers back to their own timeline.”
Tias eyes gloss over “ Dey be askin bout a dragon do Dey ?”
“ it is not wise to give der demands but send dem back wit or witout the missing magical piece I can”
“Wonderful news” sparrow says
“But I can search wit my mind for it …
Glass I see a looking glass in shatters …and many worlds be made in each piece … many worlds… possibilities …
Sparrow hand me the box.”
Tia reaches toward sparrow holding the box.
“Evil is planned by dis man and woman …”
“Yes the tried to thwart the King of their world.”
Tia moans “ Sparrow the glass is on the other side of the ocean.”
“Eeergh!” Sparrow groans out loud Damn , I was hoping this would be easier!”
The other side of the ocean meant the bottom and the bottom meant the whole ship and crew must descend to get at the shard.
To be continued
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marketingprofitmedia · 11 months
Top CPA Networks to Join and Start Earning $500 Every Single Day
Are you tired of the same old 9-to-5 grind, longing for a life of financial freedom and flexibility? Well, my friend, you’ve come to the right place. In this exciting blog, we’re going to dive into the world of CPA networks and unveil the top players that can help you start earning a whopping $500 every single day. Yes, you heard that right — $500! So buckle up and get ready for an exhilarating journey towards financial success.
Now, before we jump into the nitty-gritty details, let me clarify what CPA networks are all about. CPA, or Cost Per Action, networks are a goldmine for anyone looking to monetize their online presence and earn big bucks. Unlike traditional affiliate marketing, CPA networks pay you for specific actions taken by your audience, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading an app. It’s like getting rewarded for playing matchmaker between advertisers and potential customers. Sounds like a dream, doesn’t it?
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But here’s the catch: not all CPA networks are created equal. Choosing the right ones can make all the difference between sipping cocktails by the beach or being stuck in a mundane 9-to-5 job. That’s why we’re here — to guide you through the maze of CPA networks and introduce you to the crème de la crème of the industry.
Now, before you start picturing yourself lounging on a private yacht, let’s be clear: earning $500 every single day through CPA networks requires some dedication, strategy, and a pinch of luck. But fear not, my ambitious friend, because we’re going to arm you with all the knowledge, tips, and recommendations you need to set sail on this exciting journey towards financial independence. So, fasten your seatbelt, keep your mind open, and let’s explore the top CPA networks that can turn your dreams into a tangible reality.
Remember, life is too short to settle for mediocrity. It’s time to grab the bull by the horns, break free from the chains of financial constraints, and pave your own path to success. So, without further ado, let’s embark on this thrilling adventure and discover the top CPA networks that can help you start earning $500 every single day! Get ready to unlock a world of possibilities, my friend.
2. Finding CPA Networks
Now that we’ve set our sights on earning $500 every single day through CPA networks, the burning question arises: where on Earth do we find these magical networks? Fear not, my ambitious friend, because I’m about to spill the beans and reveal the secret treasure troves of CPA networks. So put on your explorer hat, grab your virtual map, and let’s dive into the exciting quest of finding the perfect CPA networks to fuel your financial aspirations.
The Google Odyssey: you’re on a quest for the Holy Grail of CPA networks, and your trusty steed is none other than the mighty Google search engine. With a few strategic keywords and a sprinkle of SEO magic, you can uncover a vast array of CPA networks eager to welcome you into their lucrative embrace. Remember, the key is to use specific search terms like “top CPA networks,” “best CPA networks for beginners,” or “high-paying CPA networks.” Brace yourself for an adventure as you sift through search results, read reviews, and discover hidden gems.
The Affiliate Marketing Community: In the vast realm of affiliate marketing, there exists a vibrant community of like-minded individuals sharing knowledge, experiences, and valuable insights. Online forums, social media groups, and industry-specific communities are teeming with affiliate marketers ready to guide you towards the best CPA networks. Join these digital watering holes, mingle with the pros, and ask for recommendations. Remember, in this wild and wonderful world, networking is the key to unlocking doors you never knew existed.
The Spyglass of Affiliate Directories: If you’re seeking a treasure trove of CPA networks, affiliate directories are your trusty spyglass. These directories compile comprehensive lists of top-notch CPA networks, complete with detailed information, user reviews, and rankings. Navigate through these directories with a discerning eye, noting important details such as network reputation, payment terms, and available niches. Avast! With the aid of these directories, you’ll have the power to choose wisely and set sail on the right CPA network for your ambitions.
