#tfrb Francine
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When I was working on new hairstyles for Frankie, it got into my head ¨what if Doc Greene´s crazy hair was hereditary??¨
And Anna had to discover that shjdjdajssadkj
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Listen, Doc Greene definitely knew about the bots the whole time. There is no way he didn't figure it out almost immediately. We didn't get to see his reaction when Chief told him but I'm confident it went something like this
Chief: Doc, nobody is supposed to know this, but with Frankie in danger it's important that you know what's going on. She's in good hands. The bots... aren't really robots. They're aliens. They'll take good care of Frankie and Cody, and get them home safe.
Doc: Oh I know.
Chief: You... do?
Doc: Yes??
Chief: But... how?
Doc: Chief, I build robots. I'm the lead scientist on an island full of advanced tech. I knew within the first week that those weren't robots. And so, the only logical explanation was aliens.
Chief: ...Ah, yes. Logical.
Chief: So... you've known this whole time?
Doc: Naturally.
Chief: But why didn't you say anything?!
Doc: I thought maybe they were self conscious. And besides, they've saved me and Frankie enough times that I'd hate to make them think they weren't doing an adequate job. They really are phenomenal actors. And pulling off all the rescues they do without letting anybody know? Incredible!
Doc: Oh and I suspect Frankie knows as well
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The first thing Heatwave would do if he ever got a human disguise is give Cody a proper hug.
i totally forgot about this ask i'm so sorry
anyways heatwave is very awkward about hugging (this fleshy body is weird i can't drive or boat or dino anymore) but he still wants to be affectionate with his human friends. believe it or not, heatwave is a very physical bot. the other rescue bots know this well, the humans less so. he was always worried he'd hurt them, because they were so much smaller. but now he's on their level, so he can touch them. frankie and cody are thrilled by this discovery, and the fact that heatwave can swing them around by their hands.
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gamecrash716 · 1 month
Thinking about an au where Ezra and Frankie find a Vehicon (Probably Steve) and let him stay not knowing of his Decepticon past
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transingsomeformers · 2 months
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a few years back I made this gif, and I always intended to do one fr prospit as well and after 3ish years i finally got around to finishing it
still here down below
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annabelle-creart · 10 days
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"Here, Sigma-17" Chase informed from the floor "Hence, why you didn't reply earlier, how long the ship had been shut down."
"I'm sorry" a strange voice reply instead, fortunately on Cybertronian "I'm not Hence, my name is Optimus Prime, our informatic scientist, Rafael Esquivel was able to unblock the ship's code, that's how he could wake you up."
"Prime did you say?"
"What the frag is that?" Heatwave shouted when he realized a weird looking creature, tiny and curious, at the side of the self-called Prime "how's that possible?"
"What happened with Sentinel Prime?" Chase asked, his mind was still fuzzy but his finials and audial not, he was sure about what he heard.
"Where's Hence?"
"I know you are with a lot of questions” the Prime tried to calm “but let us explain first."
And so, they did, but the four-member team did not like the explanation.
Part 2 is out now! (It was out since yesterday but I just showed it to you)
The team finally woke up! But that’s not the end, with G.H.O.S.T. being a menace for the new ones, the team Prime had to do a call, a call that, with luck, will make Griffin Rock a comfortable place for living…
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rescue-dragons-au · 2 months
Are Those What I Think They Are?
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moonbeam-dragon · 9 months
Rescue Dragons Chapter 12
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leafdragon16 · 2 years
Sketchbook Friday #17
Alternate Title: Guess Who Started Rewatching Rescue Bots and Finally Has Motivation to Draw Again
Ayo I’m back on my bullshit
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Here’s an unfinished attempt at a fully body drawing of Megatron that I abandoned because I made him too thicc (I did his proportions wrong)
There’s a finished one but it’s utter shit so I’m not gonna post it
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Have some TFP Barricade and an attempt to make a TFP version that slightly resembles his movie version! Please ignore the random scribbles in the background of the second picture, that doodle is the best one out of an entire page. He is a pointy bastard and that makes him difficult to draw and I hate him for it (no lol I actually have a huge soft spot for this dude despite having never seen the movies and knowing very little about him. He’s actually the entire reason I ended up in the TF fandom in the first place but that’s a story for another time)
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Have a Cody doodle page as I try to figure out his design!
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Have a Frankie doodle page as I try to figure out her design!
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So, I tried to figure out how to make Heatwave in TFP style but it turns out I can’t get the complexity down, so have a more TFPish style Heatwave! This one didn’t turn out so great, but the next one-
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-turned out great. (Please ignore the shitty doodle in the corner, I have started making tiny doodles before I draw to try and get a feel for the posing lol)
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And to top it all off, I am nearly to Turning the Tide in Season 3 so needless to say my High Tide obsession is back full force
Have some building-sized war dog parenting some human kids
And that’s all I have for now, hopefully I’ll be back next week!
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weonbullshit · 2 years
It was late before Frankie realized that the smoke was just a distraction. Turning the same way her targets had taken, she found herself disoriented as she felt the explosion of black smoke in front of her. Of course, this caused her to lose sight of her targets who wisely wandered deeper into the gray curtain like frightened mice.
How smart, but this could have been less flashy, the controlled girl thought as she dispersed the smoke from the place with the palm of her hand. Suddenly, the recognizable slam of a door was heard putting her into an agitation that caused her to call out to the rest of her group. Disastrously, both targets had disappeared before the last of the smoke had cleared. Without anyone being able to find a trace of the targets they could only come to the clear conclusion that they had escaped once again. Dr. Arkeville will not be pleased with this…
At the thought of that her golden color phone immediately rang. She didn't have to think long to know that it was him calling her possibly knowing what had just happened. Just as she had thought, she was right, as the first words that came out of the device were a lot of screaming. She had to turn her ear at least an arm's length away to keep from losing her sense of hearing.
