#stargate universe epilogue
bagheerita · 10 months
thoughts on SGU "Epilogue":
Volker telling Rush "you're just jelly we survived without you" is like… my dude you died 5 minutes after they arrived what is this "we"??
(I feel like this is a line they should have given to Brody, except it wouldn't vibe with the way they made him the strawman fanatic for the episode.)
My love for TJ grows in proportion to how shitty the narrative is to her and the narrative REALLY enjoys being shitty to TJ.
Related I guess, but TJ/Young gives me the bad vibes. I'm usually the one who says "I'll ship anything" but I do not ship TJ with Young and I feel like the show really wants me to believe that this is a good relationship. It baffles me. Young is a walking disaster of a man and I neither understand what TJ sees in him nor believe that she understands it either. like, Varro is standing right there ffs
I do really like James/Varro. I think James has the potential for great compassion, which is something i think Varro liked about TJ, as well as her competence and strength. They fit together, other than just being each other's second choice.
For all the hetero-normative baby-making they focus on here, I really appreciate that the show took the time to establish that it is possible to contribute significantly to society in ways other than genetic offspring. From the moment they meet their descendants, Yaozu greets them with the name of Camile's father, a tea ceremony she recognizes, and a blessing in Mandarin. Camile is the last survivor of the Destiny, contributing to their survival in every important way.
I loved the brief talk she has with Chloe and TJ about finding a partner and how she really feels no need to. She's already found and been parted from her soulmate, who could possibly fill the place that Sharon's absence has left open?
If you had told me last year that the healthiest, most developed and adult intimate relationship in all of Stargate was between lesbians I would not have believed you. Looking back, maybe it was necessary to remove the m/f element from the equation because I often have the feeling that Stargate writers flat out do not understand healthy interaction between men and women.
I am amused that "Epilogue" is not the last episode of the season/show. Though I feel like they knew at this point that the show was cancelled, because they completely skip the "dropping the descendants off at the settlement planet" part of the story, which annoys me in equal measure to my amusement. That would have been so interesting, and good for another 5 episodes at least. (Though Stargate has a habit of turning season/half-season arc ideas into single episodes looking at you "The Game" to instead go back to the idea "What if interstellar robots want to kill us??")
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vorthosjay · 24 days
Hey Jay, I was wondering if you know anything about how Jace was able to planeswalk Vraska (and Loot) at the end of OTJ stories. Later in the Epilogue stories Jace was also able to planeswalk with food from Tarkir, so I assume whatever rule of the Blind Eternities that got changed with the omenpaths now allows this to happen (any living/organic matter can be transported and any planeswalker can act as a gate?). Secondly there's the cross-plane language issues that seem to be irrelevant now?
AFAIK he doesn't planeswalk away from the vault, Oko does and they're gone by the time he gets back. I've talked about the 'organic matter' thing earlier this week.
Re: Language - I've talked about this a lot in the past, but there's never been a cross-plane language issue, neither for planeswalkers or non-walkers we've seen move between planes before. Granted, the only examples we have are the Weatherlight on Rath and Mercadia, or all the peoples brought to Mirrodin, but in general this isn't something any long-form IP storytelling addresses in a major way, outside of handwavium universal translators, because learning languages takes over stories. I remember Stargate attempted it for a few episodes before giving it up completely without explanation. IMO language magic seems easy and common enough to be unremarkable, while more difficult languages and other scripts continue to cause people issues.
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aurora-313 · 3 months
In all your readings, have you found another couple that functions perfectly as both platonic friends and as lovers as ichiruki do, but that is so underutilized by its creator in any capacity?
(Imagine Lisa easing out from Black and Blue, then she and Kaien are friends for a little while, then they see each other once a century.Fans of their relationship will be upset, and it will be their right. What will not be their right will be to act nasty about it. You know that you assume a risk with a WIP. )
Any author can do what they want with their story, but when you create expectations that you don't meet, people will be upset, especially if they pay you, and you use their friendship/romance as a selling pitch. I still don't get why people are upset on the people that are upset. Again being a WIP, doesn't mean that I have to like whatever direction the author chooses. I personally rarely take risks on WIPs, so I STARTED BLEACH AFTER IT WAS FINISHED AND I KNEW THE ENDING, and the false advertising still hit me. I fell for ichiruki, and the end and then the soul burriel chapter where they barely speak on the phone and Renji now replaced Rukia as Ichigo's friend was an 180degree if I ever saw one. I wonder if in the Hell Arc, they'll even recognize each other anymore..
P.S. Thank you for remembering Rukia in your fiction more than her creator does in canon.
(Please forgive me. This answer went on a ramble and I don't think I actually answered your question.)
I'm sure I've seen a few in my time.
The ones that readily leap to mind from my childhood are Major Carter and Colonel O'Neill from Stargate SG1, and Doctor Weir and Major Shepperd from Stargate Atlantis. Although I'm not sure the first duo count since there's multiple alternate universes where they do get hitched.
But onto Bleach. IchiHime fits under this category in my opinion: the 'under developed and under utilized' part.
Sure we have the 'love you in five lives' speech and the not-kiss, but"
One: Kissing an unconscious person that you're not in a committed relationship with is not cool. Under any circumstance.
Two: She's consistently scared shitless of Ichigo's powers and rejects his hollow, even though the Hollow is literally his soul manifest.
Three: Orihime repeatedly demonstrates she doesn't really understand how Ichigo works.