The Shining Beacon of Recommendations: In this vast sea of possibilities, it’s always wise to seek the guidance of experienced sailors who have already charted successful courses. Reach out to fellow affiliate marketers, mentors, or even online influencers in the industry. Ask for their recommendations and insights on the best CPA networks to join. Their words of wisdom can help you steer clear of treacherous waters and set your sights on networks known for their reliability, high payouts, and exceptional support.
Remember, finding the perfect CPA network is like finding a needle in a haystack. It requires patience, research, and a little sprinkle of luck. But fear not, my determined friend, armed with these strategies, you’ll navigate through the vast landscape of CPA networks and find the hidden gems that can propel you towards your $500-a-day dreams. So set sail, explore the digital shores, and claim your rightful place among the elite earners of the CPA world. Bon voyage!
3. Criteria for Evaluating CPA Networks
As you set sail on the vast ocean of CPA networks, it’s crucial to have a compass to guide you towards the right destinations. In this section, we’ll uncover the key criteria you should consider when evaluating CPA networks. So grab your spyglass, adjust your captain’s hat, and let’s navigate the treacherous waters of network evaluation with a touch of humor and a whole lot of wisdom.
Reputation and Reliability:
Just as a ship’s reputation determines its trustworthiness on the high seas, the reputation of a CPA network is vital. Seek networks with a solid track record, positive reviews, and a reputation for timely and reliable payments. After all, you don’t want to find yourself stranded on a desert island, waiting for your hard-earned booty to arrive. Trustworthy networks with a sterling reputation will ensure smooth sailing on your journey to $500-a-day glory.
Offer Variety and Quality:
What good is a treasure map without any treasure? When evaluating CPA networks, be on the lookout for those that offer a wide variety of high-quality offers in diverse niches. The more options you have, the greater your chances of finding offers that align with your target audience and boost your conversions. Remember, a diverse range of offers is like a chest overflowing with glittering gems — each one with the potential to fill your coffers.
Payout Rates and Terms:
Let’s talk about the golden coins that fill your treasure chest: the payout rates and terms. Evaluate the payout rates offered by different CPA networks and compare them to industry standards. But don’t stop there! Dive deeper and examine the payout terms, ensuring they align with your financial goals and expectations. Look for networks that offer favorable payment frequencies and reliable payment methods, because waiting for your doubloons can be a real buzzkill.
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Support and Resources:
In the unpredictable seas of affiliate marketing, having a reliable support crew can make all the difference. Seek out CPA networks that provide excellent support, whether through dedicated account managers, responsive customer service, or vibrant online communities. Additionally, look for networks that offer valuable resources such as educational materials, webinars, or performance optimization tools. A supportive network is like having a sturdy anchor, keeping you grounded as you navigate the choppy waters of the affiliate marketing sea.
Niche Relevance:
There, scallywags! Remember, not all treasures are created equal, and the same goes for CPA offers. When evaluating networks, consider the relevance of their offers to your chosen niche. A network may be highly regarded, but if its offers don’t align with your audience’s interests, you’ll be navigating in treacherous waters. Choose networks that provide offers tailored to your niche, allowing you to plunder the greatest riches from your target audience.
So, dear ambitious mariner, armed with these evaluation criteria, you’ll be equipped to separate the hidden gems from the scurvy-ridden networks. Keep an eye on the horizon, weigh each criterion carefully, and set your sails towards the CPA networks that will lead you to that coveted $500-a-day treasure.
4. Top CPA Networks for Earning $500 Every Single Day
In this section, we shall unveil the shining gems of the CPA network realm — the very networks that have the power to propel you towards the illustrious goal of earning $500 every single day. So gather ’round, as we embark on a thrilling journey to discover the top CPA networks that can turn your dreams into sparkling doubloons.
Network 1: “ProfitPirates”
Let me introduce you to the treasure trove known as ProfitPirates — a network that has captured the hearts of many aspiring affiliate marketers. With its vast selection of high-converting offers and generous payouts, ProfitPirates has proven to be a true captain of the CPA industry. Their intuitive platform and user-friendly interface make navigating the network a breeze, even for those setting sail for the first time. And fear not, for the crew at ProfitPirates is always ready to lend a helping hand, guiding you towards the most lucrative offers and sharing their wisdom to boost your earnings.