As soon as the doctor stopped to take a breather from his yelling, Frankie took the opportunity to explain herself, detailing the events from when the first target arrived at City Hall to the recent escape. That didn't make him happy at all, knowing when he heard the doctor clenching his teeth at the news. She was stretched out having to suffer a new wave of screaming, but in the middle of her chatter, the little girl with fluffy pigtails confessed one last detail that she had not taken into account as it was not part of her mission.
—He has a companion— she had to get closer to the phone just to tell him that, he stated in a monotonous voice —A girl named Priscilla Pynch— the doctor's irritating voice cut off, releasing a sigh of surprise when he heard the name of target two, it hadn't been less than a minute before the doctor's voice was heard again, this time laughing faintly in the background.
—What is the status of the assimilated on the island?— Arkeville questioned.
—It is possible that there are more free people, but we doubt that they will dare to go out— she answer him firmly but still without any emotion coming from her words —With all connection with the outside cut off any motivation they have to confront us would end up with them losing—.
—The orders have changed— he replied calmly this time —Get rid of the boy and everyone who accompanies him— when he finished explaining, the girl with pigtails could hear the sound of a fist hitting metal, but instead of causing any fear by this, she worthy ask him something else.
—Everyone? —
—…Bring me the Pynch girl— there was a brief pause before he continued speaking— I'll cordially tell her mother— he finished letting out another weak giggle that turned into a cough.
—Affirmative— Frankie accepted the new orders without any regret, just gently stroking her ears from the screams of the previous moment.
After hanging up she gestured to the others and with a suspicious look at the door in front of her, Frankie walked away, awaiting the arrival of a locksmith.
—The mission is the priority and the priority is the mission— she told everyone under her command.
Those this sound like a brainwashed person to you? What do you think of my evil Frankie? Should I change or add something?
This is pretty interesting. I couldn't tell much from the dialogue, so I'm going off of a manerism I noticed. She doesn't seem quite controlled to me, just obedient. When the people of Griffin Rock were brainwashed, they weren't too worried about themselves or other people. So I think that she wouldn't pull away from the screaming. She could probably feel some of the pain, but since she can't think for herself she wouldn't be able to process it, and wouldn't care too much.
On another note, her hairstyle is called afro puffs.
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bonanza-7 · 5 years
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lil thing done for @draqua !
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i love cody just like any real rescue bots fan but i want more frankie. she's so criminally underrated and deserves better. my girl is a super genius with the most advanced tech at her regular disposal, not to mention how brave she is. cody has terrible luck and many times frankie has gotten him out of trouble. she's also shown to be a really great friend to the rescue bots, and like a little sister to the burns kids (except for cody cus same age/bffs). she's also funny and a little sassy, and even tho she's so incredible she never lets her high IQ go to her head. she's humble and cool, and a great singer and dancer. she's also shown to be an excitable person, and as kids do, she sometimes lets her emotions get ahead of her. she's a well written and realistic child character (common rescue bots W) and adds so much to the show. plus her design is super cute, and she's great representation for black girls, as well as a good role model that really anyone can look up to, but especially young girls who like STEAM.
i love frankie and she needs more content. RIGHT NOW.
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i think if cody and frankie get married cody would be a well liked member of the rescue team who people like to stop and chat with and frankie would be a renowned genius scientist with like twelve phDs and a bunch of masters and bachelors degrees who also did rescue training and is a part time member, who everybody thinks is the coolest person ever. when they're talked about people always refer to them as "dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr professor greene and her nice husband cody." they both find this hilarious and encourage it. also when tourists come to griffin rock from the outside world and try pulling some sexist/racist shit towards frankie cody immediately goes "hey don't talk about our head of weapons design that way" and frankie then goes "i'm also the head of---" and starts listing all her various careers and degrees. then the tourists get bullied relentlessly by the other citizens.
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annabelle-creart · 9 days
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Optimus and Raf were kind of afraid about how the team reacted to the plan, the looks they exchanged said everything, Raf always knew Optimus as the great leader who is never afraid, but one thing is a battle and another thing is a confrontation with people who just discovered they lost their homes, since Optimus was stablished in G.H.O.S.T. he never was so nervous.
"Well, Prime" Heatwave say, but they didn't know if he was tired or was acting apathetic due to Megatron's presence by Optimus and Elita's side "it’s a simple plan, we can follow it, but what will happen if we don't get into... live with the little kinds."
"Humans" Chase corrected him.
"That" Heatwave returned.
"Unfortunately, we are like prisoners for G.H.O.S.T.," Optimus cleared "our only way to keep you safe is keeping you out of their radar, and Griffin Rock is our only option right now, however, we will always maintain contact if necessary."
"Don't worry, Rescue Team" Elita said "we will do everything to make pleasable your stay."
"Thank you, Elita" Blades greeted.
"Nothing to greet, Blades, you're our responsibility now, and we will keep you safe with all our sparks."
Blades and Elita smiled at each other, the heart warm -or maybe spark warm- that Blades received from her made him let out most of his stress, what a wonderful feeling, to be welcomed and cared.
"Optimus! Elita! Ratchet! Where are you?!" A voice yelled through their coms.
"What was..."
"Shhh..." Elita shouted Heatwave "sorry, what happened?"
"That 'con is here again!"
While Charlie try to put the people of Griffin Rock on his side, Rafael and Arcee discover something after an altercation between Heatwave and Megatron (but mostly from Heatwave)
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