In the post-Deicide novels, Orihime was actively happy Ichigo didn't have powers anymore, only to reluctantly change her tune when she saw how thoroughly miserable he was without them.
It would've been great character progression to see Orihime delve into that personal stance: why was she happy about Ichigo being powerless? Because she legitimately didn't want him to get hurt anymore? Or relief that he wouldn't turn into a monster again?
And overcoming those personal scruples would've been a fantastic personal journey to see in the manga. Her coming to terms and reconciling her image of Ichigo being this heroic ideal and the flawed, deeply traumatized individual who had the capacity to be literally monstrous.
Orihime could've reexamined her feelings about ichigo at their core, and realise perhaps she doesn't actually love him after all. That she lusts after an ideal she's modelled in Ichigo's image. In realizing and coming to terms with that error, in abandoning her preconceived notions and actually seeing Ichigo for the first time, warts and all, Orihime could've paved the foundation to build a genuine friendship. Later possibly a romance.
If this was the journey Orihime went on through Bleach, taken entirely of her own accord, with a conclusion on her own terms? Then I wouldn't have been nearly as jarred by the epilogue. Ichigo's Oedipus complex aside.
But I digress.
Rukia was one half of the main duo that made Bleach compelling. And Kubo absolutely pushed her away after FKT, attempting (key word "attempting") to put Orihime in her place. Which is a frankly bizarre decision. Rukia is the "Death" to Ichigo's "Strawberry". She is the deuteragonist, the inciting incident to the whole story and the primary motivation for the first two arcs (Aizen's and Kisuke's century's long trans-dimensional chess match aside).
Ichigo pushed himself beyond breaking and learned skills well beyond his paygrade to save Rukia from unjust execution. In his desperation to achieve that goal, Ichigo had to learn to fly before he could crawl, ultimately mutilating his own powerset in the process.
In any other media, in any other story, that tends to be a giant glowing give away about the nature of his feelings, even if Ichigo wasn't entirely clear on them himself. Its the classic handsome knight rescuing the princess in the tower and riding off in the sunset to live happily ever after.
Yes, Ichigo went through the same motions to rescue Orihime from Aizen, but he had doubts about her. Even in his venture, Ichigo entertained the idea that Orihime had legitimately betrayed them. Then the narrative goes out of its way to demonstrate her presence was merely an excuse for Ichigo to settle his scores with Grimmjow and Ulquiorra, and for Aizen to remove Soul Society's best weapon from play. Ichigo did personally want to save Orihime but he felt like he was conducting himself out of obligation, driven by his white knight/martyr complex. As soon as Ichigo felt Rukia's reiatsu flagging, he immediately shifted gears because 'Oh shit, gotta go save my totally platonic bestie first, bye!' and would've proceeded to do exactly that until Ulquiorra goaded him.
To me, Ichigo and Rukia is what made Bleach BLEACH. Their banter is what I loved about the first arcs, the teasing sprinkled with moments of heartfelt connection (in case you can't tell, its my favourite love language. Hence why Lisa and Kaien poke and tease each other all the time).
There's no 'Now I realise I why I wanted to save you' moment with Orihime in HM. She's narratively bait for Aizen's schemes and little more, as soon as she's safe-ish, Ichigo ditches and moves onto other grudge matches.
Then the final arc and the epilogue chapters roll around and I had to ask myself, is this even the same manga? Where's the Death and the Strawberry? Where is the bond that started ALL of this? Rukia is the woman who gave Ichigo the means to combat his despair, and they don't even talk anymore? You don't think Ichigo would've wanted to extend his congratulations for Rukia getting married? Having a kid? Getting prompted to Captaincy? Or anything to indicate they were friends at all?
(yes, Ichigo does in the novel but its telling one interaction between them is completely overshadows the story's 'main' pairing.)
My issue with TYBW and epilogue isn't the pairings - though that is a part. My issue is the narrative took great pains from the start to demonstrate Ichigo never felt like he belonged in the living world. His life was a dull tedious affair. The Fullbring arc reveals how much he actively hates Karakura and wants to leave ASAP.
Ichigo only began to truly LIVE once he gained shinigami powers (we'll ignore the fact he was only born and raised to be a weapon/universal battery). He loved every second of it, even when the power scared him and acted beyond his control. He fit into the realm of the dead far better than he ever did in the living.
Then Kubo turns around and claims; actually, NO. Ichigo's super content with exactly the same quiet kind of life he despised with every fibre of his being, living in a town he fucking hates and wanted to leave as soon as he graduated.
How does that shift in gears not raise serious red flags?
I'm not saying Ichigo had to go and live in Soul Society (though that was being set up thanks to the god-tier powers he'd been juiced with) but I did expect him to leave Karakura behind when all was said and done.
As a random-ish segue on the matter of friendship.
The Karakura gang feel like fair-weather friends more than anything else, excepting two circumstances: Ichigo and Chad (first arc) and Tatsuki and Orihime. Even then, those friendships become a stretch in later arcs before basically disappearing entirely. Sure, Chad, Ishida, Ichigo and Orihime have had life and death adventures together, but those scenarios were either a matter of self-preservation or wounded pride. Sometimes both.
But remove the supernatural circumstances, the Karakura gang felt like the average transient high school friendship. Circumstance brought them together, they would remain friends until graduation, then they'd all go their separate ways never to see each other again. Which is a sad state of affairs given Bleach's theme about the heart and nature of human connection.