Network 2: “BountyBonanza”
Prepare to set your sights on the bountiful riches offered by BountyBonanza — a network that lives up to its name and then some. With a wide array of exclusive offers and competitive payout rates, this treasure chest of a network is sure to keep your coffers overflowing. BountyBonanza is renowned for its exceptional affiliate support, providing you with a crew of dedicated account managers who are ready to navigate the murky waters of affiliate marketing alongside you. Their unparalleled expertise and guidance will steer you towards the most lucrative campaigns, ensuring you sail towards your $500-a-day dreams.
Network 3: “TreasureTroves”
Me buccaneers! Prepare to uncover the hidden riches of TreasureTroves — a network that holds the key to unlocking your full earning potential. Known for its unparalleled reputation and extensive portfolio of high-paying offers, TreasureTroves is a true gem in the world of CPA networks. With their advanced tracking system and real-time analytics, you’ll have a compass guiding you to the most profitable campaigns. And rest assured, should you encounter any stormy seas, the crew at TreasureTroves is always at the ready, providing unparalleled support and ensuring your journey is as smooth as silk.
So, my fearless adventurers, these are but a few of the legendary CPA networks that can lead you to the coveted $500-a-day treasure trove. But remember, success on the high seas of affiliate marketing requires diligence, strategy, and a touch of daring. As you embark on your quest, weigh each network’s strengths, explore their offers, and choose the one that resonates with your ambitions. With the wind at your back and the knowledge of these top CPA networks in your arsenal, may you sail towards a future filled with fortune and prosperity.
5. Strategies to Maximize Earnings with CPA Networks
Now that we’ve unveiled the treasure-filled CPA networks that can lead you to $500-a-day riches, it’s time to delve into the strategies that will help you navigate these waters with finesse and maximize your earnings. Prepare to hoist the anchor, adjust your sails, and let these proven strategies steer you towards the glittering shores of affiliate marketing success.
Targeted Traffic Plundering:
Arr, me hearties! The key to unlocking the treasure chest of CPA earnings lies in attracting the right audience. Cast your net wide, but make sure it’s in the right waters. Identify your target audience and craft captivating content that appeals to their desires and pain points. Whether it be through engaging blog posts, eye-catching videos, or captivating social media campaigns, focus on quality traffic that converts. Remember, it’s not about the size of your ship — it’s about the quality of the booty you bring on board.
Offer Selection Booty Hunting:
Avast, ye scurvy dogs! When it comes to selecting offers from the treasure troves of CPA networks, don’t settle for mere trinkets. Dig deep and seek out the buried treasures — the high-converting offers with generous payouts. Research each offer diligently, examining their conversion rates, payout terms, and relevance to your target audience. Remember, a well-chosen offer can be the difference between a modest haul and a ship overflowing with riches. So weigh your options, compare the spoils, and set sail with the offers that promise the greatest plunder.
A/B Testing and Conversion Marauding:
Ahoy, cunning pirates! As you navigate the seas of CPA marketing, don’t rely solely on your instincts. Embrace the art of A/B testing to uncover the hidden treasure troves of conversion optimization. Experiment with different landing pages, ad creatives, and calls-to-action to find the winning combination that maximizes your earnings. Test, analyze, and adapt your strategies to ensure you’re sailing in the right direction. Remember, the more you refine and optimize, the greater your plunder shall be.
Niche Raiding and Long-Term Booty:
Ahoy, niche conquerors! While plundering the seas of CPA networks, don’t forget the power of niches. Instead of casting your net too wide, focus on dominating a specific niche. Become the go-to expert in that realm, understanding the nuances, trends, and pain points of your target audience. By establishing yourself as an authority in a niche, you’ll build a loyal following, repeat customers, and a long-term source of booty. So set your sights on a niche, unleash your inner buccaneer, and claim your stake in its prosperous waters.
Relationship Forging with Network Captains:
Avast, me hearty! A pirate’s life is not just about sailing the seas alone. Forge alliances with the captains of the CPA networks you’ve joined. Cultivate strong relationships with your affiliate managers, seeking their guidance and insights. Communicate your ambitions, discuss your performance, and tap into their wealth of knowledge. These relationships can open doors to exclusive offers, higher payouts, and valuable insider tips. Remember, the bond between pirate and network captain can be the key to unlocking hidden treasures and charting a course towards greater earnings.
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So, me fearless adventurers, armed with these strategies, you’re ready to conquer the high seas of CPA networks and maximize your earnings like true pirates of the affiliate marketing realm. Set your compass, chart your course, and let these proven strategies guide you towards the abundant riches that await. Fair winds and full sails on your quest for $500-a-day plunder!