But one must ask how strong those friendship really are when Ichigo will jump to the worst conclusion at the drop of a hat?
Orihime in Hueco Mundo, as stated above, Ichigo seriously entertained the idea she was a traitor until Ulquiorra claimed otherwise.
Chad with Xcution, Ichigo immediately assumed the worst intentions about it until Chad revealed he joined as a means to help Ichigo get his powers back.
Ishida joining the Quincy, Ichigo instantly assumed Ishida was 110% on board with the whole destroy reality plan until Ishida outright states 'I'm a double agent, you fucking dumbass.' (I give the Fullbringer arc incident a pass because Ichigo was not thinking clearly at the time)
It doesn't strike me as particularly strong or healthy when the first instinct is to immediately assume the worst.
But anyway, I shall get off my soapbox for now.
I do enjoy writing a great deal of Kaien, which means Rukia is inevitably involved given how intrinsically linked their stories are. Kind of hard to have a story about him and not have her in it. :D
I hope you continue to enjoy Kaien and Rukia in my writings. :)
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Preliminary round/Round 0 (finished)
Rajan/Wolfgang/Kala vs Lito/Hernando/Dani (Sense8) Winners: Rajan/Wolfgang/Kala
Fluorite vs Greg/Rose/Pearl (Steven Universe) Winners: Fluorite
Eddie/Venom/Anne/Dan vs Cletus/Frances/Carnage (Venom) Winners: Eddie/Venom/Anne/Dan
Peter Quill/Aradia/Mors vs Peter Quill/Gamora/Richard Rider (Guardians of the Galaxy) Winners: Peter Quill/Aradia/Mors
Max/Jack/Anne vs Miranda Barlow/Captain Flint /Thomas Hamilton (Black Sails) Winners: Max/Jack/Anne
Mercymorn/John Gaius/Augustine vs Pyrrha/Commander Wake/Gideon The First (The Locked Tomb) Winners: Pyrrha/Wake/G1deon
Logan/Jean Grey/Scott/Emma vs Bling!/Loa/Mercury Winners: Logan/Jean Grey/Scott/Emma
Round 1
Part 1 (finished)
Kieran/Ray/Gemma (Trigonometry) vs Nicky/Joe/Andy/Booker/Niles (Old Guard)
Eugene/Rapunzel/Cassandra (Tangled the Series) x Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia)
Neal/Peter/Elizabeth (White Collar) x Jade/Dave/Karkat (Homestuck Epilogues)
Anzu/Kazuki/Junta (Romantic Killers) x Pyrrha/Commander Wake/Gideon The First (The Locked Tomb)
Syenite/Innon/Alabaster (Broken Earth) x Breq/Mercy of Karl/Seivarden/Ekalu (Imperial Radch)
Taylor/Theo/Josey (3) x Tessa/Will/Jem (The Infernal Devices)
Kieran/Cristina/Mark (The Dark Artifices) x Sofiane/Victor/Luisa (Mortel)
Jack/August/Rina (The Wicker King) x La’gann/Coral/Rodunn (Young Justice)
Part 2 (finished)
Roguish Semiotician/Infamous Mathematician/Player Character (Fallen London) x Alphonse/Seth/Listener (Bittersweet)
Emiya/Saber/Rin (Fate Stay/Night) x Winter/Moon/Qibli (Wings of Fire)
Amber/Reese/David (Adaptation) x Jack/Emma/Izzy (You Me Her)
Camina/Michio Pa/Serge/Josep/Berthold/Oksana (The Expanse) x Enrique/Hypnos/Sofia (The Gilded Wolves)
Max/Jack/Anne (Black Sails) x Keiko/Miles/Kira (Star Trek)
Shikimori/Izumi/Ai (Shikimori is Not Just Cute) x Quincey Morris/Jack Seward/Arthur Holmwood/Lucy Westenra (Dracula)
Camille/Nyra/Dendro (Muted) x Turtle Heart/Melena/Frex (Wicked)
Storm/Helen/Mira (Love and Luck Podcast) x Neptune/Venus/Jupiter (We Know the Devil)
Part 3 (finished)
Nathan/Vlad/Ursula (Hunger Pangs) x Leif/Thorn/Kale (Leif and Thorn)
Haruka/Michiru/Setsuna (Sailor Moon) x Ichika Hoshino/Saki Tenma/Shiho Hinomori/Honami Mochizuki (Project SEKAI)
Sadie/Walt/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles) x Sherlock/Watson/Mary (Sherlock Holmes movies)
Dianda/Simon/Patrick (October Daye) x Caleb/Astrid/Eadwulf (Critical Role)
Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (High Noon Over Camelot) x Mukai Naoya/Saki Saki/Nagisa Minase (Girlfriend Girlfriend)
Dashawn/Steve/Jose/Cupe R III/Otto/Arturo/Gregory/Quackers McQuack (Bojack Horseman) x Fluorite (Steven Universe)
Logan/Jean Grey/Scott/Emma (X-Men) x Uzui/Hinatsuru/Makio/Suma (Demon Slayer)
Eddie/Venom/Anne/Dan (Venom) x Ben/Ryn/Maddie (Siren)
Part 4 (finished)
Nathan/Gabriel/Annalise (The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself) x Peter Quill/Aradia/Mors (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori (HoneyWorks) x Kyle/Rogelio/Lonnie (She Ra)
Princess Glisselda/Seraphina/Lucien (Seraphina) x Tess/Jacomo/Margarethe (Tess of the Road)
Daniel/Sam/Jack/Teal’c (Stargate SG-1) x Quanxi/Pingsti/Cosmo/Long/Tsugihagi (Chainsaw Man)
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) x Tree Trunks/Mr. Pig/Alien Husband (Adventure Time)
Miss Piggy/Kermit/Gonzo (Muppets) x Rajan/Wolfgang/Kala (Sense8)
Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades) x Rilla/Arum/Damien (Penumbra Podcast)
George/Gilda/Thomas (Design for Living) x Asmodeus Alice/Clara Valac/Iruma Suzuki (Mairimashita, Iruma-kun!)
masterpost part 2
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unexpectedstormy · 4 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by a couple of people and I can't remember who, but thank you guys!!!
1. How many works do you have on A03?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
165,660 and 140k of that is from just this year!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Legend of Zelda and Linked Universe, although I do have one Ao No Exorcist/Blue Exorcist manga fic that isn't finished yet and I plan to finish at some point. I have a Sonic the Hedgehog AU too but that isn't published and is only for me.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
For the Want of a Breath (surprised this one is so high on the list)
Hyrule and Wild Have a Hard Time (My personal Fave)
LU Whump Dump
Secret of the Sea Cave (Beats out Yukio Turn on the Light by 1 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Most of them yes. I tend to save up comments and answer like 20 of them in a day to save time/energy.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
That's gotta be Yukio Turn on the Light for sure (it's a story about a suicidal boy being talked back from the brink by his dead dad in order to prevent Satan from taking over the world), although Ghost Story will have a very angsty ending too (story about nine ghosts that need help making peace with their regrets so they can pass into the afterlife).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Mmmm... that would be my FMA:B fic Actually I'm Not Sorry which is an epilogue to the manga/anime
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really hate but I've gotten a couple critical comments here or there. On Recharge I've gotten quite a few "Where's the rest of this fic? Hurry up and write it B(&%^" or variations of that. That's why I abandoned it.
9. Do you write smut?
🤢🤮oh heck no
10. Do you write crossovers?
Never. I don't like the foods on my plate to touch so to speak.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. I probably wouldn't know if it was.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I've podficed one.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. When I was a kid I used to co-write original stories with my sister though.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Merthur (Arthur and Merlin from the Merlin TV show). Also Sam & Jack from Stargate SG1
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The Sign of the Wolf is an unpublished hibernating WIP that is a long and meandering story about a depressed post LU Wild making peace with the loss of his 8 brothers after their adventure together ended. The main premise is that each of the other Links hid care packages around his Hyrule and Wild has to go on a scavenger hunt to find them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue comes easily to me and characterizations as long as I can figure out what makes each character think.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue tags are annoying. So are boring scenes and transition scenes. And I'm terrible about knowing what things to shorten/cut out of the story.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Uhhh I have no thoughts? This hasn't really come up much except for sign language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Well if you count my very first story ever I wrote at age 9 which was a Lord of the Rings superhero AU, then LotR. Otherwise, it was Sonic the Hedgehog.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I gotta say: Skulltula and Thunder.
Tagging @uniquevoidflowers @nancyheart11 @ladye-zelda @spookypanda04 @hotcheetohatredwastaken
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“Atlantis is going to make its way back to Pegasus, and en route they end up experiencing engine problems,” Mallozzi said, via the webcast-adjacent Gateworld website, of the never-produced film (or, as the case might’ve been, the Season 6 premiere). “And they end up stranded between Pegasus and the Milky Way in another galaxy. And they end up detecting a power source coming from a world … and ultimately the story that unfolds ended up laying seeds for what would [instead] be the Stargate Universe story [‘Common Descent’ and ‘Epilogue’],” where our team meets their own descendants.”
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luciusspriggss · 10 months
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly. Tagged by @bluntbeard​ :)))
In no particular order:
Stargate Universe (SGU)
Schitt’s Creek
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
(Hannibal) - Hannibal :3
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
(OFMD) Calico Jack >:(
3. What's your favourite episode of 4?
(SGU) S2E18 - Epilogue
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
(Schitt’s Creek) i dunno man, probably the last one lol
5. What's your favourite relationship in 3?
(WWDITS) the father-son dynamic between daddy Lazslo & baby Colin
6. Who is your anti relationship in 2?
(Hannibal) - Will x Alana get that shit away from me
7. How long have you watched 1?
(OFMD) since it was airing lol. i haven’t watched it in a few months (directly at least, i have watched other people watch it on youtube lol), but that is because the next time i watch it i want everything to be fresh-ish.
8. How did you become interested in 3?
(WWDITS) tumblr lol. i loved the movie and had seen one episode and then moved on. tumblr is the reason why i went back and got caught up with all of it.
9. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
(SGU) tie between Robert Carlyle and Ming-Na Wen
10. Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
(OFMD, Hannibal, Schitt’s Creek) absolutely not, refuse to answer this
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
(OFMD vs WWDITS) i have watched ofmd 20+ times (i stopped counting at 20), whereas i have only watched the entirety of WWDITS 2 times. Soooooooooooo. probably ofmd.