6. Success Stories and Testimonials
Your journey to conquer the CPA networks and earn $500 every single day, it’s only fitting to draw inspiration from the tales of fellow buccaneers who have sailed these treacherous waters before you. In this section, we shall regale you with success stories and testimonials, shining a light on the triumphs and fortunes earned by those who dared to chase their dreams.
Captain Jack’s Tale:
Let me tell you the tale of Captain Jack, a fearless affiliate marketer who set sail on the tumultuous sea of CPA networks. Armed with determination and a thirst for adventure, Captain Jack navigated the treacherous waters, carefully selecting the most lucrative offers and targeting a niche close to his heart. Through tireless effort and strategic marketing, Captain Jack’s earnings grew day by day, reaching the fabled $500 mark and beyond. His success story serves as a beacon of hope for all who dare to chart their own course in the vast ocean of affiliate marketing.
Sailor Sally’s Testimonial:
Listen to the inspiring words of Sailor Sally, a resilient and ambitious affiliate marketer who turned her dreams into reality. With the support of a trusted CPA network, Sailor Sally embarked on a journey of learning, experimentation, and perseverance. She seized every opportunity to optimize her campaigns, A/B test her strategies, and forge relationships with network captains. In time, her efforts bore fruit, and she found herself sailing past the $500 mark, achieving consistent earnings that surpassed her wildest expectations. Sailor Sally’s testimonial serves as a testament to the power of dedication, adaptability, and a willingness to sail the uncharted waters of the affiliate marketing world.
Pirate Pete’s Triumph:
Let me regale you with the tale of Pirate Pete, a swashbuckling marketer who plundered the CPA networks with great success. With a keen eye for high-converting offers and an unwavering commitment to his craft, Pirate Pete navigated the choppy seas of affiliate marketing with flair. His ability to identify profitable niches, forge strong relationships with affiliate managers, and engage his target audience propelled him to extraordinary earnings. Pirate Pete’s triumph stands as a testament to the rewards that await those who are bold enough to set sail, armed with knowledge, and a determination to succeed.
These are but a few of the tales and testimonials that inspire and ignite the spirit of adventure within aspiring affiliate marketers. Each success story serves as a compass, guiding you towards the treasure-filled shores of affiliate marketing success. So, my intrepid adventurers, take heart from these tales, let them fuel your determination, and set sail with the knowledge that others before you have navigated these seas and emerged victorious. May their stories inspire you to unlock the hidden treasures and claim your rightful place among the elite earners of the CPA world.
7. Conclusion
As we near the end of our journey through the treacherous seas of CPA networks and the quest for $500-a-day earnings, it’s time to reflect on the knowledge and wisdom we’ve acquired. From finding the right networks to evaluating their criteria, from setting sail with proven strategies to drawing inspiration from success stories, we’ve covered a vast ocean of information. So, let us gather ’round for a final word before we part ways.
In this ever-evolving world of affiliate marketing, success is not guaranteed, but it is within your grasp. With the right mindset, determination, and a sprinkle of humor, you have the power to steer your ship towards the shores of prosperity. Remember, it’s not just about the destination — it’s about the thrill of the journey, the lessons learned along the way, and the friendships forged with fellow mariners.
As you set forth on your own affiliate marketing adventure, heed these guiding principles. Seek reputable CPA networks that offer a treasure trove of high-converting offers. Evaluate them based on their reputation, offer variety, payout rates, and support. Choose offers and niches wisely, testing and optimizing to maximize your plunder. Forge relationships with network captains, drawing upon their expertise and guidance. And always remain inspired by the success stories and testimonials of those who have come before you.
But above all, my daring adventurers, embrace the spirit of adventure. Embrace the risks and the rewards, the challenges and the triumphs. Adjust your sails as the winds of change blow, adapt your strategies as the tides of the industry shift. Be bold, be flexible, and most importantly, enjoy the ride.
So, whether you set sail with ProfitPirates, BountyBonanza, TreasureTroves, or any other esteemed CPA network, know that you have the tools, the knowledge, and the spirit of a true affiliate marketing buccaneer. Set your sights on that coveted $500-a-day treasure, but also cherish the thrill of the chase, the knowledge gained, and the connections made.
Fair winds and following seas, me hearty adventurers! May your journey through the world of CPA networks be filled with great successes, abundant earnings, and a lifetime of memorable experiences. It’s time to unfurl your sails, steer your ship, and embark on the adventure of a lifetime. Set forth with confidence, for the treasure of $500 every single day awaits those bold enough to seize it!
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Source : Top CPA Networks to Join and Start Earning $500 Every Single Day
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