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
(SGU) 😬😬😬i would not want to be any of them lmao. i would love to be on the ship with them, but in no way, shape, or form, do i want to be any of them lol
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
(Schitt’s Creek) no slopping that dick so sucky he dies from pure ecstasy
14. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
(WWDITS & SGU) when there is a will there is a way. send those vampires to space idgaf
15. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
(OFMD) Roach x Buttons
16. Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
(WWDITS & Schitt’s Creek) they are both good for their own respective show. will not answer this as well. :)
anyone who wants to do this, may do so :))
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nimuetheseawitch · 1 year
Never before did I connect the dots between the way the people in SGU Common Descent/Epilogue refer to the Ancestors and the Ancestors of the Pegasus galaxy. It's making me think about the way the Stargate franchise dealt with the concept of ancient, supposedly benevolent, alien predecessors.
In SG-1 there was this transformation from seeing them as mystic, nearly omniscient seeders of the galaxy to noble intellectual misfits who escaped persecution to pursue science and ascension.
In Atlantis, there's still a little of that, but as they explore more they learn other sides. The humans in Pegasus alternately worship the Ancestors as god-like figure and as just ancestors, and their civilizations often have much more connection with them and the artifacts they left behind. But the expedition sees the other side of the scientists who were attempting ascension by any means, created the Wraith (and the Asuran Replicators to fight them), and abandoned the civilizations they seeded when they returned to the Milky Way (and then either ascended or meddled).
In Universe, the Ancients/Alterrans who made Destiny we're thousands and thousands of years away from the Ancients who cared about Ascension, and they all live on one big science experiment. So we get a different kind of Ancestor. We turn in another direction and look at how we, as humans, would see ourselves thousands years later.
I'm not sure where this is going, but I'm thoughtful. And these are my two favorite episodes of SGU.
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gatecast · 3 months
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SGU] 2.18: Epilogue (2/2)
Tumblr media
Okay, do not breathe that in guys. Ash in the lungs is nothing to joke about.
Um… idk about this guys.
This seems like a bad idea.
Oh god… of all the things to pass onto a new civilisation… elevator music.
Yaozu brought us to a… library?
Okay, cool, cool.
“You are the founding father of the enemy nation and all.”
Greer has found the beef jerky. Why am I not surprised?
What’s Chloe found?
I’m with Other Young on this point. Shut up and get building.
Oh god… I forgot about Volker’s renal failure.
Lots of hooking up. Lots of babies.
Eli and Barnes?? Eli looks… befuddled.
Who did Camille end up with? Awww.
Whats wrong with Other TJ?
ALS? Oh fuck.
Oh god… Brody became the grumpy old man.
Well shit.
Holy shit.
Varro?? Nooo. I liked him dammit.
Did we get him? Is he gonna live!
Well hell… did Rush find something useful?
Well, we’re all still alive. For now.
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disaronnus · 6 years
spoke too soon
TJ’s ALS. yep, right, there’s a reason I *despised* this part of stargate universe my first time through. and there’s more BS to come too, isn’t there, with what happens to Park. End of s2 and its treatment of female characters? Nope.
also the old-timey ye-olde AU is starting to wear thin 3/4 of the way through the  Epilogue.  tho I did enjoy Brody’s “get off my lawn kids!” rant with that ridiculous fake moustache.
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echo84 · 3 years
Fic writer review
I got tagged for the thing by @picnokinesis ! Yay!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
Twenty eight. There are a fair few older fics that never made the transition though.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
173,909 and counting
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
Loosely six fandoms on AO3 (bundling things like the various MCU properties together as one, for example). That would probably go up to eight or nine fandoms if you included stuff that didn’t make it onto AO3.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
My MCU stuff blows everything else completely out of the water, in kudos terms... 1. A.I.s and Lullabies (MCU) - 11,407 kudos. Aka, the Weirdly Popular Kidfic, this was as a meme fill that got out of control. This story makes an absolute mockery of the stats on every other story I’ve ever shared. Partly I think this was timing - I wrote this in the early days of the first “Avengers” movie, right when people were starting to really latch on to this whole “shared universe” concept.
2. A Digital Model of Mortality (MCU) - 1,368 kudos. Another impulse-written MCU story about Tony’s emotionally traumatised robot family. Clearly, I was not the only person who had a lot of feelings about robots.
3. The Healing Properties of Felt Tip Pens (MCU) - 1,041 kudos. I’m actually still a little bit pleased with how this one worked out. It was also a meme-fill, but Bruce and Steve turned out to have this gently fraternal dynamic that I just adored.
4. Jumping the Uncanny Valley (MCU) - 915 kudos. Even more Tony-and-his-robot-family feels... I really had a thing going there for a while! This one was responding to the loss of JARVIS and the arrival of Vision, and how messed up that made me (I mean Tony. Tony was the messed up one).
5. Build My Kingdom on a Fault Line (Sherlock) - 770 kudos. Finally, we make it out of the MCU! This one is substantially Mystrade (but written by me so it’s still extremely tame), with a whole backstory for them and everything. The Mystrade community may not be the major one in the fandom, but they’re very generous in their interactions.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
So much! I love talking to people about my head canons so much. If someone is brave enough to comment on something I wrote, you can bet I’m responding to them!
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Hmm. Originally, it would have probably been AIs and Lullabies (MCU), but I got so much angst back from my readers about the original ending that I wrote an epilogue to make it less miserable in the end. (The readers were right, it worked much better with the hopeful ending than the genuinely miserable one). Now, it’s probably See What Remains (X-Men First Class), but that’s just because it was a fill-in-the-gap story set between the first and second movies, and the second movie started in a really sad place.
7. Do you write crossovers?
I don’t think I ever have. No particular reason, I’ve just never felt the urge?
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
Not outright hate, no. I got some very disapproving comments at the end of the penultimate chapter of AIs and Lullabies, but they forgave me post-epilogue (mostly)
9. Do you write smut?
Hard no. I don’t even read smut. It would be a disaster. Can you imagine? Urgh.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so? I’m not really precious about it though, so I’ve never really checked.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Both Build My Kingdom on a Fault Line and A.I.s and Lullabies were translated into Chinese (independently, by different volunteer translators, both with my blessing). I have a feeling some of my shorter fics were as well, but I can’t remember which ones. I love my Chinese speaking readers!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Am currently doing so, in fact! Not published yet, but soon!
13. All time fav ship?
All time? Oh geez... My ships come and go with the shows I’m obsessing about, so it’d have to be from a show that I’ve returned to over and over again I guess. That would probably make it either Julian/Jadzia (DS9) or Jack/Doctor (Doctor Who).
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Not sure I have anything long enough to really count as a WIP that would fall into this category. I have lots of plot outlines 
15. Writing strengths?
One-on-one character dynamics, mostly as they relate to comfort scenarios, but occasionally to fluff. It my thing, and I have practiced it a lot!
16. Writing weaknesses?
Extended action scenes, and anything even smut-adjacent. Describing people physically doing complicated stuff is hard!
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
I mostly avoid it. If I do it at all, it needs to be plot relevant, and shouldn’t require a translation for the story to work. I dislike the pattern where someone speaks in another language, only to have the author editorialize in the translation.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
My earliest AO3 fic is for X-Men FC, but I was in loads of fic communities before AO3 existed. Earliest shared fic was probably for Stargate SG1 back in the mid 2000s, and earliest fic ever would have been (amusingly,) Doctor Who - an adventure for Romana and K9 that I wrote when I was eleven.
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
My fav is normally whichever one I wrote most recently... But actually, it’s probably Build My Kingdom on a Fault Line. It actually managed a solid plot line, complete with mysteries and clues and plot twists and all, the character dynamics were complex but believable, and the resolution was so neat. If only it had been in a larger fandom....
I’m pretty sure most of the people I’d tag have already been tagged, and I hate to presume, but if you’re reading this and you want to play along then please imagine that I have tagged you!
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Oh my Fuck
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31ArIto
by pathologic_trash
This is sooo freaky lol!! You gotta read it to believe it!!!! Comment like subscribe there’s more to come my little fandom freaks!!!!!!
Words: 43, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Мор. Утопия | Pathologic, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Star Wars - All Media Types, Sanders Sides (Web Series), Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh, Stanislav Rubin, Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Loki (Marvel), Loki, Self-Sides (Sanders Sides), Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, Creativity | Roman "Princey" Sanders, Logic | Logan Sanders, Thomas Sanders (Video Blogging RPF), Tony Stark, Vlad "The Younger" Olgimskiy | Vlad "The Younger" Olgimsky, Hunk (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Keith's Wolf (Voltron), Keith's Father (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Shiro (Voltron), Allura (Voltron)
Relationships: Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh & Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Daniel Dankovskiy | Daniil Dankovsky/Stanislav Rubin, Artemiy Burakh | Artemy Burakh/Stanislav Rubin, James "Bucky" Barnes/Thomas Sanders, Dogma (Star Wars)/Hunk (Voltron)/CT-5385 | Tup
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Eventual Smut, Shameless Smut, No Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Mild Language, Mild Sexual Content, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sex Toys, Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Gay Sex, Original Character(s), Past Relationship(s), Original Character Death(s), Relationship(s), Minor Original Character(s), Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Interspecies Relationship(s), Major Original Character(s), Loss of Parent(s), Long-Term Relationship(s), Assassination Attempt(s), Dead People, Presumed Dead, Talking To Dead People, Nobody is Dead, Everyone is Dead, Inspired by The Walking Dead, Jason Todd Needs A Hug, Jason Todd is Robin, Omega Jason Todd, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Omega Verse, Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Jeanne d'Arc | Joan of Arc References, Waterbending & Waterbenders, Water, Water Sex, Waterboarding, Watercolors, Water Balloon Fights, Angst with a Happy Ending, Sharing a Bed, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Based on a Tumblr Post, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Everyone Needs A Hug, Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug, NSFW Art, Art, Digital Art, Inspired by Art, Podfic Cover Art, Gift Art, Alternate Universe - Art School, Alt Modes, Alternate Universe - Alternian Invasion, Alternate Universe - Altered Carbon Fusion, Episode: e044 Crisis of Leadership and Oatmeal, St. Patrick's Day, St Mungo's Hospital, St Bartholomew's Hospital, Bottom Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Top Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Hurts So Good, Reunited and It Feels So Good, Sobbing, So Married, Hunk (Voltron) is so Pure, Bisexual Lance (Voltron), Gay Keith (Voltron), Galra Keith (Voltron), Pining Keith (Voltron), Cuban Lance (Voltron), Bottom Keith (Voltron), Insecure Lance (Voltron), Top Jeon Jungkook, Top Toni Topaz, Top Harry, Top Kim Taehyung | V, Don't Examine This Too Closely, To Read, Friends to Lovers, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Enemies to Lovers, To Download, To Rec, To Comment, Love, Falling In Love, Love Confessions, Unrequited Love, Friendship/Love, Idiots in Love, Boys In Love, True Love, Dorks in Love, Love/Hate, Late Night Conversations, Late at Night, Ten Years Later, Years Later, Latex, Late Night Writing, Tags May Change, How Do I Tag, Tags Are Hard, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Tags Contain Spoilers, Tags Are Fun, Dog Tags, Other Fandoms Not Mentioned in Tags, AO3 Tags - Freeform, DONTNOD Entertainment, Saarebas, Sabaody Archipelago, This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, WWE NXT, Where We Are Tour, We Just Love Each Other, Strong Woman/Weak Man, Wow, Reverse Ed Edd n Eddy, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Episode: s09e01 I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here, Threesome - F/M/M, Episode: s01e13 Le Morte D'Arthur, E-mail, Episode: e002 Living Pictures, Episode: e001 The Coldest Cut of All, Episode: e003 River of Night, Post-Ending E (NieR: Automata), Episode: s07e01 Makaukau 'oe e Pa'ani? (Ready to Play?), Chuck E. Cheese's, Moaning, Mob Boss Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe - Mobfell (Undertale), Park Minkyun | MK-centric, SPN A/B/O Bingo, Human E. Aster Bunnymund, Good W. D. Gaster, Scientist W. D. Gaster, Inspired by Kimi no Na wa. | Your Name., Parent W. D. Gaster, Pre-Accident W. D. Gaster, W. D. Gaster Being An Asshole, Underfell W. D. Gaster, Goopy W. D. Gaster, Face-Fucking, Fuck Or Die, Fucking, Breast Fucking, Fuckbuddies, Phrack Fucking Friday, Threesome - F/F/M, Threesome, Threesome - M/M/M, Threesome - F/F/F, Pre-Timeskip | Academy Phase (Fire Emblem: Three Houses), Firebending & Firebenders, Earthbending & Earthbenders, Earth, Middle Earth, Earth C (Homestuck), Homelessness, Home, Homecoming, Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Homophobic Language, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Male Homosexuality, Homosexuality, Alex Mercer's Parents Are Homophobic (Julie and The Phantoms), Wraith, Wraith (Stargate), Don We Now Our Gay Apparel, Modern Assassins (Assassin's Creed), Leonardo da Vinci is an Assassin (Assassin's Creed), Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Assassins & Hitmen, Attempted Sexual Assault, Quintessential Works for Everyday Reasons To Yield (QWERTY), Villain Ojiro Mashirao, Song: Bitch Lasagna (Dylan Locke ft. Felix Kjellberg & Party In Backyard), Community: hh_sugarquill, community: xmen-on-lj, Episode: s09e10 Pio Ke Kukui Po'ele Ka Hale (When the Light Goes Out the House is Dark), H/D Food Fair 2018, H/D Erised 2018, H/D Fan Fair 2019, H/D Career Fair 2017, Episode: s05e02 Good God Y'all!, Pokemon X & Y Spoilers, Episode: s02e05 Smell Ya Later, Ya Dead Ya Dead (Achievement Hunter), Hydra (Marvel), Post-Civil War (Marvel), Arachnophobia, Alternate Universe - Arabian Nights Fusion, Arab Character, عربي | Arabic, Racism, Rabbits, Race, Alternate Universe - Race Changes, RuPaul's Drag Race References, Lesbian Catra (She-Ra), Episode: e045 The Great Race, Racist Language, Anti-Faunus Racism (RWBY), Racing, Fairy Tail: When We Take Different Paths, Renaissance Faires, Fabletown (Fables - Willingham), Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza 0 (Video Game), Mentioned Demon Brothers (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Murphamy Week Winter Weekend, Cute Ed (Ed Edd N Eddy), JJ Style Week, Studio Ghibli, Butt Plugs, Butt Slapping, Butterflies, Butterfly Effect, Peanut Butter, Butt Dialing, Butterfly Miraculous, Wade Wilson Likes Peter Parker's Butt, Butterbeer (Harry Potter), Steve Rogers's Butt, Protective Star Butterfly, Butterfly Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Dick Grayson Has a Nice Butt, Ass Play, Assassination, Ass to Mouth, Alternate Universe - Assassins & Hitmen, Assassin's Creed III, Video, Embedded Video, Video & Computer Games, Webcam/Video Chat Sex, Video Format: Streaming, Video Game Mechanics, Porn Video, Were-Creatures, WWE Draft, WWE SummerSlam, WWE Royal Rumble, WWE Extreme Rules, WWE Money In The Bank 2016
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31ArIto
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Round 1 Match-Ups
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I made 2 brackets and cut both in half in hopes this will make it easier to zoom in and read, but there's no side A or side B, which is why they aren't facing each other.
(reminder, i am willing to change stuff up if ppl ask nicely, so you can ask but there's not guarantee that i'll do it - these were randomized)
Masterpost has been updated, but here's a list of the match ups under the cut:
Kieran/Ray/Gemma (Trigonometry) vs Nicky/Joe/Andy/Booker/Niles (Old Guard)
Eugene/Rapunzel/Cassandra (Tangled the Series) x Sasha/Anne/Marcy (Amphibia)
Neal/Peter/Elizabeth (White Collar) x Jade/Dave/Karkat (Homestuck Epilogues)
Anzu/Kazuki/Junta (Romantic Killers) x Pyrrha/Commander Wake/Gideon The First (The Locked Tomb)
Syenite/Innon/Alabaster (Broken Earth) x Breq/Mercy of Karl/Seivarden/Ekalu (Imperial Radch)
Taylor/Theo/Josey (3) x Tessa/Will/Jem (The Infernal Devices)
Kieran/Cristina/Mark (The Dark Artifices) x Sofiane/Victor/Luisa (Mortel)
Jack/August/Rina (The Wicker King) x La’gann/Coral/Rodunn (Young Justice)
Roguish Semiotician/Infamous Mathematician/Player Character (Fallen London) x Alphonse/Seth/Listener (Bittersweet)
Emiya/Saber/Rin (Fate Stay/Night) x Winter/Moon/Qibli (Wings of Fire)
Amber/Reese/David (Adaptation) x Jack/Emma/Izzy (You Me Her)
Camina/Michio Pa/Serge/ Berthold/Oksana (The Expanse) x Enrique/Hypnos/Sofia (The Gilded Wolves)
Max/Jack/Anne (Black Sails) x Keiko/Miles/Kira (Star Trek)
Shikimori/Izumi/Ai (Shikimori is Not Just Cute) x Quincey Morris/Jack Seward/Arthur Holmwood/Lucy Westenra (Dracula)
Camille/Nyra/Dendro (Muted) x Turtle Heart/Melena/Frex (Wicked)
Storm/Helen/Mira (Love and Luck Podcast) x Neptune/Venus/Jupiter (We Know the Devil)
Nathan/Vlad/Ursula (Hunger Pangs) x Leif/Thorn/Kale (Leif and Thorn)
Haruka/Michiru/Setsuna (Sailor Moon) x Ichika Hoshino/Saki Tenma/Shiho Hinomori/Honami Mochizuki (Project SEKAI)
Sadie/Walt/Anubis (The Kane Chronicles) x Sherlock/Watson/Mary (Sherlock Holmes movies)
Dianda/Simon/Patrick (October Daye) x Caleb/Astrid/Eadwulf (Critical Role)
Arthur/Guinevere/Lancelot (High Noon Over Camelot) x Mukai Naoya/Saki Saki/Nagisa Minase (Girlfriend Girlfriend)
Dashawn/Steve/Jose/Cupe R III/Otto/Arturo/Gregory/Quackers McQuack (Bojack Horseman) x Fluorite (Steven Universe)
Logan/Jean Grey/Scott/Emma (X-Men) x Uzui/Hinatsuru/Makio/Suma (Demon Slayer)
Eddie/Venom/Anne/Dan (Venom) x Ben/Ryn/Maddie (Siren)
Nathan/Gabriel/Annalise (The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself) x Peter Quill/Aradia/Mors (Guardians of the Galaxy)
Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori (HoneyWorks) x Kyle/Rogelio/Lonnie (She Ra)
Princess Glisselda/Seraphina/Lucien (Seraphina) x Tess/Jacomo/Margarethe (Tess of the Road)
Daniel/Sam/Jack/Teal’c (Stargate SG-1) x Quanxi/Pingsti/Cosmo/Long/Tsugihagi (Chainsaw Man)
Wu Zetian/Li Shimin/Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) x Tree Trunks/Mr. Pig/Alien Husband (Adventure Time)
Miss Piggy/Kermit/Gonzo (Muppets) x Rajan/Wolfgang/Kala (Sense8)
Megaera/Thanatos/Zagreus (Hades) x Rilla/Arum/Damien (Penumbra Podcast)
George/Gilda/Thomas (Design for Living) x Asmodeus Alice/Clara Valac/Iruma Suzuki (Mairimashita, Iruma-kun!)
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annerbhp · 4 years
I just reread Rusted Wheel and WHAT WHY HOW COULD YOU LEAVE IT THERE??? I know you’ve said you don’t write Stargate fanfiction anymore so there will never be a sequel or an epilogue, but do you at least know how it ends or does the story simply stop there in your mind? Would you ever be willing to share even a hypothetical ending? Like a fanfic ending to your own fanfiction?
So......yeah. That fic ends in a MEAN place, I admit. ALSO, I had, like, every intention in the universe of actually writing a sequel soooooooo.... yeah. And then, well, Slytherin Ginny happened to me and I had no idea that was going to happen so.... Basically I’m sorry all.
ALSO: it is not a vague notion. The sequel, that is. it’s 20,000 words. Like. Six chapters. of, like, 80% finished fic? Which I spent like four hours with today because of you? So. Yeah.
That is where we are.
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luthienebonyx · 4 years
Does the Aussie Coffee Verse count for the head canon meme? I am slightly obsessed with it.
It definitely counts! I already did some for it here, but here are some more:
6. As a consequence of things I mentioned in #5, Jaime has been to way too many cricket matches, and has had to do way too many unofficial business deals in corporate boxes at the SCG (the Sydney Cricket Ground, not to be confused with Stargate Command) and so he DETESTS cricket. Cersei detests that she was never given the opportunity to detest cricket.
7. Brienne is not going home in the same way that she came to Australia.
8. Brienne’s aunt in this universe is someone who’s been mentioned in canon.
9. All of the stories in this ‘verse use a different Writer’s Month daily prompt as their theme, since it started as a series of prompt fills. After the current story, there are four prompts remaining - or possibly five if I decide to do an epilogue.
10. One of the remaining prompts is “flowers”.
Send me a name of a fanfic I wrote And i’ll give you five facts/headcanons about it!
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